a.tulga ulus - 2nd International Congress on Stem Cell and Cellular


a.tulga ulus - 2nd International Congress on Stem Cell and Cellular
Phone: +90 (532) 522 15 20
Fax: +90 (312) 229 01 48
E-mail: uluss@yahoo.com
Personal Data
 Date of birth: 1967
 Place of birth: Ankara
 Marital status: Married
 Citizenship: Turkish (T.R.)
 Sex: Male
 Current Position: Associate Professor in cardiovascular
surgery (Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Türkiye
Yüksek Ihtisas Hospital, Ankara, Turkey)
Secondary high school: TED. Ankara College (1979-1985)
University: University of Hacettepe, faculty of medicine (19851992)
Advanced degree: Specialization in cardiovascular surgery
(Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Türkiye Yüksek
Ihtisas Hospital, Ankara, Turkey) (1993-1998).
Associated Professor: 2005 – 2014
Professor: 2014
Foreign Language
English (TOEFL, UDS, KPDS)
King’s College Hospital (Londra-UK) (3 months)
Messina University Hospital (Messina-Italy) (3 months)
Uppsala University Hospital (Uppsala-Sweden) (6months)
Reinterventions in infrainguinal vascular surgery” 1.
Scandinavian Association for Vascular Surgery course,
Sweden, June - 1999.
“Hands-on Workshop”, Endovasculer interventions, XIII.
Annual Meeting (ESVS), Copenhagen, September 1999.
Bypass Surgery Course, Ankara, December 2003.
Peroneal vascular surgery course (workshop) moderator,
13. National Vascular Surgery Congress, Antalya 22-26
May 2007.
Postgraduate course, 21st The European Association of
Cardiothoracic Surgery Congress, 15-19 September 2007,
Geneva, Switzerland.
Gazi, Pediatric Cardiology Cardiovascular Surgery,
Postgraduate Course II, Ankara, 1-4 november 2007.
Endovascular interventions for aortic disease, Dokuz Eylül
Üniversitesi, İzmir, november 2007.
“Minimally Invasive Hands on Atrial Fibrillation Ablation
Course on Sheep Hearts” III. Update in cardiology and
cardiovascular surgery, november 2007
“Course on Endovascular Treatment of Carotid Stenosis”
III. Update in cardiology and cardiovascular surgery,
november 2007
Editors update, ULAKBIM Türk Tıp Dizini Kurulu, april
2008 (speaker).
Carotid Artery surgery course and “workshop” course
moderator, april 2008.
"ISI scitation indexes, april 2008 (speaker).
Cellular transplantation the body of current law, 7-11 may
“Project process management”, Ankara, 26-30 may 2008.
Hospital disaster plan educational plan, 16-18 june 2008.
Postgraduate course, 22nd The European Association of
Cardiothoracic Surgery Congress, 13-17 september2008,
Lizboa, Portugal.
Mitral valve repair course, 10th National Cardiovascular
Surgery congress, Izmir, 2008.
EVAR course, 10. Ulusal Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi
congress, Izmir, 2008.
Peripheral artery disease management course, 10. Ulusal
Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi course, Izmir, 2008.
“Ethical management of clinical research couse, 22-24
october 2008.
2th Vascular surgery educational meeting, University of
Copenhagan, Copenhagan 6-9 november 2008.
Mitral valve repair course, Türkiye Yüksek Ihtisas Eğitim
ve Araştırma Hastanesi Eğitim Günleri I, (Secretary of
the meeting), Ankara, 13 february 2009.
1. Flebolenfoloji meeting, Erciyes, 8-9 march 2009.
Presentation technics, 11-12 april 2009, Istanbul.
“medical management of the elderly patients” 6-7 may
2009, Ankara.
1.Flebolenfoloji course; compression (venous ulcus)
(speaker), 12-14.06.2009, Urgup.
endarterectomy (speaker), 26.06.2009, Ankara.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Rewiver’s Course 3.09.2009, Oslo.
experimental aortic root enlargement course. 5. update of
cardiology and cardiovascular surgery congress. 24-28
september 2009, Antalya.
Peripheral vascular surgery. 5. update of cardiology and
cardiovascular surgery congress. 24-28 september 2009,
GUCH course. 5. update of cardiology and cardiovascular
surgery congress. 24-28 september 2009, Antalya.
Hypertansion, Radison SAS, Ankara, 09.10.2009.
Invivo floresans tracking course. 24-25 october, Ankara.
Laboratory animal symposium, 15-16 october, Kırıkkale.
Peripheral artery disease meeting, Turkiye Yuksek Ihtisas
Hastanesi, 13.11.2009, Ankara.
TEVAR intermediate/advanced training course, Lille,
France, 26-28 april 2010.
Postgraduate and Technocollege course, 24th The
European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Congress, 12-16 September 2010, Genova, Switzerland.
Postgraduate course, 25th The European Association of
Cardiothoracic Surgery Congress, 1-5 October 2011,
Lisboa, Portugal.
CPR course, Turkiye Yuksek Ihtisas Hospital, 2011,
Perfusion and heart assist devices,
committee, chairman), 01.06.2012, Ankara.
Transplantation and heart assist devices, july 2012, Bad
Oeyenhausen Hospital, Bochum University, Germany.
Publication in Health Sciences, 10th National Symposium,
15.12.2012, Ankara.
Regenerative medicine symposium, “from cell to tissue
engineering”, Scientific Secretary, 30 march 2013,
Canakkale, Turkiye.
EVAR / TEVAR simulation training, 23.02.2013, Istanbul,
2nd National Regenartive Medicine Student Congress,
Organising Committee, February 2011, Turkiye.
European Society for Surgical Research,
(chairman) May, 2011.
60th The european Society for Cardiovascular and
Endovascular Surgery, Stem Cell Therapy for
Cardiovascular Surgery, (lecturer, chairman) May, 2011,
Moscow, Russia.
Health Genetics. Thrombophilia for Cardiovascular
Diseases (lecturere) Ankara, June, 2011.
6th National Apheresis Congress, Stem cell and
Cardiovascular Diseases, KKTC, 29 sept -2 oct 2011.
2nd TURKSTEM Student Symposium, TURK-STEM
Advisory Committee member, Denizli, 17-19 february
2012, Turkiye.
Cancer Stem Cell Symposium, Denizli, 17-19 February
14th World Apheresis and 7th National Apheresis
Conresses, Scientific Committee member,
September 2012, Istanbul, Turkiye.
8th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and
Cardiovascular Surgery, Program committee member,
Chairperson and lecturer; Stem cell implementations
in vascular surgery, Antalya, 1-4 march 2012.
61st ESCVS Dubrovnik, (invited speaker, moderator
and advisory board member); “Behcet’s Disease and
vascular effects” (keynote lecture) 25-28 april 2012.
“Stem cell and surgical applications”, (Supervisor of
TURKSTEM and lecturer) 1st international students’
stem cell congress of Turkey, Istanbul, may 13th 2012.
Istanbul meeting, practice and science in cardiology and
cardiovascular surgery, 7-10 june 2012, Istanbul.
European Society for Vascular Surgery, (Oral
presentation) XXVI annual meeting, 19-21 september
2012, Bologna, Italy.
14th International Congress of World Apheresis
Association and 7th National Congress of Turkish Society
of Apheresis, (chairman) 13-16 September, 2012,
1.National Geriatic Hematology
september 2012, Ankara.
28. National Cardiology Congress, 11-14 october 2012,
Antalya, Turkiye.
9th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and
Cardiovascular Surgery, (chairman), 21-24 march, 2013,
Antalya, Turkiye.
62nd ESCVS Congress, (chairman) Regensburg, 11-13,
april 2013.
Spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury, which one is
worse ishemia or reperfusion? (lecturer), 62nd ESCVS
Congress, Regensburg, 11-13, april 2013.
Gene therapy and regenerative medicine – where we will
Stay in 2013? (lecturer), ESCVS Congress, Regensburg,
11-13, april 2013.
Vascular traumas, 3-4 may 2013, Diyarbakır, Turkiye.
The 2nd International Students’ Stem Cell Congress,
Cardiovascular diseases and stem cell, (lecturer), 24-26
may 2013, Izmir, Turkey.
48th European Society of Surgical Research, (chairman),
29 may-01June 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
Multidisciplinary European Endovascular Therapies
(MEET) congress 9-11 June 2013, Rome, Italy.
Leipzig interventionalist course 28-31 january 2014,
Leipzig, Germany.
4th National cellular and regenerative medicine congress
and 3rd International student stem cell congress (Member
of the Program Committee) 28 February - 2 March
2014, Kapadokya.
10th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and
Cardiovascular Surgery, (Member of the Program
Committee and Joint International Scientific
Committee member, Chairman; “Novel treatments in
venous and pulmonary thromboemboli”, lecturer;
“Where are we in stem cell therapy in cardiovascular
medicine?”)13-16 march 2014, Antalya.
Controversies, challenges and consensus, Charing Cross
meeting, 5-8 april 2014, London, United Kingdom.
63rd International congress of European Society of
Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery (ESCVS),
(Advisory Board, Lecturer; DVT and genetic
predisposition, Chairman) 24-27 april 2014, Nice,
Healthy aging in the Turkish world, Heart and metabolism
for the healthy aging (lecturer and program commitee
member), 11-12 october, 2014 Eskisehir.
Advanced technologies on health sciences, University of
Hacettepe, september 15-16, 2014, ankara.
Hacettepe University, Medical Sciences Institute, Stem
Cell, 19 november 2014, ankara.
Our work named as “Coronary sinus retroperfusion
occlusion.” rewarded in the field of Cardiovascular
Surgery and Research with a Young Turkish Researchers
prize at 1997.
Our work named as “Inhibition of myointimal
proliferation by somatostatin analogues in canine
vein ınterposition grafts.” Rewarded in the field of
Vascular Surgery and Research with a Young Turkish
Researchers third prize at 1998.
Our work named as “Prevention of intimal hyperplasia
by single dose preinsertion external radiation in
canine vein interposition grafts” Rewarded in the field
of Vascular Surgery and Research with a Young Turkish
Researchers first prize at 2000.
Parodoxic increament of vasodilator effect of iloprost
by potasium channel blockers on Type-II diabetic
saphenous vein. 13th National Vascular Surgery
Congress, Antalya 22-26 May 2007. Poster Prize
“The effects of ischemia-reperfusion injury on stemcells and the roles of cytokins and growth factors” IV.
Update of cardiology and cardiovascular surgery
congress wining prize, 2008.
The protective effects of resveratrol and L-NAME on
visceral organs following aortic clamping”, Turkiye
Yuksek Ihtisas Hospital, Scientific Experimental Research
wining Prize, 2010.
“Blood stoper Ankaferd: an investigation of
cardiovascular surgery and hemostatic effects” best
vascular poster prize. 7th Update Cardiology and
Cardiovascular Surgery Congress, Antalya, 24-27 march
“Effect of mesenchymal stem cell and resveratrol on
doxurubicyn cardiotxicity” Best oral presentation.
Pınarlı FG, Pınarlı FA,Turan N, Okur A, Sönmez D,
A.Tulga Ulus, Oğuz A, Karadeniz C, Delibaşı T. 17.
TPOG National Pediatric Cancer Congress, Bolu,
Turkiye, 1-5 May, 2012.
Bergqvist D, Ettles D, Karacagil S, Ljungman C, Löfberg
AM, A.Tulga Ulus: Is run-off percutaneous transluminal
angioplasty worthwhile ? In: Greenhalgh RM (Ed),
Vascular and endovascular oppotunities. pp. 401-414
London: WB Saunders, 2000.
A.Tulga Ulus, Tütün U, Aksöyek A, Temürtürkan M,
Budak B, Katırcıoğlu SF, Kutsal A, Çobanoğlu A.
Operative mortality and coronary atherosclerosis in the
diabetic elderly patients who underwent coronary artery
bypass greft surgery. 1637-1642, Ankara, MN Medikal
Nobel, 2004.
