Bombus sensu


Bombus sensu
Kuzey Amerika Bombus Arıları (Bombus Sensu Stricto Latreille) Üzerinde Koruma
Planları için Tür Veritabanı ve Tarihsel Dağılım Haritaları Oluşturulması
(Genişletilmiş Türkçe Özet Makalenin Sonunda Verilmiştir)
Jonathan B. KOCH1 and James P. STRANGE1, 2
Department of Biology, Utah State University, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-5305, USA
USDA-ARS Pollinating Insect Research Unit, Utah State University, 261 BNR, Logan, UT 84322-531, USA
Key words: Bombus, range declines, pollinator conservation, species database, species distribution
Anahtar Kelimeler: Bombus, yayılış alanı azalması, tozlaştırıcı koruması, tür veritabanı, tür dağılım
ABSTRACT: Bumblebees (Bombus Latreille 1802) are important native pollinators in North America.
However, in the last decade at least six North American Bombus have experienced significant range
contraction or population declines. A major limitation to studying species declines is the level of
knowledge of historic occurrences and abundance. Here we review the current status of a
bumblebee subgenus in North America, Bombus sensu stricto Latreille 1801, and present a method
for generating a database and probable historic range maps from multiple museum collections.
These databases and range maps can be useful tools when facilitating monitoring programs for at
risk species.
Bumblebees (Bombus Latreille 1802) are valuable
pollinators of wild flowers (reviewed in Milliron
1971, Thorp et al. 1983) and several agricultural
crops such as blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium
Aiton), cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton),
greenhouse tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum
(Dunal) Spooner, G.J. Anderson & R.K. Jansen)
and greenhouse sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum
Latreille) (Banda & Paxton 1991, Shipp et al. 1994,
Javorek et al. 2002, Cane & Schiffauer 2003).
Although many bumblebees are generalist foragers,
several wild flowers depend exclusively on
bumblebees to be pollinated effectively (Macior
1983). In greenhouse settings some bumblebees
are better suited and more efficient than
commercially reared honey bees (Apis mellifera
Linneaeus 1758) in facilitating the fruit-set of
important crops (Banda & Paxton 1991).Thus, the
loss of pollination services provided by bumblebee
fauna may have profound impact on the stability of
ecosystems and economic markets (Allen-Wardell
et al. 1998, Kearns et al. 1998).
To date, several studies have documented range
contractions (Fitzpatrick et al. 2007, Williams et al.
2007, Colla & Packer 2008, Goulson et al. 2008);
population declines (Thorp 2003, Thorp &
Sheppard 2005), decreased community richness
(Tommasi et al. 2004, Colla & Packer 2008, Grixti
et al. 2009) and localized extirpations of bumblebee
fauna (McFrederick & LeBuhn 2006, Kosier et al.
2007). While some studies have identified the
probable cause of bumblebee decline (e.g. Grixti et
al. 2009), others remain speculative (Thorp 2003,
Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi Ağustos 2009 / Uludag Bee Journal August 2009, 9(3): 97-108
Colla & Packer 2008). A review by Goulson et al.
(2008) identifies four prevailing hypotheses
contributing to bumblebee decline: global climate
change, pathogen pressure, urbanization and
agricultural intensification (e.g. Williams 1986, Colla
et al. 2006, McFrederick & LeBuhn 2006,
Otterstatter & Thomson 2008, Williams et al. 2007).
Of the four hypotheses the latter two are the most
intensively documented in both Europe and North
America; however pathogen pressures from
commercially reared congeners is currently
receiving more attention (Colla et al. 2006,
Otterstatter & Thompson 2008).
Worldwide there are approximately 250 species of
bumblebees, of which 50 species occur in North
America (Cameron et al. 2007). These species are
grouped into subgenera based on behavior,
morphology and molecular phylogenies (Stephen
1957, Hobbs 1968, Richards 1968, Milliron 1971,
Thorp et al. 1983, Cameron et al. 2007, Williams et
al. 2008). Of the species occurring in North
America, six species have been identified as
potentially declining in abundance and range
(Thorp 2005, Colla & Packer 2008, Evans et al.
