Cevdet BAYBURTLUOĞLU "Arykanda Kazısı 2003"


Cevdet BAYBURTLUOĞLU "Arykanda Kazısı 2003"
Arykanda Kaz›s› 2003
Excavations at Arykanda in 2003
2003 y›l› Arykanda Kaz›s›; DÖS‹M, Kültür ve Turizm
Bakanl›¤› Kültür Varl›klar› ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlü¤ü,
Türkiye Garanti Bankas› A.fi. ve Suna-‹nan K›raç Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Araflt›rma Enstitüsü’nün (AKMED)
yapt›klar› maddi destekle iki ay sürmüfltür. Kaz›; Bakanl›k temsilcisi arkeolog ‹smail Yeflilp›nar, arkeolog ‹nci
Bayburtluo¤lu, Dr. Macit Tekinalp, arkeolog Ayflegül
Gürgezo¤lu, Ar. Gör. Ayça Özcan, Y. Mim. Restoratör
Evin Erder, foto¤rafç› M. Ali Dö¤enci ile arkeoloji
ö¤rencileri Özlem Yalç›n, Murat Çelik, Emre Savafl,
Hacer Sancaktar ve Nalan Demirkan’›n kat›l›mlar›yla
gerçeklefltirilmifltir. Kaz›ya maddi destek veren kurulufllara oldu¤u kadar büyük bir özveri ile çal›flan kaz›
üyelerine teflekkürüm sonsuzdur.
The 2003 campaign at Arykanda lasted for a period of
two months with support from DÖS‹M, the General
Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums of the
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Türkiye Garanti
Bankas› Inc. and the Suna & ‹nan K›raç Research
Institute on Mediterranean Civilizations. The team
comprised archaeologist ‹smail Yeflilp›nar as the official
representative from the Ministry, archaeologist ‹nci
Bayburtluo¤lu, Dr. Macit Tekinalp, archaeologist Ayflegül Gürgezo¤lu, Research Asst. Ayça Özcan, architect
restorer Evin Erder, M.A., photographer M. Ali Dö¤renci
and student of archaeology Özlem Yalç›n, Murat Çelik,
Emre Savafl, Hacer Sancaktar and Nalan Demirkan. I
am deeply indebted to both the sponsoring companies
and the hardworking team members.
2001 de bafllayan ve 2002 de de devam eden kaçak
kaz›lar ve kaz› evine yönelik h›rs›zl›k olay›; Bakanl›¤a
sundu¤umuz seçenekli çal›flma program›n› kaçakç›l›¤›
önlemeye yönelik tarzda uygulamam›za neden olmufltur. Bu yüzden ortaya ç›kar›lan eserler ayn› yöreden ve
farkl› ev veya mezarlardan geldi¤i için büyük yenilik
getirmekten yoksundur. Bununla beraber yine de buluntu yönünden zengin say›labilecek bir kampanya idrak
etti¤imizi belirtebilirim.
Illegal excavations in 2001 and 2002 and the thefts
from the excavation house led us to implement an anti
theft policy and a contra illegal excavation program
in our work. As a result, the finds recovered do not
exhibit a great variety since they all come from the
same area, from different houses or tombs. Yet, we are
of the opinion that our campaign yielded a wealth of
2003 y›l› çal›flmalar›n› üç ana bafll›k alt›nda özetlemek
We can summarize the 2003 campaign under three
main titles:
1. Kaz› Evindeki Çal›flmalar
1. Work at the Excavation House
Binada ald›¤›m›z güvenli¤e yönelik fiziki önlemlerle
birlikte, iki mekândaki raf düzenlemesi yeniden elden
geçirilmifl; seramik, cam, metal parçalar› ile kitabe
parçalar› s›n›fland›r›larak ve etiketlenerek bir odada;
heykeltrafll›k eserlerine ait parçalarla mimari süsleme
parçalar› di¤er odada kasalar içinde korumaya al›nm›flt›r. Numaralanan bütün kasalar›n içerdikleri malzemeler listelenmifltir.
Together with the physical security measures taken on
the building itself, we revised the shelf organization
in both halls; the ceramic, glass, metal objects and
inscription fragments were categorized, tagged and
placed in one hall; the pieces of sculpture and the
architectural sculpture were placed within secure
boxes in the other hall. All the boxes were numbered
and their contents were recorded.
2. The Conservation and Restoration Work
The architect Evin Erder has had to work on realising
the plans of the structures in the excavation sites for a
long period of time and it was only after Dr. Macit
Tekinalp joined us, that she has been able to focus on
the conservation work. Based on the analyses of stone
samples taken in 2001, various methods and composite substances were applied to the interior of the socalled “Fellows Tomb”, which has greatly deteriorated.
Dependant upon the forthcoming results from 2004,
the best composite material and method will be determined and employed in the conservation and restoration work.
