Zeynep Durmuş Arsan


Zeynep Durmuş Arsan
Zeynep Durmuş Arsan
Izmir Institute of Technology
Faculty of Architecture Department of Architecture
Gülbahçe Urla
TR-35430 Izmir, Turkey
Telephone + 90 232 750 7020
Facsimile + 90 232 750 7012
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Faculty of Applied Bioscience and
Engineering, Department of Architecture, Programme of Specialisation in
Architecture and Urbanism: Post Graduate Centre Human Settlements (27 December
2004 - 19 December 2005).
Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department of
Architecture (October 1997 – December 2003). Dissertation: “A Critical View of
Sustainable Architecture in Turkey: Proposal for the Municipality of Seyrek.”
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of
Architecture (October 1993 – January 1997). Thesis: “Designing New Buildings in
Old Settlements: A Case Study in Datça Mahallesi, Muğla.”
Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of
Architecture (October 1988 – June 1992). Studios in architectural projects, building
construction, interior design, details and materials, structure; courses in history of
civilization, art and architecture, preservation.
Instructor Dr. Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture
(since 09 December 2003).
Instructor Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture (June
1997 – 08 December 2003).
Research Assistant Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of City
and Regional Planning and Centre for Research and Evaluation of Historical Environment (17
March 1995 – 02 December 1996).
Scholarship for Postdoctoral Sojourn in K.U.Leuven, Department of Architecture, Urban Design and
Regional Planning, Faculty of Applied Bioscience and Engineering, Leuven, Belgium by
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (01 February 2005 – 31 December 2005).
Publication Grant for Rural Architectural Inventory Project of Karaburun Peninsula, Izmir, Turkey in
2004 by TÜBA, the Turkish Academy of Sciences (September 2004).
Travel grant for participation in Stockholm Conference ’98: Students for a Sustainable Europe in
Stockholm, Sweden organised by Swedish Ecodemics, Sweden and sponsored by European
Parliament (01 April 1998 – 04 April 1998).
Articles and Essays
Durmuş Arsan, Z. (2008). “Türkiye’de Sürdürülebilir Mimari” [Sustainable Architecture in Turkey].
Mimarlık [Architecture]. Mart-Nisan 2008, 340: 21-30.
Emir, S., Durmuş Arsan, Z. and Kiper, N. (2005) “Karaburun Yarımadası (İzmir) Kırsal Mimarlık
Envanteri 2004 Yılı Çalışmaları: Çullu ve Hisarcık Köyleri” [Rural Architectural Inventory of
the Peninsula of Karaburun (Izmir), Investigations of 2004: Villages of Çullu and Hisarcık].
Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Kültür Envanteri Dergisi [Journal of Turkish Academy of
Sciences, Cultural Inventory]. İstanbul, Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi: 161-186.
Durmuş Arsan, Z. (2002). “Ekomimarlık Platformu: Ekolojik bir Yaşamın Mimarisiyle İlgilenenlere
Çağrı” [Platform for Ecological Architecture: A Call to People Who Demand the Architecture
of an Ecological Life]. Yapı Dergisi [Journal of Building]. 246: 38-9.
Conference Papers
Güçyeter, B., Terim, B., and Durmuş Arsan, Z., (2007) Thermal Effect of Orientation Differentiations
in an University Building in Izmir, Turkey. In M. Santomouris and P. Wouters (Eds.),
Proceedings of 2nd PALENC Conference and 28th AIVC Conference on Building Low Energy
cooling and Advanced Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, Crete Island, Greece, 2729 September 2007. Athens: Heliotopos Conferences: 406-410.
Güçyeter Önen, B. and Durmuş Arsan, Z. (2006). “A Research on Energy Efficient Window Types for
Retrofitting Applications in Turkey.” In F. Busato, R. Lazzarin, F. Minchio, M. Noro, L.
Zamboni (Eds.) Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Vicenza,
Italy, 30 August – 1 September, 2006. Padova: SGEditoriali.
Durmuş Arsan, Z. (2006). “The Use of Saint-Gobain Glass Roof Tile in New Urban Districts of Turnof-the-Century Izmir.” In M. Dunkeld, J. Campbell, H. Louw, M. Tutton, B. Addis, C. Powell,
and R. Thorne (Eds.) Proceedings of The Second International Congress on Construction
History, Cambridge, UK, Queens’ College, Cambridge University, 29 March – 2 April 2006.
Exeter: Construction History Society: 1007 - 1022.
Onmuş, O., Tırıl, A., Durusoy, R. Eken, G. Durmuş Arsan, Z. and Bilge, O. (2002). “Gediz
Deltası’nda Katılımcı Yönetim Planı İçin Öneriler” [Suggestions for the Participatory
Management Plan in the Gediz Delta]. In E. Özhan and N. Alpaslan (Eds.), Türkiye Kıyıları
02 Konferansı Bildiriler Kitabı. Ankara: Rekmay Reklam ve Tanıtım Şirketi: 271-282.
Durmuş Arsan, Z. (2002). “A Critical View to the Concept of Sustainable Architecture in Turkey.” In
Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Building (SB02), World Congress in
Oslo, Norway, 23 - 25 September 2002. Proceedings on CD ROM, Article No. 98. Oslo: 8pp.
