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cv-aksın somel - Sabancı University myWeb Service
Sabancı University
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Ph.D. : Bamberg University, 1993 (Turkology-History-Sociology)
M.A. : Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 1987 (History)
B.A. : Ankara Üniversitesi, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Uluslararası Đlişkiler Bölümü, 1983
(Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of International Relations)
Ph.D.Thesis : Das Grundschulwesen in den Provinzen des Osmanischen Reiches während der
Herrschaftsperiode Abdülhamids II (1876-1908)
[Primary education in the Ottoman provinces during the reign of Abdülhamid II]
M.A.Thesis : Sırat-ı Müstakim: Islamic Modernist Thought in the Ottoman Empire (19081912)
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Graduate Scholarship (1991-1993)
Das Grundschulwesen in den Provinzen des Osmanischen Reiches während der Herrschaftsperiode Abdülhamids II (1876-1908)(Egelsbach-Frankfurt-St.Peter Port: Hänsel-Hohenhausen
Verlag, 1995) (ISBN 3-8267-2115-2)
The Modernization of Public Education in the Ottoman Empire (1839-1908). Islamization,
Autocracy and Discipline (Brill Academic Publishers: 2001) (ISBN 90-04-11903-5)
Historical Dictionary of the Ottoman Empire (Lanham, Maryland and Oxford : Scarecrow
Press, 2003) (ISBN 0-8108-4332-3)
(edited together with Amy Singer and Christoph Neumann): ReSounding Silences: Untold
Histories of the Middle East (forthcoming at the University of Utah Press (2009 ))
Yerel Tarih Araştırmaları Đçin Kılavuz (Đstanbul: Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı,
2000) [A guide to local historical research]
1885 Tarihli Đstanbul Đstatistikleri (in progress) [Statistics of Istanbul of 1885]
Ali Fuad Türkgeldi’nin “Maruf Simalar”ı (together with Mehmet Kalpaklı, in progress)
[Selected bureaucrats of the late Ottoman period, 1840-1877]
“Osmanlı Tarihi-Çağdaş Dönem”, Yurt Ansiklopedisi-Türkiye Genel Cildi (Đstanbul: Yurt
Yayınları, 1982, 1983-1984), pp.8142-8145. [Ottoman history, modern period. Encyclopedia
“Sırat-ı Müstakim: Islamic Modernist Thought in the Ottoman Empire”, The Journal of the
Middle East Studies Society at Columbia University, Vol.1 Nr.1 1987, 55-80.
“Arap Eyaletleri ve Günümüz Arap Devletleri: Tarihsel Bir Perspektiften Genel Bir Bakış”,
Yeni Türkiye Sayı 3 (Mart-Nisan 1995) [Ottoman Arab provinces and the present-day Arab
nation states: a general view]
“Osman Nuri Paşa‘nın 17 Temmuz 1885 Tarihli Hicaz Raporu”, Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi
(A.Ü.DTCF Tarih Bölümü) XVIII-29 (1996) [The Hijaz (Mecca & Medina) report of governor
Osman Nuri Pasha, dated 17 July 1885]
“Ottoman Islamic Education in the Balkans in the Nineteenth Century”, Islamic Studies. Special
Issue: Islam in the Balkans (Islamabad), 36;2, 3 (1997)
“Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Türk Kimliği”, Cumhuriyet, Demokrasi ve Kimlik. Nuri Bilgin
(haz.) (Đstanbul: Bağlam, 1997) [Turkish ethnic identity from the Ottoman times to the
Republican era]
“Gericilik, Đlericilik ve Aydınlar”, Doğu Batı Düşünce Dergisi No.1/3 (Mayıs Haziran Temmuz
1998) [Reaction, progressivism, and Turkish intellectuals]
“Bahar ve Filiz Pastaneleri”, Yerel Tarih Nr.4 (Temmuz 1998) [The social-institutional histories
of two bakery-shops in Ankara]
“The Interwoven Relationship Between Religion, Nationalism and Education in the 19th
Century Balkans”, in Encounter or Conflict of Civilizations on the Balkans. International
Scientific Conference. December 10-12, 1997. Slavenko Terzic (Belgrade: Historical
Institute of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 1998)
“Yerel Tarih ve Tarihte Yerellik”, Yerel Tarih Nr.6 (Kasım 1999) [Local history and
provinciality in history]
“The Problem of Crypto-Christians in Albania during the Hamidian Period”, South East Europe
in History: the Past, the Present and the Problems of Balkanology (Ankara: Ankara
Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi, 1999)
“Arnavut Milliyetçiliği, Bab-ı Âlî ve Đstanbul Ekümenik Patrikhanesi”, Tarih ve Milliyetçilik.
