AVID Celebrates Senior Night Senioritis Hits Hard


AVID Celebrates Senior Night Senioritis Hits Hard
February 2, 2015
Issue 13 Volume 80
Est. 1935
AVID Celebrates Senior Night
By Alperen Soylu; Contributing Writer
Junto Magazine (2)
BCPS Blog(2)
Roommate Search (3)
Senior Parking Lot (3)
Beyond Franklin
France Terrorism (4)
UVA Frat (4)
Disney Measles (5)
Hogan Campaign (5)
Those who are
a part of or becoming a
part of AVID should expect a course unlike any
other. Those that manage to stay until the final
years of the course know
that AVID demands that
a student always presents
his or her best qualities in
the classroom, at home,
around others, and much
more. The AVID 12 night,
which was held on January 1, 2015, celebrated
the achievements of the
students that held this status quo and even went beyond.
The program began around 7 PM, followed by introductions
and meetings between
teachers, parents, and students alike. The first thing
discussed was the importance of AVID at Franklin,
with individuals such as
Bryan Green and Logan
Beasley giving speeches
about how important the
program was to their well
being and development.
Followed by that, the
AVID provides many opportunities for students looking
for college opportunities.
value of taking AP classes
was highly stressed; as
AP classes help contribute to free college credits
that do not have to be paid
during college. Following that, the SAT and ACT
were discussed, with each
vital component being explained to parents while
also allowing the AVID
coordinator to get closer to
the parents in order to discuss the helpful benefits of
getting a high score. Next,
options to pay for college
were discussed, including
scholarships, financial aid
sources like FASFA, and
loans were all options that
parents could choose to
look in depth. Finally, the
program was finished with
several of the 12th grade
AVID students receiving recognition in terms
of quarterly GPA, student
awards, and teacher recognition. The program then
concluded around 8: 30
Overall the turnout
was quite well and the program went quite successfully. According to AVIDs
status quo, it states that
its mission is to meet the
achievement gap by helping students in Franklin
and all other high school
students to get them ready
for college and the real
world itself. I myself being an AVID student can
say that through the help
of my AVID teacher, coordinators, tutors, and
peers, I have successfully
lived to my status quo of
becoming more integrated
yet distinct in terms of
academic standings, social
abilities, and overall belief
in something great. For
those of you that wish to
enter the fantastic yet demanding world of AVID,
I highly recommend that
you prepare yourself for
an experience unlike any
other college program that
you’ll find, one that I hope
will change your life for
the better.
Golden Globes (6)
Sia’s Video (6)
PCA’s (7)
Oscars (7)
CES (8)
New TV Shows (8)
“Avengers” Trailer (9)
Taylor Swift (9)
Olivia Gruver (10)
Track Team (10)
Senioritis Hits Hard Among Students
By Regan Fleischer; Contributing Writer
The first half of
the year is a difficult and
stressful time. The excitement about the first couple
weeks of school wears off
quickly, and students begin to feel the stress that
only school can bring. The
beginning of the year is
usually when teachers decide to pile huge amounts
of work to students, hoping to prove that their class
is “rigorous and challenging.” By second quarter,
students are run down and
tired. They are nowhere
near the end of the school
year and pressure begins
to build. Temperatures begin to drop, and the cold
dreary weather outside
matches the attitude and
spirit of most of the students. On top of this stress
and pressure are midterms.
Midterms are supposed to
be cumulative tests that
test everything a student
has learned so far. In theory, they should be easy to
handle, but students end
up teaching themselves
months worth of material
the night before.
Now that second quarter is coming to
a close, students can sit
back and realize that they
are half way through the
school year. Spring and
summer are just around
the corner, and it is now
easier to see the light at
the end of the tunnel. This
is especially true for the
seniors. By this time, most
seniors have been ac-
cepted into college. They
no longer have to worry
about managing school,
sports, and college applications, all within the
span of a couple of weeks.
Not only are they halfway
through the school year,
but they now only have a
couple of weeks left until
they graduate from high
Continued on Page 2
Senioritis Hits Hard Among Students
Continued from
Front Page
While this is a fun
and happy time for most
students, and especially
the seniors, it is all the
time where students tend
to slack off. Seniors realize that they have already
been accepted into college,
and their grades do not
have to be perfect. They
have more room to make
mistakes. Some seniors
take the new freedom that
Seniors Kaleigh Ridgely an Emily Snydman are ecstatic
that they are second semester seniors.
they have too far. They
slack off and put almost
no effort into their classes,
making “senioritis” real.
Some seniors completely
stop doing their work all
Rigely, has a lot to say
about being half way
though the school year. “I
am very happy that school
is almost over. Since I am
a senior, I get to relax and
not worry as much about
my classes. The first half
of the year was extremely
stressful. I had to manage
sports with my grades and
college applications. I am
excited to have a break,
but I am still going to put
effort into school. It is still
important to me to get
good grades and always
try my best.”
Senior, Emily Snydman, agrees with Ridgely. “Even though I have already been accepted into a
school, I am going to continue to work hard and do
Students Prepare for the Junto Magazine
By Alperen Soylu; Contributing Writer
It can be said that
the greatest of judgments,
beliefs, and struggles are
best understood through
the chaotic yet beautiful
word of the writer. And the
very art that fills the writer’s brain like an endless
chasm is brought to life
through the language of
writing. This year’s Junto
magazine should be one
for the ages, and indeed
that age holds great promise.
Last year’s edition of the magazine was
able to greatly capitalize
on the work of new and
upcoming potential students, with works based
on the internal desires of
man and works describing
the pain of isolation, many
people felt an incredible
connection to the works of
these students.
Yet Junto is not
simply a language of writing, for it also contains the
wonders of life through its
fantastic images taken in
great detail by the Franklin photographers and artists. Indeed that this year’s
edition of the magazine
was quite spectacular. But
like everything else in the
world, everything is prone
to mistakes, but that is life.
The magazine should first
off attempt to reach more
in-depth in other topics
such as the struggles of society itself, perhaps even
the fragile bonds that keep
man apart from animals,
topics that could range
hugely in philosophical
content. Yet I am no critic,
and I love each and every
piece that a student may
These past Junto magazines have become a big hit
among students and faculiy alike.
submit. And yet, I ask that
our fellow Franklin students try to make connections between the life that
we live now, and the world
that we once dreamed.