Handbook of Spinal Cord Injuries: Types, Treatments and
Prognosis. Editors: Tanya C. Berkovsky. Spinal Cord
Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury, A.Tulga Ulus, Sadi Kaplan:
665-679; 2009, NOVA publisher.
A.Tulga ULUS, Sertan Özyalçın, Ferda Pınarlı, Tuncay
Delibaşı, Nilüfer N. Turan, Cüneyt Tayman, Gökmen
Turan. Cardiovascular Surgery, “Regenartive medicine
and Cardiovascular Surgery”, Ankara, MN Medikal Nobel,
Research Projects
“Effect of ATP-MgCl2 on myocardial ischemiareperfusion damage” TÜBİTAK Project, proje no:
decar 4, 2001.
“Spinal cord ischemia” and “spinal cord
oxygenation during the clamping of the thoracic
aorta” University of Uppsala, 1999, Sweden.
“Effect of resveratrol on ischemia or reperfusion
period for the spinal cord preservation” National
Vascular Surgery Association, Türkiye, 2003.
“Polyurethane synthesis for the cardiac valve
production” BAP-YUUP project, ODTÜ, 2004.
“Effect of Resveratrol on endothelial function, nitric
oxide and antioxidant capacity in diabetic rabbits
which was formed by Alloksan. TUBITAK project,
“The effect of ischemia-reperfusion injury on stem
cell formation with cytokins; rabbit study. Turkish
Hematology Association Project 2006.
“Homing and regeneration of endothelial progenitor
cells following peripheral artery ischemia”.
European Society of Vascular Surgery, Research
Grant, 2006.
Niche (2012- )
Associate Editors
Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery (2003-2008)
Anatolian Cardiology Journal (2010- )
Editorial Board
Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular
Article evaluation
The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology
Southern Medical Journal
International Journal Of Cardiology
Phlebology Journal
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular
Southern Medical Journal
International Journal of Cardiology
Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy
MN Kardiyoloji Dergisi
Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine
59th ESCVS International congress, co-chairman, İzmir, april, 2010
Scientific Board Member of the 45th Annual Congress of the European
Society of Surgical Research, Genova, 9-12 June 2010.
Carotid Artery surgery workshop, april 2008.
Mitral valve repair course, Türkiye Yüksek İhtisas Eğitim ve Araştırma
Hastanesi Eğitim Günleri - I, Ankara, 2009 (workshop).
Türkiye Yüksek Ihtisas Hospital, cardiovascular surgery clinics, asistant
examinations (2007- ).
Vascular surgery association of Turkiye, Scientific Board (2004 - 2008)
Ministry of Health, stem cell scientific board member (2008 - )
Experimental research certification
Turkish Medical
TUBİTAK Projects
reviwerIndex (2008 - )
Regenerative medicine association, Scientific board member (2010 - )
The European Society for the Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery
Advisory Board Member (2010- ).
Türkiye Yüksek İhtisas Eğitim ve Araştırma Hospital ethical committe
member (2010 - )
1. A. Tulga Ulus, B.Yamak, F.Katırcıoğlu, Z.İşcan, L.
K.Bayazıt. Aortic valve replacement wıth 21-23 size st.
jude medical valves in small aortic annulus; long term
follow-up. XIII. Turkish Congress of Cardiology 1997.
2. B.Yamak, A. Tulga Ulus, F.Katırcıoğlu, İ.Özsöyler,
S.Yavaş, E.Şener, A.Sarıtaş, B.Mavitaş, O.Taşdemir,
K.Bayazıt. Comparison of 21-23 size st. jude medical
valves to the 27-29 size mechanical valves in aortic
position; ten years follow-up. XIII. Turkish Congress of
Cardiology 1997.
3. B.Yamak, A. Tulga Ulus, F.Katırcıoğlu, L. Birincioğlu,
K.Göl, K.Vural, E.Şener, A.Sarıtaş, B.Mavitaş,
O.Taşdemir, K.Bayazıt. Ten years wıth St. Jude
medical mechanical heart valve prosthesis: Türkiye
Yüksek Ihtisas hospital experience. XIII. Turkish
Congress of Cardiology 1997.
4. M.Emir, B.Yamak, Uzunonat G, A. Tulga Ulus,
Z.İşcan, K.Göl, L. Birincioğlu, B.Mavitaş, O.Taşdemir,
K.Bayazıt. The effects of pregnancy on long term
results of patients wıth bioprostheses (St. Jude
bioimplant) after isolated mitral valve replacement.
XIII. Turkish Congress of Cardiology 1997.
5. MA.Özatik, B.Yamak, F.Katırcıoğlu, A. Tulga Ulus,
N.Erdil, Ü.Yıldız, A.Sarıtaş, E.Şener, O.Taşdemir,
K.Bayazıt. St. Jude medical heart valve prosthesis
with low-dose oral anticoagulation for the 1000
followed-up patient. XIII. Turkish Congress of
Cardiology 1997.
6. M.Emir, B.Yamak, G.Uzunonat, A. Tulga Ulus,
O.Taşdemir, K.Bayazıt. Mitral valve replacement wıth
the St. Jude medical heart valve prosthesis and
pregnancy in the young female patients. XIII. Turkish
Congress of Cardiology 1997.
7. İ.Özsöyler, B.Yamak, A. Tulga Ulus, Ü.Yıldız,
F.Katırcıoğlu, L. Birincioğlu, K.Göl, E.Şener, A.Sarıtaş,
B.Mavitaş, O.Taşdemir, K.Bayazıt. Comparison of
reoperation findings of Carpentier-Edwards (Standart)
bioprosthesis and St.Jude bioimplant (formerly Liotta)
in mitral position. XIII. Turkish Congress of Cardiology
8. K.Göl, M.Karahan, N.Karabiber, A. Tulga Ulus,
Z.İşcan, N.Erdil, H.Kılıç, O.Taşdemir, K.Bayazıt. Risk
factors and predictors of nosocomial infections in
cardiovascular surgery. 20th International congress of
chemotherapy 1997.
9. A. Tulga Ulus, Z. Işcan, B. Yamak, S.F. Katircioğlu,
M. Bayazit, O. Tasdemir, K. Bayazit. Somatostatin
analogları ile myointimal proliferasyonun inhibisyonu.
IX. National Vascular Surgery Congress 1998.
10. A. Tulga Ulus, M. Bayazit, Z. İşcan, V. Nisanoğlu, B.
Yamak, A. Saritas, O.Tasdemir, K.Bayazit. Kritik alt
extremite iskemisinde poplitea-tibial bypass. IX.
National Vascular Surgery Congress 1998.
11. S.F. Katırcıoğlu, Ş. Küçüker, S. Yavaş, A. Tulga Ulus,
Z. Sarıtaş, D. Yücel, S. Ayaz, O. Taşdemir.
Comparison of deep hypothermic total circulatory
arrest and retrograde cerebral perfusion by means of
inflammatory responses in an experimental model.
20th European Conference on Microcirculation 1998.
12. A.Tulga Ulus, S.F. Katırcıoğlu, E. Özgencil, B.
Yamak, Z. Sarıtaş, A. Konan, M. Tuncer, O. Taşdemir,
K. Bayazıt. Effects of prostacyclın on hemodynamıcs
after ıntestınal ıschemıa-reperfusıon. 20th European
Conference on Microcirculation 1998.
13. A.Tulga Ulus, P. Gökçe, B. Yamak, Ü. Yıldız, L.
Birincioğlu, S.F. Katırcıoğlu. Beneficial effect of
aminophylline administration on ischemia-reperfusion
of the heart. 20th European Conference on
Microcirculation 1998.
14. S.F. Katırcıoğlu, A.Tulga Ulus, S. Yavaş, B. Yamak,
Z. Sarıtaş, Ü. Yıldız, O. Taşdemir. Experımental
ınhıbıtıon of protamıne cardıotoxıcıty by prostacyclın.
20th European Conference on Microcirculation 1998.
15. S. F. Katırcıoğlu, A.Tulga Ulus, B. Yamak, L.
Birincioğlu, Ü. Yıldız Z. sarıtaş, S. Sürücü. Iloprost
usage for spınal cord protectıon. 20th European
Conference on Microcirculation 1998.
16. A.Tulga Ulus, B.Mavitaş, Z.Sarıtaş, B.Yamak,
B.Mavitaş, O. Taşdemir. ATP-MgCl2 utilization for
spinal cord protection during experimental thoracic
aortic occlusion. 20th European Conference on
Microcirculation 1998.
17. B. Yamak, A.Tulga Ulus, Z.İşcan, C.L. Birincioğlu,
Romatizmal kapak hastalığı nedeniyle kapak
replasmanı yapılan hastalarda kombine koroner
cerrahisinin geç dönem sonuçları. 5. Ulusal Göğüs
Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kongresi 1998.
18. C.L. Birincioğlu, M.Bayazıt, H.Bardakçı, A.Tulga
Ulus, B.Mavitaş, O.Taşdemir. Korner ve karotis arter
hastalarında perfüzyona girmeden yapılan bypass
ameliyatları inme riskini azaltırmı ? (722 hastanın
analizi). 5. Ulusal Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi
Kongresi 1998.
19. K.Göl, Z.İşcan, S.Küçükaksu, A.Tulga Ulus,
B.Yılmazkaya, E.Şener, H.Karagöz, O.Taşdemir,
K.Bayazıt. Atan kalpte rekoroner bypass cerrahisi. 5.
Ulusal Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kongresi
20. A.Tulga Ulus, B. Yamak, Z.İşcan, U.Tütün, C.L.
Birincioğlu, S.F.Katırcıoğlu, B.Mavitaş, O.Taşdemir.
Oral antikoagulasyon monitorizasyonunda İNR değeri
ve etki eden faktörler. 5. Ulusal Göğüs Kalp ve Damar
Cerrahisi Kongresi 1998.
21. Z.İşcan, K.Göl, N.Erdil, İ. Özsöyler, A.Tulga Ulus,
Rekoroner bypass cerrahisinde erken mortalite
faktörleri. 5. Ulusal Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi
Kongresi 1998.
22. Z.İşcan, Y.Hanefi, A.Tulga Ulus, B. Yamak, N.Erdil,
S.F.Katırcıoğlu, B.Mavitaş, A.Sarıtaş, O.Taşdemir,
K.Bayazıt. Saf aort yetmezliği nedeni ile aort kapak
replasmanı yapılan hastaların uzun dönem sonuçları.
5. Ulusal Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kongresi
23. A.Tulga Ulus, A.Elamin, B. Yamak, İ. Özsöyler,
Z.İşcan, C.L. Birincioğlu, S.F.Katırcıoğlu, B.Mavitaş,
O.Taşdemir, K.Bayazıt. Saf aort darlığı nedeni ile aort
kapak replasmanı yapılan hastaların uzun dönem
sonuçları. 5. Ulusal Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi
Kongresi 1998.
24. C.L. Birincioğlu, H.Bardakçı, Ş.Küçüker, A.Tulga
Ulus, A.Sarıtaş, O.Taşdemir. Karmaşa yaratabilen bir
hastalık grubu – Kardiak ekinokoklar. XIV. Ulusal
Kardiyoloji Kongresi 1998.
25. A. Tulga Ulus, U.Tütün, F.Zorlu, S.F. Katircioğlu, M.
Bayazit. İntimal hiperplazinin greft interpozisyonundan
önce tek doz eksternal radyasyon ile inhibisyonu. X.
National Vascular Surgery Congress 2000.
26. Kunduracılar Z, A.Tulga Ulus, Çağlı K, Arıkan H,
Aksöyek A, Taşdemir O, Yavuz Y. Koroner arter
cerrahisinde erken postoperatif dönemde uygulanan
göğüs fizyoterapisi yöntemlerinin karşılaştırılması. 6.