Res. 1 Koç bafll› aplik / Fig. 1 Bronze ram’s head applique
3. Excavation Work
2. Konservasyon ve Restorasyon Çal›flmalar›
All the soil was extracted from the bottom of the rock
mass upon which the watchtower stands, and that
encircled within the Byzantine walls and waterways, to
the north and east of the Helios Temple terrace, was
also extracted down to the bedrock and the soil was
Y. Mim. Evin Erder uzun bir süre kaz› alanlar›ndaki
yap›lar›n rölövelerini ç›kartmak zorunda kalm›fl; Dr.
Macit Tekinalp’in kat›l›m›ndan sonra konservasyona
yönelik çal›flmalar›na giriflebilmifltir. 2001 y›l›nda al›nan tafl örnekleri üzerinde y›l içinde yap›lan analizlerin
sonuçlar›na göre, büyük y›pranmaya ve erimeye maruz
kalan, taraf›m›zdan Fellows Mezar› olarak adland›r›lan
an›tsal mezar binas›n›n içinde, farkl› terkip ve metotlar
uygulanm›flt›r. 2004 y›l›nda al›nacak sonuçlara göre,
yap›da kullan›lacak en uygun ilaç ve yöntem uygulamaya konulacakt›r.
The excavation of the cistern begun in 2002 was also
The conglomerate blocks of the superstructure of the
cistern, were mostly in good condition, although some
were crumbling and they were piled up at the eastern
3. Kaz› Çal›flmalar›
Helios Tap›na¤› teras›n›n kuzey ve do¤usunda, Bizans
suru-su yolu içerisinde kalan ve gözetleme kulesinin
üzerinde bulundu¤u kayal›¤›n dibinden bafllayan tüm
toprak alanlar ana kaya bulununcaya dek kaz›lm›fl;
topra¤› elenerek elden geçirilmifltir. Bu alan›n yan› s›ra
kaz›s› 2002 de bafllayan ve bitirilememifl halde b›rak›lan sarn›ç kaz›s› da sürdürülmüfltür.
Sarn›c›n üzerini kaplayan ve büyük ço¤unlu¤u sa¤lam
veya ufalanm›fl konglomera bloklar›ndan oluflan örtüye
ait sa¤lam bloklar 2003 kaz› mevsiminde sa¤lamlar›
do¤u uçta istiflenerek topra¤›n daha rahat kaz›lmas›
yoluna gidilmifltir. Ancak bat› uca do¤ru yaklaflt›kça
beklenilen rampa veya merdivenin ortaya ç›kmay›fl›, sarn›ç içindeki topra¤›n d›flar› ç›kar›lmas›n› güçlefltirmifltir.
Alan›n daralmas› ve fazla iflçi çal›flt›r›lamayacak duruma
Res. 2 Mermer heykel parças› /
Fig. 2 Fragment of a marble statue
gelinmesi üzerine makara sistemi kurulmufl ve toprak
bu flekilde boflalt›labilmifltir. Merdiven veya rampa bekledi¤imiz sarn›c›n bitimi ilginç bir flekilde apsidal
görünüm kazanm›fl ve taban seviyesine ulafl›ld›¤›nda
bu apsidal k›sm›n, daire planl› daha erken bir sarn›ç
oldu¤u anlafl›lm›flt›r. Kaz›n›n sonuna yaklafl›ld›¤› esnada
ortaya ç›kan bu geliflme üzerine sarn›ç kaz›s› bat›daki
daha derin sarn›c›n da temizlenebilmesi için 2004’e
ertelenmifltir. At›lan veya akarak gelen baz› eserleri bulabilmek amac›yla bafllat›lan sarn›ç kaz›s› umutlar›m›z›
bofla ç›karm›flt›r. Buradan kaz› envanterine girebilecek
eser say›s› on kadard›r. Bunlardan en ilginçleri minyatür bir ion bafll›¤› parças›, mermer bir el parças›, mermerden bir kad›n heykelci¤inin kalça k›sm›, bomos
parçalar› ile kemik ve birkaç bronz objedir.
end, in order to facilitate the excavation work. However,
as we proceeded towards the western end, the expected ramp or staircase did not appear, rendering the
extraction of the filling debris from the cistern difficult.
As the area became narrower, we could not accommodate many workers, and we had to erect a pulley
system to extract the earth filling. Curiously enough,
where we expected to find a rampart or staircase, the
cistern assumed an apsidal form and when we reached
the floor level it was understood that this apsidal part of
the cistern had belonged originally to a circular cistern
of an earlier date. As at this point, we had almost
reached the end of the season’s campaign and the
excavation of the rest of the cistern was postponed to
the 2004 season so that the nearby cistern could also
be cleaned. Our hope of recovering objects thrown,
fallen or dropped into the cistern was partially fulfilled.
There are ten items worth recording in our inventory.
