rekabetci malzerneleri $998000


rekabetci malzerneleri $998000
Genel Proje Ozeti: Bu proje, ozellikle hayvancihk yapilan bolgelerde, veterinerlik
egitimi hususunda ve tanm sektorunde kapasite arttmlmasma iliskin teknik destek
saglamayi amaclamaktadir. Soz konusu program ozellikle, hayvan hastahklarmm teshis
edilmesinde ve kontrol altina almmasmda gelismis yontemlerle daha verimli ve karh
hayvancihk islemlerinin gerceklestirilmesine onculuk edecektir.
Bu programlar top lam verimlilikte onemli bir artisa onculuk ederek, hem kayiplann
azalttlmasi hem de halk saghgimn iyilestirilmesini saglayan. epidemiyoloji ve hayvan
hastahklan kontroliinde gelisme saglayacaktir. Bu programlann uygulamasmda TC
Tanm ve Koyisleri Bakanhgi ile dogrudan cahsmayi hedeflemekteyiz.
Burada belirtilen butcenin hibe kismr tiy ana bolume aynlmaktadir.. iki bolumu ast
liretimi icin, digeri ise kamunun bilinclendirilmesi icindir. Biitiin hedefler karsilandigi
siirece fonlar butce kalemleri arasmda transfer edilebilir, ancak kalemler arasmda
%lO'nun iizerindeki her aktanm Buyukelcilik tarafindan yazih olarak onaylanmahdrr.
Boliim A: Brusella Asrsmm Uretimi ve DagItlm Bileseni
Hedef: Tiirkiye'deki Brusella asisimn liretimini
malzemelerin almmasi.
ekipman ve
Gerekee: Brusella., hayvan saghgma, insan sagligma ve ekonomiye zarar veren bir
hayvan hastaligidir. Turkiye'de Brusella hastahgi gorulme oraru yilksektir ve 1998'de
hayvanlardaki etkisi % 2'den bugun tahmini %lO'a yukselmistir. Tiirk Hiikumeti
kapsamh bir test ve yayilma yonetimi programtru yiiriitebilecek fona ihtiyac duymaktadir
ve aynca kamu ve ozel sektor birlikte buyuyen talebi karsilayacak yeterince ast
iiretememekte ve en etkili asilan liretmemektedirler. Tanm Bakanligi, iilkenin yilhk
ihtiyacmm koyunlar icin 30 milyon dozaj ve biiyiikbaslar icin 6 milyon dozaj oldugunu
tahmin etmektedir. Tanm Bakanhgi'nm tahminlerine gore, halihazirda Brusella
hastahgmm yilhk zaran, sadece et, slit ve kaybedilen yavrular bakmundan, 3 milyar
dolardir ve bu hesaplama insan saghgnu etkileyen hastahkla olusan kayiplan
icermemektedir, Tiirkiye'de yilda 10 ile 20 bin insanda brusella vakasi gorulmektedir.
Boltim A Bliteesi:
Toplam Maliyet
Diger detaylar
icin Diinya Bankasi kamu $550,000
makinesi ihale
(freeze-drying teknolojisi)
firmalanna da acik olan
ihale yapihr,
Kimyasal, sise gibi girdi
Isletim Maliyeti
Proje Bolum A icin Toplam
BOIiim B: Kamuyu Bilinelendirme Bileseni:
Hedef: Hayvancihklaugrasanlar, ticari isletmelerve siyasi karar ahcilan gibi paydaslann
farkmdahgnu arttirmak icin bir stratejikiletisimkampanyasi tasarlamakve uygulamak.
Gerekee: Asilama ve Brusella'mn yaytlmasmi onleme konusunda kamuoyunun
bilgilendirilmesi WHO (Dunya Saghk Orglitli ) ve OlE (Dunya Hayvan Saghgl Teskilati)
tarafmdan tavsiye edilen iki ana konudur. Halk saghgim goz online ahndigmda Brusella
hastaliguun ana kaynagi ya gida ile iliskilidir ya da hastahkh hayvanlarla temastan
kaynaklanmaktadtr. Dogrudan hayvancihkla ugrasmayan vatandaslann Brusella
hastahgma yakalanmalan genelde uygun hazirlanmayan veya saklanmayan ornegin,
gunluk urun ve et gibi hayvansal gidalardan kaynaklanmaktadir.
