Halitosis: a new definition and classification


Halitosis: a new definition and classification
Halitosis: a new definition and classification
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Aydın M. , Harvey-Woodworth CN. Halitosis: a new definition and classification. British Dental
Journal, 2014; 217: E1 doi 10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.552
About authors
Murat Aydin.
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DDS, PhD. Dental Professional, Doctor of
Philosophy on Microbiology
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Harvey-Woodworth CN, BDS MFDS(i)
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Halitosis: a new definition and classification
There is no universally accepted, precise definition, nor standardization in terminology and
classification of halitosis. This paper reviews the previous approaches and highlights
inconsistencies and redundancies.
A new definition, free from subjective descriptions (fecal, fish odor, etc.), one time sulfide
detector readings and organoleptic estimation of odor levels, and excludes temporary exogenous
odors (e.g. from dietary sources). Some terms previously used in the literature are revised.
A new etiologic classification is also proposed, dividing pathologic halitosis into Type 1
(oral), Type 2 (airway), Type 3 (gastroesophageal), Type 4 (blood-borne) and Type 5
(subjective). In reality, any halitosis complaint is potentially the sum of these types in any
combination, superimposed on the Type 0 (physiologic odor) present in health.
This system allows for multiple diagnoses in the same patient, reflecting the multifactorial
nature of the complaint. It represents the most accurate model to understand halitosis and forms
an efficient and logical basis for clinical management of the complaint.
Aydın M. , Harvey-Woodworth CN. Halitosis: a new definition and classification. British Dental Journal, 2014; 217: E1 doi
Previous definitions
Halitosis is receiving increasing scientific
interest, but still no accepted definition exists.
In the literature, definitions include: “the
“noticeably unpleasant odors exhaled in
breathing",[2] "an oral health condition
characterized by unpleasant odors emanating
consistently from oral cavity",[3] "general term
to describe any disagreeable odor of breath,
regardless of its origin",[4] and "an unpleasant
odor emanating from oral cavity."[5]
Many definitions are inadequate,
ignoring the potential emanation of odors via
the mouth and nose from the respiratory and
gastroesophageal tracts, transfer of volatiles
from blood to breath during alveolar gas
exchange, and also self-perception of halitosis
by the patient. To varying degrees, the breath
always has odorant volatiles, originating
orally or elsewhere. None set a clear boundary
between normal, physiologic breath odor and,
pathologic halitosis. Negative identification of
an odor requires qualification. Who
determines this? The patient, the patient's
social environment, or the clinician by sulfide
detectors (halitometers)? Some refer to
exogenous odorants (e.g. garlic) as halitosis,
yet this is not pathologic. To distinguish
normality from disease, a more precise
definition and classification is needed.
This paper reviews previous attempts
at classification and definition of halitosis,
and forwards a new scheme. The diagnosis
and treatment of halitosis according to this
scheme are discussed in a separate
Fig.1 Two previous classifications. Miyazaki et al. 1999 is generally the most widely used, but neither is universally
Previous classifications
Miyazaki et al. 1999 suggest genuine
halitosis, pseudo-halitosis and halitophobia
(Fig 1).[6] Genuine halitosis is divided into
physiological or pathological, then the latter is
split into oral and extra-oral. This was adapted
to North American society with regards
halitophobia, and appeared in publications a
decade ago.[7-9] This classification is inflexible
since multiple diagnoses for one patient are
not enabled. The broad category "extra-oral,
pathologic halitosis" does not aid referral
choice, or help the receiving clinician, and is
also poor for researchers who need to
according to etiology. “Morning breath” is not
placed in the oral category, despite
manifesting orally. Inappropriately, two out of
three categories (pseudo-halitosis and
connotations, and, they are excluded from
pathologic halitosis. Subjective halitosis can
be caused by psychologic or neurologic
factors, which are technically extra-oral
processes, yet “extra-oral halitosis” is again
excluded from pathologic halitosis. After
treatment, whether for genuine halitosis or
pseudo-halitosis, if the patients continue to
believe they have halitosis, reclassification to
halitophobia occurs. This categorizes cases
according to treatment outcome, as
halitophobia is diagnosed following a
treatment failed. This scheme claims to
provide treatment needs, but how can these be
determined beforehand if they depend on
results of treatment? Pseudo-halitosis is
misleading when considered alongside other
syndrome, intestinal pseudo-obstruction,
sarcoma. These exist as physical entities
which masquerade as their namesake. Pseudohalitosis implies a genuine, physical condition
mistaken for halitosis non-exist. Similarly,
halitophobia suggests an irrational fear, but
instead refers to where the patients believe
their treatment unsuccessful.
