Country Campus Learning Center


Country Campus Learning Center
Country Campus Learning Center
Oppositional and Defiant Kids:
Regaining Control of Your Life
Ms. Kayla
Liam M.
Kaia B
Noah R.
Ms. Suzi
Field Trips for
Kindergarten &
School Age
 Ft. Vanc. Library
 Oaks Brook Park
 Golf-O-Rama
 Ft. Vanc. National
 Regal Cinema
 Children’s Museum
 Hazel Dell Lanes
 Oregon Zoo
 Mt. St. Helens
 Oaks Park
 Lewisville Park
 Seaside, OR
Perhaps you know one of
those kids...the type who absolutely loves seeing your face
turn red and hearing your voice
get loud. Oh, the power they
must experience upon seeing
our veins bulge!
Power corrupts.
When kids see that they can
control the color of our face,
the tone of our voice and our
emotions, it doesn’t take long
for them to get addicted. With
this addiction comes the desire
for ever increasing power. In
their desperate quest for this
power, they push more and
more emotional buttons.
The more unhealthy control
kids acquire the more out-of
-control they become.
In Dr. Fays’ webinar, Success
with Strong-Willed, Stubborn
or Downright Defiant Kids.
He provides four hours of tips
and tools dedicated to helping
parents and educators regain
healthy control around Napoleon-like kids...those children
bent on world domination.
Listed below is a brief sampling of techniques you can
begin experimenting with today:
 When the child begins to
argue, calmly repeat, “I
know” or “I love you too
much to argue” or “I’ll
listen when your voice
sounds calm like mine.”
Don’t be surprised if the child
gets even more upset in the
short-term. Just continue repeating your “one liner” in a
calm and loving way.
 When the child gets louder, you get softer.
Does this demonstrated a
strong message of power and
 When the child talks faster, you talk slower.
Again, the goal is to show the
child that you are a loving and
powerful person who can’t be
manipulated into losing control.
 When the child gets extremely oppositional and
defiant, say, “I love you
too much to fight with you
about this. I’ll take care of
We will be closed July 4th in
observance of Independence Day
Read - A - Thon
This month we are challenging
parents and children to read as
many books as they can. Look
for upcoming information
about how we will be promoting this event. At the end of
the month we will be celebrating with a special party!
Allowing the child to think,
albeit incorrectly, that they’ve
gotten away with something
gives us the time to calm down
and put together an effective
Please remember to take home
your child’s sheet and blanket
every Friday to launder.
Using these tools allows us to
regain control of our lives
while helping the child regain
healthy control over theirs.
Please remember to bring extra
clothes for your child. Accidents happen when you may
not expect it so we need to be
Extra Clothes
Country Campus Learning Center
From the Pooh Room
From the Piglet Room
Hooray summer has finally
arrived! We have spent the
month of June learning about
bubbles, balloons, kites and
chimes. We loved blowing
bubbles, gluing balloons, flying
like a kite and making a chime.
Now the weather is finally
starting to get warmer (and
hopefully it will stay that
way :))! We have been enjoying the ability to go outside
more. If you haven’t already,
This month we concentrated
on the wind and summer
breezes. We had fun making
windsocks and wind chimes.
Be sure and look up when you
go in the room! We experimented with the effects of
wind with a straw and a cotton
ball by blowing it across the
table. We made kites out of
bread and cream cheese. The
part the kids liked best was
eating it. We are looking forward to next month and
please bring in sunscreen and
fill out the permission form for
your child. We’re excited for
all the fun we are going to have
this summer in the Pooh
We will be saying good bye to
Ms. Melina soon. She is going
to stay home with her girls.
She will be greatly missed - but
she may come in and sub for
us on occasion.
Ms. Jana and Ms. Melina
From the Tigger Class
wind. We also spent lots of
time reviewing letters “K” and
“L” and writing their names.
We look forward to July!
Ms. Kayla
We sadly had to say good bye
to Ms, Carrie as our classrooms have shrunk for the
Ms. Suzi and Ms. Sharon
“Couldn’t happen to me,” you say? Of
course, that’s what every parent says,
including those who experience it at some
later date.
Community Resources
Wow! June flew by! This
months’ theme was “Blowing
in the Breeze.” The Tiggers got
to learn all about wind and air.