Hayvanlan asilama prograrnlan insanlara bulasma riskini azaltilmasmda etkilidir.
ilaveten, cevresel bulasmayi azaltmak icin, kamuoyunun egitimi, ozellikle yuksek risk
kategorisinde olanlar ornegin hayvan ve gida sektoruyle direkt iliski icerisinde olanlar
icin, cok oncmlidir. Bu, halk saghgl destegi He veterinerlik hizmetlerinin yanmda ktlcuk
ve bllyuk olcekli keci ve buyukbas ciftlik sahipleri, ciftci dernekleri ve veterinerler gibi
diger iliskili ajanslar ve aktorlerin yakm isbirligi icinde olmalanrn gerektirecektir.
Program, hedef kitlenin ihtiyaclanru ulusal, bolgesel ve yerel duzeyde belirleyen entegre
bir iletisim stratejisiicerrnelidir.
BOIiim B Bilteesi:
Mevcut Durum Anketi
& Iletisim Stratejisi
Cesitli hedef kitleler icin
var olan materyallerin
incelenmesi ve ihtiyac
materyallerin uretimi (el
Ham ve afis)
Materyallerin dagitmn
AC;IlI~ toreni, baslangic giderleri
icin ana dagitrm sorumlulan
gonderilmesi seminerler, radyo
ve websitesi destegi, spot
filmlerin cekilmesi
Faaliyetlerin etkinligini
lsletim Maliyeti
Proje bolum B icin
Boliirn C: Teshis ve Diger Hayvan Hastahklari Icin A~l Uretimi Bileseni:
Hedef: Tam ekipmam alum yapmak ve diger bulasici hayvan hastahklarma karst asr
uretimiyapmak, ornegin kuduz, PPR, FMD ve tuberkuloz,
Gerekce: Turkiye'de hayvancilik sektorunde ekonomik zarara neden olan ve bir kisrm da
insan saghgl icin risk olusturabilen kuduz, PPR( Peste des Petitis Ruminants), sap
hastaligr (FMD) ve tuberkuloz gibi bir cok hayvan hastahgi vardir. Fon eksikligi
yuztlnden bu hastahklann cogu htlkumetlerin cabalarma ragmen yayilmaktadir. Omegin,
kuduz hastalrgi oncelerde sadece buyuk sehirlerde gorulurken arnk Turkiye capmda
kilclik sehirlerde bile gorulmektedlr. Tuberkuloz ve PPR'in yayilmasmm kontrolu de
Turkiye'deki ana tehditlerden biridir. Tam, asr ve destek icin arttmlmis fonlar bu
maliyetli hastahklann yayilmasuu onler ve Turkiye'de ozellikle kirsal alanlarda hem
ekonomik istikrarahem de insan sagligma katkida bulunur. Programm bu bolumu ihtiyac
oldugu olyUde oncelikli olarak Etlik Veteriner Arastirma Enstitusu aracihgi Be yapilan
tam ve asilann tiretimini destekleyecektir.
BdlilmC Bliteesi:
Tam icin ekipman
Laboratuvar Cahsmalan
lsletim Maliyetleri
Bolum C ToplamMaliyet
$187 ,000
*BOLUM D: EpidemiyolojiEgitimleri Bileseni
TUrk Hilktirneti arasnrmacilan ve Tarim Bakanhgi ve Saghk Bakanhgi resmi
gorevlilerinin, bulasici hayvan hastahklan icin risk faktorlerinin belirlenmesi ve en iyi
tedavi ve yaklasimlann tespiti hususundaki yeteneklerinin gelistirilmesi amaciyla
uluslararasi uzmanlanTtirkiye'ye getirmek.
TUrk Hukumetinin, Brusella ve diger bulasrci insan ve hayvan hastahklarma karst
koyabilme yeteneklerinin gelistirilmesi icin, hastaliklann kapsarmmn tespitine ve halk
saghgl politikalan acismdan en iyi tepkinin ne olduguna karar verilmesine odakh bir
epidemiyoloji egitimi verilmesi onemlidir.
Bu program kapsammda ABD Tanrn Bakanhgi Tanrn ve Koyisleri Bakanligmda gorevli
en fazla 180 kisiye genet epidemiyoloji konusunda bir hafta egitim verilmesini
planlarnaktadir. (Her biri en fazla 30 kisilik bir haftahk 6 simf) Bir hafta ya da daha kisa
sure icin 35 kisiye kadar ileri duzeyde Brusellaegitimi verilecektir. Egitimin 15 Mayis 15 Haziran2010 tarihleri arasmdaAntalya'da gerceklestirilmesi hedeflenmektedir.