Tangerman and Winkel suggest intraand extra-oral halitosis, the latter then divided
into non-blood-borne and blood-borne.[10] An
earlier publication divides extra-oral halitosis
into blood-borne, upper respiratory tract and
lower respiratory tract.[11] They list 4 etiologic
mechanisms of blood-borne halitosis:
systemic diseases, metabolic disorders, food
and medications.[10] These authors use
“pseudo-halitosis/halitophobia” to describe no
measurable halitosis, whilst retaining their
own classification for measurable halitosis.[12]
In reality, this classification focuses on oral
and blood-borne halitosis, with insufficient
categorization of physiologic, sinonasal,
psychologic causes. The significance of
blood-borne halitosis relative to other extraoral mechanisms is unclear, and a broad
division into blood-borne and non bloodborne may be inappropriate. Again, this
system does not allow for multiple diagnoses,
making accurate categorization of some cases
difficult, and there is no distinction between
pathologic and physiologic halitosis.
Motta et al. suggest primary halitosis
(“respiration exhaled by the lungs”), and
secondary halitosis (“originates in mouth or
upper airways”).[13] It is unclear if primary
halitosis refers to blood-borne halitosis, odor
from the lower respiratory tract itself, or both.
This is seldom used, perhaps because the
clinical utility is limited by not addressing
subjective halitosis or gastroesophageal
Previous terminology
In some cases, odor is not detected
organoleptically and volatile sulfur compound
(VSC) levels are normal. There is no local or
systemic condition, and no reliable, third party
confidants confirming the complaint. This
scenario is generally ascribed to psychologic
factors, termed imaginary halitosis,[14]
delusional halitosis,[15] pseudo-halitosis,[7]
non-genuine halitosis,[16,17] chronic olfactory
paranoid syndrome,[18] anthropophobia (taijin
reference syndrome (ORS),[21,22] and social
anxiety disorder.[23] These terms may easily
cause confusion.
The term psychosomatic halitosis is
incorrectly when referring to subjective
halitosis complaints. Psychosomatic disorders
are disorders in which psychologic factors
play a significant role, and there are physical
symptoms which are detectable clinically.
However, the term psychosomatic halitosis is
used to describe an odor is that is clinically
Terms which refer to odor character
promote confusion for clinicians and patients
ammoniacal/urine-like; respectively attributed
to VSC, acetone, and ammonia with other
amines.[10] Sweet, musty or fishy are used to
describe particular halitosis types. However,
fish odor is nonspecific for trimethylaminuria
(TMAU),[24] as is acetone for diabetes. All
individuals have detectable breath acetone
>400 ppb,[25,26] especially when fasting. Fish
odor can be perceived as musty, and acetone
as sweet. The sweet, musty aroma in liver
failure has been termed fetor hepaticus.[27]
This is also described as fecal, “the smell of
dead mice” or “the breath of the dead”.[28]
Other terms include “denture odor”,[29]
“uremic fetor” in renal failure,[30] and “rotten
egg” in poor oral hygiene. All these terms are
subjective and open to misinterpretation.
There is no standardization in terminology,
which has lead to discrepancies developing
where some authors use a term with one
definition and others with different meaning.
● Oral malodor, oral halitosis, tongue
halitosis, genuine halitosis and intraoral halitosis are used incorrectly as
synonyms for halitosis.[31] E.g. oral
malodor includes all odors originating
orally, not just the tongue; but not all
originates orally.
● Pseudo-halitosis,
halitosis, halitophobia or self- and
imaginary halitosis are also sometimes
used interchangeably,[32] as with nongenuine, delusional and phantom
halitosis, but they not synonymous,
e.g., halitophobia describes a fear;
imaginary halitosis describes halitosis
phantom halitosis is neurologic.
● Morning breath is sometimes used
instead of physiologic halitosis, but
these are also dissimilar. Not all
‘morning breath’ is physiologic.
Objective halitosis has been defined as
"malodor with intensity beyond a socially
acceptable level perceived".[7] This is
independent from halitometric readings and
subjective odor descriptions. This should be a
basic definition of objective halitosis, but
must be qualified with several important
● A halitosis complaint may be
objective, where there is an unpleasant
anywhere in the body, emitted from
the mouth and/or nose and detectable
to others; or subjective, where there is
no detectable odor to others but the
patient complains of its presence.
Anyone who complains of halitosis,
objective or subjective, should be
considered a “halitosis patient”.
Evidence of objective halitosis is a
clinical picture built of (i) reliable
reports from the patient's social
environment e.g. family members or
close friends, (ii) patient’s self
declaration of halitosis, and to a lesser
extent (iii) halitometric readings.
A lack of complaints from the patient's
social environment including family
members, suggests that there is no
objective halitosis. Furthermore, if
there are no complaints from either the
patient or his/her social environment,
this usually implies that there is no
need to diagnose halitosis or treat,
even if halitometric measurements
appear to indicate the presence of
elevated VSC. As a rule, halitometers
measure VSC, not halitosis.
Halitosis is considered unpleasant by
the patient and his/her social
environment. If the odor is not
perceived negatively, it is not halitosis.
Halitosis is almost always chronic in
nature, although it may be intermittent.
Some diseases (tonsillitis, pharyngitis,
etc.) or transient oral flora or
metabolic changes in the body may
cause bad odor in the short term (< 2
months), which disappears when the
condition resolves. Such bad odors are
called temporary halitosis.
