
Philosophy of Doctorate in Chemical and Process Engineering
[UniversitatRovira IVirgili, Tarragona, Spain]
Master Degree in Chemical and Process Engineering
[UniversitatRovira IVirgili, Tarragona, Spain]
B.A. Degree in Bioengineering
[Ege University, İzmir, Turkey]
March, 2011
September, 2007
July, 2005
A s s is t a n t P r o f es s o r
October, 2013 -
Chemical Engineering Department of Mersin University, Mersin/TURKEY
Functional nanobiomaterials
Post-Doctoral AssociateApril, 2013–September,2013
Chemistry Department of Middle East Technical University, Ankara/TURKEY
Morphological characterization of self-assembled peptide hydrogels, release studies from peptide
hydrogels, synthesis of upconverting nanoparticles, liposomes and lipid/metal biocomposites.
Post-Doctoral AssociateMay, 2011 - January, 2013
National Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara/TURKEY
Gold and Palladium nanowire synthesis using peptide amphiphile nanotubes, peptide amphiphile
integrated liposome development for cancer treatment, VEGFR functional superparamagnetic
nanoparticle synthesis.
Visiting ScholarFebruary, 2010 - June, 2010
School of Pharmacy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GREECE
Thermosensitive liposome synthesis for drug delivery
Research and Teaching AssistantNovember, 2005 - April, 2011
Chemical and Process Engineering Department, ETSEQ, UniversitatRovira IVirgili, SPAIN
Liposome Synthesis and their use in biosensing, nanoparticle synthesis and drug delivery
Functional nanoparticle and nanosizedbiocomposite synthesis
Nanoparticles in biosensing
Design of biofunctionalized liposomes
Drug Delivery agents
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK),
BİDEB- Post-Doctoral Fellowship
The Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA),
Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship(Not Taken)
Generaltitat de Catalunya, PhD Achievement Award(3000 €)2011
Received cum laude for Doctorate dissertation and
European Doctoratecertificate
BE-DGR Generalitat de Catalunyainternational research fellowship (3500€) 2010
FI-Generalitat de CatalunyaPre-doctoral research scholarship 2006-2011
2nd best prize at 7th PhD Poster Exhibition of ETSEQ,
University RoviraiVirgili, Tarragona
Pre-doctoral URV scholarship in R+D+I projects2005-2006
(Trainee Research Personnel Programme funded by R+D+I projects)
1. Liposomal Nanoreactors For The Synthesis Of Monodisperse Palladium Nanoparticles Using
Glycerol, Gael Clergaud, RukanGenc, Mayreli Ortiz, and Ciara K. O'Sullivan, Langmuir, Just
Accepted Manuscript, Publication Date (Web): 18 Nov 2013
2. MelisŞardan, Murat Kılınç, RükanGenç, Ayşe BegümTekinay, Mustafa Ö. Güler, “Cell
Penetrating Peptide Amphiphile Integrated Liposomal Systems for Enhanced Delivery of
Anticancer Drugs to Tumor Cells “, Faraday Discussions,2013, DOI: 10.1039/C3FD00058C
3. Handan Acar , RukanGenc , Turan S. Erkal , Mustafa Urel , Aykutlu Dana and Mustafa O.
Guler “Self-Assembled Peptide NanofiberTemplated One-Dimensional Gold Nanostructures
Exhibiting Resistive Switching “ Langmuir. 28 (47), 2012, 2311-2318.
4. Mohammad ArefKhalily, OyaUstahuseyin, RuslanGarifullin, RukanGenc, and Mustafa O.
Guler, “Supramolecular Peptide NanofiberTemplatedPdNanocatalyst for Efficient Suzuki
Coupling Reactions in Aqueous Conditions” Chemical Communications 48, 2012, 1135811360 (Highlighted in Synfacts 9 (01), 0110-0110).
5. RükanGenç, Gael Clergeaud, Mayreli Ortiz, Ciara K. O’Sullivan, “Green synthesis of gold
nanoparticles using glycerol incorporated nanoliposomes.” Langmuir27 (17), 2011, pp.
6. CananSevimli-Gür, İlyasOnbaşılar, PerginAtilla, RükanGenç, NurÇakar, İsmetDeliloğluGürhan, ErdalBedir.” In vitro growth stimulatory and in vivo wound healing studies on
cycloartane-type saponins of Astragalus genus.”Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 134 (3),
2011, 844-850
7. RükanGenç and Susana Rodríguez-Couto , “Production of a Biopolymer at reactor scale: a
Laboratory Class Experience.” Journal of Chemical Education, 88 (8), 2011, pp. 1175-1177
8. RükanGenç, Deirdre Murphy, Alex Fragoso, Mayreli Ortiz, Ciara O’Sullivan, “Signalenhancing thermosensitive liposomes for highly sensitive immunosensor development”,
Analytical Chemistry, 83 (2), 2010, 563–570.
