Asst. Prof. Dr. R. Barış ERMAN - Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi


Asst. Prof. Dr. R. Barış ERMAN - Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi
Dr. R. Baris Erman
Yeditepe Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi,
26 Agustos Yerlesimi, Inonu Mah. Kayisdagi Cad. 34755, Atasehir,
Tel : +90 (216) 5780000 e-mail :
Date and Place of Birth:
31 July 1976, Istanbul
Professional status:
Assistant professor on criminal law and criminal procedure at Yeditepe
University Law Faculty
Courses taught:
Criminal law – general provisions I & II,
Criminal law – special provisions,
Criminal procedure I & II,
International criminal law
Comparative criminal law
Civil and criminal liability of medical doctors (graduate level)
Main areas of research:
Criminal law, criminal procedure law, international criminal law,
medical law
Professional experience
Since 2012
2009 – 2012
Assistant professor at Yeditepe University Law Faculty
Assistant professor at Istanbul Bilgi University Law Faculty
Assistant professor at Istanbul University Law Faculty
Research assistant for criminal law and criminal procedure at Istanbul
University Law Faculty
PhD Degree in Public Law, Institute for Social Sciences, Istanbul
University (Dissertation: The Effect of Error on Criminal Liability)
LL.M. Degree in Public Law, Institute for Social Sciences, Istanbul
University (Dissertation: Justification of Medical Interventions in
Criminal Law)
LL.B. Degree in Law, Istanbul University Law Faculty
Abitur, German High School, Istanbul
Turkish (native)
German (advanced)
English (advanced)
French (intermediary)
Spanish (intermediary)
Tinçel Scholarship (Istanbul University) for research (1 July – 30 September 2004)
DAAD Scholarship for PhD research (1 October 2004 – 31 May 2005)
AIDP / IAPL (Association Internationale de Droit Pénal / International Association of Penal Law)
AIDC (Association Internationale de Droit Comparé, associate member)
WAML (World Association of Medical Law)
TCHD (Türk Ceza Hukuku Derneği / Turkish Penal Law Association)
Editorial Activities
Member of the Editorial Board of the Review “Journal of Yeditepe University Faculty of Law”, since
Member of the Editorial Board of the Review “Suç ve Ceza – Crimen e Poena”, published by TCHD,
since 2010
Member of the Editorial Board of the Review “Istanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası”,
published by the Istanbul University Law Faculty, 2001-2003, 2005-2006
Member of the Editorial Board of the Review “Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul”, published by
the Istanbul University Law Faculty, 2001-2003, 2005-2006
Other Activities
Turkish collaborator for the “Sistemas penales comparados – Comparative Penal Systems” section of
the Spanish review “Revista Penal”, published by La Ley, grupo Wolters Kluwer, edited by Prof. Juan
Carlos Ferré Olivé (since 2006)
I. Books
1. Ceza Hukukunda Tıbbi Müdahalelerin Hukuka Uygunluğu, Seçkin, Ankara, 2003, 255 pages
[Justification of Medical Interventions in Criminal Law]
2. Avrupa Birliğine Uyum Sürecinde Türk Ceza Hukuku (co. with Kayıhan İçel – Füsun SokulluAkıncı – Yener Ünver and Hasan Sınar), Beta, İstanbul, 2000 [Turkish Criminal Law in the
Process of Harmonization with the EU]
II. Book Chapters
1. “Ailenin Korunmasına Dair Kanun’un Türk Hukukuna Etkisi”, Türkiye’de Aile İçi Şiddet –
Ülke Çapında Kriminolojik-Viktimolojik Alan Araştırması ve Değerlendirmeler,
İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Araştırma ve Uygulama
Merkezi, Beta, İstanbul, 2003, pp. 89-98 [The Impact of the Family Protection Act in Turkish
2. “Role of Medical Experts In Courts Under Turkish Law”, (co. with Fulya Eroğlu), R. G. Beran
Ed., Legal and Forensic Medicine, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, (s. 945-960).