Some volatile foodstuffs posses
specific odors (e.g. garlic, onion) and
may cause short term halitosis
(“dietary odor”), as with certain
medications or intoxications. All are
called temporary halitosis, managed
with reassurance and advice, and
further diagnosis or treatment is
Types 1 - 5 (Fig. 2) represent different odor
mechanisms, which may be present in any
combination at any time. Potentially, each
type of pathologic halitosis (Type 1 - 5) is
superimposed on physiologic odor (Type 0).
At any given time, pathologic halitosis is the
sum of the all these types sources, as well as
their respective underlying physiologic
The relative contributions of these
different physiologic and pathologic etiologies
is subject to interpersonal variation, and may
fluctuate even within hours in the same
individual. Sometimes the level of one or
more types may be so low as to give
negligible contributions to the overall
complaint, or there may be multiple
contributing factors in the same patient. This
can be recorded as Type 1+3, Type 2+4, Type
1+4+5 halitosis, etc. Previous classifications
oversimplify halitosis, and this new
classification is the most representative model
Fig.2 New etiologic classification is proposed.
Physiologic (Type 0) halitosis consists of the sum of the physiologic aspects of oral (Type 1), airway (Type 2),
gastroesophageal (Type 3), and blood-borne (Type 4) subjective (Type 5) odors at any particular time, potentially
superimposed on halitosis concern.
Type 0 halitosis: Physiologic halitosis
Type 0 halitosis represents the sum of the
physiologic contributions of oral, airway,
gastroesophageal, blood-borne and subjective
halitosis that are potentially present in every
healthy person, in any combination. All
healthy individuals have a certain level of
bacterial activity in the mouth and on
respiratory tract mucosae. In addition there is
a potentially a negligible amount of gas
leakage from the gastroesophageal tract, and
blood gases are transferred to the exhaled
breath during gas exchange in pulmonary
alveoli. Therefore, minimal amounts of types
1 - 5 potentially exist in health. The total level
of odor, and the relative contributions of these
different sources of physiologic odor, is
subject to both interpersonal variation, and
also variation in the same individual from one
occasion to the next.
Table.1 Physiologic halitosis should not be
confused with a low level of oral (type 1)
halitosis since there are differences
Type 0
Type 1
While a
cause exits
Mouth +
Mouth only
Detectable on
Mouth air +
Mouth air
Detectable by
One or multiple types may exist in any
combination at any time, varying according to
many different factors, including hydration,
oral hygiene, microbiota, salivary flow rate,
nature of last food consumption, biochemical,
hormonal, mechanic activity of the body,
fasting, sleep, digestive enzyme profile in gut,
momentarily amino acid and electrolyte
profile in serum etc. It is distinguished from
oral halitosis (See Table 1).
Type 1 halitosis: Oral halitosis
The gases that contribute to Type 1 (oral)
halitosis are (greatest to least): VSC, volatile
organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen
containing gases (amines).[33] The main VSC
involved are hydrogen sulphide (H2S), methyl
sulfide (CH3SH, or methyl mercaptan, MM),
and dimethyl sulfide ((CH3)2S, DMS). Nearly
700 different compounds have been detected
orally,[35] including indole, skatole, acetic acid
and short chain acids (e.g. butyric, valeric,
isovaleric, lactic, caproic, propionic and
succinic acids). In halitosis patients, the 30
most abundant VOC in mouth air are alkanes
or alkane derivatives, and of these the most
common are methyl benzene, tetramethyl
butane, and ethanol.[34] Alkanes are aromatic
breakdown products from reactive oxygen
species acting on inflamed tissues.[34] Others
report acetone, methenamine, isoprene,
phenol, and D-limonene are the most
abundant organic compounds in mouth air in
oral halitosis patients. The organoleptic level
of oral halitosis correlates with VSC,[35] and
amines (such as putrescine, cadaverine, and
The gases responsible for oral halitosis
are byproducts of protein and glycoprotein
putrefaction by the oral microbiota. The
dorso-posterior tongue is the most important
halitogenic site, by virtue of having both the
largest surface area and the highest bacterial
load, within a densely populated biofilm.[37-39]
The most common factors include poor oral
hygiene, plaque stagnation areas, gingivitis,
tongue coating; and account for ~85%
cases.[31] However, a degree of oral bacterial
action is continuously present in health, even
with impeccable oral hygiene, and this
constitutes the physiologic part of Type 1
anaerobes, are suggested to cause oral
halitosis.[40,41] In reality, most oral bacteria are
potentially odorigenic, releasing VSC, VOC
and/or amines. Depending upon the
constituents of the gas produced by oral
bacteria and ecologic factors in the mouth
(e.g. microbiota compositional fluctuations,
available nutritional substrate, bacterial
metabolism) momentarily determine the
composition and level of odor. Therefore, the
diagnostic value of the odor character at any
one time is questionable. To consider some
bacteria as odorigenic and others as nonodorigenic is oversimplification. In reality
every bacterium is odorigenic, and there is a
continuous spectrum from low to high degree
of odor formation capability.[33,42]
Other possible origins of oral halitosis
include: periodontal disease, acute necrotizing
ulcerative gingivitis, osteoradionecrosis, large
extraction sockets), ulceration, interdental
food packing, oral prostheses (dentures,
orthodontic appliances, bridges).
