11 MART 2011


11 MART 2011
11 MART 2011
Doç.Dr. Selim L. SANİN
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Çevre Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi
Mart 2013, Ankara
Fukushima Daiichi kazasının çevresel etkileri
Çevresel Rezervuarlar
₰ Hava
₰ Su (Tatlısu/Deniz)
₰ Toprak
Biyolojik Birikim-Taşınım
Pu-238 - 87.74 years
Pu-239 - 24065 years
Pu-240 - 6537 years
Pu-241 - 14.4 years
Pu-242 - 3.76E5 years
Pu-243 - 4.956 hours
Pu-244 - 8.26E7 years
Cesium (Sezyum)
Cs-134 - 2.062 years
Cs-134m - 2.90 hours
Cs-135 - 2.3E6 years
Cs-136 - 13.1 days
Cs-137 - 30.0 years
Cs-138 - 32.2 minutes
Tellurium (Toloryum)
Te-125m - 58 days
Te-127 - 9.35 hours
Te-127m - 109 days
Te-129 - 69.6 minutes
Te-129m - 33.6 days
Te-131 - 25.0 minutes
Te-131m - 30 hours
Te-132 - 78.2 hours
Te-133 - 12.45 minutes
Te-133m - 55.4 minutes
Te-134 - 41.8 minutes
Elementlerin Yarı
Iodine (İyot)
I-123 - 13.2 hours
I-125 - 60.14 days
I-129 - 1.57E7 years
I-130 - 12.36 hours
I-131 - 8.04 days
I-132 - 2.30 hours
I-133 - 20.8 hours
I-134 - 52.6 minutes
I-135 - 6.61 hours
Sadece! ÖLÜLER ve APTALLAR fikirlerini değiştirmez
Atmosferde Yapılan Gözlemler
Land-Surface Contamination by Radionuclides from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power
Plant Accident Naohiro Yoshida1 and Yoshio Takahashi2
1 Department of Environmental Chemistry and Engineering Tokyo Institute of Technology G117, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan E-mail:
2 Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima
University 1-3-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan E-mail:
The first airborne monitoring was
done by DOE using 40 hours of
flying time between March 17 and
19 (DOE 2011); this survey
revealed a highly contaminated
area northwest of the Fukushima
Radionuclide deposition.
134Cs and 137Cs distribution map
[redrawn from (5)]. The distribution of
radiocesium in the oceanic system is not
readily available, but is estimated to be
below 10,000 to 100,000 Bq m−2 in
coastal sediments and waters off
Fukushima (5).
( 5)
Toprakda Yapılan
Author(s): Kakamu, T (Kakamu, Takeyasu)[ 1 ] ; Kanda, H (Kanda, Hideyuki)[ 1 ] ; Tsuji, M (Tsuji, Masayoshi)[ 1 ] ; Kobayashi, D (Kobayashi, Daisuke)[ 2 ] ; Miyake, M (Miyake, Masao)[ 2 ] ; Hayakawa, T (Hayakawa, Takehito)[ 1 ]
; Katsuda, S (Katsuda, Shin-ichiro)[ 2 ] ; Mori, Y (Mori, Yayoi)[ 1 ] ; Okouchi, T (Okouchi, Toshiyasu)[ 2 ] ; Hazama, A (Hazama, Akihiro)[ 2 ] ; Fukushima, T (Fukushima, Tetsuhito)[ 1
Source: HEALTH PHYSICS Volume: 104 Issue: 1 Pages: 102-107 DOI:
10.1097/HP.0b013e31826ab94c Published: JAN 2013
Sentetik malzemede bekleme süresi daha fazla
Abstract: After the Great East Japan Earthquake on 11 March 2011, the environmental radiation dose in Fukushima City increased. On 11 April, 1
mo after the earthquake, the environmental radiation dose rate at various surfaces in the same area differed greatly by surface property.
