makale ve katılım çağrısı - Future-Learning 2014


makale ve katılım çağrısı - Future-Learning 2014
Future-Learning 2014
5th International Conference on
Innovations in Learning for the Future 2014: e-Learning
May 5-7, 2014
İstanbul University, İstanbul, TURKEY
Istanbul University
Turkish Informatics
Association of Turkey
Learning, which originates in a desire for knowledge, has always been fundamental in the shaping of social life. It has lost
nothing of its importance with developments in technology. Under the influence of Information Technology (IT), learning has
acquired new dimensions, discussed quite regularly on many levels.
The aim of this conference is to discuss future innovations in the field of learning. The conference will encourage a debate on
strategies for the development of the most effective methods, techniques, and technologies that will serve humankind in the
lifelong learning process. Human beings are, after all, centrally involved in learning, and its fundamental “raison d’être”. This
year, to be different from other years, the special theme of the conference "Distance Education and Practices in Health
Sector" has been selected.
"E-learning", which in itself is an innovation, promises to acquire even greater importance in the future. We are therefore calling
for contributions (research papers* and posters) focusing on "e-learning", and examining the following issues through original
research and exploration.
Special Conference Topics
Health literacy
Lifelong medical education
Medical representative training
Patient training
Conference Topics
Institutional strategies, policies, standarts, accreditation and legislation for e-learning
New technologies for e-learning
Content Design for e-Learning
Sociological and psychological dimensions of e-Learning
Learning with online games
Testing and Evaluation of e-Learning Systems
e-Learning Strategies for Moderation and Assesment
Virtual Class Applications
Security Problems and Solutions in e-Learning
E-government and e-learning
Distance Learning in Higher Education Institutions
Mobile Learning
Social Media and e-Learning
Massive Open Online Courses
Mining Big Data
Cloud Based Systems
Disadvantaged Groups
Invited Speakers
To be announced.
Other Conference Activities
Social and Cultural Program
Important Dates
February 17, 2014
May 5-7, 2014
: Submission deadline for full papers
: Conference
Also being applied to real-life examples and problems of e-learning will be discussed with practical applications in the
Organizing Committee
Sevinç Gülseçen – Conference Co-Chair (İstanbul University)
Aydın Kolat – Conference Co-Chair (Turkish Informatics Foundation)
Taner Arsan (Informatics Association of Turkey)
Zerrin Ayvaz Reis (İstanbul University)
Fatih Gürsul (İstanbul University)
Çiğdem Selçukcan Erol (İstanbul University)
Tarkan Gürbüz (Middle East Technical University)
Murat Gezer (İstanbul University)
Scientific Committee*
Abdullah Bal (Yıldız Technical University)
Abdullah Kuzu (Anadolu University)
Adem Karahoca(Bahcesehir University)
Ahmet Bayraktar (Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University)
Ahmet Mahiroğlu (Gazi Üniversitesi)
Ali Aydın (İstanbul University)
Ali Yazıcı (Atılım University)
Alper Cihan (İstanbul University)
Aydın Akan (İstanbul University)
Aytekin İşman (Sakarya University)
Burçin Işık (Zirve University)
Cihad Demirli (İstanbul Ticaret University)
Danguole Rutkauskiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Dilek Karahoca(Bahcesehir University)
Emine Şenyuva (İstanbul University)
Eralp Altun (Ege University)
F. Feyza Darendeliler (İstanbul University)
Fahrettin Arslan (İstanbul University)
Fahriye Altınay (Near East University)
Fatih Gürsul (İstanbul University)
Feza Orhan (Yıldız Technical University)
Geoffrey Roulet (Queen’s University, Canada)
Gonca Telli Yamamoto (Okan University)
Gökhan Ersoy (İstanbul University)
Gülbahar Keskin (İstanbul University)
Gülser Acar Dondurmacı (Zirve University)
