CALL FOR PAPERS International Workshop On ENERGY


CALL FOR PAPERS International Workshop On ENERGY
International Workshop On
06-08 November 2008, Istanbul, TURKEY
Organized by:
Aeronautics and Space Technologies Institute
(ASTIN), Turkish Air Force Academy, Turkey
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Boğaziçi University, Turkey
Marmara University, Turkey
Bahçeşehir University, Turkey
Yıldız Technical University, Turkey
Istanbul Commerce University, Turkey
Golden Horn University, Turkey
Yeditepe University, Turkey
Honorary Chair:
Major General Sinan Şanlı
(Commander, TuAF Academy)
General Chair:
Col. Sefer Kurnaz (ASTIN)
Technical Program Co-chairs:
Seyhan Onbaşıoğlu (ASTIN and İTÜ)
Cengiz Toklu (Yeditepe University)
M. Fevzi Ünal (ASTIN and İTÜ)
Advisory Committee:
Özer Arnas (USMA)
Mitat Birkan (AFOSR)
Arsev Eraslan (NASA-Retired)
Iskender Gökalp (CNRS)
Temel Kotil (THY)
Tuncer Alpata(Alp Aviation)
Mansoor Malik (IGIS-NUST, IEEE-AESS)
Banu Onaral (Dreksel Univ.)
Cengiz Ultav (VESTEL)
Invited Speakers (tentative):
Süreyya Yücel Özden (World Energy Consul)
International Relations Co-chairs:
Tayfun Günel (ASTIN and İTÜ)
Okyay Kaynak (ASTIN and Boğaziçi Univ.)
Publications Co-Chairs:
Lt.Col. Ali Başaran (ASTIN)
Capt. Orhan Gözaydın (ASTIN)
Publicity Chair:
Hakan Temeltaş (ASTIN and İTÜ)
Preamble: Energy sustainability, that is, ensuring the energy needs of the present without
compromising the energy requirements of the future generations, is an urgent matter facing the present
generation of scientists, engineers and politicians, as we are already facing an energy crises at our
doorstep. Presently available renewable energy sources such as conventional solar or wind power can
satisfy only a portion of today’s needs. One of the best alternatives is to supply energy from space. The
conversion of solar energy in space to usable power on Earth is the most plausible global alternative to
nuclear power plants.
A variety of the significant aspects of Solar Power Satellites (SPS) technologies like solar cells and
wireless power transmission have been investigated by researches. During the last three decades the
study of this technology has been one of the priority directions of investigations of the space agencies,
universities and worldwide industry entities, mostly because the industrialization and urbanization have
sharply increased power consumption. Therefore, the finite energy sources may soon past their peak
availability. An obvious solution to the problem is to utilize terrestrial renewable energy sources to the
maximum extent possible by developing SPS as a worldwide twenty-four hours a day energy supply.
Objective: The workshop is intended to provide an international forum for the exchange of experiences
and sharing of ideas in the technologies to capture energy from the space, which is one of the
dimensions of sustainability.
During the workshop,
i- capturing solar power directly and beaming it to Earth, and
ii- obtaining fuel (for fusion) from extraterrestrial bodies will be discussed from theoretical and
technological points of the view.
Topics: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
- Solar Power Satellites (SPS)
- Lunar Power System (LPS)
- Helium 3 from the Moon for Earth-Based Fusion
- Solutions for the single high energy beam problem.
- Instrumentation, design tools, specific problems and solutions
- Opportunities for international cooperation
- Space quantum motor
- Solar-lasers
- Space Power Generators (SPG)
Intended audience: Academicians, engineers, technical managers and planners coming from space
organizations, industry and universities, and working in energy related space programs are the intended
Contributions: Prospective attendees are encauraged to make contributions by submitting the
summary of their proposed papers electronically through the web site.
Important Dates:
Submission of summaries
Notification of acceptance
Submission of full papers
Application to attend
08 September 2008
15 September 2008
06 October 2008
06 October 2008
The organizers will leave ample time for discussions after each presentation. There will be sessions
devoted to specific topics but no parallel ones. The proceedings are planned to be made available to
the attendees on CDs during the workshop.
Organization Committee:
Col. Ali Armağan (TuAFA)
Col. Ahmet Cural (TuAFA)
Capt. Hakkı Aktaş (ASTIN)
Maj. Süleyman Baştürk (ASTIN)
Semra Birgün (ASTIN and Istanbul Commerce Univ.)
Sami Ercan (ASTIN and Haliç Univ.)
Fuat İnce (ASTIN and Marmara Univ.)
Ali Okatan (ASTIN and Haliç Univ.)
Capt. Özden Kaplankıran (ASTIN)
Oya Kalıpsız (Yıldız Tech. Univ.)
Coşkun Sönmez (Yıldız Tech. Univ.)
Col.Serdar Kargın(TuAFA)
Şenay Yalçın (Kemerburgaz Univ.)
M. Adil Yükselen (ASTIN and İTÜ)
Özalp Vayvay (ASTIN and Marmara Univ)
International Program Committee (others TBD, pending confirmation)
Taner Altunok
Emin Anarım
Serkan Anılır
Ömer Anlağan
Shahram Ariafar
A. Rustem Aslan
İlhami Aygün
M. Ünal Azaklıoğulları (TR)
Khalid Bashir
Jon Benediktsson
Nezihi Bilge
Fahir Borak
R. Murat Demirer
Murat Efe
Alptekin Erkollar
Süleyman Gökoğlu
Ali Güngör
Özgür Gürtuna
Çingiz Hacıyev
Mubussar Hussein
Beycan İbrahimoğlu
Masashi Hayakawa
Fei-Bin Hsiao
Ram Jakhu
Osman Kalden
Victor Khoroshilov
Anton Lazarov
Derya Maktav
Hiroshi Matsumoto
Saida Salahova
Atsuhiro Nishida
Ali Okatan
Tamer Ozalp
Gilbert L. Rochon
Rustam Rustamov
Vladislav Rutkovsky
Rainer Sandau
Hamit Serbest
İsmail Hakkı Tuncer
Osman N. Uçan
Tanay Sıtkı Uyar
Peter Willett
Nejat Veziroğlu
Jan.P.B. Vreeburg
Şenay Yalçın
Stanislav Zemlyakov
Correspondence: EFS Secretariat
Turkish Air Force Academy (Hava Harp Okulu), 34149 Yeşilyurt, Istanbul, Turkey
Ph.: +90-212-6632490 Ext. 4365, Fax: +90-212-6628551
E- mail:

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