Among the most interesting are: a miniature Ionic
capital fragment, a marble hand fragment, the hip of a
marble female figurine, bomos fragments, and bronze
and bone objects. Excavations carried out to the northwest, north and northeast of the Helios Temple yielded
finds parallel to those from the 2002 season.
Helios Tap›na¤›’n›n kuzey, kuzey-do¤u ve kuzey bat›s›ndaki alanlarda gerçeklefltirilen kaz›lar 2002’den
farkl› bir durumu yans›tmamaktad›r. Genel olarak
mimariyi; sa¤lam kaya bulundu¤unda kayan›n t›rafllanmas› ile elde edilen mekânlar kaplamakta, bozuk
yüzeyli alanlar ise ya dolgu toprakla düzlefltirilmekte
veya verev yollarla bölünerek üst seviyedeki ev veya
mezarlara gidifl-gelifli sa¤layan darac›k sokaklarla
bölünmektedir. Sa¤lam kayadan oyulma mekânlar›n
iç bölünmeleri e¤er kaya yüksekli¤i elveriyorsa yerli
kayadan duvar gibi bafllamakta, üst k›sm› çamur harçl›
kaba iflçilikli duvarlarla bölünmekte; e¤er yerli kaya
buna elvermiyorsa zemin üzerine yine çamur harçl›
The architecture in general comprises areas that were
hewn out from the rock wherever possible, where this
was physically impossible, the land was either filled in
or was divided by diagonal narrow streets, in order to
Res. 3 Afrodite kabartmas› /
Res. 4 Bronz Eros Figürini /
Fig. 3 Relief of Aphrodite
Fig. 4 Bronze Figurine of Eros
kaba duvarlarla bölmeler yap›lmaktad›r. 2002 raporunda
da vurgulad›¤›m›z gibi M.Ö. 1. yy.’a kadar kullan›lan
bu alan uzun süre ev veya mezar yeri olarak kullan›m
görmemifl ancak M.S. 2. yy.’›n ortalar›ndan sonra
yo¤un bir flekilde kullan›l›r olmufltur. 2002 de ulaflt›¤›m›z bu sonucu, 2003 y›l› buluntular› da tamam›yla
desteklemektedir. Evlerin büyük ço¤unlu¤unun iki veya
daha çok katl› olduklar› kesindir. Bunu da, tamam› yerli
kayadan oyularak meydana getirilmifl odalar›n özellikle kuzey yan duvar yüzlerindeki hat›l delikleri kan›tlamaktad›r. Lofl veya karanl›k olduklar› kesin olan bu alt
kat odalar› büyük ölçüde kiler olarak kullan›lm›flt›r.
Kaplad›¤› alan genifl olan ve önünde gezilebilecek
miktarda avluya benzer yeri bulunanlarda ise alt katlar
ya ah›r olarak de¤erlendirilmifl veya kiler ifllevinin yan›
s›ra basit ifllik yeri olarak hizmet vermifltir. Ele geçen
kirmen bafllar› ve dokuma a¤›rl›klar› bunun kan›tlar›d›r.
Bulunan metal eyer veya koflum tak›m› elemanlar› ise
ev sahibinin hayvan› olup olmad›¤›n› göstermektedir.
240 y›l› depreminden sonra, yamaçtaki bu yerleflim
alanlar›nda yo¤unlu¤un artmas›n› buluntular da teyit
etmektedir. Büyük olas›l›kla deprem sonras› tekrar
yamaçtaki sa¤lam zeminli alana göç edenler, evlerindeki kaliteli ve korunagelmifl malzemeleri de beraberlerinde yukar›ya tafl›m›fllard›r.
facilitate access to the houses or tombs on the upper
levels. The rooms hewn from the bedrock are further
divided, cutting the bedrock where possible like a wall
and then continuing it as a rough stone wall cemented
by a mud mortar. If this method was impractical due to
the abcence of rock, then the inner partitions are made
from rough stone walls and a mud mortar. As mentioned in our report for 2002, this area was in use until
the 1st century BC but then was not used for housing or
as a cemetery for a long time. Only after the middle of
the 2nd century AD was this area used extensively. This
conclusion obtained in 2002 was further verified by
our finds in 2003. Most of the houses were certainly of
two or more stories, evidence for which comes from
the timber beam holes in the northern walls cut into the
rock. These ground floor rooms were certainly dark
and gloomy and were clearly used as cellars and storerooms. Houses covering a wider area certainly had an
area in front that served as a courtyard, with the ground
floors serving as either stables or cellars and sometimes
as simple work-areas. The spindle heads and loom
weights that have been recovered are evidence of
this, as are the finds of metal saddle and horse harness
elements that show if the owner had animals or not.
Following the earthquake of 240 AD, the density of
settlement on the slopes increased as is shown by the
finds. It is likely that the inhabitants moved back up to
their stronger houses on the slopes and brought with
them those quality materials that had survived this