
Istanbul Ankara
19th of November 2015 20th of November 2015
B r i n g i n g t o g e t h e r F r e n c h a n d Tu r k i s h f i e l d ’ s l e a d e r s o f
businesses and universities
Sharing technology transfer experiences
Building Innovation
The French-Turkish Innovation Transfer Days is
an event designed to facilitate the exchange of
knowledge and opportunities for business and
new cooperation between French and Turkish
stakeholders in the innovation sector.
Global and increasing competitive economy is bringing new challenges to face such as
internationalization of production process and exchanges as well as the emergence of a
knowledge economy in which innovation and research are vectors of growth and competitiveness.
In order to embrace these changes Turkish Higher Education Institutes and scientific/technological
policy makers are leading toward a development in sciences and R&D as an economic strategy for
the national GDP. Technology Development Zones are rapidly growing and new ones are opened
every year. France has chosen to develop its competitive clusters since 2004, called “Pôles de
compétitivité”. They are key elements to the French industrial and research policy from a regional
and international perspective.
The aim of these two days will be to identify and link competitiveness actors and innovation
leaders in order to create bridges and matches between French competitiveness clusters and
Turkish Teknoparks. This will bring on scientific/technological cooperation and new business
Valorizing technological transfer
Developing inter-regional cooperation and inter-clusters
Pushing innovation
Increasing economical and scientific cooperation
Sharing best practices in matching fields
Creating growth and employment
2 days - 2 cities
Each day will offer two approaches, a theoretical one and a practical one. The mornings will allow
sharing ideas and debating on clusters and innovation models. The afternoons will be dedicated
to share between stakeholders of similar fields and will have two goals: exchanges between
participants of complementary fields and creation of business opportunities. During afternoons a
visit of one or two clusters will be organized.
Istanbul - Day 1 - November 19,
at Istanbul Technical University ARI Teknokent
ITÜ Ayazaga Campus, ARI Teknokent ARI 3 - Building, Conference Hall
08:30 - Welcome and coffee
09:00 - 09:45
HEM Ambassador of France, Charles Fries
ITÜ Rector - Prof. Dr. Mehmet Karaca
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilker Murat Ar, General Director of the Directorate General for
Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology
09:45 - 10:30
Presentation of public policies in
France and in Turkey
Prof. Dr. Hamit Serbest, President of USIMP (University - Industry Cooperation
Centers Platform of Turkey) and Director of Adana USAM (University-Industry
Joint Research Center)
Joël Sahler, France Clusters Vice-President, Cluster Réseau Mesure President
Eric Fajole, French Ministry of Finance, Business France Director for Turkey
10:30 - Coffee Break
11:00 - 13:30
Round Tables
11:00 - 12:15
ITÜ ARI Teknokent
Dr. Ercan Çitil, Technology Transfer Office GM, ITUNOVA TTO
TKM (Tecknowmetrix)
Christophe Lecante, TKM Founder & CEO and IHEST President, Richelieu
Committee Vice-President
Round table 1
How to foster
innovation in the
clusters ecosystem?