I.Ulusal Tarih Kongresi (Mersin: Mersin Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, 1999) [Albanian
nationalism, the Sublime Porte, and the Orthodox Patriarchate of Istanbul]
“Osmanlılarda Đslamiyet ve Modernleşme. Eğitim Tarihi Perspektifinden Kısa Bir Yeniden
Değerlendirme”, Türkiye Günlüğü 58 (Kasım-Aralık 1999) [Islam in the late Ottoman times and
the issue of modernization : an evaluation from the perspective of educational history]
“Osmanlı Modernleşme Döneminde Periferik Nüfus Grupları”, Toplum ve Bilim 83 (Kış
1999/2000) [Peripheral populations during the age of Ottoman reforms]
“Yanıbaşımızdaki Tarih”, Tarihçe. Yerel Tarih Grupları Bülteni (Türkiye Ekonomik ve
Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı) 1( Nisan 2000) [History at our frontdoor]
“The Period of Reform” and “The End” (together with Oktay Özel ve Özlem Çaykent), The
Ottomans. A Brief Story of a World Empire (Ankara: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of Turkey, 2000).
“Osmanlı Modernleşme Döneminde Kız Eğitimi”, Kebîkeç. Đnsan Bilimleri Đçin Kaynak
Araştırmaları Dergisi 10 (2000) [The development of female education during the Ottoman
reform period]
“Rumî 1301 (1885) Tarihli Đstanbul Sayımı”, Osmanlı Devleti‘nde Bilgi ve Đstatistik. Data and
Statistics in the Ottoman Empire. Edited by Halil Đnalcık and Şevket Pamuk (Ankara: T.C.
Başbakanlık Devlet Đstatistik Enstitüsü, 2000) [An evaluation of the population census of
Istanbul of 1885]
“Đstanbul Đsveç Araştırma Enstitüsü'nün 15-17 Mart 2001 tarihleri arasında düzenlediği Ottoman
Intellectual Heritage başlıklı konferansa ilişkin gözlemler”, Türkiye Kültür Araştırmaları
Bülteni 2 (Nisan 2001) [Some observations concerning the conference titled “Ottoman
Intellectual Heritage”, organised by the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (15-17 March
“Osmanlı Reform Çağında Osmanlıcılık Düşüncesi (1839-1913)”, Modern Türkiye‘de Siyasî
Düşünce. Cilt 1: Cumhuriyet‘e Devreden Düşünce Mirası: Tanzimat ve Meşrutiyet‘in Birikimi
(Đstanbul: Đletişim, 2001) [The state ideology of Ottomanism during the age of reforms, 18391913]
“Bir Malî Sorun Olarak Osmanlı Son Döneminde Eğitim Yatırımları ve Vergilendirme
Meselesi”, Doğu Batı. Düşünce Dergisi 4-17 (2001-2002) [The problem of taxation and
educational investment during the Hamidian era]
“Osmanlı Son Döneminde Đskat-ı Cenin Meselesi”, Kebîkeç. Đnsan Bilimleri Đçin Kaynak
Araştırmaları Dergisi 13 (2002) [The problem of abortion during the late Ottoman period. The
edict of 1838]
“Osmanlı Tarihi Sahasında Türkçe Başvuru Eserler : Akademik ve Siyasal Bir Durum
Tespiti”, Türkiye Araştırmaları Literatür Dergisi 1-2 (2003) [An academic and political
evaluation of Turkish-language reference books on Ottoman history]
“The Religious Community Schools and Foreign Missionary Schools”, Halil Đnalcık and
Günsel Renda (eds.): Ottoman Civilization Vol.2 (Ankara: Republic of Turkey Ministry of
Culture, 2003).
“Osmanskaia Imperia : Mestniye Elitiy i Mehanizmiy ih Integratsii”, Aleksei Miller (ed.):
Rossiyskaia Imperiya v Sravnitel’noi Perspektive (Moscow: Novoe Izdatel’stvo, 2004)
[Ottoman Empire: Provincial elites and mechanisms of their integration]
(together with Milena B.Methodieva) “Keeping the bonds: The Ottomans and Muslim
Education in Autonomous Bulgaria, 1878-1908”, Turcica. Revıe d’Etudes Turques 36 (2004).
“Christian Community Schools During the Ottoman Reform Period”, in Elisabeth Özdalga
(editor), Late Ottoman Society: The Intellectual Legacy (London: RoutledgeCurzon Press,
“Sources on the Education of Ottoman Women in the Prime Ministerial Ottoman Archives”,
in Amira Sonbol (editor), Beyond the exotic: women’s histories in Islamic societies
(Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 2005).
“The Issue of Abortion in 19th Century Ottoman Empire,” in Halil Đnalcık and Oktay Özel
(editors), IXth International Congress of Economic and Social History of Turkey (DubrovnikCroatia, 20-23 August 2002) (Ankara: Atatürk Supreme Council for Culture, Language and
History. Publications of the Turkish Historical Society, 2005).
“Maarif müdürü Radovişli Mustafa Bey’in raporları ve Müslim ve Gayrimüslim eğitimi: II.
