stanbul T+90 (212) 377 77 00 F+90 (212) 37


stanbul T+90 (212) 377 77 00 F+90 (212) 37
ECE TŸrkiye Proje Yšnetimi A.Þ.
Defterdar Yokußu No:3 Tophane
34425 Karakšy / Üstanbul
UyarÝ: Bu broߟrde yer alan bilgilerde teknik nedenlerle ve baÛÝmsÝz raporlara dayanan bilgilerde meydana gelebilecek farklÝlÝklar nedeni ile olußabilecek deÛißiklikler iin ECE TŸrkiye ve Afyon Girißim A.Þ.Õnin hukuksal bir sorumluluÛu
yoktur. Bu broߟrdeki bilgiler 2015 MayÝs ayÝna ait olup, deÛißmeye aÝktÝr. Bu broߟr tanÝtÝm amalÝ hazÝrlanmÝß olup, bir sšzleßme niteliÛi taßÝmaz.
Disclaimer: ECE TŸrkiye and Afyon Girißim A.Þ. do not claim any legal responsibility for any variations on information obtained from independent sources or for technical reasons. All the information contained in this brochure is
based on knowledge and data as of May 2015 and is therefore subject to change. This brochure is made for marketing reasons and does not constitute a contractual document.
T+90 (212) 377 77 00 F+90 (212) 377 77 01 /
bir adÝm štesinde...
GŸnŸmŸzde gelißen kent kŸltŸrŸ, tŸketici ihtiyalarÝ ve
karßÝlama ßekillerini de deÛißtiriyor. Kent insanÝnÝn aradÝÛÝ
her tŸrlŸ markaya ve ŸrŸne anÝnda ulaßabildiÛi, ihtiyalarÝnÝ
tek atÝ altÝnda giderebildiÛi, alÝßveriß sonrasÝ sosyal
aktivitenin gerekleßtirildiÛi yaßam alanlarÝ olan alÝßveriß
merkezleri her geen gŸn šnemini artÝrarak gelißiyor. Bu
kaÝnÝlmaz gelißmeler, AfyonkarahisarÕÝn en bŸyŸk
projesini hayata geiriyor.
Þehrin yeni bulußma noktasÝ ve gŸnlŸk yaßamÝn
vazgeilmez bir parasÝ haline gelecek bir alÝßveriß ve
eÛlence dŸnyasÝ AfyonkarahisarÕÝn merkezinde yŸkseliyor.
Yšnetimini perakende dŸnyasÝnÝn lideri ECE TŸrkiyeÕnin
ŸstlendiÛi, alÝßveriß merkezi kavramÝnÝn bir adÝm daha
štesinde yepyeni bir dŸnyayla tanÝßmaya hazÝr mÝsÝnÝz?
TanÝnmÝß ulusal ve uluslararasÝ markalarÝn bir araya geldiÛi
alÝßveriß ve eÛlence dŸnyasÝ Park Afyon, yeniliki mimarisi,
merkezi konumu, yeni eÛlence anlayÝßÝ ve ok eßitli
yeme-ime alanlarÝyla ßehrin yeni odaÛÝ, AfyonkarahisarÕÝn
ilk defa tanÝßacaÛÝ bŸyŸleyici bir konsept!
Bu yepyeni, canlÝ ve rengarenk dŸnya sizleri bekliyor.
A step beyond
Today, consumer satisfaction and requirements have changed
in line with the developing urban culture. ÒVibrant shopping
centersÓ are continuously improving and at the same time
increasing their importance. They are social spaces where
consumers expect to find various brands and products,
as well as inspiring activities under a single roof.
In Afyonkarahisar, these developments lead to the
realization of the largest project of the city.
A brand new shopping and entertainment world is rising in
the heart of Afyonkarahisar, which will become the new
meeting point of the city and an essential part of daily life.
Are you ready for a new world and a step beyond the
concept of shopping, managed by ECE TŸrkiye Ð the leading
shopping center developer and operator in Turkey?
