Dr Michelangelo Guida - İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi


Dr Michelangelo Guida - İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi
Curriculum Vitæ
Dr Michelangelo Guida
Current Academic Position:
Office Address:
Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Istanbul
29 Mayıs University, Istanbul (Turkey).
Department of Political Science and International Relations
Istanbul 29 Mayıs University
Yamanevler Mahallesi
Dr. Fazıl Küçük Cd. No. 6
34768 Ümraniye, İstanbul
Office: +90 (0)216 474 08 60 ext. 1625
mguida@29mayis.edu.tr / ahmetguida@gmail.com
March 2013-present
Istanbul 29 Mayıs University, Istanbul (Turkey)
In 2013 he joined a new private university to open the Department of Political
Science and International Relations. Since August 2014 he is head of Department.
Sep 2005-March 2013
Fatih University, Istanbul (Turkey)
Assistant Professor (Yardım Doçent, between March 2006 and May 2011) and as
an Associate Professor (Doçent, since May 2011) at the Department of Political
Science and Public Administration. Taught several courses on Turkish politics
and society as well as classes on civil society, democracy and political sociology.
Erasmus departmental coordinator.
Jan-Sep 2003
Università degli Studi di Napoli “l’Orientale”, Naples (Italy)
Lecturer for the course of Modern Middle Eastern History and taught eight hours
in a seminar for the Turkish Language course.
January 2011
Associate Professorship (Doçentlik), Ankara (Turkey)
On 28 January 2011, passed the central national exam held by the
Üniversitelerarası Kurulu (Interuniversity Institution) to acquire the nationally
recognized title of Associate Professor (Doçent).
March 2008
Üniversitelerarası Kurul Yabancı Dil Sınavı (ÜDS), Istanbul (Turkey)
On 23 March 2008, passed the English Interuniversity Board Foreign Language
Examination (ÜDS) in the field of social sciences with 93,750/100.
Apr 2005
Università degli Studi di Napoli “l’Orientale”, Naples (Italy)
Obtained a PhD with a thesis (in Italian) on the Islamist political thought in the
Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey since 1909 to 1925. The research
mainly focused on four intellectuals (Said Halim Pasa, Musa Kazım, Mehmed
Âkif Ersoy and Seyyid Bey) and their political understanding with an analysis of
their influence on the deep revolution undergoing in Turkey at that time, their
influence on Islamist thought in the broader Middle East and contemporary
Islamist thought. Worked on Ottoman and Turkish printed materials mostly in
the UK (from February to October 2002, and again between July and August
2003) and Turkey (from October 2003 to April 2004). The PhD was financed and
supervised by the Asian Studies Department – and the tutor was Professor
Alberto Ventura (then Head of department, and professor of Islamic Studies). A
revised version of chapter 6 of the thesis was published on Middle Eastern
Studies in March 2008 and chapter 3 on İslâm Araştırmaları Dergisi/Turkish
Journal of Islamic Studies in June 2009.
Oct 2001
Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples (Italy)
Scholarship for one-year postgraduate studies abroad from the Faculty of
Political Sciences that covered the MA at SOAS.
Sep 2002
School of Oriental and African Studies, London (United Kingdom)
Master in Turkish Studies. The major was Government and Politics of Turkey; the
two minor were Ottoman Language and The History of the Ottoman Empire and
Modern Turkey. The title of the dissertation was: ‘Turgut Özal and Islamism in
Turkey (1983-1993)’ under the supervision of Professor William Hale. The
dissertation aimed to understand the influence of Özal’s religious beliefs on his
politics. The research was conducted in London and Istanbul with the study of
publications and with interviews. A shorter version was reproduced on Hamdard
Islamicus in July 2005. The final result was: merit.
Jul 2001
IELTS, University of Westminster, London (United Kingdom)
Passed the International English Language Testing System exam at the University
of Westminster (London). The overall band was 7.0/9.0.
