zeynep aktüre currıculum vıtae (as of march 2014)


zeynep aktüre currıculum vıtae (as of march 2014)
Address :
Languages :
Department of Architecture, Izmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce Campus, 35430 Urla, Izmir / TURKEY.
+90 232 7507098 (office) / +90 232 7507013 (Department Secretary)
+90 232 7507012 (Faculty Secretary)
zeynepakture@iyte.edu.tr / zakture@gmail.com
December 17, 1968; Ankara, Turkey
Turkish (mother tongue), English (advanced), Spanish (intermediate), Modern Greek (intermediate),
French (reading)
: Architectural characteristics, historiography, conservation and presentation of archaeological remains
(ancient theatres in particular); urban and architectural history and theory (the Antiquity and the Modern
Era); architectural and urban design; editorial, translation and publication work.
Education Record
1996 – 2005 Ph.D. in Architecture, METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.
(dissertation: A Typology of Ancient Theatres in Modern Spain and Greece – A Geo-Historical
Approach; Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Cevat Erder, 457p.)
1991 – 1995 M.S. in Architecture-Restoration, METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.
(dissertation: Guidelines for Future Models of Conservation and Utilisation of the Theatre of
Ephesos; Advisor: Inst. Emre Madran, Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cevat Erder, 689p.)
1986 – 1990 B.Arch. from METU, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture.
Graduated at the second rank among 82 students from METU Department of Architecture at the
Spring Term 1989-90 (CUM GPA: 3.38/4.00).
Employment Record
20.02.2006 –
Assist. Prof. at Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture.
11.1996-10.2002 Research Assistant at METU Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture.
production co-ordinator at Panfilm, Istanbul, during the Turkey shootings of The Odyssey, an
adaptation from Homer's Odysseia for the American cable network NBC, produced by Roger
Halmi of Hallmark Entertainment and directed by Andrei Konchalovski.
11.1992–05.1993 employed as architect at KA•BA Conservation and Evaluation of Historic Works – Architecture Ltd.,
Ankara; for the Preliminary Research and Evaluation Project for the Conservation Plan of Foça.
04.1991–11.1992 co-ordinator at the SANART Association for the Promotion of Visual Arts in Turkey; in the
Association's first International Conference and Art Events Identity, Marginality, Space.
10.1990–04.1991 employed as architect at Yakup Hazan Architecture Workshop, Ankara; for the Conservation
Plan of the Historic Town Centre of Şanlıurfa.
1987, 1989, 1990 participated in the archaeological excavations and conservation works at the Apollo-Smintheion
Temple and its vicinity in the Ancient Troas (under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Coşkun Özgünel,
Department of Classical Archaeology, Ankara University, Ankara).
International Programmes
September 1-14, 2013 project coordinator of ERASMUS Intensive Programme (IP) Archaeological Landscapes:
Preservation, Design, Use (PreDU), IZTECH Faculty of Architecture and Erythrai/Ildırı with the
participation of 20 instructors and 45 students (predu2013.iyte.edu.tr)
LLP / Erasmus Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments Lectures
2011 Spring – Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Politecnio di Bari, Italy
Changing displays of Artemis Ephesia sculptures in Efes Museum (Selçuk, Izmir): interpretations and
2011 Spring – Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen in
Giessen, Germany
Settlement archaeology of Neolithic Anatolia: Çatalhöyük and Göbeklitepe
Transition from Bronze to Iron Age in Anatolia: a geography of kingdoms
2008 Fall
Department of Archaeology and History of Art, Faculty of History and Archaeology, School of
Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
On The Politics of The Display of Sculptural Remains in Archaeological Museums: The Case of
Two Artemis Ephesia Sculptures in Ephesos Museum in Selçuk, Turkey
Notes on the Rediscovery, Excavation, Documentation and Conservation of the Theatre of
Ephesos Near Selçuk, Turkey
A Historiography of Modern Interventions at Ancient Theatre and Odeon Remains in Greece
Limits of Modern Intervention in Monumental Burials: The Cases of Tumulus MM at Gordion,
Tomb-Museum of Vergina, Tomb of Clytamnestra at Mycenae
IZTECH Department of Architecture (2006 –
2013 – 2014
RES 524 Conservation Approaches for Archaeological Areas
2013 – 2014
RES 561 Management of Cultural Heritage Sites
2013 – 2014
AR 404 Elective Studio in Architectural Conservation
2012 – 2014
AR 101 Introduction to Design
2012 – 2014
AR 425 Contemporary Archaeological Approaches to Architectural Heritage
2011 – 2012
AR 302 Architectural Design IV
2010 – 2011, 2012 – 2014 AR 102 Introduction to Architectural Design
2008 – 2014
AR 122 History and Theory of Architecture I
2008 – 2009
AR 547 Advanced Writing in Architectural Research
2007 – 2009
AR 402 Architectural Design V
2007 – 2012
CP 401 Urban Design
2007 – 2008
AR 221 History and Theory of Architecture I
2006 Summer
AR 190 Summer Practice I: Measured Drawing (2 weeks)
2006 – 2007
AR 201 Architectural Design I
2005 – 2010
AR 222 History and Theory of Architecture II
2005 – 2010
AR 526 Research Seminar
METU Department of Architecture (1997-2002)
2001 – 2002
ARCH 301-302 Architectural Design III-IV (as teaching assistant)
1996 – 2000
ARCH 401-402 Architectural Design V-VI (as teaching assistant)
1997 Summer ARCH 190 Summer Practice in Cumalıkızık
1997 Summer ARCH 102 Introduction to Architectural Design (as teaching assistant)
 Best Topic Paper Award in the ‘Special Chapter on Archaeological Sites’, and Best Conference Paper Award
among nine best topic papers and best early stage researcher paper for ‘Permanencies: a contextual typology
of Roman theatre interventions in Iberian Peninsula’ in REHAB 2014 International Conference on
Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures (March 19-21, 2014
Tomar, Portugal).
 The Roberto Cimetta Fund grant for participations in Istikshaf: Exploring Mobility and Madarat: Platform for
Exchange Meetings, at the French Institute of Beirut, Lebanon (November 20-22, 2012)
 The Roberto Cimetta Fund ‘Guimaraes, European Capital of Culture 2012’ special mobility line travel grant for
participation in Heritage 2012. Heritage and Sustainable Development. 3rd International Conference on
Heritage and Sustainable Development. Porto, Portugal (June 19-22, 2012) and technical trip to Guimaraes.
 CAORC/Getty Cultural Heritage Workshop: Research, Resources, and Methods, Istanbul, Turkey (September 710, 2007). Travel and accommodation expenses covered from a fund newly-established by the Getty Foundation.
 2004-2005 Graduate Thesis of the Year Award granted by a joined-committee of the Graduate Schools of
Natural and Applied Sciences, Social Sciences, Applied Mathematics, and Marine Sciences for her Ph.D.
dissertation entitled A Typology of Ancient Theatres in Modern Spain and Greece – A Geo-Historical
Approach, supervised by Prof. Dr. Cevat Erder.
 2005 Scott Opler Emerging Scholar Membership of the Society of Architectural Historians.
Research Scholarships
 2008/09 Spanish Ministry of Exterior Affairs and Cooperation and Spanish Agency of International Cooperation
for Development (MAEC-AECID) Scholarship Programme, category I-C for foreign experts of the Spanish
language and culture, and translators of the Spanish language for residence in Spain to conduct research on
‘A Geo-Historical Typology of the Roman Theatres in Spain’. (July 1 – September 30, 2008)
 2006 W.D.E Coulson & Toni Cross Aegean Exchange Fellowship of The American Research Institute in
Turkey (ARIT) for research on ‘Roman Period Transformations in Ancient Theatres in Modern Greece’.
