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here - Sabancı University myWeb Service
Work Address
School of Management
Sabanci University
Orhanlı Tuzla
Istanbul Turkey
November 1996
Ph.D. in Sociology
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada
Specialization areas: Social Theory, Sociology of
Organizations, Social Psychology and Social Change.
September 1990
M.A. in Economics
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada
Specialization areas: International Trade, International Finance
and Economic Development.
June 1987
M.Sc. in Economics
Middle East Technical University
Ankara, Turkey
Specialization areas: Economic Theory, Price Policies and
Income Distribution.
June 1985
B.Sc. in Economics
Middle East Technical University
Ankara, Turkey
Institutions worked:
Present- June 2009 Professor, School of Magament
Sabancı University, Istanbul
September 2003 –
May 2009
Associate Professor, Faculty of Management
Sabancı University, Istanbul
July 1998 –
September 2003
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management
Sabancı University, Istanbul
February 1996 June 1998
Instructor, Department of Management
Bilkent University, Ankara
July 1992 January 1995
Instructor, Department of Sociology
University of Alberta, Edmonton
September 1985 January 1986
Instructor, Department of Economics
Middle East Technical University, Ankara
Institutions visited:
June 2008August 2008
Visiting Professor, Warrington College of Business
University of Florida; Gainesville, Florida
June 2006August 2006
Visiting Professor, Warrington College of Business
University of Florida; Gainesville, Florida
June 2005August 2005
Visiting Professor, Warrington College of Business
University of Florida; Gainesville, Florida
May 28-June 2
Erasmus/Socrates Exchange Professor
Free University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam
June 2004August 2004
Visiting Professor, Warrington College of Business
University of Florida; Gainesville, Florida
September 2003
February 2004
Visiting Professor, Department of Economics
Ankara University, Ankara
International Political Economy (Ph.D.)
Global Business Context (MBA)
Macroeconomics (MBA)
Social Theory (BA and Ph.D. programs)
Turkish Managerial/Business Context (Ph.D., MBA, BA)
Technology, Organizations and Societies (Ph.D.)
Organization Theory (Ph.D. and BA)
Organizational Behavior (Ph.D. and BA)
Introduction to Sociology (BA)
Development of Sociological Theory (BA)
Microeconomic Theory (BA)
Multivariate Analysis and SPSS Applications (BA)
Organized and coordinated the international symposium “Veblen: Capitalism and
Possibilities for a Rational Economic Order” with Sidney Plotkin. The symposium, cosponsored by the Chamber of Electrical Engineers, was held in July 6-7, 2012, Istanbul.
More than 500 individuals participated in this event in which seventeen papers were
presented by a select group of scholars.
As the editor, assisted the translation and publication of Veblen’s The Engineers and the
Price System in Turkish. Veblen’s classic book, originally published in 1921, was
translated by Barış Özçorlu and printed by the Chamber of Electrical Engineers, the
Union of the Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects in 2011.
Represented the Sabancı University team as the “Responsible Scientist” in the
EUROSPHERE Consortium that comprised 17 European universities and research
institutes and approximately 150 researchers. The EUROSPHERE project, funded by the
European Commission, was coordinated by the University of Bergen. The project
examined the factors that have been challenging the fabric of European democracy and
identified options relevant to optimizing citizens' involvement in the European
democratic deliberations. The project started 1 February 2007 and was completed on 31
January 2012.
Organized and coordinated the international symposium “How Does East Meet West?
Conceptualizations of Cultural Encounters” with Jan Ifversen and Gürcan Koçan. The
symposium, co-sponsored by Sabancı University and the Danish Research Group on
Cultural Encounters, was held in May 3-5, 2002.
Designed and carried out the survey research “Social and Professional Identities of
Engineers and Architects in Turkey and Their Professional Organizations,” co- sponsored
by the Norwegian Freedom of Speech Forum and The Union of the Chambers of Turkish
Engineers and Architects, wrote the report in a manuscript form with A.H. Köse in 2000.