Park Afyon will become the new focal point of the city
with its outstanding architecture, central location, famous
national & international brands, and a wide range of
food & beverage choices with a new sense of entertainment.
It is a fascinating new concept that Afyonkarahisar
will meet for the first time! This brand new, lively and
colorful world awaits youÉ
AnadoluÕda yÝldÝzÝ
parlayan bir deÛer, Afyonkarahisar!
Afyonkarahisar, AnadoluÕnun kalbinde, binlerce yÝllÝk
geleneÛin aÛdaß yaßamla kaynaßtÝÛÝ, šnemli bir merkez.
Hitit Medeniyetinden gŸnŸmŸze kadar gelen ßehir,
Anadolu yarÝmadasÝnÝn ortaÐbatÝsÝnda ve Ege BšlgeÕsinin
i kÝsmÝnda yer alÝyor. TŸrkiyeÕnin Ÿ coÛrafi bšlgesi, Ege,
Akdeniz ve ܍ Anadolu topraklarÝ Ÿzerinde konumlanmÝß,
šnemli merkezleri birbirine baÛlayan kara ve demiryollarÝnÝn
bulußtuÛu ve bšlgelerin birbirine baÛlandÝÛÝ geiß noktasÝ.
†lkemizin doÛusunu batÝya, kuzeyini gŸneye baÛlayan
en šnemli ulaßÝm akslarÝnÝn kesißim noktasÝnda bulunan
Afyonkarahisar, demiryollarÝnÝn da kesißerek dšrtlŸ
kavßak yaptÝÛÝ tek ilimiz. †lkemizin ekonomik yšnden
gelißmiß olan ana metropol, sanayi, turizm ve hizmet
bšlgelerini birbirine baÛlayan stratejik konumu,
AfyonkarahisarÕÝn gelißiminde etkili olan faktšrler.
DŸnyaca ŸnlŸ, zengin ve kaliteli mermer yataklarÝ, kaymaklÝ
kadayÝf, Afyon sucuÛu, lokumu gibi enfes lezzetleri, her
yÝl bŸyŸk oranda yerli ve yabancÝ turist iin ekim alanÝ
olußturan termal turizm alanlarÝ ve diÛer birok gŸzelliÛiyle
Afyonkarahisar, AnadoluÕnun kalbinde, Ÿlkemizin yÝldÝzÝ
parlayan bir deÛeriÉ
A shining star in Anatolia,
Afyonkarahisar is a vibrant center in the heart of Anatolia,
where thousands of years of tradition is fused with
contemporary life. The city, with its long presence in history
since the time of Hittites, is located in the west central part
of Anatolian peninsula and the inner edge of Aegean Region.
Expanding into TurkeyÕs three geographic regions (Aegean,
Mediterranean, and Central Anatolia) Afyonkarahisar is
a hub which links major highways, railroads, and centers.
Afyonkarahisar is located at the intersection of the most
important transportation network which links TurkeyÕs East
to West and North to South. It is also the only city in Turkey
with a railroad junction.
The convenient location of the city that links TurkeyÕs
economically developed metropolitan cities and industry,
tourism and service zones, is one of the key factors which
influence the development of Afyonkarahisar.
With its world famous marble quarries, traditional delights
and desserts, and its magnificent thermal tourism areas
that attract local and foreign visitors every year,
Afyonkarahisar is a shining star of Turkey,
in the center of Anatolia.
Yeme - ܍me AlanÝ
Food Court
SŸpermarket / Supermarket
Park Afyon, AfyonkarahisarÕÝn tam merkezinde
ziyaretilerinin yaßamÝna renk katacak yepyeni bir proje!
Þehrin yeni alÝßveriß, bulußma ve eÛlence merkezi,
AfyonlularÝn yaßamÝnÝn vazgeilmez bir parasÝ olacak.
Ana yollarÝn kavßak noktasÝnda, kolay ulaßÝma sahip ve
herkes tarafÝndan bilinen, tanÝdÝk bir konumdaki tek ve
en bŸyŸk, kapalÝ alÝßveriß ve eÛlence dŸnyasÝ, 2015 yÝlÝnda
ziyaretileriyle bulußacak.
