

2012 & 2013
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative
35 & 36
CGC Coordinating Committee
Todd C. Wehner
Raleigh, NC, USA
Associate Chairs/Editors:
Angela R. Davis
Davis, CA, USA
Linda Wessel-Beaver
Mayagüez, PR, USA
Timothy J. Ng
College Park, MD, USA
Zhanyong Sun
Nanning, Guangxi, China
CGC Assistant Editors:
Rebecca Grumet
East Lansing, MI, USA
Kevin Crosby
College Station, TX, USA
Amnon Levi
Charleston, SC, USA
Cucurbita spp.:
James Myers
Corvallis, OR, USA
Other genera:
Tusar Behera
Indian Ag. Res. Inst, India
CGC Gene Curators and Gene List
Yiqun Weng
Madison, WI, USA
Todd C. Wehner
Raleigh, NC, USA
Catherine Dogimont
Montfavet, France
Michel Pitrat
Montfavet, FRANCE
James D. McCreight
Salinas, CA, USA
Todd C. Wehner
Raleigh, NC, USA
Stephen R. King
College Station, TX, USA
Cucurbita spp.:
Harry Paris
Ramat Yishay, Israel
Les Padley
Naples, FL, USA
Other genera:
Mark G. Hutton
Monmouth, ME, USA
Thomas C. Andres
Bronx, NY, USA
ISSN 1064-5594
2102 Plant Sciences Building
College Park, Maryland
20742-4452 USA
Tel: (301) 405-1321 or (580) 889-7395
Fax: (301) 314-9308
On the front cover: Hodgsonia heteroclita Hook. f. & Thomson. In 1853 this member of the Cucurbitaceae
was named after British civil servant Brian Houghton Hodgson who apparently provided lodging to the
botanists Joseph Dalton Hooker and Thomas Thomson as they carried out field work in the Himalayas.
The Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative (CGC) was organized in 1977 to develop and advance the genetics of
economically important cucurbits. Membership to CGC is voluntary and open to individuals who have an
interest in cucurbit genetics and breeding. CGC membership is on a biennial basis.
For more information on CGC and its membership rates, visit our website (
or contact Tim Ng, (301)458-0243,
CGC Reports are issued on an annual basis. The Reports include articles submitted by CGC members for the
use of CGC members. None of the information in the annual report may be used in publications
without the consent of the respective authors for a period of five years.
ISSN 1064-5594
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 35-36 (2012-2013)
Research Reports
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus)
1. Infection Process of Sphaerotheca fuliginea
on Host Cucumber and Nonhost Wheat
Yanli Chen and Qing Ma
4. Histological Studies of Colletotrichum
orbiculare on the Susceptible and
Resistant Cucumber Cultivars
Tuo Qi, Jing Yao, Chongzhao Hao and Qing
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)
7. Morphological Variability and Phenotypic
Association among Pairs of Characters of
some Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus
Resistant Lines of Citrullus lanatus
Mohamed Taha Yousif, Abir Abdulrahman
Ahmed, Adil Omer Salih, Asim Ubosara,
Mohamed Ahmed ZulFugar and Al Fadil
M. Baraka
Cucurbita spp.
11. Two Cucurbita moschata BushParthenocarpic Breeding Lines Through
an Interspecific Cross
Young Hyun Om
13. Identification of Natural Sources of
Resistance to Powdery Mildew, Zucchini
yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) and Fruit
Flies Infestation in the Indigenous
Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata)
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 35-36 (2012-2013)
Mohamed T. Yousif, Ali E. Eljack and Ali
M. Osman
16. Inheritance of Rind Color and Reverse
Striping in a Cucurbita pepo (subsp.
texana) Cross
Nick Biebel and Michael Mazourek
18. Patterns of Broad Normal Striping in Egg
Brent Loy
22. Interaction of Three Loci, l-1, l-2, and d, in
Conferring the Reverse Stripe Phenotype
in Egg Gourd
Brent Loy
27. Tendril Morphology in Bush and Vine
Genotypes of Squash and Pumpkin
Brent Loy
31. A Recessive Tendrilless Mutant in
Ornamental Pumpkin
Brent Loy
33. Inheritance of Lethal Yellow Seedling in
Cucurbita moschata Duch.
I.L. de Souza Neto, P.T. Della Vecchia, R.F.
Kobori, R. F. and M.S. de Lima
Gene Lists
35. 2013 Gene List for Other Genera of
Kyle M. VandenLangenberg and Todd C.