Apr-Jun 2001
Contemporary International Studies, London (United Kingdom)
International Foundation Course and English Language Studies at the School of
Oriental and African Studies to improve his English skills.
Jul-Nov 1998
TÖMER (University of Ankara), Istanbul (Turkey)
School of Turkish for foreigners, and passed the final exam with 100/100.
Jul-Aug 1997
TÖMER (University of Ankara), Istanbul (Turkey)
First two courses of Turkish (Temel bir and Temel iki) thanks to a scholarship
granted by Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Sep-Nov 1995
Al al-Bayt University, Mafraq (Jordan)
Two months intensive course of Arabic.
Sep 1994-Mar 2001
Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples (Italy)
Laurea (corresponding to the British MA) in Political Sciences at the Istituto
Universitario Orientale with the final vote of 110/110. The title of the dissertation,
defended on 21 March 2001, was ‘Islam e laicismo: due ideologie totalizzanti a
confronto nella Repubblica di Turchia (1923-1945)’ (Islam and Secularism: Two
All-Engaging Ideologies in the Turkish Republic (1923-1945)). The major was
History and Institutions of Mediterranean Africa and Near East, the tutor
Professor Pier Giovanni Donini and the co-tutor Professor Michele Bernardini.
Sep 1989-Jul 1994
Liceo-Ginnasio Antonio Genovesi, Naples (Italy)
Diploma of secondary school (equivalent to A level) with 48/60.
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Academic Articles in English
‘Nurettin Topçu and Necip Fazıl Kısakürek: Stories of “Conversion” and Activism in Republican
Turkey’, Journal for Islamic Studies (University of Cape Town), Vol. 34, pp.98-117.
‘A “Communist and Muslim” Poet in Contemporary Turkey: the works of İsmet Özel’, British Journal of
Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 41, No. 1 (January), 117-131.
‘Friendship, kingship and interest: Informal Politics in Turkey and the Example of Vote Mobilization in
Istanbul and Şanlıurfa,’ Alternatives, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Winter), pp. 65-76.
‘Nurettin Topçu: the ‘Reinvention’ of Islamism in Republican Turkey’, Alternatives, Vol. 12, No. 2
(Summer), pp. 15-29.
‘Al-Afghani and Namık Kemal’s Replies to Ernest Renan: Two Anti-Westernist Works in the Formative
Stage of Islamist Thought’, Turkish Journal of Politics, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Winter 2011).
‘Turkish Islamist Understanding of Democracy: Hayreddin Karaman and Ali Bulaç’, Turkish Studies,
Vol. 11, No. 3 (September 2010).
‘Centre-Periphery Divide as a Key to Understand Electoral Choices in Istanbul’, with Tülin Tuna,
EJEPS, Vol. 2, Number 2 (Winter 2009), pp. 129-143.
‘Seyyid Bey and the Abolition of the Caliphate’ Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 44, Number 2 (March
2008), pp. 275-289. Reprinted in Abdullah Saeed (ed.), Islamic Political Thought and Governance
(London-New York: Routledge, 2010), Vol. IV.
‘The Sèvres Syndrome and “Komplo” Theories in Islamist and Secular Press’, Turkish Studies, Vol. 9,
Number 1 (March 2008), pp. 37-52.
‘The Life and Political Ideas of Grand Vezir Said Halim Pasha’, İslâm Araştırmaları Dergisi/Turkish
Journal of Islamic Studies, Vol. 9 (2007), pp. 101-118.
‘Ali Bulaç: Political Ideas of a Leading Turkish Islamist’, Oriente Moderno, Vol. XXIV n.s. (LXXXV),
No. 2 (2005), pp. 441-459.
‘Turgut Özal and Islamism in Turkey’, Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3 (July-September 2005),
pp. 11-20 and in Quarterly Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society, Vol. LIII, No. 3, (July-September
‘Italy’s various faces towards Turkey’, Insight Turkey, Vol. VI, No. 4 (October-December 2004), pp. 2226.