Ulusal Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kongresi
27. Yavaş S, Birincioğlu CL, A.Tulga Ulus, Göl MK, Vural
K, Tarcan O, Taşdemir O. İzole diskret membranöz
subaortik darlığın cerrahi tedavisi ve sonuçları. 6.
Ulusal Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kongresi
28. Akgül F, İyican D, A.Tulga Ulus, Durak P, Erdemli Ö.
Kardiyopulmoner bypassda mini mental durum
değerlendirilmesi ve ısı değişiklikleri. XXXIV. Türk
anesteziyoloji ve reanimasyon kongresi (TARK 2000).
VIII. Göğüs kalp damar anestezi ve yoğun bakım
kongresi 2000.
29. İyican D, Akgül F, A.Tulga Ulus, Köroğlu S, Durak P,
Erdemli Ö. Aort diseksiyonu, karotis endarterektomi ve
KABG operasyonlarında BIS skorları – olgu sunumu.
XXXIV. Türk anesteziyoloji ve reanimasyon kongresi
(TARK 2000). VIII. Göğüs kalp damar anestezi ve
yoğun bakım kongresi 2000.
30. Yılmaz T, Durak P, A.Tulga Ulus, Erdemli Ö.
Kardiovasküler cerrahide NICO, Rocuronium ve
pancuronium. XXXIV. Türk anesteziyoloji ve
reanimasyon kongresi (TARK 2000). VIII. Göğüs kalp
damar anestezi ve yoğun bakım kongresi 2000.
31. Yağar S, Sarıkaya T, Yılmaz T, A.Tulga Ulus, Erdemli
Ö. Açık kalp cerrahisi sonrası hasta kontrollü analjezi.
XXXIV. Türk anesteziyoloji ve reanimasyon kongresi
(TARK 2000). VIII. Göğüs kalp damar anestezi ve
yoğun bakım kongresi 2000.
32. İyican D, Durak P, Akgül F, A.Tulga Ulus, Erdemli Ö.
BIS-SEF and hemodynamic parameters during CABG
surgery. Postgraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology
December 9-13, 2000.
33. Yılmaz T, Durak P, A.Tulga Ulus, Erdemli Ö.
Comparison of hemodynamic parameters during
CABG surgery with rocuronium bromide and
pancuronium bromide by using non invasive method
of cardiac output. Postgraduate Assembly in
Anesthesiology December 9-13, 2000.
34. Durak P, Yılmaz T, A.Tulga Ulus, Erdemli Ö. The
determination of VCO2 measurements during CABG
using non invasive cardiac output technique (nico).
Postgraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology December
9-13, 2000.
35. Durak P, Yılmaz T, A.Tulga Ulus, Erdemli Ö.
Comparison of partial CO2 rebreathing fick technique
with invasive bolus thermodilution technique during
Anesthesiology December 9-13, 2000.
36. Durak P, Yılmaz T, Demir A, A.Tulga Ulus, Erdemli
Ö. Determination of VCO2 during cardiac surgery with
noninvasive cardiac output technique (NICO). 9th
Anaesthesiology, 7-10 April 2001.
37. Karadeniz Ü, Yıldız S, Durak P, A.Tulga Ulus,
Erdemli Ö. Total quality pain management (TQPM)
survey results in Türkiye Yüksek Ihtisas Hospital. 9th
Anaesthesiology, 7-10 April 2001.
38. A.Tulga ulus, Tütün U, Aksöyek A, Kaplan S, Sarıtaş
Z, Apaydın N, Özgencil E, Koç B, Katırcıoğlu SF.
belirlenmesi. 1. Ulusal Deneysel Cerrahi Kongresi, 5-6
Ocak 2002.
39. A.Tulga ulus, Tütün U, Aksöyek A, Kaplan S, Sarıtaş
Z, Apaydın N, Özgencil E, Koç B, Katırcıoğlu SF.
Spinal kord iskemi – reperfüzyonu deneysel
çalışmaları. 1. Ulusal Deneysel Cerrahi Kongresi, 5-6
Ocak 2002.
40. Aksöyek A, Tütün U, A.Tulga ulus, Kaplan S, Sarıtaş
Z, Apaydın N, Özgencil E, Koç B, Katırcıoğlu SF. Akut
koroner oklüzyonlarda basitleştirilmiş retrograd
koroner sinüs perfüzyonu. 1. Ulusal Deneysel Cerrahi
Kongresi, 5-6 Ocak 2002.
41. Sarıtaş Z, Aksöyek A, Tütün U, A.Tulga ulus, Apaydın
N, Kaplan S, Özgencil E, Samsar E, Katırcıoğlu SF.
Deneysel kardiomyoplasti. 1. Ulusal Deneysel Cerrahi
Kongresi, 5-6 Ocak 2002.
42. Aksöyek A, A.Tulga ulus, Tütün U, Kaplan S, Apaydın
N, Sarıtaş Z, Ocak F, Samsar E, Katırcıoğlu SF.
Langendorff yöntemi ile kalpte iskemi reperfüzyon
çalışmaları. 1. Ulusal Deneysel Cerrahi Kongresi, 5-6
Ocak 2002.
43. Tütün U, A.Tulga ulus, Aksöyek A, Kaplan S, Sarıtaş
Z, Apaydın N, Gökçe P, Koç B, Katırcıoğlu SF.
Retrograd serebral perfüzyon modeli ile deneysel
çalışmalar. 1. Ulusal Deneysel Cerrahi Kongresi, 5-6
Ocak 2002.
44. Kaplan S, A.Tulga ulus, Aksöyek A, Tütün U, Sarıtaş
Z, Apaydın N, Gökçe P, Özgencil E, Katırcıoğlu SF.
Deneysel açık kalp cerrahisi modelinde iloprost ve
pentoksifilinin iskemi-reperfüzyon hasarına etkisi. 1.
Ulusal Deneysel Cerrahi Kongresi, 5-6 Ocak 2002.
45. Sarıtaş Z, A.Tulga ulus, Aksöyek A, Tütün U, Kaplan
S, Apaydın N, Gökçe P, Özgencil E, Katırcıoğlu SF.
Protamın kardıotoksisitesinin farmakolojik ajanlar ile
deneysel inhibisyonu . 1. Ulusal Deneysel Cerrahi
Kongresi, 5-6 Ocak 2002.
46. Sarıtaş Z, A.Tulga ulus, Aksöyek A, Tütün U, Kaplan
S, Apaydın N, Gökçe P, Katırcıoğlu SF. Deneysel
hemorajik şok modelinde prostasiklin ve atp-mgcl2
kullanımının etkisi. 1. Ulusal Deneysel Cerrahi
Kongresi, 5-6 Ocak 2002.
47. Apaydın N, Sarıtaş Z, Koç B, Pamuk K, A.Tulga ulus,
Tütün U, Aksöyek A, Kaplan S, Katırcıoğlu SF.
anestezisinin hemodinamik denge üzerine olan
etkilerinin karşılaştırılması. 1. Ulusal Deneysel Cerrahi
Kongresi, 5-6 Ocak 2002.
48. A.Tulga Ulus, Kaplan S, Tütün U, Özgencil E,
Apaydın N, Pamuk K, Aksöyek A, Tosun Ö, Arda K,
Katırcıoğlu SF. Küçük çapli, farkli bir poliüretan
sentetik greftin orta dönem sonuçlari. XI. National
Vascular Surgery Congress 2002.
49. Kaplan S, A. Tulga Ulus, Aksöyek A, Tütün U,
Özgencil E, Sarıtaş Z, Apaydın N, Pamuk K, Sürücü
S, Katırcıoğlu SF. Mg2so4 kullanımının spinal cord
mikroskobik ve fonksiyonel değerlendirme. XI.
National Vascular Surgery Congress 2002.
50. A. Tulga Ulus, Sürücü HS, Çelik HH, Katırcıoğlu SF,
Babaroğlu S, Çiçekçioğlu F, Aksöyek A, Tütün U.
Ultrastructural changes in the mitral valves by
scanning electron microscope. VI. International
Symposium of Clinical anatomy, Varna 2004.
51. A.Tulga
Christiansson, Sadettin Karacagil. Alterations in
cerebrospinal fluid po2 and pco2 measurements
during and after experimental thoracic aortic crossclamping. XVI. Annual Meeting Mediterranean
Association of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery,
Bodrum, 2004.
52. A.Tulga Ulus, Anders Hellberg, Fatma Ulus, Sadettin
Karacagil. The effect of central venous pressure on
cerebrospinal fluid oxygenation and intrathecal
pressure. XVI. Annual Meeting Mediterranean
Association of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery,
Bodrum, 2004.
53. Aksöyek A, Tütün U, A. Tulga Ulus, Parlar Aİ, Yılmaz
S, Budak B, Katırcıoğlu SF. Endothelial and
Coagulation Markers in Patients Who Underwent
Coronary Bypass Grafting Below 35 Years of Age.
XVI. Annual Meeting Mediterranean Association of
Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Bodrum, 2004.
54. Tütün U, Aksöyek A, A. Tulga Ulus, Ozışık K,
Mısırlıoğlu M, Parlar Aİ, Budak B, Katırcıoğlu SF.
Renin-angiotensin Genetic Polymorphisim in Coronary
Atherosclerotic Disease Below 35 Years of Age. XVI.
Annual Meeting Mediterranean Association of
Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Bodrum, 2004.
55. A. Tulga Ulus, Sürücü HS, Çelik HH, Katırcıoğlu SF,
Babaroğlu S, Çiçekçioğlu F, Aksöyek A, Tütün U.
“Ultrastructural Changes in the Mitral Valves by
Scanning Electron Microscope,” VI. International
Symposium of Clinical Anatomy, Varna, 2004.
56. U Tütün, A. Tulga Ulus, A Aksöyek, M Mısırlıoğlu, F
Çiçekçioğlu, K Özışık, Aİ Parlar, AB Budak, S Gedik,
SF Katırcıoğlu. Gene Polymorphisims in Patients Who
Underwent Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Below 35
Years of Age. The J Coronary Artery Disease, 6th
International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease,
Vol 6, 53, LIMED Communications, Istanbul, 2005.
57. Katırcıoğlu SF, Çiçekcioğlu F, Tütün U, Babaroğlu S.,
Parlar Aİ, Aksöyek A, Mungan U, Çatav Z, A. Tulga
Ulus. On Pump beating heart surgery. The 5th
meeting of All Bazeel Heart Society. Şam, Suriye 0205 Aralık 2006.
58. Özışık K, Mısırlıoğlu M, A. Tulga Ulus, Tütün U,
Aksöyek A, Tuncer AS, Emir M, Katırcıoğlu SF.
Angiotensinogen but not angiotensin converting
enzyme and angiotensin II type I receptor
polymorphisms are associated with coronary artery
bypass grafting surgery patients. The 12th Annual
Meeting of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular
Surgery. 18-22 Nisan 2004 İstanbul-Türkiye.
59. A. Tulga Ulus, N Turan, M Seren, B Budak, Tütün U,
A Aksöyek, H Yazıcıoğlu, S Sürücü, F Akar, SF
Hasarında Basamaklı Tedavi ve Resveratrol
Uygulaması. XII. Ulusal Vasküler Cerrahi Kongresi,
Antalya, 2005.
60. Babaroğlu S, Poyraz N, Arat N, Parlar A, Budak A,
Tütün U, Aksöyek A, Çatav Z, Ünlü M, A. Tulga Ulus,
Katırcioğlu SF. Pulmoner hipertansiyonun mitral kapak
replasmanı sonrası sağ ve sol ventrikül fonksiyonları
üzerine etkisi. IX.Ulusal Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar
Cerrahisi Kongresi 2006.
61. Çiçekcioğlu F, Özen A, Tülüce H, Tütün U, Babaroğlu
S, Parlar A, Kervan Ü, Altınay L, Karakaş S, A. Tulga
Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF. Çalışan kalpte kros-klemp
konmadan gerçekleştirilen mitral kapak cerrahisinden
sonra nörokognitif fonksiyonların değerlendirilmesi. IX.