Type 2 halitosis: Airway halitosis
Type 2 halitosis originates from the
tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis,
pneumonia), anywhere from nose to alveoli.
Odorous gases produced by various
respiratory pathoses, held in the exhaled
breath and expressed via the nose or mouth.
This should be distinguished from type 4
(blood-borne) halitosis, where volatiles from
the systemic circulation are transferred during
gas exchange to the breath. Some studies
report the proportion of halitosis cases that are
due to upper respiratory tract pathology to be
between 2.9 and 10%.[31,43-47]
Halitosis is considered a regional
symptom of chronic rhinosinusitis, and some
report as many as 50-70% will complain of
halitosis.[48,49] In pediatric patients, one of
most frequent symptoms is halitosis together
with cough, rhinorrhea and sniffling,[50] even
when nasal obstruction, postnasal exudate,
pain, sneezing and secretion are clinically
absent.[51] Sinonasal anatomic variations (e.g.
agger nasi cells, pneumatization of turbinates
or septum; deviated nasal septum) are very
commonly found together with mucosal
pathoses including rhinosinusitis.[52]
Post nasal drip is where mucus drains
onto the dorsal tongue via the nasopharynx.[53]
This is related to allergic rhinitis, however the
existence of post nasal drip as a clinical entity
disputed as this occurs in health and there is
no agreed definition or pathologic changes.[54]
Mucus stagnation provides a proteinaceous
medium for more bacterial putrefaction, but
the relationship between halitosis and post
nasal drip has not been formally investigated.
Obstructive nasal pathology causes
possibly resulting
xerostomia and halitosis.
hypertrophy, which may obstruct orifices on
tonsillar surface. This disrupts the cleansing
flow of secretions, and desquamated epithelial
and bacterial cells, extracellular matrix and
food debris become trapped, leading to
stagnation. Bacteria putrefy local substrate
and release VOC and VSC, expressed on the
breath as halitosis with a similar mechanism
operates on tongue surface. Crypt debris may
mineralize, similar to the transformation of
dental plaque to dental calculus. These
mineralized deposits are termed tonsilloliths
(tonsil stones). The presence of tonsilloliths is
strongly associated with abnormal VSC
levels.[46] They are asymptomatically present
in up to 10% of the general population.[56]
Anaerobic bacteria detected in tonsilloliths
Porphyromonas, Prevotella, Selenomonas and
Tanerella spp., all associated with the
production of VSCs.[57]
Odorous gases from the mouth or
present in oronasal secretions can excite
olfactory receptors and be perceived as
halitosis,[58] even if no halitosis can be
detected halitometrically. This is retronasal
olfaction and and is usually misdiagnosed.
"Airway reflux" describes gaseous or
liquid gastric contents refluxing to the
pharynx, oral cavity, nasal cavity, paranasal
sinuses or even the middle ear,[59] and is
sometimes said to be a cause of halitosis,
however there is little credible evidence for
this mechanism.
Other respiratory tract causes of
halitosis include: laryngitis, tracheitis,
tuberculosis, nasal foreign bodies, rhinoliths,
(peritonsillar, nasopharnygeal, lung), and
carcinomas (nasal, sinuses, pharyngeal,
Type 3 halitosis: Gastroesophageal halitosis
Type 3 halitosis is leakage of odorant volatiles
from the stomach via the esophagus to the
mouth and nose. This should be distinguished
from volatiles in the GI tract being absorbed
into the systemic circulation and exhaled
(Type 4, blood-borne halitosis). A degree of
gastroesophageal reflux is considered normal,
occurring in almost all individuals several
times per day.[66] In a study of 14 healthy
individuals, 1.2 ml/10 min gas leakage from
the stomach to the esophagus whilst lying
horizontal and 6.8 ml/10 min while sitting was
demonstrated.[67] If odorous, this constitutes
the physiologic part of gastroesophageal
Pathologic level of gastroesophageal
halitosis is said to occur due to i)
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ii)
Helicobacter pylori related gastritis, or iii)
other causes e.g. gastrocolic fistulae, Zenker
Falcao et al. argued that
certain GI disorders can cause taste
disturbance. Taste receptor cells are
associated with lingual papillae, but also
present on the palate, epiglottis and upper
esophagus. Low intensity acid reflux can
cause phantom taste sensations, which may
manifest as subjective halitosis.[16]
Evidence for GERD-related halitosis is
contradictory. Some studies report self
reported/subjective halitosis complaints are
associated with GERD.[68-71] One study
reported gastroesophageal pathology in >50%
of patients complaining of halitosis,[72] whilst
others report that GI disorders may account
for up to 5% of objective halitosis
investigated the relationship between GERD
and halitosis (among other things). Three
studies were included, and the authors
concluded halitosis is a possible extraesophageal symptom of GERD,[73] however 2
of these studies utilized questionnaires (i.e.