Designed and carried out the survey research “Anatolian Industry Survey, 1997” for the
Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, 1996-1997, and wrote the final report with Gülsen
Çakar, Sevil Kişioglu, Ahmet Haşim Köse.
Strategic Responses of Social Enterprises to the Marketization of Their Fields by Türkan
Yosun, Sabancı Univertsity. Member of the dissertation committee, ongoing.
Religion in Business Organizations: A Qualitative Research on Islam in Turkish
Business Organizations by Duygu Salman Öztürk, Istanbul Bilgi University. Member of
the dissertation committee, 2014.
The Turkish Car Industry in the Global Commodity Chains by Meryem Kıroğlu,
Marmara University. Member of the dissertation committee, 2009.
Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment into the Turkish Economy by Erdal Ekinci,
Istanbul Bilgi University. Member of the dissertation committee, 2008.
The Recursive Dualism of Technology: Reconstructing the Process of Technology
Adaptations in Organizations by Deniz Tunçalp, Sabancı University, Co-supervisor,
Jordin Kaplan Graduate Award
Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize
Excellence in doctoral research
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Scholarship
Graduate studies in economics
Pamukbank Graduate Studies Distinction Award
Awarded to top graduate students in social sciences in Turkey
June 1985
Graduation with Distinction
Middle East Technical University
Turkish Social Sciences Association
European Sociological Association
International Studies Association
International Political Science Association
Member of the Academic Council of Sabancı University
Member of the Faculty Executive Committee, Sabancı University
Member of the Advisory Committee of Social Sciences Institute, Sabancı University
Member of the Foundations Development Committee, Sabancı University
Member of the Executive Committee of the Center for Academic and Individual
Development, Sabancı University
Member of the Sexual Harassment Committee
Member of the Committee of Exchange Programs, Sabancı University
Member of the Ph.D. Committee of Faculty of Management, Social Sciences Institute,
Sabancı University
Member of the Ph.D. Admission Committee, Faculty of Management, Sabancı University
Member of the MBA Admission Committee, Faculty of Management, Sabancı University
A. Books and Chapters
“On the Social Origin of the Turkish Leisure Class: For a Veblenian Turn in the Marxian
Research Program of Turkish Studies.” In Sidney Plotkin (ed.), Anthem Series in Great
Sociologists: Thorstein Veblen. London: Anthem, (forthcoming).
“Laic/Islamic Schism in the Turkish Dominant Class and the Media.” In Neşecan Balkan,
Erol Balkan and Ahmet Öncü (eds.), The Neoliberal Landscape and the Rise of Islamist
Capital in Turkey. New York and Cambridge: Berghahn, 2015. (With. A. Oğurlu).
“Reproduction of the Islamic middle class in Turkey.” In Neşecan Balkan, Erol Balkan
and Ahmet Öncü (eds.), The Neoliberal Landscape and the Rise of Islamist Capital in
Turkey. New York and Cambridge: Berghahn, 2015. (With E. Balkan)
Neoliberal Landscape and the Rise of Islamist Capital in Turkey. New York and
Cambridge: Berghahn, 2015. (Edited with Neşecan Balkan and Erol Balkan).
A Guide to Thorstein Veblen (in Turkish). Istanbul: Habitus. 2015. (Editor).
“On the Possibility of a ‘Soviet of Technicians’: Veblen’s Cumulative Causation
Applied to the Turkish Case (in Turkish).” In Ahmet Öncü (ed.), A Guide to Thorstein
Veblen (in Turkish). Istanbul: Habitus, 2015.
“Wither Business Ideology: Revisiting Veblen’s Theory of Engineers as Revolutionary
Actors (in Turkish).” In Ahmet Öncü (ed.), A Guide to Thorstein Veblen (in Turkish).
Istanbul: Habitus, 2015.
“Laic/Islamic Schism in the Turkish Dominant Class and the Media (in Turkish).” In
Neşecan Balkan, Erol Balkan and Ahmet Öncü (eds.), Neoliberalism, The Rise of Islamist
Capital and AKP (in Turkish). Istanbul: Yordam, 2014. (With A. Oğurlu).
