Avrupa Sanat Köprüsü


Avrupa Sanat Köprüsü
BASE Projesi
BASE is an EU project running with an objective of which the
practice of art makes us better persons and better European
citizens. The bridging art was selected as “music” by all age
groups. August was the time of Bialystok concerts, September
the time of Alcala concerts and now, October for Ankara.
Proje Ortakları
Petrasiunai Community Centre is a multifunctional NGO that seeks
to enable and encourage people of Kaunas city district Petrashunai
to create welfare by themselves. The functions are civil nurture of
Petrashunai community and non-formal education for adults and
children by means of active citizenship, socializing and integration,
cultural, day care activities, planning sustainable future, contribution
to better governance, social aid. One of these activities is senior
vocal studio “Monte Pacis”. Kaunas is the second largest city of
Lithuania, educational and cultural centre of it, former capital city,
No.1 best quality internet city in Europe now.
Çok Kültürlü Avrupa Projesi
24-25 Ekim
University of Third Age (UTA) has a main goal for the stimulation
of personal development and intellectual and physical efficiency
of senior people by education and social activity. “There is no
bet-ter medicine for old age than the University of Third Age”
for UTA. It was founded in Bialystok, situated in the province
“Podlasie” in the northeastern part of Poland. It is called the
Green Lungs of Poland and of Europe with many lakes, some
national parks and huge forests. Bialystok is also known as the
city where the language “Esperanto” originated.
Bridging Arts
by Seniors
for Europe
City Orchestra of Alcala, as part of a Foundation, manages
2 orchestras, the junior section (7-14 ages) and the symphonic
section. Its main interest is to contact with the population
segment which aims at the musical practice together as a
compromise for arts education that has both a social and a
cultural aspect. The orchestra “promotes musical training and
enjoyment by means of cultural and educational activities in all
age segments”. Alcala de Henares is located northeast of Madrid
and one of Unesco’s world heritage sites. Its meaning is the
citadel near the river Henares with a latin name of Complutum.
Miguel de Cervantes, writer of the novel “Don Quixote” was born
in Alcala.
Global Development Association provides education to the young
and old people in Ankara with different learning opportunities
like photography, music. Its main goal is “carrying out activities
to provide support for increasing prosperity at home and globally”.
METU Development Foundation Schools has aimed to provide
students with a high quality education guided by excellent
teachers with access to the most modern facilities available.
In addition to its regular academic program, the schools offer
a wide range of extra curricular academic, social, cultural and
sports activities.
Global Gelişim Derneği
www.globodev.com / www.globalgelisim.com
ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı Ankara Okulları ve Global Gelişim
İlkokul Korosu, Zuhal Çetinkaya, Erkoç Torun,
Cem Murat Yeşil, Handan Keçeci, Eda Sumru Tümer,
Feride Ünlü, Izabel Aleksandrova Bilgin
Petrasiunai Toplum Merkezi,
(Labdaros Fondas Petrasiunu Bendruomenes Centras)
Genovaitė Mikėnaitė, Rimantas Kručius, Zita Sytnianskienė,
Marytė Urbonavičienė, Vanda Julija Mačiulienė, Rima
Sperskienė, Valentina Marijona Mikelaitienė,
Arvydas Paulauskas (conductor)
Üçüncü Yaş Üniversitesi
(Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku w Białymstoku)
Maria Waśkiewicz (singer, dancer), Anna Paszkiewicz-Gadek