(August 22, 2006 – September 26, 2006)
 2004-2005 Post-Graduate Research Scholarship of the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation for
research on ‘Modern Interventions at Ancient Theatre Remains in Greece: Chronology and Guiding Principles’
for ten months under the supervision of Prof. Manolis Korres (School of Architecture, National Metsovian
Technical University of Athens) and Dr. Fani Mallouchou-Tufano (Director, Documentation Office of the
Acropolis Restoration Service, Athens). (December 15, 2004 – December 14, 2005)
 2001-2002 Postgraduate/Doctoral Scholarship of IKY (Republic of Greece, State Scholarship Foundation) for
research on the architectural characteristics and historiography of the ancient theatres in Greece for one year
under the supervision of Prof. Manolis Korres (School of Architecture, National Metsovian Technical University
of Athens). Postponed to the academic year 2002-2003. (December 1, 2002 – November 30, 2003)
 2001 Grant of the Spanish Ministry of Exterior Affairs, distributed through the Agencia Español del
Cooperación Internacional and the Turkish Ministry of Education, to participate in the Summer Courses on
Spanish Language and Culture and to conduct research on the architectural characteristics and historiography
of the ancient theatres in Spain. (Madrid, July 2001)
 Participated, as one of the three representatives from Turkey, in the International Workshop '90 for Students of
Architecture: Budapest on the Blue Danube, organised by the Technical University of Budapest and the
Hungarian section of the International Union of Architects (UIA), July 2-14, 1990. (International Workshop '90
for students of Architecture: Budapest on the Blue Danube, edited by C.K. Polónyi. Budapest: Akadémiai
Kiadó, 1991. ISBN: 963-05-6087-9)
Architectural Project Awards
 1997 March – honourable mention as design assistant of S.G. Bilsel, F.C. Bilsel, S.M.C. Bilsel, D. Jansenn,
and A.A. Bilsel in The Gallipoli Peace Park International Ideas and Design Competition of the Turkish Ministry
of Agriculture Forestry and Rural Affairs, General Directorate of Forestry, Directorate of National Parks
 1995 June – consolation prize and an Award of The Association of Turkish Free-Lance Architects with A.
Yertutan, S. Bayrak and S. Doğan in the national architectural projects competition of the Turkish Ministry of
Settlement and Public Works for Ankara Congress and Cultural Centre.
 1991 April – one of the ten equal prizes with S. Doğan and A. Kırmıt in the architectural ideas competition
Gelenekten Geleceğe Evimiz (Our House from Tradition to Future) of the Turkish Ministry of Culture.
International Conference Paper (published)
 Aktüre, Z. 2014. ‘‘Permanencies: a contextual typology of Roman theatre interventions in Iberian Peninsula’,
pp. 1215-29 in REHAB 2014 Proceedings of the International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and
Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures. 19-21 March Tomar, Portugal, edited by Rogério
Amoêda, Sérgio Lira, Cristina Pinheiro. Barcelos, Portugal: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable
Development. ISBN 978-989-8734-02-0.
 Aktüre, Z. 2012. ‘Institutional Reasons behind the Persistence of the Canon’, ABE Journal [Online], | 2012, Online
since 08 February 2013, connection on 21 March 2013. URL: http://dev.abejournal.eu/index.php?id=85
 Aktüre Z. 2012. ‘A historiography of interventions in the archaeological sites from Turkey in the UNESCO
World Heritage List’, v.1, pp. 3-12 in Heritage 2012. Heritage and Sustainable Development. Proceedings of
the 3rd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. June 19-22, Porto, Portugal,
edited by Rogério Amoêda, Sérgio Lira, Cristina Pinheiro. Barcelos, Portugal: Green Lines Institute for
Sustainable Development. ISBN 978-989-95671-5-3, e-ISBN 978-989-95671-8-4.
 Aktüre, Z. 2012. ‘Early Orthogonal settlements in the Western Mediterranean and the culture-history
paradigm’, pp. 358-63 in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Architectural History
Network, edited by Hilde Keynen and Janina Gosseye. Brussels: Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie
voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten. ISBN 978-90-6569-102-6.
 Aktüre, Z. 2011. ‘Efes’ten koruma ve kullanma modelleri’ [Models for preservation and utilization from
Ephesos], pp. 71-79 in Ebru Er, Hüseyin Yaşar, F. Melike Nazifoğlu, İkbal Erbaş & Mürüvvet Uçak (eds.),
Uluslararası Sempozyum Turizm ve Mimarlık 3: Kent Kültüründe Turizm ve Mimarlık, Antalya / 25-26-27
Kasım 2010. Antalya: Mimarlar Odası Antalya Şubesi Yayınları 13/7. ISBN: 978-605-01-0075-4.
 Aktüre, Z. 2011. ‘Theatre-construction in the cultural milieu of the Roman provinces of the Iberian Peninsula:
precedents and antecedents’, v. 2, pp. 939-49 in Roma y las provincias: modelo y difusión, edited by Trinidad Nogales
and Isabel Rodà. Hispania Antigua, Serie Arqueológica, 3. Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider. ISBN 978-88-8265-602-7.
 Aktüre Z. 2010. ‘Ephesos in a capitalist world’, v.1, pp. 333-342 in Heritage 2010. Heritage and Sustainable
Development. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development.
Evora, Portugal 22-26 June, edited by Rogério Amoêda, Sérgio Lira, Cristina Pinheiro. Barcelos, Portugal:
Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development. ISBN 978-989-95671-3-9.
 Aktüre Z. 2009. ‘Reading into the mysteries of Artemis Ephesia’, pp. 145-63 in Curating Architecture and the City,
edited by Sarah Chaplin and Alexandra Stara. Selected papers from 4th Annual AHRA (Architectural Humanities
Research Association) International Conference – Architecture, Urbanism & Curatorship, Kinston University,
London UK (November 17–18, 2007). London and New York: Routledge. ISBN10: 0-415-48982-2 (hbk), 0-41548983-0 (pbk), 0-203-87638-5 (ebk); ISBN13: 978-0-415-48982-9 (hbk), 978-0-415-48983-6 (pbk), 978-0-20387638-1 (ebk).
 Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2008. ‘Geographic distribution and architectural characteristics of Roman theatres in Greece. A
theoretical approach based on Fernand Braudel’s three planes of historical time’, pp. 311-18 in SOMA 2005
Proceedings of the IX Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Chieti (Italy), 24–26 February 2005, edited by O.
Menozzi, M.L. Di Marzio and D. Fossataro. Oxford: BAR International Series 1739. ISBN: 978-1-4073-0181-5.
 Aktüre, Z. 2008. ‘Typological studies of ancient theatre architecture: the “tree” vs. the “rhizome” model’, pp. 89107 in TRAC 17 – Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference,
London 2007, University of London, UK (March 29 – April 1, 2007), edited by Corisande Fenwick, Meredith
Wiggins, Dave Wythe. Oxford: Oxbow Books. ISBN: 978-1-84217-322-0.
 Aktüre, Z. 2007. ‘Geographic distribution and architectural characteristics of ancient theatres in modern Spain
– a structuralist interpretation’, pp. 17-33 in TRAC 16 – Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Theoretical
Roman Archaeology Conference, Cambridge 2006, Cambridge University, UK (March 24–25, 2006), edited by
Ben Croxford, Nick Ray, Roman Roth, Natalie White. Oxford: Oxbow Books. ISBN: 978-1-84217-264-3.