“Reproduction of the Islamic Middle Class (in Turkish).” In Neşecan Balkan, Erol
Balkan and Ahmet Öncü (eds.), Neoliberalism, The Rise of Islamist Capital and AKP (in
Turkish). Istanbul: Yordam, 2014. (With E. Balkan).
Neoliberalism, The Rise of Islamist Capital and AKP (in Turkish). Istanbul: Yordam,
2014. (Edited with Neşecan Balkan and Erol Balkan).
“Pragmatic Ethics of Environmentalist Movements in Turkey.” In Timothy Doyle and
Sherilyn MacGregor (eds.), Environmental Movements around the World: Shades of
Green in Politics and Culture. Santa Barbara, California: Praeger, 2014. (With G.
The Engineers and the Price System (in Turkish). Written by Thorstein Veblen (1921),
translated by Barış Özçorlu. EMO: Ankara, 2011. (Editor)
“Globalization” (in Turkish). In Fikret Başkaya and Aydın Ördek (eds.), Handbook of
Economic Institutions (in Turkish). Istanbul: Özgür Üniversite, 2008.
“Corporation”(in Turkish). In Fikret Başkaya and Aydın Ördek (eds.), Handbook of
Economic Institutions (in Turkish). Istanbul: Özgür Üniversite, 2008.
“Imbalances in the World Economy and Congestion in the Periphery.” In Ahmet H.
Köse, Fikret Şenses and Erinç Yeldan (eds.), Neoliberal Globalization as New
Imperialism: Case Studies on Reconstruction of the Periphery. New York: Nova, 2007.
(With A.H. Köse).
Collectors and Debtors: World Capitalism and Turkey from an Anti-Economics
Viewpoint (in Turkish). İstanbul: Evrensel, 2006. (With A. H. Köse).
“Re-envisioning Boundaries of Citizenship, Political Identity and Belonging: the case of
Bergama movement in Turkey.” In Hakan G. Sıcakkan and Yngve Lithman (eds.),
Changing the Basis of Citizenship in the Modern State: Political Theory and the Politics
of Diversity. New York: The Edwin Mellen, 2005. (With G. Koçan).
In Recognition of Şerif Mardin (in Turkish). Istanbul: İletişim, 2005. (Edited with Orhan
“The Role of Hegemony in the Formation of Market Society in Turkey: White
Turkishness as a Project of Social Construction” (in Turkish). In Ahmet Öncü and Orhan
Tekelioğlu (eds.), In Recognition of Şerif Mardin (in Turkish). Istanbul: İletişim, 2005.
(With Demir Demiröz).
“Observations on the Social Evolution of Engineers” (in Turkish). In Neşecan Balkan
and Sungur Savran (eds.), Ravages of Neoliberalism (in Turkish). Istanbul: Metis, 2004.
(With A.H. Köse).
“The Market of Economics and the Economy of Capitalism” (in Turkish). In Ahmet H.
Köse, Fikret Şenses and Erinç Yeldan (eds.), Economic Development, Crisis and
Stability: In Recognition of Korkut Boratav and Oktar Türel (in Turkish). Istanbul:
İletişim, 2003. (With A. H. Köse).
A Sociological Inquiry into the History of the Union of Turkish Chambers of Engineers
and Architects: Engineers and the State. New York: The Edwin Mellen, 2003.
“A Class Analysis of the Professional and Political Ideologies of Engineers in Turkey.”
In Neşecan Balkan and Sungur Savran (eds.), The Ravages of Neo-Liberalism: Economy,
Society and Gender in Turkey. New York: Nova Scientific Publishers, 2002. (With A. H.
Capitalism, Humanity and Engineering: Engineers-Architects in Turkey (in Turkish).
TMMOB: Ankara, 2000. (With A. H. Köse).
Sociology or History: An Essay on Ibn Khaldun and Muqaddimah (in Turkish). Ankara:
Öteki, 1993.