Park Afyon, yeniliki mimarisi, ulusal ve uluslararasÝ
markalardan olußan maÛaza karmasÝ ve etkin yšnetim
anlayÝßÝyla da ßehre yeni bir soluk getirerek, deÛer katan
bir cazibe merkezi olacak!
Ziyaretilerinin aileleri ve arkadaßlarÝyla zaman
geirebileceÛi, yaz aylarÝnda serin, kÝß aylarÝnda sÝcak bir
atmosferde sosyal etkileßimin temel alÝndÝÛÝ, rahat ve
konforlu alÝßveriß ve eÛlence dŸnyasÝ sizleri bekliyor.
4 kattan olußan, 45.000 m2 kiralanabilir alana ve yaklaßÝk
160 maÛazaya sahip Park Afyon, sunacaÛÝ eÛlence
imk‰nlarÝ ile de ßehre yeni bir boyut kazandÝracak.
Park Afyon, ulusal ve uluslararasÝ markalardan olußan
gŸlŸ maÛaza karmasÝ, sŸpermarket ve elektronik marketi,
teraslÝ kafe ve restoranlarÝ, geniß yeme-ime alanÝ, sinema
salonlarÝ, ocuk eÛlence alanÝ, buz pateni pisti ve
fitness merkezi ile yalnÝzca bir alÝßveriß merkezi deÛil,
eÛlence ve keyifli zamanlarÝn da tek adresi olacak.
Sinema / Cinema
Park Afyon...
In the center of life!
Park Afyon is a brand new project, in the heart of
Afyonkarahisar, which will fascinate its visitors! It will be
the new shopping, meeting and entertainment center of
Afyonkarahisar and therefore an essential part of Afyon
citizensÕ lives. Located at the junction of main roads,
Park Afyon is placed at a familiar and easily accessible
location. The only and the largest indoor shopping and
entertainment center of Afyonkarahisar will open its doors
to visitors in 2015.
With its innovative architecture, branch & tenant mix of
national and international brands and effective management,
Park Afyon will be in the center of attraction and create
additional value for the city!
Its cozy and comfortable atmosphere, where visitors can
spend time with their families and friends, will be cool in
summer and warm in winter. A fascinating shopping
and entertainment world awaits you...
With its 45.000 square meters of leasable space on four
levels and approximately 160 shops, Park Afyon will be
setting new dimensions and quality standards in
Afyonkarahisar. This colorful and vibrant center has a strong
branch & tenant mix including national and international
brands, a supermarket, a consumer electronics market,
restaurants and cafŽs with terraces, a spacious food court,
cinema halls, a kidsÕ playground, an ice skating rink
and a fitness center. It will become the only destination in
the city for entertainment and joyful momentsÉ
Elektronik Market
Electronics Market
Buz Pateni
Ice Skating
‚ekim alanÝ...
Catchment area...
1.Bšlge (KÝrmÝzÝ) 0-5 dakika
2.Bšlge (Yeßil) 5-15 dakika
3.Bšlge (Mavi) 15 dakika ve ŸstŸ
Park Afyon, ßehrin tam merkezinde, eski otogar alanÝ olarak da bilinen bšlgede, Ankara,
Eskißehir ve Konya yollarÝnÝn kesißim noktasÝnda yer alÝyor. Eski konut alanÝ, gelißen yeni
konut alanÝ ve kentsel dšnŸßŸm Ÿgeninin tam ortasÝndaki konumuyla ekim merkezini
zamanla daha da gŸlendirecek. ‚evresinde yer alan Otogar Merkez Camii, modern
pazar yeri ve katlÝ otoparkla birlikte, olußturulacak yeni kent odaÛÝnÝn en šnemli
paralarÝndan biri olacak. Kent ii ticaret dinamiÛine doÛrudan baÛlanan konumu,
Park AfyonÕu ßehirde, bŸtŸn yšnleriyle aÛdaß ve ekici bir merkez haline getirecek.