This is the beauty of this
magazine; for we are humans we are here to express our individuality as
a group.
For those interested in writing, students
can write original poems,
short stories, screenplays,
and creative nonfiction
stories. Keep in mind that
you only have a 1500 word
limit. For those interested
in submitting art, students
can take photographs of
original drawings, paintings, or photographs. And
for those interested in doing both, then set your
mind free and submit as
much as you desire. Send
the work as a Word document or a jpeg file to Mrs.
Showalter through her
email at jshowwalter@
bcps.org no later than February 27th. You should be
notified if your work has
been submitted by March
27th. I leave with this note
when you start writing or
taking a picture; ideas are
chained in doubt, but those
brave enough to break free
of these chains unleash the
most beautiful new ideas.
Let your imagination flow
freely, and let the world
be inspired by your great
works of true art.
BCPS Introduces A New Blog
By Kayla Green; Contributing Writer
Attention everyone at
Franklin High, there’s a
new blog posted beyond
BCPS One called BCPS
OPPS. This blog is where
not just students but parents and others can go find
information about many
opportunities available to
them not just in BCPS but
throughout the entire community.
BCPS OPPS is now a
present website which offers competitions, workshops, scholarships, and
more to explore on BCPS
BCPS OPPS is also a
website with new opportunities for students to see
what they may be interested in not just in school
but outside of school too.
BCPS OPPS tells us what
is offered, who the meetings are for and what the
meetings are for too.
Here on this blog
features opportunities for
students to advance their
education. One feature
is the upcoming Special
‘’Just for Juniors’’ Tour at
UMBC. For high school
students who are interest-
ed in college tours, high
school juniors (and sophomores, too) are invited to
a special ‘’just for juniors’’
campus tour at UMBC on
Saturday, March 28, 2015
from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
For students and parents
participating in this event
will get a chance to learn
about college admissions,
and the financial aid pro-
cess. Current students and
faculty will be present to
talk to, you will be able
to also explore and take
a tour of the campus, and
to get an understanding of
what it means and what it
takes to being a retriever
Step 1: Get Accepted Step 2: Find a Roommate
By Rachel Yarsky; Contributing Writer
getting into college, it is
time to start making more
in depth plans. To many
people, an important aspect of college life is having the perfect roommate;
someone you can become
life-long friends with and
share your college life
with. Social media has
been assisting with this
process very efficiently.
Perspective students can
request to join Facebook
groups with people in
their graduating class and
post a little blurb about
themselves and what they
are looking for in a roommate.
Some people take
it even further than Facebook. Along with posting
usernames for Instagram,
Twitter, and Snapchat,
people set up GroupMe
conversations for everyone to join. This is a great
way to get to know people
and make friends since
people come from a variety of states and you can’t
always meet up in person.
“I joined the Facebook group as soon as I
found out I got into Villanova,” said Maddie
Schwartz, “And soon after that, someone made a
GroupMe. That’s how I
found my roommate, Emily. We’ve been talking
for a while and she seems
really cool; I can tell we
are going become really
close. I’ve always wanted a roommate I can do
everything with, and she
definitely fits that mold.
Senior Megan Ertel meets up with her roommate for
lunch to get to know her better.
Checking this off my list
was such a relief and now
I can finally start looking
forward to college life!”
Roomsurf is also
a great way to find room-
mates who match your
habits and personality. Roomsurf is a website
connected to Facebook on
which you take a questionnaire based on things
you want to do on campus
and organizations/activities you want to be a part
of. After you fill everything out, it tells you what
percentage your answers
match other people and
vice versa.
Picking a roommate is a scary process
because that is the person
you are going to share
your living space and your
first college experiences
with. You don’t want to
rush into anything just because you feel rushed and
stressed about finding the
perfect person to live with.
Take your time and take
advantage of the social
media groups.
Seniors Demand their own Parking Lot
By Rachel Yarsky; Contributing Writer
As the years go
by here at Franklin High
School, it appears that
the senior class is slowly
getting stripped of their
previous and traditional
privileges. This is the first
year that seniors have to
eat lunch in the main cafeteria with the rest of the
school because the senior
cafeteria was turned into
a dance studio this year.
This upset the vast majority of seniors and many
juniors as well who were
looking forward to having
this privilege in the future
as well.
Having been in the
school for four years, seniors should definitely be
entitled to some perks that
the rest of the grades don’t
have. In a way, it gives
them something to look
forward to, and the privileges are a big reason of
why people look forward
to their last year in high
A perk that would
be greatly appreciated by
us seniors is a senior parking lot. Catonsville High
has one and I believe it is a
great idea. Schools that do
have their own senior lots
are able to have specific
spots designated to students that those students
can decorate the spot with
chalk and ribbons. This
would be a great way to
start enhancing school
“I’ve always wanted my own parking spot
to decorate,” says senior
Ellie Profaci, “I think it’s
adorable when I see pictures of my friend’s spaces
from other schools and I
just think it would be a really fun thing for our class
to do.”
why a senior lot is a won-
derful idea is for organizational purposes. The
seniors have designated
a small area of the parking lot close to the building that people do call the
“senior lot”, but juniors
still park there because it’s
not an official rule. And
since everyone who drives
gets to school around the
same time, if you leave a
minute or two late, there
are no parking spaces left
in that area which can be
extremely frustrating if
you park there every day.
It would be so much nicer
knowing that when you
get to school there will be
parking for you and you
won’t have to scramble
to find somewhere further
away to park.
