Arif GAFFARO?LU - G lcan DEM?R


Arif GAFFARO?LU - G lcan DEM?R
Selinus Antik Kenti Odeon Kurtarma Kaz›s› ve
Rölöve Çal›flmalar›
Rescue Excavations and Relevé Work at the Odeon
of Ancient Selinus
Seher TÜRKMEN – Arif GAFFARO⁄LU – Gülcan DEM‹R
Selinus Antik Kenti, Gazipafla ‹lçesi’nin Koru Mahallesi’nde yer almakta olup güneyinde deniz ve bat›s›nda
Hac›musa Çay› bulunmaktad›r. Kentin akropolü denize
do¤ru uzanan kayal›k bir tepenin üzerinde kurulmufltur.
Tepe ile Hac›musa Çay› aras›nda kalan düzlükte ve tepenin yamaçlar›nda kentin di¤er önemli yap›lar› olan
hamam, fiekerhane Köflkü, nekropol, odeon ve agora yer
Akropolun kuzeybat› yamac›nda, kente hakim konumdaki odeon, tepenin yamac›na oyularak yap›lm›fl olup
33.26x27.23 m. ölçülerde dikdörtgen planl› bir yap›d›r.
The ancient city of Selinus is located in the Koru quarter of Gazipafla, bordered by the sea to the south and the
Hac›musa creek to the west. The acropolis is located on
a rocky hill extending toward the sea. The important
structures of the city, namely the bathhouse, the fiekerhane Kiosk, necropolis, odeon and agora, are located on
the flat area between the hill and the Hac›musa creek.
The Odeon on the northwest slope of the acropolis
overlooks the city and is a rectangular structure of
33.26x7.23 m. hewn from the slope. Apart from the
northern wall, the other walls in part remain standing.
Cleaning and excavation work was initiated at the
Odeon by a team including archaeologists G. Demir
and A. Gaffaro¤lu under the direction of S. Türkmen,
the Alanya Museum Director, which entailed cleaning
and the removal of vegetation, stones and deposited
material. Following this cleaning work, the cavea of the
structure, which sits in the bedrock and which was
completed by a mortar filling in places, was exposed.
The rows of seats were mainly destroyed, a consequence of agricultural activities and the bedrock was
exposed in most areas. It was therefore, not possible to
identify exactly the number of rows of seats. However,
a very few rows of seats cut into the bedrock in the middle, starting from the orchestra, have in part survived
and calculations from these remaining steps suggest a
total of 20 rows of seats for the cavea.
Plan 1 Selinus Odeonu plan›
Plan 1 Plan of the Odeon at Selinus
A second wall extending parallel to the eastern and western walls and forming a corridor 1 m. w. was also uncovered. There are two rooms measuring 4.75x3.30 m.
placed symmetrically in front of these corridors. The
doorways and floors of these rooms could not be determined but traces indicate a vaulted superstructure. We
are of the opinion that these rooms were built to support
the rows of seats built on top of them.
Çevre duvarlar›ndan kuzey duvar› d›fl›nda di¤erleri k›smen ayaktad›r.
Müze Müdürü S. Türkmen baflkanl›¤›nda, arkeologlar
G. Demir ve A. Gaffaro¤lu’ndan oluflan bir ekip taraf›ndan bafllat›lan temizlik ve kaz› çal›flmalar›, odeonun en
üst seviyesinden itibaren birikmifl olan tafl, toprak, bitki
ve dolgu malzemesi temizli¤i fleklinde yap›lm›flt›r. Bu
temizlik sonucunda yap›n›n do¤al kayaya oyulmufl yer
yer harçl› dolgu malzeme ile tamamlanm›fl olan oturma
s›ralar› a盤a ç›kart›lm›flt›r. Oturma s›ralar› tar›m nedeniyle tahrip edilmifl oldu¤u için ço¤u bölümde anakaya
a盤a ç›km›flt›r. Bu nedenle basamak say›s›n› kesin olarak
tespit etmek mümkün olamam›flt›r. Ancak orkestradan
bafllamak üzere orta k›s›mda do¤al kayaya oyulmufl
baz› basamaklar nispeten mevcuttur. Bunlar baz al›narak
yap›lan hesaplamalarda oturma s›ralar›n›n 20 basamaktan olufltu¤u tahmin edilmektedir.
