Bogazici University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science


Bogazici University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science
October 2013
Postal Address:
Bogazici University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Department of Political Science and International Relations
34342 Bebek-Istanbul
Tel: +90 (212) 359 65 04
Fax: +90 (212) 287 24 55
Twitter: @yilmaz_hakan
Personal Web Site:
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Departmental Web Site:
Citizenship and Country of Residence
Republic of Turkey
Education and Training
COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY (New York City, USA) Department of Political Science
MA: May 1990; MPhil: February 1992; PhD: February 1996.
Title of the Ph.D. Dissertation: The International Context of Regime Change:
Turkey, 1923-1960.
BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY, Department of Economics (Language of Instruction: English)
B.A.: July 1987.
GALATASARAY LISESI (Language of Instruction: French)
Diploma: June 1981.
Linguistic Skills and Competences
(Common European Framework of Reference [CEF] level)
Mother Tongue: Turkish
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Proficient user
Proficient user
Proficient user
Proficient user
B2 Independent user B2 Independent user
Proficient user
Proficient user
Academic Experience:
1. Professor (Profesör), Bogazici University, Department of Political Science and
International Relations, March 2008-Present
2. Associate Professor (Doçent). Bogazici University, Department of Political Science and
International Relations, May 2002-March 2008
3. Assistant Professor (Yardımcı Doçent). Bogazici University, Department of Political
Science and International Relations, October 1997-May 2002.
4. Jean Monnet Professor of the European Module “Issues of Culture and Identity in
European Integration”. Granted by the European Commission (Directorate General For
Education and Culture), Reference: C03/0079, 2003-2006.
5. Academic Coordinator Bogazici University, M.A. Program in European Studies
(MAPES), 2003-2007.
6. Visiting Professor. University of Athens, Master’s Program in Southeast European
Studies, February 2004.
7. Visiting Professor. University of Hamburg, Europa Kolleg, February 2005.
8. Visiting Professor. Panteion University, Athens, Post-Graduate Program of the
Department of Political Science and History, April 2005.
9. Visiting Professor. In the seminar series entitled "Challenges of a New Europe", hosted
by the Inter University Center of Post-Graduate Studies in Dubrovnik (Croatia), and
organized by the Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht University (the Netherlands),
April 2006.
10. Visiting Professor. Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht University (the Netherlands),
Fall 2007.
11. Visiting Professor. In the seminar series entitled "Challenges of a New Europe", hosted
by the Inter University Center of Post-Graduate Studies in Dubrovnik (Croatia), and
organized by the Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht University (the Netherlands),
April 2008.
12. Adjunct Professor. Galatasaray University, Istanbul Bilgi University, Koc University,
Administrative Posts and Commission Work at Bogazici University
1. Director, Center for European Studies at Boğaziçi University, September 20082. Director, Boğaziçi University-TÜSİAD Foreign Policy Forum (Boğaziçi ÜniversitesiTÜSİAD Dış Politika Forumu), January 20103. Chair, Department of Political Science and International Relations, September 2009August 2011
4. Executive Coordinator, Master of Arts Program in European Studies, September 2002September 2007.
5. Member of the Executive Board, Master of Arts Program in European Studies, September
20026. Member, Executive Board, Center for European Studies, September 20027. Member, Executive Board, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 20022011
Membership in Professional Associations
1. Turkish Political Science Association
2. Turkish Social Sciences Association
3. ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research) (through the institutional
membership of Bogazici University).
Editorial Experience
1. Member of the Editorial Board, South European Society and Politics (Published in Great
Britain by Frank Cass), 2004-2010
2. Book Review Editor, New Perspectives on Turkey, 1999-2003.
Current Research Interests
1. Turkish politics after the Second World War (Problems of democratic transition and
consolidation, with an emphasis on the external-internal linkages. Political ideologies
and political culture in post-WWII Turkey with an emphasis on Euroskepticism,
conservatism, and nationalism. Popular culture, with an emphais on popular music.)
2. European Integration and European Union-Turkey Relations (Culture and Identity
Dimensions of European Integration and European Union-Turkey Relations;
Euroskepticism in Turkey and Turcoskepticism in Europe.)
3. Culture and Politics (Theories and case studies of cultural hegemony and resistance,
cultural hybridization, and cultural globalization; theories of popular culture).
4. International Context of Democratization (Emphasis on Turkey and southern Europe).
Teaching Experience
Introductory Level:
1. Introduction to Political Science (required, 1st year)
Turkish Politics:
1. Introduction to Turkish Politics (required, 2nd year)
2. Turkish Politics (required, graduate)
European Integration and EU-Turkey Relations:
1. Issues of Culture and Identity in European Integration (Jean Monnet European
Module, 2003-2008, elective, 4th year)
2. European Union-Turkey Relations (graduate, offered at the M.A. Program in
European Studies.)
Political Theory:
1. Politics and Culture (elective, 3rd year)
2. Philosophy of the Social Sciences (elective, 4th year)
M.A. Theses Directed
1. Goksu, Erdem. “Human Rights in the Modern World”. Date of Completion: September
2. Oktay, Erkan. “A Comparative Study of the National Democratic Revolution Movement
in Turkey”. Date of Completion: September 1998.
3. Komurcu, Derya. “The Emergence of Center-Left Politics in Turkey, 1960-1980”. Date
of Completion: September 2001.
4. Michailides, Nikos. “The Status of the Military in the Political Cultures of Greece and
Turkey”. Date of Completion: September 2002.
5. Comoglu-Ulgen, Elif. “Democratic Control of the Military in the Post-Cold War Era:
E.U. Policy-Turkish Response”. Date of Completion: September 2003.
6. Arikan, Gizem. “The Decline of the Center Right Parties in Turkey in the 1990s: Value
Change or Resentment?”. Date of Completion: June 2004.
7. Pekiner, Yesim. “Turkish-EEC Relations in the 1970s: Did Turkey Really Miss the Train
to Europe Then?”. Date of Completion: September 2004.
8. Kitidi, Aikaterini. “Positions and Oppositions: Greek Policy towards Turkey’s Accession
to the EC/EU, 1987-2002”. Date of Completion: June 2004.
9. Akcali, H. Selen. “The Emergence of a New Type of NGO: ThinkFirms: A Study of the
ARI and ESI (European Stability Initiative) Movements in the Context of Turkey’s
Integration to the EU”. Date of Completion: June 2006.
10. Kilicdagi, Tulay. “The New Entrepreneurial Classes and Their Associations in Turkey:
Organizational and Ideological Diversification Since the 1990s”. Date of Completion:
September 2006.
11. Sayan, Pinar, “New Nationalisms in Turkey in the Field of Popular Art: The Case of
Kurtlar Vadisi”. Started in September 2007. Date of Completion: September 2008.
12. Arda, Balca T., "Politics and Art: The Transformation of the Kurdish Oppositional Music
in Turkey". Started in September 2008. Date of Completion: June 2010.
13. Kabaağaç, Deniz. "The Ottoman Imaginary in the Intellectual Makeup of the AKP
Leadership". Date of Completion: June 2011.
14. Geliş, Naz. “Formation of the center-right in Turkish politics: the Democratic Party and
its legacy in Turkey”. Date of Completion: June 2012.
Ph.D. Theses Directed
1. Tekin, Beyza, “French Perceptions of Turkish-EU Relations”. Started in September
2003. Date of Completion: September 2007.
2. Zihnioglu, Ozge, “Europeanization of Turkish Civil Society”. Started in September 2007.
Date of Completion: June 2011.
3. Özalay, Eren, “Europe in Turkish History Textbooks: The Change in the Idea of the
West in Turkish Education and Identity, 1929-2008”. Date of Completion: June 2013.
MA and PhD Theses In Progress
(PhD) Rigas, Haris T., “The Informal Networks of the Rum Community in Istanbul”.
Estimated Date of Completion: December 2013.
(PhD) Kadıoğlu, Defne. Estimated Date of Completion: December 2014.