Seminar Presentations
Durmuş Arsan, Z. (2008). “Türkiye’de Sürdürülebilir Mimari” [Sustainable Architecture in Turkey].
Lecture for Undergraduate Students of Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of
Architecture, AR 341 Design Principles of Passive Heating and Cooling Systems of Buildings,
Izmir Institute of Technology, Classroom of Faculty of Architecture, Izmir, 18 March 2004.
Durmuş Arsan, Z. (2008). “Türkiye’de Sürdürülebilir Mimari” [Sustainable Architecture in Turkey].
Meeting of Aegean Society for the Conservation of Nature (EgeDoğa) Izmir. Municiality of
Konak Art and Cultural Centre, Alsancak, Izmir, 11 March 2008.
Durmuş Arsan, Z. (2007). “Personal Adventure of Doctorate: Making Critique on Sustainable
Architecture.”.Lecture for Ph.D. Students of Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of
Architecture, AR 702 Research Methods II: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches,
Izmir Institute of Technology, Classroom of Faculty of Architecture, Izmir, 03 April 2007.
Durmuş Arsan, Z. (2005). “The President, the Housewife and Desire for Jumping from Rural Seyrek:
Actors of Modernity in Spatial Transit.” Mock Colloquium on Public Space and the Rise of
Heterotopia, Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Architecture, Urban
Design and Regional Planning, Leuven, Belgium, 25 May 2005.
Durmuş Arsan, Z. (2005). “Criticism of Sustainable Architecture in Turkey.” Lecture for Master
Students of Post Graduate Centre Human Settlements (PGCHS) in Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Department of Architecture, Urban Design and Regional Planning, H0G40A
Problems Methods and Research Techniques in Architecture, Seminars. PGCHS Seminar
Room, Leuven, Belgium, 18 April 2005.
Durmuş Arsan, Z. (2004). “Sustainable Development, Energy, and Sustainable Architecture.” Lecture
for Master Students of Izmir Institute of Technology, Energy Engineering Programme, ME
580 Special Topics in Energy Engineering. Izmir Institute of Technology, Classroom of
Faculty of Engineering, Izmir, 30 November 2004.
Durmuş Arsan, Z. (2004). “Gediz Deltası’nda bir Tarım Köyü: Seyrek Yerleşimi Sosyal ve Mimarî
Yapısı” [An Agricultural Village in the Gediz Delta: Social and Architectural Characteristics
of the Seyrek Settlement]. Meeting of Aegean Society for the Conservation of Nature
(EgeDoğa) Izmir. Municiality of Konak Art and Cultural Centre, Alsancak, Izmir, 27 April
Durmuş Arsan, Z. (2001). “Impressions on Course of Ecological Living, Hasandede, Kırıkkale.” Izmir
Institute of Technology Faculty of Architecture Seminar Room, Izmir, November 2001.
Durmuş Arsan, Z. (2001). “Küresel Ekoköyler Ağı’na Bağlı İki Ekoköy: Findhorn, Ingiltere ve Cyrstal
Waters, Avusturalya” [Two Eco-Villages of Global Eco-Village Network: Findhorn, UK, and
Cyrstal Waters, Australia]. Video Show. Izmir Institute of Technology Faculty of Architecture
Seminar Room, Izmir, December 2001.
Durmuş Arsan, Z. (1998). “Within the Trace of Vernacular Buildings in Macahel / Camili Located in
the Natural Old Forests of Europe, the Karçal Mountains, Artvin, Turkey,” Slide Show, Izmir,
November 1998.
Zeydanlı, U. and Durmuş Arsan, Z. (1996). “ODTÜ Doğa Topluluğu, Doğa Rezervi Projesi” [Middle
East Technical University Society of Nature, Nature Reserve Project]. Auditorium of
Architecture, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, September 1996 and October 1996.
Contributions to Symposium Proceedings
Documentation of the Multi-Layered Residential Area in Burgaz, Datça, Muğla (measurement and
drawings: plan, section, stratigraphic section): Numan Tuna. "The Archaeological Excavations
at Burgaz/Datça, 1996." In XIX. International Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and
Archaeometry, II, Directory of Antiquities, 26 - 30 May 1997, Ankara, Turkey, Ankara:
Türkiye, T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları-2009 / Anıtlar ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü
Yayınları-57, T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı Milli Kütüphane Basımevi, 1998, 445-64.
Drawings of the Temple in Teos and the Breakwater of Teos Bay: Numan Tuna. "The Archeological
Investigations in Teos, 1996" In XV. Symposium of Results of Investigations, II, Ankara,
Turkey. Ankara: T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı, Anıtlar ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları, T.C.
Kültür Bakanlığı Milli Kütüphane Basımevi, 1998, 323-31.
Documentation of the Multi-Layered Residential Area in Burgaz, Datça, Muğla (measurement and
drawings: plan, section, stratigraphic section): Numan Tuna. "The archaeological excavations
at Burgaz/Datça, 1995." In XVIII. International Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and
Archaeometry, II, Directory of Antiquities, 27 - 31 May 1996, Ankara, Turkey. Ankara:
Türkiye, T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları-2009 / Anıtlar ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü
Yayınları-57, T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı Milli Kütüphane Basımevi, 1997, 255-72.