Ulusal Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Kongresi
62. Selime Ayaz, Ayşen Aksöyek, Tütün U, Sevinç
Yilmaz, A. Tulga Ulus. Koroner baypas ameliyatı olan
genç ve yaşlı hastalarda hematolojik faktörler. XXXII.
Ulusal Hematoloji kongresi. 8-12 Kasım 2006, LaraAntalya.
63. Aksöyek A, Tütün U, Babaroğlu S, Parlar A, A. Tulga
Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF. Penetran kalp yaralanmaları. IX.
Ulusal Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Kongresi
64. Çiçekçioğlu F, Tütün U, Babaroğlu S, Aksöyek A,
Parlar A, Budak A, Çatav Z, A. Tulga Ulus,
Katırcıoğlu SF. Çalışan kalpte retrograd koroner
sinüsten kan perfüzyonu ile aort kapak cerrahisinin
erken dönem sonuçları. IX.Ulusal Türk Göğüs Kalp
Damar Cerrahisi Kongresi 2006.
65. Parlar A, Manavbaşı Y, S19-2.Babaroğlu S,
Çiçekçioğlu S, Tütün U, Aksöyek A, A. Tulga Ulus,
Akar F, Katırcıoğlu S.. Levosimendanın vazodilatatör
etkisi internal torasik arterde cinsiyete bağlı mıdır ?
IX.Ulusal Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Kongresi
66. Çiçekçioğlu F, Tütün U, Babaroğlu S, Mungan U,
Tosya A, Tuncel Ç, Demirtaş E, Altınay L, Aksöyek A,
A. Tulga Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF. Çalışan kalpte mitral
kapak cerrahisi. IX.Ulusal Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar
Cerrahisi Kongresi 2006.
67. Çiçekçioğlu F, Tütün U, Babaroğlu S, Mungan U,
Parlar A, Aksöyek A, Yay K, Hanedan O, A. Tulga
Ulus, Katırcıoğlu Çalışan kalpte retrograd koroner
sinüsten kan perfüzyonuyla çift kapak replasmanı
erken dönem sonuçları. IX.Ulusal Türk Göğüs Kalp
Damar Cerrahisi Kongresi 2006.
68. Yay K, Hicazi A, İrdem AK, Tütün U, Yurdakul M,
Ölçer T, Cumhur T, Birincioğlu CL, Paç M, A. Tulga
Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF, Bayazıt M. Perkütan
translüminal anjioplastiyi takiben periferik damar
cerrahi girişimleri. 13. Ulusal Vasküler Cerrahi
Kongresi Antalya 22-26 Mayıs 2007.
69. Budak AB, Seren M, Duran N, Tütün U, Parlar İ,
Aksöyek A, Akar F, A. Tulga Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF. 13.
Ulusal Vasküler Cerrahi Kongresi Antalya 22-26 Mayıs
70. Parlar Aİ, Seren M, Turan NN, Manavbaşı Y, Aydoğ
G, Çiçekçioğlu F, Tütün U, Aksöyek A, A. Tulga Ulus,
Katırcıoğlu SF. 13. Ulusal Vasküler Cerrahi Kongresi
Antalya 22-26 Mayıs 2007.
71. Ersoy Ö, Budak AB, Mungan U, Tütün U, Parlar Aİ,
Çiçekçioğlu F, A. Tulga Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF. Torasik
aorta anevrizma onarımında iskemik ön koşulama için
levosimendan. 13. Ulusal Vasküler Cerrahi Kongresi
Antalya 22-26 Mayıs 2007.
72. Parlar Aİ, Çiçekçioğlu F, Tütün U, Aksöyek A, Oruğ T,
Babaroğlu S, Hanedan O, Temurtürkan M, Çatav Z, A.
Tulga Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF. 13. Ulusal Vasküler
Cerrahi Kongresi Antalya 22-26 Mayıs 2007.
73. Çiçekçioğlu F, Altınay L, Aksöyek A, Parlar Aİ,
Hanedan O, Hicazi A, Tütün U, A. Tulga Ulus,
Katırcıoğlu SF. Bilateral total internal karotid arter
oklüzyonu olan hastada koroner bypass cerrahisi. 13.
Ulusal Vasküler Cerrahi Kongresi Antalya 22-26 Mayıs
74. Altınay L, Çetin E, Yay K, Parlar Aİ, Mungan U, Tütün
U, Aksöyek A, Birincioğlu CL, Paç M, A. Tulga Ulus,
Katırcıoğlu SF, Bayazıt M. Popliteal arter
anevrizmaları. 13. Ulusal Vasküler Cerrahi Kongresi
Antalya 22-26 Mayıs 2007.
75. Yay K, Parlar Aİ, Tuncel Ç, Budak AB, Temurtürkan
M, Tütün U, Aksöyek A, Birincioğlu CL, Paç M, A.
Tulga Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF, Bayazıt M. Karotis arter
yaralanmaları. 13. Ulusal Vasküler Cerrahi Kongresi
Antalya 22-26 Mayıs 2007.
76. Parlar Aİ. Söylemez S, Manavbaşı Y, Çiçekçioğlu F,
Tütün U, Aksöyek A, A. Tulga Ulus, Akar F,
Katırcıoğlu SF. Tip-II diyabetik hastaların safen
veninde iloprostun vazodilatatör etkisinin potasyum
kanal blokörleri ile paradoksik olarak artışı. 13. Ulusal
Vasküler Cerrahi Kongresi Antalya 22-26 Mayıs 2007.
77. A.Tulga Ulus, Balcı M, Parlar Aİ, Turan NN, Yılmaz S.
İskemik hasarın periferik kanda kök hücrelerin açığa
sitokinler ile büyüme faktörlerinin rolü. Ulusal
Transplantasyon Genetiği ve İmmünolojisi Kongresi,
Girne, Mayıs 2008.
78. Tütün U, Aksöyek A, Topçu Dİ, A.Tulga Ulus,
Çiçekçioğlu F, Sarıtaş A, Saydam G, Parlar Aİ,
S.F.Katırcıoğlu. Normotermik atan kalp kapak cerrahisi ile
pulmoner dokunun iskemiden korunması için prospektif
randomize bir çalışma. 10. Ulusal Göğüs Kalp ve Damar
Cerrahisi Kongresi 2008.
79. Tuncel Ç, İşcan HZ, Mavioğlu L, Yavaş S, Kervan Ü, Ünal
U, Boysan E, Çatin E, A.Tulga Ulus, Sarıtaş A, Kızıltepe
U, Birincioğlu CL. Koroner bypass yapılan ve müdahale
edilmemiş hafif ve orta derecede iskemik mitral yetmezliği
olan hastalarda postoperatif takip sonuçları. 10. Ulusal
Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kongresi 2008.
80. Tütün U, Lafçı G, Hicazi A, Yener Ü, Yalçınkaya A,
A.Tulga Ulus, Aksöyek A, Sarıtaş A, Birincioğlu CL, Paç
M, Çatav Z, Katırcıoğlu SF. Primer kardiyak myxomalar;
67 hastada klinik deneyimler ve cerrahi sonuçlarımız. 10.
Ulusal Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kongresi 2008.
81. İşcan HZ, Mavioğlu L, Yavaş S, Kocabeyoğlu S, Aşkın G,
Ünal U, A.Tulga Ulus, Birincioğlu CL, Bayazıt M. İzole
karotis endarterektomi uygulanan asemptomatik karotis
arter hastalığının erken ve geç dönem sonuçları. 10.
Ulusal Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kongresi 2008.
82. Yavaş S, Mavioğlu L, Kocabeyoğlu S, İşcan HZ, A.Tulga
Ulus, Bayazıt M, Birincioğlu CL. Kadın hastalarda karotis
endarterektomi. 10. Ulusal Göğüs Kalp ve Damar
Cerrahisi Kongresi 2008.
83. İşcan HZ, Mavioğlu L, A.Tulga Ulus, Yavas S, Boysan E,
Yener U, Bayazıt M, Birincioğlu CL. Effect of preoperative
neurologic status for carotid endarterectomy in
symptomatic carotid artery disease. IV. Kardiyoloji ve
Kardioyovasküler Cerrahide Yenilikler Kongresi, Kasım
84. Sapmaz A, Ersöz Ş, Balcı D, A.Tulga Ulus, Köksoy C.
Uzak organ şartlandırması aort cerrahisinde medulla
spinalis iskemisini engeller. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, 2831 mayıs 2008.
85. Sapmaz A, Ersöz Ş, A.Tulga Ulus, Köksoy C. Medulla
spinalis iskemik hasarını engellemede uzak organ
iskemik şartlandırılmasının zamanlaması. XIV.Ulusal
Vasküler Cerrahi Kongresi, 15-19 mayıs 2009.
86. Yay K, Diken A, İrdem A, Tütün U, Çatav Z, Çiçekçioğlu
F, A. Tulga Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF. Early coronary arterial
bypass grafting (CABG) after life saving primary
percutaneus coronary intervention (PCI): staged therapy
outcome and stent restenosis. 5. Kardiyoloji ve
Kardiyovasküler Cerrahide Yenilikler Kongresi. 24-28
Eylül 2009, Antalya.
87. Aksöyek A, Babaroğlu S, Sarıtaş A, Parlar Aİ, Bahar İ,
Çatav Z, Tütün U, A. Tulga Ulus, Birincioğlu L,
Katırcıoğlu SF. Factors influencing the hospital mortality
of subtotal pericardiectomy through median sternotomy.
5. Kardiyoloji ve Kardiyovasküler Cerrahide Yenilikler
Kongresi. 24-28 Eylül 2009, Antalya.
88. Yay K, Çetin E, Özyalçın S, Kaplan S, Vural K, A. Tulga
Ulus. Major dehiscence of a mechanical prosthetic aortic
valve due to massive infective endocarditis: a case report.
5. Kardiyoloji ve Kardiyovasküler Cerrahide Yenilikler
Kongresi. 24-28 Eylül 2009, Antalya.
89. Parlar Aİ, Tütün U, Aksöyek A, Altınay L, Topçu Dİ,
Çiçekçioğlu F, A. Tulga Ulus, Saydam G, Katırcıoğlu SF.
Pulmonary ischemia reperfusion parameters during
conventional and normothermic onpump beating heart
valve surgery. 5. Kardiyoloji ve Kardiyovasküler Cerrahide
Yenilikler Kongresi. 24-28 Eylül 2009, Antalya.
90. A.Tulga Ulus, Turan NN, Pınarlı F, Erdolu B, Tuncer S,
Delibaşı T. In vivo imaging; how deepness and dose
effect the picture. 2. Ulusal Rejeneartif Tıp ve Hücresel
Tedavi Kongresi, 11-13 Şubat, 2011, İzmir.
91. A.Tulga Ulus, Turan NN, Özyalçın S, Aydoğ G, Ulus F,
Göker H, Haznedaroğlu İ. Blood stoper: an investigation
of cardiovascular surgery and hemostatic effects. 7.
Kardiyoloji ve Kardiyovasküler Cerrahide
Kongresi. 24-27 Mart 2011, Antalya.
92. Erol ME, Songur M, Erdolu B, A.Tulga Ulus, Vural K.
Timing of the hybrid intervention whom had both thoracic
and abdominal aotic aneurysms. 7. Kardiyoloji ve
Kardiyovasküler Cerrahide Yenilikler Kongresi. 24-27
Mart 2011, Antalya.
93. Songur ÇM, Onk OA, Aksüt M, A.Tulga Ulus, Özyalçın
S. Intrathoracic aortic diseases after cardiac surgery in
long term. 7. Kardiyoloji ve Kardiyovasküler Cerrahide
Yenilikler Kongresi. 24-27 Mart 2011, Antalya.