Senior Julia Dugan
agrees saying, “I think the
designated lot would be a
really nice idea. Overall,
seniors should have supe-
Franklin Gazette Staff
Morgan Caplan
Joshua Rubin
Frances Stump
This tiny parking lot is not sufficient in size for the
increased amount of juniors and seniors receiving their
riority parking in terms of cars.”
students. On days where It should just be privilege
traffic is heavy and there the seniors get for their last
aren’t as many parking year in high school. And I
spots available, it would am certain that classes in
be nice to know that I the future would apprecicould rely on one specific ate this perk as well.
senior lot to not be filled
with junior’s or parents’
Staff Writers
Luis Belmontes
Alexandria Jefferson
Rachel yarsky
Allison Feldman
Caila Lurz
Ally Feldman
Reagan Fleischer
Bridget McNamara
Sydney Gaskins
Myah Parker
Kayla Green
Jack Quint
Christopher Hood
Earlene Witherspoon Gibson
World Is Shaken By Terrorist Attack in France
By Kevin Sachs; Contributing Writer
France became the
victim of the latest terrorist attacks as in the past
few weeks two terrorist attacks have taken place. Al
Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed responsibility for these attacks, as
well as ties to ISIS. France
has beefed up security by
deploying 80,000 soldiers
across its country. Soldiers were dispatched to
Jewish centers, mosques,
and travel areas.
and Cherif Kouachi were
the two brothers who
launched an attack on the
Charlie Hebo printing
shop. Intelligence Sources
claim that the brothers received weapon training in
the deserts of Marib. In
2011, the French government said that they knew
that the brothers had contact with Al Qaeda. They
were last seen on the roof
of the building before they
were shot. They were shot
by French authorities.
A salesman of the
Charlie Hebo said that he
shook hands with one of
the men and thought he
was a police officer. That
day, many schools were on
lockdown, and roads and
shops closed. The brothers didn’t just launch an
attack on the newspaper;
they robbed a gas station
as well.
The other attack
happened at a kosher grocery store. There was only
one suspect involved in
this attack who was later
shot. His name was Amedy Coulibaly. H was
earlier suspected of killing a policewoman. He
held many shoppers hostage. The store was Hyper
Cacher kosher grocery
store. Fourteen hostages
were freed and rushed out
of the building. Bystanders reported seeing heav-
ily armed police and loud
explosions. Police were
still looking for another
suspect who they believe
also helped carry out the
French President
Francois Hollande denounced both of these
attacks. The Al Qaeda
claimed that the attacks
on France were a result
of the French deploying
troops in Mali and Central
Africa in addition to their
recent role in the U.S led
coalition in Syria and Iraq.
The French government is
now trying to crack down
on hate speeches, antiSemitics, and terrorism.
They are proposing more
broad laws that will give
more intelligence through
phone tapping and other
methods in order to prevent this type of attack
from happening again.
A French citizen,
Fritz-Joly Joachin has
Police arrived at the scene of the grocery story where the
suspect supposedly held the fourteen hostages.
been arrested in Bulgaria
trying to cross to Turkey
because of his ties to the
two terrorist brothers.
France issued a European
arrest warrant for him. He
told prosecutors that he
was not an extremist. He
said “I am Muslim but I
am not a radical or terrorist”
Following the attacks from Muslim ex-
tremist groups, many
people in Germany are
launching marches against
Muslims. Hatred organizations have formed as well.
This may create inequality
across Germany.
Questioning the Fraternity Culture at College
By Madeleine Wroe; Contributing Writer
of Virginia is gaining unwanted attention from the
media once again, as they
are dealing with a fraternity gang rape allegation.
The fraternity, Phi Kappa
Psi has been under fire for
gang rape allegations at
one of their parties. The
alleged victim, Jackie, has
had inaccuracies in her
story and the fraternity
says they did not throw a
party the evening of the
alleged gang rape. UVA
has implemented new party rules to prevent another
event like this one. Now
when the fraternity throws
a party, the sober members
have to supervise the bedrooms of the frat house.
The University gave a
little praise to Phi Kappa
Psi as they were the first
to sign and help draft the
new rules. The UVA President Teresa Sullivan said
“We welcome Phi Kappa
Psi, and we look forward
to working with all fraternities and sororities in
enhancing and promoting a safe environment
for all.” We will see if the
does not comply with the
events of Jackie’s story.
Such evidence like Jackie
changing the number of
her attackers from five to
seven, and other various
changes in her story is
why people have opinions
on both sides. Regardless
of whom you believe we
may never hear the truth
of what really happened.
While the fraternity has
been re-instated, it is a
plus that the college has
created new rules for safety. Hopefully these new
Protesters at the fraternity house of the gang rape suspects. They wanted the fraternity
rules will be effective in
to be punished and banned.
stopping sexual assault
final decision will be to was only temporary, last- and the rape victims do from occurring. The proban Phi Kappa Psi or what ing till January 9, 2015. not get the help or justice testers are calling for UVA
will happen to any of the Upset protesters wanted they seek. After Jackie’s to stop hiding rape cases,
suspected members of the the fraternity to be banned story came out, there have and to punish fraternities
rape. Rolling Stone maga- for its actions.
been many stories of a that engage in illegal bezine has written a few ar- UVA has also come under rape culture on the UVA havior. Even though there
ticles on the rape story, but fire for not doing anything campus, so it is not just are questions regarding
recently said that Jackie is about the rape allegation. an isolated incident. So- Jackie’s case, hopefully it
becoming more unreliable Often colleges do not do nya Shah, eleventh grader, will force colleges to adas her story continues to anything about rape be- says “UVA should have dress issues of sexual aschange.
cause it would bring bad taken more actions to help sault on campus.
After the Rolling Stone ar- press like this case, and the girl” and that it was
ticle, protesters vandalized also they would have to “wrong of UVA to try to
the frat house and called take unwanted actions cover up her rape story.”
for justice. The President such as ban fraternities. The case is unraveling bedecided to suspend all fra- Too often officials cover cause of false statements
ternities, but her decision up the rape allegations and information that
Disneyland Measles Outbreak
By Alexandria Jefferson; Contributing Writer
a Measles outbreak has
started recently and its
numbers continue to grow.
And it’s most recent number of outbreaks had escalated to 52, including a 22
month old girl who was
visiting from her home,
9 out of every 10 nonimmune individuals it
finds. Measles is airborne
and hangs around up to
2 hours after the infected
person has left the area. In
an unvaccinated population, each person infected with the measles will
transmit the disease to 12
to 18 other people, making the number of people
who visit Disney world at
high risk. Because of the
rides, interactions and the
crowded people at Disney,
it is very easy for someone to spread the disease.
Many suspect that immigrants have something to
Instead of focusing on Disneyland as the origen of the
outbreak, but instead of the bouyant movement.
do with the outbreak.
Disney says that
they do not know who the
first to enter Disney with
the disease was and they
say they don’t really need
to know. They say “it is
not undocumented immigrants we should be pointing the finger at”. When
the CDC tracked the measles cases for the first half
of 2013, they found that
159 cases resulted from
42 importations of the disease, but more than half
those importations were
U.S residents returning to
the states from abroad.