Park Afyon is located in the very center of Afyonkarahisar on the site of the former
bus terminal. It is situated at the intersection of the Ankara, Eskißehir and Konya highways.
Thanks to its location in the heart of a triangle formed by the old residential,
new residential and urban transformation zones, Park Afyon will expand its catchment
area in time. With the adjacent Otogar Merkez Mosque, a modern marketplace and a
parking garage, it will become one of the most important features of the new city center.
Its location directly connected to the local trade dynamics of the city will turn
Park Afyon into a modern and appealing shopping center.
Zone 1 (Red)
0-5 min.
Zone 2 (Green) 5-15 min.
Zone 3 (Blue)
15 min. and above
173.000 inhabitants
248.000 inhabitants
283.000 inhabitants
Afyonkarahisar il nŸfusu
Toplam ekim alanÝ
704.000 Kißi
704.000 Kißi
Population of Afyonkarahisar Province
704.000 inhabitants
704.000 inhabitants
Park AfyonÕun ekim alanÝnda 704.000 kißi yaßÝyor. Afyonkarahisar, orta ve Ÿst
gelir dŸzeyine sahip Ÿretim, turizm ve ticaret sektšrlerinde alÝßan nŸfusun yanÝsÝra
Afyon Kocatepe †niversitesiÕnde eÛitim gšren yaklaßÝk 40.000 Ÿniversite šÛrencisinin
iinde bulunduÛu gen bir nŸfusu da barÝndÝrÝyor. Bunun dÝßÝnda ßehirdeki termal
oteller yÝl boyunca yerli ve yabancÝ turistlere ev sahipliÛi yaparak Afyonkarahisar
nŸfusunu canlÝ tutuyor.
704,000 inhabitants live in the catchment area of Park Afyon. The city encompasses
a population of middle and high income groups who work in the manufacturing,
tourism and commercial sectors. In addition 40,000 students of Afyon Kocatepe University
live in the city. Furthermore, thermal hotels in the city keep the cityÕs vibe high
by hosting local and foreign visitors throughout the year.
Total catchment area
173.000 kißi
248.000 kißi
283.000 kißi
SŸrekli etkileßimin odaÛÝnda...
Park Afyon, konumu ve kolay ulaßÝmÝyla šne Ýkan bir yaßam merkezi.
Eskißehir yšnŸnde AtatŸrk BulvarÝ, Konya yšnŸnde Üsmet ÜnšnŸ Caddesi ve Ankara yšnŸnde
Asiye Sultan BulvarÝÕnÝn kesißtiÛi noktada, ana arterler Ÿzerinde konumlanÝyor. Þehrin eski
otogar alanÝnda yer almasÝ sayesinde AfyonlularÝn bildiÛi, tanÝdÝk bir konuma sahip.
AfyonkarahisarÕÝn merkezinde yŸkselen ilk alÝßveriß merkezi olacak Park AfyonÕa her
noktadan ulaßÝm ok kolay! Rahat yaya erißiminin yanÝ sÝra, ßehrin toplu taßÝma aralarÝ
otobŸs ve dolmuß hatlarÝnÝn bŸyŸk bir oÛunluÛunun getiÛi duraklara ok yakÝn
mesafedeki konumu sayesinde sŸrekli etkileßimin odaÛÝnda yer alÝyor.
In focus of continuous interactionÉ
Park Afyon is a vibrant shopping center which stands out with its central location and
easy accessibility. It is located at the intersection of main arterial roads: AtatŸrk Boulevard
leading to Eskißehir highway, Üsmet ÜnšnŸ Street leading to Konya highway and Asiye
Sultan Boulevard leading to Ankara direction. As the cityÕs former bus terminal, it is a
well-known and familiar location to the inhabitants of Afyonkarahisar.
Located in the center of the city, it is very easy to reach Park Afyon! Besides its
convenient pedestrian accessibility, it is also in the focus of continuous interaction due
to its vicinity to public transportation networks.