 Aktüre Z. 2006. ‘On the bridging powers of geometry in the study of ancient theatre architecture’, pp. 387-94 in
Bridges London – Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science; Conference Proceedings,
2006, edited by Reza Sarhangi and John Sharp. London: University of London Institute of Education and
London Knowledge Lab. ISBN: 0-9665201-7-3, ISSN: 1099-6702.
International Conference Paper (abstract published)
 Aktüre, Z. 2014. ‘Permanencies: a contextual typology of Roman theatre interventions in Iberian Peninsula’, p. 143
in REHAB 2014 International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings
and Structures.Book of Abstracts, edited by Rogério Amoêda, Sérgio Lira, Cristina Pinheiro. Barcelos, Portugal:
Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development. ISBN 978-989-8734-00-6.
 Aktüre, Z. 2013. ‘The Hagia Sophia: Plus c’est la même chose, plus ça change, HISTART ’13 Politics, Ideology,
Identity - History of Art Conference, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul (November 28, 2013).
http://www.histartconference.org/2013/07/accepted-papers-with-abstracts-until.html, last accessed on
December 2, 2013)
 Aktüre Z. 2013. ‘Anıtları Gömün!!!’, SANART IInd Turkish Congress of Aesthetics “Changing Geographies,
Changing Paradigms”, Mersin, Turkey (October 24–26, 2013).
300-word abstract published in the congress book of abstracts, pp. 122-123.
 Aktüre Z. 2012. ‘Ancient theatre architecture as an indication of cultural change in the Mediterranean: a
Structuralist interpretation inspired from Fernand Braudel’s Mediterranean’, Symposium on Mediterranean
Archaeology (SOMA 16) Identity & Connectivity, Florence, Italy (March 1–4, 2012).
(retrievable from:
300-word abstract published in the symposium abstracts, pp. 5-6
http://www.soma2012florence.net/Info/ABSTRACTS.html, last accessed on March 7, 2012).
 Aktüre, Z. 2011. ‘Ancient places of performance as realms of memory: the case of Greece’, International
Conference on Materiality, Memory and Cultural Heritage, Istanbul Technical University and Yeditepe
University, Istanbul (May 25–29, 2011).
350-word abstract published in the conference abstracts, pp. 21-22
(retrievable from:
http://www.materialitymemoryculturalheritage.com/abstracts.pdf, last accessed on December 28, 2011).
Aktüre, Z. 2011. ‘Italica in the urban network of Roman Baetica: a structuralist approach’, 9th Meeting of
AESOP Thematic Group on “Complexity and Planning”: “Self-Organizing and Spatial Planning”, Yıldız
Technical University, Istanbul (April 29–30, 2011).
150-word abstract published in the meeting program & abstracts, p. 19 (retrievable from:
http://www.complexitymeeting.yildiz.edu.tr/abs_prog.pdf, last accessed on December 28, 2011)
Aktüre Z. 2011. ‘Late Republican theatre-construction in the cultural milieu of the Iberian Peninsula’, TRAC 21
– 21st Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, University of Newcastle, UK (April 14–17, 2011).
http://trac2011.wordpress.com/2010/12/01/late-republican-theatre-construction-in-the-cultural-milieu-of-theiberian-peninsula-zeynep-akture-izmir-turkey/, last accessed on December 28, 2011)
Aktüre Z. 2011. ‘Roman period theatres in Sicily: a structuralist approach’, 15th Symposium on Mediterranean
Archaeology (SOMA 15), Catania University, Sicily (March 3–5, 2011).
250-word abstract published among the symposium abstracts, p. 80 (retrievable from:
http://www.genama.info/images/SOMA2011_ABSTARCTS.pdf, last accessed on December 28, 2011)
Aktüre Z. 2010. ‘Institutional reasons behind the persistence of the canon: structure and organization of
secondary and higher architectural education in Turkey’, p. 53 in Book of Abstracts, 1st International Meeting
EAHN (European Architectural History Network) Guimarães, Portugal June 17-20, 2010, edited by Jorge
Correia. CHAM (Centro de História deAlém-Mar), EAUM (Escuela de Arquitectura da Universidade do Minho),
EAHN (European Architectural History Network). ISBN: 978-989-95563-9-3 / 978-989-96163-2-5.
300-word abstract of discussion position in the roundtable ‘Still on the margin: reflections on the persistence of
the canon in architectural history’, organised by Joe Nasr and Mercedes Volait.
Aktüre, Z. 2009. ‘Theatre-construction in the cultural milieu of the Roman Hispaniae: precedents and
antecedents’, 11th International Colloquium on Roman Provincial Art – Rome and the Provinces: Models and
Diffusion, Mérida, Spain (May 18–21, 2009). The author could not attend the meeting.
400-word abstract published in the Abstracts/Preactas of the Colloquium, pp. 78-9 (retrievable from:
http://oliba.uoc.edu/icac/merida/XI_CIARP_preactas.pdf, last accessed on December 28, 2011).
Aktüre Z. 2007. ‘Roman period theatre construction activity in Sicily. A theoretical approach based on Fernand
Braudel’s three planes of historical time’, 10th Anniversary Mediterranean Studies Congress, Universidade de
Évora, Portugal (May 30 – June 2, 2007). Read in the absence of the author.
300-word abstract published among the abstracts on the official conference webpage (retrievable from:
https://mediterraneanstudies.org/ms/evoraabstracts.htm, last accessed on December 28, 2011).
Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2005. ‘Building the new Europe on the ancient stage’, Europe – Our Common Home? VII
World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES), Berlin,
Germany (July 25–31, 2005).
2000-character abstract published in the Abstract Book of the Meeting, p. 384.
Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2005. ‘On the impact of the memory of Ancient Greece and Rome on modern interventions at
ancient places of performance in Greece’, 58th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (April 6–9, 2005). The author could not attend the meeting.
300-word abstract published in the Abstract Book of the Meeting, p. 122.
Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2003. ‘¡Hagamos teatro clásico en nuestros teatros clásicos!’ – On the local roots of modern
Greco-Roman drama festivals in Greece and Spain’, 34th Annual Congress of the Society for Spanish and
Portuguese Historical Studies, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain (July 2–5, 2003).
500-word abstract in English published in Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Bulletin
XXVIII (1-2, Spring/Fall 2003) 33.
1500-word abstract in Spanish published as ‘¡Hagamos teatro clásico en nuestros teatros clásicos!: Sobre las
raíces locales de los festivales de teatro greco-romano en Grecia y en España’, in volume 2, pp. 161-165 of
Estudios de historia iberoamericana II: XXXIV Reunión Anual de la Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical
Studies (SSPHS), Madrid, 2-5 de julio de 2003, edited by María Soledad Gómez Navarro, 2004. ISBN 84-7801733-X.
International Conference Paper (unpublished)
 Aktüre, Z. 2013. ‘Tanrıların Anası’ndan Meryem Ana’ya: Efes Müzesi’nde Uygarlıkların Beşiği Olarak Anadolu’
[From the Mother of Gods to Our Mother Mary: Efes Museum Display of Anatolia as a Cradle of Civilizations],
Bellek ve Kültür – Uluslararası Sempozyum [Memory and Culture – International Symposium] Bilkent
University, Ankara (September 5-7, 2013). Read in the absence of the author.
 Aktüre, Z. 2013. ‘Phoenician settlement in the Mediterranean and the culture-history paradigm’, XVIIIth
International Congress of Classical Archaeology – Centre and Periphery in the Ancient World, National
Museum of Roman Art in Mérida, Spain (May 13 – 17, 2013).