2008, Goulson 2008, Grixti et al. 2009). Four
species belong to the subgenus Bombus sensu
stricto Latreille 1801, whereas the other two
species, Bombus pensylvanicus (Degeer) 1773 and
Bombus sonorous Say 1837 belong to the
subgenus Fervidobombus Skorikov 1922. The
contractions of the species ranges are not restricted
to a single geographic region, but are occurring
across the North American continent. Currently the
causes of localized extirpations of these six
Bombus species are unknown. Here we review the
current status of four North American bumblebee
species of the subgenus Bombus s. str. We do not
include an investigation of the two North American
Fervidobombus species.
The decline of North American bumblebees was
first observed in the early 1990’s (Thorp 2003;
2005, Evans et al. 2008), whereas declines of some
European bumblebees has been observed as early
as the late 1940’s (Williams 1986, Goulson et al.
2008). Although most of the preliminary
observations of species decline were anecdotal,
recent studies in North America have documented
both decreased bumblebee richness and absence
of some species where they were once fairly
abundant (McFrederick & LeBuhn 2006, Colla &
Packer 2008, Grixti et al. 2009). However the full
geographic extent of range contractions of North
American Bombus, particularly those of the
subgenus Bombus s. str. is not well documented.
A major problem confronting conservation biologists
is determining the historic range of a species
experiencing range contractions (Shaffer et al.
1999). This appears to be especially true for insects
since many are sessile, have patchy distributions
across broad geographic scales and display a great
deal of phenological variability.
entomological collections are informative, they
rarely have specimen representation of a species
across its entire geographic range. This is because
insect collectors seldom target a single species, but
rather often focus on collecting a large diversity of
insects. Second, collectors generally survey near
the institution where they deposit their specimens;
and when travelling, they are often limited to
collecting in areas near major transportation
considerable unidentified holdings in their
collections or may have specimens that are
misidentified. Finally, collection data from
determined specimens are usually not incorporated
into searchable databases or may be misidentified
(reviewed in Soberón et al. 2002, Graham et al.
Here we demonstrate a model for generating
probable historic range maps for a species based
on specimens from multiple museum collections.
The maps generated from museum collection data
can be use to inform conservation work. Range
maps generated from species distribution modeling
(SDM) techniques can be more effective than the
traditional shaded-distribution maps (e.g. Milliron
1971) which provide little information on the
probability of finding the species within the
distribution. While there are numerous studies that
apply SDM techniques to compare and contrast
historic and current distribution of species, few
studies actually focus on studying the distributions
of terrestrial invertebrates (but see Oberhauser &
Peterson 2003). SDM techniques provide
conservation biologists a tool to determine the
presence/absence or abundance data. Since
confirmed absence of bumblebees can be difficult
to assess, we utilize SDM techniques that only
require presence data. We then demonstrate
refinement of mapping through expansion of a
database using multiple collections covering a
board geographic distribution. We especially focus
U.Arı Drg. Auğstos 2009 / U. Bee J. August 2009, 9(3): 97-108
on Bombus occidentalis Greene 1858 as a model
for demonstrating the strength of the technique.
Bombus s. str. is represented by 12 species of
bumblebee distributed across Europe, Asia, and
North America (Williams 1998, Cameron et al.
2007, Hines 2008). North American Bombus s. str.
includes Bombus affinis Cresson 1863 (rusty
patched bumblebee), Bombus franklini Frison 1921
(Franklin’s bumblebee), Bombus moderatus
Cresson 1863 (white-tailed bumblebee), B.
occidentalis (western bumblebee), and Bombus
terricola Kirby 1837 (yellow banded bumblebee)
(Plate 1). Bombus s. str. are short tongue
bumblebees and have been documented to forage
on flowers with short corollas, as well as nectar rob
flowers with long corollas. With the exception of B.
moderatus, for which there is no data to support
decline in abundance or range contraction, the
North American species of this subgenus are
documented to be experiencing decreased
abundance in areas they were relatively once
common (Thorp et al. 2003, Thorp 2005, Colla et al.