Documentation in Teos (measurement and drawings of archaic temple and altar; drawings of antic
theater and odeon): Numan Tuna. "The Archeological Investigations in Teos, 1995." XIV.
Symposium of Results of Investigations, I, 27 - 31 May 1996, Ankara, Turkey. Ankara: T.C.
Kültür Bakanlığı, Anıtlar ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları, T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı Milli
Kütüphane Basımevi, 1996, 219-33.
Conferences & Seminars Organised
Seminar Series in Building Technology and Science, Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of
Architecture, April – May 2004: “OSRAM Illumination Systems and Principles of
Illumination Design” (Ayhan Korkmaz, 11 May 2004); “TEBA HVAC Systems” (Ümit Çallı,
04 – 06 May 2004); “Schiedel Chimney Systems” (Barış Say, 27 April 2004); “Latest Fire
Regulation Of Turkey and Implementations of Architecture and Engineering”(Sabahattin
Bozbey, 16 March 2004); “ARASTA Building Automation Systems” (Çağlar Canbay, 13
April 2004).
Organisation of the Seminar Mimar Gözüyle Enerji, Ekoloji, Ahşap [Energy, Ecology, Timber with an
Eye of Architect] by Architect Çelik Erengezgin in The Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty
of Engineering Seminar Room, Izmir, 29 April 2004.
Seminar Series in Building Technology and Science, Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of
Architecture, April – May 2004: “OSRAM Illumination Systems and Principles of
Illumination Design” (Ayhan Korkmaz, 11 May 2004); “TEBA HVAC Systems” (Ümit Çallı,
04 – 06 May 2004); “Schiedel Chimney Systems” (Barış Say, 27 April 2004); “Latest Fire
Regulation Of Turkey and Implementations of Architecture and Engineering”(Sabahattin
Bozbey, 16 March 2004); “ARASTA Building Automation Systems” (Çağlar Canbay, 13
April 2004).
Organisation of the Seminar Enerji Mimarlığı: O da Ne? [Energy Architecture: What Is It?] by
Architect Çelik Erengezgin in The Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture,
Department of Architecture, Izmir, 15 April 2001.
Organisation committee member of the International Symposium on the Archaeology, History and
Ancient Languages of Thrace and Phrygia: Thracians and Phrygians: Problems of
Parallelism, organised by collaboration of Middle East Technical University, The Centre for
Research and Evaluation of Historical Environment (TAÇDAM) and Bulgarian Institute of
Technology, Ankara, Turkey, 3 – 6 June 1995.
Scientific Reports
Report of the Technical Excursion to Murat Reis Cultural Centre, Hatay, Izmir, Turkey. Submitted to
The Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ME 544 Passive
Solar Systems, 1999 (with Z. Peker).
Report of the Trip to Ege University Solar Energy Institute, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey. Submitted to The
Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ME 544 Passive Solar
Systems, 1999 (with Z. Peker).
“Kentleşen Ankara’da Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Planlama Çalışmaları” [Historical Evolution of
Planning Studies in Middle East Technical University as Part of the Urbanization of Ankara].
Doğa Rezervi Projesi [METU Nature Reserve Project for the Conservation of Nature of the
Middle East Technical University]. Ankara: METU Society of Nature, 1996. 35-55.
Return Visits to Second Home: Research on the Second Homes of the Turkish Migrant
Community in Flanders, Belgium Leuven, Belgium
(Research conducted in Katholike Universiteit Leuven, Post Graduate Centre Human
Settlements, Belgium) The goal of research is to elucidate the relationships between
migration, tourism and architecture by focusing on return visits, tourist experiences and
second home practices of the Turkish migrant community living in Belgium. Following a
framework based on one of the modes of tourist experiences, namely ‘existential mode’,
defined by Erik Cohen (1979), the investigation studies dynamics and types of second homes
generated by this migrant community in different social and spatial contexts of Turkey. It
explores the spatial dimensions of second home with its physical influence on extant housing
development, urban/rural fabric and landscape of the region, and conduct a comparative
analysis about the social and economic impacts of second home tourism on the immigrant
families themselves and the local people who accept or deny those second homes. (April 2005
– December 2005)
Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings: Energy Performance Assessment of Izmir Institute of
Technology Administrative Building Izmir – Turkey
(Project funded by Izmir Institute of Technology) Team member of the project on energy
analysis of buildings in IYTE; assessment of building and operation performance of Izmir
Institute of Technology Administrative Building via measurement and simulation; determination
of failures and deficiencies in energy consumption caused by design, construction and operation
phases of the buildings; preparation of energy audit for this specific building; development of
suggestions for refurbishment and determination of principles for new designs in the campus
site; measurement of energy performance of refurbished buildings Project coordinators: Assoc
Prof. Dr. Gülden Gökçen, Assist. Prof. Dr. Engin Aktaş. Project Team: Inst. Dr. Z. Durmuş
Arsan, Res. Ass. A. Çelik, Res. Ass. C. Aksakal, Student C. Özten, Student T. Dikbasan (June
2005 – Present).
Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Faculty Seminar Rooms in Izmir Institute of Technology in
terms of their Acoustical Conditions Izmir – Turkey
(Project funded by Izmir Institute of Technology) Project on evaluation of acoustical
performances of existing faculty seminar rooms, and development of applicable renovation
schemes that will improve the students’ ability to understand and Faculty’s academic
performances. Project coordinator: Inst. Dr. Z. Durmuş Arsan. Project Team: Res. Ass. Ayçe
Döşemeciler (June 2005 – December 2005).
Survey Study on Vernacular Architecture in Turkey: Sediments of Modernity in Transit
(Personal Research) Comparative field survey based on accumulation of traces, signs,
alterations and permanencies of modernisation attempt and transformation in traditional
dwelling culture in diverse rural and urban contexts of Turkey; cultural change in society and
its reflection in contemporary traditional and modern dwelling practice by documentation
(photography, sketch, measured drawing) on site including many regions Şirince, Alaçatı,
Kula, Bergama, Ayvalık, Eski Datça, Göreme, Bartın, Ankara-Kaleiçi in Turkey (March 1990
– Present).
Rural Architectural Inventory Project of Karaburun Peninsula, Izmir, Turkey
(Project supported by TÜBA, the Turkish Academy of Sciences in the framework of this
Academy’s Cultural Sector of Turkey: Turkey’s Cultural Inventory—TÜBA-TÜKSEK
Programme) Discovery, retrieval, documentation, and measured drawings in two abandoned
settlements namely Çullu and Hisarcık in Karaburun Peninsula; preparation of inventory cards
for mosques and cemeteries, dwellings, public buildings (fountain, toilet, oven, olive oil
atelier, coffee house, etc.), building material and traditional construction techniques, and
ethnographic elements. Project Coordinator: Ass. Prof. Dr. S. Emir. Associate Coordinators:
Inst. Dr. Z. Durmuş Arsan, Res. Ass. N. Kiper. (01 July 2004 – 31 December 2004).
Local History Study of Settlements and Vernacular Buildings of Karaburun Peninsula Izmir –
Turkey (Project of Karaburun History of Settlement and Architecture Group—a Subgroup of
Karaburun Local Agenda 21 Secretariat) Documentation and measured drawings in more than
fifteen settlements extant or abandoned in Karaburun—a mountainous peninsula surrounded by
the Aegean Sea; historical geography study in near-abandoned settlements, their strategic
locations, orientations, commercial interrelations with Chios and the Aegean coast; survey of
each rural settlement with its mosque(s) and cemetery, church remnants, dwellings, public
buildings (winery, olive oil atelier, coffee house, etc.), building material and traditional
construction techniques, and ethnographic elements; interviews with inhabitants about living
habits, source of livelihoods, and problems about their dwellings and settlements; interviews
with older people in order to ready peninsular archive by oral history study (March 2002 – June
Joint Research with The Izmir Institute of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering
Energy Engineering Programme
Architect in the joint research team of ‘Ώ (Gamma) Type Photovoltaic Charge Station on
Garage Roofs with Passive Reflectors’ by Prof. Dr. Ing. Gürbüz Atagündüz, the head of
Department of Energy Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering, Izmir Institute of
Technology. This station will be placed on the roofs of garages to charge hybrid or electrically
powered cars. This work has been carried out since 1981 by Prof.Dr. Ing. Gürbüz Atagündüz
after his research-stay in the “Institut für Industrielles Bauen, Hannover” which was supported
by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (January 1999 – May 2000).
Exhibition Hall Design in Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
This project aims at demonstrating applicability of basic design principles of passive solar
energy systems in a public building, an exhibition hall in Bornova, Izmir. The details of low
energy building were developed to reduce the heat losses caused by the ventilation and to
implement preheated air system in the skin of the building in order to warm up the exhibition
space. The design concept of the latter was initially developed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerd Hauser
of the building physics of Kassel Universität, Germany, March – May 1999.
Research in Hocamköy Eco-Village Kırıkkale - Turkey
(Project of Hocamköy Ecological Communal Life Movement) Volunteer participant in the
rehabilitation and permaculture studies in barren steppe landscape of the Hocamköy ecovillage in Hasandede; preparation of sun-dried adobe bricks for a house; construction of a
spiritual shed made of stone (March 1997 – August 1998).
Conservation and Redevelopment Project of Forest Ecosystems of Camili Borçka, Artvin - Turkey
(Pre-study for the project conducted by the Research Association of Rural Environment and
Forestry with METU Society of Nature) Volunteer participant in architectural documentation
and interviews with inhabitants for analysis of vernacular settlement pattern of Camili and
investigation of the critical sustainable balance of villagers living in one of the oldest forest
areas of Europe (September 1997).
Urban Rehabilitation Project of Odunpazarı Eskişehir - Turkey
Revitalisation project for the old vernacular district of the city of Eskişehir by rehabilitating of
extant infrastructure; design experience in an architectural construction company in Ankara by
Architect Fuat Gökçe (March 1997 – June 1997).
