stc stc sc - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego


stc stc sc - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Studia Turcologica Cr acoviensia
st c
M. Pomorska
ISSN 1425-1937
ISBN 978-83-233-3618-1
9 788323 336181
Materials for
a Historical Dictionary of
New Persian Loanwords
in Old Anatolian
and Ottoman Turkish
from the 13th to the 16th
From the review: “Commenced in the 1970s, the study
of Persian influence on Ottoman Turkish vocabulary
is still far from […] a conclusion. […] [The author] supplies us with a multitude of data, sorted alphabetically
and hence easily accessible, and dated, hence providing the information about the chronology of forms and
meanings, perhaps the most essential kind of information in the Ottoman studies today. […] Phonetic and
semantic attestations constitute the main body of the
work. They were excerpted from philological sources,
where they lay scattered till now, and so de facto almost impossible to find for the researcher.”
Materials for a Historical Dictionary of New Persian
Loanwords in Old Anatolian and Ottoman Turkish
Materials for a Historical Dictionary of New Persian
Loanwords in Old Anatolian and Ottoman Turkish
from the 13th to the 16th Century
The work is a collection of New Persian loanwords in
Old Anatolian and early Ottoman Turkish. It contains
nearly 2000 items. The vocabulary presented here is
extracted from various sources written originally in
the Arabic script.
Marzanna Pomorsk a
Marzanna Pomorska
(born 1968) is an assistant professor in the Chair of
Turkish Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow who specializes in etymology and history of the
Turkic languages. She holds a PhD degree in linguistics.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
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Cr acoviensia
Publikacja objęta jest prawem autorskim. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie i rozpowszechnianie zabronione.
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Jagiellonian University in Kr akow · Institute of Oriental Studies
Cr acoviensia
Founded by
Stanisław Stachowski
Edited by
Marek Stachowski
Kr aków 2013
Publikacja objęta jest prawem autorskim. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie i rozpowszechnianie zabronione.
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Jagiellonian University in Kr akow · Institute of Oriental Studies
Marzanna Pomorsk a
Materials for
a Historical Dictionary of
New Persian Loanwords
in Old Anatolian
and Ottoman Turkish
from the 13th to the 16th Century
Kr aków 2013
Publikacja objęta jest prawem autorskim. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie i rozpowszechnianie zabronione.
Publikacja przeznaczona jedynie dla klientów indywidualnych. Zakaz rozpowszechniania i udostępniania serwisach bibliotecznych
Marek Stachowski
Typographical arrangement and typesetting
Michał Németh
Cover and layout design
Kamil Stachowski
© Copyright by Marzanna Pomorska and
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
First edition, Kraków 2013
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced without
permission in writing from the Publisher.
This volume has appeared thanks to the financial support
of the Jagiellonian University’s Faculty of Philology
ISBN 978-83-233-3618-1
ISSN 1425-1937
Jagiellonian University Press
Editorial Offices:
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Dedicated to Professor Stanisław Stachowski
Publikacja objęta jest prawem autorskim. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie i rozpowszechnianie zabronione.
Publikacja przeznaczona jedynie dla klientów indywidualnych. Zakaz rozpowszechniania i udostępniania serwisach bibliotecznych
Publikacja objęta jest prawem autorskim. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie i rozpowszechnianie zabronione.
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Introduction .............................................................................................. 9
Abbreviations ............................................................................................ 11
Glossary ....................................................................................................... 13
Publikacja objęta jest prawem autorskim. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie i rozpowszechnianie zabronione.
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Publikacja objęta jest prawem autorskim. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie i rozpowszechnianie zabronione.
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In 1972, Stanisław Stachowski began publishing his Studien über die neupersischen
Lehnwörter im Osmanisch-Türkischen in the Cracow annual “Folia Orientalia”.
The series was finished in 1979 and almost twenty years later reprinted in Turkey as
Osmanlı Türkçesinde Yeni Farsça Alıntılar Sözlüğü. Wörterbuch der neupersischen Lehn­
wörter im Osmanisch-Türkischen (Simurg, İstanbul 1998). It presents 686 New Persian
loanwords in the Ottoman language, extracted from original transcription texts
dating to the 16th–18th centuries.
It was Stanisław Stachowski who encouraged us to research New Persian loans in
both Old Anatolian and Ottoman Turkish texts dating from the earlier period of the
13th–16th centuries. All the sources we have had at our disposal are written in the Arabic
script, thereafter transcribed into the Latin script and edited by modern scholars.
