Lionbridge Turkish Style Guide


Lionbridge Turkish Style Guide
Lionbridge Style Guide
Lionbridge Technologies
WW Language Excellence
© 2016 Lionbridge Technologies, Inc. - CONFIDENTIAL
© Copyright 2005–2016 Lionbridge Technologies. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material is
prohibited without prior permission of Lionbridge.
Revision History
2016/01/04 – “Currency part” updated, obsolete reference to “floppy disk unit” changed
2013/09/20 – Updated compounds guidelines to comply with TDK reform, and transferred to new template
Important Note
If a client's preferences differ from the Lionbridge Language Style Guide, this will be clearly marked in the
glossary header or specifications. The project glossary and specifications overrule the style guide!
If the Style Guide and project specifications are not followed, Lionbridge reserves the right to deduct
expenses to correct the errors, or to require the translator/editor to correct the errors.
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Table of Contents
Writing Style
Translation of titles
Proper verb form in software, help and doc
Possessive pronouns
Hyphenation rules
Language Rules
A. Alphabet and Sorting Order
Capitalization Rules
Punctuation Rules
Numbers and Dates
Units of Measurement
Phone numbers
Address Format
Index Entries
Special Symbols And Abbreviations
Numbered and Bulleted Lists
Numbered lists
Bulleted lists
Standard Translations
A Few Spelling Tips
Hyphenated words
Compound words
Common Misspelled Words
III. References
A. Client Style Guides
Platform Glossaries
Other Reference Material
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Writing Style
A. Translation of titles
Even where the original title does not use the English gerund (Connect Your Computer
to the Printer), regard it as a gerund and translate it accordingly (Bilgisayarın Yazıcıya
B. Tense
As a general rule, avoid the future tense even if it appears in the English, and use the
C. Proper verb form in software, help and doc
Documentation, Help and Software Prompts: formal imperative (2nd person plural,
short version (yapın but not yapınız). The only exception is bkz. which is the
abbreviated form of the long version bakınız.
Commands in software: informal imperative (2nd person singular)
D. Possessive pronouns
In Turkish it is not common to use the possessive pronoun. Example: "your."
Kullanıcı kılavuzuna bakın. Yazıcıya kağıt yükleyin.
E. Hyphenation rules
Hyphenation in Turkish is syllabic. Therefore, a single-syllable word cannot be
hyphenated. Hyphenation of two-syllable words is permitted, but it would be better to
avoid hyphenating a two-syllable three-letter word.
The following procedure might prove useful in identifying what constitutes a syllable in
Turkish. It will fail for certain loan words of Western origin.
Let C = consonant and V = vowel:
If a word ends in:
 VV (mostly loan Arabic words), then its last syllable is V;
CVCC, then its last syllable is CVCC;
VVC (some old Turkic and loan words), then its last syllable is VC;
CVC, then its last syllable is CVC;
CV, then its last syllable is CV.
Find the last syllable applying the procedure above in the same order, take out the last
syllable, and apply the same procedure to what remains of the word to find the penult,
antepenult, etc., until you are left with one V and with 0 to 3 Cs, (which will make your
first syllable).
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Note: If a word is to be divided at the point where an apostrophe occurs, place the
apostrophe (do not use hyphen) and go to the next line.
Language Rules
A. Alphabet and Sorting Order
The Turkish alphabet consists of 29 characters. The alphabet and order of letters is
given below. The most important issue to take into consideration is that the accented
characters should be treated as separate entries in indexes and similar places not within
the category of the unaccented character. (Example: C and Ç, Ç should be separate
entries.) Another issue to note is that there are two i's and the lower case uppercase of
each i is as follows: i – İ; ı – I
a, b, c, ç, d, e, f, g, ğ, h, ı, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, ö, p, r, s, ş, t, u, ü, v, y, z
A, B, C, Ç, D, E, F, G, Ğ, H, I, İ, J, K, L, M, N, O, Ö, P, R, S, Ş, T, U, Ü, V, Y, Z
B. Capitalization Rules
Use only initial capital letters in the following cases:
 proper names.
command names and keywords (menus, modes, dialog boxes).
first word of a sentence and every word of a title or of a caption except the
conjunctions “ile”, “ve”, veya” , “ya da” “de” and “ki”, and the question word “mi”.
Note: The words “de” and “ki” referred to above are the Turkish counterparts of “also”
and “that” and not suffixes.
Always use initial capitals when translating “for” (İçin) or “a” (Bir) as part of a title or
 cross-references
Bkz. Bölüm 2 but “Belgelerin Basılması” başlıklı bölüme bakın.
Bkz. Şekil 3-4.
After a colon, if you intend to give an explanation which would independently serve
as a complete sentence, especially when:
The English text uses the words: Note, Caution, Warning, etc.:
Not: En yaygın kullanılan PCL komutları bu ekin sonunda verilmiştir.
There is a numbered list or the beginning of a paragraph (see "Numbered and
bulleted lists")
It is to define a word:
Bellek: Veri ve işlem dizilerinin elektriksel imler biçiminde saklandığı bilgisayar
bölümü. (TDK Bilişim Terimleri Sözlüğü).