Academic Articles in Italian and Turkish
‘Gli islamisti turchi e l’Unione Europea: una storia di repulsione, amore e disincanto’ (Turkish Islamists
and the European Union: a story of Repulsion, love and disenchantmentt’), Afriche e Orienti, Vol.16,
No. 1-2 (September 2014), pp. 116-132.
‘La sindrome di Sèvres segna ancora la geopolitica turca’ (The Sèvres syndrome still influences Turkish
geopolitics), Limes, Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, No. 5 (May 2014), pp. 187-194.
‘Erdoğan, l’uomo più amato e più odiato della Turchia’ (Erdoğan, Turkey’s most loved and hated man),
Limes, Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, No. 6 (July 2013), pp. 29-34.
‘Islam and democratizzazione in Turchia. Il caso dell’AK Parti’ (Islam and Democratization in Turkey.
The example of AK Parti), Rivista di Politica, Vol. 2 (April-June 2012), pp. 71-85.
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‘Türkiye'de Partilerin Oy Toplama Stratejileri ve Seçmen Davranışına Etkisi: 2009 Yerel Seçimleri
İstanbul Örneği’ (Turkish Political Parties Vote Mobilization Strategies and Its Influence on Voters’
Behaviours: The Example of 2009 Istanbul Local Elections), with Ömer Çaha, Liberal Düşünce Dergisi,
Vol. 16, No. 61-62 (April 2011), pp. 167-168.
‘I partiti musulmani nella Turchia Repubblicana’ (Muslim Parties in the Turkish Republic), Diritto e
Libertà, Roma, Vol. 12, pp. 166-183.
‘İstanbul'da Seçmen Tercihlerini Etkileyen Faktör olarak Din’ (Religion as an Influential Factor on
Istanbul’s Voters), with Tülin Tuna, in Prof. Dr. Sacit Adalı'ya 65. Yaş Armağanı, Filiz Yay., pp. 168178
‘İstanbul’da Seçmen Tercihlerini Anlamada Bir Anahtar Olarak Toplumsal Farklılıklar’ (Social cleavages
as a key to understand voters’ behaviours in Istanbul), with Tülin Tuna, Akademik Araştırmalar
Dergisi/Journal of Academic Studies, Vol. 12, No. 44 (February-April 2010), pp. 45-62.
‘II. Meşrutiyet Dönemindeki İslâmcılık Düşüncesi ve Buna Bir Örnek Teşkil Etmesi Açısından Said
Halim Paşa’ (Said Halim Paşa as an Example of Islamist Ideas in the Second Constitutional Period),
Civilacademy, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Summer 2008), pp. 109-117.
‘La Turchia a una svolta storica. La democrazia alla prova’ (Turkey at a Turning Point. Democracy on
Trial), Giano, No. 56 (2007), pp. 127-134.
‘Democratizzazione e instabilità politica. Il caso della Turchia’ (Democratization and political
instability. The Turkish case), Meridione, Sud e Nord del Mondo, Vol. VI, No. 1 (2006), pp. 114-135.
‘Turchia, il modello instabile’ (Turkey, the instable model), Giano, No. 53 (2006), pp. 69-76.
‘Sta cambiando il sistema politico in Turchia? Le elezioni locali del 28 marzo 2004’ (Is the Turkish
Political System Changing? 28 March 2004 Local Elections), OltreMare, Vol. II, No. 1 (aprile 2004).
‘Intervista con Rašid Gannuši’ (Interview with Rachid Gannouchi), Oriente Moderno, Vol. XXIII n.s.
(LXXXIV), No. 3 (2004), pp. 685-696.
‘I musulmani e la War on Terror’ (Muslims and the War on Terror), I molti volti dell’Islam, published
as insert of Guerra & Pace, No. 103-104 (Oct-Nov 2003), pp. 66-7.