Yap›n›n do¤u ve bat› duvarlar›n›n iç k›sm›nda duvarlara
paralel olarak uzanan yaklafl›k 1 m. geniflli¤inde dar bir
koridor oluflturan ikinci bir duvar bulunmufltur. Bu koridorlar›n önünde simetrik olarak 4.75x3.30 m. ölçülerinde iki adet kare planl› mekan bulunmaktad›r. Bu mekanlar›n girifl kap›lar› ve taban seviyeleri tespit edilememifltir. Kalan izlerden tonozlu olduklar› anlafl›lmaktad›r. Bu
mekanlar›n büyük olas›l›kla üst oturma s›ralar›n› tafl›mak
üzere yap›lm›fl oldu¤u kan›s›nday›z.
Orkestra ve sahne bölümündeki kaz› çal›flmalar›m›zda
yaklafl›k 2.30-2.50 m. derinli¤e inilmifltir. Bunun sonucunda orkestra ve sahne bölümlerinin tamamen, 50-60
y›l önce bafllam›fl tar›m faaliyetleri nedeniyle tahrip edilmifl oldu¤u ve ancak temel seviyesinde korundu¤u görülmüfltür. Yap›n›n bat› d›fl duvar›nda ana girifl oldu¤unu
düflündü¤ümüz bir kap› aç›kl›¤› görülebilmektedir. Buradan dikdörtgen planl› bir girifl odas›na girilmektedir.
Bu odadan da ikinci bir kap› arac›l›¤›yla orkestra ve sahneye girifl sa¤lamaktad›r. Girifl odas›na ait bu ikinci kap›n›n orijinal eflik tafllar›, mil yuvalar› ve kenet delikleri
in situ olarak a盤a ç›kart›lm›flt›r. Ayr›ca buradaki kaz›
çal›flmalar› s›ras›nda bronzdan döküm tekni¤i ile yap›lm›fl kap› menteflesi bulunmufltur. Mentefle ahflap kap›y›
tafl›yan alt veya üst sövelerden birine ait olmal›d›r.
Orkestran›n 6 m. çap›nda at nal› fleklinde olan temel
izleri ortaya ç›kart›lm›flt›r. Sahne binas›n›n ise, 4 adet
aedikulas›na ait temele ve arkas›nda kal›nca destek duvar› tespit edilmifltir. Orkestra ve sahne binas›n›n tam
orta ekseninde, temelde drenaj için yap›ld›¤›n› düflündü¤ümüz bir aç›kl›k görülebilmektedir. Aedikulalar›n
destek duvar› arkas›nda, bat›daki girifl mekan›n›n ikinci
kap› efli¤i hizas›nda kuzeye do¤ru uzanan muhtemelen
sahne bölümünün kuzey duvar› olabilecek bir duvar
k›smen a盤a ç›kart›lm›flt›r.
Res. 1 Odeon kaz› çal›flmalar›
Fig. 1 Excavation work at the odeon
Our work in the orchestra and stage building reached a
depth of 2.30-2.50 m. It was understood that both the
orchestra and the stage building were entirely destroyed
and are preserved only at foundation level, due to agricultural activities that were initiated about 50-60 years
ago. There is a doorway in the western wall, which was
probably the main entrance to the structure. This doorway opens into a vestibule, which further leads into the
orchestra and the stage building. Of this second doorway of the vestibule, the original threshold stones, the
holes for the jamb shafts and holes for the clamps were
uncovered in situ. In addition, during the course of excavations here, a door-hinge of cast bronze was uncovered. This hinge must have belonged to one of the upper
or lower jambs supporting the timber door.
The horseshoe shaped foundation walls of the orchestra,
of a diameter of 6 m., were also exposed. Of the stage
building, the foundations of four aediculae, as well as a
thick supporting wall behind, have been uncovered. On
the central axis of the orchestra and the stage building
there is a canal within the foundations for drainage.
Behind the supporting wall of the stage building a wall
was exposed, extending northward on the same line as
the second doorway of the vestibule to the west; this
wall is thought to be the north wall of the stage.
Considering the presence of symmetry in this plan,
another entranceway and a vestibule on the eastern side
are to be expected. No threshold stones could be found
and this part of the eastern wall has not as yet been
During the course of excavations at the orchestra and
the stage building, amphorae and pots that had been
deliberately placed within the foundations were found.
This in situ pottery had been broken over the course of
time and the shards of these vessels were collected
and were taken to the museum to be restored. The fact
Yap›n›n simetrik plan› göz önünde tutuldu¤unda, odeonun do¤u bölümünde de bir girifl kap›s› ve girifl mekan›n›n olmas› gerekmektedir. Girifl odas›n›n önünde bulunmas› gereken eflik tafl›n›n mevcut olmad›¤› görülmüfltür.