Designing New Buildings in Old Settlements Datça Mahallesi, Muğla - Turkey
(Master’s thesis) Documentation and measured drawings in Datça Mahallesi—small
vernacular Mediterranean village; physical analysis (building and settlement scales) and social
survey (questionnaire, interviews, observations) in order to search for principles in the design
and construction of new buildings in traditional settlements; a pattern language for Datça
Mahallesi following the method of Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander; critical
regionalism approach of Kenneth Frampton as a cultural strategy envisioning that the building
is ontological rather than representational in character; the tectonic and tactile language of
traditional environment, and craftsmanship; the reciprocal relationship between the social unit,
i.e. the family, and the architectural unit, i.e. the dwelling (September 1993 – January 1997).
METU Nature Reserve Project for the Conservation of Nature of the Middle East Technical
University (Project of METU Society of Nature) Member of the research team proposing a
comprehensive project for the administrative boards of METU aiming at the provision of public
opinion among the METU people about the importance of large natural uninhabited and
ecologically valuable land in the METU campus area which should be seen rather than a potential
construction area, and envisioning the best way to conserve this natural and archaeological site by
declaring it as one of the ‘Nature Reserve Areas’ of Turkey (June 1996 – October 1996).
Archaeological Excavation of Old Cnidus (Burgaz) Datça, Muğla - Turkey
Appointed by the Turkish Ministry of Culture to the Centre for Research and Evaluation of
Historical Environment (TAÇDAM) of Middle East Technical University, archaeological
excavations were on one of the cities of archaic and classical period of Greek civilization
(B.C. 700- 400) in Datça in the coastal zone of the southern Aegean Sea. The excavation team
was headed by the city planner Prof. Dr. Numan Tuna (Middle East Technical University).
Position: architect responsible for the documentation and preparation of measured drawings of
the housing pattern from archaic and classical periods, and later use of the site as a cemetery,
the winery, ancient harbours, and the acropolis in Burgaz; conducted on-site and office
studies: site plan, and plans, sections, and details of various excavation segments (June 1993 –
August 1996).
Survey Study on Urban Archaeology Tilkilik and Damlacık, Izmir - Turkey
Physical survey and documentation of two old districts of the city of Izmir which were
founded just over the Smyrna, the settlement from the Hellenistic and Roman periods; tracing
the remnants of the city of Smyrna in the traditional dwellings of Tilkilik and Damlacık as the
construction material, and in the organisation of building plots, building blocks, street pattern;
basic inventory study determining the possible pieces of the ancient theatre, agora and the
stadium (March 1996).
Archaeological Site Survey in Teos Seferihisar, Izmir - Turkey
Appointed by the Turkish Ministry of Culture to the Centre for Research and Evaluation of
Historical Environment (TAÇDAM) of Middle East Technical University, studies of site are
conducted in Teos, one of the Ion cities of Hellenistic period in the Aegean Coast. Position:
architect responsible for the documentation (plans and sections) of acropolis, the great altar,
the archaic temple; the revision of drawings of Teos Odeon and Theatre; renovation of site
plan of the city. (September 1993 – September 1995).
19th-Century Traditional Residential Architecture in Kaleiçi Region Ankara - Turkey
Volunteer participant in documentation, measured drawings, questionnaire and reports to
understand and define the reciprocal family and dwelling interrelations in old district,
currently deteriorated area, of Ankara, observation of physical transformation process and
changing user profile, rehabilitation strategies for the continuity and sustainability of
characteristics of the new social group which uses the earlier spatial systems (October 1994 –
March 1995).
Experience in Design Process of Architectural Projects Ankara - Turkey
ARTI Architectural Construction Company by Architects Hilmi Güner and Hüseyin Bütüner
Design of an Urban Park (January 1993 – April 1993).
‘Bakır Han’ – A Historical Commercial Building constructed within the Period of First
Nationalist Movement in Architecture Izmir - Turkey
MATU Architectural Design and Construction Company. Documentation, measured drawings,
physical (material and structure) analysis and synthesis (January 1992 – February 1992).
Practicum in Architectural Office Izmir - Turkey
MATU Architectural Design and Construction Company by Architect Salih Zeki Pekin.
Interior design projects; renovation of an office project (July 1991 – August 1991).
Practicum in Documentation and Measured Drawings of a Historical Building Izmir - Turkey
Documentation and rendering the plan schemes, sections, elevations and ornamentation of
early 20th three-storeyed historical building in a commercial city centre (July 1990 – August
Practicum in Basic Construction Steps Izmir - Turkey
OTAK Architectural Construction Company. Site preparation, drainage, groundbreaking,
excavation, batter boarding, shoring, raking, construction management, timeline organisation,
implementation of foundations and skeleton system in reinforced concrete; construction of a
brick wall, implementation of breakwater in reinforced concrete, construction of yacht port
(July 1989 – August 1989).
TEACHING EXPERIENCE (Faculty of Architecture, Izmir Institute of Technology):
Postgraduate Courses in the Department of Architecture
AR 502 Architectural Design Studio II (1998 Spring)
Project: understanding the urban dimension; different range of projects from high-rise
buildings to inner city public structures.