B. Articles in Academic Journals and Proceedings:
“Nouveaux Riches of the City of Minarets and Skyscrapers: Neoliberalism and the
Reproduction of the Islamic Middle Class in Istanbul.” Research and Policy on Turkey.
(Forthcoming, with E. Balkan).
“On the Possibility of a ‘Soviet of Technicians’: Veblen’s Cumulative Causation Applied
to the Turkish Case.” Review of Radical Political Economics. (Forthcoming).
“Laic/Islamist Binary Opposition: Modernization of Turkey and Life” (in Turkish).
Usatölyesi, 13:23:51-71, 2015.
“Anger in search of justice: Reflections on the Gezi Revolt in Turkey.” Sociology of
Islam 2:178-194, 2014. (With G. Koçan).
“Turkish Capitalist Modernity and the Gezi Revolt.” Journal of Historical Sociology
27:2:151-176, 2014.
“Environmental Ethics and Environmental Movements in Turkey” (in Turkish).
Felsefelogos 49:2:129-150, 2013. (With G. Koçan)
“Social and Economic Developments in the Aftermath of G20 Seoul Summit” (in
Turkish). In the Proceedings of the International Symposium of Regional and Global
Dynamics 1:123-147, İzmir: İzmir University, 2011. (With S. Öncü).
“Wither Business Ideology: Revisiting Veblen’s Theory of Engineers as Revolutionary
Actors.” Review of Radical Political Economics 41:2:196-216, 2009.
“Rejuvenating Citizenship in the Context of Diversity? Can Social Movements Be of
Any Help?” THE NET Journal of Political Science 5:1:109-119, 2007. (With G. Koçan).
“From the Morality of Living to the Morality of Dying: Hunger Strikes in Turkish
Prisons.” Citizenship Studies 10:3:349-372, 2006. (With G. Koçan).
“The Politics of Permanent Crisis: Class, Ideology and State in Turkey” (book review).
Science & Society 69:2:269-271, 2005.
“High-Life, Low-life and Common-Life: The Role of Affections and Love in
Citizenship.” Norwegian Journal of Migration Research 2:57-70, 2005. (With G. Koçan).
“Citizen Alevi in Turkey: Beyond Confirmation and Denial.” Journal of Historical
Sociology 17:4: 464-489, 2004. (With G. Koçan).
“Enterprise resource planning technology as a source of change and stability in
organizations.” Proceeding of the EuroMA Conference - Operations as a Change Agent
1: 1167 – 1177, 200. (With D. Tunçalp and M. Denizel).
“Political Identity as Structure and Agency: An Institutional Analysis of the Organization
of Engineers in Turkey.” International Review of Sociology 13, 2: 303-319, 2003.
“Dictatorship Plus Hegemony: A Gramscian Analysis of the Turkish State.” Science &
Society 67, 3: 303-328, 2003.
“Democratic Citizenship Movements in the Context of Multi-layered Governance: The
Case of Bergama Movement.” New Perspectives on Turkey 26:29-57, 2002. (With G.
“Reconsidering the Meaning of Scientific Management from a Marxist Perspective.”
Cultural Logic 4:2, 2002. (With A. H. Köse).
“Engineer Managers and Proletarian Engineers as Employees: The Role of University
Education in the Class Stratification of Engineers in Turkey” (in Turkish). Mülkiye
230:167-184, 2001. (With A. H. Köse).
“Labor Markets and Spatial Dimensions of International Division of Labor: Turkish
Manufacturing Industry in the post-1980 period” (in Turkish). Toplum ve Bilim 86:72-91,
2000. (With A. H. Köse).
“Engineers-Architects in Turkey: Their Class Locations and Ideological Formations (in
Turkish). Toplum ve Bilim 85:9-35, 2000. (With A. H: Köse).
“Anatolian Manufacturing industry within the context of World and Turkish economy:
Are we at the threshold of getting rich or getting poor?” (in Turkish). Toplum ve Bilim
77:135-159, 1998. (With A. H. Köse).