2006, McFrederick & LeBuhn 2006, Rao & Stephen
2007, Grixti et al. 2009).
smallest range of all species of bumblebee
(~27,555 km ) (Thorp et al. 1983, Williams 1998,
Thorp 2005). Historically B. franklini was found in
northern California and the extreme southern end of
Oregon, spanning the Pacific coastline into the
Sierra-Cascade Crest (Thorp 2005). This narrow
range of B. franklini may have made it more
vulnerable to genetic bottlenecks, although this was
never tested since robust populations have not
been detected in the past decade. B. franklini has
been observed visiting 27 genera of plant across
five families (Thorp et al. 1983). Although not much
is known about the nesting biology of B. franklini, it
has been observed to produce well over 100
individuals per colony (Plowright & Stephen 1980)
and is likely to nest in abandoned rodent holes,
both common characteristics of Bombus s. str.
(Hobbs 1968). Workers and queens of B. franklini
have also been suggested to be much larger in size
relative to other North American Bombus s. str. (R.
Thorp pers. comm.) Historically, B. franklini was
treated as conspecific to B. occidentalis (Milliron
1971). However Plowright & Stephen (1980)
describe significant morphological differences in the
male genitalia between B. franklini and B.
occidentalis, as well as differences in wing
venation. Molecular data also support separate
species designations (Scholl et al. 1992, Cameron
et al. 2007).
Bombus affinis, the rusty patch bumblebee
Bombus occidentalis, the western bumblebee
The historic distribution of B. affinis spans the
eastern half of North America. Historic records are
known mostly from the Appalachian Mountain
region and the prairies of the Midwest (Medler &
Carney 1963, Speight 1967). The northern limit of
its historic distribution includes southern Ontario,
whereas the southern limit approaches Georgia
(Hurd 1978). B. affinis is associated with a broad
range of habitats including agricultural landscapes,
marshes, and forests within its historic range. As a
generalist forager, B. affinis has been documented
to visit at least 65 genera of plant (Macfarlane
1974), and nectar rob several different species of
flowering plants with long corollas (Colla & Packer
2008). B. affinis have relatively large colony outputs
and have been documented to produce a mean of
1081 workers/males and 181 queens in a single
reproductive season (Macfarlane et al. 1994).
As both the common and specific name implies, B.
occidentalis occurs in western North America. Its
latitudinal distribution includes Alaska and the
Aleutian Archipelago, south to the mountain ranges
in Arizona and New Mexico. The species
longitudinal distribution is from the Pacific coastline
of the United States and Canada east to the plains
of central Canada and central Colorado. B.
occidentalis has also been detected in the Big Horn
Mountains, Wyoming and the geographically
isolated Black Hills of South Dakota (Milliron 1971).
Historic B. occidentalis collections are typically
associated with sub-alpine meadows, coastlines,
and high elevation valleys. Historically, specimens
of B. occidentalis were not collected in areas
receiving little annual rainfall (i.e. the Great Basin
Desert and Mojave Desert). Host plants of B.
occidentalis include 661 different species of plant
across 21 families and 54 genera. It is a generalist
forager and has also been observed nectar robbing
by biting holes in flower corollas such as Linaria
vulgaris Miller (J. Koch pers. obs.). Like B. affinis,
Bombus sensu stricto: Description and Biology
Bombus franklini, Franklin’s bumblebee
B. franklini has the smallest geographic range of all
Bombus s. str. in North America, and arguably the
Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi Ağustos 2009 / Uludag Bee Journal August 2009, 9(3): 97-108
B. occidentalis has relatively high colony outputs.
The species has been observed to produce a mean
of 1007 workers/males and 146 queens in a single
reproductive season (Macfarlane et al. 1994). At
various times in the past B. occidentalis was
presumed to be a subspecies of B. terricola
(Milliron 1971). Although recent molecular evidence
distinguishes B. occidentalis and B. terricola as
distinct species (Cameron et al. 2007), others
continue to treat B. occidentalis as a subspecies of
B. terricola (Williams 2008). In this review we treat
B. occidentalis as a unique species because of the
treatment it has received based on taxonomic
designation (Stephen 1957, Thorp et al. 1983) and
molecular data (Cameron et al. 2007).
