Qafqaz University


Qafqaz University
Qafqaz University
No: 2 (2), June, 2014
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VI Youth Festival
on Honor of National
Leader Haydar Aliyev
Sixth Youth Festival, organized annually on the
occasion of 91st anniversary of National Leader
Haydar Aliyev, was held by the support of Health,
Culture, and Spor t Depar tment of Qafqaz
University. The festival got started with the words
"I am proud of being Azerbijani" performed by H.
Aliyev, the founder of modern, independent
Azerbaijan, and the chore collective performed
these words with magnificent music. The steel will,
strong character, personal integrity of the genius
leader, who devoted his whole life to his people's
wellfare, was on the spotlight of the festival. The
legacy left by Haydar Aliyev, one of the unique
persons in our age, remarkable and great politician,
the founder of independent Azerbaijan was held up
as an example for the festival participants. Boys'
dance group performed "Cengi" dance, cherished
its magnificence up to now from ancient oguz
times, made the event more colorful.
The mugham by Farida Mirishova; patriotism and
love poems told by poet Nazila Safarli; the stunning
poem "Haydar is alive with us" performed by Imran
Ibishov, a member of drama amateur group of
Qafqaz University; beautiful and unique performance of talanted, young singer Elgun; appealing
performaces of girls' dance group that held the
third place over national dances at the "Student
Spring" jointly organized by Youth and Sport
Ministry along with Azerbaijan Student Youth
Organization Union; the songs of chore group,
chosen the laureate of the festival; wild and
passionate performance by Aqshin Tariyeloglu,
saz (an Azerbaijani folk musical instrument) player,
lyric melodies by Elmar, a saxophne performer;
and finally zorkhana, the symbol of invincible
Turkish soul made the event more interesting and
attractive.The performace staged by the interest
clubs of the university during the festival can be
considered as their annual reports. One more
interesting point about the event was that Business World club became the winner of the "Year's
club" nomination. The rector Ahmet Sanic highly
appreciated activities of the university and talked
about Haydar Aliyev's unparalleled role in the Azerbaijan culture, education, as well as economical,
political spheres, social and spiritual life and great,
undeniable achievements accomplished as a
result of his farsighted policy. He wished good
lucks to chairpersons, workers, and students of
Qafqaz University.
No: 2, June, 2014 Page 1
Caucasus and Central Asia in the Process of Globalization
problems of humanity in the fields of economics
and international relations in a globalized world.
During the discussions, global environmental
problems; such as pollution of environment and air
and global warming were discussed. Furthermore,
sustainable development in economy, poverty
reduction, food security, improve the welfare,
global and regional conflicts within the framework
of international relations, ensuring peace and other
issues were regarded as important problems in the
congress. The congress analyses the place and
role of Caucasus and Central Asia in the globalized
world. Many scientists and experts from 19
countries attended the congress.
02-03-04 May 2014
Opening ceremony of the Fourth International
Congress “Caucasus and Central Asia in the
Process of Globalization” was held at Qafqaz
University. The congress was dedicated to the
91st anniversary of National Leader Haydar
Aliyev's birthday.
The congress was organized by Azerbaijan State
Oil Company, Baku State University, Azerbaijan
State Economics University, Economical Institute
of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
(NASA), “Institute for Scientific Research on
Economic Reforms” of Ministry of Economy and
Industry of Azerbaijan, TUSIAB Union of Businessmen and Qafqaz University. The congress focused
on solutions of global problems. The main theme of
the congress was to discuss the solutions of
Additionally, the opening ceremony was attended
by Rector of Baku State University Abel Maharramov, Rector of Economics University Adalet
Muradov, Director of “Institute for Scientific
Research on Economic Reforms” of Ministry of
Economy and Industry of Azerbaijan Vilayat
Valiyev, as well as rectors of Turkish universities
Fatih and Kilis 7 December.
It should be noted that, Qafqaz University has been
hosting the international congresses on the theme
of “Caucasus and Central Asia in Process of
Globalization” since 2003.
International Young Researchers at Qafqaz University
Second International Conference of Young
Researchers organized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ministry of
Youth and Sports as well as Qafqaz University was
held at Qafqaz University on the 91st anniversary of
the birthday of National Leader Heydar Aliyev.
strategy of Azerbaijan, the strategy of transformation from oil capital to human capital as well as
the “Azerbaijan 2020: Look Into the Future Development Concept”. Participants of the Second
International Conference of Young Researchers
visited the Avenue of Honor to commemorate
National Leader Heydar Aliyev and outstanding
scientist Zarifa Aliyeva. The participants of the
conference laid flowers on the graves of Heydar
Aliyev and Zarifa Aliyeva and honored them.
According to Associate Professor Babak Abbasov,
The main goal of this important international
conference was to demonstrate the great affection
of youth towards Great National Leader and our
President Ilham Aliyev who is persistently continuing the works of the Great Leader. Additionally,
the conference serves to promote the ideas of
Heydar Aliyev among the youth from other
Objectives of the conference also included
contributing to the successful development
Page 2 The Issue of School of Languages, Qafqaz University
Second International Conference of Young
Researchers received 783 articles by young
researchers from Azerbaijan, United States,
England, Germany, Canada, Spain, Turkey, Russia,
Egypt, Yemen, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and
Georgia out of which 589 were selected. The thesis
topics included such areas as, engineering,
environmental science, and philology. As it was last
year, the presentations of the thesis materials in
Azerbaijani, English and Russian were followed by
interesting and productive discussions.