94. Sevük U, Erdolu B, Kubat E, Çiçekçioğlu F, A.Tulga
Ulus, Tütün U, Aydın H, Sarıtaş A, Birincioğlu L. Does
really tyroid function and carotid artery stenosis have any
relatioship. 7. Kardiyoloji ve Kardiyovasküler Cerrahide
Yenilikler Kongresi. 24-27 Mart 2011, Antalya.
95. Sevük U, Erdolu B, Kubat E, Çiçekçioğlu F, A.Tulga
Ulus, Tütün U, Aydın H, Sarıtaş A, Birincioğlu L. Is there
really relationship between thyroid function and carotid
artery stenosis? 20-22 may 2011, 60th International
Congress of The European Society for Cardiovascular
and Endovascular Surgery, Moscow, Russia.
96. A.Tulga Ulus, Sapmaz A, Yavas S, Turan NN, Kaymaz
FF, Yazıcıoğlu H, Ersöz S, Köksoy C. Does type of
conditioning protect the spinal cord from the ischemiareperfusion injury? 20-22 may 2011, 60th International
Congress of The European Society for Cardiovascular
and Endovascular Surgery, Moscow, Russia.
97. Songur M, Erdolu B, Özyalçın S, A.Tulga Ulus, Vural K.
Does the patency differ according to the anastomatic site
right coronary artery or the posterior descending branch?
20-22 may 2011, 60th International Congress of The
European Society for Cardiovascular and Endovascular
Surgery, Moscow, Russia.
98. Sevük U, Erdolu B, Kubat E, Çiçekçioğlu F, A.Tulga
Ulus, Tütün U, Sarıtaş A, Birincioğlu L. Mitral
paravalvular leakage at midpoint of the posterior annulus:
does it concern us all? 20-22 may 2011, 60th
International Congress of The European Society for
Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery, Moscow,
99. Sevük U, Erdolu B, Kubat E, A.Tulga Ulus, Tütün U,
Aydın H, Sarıtaş A, Birincioğlu L. Non-infective aortic
paravalvular leakage: surgical results. 20-22 may 2011,
60th International Congress of The European Society for
Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery, Moscow,
100. Yazıcıoğlu H, Parlar AI, Tokat S, A.Tulga Ulus,
Yazıcıoğlu L. Comparison of laboratory, clinic data and
apoptosis in patients undergoing CABG operation done
either with intermittent aortic clamping with fibrillation or
cardioplegic cardiac arrest technique. International
Anesthesia Research Society, may 21-24, 2011.
101. İrdem A, Kavasoğlu K, Erat S, Yüce G, Yurdakök O,
Yurdakul M, Ökten S, A.Tulga Ulus, Paç M. Bronchial
artery anurysm embolsiation, XV.National Vascular
Surgery Congress, 27-30 october 2011, Antalya.
102. Taşoğlu İ, Kervan Ü, Sert DE, Yalçınkaya A, Lafçı G,
Küçüker SA, A.Tulga Ulus, Paç M. Saccular aort
aneurysms following chest trumas. XV.National Vascular
Surgery Congress, 27-30 october 2011, Antalya.
103. A.Tulga Ulus, Yavaş S, Sapmaz A, Sakaoğulları Z,
Şimşek E, Ersöz S, Köksoy C. Conditioning effect on
visceral organs during the ischemia-reperfusion injury of
spinal cord. 8th International Congress of Update in
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, Antalya, 1-4
march 2012.
104. A.Tulga Ulus, Pınarlı FA, Özyalçın S, Yılmaz M,
Yavaş S, Demir A, Paç M, Delibaşı T. Effects of freshly
isolated autologous bone marrow cell transplantation to
the critical limb ischemia by both local and intraarterial
application. 8th International Congress of Update in
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, Antalya, 1-4
march 2012.
105. A.Tulga Ulus, Hanedan O, Türkmen U, Bozkurt T,
Turan K, Erdolu B. Do we have to screen CABG patients
for AAA. 8th International Congress of Update in
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, Antalya, 1-4
march 2012.
106. Yurdakok O, Tasoglu I, Genc BS, Tola M, Ozdemir M,
A.Tulga Ulus, Pac A, Pac M. Follow-up is crucially
important after the interventional repair of aortic
coarctation; case report, review of literature and
suggestions. 61st ESCVS Dubrovnik, 25-28 april 2012.
107. A.Tulga Ulus, Alpaslan FP, Sönmez D, Yeşilyurt A,
Delibaşı T. The contralateral extremity has also benefit
from the locally administered BM-MNC and cord blood
serum in diabetic ischemic wound healing. European
Society for Vascular Surgery, (Oral presentation) XXVI
annual meeting, 19-21 september 2012, Bologna, Italy.
108. Turan RG, A.Tulga Ulus, Turan IB, Akın I, Kische S,
Turan CH, Paranskaya L, Arsoy N, Ortak J, Nienaber CH,
Ince H. Influence of autologous freshly isolated bone
marrow cells transplantation in patients with no option
critical limb ischemia. 28. Ulusal Kardiyoloji kongresi, 1114 ekim 2012, Antalya, Türkiye.
109. Turan RG, A.Tulga Ulus, Turan IB, Paranskaya L,
Turan CH, Kische S, Akın I, Arsoy N, Ortak J, Nienaber
CH, Ince H. Effect of autologous freshly isolated bone
marrow cells transplantation in patients with peripheral
occlusive arterial disease. 28. Ulusal Kardiyoloji kongresi,
11-14 ekim 2012, Antalya, Türkiye.
110. A.Tulga Ulus, Ozkok A, Ozyalcın S, Karadeniz U.
Which diabetic patient effected worst as endothelial
function during coronary artery surgery? (OP) 9th
International Congress of Update in Cardiology and
Cardiovascular Surgery, 21-24 march, 2013, Antalya,
111. Yılmaz M, Ozen A, Yay K, Unal EU, Faruk O, A.Tulga
Ulus, Catav Z. The relationship between low
intraoperative hemotocrit levels during cardiopulmonary
bypass and postoperative neurological events. 9th
International Congress of Update in Cardiology and
Cardiovascular Surgery, 21-24 march, 2013, Antalya,
112. Simsek E, Kılıç M, Simsek G, Moran B, Oguztuzun S,
Sarıtas A, A. Tulga Ulus. The effects of CYP1B1 and
GSTP isozymes in the occurance of aortic aneurysms.
(OP) 14th congress of Asian society for vascular surgery
and 16th congress of Turkish society for vascular and
endovascular surgery 26-29 october 2013, Istanbul,
113. Simsek E, Yesilyurt A, Pınarlı F, Eyerci N, A.Tulga
Ulus. The effects of genetic mutations being isolated or
combined on deep venous thrombosis and/or pulmonary
embolism occurance. (OP) 14th congress of Asian
society for vascular surgery and 16th congress of Turkish
society for vascular and endovascular surgery 26-29
october 2013, Istanbul, Turkiye.
114. Simsek E, Karapınar K, Ince I, A.Tulga ulus. Does
the ankle brachial index correlate with the functionality of
the upper extremity following the surgery for vascular
trauma? (PP) 14th congress of Asian society for vascular
surgery and 16th congress of Turkish society for vascular
and endovascular surgery 26-29 october 2013, Istanbul,
115. Simsek E, Yesilyurt A, Pınarlı F, Eyerci N, A.Tulga
Ulus. The effects of genetic mutations being isolated or
combined on deep venous thrombosis and/or pulmonary
embolism occurance. (OP) 14th congress of Asian
society for vascular surgery and 16th congress of Turkish
society for vascular and endovascular surgery 26-29
october 2013, Istanbul, Turkiye.
116. Simsek E, Karapınar K, Ince I, A.Tulga ulus. Does
the ankle brachial index correlate with the functionality of
the upper extremity following the surgery for vascular
trauma? (PP) 14th congress of Asian society for vascular
surgery and 16th congress of Turkish society for vascular
and endovascular surgery 26-29 october 2013, Istanbul,
117. A.Tulga Ulus, Kocakulak M, Özyalçın S, Karahan M,
Ürpermez E, Güray T, Şimşek E. The effects of pulsatile
and nonpulsatile flow on coated and noncoated
oxygenators (OP). 10th International Congress of Update
in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, 13-16 march
2014, Antalya.
118. Songur MÇ, Özyalçın S, Özen A, Şimşek E,
Kocabeyoğlu S, Ünal U, Avcı T, Taşoğlu İ, Kervan Ü,
A.Tulga Ulus. Is really previous stenting effects graft
patency following CABG? 5 years follow up (OP). 10th
International Congress of Update in Cardiology and
Cardiovascular Surgery, 13-16 march 2014, Antalya.
119. A.Tulga Ulus, Sunman H, Karahan M, Canpolat U,
Şabanov C, Şimşek E, Yeter E, Pınarlı F, Turan NN,
Delibaşı T. Mortality during the research should be
analysed; atrial septal defect in an albino wistar rat (PP).
10th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and
Cardiovascular Surgery, 13-16 march 2014, Antalya.
120. A.Tulga Ulus, Kucukay F, Sımsek E, Oktem S, Mola
S, Ozdemır M, Sarıtas A, Vural K, Bırıncıoglu L. Ruptured
abdominal aortic aneurysm treatment; in the stent greft
era (PP), 63rd International congress of European
Society of Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery
(ESCVS), 24-27 april 2014, Nice, France.
121. G Saydam, M. Balk, D, Akbulut , E Dökümcü, A
Özgök, A.Tulga Ulus.The relationship between levels of
serum homocysteine and myeloperoxidase ın type II
2014 22. Int
Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratuary medicine
122. G Saydam, M. Balk, A Özgök, A.Tulga Ulus. The
relationship between apelin and lipid metabolism in type II
Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratuary medicine
123. M. Balk G Saydam, A Özgök, A.Tulga Ulus.
Evaluation of endothelial dysfunction , inflamation and
oxydative stres biomarkers in type II diabetic coronary
artery patients. IFCC WORLDLABISTANBUL 22-26 June
22. Int Congress of Clinical Chemistry and
Laboratuary medicine (poster)
1. Mavitaş B, Yamak B, Katırcıoğlu SF, Sarıtaş A, A. Tulga
Ulus, Kızıltepe U, Taşdemir O, Bayazıt K. Valve
replacements in the treatment of bacterial endocarditis;
long term follow-up. Türk Kardiyol Dern Arş 1996;24:164167.
2. Mavitaş B, Yamak B, Katırcıoğlu SF, A. Tulga Ulus,
Sarıtaş A, Taşdemir O, Bayazıt K. Ten years experience
with pericardiectomy. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann
3. Katırcıoğlu SF, Özgencil E, Yamak B, A. Tulga Ulus,
Ayaz S, Sarıtaş Z, Konan A, Tuncer M, Taşdemir O,
Bayazıt K. Effects of prostacyclin on hemodynamics after
intestinal ischemia-reperfusion. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac
Ann 1997;5:43-47.
4. Katırcıoğlu SF, Yamak B, A. Tulga Ulus, Taşdemir O,
Bayazıt K. Mitral Valve Replacement with St. Jude
Medical Prosthesis and Low Dose Anticoagulation over
50 years. Journal of Heart Valve Disease 1998;7:455459.
5. Katırcıoğlu SF, Sarıtaş Z, A. Tulga Ulus, Yamak B.
Comparison of the effects of Enoximone and
Isoproterenol on Protamine cardiotoxicity in the
anesthetized dogs. Japanese Circulation Journal
6. Katırcıoğlu SF, Yavaş S, A. Tulga Ulus, Yamak B,
Sarıtaş Z, Yıldız Ü, Taşdemir O. Experimental inhibition of
Protamine Cardiotoxicity by Prostacyclin. Angiology
7. Mavitaş B, Sarıtaş Z, A. Tulga Ulus, Yamak B,
Katırcıoğlu SF, Taşdemir O. ATP-MgCl2 usage for the
spinal cord injury as an experimental aortic occlusion.
Turk J Cardiol 1997;1:43-45.