Similar to B. affinis, the historic distribution of B.
terricola includes the eastern half of North America
and extends north into Canada (Milliron 1971).
While the species occurred along the Appalachian
Mountain Crest, it was more abundant in the forests
and prairies of Canada and far northern United
States. In the southeastern extreme of its range B.
terricola seems to be associated with higher
elevations (Speight 1967). The western limit of B.
terricola includes the eastern portion of Montana,
and may overlap with the geographic distribution of
its sister species B. occidentalis (Milliron 1971,
Thorp et al. 1983). It has also been described to be
abundant on the northern end of Wisconsin on the
Apostle Islands Sea Shore (Medler & Carney
1963). B. terricola colonies have been documented
to produce a mean of 390 workers/males and 32
queens in a single reproductive season (Macfarlane
et al. 1994).
Historic distribution maps
To demonstrate the utility of SDM techniques in
predicting the probable historic range of a species,
two data sets were applied. The first data set was
generated by entering specimen locality records
and dates into a database using specimens housed
in the museum at the United States Department of
Agriculture- Agricultural Research Service (USDAARS) National Pollinating Insect Database (NPID)
prior to incorporating data from other collections for
B.occidentalis and B. franklini. NPID is located in
Logan, Utah, USA, and hosts a comprehensive
collection of bees from the western USA. For the
eastern species, B. terricola and B. affinis, we
collected locality data made available from the
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
( From GBIF we extracted records
from a total of eight different institutions in both the
United States and Canada.
Because collections are composed of specimens
captured and preserved over a long period of time,
data on insect labels are usually not entered into a
computer database. Therefore, it was necessary to
retroactively capture the data on labels and enter it
into a searchable database. In many instances both
NPID and GBIF have descriptive locality
information associated with specimen labels (e.g.
township range and section (TRS), telegraph,
limitations in applying locality information found on
specimen labels to SDMs include inconsistencies
when defining localities and the use of broad
geographic locality descriptions (Bannerman 1999).
To construct the comprehensive potential range
map for B. occidentalis we first located existing
collections housed at universities and government
collections in the United States and Canada. For
each specimen we recorded all information on the
specimen label. To each recorded specimen, a
unique identifier number was attached in the form
of a small label with a barcode to avoid multiple
entries of single specimens. If specific latitude,
longitude and elevation data were not included on
the label, georeferenced localities were estimated
with Google Earth ( using
any locality data provided by the collector on the
specimen label. These data were entered into
By including the material housed in multiple
collections B. occidentalis records were increased
from 973 specimens to 2958 total specimens.
These 2958 specimens represented 1302 unique
localities and were utilized to construct the historic
distribution map of B. occidentalis. To produce the
primary species distribution maps, for B. affinis, B.
franklini and B. terricola, 90, 11 and 84 unique
localities were used, respectively. With the
exception of B. franklini, the extremely low sample
size of B. affinis and B. terricola is a reflection on
the lack of georeferenced locality data available. B.
franklini on the other hand is narrowly distributed
naturally (Thorp 2005), and thus the small sample
size of the species is suggested to be a true
representation of its known range.
U.Arı Drg. Auğstos 2009 / U. Bee J. August 2009, 9(3): 97-108
Bombus affinis
Bombus franklini
Bombus occidentalis
MaxEnt applies entropy to information (data
aggregated with a set of constraints) so as to
produce a least biased result (model) relative to a
probability distribution (Phillips et al. 2006). For a
full discussion of the MaxEnt algorithm see Phillips
et al. (2004). One limitation to MaxEnt is the need
to have a representative sample across a species
entire range to determine the most suitable habitat.