Abdülhamid devri Selânik taşrasında maarif meselesi (1885-1886)”, Tarih ve Toplum. Yeni
Yaklaşımlar 2 (242) (Güz 2005) [The reports of the provincial director of education, Mustafa
Bey of Radovište, concerning Muslim and non-Muslim education: The issue of education in the
province of Salonica in 1885-1886]
“Aleksandır Ekzarh ve 19.-20.Yüzyıllarda Avrupa’ya Giden 'Bulgar Yolları'”, Tarih ve Toplum.
Yeni Yaklaşımlar 2 (242) (Güz 2005) [The 'Bulgarian Roads' toward Europe in the 19th and
20th centuries and Alexander Exarch. Report of the Conference on Alexander Exarch, held in
Stara Zagora between 7-8 May 2005]
“Education, Middle East”, in Thomas Benjamin (ed.), Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism
since 1450 (Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2006)
“Female Education in the Ottoman Empire”, in Suad Joseph (ed.), Encyclopedia of Women and
Islamic Cultures Vol. IV (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2006)
“Kırım Savaşı, Islahat Fermanı ve Osmanlı Eğitim Düzeninde Dönüşümler”, in Feridun
Emecen (ed.), Savaştan Barışa: 150.Yıldönümünde Kırım Savaşı ve Paris Antlaşması (18531856) (Đstanbul: Đstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Araştırma Merkezi, 2007)
[The Crimean War, the Reform Edict of 1856 and the Transformation of the Ottoman
Educational Structure]
“Osmanlı Ermenilerinde kültür modernleşmesi, cemaat okulları ve Abdülhamid rejimi”, Tarih
ve Toplum. Yeni Yaklaşımlar 5 (245) (Bahar 2007) [Cultural modernization among the Ottoman
Armenians, community schools and the regime of Abdülhamid II]
“Regulations for Raising Children during the Hamidian Period”, in François Georgeon and
Klaus Kreiser (eds.), Enfance et jeunesse dans le monde musulman. Childhood and Youth in
the Muslim World (Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose, 2007)
(together with Tuba Demirci) “Women’s Bodies, Demography, and Public Health: Abortion
Policy and Perspectives in the Ottoman Empire of the Nineteenth Century”, in Journal of the
History of Sexuality (Austin, Texas) Vol. 17, Nr.3 (September 2008).
“Rusdiye Schools”, in Peter N. Stearns (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2008).
“Abdülaziz”, Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire
(New York: Facts on File, 2008).
“Abdülhamid II”, Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Ottoman
Empire (New York: Facts on File, 2008).
“Abdülmecid”, Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Ottoman
Empire (New York: Facts on File, 2008).
“Constitution/Constitutional Period”, Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters (ed.), Encyclopedia
of the Ottoman Empire (New York: Facts on File, 2008).
“Mehmed V”, Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire
(New York: Facts on File, 2008).
“Mehmed VI”, Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire
(New York: Facts on File, 2008).
“Murad V”, Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire
(New York: Facts on File, 2008).
“Mustafa IV”, Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire
(New York: Facts on File, 2008).
“Parliament”, Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire
(New York: Facts on File, 2008).
“Mustafa Bey of Radoviş (1843-1893): Bureaucrat, Journalist and Deputy of Salonica at the
First Ottoman Parliament”, in The First Ottoman Experiment in Democracy (Würzburg:
Ergon [Istanbuler Texte und Studien 18], forthcoming in 2009).
“Rüşdiye Schools”, Encyclopedia of the Modern World (Amira Sonbol ed.) (Oxford
University Press) (forthcoming)
“Ayşe Sıddiqa”, Encyclopedia of Islam. 3rd Edition (Brill Publishers, The Netherlands)
“Hâlet Efendi”, Persian Encyclopaedia of Islam (Encyclopaedia Islamica Foundation, Iran)
“Hüsrev Pasha”, Persian Encyclopaedia of Islam (Encyclopaedia Islamica Foundation, Iran)
“Enseignement”, Le Dictionnaire de l’Empire Ottoman (Fayard, Paris) (forthcoming).
“Mekteb”, Le Dictionnaire de l’Empire Ottoman (Fayard, Paris) (projected).
“Nosayris”, Le Dictionnaire de l’Empire Ottoman (Fayard, Paris) (projected).
“Sécularisation”, Le Dictionnaire de l’Empire Ottoman (Fayard, Paris) (projected).
“Université”, Le Dictionnaire de l’Empire Ottoman (Fayard, Paris) (projected).
