Curriculum Vitae - Akdeniz Üniversitesi Nükleer Fizik Grubu


Curriculum Vitae - Akdeniz Üniversitesi Nükleer Fizik Grubu
11 Eylül 2013
Mesut Karakoç, Yrd. Doç. Dr.
Akdeniz Üniversitesi
Fen Fakültesi
Fizik Bölümü
07058 Antalya / Türkiye
Tel : +90 (242) 310 2284
Akademik a³amalar
Yrd. Doç. Dr., Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Nükleer Fizik A.B.D. (güncel)
Doktora Sonras Ara³trmac, Texas A&M University Commerce (2012)
Doktora, Erciyes Üniversitesi, Fizik A.B.D (2010)
Yüksek Lisans, Erciyes Üniversitesi, Fizik A.B.D (2005)
Lisans, Karadeniz Teknik Ü. Fen-Ed. Fak. Fizik Bölümü (2002)
Ara³trma alanlar
Teorik nükleer zik: Haf-a§r çekirdek reaksiyonlar, yük-al³veri³li tepkimeler, adi ve ksmi diferansiyel denklemlerin nümerik çözümü, Kuantum mekaniksel problemler ve nümerik/analitik çözüm
yöntemleri. CRC, CCBA, DWBA modeli uygulamalar.
Deneysel nükleer zik: Fotonükleer reaksiyonlar.
Ödüller ve burslar
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisans, Bölüm Üçüncüsü
ECT* (European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Physics and Related Areas) fellowship
ECT* Marie Curie Bursu
Mesut Karakoç, Yrd. Doç. Dr.
TÜBTAK, tam zamanl, Ara³trma Projeleri Doktora Bursu
TÜBTAK, tam zamanl, Ara³trma Projeleri Yüksek Lisans Bursu
TÜBA-GEBP, Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Üstün Ba³arl Genç Bilim nsan Destekleme Program
Ara³trma ziyaretleri
NIPNE, Romanya (2006)
ECT*, Trento, talya (2007)
INFN, Padova, talya (2007)
Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Dubna, Rusya (2007)
NSCL, Michigan State University, Michigan, ABD (2010)
RIKEN Nishina Center, Tokyo/Wakoshi, Japonya (2011)
Science Citation Index (SCI) kapsamndaki yaynlar
1. α−α double folding cluster potential description of 12 C+24 Mg the system, M. Karakoc, I. Boztosun,
Phys. Rev. C 73, 047601 (2006).
Asymptotic iteration method solutions to the relativistic Dun-Kemmer-Petiau equation
Accurate Iterative and Perturbative Solutions of The Yukawa Potential M. Karakoc
Microscopic Potential Description of the Elastic Scattering and Fusion Cross-Section Data of the
F. Yasuk, and A. Durmus, J. Math. Phys. 47, 062301 (2006).
sun, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E:Nuclear Physics 15, No. 6 (2006) 1253-1262.
Mg System,
(2006) 1317 -1332.
M. Karakoc,
M. Karakoc
, I. Bozto-
and I. Bozto-
and I. Boztosun, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E:Nuclear Physics 15, No. 6
Failure of the Standard Coupled-Channels Method in Describing the Inelastic Reaction Data: On the
, S. Erturk, I. Boztosun, Y. Kucuk,
and S. Aydin, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 31 No 10 (October 2005) S1837-S1842.
Use of a New Shape for the Coupling Potential
M. Karakoc
Examination of the
An Improvement of the Asymptotic Iteration Method for Exactly Solvable Eigenvalue Problems
Microscopic potential description of
M. Karakoc,
Boztosun and
, G. Kocak,
Si System with Microscopic and Phenomenological Potentials
I. Boztosun, Phys. of Atomic Nuclei, Vol.70, N 2, (2007).
M. Karakoc,
Chinese Phys. Lett., 24, 3028-3031, (2007).
C double folding the reaction
Y. Kucuk, Phys. Rev. C 77, 064608 (2008).
The relativistic Dun-Kemmer-Petiau sextic oscillator
Phys. Scr. 78, 045010 (2008).