“The Extent of Financial Repression in the Turkish Economy During 1973-1985.” METU
Studies in Development 15:73-84, 1988.
“Economics Education and the World Crisis” (in Turkish). METU Studies in
Development 13:79-82, 1986.
C. Selected Other Articles
“UCTEA is not only a professional organization” (in Turkish). Elektrik Mühendisliği
450: 87-96, 2014.
“Muqaddimah or ‘the Peculiar Method’ of New Science of History” (in Turkish).
Evrensel Kültür 194:60-62, 2008.
“Why are public services commodified? Why are commodified public services
liberalized?” (in Turkish). TMMOB, Mühendislikte, Mimarlıkta ve Planlamada Ölçü
June, 17-24, 2004.
Money, Engineering and “Our Engineers” (in Turkish). Makina Mühendisleri Odası,
Bülten 74:33-39, 2003.
“Social Sciences of Today” (in Turkish). Evrensel Kültür 144:74-75, 2003.
“‘Another World is Possible’ How?” (in Turkish). İktisat, İşletme ve Finans 18:205:4857, 2003.
“Industrialization Experience in Turkey” (in Turkish). Görüş, 35:42-47, 1998. (With A.
H. Köse).
D. Selected Presentations in International and National Conferences:
“The UN Global Compact and the ethics of its environmentalism”, 9th International
Conference on Applied Ethics: ‘Security, Sustainability and Human Flourishing’, Center
for Applied Ethics and Philosophy, Hokkaido University, Sapporo Japan, October 31November 2, 2014. (With G. Koçan).
“Anger in search of justice: Reflection on the Gezi Revolt in Turkey”, 10th International
Conference of the International Development Ethics Assoication: ‘Development Ethics
Contributions for a Socially Sustainable Future’, University of Costa Rica, San Jose, July
21-24, 2014. (With G. Koçan).
“A World after the Image of Islamic Bourgeoisie: Turkey in the 21st Century”,
Understanding Socio-Historical Development and Modernity: A Methodology for Social
Sciences, organized by the Sociological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St.
Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 28-29, 2013.
“Community Conflict and Community Struggle as the Politics of Liquid Modernity.”
Crisis, Critique and Change, 11th European Sociological Association Meeting, organized
by the University of Turin, Turin, Italy, August 28-31, 2013. (With G. Koçan).
“Contestability of the Concept of Democracy,” Third International Conference on Power
and Difference, School of Social Science and Humanities, University of Tampere,
Finland, August 27, 2012. (With G. Koçan).
“Formation of an Anti-Capitalist Engineer Identity and its Evolution in Turkey: A
Veblenian Interpretation,” An International Symposium on Veblen, Capitalism and
Possibilities for a Rational Economic Order, Sabancı University and the Chamber of
Electrical Engineers, Istanbul, July 6-7, 2012.
“Divided between Loyalties: Moral and Political Conflicts Faced by the Supporters of
Islamic Parties in Turkey,” 10th Conference of European Sociological Association,
Geneva, September 7, 2011. (With G. Koçan).
“Democratic Politics and Communities of Trust in Turkey,” 6th General Conference of
European Consortium of Political Research, Reykjavik, August 24, 2011. (With G.
“Being a minority in a nationalist nation-state: Revisiting Marx’s ‘On the Jewish
Question’ in the Context of Turkey’,” Eurosphere Ph.D. Summer School, Sabancı
University, Istanbul, July 18, 2011.
“A Critical Reflection on Arrighi’s ‘Adam Smith in Beijing’.” International Conference
of Political Economy- Adam Smith Conference. Kocaeli University, İzmit, October, 1,
“Ideological and Class Foundations of Media Wars in Turkey.” 21st World Congress of
International Political Science Association. Santiago, Chile, July 12, 2009. (With A.
“Ethnic and Religious Identity based Social Movements in Turkey.” Seminer Series,
Department of Political Science, University of Bergen. Bergen, Norway, January 27,
“Business as Master Signifier versus Business as Theoretical Concept.” Summer
Conference of Union of Radical Political Economics. New York, August 14, 2008.