Bu egitim su konulart icerebilir; halk saghgt izleme sisteminin degerlendirilmesi,
ekonomik degerlendirmeleri iceren etki degerlendirme yontemleri, hazirhk, modelleme,
adli epidemiyoloji, epidemiyolojistlere laboratuar metoDlan egitimi, acil durumlarda
hizh degerlendirme, salgm arastirmalan icin bilgisayar araclan, asr ahrm, ast gilvenligi,
bagisikhk durumu ve seroepidemiyoloji, asr etkinligi, salgm arastirma, asiya bagh
bagisikhk asr etkinligi dahil klinik ast deneme tasanrm gida guvenligi ve hayvan saghgl
konularmda kurumlarlaisbirligi.
Bolum D Buteesi
Uzmanlarm Turkiye'ye ve
Turkiye icinde seyahatleri
Materyallerin Hazirlanmasi
Organizasyonu icin gene1
laboratuar cahsmalan dahil
egitim programt lojistigi ve
Isletim Maliyeti Toplami
BolUm D Maliyeti
Bolum D icin Toplam
Otel, konaklamave ulasim
Mekan, egitirn gideri, snuf icin sarf $300,000
malzemeleri dahil egitim seanslan
icin turn giderler
*Boliim D kapsammda ongorulen i~ kalemleri Amerikan Tarim Oftsi tarafmdan
karsilanacaktir. HarcamalarOfisin sorumlulugu altmda olacaktir.
Agreement dated April 21, 2010 between The Republic of Turkey, acting by and through its Minister of State
and Deputy Prime Minister represented by the Undersecretariat of Treasury, hereafter referred to as "the
Grantee"; and the Government of the United States of America, acting by and through its Office of
Agricultural Affairs in the U.S. Embassy in Ankara, hereafter referred to as "the Donor ''.
The parties, hereto hereby agree as follows:
Article 1 -Subjeet
The present Agreement regulates the award by the Donor of a grant for increasing vaccination
production and a public awareness campaign in order to fight Brucellosis and other zoonoses
(hereafter referred as "Project") in Turkey as described in the Appendix-I to this Agreement.
The Project will be realized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the Republic
of Turkey (hereafter referred as "Beneficiary") and the United States Department of Agriculture.
The Donor shall make available a grant assistance (hereinafter referred to as "Grant") in the
maximum amount ofUSD },500,000 to the Grantee for the financing of the Project.
In addition, Economic Support Funds up to the maximum amount of USD 500,000 will be used by
the United States Department of Agriculture to provide epidemiological training in Turkey.
The Grant is awarded to the Grantee under the conditions stipulated in the present Agreement.
Article 2 -Objectives and Performance Measures of the Project
2.1 The proceeds of the Grant shall be used solely to cover the cost of the items of the Project as described
in the Appendix-I to this Agreement.
2.2 The followings specify the allowable budget categories which can be financed under this
• Personnel and Training
• Travel
• Equipment
• Supplies
• Contractual Services
• OtherDirectCosts
• IndirectCosts
• Cost sharing
Objective 1: Purchase equipment and inputs to manufacture brucellosis and other vaccines
Performance Measure
l a: At least 1 (one) lyophilization machine will be purchased by the Beneficiary
l b: Turkey capable of producing 6,000,000 doses of S.l9 and 20,000,000 doses of Revl. in the first year
after activity is finished.
Objective 2: To educate the public about how to prevent the spread of Brucellosis
Performance Measure
2a: Educational material, based on needs assessment, will be produced & distributed
Performance Measure 2b: Awareness of prevention measures will increase by 20% (based on initial
baseline analysis and final assessment)
Article 3 Use of The Proceeds of The Grant
3.1 The Grantee will establish a special account in the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey for the use of
the portion ofUSD 1,500,000 of the Grant, whose details are below:
Bank name:
Branch name:
Branch code:
Account holders name:
usn account number:
SWIFT code:
T.C. Merkez Bankasi - Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Ankara Subesi - Ankara Branch
- Undersecretariat of Treasury
3.2 A maximum amount of USD 1,500,000 of the Grant will be transferred by the Donor into the special
account, upon the application made by the Grantee to the Donor after this Grant Agreement entered into
3.3 The disbursements from the special account to the contractors and other end-users under the Project will
be effected by the Beneficiary upon the transfer order of the Beneficiary to the Central Bank of the
Republic of Turkey.
3.4 The portion, to the maximum amount ofUSD 500,000, of the Economic Support Funds will be used by
the United States Department of Agriculture for the realization of the activities mentioned in Part 0 of the
Project as described in Appendix 1 to this Agreement.
