Folder Turkey 2013.indd


Folder Turkey 2013.indd
19 8 9
Copyright © noi institute
Medical and therapeutic post-graduate education
all over Germany
d e in G er
Kursların tamamı Türkiye´de çalı an fizyoterapistlerin taleplerine göre tasarlanmı tır ve çoğunlukla
pratik eğitim içerir.
FiHH in Antalya, Turkey
in Cooperation with
DY Pro jects
Manual lymphatic drainage
Compact course
Manual lymphatic drainage is an effective technique to reduce edemas. It is
applied not only on lymphedemas after
lymph node dissection but also on posttraumatic and post-operative edemas
and haematomas. In those cases manual
lymphatic drainage is an important therapeutic tool used in addition to all different
kind of physiotherapy.
Copyright © Lymphologic
Description and Aim of the Course:
• to understand the essential function of the lymphatic transport system
and the development of edemas
• to estimate the relation between
reduction of edema and the physiotherapeutic aims as reduction of pain
and the larger range of movement
• to get to know distinct strokes of the
manual lymphatic drainage to activate
and support the own activity of the
lymph vessels
The result after three days of combined
physical decongestive therapy
• to compose a treatment according to
the findings and realize an immediate
• lymphatic compressive bandaging
• documentation of the results
This three days course is an introduction to the complete intensive course
of Combined Physical Decongestive Therapy based on Vodder, Foeldi and
others. The three days are part of the complete course and can be credited.
Prerequisites: basic knowledge of anatomy
Target Group: Only physiotherapists
Antalya or Istanbul, Turkey
Saturday 28th – Monday 30th March 2014
Instructor: Yvonne Eschke, physiotherapist
Maximum number of participants: 20
Distribution between theory and practice: 20% / 80%
Course language: English
Course fee:
International valid certificate
Including course hand outs in English
€ 360
Introduction to Visceral Osteopathy
Digestion, Immune Response, Posture
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from a
innovative osteopath from Germany!
Peter Wuehrl, DO, coauthor of recently published Visceral Osteopathy: The Peritoneal
Organs, will present a 3 day course.
Their manual, palpatory approach looks at
activity within the organ, its digestive and immunological function as well as its contribution
Copyright ©Peter Wührl
to posture. Intravisceral properties of elasticity,
stability, movement, volume, form, position and activity will be explored
as presented in the new book Visceral Osteopathy; the Peritoneal Organs,
Topics Covered: Organ characteristics and palpable qualities: gaining a full
appreciation of the osteopathic function of viscera; presence of inner
space in posture, volume, elasticity, intra-visceral biodynamic. The
importance of inner space in being upright; looking at the relationship
of posture and inner volumes (lungs, abdomen); being upright and the
development of language; inner body and the development of a therapeutic relationship. Small Intestines as prototype for hollow organs.
Target Group: Only physiotherapists
Course dates for Istanbul or Antalya, Turkey
03rd – 05th April 2014 (Thursday-Saturday)
– During EXPO MED Istanbul –
Thursday and Friday: 10am – 6pm, Saturday 10am-2pm
Instructor: Peter Wührl, D.O. runs a Center for Integrative Therapy in
Hamburg. He has published on a wide range of clinical and conceptual topics in osteopathy. Peter runs the training program “Working
with the Inner Body” with classes in Germany, Switzerland and North
America, and he is currently creating “form.function.psyche”, a course
system and teacher collective based on an integrated osteopathic approach.
Maximum number of participants: 24 (or 36 with an assistance)
Course language: English
International valid certificate
Course fee
Including course hand outs
360,– EUR or 950,– TRY
Marketing for medical staff and institutions
4 hours Compact Course
Description and Aim of the Course:
Copyright © Christian Westendorf
This marketing course is specifically designed for
institutions and medical therapeutic staff.
In books you can read many different explana- tions
of the term „marketing”. One of the reasons is that
marketing has changed considerably over the years.
lt is probably right to define marketing as advertising and as gearing your practice / clinic towards the
Marketing is very important nowadays for practices and clinics.
Course content
• Definition of marketing
• An overview of marketing topics
• The most important topics for marketing for physiotherapists / for the
clinic / for your practice
• The goals of marketing
• Ideas and specific examples for your individual marketing in the practice or clinic
The course shows you practical marketing techniques and a checklist.
At the end of the course you will be equipped with specific examples
that you can implement straight away; for example: communicating key
functions such as opening times, invoicing, length of treatment or type
of therapy.
Over the course of the day you are likely to come across areas you are
already doing marketing in. In this case, the course content will help you to
use your knowledge in a more targeted way and to improve it.
Only very few physiotherapy practices do any active marketing. As a result,
you will soon stand out from the competition. Use this advantage.
Marketing is fun and provides the basis for longterm success.
Istanbul, Turkey
Saturday 5th April 2014
– During EXPO MED Istanbul –
2.30 pm – 6.30 pm
Instructor: Christian Westendorf, Bachelor of business administration,
Marketing Author, CEO medical training centre, and board member of
German Federal Association of medical training centers, Germany
Distribution between theory and practice:
75% / 25%
Course fee: for 0,5 day/4 hours and participant :
70 EUR or 175 TRY
Modern Orthopaedic Medicine
Modern Orthopaedic Medicine Compact course
Description and Aim of the Course:
Clinical reasoning and treatment in
orthopaedic medicine applied to the
lumbar, sacroiliac and buttock area
This course gives you a detailed insight
in the objective clinical reasoning process, based on reliable scientific input,
that allows us to reach a diagnosis, as reliable and as useful as possible,
in order to start a controlled efficient treatment plan by using active
treatment modalities and selftreatment modalities.
The differential diagnosis with sacroiliac and hip problems will be
discussed too.
Optimize your diagnostic and treatment skills and discover the interactions/compatibility between different methods and thus increase the
efficiency in daily practice.
Steven De Coninck, MSc PT, chair of the European Teaching Group of Orthopaedic Medicine and international
lecturer, author of different books and film productions
on modern orthopaedic medicine ; teaching experience in
about 30 countries.
Info: ;
Target Group: Only physiotherapists
Course dates for Antalya or Instanbul/Turkey:
Modul A: 23rd – 25th May 2014 Friday – Sunday
Modul B: 26th – 28th September 2014 Friday – Sunday
Maximum number of participants: 24
Distribution between theory and practice:
A practical patient-orientated course with focus on relevant
functional examination and treatment procedures ; handson procedures are intensively exercised.
Course language: English
An international valid certificate will be given to the
Course fee:
including course hand outs, Back Instruction Card, DVD
and assessment forms
€ 450
Medical and therapeutic post-graduate education
all over Germany
19 8 9
and Informaton
d e in G er
Organisation: DY Pro jects
+90 (505) 588 26 40
Sekreterya: +90 (242) 290 10 90
Kurs yeri/Location: Fizyo|Sport Center
Arapsuyu Mah Atatürk Bul. No71/17
,û%DQNDVÖEURO Hesap No: 0223369
Kursların tamamı Türkiye´de çalı an fizyoterapistlerin taleplerine göre tasarlanmı tır ve çoğunlukla
pratik eğitim içerir.
FiHH in Antalya, Turkey
in Cooperation with
DY Pro jects