There is no vaccine that can 100% percent protect a person from
measles. If a child is not
vaccinated people are 35
times more likely to catch
measles than vaccinated
ones. Measles can spread
when the infected person
coughs. And the virus literally hangs in the air. And
symptoms include fever,
rash, runny nose, and red
eyes. People can be infectious for nine days, including time before and after
they have the telltale rash.
The exposure
started between December 17 and 20.Disneyland
said it was informed of the
measles cases among employees on January 15th.
“We immediately told our
cast to raise awareness,”
the theme parks chief
medical officer Dr. Pamela
Hymel said in a statement.
Even though it is not clear
how many of the theme
park employees were vaccinated. Disney says they
were informed by the
outbreak by employees.
Six of the nine confirmed
measles cases involve
people who were unvaccinated, including two
babies too young to have
received their first shots.
One person with measles
was fully vaccinated.
outbreak is disturbing because it affects people who
are likely to get on planes.
Measles can spread easily.
Two of the confirmed cases
linked to Disneyland were
Utah residents. However,
Dr.Gil Chavez, deputy director of the states Center
for Infectious Diseases,
said at a Wednesday news
conference that Disneyland would be “perfectly
safe” if you have been immunized. Five Disney employees so far have been
diagnosed with measles,
three of whom have fully
recovered. Dr. Ron Chapman, director of the state
health department, says
“if you have symptoms,
and believe you may have
been exposed, please contact your health care provider.”
Hogan Campaigns for School Reforms
By Bridget McNamara; Contributing Writer
Governor Larry
Hogan has joined the petition to have all public
schools in Maryland start
the day after Labor Day.
The Comptroller Peter
Franchot, is also a huge
supporter of starting the
schools later. Hogan said
“I think this is a tremendous effort for a lot of reasons,” “It’s not just a family issue, it’s an economic
People that are
for beginning the school
year later say that people
will have an extra week of
summer to spend money
at businesses in Maryland
and it will make more tax
revenue. According to the
Bureau of Revenue Estimates, starting school
after Labor Day would
increase economic activity by $74.3 million, $3.7
million in new wages, and
$7.7 million for state and
local profits.
The tourism sector is the fourth biggest
industry in Maryland, and
gives jobs to more than
340,000 people. It also
plays a huge role in help-
Hogan advocates for schools to start after labor day.
ing Maryland’s economy.
According to a study done
by the comptroller, eight
and a half percent of families with children in school
would take a new day trip
or overnight trip to one of
Maryland’s most popular vacation spots: Deep
Creek Lake, Ocean City,
or Baltimore City. 5.2 percent of families said they
would go out of state or an
overnight trip and the rest
of the families say they
would take another day to
do a leisurely activity near
their homes.
Governor Martin
O’Malley and State Senator James are also for this
petition. Hogan was the
13,244th person to sign
the petition. Franchot said
that “13,244 Marylanders
have sent a clear message
that starting school after
Labor Day will give families, students, teachers and
small businesses the break
they need — and deserve.
It gives students time to
learn life lessons beyond
the classroom, teacher’s
time to recharge their batteries and small businesses
much needed help during
tough economic times. I
am confident we can make
this meaningful adjustment and continue to end
the school year in early to
Those who oppose
have said that if schools
start later they will have to
end later in June. Teachers
say that they need more
days to train teacher and
get students ready for the
state exams in March and
June. Also, some people
are concerned that students
will have to spend more
time in the hot schools because not all schools are
Currently, school
boards can make their own
calendars, and the different counties usually have
different starting and ending days. Worcester County, in Ocean City, was the
only county in Maryland
to start this school year after Labor Day.
Many students at
Franklin would be ecstatic
about this change. Franklin Junior, Gail Cohen said
“I would be happy because
if school started later it
would feel like summer is
longer.” Another Franklin
High student, Jillian Fribush said, “I would love
it! Plus it would give me
more time to do my summer work.”
Great Nominees in 2015 Golden Globes
By Chris Hood; Contributing Writer
The 72nd annual
Golden Globes nominees
were announced from
Beverly Hilton Hotel a
already pre-drawn ceremony in Beverly Hills.
According to GoldenGlobes.com, HFPA president Theo Kingma introduced Kate Beckinsale,
two-time Golden Globe
Krause, Paula Patton, and
Golden Globe-winner, as
five-time nominee Jeremy
Piven did the honors.
The 72nd Annual
Golden Globe Awards,
hosted by Tina Fey and
Amy Poehler aired on
2015, coast-to-coast on
NBC from 5:00-8:00 p.m.
(EST). The event was a
great night for those who
watch and attended the
event that night. The best
motion picture (Drama)
was given to the movie
Many attended the candlelight vigil for Alcorn at Kings
Mill High School.
Moore received Best Actress in a motion picture
(Drama) for her performance in “Still Alice”.
Eddie Remayne got the
award Best Actor in a Motion Picture (Drama) for
his performance in “The
Theory Of Everything.”
Best Motion picture (Musical or Comical) was won
by the movie “The Grand
Budapest Hotel.” Michael
Kenton for his comical
performance in “Bird-
man” received the Best
Actor Award (Musical or
The Best Animated
film award was won by the
movie “How to Train Your
Dragon 2.” The movie
“Leviathan” received the
Best Foreign Language
Film Award. Best Supporting Actor in a Motion
Picture was received by
J.K. Simmons for the help
with “Whiplash”. Best Director for a motion picture
went Richard Linklater
for is contribution with
the movie “Boyhood.”
Best Screenplay for motion picture was given to
Alejandro González Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone,
Alexander Dinelaris, and
Armando Bo for the movie “Birdman.” Best Original Score motion picture
went to Jóhann Jóhannsson (The Theory of Everything). Best Original
Song motion picture went
to Selma. Best TV Series
(Drama) went to the show
enjoyed by many, “The Affair.” Best Actress in a TV
Series (Drama) was given
to Ruth Wilson for her performance in the TV show
“The Affair.” Best TV Series (Musical or Comedy)
was given to the television
show “Transparent”. Best
Actress in a TV Series
(Musical or Comedy) Gina
Rodriguez was the winner
for her performance in
“Jane the Virgin.” Best Actor in a TV Series (Musical or Comedy) was given
to Jeffrey Tambor for the
TV show “Transparent.”