AR 501 Architectural Design Studio I (1997 Fall)
Project: large-scale public buildings ranging from the Cafeteria Building of The Izmir Institute
of Technology to the competition for the extension of the Library in Finland by Alvar Aalto;
design problems with complex functional requirements involving in a scrutinized analytical
work of extant buildings and specific structural concerns.
AR 529 Vernacular Architecture: Understanding Vernacular Form (1997 Fall)
The course is based on the theoretical framework of vernacular architecture with its related
concerns as new and old confrontation, regionalism, tectonic and tactile. Then, it gives an
overview to the classifications of Turkish residential architecture in historical perspective.
Lastly, the study focuses on the ways of understanding vernacular form, reading its pattern
language with case studies next to Izmir.
Postgraduate Courses in the Programme of Urban Design, the Department of City and
Regional Planning
UD 605 Urban Design Project II (1999 Fall)
Project: Urban design project of Students’ Dormitories for The Izmir Institute of Technology,
Campus Area, Izmir; collaborative study and innovative solutions of students with
architectural and city planning background for the pre-defined dormitory area; integration of
each dormitory to the campus environment; special concern for the degrees of publicness in a
dormitory design; analyzing the main determinants of building form, space, spatial
organisation, circulation pattern, solid-void relationships, site and topography, architecture of
the campus and architecture in the campus area.
Undergraduate Courses in the Department of Architecture
AR 102 Introduction to Architectural Design II (2000 Spring - 2006 Spring)
Project for first-year students of architecture and city planning: studio works centred around
problems within basic spatial and structural complexity; investigation of functional
requirements and constraints, materials and technologies influencing design as process and
product; exploration of the meaning of designing an architectural project by means of
generation, development, refining and expressing design concepts.
AR 151 Building Technology and Science I (2000 Fall – 2004 Fall, 2006 Fall)
Introduction to the concept of ‘building, construction, and structural systems’ for first-year
students of architecture and city planning; development of an awareness of the basic
vocabulary (inputs) of building construction in architecture such as building ‘loads’ and basic
‘stresses’ such as compression, tension, bending, buckling, and shear; building regulations in
Turkey and the principles in site planning; particular building components: walls and
foundations; provision of skills and knowledge of architectural drawing techniques by means
of learning architectural language by hand-drawing: top view, plan, elevation, section, three
dimensional drawings like axonometric, isometric and oblique perspectives.
AR 152 Building Technology and Science II (2000 Spring – 2004 Spring)
Analysing basic structural components of buildings: floors (reinforced concrete, timber, and
steel floors) and roofs (hipped, flat, suspended, and steel roofs); designing a floor system
structurally and aesthetically for a particular project limited to the capacities of given materials
like reinforced concrete, timber, and steel; deciphering structural system of the roof chosen
among the completed building examples all over the world, and presenting the system by
preparing the system model and the construction drawings.
AR 202 Architectural Design II (2004 Spring)
Special emphasis of this course is on the site in regard to specific physical restrictions such as
being as an ecologically vulnerable land, sloppy area, located in warm climate or high altitude,
etc. Students concentrate on environmental conditions of the site and develop thoughts on
case-specific climatic facts, urban and rural context, and/or extant landscape. Total building
area of the architectural project is less than 1000 m2.
AR 351 Building Technology and Science V (2004 Fall)
Basic concepts of building physics on passive systems: heating, cooling, daylighting, and
ventilation for passive systems; acoustics; building materials and components.
AR 352 Building Technology and Science VI (2004 Spring, 2006 Spring)
Active heating, cooling, ventilating, i.e. air conditioning systems; plumbing; fire control;
artificial illumination principles and equipment; building automation systems.
AR 441 Ecological Studies in Architecture (2001 Fall, 2004 Spring, 2004 Fall, 2006 Fall)
Deeper analysis and recognition of the steady broadening scope of ecological approaches in
theory and practice in the architectural profession; the complexities and implications of
ecological architecture partly merging with the sustainable approach to design; historical
evolution of ecological design in architecture by means of contextualizing relationships
between humans and nature within particular phases, e.g. environmental movements, political
distinctions, and development activities particularly in the last three decades of the twentieth
century; presenting a selective survey of different approaches, strategies and design solutions
from Turkey and the other countries.
Summer Practicum in Construction Site for Second-Year Students (June 2001 – August 2001)
Analyze: monitoring and survey in construction site day by day for six weeks; conducted
visual documentation of the construction process for subsidized housing for academicians,
sports hall building, and the building of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering in The Izmir
Institute of Technology, Campus Area, Izmir; communicating with the contractor, civil
engineers, architects, and craftsmen to explore the construction detailing, timeline
management, organisation of construction site. At the end of the study, all students are
obligated to submit a report explaining construction steps of these buildings as well as
inferences and results of the summer practicum in construction site.
Yusuf Yıldız, “Retrofitting of Existing Mass Housing for Energy Efficiency.” Izmir Institute of
Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, since February 2006.
Ecological Buildings in Western Anatolia: A Field Trip to Muğla, Marmaris, Fethiye in Turkey. This
is the organisation of The Chamber of Union of Architects, Izmir Chapter, Eco-Architecture
Commission to visit ecological housing and neighbourhood examples, solar buildings and
ecovillages in Western Anatolia. September 2002.
