The London Gazette, Issue 11172, Page 4


The London Gazette, Issue 11172, Page 4
Bankrupt's Eftate and Effects j and also to their corapoandingp
submitting to Arbitration^. or otherwise agreeing, ahy MattiS*
or Thing relating thereto 5 an«3 on ether special Affairs,,
HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Corra»»
* A R E . faithfully prepared only by J A M E-S I N G L I S H ,
., mission, of Bankrupt against John TylTeii,, deceased, lat;?
J \ Son of D A V I D I N G L I S H , deceased, at the of Lbndojv Me-rrhiriS:, ortherFicpresent-a^it'es, ate.dt sired to
Unicprh, over-againti' the New Church in "tl^.e t Strand, meet at the Queen's Arms Tt"avc:rn • St, Pawl's Church-YarcLp
'iLondon ; and to prevent Counterfeits .from Scotland,', as well London, on Thursday tbe 29th of August: instant, at Eleven
a s in and about Lpndon, you. are deiired to take'Notice, ift the Forenoon, to receive the Repdrt of the A'-ignte relating
T h a t t h e true ijjlls have t h d r .Boxes sealed op the Top (in to the compounding the res*, ective Bernan<is. of the Assignees of
Black Wax) with a Lyon Rampant, and Three Mullets Ar-: John Ward, deceased, arid the Representatives of Sir Cæsar?
gent, D r . Anderson'.s Head betwixt I . I. with.his Name rouw Child, deceased, on the ^state ar.d Effects of the said J c h n
if, and Isabella IngHfh underneath the Shield in a Scroll. Tyssen, the Bankrupt j and to dissent ftom and disallow tiie
'They are''of excellent Use in all Cases -where surging is said^Compositcon, or upjr;ovc cf, rr-itify„ and confirm the fern*; *j
nefessary, a n i miy be taken with Epsom,' Tunbridge, or* otiisa | and on other spccral A-^iia- Such Creditor"; who irry b-2 pre-*
vented attending themselves, are desir-td to impower forme ei^ier
Medicinal Waters. ' • * . , .
Person, by proper Lt'cter of Attorney, to appear and aci for
them,- ''
'. .
London, August 27, -57711,
O H N Sketchley, of Cospa'rt, Man to, Me-c'-rrnf, Assignee
Hereas Mrs. "Ester Allaire, Widow, died o n t h e 16th
of"the Estate and Effects of Sarah Hirwood, late of ColeDay of December 1770, and lias left, by her last Will
and Testament, a handsome, Legacy to her. Neic.e Mr?. Ester man-Street, London, Widow, and now of Qusporc aforesaid,,
Debtor> hereby gives Notice ro ali'the Cr-d-rois
Allaire, born "at'"St. ^Thon-u-s in thq West Jlnd'es, and Daujhte'f-of her'Brother Henry : Allaire : The Rev. Kit, Jacob B*.iur- of tthp. said Sarah H.u'vood; th-.t «lrc ip intirlsd to :hc Inheridillon,'of Church-Street Spitalfields, ar,d MT. Joha Theodore tance of a Copyhold Ter.ement in Tiichfirk", and hrld of* dig
Rohan, in Baker's Buildings, Old B-jth'ehern, her joint Exe- Manor bf Titcl.neld im vhe said County ; and ckfires heir C»ecutors, give! this Publick Notice, that.if the above.-ncn-.ioiie-i riitOTs- to meet him on Saturday the sS*-h cf S-.picr*nbii* next,
-Mrs. Ester Allaire does'not .apply to them herself, or byra pro- at Blriven in ths-T^rpnoon*, at ;ha Dr-'phia Inr in. G.oi'pove
per Attorney,' oh or before the 16th Day ot December next aforesaid, to n^ise and dirpct in what Manner r.nd at WIIQE
epsuin.g, .the said Legacy Will be absolutely null and vo»d, a c , Place-the said Tenement lhnll be sold hy Publics Auction, according -to the Direction of the Statute m.ide in the r<o:n*ticording to' the express Tenor, of the said Tcstatsix's. WilL
T^Ursuant. to.a Decree .ofthe High Couit of* Chancery, J o h n Year of the .F„ei*;n 0: Hn. present Msjetfy. sutU^lc^j An Att*
JjL . Oliver, J q h n Freeman, and the Executes nf Pgsthutai.s for the Relief of Insolven: Debtors.
SiiQith, Bond Creditors 0/ William Ettrictse th?: Ejder^. h\e gf
Urfuant tp an Ord'er madr* by the Right Sfonourable
Highbafnes nejr Sur.d,erhnd: in ,'he County cf Durham, Esq}
Henry Lord Apdey, Lord .High Chancellor of Bridebased*, ot* their leg'al Representatives, are peremptorily to tain, for Enlarging the Time for Grace Marder, h t e of Potts^
C9rrik iri and'prove their Debts before Jdhn Eames, Esq; one n c u t h in the County of Hanta, Wi.dow9 Linnen-draper, Ha«,
o / t h 6 Masters, os. the sa'd Court, at hisChambers inSymcnd's berdalher, Dealer and Chapworntn, (a Bankrupt) to furren Je?