TŸm yollarÝn kesißtiÛi nokta!
The intersection of all roads!
Rakamlarla Park Afyon...
Toplam kiralanabilir alan
45.000 m2
‚ekim alanÝ (yaklaßÝk olarak)
704.000 kißi
MaÛaza sayÝsÝ
Kat sayÝsÝ
4 kat + 2 otopark katÝ
Restoran ve kafeler
24 (5 fine dining restoranÝ)
Yeme ime alanÝ oturma kapasitesi
2.000 kißi
2.500 m2
Elektronik market
2.500 m2
‚ok KatlÝ maÛaza
3.500 m2
EÛlence merkezi, bowling salonu, buz pateni pisti
2.500 m2
Fitness merkezi
1.300 m2
Sinema salonlarÝ
8 salon
Otopark kapasitesi
1.150 ara
Park Afyon in figures...
Total leasable area
45,000 sqm
Catchment area
approx. 704,000 inhabitants
4 floors + 2 parking floors
Restaurant and cafŽs
24 (5 fine dining restaurants)
Food court seating capacity
2,000 persons
2,500 sqm
Electronics market
2,500 sqm
Department store
3,500 sqm
Entertainment center, bowling alley, ice skating rink 2,500 sqm
Fitness center
1,300 sqm
8 halls
Parking capacity
1,150 cars
doÛan kuvvet!
The strength
rising from unity!
Afyon Girißim A.Þ., yerel sermaye ve emek birlikteliÛini
ortaya koyarak, bŸyŸk šlekli ticaret ve turizm yatÝrÝmlarÝnÝ
hayata geirmek amacÝyla 2013 yÝlÝnda kurulmußtur.
…zellikle Mermer sektšrŸnde Ÿlke genelinde sšz sahibi
olan grup, kendi iß alanlarÝnda šne Ýkan, farklÝ sektšrlerden,
serbest meslek sahibi doktor, esnaf ve iß adamlarÝndan
olußuyor. 120 pay hisseli 118 fiili ortaÛÝ bulunan ve hakim
hisse sahibi olmayan girißim, Afyonkarahisar ve Afyonlular
iin heyecan verici bir ortaklÝk, bšlgenin gurur ve
švŸn kaynaÛÝÉ
Afyon Girißim A.Þ. is a local venture founded in 2013,
which aims to combine the local capitalization and labor
unity to realize large-scale tourism and commercial
investments. Well-known for marble industry on national
scale, the venture is a union of entrepreneurs from different
industries including businessmen, tradesmen, and doctors.
It has no major shareholders. With its 118 actual partners
and 120 shares, the city of Afyonkarahisar and its residents
take pride in it.
FarklÝ fonksiyonlarÝ bŸnyesinde barÝndÝran bir yaßam
merkezi olacak Park Afyon, girißimin ilk yatÝrÝmÝdÝr.
Afyon Girißim A.Þ.Õnin paydaßlarÝ, farklÝ alanlardaki
yeniliki projeleri de hayata geirmek Ÿzere alÝßmalarÝna
devam ediyor. GŸlŸ sermaye yapÝsÝ ve kapasitesi,
Girißimin hem yerel hem de ulusal šlekte enerji, turizm
ve jeotermal kaynaklÝ yeni projeleri gerekleßtirmesi iin
bŸyŸk bir dinamizm yaratÝyor.
Park Afyon, the first investment of the venture, will be
gathering different functions under its roof. In addition,
the stakeholders of Afyon Girißim A.Þ. are working on
accomplishing innovative projects in other fields.
This strong capital and capacity are creating a great dynamism
to realize other national and international projects in different
areas such as energy, tourism and on the geothermal sector.
AlÝßveriß dŸnyasÝnÝn
yatÝrÝm ve yšnetim
Üstanbul merkezli ÒECE TŸrkiyeÓ, Ekim 2000Õde, AlÝßveriß Merkezi
sektšrŸnde Avrupa lideri olan Alman ÒECEÓ tarafÝndan kurulmußtur.