subjective halitosis). Yoo et al. report H.
pylori infection correlated with elevated VSC
in mouth and mucosal erosions ,[74] posing
halitosis as a potential biomarker to
distinguish between erosive (200 ppb) and (75
chromatography on gastric juice and biopsies
in these subjects found resolved 7.5 ppm
significantly higher H2S and expression of
VSC-releasing enzymatic activity in the
erosive group, and 0.5 ppm in the non-erosive
group.[74] However, another study reported no
significant difference in halitosis parameters
when comparing erosive and nonerosive
GERD.[76] Others have suggested the stomach
rarely causes halitosis,[10] gastroscopy in
halitosis patients is entirely unnecessary,[12] as
the findings do not correlate with halitosis.[77]
It has also been argued that there is no
evidence that odorous substances are formed
in the stomach.[12] Another study reported no
statistically significant difference in the
prevalence of halitosis symptoms between
children with GERD and those without.[78]
H. pylori infection also has a
controversial role. H pylori possesses a straindependent ability to synthesize H2S and MM
from combined cysteine-methionine substrate
in vitro.[79] Elevated levels of both hydrogen
cyanide and hydrogen nitrate were detected on
the breath of H. pylori infected patients
compared to healthy controls,[80] however
whether this represents type 3 or type 4
(blood-borne) halitosis is unknown.
Oral H. pylori colonisation without
gastritis may cause Type 1 (oral) halitosis.
PCR detected H. pylori in 6.4% (21/326) of
saliva samples from non-dyspeptic individuals
complaining of halitosis. H. pylori was
associated with higher MM concentration.[81]
Improvements in halitosis (defined by
various methodologies) following eradication
therapy are reported.[82-87] Positive correlation
between H. pylori and halitosis is reported by
some studies,[88-90] however some of these can
be criticized for relying on self reported
halitosis rather than semi-objective breath
analysis.[91] Others report no statistically
significant correlation.[69,77,91-93]
This mechanism is rarely responsible
for halitosis, but cannot presently be
dismissed due to several studies which
support the idea that GI disease may cause
Type 4 halitosis: Blood-borne halitosis
Type 4 (blood-borne) halitosis is where
volatile chemicals in the systemic circulation
can transfer to exhaled breath during alveolar
gas exchange and cause halitosis.[94]
Volatiles are endogenously produced,
mostly by-products of biochemical metabolic
processes.[11] The concentration of volatiles on
the exhaled breath reflects their respective
arterial concentrations,[24] Healthy subjects’
breath contains 3481 VOCs,[95] constituting
the phsyologic aspect of Type 4 halitosis
(Table 2).
Methylated or low carbon containing
alkanes, cyclic hydrocarbons, alcohols and
aldehydes have an especially pungent odor
when they exceed specific odor thresholds for
the individual or his/her social environment,
constituting pathologic Type 4 halitosis.
Table 2: Example aromatic gases exhaled in healthy individuals
Breath gas Normal level (ppb) Ref# Associated with
Protein or amino acid metabolism, nitrogen metabolism
Lipid metabolism
Abnormal gut flora, renal or pancreatic insufficiency,
carbohydrate malabsorption
Bacterial overload in gut
184 (7-18 age)
Cholesterol synthesis
Pancreatic insufficiency
Acetaldehyde 10
[100] Alcohol metabolism
[102] Protein oxidation /colonic bacteria
1.5 x10 –10 M/l
Oxidative stress
0.2 nMol/l
Hepatic metabolism
<10 ppm
[105] Carbohydrate metabolism in gut
* Hydrogen is odorless, but its elevation >10 ppm in breath may indicate small intestinal bacterial
overgrowth syndrome, ileocaecal valve syndrome, ileitis, or carbohydrate
malabsorption/intolerance.[106,107] Along with methane, hydrogen is an indicator gas used in disaccharide
malabsorption tests to detect intestinal gases exhaled in breath.[105] Odorous breath gases (type 4
halitosis) are potentially present when breath hydrogen is elevated.[33]
The threshold concentration for any
given chemical depends on the change in
intensity (odor strength) with concentration
and the odor character. There is also
interpersonal variation in emotional reactions
to detected odor; some may react positively
and others negatively.[108] A single volatile
chemical can be perceived at lower
concentrations than expected when it is
combined in a mixture of thousands of VOC
like the breath by interaction with other
odorants and collective stimulation of
olfactory receptors.
Artificial systems containing chemical
sensor arrays for the detection of breath
volatiles allow for profile readings of multiple
compounds instead of single sensors for a
single volatile.[109] This is more favorable as
breath odors are not limited to a single or a
handful of gasses describable according to
their individual threshold levels. Rather,
breath odors are "olfactory spectra" of breath.
Every exhaled odorant gas should be
suspected as potentially contributing, by
varying degrees, to the overall perception of
breath odor.
