İngilizce Ramazan DEMİR TEOGS Soru Bankası


İngilizce Ramazan DEMİR TEOGS Soru Bankası
Upturn in English – Teog Test 4
6- Deniz: Daddy,Mr.Rick called you at 6 p.m and
……………… for you.
Choose the correct answers
Father: Thanks for remembering,honey. I’II listen
1- Zeynep: Hello,Zeynep speaking.
Rana: Hello,Zeynep. This is Rana. ………………….?
Zeynep: Great,thanks.
A) Lots of Love
C) How is it going
B) Take care of you.
D) Get well soon.
A) left a voicemail
B) wrote a letter
C) went to science exhibition
D) spoke face to face
72- Mum: Hi,Selin. Welcome.
Selin: Hello,mum. How are you ?
Mum: Fine,thanks and you ?
Selin: I have an headache mum and I feel tired.
Mum: Oh,my dear, ……………………………………
Görseli en iyi anlatan seçeneğini işaretleyiniz.
A) You should go to accessory store.
B) Why don’t we drink smth at a cafe
C) What about going to technology store
D) You should have a rest.
A) She likes making phone call.
B) She’s texting a message.
C) Mrs.Çetin sending a fax.
D) He is leaving a message note.
Buğra: Unfortunately no !
Mert: Don’t worry. Let’s go to the…………….. and
choose the most suitable one for you.
A) board game
B) technology store
C) bowling alley
D) music store
8- Esra: Do you miss your old friends,Ceren ?
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3-Buğra: I want to buy a new mobile phone,my
Mert: Ohh,very good. Have you decided what will
you buy ?
Ceren: Of course. I lived in Akşehir for twenty
years and I had lots of friends there. I miss all of
Esra: Well, how do you keep in touch with them ?
Ceren: ……………………………………………………
A) I used to play sport with them.
B) I leave a message note on their door.
C) I sometimes write a letter for each one
D) I usually communicate with them.
4- Sefa: Why do people prefer sending an e-mail to
writing a letter,Mustafa ?
9- Tim: Hello,Tim speaking.
Frank: Hi,Tim. This is Frank. Is your sister in ?
Mustafa: According to me,there are lots
advantages of it. For example; ………………….
Tim: Oh,yes. One moment,please. …………………..
A) It’s not an exciting activity for teenagers
B) It makes people terrible.
C) It has negative effects on people.
D) It’s one of the easiest and the cheapest way of
A) Could I speak to Jill ?
B) I’II get her.
C) Thanks for calling. Got to go now.
D) I will get him soon.
10- Fatma Uyar: Hello.
Mete Eker: Hi, is Ramazan Demir there ?
Fatma Uyar: I’m afraid,he’s unavailable now. He’s
gone out. Would you like to leave a message ?
Text a message
Use social network
Send a fax
Leave a message note
Mete Eker: Yes,please. ……………………………… ?
It’s about English Project.
Yukarıda soru işareti ile gösterilen yere
aşağıdakilerden hangisi başlık olarak gelmelidir ?
A) Ways of having a true friend
B) How to make a phone conversation
C) Ways of communication
D) Ways of being a good student
Mehmet Akif Ortaokulu
Fatma Uyar: Ok. I’ll tell him.
A) Could I take your name and number
B) Could I ask who’s calling
C) She’ll get him back later
D) Could you tell him to contact with Zeynep Uzun
Upturn in English – Unit – 4
11- Tabloya göre hangisi doğrudur ? 17.soru e-mail’e göre yapılacaktır
Hi, Emre
I and Berkay are organizing ‘‘FIFA16’’ tournament on
Sunday.It starts at 3 p.m in my place. We know you’re
fond of it. Would you like to join us ? If you want to
come,don’t forget to bring your joystick. I hope you
can come.
Take care of you !
write a leave a make a text a
voice phone message social
A) Teenagers never write letter
B) Less than half of the teenagers prefer making a
phone call.
C) Leaving a voicemail is very popular among the
D) More than 40 of the teenagers use social network
for communication.
16- ……… is the sender and ……….is the reciever.
A) Emin – Berkay
C) Emin – Emre
A) board game
C) exhibition
IV- Hello, Matt speaking.
B) IV – II – III – I
D) II – IV – III – I
13- Elif Sena: How was your Teog exam,Berke ?
Berke: I did the best and answered all the
questions correctly. It’s full.
Elif Sena: ………………….. . You’re one of the
best,my friend.
A) I’m sorry to hear that
C) That’s so bad.
B) Are you kidding
D) I’m glad to hear that
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III- I am sorry. She is engaged now.Would you like
to leave a message ?
B) computer game
D) picnic
18- İrem: Hi, İrem speaking.
Sude: Hi,irem. I’m sorry but I can’t talk to you now.
I am at the meeting and ……………….. .
I- Could you ask her to call me,please.My number
is 454 123 45 67.
II- Hello. Could I speak Mrs. Sanders,please ?
B) Emre – Emin
D) Berkay – Emre
17- The e-mail is about a …………………………….
Aşağıda karmaşık şekilde verilmiş cümleleri
bir anlam bütünlüğünde sıralayınız.
A) I – II – III – IV
C) IV – III – II – I
İrem: All right,but don’t forget. I’II tell you some
important things.
Sude: Ok. Sorry again. Bye for now.
A) What does ‘‘B4N’’ mean in the text language ?
B) Could you ask her to call me ?
C) Hang on a minute. I’II get him.
D) I’II call you back later.
19- According to recent research,young people
send most text messages.In Turkey, nearly %70 of
teensgers have mobile phones. For them,text
messages are exciting.While texting
messages,they use some …………..such as slm for
‘SELAM’, mrb for ‘MERHABA’
Boşluğa aşağıdakilerden hangisi getirilmelidir ?
A) abbreviation
C) negative effect
D) exhibition
14- Arda: Why didn’t you come to science
museum,Orhun ?
20- The name of the gadget = R-H 10 Communicator
Orhun: You know,I’ve an important exam on
Monday and I studied all the day for the test.
Arda: Well, ………………………… Take care.
Orhun: See you.
A) We’II meet up later.
B) I guess I caught a cold.
C) We can’t keep in touch anymore. D) Is it a bad line
15- Bengi: Tell me Aylin, are you going to do
anything for the next day ?
Aylin: ………………..?
Bengi: I say, do you have any plan for tomorrow ?
Aylin: Oh I see.I’m going to play chess with friends.
A) Thanks for calling
C) Pardon
Dörtyol - HATAY
B) I’II put you through
D) B4N
I- It’s very practice to use.
II- It stores many words and sentences.
III- It’s expensive and unnecessary for
IV- It’s very technical device with its touchscreen
Yukarıda tanıtımda olan cihaz için hangi cümle
akışı bozmaktadır ?
A) I
Prepared by Ramazan Demir