II International Scientific Conference of
Dedicated to the 91st Anniversary of the National Leader of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev
Express Yourself
Students Demonstrated Their Knowledge
A General Knowledge Competition was held under
the organization and leadership of the English Language Department, School of Languages, “Qafqaz”
University on April 21-30, 2014. During the com-
petition, about 30 teams tried to answer the questions
in the categories of General Science, World General,
Azerbaijan and English. In order to increase the
interest in the competition questions for the
audience were included. Selection rounds were
held between 21-28 April, form which only one
team reached the final.
With the participation of five teams in the final
round on April 30, each team was required to
answer a total of fifteen questions for three rounds.
At the end of the competition, Gryffindor won the
1st, Armada the 2nd, and X (Iks) the 3rd place.
The winning teams were awarded with shopping
cheques worth respectively 150 manats, 90
manats and 60 manats.
Students Farewelled to Preparation Course
The ceremony “Farewell to Preparation” organized by the School of
Languages, Qafqaz University, was successfully held on 21st of May.
The event was attended by Ahmet Sanic the rector of Qafqaz University,
Mr. Jalil Erdem, head of School of Languages, Qafqaz University,
academic staff and students.
The program started with a minute of silence to the memory of Turkish
people died in Soma and National Anthem of Azerbaijan Republic. Jalil
Erdem, head of School of Languages gave an opening speech.
Interesting and delightful songs, poems, dances and comedies colored
the program. The event ended with short video films “Thanks to
Teachers” prepared by students.
what you do for your homeland and how you help it to
Homeland is a holy place that we cannot explain our
love for. Sometimes this love is so strong, so we are
willing to die for our motherland. The love which we feel
for our country is called patriotism. The logic behind
patriotism is a mystery and this extraordinary feeling is
inside of a person. Patriotic people do everything that
they can do for their country, they are able to be a good
and real citizen, and they think not only about country's
present, but also its past and future.
One way for showing your patriotism is doing
everything that you can for your country. Scientists with
their researches, findings; soldiers with their struggle
for country, sportsmen with their winnings, and so on
help their country. It means it does not matter who you
are or what you can do. The most significant issue is
Secondly, for being a patriot you have to be a good
citizen in some ways. As Aristotle said:”It is not always
the same thing to be a good man or a good citizen”.
First, you have to obey the rules that existed in your
country, because if you do not follow, do not respect
these rules, no one will do. It is not only about the rules
we also have to respect our flag, anthem, and coat of
arms as well. Because they are the tokens of our
country. Next we have to know the history of our
country and we need to speak our native language
fluently and perfectly. In these ways we can be a good
Last of all, another way of patriotism is related to mental
issues, prescience, and sagacity. You do not think about
only today, instead, you think about past and country's
future as well and you have to step in order to set goals
about future. Firstly, Country's past is very important for
everybody, because it is your past as well. You have to
make it off, learn well, and teach all things which
belongs to your history to your children, to the next
generation. Let us not forget that our past writes our
future. Secondly, we have to coach well-educated and
intelligent generation who will make our country more
Latifa Bayramova
developed. Finally, you can be a good patriot if you
remember your past, appreciate present, and think
about future.
In conclusion, my homeland is Azerbaijan-a place that I
am ready to die for it. As a patriotic person I always try
to attest my love for my motherland in any way that I
can. Now I am a student and my mission is to study
hard, to be a specialist in my job and to patronize my
country. We know that 20% of Azerbaijan land is
captured by Armenia. So, if our motherland needs us
we have to fight for our land and do not have to be afraid
of death.
No: 2, June, 2014 Page 3
Topchubashov and others made a flag, anthem, coat
of arms, army for Azerbaijan. These are the symbols
of an independent country and today Azerbaijan
Republic is known for these symbols like Azerbaijan
Democratic Republic (ADR) was 95 years ago.
Rahima Khosrovgizi
Afat Aliyev
28 May - Republic Day
Halloween is one of the oldest holidays in the world.
This holiday is mostly celebrated by Christian
people in USA, Canada, Great Britain, Mexico,
Spain, and Latin America on 31 October. Its origins
date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain.
The festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of
the harvest season in ancient Gaelic culture. They
believed that on 31 October, the ghosts of dead
people will come back to the life and cause sickness
or damage to crops. Thus, people built huge
bonfires to sacrifice animals and crops to Gods for
protection. The tradition of making bonfires in
Halloween is because of this.
Halloween is also famous for its interesting
traditions. For instance, trick-or-treating is one of
those traditions, especially loved by children.
Children go in costume from house to house,
asking for treats such as candy or sometimes
money, with the question, "Trick or treat?" The word
"trick" refers to "threat" to perform mischief on the
homeowners or their property if no treat is given.
They wear Halloween costumes which are
traditionally modeled after supernatural figures
such as vampires, monsters, ghosts, skeletons,
witches, and devils.
Another tradition is carving pumpkins. Although in
ancient times people used to carve turnip,
nowadays they use pumpkins instead. They carve
pumpkins then put some light in it. People think that
these lanterns will protect their house.
People also play different games on Halloween,
such as apple bobbing. The game is played by filling
a large basin with water and putting apples in the
water. Because apples are less dense than water,
they will float at the surface. Then children try to
catch one with their teeth. They are not allowed to
use their hands. Therefore people tie their hands
behind and they cannot cheat.
All in all, Halloween is really fun with its interesting
customs, games for those who celebrate it. It is a
celebration that brings joy to people.
Freedom is the most valuable boon that a nation can
have. During the history, hundreds of nations have
fought for establishing an independent state and
made a lot of sacrifices. But today only about 200
nations have their own independent states. One of
these lucky nations is us - Azerbaijanis. We announced
our independence to the world on the 28thof May,
1918. It has traced a specific place in our history and
the future fate of our nation for some reasons.
