CV - Hawker


CV - Hawker
Dr. Burcin Gacal
Department of Chemistry
Istanbul Technical University, Maslak 34469, Istanbul, Turkey
Tel.(90) 212 285-6825
Fax (90) 212 285-6386
Working as part of a research team, I have been able to greatly improve my
chemical knowledge and gain further experience of polymer chemistry, particularly in
material chemistry. Regular discussions of ideas with colleagues within a team
environment have given me the necessary skills to contribute significantly to the success of
a research group. I am aiming to make full use of these skills to further my career within a
material chemistry field.
2004 – 2011
PhD. in Polymer Science and Technology, Istanbul Technical University.
Thesis title: ‘Complex Macromolecular and Electro-/Photo-Active
Structures by “Click Chemistry”, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Yusuf Yagci
2002 – 2004
M.Sc. in Polymer Science and Technology, Istanbul Technical University.
Thesis title: ‘Synthesis and Characterization of BenzoxazineSubstituted Maleimide Polymers by Photoinduced Radical
Polymerization ’, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Yusuf Yagci.
1998 – 2002
B.Sc. in Chemistry, Istanbul Technical University
Final Year Project: ‘An Archaeometric Work on An Old Turkish
House ’, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Tulay Tulun
Modern Analytical Methods:
GPC, TGA, DSC, infrared spectroscopy, thin layer chromatography.
Excellent Computing Skills:
Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/XP/Vista/7, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Chem Office
and chemical information databases such as SciFinder Scholar.
English, excellent
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant:
2005 – present
Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Istanbul Technical University.
2005 – present
Supervised laboratory and pre-lab lectures that included introduction to
fundamental techniques such as synthesis, isolation, purification, and
identification of organic compounds.
General Chemistry Laboratory, Istanbul Technical University.
Supervised laboratory to introduce general concepts of chemistry with
basic laboratory experiences.
Administrative Duties
2005 – 2008
General Chemistry Course Exam Coordinator, Istanbul Technical
Gacal B., Durmaz H., Tasdelen M. A., Hizal G., Tunca U., Yagci Y., and Demirel
A. L. 2006: Anthracene-Maleimide-Based Diels-Alder “Click Chemistry” as a Novel Route
to Graft Copolymers Macromolecules 2006, 39, 5330-5336.
Kiskan B., Gacal B., Tasdelen M. A., Colak D., and Yagci Y.2006: Design and
Synthesis of Thermally Curable Polymers with Benzoxazine Functionalities Macromol.
Symp. 2006, 245–246, 27–33.
Gacal, B., Cianga, L. Agag, T. Takeichi T. and Yagcı,Y. 2007: Synthesis and
Characterization of Maleimide (Co)polymers with Pendant Benzoxazine Groups by
Photoinduced Radical Polymerization and Their Thermal Curing Journal of Polymer
Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry, Vol. 45, 2774–2786 (2007).
Ergin M., Kiskan B., Gacal B., and Yagci Y. 2007: Thermally Curable Polystyrene
via Click Chemistry Macromolecules 2007, 40, 4724-4727.
Gacal B., Akat H., D. K. Balta, Arsu, N. and Yagci Y. 2008: Synthesis and
Characterization of Polymeric Thioxanthone Photoinitatiors via Double Click Reactions
Macromolecules 2008, 41, 2401-2405.
Gacal B., Kiskan B., and Yagci Y. 2008: “Clik” Chemistry as a Novel Route fort
he Introduction of Functional Groups to Octaphenylsilsesquioksane Polymer Preprints
2008, 49(1),145.
Ak M., Gacal B., Kiskan B., Yagci Y., and Toppare L.2008: Enhancing
Electrochromic Properties of Polypyrrole by Silsesquioxane Nanocages Polymer 49 (2008)
B. Gacal, H. Akat, B. Kiskan, M. Ergin, D. Balta, N. Arsu and Y. Yagci Thermally
and Photochemically Active Polymers by Clik Chemistry Polymer Preprints 2008,
Gacal B. N., Koz B., Gacal B., Kıskan B., Erdogan M. and Yagcı Y. 2009: Pyrene
Functional Poly(vinyl alcohol) by ‘‘Click’’ Chemistry Journal of Polymer Science: Part A:
Polymer Chemistry, Vol. 47, 1317–1326 (2009).
D. Odaci, B. N. Gacal, B. Gacal, S. Timur, and Y. Yagci 2009: Fluorescence
Sensing of Glucose Using Glucose Oxidase Modified by PVA-Pyrene Prepared via “Click”
Chemistry Biomacromolecules 2009, 10, 2928–2934.
Medine E. I., Odaci D., Gacal B. N., Gacal B., Sakarya S.,Unak P., Timur S., and
Yagci Y., 2010: A New Approach for in vitro Imaging of Breast Cancer Cells by AntiMetadherin Targeted PVA-Pyrene Macromolecular Bioscience, 2010, 10, 657–663
Akat H., Gacal B., Balta D. K., Arsu N. and Yagcı Y. 2010: Poly(ethylene glycol)Thioxanthone Prepared by Diels–Alder Click Chemistry as One-Component Polymeric
Photoinitiator for Aqueous Free-Radical Polymerization Journal of Polymer Science: Part
A: Polymer Chemistry, Vol. 48, 2109–2114 (2010).