The vocabulary presented here has been extracted from dictionaries added to each
of these editions. The ortography and transliteration used by the respective editor are
retained unchanged (except if obvious misprints or mistakes occur); the same is valid
for the meanings of the specific words adduced in the language of the given edition.
Persian izafet constructions, proper names as well as such words whose phonetic
shape or meaning cannot be readily identified are excluded from this dictionary.
If a word is attested in various phonetic or graphematic forms the one possibly
close to that in Redhouse’s dictionary was used as the headword of the respective entry
here. Nominal and verbal derivatives of the specific loanwords are adduced in order
to establish to what extent New Persian borrowings were productive in Turkish.
Since our purpose is first of all to present historical documentation of New Persian
loanwords in Old Anatolian and early Ottoman Turkish, Persian etyma, cited after
standard dictionaries by authorities like F. J. Steingass, H. Junker & B. Alavi, and
Yu. A. Rubinchik, are only suggested as most possible sources of the borrowings.
As a matter of fact, a cooperation with experts in historical dialectology of Persian and
comparative phonology of Iranian languages is absolutely necessary for establishing
precise form, meaning and the source language or dialect.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Kinga Maciuszak and Marek Sta­
chowski for their valuable comments.
Publikacja objęta jest prawem autorskim. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie i rozpowszechnianie zabronione.
Publikacja przeznaczona jedynie dla klientów indywidualnych. Zakaz rozpowszechniania i udostępniania serwisach bibliotecznych
Publikacja objęta jest prawem autorskim. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie i rozpowszechnianie zabronione.
Publikacja przeznaczona jedynie dla klientów indywidualnych. Zakaz rozpowszechniania i udostępniania serwisach bibliotecznych
= Zajączkowski, A.: Traktat Arystotelesa o sztuce wojennej Ādāb-i
ḥarb w wersji osmańsko-tureckiej (Ms. İstanbul, Topkapĭ Sarayĭ,
B. 369). – Part I: Rocznik Orientalistyczny XXXI/2 (1968): 23–105;
part II: Rocznik Orientalistyczny XXXIII/1: 7–76.
= Eraslan, K.: Ak Şemseddin’in dinî-tasavvufî şiirleri. – Türk Dili
Araştırmaları Yıllığı – Belleten 1984 (ed. 1987): 11–85.
= Ersoylu, H.İ.: Cem Sultan’ın Türkçe Divan’ı [= Atatürk Kültür,
Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu. Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları 543],
Ankara 1989.
= Ergin, M.: Dede Korkut Kitabı. Metin – sözlük [= Türk Kültürünü
Araştırma Enstitüsü IV/A2], Ankara 1964.
= Mélikoff-Sayar, I.: Le Destān d’Umūr Pacha (Düstūrnāme-i
Enverī). Texte, traduction et notes [= Bibliothèque Byzantine.
Documents 2], Paris 1954.
= Özkan, M.: Mahmûd b. Kādî-i Manyâs. Gülistan tercümesi. Giriş –
inceleme – metin – sözlük [= Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek
Kurumu. Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları 562], Ankara 1993.
Junker–Alavi = Junker, H., Alavi, B.: Wörterbuch Persisch-Deutsch, Leipzig 1977.
= Korkmaz, Z.: Ṣadr’ d-dīn Şeyhoğlu. Marzubān-nāme tercümesi.
İnceleme – metin – sözlük – tıpkıbasım [= Ankara Üniversitesi Dil
ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Yayınları 219. Malazgirt Zaferinin
900. Yıldönümü Kutlama Serisi III], Ankara 1973.
= Hengirmen, M.: Güvâhî. Pend-Nâme. (Öğütler ve atasözleri)
[= Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları 549. 1000 Temel Eser Dizisi 99],
Ankara 1990.
= Räsänen, M.: Versuch eines etymologischen Wörterbuchs der
Türksprachen, Helsinki 1969.
= Redhouse Yeni Türkçe-İngilizce sözlük. New Redhouse TurkishEnglish dictionary, İstanbul 1992.
= Adamović, M.: Die Rechtslehre des Imām an-Nasafī in türkischer
Bearbeitung vom Jahre 1332 [= Abhandlungen für die Kunde des
Morgenlandes XLIX, 3], Stuttgart 1990.