In pathologic type 4 halitosis, the
concentrations and profile of exhaled gases is
significantly different to those seen in health,
depending on the pathology. Exhaled breath
volatiles are reported in diabetes mellitus,
sleep apnea, H. pylori infection, sickle cell
disease, asthma, breast cancer, lung
carcinoma, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, cystic fibrosis, liver diseases,
cirrhosis, uremia, kidney failure and
Breath alkanes have pungent odor are
elevated in intestinal inflammation,[110] e.g.
ulcerative colitis,[111,112], Crohn's Disease,[112]
pneumonia,[115] asbestosrelated disorders,[116] stomach cancer,[117] and
angina pectoris.[118] Pregnant females or preeclampsia patients have a specific breath gas
methyltetradecane and 2-methylnonane.
DMS, acetone, 2-butanone and 2-pentanone
are reported in liver failure, including
The “fetor hepaticus” of hepatic
failure is largely caused by DMS, not
(“dimethylsulfidemia”), was reported to be
responsible for the majority of cases of blood
borne halitosis.[12]
Body odor may accompany Type 4
halitosis as the same volatiles are also
excreted during perspiration. This is
sometimes termed blood-borne body odor and
halitosis. An example is TMAU, a rare
condition, classically characterized by fish
odor in urine, sweat, and breath.
mechanism may contribute to a halitosis
complaint when blood-borne odorants
stimulate olfactory receptors via their blood
supply.[16,120] Strong olfactory receptor
responses can be triggered by intravascular
injection of odorants in tracheotomized
animals. Such odor perceptions are not
occurring by the normal air-borne route, so
there may not be measurable halitosis.
Type 5 halitosis: Subjective halitosis
Subjective halitosis is a halitosis complaint
without objective confirmation of halitosis by
others or halitometer readings. Type 5
halitosis can be misdiagnosed if there are
measurement errors or transient symptoms.
It can be considered normal for even
mentally healthy individuals to worry
occasionally about to be having halitosis.[121]
Such halitosis concern can rationally
dismissed by most healthy people, who have a
degree of psychological resilience which is
capable of compensating for stressors. This
normal level of concern for halitosis
constitutes the “physiologic” aspect of Type 5
Pathologic subjective halitosis can be
categorized as psychologic or neurologic.
Psychologic causes
Psychologic factors can cause subjective
halitosis. This is termed monosymptomatic
hypochondriacal psychosis,[16] a type of
obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder,[121]
or ORS. 75% of ORS patients present with
halitosis complaints,[122] but obsession over
other non-existent body odors, often in
combination, are included. Others’ behavior
(e.g. opening windows, sniffing, touching
noses etc.) is misinterpreted as evidence of
halitosis. Employment loss, divorce or
suicidal ideation are reported.[123] “Doctor
shopping” to find clinicians to treat the nonexistent odor may occur. However, some
report that TMAU or other genuine odor
symptoms can be misdiagnosed as ORS.[124]
It may be the case that the previously
black and white thinking of objective halitosis
on the one hand and psychologic halitosis on
the other is oversimplification. Instead, it
might be more accurate to consider a
spectrum, with entirely subjective halitosis at
one extreme and entirely objective halitosis
with no psychologic concern at the other.
Most patients will fall somewhere between
these two points.
When objective halitosis has not been
treated, it may cause the patient distress or
social isolation, and eventually over-concern
about halitosis may develop. Even after the
odor is reduced to physiologic levels, the
negative psychosocial sequalae may persist,
making these cases difficult to treat.
Conversely, oversensitivity to physiologic
odor may be the basis of a subjective halitosis
with no history of objective halitosis.
Neurogenic causes
Traditionally, subjective halitosis complaints
are attributed to psychologic factors, but at
least some are neurologic. Nearly 200
dysfunction (CSD).
Dysosmia (disordered
olfaction including parosmia and phantosmia)
and dysgeusia (disordered gustation) present
extensive differential diagnoses.
Olfaction and gustation are intimately
interlinked at the neuronal level in the brain.
The definition of subjective halitosis (pseudohalitosis) has been broadened: “the perception
of an alteration in the quality of expired odor
air, a symptom perceived only by the
patient.”[16] Many patients fail to distinguish
between bad taste and bad odor. Gustatory
stimuli may influence orthonasal and
retronasal odorant perception.[58]
hypothyroidism, hyposalivation (another
extensive differential), nutrient deficiency
(zinc, copper, iron, and vitamins A and B12),
trauma and tumors involving the olfactory
center in the brain, or nerve damage
(glossopharyngeal, vagus, chorda tympani,
(Parkinson's, Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s
disease), environmental pollutants (e.g.
smoking), drug abuse, certain oral hygiene
products (e.g. mouthwashes) and certain
foodstuffs can all be potentially involved in
subjective halitosis complaints, by various
mechanisms.[16,125] As described previously,
diabetes mellitus, GERD and blood-borne
stimulation of taste and smell receptors via the
blood circulation may also contribute to
subjective halitosis.[16,126]
Unhelpful terms no longer needed:
● Many of the confusing array of
synonyms used to describe a
complaint (which would fall within
type 5 halitosis) are unneeded,
nongenuine halitosis, delusional halitosis,
olfactory obsession, psico-olfactory
halitosis anxiety and imaginary
● Subjective, descriptive terms such as
sulfurous, ammoniacal, fecal, fishy or
similar should be discontinued since
they invite misunderstanding.