Gürhan Çiftçioğlu (İstanbul University)
Hafize Keser (Ankara University)
Hakan Tüzün (Hacettepe University)
Haydar Sur (İstanbul University)
Hulusi Gülseçen (Istanbul University)
Hülya Kaya (İstanbul University)
Hünkar Korkmaz (Akdeniz University)
Hüseyin Oflaz (İstanbul University)
İnci Zaim Gökbay (Bahçeşehir University)
İsmail Özmen (İstanbul University)
Jan Guncaga (Catholic University, Slovakia)
Kürşat Çağıltay (Middle East Technical University)
M. Emin Mutlu (Anadolu University)
Mehmet Albayrak (Süleyman Demirel University)
Murat Gezer (İstanbul University)
Mustafa Murat İnceoğlu (Ege University)
Müge Adnan (Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University)
Nadire Çavuş (Near East University)
Natalija Lepkova (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania)
Nazlı Arda (İstanbul University)
Nergiz Çağıltay (Atılım University)
Nezihe Beji Kızılkaya (İstanbul University)
Nurettin Şimşek (Ankara University)
Oğuz Öztürk (İstanbul University)
Orhan Torkul (Sakarya University)
Ömer Kadir Morgül (Sakarya University)
Petek Aşkar (Hacettepe University)
Piet Kommers (University of Twente, Nederlands)
Razvan-Lucian Andronic (Spiru Haret University)
Rafiq Islam (Dalhousie University, Canada)
Selim Yazıcı (İstanbul University)
Selma Karabey (İstanbul University)
Selma Söyük (İstanbul University)
Serap Kurbanoğlu (Hacettepe University)
Serhat Pabuççuoğlu (İstanbul University)
Sevinç Gülseçen (İstanbul University)
Sibel Aylin Uğur İşeri (İstanbul University)
Sushil K. Sharma (Ball State University, U.S.A.)
Ş. Alp Baray (İstanbul University)
Şeref Sağıroğlu (Gazi University)
Şerife Ak (Adnan Menderes University)
Tamer Demiralp (İstanbul University)
Taner Arsan (Kadir Has University)
Tatyana Yakhno (İzmir University)
Tuncer Asunakutlu (Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University)
Uğur Demiray (Anadolu University)
Uğur Özbek (İstanbul University)
Yağız Üresin (Istanbul University)
Zehra Altınay (Near East University)
Zerrin Ayvaz Reis (İstanbul University)
Zeynel Cebeci (Çukurova University)
Zeynep Çiğdem Kayacan (İstanbul University)
Zeynep Solakoğlu (İstanbul University)
Zuhal Tanrıkulu (Boğaziçi University)
Zümrüt Ecevit Satı (İstanbul University)
*Members of scientific Committee are arranged in alphabetical order by first
Honorary Board
Prof. Dr. Yunus Söylet (Rector, İstanbul University)
Faruk Eczacıbaşı (Chairman, Turkish Informatics Foundation)
Assoc. Prof. Turhan Menteş (Chairman, Informatics Association of Turkey)
Advisory Board
Prof. Dr. Alper Cihan (İstanbul University)
Prof. Dr. H. Rıza Güven (İstanbul University)
Prof. Dr. Erdal Balaban (İstanbul University)
Prof. Dr. Ali Ekrem Özkul (Anadolu University)
Prof. Dr. Sıddık Yarman (İstanbul University)
Assoc. Prof. Ergün Yolcu (İstanbul University)
Elif Kartal (İstanbul University)
Zeki Özen (İstanbul University)
Fatma Önay Koçoğlu (İstanbul University)
Şebnem Özdemir (İstanbul University)
Mehmet Selim Derindere (İstanbul University)
Emre Akadal (İstanbul University)
Serra Çelik (Istanbul University)
Paper Submission Details
We invite authors to send their original and unpublished manuscipts
including their research. Full papers will be authored according to
the rules on
The official languages of the conference will be English and Turkish,
and simultaneous interpretation will be provided. Accepted papers
and posters will be published in the book of proceedings of the
conference. Selected papers from the conference will be published in
the international reviewed journals.
All registered participants will receive a copy of the book of
proceedings in electronical format.
Registration Fee
Details can be found at conference web site.
Contact Information
Address: 5. Uluslararası Gelecek İçin Öğrenme
Alanında Yenilikler Konferansı 2014: eÖğrenme
İstanbul Üniversitesi Enformatik Bölümü
Kalenderhane Mah. Bozdoğan Kemeri Cad.
No:13 PK 34134 Fatih/İstanbul
+090212 440 0000 (Ext. 10037)
+090212 440 0086

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