On Dokuzuncu Yüzyıl Mimarisinin Bazı Temel Özellikleri


On Dokuzuncu Yüzyıl Mimarisinin Bazı Temel Özellikleri
On Dokuzuncu Yüzyıl Mimarisinin Bazı Temel Özellikleri:
7. Devlet Binaları ve Köprüler
Parlamentolar Binasõnõn (Houses of Parliament) Thames nehrinin karşõ kõyõsõndan görünüşü, Londra.
Mimarlarõ: Sir Charles Barry ve Augustus Welby Pugin. 1840-60. Fotoğraf George P. Landow.
Parlamento Binalarõnõn Westminster Köprüsünden görünüşü. Fotoğraf George P. Landow.
Westminster Köprüsü. Mimar-Mühendis: Thomas Page. 1862. Solda Big Ben ve
Parlamentolar Binasõ. Fotoğraf George P. Landow.
Parlamentolar Binasõ ve Big Ben. Yapõm bilgisi: bkz. yuk. Parlamentolar Binasõ. Fotoğraf George P. Landow.
Londra, Kensington Sarayõ (Kensington Palace) 1689’da, on yedinci yüzyõlõn en önemli mimarlarõndan Sir
Christopher Wren tarafõndan Kral III. William için yapõlmõştõ. Kraliçe Victoria burada doğdu ve tahta
çõkõncaya kadar burada yaşadõ.
Aşağõdaki fotoğraf, gerçi ne Londra mimarisi gösteriyor ne de on dokuzuncu yüzyõl tarzõnõ. Fakat
Windsor Şatosunun bu fotoğrafõ, yukarõda da andõğõmõz, “With H. and C. F. Feist’s compliments”
ibaresinden başka yayõn bilgisi ihtiva etmeyen on dokuzuncu yüzyõl baskõsõ kitaptan. Alttaki
İngilizce metin, bu kitaptaki resimaltõdõr:
Windsor Castle An Estate presented by Edward the Confessor to the Monks of Westminster
Abbey, was purchased by William the Conqueror for the purpose of erecting a Castle on the
isolated hill in its centre. The building was extended by Henry I and Henry II, and Edward III, who
was born at Windsor. The restorations completed in the reign of Queen Victoria at a cost of
£900,000, left the Castle one of the most magnificent Royal Residences in the world.
Aşağõdaki üç Londra görüntüsü de aynõ kitaptan gelmedir. Resim altlarõ orijinal metindir:
The Pool of London [The River Thames with barges and a steam-powered paddle-wheeler].
Looking down the river from London Bridge we survey the Pool of London, which extends to
Limehouse. Sea going Vessels of the largest size may ascend to the Bridge, but the busiest part of
the Port lies below the Tower.
Tower Bridge, London. Built by the Corporation in 1886-1894, was designed by Sir Horace Jones
and Sir John Wolfe Barry, comprises a permanent footway, 142 feet above high water level, which
is reached by means of lifts and stairs in the supporting towers. The carriage way is about 29 feet
above high water, the central span of which is 200 feet long, and is fitted with twin bascules or
drawbridges which can be raised in one minute and a half for the passage of larger vessels. The
substantial framework of the bridge, including the central towers which are cased in stone, is of
steel. The annual cost of maintenance is £14,000, and about 25,000 pedestrians cross the Tower
Bridge daily.
The Victoria Embankment, which stretches from Westminster to Blackfriars Bridge offers a
pleasant approach to the City and the Tower. It was constructed in 1864-70 at a cost of nearly
£2,000,000. Rows of Trees have been planted along the side of the Embankment, which in a few
years will afford a shady promenade. On the right of the Embankment, by the Adelphi steps, rises
Cleopatra’s Needle, an ancient Egyptian Obelisk, brought and erected here in 1878.
Orijinal Gotik Westminster Hall.
Aşağõdaki beş kartpostal, kimini yukarõda günümüz haliyle fotoğraflanmõş görüntüsünü
gördüğümüz on dokuzuncu yüzyõl yapõlarõna aittir. Kartpostallarõn tümü, Singapur Ulusal
Üniversitesi öğretim üyesi Ernest Chew’un koleksiyonundandõr:
Londra Köprüsü. Kartpostal yayõmcõsõ: Hildesheimer & Co., Londra ve Manchester. Posta damga tarihi, 8
Nisan 1906.
Sömürgeler İdaresi. Posta damga tarihi 18 Kasõm 1908.
Imperial Institute. Posta damga tarihi 31 Mayõs 1904.
Kraliyet Darphanesi (The Royal Mint). Posta damga tarihi 9 Mayõs 1906.
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