Bir yatÝrÝm ve hizmet firmasÝ olan ECE TŸrkiye, AlÝßveriß Merkezlerinin
gelißtirilmesi ile ilgili olarak mimari ve konsept planlama, proje
yšnetimi, kiralama, AlÝßveriß Merkezi yšnetimi, bŸteleme hizmetleri
ile finansal ve hukuki hizmetlerin tŸmŸnŸ aynÝ atÝ altÝnda toplamaktadÝr.
TŸrkiyeÕnin en prestijli AlÝßveriß Merkezlerinden olan ÜstanbulÕdaki
Marmara Park, Maltepe Park, MetroCity ve BeylikdŸzŸ Migros AlÝßveriß
Merkezi, AnkaraÕda ANKAmall, ACity ve Park Vera, EskißehirÕde Espark
ve AntalyaÕdaki TerraCity ile Antalya Migros AlÝßveriß Merkezi, ECE
TŸrkiye tarafÝndan baßarÝyla yšnetilmektedir. ECE farklÝ ve etkin
yšnetim anlayÝßÝ ile perakende dŸnyasÝna yšn verirken ECE TŸrkiye
de yeni yatÝrÝmlarÝ, gelißtirmekte olduÛu projeler ve yenileme projeleri
ile TŸrkiye pazarÝnda bŸyŸmeye devam etmektedir. FirmanÝn inßaat
ve planlama aßamasÝnda pek ok projesi de mevcuttur. ÜstanbulÕdaki
Akasya Park ve Axis Üstanbul, BursaÕdaki Sur YapÝ Marka ve
AfyonkarahisarÕdaki Park Afyon bu projelerden bazÝlarÝdÝr.
ECE TŸrkiye, pazardaki kšklŸ tecrŸbesi, projeye šzel sunduÛu hizmetler,
yeniliki konseptler, her bir projeye gšre farklÝlaßan marka ve
kiracÝ karmasÝ, yŸksek profesyonelliÛi, uzmanlÝÛÝ, mŸßteri odaklÝ
stratejisi ve gŸlŸ performansÝ ile perakende sektšrŸnŸn
geleceÛine yatÝrÝm yapmaktadÝr.
Expert in
shopping center
development and
Headquartered in Istanbul, ECE TŸrkiye was founded in
October 2000 by ECE, the European market leader in the field of
inner-city shopping centers. As an investor and full service provider,
ECE TŸrkiye gathers all competences of the shopping center
development, such as architectural design, conceptual planning,
project management, leasing, center management, budgeting,
finance, and legal services under one roof.
Being some of the most prestigious shopping centers in Turkey
Marmara Park, Maltepe Park, MetroCity and BeylikdŸzŸ Migros Shopping
Center in Istanbul, ANKAmall, ACity and Park Vera in Ankara, Espark
in Eskißehir, TerraCity and Antalya Migros Shopping Center in Antalya
successfully operated by ECE TŸrkiye. While ECE is a leading
company in the retail world with its distinct and effective management
perception, ECE TŸrkiye continues its expansion with new investments,
developments, and refurbishments in the growing Turkish market.
The company has numerous projects in construction and/or
in the planning phase. Among these centers are Akasya Park
and Axis Üstanbul in Istanbul, Sur YapÝ Marka in Bursa
and Park Afyon in Afyonkarahisar.
With its longstanding experience in the market, ECE TŸrkiye
invests in the future of the retail industry with custom made services,
innovative concepts, specifically tailored branch and tenant mix,
high level of professionalism and expertise, customer-focused strategy
and a strong performance.
1. Bodrum Kat / 1st Basement Floor
DolaßÝm AlanÝ
Mall Area
Otopark Girißi
Car Park Entrance
Otopark ‚ÝkÝßÝ
Car Park Exit
Zemin Kat / Ground Floor
DolaßÝm AlanÝ
Mall Area
1. Kat / 1st Floor
DolaßÝm AlanÝ
Mall Area
2. Kat / 2nd Floor
DolaßÝm AlanÝ
Mall Area

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