First reason is that we could save and protect our
statehood. We established our Republic after a
hundred year's Russian captivity and chauvinism. It
shows how strong our people were against Russian
assimilation policy. Muhammed Amin Rasulzadeh,
the creator of the Republic, and his team which
includes very important people such as Khoyski,
Secondly, during the 23 months' existence, ADR
achieved a lot of successes. We are the first Muslim
country that has granted women with equal political
rights like men. Also, ADR could protect its territory
successfully from enemies and did not let them divide
Azerbaijan again. In order to protect our motherland,
the government did not beware to give a diplomatic
note to the USA. During its existing period ADR
accomplished a lot of successes in the cultural
development, too. The Community of Artists, The
Community of Writers, a lot of schools for boys and
girls, Baku State University etc. were opened.
Final reason is related feelings which only we can feel
them. When we search about ADR in the history or
speak about it to another man from a foreign country
the feeling of pride appears in our hearts. We are
proud of being grandchildren of Rasulzadeh, Khoyski,
and Topchubashov. Because they did their best for
our motherland, and we are lucky that we have such
leaders that every nation needs them.
In conclusion, for these reasons ADR traced an
indelible mark on our history. It taught us how to be
one in hard times. I am sure that we and next
generations will be worthy to our country and our
heroes. We will never forget that the flag once
raised will never fall!
A: What do you call a deer with no eyes?
B: No idea. (No Eye Deer.)
A: What do you call a dead deer with no eyes?
B: Still no idea.
Q: If you drop a white hat into the Red Sea,
what does it become?
A: Wet.
Q: What do you call a boomerang that won't
come back?
A: A stick.
Q: What do you call a pig with three eyes?
A: A piiig.
Page 4 The Issue of School of Languages, Qafqaz University
Express Yourself
anxiety can cause people to avoid situations in
which they might have a panic attack or to avoid the
objects that trigger a response of intense fear and
Sakina Hajiyeva
Phobias: What Do We
Really Fear?
Almost each of us is afraid of something. For
example, some animals and insects are the
reasons of fear for us. Of course, everyone has its
own individual fears and it depends on person.
Having frights is quite normal, because it is the part
of our life. On the other hand, dread is an adaptive
human response. Experience of apprehension is
even helpful, because it serves a protective
purpose for us. However, what if we cannot control
our feelings and even thoughts about the feared
object makes us feel anxious? What if it affects our
normal life and changes it? These kinds of horror
are called phobias. Phobias are unreasonable fears
that are abnormal because of its intense. There are
some symptoms, examples, and suggestions
about phobia.
There are several symptoms experienced during a
panic attack. People with phobia feel anxiety,
shaking, numbness, shortness of breath, racing
heartbeat. Fear is so strong that they suffer from
chest pain or discomfort, sometimes fainting.
Another common symptom experienced by people
with phobias is anticipatory anxiety. Anticipatory
What do we fear? Scientists count about 1000
phobias nowadays. The most common phobia is
claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces). Another
common phobia is acrophobia - fear of heights.
However, some people have extremely weird
p h o b i a s .
F o r
e x a m p l e ,
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia – fear of number
666. Most people think that this is the devil's
number and are afraid. People with this phobia
count almost everything and everywhere for being
sure that the result is not 666. Another strange
phobia is anatidaephobia - fear of somewhere in the
world, a duck is watching you.
Good news: phobia is curable and there are several
steps of overcoming it. First, understand and
accept your phobia. Second, put yourself at fearful
situations. For instance, if you are afraid of
darkness, enter the room and do not switch on
lights. Psychologists say that it works. If the
condition is out of control, visit a doctor.
In conclusion, our power of will can overcome
everything on its way. That's why we always can
defeat our fears and phobias. Everything that
seems impossible is possible, it is better to be sure
and keep moving forward!
Javid Rzayev
The most effective way
to learn foreign language
There are nearly 6900 languages all over the
world, but who cares about them-such a lot of
languages? You need to learn a language that you
established to learn. Being honest it is not always
easy to learn foreign languages successfully.
There are 3 main steps to learn foreign language.
Consider this language as a language which you
must learn, not as the ordinary school subject. You
should understand that you won't get success
only memorizing, going to course, or doing tasks
given. You must approach the language as an
important something which you can't do without,
such as Azerbaijani language. This fact must be
remembered when starting to learn language.
If you want to learn the foreign language, you must
concentrate on and give all your attention to the
language. Everything should be done in a parallel
way. You must look new words up, read
newspapers, watch movies, chat on the Internet,
listen to the radio, use Skype for talking your
friends, who know it, in this language, and read the
books. What to read? Read whatever you want to
hear and like to read about. And you shouldn't only
read words but also write them down.
Additionally, don't be satisfied with learning only
given forms of the words, also use them in
different sentences as a various part of speech.
You should try to translate whatever you see. It can
be advertisement, words heard by chance or
poster you have seen in street. You'll see its
positive effect.
Following these steps you can be a successful
learner as good as native speaker. Just be sure that
you want it and you have everything, especially
will and power for reaching your goal. Struggle for
your intention.
No: 2, June, 2014 Page 5
22 Years' Isolation
Ali Allahverdiyev
Time Wasting for Nothing
Does Facebook [Social Network] help you
connect and share with the people in your life?1
For the majority the answer is “YES”, while the
rest prefer real communication.