Inn,Chancery-L^ne, Lbi.don, on or before the Jtirst Day of li;erself, and. make a fuSi Discovery and Disclosure of her Estate
next Michaelmas Term, in. order to receive a Satisfaction fot- and Effects, for Twenty-one Days, tc bc computed I'MITI tha
the some, othefewise tliey will be excluded the Benefit of the 17th Day of August instiat 5 T:Js it *•(,• fivr; iiocice, ~.hzl t'isi
Commiffioners in ths sold Comniffion r.amerl andy>.iithorifr-;d>
or • the major Part of them, will meec on the 7th Day of
• f T p O ' be pefemptoiilyToM, in Three distinct Lots, pursuant
September nest, at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon-,,
• J - A to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, before at Guildhall, London } v.hen. aud u'htre ths fiid Bankrupt
John Eames, Efqj one of the Masters of the said Courts is required to surrender herself, end make a full Discovery
sit his tihambers in Symond's Inn, Chancery-Lane, London, and Disclosure of her Estate and Hff*rcts„ snd SniTt, her Err*!.."
on .Tuesday•'.the .19th Day- of November -next, between the mination ; and the Creditors, v/ho h=*ve not r\\re.^y (.rovetl
Hourr of Six and Seven of the Clock in the Afternoon, All their Debts, may then and there corne and prove the faraej
the'Freehold and Leasehold Estates of William Ettricke, E % and assent to or dissent from-the Allowance cf her Ccti^cato. * •
deceased, situate at Sunderland in the County of Duiham, of .T."* .TT ZJ-lei caa cComnuiiirfii of SanLrjpi is iv*. -.riiio ,vi i-f'icd
tJie'yearly-Value of 2.18,1. and upwards. Particulars whereof ' V V for± againC* John Clarke, [ate cf B i ^ o n f ^ t e - i t . - s
jftfl'y he'had at the said Master's Chambers,,
Without in rhe County• of Middkseir, Linnen-dvaper^, Draler
' SJ.'B." A JPI^ri'aml Survey, is'left at the said M rster's Cham- and Chapmaijj, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby reber!?,- and another with Mr. Chipchase Gray, the Receiver, at quired to furrender'himself to the Comrniffioiiers in the laid!
Suriderlafld, for'the Jnsp.cctipn of any. Person inclined to-bid Commiffion named, or the major Part of thereij on tine gist
forthe said Estates.
Day of August instanr at Nine o Clock in the Forenoon, .pn.tbg
HE Creditprs yfho have proved their'Dtbts Under'a Cofn- '7th Day of September next, and en the 5th Day of Ostoter?
' -million of 'Bankrupt awarded and ifl'ued "against Benja- following -X Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, at Guildh-llj,
min Aft'erly and George Gun Munro, of Wandsworth in the London, and make a full Discovery' ahd DiscJosure of hie
County ,of Surry, Callico-Piinters, Dealers and Chapmen, Estate and Effects 5 -v/hertiantS where ths Cretitora .nrs to c o n s
and^Cbyartnets, are desired to meet the Afli-jnees of the said prepared to pirove their Debrs, and *••* the Ser:-_'d Sitting "0
Bankrupts Estate" and Effects, on Thursday th.e 29th Day ef choose' Assignees,, and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt
August Insiant,' at. Twelve o'Clo'ck at Noon, at the Rain- is required So finifli bis Examination, and the Creditors ars
bow'tbffge'-house in CornhiH, London, in ordei- to assent to .to affent to or di-Tent from the Allowance of his Certificate, *
or"cljfle.nt,£rom the said Assignees commencing, prosecuting,, or, All Persons indebted to tha said Bankrupt, ov that tif.ri*- eny •
defending any Suit or Law, Qt IB Equity, concerning of bis. Effects, nre not to pay 01 deliver the sarc'-r: but to •
tlie said Bankrupts' "Sflaf.e and Effeds5 rind also to the coro- whom- the Conrimifflonera ffiall appoint, but givs No*ic2 to
pqunaing, fubmitung to Arbitral ion, or otherwise agreeing any Mr. WoGddesori, in Dove-Court Lombard-Stieet, London,
Matter in Dispute relating theretb j and on other very special
A-ftairs. * . - - - ' . ' * • •
'• . •
HE Commiflioners i n a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued against Charles Douglass 3ov.'dk.n, of the
t^VT^HE Cre'ditors'who have proved their Debts under n CosnParisii
of Christ-Church in theCounty ot Surry, Pump-mckejp
"Ji- mission of Bahkrupt awardied and ifl'ued againft AnJ
and Chapman, met this Day at Guildhall," Londor,
thony Wilder", lateof Sun Tavern Fields in the l ariih of St.
Paul Sl>adwell in theCounty .of Middlesex,.Urcwer, .are de- pursuant to flotiee in the London Gazatte, for the Choice c.g
sired to meet the Affiances of tht said Bankrupt's Estate and an Assignee o? AŒgnees of the said Bankrupt's Estate and
Effects,'oii Friday nest, the 30th -of August .instant, at Five Effects 3i *wheni at the "Diflre of the Creditors present, the seyi''
o'Clpck in the Afternoon., at the White Hart,Tavern in Bc-- Choice adjourned So Sa:ur<Jay nsst the ?rB. Znst-:nts zz,.
Æiopsgate-Street, in crder to aflent to cr dissent from the said [ Ten- o'Clock in the FoYenoort, at Guildhall P London.
Aflignees commencing, 'prosecuting, or defending any Suit cr t
In last Tuesday's Gazette, Page 3. Col, a0 Line, B I , fe
Siitl^ at LaW or-in Eijiiit/for -Recovering any "Par-t of the Jaid . -Barnby Egan^ rs'adj Barnaby E-rta/io
. The JFamous. $ COT S. P I L L S °,