Đsmail Kara :2.Meşrutiyet'te Đslamcılık. Tarih ve Toplum, Nr.46 (Ekim 1987) [Review on
Đ.Kara’s book concerning Islamism during the Young Turk period]
"31 Mart'a 31 Martçı Bakış" Toplum ve Bilim, Nr.41 (Bahar 1988) [Review on S.Albayrak’s
book concerning the Islamist rebellion of 31 March 1909]
"Türk Ordusu ile Filistin'de" Tarih ve Toplum, Nr.66 (Haziran 1989) [Review on
A.Aaronsohn’s memoirs concerning the Ottoman army in Palestine]
"Joel C.Hodson: Lawrence of Arabia and American Culture. The Making of a Transatlantic
Legend“, Journal of American Studies of Turkey 4 (1996)
"Türkiye Kültürüne Önemli Bir Katkı: Elektronik Ortama Aktarılan Cumhuriyet Dönemi
Makaleler Bibliyografyası (1923-1999)", Virgül (May 2002) [Review on the electronic
database of the Turkish bibliography of periodical articles (1923-1999)]
"M. Şükrü Hanioğlu: Preparation for a Revolution. The Young Turks, 1902-1908," Slavic
Review LXII – 1 (Spring 2003) (ISSN: 0037-6779) (ISI Arts and Humanities Index)
"Benjamin C. Fortna: Imperial Classroom: Islam, the State, and Education in the Late Ottoman
Empire," The English Historical Review CXVIII – 477 (June 2003) (ISSN 0013-8266).
“Erol Köroğlu: Đkinci Meşrutiyet ve Birinci Dünya Savaşı döneminde Türkçülük ve ulusal
kimlik inşası”, Tarih ve Toplum. Yeni Yaklaşımlar 2 (242) (Güz 2005).
“Oliver Jens Schmitt: Levantiner. Lebenswelten und Identitäten einer ethnokonfessionellen
Gruppe im osmanischen Reich im “langen 19.Jahrhundert”, Jahrbücher für Geschichte
Osteuropas 55 (2007).
“Erol Köroğlu: Ottoman Propaganda and Turkish Identity. Literature in Turkey during World
War I”, Pew Perspectives on Turkey Nr.39 (Fall 2008) (ISI SSCI).
"Klaus Peter Schwarz (1943-1989)“ [In Memoriam Klaus Peter Schwarz, by Hans Robert
Roemer, originally in the ZDMG, vol.141/1 (1991)], The Journal of Ottoman Studies XI (1991)
“II.Abdülhamid döneminde meşruiyet aracı olarak eğitim ve devlet okulları”, Osmanlı'dan
Cumhuriyet'e Problemler, Araştırmalar, Tartışmalar. Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih
Vakfı 1.Uluslararası Tarih Kongresi (ODTÜ, 24-26 Mayıs 1993).
“Bab-ı Ali - Fener Patrikhanesi - Arnavut Milliyetçiliği”, Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih
Vakfı Ankara Grubu (28 Ocak 1994).
“The Interwoven Relationship Between Nationalism and Religion in the Late Ottoman Empire:
An Ottoman Perspective”, International Conference on Minorities and Related Problems in the
Balkans (Bilkent, 27-29 October 1994).
“Ottoman Bureaucracy During the Hamidian Period : Structural Problems”, VII.International
Congress on the Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire (1300-1920) (Heidelberg,
25-29 July 1995).
“II.Abdülhamid Döneminde Arnavut Milliyetçiliği”, Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih
Vakfı Đzmir Grubu (15 Ocak 1996).
“Osmanlı‘dan Cumhuriyet‘e Türk Kimliği Sorunsalı”, Cumhuriyet, Demokrasi ve Kimlik
Sempozyumu (Đzmir, 10-12 Nisan 1996).
“Education and Socialization in the Late 19th Century Ottoman Beirut and Skutari”, European
Science Foundation ISMM Group 1: Forms of Belonging and Modes of Social Integration
(Granada, 24-27 May 1996).
“The Problem of Crypto-Christians in Albania During the Hamidian Period”, Ankara
Üniversitesi 50.Yılı Uluslararası Sempozyum: Tarihte Güney-Doğu Avrupa: Balkanolojinin
Dünü, Bugünü ve Sorunları (Ankara, 13-14 Kasım 1996).
“19.Yüzyılda Arnavut Milliyetçiliğinin Gelişimi”, Mersin Üniversitesi I.Ulusal Tarih Kongresi
(Mersin, 1-2 Mayıs 1997).
“The Problem of Turkish Identity within the late 19th Century Ottoman Administration”, 35th
ICAPAS Meeting (Budapest, July 7-12, 1997).
“Sources on the Education of Ottoman Women in the Prime Ministerial Ottoman Archives”,
European Science Foundation ISMM Group 1: Forms of Belonging and Modes of Social
Integration (Mulhouse, September 20-21, 1997).
“The Interwoven Relationship Between Religion, Nationalism and Education in the 19th
Century Balkans”, International Scientific Conference: Encounter or Conflict of Civilizations
on the Balkans (Belgrade, December 10-12, 1997).
“Sunni-Islamic Orthodoxy as a Means of Political Uniformity: Hamidian Educational Policy
Toward the Heterodox Alevis in the Late 19th Century Ottoman Empire”, European Social
Science History Conference (Amsterdam, March 5-7, 1998).
“II.Abdülhamid Üzerine”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü (Ankara, 22 April 1998).
