Özgeçmişim - Mersin Üniversitesi


Özgeçmişim - Mersin Üniversitesi
Asst. Prof. of Operations & Supply Chain Management
Mersin University
Department of Business Administration
Ciftlikkoy Campus
Mersin, TURKEY
E-mail: endergurgen@gmail.com
Phone (W): +90 324 3610001 ext.5308
Mobil: +90 533 471 2233
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, NY U.S.A.
Ph.D. in Engineering Science Department, 08/2003.
Measuring productivity and efficiency of the US electric power generating companies.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, NY U.S.A.
Master of Engineering, Industrial Engineering, 08/2003
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Richmond, VA U.S.A.
Master of Science in Business School, 07/1997
Concentration on decision making process
Hacettepe University (HU), Ankara, Turkey
B.S. in Business Administration, 06/1993
Final project on “increasing productivity of a government own manufacturing plant
production system”
Teaching Experience
 Mersin University, Mersin, TURKEY 12/2003 - Present
o Logistics and Supply Chain Management
o Introduction to Business Administration
o Production and Operations Management (Undergraduate and Graduate Levels)
 Tarsus American College,Tarsus/MERSİN TURKEY 09/2006-06/2009 and 09/2011-Present
o Business & Management (International Baccalaureate Program)
 Berufsakademie Ravensburg, Germany, ERASMUS Teaching Staff Mobility 15-17 09,2009
Work Experience:
 Mersin University, Mersin Turkey 12/2005 – Present
Director of Career Development Center
 Turkish Bank Mersin Branch, Mersin, Turkey 08/93-05/1994
Information Systems & Accounting Departments
 Ortaanadolu Telecommunications , Ankara, Turkey 06/1989-07/1993
Sales representative
 Supply Chain and Logistics Management
 Operations Management
 Operations Research
 Gurgen, E and Tag, M.N. (2012). “How Do Health Care Providers Select Their Suppliers.”
(In English). Managing the Future Supply Chain: Current Concepts and Solutions for
Reliability and Robustness, Eds. Wolfgang Kersten, Thorsten Blecker and Christian M.
Ringle. Germany., pp. 327-342. ISBN: 978-3-8441-0180-5.
 Gürgen, E. ve Uysal Özcan, A. (2012). “Trends in Logistics (In Turkish).” Introduction to
Logistics, Ed. Erman Coşkun. Atatürk University Distance Learning Publications.
 Gürgen, E, (2010). “Logistics Planning and Modeling (in Turkish)”. Mersin Lojistik
Profesyonelleri. Mersin Deniz Ticaret Odası ve Mersin Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası Eğitim
Programı Kitabı
 Şahin, A. ve Gürgen E. (2009),”Distribution Strategies and Global Logistics (in Turkish)
Küresel Pazarlarda Dağıtım Stratejileri ve Küresel Lojistik”. Stratejik Küresel Pazarlama,
eds. Necdet Timur ve Alparslan Özmen, Eflatun Yayınevi, Ankara ISBN: 978-605-4160-31-0
 Yılgör, A.G., ve Gürgen,E. (2006) “Kurt-und Langfristige Bewertung Der Performance Von
Firmenfusionen, Feindlichen end Freundlichen Übernahmen: Eine Betrachtung Der
Türkei” Mergers&Acquisitions in Emerging Markets-Eeispiel Türkei, eds. Helmut
Pernsteiner and Haluk Sümer, Johannes-Kepler-Universitat Linz,. ISBN 3-85487-920-2
 Gürgen, E, (2006) “Regulatory Effect on Efficiency and Efficiency Measurements of Power
Generating Companies: A Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Application”. Osmangazi
Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi. v.1.
 Gürgen, E, Norsworthy, J.R. (Fall 2004-2005) “Productivity Performances of The U.S.
Electric Power Generating Companies”, Review of Social, Economic and Business Studies,
v. 5/6, p 121-147
 Barnette, G.S., Gürgen, E, and Norsworthy, J.R. February 2004, “Electric Utility
Competition and Total Factor Productivity.” Research Journal of Business Disciplines, v.
10, pp. 1-11.
Tağ, M.N. and Gürgen, E. “Relationship between supplier selection criteria and hospital
performance. An Exploratory Study.” Presented and Published in the Proceedings of
the10th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, Kemerburgaz University,
Istanbul, Turkey Nov. 2012.
Gürgen, E. And Tağ, M.N. “How do healthcare providers select their suppliers? An
exploratory study.” Hamburg International Conference of Logistics, Germany. Presented
and Published in a book chapter of Managing the Future Supply Chain, eds. Kersten,
Blecker and Ringle. Sep. 13-14,2012
Gürgen, E. “Service Quality at the seaports: An application of quality function deployment
to Merain International Port.” Presented and Published in the Proceedings of the 8th
International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, Maltepe University, İstanbul, TURKEY,
4-5 Nov.2010
Şahin, A., Gürgen,E. “The Effects of Logistics Sector in the Regional Development
Strategies of Mersin”, Presented and Published in the Proceedings of the 5th International
Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, Okan University, November 8-9, 2007,İstanbul,
Şahin, A., Gürgen, E., “Functions of Business-to-Business E-Marketplaces in Supply Chain
Management and Turkey Perspective”, Presented and Published in the Proceedings of
the 4th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, İzmir University of Economics,
November 29-30 , December 01 2006. İzmir, TURKEY
Yılgör, A.G. ve Gürgen, E., “Evaluations of performans measures of Corporate Mergers &
Acquisitions.:An Analysis of Turkey between 1996-2003 (In Turkish). VIII. National Finance
Conference, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 27-28 October 2004, Istanbul/Turkey.
Özyılmaz, A., Gürgen, E. ve Yavuz, V.A., “ A successful distance learning structure:
Rensselaer Satellite Video Program (RSVP) Example, ÖYP-YUUP Distance Education
Workshop Mersin University, 30 April 2004, Mersin TURKEY.
Gurgen, E. and Norsworthy, J.R. “The Effects of Regulatory Intervention on Efficiency and
Productivity of Electric Power Companies” EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting,
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey July 6-10, 2003.
Gurgen, E. and Norsworthy, J.R. “DEA and TFP Efficiencies and Stock Market Performance
in Large U.S. Investor-Owned Electric Utilities.” Poster presentation, North American
Productivity Workshop II (NAPW), Union College, Schenectady, NY, June 2002.
Gurgen, E. and Norsworthy, J.R “ Efficiency and stock market performances in electric
power generating companies.” IEEE - Engineering Management Society, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY USA, October 7-9,2001.
European Journal of Operational Research Special Issue 2004
 Full Scholarship for masters and Ph.D. education in the U.S., awarded by Ministry of
National Education of the Republic of Turkey.
 The best poster presentations award, North American Productivity Workshop II (NAPW
II), Union College, Schenectady, NY, June 2002.

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CURRICULUM VITAE SURNAME, NAME : KALAYCIOĞLU, H. Sibel for and Endorsement of Intrafamily Abuse in Turkey” ESA 4th European Conference of Sociology, August, Amsterdam. Kalaycıoğlu, S.; Rittersberger-Tılıç, H. (2000); “Upward, Downward Mobility and Self...