Honors and Awards
1. European Commission (Directorate General For Education and Culture) Grant for the
Establishment of a European Module (Jean Monnet Permanent Course) at Bogazici
University: “Issues of Culture and Identity in European Integration”. Reference:
C03/0079. Granted for three years, beginning with the Fall of 2003.
2. Member of the “Europe Team” (“Avrupa Takimi”), selected by the Representation of the
European Commission to Turkey. Beginning with May 21, 2004.
3. Fulbright Scholarship for graduate study in the U.S.A., 1988-1991.
4. High Honor Student and first of the graduating class of the Department of Economics,
Bogazici University, 1987.
5. Bogazici University Foundation International Publication Support Grant: Received for
various articles in the publication list.
Research Grants
1. “All Rights Reserved? Barriers towards EUropean CITIZENship (bEUcitizen)”. Partner
in a research project supported by the European Union as an FP7 collaborative project led
by Utrecht University in the Netherlands (Starts: May 1, 2013; Ends: April 30, 2017).
2. “Things that Unite Us and Things that Divide: Social Support for and Resistance against a
Transition from an Ethnic to a Civic Nation in Turkey”. Research project supported by a
grant from Açık Toplum Vakfı (Open Society Foundation) (Grant No: 2013012 – 45871)
and Boğaziçi University&State Planning Organization (Grant No: DPT 2010K120670).
Date of completion: December 2013.
3. “Conservatism in Turkey”, “Euroskepticism in Turkey”, “Middle Classes in Turkey”:
Updating three previously conducted research projects. Research project supported by a
grant from Açık Toplum Vakfı (Open Society Foundation) and Boğaziçi
University&State Planning Organization (Grant No: DPT 2010K120670). Date of
completion: July 2012.
4. Açık Toplum Vakfı (Open Society Foundation) Project Grant: “Dostluk ve Düşmanlık
Arasında: Türkiye’de Ötekileştirme Süreçlerinin Saptanması ve Ayrımcılığın Önlenmesi
için Politika Önerileri Geliştirilmesi” (Between Hospitality and Hostility: Determining
the Processes of Othering in Turkey and Developing Policy Proposals for the Prevention
of Discrimination). Research project supported by a grant from Açık Toplum Vakfı
(Open Society Foundation). Grant No: 2009001. Date of completion: February 2010.
5. Boğaziçi University&State Planning Organization Project Grant: “Dostluk ve Düşmanlık
Arasında: Türkiye’de Ötekileştirme Süreçlerinin Saptanması ve Ayrımcılığın Önlenmesi
için Politika Önerileri Geliştirilmesi” (Between Hospitality and Hostility: Determining
the Processes of Othering in Turkey and Developing Policy Proposals for the Prevention
of Discrimination). Grant No: 07K120620. Date of completion: February 2010.
(Matches the Açık Toplum Vakfı /Open Society Foundation grant mentioned above.)
6. European Union Project Grant: “Problems of Europeanization and European Perceptions
of Turkey as a Future Member State”. Research project supported by a grant from the
European Union, Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue between European Union and
Turkey, Universities Grant Scheme (Contract No: TR0604.01-03/070). Date of
completion: December 2009.
7. OSIAF (Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation) Project Grant: “In Search of a
Turkish Middle Class: Economic Occupations, Political Orientations, Social Life-Styles,
Moral Values”. Research project supported by a grant from the Open Society Institute
Assistance Fund. Grant No:20018998. Date of completion: October 2007.
8. Bogazici University Research Fund Project Grant: “In Search of a Turkish Middle Class:
Economic Occupations, Political Orientations, Social Life-Styles, Moral Values”.
Research project supported by a grant from the Bogazici University Research Fund.
Grant No:07M103. Date of completion: October 2007. (Matches the OSIAF Grant
mentioned above.)
9. European Union Project Grant: “Building a Deliberative Dialogue Between Turkish and
French Youth”. Research project supported by a grant from the European Union, Small
Projects Programme: Strengthening Civil Society Dialogue, Contract No:
Deltur/2005/113909. Date of completion: October 2006.
10. SIEPS (Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies) Project Grant: “Cultural
Dimensions of the EU-Turkish Relations: Does Identity Really Matter?”. Research
project supported by a grant from the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies.
Date of completion: March 2006.
11. OSIAF (Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation) Project Grant: “Major Variants of
Conservatism in Turkey”. Research project supported by a grant from the Open Society
Institute Assistance Fund. Grant No:20014746. Date of completion: July 2006.
12. Bogazici University Research Fund Project Grant: “Major Variants of Conservatism in
Turkey”. Research project supported by a grant from the Bogazici University Research
Fund. Project No: 05M103. Date of completion: July 2006. (Matches the OSIAF Grant
mentioned above.)
13. OSIAF (Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation) Project Grant: “Euroskepticism in
Turkey: Manifestations at the Elite and Popular Levels”. Research project supported by a
grant from the Open Society Institute Assistance Fund. Project No:20010556. Date of
completion: July 2004.
14. Bogazici University Research Fund Project Grant: “Euroskepticism in Turkey:
Manifestations at the Elite and Popular Levels”. Research project supported by a grant
from the Bogazici University Research Fund. Project No:03M105. Date of completion:
July 2004. (Matches the OSIAF Grant mentioned above.)
15. OSIAF (Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation), Partnership Beyond Borders
Program, Conference Grant: “Rethinking Europe through Rethining Islam: Exploring the
Place of Islam in an Emerging European Identity”. A conference to be organized at
Bogazici University in November, 2005. Grant No:20015595.
16. OSIAF (Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation), Partnership Beyond Borders
Program, Conference Grant: “The Spanish Path to Europeanization: A Model for
Turkey?”. A conference organized at Bogazici University on 8-10 June, 2004.
17. OSIAF (Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation), Partnership Beyond Borders
Program, Conference Grant: “A Turkish-Greek Dialogue: Setting Problem Areas And
Searching For Solutions”. A conference organized at Bogazici University on 25-28 May,
18. TESEV (Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation) Research Grant: “Turkey and
the European Union: Cultural Perceptions and Exchanges”. Research Project supported
by a grant from TESEV (The Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation). Date of
Completion: December 2002. Conducted with Ali Akay, Duygu Koksal, Arzu
Ozturkmen and Asli Ozyar.
19. TESEV (Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation) Research Grant: “Turkish
Public Opinion Regarding the European Union”. Research Project supported by a joint
grant of Bogazici University and TESEV (The Turkish Economic and Social Studies
Foundation). Date of Completion: January 2002. Conducted with Ali Carkoglu, Refik
Erzan and Kemal Kirisci.
20. Bogazici University Research Fund Project Grant: “The Attitudes of Turkish
Businessmen towards Democratization and Institutional Reform”. Research project
supported by a grant from the Bogazici University Research Fund. Project No: 00C302.
Date of completion: April 2002.
21. Turkish Economic and Social History Foundation Project Grant: Curator in the exhibition
entitled “Three Generations of the Republic” on the occasion of the celebration of the 75th
anniversary of the foundation of the Republic of Turkey. Responsible for curating the
following four sections of the exhibition: “From the Constitutional Monarchy to the
Republic”, “The Nation Will Speak Now”, “A Small Producers’ Heaven”, “Economic
Awakening”. Started in January 1998 and Completed in October 1998. Public opening
of the exhibition on September 18, 1998 in the Darphane-i Amire (Ottoman Imperial
Mint) building in Istanbul.
22. Bogazici University Research Fund Project Grant: “Democratization in the Process of
Integration with Europe: A Comparative Study of the Turkish and Southern European
Experiences”. Research project supported by a grant from the Bogazici University
Research Fund. Project No: 97C0301. Date of completion: October 1999.
23. European Commission Grants for participating in the various meetings and study cycles
of the Strademed Network, a network of academics and professionals specializing on
Euro-Mediterranean issues, 1997-2000.
Research Projects Conducted
1. “All Rights Reserved? Barriers towards EUropean CITIZENship (bEUcitizen)”. Partner
in a research project supported by the European Union as an FP7 collaborative project led
by Utrecht University in the Netherlands (Starts: May 1, 2013; Ends: April 30, 2017).