 Aktüre Z. 2013. ‘The Phoenicians in the Aegean: A Neverending Quest’, Symposium on Mediterranean
Archaeology (SOMA 17) Management of Cultural Heritage in the Coastal Zone, Shirshov Institute of
Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Russia (April 25-27, 2013).
 Aktüre Z. 2012. ‘Does architectural hybridity result from acculturation or resistance to it? The case of ancient
theatres in the Mediterranean basin’, 4th International Conference of Mediterranean Worlds: Domino Effects
and Hybridization of the Mediterranean, 29 Mayıs University, Department of History in collaboration with The
Mediterranean Seminar, University of California Santa Cruz; Bern University, Department of the History of the
Art, TransMediterraneanStudies in Istanbul, Turkey (September 5 – 7, 2012).
 Aktüre Z. 2012. ‘Bury the monuments!!!’, in the panel session on ‘Revolutionary place-making: how do specific
urban places become symbols of contestation?’, organised by Rolf Hugoson & Mats Berglund in European
Association for Urban History (EAUH), 11th International Conference on Urban History ‘Cities & Societies in
Comparative Perspective’, Charles University in Prague, Chech Republic (August 29 – September 1, 2012).
 Aktüre Z. 2012. ‘The open site: on the openness of virtual archaeological site reconstructions to a multiplicity
of readings’, in the main session on ‘Virtual historic cities: a laboratory in urban history’, organised by Helena
Murteira, Joaquim Carvalho & Laura Fernandez-Gonzalez in European Association for Urban History (EAUH),
11th International Conference on Urban History ‘Cities & Societies in Comparative Perspective’, Charles
University in Prague, Chech Republic (August 29 – September 1, 2012).
 Aktüre Z. 2012. ‘Contribution from debates on the preservation of historic cultural heritage in defining the
selection criteria for the collection of a Digital Turkish Design Museum’, A New Affair: Design History and
Digital Design Museum (5T 2012), Yaşar University in Izmir, Turkey (May 17–18, 2012).
 Aktüre, Z. 2011. ‘Architectural history and theory education in Turkey and the ‘canon’: a historiography’,
ARCHTHEO 2011 Theory of Architecture Symposium, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul (November 23–
26, 2011).
 Aktüre, Z. 2011. ‘Ionians in the West: Ionian settlement in the Mediterranean and the culture-history paradigm’,
2nd International Conference on the Archaeology of Ionia: Landscapes of Ionia – Towns in Transition, Dokuz
Eylül University, Izmir (May 30 – June 2, 2011).
 Aktüre Z. 2010. ‘The sacred feminine at Ephesos: Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose’, TRAC 20 – 20th
Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, University of Oxford, UK (March 25–28, 2010).
 Aktüre Z. 2008. ‘Ephesos in a capitalist world: Development of mass tourism as preventor or precursor of a
legitimacy crisis in archaeological conservation? / Anamalcı dünyada Efes: Kitle turizminin gelişmesi arkeolojik
korumada bir meşruiyet krizinin önleyicisi mi yoksa habercisi midir?’, Preserving Places: Managing Mass Tourism,
Urban Conservation and Quality of Life in Historic Centres / Yerin Korunması: Tarihi Kentlerde Kitle Turizminin
Yönetimi, Kentsel Koruma ve Yaşam Kalitesi, METU/ODTU, Ankara (December 5-6 Aralık 2008).
 Aktüre Z. 2008. ‘Roman period theatre construction activity in Sicily. A theoretical approach based on Fernand
Braudel’s three planes of historical time’, TRAC 18 – 18th Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference,
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (April 5–6, 2008).
 Aktüre Z. 2008. ‘Limits of Modern Intervention in Monumental Burials: Tumulus MM at Gordion, TombMuseum of Vergina, Tomb of Clytamnestra at Mycenae’, International Conference on Mediterranean Studies,
organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research (AT.IN.E.R), Amphitheatre “Yiannos
Kranidiotis”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Athens, Greece (March 20–23, 2008).
 Aktüre Z. 2007. ‘Hagia Sophia: Plus c’est la même chose, plus ça change’, 29th Annual Conference of the
Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG), hosted by the Department of Archaeology, University of York, UK
(December 14–16, 2007).
 Aktüre Z. 2007. ‘Authenticity in space in the case of modern performances in ancient theatres’, 29th Annual
Conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG), hosted by the Department of Archaeology,
University of York, UK (December 14–16, 2007).
 Aktüre Z. 2007. ‘Roman period transformations in ancient theatres in modern Greece: Macedonia, Thrace, and
the Northern Aegean Islands’, Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA 11), Istanbul Technical
University, Turkey (April 24–29, 2007).
 Aktüre Z. 2006. ‘Roman period transformations in ancient theatres in modern Greece, with a focus on
Macedonia, Thrace, and the Northern Aegean Islands’, 4th International Conference on European History: from
Ancient to Modern, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research (AT.IN.E.R.), National
Archaeological Museum in Athens, Greece (December 28–31, 2006).
 Aktüre Z. 2006. ‘Dead or alive? Ancient Roman performance buildings in the modern Greek landscape’, 28th
Annual Conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG), hosted by the Department of Archaeology,
University of Exeter, UK (December 15–17, 2006).
 Aktüre Z. 2006. ‘On the bearing of the memory of ‘Roman occupation’ on modern interventions in the ancient
places of performance in Greece’, CongressCATH 2006 – The Afterlife of Memory: Memoria/Hisotria/Amnesia,
University of Leeds, UK (July 5–8, 2006).
 Aktüre Z. 2006. ‘The reinvention of an imperial past: the rediscovery and promotion of the Roman Italica under
the Spanish Habsburgs’, 9th Annual Congress of the Mediterranean Studies Association – Genoa, Columbus,
& The Mediterranean, Università di Genova, Italy (May 24–27, 2006).
 Aktüre, Z. 2006. ‘A panorama of the ancient theatres in Modern Spain: a structuralist view highlighting
processes of “Romanization”’, Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA 10), Baskent University,
Ankara, Turkey (March 9–11, 2006).
 Aktüre Z. 2005. ‘A historiography of modern interventions to ancient theatre and odeon remains in Greece’, 3rd
International Conference on European History: from Ancient to Modern, organized by the Athens Institute for
Education and Research (AT.IN.E.R.), Athens Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Athens, Greece
(December 29–31, 2005).
 Aktüre Z. 2005. ‘A typology of ancient theatres in modern Spain – a geo-historical approach’, The Architecture
of Archaeology and the Archaeology of Architecture, Conference organised by Dr. Diane Archibald, British
School at Rome and the Facoltà di Architettura “Valle Giulia”, Università degli Studi Roma “La Sapienza” , Italy
(September 15–17, 2005).
 Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2004. ‘On senses of “form” and “structure” in studies on ancient theatre architecture’,
CongressCATH 2004 – Architecture of Philosophy, Philosophy of Architecture, School of Fine Arts, History of
Art & Cultural Studies, University of Leeds, UK (July 9–11, 2004).
 Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2004. ‘To restore or not to restore? Modern implementations at Roman theatres in Spain’, 7th
Annual Congress of the Mediterranean Studies Association – Catalonia & The Mediterranean, Universitat de
Barcelona and Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània, Spain (May 26–29, 2004).
 Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2002. ‘Greek or Roman? Roman period theatres of the Iberian Peninsula and the Vitruvian
canon’, 5th Annual Congress of the Mediterranean Studies Association – Iberia & The Mediterranean,
Universidad de Granada, Spain (May 29 – June 1, 2002).