Best Actress in a (MiniSeries or TV Movie) went
to Maggie Gyllenhaal in
“The Honorable Woman.”
Oscar Nominations Revealed
January 15th 2015
was a big day in the world
of Entertainment. The
Nominations for the 2015
Oscar Awards Show, the
87th Academy Awards,
were revealed. The Oscars are considered the
biggest film awards in the
world and for an actor or
member of the film industry to win or even be nominated for an Oscar shows
great prestige.
According to Oscars.org,
the Oscar statue given to
the winners is, “the most
recognized trophy in the
world, the Oscar statue
had stood on the mantels of the greatest filmmakers in history since
1929.” The trophy itself
stands 13.5 inches off of
the ground and weighs
eight and a half pounds.
So far 2,947 of these trophies have been presented
throughout history. The
chief art director at Metro-Goldwyn Mayer, Cedric Gibbons, designs the
trophies to illustrate a figure of a knight holding a
sword standing on a sheet
of film with five individual spokes representing the
By Sydney Gaskins; Contributing Writer
Here at the Dolby Theatre at Hollywood and Highland Center is where all the action
takes place for the Oscars.
five branches of the academy. The five branches of
the academy are actors,
directors, producers, technicians and writers.
The solid bronze
trophies will be presented
to prestigious academy
members at the Dolby
Theatre at Hollywood and
Highland Center on February 22nd, 2015. Awards
will be presented in up
to twenty five different
categories. Some of the
main categories include
Best Picture, Actor in a
Leading Role, Actress in
a Leading Role, Actor in a
Supporting Role, Actress
in a Supporting Role, and
Animated Feature Film.
Posted on the Oscars website are all of the nominees
in the twenty-four different categories. Anyone
can make their picks on
the website to predict the
winners of the 2015 Oscars. By simply clicking
the box next to the person
of the Academy or Film,
one can make an impact
on the entire film industry
that’s looking forward to
this big event.
The Oscars in the past have
been a memorable night
for everyone watching
and everyone attending.
In 2014 Ellen DeGeneres
hosted the big night where
she tweeted a historic selfie with huge names in the
film industry such as Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley
Cooper, Brad Pitt, Channing Tatum, Julia Roberts, Kevin Spacey, Jared
Leto, and more. More big
names spoke at the Oscars
in 2014 like the lovely
Anne Hathaway, Samuel
Jackson, Jim Carrey, and
Kerry Washington.
2014, “12 Years A Slave”
won best picture, Cate
Blachett won best actress,
Matthew McConaughey
won best actor, Lupita
Nyong’o from “12 Years
a Slave” won best supporting actress, Jared Leto
won best supporting actor,
and Gravity took the stage
winning over four different awards in different categories.
This year the biggest
names in the industry are
nominated and excited
for the big event. Bradley
Cooper is nominated again
for actor in a leading role
along with Eddie Redmayne, Steve Carrel and
more. Reese Witherspoon,
Felicity Jones, Julianne
and more are nominated
for actress in a leading role.
Alongside these women is
the beautiful Emma Stone,
Keira Knightley, Meryl
Streep and more.
Anyone can watch the Oscars on Sunday February
22nd on ABC at 7pm.
Celebrities Win Big At People’s Choice Awards
The 41st Annual
People’s Choice Awards
have officially released
their winners. The awards
show, which was held on
January 7th, is an award
show based on the votes
of the people. People
all across the nation and
world could vote on the
official website. The winners were revealed and
they are now online for
those who couldn’t catch
the show. This is what
happened this year:
In the movie category, the breakout star
was Disney’s “Maleficent”, which won most
of its nominations. It won
Favorite Movie over fellow nominees “Captain
America: The Winter Soldier”, “Guardians of the
Galaxy”, and “X-Men:
Days of Future Past.”
The Disney reimagining
also won Favorite Family
Movie. Robert Downey
Jr. had a really huge night.
The star of the upcoming “Avengers: Age of
By Ayinde Roberts; Contributing Writer
Chris Evans received his award for Favorite Action
Movie Actor for his role as Cap in “Captain America:
The Winter Soldier.”
Ultron” won both of his
nominations for Favorite
Movie Actor and Favorite Dramatic Movie Actor.
Jennifer Lawrence also
won both her nominations: Favorite Movie Actress and Favorite Action
Movie Actress. The adaptation of Veronica Roth’s
“Divergent” scored the
award for Favorite Action Movie and Favorite
Movie Duo (Theo James
and Shailene Woodley).
The last notable winner is
Chris Evans winning the
award for Favorite Action
Movie Actor for his role as
Captain America in “Captain America: The Winter
For television, the
biggest story was “The Big
Bang Theory.” The CBS
sitcom won 3 out of 4 of
its nominations, including
Favorite TV Show. Other
nominees included HBO’s
“Game of Thrones” and
AMC’s “The Walking
Dead.” Some more winners include the CW’s
“The Flash”, which won
Favorite New TV Drama,
“The Simpsons” winning its fourth award for
Favorite Animated TV
Show, and David Tennant
winning Favorite Actor
in a New TV Series for
“Gracepoint.” Jimmy Fallon also won an award for
Favorite Late Night Talk
Show Host and “Saturday
Night Live” won for Favorite Sketch Comedy TV
The most popular
and debated parts of the
award show are the winners of the movies and music. In music, the Favorite
Male and Female Artists
went to Ed Sheeran and
Taylor Swift, respectively.
Taylor Swift was another
big winner, winning 3
awards; including Favorite Female Artist and Favorite Song for “Shake
It Off.” Ed Sheeran also
had a big night, winning
two awards, one for his
album “X.”The award for
Favorite Band/Group went
to Maroon 5 and Breakout
Artist went to Australian
music group 5 Seconds of
Summer. Also, Australian
rapper Iggy Azalea also
won for Favorite Hip-Hop
Artist over others such
as Drake, T.I., and Nicki
Minaj. Hunter Hayes and
Carrie Underwood won for
their respective awards:
Favorite Male and Female
Country Artist.
This year’s People’s Choice was an incredibly big success. Two
other noteworthy winners
were the winners of the
TV Icon and Humanitarian Awards, For Favorite
TV Icon, the people voted
92 year-old Betty White
and Favorite Humanitarian went to the star of the
upcoming “Batman v. Superman” Ben Affleck.