2. “Things that Unite Us and Things that Divide: Social Support for and Resistance against a
Transition from an Ethnic to a Civic Nation in Turkey”. Research project supported by a
grant from Açık Toplum Vakfı (Open Society Foundation) (Grant No: 2013012 – 45871)
and Boğaziçi University&State Planning Organization (Grant No: DPT 2010K120670).
Date of completion: December 2013.
3. “Conservatism in Turkey”, “Euroskepticism in Turkey”, “Middle Classes in Turkey”:
Updating three previously conducted research projects. Research project supported by a
grant from Açık Toplum Vakfı (Open Society Foundation) and Boğaziçi
University&State Planning Organization (Grant No: DPT 2010K120670). Date of
completion: June 2012.
4. “Between Hospitality and Hostility: Determining the Processes of Othering in Turkey and
Developing Policy Proposals for the Prevention of Discrimination”. Research project
supported by a grant from Açık Toplum Vakfı (Open Society Foundation) (Grant No:
2009001) and Boğaziçi University&State Planning Organization (Grant No: 07K120620).
Date of completion: February 2010.
5. “European Perceptions of Turkey as a Future Member State: Results of an Opinion Poll in
France, Germany, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom” (Field Work: AugustSeptember, 2009; Sample Size: 5000+ respondents). Conducted as part of the project
entitled “Problems of Europeanization and European Perceptions of Turkey as a Future
Member State”, supported by a grant from the European Union, Promotion of the Civil
Society Dialogue between European Union and Turkey, Universities Grant Scheme
(Contract No: TR0604.01-03/070).
6. “Problems of Europeanization and European Perceptions of Turkey as a Future Member
State”. Research project supported by a grant from the European Union, Promotion of the
Civil Society Dialogue between European Union and Turkey, Universities Grant Scheme
(Contract No: TR0604.01-03/070). Date of completion: December 2009.
7. “Cultural Dimensions of the EU-Turkish Relations: Does Identity Really Matter?”.
Research project supported by a grant from SIEPS (the Swedish Institute for European
Policy Studies). Date of completion: December 2007.
8. “In Search of a Turkish Middle Class: Economic Occupations, Political Orientations,
Social Life-Styles, Moral Values”. Research project supported by a grant from the Open
Society Institute Assistance Fund (Grant No:20018998) and Bogazici University
Research Fund (Grant No:07M103). Date of completion: December 2007.
9. “Building a Deliberative Dialogue Between Turkish and French Youth”. Research
project supported by a grant from the European Union, Small Projects Programme:
Strengthening Civil Society Dialogue (Contract No: Deltur/2005/113909). Date of
completion: October 2006.
10. “Major Variants of Conservatism in Turkey”. Research project jointly supported by a
grant from the Open Society Institute Assistance Fund (Grant No:20014746) and
Bogazici University Research Fund (Project No: 05M103). Date of completion: July
11. “Euroskepticism in Turkey: Manifestations at the Elite and Popular Levels”. Research
project jointly supported by a grant from the Open Society Institute Assistance Fund
(Project No:20010556) and Bogazici University Research Fund (Project No:03M105).
Date of completion: July 2004.
12. “Turkish Public Opinion Regarding the European Union”. Research Project supported by
a joint grant of TESEV (The Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation) and
Bogazici University Research Fund. Date of Completion: January 2002. Conducted with
Ali Carkoglu, Refik Erzan and Kemal Kirisci.
13. “Turkey and the European Union: Cultural Perceptions and Exchanges”. Research
Project supported by a grant from TESEV (The Turkish Economic and Social Studies
Foundation). Date of Completion: December 2002. Conducted with Ali Akay, Duygu
Koksal, Arzu Ozturkmen and Asli Ozyar.
Monographs, Edited Books, Research Reports
1. Sovyetler Birligi ve Dogu Avrupa'da Leninizmin Cozulusu (In Turkish) (The Collapse of
Leninism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe). Istanbul: Hil Yayin, 1993.
2. Avrupa Haritasinda Turkiye (Placing Turkey on the Map of Europe). Istanbul: Bogazici
University Press, 2005. A volume edited with an introduction by Hakan Yilmaz and
including contributions by Ali Akay, Duygu Koksal, Arzu Ozturkmen, Asli Ozyar and
Hakan Yilmaz.
3. Placing Turkey on the Map of Europe. Istanbul: Bogazici University Press, 2005. A
volume edited with an introduction by Hakan Yilmaz and including contributions by Ali
Akay, Duygu Koksal, Arzu Ozturkmen, Asli Ozyar and Hakan Yilmaz.
4. O Turkikos sintiritismos ke i idea tis Evropis (In Greek) (Turkish Conservatism and the
Idea of Europe). Translated from English by Panayotis Pantos. Translation edited by Sia
Anagnostopoulou . Athens: Nicos Poulantzas Institute, 2006.
5. Building a Deliberative Dialogue between Turkish and French Youth: Final Report. By
Hakan Yilmaz, Semih Vaner, Emre Erdogan, Guclu Atilgan, Arzu Ozturkmen, MarieHelene Sauner, and Levent Unsaldi. Project supported by a grant from the European
Commission as part of the “Small Projects Programme in Turkey: Strengthening Civil
Society Dialogue”, Grant No: DELTUR/2005/113-909. Additional financial support
provided by the Center for Strategic Studies (SAM) of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign
Affairs. Istanbul, 2006.
6. Perceptions of Islam in Europe: Culture, Identity and the Muslim “Other”. Edited with a
preface and introduction by Hakan Yilmaz and Cagla Aykac. London: I.B. Tauris, 2012.
Contributions by Hakan Yilmaz, Cagla Aykac, Deniz Kandiyoti, Gerard Delanty, Gerdien
Jonker, Jeffrey Haynes, Katarzyna G. Sosnowska, Kenan Cayir, Sara Silvestri, Sia
Anagnostopoulou, Stephanos Pesmazoglou, and Welmoet Boender.
7. Bizi Yanlış Tanıyorlar! Avrupalıların Türkiye ve Türkler Hakkındaki Algıları (They’ve
Got Us All Wrong! European Perceptions of Turkey and the Turks). Co-authored with
Dr. Emre Erdoğan. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2012.
8. Turkey's Democratization Process. Edited with a preface and introduction by Carmen
Rodriguez, Antonio Avalos, Hakan Yılmaz and Ana Planet. London: Routledge, 2013.
Journal Articles
1. "Democratization from Above in Response to the International Context". New
Perspectives on Turkey (Fall 1997, No: 17, pp.1-38).
2. “Kamu, Kamu Otoritesi ve Devlet: Habermas’in Isiginda Turkiye’yi Dusunmek” [Public,
Public Authority and the State: Thinking the Turkish Experience in the Light of
Habermas”]. Cogito (No. 15, 1998, pp.159-170).
3. “Business Notions of Democracy: The Turkish Experience in the 1990s”. CEMOTI (Les
Cahiers d'études sur la Méditerranée orientale et le monde turco-iranien) (Janvier-Juin
1999, No. 27, pp.183-194).
4. “American Perspectives on Turkey: An Evaluation of the Declassified US Documents
between 1946-1960”. New Perspectives on Turkey (No. 25, Fall 2001, pp.77-101).
5. “External-Internal Linkages in Democratization: Developing an Open Model of
Democratic Change”. Democratization (Vol. 9, No.2, Summer 2002, pp.67-84).
6. “Comment Les Turcs Percoivent L’Europe et L’Union Européenne”. La Pensée de Midi,
Été 2003, , No: 10, pp.66-77.
7. “Avrupa’nin Kulturel Sinirlarinin Cizilmesi ve Turkiye’nin Avrupa Kulturundeki Yeri”
(“Drawing the Cultural Boundaries of Europe and Placing Turkey in the European
Culture”). Toplumsal Tarih, Ekim 2004, pp.36-41.
8. “Islam, Sovereignty, and Democracy: A Turkish View”. Middle East Journal, Vol. 61,
No. 3, Summer 2007, pp. 477-493.