Article 4 - Obligations of The Grantee
The Grantee will cause the Beneficiary,
4.1) Within thirty (30) days after the date of execution of the award, to furnish names, titles, and brief
biographical sketches of key personnel in charge of the award project and other key professional and
supervisory personnel; provide similar information concerning such new officer personnel as may
subsequently be assigned to duties in connection with the award. Any changes should be brought to the
attention of the Embassy for prior approval.
4.2) To enable representatives from the U.S. Embassy in Ankara to tour the vaccination production facilities
after fully installed, within nine months after funds are transferred.
4.3) To submit to the U.S. Embassy Office of Agricultural Affairs a final report using Standard Form (SF)
269 with a)report of number of vaccinations produced of each type using these funds b) list of all outreach
activities held and number of people reached and c) final certified financial report (an accounting of all
expenditures made from the Grant funds)
This report wiIl be submitted by December 31, 20 IO. If the activity is still not completed an interim report
will be submitted by December 31,2010 with quarterly updates until the activity is completed.
4.4) To comply with all items under the "THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE STANDARD TERMS
Article 5 - Contact addresses
Any communication to be made in the framework of the present Agreement must be in writing, through the
communication channels below:
For the Donor
Mr. Ralph Gifford-Agricultural Counselor
(or his successor)
Office of Agricultural Affairs
U.S. Embassy, Ankara, Atatiirk Bulvan No. 110
Kavakhdere, Ankara 06100
Tel: 903124577393
Fax: 90 312 467 0056
For the Grantee:
Ozgur Pehlivan- Deputy Director General
Undersecretariat of Treasury, ismet lnonu Bulvan No:36
Balgat, Ankara 06510
Tel: 90312213 01 36
Fax: 90312 212 85 50 or 2128737
For the Beneficiary:
Responsible Person:
Assoc. Prof. Muzaffer Aydemir, Director General of
General Directorate of Protection and Control
H. Haluk Askaroglu, Head of Animal Health Services
Akay Cad. No.3 Bakanhklar 06100 Ankara / TURKEY
Tel: 903124182436
Fax: 903124178209
Article 6 - Entry into force
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date in which the Grantee confirms in writing to the Donor that
all administrative actions required have been fulfilled.
Two originals of the text of this Agreement, written in the English language, have been signed in
Ankara on the date shown on the first page of this Agreement.
For the Republic of Turkey
For The United States of America
Name and Title
Name and Title
Ozgiir Pehlivan, Deputy Director General
Ralph Gifford, Agricultural Counselor
Overall Project Summary: This project aims to provide technical assistance in
veterinary training and capacity building to the agriculture sector, particularly in the area
of livestock production. Specifically, the programs described here would lead to more
productive and profitable livestock operations through an improved ability to identify and
control animal diseases.
These programs would bring improvements in epidemiology & disease control, which
would both reduce losses and improve public health, leading to substantial increases in
overall profitability. We propose working directly with the Turkish Ministry of
Agriculture to implement these programs.
The grant portion of the budget presented here is broken into three parts. Two are for a
vaccination production, and another is for public awareness. Funds can be transferred
between budget items as long as all objectives are met, however any transfer of over 10%
between line items must be approved by the U.S. Embassy in writing.
Part A: Brucellosis Vaccination Production and Distribution Component
Purchase equipment and supplies needed to increase production of
Brucellosis vaccines in Turkey.
Justification: Brucellosis is a livestock disease that causes damage to animal health,
human health and the economy. The incidence of Brucellosis in Turkey is high and has
increased from 2% of the livestock herds in 1998 to an estimated 10% today. The
Turkish Government lacks the funds for a comprehensive testing and outbreak
management program and in addition the country's government and private sectors
together cannot produce enough vaccines to meet growing demand, and are not
producing the most effective types of vaccines. The Ministry of Agriculture estimates
that annually the country needs 30 million doses for sheep and 6 million doses for cattle.
The current yearly economic damage of Brucellosis in terms of meat, milk and calf losses
alone are estimated by the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture at $3 billion, and this does not
include losses due to the human health aspect of the disease. Brucellosis in humans
causes chronic symptoms that often persist for life. There are 10 to 20 thousand human
cases of brucellosis per year in Turkey.
Budget for Part A:
machine for
Input materials
such as chemicals
and bottles
Operational Costs
Total for Project
part A
Other Details
Would do international
competitive tender under
World Bank public tender
rules, also open to U.S.
