Erdemir Cv EN - İstanbul Şehir Üniversitesi İşletme Bölümü


Erdemir Cv EN - İstanbul Şehir Üniversitesi İşletme Bölümü
Assist. Prof. Erkan Erdemir School Of Management and Administrative Sciences Management Education Post-­‐Doc.: University of Illinois at Urbana-­‐Champaign, College of Business, IL, USA (2010 -­‐ 2011) Ph.D.: Anadolu Un. Graduate School of Social Sciences, Management & Organization (2001-­‐ 2007) MA: Osmangazi Un. Graduate School of Social Sciences, Management & Organization (1997-­‐2000) BA: Anadolu Un. FEAS, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations (1992-­‐1996) Research Interests Organization Theory, Human Resource Management Work Experience Eskisehir Osmangazi Un., FEAS, Business Dept., Associate Professor (2012 -­‐ 2012) University of Illinois at Urbana-­‐Champaign, College of Business, Visiting Scholar (2010-­‐2011) Eskisehir Osmangazi Un., FEAS, Business Dept., Assistant Professor (2008-­‐2012) Eskisehir Osmangazi Un., FEAS, Business Dept., Research Assistant (2001-­‐2008) Dumlupinar Un., FEAS, Business. Dept., Research Assistant (1999-­‐2001) Publications Recent Erdemir, E. & Koç, U. “Legitimacy Work in the Emergence of New Organizational Forms: The Case of Tanpinar’s The Time Regulation Institute”, 110th Annual Meeting of American Sociological Society, August 22-­‐25, 2015, Chicago, USA. Özen-­‐Aytemur, J., Erdemir, E. & Koç, U. “When a new organizational form fails: The case of the Village Institutes in Turkey”, 31st EGOS Colloquium, July 2-­‐4, 2015, ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece, Atina-­‐GREECE. Erdemir, E & Koç, U. “Legitimacy Work in the Emergence of Organizational Level Institutions: The Case of Tanpinar’s The Time Regulation Institute”, 10th Organization Studies Workshop, May 21-­‐23, 2015, Crete, GREECE. Refereed Journal Articles Erdemir, E. “Human Resource Management in between Ethics and Morality”, Turkish Journal of Business Ethics, Volume: 5, Issue: 10, November 2012, pp. 5-­‐19. Topal, M., E. Erdemir ve E. Kırlı, " Effects of the Industrialization of Tanzimat Era on the Formation of Turkish Business Thought: Hereke Factory and its Regulation", SDU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences, May 2012, No:25, pp.37-­‐64. Erdemir, E. ve U. Koç, " Postmodernism and Complexity: A Paradigmatic Debate in the Context of Organization Theory", Eskişehir Osmangazi University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, April 2010, V. 5, I. 1, pp. 25-­‐48. Erdemir, E. ve U. Koç, "Can Knowledge Be Managed? Critical Management Studies Perspective on Knowledge Management", The Journal of Knowledge Economy & Knowledge Management, Fall 2009, Vol. 4, pp. 155-­‐166. Erdemir, E., "The Development of Management/Organization Field in Turkey", Eskişehir Osmangazi University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, April 2009, V. 4, I. 1, pp. 7-­‐12. Erdemir, E., “Devotion or Emancipation? Postmodern Turn Discourse in the face of Managerial Control", Turkish Journal of Management Research, 2007, C. 7, S. 1-­‐2, 67-­‐96. Erdemir, E., “Marketing Perspective and Candidate Orientation in Organizational Staffing”, Istanbul University Journal of Institute of Business Administration -­‐ Management, 2007, V: 18 , I: 57, pp. 26-­‐
43. Erdemir, E., “Transformation of Staffing Function from Business Focused to Candidate Focused", Is-­‐