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Note: Do not begin with a capital letter after a colon if the part of the sentence
immediately following the colon serves the mere purpose of enumerating individual
elements or examples which, if taken independently, would not be regarded as a
complete sentence.
Kullandığımız başlıca noktalama işaretleri şunlardır: nokta, virgül, noktalı virgül,
iki nokta, soru işareti ve ünlem işareti.
C. Punctuation Rules
In typography, all punctuation marks immediately follow the word. Never use a blank
space before a punctuation mark. However, always use one blank space after the
punctuation mark – unless it is at the end of a paragraph.
Kağıt, zarf, asetat ve etiket gibi çeşitli ortamlara baskı yapabilirsiniz; ancak, bu
malzemeleri toptan satın almadan önce istenen standartlara uygun olup
olmadığını kontrol etmeyi kesinlikle unutmayın.
HP Explorer Yazılımının İşlevi Nedir?
Önemli not! Yeni yazıcı sürücünüzü kullanmadan önce yazılımınızda gerekli
ayarları yapın.
Note: Do not use a comma immediately before or after the conjunction words “ve” or
“ile”. Do not use a comma immediately after a verb conjugated with a conjunction
suffix (for example, words ending in -ip) unless it is followed by a similarly conjugated
Enter tuşuna basıp programdan çıkın.
Use a comma immediately after the subject whenever this seems necessary for
separating the subject from the group of words that follow it.
Yazıcı sürücüsü, yazıcınızın özelliklerinin uygulanmasını sağlayan komutları içeren
bir yazılım programıdır.
When enumerating individual elements do not use a comma after the element before
the last.
Nokta, virgül, noktalı virgül ve ünlem işareti.
When a whole sentence is between parentheses, quotes or brackets, the period is
placed inside. When the words between parentheses or brackets do not constitute a
complete sentence and have to be used for the purpose of referring to a title, author,
date, etc., place a period at the end of the preceding sentence, before opening the
parenthesis, close it, and do not place a period again.
Fontların yazıcıya indirilip indirilmediğini anlamak için bir test sayfası basın.
(Bölüm 9’a başvurun.)
Fontların yazıcıya indirilip indirilmediğini anlamak için bir test sayfası basın.
(Bölüm 9, Şekil 3-1)
When words between quotes do not constitute a complete sentence, place the comma
or period after quote.
Dosya menüsündeki seçenekler şunlardır: "Yeni", "Aç" ve "Sakla".
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When a suffix has to be combined with a word or group of words within quotation
marks, place the closing quote immediately before the suffix you added.
“Yazıcı Fontları”nın bir listesini alın.
Use straight quotes.
When you use a suffix after a proper name or a figure, place an apostrophe immediately
before the suffix.
D. Numbers and Dates
Decimal points become decimal commas.
The thousands separator is replaced by a period.
1.53 becomes 1,53
1,500.55 becomes 1.500,55
Ordinal numbers
The correct abbreviation in Turkish for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. is 1., 2., 3., etc..
Avoid the suffix -ci in ordinal numbers when they are written in figures.
The date format "mm/dd/yy" becomes "dd/mm/yy".
April 18, 1990 = 18 Nisan 1990
The short date format would be
04/18/90 = 18.04.90
Note: Months are capitalized when used together with years and / or days (18 Nisan
1990, Nisan 1990 or 18 Nisan) but are not capitalized when used alone (Her yıl nisan
E. Units of Measurement
As a general rule, units of measurement should be localized. In Turkey the metric
system is used. Also, please note that, paper weights are referred to as gramaj and the
unit used for this is g/m2 instead of the English lb.
Paper format specifications:
A4 =
21 x 29,7 cm (8.27 x 11.69 in)
Letter = 21,6 x 27,9 cm (8.5 x 11 in)
Legal = 21,6 x 35,6 cm (8.5 x 14 in)
Executive = 19,1 x 26,7 cm (7.25 x 10.5 in)
Note: Use inches only when it is customary to do so, for example when referring to
screen sizes.
15,6 inç ekran.
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F. Currency
In Turkish the currency name follows the figure. Example 4.500.000 Türk Lirası or 4500
ABD doları. For foreign currencies like the USD it is advisable to write out it in full as in
the above example.
G. Phone numbers
For local (in Turkey) phone numbers, the phone number format is 0 312 222 7928. For
US phone numbers it is advisable to add the international access code (00 or +) and the
country code (1).
H. Address Format
In Turkish the most frequent address format is:
Name, Surname
Street, Building number, Flat number,
District, Postcode
The building number takes the abbreviation No. in front.
For US addresses it is advisable to add the country name at the end (ie ABD).
İ. Index Entries
The preferred index entry style is the noun format. ie.
Kağıt, ekleme
J. Calendar
The week starts on Monday. The standard abbreviations for the days of the week are:
Pts, Sa, Çrş, Prş, Cu, Cts, Paz
K. Special Symbols And Abbreviations
In English, it is not rare to see special symbols like #, & or @ in technical documents.