Environmental radiation measurements continue in order to determine the estimated time to 50% reduction in environmental radiation dose
rates by surface property in order to make suggestions for decontamination in Fukushima. The measurements were carried out from 11 April to
11 November 2011. Forty-eight (48) measurement points were selected, including four kinds of ground surface properties:
grass (13),
soil (5), artificial turf (7), and asphalt (23). Environmental radiation dose rate was measured at heights
of 100 cm above the ground surface. Time to 50% reduction of environmental radiation dose rates was estimated for each ground surface
all surface
properties. Artificial turf showed the longest time to 50% reduction
(544.32 d, standard error: 96.86), and soil showed the shortest (213.20
d, standard error: 35.88). The authors found the environmental
radiation dose rate on artificial materials to have a longer 50% reduction
time than that on natural materials. These results contribute to determining an order of priority for
property. Radiation dose rates on 11 November had decreased significantly compared with those on 11 April for
decontamination after nuclear disasters. Health Phys. 104(1):102-107; 2013
Okyanus/Deniz’de Yapılan Gözlemler
Nevertheless, Cs readings from fish samples taken from Fukushima
coastal waters, where commercial fishing is practically banned, still
exceed the guideline (19).
The radioactivity in fish appears not to follow the rapid decrease in
seawater radioactivity. A comprehensive survey of radioactivity in
the marine food web is called for.
Balık avlamak hala yasak
Balıklardaki radyo aktivite birikimi sudaki azalmaya paralel azalmakta
Küresel Hareketlilik
Fukushima-derived radionuclides in ground-level
air of Central Europe: a comparison with
simulated forward and backward trajectories
P. P. Povinec • I. Sy´kora • M. Gera •
K. Holy´ • L. Brest’a´kova´ • A. Kova´cˇik
Atmosferde taşınım, hava koşullarına bağlı olarak
Partikül maddenin 12 Mart -31 Mart arası farklı
atmosfer katmanlarında görülen taşınım
modellemesi verilmektedir.
Fig. 2 Simulations of the forward and
backward air mass trajectories between
Fukushima to Bratislava.
Grey points represent 925 hPa pressure
level (*800 m a.s.l.), black points 850 hPa
(*1500 m a.s.l.), violet points 700 hPa
(*3000 m a.s.l.), and blue points 500 hPa
(*5000 m
The coloured background represents the
sea level pressure at the start of the
simulation. Time of particle
release at Fukushima: a 12 March at 12:00;
b 20 March at 12:00; and c 30 March at
00:00. Start of the simulation from
Bratislava: d 22 March at 12:00;
e 31 March at 12:00; and f 13
April at 00:00. (Color figure
Avrupada Cs ve I seviyelerinde üç defa artış gözlenmiştir. Toprak
yüzeyinde kuru depolanmaya neden olmuştur. Bu ölçümler Çernobil
kazasına göre düşük seviyelerde kalmaktadır.
Three 134Cs and 137Cs maxima were observed in the Bratislava ground-level air in March–
April 2011, which were associated with different air masses present in the Central
Europe. The observed activity concentrations (maximum values of 0.5, 0.05 and 0.07
mBq/m3 for 131I, 134Cs and 137Cs, respectively) were much smaller when compared
with the Chernobyl data obtained for the Bratislava station during April–May 1986
(maximum values of 14, 2 and 4 Bq/m3 for 131I, 134Cs and 137Cs, respectively [8]).
The 131I/137Cs activity ratio records showed two dominant maxima which were associated
with the presence of fresh air masses in the Bratislava ground-level air. Simulations
of forward and backward trajectories between Fukushima and Bratislava were carried out,
which supported experimental observations. As the simulated horizontal transport was
predominantly going on at 500–700 hPa pressure levels, in the case of absence of rains, a
dry deposition from the heights of several 1000 m a.s.l. Was required to transport the
radionuclides to ground-level air.
Still radioactive.Changes in
total cesium (137Cs + 134Cs in
Bq/kg wet) over time in
demersal (bottom-dwelling)
fish for five prefectures in
eastern Japan closest to
radyoaktivite seviyesi
Since the nuclear disaster,
total cesium levels have
been highest in fish caught
off Fukushima prefecture.