Useful terms that are retained:
● Objective halitosis refers to any
combination of Types 1-4, but should
not refer to type 1 (oral) halitosis
● Morning breath is a temporarily
increased physiologic halitosis during
sleep and disappears soon after
waking.[127] Xerostomia is largely
diminished salivary and respiratory
secretion during sleep, especially
when the mouth remains open.
Proteinaceous substrates in saliva
allows for microbial action, and
release of VSC and other volatiles,
thereby enhancing Type 1 and 2
halitosis. Increased breath ammonia,
acetone,[97,129] and isoprene,[127] occur
after overnight fasting. Intestinal gas
builds up in the colon during sleep,[130]
possibly due to immobility and
microbial fermentation of intestinal
contents. More type 4 halitosis might
result, or possibly, more gas leakage
from the gastroesophageal valve (i.e.
type 3). All the above mechanisms
may operate during sleep. The
resultant halitosis upon waking can be
termed morning breath, in reality an
enhanced form of Type 0 halitosis.
● Psychosomatic halitosis should be
retained, but the term should not be
misused . Some hypothesize that
This mechanism is
correctly termed psychosomatic, since
a physical symptom is being
influenced by psychologic factors.
This is the uniquely correct usage of
the term “psychosomatic halitosis”,
rather than previous meanings (see
“Previous terminology”).
● Self halitosis has been used to
describe a lack of objective halitosis
even though the patient believes
themselves to have halitosis,[32] but it
is better used to define endogenously
produced, self perceived odor, which
is not a detectable odor to others. By
true description, self halitosis appears
in three forms: retronasal olfaction,
olfactory receptor responses triggered
by blood-borne odorants, and phantom
● Halitophobia should be retained with
correct meaning. It refers to "fear of
having halitosis" but not "untreated
New terms
● Exogenous
consumption of aromatic foodstuffs
(e.g. garlic, onion, spicy foods),
beverages (e.g. alcohol) or tobacco.
Exogenous volatiles may released
transiently from residues of food or
drink in the mouth, or released
unchanged via the blood-borne
mechanism after being absorbed. Such
pathologic halitosis, e.g. garlic smells
like garlic. The terms garlic odor,
spice odor, etc. seem suitable. Dietary
or temporary halitosis are also terms
that could be argued to be useful.
● Halitosis is an endogenous odor
because it is produced in the body
The new definition places less
importance on organoleptic examination and
single occasion halitometric reading, and
instead places more emphasis on the
declarations of the patient and his/her social
environment. The reasoning for this follows.
Organoleptic examination
Organoleptic measurement is carried
out by smelling the patient's breath then
scoring the level of halitosis.[7] However, the
examiner does not smell a pure sample of
mouth air, but rather a mixture of mouth air
examination does not distinguish between
these, only subjectively assesses the overall
odor level.
The perception of odorants depends
upon several factors, including constant
fluctuations in the clinician's individual
threshold level for that specific odor, what
was last smelled before the examination, the
concentration and volatility of the molecules
themselves, room temperature (gases are less
volatile in lower temperatures), humidity of
exhaled breath, how strongly the breath is
blown into the examiner’s nose (less
forcefully expired breath will consist of less
volume of air, and less odorant molecules will
be carried to the examiner’s olfactory
epithelia), and lastly the examiner's
concentration at that moment. All these
parameters vary from one hour to the next and
from one individual to the next, making this a
subjective measure which does not reflect the
actual level of odor. It can be suggest to self
applied organoleptic scoring (self assessment)
should be evaluated to monitorize prognosis.
and objectionable to both
dentists and to patients. Dislike or shame is
experienced by 50% of patients with this
examination (n=283).[133] Some use a privacy
screen to prevent the patient from seeing the
Examiners find it repulsive to smell a halitosis
patient’s breath.
Self detection of halitosis correlated
positively with actual halitosis only when
subjects smelt their own saliva isolated from
their mouth. Other methods did not
correlate.[134] Another study reported less
correlation between self detection of halitosis
and clinical findings. The sensitivity and
specificity of self-perceived oral malodor
were 47.2% and 59.2%, respectively.[135] The
same author later compared 252 halitosis
patients’ self-estimation, organoleptic and
halitometric results and found that selfestimated corresponded significantly with
clinical oral malodor.[136]
Gas chromatography (GC), alone or combined
with mass spectrometry (MS), is most
frequently utilized for highly sensitive VSC
detection (1-10 ppb). Nevertheless, routine
application of these clinically is impractical
given the expense and complexity, and the
expertise required.[94] More practical methods
utilize colorimetric hydrogen sulfide sensors
engineered both as an optical fibre, capable of
measuring reflectance change of an
immobilized reagent,[137] and as thin reactive
films of chromophores.[138] A bio-electronic
nose capable of detecting the oxygen
consumption induced by an enzymatic
reaction with methyl sulfide has also been
developed.[139] The Halimeter,[140] contains an
electrochemical sensor for VSC. The
semiconductor gas sensors Breathtron,[141]
constructed as a zinc oxide film with
specificity to hydrogen sulfide and
is portable equipment
capable of determining combined H2S, MM
and DMS levels, with a 10 min response time
and a detection limit of a few ppb. Twin
Breasor,[144] Diamond Probe/Perio 2000,[145]
Cyranose 320,[146] and B/B Checker,[147] are
portable devices for detecting several gases
including VSC and other odorous gases in
mouth or breath air.[148,149] Their accuracy is
poor compared to GC and MS. They cannot
distinguish one odor from another, and they
have difficulty distinguishing individual
compounds from the family of VSC.[132]
Almost all halitosis researchers and
specialists use portable sulfide monitors (e.g.