“Religious Nationalism Interpreted in its Totality.” Research Committee Meeting of the
Sociology of Religion. International Sociological Association, Manila, Philippines,
January, 23, 2008. (With G. Koçan).
“What is this ‘being’ called ‘business’?” The 10th Annual International Conference on
Conceptual History, Istanbul, September, 2007.
“Recursive Dualism of Technology: A Processual Perspective to Technology
Adaptation”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, August, 2006. (With
Deniz Tunçalp and Meltem Denizel).
“The Role of History and Social Formation in the Construction of Rights Regime”,
International Political Sciences Association World Congress, Fukuoka, July 2006. (With
Hakan Sıcakkan and Gürcan Koçan).
“The Right to Live versus the Right to Die: Hunger Strikes in Turkish Prisons”, Human
Rights in Globalizing Era Conference, Ontario, August, 2005. (With Gürcan Koçan).
“Rejuvenating Citizenship in the Context of Diversity: Can social movements be of any
help?,”, EPSNet Conference, Paris, June, 2005. (With Gürcan Koçan).
“Unequal Crisis Tendencies in the World Economy”, Acts of Resistance against
Globalization from the South, an International Meeting Organized by the Turkish Social
Sciences Association, Ankara, September, 2005. (With A H. Köse).
“The effects of the accession to the EU and the GATS on the field of engineering” (in
Turkish), A Symposium Organized by the Chamber of Electrical Engineers, Istanbul,
June, 2005.
“State, Capital and Locality” (in Turkish), the 9th National Social Sciences Conference,
Ankara, December 2005.
“Recursive Dualism of Technology: Reconstructing the Process of Technology
Adaptation in Organizations”, the 21th EGOS Colloquium, "Unlocking Organizations",
Berlin, June, 2005. (With Deniz Tunçalp and Meltem Denizel).
“The Two Sides of Money: Power and Society”, the 8th National Social Sciences
Conference, Ankara, November, 2003. (With A. H. Köse).
“Democratic Dispositions: Alevis between integration and resistance”, Annual Meeting of
Danish Group on Cultural Encounters, Copenhagen, October, 2003. (With G. Koçan).
“Reconstructing the Duality and Dualism of Technology in Organizations”, INFORMS
Annual Meeting, Atlanta, October, 2003. (With Deniz Tunçalp and Meltem Denizel).
“Institutionalization and Structuration of Technology”, the 6th Congress of European
Sociological Association, Murcia, September, 2003. (With Deniz Tunçalp and Meltem
“The Debate on Effective State in Turkey”, METU International Economics Conference
VII, Ankara, September, 2003. (With Berk Talay and Murat Fiş).
“Reconstructing the Duality and Dualism of Technology” (in Turkish), the 11th
Management and Organization Conference, 8in Turkish), Afyon, May, 2003. (with
Deniz Tunçalp and Meltem Denizel).
“Effective States in the IMF/World Bank Programs and the State in Turkey”, Annual
Convention of International Studies, Budapest, June, 2003. (with G. Koçan and A. H.
“The Roles and Functions of International Financial Institutions in the Turkish Political
Economy: From Politics of Stability to Governance”, Annual Convention of International
Studies, Budapest, June, 2003. (With A. H. Köse).
“Neoliberalism, Labor Market Deregulation and Segmentation in the Technical Labor
Markets in Turkey,” the 7th Annual International Economics Conference on
Globalization and Development Problems, Havana, February, 2003. (With A. H, Köse).
“Lessons of the Turkish Economic and Political Crisis,” the 3rd World Social Forum,
Porto Alegre, January, 2003, with Independent Social Scientists Association of Turkey.
“Globalization and Regional Development” (in Turkish), Third GAP and Industry
Conference, Diyarbakır, October, 2003. (With A. H, Köse).