“Educational Situation in the Vilayet of Salonica in the 1880s”, VIII.International Congress on
the Economic and Social History of Turkey (Bursa, June 18-21, 1998).
“Textbooks as Determiners of Moral Education in the 19th Century Ottoman Muslim Primary
Schools”, European Science Foundation ISMM Group 1: Forms of Belonging and Modes of
Social Integration (Salamanca, October 15-17, 1998).
“Crypto-Christianity in the 19th Century Ottoman Empire”, Middle Eastern Studies Association
of Porth America 32nd Annual Meeting (Chicago, December 3-6, 1998).
“Yerel Tarih ve Tarihte Yerellik”, Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı Yerel Tarih
Yarışması Tarih Öğretmenleri Danışma Toplantısı (Ürgüp, 25-27 Nisan 1999).
“Son Dönem Osmanlı Tarih Yazımcılığında Osmanlı Kuruluş Dönemi”, Bilkent Üniversitesi
Tarih Bölümü. Sempozyum: Osman‘dan Fatih‘e: Osmanlı Devletinin Doğuşu ve
Đmparatorluğun Kuruluşu (Ankara, 5 Mayıs 1999).
“Tanzimat ve II.Abdülhamid Dönemlerinde Doğu Anadolu‘da Toplumsal Yapı ve Modern
Eğitim Sorunları”, Van Valiliği Osmanlı Devletinin 700.Yılı Kutlama Etkinlikleri: Doğu ve
Güneydoğu Anadolu‘nun Toplumsal Tarihi Sempozyumu (Van, 16-18 Haziran 1999).
“Ottoman Islamic Education in the Balkans in the Nineteenth Century”, VIIIth International
Congress of South-East European Studies (Bucharest, 24-28 August 1999).
“Tanzimat Döneminde Eğitim”, Đstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Osmanlı Devletinin 700.Yılı
Kutlama Etkinlikleri: Osmanlı Eğitim Tarihi Kongresi (Đstanbul, 22-23 Ekim 1999).
“Regulations for Raising Children during the Hamidian Period”, European Science Foundation
ISMM Group 1: Forms of Belonging and Modes of Social Integration (Munich, October 30-31,
“Yanıbaşımızdaki Tarih: Yerel Tarihçiliğin Türkiye Açısından Önemi”, Türkiye Ekonomik ve
Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı ve Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi Toplantısı (Gaziantep, 3 Mart
“Yerel Tarih”, Bilkent Üniversitesi Türk Dili Koordinatörlüğü Konferansı (Bilkent, Ankara, 12
Nisan 2000).
“19.Yüzyılda Balkanlarda Dinsel Cemaatler ve Milliyetçilik Meselesi”, Uluslararası I.Balkan
Sempozyumu (Trakya Üniversitesi, Edirne, 20-21 Nisan 2000).
“Das Osmanische Reich-Atatürk-die Türkische Republik. Historische Wurzeln der heutigen
Türkei”, Cusanuswerk Semineri-Kultur und Religion in der Türkei. Zusammenprall oder
Zusammenspiel ? (Ankara, 20 Eylül 2000).
“Osmanlı Son Döneminde Filistinliler ve Yahudiler”, Güncelin Tarihi Konferans DizisiTürkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı ve Mülkiyeliler Birliği (Ankara, 1 Kasım 2000).
“The Historical Role of the Iranian People in the Islamization Process of the Turkic People in
Turan”, International Seminar on the Iranian World and Turan (Center for Documents and
Diplomatic History, Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Teheran, 13-14 February 2001).
“Ottoman Educational Reform: Westernization or Islamization?”, Conference on the Ottoman
Intellectual Heritage. Swedish Research Institute in Đstanbul (15-17 March 2001).
“Children’s Impressions of School and the Process of Early Socialization in the Late Ottoman
Reform Period”, XXVIII. Deutscher Orientalistentag. Bamberg, March 26-30, 2001.
“Government Education as a Means of Political Legitimation in the Ottoman Reform Period”,
Authority and Legitimacy in the Ottoman Empire. Symposium. Boğaziçi University Campus
(Đstanbul, July 6-7, 2001).
“On the Issue of Abortion in the Early Nineteenth Century Ottoman Empire”, IX. International
Congress on the Economic and Social History of Turkey (Dubrovnik, August 20-23, 2001).
“XIX. Yüzyıl Sonlarında Balkanlarda Türk Olmayanlara (Gayrı Müslim ve Müslüman) Yönelik
Osmanlı Eğitim Siyaseti”, Bulgar-Türk Konferansı; XVIII. Yüzyıl-XX. Yüzyılın Başlarında
Osmanlı Đmparatorluğu’nun Balkan Eyaletleri. Ekonomi, Toplum, Kültür (Sofya Kliment
Ohridski Üniversitesi Tarih Fakültesi, 5-6 Ekim 2001).