12:15 - 13:30
Round table 2
Technologic transfer
acceleration strategies:
SME’s and big
companies’ vision
Institute on Higher Education on
Science and Technology (IHEST)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ozturk, Director
Valenciennes University
Prof. Dr. Smaïl Niar, Researcher
Teknopark Istanbul
Nuray Tanis, Technology Transfer Office Manager
Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal, YÖK (CoHE) - Executive Board Member
Istanbul Startup Angels / ITÜ
Emre Özbek, Managing Partner and ITU Incubation center Coordinator
Schneider Electric
Bora Tuncer, Director Turkey
Sanofi Pasteur
Emin Turan, Director Turkey
Florent Longa, Managing Director
Gökçe Tabak, COO, ITÜ ARI Teknokent
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch
Matching between French and Turkish participants in the same fields
14:30 - 16:00 ITÜ ARI Teknokent visit and meetings
16:30 - Transfer to Ataturk Airport for participants attending the second day
The conference will be held in English, no translation will be provided
Ankara - Day 2 - November 20,
at ODTÜ (Middle East Technical University) Teknokent
ODTÜ Teknokent Ikizler Binası - Ikizler Conference Hall
08:30 - Welcome and coffee
09:00 - 09:45
HEM Ambassador of France, Charles Fries
Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology - Prof. Dr. Davut Kavranoglu (TBC)
ODTU Rector - Prof. Dr. Ahmet Acar
09:45 - 10:30
Presentation of public policies in
Europe, France and Turkey
Prof. Dr. Fazilet Vardar Sukan, Vice President of USIMP (University - Industry
Cooperation Centers Platform of Turkey) and Director of EBILTEM (Ege University
Technology Transfer Office)
Henri Varlet, European Foundation for Cluster Excellence
10:30 - Coffee Break
11:00 - 13:30
Round Tables
11:00 - 12:15
Teknopark Istanbul
Dr. Ismail Ari, General Manager
Tolga Özbolat, Director of the Technology Transfer Office of ODTÜ TEKNOKENT
SATT Toulouse Tech Transfer
Dr. Christophe Haunold, Deputy General Manager
Round table 1
Enabling Technologic
transfer in a cluster
SYSTEMATIC ICT Paris-Region Cluster Dr. Omar Hammami, Med Plan Head
12:15 - 13:30
Ufuk Batum, Founder, Ventures & Mentors League
University of Strasbourg
Prof. Dr. Madjid Bouzar, Co-Director of the European Center of Clusters
management skills and research and Head of the department of studies in
International Relations at the University of Strasbourg.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Prof. Dr. Didier Chabaud, President
Jan Rembowski, International Delegate
Elif Bugdaycıoglu, ODTÜ TEKNOKENT ATOM Program Manager
Efficient Innovation
Eric Briole, CEO
Omer Hiziroglu, Diffusion Capital Partner
Round table 2
Developing innovation
through public policies,
training and consulting
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - Closing Remarks: How to foster Innovation?
Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal, Executive Board Member
European Foundation for Cluster Excellence
Henri Varlet
15:30 - 17:30 - Visit of ODTÜ Teknokent - Matching between French and Turkish participants in the same fields
15:30 - 16:15
SDT - ODTU TEKNOKENT Defense Industry Cluster Firm
16:30 - 17:30
MEMS - Micro-Electro - Mechanical Systems Research And Application Center
End of the French Turkish Innovation Transfer Days
The conference will be held in English, no translation will be provided
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Acar, ODTU - Rector
He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
His research interests are quantitative decision tools, strategic management, small business
management, innovation management, entrepreneurial management.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilker Murat Ar, Director of Science and Technology Directorate at the Ministry of
Science, Technology and Industry in Turkey
Dr. Ar is the General Director of Science and Technology in the Ministry of Science, Industry and
Technology. The Directorate General of Science and Technology provides different support programs
such as Techno-Initiative Capital Support Program, Industrial Thesis Support Program, Technoparks
and R&D Centers which aim promoting technological entrepreneurship and private sector R&D
Dr. Ismail Ari, Istanbul Teknopark - General Manager
Dr. Ismail Ari is the General Manager of Teknopark Istanbul. He received his PhD degree from
University of California, Santa Cruz. His research interests include big data, cloud computing, data
mining, and storage systems. He has several awards and research grants including IBM Top Faculty
Contributor Award, EU Marie Curie IRG, and TÜBITAK (Turkish NSF) National Young Researcher Career
Award. Dr. Ari is a member of IEEE, ACM and a founding member of the IBM Cloud Academy.
Ufuk Batum, Founder of VENTURES & MENTORS LEAGUE
He received his B.Sc. degree in mechanical engineering from Bosphorus University in Istanbul. He
has been working for the last 28 years in the private sector as well as in public sector projects
in various countries. He has held “director, general manager, managing director, CEO, founder”
positions in the companies and institutions he worked for. He is also a well-known mentor for
technology based start-ups and helping them to commercialize and internationalize their products
and services. In addition, he is advising several national and international institutions and bodies,
such as NATO, TIM, TUBITAK, UN, TI, EIB and some chambers of commerce and industry.