Investigative tour covering architectural and archaeological features of Karpuzlu, Aydın, Turkey.
March 1998.
Investigative tour covering architectural and archaeological features of Belevi, Selçuk, and Şirince,
Turkey. April 1992 and 11 April 1998.
Architectural tour to Kula, Manisa, Turkey, within the scope of AR 529 Vernacular Architecture:
Understanding Vernacular Form. November 1997.
Architectural tour to Balıklıova and Çatalkaya villages in Karaburun, Izmir, within the scope of AR
529 Vernacular Architecture: Understanding Vernacular Form. December 1997.
Attendance to Workshop on Campus Greening in Stockholm Conference '98: Students for a
Sustainable Europe, organised by Swedish Ecodemics and sponsored by European Parliament.
The University of Stockholm, 01 - 04 April 1998.
Investigation on ecological housing and ecovillages examples in Stockholm, Lund and Malmö, Sweden.
01 - 04 May 1998.
Technical excursion for solar applications of universities, governmental and private enterprises in
Ankara, Konya and Kayseri, Turkey, conducted through ME 544 Passive Solar Systems. 20 –
26 May 2001.
Technical excursion for evaluating the performance of the building of Ege University Solar Energy
Institute, Izmir. March 1999.
Technical excursion for evaluating the performance of the building of Murat Reis Cultural Centre and
Passive Ventilated Public WC of Murat Reis Mosque, Hatay, Izmir. April 1999.
Aegean Society for the Conservation of Nature (EgeDoğa), since 2003.
Turkish Society for the Conservation of Nature (DHKD), since 2002.
Karaburun Local Agenda 21 Secretariat, Group of Local History, Subgroup of History of Settlement
and Architecture of Karaburun, since 2001.
Chamber of Union of Architects, Izmir Chapter, since August 1997.
Chamber of Union of Architects, Ankara Chapter, June 1992 – July 1997.
Wind and Design: Professional Seminar in Izmir, Turkey, conducted by The Chamber of Union of
Architects, Izmir Chapter, 14 December 2002 (Certificate of participation). Learned to utilise
wind in architectural practice and its role in energy efficient design.
Sun and Design: Professional Seminar in Izmir, Turkey, conducted by The Chamber of Union of
Architects, Izmir Chapter, 12 September 2002 (Certificate of participation). Learned to
implement solar design principles in architectural practice and critical approaches to energy
efficient design.
Ecological Living: Course in Hasandede, Kırıkkale, Turkey, by Harman Anatolian Society for
Ecology and supported by United Nations Development Fund (UNDP), Global Environment
Facility—Small Grants Programme (GEF/SGP), 17 – 19 August 2001 (Certificate of
participation). Discussion forum with UNDP representatives, architectural designers,
agriculturalists, and concerned citizens. Learned of international and national efforts for
achieving an ecological community.
Design with Sun: Seminar, Panel & Workshop in Eskişehir, Turkey, by Anadolu University,
Department of Architecture, Clean Energy Foundation (TEMEV) and Ege University Solar
Energy Institute, 18 - 20 March 2001 (Certificate of participation). Learned to implement solar
design principles in architectural practices and critical approaches to energy design
Socrates – Erasmus Departmental Coordinator: Department of Architecture, Izmir Institute of
Technology, Izmir, Turkey, April 2006 - Present.
Executive of Member of the Central Laboratory of Materials and Structure: Faculty of Architecture,
Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey, July 2005 - Present.
Associate Project Coordinator: Karaburun Peninsula Rural Architectural Inventory Project, Izmir,
Turkey, 01 July 2004 – 31 December 2004.
Associate Coordinator of the Office, and Academic Supervisor of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Grant
Applications Support Desk: Izmir Institute of Technology, Office of International Relations, 01
October 2004 – 24 January 2005.
Organisational Consultant to Founding Coordinator: Izmir Institute of Technology, Office of
International Relations, 25 February 2004 – 30 September 2004.
Head of Committee of Summer Internship of Undergraduate Students: Department of Architecture,
Izmir Institute of Technology, 07 June 2000 – 27 December 2004.
Founder and member: Aegean Society for the Conservation of Nature (EgeDoğa), Izmir, Turkey,
Founder: Izmir Chapter, Eco-Architecture Commission to the Chamber of Union of Architects, March
2002 – January 2003; Head of commission for six months.
Departmental Co-ordinator: Summer Practice on Construction Site for the second year undergraduate
students of The Izmir Institute of Technology Department of Architecture, 02 July 2001 – 10
August 2001.
University Committee Service: Forestation and Landscape Studies Group for The Izmir Institute of
Technology, Campus Area in Urla, Izmir, 28 December 1997 – 28 December 1998.
Representative in Izmir Institute of Technology Department of Architecture, of the Greater
Municipality of Izmir Local Agenda 21 City Council, 1998 – 1999.
Academic Adviser to Student Society: Mountaineering and Nature Society of The Izmir Institute of
Technology, Izmir, Turkey, 1997 – 2003.
