Academic CV (link is external)


Academic CV (link is external)
Curriculum Vitae of Öncü HAZIR
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Contact Info:
TED University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Department of Business Administration
Ziya Gökalp Caddesi No.48
06420, Kolej Çankaya
Ankara, Turkey
Phone: (90) 312- 585 00 36
Fax: (90) 312- 418 41 48
Personal Information:
Date of birth
: 1977
Place of birth
: Mugla, Turkey
: Turkish
Education Background:
2002- 2008
Bilkent University- Faculty of Business Administration, Ankara, TURKEY
Ph. D., Operations Management , GPA: 3.6 / 4, High Honor
2006: Mar-June :
Student Exchange Program, The Technion, Israel Instute of Technology
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management.
Supervisor: Prof. Avraham Shtub
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY
Master of Business Administration GPA: 3.13 / 4 Honor
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY
B.S., Industrial Engineering GPA: 3.10 / 4 Honor
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY
Finance Minor Program GPA: 3.00 / 4 Honor
Ankara Science College, Ankara, TURKEY
Professional Background:
October 2013 -
: Associate Professor, TED University, Ankara, TURKEY
Oct 2012- Sept 2013
: Assistant Professor, TED University, Ankara, TURKEY
June 2010-May 2012
: Post - Doctorate Researcher on Assembly Line Balancing
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France
Oct 2008-Feb 2010
: Post - Doctorate Researcher on Just in Time Scheduling, Laboratoire
d'Informatique de Paris 6, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris,
: Cankaya University, Ankara, TURKEY
Teaching Assistant at Industrial Engineering Department
1999 - 2001
Curriculum Vitae of Öncü HAZIR
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Language Skills:
Upper Intermediate
Upper Intermediate
Computer Skills:
C Programming Language, CPLEX Optimization Software, Ms. Project
Articles in SCI and SSCI Journals:
Hazir Ö, Gunalay Y., Erel E., 2008, Customer order scheduling problem: a comparative
metaheuristics study, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 37: 589598. (Citations: Web of Science:12, Google Scholar:17)
Berk E, Toy A.O., Hazir O., 2008, Single Item Lot Sizing Problem for a Warm/Cold Process
with Immediate Lost Sales, European Journal of Operational Research, 187: 3, 1251-1267.
(Citations: Web of Science:7, Gogle Scholar:12)
Hazır Ö, Haouari M., Erel E, 2010, Discrete Time/Cost Trade-off Problem: A Decomposition
Based Solution Algorithm for the Boudget Version, Computers & Operations Research, 37,
649-655. (Citations: Web of Science:10, Google Scholar:27)
Hazır Ö, Haouari M, Erel, E, 2010, Robustness Measures and a Scheduling Algorithm for
Discrete Time/Cost Trade-off Problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 207: 633–
643. (Citations: Web of Science:10, Google Scholar:33)
Hazır Ö, Erel, E., Günalay Y., 2011, Robust Optimization Models for the Discrete Time/Cost
Trade-off Problem, International Journal of Production Economics, 130, 87-95. (Citations: Web
of Science:6, Google Scholar:15)
Hazır Ö., Shtub A., 2011, Effects of the Information Presentation Format on Project Control,
Journal of Operational Research Society, 62, 2157-2161. (Citations: Web of Science:2, Google
Chrétienne P., Hazır Ö., Kedad-Sidhoum S., 2011, Integrated Batch Sizing and Scheduling on
a Single Machine, Journal of Scheduling, 14:6, 541-555. (Citations: Web of Science:3, Google
Hazır Ö., Schmidt K. 2013, An Integrated Scheduling and Control Model for Multi-Mode
Projects” Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 25 (1-2), 230-254. (Citations: Web of
Science:-, Google Scholar:7)
Gurevsky E., Hazır Ö., Bataia Olga, Dolgui A. 2013. Robust balancing of simple assembly
lines with interval task processing times, Journal of Operational Research Society, 64, 1607–
1613. (Citations: Web of Science:-, Google Scholar:6)
Hazır Ö., Dolgui A., 2013, Assembly Line Balancing under Uncertainty: Robust Optimization
Models and an Exact Solution Method, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65:2,261-267.