(singer, dancer), Elżbieta Kackieło (singer, dancer), Halina
Stelmach (singer, dancer), Alicja Adamowicz (singer,
dancer), Teresa Lautsch (singer, dancer), Krystyna Rogalska
(singer, dancer), Irena Kasabuła (singer, dancer), Teresa
Stachurska (singer, dancer), Bogusława Wierzbicka (singer,
dancer), Alicja Barbara Temler (dancer), Danuta Sajur
(dancer), Helena Łukaszewicz (dancer)
Alcala Şehir Orkestrası
(Fundacion Orquesta “Ciudad de Alcala”)
Héctor Garoz Gómez (Bassoon), Leticia León Quismondo
(French Horn), Jairo León Quismondo (Percussion),
Andrés Calamardo Alberca (Clarinet), Sonia Calamardo
Alberca (Flute / Piccolo), Alicia Cantus Pastor (Oboe),
Vicente Ariño Pellicer (Conductor)
24.10.2014, Cuma
14:00 - 14:45
İspanya Konseri – Alcala Şehir Orkestrası
Funeral March of a Marionette (C. Gounod Arr. William Teague)
Peer Gynt (E. Grieg Arr. Joachim Linckelmann)
Carmen (G. Bizet Arr. David Walter)
Suite Española. CÁDİZ (Isaac Albeniz Arr. Sjoerd van der Veen)
Night in the Garden of Spain II. DANZA LEJANA
(Manuel de Falla Arr. Héctor Garoz)
Tico Tico (Zequinha Abreu Arr. Sjoerd van der Veen)
Polonya Konseri – Üçüncü Yaş Üniversitesi
Urfalıyam ezelden, Türk dansı
Litvanya Konseri – Petrasiunu Toplum Merkezi
Kas subatos vakarėlį (Every Saturday evening), Litvanya folk şarkısı
Türkiye-İspanya-Polonya Ortak Konseri
Marches pour la ceremonie des Turcs, Jean-Baptiste Lully
25.10.2014, Cumartesi
14:30 – 14:50
Polonya Konseri – Üçüncü Yaş Üniversitesi
I. Bölüm - Folk
1. Vals ritminde Polonya türküleri (Grup)
2. Hej przeleciał ptaszek, geleneksel şarkı, Müzik Tadeusz Sygietyński,
Solo Bogusława Wierzbicka
3. Kukułka, Söz Zimińska-Sygietyńska Mira, Müzik Sygietyński Tadeusz
4. The Polish flowers, Söz & Müzik Magdalena Nazaretanka (Grup)
5. Hej sokoły (Hey falcon), Ukrayna ve Polonya Geleneksel Şarkısı,
Söz & Müzik Tymko (Tomasz) Padura. (Grup)
II.Bölüm - Modern
6. O sąsiedzie, Söz Zbigniew Stawecki, Müzik D. Potiomkin,
Solo Maria Waśkiewicz
7. Polonya modern şarkıları (Grup)
14:55 – 15:15
Litvanya Konseri – Petrasiunu Toplum Merkezi
1. Saulala motula (The sun the mother), Litvanya folk şarkısı
2. Šių naktį per naktį (This night through night), Litvanya folk şarkısı
3. Žvaigždžių šypsenoj (In the smile of the stars), Litvanya romans
4. Laiškas ant smėlio (Letter on the sand), Litvanya romans
5. Du gaideliai (Two roosters), Litvanya folk çocuk şarkısı
6. Kai tylus vakaras ateina (When silent evening comes),
Litvanya folk şarkısı
7. Aš greitesnis (I’m faster), Söz by Gintautas Labanauskas,
Müzik by Arvydas Paulauskas
15:20 – 15:40
İspanya Konseri – Alcala Şehir Orkestrası
1. Carmen (G. Bizet Arr. David Walter)
2. Peer Gynt (E. Grieg Arr. Joachim Linckelmann)
3. Night in the Garden of Spain II. DANZA LEJANA
(Manuel de Falla Arr. Héctor Garoz)
4. Tico Tico (Zequinha Abreu Arr. Sjoerd van der Veen)
15:40 – 16.00 - Ara
Ortak Konser
16:00 – 16:40 - 1.Bölüm
Yedi cüce / ES,TR
Maçka yolları / Karadeniz türküsü (potpourri) / TR
Halay / ES,TR
Bir dünya bırakın / ES, TR
Podlasiak (Polish dance) / PL
Iğdır’ın al alması / ES, TR
La Paloma (Spanish song) / ES, PL, LT, TR
Tico Tico (Zequinha Abreu Arr. Sjoerd van der Veen) / ES
Çemberimde gül oya / ES, TR
Los Gavilanes / Friends (Spanish song) / ES, PL, TR
16:40 – 17:00 - Ara
17:00 – 17:40 - 2. Bölüm
Carmen (G. Bizet Arr. David Walter) / ES
Çamdan sakız akıyor / ES, TR
Urfalıyam ezelden, Türk dansı / PL
Šviesos muzika, Müzik Arvydas Paulauskas,
Söz Galina Mikalauskienė / LT
Marches pour la ceremonie des Turcs, Jean-Baptiste Lully / ES, PL, TR
Çay elinden öteye / TR
Brass Orchestras, lyrics Jan Tadeusz Stanisławski,
Composed Urszula Rzeczkowska / PL