Prof. Dr. Ali OKTAY


Prof. Dr. Ali OKTAY
Prof. Dr. Ali OKTAY
Ali Oktay
Birth place/date:
Kahramanmaraş / 03.05.1948
Uludag University Faculty of Engineering Department of Electronics
Engineering, 16059 Görükle-Bursa/Turkey
(224) 442 87 63
(224) 442 80 21
Ph. D.:
June 1975
Paul Sabatier University – Toulouse (France)
September 1972 Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
June 1971
Ph.D. Dissertation:
Study of radiation pattern of series slots cutted on broad wall of a
rectangular waveguide loaded a dielectric for a monopuls antenna
M. Sc. Thesis:
Mutual coupling in a two-dimensional planar slot array
Associate Prof.
Dissertation :
Study of improvement of the drying processes of tea using
electromagnetic energy. Design of an industrial microwave applicator
Istanbul Technical University
Areas of Interest
Electromagnetics, Numerical Methods for Electromagnetic, Antennas, Microwaves Theory
and Techniques, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Microwave Applications, Information
Scholarships and Award
Scholarship from ITU Rectorate (1970-1971)
Ph.D Scholarship from the French Government (1971-1975) in order to preparing the
Ph.D thesis at ONERA (the French Aerospace Lab.Toulose) under the Supervising of
Prof. Leo Thourel
Postdoctoral scholarship from UNESCO (1979-1980) Research on industrial application
of microwaves energy at The Microwave Laboratory (ENSEEHHT-France)
Industrial and Technical Cooperation Grant from the French Ministry of Industry at two
french industrial companies:
SAIREM Microwave Radio Frequency Inc., 12 Porte du Grand Lyon, Neyron
THOMSON CSF Departement Tubes et Dispositifs Hyperfrequences 2, rue
latecoere velizy, villacoublay France
Invited Prof. at the University of Cambridge (Postdoctoral Scholarship from the British
Research on industrial application of microwaves with Prof. A.C.Metaxas
Postdoctoral Research Scholarship from the ACTIM, French Technical and Industrial
Cooperation Agency. Research on radiating energies at the ITF (Institut Textile de France)
and The CETİAT, Centre Technique des Industries Aerauliques et Thermiques, France
Invited Prof. at the Henry Poincare University (Nancy-France) by Research Scholarship
from CNRS, Centre National des Recherches Scientifiques
Summer School on Electroheat organized by the CEE Club, Electotechnologies
Enseignement at Fontainebleu (France)-Research Grant.
First Prize on Orginal Industrial Project Competitive organized by EMO, The Chamber of
Turkish Electrical Engineers, 04 June 2004.
Experience (Academic)
October 1985-
September 1980September 1985
July 1975July 1980
Karadeniz Technical University Department
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
November 1972June 1975
Paul Sabatier University Toulouse
Polytechnical Institute (France)
February 1971October 1972
Istanbul Technical University Department
of Electrical  Electronics Engineering
Uludag University Department of
Electronics Engineering
Oran Technical University (Algeria)
Experience (Administrative)
October 2003- September 2006
Head of Electronics Engineering Department,
Uludag University
July 2001- September 2003
Head of Electronics Engineering Department,
Uludag University
October 1998- September 2003
Member of Faculty Board,
Faculty of Engineering, Uludag University
July 2001- September 2003
Head of Electronics Engineering Department,
Uludag University
October 1998- June 2001
Head of Electronics Engineering Department,
Uludag University
March 1995- Sempember 1998
Head of Electronics Engineering Department,
Uludag University
October 1989- September 1992
Head of Electronics Engineering Department,
Uludag University
Teaching Experience(Lectured Courses)
Electromagnetic Theory I and II, Electromagnetic Waves, Fundamentals of Electronics
Engineering, Antenna Engineering, Antenna Theory, Introduction to Electromagnetic
Compatibility, Communication Theory and Techniques, Microwaves Circuit Devices,
High Frquency Electronics, Microwaves Electronics, Mobile Communication Systems,
Communication Networks, Radar Techniques, Microwave Systems...