Sia’s Video Strikes Controversy
By Madeleine Wroe; Contributing Writer
Sia Furler is a pop
star, best known for her hit
song Chandelier. Sia was
born and raised in Australia, and began to gain popularity in Europe in the
90’s. She gained recognition in America after releasing the song “Breathe
Me.” The pressure of
fame weighed on Sia, and
she became an alcoholic
as well as a drug addict.
After going to rehab, she
decided to step away from
the spotlight, only emerging a couple years later under the condition that she
would not have to do press
or touring. Now, when she
performs, she wears a wig
and hides her face. This
has become a symbol for
People responded
with great enthusiasm
when they saw the music video for Chandelier. The video featured
12-year-old Dance Moms
star, Maddie Ziegler, who
is an extremely accomplished dancer. In the video, Ziegler wore a nude
leotard and a blonde “Sia
wig” Sia and Ziegler preformed the song on Dancing With The Stars, as well
as The Ellen DeGeneres
Show. The video received
a nomination for best music video at the Grammys
and has over 400 million
views on YouTube.
When it was announced that Sia would
be releasing another song,
people wondered if Ziegler
would star in the music
video once again, since it
was so successful the first
time. People’s speculations were correct. Ziegler
and actor, Shia LaBeouf,
stared in the video for the
song Elastic Heart. Ziegler
had on the same outfit that
she wore in the first video,
while LaBeouf was shirtless. Ziegler and LaBeouf
danced to the song, while
locked in a giant cage.
This video was
extremely controversial
because people felt that
locking a young girl and
a shirtless adult in a cage
was inappropriate. People
even went on to use the
word “pedophilia” to describe the video. People
were so offended by the
video that Sia was forced
to make a public statement
in regards to her intentions
of the music video.
In response to all
of the negative comments
the video was getting, Sia
tweeted, “I anticipated
some ‘pedophilia!!!’ cries
for this video. All I can
say is Maddie and Shia
are two of the only actors
I felt could play these two
warring ‘Sia’ self states.
I apologize to those who
feel triggered by #ElasticHeart My intention was
to create some emotional
Sia’s video has sparked controversy across America as she
employed young Maddie Ziegler to perform yet again.
content, not to upset anybody.”
Gail Cohen, a junior at Franklin High
School, is a big fan of Sia.
However, after seeing the
video, she was disturbed.
“I felt that the video was
extremely inappropriate. It
featured a young girl and
grown mad dancing in a
sexual way, while locked
in a cage. I do not really
understand the message
that Sia was trying to send.
I felt like her first video
was a lot classier then her
second video.
CES Impresses the World
By Sydney Gaskins; Contributing Writer
According to CES
web.org, the Consumer
Electronics Show is, “the
worlds gathering place for
all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies.” The show is
held in Las Vegas, Nevada
annually serving as the,
“proving ground for innovators and breakthrough
technologies.” The Consumer Electronics show is
the worldwide showcase
for the innovations of the
future to be introduced
to the marketplace. The
showcase welcomes over
3,600 exhibitors including
developers, suppliers, and
manufacturers of consumer technology hardware,
content, technological delivery systems, and much
The show was held
on January sixth through
January ninth in 2015.
One hundred and fifty to
one hundred and sixty
people attended from over
140 countries. So what
were some of the innovations?
Smart watches are kicking into high gear in 2015.
Health trackers and fashion watches were found
in many locations on the
show floor. Self driving
cars are also becoming an
idea of the present. Audi
made an impact by sending
a car with no driver from
the San Francisco Bay
Area to Las Vegas. Second
to that, Mercedes Benz
showed off their 15 foot
“living room on wheels.”
BMW and Volkswagen
also showed off their navigation technology with
cars that park themselves.
These vehicles are supposed to be able to hunt
down their own parking
spots in a large garage.
Also, drones are kicking
into high gear. While the
laws are making it hard
to put drones out into
the world just yet, the
quad copter drones were
a showstopper at CES.
Similar to that, three dimensional printers are
also becoming an idea of
the present. These printers
are using materials such
as metal, wood, stone, and
even chocolate.
Innovations are also being
made for your body. According to Gizmag.com,
“The Thync mood-changing wearable zaps your
brain to make you feel
either calm or energized
The CES showcased the new and improved inventions for
the 2015 year.
after just 15 minutes of
use.” This was introduced
to CES as a mood changer
that truly does work.
Your typical washing machine is also taking a turn.
LG has upped the stakes
in the field of home appliances with a washing machine with a Home Chat
platform. This washing
machine has the ability to
do a simultaneous but different second load of laundry.
Also considering the
more urban citizens of the
world, at CES a new type
of motor scooter was introduced. Gogoro looks to install battery refill stations
throughout cities across
the nation and ultimately
the world in order to use
the urban transportation
more effectively without
running out of juice. Garmin is trying to make a
comeback after apps took
over the navigation issues
of the world. They claim
you’ll never get lost again
with their new Epix mapping watch that costs a
whopping $600 with previously installed maps.
The favorite innovation of
many would be the robochef Cooki. Also according to gizmag.com,” This
meal preparation robot
makes cooking as simple
as selecting a recipe and
throwing ingredients into
the hopper. Cooki adds
the ingredients at just the
right time, heats and stirs
everything into a meal
and sends you a text message when it’s time to eat.”
This sounds like a great
tool for people who live
busy lives.
Many more innovations
and inventions at CES are
worth looking at. The biggest technological invention convention grabbed
the attention of many in
2015 and is looking to
grab a lot more attention in
2016. Snapchat covered
the event and showed the
world what goes on behind
the doors of the Techies
convention. In order to attend, one should register.
But in the meantime educating ones-self on the innovations and inventions
of the future is not only
beneficial to your knowledge, but entertaining as
Taylor Swift Gives Fans a Surprise
By Myah Parker; Contributing Writer
The 25 year old
pop star, Taylor Swift, has
a plethora of dedicated
fans that help support her
in her growing career and
stays devoted. She makes
sure to check in on her
Tumblr and respond to
many of questions fans
ask and read comments
they leave. But, it’s nothing like the support of a
close and personal friend
like, Rebekah Bortniker, a
girl who goes by the name
of thatcheshirecatsmile on
Tumblr. Her Tumblr page
is like a shrine to Swift,
her cats, and her style.
t all started when
she posted a video of the
former country singer and
her celebrity pals to the
theme song of the well
known TV show, Friends.