III. Articles
1. “Almanya ve Avusturya’da Organize Suçlulukla Mücadele Kapsamında Kabul Edilen
Malvarlığıyla İlgili Cezai Yaptırımlar”, Prof. Dr. Sahir Erman’a Armağan, Alfa, Istanbul,
1999, pp. 263-286 [Criminal Sanctions Provided Under Fight Against Organized Crime in
Germany and Austria]
2. “Alman Hukukunda İnternetten Kaynaklanan Ceza Sorumluluğu”, İstanbul Üniversitesi
Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, c. LIX, S. 1-2, 2001, pp. 203-225 [Criminal Liability based on
the Internet under German Law]
3. “Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi” (co. with Adem Sözüer), Adalet Yüksekokulu 20. Yıl
Armağanı, Beta, İstanbul, 2001, pp. 243-291. [the International Criminal Court]
“Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi Kararlarında Din ve Vicdan Özgürlüğü” Bilgi Toplumunda
Hukuk – Ünal Tekinalp’e Armağan Cilt III, Beta, İstanbul 2003, pp. 285-308. [Freedom
of Religion and Conscience in the Decisions of the ECtHR]
5. “Yasama Sorumsuzluğu ve Dokunulmazlığına İlişkin Görüş” (co. with Kayıhan İçel) Prof. Dr.
Çetin Özek Armağanı, Galatasaray Üniversitesi yayını, İstanbul, 2004, pp. 475-478
[Reflections on Parliamentary Immunities]
6. “Ceza ve Tedbirlerin İnfazı Kanunu Tasarısı Hakkında Rapor” (co. with Kayıhan İçel – Füsun
Sokullu-Akıncı and Yener Ünver) Prof. Dr. Çetin Özek Armağanı, Galatasaray Üniversitesi
yayını, İstanbul, 2004, pp. 461-474 [Report on the Draft Code on the Execution of Sentences
and Security Measures]
7. “Latest Developments Concerning the European Standards on Fight Against Crime”, Prof. Dr.
Çetin Özek Armağanı, Galatasaray Üniversitesi yayını, İstanbul, 2004, pp. 301-312.
8. “The crime of terrorist propaganda in comparative and Turkish legal systems”, Kazancı
Hukuk Dergisi, vol. 55-56, 2009.
9. “Terrorist propaganda and freedom of expression”, Fasikül Hukuk Dergisi, Yil 1, vol.1
(December 2009), pp. 71-72.
10. “Türk Hukukunda Tıbbi Müdahaleye Rıza ve Tedaviyi Ret hakkı”, Fasikül Hukuk Dergisi, Yıl 2,
S.4 (March 2010) [Consent to Medical Intervention and the Right to Refuse the Treatment in
Turkish Law]
11. “DNA Samples and Profiles in Criminal Justice System – The Case of S. and Marper v. UK”,
Fasikül Hukuk Dergisi, Yil 2, vol. 11 (October 2010)
12. “Ceza Muhakemesi Hukukunda Belirti ve İspat Değeri”, Köksal Bayraktar’a Armağan, GSÜ
Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi Özel Sayısı, 2012, pp. 679-702 [Indices and their evidential value in
criminal procedure law]
13. “Ceza Hukukunun Dönüşümü”, Duygun Yarsuvat’a Armağan, Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk
Fakültesi Dergisi Özel Sayısı, IX/2, 2012, pp. 447-473 [The transformation of criminal law]
14. “Sağlık Hukuku Hasta Kadar Hekimi de Korur mu?”, Hekimlik Uygulamalarının Adli Tıbbi
Güncellemesi, Istanbul, 2012 [Does Health Law Protect the Medic as it does the Patient?], pp.
IV. Reports
1. “Sistemas penales comparados: Responsabilidad penal de las personas juridicas – Turquía”,
Revista Penal, No. 17, Enero 2006, pp. 243-245
2. “Sistemas penales comparados: Principales reformas en la legislacion penal y procesal (20032006) – Turquía”, Revista Penal, No. 18, Julio 2006, pp. 287-291
3. “Sistemas penales comparados: Insolvencia publica – Turquía”, Revista Penal, No. 19, Enero
2007, pp. 218-219
4. “Sistemas penales comparados: Teoría del error – Turquía”, Revista Penal, No. 20, Julio
2007, pp. 223-225
5. “Sistemas penales comparados: La comision por omision – Turquía”, Revista Penal, Nr. 21,
Enero 2008, pp. 228-229
6. “Sistemas penales comparados: Las medidas de seguridad – Turquía”, Revista Penal, Nr.
23, Enero 2009, pp. 255-257
7. “Sistemas penales comparados: El tratamiento jurídico del terrorismo – Turquía”, Revista
Penal, Nr. 24, Julio 2009, pp. 212-214
8. “Sistemas penales comparados: Reformas en la legislación penal y procesal – Turquía”,
Revista Penal, Nr. 25, Enero 2010, pp. 167-171
9. “Sistemas penales comparados: El derecho penal tributario – Turquía”, Revista Penal, Nr.