In 2004 one of the most notable event happened
in the World Wide Web (WWW)-Facebook was
founded by Mark Zuckerberg and in a short
period of time, it became famous among the
people of all ages that now it has 1.23 billion
monthly active users. Thanks to the “social”
users that “famished” Mark can afford to buy
stale bread and survive under piteous
Every day we kill time with chatting, reading or
just commenting on the social networks that
may be seen-tiny time wasting at first sight, on
the other hand, the overall number in just one
month is shocking. For example, the United
States spent 121 billion minutes on social media
sites in July 2012 alone, according to Nielsen's
annual Social Media report. That is 388 minutes
- or 6-1/2 hours - per person (if every person in
the U.S. used social media). Altogether, that is
230,060 years they spent staring into the glaring
screen of so-called sharing, instead of going
outside and playing with [their] friends, as if they
are supposed to do in July! 2According to
statistics, the number of Facebook users in
Azerbaijan has increased rapidly in last 5 years
and now there are 1.320.000 users. From this
example it is obvious that if per person spends
10 hours on the Facebook in a month, the overall
time is 1.507 years. Another study that was
conducted in 2013 released that a third of
women spend more time chatting to their friends
on social media than in real life. So, choose your
path: time is money or you do not care.
Shusha is an ancient city of Azerbaijan which is
founded by Panahali khan in XVIII century as a
defend castle of Karabakh khanate for its unique
strategic position and completely rare nature. There
is one flower owning special beauty in Shusha
mountains which does not grow anywhere else.
This miracle created by nature is called “KhariBulbul”. Top side of the flower is as if there is a
nightingale on it. Moreover, Shusha was famous for
its mineral-rich springs .For instance, Turshsu
summer pastures, Sakili spring, Isa, Shamil
springs, legendary “Jidirduzu” were the favorite
locations of the local people and guests. Turshsu
was popular for its therapeutic and medicinal
bathtubs. It was distinguished as a rest and medical
zone. This health resort is located in 40 kilometers
from Lachin road. One of the best sightseeing of
Shusha is Yukhari Dashalti. People called that place
Garden of Shamil. Peculiar trait of this place is that it
is situated over river Dashalti, under the mountain
Uchmix, around the spring. Another preferable
place for tourists visiting Shusha is irreplaceable
and having spectacular nature - “Jidirduzu”.
Western part of it consists of 3 heights standing
behind of one another. Those hills were named
“Uchmikh”. Tourists staying in sanatoriums and
recreational centers were visiting those spectacular
places and could not hide their surprise. Kharibulbul festivals were held every May in one of the
main recreation centers “Jidirduzu”.
Though God had given this kind of beauties to us in
Shusha, somehow some of the residences of
Shusha were ready to leave their homes due to the
Armenian propaganda before the attack of enemy. It
is fact that only the little percentage of people were
in the city in the beginning of May, 1992. slogan
Page 6 The Issue of School of Languages, Qafqaz University
Ulvi Asgerov
Unfortunately, poor defend of city and political
argument inside of the country led to that Shusha
was occupied on May 8th, 1992 by Russian (366th
regiment of Russia) and Armenian invaders.
Occupation date of Shusha was heavy blow to
Azerbaijan morality and severe grief for all of us.
During invasion of Shusha 200 people were killed,
150 were handicapped, 552 babies became orphan,
nearly 22 thousand people became refugees, and
during invasion aggressors demolished our historical monuments and razed them to the ground as
reported. Armenian military forces plundered 15
ethnographic examples, 5 copper goods, 2 silver
daggers, 1 stone pot, 20 different objects and
valuable possessions from Shusha city museum,
5 precious ancient carpets, 4 kilims, 5 saddle-bags,
1 valuable lamp, portrait of Uzeyir Hajibeyov, and
several historical items and unique objects from
Karabakh Historical Museum, and memorial house
museums of Mir Mohsun Navvab and Bulbul. They
carried precious objects - art and architectural
works, carpet productions, folk applied art
examples, archeological findings, necessary
documents, memorial possessions of Azerbaijan
outstanding personalities from Shusha museums to
Armenia. Nowadays, those things are sold in
auctions or presented to public as Armenian cultural
samples in exhibitions and museums.
Although, in XX century Shusha encountered tragic
events and was occupied and the children became
refugees and martyrs, we are always ready and
strong enough to liberate our native areas. However,
some great countries do their best to maintain the
present situation and do not sanction to Armenia in
order to make it rely on 4 decisions of UN which
approve that Karabakh is a part of Azerbaijan and
has been occupied by Armenia.
A very drunk man comes out of the bar and sees another very drunk man.
He looks up in the sky and says, "Is that the sun or the moon?"
The other drunk man answers, "I don't know. I'm a stranger here myself."
Thanks to Ali Gurbanli for cartoon compilation
Express Yourself
morning and evening. So, ancient Greek people had
called it as Phosphorus - the Morning Star which
symbolized evil and Hesperus the Evening Star
which meant goodness before Pifagore proved it as
the whole planet.
In addition, Venus is the symbol of beauty and love
goddess. Its sign is the same with woman's symbol
in biology.
Salima Badalova
The capacity of the Galaxy is eternal. In this Galaxy, I
think, Venus is the strangest quasar. Actually, we can
call Venus with different names-Morning Star,
Evening star, Earth's twin or sister. All these names
have reasons to be called that I'll explain. Besides,
Venus also has some different features which are so
strange and weird.
Firstly, Venus is the nearest planet to Earth and the
third planet in the Milky Way Galaxy. It has
approximately the same size and weight as Earth.
Also, its geological structure is very similar to our
Another fact is that, we can see Venus even with our
naked eyes before sunrise and after sunset. It's the
brightest quasar after The Sun and the Moon. In the
ancient times, people didn't know that Venus was a
planet. They were seeing it twice a day, in the
Gunel Valishova
“Engineering combines the fields of science and
math to solve real world problems that improve the
world around us”. Think about buildings, roads,
equipments, gadgets you use in your daily life. You
consider how they are important. But, without
engineering, it would be impossible even to think
about them. We meet the engineering products
everyday and almost every moment. But what is
engineering. Engineering is the relation between
scientific knowledge, and practical knowledge for
designing. Engineering has a lot of domains. Now I
want to share information about only two of them.