‘La reazione della Turchia all’11 settembre’ (The Reaction to 9/11 in Turkey), in Francesca M. Corrao
(edited by), L’Islam e l’11 settembre. Le opinioni e l’informazione, published as insert to Giano, No. 43
(2003), pp. 54-60.
‘La Turchia tra integralismo islamico e pragmatismo politico’ (Turkey between Islamism and Political
Pragmatism), Giano, No. 42 (2002), pp. 145-50.
‘Il “laicismo turco” e i movimenti islamici’ (“Turkish Secularism” and Islamic Movements), Giano, No.
39 (September-December 2001), pp. 229-32.
Book and book chapters
‘A “Communist and Muslim” Poet in Contemporary Turkey: the works of İsmet Özel’ in Ewan Stein,
Intellectual Dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa (London-New York: Routledge).
‘Feudal Control of Politics in Peripheral Turkey: the Example of the Şanlıurfa Province’ in Andrea Teti,
Luca Anceschi and Gennaro Gervasio (eds.), Hidden Geographies (London-New York: Routledge).
Ömer Çaha ve Michelangelo Guida, ‘İslamcılık’ (Islamism), in Ömer Çaha ve Bican Şahin (eds.), Siyasal
İdeolojiler (Ankara: Orion).
‘The Founders of Islamism in Republican Turkey: Kısakürek and Topçu’ in Mohammed Bamyeh (ed.),
The Social Role of Intellectuals in the Middle East (London: I. B. Tauris).
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Ömer Çaha ve Michelangelo Guida, Türkiye’de Seçim Kampanyaları (Electoral Campaigns in Turkey)
(Ankara, Orion).
Book Reviews
Merve Kavakci Islam, Headscarf Politics in Turkey, A Postcolonial Reading, Palgrave Macmillan, New
York, 2010, Insight Turkey, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 216-218.
Michael Bonner, Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrine and Practices, Princeton University Press,
Princeton, 2006, İslâm Araştırmaları Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Islamic Studies, No. 21, 2009, pp.
132-134 (in English).
Armando Salvatore and Dale F. Eickelman (eds.), Public Islam and the Common Good, Brill, LeidenBoston, 2004, İslâm Araştırmaları Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Islamic Studies, No. 17, 2007, pp. 157160 (in English).
Atilla Akar, Kamikaze Operasyonu, 11 Eylül’ün Gerçek Romanı, Timaş, İstanbul 2006, Oriente
Moderno, XXV n.s. (LXXXVI), 2, 2006, pp. 435-437 (in Italian).
Tommy Franks, American Soldier, Regan Books, New York 2004, Text, V, 1, Summer 2006, pp. 57-60
(in English).
Jason Burke, Al-Qaeda, Casting a Shadow of Terror, IB Tauris, London-New York 2003,
EuropaMondo, No. 5 (December 2004), pp. 26-29 (in Italian).
A. Holly Shissler, Between Two Empires, Ahmet Agaoglu and the New Turkey, I.B. Tauris, LondonNew York 2003 and Philip Robins, Suits and Uniforms, Turkish Foreign Policy since the Cold War,
Hurst & Company, London 2003, Oriente Moderno, Vol. XXIII n.s. (LXXXIV), No. 3, 2004, pp. 768-71
(in Italian).
Andrea Addobbati (a cura di), Islam e Occidente. La storia e il mondo che cambia, Edizioni PlusUniversità di Pisa, Pisa 2003 and Paolo Branca, Moschee inquiete. Tradizionalisti, innovatori,
fondamentalisti nella cultura islamica, Il Mulino, Bologna 2003, Il mestiere di storico, annale V/2004,
pp. 78, 139 (in Italian).
Antonello Biagini, Storia della Turchia contemporanea, Bompiani, Milano 2003, Il mestiere di storico,
annale IV/2003 (in Italian).