Ervithayasuporn V., Wang X., Gacal B., Gacal B. N., Yagci Y., and Kawakami Y.,
Azidophenylsilsesquioxanes Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 696 (2011) 2193-2198.
Synthesis and characterization of pyrrole and thiophene functional polystyrenes via
"click chemistry", Kiskan B, Gacal B, Asan M, Gunaydin EC, Yilmaz I, Yagci Y, Polymer
Bulletin, 2011, 67(4), 609-621.
1) Aydogan B., Gacal B., Yildirim A., Yonet N., Yuksel Y. and Yagci Y., 2006:
Wavelength Tunability in Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization, Photochemistry
and UV Curing: New Trends, Ed. J. P. Fouassier, Research Signpost., Trivandrum,
Ch. 17, pp. 187-201.
2) Light Induced Reactions of Benzoxazines and Derivatives (M.A. Tasdelen, B.
Kiskan, B. Gacal, F. Kasapoglu, L. Cianga, and Y. Yagci) 2011: Handbook of
Benzoxazine Resins; Ed. H. Ishida and T. Agag, Elsevier’s Science & Technology
Department in Oxford, UK, Ch. 9, pp. 183-190.
Organic Chemistry Experiments and Techniques, Demet Göen Çolak, Cüneyt
Hüseyin Ünlü, İbrahim Volkan Kumbaracı, Füsun Şeyma Güngör, Barış Kışkan, Abdullah
Aydoğan, Gökçe Merey, Duygu Ergüneş Işık, Şebnem İnceoğlu, Burçin Gacal, Müfide
Karahasanoğlu, Tuba Çakır, Müfide Karahasanoğlu, Tuba Çakır, Özlem Aldaş Candan,
Ufuk Saim Günay, Ali Görkem Yılmaz, T.C.Istanbul Technical University, ISBN 978-975561-351-2
Meetings Attended
Synthesis and Characterization of Benzoxazine-Substituted Maleimide Polymers by
Photoinduced Radical Polymerization, Burcin Gacal, Luminita Cianga, Tarek Agag,
Tsutomu Takeichi, Yusuf Yagci, APME-6 International Symposium on AdvancedPolymers
via Macromolecular Engineering, İstanbul, Turkey, August 15-18, 2005.
Thermally Curable Polystyrene via Clik Chemistry, Mihrace Ergin, Baris Kiskan,
Burcin Gacal, Yusuf Yagci, APME-7 International Symposium on Advanced Polymers
via Macromolecular Engineering, Miami Beach, USA, December 15-20, 2007.
Synthesis and Characterization of Polymeric Thioxanthone Photoinitatiors via
Double Click Reactions, Burcin Gacal, Hakan Akat, Demet Karaca Balta, Nergis Arsu,
Yusuf Yagci, NATO ASI New Smart Materials via Metal Mediated Macromolecular
Engineering: from Complex to Nano Structures, Antalya, Turkey, September 1-12, 2008.
Fluorescence Sensing of Glucose Using Glucose Oxidase Modified by PVA-Pyrene
Prepared via “Click” Chemistry, D. Odaci, B. N. Gacal, B. Gacal S. Timur, and Y. Yagci,
APME-8 International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Dresden, Germany, October 4-7, 2009.
Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Linear Polymer Containning 1,2,3Triazoles and Benzoxazine Groups in the Main Chain by a Step-Growth Click-Coupling
Reaction, Bahadır N. Gacal, Burcin Gacal, Yusuf Yagci, APME-8 International
Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Dresden, Germany,
October 4-7, 2009.
Click Chemistry as a Novel Route for the Synthesis of Benzophenone Derivatives,
Burcin Gacal, Yusuf Yagci, European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse,
France, November 28- December 1, 2010.
7) Formation Of Trimethylsilylated Open-Cage Oligomeric Azidophenylsilsesquioxanes,
Gacal B., Ervithayasuporn V., Wang X., Gacal B. N., Yagci Y., and Kawakami Y.,
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering APME Cappadocia, Turkey, 5th-8th September, 2011.
Cationic Photopolymerization of O-metyhlated β-Cyclodextrin, Burcin Gacal,
Yusuf Yagci, Ioan Cianga, Masato Suzuki, XVIII. National Chemistry Conference, Kafkas
University, Kars, Turkey, July 5-9 2004.
Synthesis and Characterization of Benzoxazine Functionalized Polymers via ‘Click
Chemistry’ Mihrace Ergin, Barış Kışkan, Burçin Gacal, Yusuf Yağcı, 21. National
Chemistry Conference, İnönü University, Malatya, Turkey, August 23-27, 2007.
Click Chemistry as a Novel Route for the Modification of Poly(vinyl alcohol)
Bahadır Gacal, Burçin Gacal, Barış Kışkan, Yusuf Yağcı, 21. National Chemistry
Conference, İnönü University, Malatya, Turkey, August 23-27, 2007.
11) Synthesis and characterization of pyrrole and thiophene functional polystyrenes via
"click chemistry" Barış Kışkan, Burçin Gacal, Mirnur Asan, Emre C. Günaydın, Yusuf
Yağcı, 24. National Chemistry Conference, Karaelmas University, Zonguldak, Turkey,
June 29-July 2, 2010.
1) "Young Scientist Awards", Poster Award, Click Chemistry as a Novel Route for
the Synthesis of Benzophenone Derivatives, Burcin Gacal, Yusuf Yagci, European
Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France, November 28- December
1, 2010

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