Research and Industrial Projects
 Using of microwave energy on drying of tea. National Tea Co. (Çaykur-1979)
 Utilization of microwave energy on stifling and treatment process of fresh cocoon. The
Turkish Scientificial and Technical Research Council (TUBITAK), EEEAG-4, 1993
 Effenciency and improvement of microwaves on drying of lignite coal. Milten Coal
Co. (İstanbul-1996)
 Microwave rubber vulcanization and design of a continuous microwave applicator.
AKTAŞ (Bursa-1997)
 Novel process for the drying of sugar applying microwave technology. The Turkish
Sugar Plants (Türkiye Şeker Fabrikaları A.Ş. Ankara-1998)
 Study and numerical simulation of electromagnetic fields within a microwave cavity
loaded a dielectric material. Optimization a microwave applicator. (Tübitak Research
Project 1999E016-2002)
 Domestical microwave oven technology. Arçelik A.Ş. (Çayırova-1997)
 Modeling microwave heating characteristics of ceramic materials. (Uludag University
Research Fund 2002)
 The drying of acrylic tow by microwave power. (AKSA A.Ş.-2000)
 Implementation of microwave heating in the polymeric industry (AKSA A.Ş. İstanbul2004)
 Pasteurization of milk by microwave energy (Eker Süt A.Ş.-2006)
Consultancy and Advisory Activities
Arçelik A.Ş.
Şeker Fabrikaları A.Ş.
Milten Kömürleri
Ph.D.Thesis Supervised
1. A. B. HAMED, “Study of Coaxial Waveguide Allowing to Measure the Humidity in
Materials”, 1984
2. B. ABBOUD, “Study of a Special Microwave Applicator for Heating”, 1984
3. İ. KOÇYİĞİT, “Traffic Management and Congestion Control on ATM Networks”,
4. G. İYİBAKANLAR, “Analysis of changes in Dielectric Properties of Polymers with
Frequency and Temperature”, 2003
5. A. AKMAN, “Numerical Modelling of Industrial Microwave Oven and Design
Optimization”, 2004
6. O. SÜLE, “The Examination of Electric Field and Heat Distribution on a Microwave
Resonator Loaded with Dielectric by FDTD Method”, 2006
7. S. YENİKAYA, “Modeling Electromagnetic Radiation with Electromagnetic
Compatibility Technics”, 2007
M.Sc.Thesis Supervised
1. O. AKIN, “Design and realisation a microwave generator (2450 MHz, 500 W) and
an industrial application” , 1992
2. A. AKMAN, “Interaction of electromagnetic radiation of slots cutted in the
rectangular waveguides”, 1996
3. E. ATÇEKEN, “Design techniques of very high rating modem on data transmission
systems”, 1993
4. Ü. BARIŞOĞLU, “Microprocessor for DC motor control with four zone”, 1993
5. H. BAŞULAŞ, “Industrial automation of PLC”, 1992
6. O. ELMALAR, “QPSK modulator in digital ratio tecnique and evaluation of practical
results”, 1990
7. A. GÜLÇUBUK, “Tranmission of digital signals over cables”, 1989
8. K. GÖVER, “Measurement of dielectric constants at microwaves frequensies for some
industrial materials”, 1996
9. GÜLER, “Electronics and software properies of VSAT hub (terminal)”, 1995
10. İ. KOÇYİĞİT, “Transmission of very high rate data using X-25 packaging switch on
telecommunication networks”, 1995
11. İ. SARIOĞLU, “Digital signal processing and switching circuits and digital
terminals”, 1990
12. Y. TUMAY, “Industrial application of PLC and automotion of a ceramic production
line”, 1990
13. M. ŞEKER, “Non-destractive humidity measurement by microwave technique”, 2006
14. H. BİÇER, “Modelling of dielectric by FDTD method”, 2006
15. M. ZEYBEK, “Drying of ciment concrete using microwave energy”, 2003
Member of Professional Institution
International Microwave Power Institute (USA)
Club Electrotechnologies Enseignement (France)Electromagnetics,
Centre Français de l’Electricite (France)
Agence de Cooperation Technique Industrielle et Economique (France)
AMPERE: Association for Microwave Power in Europe for Research and Education
Chamber of Electrical, Electronics and Informatic Engineers (Turkey)
Franco-Turc Engineers Frendly Association (Turkey)
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA)
Organized Congress and Symposiums
Co-Chairman of International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
ELECO'99, Bursa, TURKEY, 1-5 December 1999,
EQUIPMENT, OPTIM 2000 May 11-12, 2000 Brasov, ROMANIA
EQUIPMENT, OPTIM 2002 May 16-17, 2002 Brasov, ROMANIA
Co-Chairman of International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
ELECO'2001, Bursa, TURKEY, 7-11 November 2001,
Co-Chairman of The 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, ELECO'2003, Bursa, TURKEY, 3 – 7 December 2003.