However, MaxEnt has been tested to produce
highly accurate SDMs despite small samples sizes
(Wisz et al. 2008; Elith et al. 2007). We evaluated
the SDMs of the target Bombus using the default
parameters as prescribed by Phillips et al. (2006).
Unlike algorithms that generate a SDM based on
presence/absence or abundance data, MaxEnt
requires only presence data. This approach is
advantageous for organisms like bumblebees
because they can be hard to detect, thus a
recorded absence point may not be true absence.
To evaluate likelihood of occurrence, MaxEnt
calculates a habitat suitability index (HSI); HSI
values closer to 0 indicate areas with low habitat
suitability, whereas values closer to 1 indicate
areas with high habitat suitability (Phillips et al.
2006). These values are visually reflected onto a
geographic space using a coloring scheme.
Nineteen bioclimatic variables were applied in the
construction of each bumblebee SDM at a spatial
resolution of 3.5 arc seconds (Hijmans et al. 2005).
bumblebees display a great deal of phenological
variation across latitude, longitude, and elevation.
These variables have also been widely used in
assessing the geographic distribution of several
taxa like other bees (e.g. Hinojosa-Diaz et al. 2005;
2008). Including all variables also limited any
potential bias that may be imposed from manually
selecting variables based on the known ecology,
distribution, and biology of the species in question.
ArcGIS 9.2 (ESRI 2006) was utilized to clip all
bioclimatic variables to the North American
continent, as well as process and visualize results
from the SDMs constructed in MaxEnt. Because
maximum and minimum HSI vary across the four
SDMs, the calculated HSI for each model is reclassed in ArcGIS 9.2 under a 10-fold equal
Bombus terricola
Plate 1. Representative Bombus species of the
subgenus Bombus sensu stricto
In total we increased the Bombus s.str database
from 1006 individuals to 3143 individuals. For B.
affinis we compiled 67 occurrence records from
Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi Ağustos 2009 / Uludag Bee Journal August 2009, 9(3): 97-108
GBIF, which include Ohio State University Insect
Collection, Canadian Biodiversity Information
Facility Bombus of Canada and York University
Knerer Collection. Outside of GBIF we include six
locality records from Milliron (1971), three records
from Washington State University James Museum
of Entomology and seven records from the
University of Kansas Snow Entomology Museum.
For B. terricola we compiled 57 records from GBIF,
which includes specimens from Ohio State
University Insect Collection, University of Kansas
Snow Entomology Collection, Illinois Natural History
Survey, New Mexico Biodiversity Collections
Consortium Database, Borror Laboratory of
Bioacoustics, York University Knerer Collection,
and a Ph.D. thesis. Outside of GBIF we include 14
records from Milliron (1971) and three from
University of Kansas Snow Entomology Collection.
For B. franklini, we compiled 11 localities from
specimens housed at the University of CaliforniaDavis Bohart Museum of Entomology. The largest
increase has been in B. occidentalis where we have
added 1955 specimens to our database from eight
museum collections (Table 1).
Table 1. Number of Bombus occidentalis specimen records compiled to date.
Number of specimens
Age range of specimens
Brigham Young University
Oregon State University
Simon Fraser University
Utah State University (NPID)
University of Idaho
University of Nevada-Reno
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Washington State University
University of California-Davis
For B. affinis, two maps of the probable historic
range are given in Figure 1a and 1b. Map 1a is
generated using data extracted from the GBIF
database and shows the probable historic
distribution with darker areas representing a higher
probability of occurrence based on habitat
suitability. Map 1b is the traditional map (Milliron
1971) showing the extremities of the species range.
Clear differences in the southern extent of the
species distribution occur between the two maps
and the habitat suitability map designates several
western US locations as suitable habitat.
Two maps of the historic distribution of B. terricola
are also presented. Figure 2a is the habitat
suitability map and Figure 2b is the traditional
extremity map (Milliron 1971). Both maps show
similar probable historic distributions of the species,
particularly at the species northern limit. The model
shows a probable distribution slightly further south
in the Midwest than the traditional shaded map.