8. Katırcıoğlu SF, Yamak B, A. Tulga Ulus, Özsöyler İ,
Yıldız Ü, Mavitaş B, Birincioğlu L, Taşdemir O. Treatment
of functional tricuspid regurgitation by bicuspidalization
annuloplasty during mitral valve surgery. J Heart Valve
Dis 1997;6:631-635.
9. Katırcıoğlu SF, Sarıtaş Z, A. Tulga Ulus, Yamak B, Yücel
D, Ayaz S. Iloprost as an additive to the cardioplegic
solutions improves the myocardial performance.
Prostaglandins 1998;55:51-65.
10. Sarıtaş A, Uzunonat G, Kural T, Nisanoğlu V, Mavitaş B,
A. Tulga Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF, Taşdemir O, Bayazıt K.
Aortic annulus enlargement procedures and long-term
follow-up. T Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular
Surgery 1997;5:176-185.
11. Mavitaş B, A. Tulga Ulus, İşcan Z, Yamak B, Birincioğlu
L, Sarıtaş A, Katırcıoğlu SF, Taşdemir O. Twenty five
years of experience with left atrial myxoma. Asian
Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 1997;5:207-209.
12. Uzunonat G, Emir M, Yamak B, A. Tulga Ulus, Ulaş M,
Uncu H, Sarıtaş Z, Katırcıoğlu SF, Taşdemir O. Coronary
sınus retroperfusion during acute experimental coronary
artery occlusion. Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery
13. A. Tulga Ulus, İşcan Z, Sarıtaş Z, Can C, Yamak B,
Katırcıoğlu SF, Bayazıt M. Inhibition of myointimal
proliferation by octreotide in canine vein interposition
grafts. European Surgical Research 1998;30:318-325.
14. A. Tulga Ulus, Yamak B, Mavitaş B, Sarıtaş Z,
Birincioğlu L, Katırcıoğlu SF, Taşdemir O. Efficacy of
skeleton muscle ventricle after long term stimulus. Turk J
Cardiol 1997;2:99-103.
15. Yamak B, Mavitaş B, Özatik MA, A. Tulga Ulus,
Birincioğlu L, Katırcıoğlu SF, Taşdemir O, Bayazıt K.
Low-dose anticoagulation by using St.Jude medical heart
valve prosthesis with the completely followed up 1000
patients. Turk J Cardiol 1997;2:93-98.
16. Katırcıoğlu SF, Yamak B, A. Tulga Ulus, Birincioğlu L,
Sarıtaş A, Taşdemir O, Bayazıt K. Mitral valve
replacement with bioprosthesis in age group 50 to 65
years. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 1998;6:23-27.
17. Katırcıoğlu SF, Yamak B, A. Tulga Ulus, İşcan Z,
Mavitaş B, Taşdemir O. Aortic Valve Replacement
with St. Jude medical prosthesis and fixed-dose
anticoagulation. J Cardiac Surg 1997;12:363-370.
18. A. Tulga Ulus, Sarıtaş Z, Yamak B, Sürücü S, Tuncel M,
Katırcıoğlu SF. ATP-MgCl2 utilization for spinal cord
protection during experimental thoracic aortic occlusion. J
Cardiovascular Surg 1999;40:495-499.
19. Katırcıoğlu SF, A. Tulga Ulus, İşcan Z, Yamak B, Sarıtaş
Z, Birincioğlu L. Preservation of myocardial metabolism in
acute coronary artery occlusions with retrograde coronary
sinus perfusion and iloprost. Prostaglandins, Leukotriens
and Essential Fatty Acids. 1998;59:169-174.
20. Mavitaş B, İşcan Z, Yamak B, A. Tulga Ulus, Sarıtaş Z,
Katırcıoğlu SF, Taşdemir O. Preservation of myocardial
metabolism in acute coronary artery occlusions with
retrograde coronary sinus perfusion and L-Carnitine in
dogs. Archives of the Turkish Society of the Cardiology.
21. Birincioğlu L, A. Tulga Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF, Yamak B,
Kale A, Aydoğ G, Taşdemir O. An epitelial angiosarcoma
diagnosed as pseudoaneurysm. T Journal of Thoracic
and Cardiovascular Surgery 1998;6:60-63.
22. Mavitaş B, Yamak B, Sarıtaş A, İşcan Z, Erdil N, A. Tulga
Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF, Şener E, Taşdemir O, Bayazıt K.
Long-term results of mitral valve replacement with the St.
Jude medical heart valve prosthesis. T Journal of
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 1998;6:7-14.
23. Emir M, Uzunonat G, Yamak B, A. Tulga Ulus, Göl K,
İşcan Z, Katırcıoğlu SF, Mavitaş B, Taşdemir O, Bayazıt
K. Effects of pregnancy on long term follow-up of mitral
valve bioprostheses. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann
24. Yamak B, Emir M, A. Tulga Ulus, Aksöyek A, İşcan Z,
Katırcıoğlu SF, Taşdemir O. Pregnancy with St. Jude
Medical mitral valve prosthesis. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac
Ann 2000;8:127-129.
25. Yamak B, Özsöyler İ, A. Tulga Ulus, Kızıltepe U,
Katırcıoğlu SF, Taşdemir O. Comparison of reoperation
findings of Carpentier-Edwards (Standart) bioprosthesis
and St. Jude Bioimplant (Liotta) in mitral position.
Cardiovasc Surg 1999;7(7):730-734.
26. Yamak B, A. Tulga Ulus. Review: Wolff-Parkinson-White
syndrome and surgery. Journal of the Turkish
Interventional Cardiology 1998;2:33-40.
27. Mavitaş B, A. Tulga Ulus, Yıldız Ü, Yamak B, Birincioğlu
L, Katırcıoğlu SF, Sarıtaş A, Taşdemir O, Bayazıt K.
Clinical superiority of membrane oxygenator over bubble
oxygenator. Turkish clinics Journal of cardiology
28. Mavitaş B, A. Tulga Ulus, Yıldız Ü, Yamak B, Birincioğlu
L, Katırcıoğlu SF, Sarıtaş A, Taşdemir O, Bayazıt K.
Emergent coronary bypass
surgery during acute
myocardial infarction. Turkish clinics Journal of cardiology
29. Yamak B, İşcan Z, A. Tulga Ulus, Mavitaş B, Sarıtaş A,
Erdil N, Katırcıoğlu SF, Taşdemir O, Bayazıt K. Long-term
results of patients with a narrow annulus who had aortic
valve replacement with a St.Jude medical mechanical
prosthesis. Turk J Cardiol 1998;3:165-169.
30. Göl K, Karahan M, A. Tulga Ulus, Erdil N, İşcan Z,
Karabiber N, Taşdemir O. Blood stream, respiratory and
deep surgical wound infections after open heart surgery.
J Cardiac Surgery 1998;13:252-259.
31. Yamak B, Mavitaş B, Bardakçı H, Birincioğlu L, A. Tulga
Ulus, İşcan Z, Bayazıt M, Taşdemir O. Retroperitoneal
approach for infrarenal aortic lesions: early results of ten
cases. Turk J Vasc Surg 1998;1:1-5.
32. Birincioğlu L, A. Tulga Ulus, Yamak B, Katırcıoğlu SF,
Mavitaş B, Taşdemir O. Intravenous diltiazem for
treatment of supraventricular tachycardia after coronary
artery bypass surgery. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann
33. Mavitaş B, A. Tulga Ulus, Yıldız Ü, Yamak B, Birincioğlu
L, Katırcıoğlu SF, Özer C, Taşdemir O, Bayazıt K.
Emergency coronary artery bypass grafting after failed
angioplasty. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 1998;6:195198.
34. Katırcıoğlu SF, Yamak B, Battaloğlu B, A. Tulga Ulus,
Ünlü M, Sarıtaş Z, Vural G, Yavaş S, Taşdemmir O,
Bayazıt K. Experimental evaluation of retrograde cerebral
perfusion by single photon emission computed
tomography technique (SPECT). J Cardiovas Surg
35. Yamak B, Mavitaş B, Sarıtaş A, Katırcıoğlu SF, A. Tulga
Ulus, Birincioğlu L, Karagöz H, Şener E, Taşdemir O,
Bayazıt K. Ten year results with Liotta porcine
bioprostheses in the mitral position. Asian Cardiovasc
Thorac Ann 1998;6:260-264.
36. Yamak B, A.Tulga Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF, Mavitaş B,
Sarıtaş A, Tasdemır O, Bayazıt K. Surgery for combıned
rheumatic valve and coronary artery disease. Asian
Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 1999;7:33-36.
37. Birincioğlu L, A.Tulga Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF, Yamak B,
Kale A, Aydoğ G, Tasdemır O. Right atrial myxoma
originating from tricuspit septal leaflet. Asian Cardiovasc
Thorac Ann 1999;7:59-61.
38. Birincioğlu CL, Küçüker Ş, Yapar EG, Yıldız Ü, A.Tulga
Ulus, Yamak B, Katırcıoğlu SF, Tasdemır O. Perinatal
mitral valve interventions: a report of 10 cases. Annals of
Thoracic Surgery 1999;67:1312-1314.
39. A.Tulga Ulus, Yamak B, Iscan Z, Ayaz S, Katırcıoğlu SF,
Tasdemır O. Monitorization of the oral anticoagulant
therapy and factors effecting the INR value. Turk J
Cardiol 1998;1:239-243.
40. Yamak B, A.Tulga Ulus, Ayaz S, Katırcıoğlu SF. Oral
anticoagulants and monitoring. Turk J Cardiol
41. Erdil N, Kultufan S, A.Tulga Ulus, Özsöyler İ, Bardakcı
H, Tütün U, Katırcıoğlu SF, Erdemli Ö, Mavitaş B,
Tasdemir O. Simplified coronary sinus retroperfusion
during emergent coronary revascularization (case report).
Turk J Cardiol 1998;1:258-259.
42. Birincioğlu L, Bardakcı H, Küçüker Ş, A.Tulga Ulus, Arda
K, Yamak B, Taşdemir O. A clinical dilemma: cardiac and
43. A.Tulga Ulus, Gökçe P, Özgencil E, Yıldız Ü, İbrişim E,
Katırcıoğlu SF. Beneficial effects of aminophylline on
ischemia-reperfusion in isolated rabbit heart. Asian
Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 1999;7:96-100.
44. A.Tulga Ulus, Mavitaş B, Yamak B, Birincioğlu L, Sarıtaş
Z, Sürücü S, Tuncel M, Katırcıoğlu SF, Tasdemır O. Graft
that was embeded in to the omentum; used for the
skeletal-muscle ventricles. Turk J Cardiol 1998;1:302304.
45. A.Tulga Ulus, Tütün U, Sarıtaş Z, Yamak B, Katırcıoğlu
SF, Taşdemir O. Protective effect of pentoxyphylline on
spinal cord ischemia. Turk J Cardiol 1999;2:44-48.
46. Mavitaş B, A.Tulga Ulus, Yıldız Ü, Yamak B, Birincioğlu
L, Katırcıoğlu SF, Taşdemir O, Bayazıt K. Massive
isolated chylopericardium. Turk J Cardiol 1999;2:57-60.
47. Katırcıoğlu SF, A.Tulga Ulus, Sarıtaş Z, Gökçe P. Effects
of ATP-MgCl2 administration in hypovolemic dogs. Pan
Minerva Medica 1999;41:323-330.
48. Katırcıoğlu SF, İşcan Z, A. Tulga Ulus, Sarıtaş Z.
Myocardial preservation in acute coronary artery
occlusion with coronary sinus retroperfusion and
carnitine. J Cardiovasc Surg 2000;41:45-50.
49. Bayazıt M, Gol MK, Iscan Z, A. Tulga Ulus, Tasdemir O,
Bayazıt K. Is surgery justifiable for treatment of small
abdominal aortic aneurysms? Asian Cardiovasc Thorac
Ann 1999;7:200-203.