Tariq Ramadan, To Be an European Muslim, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester 1999, Oriente
Moderno, Vol. XX, No. 2-3 (2001), pp. 473-4 (in Italian).
Sergio Noja (ed.), Tabari, I profeti e i re, Guanda, Parma 1993, Annali dell’Istituto Universitario
Orientale, Vol. 56, No. 3 (1996), pp. 425-6 (in Italian).
Michelangelo Guida, ‘The Political Geography of Üsküdar’, Uluslararası Üsküdar Sempozyumu VI,
(Istanbul, 2008), Uluslararası Üsküdar Sempozyumu VI, pp. 331-348.
M. Fethullah Gülen, Verso una civiltà globale fondata sull’amore e la tolleranza (New Jersey: Tughra,
2010). Translation of the book M. Fethullah Gülen, Toward a Global Civilization of Love and Tolerance
(New Jersey: The Light, 2006).
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Other Publications
Newspaper comment ‘Avro’yu titreten çirçir böcekleri’ (The Crickets that Shake the Euro), Zaman (17
April 2013) http://www.zaman.com.tr/yorum_euroyu-titreten-circir-bocekleri_2079062.html (in
‘De Amicis's Costantinople and Today's Istanbul’, Journal of Academic Studies/Akademik
Araştırmalar Dergisi, Vol. 12, No. 47-48, November 2010-April 2011, pp. 225-237 (in English).
Newspaper comment ‘Seçimlere giderken Berlusconi İtalya'sı’ (Berlusconi’s Italy Toward the Elections),
Zaman (6 June 2009) http://www.zaman.com.tr/haber.do?haberno=855787&keyfield=4755494441
(in Turkish).
Glossary and the charts of the book: Pier Giovanni Donini, Il mondo islamico, breve storia dal
Cinquecento ad oggi, Laterza, Bari 2003 (in Italian).
‘The Conservative Turkish Media Confronting Gezi’ (BRISMES Annual Conference, LSE, London, UK,
24-26 June).
‘Intellectual Debate on Post-Islamism’ (WOCMES, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey,
18-22 August).
‘Gli islamisti turchi e l’Unione Europea: una storia di odio, amore e disincanto’ (XI Convegno della
Società per gli Studi del Medio Oriente, Pavia University, Pavia, Italy, 17-19 September).
‘Turkish Islamist Movement as a Model for Arab Islamism?’ (Islamism and the Arab Revolutions:
Dynamics of Change, Cairo Univesity, Cairo, Egypt, 11-12 February).
‘Nurettin Topçu and Necip Fazıl Kısakürek: stories of conversion and activism in Republican Turkey’
(Biografies of Religious Engagement, Department of Religious Studies, University of Cape Town,
Stellenbosch, South Africa, 10-12 October).
‘Friendship, kingship and interest. Informal politics in Turkey and the example of elections in Istanbul
and Şanlıurfa’ (Twelfth Mediterranean Research Meeting, Mediterranean Programme of the Robert
Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute, Montecatini Terme, Italy,
6-9 April).
Michelangelo Guida: Nurettin Topçu and the ‘Reinvention’ of Islamism in Republican Turkey,
(Intellectuals in the Middle East, British Society for Middle Eastern Studies and British Academy,
Birkbeck College, London, UK, 24 September)
‘The Founders of Islamism in Republican Turkey’ (Where are the Intellectuals? Culture, Identity and
Community in the Modern Middle East, British Society for Middle Eastern Studies and Centre for
Advanced Study of the Arab World, CASAW, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 7-9 May 2010).
With Tülin Tuna ‘İstanbul’da Seçmen Tercihlerini Etkileyen Faktör olarak Din’ (11. Ulusal Sosyal
Bilimler Kongresi, Türk Sosyal Bilimler Derneği/Turkish Social Sciences Association, Middle East
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 10 December).