They had a blast making plastic
sack kites and flying them and
also paper airplanes and having
a paper airplane race with
them. They also explored all
the different things that move
in the wind such as flags, trees,
grass ect. They even danced
and twirled like tornados in the
“Summer Time Fun.” Please
remember sunscreen and extra
clothes as we will be outside
more depending on the weather. Be sure to love and hug
your children often. They
don’t stay little long! See you
next month.
Battle Ground Community Education
Battle Ground Education Foundation
Battle Ground Free Clinic
Battle Ground Parks & Recreation
Free Clinic of SW Washington Dentistry
Free Clinic of SW Washington
School Readiness Day
Sea Mar - Community Health Center
WIC Clinic in Battle Ground
From the Kindergarten Class From the School - Agers
Summer has begun as has
the fun. We are off for field
trips and doing all we can to
enjoy the sun...when it gets
And along with the fun we
will continue to learn and
keep our skills sharp. Each
week we are studying a different country - doing research, making the flag, creating art and cooking some
food. This ties in with the
coming of the Summer
Olympics. We will also be
trying out some of the athletic activities (Country Campus style). With all this going on we ask that you
would have your child
equipped with their own
water bottle, good footwear
and a change of clothing.
We appreciate the sunscreen
that you have provided. All
of these things help us to
give your child the best summer ever. Ms. Shelley
Summer is finally here! Sort
of...but we’re having tons of fun
anyways! Our first week we researched Australia then Brazil
the next week. They were both
fun and interesting countries to
start off our summer Olympics.
Parents, please remind kids to
bring sunscreen and either a
swimsuit or extra clothes. We
also recommend bringing a labeled water bottle for the warm
Ms. Dana
I have enjoyed Ms. Sherries Love
and Logic class and recommend it
to all. In a recent class I learned
“The more words we use with a
misbehaving child, the less effective
we become. Great parents (and
teachers) keep their enforceable
statements short and sweet.” On
our Summer fun list for your child
in our afternoons together include:
Pudding Pictionary :), water sports
and team building projects, beading,
stamping, and lots of painting, and
glitter projects.
Ms. Stina
JULY 2012
2 Cinnamon Toast
Applesauce Milk
Weiner Wrap
Mandarin Oranges
3 Life Cereal
Bananas Milk
11 WW Toast/Jelly
Apples Milk
Bean & Cheese
Burritos HM
Pears Milk
12 Rice Krispies
Bananas Milk
5 WW Toast /Jelly
Bananas Milk
Spaghetti w/ Meat
Garlic Bread
Salad/ Tomatoes
Peaches Milk
Nachos w/ Hamburger & Refried
Beans Green Beans
Peaches Milk
10 English Muffins
Applesauce Milk
Green Beans
Peaches Milk
19 Cheerios
Bananas Milk
Cheeseburger Mac
Green Beans
Peaches Milk
9 Waffles/Syrup
Pears Milk
Chicken & Rice
Green Beans
Mandarin Oranges
18 English Muffins
Pears Milk
Chicken Nuggets
Mandarin Oranges
HM Pizza w/ Pepperoni& Hamberger
Pineapple Milk
17 WW Toast /Jelly
Bananas Milk
Sand.On ww bread
Carrots/ Broccoli
Applesauce Milk
26 English Muffins
Pears Milk
27 WW Toast /Jelly 28
Bananas Milk
Chicken Fettuccini
Green Beens
Mandarin Oranges
16 Waffles/Syrup
Oranges Milk
Pineapple Milk
25 Cinnamon Toast
Oranges Milk
Bean & Cheese
Burritos HM
Corn Peaches Milk
Fish Sandwich w/
Tarter sauce
Pears Milk
24 Rice Krispies
Bananas Milk
Pizza w/ Pepperoni
& Hamberger
Pineapple Milk
23 Waffles/Syrup
Pears Milk
Wraps W/ Lettuce
Pears Milk
Seasonal Fresh
Fruit will be
substituted as
20 Cinnamon Toast 21
Applesauce Milk
Sloppy Joes/ on ww
Apples Milk
13 Cinnamon Toast 14
Mand. Or. Milk
Tomato Soup
Cheese & Crackers
Apple Slices
31 Life Cereal
Bananas Milk
6 Waffles/Syrup
Pears Milk
30 Waffles/Syrup
Oranges Milk
Hot dogs / Bun
Green Beans
Mandarin Oranges
Pineapple Milk
Ham/Cheese Sand.