BODIPY Couple in Aqueous Media


BODIPY Couple in Aqueous Media
Novel Luminogens for Aggregation Induced Emission Enhancement: A Highly Fluorescent TPEBODIPY Couple in Aqueous Media
Serdar Atılgan
Süleyman Demirel University, Chemistry Department, Isparta, Turkey
Herein, we described a new way of emission enhancement for BODIPY dyes by means of decorating with TPE
units and exploiting the hydrophobic effect to induce restriction on the emission quenching free rotations of
their phenyl rings. Our approach to tackle the emission quenching observed for several BODIPY dyes in
aqueous solutions has proved efficient in constructing an AIE active BODIPY luminogen, which, although it is
highly hydrophobic, has high emission intensities both in aqueous solutions and in solid state.
Figure 1 Synthesis of (TPE )2BOD
Scheme 1 Photo of (TPE )2BOD in three different solution.
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