50. Katırcıoğlu SF, A. Tulga Ulus, Gökçe P, Sürücü S.
Iloprost protects the spinal cord during aortic crossclamping in a canine model. J Cardiovasc Surg
51. Yamak B, Iscan Z, Mavitaş B, A. Tulga Ulus, Katırcıoğlu
SF, Tasdemir O, Bayazıt K. Low-dose oral anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy with St. Jude Medical
heart valve prosthesis. J Heart Valve Dis 1999;8(6):665673.
52. Katırcıoğlu SF, A. Tulga Ulus, Yamak B, Özsöyler İ,
Birincioğlu L, Taşdemir O. Acute mechanical valve
thrombosis of the St.Jude Medical prosthesis. J Card
Surg 1999;14(3):164-168.
53. Birincioğlu L, A.Tulga Ulus, Bardakcı H, Küçüker Ş, Kara
F, Taşdemir O. Is there another type of biventricular atrioventricular connection ? Tex Heart Inst J 1999;26:252257.
54. A.Tulga Ulus, Tütün U, Aksöyek A, Sarıtaş Z, Hisar İ,
İbrişim E, Katırcıoğlu SF. Preservation of the myocardial
functions by ATP-MgCl2 clamping of SMA; experimental
study. Turk J Cardiol 1999;2:65-67.
55. Katırcıoğlu SF, A.Tulga Ulus, Sarıtaş Z. ATP-MgCl2
treatment after experimental acute myocardial ischemia
and reperfusion. Panminerva Medica 2000;42(1):11-15.
56. A.Tulga Ulus, Tütün U, Zorlu F, Can C, Apaydın N,
Karacagil S, Katırcıoğlu SF, Bayazıt M. Prevention of
intimal hyperplasia by single-dose pre-insertion external
radiation in canine-vein interposition grafts. Eur J Vasc
Endovasc Surg 2000;19:5:456-460.
57. Katırcıoğlu SF, Yamak B, A. Tulga Ulus, Yıldız Ü,
Mavitaş B, Birincioğlu L, Taşdemir O. Comparison of 2123 size st. Jude medical valves to the 27-29 size
mechanical valves in aortic position; ten year follow-up. J
Cardiovasc Surg 2000;41:31-36.
58. A.Tulga Ulus, Ljungman C, Almgren B, Hellberg A,
Bergqvist D, Karacagil S. The influence of distal runoff on
patency of infrainguinal vein bypass grafts. Vascular Surg
59. Ljungman C, A.Tulga Ulus, Almgren B, Bergstrom R,
Hellberg A, Bergqvist D, Karacagil S. A multivariate
analysis of factors affecting patency of femoropopliteal
and femorodistal bypass grafting. Vasa 2000;29 (3):215220.
60. Katırcıoğlu SF, Gökçe P, A. Tulga Ulus, Tütün U,
Apaydın N, Koç B. Reduction Of The Infarcted Area With
The Use Of Simplified Coronary Sinus Retroperfusion
During Experimental Coronary Artery Occlusion. Int J
Cardiol 2000;73 (2):115-121.
61. Christiansson L, A.Tulga Ulus, Hellberg A, Bergqvist D,
Wiklund L, Karacagil S. New aspects of the spinal cord
circulation as assessed by intrathecal oxygen tension
monitoring during various arterial interruptions in the pig.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001;121(4 Pt 1):762-772.
62. Hellberg A, Christiansson L, A.Tulga Ulus, Bergqvist D,
Wiklund L, Karacagil S. A prolonged spinal cord ischemia
model in pigs: passive shunting offers stable central
hemodynamics during aortic occlusion. Eur J Vasc
Endovasc Surg 2000;19:318-323.
63. Christiansson L, A.Tulga Ulus, Hellberg A, Bergqvist D,
Wiklund L, Karacagil S. Increased FiO2 improves
intrathecal oxygenation during thoracic aortic crossclamping in pigs. Scand Cardiovasc J 2001;35(2):147150.
64. Hellberg A, A.Tulga Ulus, Christiansson L, Bergqvist D,
Thelin S, Karacagil S. Influence of low proximal aortic
pressure on spinal cord oxygenation in experimental
thoracic aortic occlusion. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino)
65. Hellberg A, A.Tulga Ulus, Christiansson L, Westman J,
Leppanen O, Bergqvist D, Karacagil S. Monitoring of
intrathecal oxygen tension during experimental aortic
occlusion predicts ultrastructural changes in the spinal
cord. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001;121:316-323.
66. Katırcıoğlu SF, A.Tulga Ulus, Gökçe P, Apaydın N, Ayaz
S, Dalva K, Koç B, Atalay F. Beneficial effects of iloprost
during experimentally induced hemorrhagic shock.
Panminerva Medica 2000;42(2):109-117.
67. A.Tulga Ulus, Tütün U, Aksöyek A, Sarıtaş Z, Hisar İ,
Karapınar K, İbrişim E, Katırcıoğlu SF. The role of the
retroperfusion with enoximone infusion for the treatment
of acute myocardial ischemia. Turk J Interv Cardiol
68. Demirer S, Sengul N, Yerdel MA, Tuzuner A, A.Tulga
Ulus, Gurler A, Bergqvist D, Siegbahn A, Karacagil S.
Haemostasis in patients with Behçet’s disease. Eur J
Vasc Endovasc Surg 2000;19(6):570-574.
69. Birincioğlu L, Tıkız H, Bardakcı H, Balbay Y, A.Tulga
Ulus, Göksel S, Taşdemir O. Repair of isolated atrial
inversion with venous return abnormality. Asian
Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 2000;8:161-163.
70. A.Tulga Ulus, Tütün U, Sürücü S, Apaydın N, Gökçe P,
Katırcıoğlu SF. Functional outcome in model of spinal
cord ischemia: use of enoximone. Asian Cardiovasc
Thorac Ann 2000;8:216-220.
71. Birincioğlu CL, Bayazıt M, A.Tulga Ulus, Bardakcı H,
Küçüker Ş, Taşdemir O. Carotid disease is a risk factor
for stroke in coronary bypass operations. J Card Surg
2000 Nov-Dec;14(6):417-423.
72. A.Tulga Ulus, Aksöyek A, Katırcıoğlu SF, Gökçe P, Koç
73. İbrişim E, A.Tulga Ulus, Aksöyek A, Karapınar K, Gökçe
P, Apaydın N, Şener O, Katırcıoğlu SF. Preservation of
the myocardial functions by enoximon during crossclamping; experimental study. Turk J Cardiol 2000;3:145147.
74. A.Tulga Ulus, Aksöyek A, Tütün U, Sürücü S, Apaydın
N, Katırcıoğlu SF. Ultrastructural analysis of effects of
pentoxyphylline on spinal cord function during aortic
occlusion. Turk J Cardiol 2001;4:48-52.
75. A.Tulga Ulus, Nisanoğlu V, Katırcıoğlu SF. Early and
late surgical results of ischemic mitral regurgitation. Turk
J Interven Cardiol 2001;5:63-69.
76. Katırcıoğlu SF, A.Tulga Ulus, Aksöyek A. Coronary sinus
retroperfusion with a simple method (letter). Asian
Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 2001;9:252.
77. Basu S, Hellberg A, A.Tulga Ulus, Westman J, Karacagil
S. Biomarkers of free radical injury during spinal cord
ischemia. FEBS Lett 2001;508(1):36-38.
78. Ayoğlu H, Yağar S, Yamak B, Ünver S, Yılmaz S,
A.Tulga Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF, Erdemli Ö. Patient with
autoimmune hemolytic anemia in open heart surgery. J
Card Vasc Thorac Anaes and Int Care Society 2001;7:8789.
79. Logason K, A. Tulga Ulus, Berqgvist D, Ljungman C,
Karacagil S. Acute occlusion of the distal popliteal artery
due to an osteochondroma of the fibula: a case report
and review of the literature. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg
Extra 2001;6(1):95-97.
80. Löfberg AM, Karacagil S, Ljungman C, Nyman R,
A.Tulga Ulus, Boström A, Östholm G. Distal
infrainguinal bypass grafts. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg
81. İyican D, Durak P, A.Tulga Ulus, Erdemli Ö. Selektif
serebral perfüzyon uygulanan Tip I aort diseksiyonu
cerrahisinde bispektral indeks skorları. GKD Anest Yoğ
Bak Dern Derg 2002;8:39-42.
82. Logason K, Karacagil S, A.Tulga Ulus, Hardemark HG.
The impact of different spectral Doppler criteria on the
proportion of high-grade internal carotid artery stenosis in
patients undergoing duplex scanning. Angiology 2002
83. Karapınar K, A.Tulga Ulus, Kaplan S, Tutun U, Sarıtaş
A, Aksoyek A, Apaydın N, Sarıtaş Z, Katırcıoglu SF.
Mg++SO4 treatment improves the hemodynamics
following the acute myocardial ischemia and reperfusion.
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84. Tutun U, A.Tulga Ulus, Aksoyek A, Kaplan S, Ayaz S,
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86. Katırcıoğlu SF, A.Tulga Ulus, Saritas Z, Aksoyek A,
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87. Katırcıoğlu SF, Saritas Z, Küçüker Ş, A.Tulga Ulus,
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89. A.Tulga Ulus, Aksoyek A, Ozkan M, Katircioglu SF, Basu
S. Cardiopulmonary bypass as a cause of free radicalinduced oxidative stress and enhanced blood-borne
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91. Katırcıoglu SF, A. Tulga Ulus, Saritas Z, Kaplan S, Tutun
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93. A.Tulga Ulus, Tütün U, Aksöyek A, Temürtürkan M,
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94. A. Tulga Ulus, Budak B, Seren M. Antikoagulation and
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95. Kaplan S, A. Tulga Ulus, Tutun U, Aksoyek A, Ozgencil
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ischemia-reperfusion injury: electron microscopic and
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disease. J Heart Valve Dis. 2004 Jan;13(1):33-7.
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from ischemia-reperfusion injury. J Vasc Surg. 2004
98. Karapinar K, A. Tulga Ulus, Tutun U, Aksoyek A,
Apaydin N, Pamuk K, Can Z, Saritas Z, Kucukay F, Arda
K, Katircioglu SF. Implantation of novel small-diameter
polyurethane vascular prostheses interposed in canine
femoral and carotid arteries. Eur Surg Res. 2004 JulAug;36(4):241-8.
99. Aksoyek A, A. Tulga Ulus, Tutun U, Budak B, Parlar A,
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65 years and over. J Heart Valve Dis. 2004 Jul;13(4):64150.
100. Ozkan M, Koramaz I, A. Tulga Ulus, Tavil Y,
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101. A. Tulga Ulus, Aksoyek A, Ozkan M, Katircioglu SF,
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102. Tutun U, Aksoyek A, A.Tulga Ulus, Parlar Aİ, Göl MK,
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103. Tütün U, Aksöyek A, A.Tulga Ulus, Hızarcı M,
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104. Hızarcı M, Tütün U, A. Tulga Ulus, Aksöyek A, Seren
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106. Aksoyek A, Tutun U, A. Tulga Ulus, Ihsan Parlar A,
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Open Heart Surgery. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2005
107. Tütün U, Aksöyek A, A. Tulga Ulus, Mısırlıoğlu M,
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Katırcıoğlu SF. Gene polymorphisms in patients below 35
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108. Coşkun B, Soylemez S, Parlar AI, A.Tulga Ulus,
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109. A.Tulga Ulus, Tütün U, Aksöyek A, Çiçekçioğlu F,
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112. Apaydın N, Sarıtaş ZK, Pamuk K, Özgencil FE, Ocak
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114. A. Tulga Ulus, Erbas S, Budak B, Tutun U, Aksoyek
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115. Aksoyek A, Tutun U, Ayaz S, Budak B, A. Tulga
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116. Aksoyek A, Tutun U, Babaroğlu S, Parlar AI, A. Tulga
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117. Tutun U, Çiçekçioğlu F, Budak B, Temurtürkan M,
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118. A. Tulga Ulus, Turan NN, Seren M, Budak B, Tutun
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119. A. Tulga Ulus, Parlar AI, Çiçekçioğlu F, Tütün U,
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120. Akar F, Manavbasi Y, Parlar AI, A. Tulga Ulus,
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121. A. Tulga Ulus, Tütün U, Budak B, Erbaş S, Arat N,
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A,Katircioğlu SF. Evaluation of hemodynamic changes in
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122. Turan NN, Akar F, Budak B, Seren M, Parlar AI,
Sürücü S, A. Tulga Ulus. How DMSO, a Widely Used
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123. A. Tulga Ulus, Parlar AI, Babaroğlu S, Temuçin T,
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124. Katircioglu SF, Seren M, Parlar AI, Turan NN,
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125. Tutun U, Cicekcioglu F, Parlar AI, Tola M, A. Tulga
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126. Ersoy O, Budak AB, Mungan U, Tutun U, Parlar AI,
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Levosimendan for ischemic preconditioning in thoracic
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127. Seren M, Budak B, Turan N, Parlar AI, Akar F, A.