Guc, The Journal of Industrial Relations & Human Resources, 2007, V. 9, I. 4, pp. 91-­‐118. Erdemir, E. ve İ. Çeliktaş, "Workplace Monitoring from the Organizational and Legal Perspective: A Comparative Study” , KAZANCI Refereed Law Journal, 2006/19-­‐20, pp. 87-­‐102. Erdemir, E., "The Effects of Postmodernism on Business Management: A Conceptual Analysis", E-­‐
ACADEMY, June 2006, I. 52. Erdemir, E., " “Outsourcing HRM: Case of Eskisehir”, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Journal of Social Sciences, V. 5, I. 1, 2004, pp. 1-­‐17. Refereed Conference Presentations Erdemir, E and Koç, U. “Legitimacy Work in the Emergence of Organizational Level Institutions: The Case of Tanpinar’s The Time Regulation Institute”, 10th Organization Studies Workshop, May 21-­‐23, 2015, Crete, GREECE. Özen-­‐Aytemur, J., Koç, U. ve Erdemir, E. “Un-­‐institutionalized Institutional Enterprises: Village Institutes as a New Organizational Form” 23rd National Management and Organization Congress, May 14-­‐16, 2015, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Proceedings Book, 33-­‐37. Koc, U. and Erdemir, E. “Excusing Illegitimate Behavior: The Match Fixing Scandal in the Turkish Football”, 11th Newinstitutionalism Workshop, March 26-­‐27, 2015, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, AUSTRIA. Erdoğmuş, N., Arkalı, G. & Erdemir, E. “Factors affecting the evolution of family businesses and their innovation performances: The case of Turkey”. 10th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research. Innovation, Family Firms and Economic Development, May 23-­‐24, 2014. Bergamo, ITALY. Koc, U. and Erdemir, E. “The Nuts and Bolts of Institutional Emergence: Social Mechanisms in Explaining Transformations of Practices, Forms, and Fields”, 10th Newinstitutionalism Workshop, March 20-­‐21, 2014, LUISS Business School, Rome, ITALY. Erdemir, E., Koc, U. “Exploring the Emergence Mechanisms between Different Type of Institutions at Different Levels of Institutionalization: A Qualitative Meta-­‐Analysis”, 29th EGOS Colloquium, July 4–6, 2013, Montréal, Canada. Torlak, Ö., Özdemir, Ş., Erdemir, E. “What Shapes Business Ethics? Evidence from Turkey”, European Conference in Technology and Society, June 27-­‐28, 2013, International University of Sarajevo. Erdoğmuş, N., Erdemir, E. "Leadership and Decision Making at Sibling Partnership Stage in Turkish Faily Firms: An Exploratory Study", IMDA 21st World Business Congress, July 4-­‐8, 2012, Helsinki, FINLAND, Proceedings Book, 458-­‐464. Erdemir, E. "How Institutions Emerge? A Model Proposal on the Institutionalization of Different Type of Institutions at Different Levels of Analysis", 20th National Management and Organization Congress, May 24-­‐26, 2012, Dokuz Eylul University, Proceedings Book, 552-­‐553. Erdemir, E. "Institutional Studies on the Emergence of New Organizational Forms: A Qualitative Meta-­‐Analysis", 8th Newinstitutionalism Workshop, March 15-­‐16, 2012, ESADE Business School, Barcelona, SPAIN. Erdemir, E. “How Do New Organizational Forms Emerge? A Qualitative Meta-­‐Analysis", 3. Örgüt Kuramı Çalıştayı, February 03-­‐04 2012, METU, Ankara. Koç, U., Aytemur, J. Ö., Erdemir, E. "The Weakness of A Powerful State: The Un-­‐Institutionalization History of Turkish Football Field", 27th EGOS Colloquium, July 6-­‐9 2011, University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN. Koç, U., Aytemur, J. Ö., Erdemir, E. "Is the State Conception of Neo-­‐institutional Theory is Valid for Turkey? A Study on Turkish Football Field", 19th National Management and Organization Congress, May 26-­‐28, 2011, Çanakkale 18 Mart University, Proceedings Book, 186-­‐190. Koç, U., Aytemur, J. Ö., Erdemir, E. "State as