9. “Religión, Soberanía y democracia: reflexiones sobre el islam y el cristianismo.” Revista
Académica de Relaciones Internacionales, Núm. 7, Noviembre de 2007, pp.1-31
(Published by UAM-AEDRI, ISSN 1699 – 3950,
10. “Turkish Identity on the Road to the EU: Basic Elements of French and German
Oppositional Discourses”. Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Volume 9, Issue
3, 2007, pp.293-305.
11. “Turkish Conservatives’ EU Choice: Tactic or Strategy?”. The Bridge, A Quarterly
Review on European Integration, Southeast Europe, and the Southeast Mediterranean,
Q4, Issue 7, 2007, pp.62-64.
12. “Conservatism in Turkey”. Turkish Policy Quarterly, Spring 2008, pp.57-65.
13. “Euroskepticism in Turkey: Parties, Elites and Public Opinion”. In South European
Society and Politics, Volume 16, Number 1, March 2011 , pp. 185-208.
Book Chapters
1. "Democracy and Freedom: The Redefinition of the Ideology of the Turkish Regime in the
Postwar Period". In Elites and Change in the Mediterranean (ed. Antonio Marquina,
Madrid: FMES, 1997, pp.27-44).
2. “Mesrutiyet’ten Cumhuriyet’e”, “Yeter, Soz Milletin!”, “Kucuk Ureticiler Cenneti”,
“Ekonomik Uyanis” [From the Constitutional Monarchy to the Republic, The Nation Will
Speak Now, a Small Producers’ Heaven, Economic Awakening]. In Uc Kusak
Cumhuriyet [Three Generations of the Republic] (ed. Ugur Tanyeli, Istanbul: Turkiye
Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfi, 1998, pp. 30-35, 72-75, 86-89, 134-137).
3. “Placing Turkey on the Map of Europe: An Introduction to Examining the Cultural
Clashes Between Turkey and the European Union”. In Whither Europe? Migration,
Citizenship and Identity (ed. Mats Andren, Goteborg, Sweden: Center for European
Research at Goteborg University [CERGU], 2003, pp. 195-206.)
4. “El euroescepticismo turco y la apuesta turca por Europa” (Turkish Euroskepticism and
the Turkish Bet for Europe). In Oriente Medio, el laberinto de Bagdad, ed. Ignacio
Gutierrez de Teran, Sevilla (Spain): Editorial Doble J, 2004, pp.155-169.
5. “Giris: Turkiye’yi Avrupa Haritasina Sokmak”. In Avrupa Haritasinda Turkiye (Placing
Turkey on the Map of Europe) (ed. Hakan Yilmaz, Istanbul: Bogazici University Press,
2005, pp.1-19.)
6. “Avrupalilarin Turkiye’nin Gundelik Hayati Hakkindaki Anlatilari: Turkiye’de Yasayan
Avrupalilarla Yapilan Gorusmeler”. In Avrupa Haritasinda Turkiye (Placing Turkey on
the Map of Europe) (ed. Hakan Yilmaz, Istanbul: Bogazici University Press, 2005, pp.2039.)
7. “Introduction: Placing Turkey on the Map of Europe”. In Placing Turkey on the Map of
Europe (ed. Hakan Yilmaz, Istanbul: Bogazici University Press, 2005, 1-22).
8. “European Narratives on Everyday Turkey: Interviews with Europeans Living in
Turkey”. In Placing Turkey on the Map of Europe (ed. Hakan Yilmaz, Istanbul: Bogazici
University Press, 2005, 23-42).
9. “Swinging between Eurosupportiveness and Euroskepticism: Turkish Public’s General
Attitudes towards the European Union”. In Placing Turkey on the Map of Europe (ed.
Hakan Yilmaz, Istanbul: Bogazici University Press, 2005, 152-181).
10. “Indicators of Euroskepticism in the Turkish Public Opinion by the End of 2003: Basic
Findings of a Survey”. In Placing Turkey on the Map of Europe (ed. Hakan Yilmaz,
Istanbul: Bogazici University Press, 2005, 182-185).
11. “Le conservatisme turc et l’idée d’Europe” (Turkish Conservatism and the Idea of
Europe). In les défis et les peurs, Entre Europe et Méditerranée, ed. Paul Sant Cassia and
Thierry Fabre, Arles et Paris: Editions Actes Sud, 2005, pp.187-218.
12. “Two Pillars of Nationalist Euroskepticism in Turkey: The Tanzimat and Sevres
Syndromes”. In Turkey, Sweden and the European Union: Experiences and
Expectations, ed. Ingmar Karlsson and Annika Strom Melin, Stockholm: SIEPS
(Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies), 2006, pp.29-40.
13. “Türkiye'de Milliyetçi Avrupa Şüpheciliğinin İki Dayanağı: Tanzimat ve Sevr
Sendromları". In Türkiye, İsveç ve Avrupa Birliği: Deneyimler ve Beklentiler, ed.Ingmar
Karlsson and Annika Strom Melin, İsveç Araştırma Enstitüsü, İstanbul, Papers 2, 2006,
14. “Kamu, Kamu Otoritesi ve Devlet: Habermas’in Isiginda Turkiye’yi Dusunmek” [Public,
Public Authority and the State: Thinking the Turkish Experience in the Light of
Habermas”].In Kamusal Alan ve Turkiye, ed. Ahmet Karadag, Ankara: Asil Yayin, 2006,
15. "Euroskeptizismus in der Türkei - Parteien, Eliten und öffentliche Meinung, 1995-2006"
(Euroskepticism in Turkey: Parties, Elites and Public Opinion, 1995-2006). In Die Türkei
und Europa, ed. Gabriele Clemens, Hamburg: LIT-Verlag (Studien zur Neueren
Europäischen Geschichte Bd. 1), 2007, pp. 215-243.
16. “Turkish Conservatism and the Idea of Europe”. In Between Europe and the
Mediterranean: The Challenges and the Fears, ed. Thierry Fabre and Paul Sant Cassia,
New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007, pp. 137-161.
17. “Turkki Euroopan kartalle” [Turkey on the Map of Europe] (In Finnish). In Turkki,
Euroopan Rajalla?, ed. Anu Leinonen et al., Helsinki, Finland: Gaudeamus Helsinki
University Press, 2007, pp.45-59.
18. “Mezi podporou EU a euroskepticismem: Obecne postoje turecke verejnosti k Evropske
unii” [Turkish Euroskepticism and the European Union] (in Cezch). In Turecko a
Evropska unie: ceska a turecka perspektiva, ed. Lucie Tunkrova and Pavel Saradin,
Olomouc, Cezch Republic: Universita Palackeho v Olomouci, pp.61-84.
19. “The Kemalist Revolution and the Foundation of the One-Party Regime in Turkey: A
Political Analysis”. In Prof. Dr. Ergun Özbudun’a Armağan –Cilt I, Siyaset Bilimi
(Essays in Honor of Ergun Özbudun, Vol. I Political Science), ed. Serap Yazıcı, Kemal
Gözler, Fuat Keyman, Ankara: Yetkin Yayınevi, 2008, pp.535-564.
20. “Turkish Identity on the Road to the EU: Basic Elements of French and German
Oppositional Discourses”. In Turkey’s Road to European Union Membership, National
Identity and Political Change, ed. Susannah Verney and Kostas Ifantis, London and New
York: Routledge, 2009, pp.79-91.
21. “Laiklik: Türkiye’deki Uygulamalar, Avrupa ile Kıyaslamalar, Politika Öneriler”. In
Türkiye’nin Vizyonu, Temel Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri, ed. Atilla Sandıklı, İstanbul:
Bilgesam Yayınları, 2008, pp. 163-180.
22. “Europeanization and Its Discontents: Turkey, 1959-2007”. In Turkey’s Accession to the
European Union: An Unusual Candidacy, ed. Constantine Arvanitopoulos, Berlin:
Springer-Verlag, 2009, pp.53-64.
23. “The International Context of Democratization”. 2009. In Democratization, ed. Christian
W. Haerpfer, Patrick Bernhagen, Ronald Inglehart, and Christian Welzel, Oxford and
New York: Oxford University Press, pp.92-106.
