PUBLICATIONS Book Chapters [B1] D. Le Ruyet, B. Özbek
Benzer belgeler
Günhan Dündar
A. Çelebi, O. Urhan, S, Ertürk, and G. Dündar, “Implementation of constrained 1-bit transform based motion estimation algorithm with an FPGA based architecture,” Proceedings of SIU 2007, June 11-13...
DetaylıTOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi
mechanism (similar to IEEE 802.16). Which one is more suitable for the scenario in this question. For your choice, provide the details (the parameters and their rough values for your design ) for t...
DetaylıProf.Dr. Adnan KAVAK
B20) Yigit H., Kavak A., and Ertunc, H.M., “Autoregressive and Adaline Network Modeling for Wireless Communications,” Proc. International Conference on Signals and Electronics Systems (ICSES’04), p...
DetaylıAsst. Prof. Habib ŞENOL - Kadir Has Üniversitesi
[J2] D. Le Ruyet, B. Özbek, “MIMO and space time codes”, Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique (REE), vol. 4, pp. 69‐82, April 2005. (in French)