He is currently delivering an Entrepreneurship course (also Management, Marketing and Family
Business courses from time to time) at Middle East Technical University (METU). Batum has
worked as the Vice President of the Science and Technology Park of METU (ODTU TEKNOKENT) until
September 2015. Has has recently left this position to pursue his interest as an entrepreneur by
Prof. Dr. Madjid Bouzar, University of Strasbourg - ITIRI - Head of the International Relations
Studies Department and co-director of the European Center of research and competences in
Cluster Management
Madjid Bouzar has been the head of the ITIRI’s International Relations Studies Department
(Strasbourg University - France) since 25 years. He has developed several masters degrees
programs that he is the director or the co-director of, such as cluster management or cooperation
and development. He is the co-director of the European Center of Research and competences
in Cluster Management, network of experts and researchers created in France, Germany and
Eric Briole, Efficient Innovation - President
Eric Briole is the founding President of Efficient Innovation that he created in 2004. He also
created the Consultancy in Innovation Association; he is a member of honor. He is Managing
Partner at Nova-Immo SA, and Managing Partner at Efficient Executive SARL. He is on the Board of
Directors at Medtech SAS.He received his undergraduate degree from Université de Technologie de
Compiègne and a graduate degree from Université Paris Dauphine.
Elif Bugdaycioglu, ODTU TEKNOKENT - ATOM, Program manager
Elif Bugdaycioglu graduated from Middle East Technical University (METU) Civil Engineering
Department in 2001. In 2007, she co-founded Zibumi, to design and develop memorable games.
Zibumi is one of the first groups to be accepted to Animation and Game Development PreIncubation Center (ATOM) in ODTU TEKNOKENT in 2008. She was also selected in top 25
entrepreneurs among 6000 female entrepreneurs by KAGIDER in 2012. She represented Zibumi in
Chicago, New York and San Francisco based bootcamps and demo days, within the context of ODTU
TEKNOKENT TeknoJumpp. Elif Bugdaycioglu started working as the program manager of ATOM in
September 2013. Since then, she has been supporting developers to chase their dreams and turn
their ideas into business.
Didier Chabaud, Professor of Management Sciences at the University of Avignon
Didier Chabaud is Past-President of the French Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and
Professor of Management Sciences at the University of Avignon (France). He is also currently coEditor-in-chief of the Revue de l’entrepreneuriat (a French Peer-reviewed Journal). His research
works are focusing on the dynamics of entrepreneurial processes (creation, business transfer and
growth), business support, and family business.
Dr. Ercan Çitil, Technology Transfer Office GM, ITUNOVA TTO
He has got his Ph.D in Environmental Engineering Program of ITU Graduate School of Science
Engineering and Technology in 2009. He has been worked in several positions both governmental
and private sector. He was responsible for the coordination of UNDP/GEF BSERP Activities
throughout the country during 2003-2007. He is currently working as General Manager in ITUNOVA
Technology Transfer Office.
His Excellency the Ambassador of France to Turkey, Mister Charles Fries
Recently named Ambassador of France to Turkey (since August 2015), Charles Fries was the French
Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco (May 2012- August 2015). Previously he was the diplomatic
counsellor to the Prime Minister François Fillon. He is a former student of the National School of
Administration, 1989 “Liberty- Equality- Brotherhood” graduating class. He also graduated from the
National School of Music of Paris (piano).
Dr. Omar Hammami, Med Plan Head - SYSTEMATIC ICT Paris - Region Cluster
Omar Hammami is an expert in complex systems and system engineering. He has served as an
expert for projects evaluation for several international organizations in the field of system
engineering with applications in transport and energy, cluster and inter-cluster strategy and
international cooperation. He is in charge of the Mediterranean Plan for Systematic ICT ParisRegion French Cluster.