(Citations: Web of Science:4, Google Scholar:9)
Hazır Ö., Kedad-Sidhoum S., 2014, “Batch Sizing and Just-In-Time Scheduling with Common
Due Date”, Annals of Operations Research, 123:1, 187-202. (Citations: Web of Science:1,
Google Scholar:4)
Curriculum Vitae of Öncü HAZIR
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Hazır, Ö., 2015, "A review of analytical models, approaches and decision support tools in project
monitoring and control," International Journal of Project Management, 33,808-815.
Hazır Ö., Dolgui A. “A Decomposition Based Solution Algorithm for U-Type Assembly Line
Balancing with Interval Data,” Computers & Operations Research, 59, 126-131.
Articles Submitted for Publication:
K. W. Schmidt, Hazır Ö, U. Eryılmaz. Modeling and Exact Solution of an Optimal Control
Problem for Project Control, submitted to Applied Mathematical Modelling.
Hazır Ö, Eryılmaz U, Hafızoğlu M, Project Management: Analytical Approaches (in Turkish),
212 pages; ANKARA, Project Management Institute (PMI) Turkey, 2014, ISBN: 978-60565017-0-8.
Book Chapters
Hazır Ö, A. Dolgui; Robust Assembly Line Balancing: State of the Art and New Research
Perspectives in Sequencing and Scheduling with Inaccurate Data; (Edited by Yuri N. Sotskov,
Frank Werner).chp.9; Nova Science Publishers; 2014.
Hazır Ö, M. Haouari, E. Erel; “Robust Optimization for the Discrete Time-Cost Tradeoff
Problem with Cost Uncertainty” in Handbook on Project Management and Scheduling; (Edited
by Christoph Schwindt and Jurgen Zimmermann).chp.47; Springer, 2015.
Ph.D. Research:
“Models and Algorithms for Deterministic and Robust Discrete Time/Cost Trade-Off
Dissertation Committee: Prof. Erdal Erel, Prof. Mohamed Haouari, Prof. İhsan Sabuncuoğlu.
Research Projects
Hazır Ö., Schmidt K.W. " Development of a Framework for Decision Support in Industrial
Projects Scheduling, Control and Software Support ", TUBITAK SOBAG 1001 Research
Support- Project Leader, 15/10/13-15/10/15
Refereed International Conference Proceedings:
Hazır Ö., Erel, E., Günalay Y.,. Discrete Time–Cost Tradeoff Problem: Accelerated Benders
Decomposition Approach, Proceedings of 14th International Annual EUROMA Conference,
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, June 17-20, 2008.
Hazır Ö., Erel, E., Günalay, Y., Robust Optimization Models for the Discrete Time/Cost Tradeoff
Problem, Proceedings of 11th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling,
Bogaziçi University; 123-126, İstanbul, Turkey, April, 2008,.
Hazır Ö., Erel, E., Haouari M., “Robustness Measures and a Scheduling Algorithm for Discrete
Time/Cost Tradeoff Problem”, Proceedings of 11 International Workshop on Project
Management and Scheduling; 119-122, Bogaziçi University, İstanbul, Turkey, April, 2008,.
Hazır Ö., Kedad-Sidhoum S. An Integrated Approach for Lot-Streaming and Just-in-Time
Scheduling, 10ème Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la
Curriculum Vitae of Öncü HAZIR
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Décision, ROADEF, 259-260, Nancy, France, 10-12 February 2009.
Hazır Ö., Kedad-Sidhoum S., Chrétienne P., Batching and Scheduling with Tardiness
Penalties, Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications
(MISTA), 291-300; Dublin, Ireland, 10-13 August 2009.