, F. Yasuk,
, I. Boztosun and
M. Karakoc
, I.
and I. Boztosun,
Analytical Solution of the Schrödinger Equation for Makarov Potential with any l Angular Momen-
, O. Bayrak,
M. Karakoc,
I. Boztosun and R. Sever, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 47, 3005, (2008).
Eects of
α-cluster potentials for the 16 O+16 O fusion reaction and S factor, G. Kocak, M. Karakoc,
I. Boztosun, and A. B. Balantekin,Phys. Rev. C 81, 024615 (2010).
Coulomb distortion and medium corrections in nucleon-removal reactions
The results of the rst photonuclear reaction performed in Turkey: The zinc example
C. A. Bertulani, and L. Trache Phys. Rev. C 87, 024607 (2013).
M. Karakoc,
A. Banu,
, . Boztosun,
H. Dapo, S. F. Özmen, Y. Çeçen, M. Karakoç, A. Çoban, A. Cesur, T. Caner, E. Bayram, G.
B. Keller, B. Küçük, A. Güvendi, M. Derman, D. Kaya, Turkish Journal of Physics, Yayna kabul
edildi, (2013).
Mesut Karakoç, Yrd. Doç. Dr.
SCI kapsam d³ndaki hakemli dergilerdeki ve konferans kitaplarndaki yaynlar
C Reaction Observables Using Folding Potential, M.
, Y. Kucuk and I. Boztosun, Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics: From Stable Beams to
Exotic Nuclei, AIP Conf. Proc. 1072 281 (2008).
The Simultaneous Investigation of the
Medium eects in reactions with rare isotopes
Ser. 337 01200, 2012.
Medium eects in direct reactions
, C. A. Bertulani and
M Karakoc
M. Karakoc,
J. Phys.: Conf.
and C Bertulani J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 420 012074,
Ne, F. Wamers, J. Marganiec, F. Aksouh,
Yu. Aksyutina, H. Álvarez-Pol, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro-Novo, C.A. Bertulani, K. Boretzky, M.J.G.
Borge, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, L.V. Chulkov, D. Cortina-Gil, I.A. Egorova, H. Emling, O. Ershova, C. Forssén, L.M. Fraile, H. Fynbo, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, L.V. Grigorenko, M. Heil, D.H.H.
Homann, J. Homann, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, C. Karagiannis, M. Karakoç et al., EPJ Web
of Conferences, (ncelemede).
Exclusive measurements of nuclear breakup reactions of
Di§er dergilerdeki ve konferans kitaplarndaki yaynlar
ve I. Boztosun, Türk Fizik Derne§i 22. Uluslararas Fizik Kongresi Özet Kitab, Sayfa
279, Eylül-2004, Bodrum.
Mg Reaksiyonunun Double Folding ve Alfa Kümelenme Nükleer Potansiyelleri ile ncelenmesi
M. Karakoç
Transfer Reaksiyonlarnn Reaksiyon Gözlenebilirlerini Açklamadaki Önemi, M. Karakoç ve I.
Boztosun, Türk Fizik Derne§i 23. Uluslararas Fizik Kongresi, Özet Kitab, Sayfa 331, Eylül-2005,
Microscopic Description of the
Mg System, M. Karakoc and I. Boztosun, 6th Int. Balkan
Physics Union Physics Conference, Book of Abstracts, Page 123, August-2006, Istanbul/Turkey.
The role of isospin-symmetry breaking on the Gamow-Teller transition
Coulomb and medium eects in knockout reactions
Medium and Coulomb Eects in Breakup Reactions
Coulomb distortion and medium corrections in breakup reactions
Coulomb distortion and medium corrections in nucleon-removal reactions
Medium eects in knockout reactions M. Karakoc
, M. Karakoc, Annual Research Symposium, 2011, Texas A&M University-Commerce,Commerce, Texas, USA.
, M. Karakoc, Dynamics and Correlations in
Exotic Nuclei (DCEN2011), 2011, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan.
, M. Karakoc, Annual Research Symposium,
2012, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, Texas, USA.