Halimeter) to detect oral VSC.[14] Good
correlation exists between Halimeter readings
and VSC concentration,[35] and sulfurproducing bacteria levels.[150] However,
Halimeter readings are imprecise, and
misdiagnosis may result.[151] The Halimeter
has biexponential response to a constant
concentration of VSC. Rapid (peak) and slow
(plateau) responses differed. The total VSC in
air samples was 2.7 times greater than at its
peak concentration, but its plateau phase
measurement is 25% greater than the actual
concentration. A modified protocol measuring
plateau instead of peak values is available,
yielding more favorable correlation with the
actual level of VSC.[152]
In order to investigate the Halimeter's
ability to distinguish between VSC and other
gases, having calibrated the Halimeter to
ambient air, the aspirating tube was inserted
into the headspace of some 250 ml
commercial juice cartons immediately after
opening. The Halimeter readings for apricot,
apple, peach, cherry juices, buttermilk, soda,
were 114, 352, 91, 48, 39, 47 ppb VSC
respectively. In a similar experiment, the
Halimeter reported VSC as if H2S is emitted
from various flowers: daffodil, rose, jasmine
were 255, 42, 73 ppb while 104 ppb was read
near a sump, and 417 ppb near hand soap.
When using another gas detector in the same
conditions, all these flowers read with
different percentages of VOC, not VSC.[153]
Such simple experiments show that the
Halimeter seems to confuse VSC with other
odorants, and may not be selective enough for
halitosis. The OralChroma gives more
comprehensive VSC level readings than the
Halimeter,[41] but it shares the VSC
exclusivity limitation, and therefore cannot
fully determine the actual level of breath odor
due to potential minor contributions from nonVSC gases.
New gas detectors capable of detecting
sulfur and nitrogen containing gases, as well
as VOCs should be developed for use in
halitosis detection. There are industrial,
portable gas detectors that are capable of
detect more than 4 gas groups including VSC,
NH3, or VOC that could potentially be utilized
at one reading. A sensor system for
monitoring the simple gases H2, CO, H2S,
NH3, VOC and ethanol,[154] and breath test
kits including instruments to detect breath H2
and methane are available.[155]
Perturbation on threshold of halitosis
There is no consensus regarding what VSC
reading corresponds to clinically present
halitosis (see Table 3).
VSC thresholds should be revisited to
improve clinical utility.[163] According to the
new concepts described in this paper, there is
no need to establish any precise VSC level
which constitutes a halitosis diagnosis. Any
patient complaining of halitosis is at least
Type 5, even if objective halitosis is not
diagnosed. Treatment should be targeted
reducing patholgic halitosis to physiologic
halitosis. Setting the goal at zero odor is
unrealistic and arguably impossible.
Table 3. Variation in the “halitosis threshold”
reported in the literature
Halitosis threshold Reference
(VSC ppb)
100 (2*)
250 (3*)
Total: VSC 250
H2S, CH3SH, (CH3)2S:
150, 50, 20 respectively
Besides these data, some describe ranges of VSC readings, e.g.: 0-40,
healthy; 41-60, physiologic; 61-80, slight; 81-110, moderate; 111140, severe; over 141, very strong.[162]
* organoleptic score
There are three reasons to restrict the
use of halitometers. Firstly, since baseline
mouth air VSC concentrations fluctuate
throughout day,[151] halitometric reading at
any particular time may not be representative.
For this reason, multiple halitometric
examinations carried out at different times
throughout the day may be more
representative compared to a single occasion
in the dental clinic. Or cysteine challenge,[164]
should be applied to decide optimal VSC level
of that individual.
halitometers are simply sulfide detectors,
capable of detecting only VSC. However,
nonsulfurous gases are also present in the
mouth or breath, albeit in a lesser
concentration than VSC. Halitometers are
poor at distinguishing one odor from another.
E.g., in TMAU, the breath could be
malodorous due to the presence of TMA, and
VSC levels may be under the normal range in
such patients. Thus, examiners may
misdiagnose some objective halitosis cases as
if subjective halitosis by relying entirely on
the specifity of halitometers.
Thirdly, there is no scientifically
accepted quantitative threshold between
physiologic odor and pathologic halitosis.
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