‘Feudal Control of Politics: the Example of the Şanlıurfa Province’ (Tenth Mediterranean Research
Meeting, Mediterranean Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the
European University Institute, Montecatini Terme, Italy, 25-28 March).
‘The Political Geography of Üsküdar’ (Uluslararası Üsküdar Sempozyumu VI, Üsküdar Belediyesi,
İstanbul, Turkey, 6-9 November).
‘Turkish Islamists’ Understanding of Democracy’ (2nd Global International Studies Conference, World
International Studies Committee, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 23-26 July).
‘II. Meşrutiyet Dönemindeki İslâmcılık Düşüncesi ve Buna Bir Örnek Teşkil Etmesi Açısından Said
Halim Paşa’ (100. Yılında II. Meşrutiyet, Meşrutiyet Aydınlarının Din Algısı, İSAM İslâm Araştırma
Merkezi, İstanbul, Turkey, 16 July).
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‘The Founders of Islamism in Republican Turkey: Kısakürek and Topçu’ (Ninth Mediterranean
Research Meeting, Mediterranean Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at
the European University Institute, Montecatini Terme, Italy, 12-15 March).
‘Sèvres Syndrome and Komplo Theories in Contemporary Turkish Intellectuals’ (XXX. Deutscher
Orientalistentag, Albert Ludwigs Universität, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, 24-28 September).
‘The Turkish Islamist Media in the Era of the War on Terror between the ‘Sèvres Syndrome’ and
‘Komplo’ Theories’ (Muslim Media and the War on Terror, Department of Politics, University of
Bristol, Bristol, UK, 6-7 July).
‘Identity Politics in Istanbul: electoral behaviour in the Turkish megalopolis’, Seminars on Turkey,
School of Oriental and African Studies & Modern Turkish Studies Programme, London, UK, 12 March.
‘Albanian Political Elites in Post-Communist Era’, Fatih University Research Fund, Project number
P51031201_Y, from 15 August 2012 to 15 March 2013, Head of the project. Amount: 12,000 TL.
‘How Democracy Shapes Islamist Ideology’, Fatih University Research Fund, Project number
P51151101_B, from 1 April 2011 to 15 March 2013, Head of the project. Amount: 4,500 TL.
‘Early Turkish Islamism and the French Influences’, Fatih University Research Fund, Project number
P51151002, from 1 Jannuary 2010 to 30 June 2011, Head of the project. Amount: 5,750 TL.
Türkiye’de Siyasal Partilerin Oy Toplama Stratejileri ve Seçmen Davranışına Etkisi: 2009 Yerel
Seçimleri İstanbul Örneği (Political Parties Strategies to Mobilize Votes and its Effects on Voting
Behaviours in Turkey: the 2009 Local Elections in İstanbul), TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey), from February 2009 to February 2010, Researcher (Head
of the project Professor Ömer Çaha). Amount: 24,250 TL.
‘Tribes and Politics: Şanlıurfa Example’, Fatih University Research Fund, Project number P510308022, from July 2007 to December 2007, Head of the project. Amount: 3,000 TL.
‘Seçmen Davranışları, Gaziosmanpaşa ve Üsküdar Örnek Olayı’ (Electoral Behaviours:
Gaziosmanpaşa ve Üsküdar Examples), Fatih University Research Fund, Project number P510308012, from July 2007 to December 2007, Head of the project. Amount: 7,000 TL.
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Benzer belgeler

Dr Michelangelo Guida - İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi

Dr Michelangelo Guida - İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi ‘De Amicis's Costantinople and Today's Istanbul’, Journal of Academic Studies/Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, Vol. 12, No. 47-48, November 2010-April 2011, pp. 225-237 (in English).


currıculum vıtae

currıculum vıtae ‘The Founders of Islamism in Republican Turkey’ (Where are the Intellectuals? Culture, Identity and Community in the Modern Middle East, British Society for Middle Eastern Studies and Centre for Ad...