9. RükanGenç, Mayreli Ortiz, Ciara K. O’Sullivan. “Curvature tuned preparation of
nanoliposomes.” Langmuir, 25(21), 2009, 12604-12613.
10. RükanGenç, Susana Rodriquez, “Using Biotechnology in the laboratory: Using an
immobilized-laccase reactor-system to learn about waste water treatment. “ Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology Education, 37, 2009, 182-185.
11. Jiménez, L., Katakis, I., Fabregat, A., Schafer, T., Rodriguez, S., Mateo, J.M., Giamberini, M.,
Rivera, B., Argüeso, P., Calero, E., Vico, L., Hernandez, F., Genc, R.,Medir, M., Alabart, J.R.,
Guillén-Gosálbez, G., “CAPE tools in biotechnology: why, when, what, who, which ones and
where?”Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 25, 2008, 25, 1181-1186.
1. RükanGenç, Mayreli Ortiz, Ciara K. O’Sullivan, .Diffusion driven size controlled synthesis of
gold nanoparticles: nano-sized liposomes as mass transfer barrier.Accepted Article with
minor revision to Journal of Nanoparticle Research.
2. RükanGenç, Gael Clergeaud, Mayreli Ortiz, Ciara K. O’Sullivan, Template directed synthesis
of gold nanoparticles: lipid super structures giving birth to the golden super structures.
Submitted Article under revision.
3. RükanGenç, MelisŞardan, BüşraMammadov, TanerÖzgürtaş, Ayşe BegümTekinay, Mustafa
Ö. Güler, Multi-functional superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as target directed
MRI contrast agent. In Progress
RükanGenç, “Nanoliposomes for Cancer Therapy: Preparation and Functionalization” in
International Symposium on Cancer Nano Medicine 2013, İzmir (TURKEY). Invited Speaker
RükanGenç, MelisŞardan, BüşraMammadov, TanerÖzgürtaş, Ayşe BegümTekinay, Mustafa
Ö. Güler, “Peptide amphiphile coated multi-functional superparamagnetic ironoxide
nanoparticles as MR-I contrast agent ”, VIII. NanoTR, 25-29 June, 2012. Ankara (TURKEY). Oral
AdemYildirim, MelisSardan, RukanGenc, Murat Kilinc, SelimSulek, Ayse B Tekinay, Mehmet
Bayindir, Mustafa O Guler. “Improved solubility and biocompatibility of peptide coated
magnetic mesoporous silica nanoparticle theranostic agents” 244th ACS National Meeting
& Exposition August 19-23, 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Oral Presentation
RükanGenç, MayreliOrtiz , Ciara O’Sullivan “Thermo-sensitive liposomes via Curvature tuned
preparation method for application in biosensors and drug delivery”, XIV
TrobadaTransfrontererasobreSensosi Biosensors, 24-25 Eylül 2009. Banyuls-Sur-Mer (FRANCE).
Oral Presentation
MelisŞardan, Murat Kılınç, RükanGenç, Ayşe BegümTekinay, Mustafa ÖzgürGüler, Peptide
funtionalizedlipozomal drug carriers for cancer treatment, NanoTR-8, Ankara, Türkiye, PP267, 27 Haziran 2012. Poster
RükanGenç, MayreliOrtiz , Ciara O’Sullivan “Signal enhancing liposomes for highly sensitive
sensor development”, NANOJASP2010, 2010, Barcelona (SPAIN). Poster
RükanGenç, Mayreli Ortiz , Ciara O’Sullivan “Nano-sized liposomes for reaction rate
controlled synthesis of gold nanoparticles”, Kinetics in Analytical Chemistry, 1 December
2009, Cape Town (SOUTH AFRİCA) Poster
 Lecture:Chemical Engineering Lab I
Dept: 4th Grade, Chemical Engineering, Mersin University, TURKEY
Lecture:Fundamentals of Biohemical Engineering
Fall, 2013-2013
Fall, 2013-2013
Dept:4th Grade, Chemical Engineering, Mersin University, TURKEY
 Lecture:Introduction to Biotechnology
Dept: 4th Grade, Chemical Engineering, Mersin University, TURKEY
Lecture:Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering
Dept: Chemical Engineering, UniversitatRovira I Virgili, SPAIN
 Lecture:Bioreactors Laboratory
Dept:Biotechnology, UniversitatRovira I Virgili, SPAIN
Turkish:Native Language,
English:Advance Reading, Writing and Speaking
Spanish:Advanced Reader, Intermediate Speaker, Intermediate Writer
Catalan:Intermediate Reader, Novice Writer and Speaker
Fall, 2013-2013
Fall, 2007-2009
Fall, 2008-2009
Fall, 2007-2009
Fall, 2008-2009

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