Güvenlik Bölgesindeki Büyükbaş Hayvanlarda Yapılan Gözlemler
Research Article
Distribution of Artificial Radionuclides in Abandoned Cattle in the Evacuation Zone of the
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Tomokazu Fukuda equal contributor, equal contributor Contributed equally to this work with: Tomokazu Fukuda, Yasushi
Affiliation: Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Yasushi Kino equal contributor, equal contributor Contributed equally to this work with: Tomokazu Fukuda, Yasushi Kino
Affiliation: Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Yasuyuki Abe, Affiliation: Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University, Tsuruoka, Yamagata, Japan
Hideaki Yamashiro, Affiliation: Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University, Niigata, Niigata, Japan
Yoshikazu Kuwahara, Affiliation: Department of Pathology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University,
Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Hidekazu Nihei, Affiliation: Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Yosuke Sano, Affiliation: Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Ayumi Irisawa, Affiliation: Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Tsutomu Shimura, Affiliation: Department of Pathology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University,
Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Motoi Fukumoto, Affiliation: Department of Pathology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University,
Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Hisashi Shinoda, Affiliation: Graduate School of Dentistry, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Yuichi Obata, Affiliation: RIKEN BioResource Center (BRC), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Shin Saigusa, Affiliation: National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Chiba, Japan
Tsutomu Sekine, Affiliation: Center for the Advancement of Higher Education, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Emiko Isogai, Affiliation: Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Manabu Fukumoto mail
18 Farklı türdeki canlı/gıda maddesinde sınır değerin (500 bq/kg)
üstünde radyoaktivite gözlenmiş (üst değerler bq/kg) (IAEA,
Shitake mushrooms 2,390
greenling fish 1,540
goldeye rockfish 1,630
common skate 640
rockfish 2,130
bitter melon tea 1,020
boar meat 13,300
dehydrated taro stalk 750
righteye flounder 1,380
Yuzu citrus fruit 930
Japanese smelt 591
dried Japanese radish 800
Asian black bear meat 1,110
sika deer meat 573
dried yacon leaf 570
lefteye flounder 540
fox jacopever fish 1,310
dried oyamabokuchi 570
Pacific bluefin tuna transport Fukushima-derived radionuclides from Japan to California
Author(s): Madigan, DJ (Madigan, Daniel J.)[ 1 ] ; Baumann, Z (Baumann, Zofia)[ 2 ] ; Fisher, NS
(Fisher, Nicholas S.)[ 2 ]
AMERICA Volume: 109 Issue: 24 Pages: 9483-9486 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1204859109 Published:
JUN 12 2012
1 adult human (100 Bq/kg)
7000 Bq
1 kg of coffee
1000 Bq
1 kg superphosphate fertiliser
5000 Bq
The air in a 100 sq metre Australian home (radon)
3000 Bq
The air in many 100 sq metre European homes (radon)
up to 30 000 Bq
1 household smoke detector (with americium)
30 000 Bq
Radioisotope for medical diagnosis
70 million Bq
Radioisotope source for medical therapy
100 000 000 million Bq (100 TBq)
1 kg 50-year old vitrified high-level nuclear waste
10 000 000 million Bq (10 TBq)
1 luminous Exit sign (1970s)
1 000 000 million Bq (1 TBq)
1 kg uranium
25 million Bq
1 kg uranium ore (Canadian, 15%)
26 million Bq
1 kg uranium ore (Australian, 0.3%
500 000 Bq
1 kg low level radioactive waste
1 million Bq
1 kg of coal ash
2000 Bq
1 kg of granite
1000 Bq
Ders Almak ≡ Ekosistemi Anlamak
• Yüzme havuzlarından suların boşaltılması
– Zeolit ve flokülant kullanımı
– Radiocesium ölçümü
Author(s): Saegusa, J.; Kurikami, H.; Yasuda, R.; et al.
Source: HEALTH PHYSICS Volume: 104 Issue: 3 Pages: 243-250 DOI:
10.1097/HP.0b013e318277b3ee Published: MAR 2013
Fukushima Daiichi Reaktör kazasının Çevresel Etkilerini görmek için er
 Çevresel etki kaza bölgesinde ve Küresel boyutta ölçülebiliyor.
Toprak ve deniz farklı etki altında ve yansımaları farkı gelişecek.
Daiichi kazasının etkilerini küresel izleme gereği var.
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