= Rubinčik, Yu.A.: Persidsko-russkij slovaŕ, Moskva 1970.
= Stachowski, S.: Osmanlı Türkçesinde Yeni Farsça Alıntılar Söz­lüğü.
Wörterbuch der neupersischen Lehnwörter im Osmanisch-Türkischen
[= Simurg. Dil ve Edebiyat Dizisi 5], İstanbul 1998.
Publikacja objęta jest prawem autorskim. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie i rozpowszechnianie zabronione.
Publikacja przeznaczona jedynie dla klientów indywidualnych. Zakaz rozpowszechniania i udostępniania serwisach bibliotecznych
12 Abbreviations
= Steingass, F.J.: A comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, London
& New York 1988.
= Mansuroğlu, M.: Sultan Veled’in Türkçe manzumeleri [= İstanbul
Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Yayınları 765], İstanbul 1958.
= Mansuroğlu, M.: Anadolu Türkçesi (XIII. asır). Şeyyad Hamza’ya
ait üç manzume. – İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Türk
Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 1/3–4 (31 Aralık 1946): 180–195.
= Yelten, M.: Şirvanlı Mahmud. Kemâliyye. Giriş – inceleme – cümle
bilgisi – metin – sözlük [= İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi
Yayınları 3255], İstanbul 1993.
= Tekin, A.: Şirvanlı Mahmûd. Tarih-i İbn-i Kesîr Tercümesi (4. cilt,
1. kısım). Dil özellikleri – metin – sözlük [= Atatürk Kültür, Dil
ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu. Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları 700),
Ankara 1998.
= Tulum, M.: Sinan Paşa. Tazarru’nâme [= Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
Büyük Türk Yazarları ve Şairleri Komisyonu Yayınları 8. Dinî ve
Tasavvufî Eserler Serisi 1], İstanbul 1971.
= Verbung, A.C.: The Tuḥfe-i Şāhidī: A Sixteenth Century PersianOttoman Dictionary in Rhyme. Part I. – Archivum Ottomanicum 15
(1997): 5–88.
= Smith, G.M.: Yūsuf-i Meddāḥ: Varqa ve Gülşāh. A fourteenth
century Anatolian Turkish Menevī, Leiden 1976.
= Timurtaş, F.K.: Yunus Emre Divanı [= Kültür ve Turizm Bakan­
lığı Yayınları 380. Gençlik ve Halk Kitapları Dizisi 16], Ankara
= Tatçı, M.: Yunus Emre Divânı. II. Tenkitli metin [= Kültür Ba­
kanlığı Yayınları 1281. Klasik Türk Eserleri Dizisi 14], Ankara
= Demirel, M.: Kemal Paşazâde. Yusuf u Züleyha. Seçmeler [= Kültür
ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları 513. 1000 Temel Eser Dizisi 92],
Ankara 1983.
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âb ‘water’ – 1368: āb ‘water’ (VG 6591); 1430: âb ‘su’ (GT 243); 1445: āb ‘id.’
(MN 299); 1482: âb ‘id.’ (TN 355); 2/XV: āb ‘id.’ (CSD 285); XV: āb ‘id.’ (AŞ 57);
XV/XVI: âb ‘id.’ (YUZ 209). –
= NPers. āb ‘water; river’.
âbâd ‘prosperous, flourishing; cultivated, inhabited’ – XIII/XIV: âbâd ‘ma��
mur, bayındır, şen’ (YED 267); 2/XV: ābād ‘id.’ (CSD 285); XV/XVI: âbâd ‘id.’
(YUZ 209). –
Der.: 1482: âbâd kıl- ‘mâmûr et-, şenlendir-’ (TN 355). –
= NPers. ābād ‘city, building, habitation; cultivated, peopled, full of buildings
and inhabitants’. – Cf. Stachowski No. 1.
âbâdân ‘prosperous, flourishing; cultivated, inhabited’ – XIII/XIV: âbâdan ‘ba��
yındır, mamur, şen’ (YED 267); 1445: abadan ‘id., bakımlı’ (MN 299); 1482: âbâdân
‘mâmûr, bakımlı’ (TN 355). –
= NPers. ābādān, nearly synonymous with but more emphatic than ābād (↑). – Cf.
Stachowski No. 1.