One of the important fields in engineering is
Mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering
Furthermore, so you know that after every 4 years
Venus draws amazing five-point star in the space.
So, Olympic games 5 rings symbolize Venus.
Moreover, we know that including the Earth, most
planets rotate on their axis in an anti-clockwise
direction, but Venus rotates clockwise.
Another strange peculiarity is that, one day is longer
than a year in Venus. Do you know why? Because It
takes 243 Earth days to make rotate once on its axis.
The planet's orbit around the Sun takes 225 Earth
days, compared to the Earth's 365.
Although Mercury is nearer to the Sun, but Venus is
the hottest planet in the Solar System. It has 462
degree on its surface that means it's enough for
some metals' melting. Even if you look at mountains
they seem bright.
Although you can see Venus with your naked eyes,
but you can't see its surface even with telescope
because of dense clouds. Only with sending
infrared rays from devices scientists can afford to
observe it. In 2006, NASA sent a rocket to Venus
and they got some interesting information. Venus
atmosphere has water like steam. It has a great
amount of carbon dioxide. Also, device recorded
the voice of whistles which are lightenings. That
shows Venus's atmosphere has a lot of strong
Finally, In Venus in the 80 km above heat is 40
degree and has the same conditions in Yellowstone
park's hot gazers. Explorers think that some
bacterias can live in such condition.That means
Venus can have life.
To sum up, Galaxy has many unknown secrets
which are waiting to be discovered. Maybe, future
technology will let us reveal them. However, what
we can do is to try hard to get knowledge and try to
expand it and let our brain feel the real miracles in
our Galaxy.
In addition, scientists think that Venus had life on it
million years ago. However, it didn't have strong
protection for the Sun. Once, a great explosion
happened in the Sun and it affected Venus seriously
and destroyed the life. Now 95% of its surface is
covered by volcano ash. Moreover, the atmospheric
pressure is 92 times that of Earth's. That means
pressure can break your bones.
is the various domain that develops from the need
to build and design everything from small
individual pieces and pellets. Big projects are
taking from a big idea which requires considering
all consequences of process. For succeed in this
role, specific knowledge are needed. Moreover,
Mechanical engineer needs to get not only
knowledge but also special abilities. For example,
Mechanical engineers learn about materials, solid
mechanics, designing and manufacturing. In this
field, creative thinking is the key to achieve their
own goals. Mechanical engineers play a special
role in such industries as aerospace (airplanes,
aircraft engines, control systems for airplanes and
spacecraft); computers and electronics (printers,
cooling systems), especially robots. Simply, they
handle everything that move, including complex
make products from raw materials and also
change one material into another useful form.
To sum up, you saw two main fields in engineering
which each of them plays an important role in
our life. Engineering is like chess which consisted
of some figures. For winning, players, engineers,
should use their all tactics and abilities. Moreover,
since science, mathematics, logic, and appropriate experience have gathered in engineering, we
can't imagine our life without engineering
products. For instance, how would we send a
message only three seconds or how would we get
hundred kilometers in several hours? Undoubtedly,
it is the engineering that we can do them.
Another interesting domain in engineering is
Chemical Engineering. Chemical engineering is the
numerous area of technology. The planning
process for the function of product is the main
aspect of Chemical engineering. This process
begins with experiments in the laboratory. But what
do Chemical Engineers do? Some of them invent
new processes. Others make important equipments and facilities for community. They have
helped develop atomic science, paper, dyes,
drugs, plastic, and so on. They organize plans to
No: 2, June, 2014 Page 7
Huseyn Rzayev
Let's Live in a Clean World
Unfortunately the number of environmental
issues is growing day by day. Air pollution,
polluted drinking water, oil pollution are the
evidences of it. However it is not late to change
something as there are several possible steps to
solve these issues and significant number of
serious reasons for doing it.
As I mentioned before, there are plenty of weighty
reasons for caring about environment. One of the
reasons is that a clean environment is essential
for healthy life. Polluted environment means
growing number of different types of diseases.
Access to clean water is important as well, as it is
vital for surviving. Water is life and it is not
possible to imagine living human being with the
lack of water. It is not possible to count all
reasons for caring about our environment either,
though we should understand the importance of
it and prevent pollution by following several steps.
The majority of people nowadays consider that if
they want to save our environment they should go
out and clean their neighborhoods and other
actions that take much time and energy. However
this idea is not right, as the things we can do for
protecting our surrounding from pollution consist
of several easy steps as well. Saving electricity
by turning of things that we do not need and
cutting off water when we do not use it, are
examples of it.
In our contemporary life, we usually need to remember
things from email passwords to addresses or people's
names. Sometimes we find it hard to remember even
simple things. Main reason for this is our weakened
memory. Strong memory depends on brain. Human
brain is a biological machine which needs both work
and relaxation. As a result of stress, unhealthy lifestyle
our brain weakens. However, medical research shows
that everybody can develop their memory. There are a
lot of things that cause weakness: however, most of
them are simple, but important for improving memory.
One of the enemies of our brain is stress. Stress
destroys our concentration and makes us feel
distracted. However, you can manage your stress. For
example, reading interesting books, having good fun
with friends, listening to jokes, watching comedies
can help you to overcome stress. As a result, working
with a relaxed brain is much more advantageous than
working with a stressed and distracted one. In addition
to stress, depression and anxiety can also take an
important role on the memory. In fact, some of the
symptoms of depression and anxiety cause difficulties
on remembering things.