Figure 2. The range maps of Bombus affinis, 2a:
habitat suitability map and 2b: Traditional extremity
Figure 1. The range maps of Bombus affinis, 1a:
GBIF database map and 1b: Traditional map
Three maps of probable historic range of B.
occidentalis are shown in Figures 3a, 3b, and 3c.
Figure 3a shows the historic range map based on
NPID prior to addition, Figure 3b shows the historic
range map of Milliron (1971), and Figure 3c show
the probable historic distribution after addition of
U.Arı Drg. Auğstos 2009 / U. Bee J. August 2009, 9(3): 97-108
1985 specimens from collections. While map 3b
shades only broad geographic areas, the other two
maps highlight differences in topography and
habitat. The differences in intensity of shading
illustrate the relatively higher probability of
encountering the species in a given habitat and
therefore can inform investigation. The map derived
from NPID records before the addition from other
institutions has a range significantly smaller than
the map of Milliron (1971). However, Figure 3c,
which includes data from six institutions more
closely resembles the shaded map of Milliron,
except that it provides detail especially in the basin
and mountain range topography of the inland
portion of the species distribution. Figure 4 is a
distributional map of B. franklini as predicted by 58
specimens representing 11 unique localities.
However, the SDM generated from these
occurrence records extend far beyond the known
distribution of B. franklini.
Figure 3. The range maps of B. occidentalis, 3a:
map based on NPID, 3b: range map of Milliron, 3c:
probable historic distribution.
Figure 4. The range map of B. franklini
Creating a database of historic specimens allows
for a broad geographic sample of species
occurrence; and may be useful when refining
predictive maps using SDM techniques (Graham et
al. 2004). While no practical map will fully represent
the distribution of a specific bumblebee across a
large geographic landscape, it is possible to
generate a probable species distribution that is
informative to the bee conservationist or collector.
Using SDM software to model historic ranges of
species is not without problems (Shaffer et al. 1998,
Austin 2002); however, considering the information
contained in the traditional range maps such as
Milliron (1972) several advantages are apparent.
SDMs have the ability to take geographic and
climatic variance to account, whereas these
characters are usually not reflected in traditional
maps. In areas with high environmental variance
(e.g. the Great Basin) localities that are unlikely to
be inhabited by a species are omitted from the
predicted range. The inclusion or exclusion of
species across a geographic space is a reflection of
the environmental predictors selected when
occurrence data is aggregated. This becomes clear
when viewing the range map of B. occidentalis,
where the species is known to occur only on
isolated mountain ranges in the Great Basin (Figure
3c). This phenomenon appears elsewhere in the
range of the species and is, in fact, seen across the
subgenus. B. affinis, for example occurs along the
crest of the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern
United States much further south than it occurs in
the lower lying plains. The areas of high elevation in
the eastern United States appear as likely habitat in
the SDM (Fig 1a). The distribution of B. terricola
follows a similar pattern to B affinis, extending its
distribution in southern mountain ranges (Fig 2a).
The intensity of shading provided in the species
distribution models also helps to inform the
researcher which sites are more likely habitat for
the bee. By focusing efforts to locate populations
only in areas of high likelihood of occurrence, time
and resources can be allocated wisely. However,
caution must be placed when defining areas as
either ‘suitable’ or ‘unsuitable’ when SDMs are
utilized. This is especially true when designing
conservation or agricultural zones. It is important to
note that SDMs are only as good as the data that is
provided to construct them. Thus, SDMs are
susceptible to bias by the modeler when predictor
variables are selected, as well as the size of the
sample used to represent a species known
Maps generated by SDMs are dynamic and can be
refined with the addition of data. As researchers
locate additional specimens, they can be
incorporated into the existing database. Once
Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi Ağustos 2009 / Uludag Bee Journal August 2009, 9(3): 97-108
historic data is in a database, it can be accessed
easily and made available to a broad community of
interested parties. Each subsequent addition of
data only serves to refine the distributional map.
This refinement is demonstrated clearly with our
maps of B. occidentalis, especially at the northern
extremities of the range. The addition of specimens
greatly expanded the predicted range into Canada
and Alaska, whereas the first model based on only
data from one institutional museum database
(NPID) resulted in a more southerly distribution.