He has established models of cluster composition with emphasis of SME/VSME and value chains
across clusters and regions and is working towards Mediterranean inter-clusters B2B platforms
and strategies. Omar Hammami has published over 200 papers in international conferences and
journals in the fields of computer science and system engineering for complex systems. He is
involved on a regular basis in the organization of several conferences and events worldwide
related to large scale systems. He is actually involved in MENA region for Large Scale System
Engineering projects. He holds a Phd in Computer Science from Toulouse University, France and a
HDR in Physics from Orsay University, France.
Dr. Christophe Haunold, SATT Toulouse Tech Transfer - Deputy General Manager
Dr Christophe HAUNOLD is the deputy General manager of Toulouse Tech Transfer, one of the
new Tech Transfer Acceleration companies dedicated to French public research. The design of
this company has been his responsibility, when he was Director of the Toulouse University Tech
Transfer Office. He was the president of the C.U.R.I.E network (French national association for
public research valorisation and transfer) between 2011 and 2014. He has been educated as
a Chemical Engineer (1987), and holds a PhD (INP Toulouse). C. Haunold has been working for
industrial liaison and public research transfer and commercialisation for 23 years.
Omer Hiziroglu, Diffusion Capital Partners - Partner
Omer is a partner with Diffusion Capital Partners (“DCP”), an early stage venture capital fund
operating out of Istanbul. Previously he was the General Manager of Inovent, a technology transfer
fund based in Istanbul and advised various universities and companies on Intellectual Property rights
and technology transfer matters. He is named among world’s top 300 IP Strategists by IAM Magazine.
Omer has a BA in Economics and International relations from Tufts University, Massachusetts. He
has a European Union Law master’s degree (LL.M) from University of Geneva, Switzerland and a
Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Suffolk University Law School in Boston.Omer is one of the founding
members of the Galata Business Angels Network (GBA) and a member of AUTM and ASTP.
Prof. Mehmet Karaca, ITU - Rector
Having completed his PhD degree in 1990 in University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Atmospheric
and Oceanic Sciences, he served as an assistant professor at ITU Faculty of Mining - Geology
Department as an assistant professor(1992-1993), in Geology Department and Eurasia Institute
of Earth Sciences between 1993 and 1999; and held the title of full professorship in Climate and
Marine Sciences Department since 1997. He is a member of American Geophysical Union, American
Meteorological Society, National Geographic Society (USA) and WWF Turkey.
Christophe Lecante, TKM - Founder & CEO
President at IHEST (Institute on Higher Education on Science and Technology). VP Innovation
at Comité Richelieu. Christophe Lecante holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from Pantheon
Sorbonne University and a Master of Business Administration from NEOMA Business School - Sup
de Co Reims (91). At first appointed in Canada, he successively works as Head of Technology
Watch, Head of Strategic Marketing, and finally as Sales and Marketing Manager. Afterwards he
moved to the operational field and managed several Business Units with up to 500 employees in
the aeronautical industry. In 2003 he creates TKM a start up from Grenoble University, in the field
of Big Data and Data Visualization applied to patents and scientific publications, and leads many
missions in innovation management, technological watch, technology transfer and IP valorization.
In 2013 he was appointed as Chairman of the Board at IHEST (Institute on Higher Education on
Science and Technology).
Florent Longa, Echy - Co-Founder
Graduated from Ecole Polytechnique and the Imperial College of London in Environmental
Engineering in 2012, he founded the start-up ECHY with two partners in 2010. He took the direction
of Research and Development. ECHY now employs 10 collaborators and bears innovation as a
founding value. In March 2012 ECHY joined the Descartes incubator located in Paris Region.
Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal, YÖK (CoHE) - Executive Board Member
Hasan Mandal (Prof. Dr.) received his BSc from Middle East Technical University (Turkey) in 1987
and PhD from University of Newcastle (UK) in 1992. He was Vice President and Director of Research
and Graduate Policies at Sabanci University/Istanbul (2011-2015). He was also Board Member in
Gebze Technopark, Inovent, Vice President of University-Industry Collaboration Centers Platform
(USIMP), Board Member of TUBITAK - TTO Group. He is currently serving as Executive Board Member
of Council of Higher Education (CoHE), BFUG Member for Turkey, EUA Representative for CoHE,
Coordinator of University-Industry Collaboration Commission of CoHE.