Sleep deprivation is another important issue. It doesn't
matter, whether you are a student studying for exams,
professor, or just a simple person, lack of sleep is one
of the considerable reasons for lack of memory.
Doctors estimate that an adult human must sleep
between 6 and 8 hours a day. If you don't sleep
enough, your brain will stop working with its full
capacity. During the sleep time, almost half of the
human brain is relaxing, in order to prepare our brain
for the next day. However, it doesn't mean that we
should sleep all day. Sleeping and getting up at the
same time every day is recommended. You must
manage your time and care about your sleep, if you
really want to improve your memory.
To sum up, due to the fact that we live in a polluted
world, we should care about it as it causes health
problems and other serious issues. Protecting
our surrounding is not as difficult as major people
suppose, because they can do it by sitting at
home, office, classroom, etc. So let's understand
the importance of clean environment, begin care
about it and live in a clean world.
Page 8 The Issue of School of Languages, Qafqaz University
Seymur Guliyev
Final issue is unhealthy lifestyle. Sometimes we don't
care what we eat or drink, but we don't realize which
hazards can cause this type of lifestyle. Even the
weather, which we breathe, plays a vast role for our
brain. Brain is a working machine which needs fuel.
Our fuel is nutrition and respiration. You can eat brainboosting diet. For instance, seafood, fruits and
vegetables are most useful ingredients for your diet.
Seafood provides your organism with fatty acids,
which is apparently one of the vital compounds for our
brain. Also you need to care about what you eat. You
have to limit carbohydrates, and harmful fat, and also
avoid junk food and bad habits like smoking or
All in all, we don't need special medicines, doctors, or
significant amounts of money to improve memory.
What we really need to do is just following simple
steps that we sometimes don't care about.
Express Yourself
Shusha - the Crystal
of Our Hearts
Karabakh, which is an inalienable part of
Azerbaijan, reflects the rich history and cultural
heritage of our nation, and the most picturesque
town of the Karabakh region is Shusha. Shusha
as a town of significant economic, political and
cultural importance has played a great role in the
life of Azerbaijani nation. Shusha is a temple and a
cradle of Azerbaijani music. Each stone, each
street and all aura of Shusha is full of music. Samed
Vurgun, the outstanding Azerbaijani poet, said,
“Almost all the prominent Azerbaijani singers and
musicians are the natives of Shusha”. Also, Shusha
is called a cradle of poetry and mugham. Molla
Panah Vagif, a famous representative of classic
Azerbaijani realist poetry, lived and created his
masterpieces in the 18th century, in Shusha.
Another representative of Azerbaijani poetry
was Khurshidbanu Natavan who lived in the 19th
century, in Shusha. Since ancient times, Shusha
has been known as «Conservatoire of the
Caucasus», which has been famous for its singers,
composers, instrumentalists such as Gadji Gusi,
Uzeyir Hajibayli, Meshadi Jamil Amirov, Islam
Abdullayev, Seyid Shushinski, Jabbar Garyaghdyoglu, Sadikhjan, a person who was known to
people as “the father of tar”, and other prominent
figures. Shusha has gifted many glorified talents to
Azerbaijan. One of those was Bulbul, the founder of
Azerbaijani singers' school. Moreover, Shusha is
valuable to us as one of the main centers of
development of mugham. Its masters-khanenda
have made mugham richer, they have played a
great role in enriching it with new significant
methods. According to the well-known saying, “In
Shusha, babies cry in diapers in the melodies of
Nigar Huseynova
Pasha Feyzullayev
who moved here less than 200 years ago, declared
themselves as “native owners” of Shusha. On May
8, 1992, Shusha was occupied by ArmenianRussian aggressors. During the occupation,
thousands of monuments were gunned and
removed from their original place, including the
palace of Panakhali khan, the Djuma mosque, the
mosque of Govhar-aga, the house of Khurshidbanu
Natavan, the mausoleums to M.M. Navvab and
Uzeyir Hajibayli. That night 480 people were killed,
more than 600 people were wounded and 22,000
people were forced to seek refuge from the fighting.
In the 20th century Shusha faced an unprecedented
tragedy. Realizing the occupation of “the Crystal of
our hearts” is a bleeding wound and pain of
Azerbaijani people. It is a great disaster for all of us.
Azerbaijani people believe that soon in the near
future, “Karabakh shikestesi”, “Karabakhda
birdenesen” (You are the only one in Karabakh),
“Shushanin daglari” (the mountains of Shusha)
will be sounded in Shusha again.
Being the first teacher
in a child's life
Being a teacher is very hard and responsible job.
Teachers give us not only education, but also
show us directions of life. These are very
important in our life. These make us became a
necessary man or woman for society. We must
teach our young generation, children. It is clear
children can learn from different sources. Such
as, teachers at school, TV programs, and of
course from their parents. It shows that parents
are the best teachers.
Children should be taught from the first day of they
are born.
There is one story about it. One day parents went
to the wisest man of the town. They asked that
when we should start to bring up our child. And
child was born 3 days ago. Wise man learnt it and
says: “You are 3 days later”.
Actually, we learn lots of things from beginning of
our life by parents. For example, they teach us
language, this is the one of necessity in our life.
They teach us walking since we become 1 year
old. Besides, parents teach us how to act in public
places. In addition, children learn to be equitable
from parents, if they settle every sibling equitably.
Furthermore, parents are also our best teacher in
emotional area. For instance, if children are in
depression or feel frustrated, they can always talk
to their parents. Parents can help and cheer up
Shusha was not only a paradisiac town with
architectural structure and beautiful monuments
but also an impregnable town-fortress of an
important strategic location. Being very attractive
because of its beauty and importance, Shusha was
always a desirable object to be occupied. Its
inhabitants resisted all enemy attempts and
remained free. Still, dark clouds gathered over
prosperous Shusha. Ungrateful Armenian people
Elephant's milk
In addition, parents effect children’s study habits.