Interestingly, the distributional maps of B. terricola
and B. affinis that we produced seem to reflect the
distribution described by Milliron (1971) more
accurately than we observed with B. occidentalis.
This was despite the use of fewer specimens to
generate the maps, indicating that some
distributions may require less data to model than
Despite the advantages of SDM techniques in
generating maps of bumblebee ranges, it is
important to remember that, as with all models, the
maps are only predictive and do not show with
absolute certainty where a species will occur. In
some cases the model falsely predicts range for
which there is no historical data to support the
model. One area of concern for the model of
historic distribution is that it predicts the distribution
of B. occidentalis into the mountains of southern
California and northern Mexico. Despite this
prediction by the model, there is no historic data to
support this distribution. However, NPID does
document a single B. occidentalis record in San
Diego, CA, USA. This record suggests that (1) B.
occidentalis was found in San Diego, (2) the
specimen was incorrectly labeled, or (3) that the
specimen was misidentified. It is possible that the
southern Sierra Mountains was historically
colonized by B. occidentalis but that specimens
were never collected in the region; however given
the intensity of collection in California (Thorp et al.
1983), that seems unlikely. Alternatively, this area
may never have been colonized by B. occidentalis
or colonized in the distant past but the species was
extirpated prior to human collection. Either way, the
model predicts an area of likely occurrence for
which historic records are not available to support
the hypothesis. The SDM generated by the B.
franklini occurrence records also extend well
beyond the species known geographic range
(Thorp 2005). Although this phenomenon may be
an artifact of the small sample size provided, it is
likely that the SDM generated for B. franklini, like B.
occidentalis is unable to capture dispersal
limitations and natural history of a species (Guisan
& Zimmerman 2000). Another type of error that
occurs is non-detection of actual habitat as is seen
as a result of incomplete data sets with B. affinis. In
the case of B. affinis, the historic data supports a
range further south and east. This limitation is best
addressed by adding data from a broader array of
intuitions, particularly in the missing portion of the
historic range.
The generation of the SDMs is useful for not only
understanding the habitat occupied in the past, but
it also informs research efforts of the future.
Comparisons of current distributions to historic
distributions help us to understand the effects of
landscape and climate changes on bee
populations. Predicting future range geometry of
species distribution is possible only when a full
understanding of the factors affecting past and
current distributions is achieved (Shaffer et al.
1998, Scott et al. 2002, Oberhausen & Peterson
2003, Vaughan & Omerod 2005). However, this
requires that the datasets used to generate the
maps are robust; thus constructing a database of
historic records is an essential first step.
Of the 467 described genera of bee, Bombus are
one of the most charismatic and recognizable due
to their typically bright, furry and robust appearance
(Heinrich 1979, Michener 2007). Thus the decline
and range contraction of the genus has been
recognized by both the scientific community and the
general public. Although baseline data of historic
bumblebee communities in North America is sorely
lacking, current efforts to retroactively capture
records from publications and insect collections
(Colla & Packer 2008, Evans et al. 2008, Grixti et
al. 2009, Koch & Strange unpub. data) are
underway. Here we demonstrated the utility of
applying museum records of specimen data across
a relatively large sample of institutional collections.
As in the case with B. occidentalis, increasing
institutional databases with specimens from other
institutions widens the geographic scope of a
species, and has the potential to build more
detailed SDMs for determining distribution. This
data also provides insight on the phenological
variation of a species across its range. While
retroactive data capture is time consuming, the
benefits are clear.
U.Arı Drg. Auğstos 2009 / U. Bee J. August 2009, 9(3): 97-108
We thank Joe Wilson and Irfan Kandemir for
graciously reviewing an early version of this
improvement. We extend our deepest gratitude to
the many curators and collectors at institutions who
have assisted us in many ways, especially
Christopher Marshall, Robbin Thorp, Rich Zack,
Frank Merickel, W. P. Stephen and Virginia Scott.