Swift wanted to repay her
fan by sending her a giant
box of some personalized
gifts. As a devoted follower of Swift, Bortniker
posted a video showing
her reaction to the personal gifts she received
from Swift and opened up
a handwritten letter Swift
sent on Sunday, January
11. It said, “Hi you. I was
thinking about you today,
and how you have been
there cheering me on in
the most thoughtful and
creative ways. I love the
video you made of me and
my friends, and your text
posts always crack me up
or make me think. I got out
my paints for the first time
in a while today and made
you something I really
really really really hope
you like it. I’m not a good
painter but I think you’re
so beautiful and positive,
even though you’re dealing with the stress life
brings, so I wanted to
make you something.”
After reading the
addressed letter, Bortniker, then opened a Polaroid of Swift painting
and the actual artwork she
made for her and a necklace of Swift’s with the tag
saying, “Was mine, now
The most thoughtful gift of all was a $1,989
check and on the check
was another tag that read,
“Rebekah, now you’re
$1,989 closer to paying Rebekah Bortniker is one of the many fans who got a surprise
off those student loans.” student loans
After reading that Bortniker openly cried as her a million years did I ever a fan, to have supported
mom filmed her emotional imagine this happening to you all of these years bereaction. Bortniker made me, I never imagined you cause you are truly the
sure she sent a letter back even knowing who I was most amazing, genuine,
saying, “I know I’ve said let alone you taking your and selfless person.”
it so many times already time to paint me somebut thank you, thank you, thing and to write me a
thank you, from the bot- note. I am so honored and
tom of my heart. Never in so thankful to call myself
BCS Championship Releases “Avengers” Trailer
By Sydney Gaskins; Contributing Writer
The BCS Championship Bowl, The game
where the best football
teams in college come
together and play for the
title of the best. This year
pitted the Oregon Ducks
and Ohio State Buckeyes
against one another, but
with the game also came a
new 90 seconds TV Spot
for Marvel’s highly anticipated sequel “Avengers:
Age of Ultron.”
The trailer opens
up with a quote from Tony
Stark’s Iron Man talking
about this world needing
something better to protect it, something more
powerful than the Avengers, which is the basis of
him creating Ultron. Then,
it cuts to James Spader
saying, “Everyone creates the thing they dread.”
Then another shot with
Ultron appearing in the
Avengers tower. There
are more quick shots of
Quicksilver and Scarlet
Scarlet Witch and the Hulk in “Avengers: Age of Ultron.” will be featured in the new
Witch and Nick Fury saying that no matter who
wins or loses, “trouble
always comes around.”
Then there are more shots
of Andy Serkis as an unspecified role, though fans
still assume he is playing
Ulysses Klaw, who is a
“Black Panther” villain,
and also a scene with Captain America battling an
Ultron drone and losing.
Then, Ultron comes out
saying: “I’m gonna tear
you apart. From the inside.” Cut to more scenes
of destruction, and the
trailer ends with a lot more
of the Hulk and Hulkbuster Iron Man trading blows.
It ends with the usual title
card and another split second shot of Ultron before
fading out.
While there wasn’t
much else new, there were
still some new things to
address. The major new
info came from the Hulk
vs. Iron Man fight clip.
We all knew the fight was
gonna happen, but there
was speculation as to why.
We get a quick look at the
Hulk, and what we see is
that his eyes were red, just
like Scarlet Witch’s eyes
whenever she uses her
powers. The theory is that
this fight takes place before the twins switch sides,
and Scarlet Witch has
controlled the Hulk with
her abilities. She twists
Bruce’s mind and gets him
to go on a rampage in what
could be Wakanda, which
would explain Andy Serkis’ appearances. So, Iron
Man would have to try
and knock some sense into
him. There’s also a quick
shot of a grey looking
Hulk, which is most likely a nod to the more controlled but still as angry
Grey Hulk.
Another scene to
mention is with James
Spader’s Ultron, where he
says, “I’m gonna tear you
apart from the inside.” The
trailers make Ultron look
like a force to be reckoned
with and an actual villain.
The only real problem with
the Marvel was that their
villains were really bland
and deprived of character. Loki was their best
foot forward, but they really didn’t have any other
stand-out villains. “Age of
Ultron” plans to turn that
around with Ultron. The
android will stop at nothing to eradicate the human race, even if it means
breaking the Avengers.
The film is set for a release
in North America on May
1st in 3D and IMAX 3D
New Television Shows Plan to Excite Audience
By Earlene Gibson; Contributing Writer
Empire is the new
show on Fox 45 that comes
on on Wednesdays at 9:00
with the most amazing actors and actress. Empire
takes place in Chicago,
it’s about a billionaire,
Luscious Lyon, played by
Terrence Howard and how
he makes his way through
the music world with a
trusty wife Cookie Lyon
played by Taraji P. Henson. Cookie Lyon started
the business herself, but
after getting caught by
the police, she spends 17
years in prison. When she
comes back, she demands
that she’s going to finish
what she started.
leaves 3 boys behind,
played by Jussie Smollett,
Trai Byers and Bryshere
Grey. Ones son wants to
take the business down,
another is transgendered
and has father issues and
the last son has a large ego.
They all have grown up in
the limelight but the show
takes a spin when Luscious Lyon is dying from
cancer and now he has to
put his 3 sons against each
other to see who will run
the business.
The first episode
of Empire was Wednesday
January 7.2015. The show
was absolutely amazing
from my own personal experience. The show is funny, serious, and confident.
The actors and actresses
bring a whole new show
with drama, especially
Taraji P. Henson playing
Cookie Lyon as she says
“ you no longer think of
Cookie as a sweet treat ,
you will think of Cookie
Lyon an ex- con music
mogul and mother character.
This drama is the
most rated on Fox 45 after
one episode, just because
the people say that the
acting it feels so real as
though they are the character in real life I know I
think I had the same reaction.
January 14, 2015, the
second episode of empire
aired on Fox 45 with two
new cast members Cuba
Gooding Jr. and Jennifer
Hudson as side people to
help with Luscious Lyons
second son with his career.
Along with “Empire” a new show “Turned
Up is planning to air on
the E! Network.