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128. Yavaş S, Yağar S, Mavioğlu L, Çetin E, İşcan HZ,
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129. Sarıtaş A, Yavaş S, Kervan Ü, Demirtaş E, A.Tulga
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130. Çiçekçioğlu F, Tütün U, Babaroğlu S, Aksöyek A,
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the mechanical valve obstruction with a beating heart
technique in an elderly patient with compromised
ventricular function. Anadolu Kard Derg 2008;8:389-90.
131. Ulus F, Hellberg A, A.Tulga Ulus, Karacagil S.
Alterations in cerebrospinal fluid PO2, PCO2 and pH
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132. A Tulga Ulus, Hellberg A, Ulus F, Karacagil S. Effect
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133. Tasoglu I, Tutun U, Lafci G, Hijaazi A, Yener U,
Yalcinkaya A, A. Tulga Ulus, Aksoyek A, Sarıas A,
Birincioglu L, Pac M, Katircioglu F. Primary cardiac
myxomas: clinical experience and surgical results in 67
patients. J Card Surg 2009;24:256-259.
134. Budak B, Seren M, Turan NN, Sakaogullari Z, A.
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135. Yay K, Çetin E, Altınay L, Parlar Aİ, Mungan U, Akgül
A, A.Tulga Ulus, Bayazıt M. Popliteal artery aneurysms.
Bidder Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi 2009;2;13-16.
136. Yavas S, Kucukay F, A.Tulga Ulus. Is endovascular
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138. Yavas S, Mavioglu L, Kocabeyoglu S, Iscan HZ,
A.Tulga Ulus, Bayazit M, Birincioglu CL. Is Female
Gender Really a Risk Factor for Carotid Endarterectomy?
Ann Vasc Surg. 20106:775-785.
139. Akar F, Pektas MB, Tufan C, Soylemez S, Sepici A,
A.Tulga Ulus, Gokalp B, Ozturk K, Surucu HS.
Resveratrol Shows Vasoprotective Effect Reducing
Oxidative Stress without Affecting Metabolic Disturbances
in Insulin- dependent Diabetes of Rabbits. Cardiovasc
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140. Yavaş S, Ayaz S, Çatav Z, A.Tulga Ulus. The effects
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thromborel-s. BİDDER Tıp Bilimleri dergisi, 2010;2:1-9.
141. Çiçekçioğlu F, Temürtürkan M, Parlar Aİ, Babaroğlu S,
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142. Yay K, Ozyalcın S, Diken AI, A.Tulga Ulus, Vural K.
Major dehiscence of a mechanical prosthetic aortic valve
due to massive infective endocarditis: A case report.
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143. Akar F, Pektas MB, Tufan C, Soylemez S, Sepici A,
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Oxidative Stress without Affecting Metabolic Disturbances
in Insulin- dependent Diabetes of Rabbits. Cardiovasc
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144. A.Tulga Ulus, Sungur M, Kahya E. When was the
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145. A.Tulga Ulus, Erdolu B, Songur M, Kahya E. Which
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146. Erdolu B, Ozen A, Kervan U, Ozyalcın S, A.Tulga
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procedure: using cell saver in a ruptured abdominal aortic
aneurysm. Bidder Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi 2011;3(2):24-26.
147. Tasoğlu I, Yalçınkaya A, Ulas MM, Lafcı G, Cicek OF,
A.Tulga Ulus, Sarıtaş A, Pac M. Could mean platelet
volume be a predictive marker for mechanical valve
thrombosis? Turkish J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
148. Tayman C, Uckan D, Kilic E, A. Tulga Ulus, Tonbul A,
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Tatli MM. Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in Necrotizing
Enterocolitis: A Rat Study. Pediatr Res. 2011;70(5):48994.
149. A. Tulga Ulus, Turan NN, Pınarlı F, Erdolu B, Tuncer
S, Fadıllıoğlu E, Delibaşı T. The effects of penetration
and dose on in vivo imaging. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg.
150. Bozdag-Turan I, Turan RG, Turan CH, Ludovicy S,
Akin I, Kische S, Arsoy NS, Schneider H, Ortak J,
Rehders T, Hermann T, Paranskaya L, Kohlschein P,
Bastian M, A. Tulga Ulus, Sahin K, Ince H, Nienaber CA.
Relation between the frequency of CD34+ bone marrow
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diseased coronary arteries in patients with myocardial
ischemia and diabetes. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2011;
151. Kazanci D, Turan S, Bostanci B, Unver S, Aydinli B,
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arrest that developed during liver transplantation and
intervention with cardiopulmonary bypass: case report.
Transplant Proc. 2012 Jul;44(6):1759-60.
152. A. Tulga Ulus, Turan NN, Ozyalcın S, Aydog G, Ulus
F, Goker H, Haznedaroglu IC. Surgical and
histopathological effects of topical ankaferd hemostat on
major arterial vessel injury in relation to the enhanced
intra-arterial blood pressure. Turk J Hematol
153. Yavas S, Ayaz S, Kose SK, Ulus F, A. Tulga Ulus.
Influence of blood collection systems on coagulations
tests. Turk J Hematol 2012;29:367-75.
154. Songur MC, Erdolu B, Unal U, Tasoglu I, Tural K, Erol
E, A.Tulga Ulus. The Success of Self-Testing for
Anticoagulation Therapy. Journal of Clinical and
Analytical Medicine DOI: 10.4328/JCAM.1217.
155. Yay K, Ünal EU, Boysan E, Diken A, Başar V,
Durukan AB, A.Tulga Ulus, Katırcıoğlu SF. Early
coronary artery bypass grafting following life saving
percutaneous coronary intervention. Journal of Clinical
and Analytical Medicine DOI:10.4328/JCAM.1189.
156. Bilen S, Pinarli F, Ak F, Fadillioglu E, Albayrak A,
Boyuk G, Guler OG, Erden G, A.TulgaUlus, Delibasi T.
Treatment Efficacy with Bone Marrow Derived
Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Minocycline in Rats After
Cerebral Ischemic Injury. Stem Cell Rev 2013;9(2):21925.
157. Tasoglu I, Sert DE, Ecevit AN, Kavasoglu K, Kervan
U, A.Tulga Ulus, Pac M. Longitudinal plate fixation
technique after gross resection of the sternum or multiple
sternal fracture (How to do it). Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar
Cerrahisi Dergisi 2013;21(1):237-241.
158. Sungur MC, Erdolu B, Rabus MB, Aydın C, Yılmaz E,
A.Tulga Ulus. Aortic pathologies after cardiac surgery
(original article). Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar Cerrahisi
Dergisi 2013;21(1):21-65.
159. Pınarlı FA, Turan NN, Güçlü Pınarlı F, Okur A,
Sönmez D, A. Tulga Ulus, Oğuz A, Karadeniz C,
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Are Effective in the Prevention
and Treatment of Doxorubicin Cardiotoxicity in Rats.
Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2013;30(3):226-38.
160. Taşoğlu I, Sert DE, Lafçı G, Genç B, Kavasoğlu K, A.
Tulga Ulus, Paç M. Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms After
Blunt Trauma. doi:10.5505/tjtes.2013.32457. Turkish
Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery (Ulus Travma
Acil Cerrahi Derg) 2013;19 (4):343-347.
161. Hanedan MO, Türkmen U, Bozkurt T, Tural K,
Ozyalçın S, Erdolu B, A. Tulga ULUS. Should we screen
coronary artery bypass grafting patients for abdominal
aortic aneurysm? Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery
162. A. Tulga Ulus, Poyraz NY, Arat N, Babaroglu S,
Parlar AI, Yavas S, Ünlü M. Right Ventricular and Septal
Function in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hlc.2013.04.116 Heart, Lung
and Circulation 2013;xxx:18.
163. Parlar AI, Babaroglu S, A.Tulga Ulus, Tutun U,
Mısırlıoglu M, Seren M, Çiçekçioğlu F, Katırcıoğlu SF.
The effect of genetic polymorphisms on the mechanical
heart valve dysfunction. Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar
Cerrahisi Dergisi 2013;21(4):905-10.
164. A.Tulga Ulus, Pınarli FA, Sonmez D, Yesilyurt A,
Delibasi T. The Contralateral Extremity has Also Benefit
from the Locally Administered Bone Marrow-Derived
Mononuclear Cells and Cord Blood Serum in Diabetic
Ischemic Wound Healing. Stem Cell Rev. 2013 Oct 26.
[Epub ahead of print].
165. Simsek E, Karapinar K, Bugra O, A. Tulga Ulus,
Sarigul A. Effects of albumin and synthetic polypeptidecoated oxygenators on IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, and IL-10 in open
[Epub ahead of print].
166. Yılmaz M, Ozen A, Yay K, Unal EU, Ciçek OF, Yılmaz
M, Catav Z, A. Tulga Ulus, Paç M. The Relationship
between Low Intraoperative Hematocrit Levels during
Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Postoperative Neurological
Events. Heart Surg Forum. 2013;16(5):E243-7. doi:
167. Simsek E, Kilic M, Simsek G, Oguztuzun S, Moran B,
Saritas A, A.Tulga Ulus. The effect of CYP1A1 and
GSTP1 isozymes on the occurrence of aortic aneurysms.
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s0034-1367735.
168. Simsek E, Özyalçın S, A.Tulga Ulus. Kardiyolojik
yaklaşımlarda hücresel tedavi yaklaşımı. Hücre temelli
tedaviler özel sayısı. Türkiye Klinikleri Tıbbi Onkoloji Özel
Dergisi 2014-38625.
169. Simsek E, Özyalçın S, A.Tulga Ulus. Kalp
hastalıklarında genetik tedavi. Kalp damar hastalıkları
alanında yeni gelişmeler ve tartışmalı konular ışığında
güncel durum ve kılavuzların değerlendirilmesi Türkiye
Klinikleri özel sayısı 2014;6(1):112-9.
170. Simsek E, Karapinar K, Ince I, Ahmet Tulga Ulus.
Brachial index does not relect upper extremity
functionality following surgery for vascular trauma. J Vasc
Bras Accepted: 03.18.14.
171. A.Tulga Ulus, Kucukay F, Simsek E, Oktem S, Mola
S, Ozdemir M, Saritas A, Vural K, Birincioglu L. Ruptured
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Treatment in the Stent Graft
Era. Vasc Endovasc Surg published online 8 December
DOI: 10.1177/15385744145612322014.
Web of Science Report (18.11.2014)
Article number (ISI); 100
Citation number; 563
Mean citation; 5.63
h-index; 12
Annual article
Annual citation

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CV Görüntüle 8. K.Göl, M.Karahan, N.Karabiber, A. Tulga Ulus, Z.İşcan, N.Erdil, H.Kılıç, O.Taşdemir, K.Bayazıt. Risk factors and predictors of nosocomial infections in cardiovascular surgery. 20th International...