, M. Karakoc, Joint Spring 2012
Meeting of the Texas Sections of the APS and AAPT, Angelo State Universtiy, San Angelo, Texas,
, M. Karakoc, NN2012,
11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
, National Nuclear Physics Summer School 2012,
Doktora, yüksek lisans ve lisans tezleri
K ve
Ti →
Üniversitesi, Doktora (2010).
Gamow-Teller Geçi³lerinin Kar³la³trmal Analizi,
Folding Potansiyelin Elde Edilmesi 12C+24Mg Reaksiyonuna Uygulanmas,
sitesi, Yüksek Lisans (2005).
Lo jistik Denklemde 2n Yolu ile Kaos,
Erciyes Üniver-
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisans (2002).
Mesut Karakoç, Yrd. Doç. Dr.
Ara³trma pro jeleri
Nükleer Reaksiyon ve Yap Gözlenebilirlerini Açklama Yolunda Nükleer Potansiyel
için Yeni bir Yakla³m,
103T184, TÜBTAK, (2003-2004).
Folding Potansiyelin Elde Edilmesi ve
FBT-04-15, Erciyes Üni., (2003-2005).
Mg reaksiyonlarna uygulanmas,
Nükleer Fizik ve Astrozikteki Reaksiyon Gözlenebilirlerine Transfer ve Quasi-Elastik
Reaksiyonlarn Etkisi,
106T024, TBAG-TÜBTAK, (2006-2008).
( He,t) ve (p,n) Yük Al³-Veri³li Çekirdek Tepkimelerinin Gamow-Teller Geçi³lerinin
Hesaplanmasnda Kullanlmas,
109T373, TBAG-TÜBTAK, (2009-2011).
Breakup of loosely bound nuclei at intermediate energies for nuclear astrophysics and
the development of a position sensitive microstrip detector system and its readout
electronics using ASICs Tech.,
(DOE), (2010-2013).
Texas A&M University, DE-SC004972, US Department of Energy
Verdi§i dersler
Temel Fizik I (Newton Mekani§i)
Temel Fizik II (Elektrik ve Manyetizma
Saysal Elektronik Lab.
Temel Elektronik Lab.
Nükleer Fizik I
Temel Nükleer Yap
Mesleki ngilizce I ve II
dari görevleri
Akdeniz Üniversitesi Nükleer Bilimler Uygulama ve Ara³trma Merkezi YönetimKurulu Üyeli§i,
Konferans, seminer ve çal³tay
VIII. Ulusal Nükleer Bilimler ve Teknolojileri Kongresi, TAEK ve Erciyes Üniversitesi, Kayseri
Türkiye, (2003).
C+24 Mg Reaksiyonunun Double Folding ve Kümelenme Nükleer Alfa Potansiyelleri ile ncelenmesi,
M. Karakoç ve I. Boztosun, Türk Fizik Derne§i 22. Uluslararas Fizik Kongresi, Eylül-2004, Bodrum.
Transfer Reaksiyonlarnn Reaksiyon Gözlenebilirlerini Açklamadaki Önemi, M. Karakoç ve I. Boztosun, Türk Fizik Derne§i 23. Uluslararas Fizik Kongresi, Eylül-2005, Mu§la.
Microscopic Description of the 12 C+24 Mg System, M. Karakoc and I.Boztosun, 6th International
Balkan Physics Union Physics Conference, August-2006, stanbul, Turkey.
II. YUUP Çal³tay,1-3 Aralk 2006, Bolu, Türkiye.
Analysis of the 12 C+24 Mg system near Coulomb barrier using folding the potentials, M. Karakoc
and I. Boztosun, Int. Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation From Basic Research to Applications,
NUFRA, September 24 - October 1, 2007, Kemer (Antalya), Turkey.
Mesut Karakoç, Yrd. Doç. Dr.
The Simultaneous Investigation of the 6 He + 12 C Reaction Observables Using Folding Potential,
M. Karakoc , Y. Kucuk and I. Boztosun, Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics: From Stable Beams to
Exotic Nuclei, 25-30 June, 2008, Kayseri, Turkey.