 Aktüre, Z. 1998. ‘Cultural stratification at Gordion,’ The 7th Meeting of NATO-CCMS Cultural Technologies
Pilot Study Group, Weathering Processes in Ceramics and Stone Artifacts During Burial, METU Cultural and
Convention Centre, Ankara, Turkey (June 29 – July 1, 1998).
 Aktüre, Z. 1997. ‘Re-making of the Theater of Ephesos: Notes on the rediscovery, excavation, documentation
and conservation of the historic monument,’ The 6th Meeting of NATO-CCMS Cultural Technologies Pilot
Study Group, Weathering Processes in Ceramics and Stone Artifacts During Burial, Efes Museum, Selçuk,
Turkey (April 10–12, 1997).
International Conference Poster (published)
 Aktüre, Z. 2000. ‘A historiography of recent past interventions at the ancient theatre of Ephesos,’ volume 2, pp.
801-11 in Vasco Fassina (ed.) Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Deterioration and
Conservation of Stone (organised by Instituto Veneto per i Beni Culturali in Venice, June 19–24, 2000).
Amsterdam et.al.: Elsevier. ISBN-10: 0444505172, ISBN-13: 978-0444505170.
International Conference Poster (abstract published)
 Aktüre Z. 2011. ‘A historiography of recent past interventions at the Ancient Theatre of Ephesos (1863–1993)’, in
Archaeology in Turkey exhibition in the Paoli Orsi Regional Archaeological Museum in Siracusa, Sicily in
connection with 15th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA 15), Catania University, Sicily (March 3–5,
250-word abstract published among the symposium abstracts, p. 109 (retrievable
http://www.genama.info/images/SOMA2011_ABSTARCTS.pdf, last accessed on December 28, 2011)
International Panel and Workshop Participation
 Istikshaf: Exploring Mobility and Madarat: Platform for Exchange Meetings, organized by The Roberto
Cimetta Fund at the French Institute of Beirut, Lebanon (November 20-22, 2012).
 Aktüre, Z. 2012. ‘Architectural Education at IZTECH and the City of Izmir, Turkey’, ‘Thessaloniki-İstamboulBursa-İzmir’ panel part of 1st Thessaloniki Biennale of Architecture “Architecture and the city in SE Europe”,
Teloglion Foundation of Art, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece (February 16, 2012).
International Conference Organisation
 'Art and Environment' - International Symposium and Art Events. METU, Ankara; September 20-22, 1997.
Member of the organizing committee on the part of the SANART Association.
National Conference Paper (published)
 Aktüre, Z. 2012. ‘Türkiye’nin UNESCO Dünya Mirası Listesi’ndeki arkeolojik alanlarına yapılan müdahalelerin
türlerine göre dönemlemesi’ [A periodization by type of the interventions to the archaeological sites from
Turkey in the UNESCO World Heritage List], pp. 51-60 in Turgut Kocatürk, Cengiz Can, Ersoy Öz, Rabia
Özakın, Selçuk Alp, Mesut Şimşek & Betül Bakır (eds.), TAYKON 2011 Bildiriler Kitabı. TAYKON 2011 Tarihi
Yapıları Koruma ve Onarım Sempozyumu, 26-29 Ekim 2011. İstanbul: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi MYO-12.01.
ISBN: 978-975-461-487-9.
 Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2005. ‘Yunanistan’daki antik tiyatrolarda yapı-mekan-zaman ilişkisi üzerine bir deneme’ [An
essay on the structure-space-time correlation in antique theatres in Greece], pp. 168-90 in Lale Özgenel (ed.)
Eskiçağ'ın Mekanları, Zamanları, İnsanları. ODTÜ Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Programı, Doktora Araştırmaları
Sempozyumu III. 2–3 Haziran 2003, ODTU Ankara. Istanbul: METU Faculty of Architecture and Homer. ISBN:
National Panel and Workshop Participation
 TMMOB Şehir Plancıları Odası Koruma Sempozyumu 2. Çalıştay: Tarihi Sitlerde ve Arkeolojik Sitlerde
Planlama [Turkish Chamber of City Planners. Conservation Symposium, 2nd Workshop: Planning in Historic
Sites and Archaeological Sites], Ahmet Piriştina Kent Arşivi ve Müzesi, İzmir (October 18-19, 2012).
 ‘YÖK Koordinasyonu’ [Coordination under the Councilof Higher Education] session held at the central
auditorium of Yaşar University, İzmir within the framework of Üniversiteler Kenti İzmir'de 1. Uluslararası
Öğrenci ve Öğretim Elemanı Hareketliliği Çalıştayı [1st Workshop on Student and Teaching Staff Mobility in the
University Town Izmir], Izmir Universities Platform (June 8-9, 2012).
 Efes Antik Kenti Alan Yönetim Planı Çalıştayı [Workshop on a Management Plan for the Ancient City of
Ephesos], Ahmet Taner Kışlalı Hall of Selçuk Municipality, June 23-25, 2011.
 Dönüşüm Eşiğindeki Denizli’ye Farklı Bakışlar [Different Views of Denizli at the Verge of Transformation],
organised by the Denizli branch of the Turkish Chamber of Architects on April 9, 2011 at Denizli Chamber of
Mechanical Engineers (with Eylem Gülcemal, Şamil Çınar, İbrahim Şenel & Koray Velibeyoğlu).
‘Denizli'nin dönüşümü' [Transformation of Denizli], Denizli Güncel (April 11, 2011). Retrievable from:
http://www.denizliguncel.com/denizli-nin-donusumu_1737.html, last accessed on June 17, 2011.
 Sinan ve Çağdaş Eğitimimizdeki Yeri [Architect Sinan and His Place in our Contemporary Education],
organised by the Ankara branch of the Turkish Chamber of Architects as part of '1990 Sinan Week Activities'.
 İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi “Tarihe Saygı / Yerel Koruma Ödülleri 2010 (Izmir Metropolitan Municipality
“Respect to History / Local Conservation Awards 2010”), titular jury member (with Gül Asatekin, Gülriz Kozbe,
Sibel Ecemiş Kılıç, Tolga Çilingir, Yekta Demiralp, and Tamer Pakben).