24. “Bir Yurttaşlık Hakkı Olarak Laiklik (Söyleşi)”. 2009. In Mahalle Baskısı Var mı, Yok
mu?, ed. Ruşen Çakır and İrfan Bozan, İstanbul: Doğan Kitap, pp.175-179.
25. “Turkey’s Place in the Changing Paradigms of Europe”. 2009. In The Cost of No EUTurkey: Four Views, ed. Michael Lake, Hakan Altınay, Gökçe Tüylüğlu, İstanbul: Open
Society Foundation, pp. 16-20.
26. “Türkiye’de Avrupa Şüpheciliği: Siyasi Seçkinler ve Kamuoyundaki Eğilimler”. 2009. In
Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye İlişkileri, Beklentiler ve Kaygılar, ed. Oğuz Esen and Filiz
Başkan, Ankara: Eflatun Yayınevi, pp.61-74.
27. “Conservatism in Turkey: Main Themes and Groups”. 2009. In Turkey: From Tutelary to
Liberal Democracy?, ed. Stefan Höjelid, Lund (Sweden): Sekel Bokförlag och
författarna, pp.109-116.
28. “The Formation of the American-Turkish Alliance and its Impact on Domestic Political
Developments in Turkey from 1940 to 1960”. 2011. In American Turkish Encounters:
Politics and Culture, 1830-1989, ed. Nur Bilge Criss, Selçuk Esenbel, Tony Greenwood
and Louis Mazzari, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.236260.
29. “Euroskepticism in Turkey: Parties, Elites and Public Opinion”. 2012. In Euroskepticism
in Southern Europe: A Diachronic Perspective, ed. Susannah Verney, London and New
York: Routledge, pp. 185-208.
30. “ Turkey’s ‘Culturalization’ in European Public Opinion, the Prospects of a Cosmopolitan
Europe and the Challenges Facing Turkey” (Co-Authored with Dr. Emre Erdoğan), 2013.
Published online by Institut du Bosphore, Débats du Bosphore, Avenir de L'Europe – II.
Available online at
31. “The Paradox of Equality: Subjective Attitudes Towards basic Rights in Turkey” (CoAuthored with Ayşen Candaş). 2013. In Turkey's Democratization Process, ed. Carmen
Rodriguez, Antonio Avalos, Hakan Yilmaz, Ana I. Planet, London: Routledge.
Series Editor (Yayin Danismani)
1. Marx, Karl. Ekonomi Yazilari (in Turkish) (Economic Writings). Istanbul: Hil Yayinlari,
2. Marx, Karl. Felsefe Yazilari (in Turkish) (Philosophical Writings). Istanbul: Hil
Yayinlari, 2005.
3. Marx, Karl. Siyaset Yazilari (in Turkish) (Political Writings). Istanbul: Hil Yayinlari,
Conferences and Workshops Organized
1. “A Turkish-Greek Dialogue: Setting Problem Areas And Searching For Solutions”. A
conference organized at Bogazici University on 25-28 May, 2003. Supported by a grant
from OSIAF (Open Society Institute Assistance Fund), Partnership Beyond Borders
Program. Participants: Paschalis Kitromilides (University of Athens), Tasos Christidis
(University of Thessaloniki), Katilena Stathakou (University of Crete), Anna Fragoudaki
(University of Athens), Thalia Dragonas (University of Athens), Akis Papataxiarchis
(University of the Aegean), Irena Loutzaki (University of Athens), Irene Banias (Bogazici
University), Alexis Heraclides (Panteion University), Herkul Millas (University of
Athens), Stephanos Pesmazoglou (Panteion University), Stavros Ioannidis (Panteion
University), Napoleon Maraveyas (University of Athens), Panagiotis Liargovas
(University of Athens), Michael Tsinisizelis (University of Athens).
2. “The Spanish Path to Europeanization: A Model for Turkey?”. A conference organized at
Bogazici University on 8-10 June, 2004. Supported by a grant from OSIAF (Open
Society Institute Assistance Fund), Partnership Beyond Borders Program. Participants:
Anna Balletbo (Universidad Autónoma de Bellaterra), Heriberto Cairo (Universidad
Complutense de Madrid), Mercedes Vilanova (Universidad de Barcelona), Pablo Martín
de Santaolalla (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), José Ribas (The Ajoblanco magazine
of culture and arts), Carmen Rodrìguez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).
3. “Rethinking Europe through Rethining Islam: Exploring the Place of Islam in an
Emerging European Identity”. A conference organized at Bogazici University on 9-10
December, 2005. Supported by a grant from OSIAF (Open Society Institute Assistance
Fund), Partnership Beyond Borders Program (Grant No:20015595). Participants: Amel
Boubekeur (EHESS, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris), Andreas Pribersky (Institut fur
Politikwissenschaft/ Institute for Political Science Universität Wien/Vienna University),
Cagla Aykac (Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels and École des Hautes
Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris), Deniz Kandiyoti (School of Oriental and
African Studies (SOAS), London), Gerard Delanty (Department of Sociology, Social
Policy and Social Work Studies, University of Liverpool), Gerdien Jonker (PhilippsUniversität Marburg and Georg-Eckert Institut, Germany), Jeffrey Haynes (London
Metropolitan University), Kenan Cayir (Department of Political Science, Istanbul Bilgi
University), Sara Silvestri (University of Cambridge, UK), Sia Anagnostopoulou,
(Department of Political Science and History, Panteion University, Athens, Greece),
Stephanos Pesmazoglou (Department of Political Science and History, Panteion
University, Athens, Greece), Welmoet Boender (International Institute for the Study of
Islam in the Modern World (ISIM)), Binnaz Toprak (Department of Political Science and
International Relations, Bogazici University/Bogazici Universitesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve
Uluslararasi Iliskiler Bolumu), Caglar Keyder (Department of Sociology, Bogazici
University/Bogazici Universitesi, Sosyoloji Bolumu), Edhem Eldem (Department of
History, Bogazici University/Bogazici Universitesi, Tarih Bolumu), Yesim Arat
(Department of Political Science and International Relations, Bogazici
University/Bogazici Universitesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararasi Iliskiler Bolumu).
4. “The Meaning of Europe and Challenges of the Economic Crisis”. Organised by
Boğaziçi University, Center for European Studies and London School of Economics and
Political Science, European Institute, Bogazici University, Istanbul, 17 April 2009.
Participants: Bahadir Kaleagasi (TUSIAD, Brussels), Bob Hancke, European Institute,
LSE), Hakan Yılmaz (Director, Center for European Studies, Boğaziçi University),
Henrik Enderlein (Hertie School of Governance, Berlin), Kemal Kirisci (Department of
Political Science and International Relations, Boğaziçi University), Kevin Featherstone
(Director, Hellenic Observatory, LSE), Mine Eder (Department of Political Science and
International Relations, Boğaziçi University), Nicolas Monceau (University of Grenoble,
Institute of Political Studies), Nilufer Göle (EHESS, Paris), Petr Drulak, Director
(Institute of International Relations, Prague), Refik Erzan (Department of Economics,
Boğaziçi University), Sevket Pamuk, European Institute, LSE and Atatürk Institute,
Boğaziçi University, Simon Glendinning (European Institute, LSE).
5. “Seminar on EU and Turkish Foreign Policy: The EU and Turkey in their
Neighbourhood(s): Activism, Power and Integration”. Organized by the EU Institute for
Security Studies, Boğaziçi University Center for European Studies, and Boğaziçi
University-TÜSİAD Foreign Policy Forum, Istanbul, 15-16 September 2011.
Conference Presentations
1. “The Dual Game of Turkish Democracy”. Paper presented at the American Research
Institute in Turkey (ARIT). December 9, 1996.
2. "Rent-Dependency and Democracy: Postwar Turkey in Comparative Perspective". Paper
presented at the 1997 annual meeting of MESA (Middle East Studies Association of
North America), 21-24 November 1997, San Francisco, USA.