Turkish, English; introductory German, Flemish, French, Italian
Microsoft Office Programs (Word, Excel, Power Point); Photoshop; AutoCad 2000; studied
ArchiCAD; introductory ArcGIS v.8.3
Doctoral Courses Taken (Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department of
ME 541 Fundamentals and Applications of Solar Energy
Radiant Energy transfer and its application to solar exchangers; energy balances for solar
exchangers, review of theory, economics, and practice of solar energy applications.
AR 621 Architecture in Izmir
The course is oriented to the compilation of data; analysis and interpretation of past and
present architectural developments in Izmir.
AR 527 Architectural Criticism
This course aims at displaying architectural criticism as a way of communication in the field
by using the material of language and a way of understanding the theoretical background of an
architectural end-product within its context, and relevant architectural discourse. The notion of
conceptualisation will be given for encouraging the course-participants for using architectural
criticism as a tool for producing new ideas or creating products. The importance of re-reading
of an architectural end-product for a better comprehension, evaluation and discrimination will
be emphasized and selected text will be optional for students for a comprehensive evaluation
of a particular period/style/idea/trend/architect of building(s) according to interest.
AR 712 Research into Special Topics in Architectural Design II
The course aims at exploring specific areas of concern for architectural design oriented
research studies. It also focuses on specific building types with specialized functional
requirements and the related problems faced during the design process.
AR 522 Architectural Design Approaches
A course dealing with mainly the discussion of the various architectural design approaches
doctrines preached by eminent architects.
CP 528 History of Cities
This course presents the historical development of built environment of cities in relation to its
social, economic and politic functions. Selected topics include the emergence and
development of physical structure of cities.
AR 701 Doctoral Thesis Research
The aim of the course is to determine the field, the topic and the method of the doctoral thesis.
Listing of a reading program, field surveys and related research program under the guidance of
the department is within the scope of the course.
Doctoral Courses Attended (Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department
of Architecture)
ME 544 Passive Solar Systems
Types of passive solar systems; elements of passive solar systems; thermodynamic and
economical analysis of passive solar systems; examples of applied passive solar systems in the
CP715 Urban Land in Anatolian Cities in the Ottoman Period
Understanding the relationship between macro socio-economic policies and administrative systems
and land and housing policies; and the physical structure of cities in Anatolia between the 14th and
21st centuries.
CP552 Housing and Land Policy
The course covers main urban policies in various countries relevant to housing, urban land,
planning, transportation and their relationship with macro economic policies in the process
of globalization. Analysis of forces impinging on planning in different countries at the
international, national, and urban level and analysis of similarities and differences of each
country’s national planning system. Comparison of urban policies and planning practices in
countries such as England, France, Sweden, Italy, Spain, China, the USA, the Netherlands,
Denmark, etc.
Doctoral Courses Attended (Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape
Techniques of Ecological Mapping
This course analyses the well-known book of ‘Design with Nature’ by the city planner, Ian
McHarg, who first underlines the concept of ‘Landscape Ecology’. Within the scope of book,
it investigates the subject on how rural areas in the urban periphery and large natural areas in
the city can be planned regarding the principles of science of ecology.
Master’s Courses Taken (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture,
Department of Architecture)
ARCH 553 Materials of Construction and Ornament in Anatolian Architecture
A historic and stylistic evaluation of the materials used in Anatolian architecture during the
Seljuk, Beylik and Ottoman periods; the traditional building materials; use of stone, brick and
timber in chronological order.
ARCH 446 Family Dwelling Interrelations in Traditional Residential Architecture
Architectural characteristics and classification of traditional residential architecture in
Anatolia; evaluation of spatial qualities of traditional dwellings; information on the family
characteristics in Ottoman period to interrelate the social and architectural dwelling units;
general discussion on the existing situation of both types.
AH 548 Aesthetics and Criticism
Class discussions of classical texts on philosophy of art and aesthetics from Plato to
Heidegger; the class is conducted through discussions and active student participation is
ARCH 572 Directed Studies in Environmental Design II
Individual tutoring on specific topics that are related to unique and special interests of
Master’s students.
ARCH 522 The History of Architecture in the Middle East I
Introduction to the documentary sources of the history of Anatolian Turkish Architecture; use
of inscriptions, foundation charters, written and illustrated archive documents and their use in
research are given in case studies in order to illustrate the interpretation of historical material
in restoration projects.
ARCH 403 Advanced Architectural Surveying
The methods of making a thorough measured and descriptive survey of a building by means of
various techniques and instruments are given in a series of lectures; practical exercises are
carried out on the site.
ARCH 461 Computer Literacy in Architecture
An introduction to computer basics; both theory and practice of operating systems, wordprocessors, spread-sheets and data-base programs are covered to provide an understanding of
state-of-art of the computer technology.
ARCH 513 Architectural Research I
This method course considers architecture as a discipline as well as a cultural enterprise. It
starts with on assumption that architecture can be studied not only by pragmatic and formal
considerations, but also by historical and theoretical interpretations.
ARCH 571 Directed Studies in Environmental Design I
Individual tutoring on specific topics that are related to unique and special interests of
Master’s students.