Finally, we thank Walter S. Sheppard, Timothy
Hatten and Michael Burgett for their support of our
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Amaç: Buradaki derleme ile Kuzey Amerika örneği
olan Bombus s. str. altcinsine ait bilgi birikiminin
aktarılması ve entomoloji koleksiyonlarındaki
örnekleri kullanılarak tür veritabanları oluşturma
metodunun sunulması amaçlanmıştır. Bombus
arıları Kuzey Amerika’da bulunan hem yabani
çiçekleri hem de tarımsal ürünleri tozlaştıran
balarısı gibi diğer tozlaştırıcıların olmadığı
yerlerdeki en önemli tozlaştırıcılardan birisidir.
Geçen on yıllık dönemde en azından altı Kuzey
Amerika bombus arısı (Bombus Latreille 1802) türü
önemli anlamda yayılma alanının daralması ya da
populasyon azalması ile karşı karşıya bulunmakta
ve bunlardan birinin (Bombus franklini Franklin
1921) soyu tükenmiş te olabilir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Müzelerdeki iğnelenmiş arı
örneği verileri toplanmış ve veritabanına girilmiştir.
Örnek etiketi üzerinden olabilecek tüm veriler,
örneğin: toplama tarihi, toplama bölgesi ve toplayıcı
bilgileri toplanmıştır. Tarihi örneklerin toplama
bölgelerinin enlem, boylam ve rakım verileri
coğrafik bilgi yazılımına girilmiştir. Bu veriler
kullanılarak birçok entomoloji müzesinde bulunan
örnek verileri ile olası tarihi dağılım haritaları
Bulgular ve Sonuç: Bu çalışmada bir türe
yoğunlaşarak, Bombus occidentalis Greene 1858,
veri miktarının artması vurgulanmıştır. Toplanan
veriler 973 den 2928 örnek verilerine çıkınca elde
nedenler arasında 9 kuruluştan örnek elde edilmesi,
çok sayıda yayına ulaşılması ve türün yayılış
alanındaki birçok farklı bölgeden veri elde edilmesi
sayılabilir. Genişletilmiş verilerin kullanımı tahmini
yayılış alanını genişletmiş ve dağılımı üzerinde
bulunma olasılığını değiştirmiştir ki bu da örneğin
oluşturduğunu görtermektedir. Altcins içerisindeki
diğer üç türe Bombus affinis Cresson 1863, B.
franklini and Bombus terricola Kirby 1837 ait ön
dağılım haritaları veritabanları tam olmamakla
beraber bu çalışmada verilmiştir. Bu oluşturulan
haritalar tarihte var olan ve kullanılan dağılım
haritaları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Gelecekte tür dağılım
değişiklikleri modellemeler ile tahmin edilmekle
beraber, bu tahmini dağılım haritaları tehlike
başlatılmasında ve korunmasında çok yararlı
olabilecektir. Şu an Kuzey Amerika’daki bombus
arısı faunasındaki azalmayı açıklayan geçerli
hipotezler içerisinde habitat parçalanması ve
bozulması, ve ticari anlamda üretilenlerden gelen
patojenler yer almaktadır. Bombus pensylvanicus
(DeGeer) 1773 ve Bombus sonorous Say 1837
dışındaki dördü risk altında bulunan türler tek bir
altcinse (Bombus sensu stricto Latreille 1801)
bağlıdır. Her bir tür için, populasyon azalması
kaydedilmiş, fakat ne kadar yayılış alan daralması
olduğu ve altında yatan sebepler tam anlamıyla
anlaşılamamıştır. Bu türlerin yayılış alanlarındaki
daralmanın çalışılabilmesindeki en önemli sınırlama
Kuzey Amerikadaki geniş dağılım alanındaki
tarihsel dağılımın bilinmemesidir. Bu türlerin
çalışabilmek ve gelecekteki populasyon takiplerini
gerçekleştirmek için tarihsel dağılım haritalarına
ihtiyaç vardır.
U.Arı Drg. Auğstos 2009 / U. Bee J. August 2009, 9(3): 97-108