Ancient City of Ephesus Site Management Plan Advisory Board Member (January 2012 - )
Ankara Jazz Association (1998 – )
Architects' Association 1927 (1994 – )
Board Member in June 1996-July 1998
Association for the Study of Nationalities (2013 – )
Mediterranean Studies Association (2002 – )
SANART Association of Aesthetics and Visual Culture (earlier: Association for the Promotion of Visual Arts / 1991 – )
Secretary General in January 1998-November 1999; Vice President in December 1993-November 1994
Society of Architectural Historians (2005 – )
Turkish Chamber of Architects (member of UIA – International Union of Architects / 1990 – )
 Tuna, N., Z. Aktüre and M. Lynch (eds.) 1998. Thracians and Phrygians: Problems of Parallelism Proceedings of an International Symposium on the Archaeology, History and Ancient Languages of Thrace
and Phrygia; Ankara: 3-4 June 1995. Ankara: Centre for Research and Assessment of the Historic
Environment (TAÇDAM) and METU Faculty of Architecture Press, 173p. ISBN 9789754291186
 Aktüre, Z. (ed.) 1997. Sanat ve Çevre - Sanart Üçüncü Dönem Sempozyum ve Etkinliklerine Hazırlık
Toplantıları - Metinler (Art and Environment – Preparatory Meetings of Sanart Third Symposium and Art
Events – Proceedings). Ankara: SANART. 99p. ISBN 96936-0-2
 Junod, B. and Z. Aktüre (eds.) 1992. Identity Marginality Space - Pre-Symposium Lectures & Panel Discussions
Ankara, May 1991 - June 1992. Ankara: METU Faculty of Architecture, 129p. ISBN 975-429-043-1
 Aktüre, Z., S. Doğan and S. Köse (eds.) 1992. Kimlik Sınırsallık Mekan - Ekim '92 Sempozyumuna Hazırlık
Konferansları ve Panel Toplantıları; Ankara, Mayıs 1991-Haziran 1992 (Identity Marginality Space - PreSymposium Lectures & Panel Discussions; Ankara, May 1991 - June 1992). ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi,
Ankara. 137p. ISBN 975-429-042-3
 Aktüre, Z. 2000. ‘Türkçe Baskıya Önsöz’ (Foreword to the Turkish Edition), pp. 8-9 in Anytime Konferans Bildirileri
Kitabı (Anytime Conference Proceedings), edited by C.C. Davidson. Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği, 304p. ISBN
 Aktüre, Z. 1998. ‘Sunuş’ (Foreword), pp. ii-iv in ANY Seçmeler (ANY Selections), edited by H. Pamir. Mimarlar
Derneği, Ankara. 200p. (copy editing with S. Doğan) ISBN 9759759604127
 Cengizkan, A. 1997. MOBBİG IV: Proceedings of the fourth meeting of MOBBİG (Chairpeople of the
Departments of Architecture in Turkey) at METU Faculty of Architecture, Ankara on May 2-3, 1997. METU
Faculty of Architecture Press, Ankara. 94p. (foreword by A. Cengizkan)
 Aktüre, Z. 1997. ‘Adler, Dankmar’, pp. 21-2 in Eczacıbaşı Sanat Ansiklopedisi (Eczacıbaşı Encyclopedia of Art) vol. 1,
edited by A. Gevilili, D. Hasol and B. Özer. Istanbul: YEM Yayın. ISBN 975-7438-51-0 (set), 975-7438-52-9 (vol. 1)
 Aktüre, Z. 1997. ‘Avusturya/Mimarlık/19. ve 20. yy.’ (Austria/Architecture/19th-20th c.), pp. 167-70 in
Eczacıbaşı Sanat Ansiklopedisi (Eczacıbaşı Encyclopedia of Art) vol.1, edited by A. Gevilili, D. Hasol and B.
Özer. Istanbul: YEM Yayın. ISBN 975-7438-51-0 (set), 975-7438-52-9 (vol. 1)
 S. Germaner and Z. Aktüre 1997. ‘Belçika/Mimarlık’ (Belgium/Architecture), pp. 212-4 in Eczacıbaşı Sanat
Ansiklopedisi (Eczacıbaşı Encyclopedia of Art) vol. 1, edited by A. Gevilili, D. Hasol and B. Özer. Istanbul:
YEM Yayın. ISBN 975-7438-51-0 (set), 975-7438-52-9 (vol. 1)
 Aktüre, Z. 1997. ‘Förderer, Walter. M.’, p. 613 in Eczacıbaşı Sanat Ansiklopedisi (Eczacıbaşı Encyclopedia of Art) vol.
1, edited by A. Gevilili, D. Hasol and B. Özer. Istanbul: YEM Yayın. ISBN 975-7438-51-0 (set), 975-7438-52-9 (vol. 1)
 Aktüre, Z. 1997. ‘İngiltere/Mimarlık/19. ve 20. yy.’ (Egland/Architecture/19th-20th c.), pp. 847-50 in Eczacıbaşı
Sanat Ansiklopedisi (Eczacıbaşı Encyclopedia of Art) vol. 2, edited by A. Gevilili, D. Hasol and B. Özer.
Istanbul: YEM Yayın. ISBN 975-7438-51-0 (set), 975-7438-53-7 (vol. 2)
 S. Germaner and Z. Aktüre 1997. ‘İspanya/Mimarlık’ (Spain/Architecture), pp. 868-71 in Eczacıbaşı Sanat
Ansiklopedisi (Eczacıbaşı Encyclopedia of Art) vol. 2, edited by A. Gevilili, D. Hasol and B. Özer. Istanbul:
YEM Yayın. ISBN 975-7438-51-0 (set), 975-7438-53-7 (vol. 2)
 Aktüre, Z. 1997. ‘Kraliçe Anne Üslubu’ (The Queen Anne Style), pp. 1057-8 in Eczacıbaşı Sanat Ansiklopedisi
(Eczacıbaşı Encyclopedia of Art) vol. 2, edited by A. Gevilili, D. Hasol and B. Özer. Istanbul: YEM Yayın. ISBN
975-7438-51-0 (set), 975-7438-53-7 (vol. 2)
 Aktüre, Z. 1997. ‘Padavra Üslubu’ (The Shingle Style), pp. 1417-8 in Eczacıbaşı Sanat Ansiklopedisi
(Eczacıbaşı Encyclopedia of Art) vol. 3, edited by A. Gevilili, D. Hasol and B. Özer. Istanbul: YEM Yayın. ISBN
975-7438-51-0 (set), 975-7438-54-5 (vol. 3)
 Aktüre, Z., S. Doğan and A. Kırmıt, 1992. Gelenekten Geleceğe Evimiz Proje Yarışması (Our House from
Tradition to Future Project Competition), Ankara: T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı, Güzel Sanatlar Müdürlüğü, pp. 23-51.
ISBN 975-17-0989-X
 Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2002. ‘Sevil’de İki Fuar, İki Mimar, İki Anıt: Plaza de España ve Puente del Alamillo’ (Two
Fairs, Two Architects, Two Monuments in Seville: Plaza de España and Puente del Alamillo), Arredamento
Mimarlık 100+50: 108-115. ISSN 1300-3801
 Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2001. ‘Kamusal Mekanda Sürekliliğin Yeniden İnşasına İki Örnek: Madrid Atocha Garı ve
Mérida Ulusal Roma Sanatı Müzesi’ (Two Examples for the Restitution of Continuity in Public Space: Madrid
Atocha Station and The National Museum of Roman Art in Mérida), XXI Mimarlık Kültürü Dergisi 10: 80-86.
ISSN 1302-5546
 Aktüre, Z. 1991. 'Mimar Bir Heykeltraş: Walter M. Förderer, Mimari-Heykel' (A Sculptor Architect: Walter M.
Förderer, Architectural Sculpture), Arkitekt 5: 20-25. ISSN 334
 Aktüre, Z. 2000. 'Son İki Ayın Mimari Olayı – Kentler: Daha Az Estetik, Daha Çok Etik' (The Architectural
Event of the Last Two Months – Cities: Less Aesthetics, More Ethics), XXI Mimarlık Kültürü Dergisi 5: 98-105.
ISSN 1302-5546
 Aktüre, Z. 2000. 'Venedik'te Mimarlık' (Architecture in Venice), Mimarlık 295: 64-6. ISSN:1300-4212
 Aktüre, Z. 2000. 'Anytime Konferansı Bildiriler Kitabı, 2000' (Anytime Conference Proceedings, 2000), XXI
Mimarlık Kültürü Dergisi 2: 182-3. ISSN 1302-5546
 Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2002. ‘Ah, Evropa!’, Hayalet Gemi 66: 25-31. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2002. ‘Bedene Övgü’ (In Praise of the Body), Hayalet Gemi 65: 35-43. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2002. ‘Kuzeyde Bir Yer’ (A Place in the North), Hayalet Gemi 64: 3-12. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2001. ‘Kent ve Köpekler’ (Dogs and The City), Hayalet Gemi 63: 42-48. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2001. ‘In Medias Res’, Hayalet Gemi 60: 9-16. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2001. ‘Kelam ile Yazı Arasında’ (Between Utterance and Writing), Hayalet Gemi 59: 26-35.
ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre Şiram, Z. 2001. 'Efsane Yaratıkları ile Randevu' (A Date with Mythical Creatures), Hayalet Gemi 58:
43-50. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre, Z. 2000. 'Mavi-Yeşil-Kırmızı-Beyaz' (Blue-Green-Red-White), Hayalet Gemi 56: 3-11. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre, Z. 2000. 'Özgün' (Authentic), Hayalet Gemi 54: 24-35. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre, Z. 2000. 'Dışarıda' (Outside), Hayalet Gemi 53: 26-34. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre, Z. 1999. 'Chicago-İstanbul: Değiştikçe Aynı' (Chicago-Istanbul: Same as Different), Uzman Gözüyle
Bankacılık 28-29: 42-9. ISSN 1300-7327
 Aktüre, Z. 1999. 'Corona Borealis ya da Avrupa Uygarlığının Üzerinde Temellendirildiği Aşk ve İhanet
Öykülerinin Gökteki Arması' (Corona Borealis or the Celestial Emblem of the Stories of Love and Treachery on
which the European Culture is Grounded), Hayalet Gemi 49: 36-44. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre, Z. 1999. 'Ben, Para: Florin ve Floransa' (I, Money: Florin and Florance), Uzman Gözüyle Bankacılık
26: 52-7. ISSN 1300-7327
 Aktüre, Z. 1999. 'K627: Yiten Dehaya Ağıt' (K627: Requiem for the Genius Lost), Hayalet Gemi 48: 16-22.
ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre, Z. 1999. 'Son Yemek Varsayımı' (Last Supper Hypothesis), Hayalet Gemi 47: 35-42. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre, Z. 1999. ‘Armageddon’, Hayalet Gemi 46: 34-40. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre, Z. 1998. ‘Óbuda+Peşte+Buda=Avrupa’nın “Asi” Başkenti’ (Óbuda+Peşte+Buda=The "Rebellious"
Capital of Europe), Uzman Gözüyle Bankacılık 24: 86-92. ISSN 1300-7327
 Aktüre, Z. 1998. ‘Halk Bankası Teması Üzerine Bir Varyasyon’ (A Variation on the Theme of People's Bank)
Uzman Gözüyle Bankacılık 24: 62-7. ISSN 1300-7327
 Aktüre, Z. 1998. ‘EFES – Yedi Aşamada Maddeden Sonsuza’ (Ephesos – Seven Steps from Matter to
Eternity), Hayalet Gemi 45: 34-9. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre, Z. 1998. ‘Anlatıl(a)mayan Venedik’ (The Inexplicable Venice) Uzman Gözüyle Bankacılık 23: 54-9.
ISSN 1300-7327
 Aktüre, Z. 1998. ‘In Hoc Signo Vinces!’, Hayalet Gemi 44: 40-5. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre, Z. 1998. Dünün Dünyası’ndan Bugüne Kalanlar’ (Remains from the World of Yesterday), Uzman
Gözüyle Bankacılık 22: 56-66. ISSN 1300-7327
 Aktüre, Z. 1998. ‘Kara Artemis’in Altınları’ (The Gold of Black Artemis), Uzman Gözüyle Bankacılık 20: 78-89.
ISSN 1300-7327
 Aktüre, Z. 1995. 'İl Futurismo', Hayalet Gemi 25: 33-40. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre, Z. 1995. 'Mumiya', Hayalet Gemi 24: 26-31. ISSN 1301-9708
 Aktüre, Z. 1995. 'Viyana Güzel Şehirdir ...' (The Beautiful Vienna), Hayalet Gemi 23: 18-20. ISSN 1301-9708
 Erzen, J. 2000. 'Sevgili ANY' (Dear ANY), p. 304 in Anytime Konferans Bildirileri Kitabı (Anytime Conference
Proceedings), edited by C.C. Davidson. Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği. ISBN: 9759604140
 İnam, A. 2000. 'Fabula Tempus – Hazırlıksız Deneyim Gereksinimi Üzerine Hazırlıksız Bir Konuşma' (Fabula
Tempus – An Extempore Speech on the Need for Extempore Experience), pp. 280-1 in Anytime Konferans
Bildirileri Kitabı (Anytime Conference Proceedings), edited by C.C. Davidson. Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği. ISBN:
 Erzan, A. 2000. 'Soyut Düzenekler ve Geometrik Biçimlerin Hesaplanabilir Dilbilgisi' (Abstract Machines and
Calculable Grammers of Geometrical Shapes), pp. 266-73 in Anytime Konferans Bildirileri Kitabı (Anytime
Conference Proceedings), edited by C.C. Davidson. Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği. ISBN: 9759604140
 Davidson, C.C. 2000. 'T2' (D2), pp. 150-7 in Anytime Konferans Bildirileri Kitabı (Anytime Conference
Proceedings), edited by C.C. Davidson. Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği. ISBN: 9759604140
 Koolhaas, R. 2000. 'Hollanda Büyükelçiliği' (Netherlands Embassy), pp. 144-9 in Anytime Konferans Bildirileri
Kitabı (Anytime Conference Proceedings), edited by C.C. Davidson. Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği. ISBN:
 Khosla, R. 2000. 'Soyut ve Eski Gelecekler' (Abstract and Ancient Futures), pp. 124-9 in Anytime Konferans
Bildirileri Kitabı (Anytime Conference Proceedings), edited by C.C. Davidson. Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği. ISBN:
 Sassen, S. 2000. 'Bitişik Zamansallıklar: Yeni Bir Bölge Üretmek (Juxtaposed Temporalities: Producing a New
Zone), pp. 116-23 in Anytime Konferans Bildirileri Kitabı (Anytime Conference Proceedings), edited by C.C.
Davidson. Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği. ISBN: 9759604140
 Bilsel, C. 2000. 'De La Nature Morte Vivante: Görsel Kültür Çağında Mimarlık ve Zaman Üzerine Bir Deneme'
(De La Nature Morte Vivante: An Architecture of Standstill), pp. 62-5 in Anytime Konferans Bildirileri Kitabı
(Anytime Conference Proceedings), edited by C.C. Davidson. Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği. ISBN: 9759604140
 Maas, W. 2000. 'Başlangıç' (Beginning), pp. 56-61 in Anytime Konferans Bildirileri Kitabı (Anytime Conference
Proceedings), edited by C.C. Davidson. Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği. ISBN: 9759604140
 Abu Hamdan, A. 2000. 'Konulu Mimarlık: Anlam + Kentsel Etkileşim' (Thematic Architecture: Significance +
Urban Interaction), pp. 30-5 Anytime Konferans Bildirileri Kitabı (Anytime Conference Proceedings), edited by
C.C. Davidson. Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği. ISBN: 9759604140
 Davidson, C.C. 2000. 'Teşekkürler' (Acknowledgements), pp. 6-7 in Anytime Konferans Bildirileri Kitabı
(Anytime Conference Proceedings), edited by C.C. Davidson. Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği. ISBN: 9759604140
 Evans, R. 2000. 'Bentham'ın Panopticon'u: Mimarlığın Toplumsal Tarihinde Bir Olay' (Bentham's Panopticon:
An Incident in the Social History of Architecture), Arredamento Mimarlık 100+28: 75-86. ISSN 1300-3801
 Bookchin, M. 2000. '"Derin Çevrebilim"e Karşı Toplumsal Çevrebilim – Çevrebilim Hareketine Karşı Bir
Meydan Okuma' (Social Ecology versus "Deep Ecology" – A Challenge for the Ecology Movement), Mimarlık
291: 9-14. ISSN:1300-4212
 Sandrisser, B. 1999. 'Dalgaların Estetiği' (The Aesthetics of the Wave), Sanat Dünyamız 72: 156-64. ISSN 1300-2740
 Sözen, M.A. 1999. 'Betonarme Binaların Depreme Dayanıklılığı İçin Bir Alternatif Mühendislik Yaklaşımı'
(Alternative Engineering for Earthquake Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Building Structures), pp. 7-12 in
"Deprem Güvenli Konut" Sempozyumu (“Earthquake Resistant Housing” Symposium), edited by Teoman
Aktüre. Ankara: MESA Şirketler Topluluğu. ISBN 9759455617
Erdik M. 1999. 'İstanbul İçin Kapsamlı Bir Deprem Afet Masterplanı Geliştirilmesi' (Developing a
Comprehensive Earthquake Disaster Materplan for Istanbul), pp. 13-47 in "Deprem Güvenli Konut"
Sempozyumu (“Earthquake Resistant Housing” Symposium), edited by Teoman Aktüre. Ankara: MESA
Şirketler Topluluğu. ISBN 9759455617
Lupton, D. 1999. 'Tıp ve Toplum Üzerine Kuramsal Bakış Açıları' (Theoretical Perspectives on Medicine and
Society), Archiscope 5: 75-81.