3. Participant in the first Strademed Workshop on the political, economic and cultural issues
of the Euro-Mediterranean Region, 27 November-10 December 1997, Madrid, Spain.
4. “The State of Comparative Political Studies in Turkey Today”. Paper presented at the
symposium entitled “Social and Political Sciences and History in Turkey Today”,
organized by Department of Political Science and History of Panteion University, under
the auspices of UNESCO, Athens, 28-31 May 1998.
5. “Modernization of Musical Culture in Turkey”. Paper presented at the conference
entitled “Dans le sillage de la révolution d’Ataturk: La transformation des arts et des
lettres dans la Turquie républicaine”. Organized by Université des Sciences Humaines de
Strasbourg, Département d’Etudes Turques, 26-27 October 1998, Strasbourg, France.
6. “Iktisadi Uyanisin Ahlak ve Zihniyet Dunyasi” [Moralities and Mentalities of Economic
Awakening in Turkey]. Paper presented at the conference entitled “Sinirda Yasamak:
Modernlik, Cinsiyet ve Etniklik” [Living on the Frontiers: Modernity, Sexuality and
Ethnicity], 2-4 November 1998, Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul.
7. “Changing Attitudes of Turkish Businessmen towards Democracy”. Paper Presented at
the conference entitled “La question militaire et les sociétés musulmanes: le militaire,
l'entrepreneur et le paysan”. Organized by CERI (Centre d’études et de recherches
internationales, Fondation nationale des sciences politiques), 26-27 November 1998,
Paris, France.
8. “Kultur Calismalari Icerisinden Sosyal Bilimlere Yeni Bir Temel Bulunabilir mi?” [Can
We Find a New Foundation for the Social Sciences through Cultural Studies]. Paper
presented at the 6th National Social Sciences Convention, organized by the Turkish
Social Sciences Association, 17-18 November 1999, Middle East Technical University,
9. “An Examination of the Leftist Popular Music in Turkey since the 1960s”. Paper
presented at the 1999 annual meeting of MESA (Middle East Studies Association of
North America), 19-22 November 1999, Washington, D.C., USA.
10. “Towards a Bourgeois Democratic State in Turkey? An Examination of the Business
Ideologies and State-Business Relations in Turkey”. Paper presented at the 2000 annual
meeting of MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America), November 2000,
Orlando, Florida, USA.
11. “Music in the Time of Politics: Turkish Musical Modernization in the Fields of Official
and Popular Cultures”. Paper presented in the Conference entitled Folklore and Popular
Culture in Turkey, October 29-30, 2001, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
12. “Avrupa'nin Kulturel Sinirlarinin Cizilmesi ve Turkiye’nin Avrupa Kulturundeki Yeri”
[Drawing the Cultural Boundaries of Europe and Placing Turkey on the European
Cultural Map”]. Paper presented in a workshop series entitled “Gelecegin Avrupasi
Turkiye Grubu. Ucuncu Grup: AB'nin Gelecegi Calismalari”, organized by IKV
(Iktisadi Kalkinma Vakfi – Economic Development Foundation), Istanbul, May-June
13. “Music and Modernization in Turkey: Legitimating Syntheses and Entertaining
Hybridizations.” Paper presented at the 2000 annual meeting of the American Folklore
Society, 16-20 October 2002, Rochester, New York.
14. “Turkey and the European Union: Cultural Perceptions and Exchanges”. Paper presented
at the “First Pan-European Conference on European Union Politics” of the European
Consortium for Political Research, 26-28 September 2002, Bordeaux, France.
15. “Recent Political Developments in Turkey and Their Implications for Turkey's
Orientation towards the European Union”. Paper presented at Panteion University,
Athens, Greece, November 12, 2002.
16. “European Exclusionary Narratives on Turkey: An Examination of the Historical,
Political, and Everyday Views”. Paper Presented at the Conference “Whither Europe?
Borders, Boundaries, Frontiers in a Changing World”, Organized by the Center for
European Research, Goteborg University, Sweden, 16-17 January 2003.
17. “Europeanization and Its Discontents: Evidence from Turkey”. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Marburg,
Germany, 18-21 September 2003.
18. “Euroscepticism in Turkey – Basic Findings of the Research”. Talk given at Centro
Studi di Politica Internazionale (CeSPI). Rome, December 5, 2003.
19. “Euroscepticism in Turkey – Basic Findings of the Research”. Talk given at General
Secretariat for European Union Affairs (Avrupa Birligi Genel Sekreterligi). Ankara,
January 20, 2004.
20. “Euroscepticism in Turkey – Basic Findings of the Research”. Talk given at Ari
Movement (Ari Hareketi). Istanbul, March 8, 2004.
21. “Euroscepticism in Turkey – Basic Findings of the Research”. Talk given at European
Parliament, Interparliamentary Relations-Europe (Enlargement). Brussels, March 22,
22. “Euroscepticism in Turkey – Basic Findings of the Research”. Talk given at Center for
European Policy Studies (CEPS). Brussels, March 23, 2004.
23. “Euroscepticism in Turkey – Basic Findings of the Research”. Talk given at European
Commission, Turkey Team of the DG – Enlargement. Brussels, March 24, 2004.
24. “Euroscepticism in Turkey – Basic Findings of the Research”. Talk given at Middle East
Technical University, Center for European Studies. Ankara, April 27, 2004.
25. “Euroscepticism in Turkey – Basic Findings of the Research”. Talk given at Madrid
Autonomous University (together with a presentation on Turkish-EU relations by Volkan
Vural, Turkey’s Ambassador to Madrid). Madrid, May 6, 2004.
26. Discussant at the workshop “Justifying Enlargement: Past and Present Experiences, A
Principled Account”. Organized by ARENA (Norway) within the CIDEL project and
held in Avila, Spain. May 7-8, 2004.
27. “Who Is Afraid of Europe? An Examination of Euroskepticism in Turkey”. Paper
presented at the Third METU Conference on International Relations. Ankara, May 2426, 2004.
28. “Turkish Perceptions of Europe: Caught Between Euroskepticism and Europhilia”.
Annual Lecture delievered in the scheme of cooperation between Bogazici University and
the University of Athens. Athens, June 15, 2004.
29. “Euroscepticism in Turkey - Manifestations at the Elite and Popular Levels”. Paper
presented at the “Second Pan-European Conference on European Union Politics” of the
European Consortium for Political Research, the Standing Group on the European Union.
Bologna, Italy, 24-26 June, 2004.
30. “Turkey: Within or Outside Europe? An Historical Perspective”. Paper presented at the
conference entitled “Betwixt and Between: Europe and the Mediterranean: New Stakes
and New Challenges”, organized by the Réseau Thématique des Centres Européens de
Recherche en Sciences Humaines sur l’Ensemble Euroméditerranéen and held at IMEIS
and Collingwood College, University of Durham. Durham, UK, July 1-4, 2004.
31. “Turkey and the EU: Cultural Asymmetries”. Paper presented at the conference entitled
“Accession to the European Union: A Major Translation/Interpreting Process”, Bogazici
University, Istanbul, 19 October 2004.
32. “‘Entre l’Orient et l’Occident: Turkish Perceptions on Identity’”. Paper presented at the
Workshop entitled “The European Union and Greek-Turkish
Relations: From Conflict to Cooperation?”. Bogazici University, Istanbul, 22-23 October
33. “Turkiye’de Avrupa Supheciligi” (“Euroskepticism in Turkey”). Talk given at the Yapi
Kredi Kultur Merkezi, as part of the Center’s series of talks on the Turkish-EU relations.
27 October 2004.
34. “The Political Dynamics of Turkish Accession to the EU”. Talk given at the Swedish
Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS), Stockholm, Sweden, 20 December 2004.
35. “Core Euroskeptic Issues and Groups in Turkey Today”. Talk given at the Europa
Kolleg, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 21 February 2005.
36. “Core Euroskeptic Issues and Groups in Turkey Today”. Talk given at the University of
the Armed Forces, Hamburg, Germany, 22 February 2005.