A new show is
coming to E! Network
about a Cuban family and
friends. Christina Milian is an American actress
singer and song writer.
At the age of 19 Milian
signed her first contract
with def jams.
Turned up is Christina’s
new show premiering Sunday 18 2015,after taking
off and raising her daughter Violet Madison Nash
who the Dream a R&b rapper song writer and singer
her first husband, the child
they have together. Christina’s family takes place
with her sister’s Danielle
Milian Carmen Milian and
Liz Milian.
The show also represents a lot of emotional
moments as Christina
warned us about her family on the Wendy Williams
show yesterday. The show
I about family and love
and business , as she told
America yesterday that
she even has a new love
life that she calls her( Man
Crush) and says that they
are good together.
The first episode
of turned up came on
and I never saw so much
laughter and drama. Violet, Christina’s daughter
is so funny and cute a has
a sassy attitude. Appearing on The Real she was
talking about how that it’s
just not her in the show
the main focus is on the
whole family, for example
her sisters aren’t known as
Christina’s sisters they are
known by their names and
what they do.
After seeing the first episode I really have gotten attached to it so ill be
watching this Sunday on
E! for the second episode
for more drama I think this
fits in right with my drama
shows from now on.
Olivia Gruver Setting Records
ByAlexandira Jefferson; Contributing Writer
one of the most talented
pole-vaulters in the state
of Maryland as well as
the nation has had many
opportunities in her high
school life. From setting
records, to committing to
colleges, Olivia has done
it all.
Olivia had no idea
of her talent prior to high
school, and had no idea
that it would take her
this far. Olivia tried polevaulting for the first time
when she came to Franklin High school and was
surprised that she even
started to like it. She says
ninth grade was not the
best year out of the all her
seasons because she still
was getting into the swing
of things and was still getting to know pole-vaulting
for what it was. She then
went to a club for polevaulting and started seeing her true talent and
what she was really good
Olivia Gruver completes the jump at thirteen feet.
at. She had no clue of her
talent until she tried the
sport and got a lot of encouragement from her
coaches, who taught her
everything she knows. She
says that her tenth grade
year was also a great season but she was starting to
show her true talent once
she got into the swing of
In her junior year
of high school she broke
the Maryland state record.
She usually comes to big
and important track meets
this year and usually
blows out the competition
with her amazing skills.
She says that this year has
started out slow but her junior year started out slow
and it was her best season
with her records. Her personal record is a great 13
ft. and 4 1/2 ‘s. Her 10th
grade year was not as fun
because of a broken ankle
she received, which set
her back for practices and
meets that she could not
participate in. However,
when she came back in her
junior year Olivia set outstanding records and was
ranked second in the nation. She has made Franklin and her friends and
family very proud of her.
Olivia tried something new and set out to
make it her best, something she did not think she
was interested in. She is
very surprised of her accomplishments and never
would get her where she
is today. Because of her
and making her self noticed, Kentucky University looked at Olivia and
realized they had to have
her. Now she is committed
to a university for a sport
she never knew she had a
talent for until three years
ago. Olivia is excited and
is hoping for a great season this year, she says,
“ I expect to achieve big
heights and go to nationals.” Nationals are the ultimate goal that everyone
is trying to go to, and win.
Olivia is very grateful for
everyone who has been on
her side but she is most
thankful for her coach Eddie, she says, “ I would
thank my coach, Eddie
who has helped with everything in terms of pole
vaulting”. We hope Olivia
achieves her goals and has
a great experience at Kentucky.
Champions Arise At Track’s County Meet
By Madeleine Wroe; Contributing Writer
Franklin’s track
team has been successful
throughout the year. A big
part of their success is the
athletes that train hard and
become future champions.
A few state champions are
Senior, Olivia Gruver and
Junior, Amanda Murphy.
Amanda competes in shot
putt and Olivia competes
in pole vaulting. Freshman Nyjari McNeil is very
promising because she is
already ranked in county
rankings that include third
in the three hundred, third
in the eight hundred, and
sixth in the mile. The Baltimore County Championship meet was on January 20, 2015. With Olivia
winning pole vault, Nyjari
winning her events and
Amanda got second place
in shot putt. This County
championship meet is only
for the varsity team as the
JV competes in a separate
championship meet.
Olivia has been
doing pole vaulting for
four years. Her record
Olivia Gruver prepares for her highest jump so far.
is a little over thirteen
feet. She has been county
champion three times during the indoor season, and
two times during the outdoor season. Her favorite
thing about pole vaulting
is “the feeling of being
free and flying.” She describes it as “amazing and
she has never felt anything
like it before.”
As Nyjari is a
freshman, all her performances could lead to
personal records that will
only get better throughout the upcoming years.
Amanda’s record for shot
putt is thirty nine feet. Her
closest competitor from
Catonsville at thirty three
feet is Taylor Giles. The
freshman and sophomores
aren’t as good as the varsity team but their meet
will be expected to have
high results as they have
the potential to succeed.
The main teams
that compete in the county
meet are Dulaney, Hereford , Towson, Catonsville, Perry Hall, Carver,
Milford Mill, Pikesville,
Eastern Tech, Dundalk
, Patapsco, Franklin, New
Town, Kentwood, Woodlawn, Western Tech, and
Owings Mills. The teams
are close in skill since
they are competing for the
county championship.
achieved a win and will
receive a ribbon for placing. Brennan Mason came
in first place for male shot
putt. As stated before, Olivia Gruver won first place
in pole vaulting and the
high jump. Nyjari McNeil got first place in the
five hundred and eight
hundred. Amanda Murphy got second place in
shot putt. Warren jones
got first place in the fifty
five hurdles. Nala Gilbert
got third place in the high
jump. A few more athletes
placed in the top six places in their event, but only
top three get ribbons. It is
quite an accomplishment
to get a ribbon because
you have hard competition
to beat.
The freshman and sophomore county championship meet is this Thursday,
January 22. Franklin is in
the 3A group for track and
field. The next meet is the
Central Regional Championship on February fourth.
After that meet, then
comes the 3A State Championship meet on February
seventeenth. The top twenty four in each event in
the regular season qualify
for Regionals. So Franklin
has many chances to take
home a win this season.
The top four in each event
at Regional’s qualify for
the State Championship.
The track team has a big
season ahead of them this
year and as the seniors
start to leave, we will have
to wait till next season to
see what to expect.