27, Enero 2011, p. 261
10. “Sistemas penales comparados: El blanqueo de dinero – Turquía”, Revista Penal, Nr. 28,
Julio 2011, pp. 254-256.
11. “Sistemas penales comparados: Reformas en la legislación penal y procesal (2009-2012)
Turquía”, Revista Penal, Nr. 29, Enero 2012, pp. 268-270.
12. Report on the Turkish laws on terrorism, with an integral translation of the Turkish Law on
Fight Against Terrorism and bylaws
(accessible under
13. Turkish national report on Information Technology and Criminal Law, general part, presented
to the AIDP/IAPL World Congress, Rio de Janeiro, 2014 (co. with Vesile Sonay Evik, Hasan
Sinar, Gulsa Kurt)
14. Turkish national report on Information Technology and Criminal Law, international criminal
law, presented to the AIDP/IAPL World Congress, Rio de Janeiro, 2014 (co. with Murat Önok,
Güçlü Akyürek)
15. Turkish national report on “proof”, presented to the Henri Capitant Foundation meeting,
Amsterdam-Liege, 2013 (co. with Duygun Yarsuvat).
V. Conference Papers
A. Papers Presented at International Conferences
1. “The European Standard on Fight Against Crime”, presented at the 3rd International Congress
of the European Association of Forensic Sciences, Istanbul, 22-27 September 2003, abstract
2. “The Impact of the Turkish ‘Family Protection Act’”, presented at the Workshop on Domestic
Violence of the XIIIth World Criminology Congress, Rio de Janeiro, 10-15 August 2003,
abstract published.
3. Turkish national report on fight against terrorism and rights of immigrants (co. with Feridun
Yenisey, İl Han Özay and Sinan Altunç), presented at the annual meeting of the European
Public Law Centre, Athens, 14-16 September 2006, published in: Gérard Timsit & Spyridon
Flogaitis (Ed.), HERA – Network for Combating Human Trafficking in Central and Southern
Europe, European Public Law Series vol. XCI, Esperia Publications Ltd., London, 2008, pp.
4. “Conflicts between medical ethics and the criminal justice system in Turkey”, (co. with Fulya
Eroğlu), Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference SLSA 2010, 30 March-1 April
2010, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK (abstract published)
5. “Irrtum im türkischen Strafrecht”, paper presented at 4. Deutsch-Türkisches Symposium –
Fünf Jahre Türkisches Strafgesetzbuch, 24-27 June 2010, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg,
Germany (paper published by Özyeğin University, 2012)
6. “The status of medical experts under Turkish law”, (co. with Fulya Eroğlu), paper to be
presented at the World Congress of Medical Law 2010, 7-12 August 2010, University of
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia (abstract published)
7. “Lawful interception of telecommunications and criminal law”, Symposium on UkranianTurkish Comparative Criminal Law, Istanbul Yeditepe University, 15-17 March 2011 (paper
published by Yeditepe University, 2011)
8. “Unlawful disclosure of state secrets via the Internet”, 5. Deutsch-Türkisches Symposium –
Internetstrafrecht, 20-21 April 2011, Istanbul (paper to be published).