37. “Turkish Perspectives on Europe”. Paper presented at the conference entitled “National
Identities and Religion”, Complutense University, Madrid, 15-17 March, 2005.
38. “Turkish perceptions on Europe and European perceptions of Turkey”. Seminars given at
Panteion University, Athens, Post-Graduate Program of the Department of Political
Science and History, April 2005.
39. “Exploring the Cultural Dimensions of the Turkish-EU Relations: Core Euroskeptic
Issues and Groups in Turkey”. Paper presented at the conference entitled “Cultural
Encounters on the Eastern Frontiers”, University of the West of England, Center for
European Studies, Bristol, UK, 10-11 June, 2005.
40. “Islamic Conservatism and the Idea of Europe: A View from Turkey”. Paper presented at
the Annual Meeting of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR),
Budapest, Hungary, 7-12 September 2005.
41. “The Tanzimat and Sevres Syndromes: the Deep Memory and the Deep Policy of EuroSkepticism in Turkey”. Paper presented at the workshop entitled “Turkey, Sweden and
the EU, Expectations and Experiences”, organized by the Swedish Institute for European
Policy Studies (Sieps) in cooperation with the Consulate General of Sweden in Istanbul,
at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 7 October 2005.
42. “Main Issues of Euroskepticism in the Turkish Public Opinion”. Paper presented at the
conference entitled “The European Union and Turkey: Problems and Prospects of the
Accession Negotiations”, organized by the Europa-Kolleg Hamburg, Institut fur
Integrationsforschung, Hamburg, 20-21 October 2005.
43. “Europe and Turkey: Mutual Doubts”. Paper presented at the conference entitled
“Accession Negotiations with the EU: Implications on the Future of Conference
Interpreting in Turkey”, organized by the Department of Translation and Interpreting,
Bogazici University, Istanbul, 25 November 2005.
44. “Europeanization and Its Discontents: Euroskepticism in Turkey”. Paper presented at the
conference entitled “Europeanization and Transformation: Turkey in the Post-Helsinki
Era”, organized by Koc University, Istanbul, 2-3 December 2005.
45. “The Idea of Europe in the Turkish Public Opinion”. Paper presented at the conference
entitled “The Muslim World through the Lens of European Textbooks", organized by the
Georg-Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, Braunschweig, Germany, 1922 February 2006.
46. “European Perspectives on Turkish Identity: Preliminary Findings of a Research on
France and Germany". Paper presented at the conference entitled “Decoding Modern
Turkey and the Greek European Experience”, organized by The Hellenic Centre for
European Studies (EKEM) and the Institute of European Integration and Policy, Athens,
Greece, 10 May 2006.
47. “Conservatism in Turkey: Family, Religion, and the West”. Paper presented at the
Warsaw School of Social Psychology and the Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw,
Poland, 1-2 June 2006.
48. “Conservatism in Turkey through Orality: Family, Religion, and the West”. Paper
presented at the Columbia University Institute for Scholars, Reid Hall, Paris, France, 27
June 2006.
49. “Euroscepticism as a Type of Political Conservatism: The Case of Turkey”. Paper
presented at the “Third Pan-European Conference on European Union Politics” of the
European Consortium for Political Research, the Standing Group on the European Union.
Istanbul, Turkey, 21-23 September, 2006.
50. “Avrupa ve Türkiye: Kimlik Algılamaları” (Europe and Turkey: Perceptions of Identity).
Talk given at Dicle Universitesi, Diyarbakir, Turkey, on 29 September 2006.
51. “Turkey: Swinging Between Isolationism and Integrationism”. Paper presented at the
“VIII Country Risk Annual Conference. Turkey: Market Economy and the European
Union”, Organized by CESCE (Compañía Española de Crédito a la Exportación –
Spanish Export Credit Company), Madrid, Spain, 30 October 2006.
52. “Religious Conservatism in Turkey: People’s Attitudes Towards the Role of Islam in
Personal, Social, and Political Spheres”. Paper presented at the conference entitled “Faith
and State Lectures and Debates: Religion, Enlightenment and Democracy”, organized by
the International School for Humanities and Social Sciences (ISHSS) of the University of
Amsterdam, November 9, 2006.
53. “Turkey: Attitudes Towards the West, Westernization, and the EU”. Paper presented at
the International School for Humanities and Social Sciences (ISHSS) of the University of
Amsterdam, November 10, 2006.
54. “Turkish Perceptions of the EU: Where Are We at the Swing Between Isolationism and
Integrationism?”. Paper presented at the conference entitled “Turkey’s Accession to the
European Union: The Turkish Perception”, organized by the Constantinos Karamanlis
Institute for Democracy, Athens, 16 February 2007.
55. “AB Kültürel Bütünleşmesi ve Avrupa Kimliği”. [European Cultural Integration and
European Identity] Paper presented at the conference entitled “AB Bilgi Ağı
Koordinasyon Toplantısı”, organized by the AB Bilgi Merkezi / EU Information Center,
Gaziantep, 20 February 2007.
56. “The Tanzimat Syndrome in Turkey: What Is So Dangerous About Rights and Freedoms?
Historical Memory of the Elites and Perceptions of the General Public On Individual and
Collective Rights”. Paper presented at the conference entitled “Second Mediterranean
Encounter On Human Rights: The Limits To Political Power”, organized by the Pablo
Iglesias Foundation, Jean-Jaures Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, and the Spanish
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Madrid, 14-15 March 2007.
57. “Turkey in the View of France and Germany”. Paper presented at the conference entitled
“Turkey and Europe: Public Debate in France, Germany and Turkey”, organized by
Center on Franco-German Relations (Cerfa) at the French Institute of International
Relations (Ifri), the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, and TUSIAD. Paris, 26 March 2007.
58. “Avrupa ve Türkiye: Ne Kadar Yakın, Ne Kadar Uzak?” [Europe and Turkey: How
Close, How Far?]. Paper presented on the occasion of the opening of the “Get Closer! /
Yakınlaş!” painting exhibition by Asli Deniz Helvacioglu, organized by the AB Bilgi
Merkezi / EU Information Center, Istanbul, 10 July 2007.
59. “Kültür ve Kimlik”. [Culture and Identity] Paper presented at the conference entitled
“Kültürel Çeşitlilik”, organized by the AB Bilgi Merkezi / EU Information Center,
Ankara, 2 August 2007.
60. “German and French Narratives on Turkish Identity: Preliminary Findings of a
Research”. Paper presented at the conference entitled “The Muslim World through the
Lens of European Textbooks". Organized as an Exploratory Workshop by the GeorgEckert Institute and the European Science Foundation’s (ESF) Standing Committee for
Social Sciences (SCSS). Convened by Gerdien Jonker. Braunschweig, Germany, 11 - 14
September 2007.
61. “Attitudes of the General Public and Party Constituencies Towards Rights and Freedoms
in Turkey”. Paper presented at the conference entitled “Third Mediterranean Encounter
On Human Rights”. Organized by the Pablo Iglesias Foundation, Jean-Jaures
Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, and the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Madrid, 25-26 February 2008.
62. “A Turkish Perspective on the Mediterranean Union”. Paper presented at the conference
entitled “The Mediterranean Union and the Strengthening of the Euro-Mediterranean
Nucleus”. Organized by the Fundacion Alternativas, Madrid, 23 May 2008.
63. “Turkish Populism and Anti-EU Rhetoric”. Paper presented at the conference entitled
“Perceptions and Misperceptions in the EU and Turkey: Stumbling Blocks on the Road to
Accession”. Organized by Turkey Institute (Instituut Turkije) and Center for European
Security Studies (CESS), Leiden, the Netherlands, 26-27 June 2008.
64. “Historical Memory in the Service of Euroskepticism: Serbia and Turkey Compared”.
(with Jovana Dikovic). Paper presented at the conference entitled “Places of Memory –
History – Reminiscence: Cultural, Historical and Political Discourses”. Organised by the
Ethnographic Institute of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences (SASA) and the
Vuka Karadzic Centre For Culture, Loznica, Serbia, 6-7 September 2008.
65. “Secularism: Experiences and Contributions of Local and Regional Authorities”.