“Osmanlı‘da Eğitim ve Siyasal Meşruiyet”, Yeditepe Üniversitesi Tarih Kulübü (Đstanbul, 12
Nisan 2002).
“Tarihte Osmanlılar ve Moldova”, 10. Yıldönümünde Moldova-Türkiye Đlişkileri Sempozyumu
(Đstanbul, 9-11 Ekim 2002). Düzenleyenler: Türk Tarih Kurumu ve Moldova Büyükelçiliği.
“Globalleşme ve Türkiye Hakkında Bazı Gözlemler”, Kadıköy Düşünce Platformu (15
December 2002).
“Schools as an Arena of Politics: Armenian Schools and Ottoman Educational Policies
Toward Armenians”, Vectors of Violence: War, Revolution, and Genocide : A TurkishArmenian Workshop. University of Minnesota (28-30 March 2003).
“Ottoman Empire : Administrative Mechanisms, Bureaucracy, and Local Elites”, History of
Empires: Comparative Approaches to Research and Teaching (Open Society Institute,
Moscow, 6-10 June 2003).
“Das Problem der Abtreibung im Osmanischen Reich im 19. Jahrhundert”, LudwigMaximilian Universität München (Munich, 30 October 2003).
“Socialization and Formal Schooling in the Late Otoman Empire (1869-1908)”, Schule und
Sozialisation in Historischer Perspektive. Peue Ansätze und Ergebnisse Historischer
Sozialisationsforschung. Symposion des DFG-Projekts (Universität Mannheim, Mannheim, 2122 November 2003).
“Eliten im Osmanischen Reich”, Internationale Konferenz. Herrschaft und Beherrschte in
kontinentalen europäischen Imperien im Vergleich 1700-1920 (Austrian Academy of Sciences,
Vienna, 18-19 March 2004).
“Osmanlı Đmparatorluğu’nda Eğitimin Modernleşmesi ve Laikleşmesi”, Eğitimde Laikliğin Đki
Yüzü: Fransa ve Türkiye. Bir Yüzyılın Bilançosu (Galatasaray Üniversitesi, Istanbul, 20-23 May
“Art, Culture, and Education in the Central Balkans under Ottoman Rule : Evaluation of Recent
Turkish Academic Publications”, Workshop on Central Balkan Lands : The State of Art in
Bulgaria and Turkey. Evaluation of Developments and Trends (Sabancı University and
Netherlands Historical and Archaeological Institute, Istanbul, 26-27 June 2004).
“19th Century Ottoman Educational Reform and Islam”, Workshop : Religion and Politics in
Turkey (Journal of Turkish Studies & German Orient Institut, Istanbul, 2-4 July 2004).
“On the Modernization of Ottoman Empire and the Issue of Popular Culture: Some
Observations”, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Đktisat Tarihi/Đktisat Politikaları Semineri (Boğaziçi
Üniversitesi, 13 December 2004).
“Division or Enrichment ? Educational Networks in the Nineteenth Century Balkans under
Ottoman Rule”, International Conference. Alexander Exarh and “Bulgarian Ways” to Europe,
Pineteenth and Early Twentieth Century (Church-School-Press-Diplomacy-State).(Organized
by the Municipality of Stara Zagora, Institut Français of Bulgaria, and Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences: Stara Zagora, 7-8 May 2005).
“Osmanlı Modernleşmesi ve Kültür Meselesine Đlişkin Bazı Gözlemler”, Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı
(Đstanbul Süleymaniye, 23 Mayıs 2005).
“Ermeni Eğitimi ve Abdülhamid Rejimi”, Đmparatorluğun Çöküş Döneminde Osmanlı
Ermenileri: Bilimsel Sorumluluk ve Demokrasi Sorunları (Đstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 24-25
Eylül 2005).
“Division or Enrichment ? Educational Networks in the Nineteenth Century Balkans under
Ottoman Rule”, X. International Congress on the Economic and Social History of Turkey
(Venice, September 28-October 1, 2005).
“Die komplizierte Beziehung zwischen Konfession, Nationalismus und Schulwesen im
osmanischen Balkanraum des 19.Jahrhunderts”, International Humboldt Conference.
Challenges to the Science in South-east European Countries before their Membership in
European Union (Humboldt Union in Bulgaria, Sofia, 14-16 October 2005).
“Woman, State, and Religion: The Issue of Abortion in the Late Ottoman Empire”, Sixth
European Social Science History Conference (IISH, Amsterdam, 22-25 March 2006).
“Kırım Savaşı ve Islahat Fermanı’nın Osmanlı Eğitim Düzeninde Yarattığı Dönüşümler”,
Savaştan Barışa: 150.Yıldönümünde Kırım Savaşı ve Paris Antlaşması (1853-1856) (Đstanbul
Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Araştırma Merkezi ve Marmara Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat
Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü, Đstanbul, 22-23 Mayıs 2006).
“II.Abdülhamid Devri Tarihçiliğinin Sorunları”, Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı ve
Mülkiyeliler Birliği (Ankara, 24 Mayıs 2006).