For example, children of educated parents see
their mothers and fathers work a lot of time,
reading books and etc. Parents show their
children how to study by their own behavior. In
conclusion, parents teach children all about life.
They have a big role in our life and they influence
us more than others. We must love them more
than everything.
A: Did you hear that a baby was
fed on elephant's milk and
gained twenty pounds in a
B: That's impossible. Whose baby?
A: An elephant's
No: 2, June, 2014 Page 9
Greeting Customs
around the World
“Hello”, “Bonjour”, “Merhaba”, “Konnichiwa”,
“Aloha”, “Namaste” – these are just a few words
that used by different nations all over the World as
greeting expressions. Greeting has an essential role
in most of the cultures, and it is considered to be a
way of showing respect and regard. Mostly greeting
way of a nation indicates respect and hospitality.
However, sometimes greeting customs could be so
strange that we can hardly make anything of it.
Greeting customs change from culture to culture,
and some nations have the most unique greeting
Japanese Bow
Bowing is very popular all around the world as the
greeting custom of the most of Eastern Asian
countries such as Japan. In Japan, bowing is the
best way of greeting others if one wants to show
deep respect and gratitude towards someone else.
That is very old tradition of Japanese people and is
used nowadays as well. When Japanese people
greet someone by bowing they stretch their arms at
their sides and bow their body slightly and usually
say “Konnichiwa”. However, lowering degree of
head can vary. Depending on type of meeting, social
status of the greeted person or greeter's feelings
towards them bowing level of the head can be lower.
The lower you bow, the more respect you show.
Lower bowings are also considered to be method of
expressing apology.
Bread and Salt
In most of Slavic countries such as Ukraine, Russia,
Slovakia, and others, “Bread and salt” is the
common way of greeting respected guests. Origin
of this custom goes back to centuries ago, and it
was once very common. But today it is not used by
ordinary people. “Bread and salt” tradition now
remains as a part of some wedding ceremonies and
of official salutation of people of higher status. For
example, when respected guests first arrive in
Slavic land, they are served a loaf of specially
Elgun Hasanov
Teller Guluzade
designed bread and salt by a young woman dressed
in national clothing, as a sign of respect and hospitality. The guest, on the other hand, is supposed to
eat a bit of this bread after touching it to the salt.
“Bread and salt” is used for different occasions, too.
Features of being an
Ideal Parent
One of the most eccentric greeting traditions in the
World belongs to Tibetan people. They stretch out
their tongue when they come across. The idea of
showing tongues while meeting comes from old
Tibetan beliefs. Tibetans believe that those who are
engaged in black magic must have a black tongue.
Another idea is that a violent Tibetan king lived in the
past had a black tongue, and he was assured to be
evil by people. Now when they greet each other,
Tibetans stretch out tongues so that they can prove
they are not involved in black magic and have no
connection with the evil king.
Touching Noses
New Zealand is home to another strange greeting
custom, which is known as tradition of local tribes
living on the island. Members of local tribes rub their
noses to one another's when they meet. This
greeting style called “breath of life”. They greet their
respected guests in the same way. Besides this,
traditional tribal dance performed by members is
also popular as a greeting action in New Zealand.
Aloha and Lei
Hawaiian Islands are famous for their hot and humid
climate that attracts tourists from all over the Planet
and for Hawaiians' hot greeting called “Aloha”. The
word “Aloha” is largely used in Hawaiian language
and has different positive meanings. Hawaiians say
“Aloha” for greeting their guests and for meetings in
their daily life. Another Hawaiian custom, “Lei” is
also popular among foreigners. “Lei” is a garland
composed of flowers, leaves, shells, feathers, and
other materials. Hawaiians put leis around their
guests' necks or on their heads. Leis are also used
to congratulate somebody on occasional events.
Page 10 The Issue of School of Languages, Qafqaz University
Being a parent requires a lot of responsibilities that
there is not any great feeling like that. For being
successful parents, providing physical needs of the
children is not enough, they should also be
committed to their developmental well being and
overall success. I believe that ideal parents should be
of good moral character, good listener and patience.
Firstly, parents should have good moral character,
because they are the role models of children. It has
been known that children are the reflection of their
parent's feature. They should express grace in all
their actions and teach their children how to respect
to elders, and be sensitive to other people's feelings
all the time.
Secondly, it is significant to allow children an
acceptable amount of privacy, but it is not good to
encourage them to become sequestered in their
rooms. If parents can't find the time to communicate
with their children, they should make the time. They
can be busy or tired, but there mustn’t be any excuse
of denying children of 30 minutes of their daily time.
No matter what subject they will discuss, the parents
should communicate with their children in positive
way and talk to them in a friendly manner. In most
times,kids want to talk to their parents when they get
into the trouble, but the parents shouldn’t do these
speeches only in the hard times because there can
be unpleasant ambience. If parents make a relaxing
environment to communicate with their children,
they will feel themselves safe and will talk to their
parents in good and bad times.
Furthermore, being a good listener is very important.
They should be careful and listen when their children
talk to them - especially when they are busy. This
may be a little bit difficult, but it will make the parents
give them the attention they deserve, and their
children will be aware of that they believe that what
they say is important.
Parenting is a tough job comes with big responsibility. Therefore it is crucial that parents should
have outstanding character, a good listener and
patience, so that they would have wonderful
Express Yourself
The Deadliest and Mysterious Lake of the World
Known locally as “the Bad Lake,” Lake Nyos, located
in the Northwest Region of Cameroon, Africa, carried
folklore of danger, and tales were spoken of an evil
spirit which emerged from the lake to kill all those who
lived near it. This legend contained the memory of a
very real threat.