Smaïl Niar, University of Valenciennes, France - Researcher
Smail NIAR is a researcher at the University of Valenciennes and co-supervisor of the «Intelligent
infrastructure and vehicle » task within the “International Campus on Safety and Inter-modality
in Transportation”. He is also in charge of International Relationships at “Institute of Sciences
and Technics ISTV” of the University of Valenciennes. He has been a professor at University
of Valenciennes since 2008 and between 2013 and 2014 was a visiting Professor at Bogazici
University’s Computer Eng. Department.
Emre Özbek, ITÜ ARI Teknokent Incubation Center Coordinator and Managing Partner of Istanbul
Startup Angels
Emre Özbek is angel investor, mentor and advisor to startups, following 20 years of corporate
senior level experience, and recently intrapreneurship and innovation. He is sharing his experience
in global corporate environments and providing guidance and support for entrepreneurs
and startup ventures in innovative business models and technologies. Emre is specialised in
business model design, strategy and risk management, partnership programme management and
entrepreneurial finance as well as investment and governance. He is a partner at Istanbul Startup
Tolga Özbolat, ODTU Teknokent - TTO Director
He launched his career at ODTÜ Teknokent in 2010 as the Director of the Project Office where
FP7 projects are written and managed. Once ODTÜ Teknokent decided to enlarge the vision of
collaboration, he was assigned as Director of Collaboration Operations on Technology as well
as the Director of Technology Transfer Office. Throughout his career, he has been working in an
international environment and he speaks fluent English and French.
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Öztürk, iBG Izmir - Director
Prof. Mehmet Öztürk is a Molecular Biologist and currently serves as the Founding Director of
Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center (iBG-izmir) and Izmir International Biomedicine and Genome
Institute (iBG-institute) at Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey. Prof. Öztürk obtained a Pharmacist
degree from Gazi University Faculty of Pharmacy, Ankara (1974), and a Biochemistry PhD degree from
Paris University (1985). Prof. Öztürk’s research is on molecular mechanisms of cancer.
Jan Rembowksi, EURECOM - International Delegate
M.A Applied Linguistics, MSc GIS and MRes Information Systems. Between 2002 and 2012 was
Director of MSc and International Relations in TELECOM Paristech and Eurecom. Professor
in Masters courses in Beijing UIBE, Tongji Shanghai where he is Honoury Professor, Telecom
ParisTech, AgroParisTech, NU Vietnam at HCM and business and engineering schools in France. Was
previously Director of Department of Information Systems for Management at Reims Management
School. For 7 years was Consultant for public authorities in GIS across Europe. At present is
International Delegate for Eurecom in International partnerships and strategy.
Joel Sahler, France Cluster - Vice-president
Joël SAHLER, born in 1946 in France, mechanical and electronical ingineer have been CEO of several
small and medium sizeindustrial companies since 1984 (owner of AUGERON TCOL since 1996). He
participated to the creation of the cluster “Reseau Mesure” in 2002 (as president since 2004). He
joined France Cluster in 2006 ( as vice-president since 2013).Réseau Mesure was created in 2002 by
7 companies, this cluster has now 125 members. All of them dealing with measure instruments and
process. The main goal is to increase the member’s companies efficiency implementing collective
actions (each subject being requested by the members) with added value. Thank to help from several
national, regional and local authorities, Reseau Mesure has now reach its financial autonomy.
Prof. Dr. Hamit Serbest, President of USIMP (University - Industry Cooperation Centers Platform of
Turkey) and Director of Adana USAM (University-Industry Joint Research Center)
Prof. Dr. Hamit Serbest is the Director of Adana USAM (University-Industry Joint Research Center)
and the President of the Board of USIMP (University Industry Cooperation Centers Platform of
Turkey), that he founded in 2007From 2003 to 2006 he was Advisor to the President of TUBITAK (The
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) in planning knowledge transfer tools
for universities and the industry; representing TUBITAK in the Board of the university-industry
intermediary bodies financially supported by TUBITAK.
