VIP Membership Application - American Resort Development


VIP Membership Application - American Resort Development
Your Resource in the Vacation Ownership Industry
VIP Membership Application
ARDA’s VIP members represent the vacation ownership industry’s premier leadership and are committed to the industry’s
growth and excellence. We value their commitment and strive to reward our VIP members with exclusive networking
events, a designated VIP area for business meetings and luncheons during our major annual meetings, recognition of
their status on ARDA’s website and in print, unparalleled access to the industry’s top decision makers and more.
VIP members represent developers, property management, sales and marketing organizations and companies that
provide a variety of value-added services and products such as law firms, financial institutions, title insurance providers,
architecture and design firms.
Apply today and join this elite group to expand your networks, build your business and enjoy
all of ARDA’s VIP benefits:
VIP Benefits (awarded to Chairman’s League and Trustee*):
 Complimentary, expedited registration at the ARDA World Convention and the ARDA Fall Conference
 Complimentary registration at ARDA Regional Meetings
 Access to the exclusive VIP Networking Center and Lounge with quiet business meeting space and elegant
cuisine at the ARDA World Convention and ARDA Fall Conference
 Bonus points toward your company's exhibit booth selection at the ARDA World Convention
 Direct contact with the ARDA Chairman and ARDA President
 Listing of VIP representatives in Developments magazine, providing you and your company with
valuable industry exposure
 Your name spotlighted via the online Chairman’s League and Trustee directories on ARDA's website
 Permanent, distinctive badge to wear at ARDA World Convention and ARDA Fall Conference
 Invitation to the Chairman’s League Forum held at the ARDA Fall Conference
 Handsome Chairman’s League Certificate
Additional Trustee* Benefits:
 Two VIP memberships in one: Trustee membership includes a complimentary Chairman’s League
membership ($5,000 value) for additional company representative
 Discounted rates for additional Trustee or Chairman’s League members
 Invitations to exclusive Trustee-only special events such as the ARDA Trustee Dinner and the ARDA
Trustee Retreat
 Trustee Profile in ARDA’s online Trustee Directory with photo of Trustee representative, company biography
and hyperlink to your company’s home page
 Revolving Trustee spotlight in Developments magazine
 High level exposure for each Trustee in ARDA’s elegant annual Trustee Profiles directory
 Handsome Trustee plaque, ready for corporate display
 Advanced notice of promotional opportunities
* Trustee Membership must be approved by the ARDA Executive Committee. Please express your interest or direct any questions regarding the
process to Bob Craycraft, 202-207-1079.
Questions about VIP Membership?
Contact ARDA’s Membership Team at (202) 371-6700 or
Your Resource in the Vacation Ownership Industry
2014 VIP Membership Application
ARDA’s VIP members represent the vacation ownership industry’s premier leadership and are committed to the industry’s
growth and excellence. We value their commitment and strive to reward our VIP members with exclusive networking
events, a designated VIP area for business meetings and luncheons during our major annual meetings, recognition of
their status on ARDA’s website and in print, unparalleled access to the industry’s top decision makers and more. VIP
members represent developers, property management, sales and marketing organizations and companies that provide a
variety of value-added services and products such as law firms, financial institutions, title insurance providers, architecture
and design firms.
Apply today and join this elite group to expand your networks, build your business and enjoy
all of ARDA’s VIP benefits as listed on the previous page.
VIP Membership Fee:
 Charge my credit card:
*Additional VIP Name (see options below)
I would like to show my support for ARDA and the
industry by joining as my company’s:
 First Trustee Member*
 Each additional Trustee Member
 Each additional Chairman’s League
 First Chairman’s League Member
 Each additional Chairman’s League
* Includes one complimentary Chairman’s League member
ARDA and its members are committed to the highest standards and ethics in
resort, vacation, recreational, residential and community development for the
benefit of the public. To demonstrate that commitment, ARDA has adopted a
Code of Standards & Ethics which all members and all those who use ARDA
services agree to comply.
Now and in the future, I agree on behalf of my company to
observe and abide by the ARDA Code of Standards & Ethics.
Date: __________________________________________________
The complete ARDA Code of Standards and Ethics can be found online at
ARDA prefers
Name on Card
Card Number
Expiration Date
Check enclosed
(Payable to ARDA in U.S. Dollars on U.S. Bank)
Check Number:____________
While contributions or gifts to ARDA are not deductible
as charitable contributions for federal income tax
purposes, they may be deductible as ordinary and
necessary trade or business expenses. We estimate
that 10% percent of members’ dues will be allocable to
lobbying and political expenses. Therefore, you should
deduct only the remaining 90% of your ARDA dues for
federal tax purposes.
Please send application and payment to:
American Resort Development Association
1201 15th Street, NW Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: (202) 371-6700 Fax: (202) 289-8544