Javid Gedirov
Let's talk about the incredible lake, Nyos. Lake Nyos
is a crater lake in the Northwest region of Cameroon.
It is a deep lake on the side of an inactive volcano in
the OKU volcanic plain along the Cameroon line of
“I could not speak. I became unconscious. I could not
open my mouth because then I smelled something
terrible. I heard my daughter snoring in a terrible way,
very abnormal. When crossing to my daughter's bed. I
wanted to speak; my breath would not come out. My
daughter was already DEAD.”
Body Language
Sometimes we just take our body for granted and do
not pay much more attention to our partners or our
surrounding's body movement which includes facial
expressions, eye contact, mouth shape, and gestures
and can convey a number of information about their
feelings or senses. Learning how to read body might
be very beneficial in terms of keeping conversations
under control and understanding how to behavior
according to the gestures or body movements of our
partner. The research that has been held recently by a
group of scientists from Central Queensland
University, reveal the facts that approximately 60-70%
of our communication consist of distinct body
movements. As I mentioned below, in order to learn
how to decode all these secrets messages that are
delivered to us during conversation, we have to focus
on facial expressions, eye contact, mouth movement,
and gestures.
First step in the process of finding out the real meaning
of body movements of the person that we interact with
is noticing his/her facial expressions. Though
decoding the underlying meaning of person's facial
expression are believed to be complicated task to
fulfill, putting all these following samples into
consideration we can figure out what they possibly
might imply. For example, smiling is defined to have
various meaning depending on circumstances.
Although smiling usually demonstrates the approval or
happiness, it can be interpreted as sarcasm and
cynicism as well. Another answer to the question
“what is a simple emotion able to do” is that our facial
expressions convey the sincere feelings that we avoid
to share. On the other hand, if a person is not able to
conceal his/her emotions in certain situations such as
laughing at his/her friends while they fall on the floor
accidentally, may cause offense between sides.
In addition to facial expression that is essential part of
body language, eyes are also true indicators of one's
actual feeling and that's why they are referred as “the
window of soul”. The first thing that body language
learners are supposed to know about “circle
windows” is measuring the eye contact time as the
sign of person's attentiveness or indifference to the
conversation. For example, staring at one's eye
longingly means that the person is listening to him/her
and cares about whatever he/she talks. However, to be
thoughtful and distracted is considered as the
indicative of being uncomfortable or not being
interested in partner's talking. In addition to the span of
gazing, the frequency of blinking eyes may say a lot
about how partners feel themselves around us. For
instance, while winking more often are thought to be
the signal of being distressed and feeling under
pressure, almost forgetting to blink might be deemed
as the indicator of concentrating on partner's speech.
Moreover, we can unleash our feelings and emotions
through the shape of mouth or moving it different
courses. Though a mouth can easily produce tons of
sentences per a minute, sometimes we just don't faith
in any of them. As a result, the only solution to find out
what is actually going on our partners mind is just
Express Yourself
Founder: Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sanic
Qafqaz University, 2014
Editor in chief: Celil Erdem
Editor: Elmir Gurbanov
Fatal Disaster
On August 21, 1986, possibly as the result of a
landslide, a sudden eruption occurred at Lake Nyos
which released of about 1.6 million tons of CO2; this
cloud rose at nearly 100 kilometres per hour. Unfortunately, within minutes over 1700 people were
poisoned with the gas and died fatally as well as 3500
farm animals. The level of the lake dropped by about a
meter and trees near the lake were knocked down.
Following the disaster, the lake was named “Deadliest
Lake” by Guinness World Records in 2008. Thus,
such an example shows that a lake like Nyos can
cause deadly occurrences even within seconds.
These are the words of Joseph Nkwain, who on
August 21, 1986, survived one of the strangest natural
disasters in history.
Alishiram Alakbarov
volcanic activity.
The thing makes the lake unusual and dangerous is
that a layer of magma lies beneath the lake and leaks
carbon dioxide (CO2) into the water, changing it into
carbonic acid. Nyos is one of only three known
exploding lakes to be penetrated with carbon dioxide in
this way.
No:2(2), June,2014
Ilyas Mammadov, Chinara
Huseynli, Sevda Gafarova
paying attention to their mouth during conversation.
For example, pursed lip is determined as the sign of
anxiety, worrisome, and fear. Besides posing lips, the
slight changes in the mouth shape can show exact
feeling of person. If the mouth turns up slightly, it might
mean that the person is happy and optimistic. In
contrast, turning down in the mouth is the sign of
disapproval, sadness and disappointment.
The final lesson to learn about body language is
paying attention to the gestures that display the
people's reaction which is usually tough to express in
verbal formal form. As some of these gestures vary
from culture to culture, they might be comprehended
differently in various parts of world. For example, the
gesture “okay” which is made by touching thumbs
and index finger together like a circle and letting the
rest of fingers stretch demonstrates that something is
excellent or delicious in North America. In contrast,
Europeans usually use this gesture which means “you
are nothing” when they want to show their anger or
disrespect toward somebody. However, there are also
some obvious gestures that can easily be understood
in same way by all people that belong to different
cultures. The basic sample for that kind of gestures is
thumbs-up and thumbs-down that are indicator of
approval and disapproval respectively.
To sum up, people regardless to their culture might
have some difficulties to express their emotion with
bunch of words. As a consequence, they resort to
non-verbal form of showing expressions which
is called body language and consist of facial
expression, eye contact, mouth shape, and gesture.
Design: Sahib Kazimov
Photo Credit: Fuad Sharbatov
The Institution is not responsible for the content generated by students.
No: 2, June, 2014
Page 11
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