Chairman of ELECO’2000: The National Conference on Electrical, Electronics and
Computer Engineering, Bursa, Turkey, 8 – 12 November 2000.
Chairman of ELECO’2002: The 2nd National Conference on Electrical, Electronics
and Computer Engineering, Bursa, Turkey, 18 – 22 December 2002.
Co-Chairman of the 10th National Congress on Electrical, Electronics and Computer
Engineering, İstanbul, Turkey, 18-21 September 2003.
Co-Chairman of ELECO’2004: The 3rd National Conference on Electrical,
Electronics and Computer Engineering, Bursa, Turkey, 8 – 12 December 2004.
Co-Chairman of The 4th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, ELECO'2005, Bursa, TURKEY, 7 –11 December 2005.
Chairman of ELECO’2006: The 4th National Conference on Electrical, Electronics
and Computer Engineering, Bursa, Turkey, December 2006.
Co-Chairman of The 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, ELECO'2007, Bursa, TURKEY, 5 –9 December 2007.
Chairman of ELECO’2008: The 5th National Conference on Electrical, Electronics
and Computer Engineering, Bursa, Turkey, will be held in December 2008.
Principal Publications
1. Propagation des ondes électromagnétique dans des couches terrestes.
Revue des Ingénieurs des Mines, vol.12(1),1973.
2. Utilisation des ondes électromagnétiques en géologie.
Revue de l’Université Technique d’Istanbul (RUTI), vol. 31(1), 1973
3. Contribution a l’étude de rayonnement au bout des fentes séries situées sur le grand paroi
d’un guide Ku rempli de téflon.
Thèse de Docteur Ingénieur présentée à l’Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse. le 19 Juin
4. Affaiblissement des ondes radios dans des différentes milieux météorologiques.
RUTI, vol.34(2), 1976
5. Elargissement de la bande de fréquence des fentes transversales non-résonantes située sur
la grand côté d’un guide Ku rempli de téflon.
RUTI, vol.34(3), 1976
6. Utilisation de l’énergie micro-ondes dans l’industrie alimentaire.
RUTI, vol.35(3), 1977.
7. Utilisation de l’énergie micro-ondes au séchage du thé.
Microwave Power Symposium, Monaco, le 11-15 Juin 1979
8. Influence des rayonnement électromagnétique sur l’environnement et normes relatives.
1er Symposium National sur des Sciences de l’Environnement, le 24-26 Janvier 1979,
9. Contribution à l’étude de l’amélioration du processus de séchage du thé par apport
d’énergie électromagnétique. Conception d’un applicateur micro-onde.
Thèse de Doctorat d’Etat soutenuée le 15 Juin 1980
10.Etude de la propagation d’une hélice entourée par un guide cylindrique en vue de réaliser
un applicateur à onde lente.
Journées Internationales de Nice sur les Antennes (JINA’84), le 13-15 Novembre 1984,
Nice, France.
11.Méthode de détermination du profil de la constant diélectrique à partir de la connaissance
du champ électrique.
2ème Congrès National de Génie Electrique, le 23-25 Sept. 1978, Ankara
12.La relation cinétique - qualité dans le processus de séchage.
Congrès de Biarritz, 29-30 Sept. – 1er Oct. 1987, Biarritz France.
13.Application des méthodes mathématiques de planification par expérience en résolution des
problèmes à caractère électronique.