The role of isospin-symmetry breaking on the Gamow-Teller transition, M. Karakoc, Annual Research Symposium, 2011, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, Texas, USA.
Coulomb and medium eects in knockout reactions, M. Karakoc, Dynamics and Correlations in
Exotic Nuclei (DCEN2011), 2011, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan.
Coulomb distortion and medium corrections in breakup reactions, M.Karakoc, Joint Spring 2012
Meeting of the Texas Sections of the APS and AAPT, Angelo State Universtiy, San Angelo, Texas,
Medium and Coulomb Eects in Breakup Reactions, M. Karakoc, Annual Research Symposium,
2012, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, Texas, USA.
Coulomb distortion and medium corrections in nucleon-removal reactions, M. Karakoc, NN2012,
11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Medium eects in knockout reactions, M. Karakoc, National Nuclear Physics Summer School 2012,
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
Joint Spring 2011 Meeting of the Texas Sections of the APS and AAPT, Stephen F. Austin State
University, Nacogdoches, Texas, USA.
Reactions at Intermediate Energies, C. Bertulani, C Conti, M. Karakoc, W. Long, and K. Ogata,
Interfaces between structure and reactions for rare isotopes and nuclear astrophysics, August 2011
(INT Program INT-11-2d), Seattle, Washington, USA.
Görev ald§ konferanslar
Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics: From Stable Beams to Exotic Nuclei, 25-30 June, 2008, Kayseri,
Turkey, (Yerel Düzenleme Kurulu).
NBTK-2003 VIII. Ulusal Nükleer Bilimler ve Teknolojiler Kongresi, 15- 17 Ekim, 2003, Kayseri,
(Düzenleme Kurulu).
Yaz okullar
Summer School II on Nuclear Collective Dynamics, Feza Gürsey Institute, 30 July 2004, stanbul,
4th International Balkan School on Nuclear Physics, Balkan Physical Union and Istanbul University,
22-29 September 2004, Bodrum, Turkey.
I. TFD UPHUK, 03-09 Temmuz 2005, Ankara, Türkiye.
Summer School III on Nuclear Collective Dynamics, Feza Gürsey Enstitü, 12-16 June 2006, stanbul,
5th International Balkan School in Nuclear Physics (Physics with Radioactive Beams), September2006, Brasov, Romania.
ECT* Doctoral Training Programme (Nuclear Structure and Reactions), 8 March - 1 June 2007,
Trento, Italy.
Faz Geçi³leri ve Renormalizasyon Grubu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Physics 8.334) ,
Prof. Dr. Nihat Berker, 8-19 Temmuz 2007, Feza Gürsey Enstitüsü, stanbul, Türkiye.
Helmholtz International Summer School, "NUCLEAR THEORY AND ASTROPHYSICAL APPLICATIONS" Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, 7-17 August 2007, Dubna, Russia.
The 10th CNS International Summer School CNSSS11, 2011, Center for Nuclear Study (CNS), Wako
Campus Koshiba Hall, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo.
Mesut Karakoç, Yrd. Doç. Dr.
National Nuclear Physics Summer School 2012, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
Üye olunan kurum ve kurulu³lar
Akdeniz Üniversitesi Deneysel ve Teorik Nükleer Fizik Grubu (güncel).
Di§er vasar
Windows, Linux i³letim sistemlerine iyi seviyede hakim
Nümerik yöntemler üzerine tecrübeli
Fortran, Qbasic ve Pascal programlama dilleri üzerine tecrübeli ve
C++ programlama diline a³ina
Maple ve Mathematica sembolik programlama dilleri üzerine uzman
Fresco programna iyi derecede hakim (Nükleer reaksiyon tesir kesitlerini ve ba³ka gözlenebilirleri
teorik olarak hesaplayabilen bir program)
DW81, FOLD, DWHI yazlmlarna iyi derecede hakim (Yük-al³veri³li nükleer tepkimeler için
geli³tirilen fortran kodlar)
MOMDIS ortak geli³tiricisi (Radyoaktif ksa ömürlü çekirdeklerin tesir kesitlerinin momentum da§lmn
hesaplayan fortran kodu)