9. “Skimming im türkischen Strafrecht”, Cybercrime, ein deutsch-türkisches Strafrechtsdialog,
12-14 October 2011
10. “Transformation of Criminal Law”, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia,
17-18 October 2013
11. “Environmental Offences Under Turkish Law”, International Video Conference on “Clean
Water: Organizational and Environmental Security Legal Basis”, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal
University, Kazan, Russia, 17 December 2013
B. Papers Presented at National/Local Conferences (Recent Activities)
1. “Telekomünikasyon Yoluyla İletişimin Denetlenmesi”, Seminar of the Diyarbakır Bar
Association and TOHAV, 17 October 2009, Diyarbakır [Interception of Telecommunications]
2. “Yargı Reformu”, Türk Ceza Hukuku Derneği Pazartesi Forumları, 2 November 2009 [The
Legal Reform]
3. “Tıbbi Müdahalelerin Hukuka Uygunluğu ve Aydınlatılmış Onam” Ceza Hukuku Dergisi
Etkinlikleri: Tıp Ceza Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları, 5 March 2010, İzmir [Justification of
Medical Interventions and Informed Consent]
4. “Yakalama ve Gözaltına Alma” Manisa Barosu Ceza Hukuku ve Muhakemesi Sempozyumu:
Ceza Yargılaması Önlemleri, 6 March 2010, Manisa [Arrest and Incarceration]
5. “Ötanazi”, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Çağdaş Hukukçular Kulübü Paneli, 17 March 2010,
İstanbul [Euthanasia]
6. “Türk Ceza Hukukunda Hata”, 1. Türk Hukuk Kurultayı, 3-5 June 2010, Istanbul [Error in
Turkish Criminal Law]
7. “Türk Hukukunda Tedaviyi Ret Hakkı ve Ötanazi”, 17’nci Ulusal Sosyal Psikiyatri Kongresi, 4-6
June 2010, Istanbul [The Right to Refuse Treatment and Euthanasia in Turkish Law]
8. “Kozmetik (Estetik) Operasyonlar ve Sorumluluk”, Türk Ceza Hukuku Derneği Sağlık Hukuku
Sertifika Programı, 4-5 December 2010, Yeditepe Üniversitesi, Istanbul [Cosmetic (aesthetic)
operations and liability]
9. “1. Ceza Dairesi Kararları Çerçevesinde İştirak ve Bağlılık Kuralı”, Yargıtay Kararları
Çerçevesinde Ceza Hukuku Sempozyumu, 14-15 January 2011, Ankara [Case law of the 1st
Chamber of Cassation Regarding Complicity]
10. “Estetik Müdahalelerin Hukuki Niteliği”, Estetik Plastik Cerrahi Derneği 15’inci Ulusal Kongresi,
16 January 2011, Istanbul [Legal standards regarding aesthetic operations]
11. “Önleyici Amaçlı Telefon Dinleme”, 7’nci Geleneksel Ceza Hukuku Günleri, 31 May - 1 June
2011, Istanbul Universitesi, Istanbul [Wiretapping fort he purposes of crime prevention – an
administrative measure]
12. “Masumiyet Karinesi”, Uluslararası Hukuk Kurultayı, 11-14 January 2012, Ankara [The
presumtion of innocence]
13. “Sağlık Hukuku Hasta Kadar Hekimi de Korur mu?”, Hekimlik Uygulamalarının Adli Tıbbi
Güncellemesi, 6 October 2012, Istanbul [Does Health Law Protect the Medic as it does the
Patient?], published by Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, 2012.
14. “Dijital Verilerin Delil Niteliği”, Yarsuvat Hukuk Günü, 6 March 2013, Istanbul [Evidentiary
Value of Digital Data]
15. “Ceza Hukukunda Önleyici Eğilimler”, 9 December 2013, Yeditepe Üniversitesi, Istanbul
16. “Ceza Yargılamasında MOBESE Kameraları”, 3 February 2014, TCHD Pazartesi Forumları,
17. “Düşman Ceza Hukuku Tasarımı Odağında Ceza Hukukunun Dönüşümü”, 19 February 2014,
Hukuk Merkezi, Izmir
V. Translations
1. “Krallar ve Danışmanları: Yasa”, translation of the article by Arthur Maurice Hocard, (cotranslation with Basak Baysal), Devlet Kuramı, Ed: Cemal Bali Akal, Dost, Istanbul, 2000,
pp. 71-92 [Kings and their councels]
2. “Ceza Hukukunda Hukuksal Değer”, translation of the article by Yener Ünver, Hukuk
Felsefesi ve Sosyolojisi Arkivi, book 8, İstanbul Barosu Yayını, 2003 [Legal interest in
criminal law]
3. “Kişinin Kendi Yaşamını Belirlemesi – Hala Çağcıl Mı?”, translation of the presentation by
Winfried Hassemer, Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi, Sy. 8, Eylül 2006, pp. 58-68 [Self
determination – still contemporary?]
4. “Maddi ceza hukuku ve ceza muhakemesi hukuku açısından kazanç müsaderesi kararının
verilmesinde mağdurun menfaatlerinin gözetilmesi”, translation of the article by Prof. Dr.
Helmut Satzger (co-translation with Osman İsfen), Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi, Sy.9,
Aralık 2006, pp. 34-45 [Victim’s interests in ordering confiscation of gains in relation to
material criminal law and criminal procedure]
5. “1’inci Uluslararası Ceza Hukuku Kongresi” [1st AIDP Congress on International Criminal Law]
(translation of the resolutions), Suç ve Ceza 2009/2, p. 75.
6. “16’ncı Uluslararası Ceza Hukuku Kongresi” [16th AIDP Congress on International Criminal
Law] (translation of the resolutions), Suç ve Ceza 2009/3, p. 212.