Revue de la Faculté de Génie, Bursa, vol.31(1), 1987
14.Relation of the microwave drying kinetic and the contraction of porous materials.
6th Int. Drying Symposium (IDS’88), Sept. 5-8, 1988, Versailles, France
15.Etude d’un système de dipôles montés sur un guide pour applicateur à champ quasi
International Symposium on Antennas (JINA’88), 8-10 Nov. 1988, Nice, France.
16.Application industrielles des micro-ondes et hautes fréquences
3ème Congres National de Génie Electrique, le 25-30 septembre 1989, İstanbul.
17.Etouffage de ver à soie par micro-ondes.
Congres Int. Microwave and High Frequency, 8-10 Oct. 1991, Nice, France
18.Utilisation des micro-ondes à l’étouffage de ver à soie
3ème Congrès National de Génie Electrique, le 26-30 Sept. 1991, Izmir
19.Application des micro-ondes au procédé d’étouffage de ver à soie.
Rapport Technique, Direction Générale de la Régie de Soie, 1991
20.Mesure de permittivité diélectrique de soie par la méthode de perturbation de résonance.
5ème Congrès National de Génie Electrique, le 13-17 Sept. 1993, Trabzon
21.Importance et l’économie d’énergie des radiofréquences et micro-ondes dans les
application industrielles
Colloque de l’Economie d’Energie – Ministère de l’Industrie, 1993, Istanbul.
22.Microwave dielectric properties of the fresh cocoon of the silkworms.
28th International Microwave Symposium, Montreal Canada, July 1993.
23.Etude et réalisation d’un four micro-ondes industrielle.
Symposium Electrotechnologie, CEET, 7-12 Dec. 1993, Bursa.
24.Etouffage et traitement des soies par la technique micro-onde.
Projet de Recherche du TUBITAK (Direction The Scientific and Technical Research
Council of Turkey), EEEAG-4, 1993.
25.Importance et l’économie d’énergie des radiofréquences et micro-ondes dans les
application industrielles.
Kaynak Dergisi, 1994.
26.Coupling effects of slots in microwave industrial applicators.
1995 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 5-8 Sept. 1995,
Montreal-CANADA; p.345-347.
27.Détermination propriété diélectrique des polymères dans fréquences micro-ondes.
6ème Congrès National de Génie Electrique, le 11-17 Sept. 1995, Bursa.
28.Mesure de constant diélectrique avec méthode court-circuit en X – bande.
6ème Congrès National de Génie Electrique, le 11-17 Sept. 1995, Bursa.
29.Emploi d’énergie des micro-ondes dans industrielle de céramique.
6ème Congrès National de Génie Electrique, le 11-17 Sept. 1995, Bursa.
30.Dielectric properties of the fluorescent brightening agents.
MW & HF International Conference 17-21 Sept. 1995 Cambridge-UK.
31.Coupling effects of slots in microwave industrial applicators.
MW & HF International Conference,17-21 Sept. 1995 Cambridge-UK ; p:O5.1-O5.4.
32.Efficacité des micro-ondes au preséchage du charbon lignite.
Journées européennes d' études, Paris-la-défense 26 et 27 Mars 1996, Paris-FRANCE.
33.Slot mutual coupling effects in multimode microwave applicator.
Symposium of Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM) 7-9 Aug.
1996, Montreal-CANADA.
34.The design of slotted waveguide radiates into a multimode microwave applicator.
International Symposium on Antennas (JINA) 12-14 Nov. 1996, Nice-FRANCE.
35.Efficacité des micro-ondes au séchage du charbon lignite.
6ème Congrès National de Génie Electrique,1997, Ankara.
36.Preheating of coal by microwave energy.
MW & HF International Conference, 1997, ITALY.
37.Optimisation des applicateurs micro-ondes multimodes.
International Symposium on Antennas (JINA) le 17-19 Nov. 1998, Nice-FRANCE.
38.Optimum design of multimodal microwave applicators.
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, March 22-26, 1999, TAIWAN.
39.Thermal simulation of microwave heating for material processing.
7th International Conf. On Microwave and High Frequency Heating, 13-17 Sept., 1999,
Valencia, Spain
40.FDTD modeling of dielectric heating process : Application on ceramic materials.