“Islahat Fermanı ve Osmanlı Eğitiminin Çağdaşlaşması”, in Yapı Kredi Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık
Tarih Söyleşisi (Đstanbul, 20 October 2006).
“Medeniyet ve Sivilleşme”, in Siyasal Ufuk Hareketi-Cumhuriyet, Sivilleşme ve Hukukun
Üstünlüğü: Sivil Cumhuriyet (Đstanbul, 29 October 2006).
“Altaylardan Urallara: Boylar, Diller, Kültürler”, in Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi (Đstanbul, 15
February 2007).
“Altaylardan Urallara: Boylar, Diller, Kültürler”, in Sabancı University History Speaker Series
(Đstanbul, 22 February 2007).
“Education as a means of integrating peripheral populations into the imperial system”, Petwork
of Ancient and Modern Imperialism (Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House, London, 1617 March 2007).
“Islam, Turkey, and Europe”, in Islam in Europe today: Challenges and Prospects (Round
Table organized by the Holy Metropolis of Demetrias. Volos Academy for Theological Studies,
Volos, Greece, 21-22 April 2007).
“Educational Modernization and Muslim Private Educational Initiatives in the Ottoman
Provinces after 1856”, The Ottoman Empire in the 19th Century: Aspects of Reform and
Change (University of Haifa, Aviva and Sammy Ofer Observation Gallery, Eshkol Tower,
Haifa, Israel, 11-13 June 2007).
“Osmanistik, Orientalistik und Middle East Studies im 21.Jahrhundert: Politische
Notwendigkeit für Integration dieser Forschungsgebiete”, XXX. Deutscher Orientalistentag
(Universität Freiburg, 24-28 September 2007).
“Đslam Dünyasında Karşılaştırmalı Eğitim Tarihi”, Sakarya Üniversitesi Uluslararası Đlişkiler
Öğrenci Kulübü (Adapazarı, 9 April 2008).
“Sırat-ı Müstakim ve Sebilürreşad Dergileri: 2.Meşrutiyet Döneminde Đslam Modernizmi”,
1908-2008: Centennial of the Young Turk Revolution. International Congress (Ankara
University Faculty of Political Sciences, 28-30 May 2008).
“A Provincial Journalist, Politician and Bureaucrat: Mustafa Bey of Radoviş (d.1893)”, XI
International Congress of Social and Economic History of Turkey (Bilkent University,
Ankara, 17-22 June 2008).
“Historical Determinants of Turkish Development”, Darmstadt University Students’ Visit:
Istanbul Policy Center at Sabancı University (3-10 September, 2008).
“Ottoman Educational Life in the 19th Century Istanbul”, Advanced Academic Seminar
organized by the Hebrew University (Erboy Hotel, Sirkeci, Đstanbul, 21 September 2008).
“Abdülhamid döneminde eğitim meselesi”. Vefatının 90.Yıldönümünde II.Abdülhamid ve
Dönemi Atölye Çalışması (Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı Türkiye Araştırmaları Merkezi, Đstanbul 1819 Ekim 2008).
Roundtable on late Ottoman education. Workshop on Education and school in a
multiconfessional context, Southeastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean 1853-1940s
(Rhodes Island, Greece, 10-15 November 2008).
Sabancı University – Assistant Professor (2002- present)
Bilkent University - Instructor/Assistant Professor (1993 - 2002)
Bamberg University – Research Assistant/Lecturer (1991-1993)
Freiburg University - Lecturer (1988 - 1991)
Boğaziçi University - Research Assistant/Lecturer (1986 - 1988)
Sabancı University (2002-present)
- Ottoman Reform Movements I (1550-1839) (HIST 461)
- Ottoman Reform Movements II (1839-1918) (HIST 462)
- The Making of Modern Turkey I-II (1789-2004) (HIST 191-192)
- Diplomatic History of the Modern Era I : (1815-2004) (HIST 348)
- Diplomatic History of the Modern Era II : (1945-2004) (HIST 349)
- Russian History I: From the 17th Century until 1917 (HIST 434)
-19th Century Ottoman Everyday Life : Impressions from Memoirs (HIST 494)
-Gender Issues in the Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic (HIST 524)
- Peripheral Populations in the Ottoman Empire (HIST 484)
- Sources and Methods for 19th Century Ottoman History (HIST 580)
Bilkent University (1993- 2002)
- Comparative History of Elites: Political and Religious I-II (joint-course) (HIST 547-548)
- Ottoman Reform Movements I (1550-1839) (HIST 347)
- Ottoman Reform Movements II (1839-1918) (HIST 348)
- Intellectual Movements in the Tanzimat Period (HIST 513)
- Religion and Pationalism in 19th Century Europe and the Ottoman Empire (joint-course)
(HIST 557)
- Ottoman Social and Economic History (19th Century) (HIST 512)
- The Rise of the Hanedans and the Sublime Porte, 1774-1821 (HIST 617)
- Ottoman History: 1600-1914 (HIST 412)
- Methodology in History (HIST 507)
- Seminar in Reading 19th Century Ottoman Documents I-II (HIST 591-592)
- History of Western Civilizations I-II (HCIV 101-102)
Bamberg University (1991-1993)
- Public Institutions of the Present-Day Turkish Republic
- Everyday Culture Reflected in the Turkish Daily Press
Freiburg University (1988-1991)
- Introduction into Contemporary Turkish
- Conversation in Turkish
- Reading of Contemporary Turkish Texts (Newspapers, Academic Texts, Literary Texts, etc.)
