Name Surname: Dilek Kaya Email


Name Surname: Dilek Kaya Email
Name Surname:
Dilek Kaya
Contact Number:
290 1629
Websites and blogs:
2002-2003: M.A., Brock University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Communications,
Popular Culture and Film.
1999-2002: Ph.D., Bilkent University, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Department of
Graphic Design.
1997-1999: M.F.A., Bilkent University, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Department of
Graphic Design.
1993-1997: B.A., Bilkent University, Faculty of Administrative and Social Sciences, Department of
Fields of Specialization
Film Studies, Cultural Studies, Audience Studies
Professional Experience:
2005-2010: Assistant Professor; Department of Graphic Design, Faculty of Art, Design and
Architecture, Bilkent University.
2003-2005: Full-time Instructor; Department of Graphic Design, Faculty of Art, Design and
Architecture, Bilkent University.
2002-2003: Research Assistant; Department of Communications, Popular Culture and Film, Faculty
of Social Sciences, Brock University.
2001-2002: Part-time Instructor; Department of Graphic Design, Faculty of Art, Design and
Architecture, Bilkent University.
1997-2002: Research and Teaching Assistant; Department of Graphic Design, Faculty of Art,
Design and Architecture, Bilkent University.
Publications in English and Other Languages:
“A Different Story of Secularism: The Censorship of Religion in Turkish Films of the Sixties and
Early Seventies.” European Journal of Cultural Studies (forthcoming).
“Beware of the Wolves! The Turkish versus the European Reception of the Valley of the Wolves:
Iraq (2006)”, with Kevin Smets and Roel Vande Winkel. Film International (forthcoming).
“Between Tradition and Modernity: Yeşilçam Melodrama, its Stars, and their Audiences.” Middle
Eastern Studies. 46.3 (2010): 417-431.
“The Cola Turka Controversy: Consuming Cola as a Turkish Muslim.” Muslim Societies in the Age
of Mass Consumption. Ed. Johanna Pink. New Castle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. 105128.
[Book review.] “Filming the Modern Middle East: Politics in the Cinemas of Hollywood and the
Arab World” by Lina Khatib. London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 2006. Historical Journal of Film
Radio and Television 28.1 (2008): 125-127.
[Book review]. “Radyonun Sihirli Kapısı: Garbiyatçılık ve politik öznellik” by Meltem Ahıska.
Istanbul: Metis, 2005. Historical Journal of Film Radio and Television 27.1 (2007): 129-132.
"The Russian Monument at Ayastefanos (San stefano): Between Defeat and Revenge, Remembering
and Forgetting." Middle Eastern Studies 43.1 (2007): 75-86.
"Turkey." Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film. Ed. Barry Keith Grant. New York: Schirmer Reference,
The Midnight Express Phenomenon: The International Reception of the Film Midnight Express.
Istanbul: The Isis Press, 2005.
"The Midnight Express (1978) Phenomenon and the Image of Turkey." Historical Journal of Film
Radio and Television 25.3 (August 2005): 475-496.
"Un Rapid Regard Sur L'Histoire du Cinéma Turc." Les Cahiers Luxembourgeois 4-5 (2004): 113121.
"Institutional Intervention in the Distribution and Exhibition of Hollywood Films in Turkey," with
Nezih Erdoğan. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 22.1 (2002): 47-59.
"The Arts: Film." World Bibliographical Series: Turkey. Vol. 27. Comp. Çiğdem Balım. Oxford,
England; Santa Barbara, California; Denver, Colorado: Clio Press, 1999. 291-294.
Publications in Turkish:
“Ayastefanos’taki Rus Abidesi: Kim Yıktı? Kim Çekti ? Kim ‘Yazdı’ (The Russian Monument at
Ayastefanos: Who Destroyed It? Who Filmed It? Who 'Wrote' It?).” Türk Film Araştırmalarında
Yeni Yönelimler 6. Ed. Deniz Bayrakdar. İstanbul: Bağlam, 2007. 17-29.
"Puro Lüks'e Yeşilçam Hollywood'a Karşı (Puro Versus Lüks; Yeşilçam Versus Hollywood)" Türk
Film Araştırmalarında Yeni Yönelimler 3. Ed. Deniz Bayrakdar. İstanbul: Bağlam, 2003. 89-94.
"Türk Sineması Ne? Türk Seyircisi Kim? (What is Turkish Cinema? Who is Turkish Spectator?)"
Türk Film Araştırmalarında Yeni Yönelimler 2. Ed. Deniz Derman. İstanbul: Bağlam, 2001. 201217.
"Yerli Melodramlar ve Ruhsal Boşalım (Turkish Melodramas and Emotional Purification)." Türk
Film Araştırmalarında Yeni Yönelimler 1. Ed. Deniz Derman. İstanbul: Bağlam, 2001. 111-120.
"Bülent Oran: Ayaklı Yeşilçam Tarihi (Bülent Oran: The Living History of Yeşilçam)." Altyazı 2
(2001): 98-101.
"Puro Lüks'e, Yeşilçam Hollywood'a Karşı: Sabunlardan Filmlere Türkiye'nin Amerikanizasyon
Döneminden Bir Kesit (Puro Versus Lüks; Yeşilçam Versus Hollywood: An Overview of the Period
of Americanization in Turkey From Soaps to Films)." Geceyarısı Sineması 10 (2001): 46-49.
"Hançerin Ucunda Bir Yürek: 'Tis Pity She's a Whore (A Heart on the Edge of a Dagger: 'Tis Pity
She's a Whore)." Geceyarısı Sineması 7 (2000): 78-80.
"Yeşilçam'dan İki Ses: Mine Soley ve Selda Alkor ile Söyleşi (Two Voices from Yeşilçam:
Interview with Film Stars, Mine Soley and Selda Alkor)." Geceyarısı Sineması 6 (2000): 44-48.
"Kelebekler ve Topluiğneler: Peter Greenaway Filmlerinde Şiddet (Butterflies and Pins: The
Representation of Violence in the Films of Peter Greenaway)." Geceyarısı Sineması 2 (1998): 3844.
"Yerli Melodramlar ve Ruhsal Boşalım (Turkish Melodramas and Emotional Purification)." 25.Kare
25 (1998): 60-68.
2004: Brock University, Distinguished Graduating Student Award - Popular Culture.
2001: Çünkü Kedi Gizemlidir (For the Cat is Mysterious), with Tanyel Ali Mutlu. "Övgüye Değer
(Worthy of Praise)" Category in animation in 13th Ankara International Film Festival Short Film
1999: Çığlık (Scream), with Tanyel Ali Mutlu. First prize in animation in IFSAK 21st National
Short Film Festival.

Benzer belgeler

demet akalın

demet akalın sorulmamasını rica etti. Akalın gazetecilerin soruları üzerine, “Hira çok güzel bir bebek. Ne bana ne de Okan’a benziyor. Bazen bakıp, bakıp ‘Allah’ım bu çocuğu ben mi doğurdum’ deyip, seviniyorum....


Please click to the pdf format.

Please click to the pdf format. Prof. Dr. Nezih Erdoğan (İstanbul Bilgi University) Issues of National/Ethnic Identity in the Early Years of Cinema in Turkey,