These symbols should not be kept in Turkish
Instead of # and & use No (no) and ve. Translate @ as “adedi” or, if possible, place a
slash between the price and the word “adet”.
Unless you have space restrictions avoid $ and translate it as “dolar”; if it is evident from
the context translate it as “ABD doları”.
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The abbreviation “s.” for “sayfa” (page) and “ss.” for “sayfalar” (pages) have become
conventional. So is the case with “bkz.” for “see”. For other abbreviations, observe the
following rules:
 If the word to be abbreviated is monosyllabic, then the abbreviation consists of the
first letter and a period. (“c.” for “cilt” (volume).
If the word to be abbreviated is not monosyllabic, then the abbreviation consists of
the first three letters, and a period. (Example: “örn.” for “örnek”).
If a compound word is to be abbreviated, the abbreviation consists of the first three
letters of the first word and the first letter of the second. (Example: “dilb” for
“dilbilgisi” or “dilbilim”).
Note: Never use periods in acronyms. (Example: ABD, AB, etc.).
An acronym takes suffix according to the way its last letter is pronounced and not
according to the last word for which it stands. (Example: ABD’de but not ABD’nde).
L. Numbered and Bulleted Lists
Numbered lists
Numbered lists are useful for sequential steps and are often meant to show a
hierarchical relationship. Most numbered lists are introduced by a main clause followed
by a colon. The first word of each item should be capitalized. If an item is a complete
sentence, it should also have ending punctuation.
Bir mesajı kapatmak için:
1. Mesajın ekrana çıkmasını bekleyin.
2. Mesaj ekranının altındaki “Mesajları Kapat” seçeneğini kullanın.
Bulleted lists
Bulleted lists generally fall into three categories. The examples below show the most
common bulleted lists and how to punctuate and capitalize each one.
Unbroken syntax: To have unbroken syntax in the Turkish translation of a bulleted list,
without compromising readability, there must generally be a shared subject (or
shared object if the sentence is in the passive voice), or a shared conditional or relative
clause, followed by clauses each with a different predicate (verb). Place a colon after
the shared part of the sentence, do not use initial capitals, and place a semi-colon after
each clause and a period at the end.
Stil arşivini kullandığınızda:
 paragraf stillerini tanımlamak zorunda kalmaz;
başlıkları otomatik olarak oluşturabilir;
hazır font seçimlerinden yararlanabilirsiniz.
However, do not use unbroken syntax in a bulleted list if you have to place the shared
predicate after the bullets, or to repeat it in every clause. The former reduces
readability while the latter is awkward. Instead, make a reference in the main clause
that a list will follow.
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Typical list: Main clause referring to a list of items, followed by a colon. Since such a list
simply enumerates items, do not use initial capitals and do not use punctuation marks.
Bir bilgisayar sistemi genellikle aşağıdaki birimlerden oluşur:
çevre donanımı
bir veya birkaç sürücü
Complex list: Main clause referring to a list of operations or options, followed by colon.
Use initial capitals and final punctuation of items if each item is a complete sentence.
Programda bir seçenekler listesi verilmiştir:
README.TXT dosyalarını basabilir ya da görüntüleyebilirsiniz.
Modüllerin tümünü ya da bir bölümünü yükleyebilirsiniz.
M. Standard Translations
Some terms are used in almost all technical documents to draw the reader's attention
to specific points. To avoid inconsistency, please use the following translations:
 Addendum = Ek Belge
Appendix = Ek
Caution = Dikkat
Contents = İçindekiler
Important = Önemli Not
Warning = Uyarı
See also = Ayrıca bkz.
N. A Few Spelling Tips
Hyphenated words
Note that hyphenation occurs only in very few compound words in modern Turkish, and
do not repeat the hyphenation in the original unless it is part of a proper name.
Compound words
To determine correct spellings for compounds please refer to the guidelines formulated
by the Turkish Language Association (TDK). The relevant pages from TDK’s web site
are as follows:
 For the compounds written as separate words please refer to the page
For the compounds written as one word please refer to the page
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Common Misspelled Words
takdirde (normally prefer a simpler substitute, but if you ought to use it never spell
it as “taktirde”)
kılavuz (not “klavuz”)
tıraş (not “traş”)
laboratuvar (not “laboratuar”)
grup (not “gurup”)
Note: The locative suffix “de” (or “da”) becomes “te” (or “ta”) after the letters ç, f, h, k,
p, s, ş and t. This is even true when it comes after figures.
(Example: 1975’te but not 1975’de).
However, “de” (or “da”), when used as a conjunction, never becomes “te” or “ta”.
A. Client Style Guides
Please refer to the specific instructions of the project, which should contain information
on how to obtain client-specific style guides for the target language.
B. Platform Glossaries
Standard online glossaries for IT reference are available from Microsoft Language
C. Other Reference Material
For general matters regarding Turkish language you can refer to the Turkish Language
Association's official web site:
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