TV. D. Nethersole. Edwd. Barron: John Davidson. W. O. Dickinson. i


TV. D. Nethersole. Edwd. Barron: John Davidson. W. O. Dickinson. i
OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned, William
Dickenson Netbersole and Edward Barron, of Essex-street, in
the Strand, in the county of Middlesex, Attorneys and
Solicitors, was this day dissolved by mutual consent.—
Dated this 25th day of March 1840.
TV. D. Nethersole.
Edwd. Barron:
HEREAS the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Christopher Thompson
and Simon Thompson, of Little Bolton, in the county of
Lancaster, carrying on business as Grocers and ProvisionDealers, is this day dissolved by mutual consent; and that all
debts due and owing to and from the said concern, will be
received and paid by the said Christopher Thompson, by
whom the business will in future be carried oa : As witness
our hands this 18th day of March 1840.
OTICE is lierebv given, that the Partnership subsisting
Christopher Thompson.
and carried on by .us the undersigned, John Davidson
Simon Thompson.
and William Ogle Dickinson, as Manufacturers of, and Dealers
in, Tobacco and Snuff, under the firm of John Davidson, at
OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership lately
. the Head of the Side, in the borough and county of Newcastlebetween us the undersigned, James
npon-Tyne, was dissolved on and from the 1st day of June Collinge,subsisting
John Lancashire, and Philip Novelli, carrying on
last.—Dated this 19th day of March 1840.
business at Old ham and Manchester, in the county of LanJohn Davidson.
caster, as Cotton-Spinners and Manufacturers, under the firm
W. O. Dickinson.
of Collinge and Lancashire, and as Coal-Miners, under the
firm of James Collinge and Company, expired on the 1st day of
OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership lately March instant, by effluxion of time, so far as respects the said
carried on by us the undersigned, Benjamin Brown and Philip Novelli: As witness our hands the 24th of March 1840.
John Midgley, as Road Contractors, at Hanslet, in the parish
James Collinge.
of Leeds, in the county of York, under the firm of Brown and
John Lancashire.
Midgley, was dissolved, by mutual consent, on the 19th day of
P. Novelli.
March instant. All persons indebted to the said partnership
are requested to pay the amount of their debts unto the said
John Midglay ; and all persons having any claim on the partOTICE is hereby given, that all Partnership concerns,
nership account are requested to apply for payment unto the
lately subsisting between the undersigned^ Richard.
said John Midgley, who'is authorised to receive and liquidate Bealey, Jehn Wilson Hawksworth, and Joshua Moss, as
all claims and demands : As witness our hands this 24th day Merchants or otherwise, conducted and carried on at Sheffield,,
in the county of York, or elsewhere, in the 6rm of Bealey^
of March 1840.
Benjamin Brown.
Hawksworth, and Moss, were this day dissolved by mutual
John Midgley.
consent; and that all debts due to and owing by the said late
will be received and paid by the said John
OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between u's the undersigned, lately Wilson Hawksworth and Joshua Moss.—Dated this 23d day
Richard Bealey.
carrying on business in Manchester and in Salford, botli in the of March 1840."
coumy of Lancaster, and in Blue Boar-court, Friday-street,
Jno. W. tiawksworth*
in the city of London, as Merchants and Stuff-Manufactnrers,
Joshua Moss.
•under the firm of S. A. Bntterworth and Co. was dissolved on
the 31st day of January last, by mutual consent and i n - d u e
form of law, so far as respects the undersigned John Keighley,
•who -retires from the said firm. All debts owing to or by the
F the Relations or Next of Kin of Aga Ahmet Chioglu,.
said 'late partnership concern will be received and paid by i.he
who visited Constantinople temporarily, and there died ot
undersigned Sydney Aquila Butterwortli and Jabez Butter- the plague, in the month of September 1837, will apply to Mr..
vorth : As witness our hands this 26th day of February 1840.
Charles Bowdler, of Doctors'-commons, London, they may
Sydney Aquila BuUerworth. hear of something to their advantage.
Jabez Butterworth.
John Keighley.
TVJ"OTlf'E is hereby jciren, that the Partnership lieretoj_l| fore subsisting between us the undersigned, John
Turner the younger, Jacob Stower, Robert Wullis, William
IMead, and William Wallis, carrying on the trades or business
of Foreign Timber, Slate, Brick, Tile, Coal, Culm, and Corn
Merchants, at Lang-port, Thorney, Newport, and elsewhere, in
the county of Somerset, was this day dissolved by mutual
consent: As witness our hands this 25th day of March 1840.
LL persons having any claim or demand on the estate of
the late Alderman Wright, of Charterhouse-lane, and of
Philip-street, Kingsland-road, Middlesex, Smith, deceased, are
requested forthwith to send the particulars of their Accounts toMessrs!. Robinson, Hine, and Robinson, of Charterhousesquare, Solicitors to the Executrix, in order that the same may. '
(if correct) be discharged.
LL persons having any claim or demand on the estate of
the late Mrs. Sarah Wright, of Philip-street, Kingslandroad, Middlesex, Widow, deceased, are requested forthwith UKsend in the particulars of their accounts to Messrs. Robinson, '
Hine, and Robinson, of Charterhouse-square, Solicitors to
the Executrix, in order that the same may (if correct) be
TVTOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership exJ_ ll isting between us the' undersigned, William Moorman
LL persons indebted to the estate of Robert Harris, late
the younger and William Smith Mounsteven, as Surgeons
of the Cathedral-yard, in the city of Exeter, Gentleman,
and Apothecaries, carrying on trade or business at the parish deceased, are requested to pay their respective debts to William
of Saint Columb-Major, in, the county ot Cornwall, under the Langiion, of Crediten, in the county of Devon, Attorney at
firm of Moorman and Mounsteven, was this day dissolved by Law, forthwith; and all persons to whom the said Robert
mutual consent, as and from the 25th day of this instant Harris stood indebted, at.the time of his decease, are requested
nionth of March ; and that all debts owing to the said part- to send in their accounts to the said William Langdon forthnership are to be received by the said William Moorman and with, that the same may be examined and discharged.—Dated
the said William Smith Mounsteven ; and all persons to whom Crediton, 25th March 1840.
the said partnership may stand indebted are requested ImmeNow ready, in one volume 8vo, price 12s.,' bound,
diately to send in their respective the said William
Moorman and to the said William Smith Mounsteven, in
HE New Annual Army List for 1840, containing a sketch
order that the same may be examined and paid.—Dated
of the services of most of the officers in the army, corthe -21st day of March 1840.
rected up to 7th February 1840, with an Index.—By LieuU.
Wm. Moorman', jun.
Hart, 49th Regiment.
JOHN MURRAY., Albemarle-street.
John, Turner, jun.
Jacob Stower.
Robert Wallis.
Wm. Mead.
Wm. Wallis.