Aldersey-Williams, H. 1999. 'Designers' Odyssey '98 - ETMK Sergisi Üzerine Notlar' Tasarımda Ulusalcılık ve
Küresellik (Designers' Odyssey '98 - Notes on the ETMK Exhibition), Archiscope 4: 112-15.
Woudhuysen, J. 1999. 'Küreselleşen Ekonomi ve Yerel Kimlik Sorunsalı' (Globalizing Economy and the
Problematic of Local Identity), Archiscope 4: 66-9.
Balcıoğlu, T. 1999. 'Umut Nerede Yatar/Yanıltır? Küreselleşmenin Yararlanılan Vaatleri ve Yerel Kahramanlar'
(Where Does the Hope Lie? Exploited Promises of Globalization and Local Heroes), Archiscope 4: 61-5.
Aldersey-Williams, H. 1999. 'Tasarımda Ulusalcılık ve Küresellik (Nationalism and Globalism in Design),
Archiscope 4: 55-60.
Hays, K.M. 1999. ‘Çoğaltım ve Değilleme: Öncü Düşüncenin Bilişsel Tasarısı’ (Reproduction and Negation:
The Cognitive Project of the Avant-Garde), Archiscope 3: 54-61.
Ackerman, J.S. 1998. ‘İtalyan Rönesansı’nda Mimarlık Uygulaması’ (Architectural Practice in the Italian
Renaissance), Archiscope 2: 54-8.
Balamir, A. 1998. ‘Young Steps for an ‘Acting’ Architecture’ (‘Asaleten’ Mimarlık İçin Genç Adımlar),
Archiscope 1: 120-6.
Rowe, C. ve R. Slutzky 1998. ‘Saydamlık: Harfî ve Görüngüsel’ (Transparency: Literal and Phenomenal),
Archiscope 1: 86-98.
Rajchman, J. 1998. ‘Bazı “Temel” Anlamları’ (Some Senses of “Ground”), pp. 184-91 in ANY Seçmeler (ANY
Selections), edited by Haluk Pamir. Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği. ISBN: 9759759604127
Grosz, E. 1998. ‘Siberuzay, Sanallık ve Gerçek Olan: Bazı Mimari Yansımalar’ (Cyberspace, Virtuality, and the
Real: Some Architectural Reflections), pp. 174-83 in ANY Seçmeler (ANY Selections), edited by Haluk Pamir.
Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği. ISBN: 9759759604127
Harvey, D. 1998. ‘Mimarlar, Arılar ve Olası Kentsel Dünyalar Üstüne’ (On Architects, Bees, and Possible
Urban Worlds), pp. 152-62 in ANY Seçmeler (ANY Selections), edited by Haluk Pamir. Ankara: Mimarlar
Derneği. ISBN: 9759759604127 [reprinted as Arkitekt 462 (September/October 1998) 34-45 ISSN 334]
Sassen, S. 1998. ‘Merkezîliği Yeniden Biçimleştirmek’ (Reconfiguring Centrality), pp. 144-50 in ANY Seçmeler
(ANY Selections), edited by Haluk Pamir. Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği. ISBN: 9759759604127
Erzen, J. 1997. ‘Çevre Estetiği’ (Environmental Aesthetics), pp. 59-65 in Sanat ve Çevre – Sanart Üçüncü
Dönem Sempozyum ve Etkinliklerine Hazırlık Toplantıları – Metinler (Art and Environment – Preparatory
Meetings of Sanart Third Symposium and Art Events – Proceedings), edited by Zeynep Aktüre. Ankara:
SANART. ISBN 96936-0-2
Hirst, P. 1997. ‘Mekan ve Politika’ (Space and Politics), pp. 13-23 in Sanat ve Çevre – Sanart Üçüncü Dönem
Sempozyum ve Etkinliklerine Hazırlık Toplantıları – Metinler (Art and Environment – Preparatory Meetings of Sanart
Third Symposium and Art Events – Proceedings), edited by Zeynep Aktüre. Ankara: SANART. ISBN 96936-0-2
Cengizkan, A. 1996.‘From the ‘Flying Carpet’ to the Kilim on the Loom (Several Tastes, A Few Remarks and
Summaries)’, pp. 379-99 in Sanaçı Tanıklığı:Kent-Yaşam-Kültür-HABITAT II-Artists On The City: City-LifeCulture, editd by A. Cengizkan. Ankara: Edebiyatçılar Derneği Yayınları 7. ISBN 975 7872-06-7
Tekeli, İ. 1996. ‘Part III: On The Use of Theory and Language in History Writing’, pp. 209-23 in Studies in
Urban History/Kent Tarihi Çalışmaları, edited by Sevgi Aktüre and Eda Ünlü. Ankara: ODTÜ Mimarlık
Fakültesi Ara Yayınları BI.04.96. ISBN 975-429-095-4
Aktüre, S. 1996. ‘Part I: The ‘Spatial History Working Group’ Activities in 1995’, pp. 27-41 in Studies in Urban
History/Kent Tarihi Çalışmaları, edited by Sevgi Aktüre and Eda Ünlü. Ankara: ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Ara
Yayınları BI.04.96. ISBN 975-429-095-4
Klotz, H. 1995. ‘Avrupa’daki Yeni Mimari Durum’ (The New Architectural Situation in Europe), pp. 130-3 in
Kimlik Sınırsallık Mekan - Sempozyum Bildiri Metinleri; Ankara: 7-9 Ekim 1992 (Identity Marginality Space –
Symposium Proceedings; Ankara: October 7-9, 1992), edited by J.N. Erzen and Alım Erdemir. Ankara:
SANART. ISBN 975-8019-05-09
 Mumford, L. 1993. 'Düşünen Kafaların İşlevi' (The Function of the Philosophic Mind), Hayalet Gemi 13-14: 2930. ISSN 1301-9708
 'XX. YY. Mimarlığına Bir Choragic Anıt: Prof. Donald Wall tarafından hazırlanmış yarışma programından
alıntılar' (A Choragic Monument to the 20th Century Architecture: Excerpts from the Competition Programme
Prepared by Prof. Donald Wall), Arkitekt 2 (1991) 68. ISSN 334
 'Benim İdeolojim Seninkinden İyidir' (My Ideology is Better than Yours), Mimarlık 5-6 (1990) 89-93. ISSN:13004212

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