âbdâr ‘1. beautiful, fine; pleasant, nice; 2. gleaming; 3. fresh, juicy’ – 1482: âb-dâr
‘güzel, hoş, lâtif; tâze, tarâvetli’ (TN 355); 2/XV: ʿāb-dār (!, = āb-dār, M.P.) ‘zarif,
güzel; parlak, sulu, taze’ (CSD 285). –
= NPers. āb-dār ‘watery, moist, juicy; of a good water (as a diamond or a sword);
keen, sharp; glancing, dazzling, resplendent’.
âbdest ‘ritual ablution, washing of the hands, face, and other parts, with certain
ceremonies used by the Muhammadans before prayer’ – 1332: abdest ‘das rituelle
Waschen’ (RIN 339); XIV: abdest ‘abdest’ (DKK 169); 1445: ābdest ‘id.’ (MN 299);
1451: ābdest ‘id.; namaz kılmadan önce el, ağız, burun, yüz, kol, baş, kulak, ayak
yıkama’ (TKT 635). –
Der.: 1332: abdestlü ‘rituell rein, gewaschen’ (RIN 339); 1332: abdestsüz ‘ungewaschen’
(ib.). –
= NPers. āb-dast ‘the ablution or washing of the hands, face, and other parts, with
certain ceremonies by the Muhammadans before prayer’. – Cf. Stachowski No. 2,
Räsänen 2.
The figure means the number of a verse.
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14 âbgîne || Glossary
âbgîne ‘1. bottle; 2. glass; 3. rock-cristal’ – 2/XV: āb-gīne ‘şişe, sırça’ (CSD 285). –
= NPers. āb-gīna ‘glass; drinking-glass’.
âbî ‘living in water; aquatic’ – XV/XVI: âbî ‘suda yaşayan ve suda hasıl olan’
(YUZ 209). –
= NPers. ābī ‘watery’.
âbrîz ‘toilet, water-closet’ – 1451: āb-rīz ‘ayakyolu’ (TKT 635). –
= NPers. āb-rez ‘vessel used in baths for pouring water over the head and body;
bucket; water-pipe; spout; drain, ditch; water-closet, privy’.
âb u gil ‘the mortal body, the human frame’ – 1482: âb u gil ‘su ve balçık; ceset,
vücûd’ (TN 355). –
= NPers. āb u gil ‘water and clay, i.e. the human frame’.
âferîde ‘1. creature; created; 2. world of creatures’ – 1482: âferîde ‘yaratılmış, yaratık,
mahlûk; bütün yaratıklar âlemi’ (TN 356). –
= NPers. āfrīda ‘created; man as created being’.
âferîn ‘1. applause, praise; 2. bravo!, well done!’ – 1430: âferîn ‘beğenme, alkış’
(GT 245); 1445: āferīn ‘beğenme, alkış, bravo’ (MN 300); 1482: âferîn ‘medih, övgü’
(TN 356); 2/XV: āferīn ‘beğenme belirten bir söz; yaşa, var ol, aferin!’ (CSD 285). –
Der.: 1430: âferîn it- ‘beğen-, alkışla-’ (GT 245); 1368: āferīn qıl- ‘to praise’ (VG 594),
aferīn qıl- ‘id.’ (ib. 801). –
= NPers. āfirīn, āfrīn ‘praise, glory, applause; well done!, bravo!’. – Cf. Stachowski
No. 4, Räsänen 7.
âferînende ‘creating, creator (God)’ – 1482: âferînende ‘yaratıcı, yaratan (Tanrı)’
(TN 356). –
= NPers. āfirīnanda ‘the Creator’.
âferîniş ‘1. creation; 2. creature; 3. world’ – 1482: âferîniş ‘yaratılış; dünyâ, âlem’
(TN 356); 2/XV: āferīniş ‘yaratma, var etme’ (CSD 285); XV/XVI: âferîniş ‘yaratma,
yaratılış’ (YUZ 209). –
= NPers. āfirīniš ‘creation; created thing; creature’.
âftâb, âfıtâb, âfitâb ‘1. sun; 2. bright, shining; 3. beautiful face; 4. love of the God’
– 1451: āfıtāb ‘güneş’ (TKT 635); 1482: âfitâb ‘id.’ (TN 383 s.v. misbâh); 1489: āftāb
‘soleil’ (DUP 131); 2/XV: āf-tāb ‘güneş, güneş ışığı; pek parlak ve güzel yüz’ (CSD 285);
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