- Translation from Turkish into German
- Translation from German into Turkish
Boğaziçi University (1986-1988)
- Introduction into Ottoman Turkish
Tarih ve Toplum. Yeni Yaklaşımlar [Turkish-language referee-journal “History and Society.
New Approaches”]
Toplumsal Tarih [Turkish-language popular historical journal “Social History”] [January 2005December 2005]
- Session Chair at the XI International Congress of Social and Economic History of Turkey
(Bilkent University, Ankara, 17-22 June 2008).
- (together with Fikret Adanır, Ayşe Gül Altınay and Ayşe Parla) Co-organizer of the
Workshop Frameworks of Diversity, Modalities of Interaction. Hrant Dink Memorial
Workshops. Workshop 2008: Migrations, Connections, Perspectives. Anatolia and the
Peighboring Regions in the Twentieth Century (Sabancı University, Open Society Institute,
Heinrich Böll Stiftung. Đstanbul, 30 May-1 June 2008).
- (together with Amy Singer, Hakan Erdem and Christoph Neumann) Co-organizer of the
Workshop Absent Spheres, Silent Voices: Recovering Untold Histories (The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem; Đstanbul Bilgi University; Sabancı University; Tel Aviv University.
Đstanbul, 27-31 May 2007).
- (together with Halil Berktay, Cemil Koçak, Edhem Eldem, Selim Deringil, Çağlar Keyder,
Nükhet Sirman and Murat Belge) Co-organizer of the conference Đmparatorluğun Çöküş
Döneminde Osmanlı Ermenileri: Bilimsel Sorumluluk ve Demokrasi Sorunları (Đstanbul
Bilgi Üniversitesi, 24-25 Eylül 2005).
- (together with Rossitsa Gradeva and Machiel Kiel) Co-organizer of the Workshop on
Central Balkan Lands : The State of Art in Bulgaria and Turkey. Evaluation of
Developments and Trends (Sabancı University and Netherlands Historical and
Archaeological Institute, Istanbul, 26-27 June 2004)
Member of the Executive Committee of International Association for Ottoman Social and
Economic History (IAOSEH).
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the IX. International Congress on the Economic
and Social History of Turkey (Dubrovnik, August 20-23, 2001).
- Session Chair at the Bulgar-Türk Konferansı; XVIII. Yüzyıl-XX. Yüzyılın Başlarında Osmanlı
Đmparatorluğu’nun Balkan Eyaletleri. Ekonomi, Toplum, Kültür (Sofya Kliment Ohridski
Üniversitesi Tarih Fakültesi, 5-6 Ekim 2001).
- Session Chair at the XXVIII. Deutscher Orientalistentag (Bamberg, March 26-30, 2001)
Coordinator of the Ankara Jury for the "Liseli Gençlerin Gözüyle Cumhuriyetimiz“ Yerel
Tarih Yarışması, organized by the Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı (July 15September 15, 1998)
- Session Chair at the 35th ICANAS Meeting (Budapest, July 7-12, 1997)
Co-Organizer of the "Symposium on Politics, Reform and Dissent in Modern America“ at
Bilkent University (March 14-15, 1995)
Social Disciplining and Modernization in the Ottoman Reform Period
(2001-....) Aspects: Women and maternality; morality; education; punishment; centralization;
Islamic orthodoxy; esthetics.
- Corresponding member of the Turkish Historical Association (Türk Tarih Kurumu)
- Member of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA)
- Co-Director of the Institute of Economic and Social Sciences at Bilkent University
(September 1997-August 2002)
- Acting Chair of the Department of History at Bilkent University (October 1993February 1999)
- Member of the Administrative Council of the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and
Social Sciences at Bilkent University (October 1993-February 1999)
Turkish (native speaker) English (very good), German (very good), Albanian (reading skill),
Arabic (reading skill), Bulgarian-Macedonian (reading skill), French (reading skill), Greek
(reading skill), Ottoman Turkish (reading skill), Persian (reading skill), Serbo-Croatian (reading

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Bibliyografyaya erişmek için lütfen tıklayınız. Blumi, Isa, Rethinking the Late Ottaman Empire: A Comparative Social and Political History of Albania and Yemen, 1878-1918, İstanbul: ISIS, 2003. Blumi, İsa, Redefining Balkan Nationalism: Albanian...


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