OPTIM 2000, 11-12 May, 2000, Brasov, Romania.
41.The use of microwave in disease control of mushroom.
AMPERE Conference on Microwave Cemistry, Sept. 2000, Antibes, France
42.Numerical optimization of loaded microwave applicators.
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-2001), 18 – 22 July 2001,
Osaka, Japon
43.Numerical and experimental analysis of dielectric heating process.
Colloque International Expotion TELECOM'2001 et 2. JFMMA, 17-19 Oct. 2001,
Casablanca, Fas.
44.Computing of the temperature distribution in the dielectric loaded microwave cavity.
8th Ampere Conference on HF and MW Heating, Bayreuth, Almanya, Sept. 2001
45.Microwave heat and mass transfer characteristics of dielectric materials.
International Seminar HIS-2001, Padova, Italy.
46.Etude et simulation numérique du champ électromagnétique dans une cavité micro-ondes
chargée. Optimisation d’un applicateur micro-ondes.
Projet de Recherche du TUBITAK (Direction The Scientific and Technical Research
Council of Turkey), 199E016, 2002
47.“EMC Problemlerinde Ekranlama Etkinliğinin Hibrit MOM/FEM Metodu ile
Modellenmesi”, Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 2007
48.“Analysis of Dielectric Loaded Microwave Cavity By Higher Order Vector Finite
Elements”, Télécom’2007 & 5èmes JFMMA, 14-16 Mars 2007, Fes, Maroc.
49.“Simulation d’un Applicateur Micro-onde par la Méthode des Eléments Finis”,
Télécom’2005 & 4èmes JFMMA, 23-25 Mars 2005, Rabat, Maroc.
50.“Modelling of Microwave Heating Using Higher Order Vector Finite Elements“, HES
2004, June 2004, Padova, Italy
51.“Méthode des Elements Finis au Calcul du Champ Electromagnétique dans une Cavité
Micro-ondes Chargée”, COLLOQUE TELECOM’2003 & 3èmes JFMMA, 15- 17 Octobre
2003 Marrakech, Maroc.
52."An Analysis of the FDTD Method for Modeling the Microwave Heating of Dielectric
Material within 3D Cavity System", Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.3, 2003.
53.“Endüstriyel Malzemelerin Nemlilik Oranının Mikrodalga Tekniğiyle Tayini”
ELECO2002, 18-22 Aralık 2002, Bursa.
54.“Dalga Kılavuzu Üzerine Açılmış Yarık Dizilimlerinde Karşılıklı Etkileşimin
Dengelenmesi”, 10. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 12-14 Haziran
2002, Pamukkale.
55.“An Analysis of the FDTD Method for Modeling the Microwave Heating of Dielectric
Material within 3D Cavity System” , OPTIM 2002, 16-17 May 2002, Braşov, Romania.
56."Efficiency of Microwave Energy in Coal Drying", 7th National Conference on Electrical
Engineering, 8 – 14 Sept.1997, Ankara, TURKEY.(in Turkish).
57." Preheating of Coal by Microwave Energy", MW & HF International Conference, 9-13
Sept. 1997, Fermo, ITALY.
58.''Slot Mutual Coupling Effects in Multimode Microwave Applicator'', Symposium of
Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM), p. 115-118, 7-9 Aug.
1996, Montreal-CANADA.
59.''The Dielectric Constant Measurement using Short Circuit Method in X-Band
Frequencies'' 6th National Conference on Electrical Engineering, s:668-671, 11-17 Sept.
1995, Bursa, TURKEY. (in Turkish).
60.''Dielectric Properties of Polymers at Microwave Frequencies'' 6th National Conference on
Electrical Engineering, s:664-667, 11-17 Sept. 1995, Bursa, TURKEY. (in Turkish) .
61.''Coupling Effects of Slots in Microwave Industrial Applicators'' 1995 Canadian
Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, p:345-347, 5-8 Sept. 1995, MontrealCANADA.
62.“Theoritical and Practical Approaches on Industrial Microwaves Applicators”,
ELECO2007, 07-12 Aralık 2007, Bursa.