Do¤u duvar›n›n bu bölümü henüz kaz›lmam›flt›r.
Orkestra sahne kaz›s› s›ras›nda temele özellikle b›rak›lm›fl amfora ve çömleklere rastlanm›flt›r. Bunlar zaman
içinde olduklar› yerde k›r›lm›fllard›r, parçalar toplanarak
müzede tamamlanm›flt›r. ‹çerisinde hayvan kemi¤ine ait
parçalar›n bulunmas›, bu kaplar›n temele yap›n›n inflas›
s›ras›nda tanr› Dionysos ad›na konulmufl olan adak yemeklerine ait olabilece¤i görüflünü akla getirmektedir.
Yöre halk›ndan edinilen bilgiye göre sahne bölümünün
1970 y›llar›na kadar k›smen ayakta oldu¤u bu tarihten
sonra muz tar›m› yapmak amac›yla dinamit kullan›larak
y›k›ld›¤› ö¤renilmifltir. Bu nedenle Selinus Antik Kenti
içerisinde halen devam etmekte olan tar›m faaliyetinin
(kamulaflt›rma/takas yap›larak) acilen yasaklanmas› için
gerekli önlemlerinin al›nmas› ve bekçi görevlendirilmesi gerekmektedir.
Bütün bu kaz› çal›flmalar› sonunda; piflmifl topraktan yap›lm›fl Hippokampos’a ait bafl parças› (at bafll›, bal›k
gövdeli), 1 adet piflmifl toprak kase, 2 adet a¤›z k›s›mlar›
k›r›k piflmifl toprak göz yafl› fliflesi, 1 adet bronz kantar,
bir adet bronz mentefle, 10 adet bronz Roma-Geç Roma
ve Bizans dönemlerine ait sikke, 1 adet kireç tafl› ostothek kapa¤› ve 1 adet, ‹mparator Antoninus Pius’a (?) ait
oldu¤unu düflündü¤ümüz figürün parças› ele geçmifltir.
Sonuç olarak; yamaca oturtulmufl dikdörtgen planl› yaklafl›k 20 basamakl› cavea’ya sahip at nal› fleklinde orkestras› ve 4 adet aedikulal› bir sahne binas›ndan oluflan
odeonun Roma ve Bizans Dönemi’nde kullan›ld›¤› kesin
olarak anlafl›lm›flt›r. 2006 y›l›nda yap›n›n do¤u duvar›
önündeki giriflin düzenlemesi ve sahne binas›n›n kuzey
duvar›n›n a盤a ç›kart›lmas› ile rölöve çal›flmalar›n›n
tamamlanmas› ve restorasyon projesinin haz›rlanmas›
Odeondaki kaz› çal›flmalar›m›z Gazipafla Belediye Baflkanl›¤›’n›n finansal ve iflçi deste¤i ile gerçeklefltirilmifltir.
Res. 2 Odeon. Kaz› çal›flmalar› sonras›
Fig. 2 The excavated odeon
that animal bones were identified inside these pots may
suggest that they were placed in these foundations as a
feast offering to Dionysos during the course of its construction.
As was learned from the local inhabitants, the stage
building was still partially standing until the 1970’s
when it was blasted with dynamite in order to begin the
cultivation of bananas here. It is therefore an urgent
necessity that the ongoing agricultural activities within
the ancient city of Selinus be prohibited (through confiscation or exchange) and that a watchman be appointed
to this site.
The finds uncovered during these excavations include a
fired clay fragment belonging to the head of a hippokampos (a creature with the head of a horse and body
of a fish), a fired clay bowl, two fired clay tear bottles
with broken mouths, one bronze steelyard, one bronze
hinge, ten bronze coins dating from the Roman – Late
Roman and Byzantine periods, one limestone ostothek
lid and one figurine fragment that is thought possibly to
have belonged to a representation of the Emperor Antonius.
As a result of this work it was understood that the rectangular odeon structure resting upon the slope has a
cavea of approximately 20 rows of seats, a horseshoe
shaped orchestra and a stage building with four aediculae, and it was in use during the Roman and Byzantine
periods. The aim of the 2006 campaign will be to excavate the eastern part of the structure and the northern
wall of the stage building, to complete the relevé work
and to prepare the restoration project.
These excavations at the Selinus Odeon could be carried out because of the financial and manpower support
that was provided by the Gazipafla Municipality.