“Questioning Democracy for Inclusion into Body Politic: Party Politics and Alevi
Ethnicity in Turkey”, XV World Congress of Sociology, Brisbane, July, 2002. (With G.
“Bad Faith, Discourse and Dialogue: An essay on the why and how of going beyond
objectivity,” Annual Meeting of Danish Research Group on Cultural Encounters,
İstanbul, May, 2002. (With G. Koçan).
“Bergama Villagers and Political Power of Social Movements in the Context of MultiLayered Governance”, (in Turkish), 7th National Social Sciences Conference, Ankara,
November, 2001. (With G. Koçan).
“Dialogue as a root metaphor of democracy,” the 8th Annual Conference of International
Political Science Association, Copenhagen, August, 2001. (With G. Koçan).
“Re-considering the meaning of ‘scientific management’ from Marxist perspective”,
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, August, 2001. (With A.
H. Köse).
“Identity as a source of resistance to change: Institutionalization of the “revolutionary
patriotic engineer” in Turkey” the 17th Colloquium of European Group for Organization
Studies, Lyon, July, 2001.
“Global community of villagers versus “global village” of business: How did Bergama
peasants become global civic actors?”, the 5th Annual Meeting of European Sociological
Association, Helsinki, August and September, 2001. (With G. Koçan).
“The ghosts of Taylor and Veblen among engineers of a peripheral society: Engineers in
Turkey, their class positions, ideologies and identities”, Annual American Sociological
Association Meeting, Washington, August, 2000. (with A. H. Köse).
‘Well, if you are a high-priced man, no talk back’: Bringing Husserl and Marx into ‘the
Principles of Scientific Management’ ”, Annual Academy of Management Meeting,
Critical Management Studies Workshop, Toronto, August, 2000.
“Engineering Education and Employment Forms of Engineers” (in Turkish), the 6th
National Social Sciences Conference, Ankara, November, 1999. (With A. H. Köse).
“International Division of Labour, Labour Markets and Industrialization Patterns:
Structural characteristics of labour markets in the newly emerging Anatolian industrial
cities”, (in Turkish), the Third International Middle East Technical University Economics
Conference, Ankara, September, 1999. (With A. H. Köse).
“Global Constraints Local Choices: Organisation of work in the emergent industrial cities
in Turkey, 1980-1996”, the 15th Colloquium of European Group for Organizational
Studies, Warwick, July, 1999. (With A.H. Köse).
“Organizational Processes of Class Formation: A historical inquiry into the evolution of
the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects, 1950-1980” in the subtheme of “Organizational Change and Societal Transformation”, the 15th Colloquium of
European Group for Organizational Studies, Warwick, July, 1999.
“Class Structure of Technical Workers: Observations on the Class Differences of
Engineers and Architects in Turkey”, (in Turkish), the 7th National Management and
Organization Conference, Istanbul, May, 1999. (With A. H. Köse).
“Observations on Anatolian Manufacturing Industry”, (in Turkish), the Tenth Industry
Conference, Ankara, December, 1997. (With Gülsen Çakar, Sevil Kişioğlu, A. H. Köse).
Necessities in the Construction of Identities” (in Turkish), the Fifth
National Management and Organization Conference, Ankara, 1997.
“What if my teacher doesn’t tell everything: Learning through focusing on different
theory constructions” (in Turkish), the Fifth National Management and Organization
Conference, Ankara, May, 1997.
“‘Who is the Boss?’ A cross-contextual inquiry into superior-subordinate relationship”,
the 14th Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism, Los Angeles, July, 1996.
(With Can Murat Alpaslan).
“Is it a work relationship or work of relationship? The effects of social culture on
organizational culture” (in Turkish), the Fourth National Management and Organization
Conference, Ankara, May, 1996. (With Can Murat Alpaslan).
“‘If You Want You Can Bring Shari’a Back’: From Islamization of Politics to Political
Islam in Turkey,” the 30th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology
Association, Learned Societies Conference, Montreal, June, 1995.

Benzer belgeler

currıculum vıtae

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