Hazır Ö., Kedad-Sidhoum S., Découpage et ordonnancement juste-à-temps de lots de
production. In 11ème Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à
la Décision, ROADEF, Toulouse, France, 24-26 February 2010.
Hazır Ö., Kedad-Sidhoum S. Lot-streaming and just-in-time scheduling on a single machine
with a common due-date. In 12th International Workshop on Project Management and
Scheduling, , Tours, France, 26-28 April 2010, 227-230.
Gurevsky E., Hazır Ö., Dolgui A. Équilibrage robuste flexible de SALBP-1 avec les données
incertaines. Résumés du 12e Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Recherche
Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), Saint-Étienne, France, 2–4 March, 2011.
Hazır Ö, A. Dolgui. Simple assembly line balancing under uncertainty: a robust approach”,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems
Management (IESM’2011), 87-92, Metz, France, May 25-27, 2011.
Hazır Ö, A. Dolgui. An Exact Solution Algorithm for Balancing Simple U-Type Assembly”,
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Production Research (ICPR-21), D. Spath,
R. Ilg, T. Krause (Eds.), CD-ROM, section Assembly, 4 pages, , Stuttgart, Germany, 31 July-4
August, 2011.
Hazır Ö, A. Dolgui. Robust U-Type Assembly Line Balancing Problem: A Decomposition
Based Approximate Solution Algorithm, Preprints of the 17th International Working Seminar
on Production Economics, 225-230, Innsbruck, Austria, February 20-24, 2012.
Hazır Ö., S. Kedad-Sidhoum, Batch Sizing and Just-In-Time Scheduling: Analysis of Some
Special Cases, in the proceedings of Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling:
Theory and Applications (MISTA 2013); 757-761, Gent, Belgium, 26 - 30 August 2013.
U. Eryılmaz, Hazır Ö, K. W. Schmidt, A Multi-Criteria Approach for Ranking Schedules for
Multi-Mode Projects, 14th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling,
80- 83, Munich, Germany, 30 March-2 April 2014.
Hazır Ö, K. W. Schmidt, U. Eryılmaz, An optimization model to coordinate scheduling and
controlling in projects: Case with instantaneous control constraints, in: OPT-i, An
International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization, 230–254, Kos
Island, Greece, 4-6 June 2014.
Hazır Ö, X. Delorme, A. Dolgui. A Survey on Cost and Profit Oriented Assembly Line
Balancing. Preprints of the 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic
Control, 6159-6167, Cape Town, South Africa, 24-29 August 2014.
Scientific Awards
Prof. Dr. Orhan Karacadağ Award for Scientific Achievement (2007).
• It is awarded to a Bilkent FBA graduate student who had a paper accepted within the
past 24 months. The award committee considers the significance of the scientific
achievement as well as the prestige of the paper.
Curriculum Vitae of Öncü HAZIR
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Refereeing for Scholarly and Professional Journals
Annals of Operations Research (SCI)
Applied Mathematics and Computation (SCI)
Computers & Industrial Engineering (SCI)
Computers & Operations Research (SCI)
European Journal of Industrial Engineering (SCI)
Expert Systems with Applications (SCI)
IIE Transactions (SCI)
International Journal of Production Research (SCI)
International Journal of Project Management (SCI)
Journal of Manufacturing Systems (SCI)
Journal of the Operational Research Society (SCI)
Journal of Scheduling (SCI)
Omega, The International Journal of Management Science(SCI)
Optimization Letters (SCI)
Teaching Experience
Engineering Statistics (2007 Cankaya University)
Statistical Quality Planning Techniques (2007 Cankaya University)
Facilities Design and Location (2010 Cankaya University)
Production Planning and Scheduling (2010 Cankaya University, Graduate Level)
Management Science (2014-2015 TED University)
Project Management (2014-2015 TED University, Graduate Level)
Administrative Responsibilities
Co-director of the TED University Engineering Management Master Program

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