Total cost
Part B: Public Awareness Component:
Objective: Design and implement a strategic communication campaign aimed to increase the
awareness of stakeholders such as stock farmers, commercial companies andpolitical decision
Justification: Vaccination of livestock combined with communication about ways to
prevent the spread of brucellosis are the two main requirements recommended by the
WHO and OlE for combating the spread of brucellosis. From a public health point of
view, the main sources of brucellosis are either food-related or through contact with
infected animals. Humans not involved directly with livestock areinfected by Brucella
mainly through inappropriately prepared and/or preserved food of animal origin, e.gdairy
products and meat.
Programs to vaccinate animals areeffective in reducing theoverall riskof infection to humans.
In addition, in order to decrease thechance of infection through environmental contamination,
education of the population, and especially those in the highest riskcategories such as people
directly involved in the animal and food industries, is essential. This will require close
collaboration between public health outreach andveterinary services as well as other relevant
agencies and actors such as small and large scale goat and cattle ranchers, farmers associations,
and veterinarians. The program must include an integrated communications strategy,
addressing theneeds oftarget audiences at thenational, provincial and local levels.
BUd1get ~or Part B:
Baseline survey &
creation of
communication strategy
Review ofexisting
materials and production
ofnew material as
needed (pamphlets and
posters) for various
target audiences
Distribution ofmaterial Opening ceremony, gather key
distribution center reps forinitial
outlay, continue wI mailing
material, seminars, radio and
website outreach, creation of
Evaluate effectiveness
of activity and need for
further communication
Operational Costs
Total forProject Part B
Total Cost
Part C: Diagnosis and Production of vaccines for other animal diseases:
To purchase diagnosis equipment and to produce vaccines for other
infectious animal diseases such as rabies, PPR, FMD and tuberculosis.
Justification: In Turkish there are several serious animal diseases such as rabies, (Peste
des Petitis Ruminants) PPR, Food and Mouth Disease (FMD) and tuberculosis which
cause economic damage to the livestock sector and some of which can present risks to
humans as well. Due to lack of funds, many of these diseases are spreading despite
govenunent efforts. For example, rabies was previously found only in large cities but not
has been found even in smaller cities across Turkey.
Controlling the spread of
tuberculosis and PPR are also major challenges in Turkey.
Increased funding for
diagnosis, vaccines and outreach would help prevent the spread of these costly diseases
and contribute to both economic stability and human health across Turkey but especially
in rural areas. This part of the program will supplement diagnosis and production of
these vaccines as needed, primarily through the Etlik Veterinary Research Center.
B u d1get f.or p art C
Evaluation of needs
Input materials/chemicals
Equipment for diagnosis
Laboratory work
Operational costs
Total cost for part C
$10 ,000
*Part D: Epidemiological Training Component:
Objective: To bring international experts to Turkey in order to train Turkish govenunent
researchers and Agricultural and Health Ministry officials, in order to improve their
ability to identify risk factors for communicable animal diseases and determining
optimal treatment and approaches.
Justification: In order to improve the government of Turkey's ability to react to
brucellosis and other communicable animallhuman diseases it is essential that training be
provided in epidemiology, which focuses on evaluating the extent of diseases and
deciding how best to respond from a public health policy perspective.
Under this program USDA is planning to train up to 180 people from MARA in general
epidemiology for one week (about 6 one- week classes of max 30 students each). There
will be also one class of advanced brucellosis epidemiology focused training for up to 35
people, for 1 week or less. Target date for training will be between mid May and mid
June in 2010 in Antalya.
This training may include the following topics: evaluation of public health surveillance
systems; methods for impact assessment, including economical evaluation; preparedness;
modeling; forensic epidemiology; laboratory methods for epidemiologists; rapid
assessment in complex emergency situations ;computer tools for outbreak investigations;
vaccine uptake, vaccine safety, immune status and serioepidemiology, vaccine
effectiveness; outbreak investigation; vaccine related immunology; clinical vaccine trial
design including vaccine efficacy; cooperation with food safety and animal health
B u du!:et {.or P art D
Travel of experts to Turkey
& travel within Turkey
Preparation of materials
Overhead for organization
of training pre-grams
Actual training program
logistics and
implementation, including
field work and laboratory
Administrative Costs
Total Cost for part D
Airfare, hotel, lodging
All costs for training sessions
including teaching fees, space, and
supplies for classes
*The activities mentioned in Part D will be carried out by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. The expenditures will be under the responsibility of the Department.