Tax Bulletin


Tax Bulletin
Tax Bulletin
2016/6 General Tax Amnesty in Turkey
Including Customs Taxes Enacted
Law Nr. 6736 enabling restructuring of public receivables, which is
also referred as “Tax Amnesty” Act was approved on August 19,
2016 and announced on Official Gazette Nr. 29806.
The Law enables restructuring of all sort of taxes and tax assessments including customs duties, administrative
fines and all related interest as well as late payment charges related to period before June 30, 2016 (including
this date) providing an opportunity to Turkish companies to close their accounts against potential tax audits.
Restructuring of Public Receivables
The Law introduces regulations on restructuring of public receivables as of June 30, 2016. Receivables covered
within the 4458 Nr. Customs Law that would be subject to restructuring will be as follows:
Specified customs receivables;
Unspecified customs receivables or the receivables in trial;
During appeal (adjudged in the Tax Court) “receivables unspecified or in the conflicts whose lawsuit process
As part of the restructuring program, certain amount of taxes and related penalty and interests are reduced (with
different ratios depending on the status of the underlying public receivable) and remaining amounts can be
payable in lump-sum or in 6 to 18 installments that elapse to a period of 12 to 36 months subject to an
inflationary adjustment. In cash payments, late payment interests will also be reduced by 50%. In order to
benefit from the provisions of the law, taxpayers shall complete the application process to the respective
authority until the end of October.
Contact Us:
Murat Palaoğlu
Head of Customs and Foreign Trade Services,
Partner, Tax
T : + 90 216 681 90 04
E :
Tax Services
Yetkin Yeminli Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş.
KPMG Istanbul Ofice
Kavacık, Rüzgarlı Bahçe Mahallesi
Kavak Sokak, No; 29
Beykoz 34805 İstanbul
Tel. +90 (216) 681 91 00
Fax. +90 (216) 681 91 91
KPMG Ankara Office
Paragon Tower
Kızılırmak Mah.
Ufuk Üniversitesi Cad. No: 8
Çukurambar, Ankara
Tel :+90 (312) 491 72 31
Fax : +90 (312) 491 71 31
KPMG Izmir Office
Heris Tower, Akdeniz Mah.Şehit
Fethi Bey Cad. No:55 Kat:21 D:34
Alsancak-Konak / İZMİR
Tel : +90 (232) 464 20 45
Fax : +90 (232) 464 21 45
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firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International Cooperative have any such authority or bind any member firm.
© 2016 Yetkin Yeminli Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş., a Turkish corporation and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG
International Cooperative, a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in Turkey.

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