Gökçe Tabak, ITÜ ARI Teknokent - COO
Graduate of Istanbul Technical University Mechanical Engineering. He continued his education
in MBA and Ph.D in Marketing Management. Worked in globally leader market research company
Nielsen for 10 years as Vice General Manager and led operations for key accounts in EMEA
region. He’s one of the top experts of Turkey in understanding needs of markets and pinpointing
opportunities. Built two Start-ups and currently mentoring and coaching many Start-ups.
Gokce Tabak , married and father of two kids, is extremely satisfied of being part of Turkish
entrepreunership ecosystem and ITÜ ARI Teknokent as COO.
Nuray Tanis, Teknopark Istanbul - TTO Director
Nuray Tanis holds a B.Sc. degree in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering from Istanbul
Technical University and M.Sc. degree in Environmental Engineering from Marmara University.
She spent most of her professional career by contributing to develop innovation capacities and
internationalisation of SMEs at Mersin Tarsus Organized Industrial Zone. She worked as key expert
in several regional innovation strategy and clustering projects granted by FP6, FP7 and other
EU funding programmes. She has also been an entrepreneur and managed her own consulting
business in Mersin Technopark for more than 4 years. Recently she became Manager of TTO of
Teknopark Istanbul and going on to work both front end and back end of innovation.
Bora Tuncer, Country President - Schneider Electric Turkey
Graduated from the Marmara University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Department of Business Administration in English, Bora Tuncer started his career in Istanbul Office
of Deloitte & Touche in 1994. Tuncer was responsible for auditing various companies according
to the international standards for long years, and joined the Schneider Electric Turkey family in
2003 as the Country Finance Director. Tuncer was appointed as Vice President of Power Systems
Business Line and Solution Center General Manager in 2010 and is the Schneider Electric Turkey
Country President since March 2013.
Dr. Emin Turan, Sanofi - Director for Turkey and Iran
Dr.Turan is a Senior Executive in Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology (Vaccines) Industry, with a
broad international and corporate experience spanning over Turkey, USA, South Korea, Thailand,
Myanmar, Laos and Iran markets and corporate headquarters strategic functions. He has a
broad and hands-on international experience on Market Access, Business Development, Alliance
Management, local manufacturing project development with Technology Transfer, Public-PrivatePartnerships and Joint Ventures. He is the General Manager of Turkey & Iran Sub-Region Sanofi
Pasteur A.S. since February 2014.
Prof. Dr. Fazilet Vardar Sukan, Vice President of USIMP (University - Industry Cooperation Centers
Platform of Turkey) and Director of EBILTEM (Ege University Technology Transfer Office)
Professor Fazilet VARDAR SUKAN is the founding head of Ege University, Faculty of Engineering
Department of Bioengineering. She is also the Director of Ege University Science and Technology
Centre (EBILTEM). She has wide experience in project management, private sector development,
technology transfer, innovation management and in supporting growth SMEs. She has also acted
the National Coordinator for two European Patent Office supported projects “Increasing the IPR
Awareness in Turkish Universities” and “Pilot Project for Re-structuring Pat-Lib Centres”. Currently
she is also the Deputy General Manager of Ege University Technopark and vice-president of the
National Platform for University-Industry Collaboration Centers Platform (USIMP).
Henri Varlet, European Foundation for Cluster Excellence - Senior Manager
Henri Varlet joined the European Foundation for Cluster Excellence in 2012. Leading Cluster
Reinforcement Initiatives since 2008, his most recent assignments took place within the
Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) and the Euromed programme.
Henri has over 10 years of experience working in technology and strategy consulting. A Senior
Consultant at Accenture Paris and Deloitte Chicago, he intervened for a wide range of fortune 500
companies and the French State on business transformation and operational issues. Henri holds
an MBA from INSEAD. He is a regular speaker in cluster related conferences held by international
programs and bodies such as H2020 or the Union for the Mediterranean.
Istanbul Ankara
19th of November 2015 20th of November 2015