Contribution to the debate on "Secularism in Turkey and in Selected EU Member States:
Comparative Analysis of Historical Roots, Legal Frameworks and Political Practices".
Organised by the European Union, Committee of the Regions, Working Group on
Relations with Turkey, Brussels, 29 January 2009.
66. “ ‘Kutsal’ Aile ve ‘İdeal’ Kadın: Türkiye’de Muhafazakarlık (2005/2006) Araştırmasına
Göre Toplumun Aile ve Kadına Yönelik Görüşleri ve Tutumları”. Paper presented at the
conference entitled “V. AETD Kongresi”. Organised by AETD [Aile ve Evlilik
Terapileri Derneği], İstanbul, 13 March 2009.
67. “The Turkish Kulturkampf over Europe”. Paper presented at the conference entitled “The
Meaning of Europe and Challenges of the Economic Crisis”. Organised by Boğaziçi
University, Center for European Studies and London School of Economics and Political
Science, European Institute, Bogazici University, Istanbul, 17 April 2009.
68. “Turkey as an EU accession candidate and Armenia as a member of the Eastern Initiative.
Possibilities for cooperation”. Paper presented at the conference entitled “ArmeniaTurkey Civil Diplomacy Dialogue”. Organised by the Analytical Centre on Globalization
and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC) and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Yerevan,
Armenia, 4 – 6 May, 2009.
69. "Turkey Looking West: Culture, Identity and European Integration". Talk given at the
Forum for European Philosophy Annual Lecture Series - Turkey: East or West.
Organized by the European Institute and the Forum for European Philosophy, London
School of Economics, London, 2 June 2009.
70. “European Perceptions of Turkey as a Future Member State: Results of an Opinion Poll in
France, Germany, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom”. Talk given at the TÜSİAD
Representation in Brussels, November 19, 2009.
71. “Islamist and Secularist Tendencies in Turkish Political Culture”. Paper presented at the
Symposium entitled "Islam and Information Technologies", organized by the Institute of
Islamic Sciences, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, December 12, 2009.
72. “EU-Turkey Relations: Historical Turning Points and Current Mutual Perceptions”.
Lecture given at the Global Information and Telecommunication Institute (GITI), Waseda
University, Tokyo, Japan, December 15, 2009.
73. “European Perceptions of Turkey as a Future Member State: Results of an Opinion Poll in
France, Germany, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom”. Paper presented at the
conference entitled “La Turquie et L'Europe: une évolution en interaction”. Organised by
the University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, 4 – 6 February, 2010.
74. “French Public Opinion's Perceptions of Turkey as a Future Member State of the
European Union”. Paper presented at the conference entitled “The World and Turkey:
New Player, New Visions”. Organised by Institut du Bosphore, Istanbul, 11-12 June,
75. “Turkish Perspectives on the Enlargement of the European Union”. Talk given at the
colloquium entitled “Czech Republic and Poland: Advocates of the EU Enlargement”.
Organised by Europeum (Institute for European Policy) and DemosEuropa (Center for
European Strategy), Prague, Czech Republic, 6 September, 2010.
76. “European Perceptions of Turkey”. Talk given at the Middle East and Middle Eastern
American Center (MEMEAC) and the Graduate Center, City University of New York
(CUNY), 16 November 2010.
77. “Turkish Perspectives on the Enlargement of the European Union”. Talk given at the
colloquium entitled “Czech Republic and Poland: Advocates of the EU Enlargement”.
Organised by Europeum (Institute for European Policy) and DemosEuropa (Center for
European Strategy), Warsaw, Poland, 16 December, 2010.
78. "Islam and Secularism in Turkey: Consitutional Issues and Public Attitudes". Talk given
at the colloquium entitled ‘Europe’s Secularity’. Organized by the European Institute and
the Forum for European Philosophy, London School of Economics, London, 24 January
79. “Religious Attitudes and Foreign Policy Preferences in the Public Opinion: Evidence
from Turkey and Europe”. Talk given at the colloquium entitled ‘Moving towards a
Global Secular Age’. Organized by the British Academy and British Council, London, 29
March 2011.
80. “Turkey’s European Dilemmas”. Talk given at the conference entitled “Where is Turkey
Heading”. Organized by the Prague Security Studies Institute and the Heinrich Böll
Foundation. Prague, Czech Republic, May 4, 2011.
81. Discussant in the fourth meeting of The German Marshall Fund’s (GMF)Trilateral
Strategy Group, around the theme of “Trilateral Perspectives on Power and Prosperity,”
including discussion of global demographic trends, migration and integration, emerging
powers and global governance, and defense policies. Istanbul, May 26-27, 2011
82. “Universalisation of Values and a Sense of Common Humanity in the Information Age?”.
Talk given at the conference entitled “European Strategy and Policy Analysis System
(ESPAS) Regional Conference -Wider Europe in 2030: Foresights and Challenges”.
Organized by the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) and Middle East
Technical University Center for European Studies, Ankara, 12 September 2011.
83. “Public Opinion, Perceptions, and Identities: Turkey and the EU”. Talk given at the
conference entitled “The EU and Turkey in their Neighbourhood(s): Activism, Power and
Integration”. Organized by the the European Union Institute for Security Studies
(EUISS), Boğaziçi University Center for European Studies, and Boğaziçi UniversityTÜSİAD Foreign Policy Forum, Istanbul, 15-16 September 2011.
84. Discussant in the meeting of Institut du Bosphore, around the theme of “Europe and the
Planet of G20: Economy, Democracy, Ecology”. İstanbul, 29-30 September 2011.
85. “Turkey: Is There Still a Case for Europe?”. Talk given at the conference entitled
“Turkey: Fit for Europe – Europe: Fit for Turkey?” Co-organized by the University of
Amsterdam and the cultural centre De Balie, Amsterdam, November 10, 2011.
86. Discussant in the fifth meeting of The German Marshall Fund’s (GMF)Trilateral Strategy
Group, around the theme of “Geopolitics and Strategy in Revolutionary Times”.
Warsaw, November 13-15, 2011.
87. “Religious Affiliations, Degree of Religiosity, and Public Attitudes in Europe and Turkey
towards European Identity and EU-Turkey Relations”. Talk given at the conference
entitled ‘“Acknowledging a Shared Past to Build a Shared Future: Rethinking Muslimnon-Muslim Relations”. Organized by the British Council, Cambridge, UK, 28-31 March
88. Discussant in the sixth meeting of The German Marshall Fund’s (GMF)Trilateral Strategy
Group, around the theme of “Can the West Cope ?”, including discussion of the Euro
crisis, the shifting of attention from the Atlantic to the Pacific, defense cuts of NATO
allies, the new security equilibrium in the MENA Region and prospects of a broader
West. Washington, D.C., May 16‐18, 2012.
89. “Religious Freedom and Secularism: The Turkish Experiment”. Talk given at the
conference entitled “Dialogue and Contemporary Secularism”. Organized by the
Gregorian University, the Tony Blair Faith Foundation and the Pontifical Council for
Culture. Rome, Italy, 28 February-3 March 2013.
90. “Euroskepticism in Turkey: Comparisons between the 2003 and 2012 Surveys”. Talk
given at the Center for European Studies, Middle East Technical University. Ankara, 8
March 2013.
91. “Turkey and Europe: Perceptions and Misperceptions”. Talk given at the conference
entitled “Turkey and Europe: Drifting Apart”. Organized by Insight Turkey 3rd Annual
Conference. Brussels, Belgium, 25 March 2013.
92. “Turkey and Europe: Possibilities for Cultural Diplomacy”. Talk given at the conference
entitled “The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in Promoting Understanding and
Reconciliation”. Organized by OSCE Talks 2013, Goethe Institut, Istanbul, 2 May 2013.
93. “The Culturalization of Turkey in the European Public Opinion”. Talk given at the
conference entitled “2nd Baku World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue: Living Together
Peacefully in a Diverse World”. Organized by United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
OSCE Talks 2013, Baku, Azerbaijan, 29 May-1 June 2013.

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