an Institutional Actor and Football in Turkey", 2nd Organization Theory Workshop, Feb. 11-­‐12, 2010, TODAIE, Ankara, Proceedings Book, 137-­‐152. Erdemir, E. " Legitimation Strategies in Institutional Construction: A Case of Clock-­‐Setting Institute”, 18h National Management and Organization Congress, May 20-­‐22, 2010, Cukurova University, Proceedings Book, 299-­‐306. Taşcı, D. ve E. Erdemir, " How Institutions Emerge? “Clock-­‐Setting Institute” As a Social Construction Process from the New Institutional Theory Perspective", 1. Organization Theory Workshop, Feb. 12-­‐
13, 2010, Baskent University, Proceedings Book 129-­‐152. Erdemir, E. ve U. Koç, “The Relationships of Employee Monitoring with Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment”, 7th Knowledge, Economy & Management International Congress, 30 October -­‐ November 01, 2009, Yalova University -­‐ Istanbul University, Proceedings Book, 1396-­‐
140. Erdemir, E., " The New Dimension of Labor Relations: Monitoring Practices towards Workplace and Employees in Turkey" 1st National Labor Relations Congress, 6-­‐8 November 2008, Sakarya University, Proceedings Book, 39-­‐52. Erdemir, E., “Scale Using Practices in Management Researches: A Review of Proceedings of National Management and Organization Congresses”, 16th National Management and Organization Congress, 16-­‐18 May 2008, Istanbul Kultur University, Proceedings Book, 397-­‐403. Erdemir, E., "The New Role Of Human Resources Management in Knowledge Society: Talent War Phenomenon and Its Reflections on Turkey", 5th Knowledge, Economy & Management International Congress, 3-­‐5 November 2006, Kocaeli University, Kartepe-­‐Kocaeli, Proceedings Book, Vol. 2, 29-­‐39. Erdemir, E. ve U. Koç, “Big Boss is Watching You! The Use of Information Technologies in Workplace Monitoring: The Case of Eskisehir", 5th Middle Anatolian Business Congress, 15-­‐17 June 2006, Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Proceedings Book, 141-­‐148. Erdemir, E. ve U. Koç, “Employee’s Perceptions about Workplace Monitoring: The Case of Eskisehir”, 14th National Management and Organization Congress, 25-­‐27 May 2006, Ataturk University, Proceedings Book, 555-­‐562. Torlak, Ö. ve E. Erdemir, “İşletme Öğrencilerinin Üniversite Öğretimi ve Bilgiye Bakışları ile Makyavelist Eğilimleri Arasındaki İlişkiler”, 4. Ulusal Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, 15-­‐16 Eylül 2005, Sakarya Üniversitesi, Bildiriler Kitabı, 957-­‐964. Torlak, Ö. ve E. Erdemir, “Yönetim Kurulu Üyelerinin Kurumsal Yönetim ve Sosyal Sorumluluk İlişkisine Yönelik Algılamaları”, 4. Orta Anadolu İşletmecilik Kongresi, 12-­‐14 Mayıs 2005, TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi, Bildiriler Kitabı, 419-­‐425. Yamaç, M., E. Erdemir ve T. Koçkar, 2004, “Historical, Sociological and Ethnographical Properties of Anatolian Folkdances”, 18th World Congress of Dance Research, Agros, Greece, 3-­‐7 November 2004. Erdemir, E. ve Ö. Torlak, "Aile İşletmelerindeki Yöneticilerin Pazar Odaklılıkla İlgili Algılamalarının Belirlenmesi Üzerine Eskişehir'de Bir Araştırma”, 1. Aile İşletmeleri Kongresi, 17-­‐18 Nisan 2004, İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi, Bildiriler Kitabı, 233-­‐242. Erdemir, E., "Manager’s Perspectives about the Transition from Personnel Management to HRM: A Qualitative Research in Eskisehir”, 1st Knowledge, Economy & Management Congress, 10-­‐11 May 2002, Kocaeli İniversity, Hereke-­‐İzmit, Proceedings Book, 567-­‐578. Books and Book Chapters Erdemir, E. “How Firm Exists? An Examination of the Institutional Emergence over the Tanpınar’s Time Regulation Institute”, Akdere, Ç. & Güler-­‐Aydın, D. (Eds.), Economics in the Literature, İletişim Publishing, İstanbul, 2014, pp. 357-­‐387. Erdemir, E., “Postmodern Organization Theory”, in Taşcı, D. ve E. Erdemir (Ed.), Organization Theory, Anadolu University Publishing, Eskişehir, 2012, pp. 162-­‐191. Erdemir, E., “Internal Business Ethics Issues in Organizations”, in Torlak, Ö. ve F. Dalyan (Ed.), Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics, Anadolu University Publishing, Eskişehir, 2012, pp. 122-­‐140. Erdemir, E., “Rewarding”, in Benligiray, S. (Ed.), Compensation and Reward Management, Anadolu University Publishing, Eskişehir, 2012, pp. 108-­‐131. Erdemir, E., “Rewarding Strategy”, in Benligiray, S. (Ed.), Compensation and Reward Management, Anadolu University Publishing, Eskişehir, 2012, pp. 132-­‐151. Erdemir, E., “Rewarding System”, in Benligiray, S. (Ed.), Compensation and Reward Management, Anadolu University Publishing, Eskişehir, 2012, pp. 152-­‐174. Erdemir, E., “Importance and Features of Performance Management”, in Benligiray, S. (Ed.), Performance Management, Anadolu University Publishing, Eskişehir, 2013, pp. 2-­‐23. Erdemir, E., “Performance Measurement”, in Benligiray, S. (Ed.), Performance Management, Anadolu University Publishing, Eskişehir, 2013, pp. 68-­‐89. Erdemir, E., “Important Issues in Performance Management”, in Benligiray, S. (Ed.), Performans Yönetimi, Anadolu University Publishing, Eskişehir, 2013, pp. 168-­‐191. Editorship Taşcı, D. ve E. Erdemir (Eds.), Organization Theory, Anadolu University Publishing, Eskişehir, 2012. Erdemir, E. Human Resource Management and Ethics – Special Issue, Turkish Journal of Business Ethics, Volume: 5, Issue: 10, November 2012. Erdemir, E., The Development of Management/Organization Field in Turkey – Special Issue, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, April 2009, V. 4, I. 1. Erdemir, E. et. al., (Eds.), 17th National Management and Organization Congress Proceedings Book, 21-­‐23 May 2009, Eskişehir. Koçkar, T. ve E. Erdemir (Eds.), 2nd Folklore Symposium Proceedings Book, 25-­‐26 November 2005, Osmangazi University, Eskişehir. Koçkar, T. ve E. Erdemir (Eds.), 1st Folklore Symposium Proceedings Book, 30 Septemper – 01 October 2004, Osmangazi University, Eskişehir. Erdemir, E. et. al. (Eds.), 3rd Knowledge, Economy & Management International Congress Proceedings Book, 25-­‐26 October 2004, Osmangazi University, Eskişehir. Projects Erdoğmuş, N., Erdemir, E., Arkali-­‐Olcay, G. Factors That Affect the Evolution of Turkish Family Businesses and Their Innovation Performances, TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Project No: SOBAG 113K280, August 2015. Torlak, Ö., Ş. Özdemir ve E. Erdemir, IGIAD 2013 Business Ethics Report, İstanbul, 2013. Taşcı, D., C. H. Aydın, N. Tokgöz ve E. Erdemir, Turkish Airlines Aviation Academy Workload Analysis, Istanbul, 2012. Torlak, Ö., Ş. Özdemir ve E. Erdemir, IGIAD 2008 Business Ethics Report, İstanbul, 2008. Theses Advisory Kürşad Barutçu, A Research to Determinate the Relation Between Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment and Organizational Identification Levels at the Public Sector, ESOGÜ SBE Management MA Thesis, 2015, Eskisehir. Volkan Uslu, The Relationshıp Between The Perception Of The Job Safety Performance And The Job Safety Culture: A Research On The Metal Sector, ESOGÜ SBE Management MA Thesis, 2014, Eskişehir. 

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