Eastern Creek PS Update - Eastern Creek Public School


Eastern Creek PS Update - Eastern Creek Public School
Eastern Creek PS Update
Proud of our past, focused on our future
Find us at: 200 Rooty Hill Road South, Eastern Creek 2766
T 9625 8112
F 9832 2412
E easterncrk-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Term 4 Week 2
Tuesday 15 October 2013
Haliana Callaghan
Ciara Nadan
Jayden O’Brien
Jake Rainer
Dilan Salman
Jasmine Xagoraris
Setu Lopeti
Noah Oto
Hassan Alsharia
Tessa Ngaha
Page 1 Principal Book Award
Page 1 Student Merit Award
Page 1 STAR Award
Page 2 Michael Grose- Parenting Ideas
Page 2 Cutting Circle
Page 2 Public Speaking finals
Page 2 2015 Selective High School Application
Page 2 Girraween High School Information Night
Page 2 Student Banking
Page 2 Cawarra St Car Park
Page 3 Stage 3 Fund Raiser
Page 3 Preschool Learning Areas
Page 3 Early Childhood Mental Health Issues
Page 3 First Child Tax Offset plus flyer
Page 3 Kinder Information for 2014
Page 3 Start Smart
Page 4 Western Sydney Speech Pathology
Page 4 Western Sydney OT Services
Page 4 Rooty Hill RSL Baton Twirlers
Page 4 Taekwondo Class
Page 4 Before and After School providerPage 4 St Anthony’s Early Learning Centre
Page 4 School Tennis Lessons
Page 4 J&E Piano Lessons
Page 4 Georges Pit Stop
Page 4 The Music Bus
Page 4 Eastern Creek PS Apps
Page 5 Monthly Planner- November
Art Work
Story Writing
Mathematics Text
Hand Writing Text
Story writing
Story Writing
Hand Writing
Hand Writing
Merit Awards
Well done to the fine achievers of this
fortnight’s Merit Awards
Ryan Moon
Joshua Cu
Jeidhen Paramio
Kirralea Marsh
Laylah Brown
Rayaansh Narayan
Harlem Grant-Cairns Lileanna Godwin
Jayden O’Brien
Kelvin Naicker
Laelann Mafi
Mikayla Gosvenor
Eamon Thandi
Sean Magallanes
Jay Brown
Athok Akeen
Tahlia Leineweber
Cayln Strong
Kate Glover
Nathaniel Guzman
Koro Sinapati
Olivia Speed
Alishbah Asad
Jovel Espinosa
Mele Mafi
Kiana-Lee Strong
Yusir Almosewy
John Marcos
Joel Taylor
Hassan Alsharia
Malu Ventura-Mendoza
Hamish Priestley-Lane
Principal Book Awards
The last few weeks of term 3 saw some
excellent work being completed in class. Well
done to the following boys and girls.
Israel Ahofono
Hand Writing
Adhat Akeen
Art Work
Caleb van den Dries Art Work
Emin Bitiktas
Hand Writing
Chad Jones-Singleton Story Writing
Manuel Matini
Story Writing
Justin Christensen
Mathematics Text
Paul Cruz
Mathematics Text
Jezelle Camacho
Mathematics Text
Mony Almosewy
Mathematics Text
Jacob Churchill
Art Work
Justin Canda
Art Work
STAR Awards-part of our PBL program
Yathushan Muraleetharan
Michael Williams
Jared Zagoraris
Adhat Akeen
Joshua O’Neill
Student Banking
Student Banking Day is Wednesday. Mrs
Gundy is the new P&C banking officer.
Please place your bankbooks in the banking
box in the office waiting room as per normal.
Cawarra St Car Park
A reminder to our parents that the council car
park gates are opened at 8.20am and closed
at 4.00pm. The car park does not belong to
the school.
Mrs Louise Galea / Mrs Melissa McGrath
Blacktown Council Key Holders
Michael Grose-Parenting ideas
Michael Grose has written an article called
“How to know you are doing a good job?”- the
eleven questions Michael proposes makes
you think about your role as a parent. He
says the questions are not meant to be the
be all to end all but perhaps if you are able
“to nod your head” more times than not then
you are on the right track. It’s a great read.
Cutting Circle
Thank you to the mums in the Cutting Circle
for the extra work completed for the school.
Your efforts are greatly appreciated. The
Cutting circle starts meets again in term 4,
week 4. Should be an exciting term with lots
of Xmas things to make and do. New
volunteers are appreciated.
Stage 3 Fundraising
It is calendar time once again and early next
term you will have the opportunity to
purchase a variety of great products in time
for Christmas. Children are working on the
artwork in the classrooms and it will be sent
home once completed.
Public Speaking Finals.
Tomorrow out school sends the four
representatives to the district public speaking
finals held at St Mary’s South Public School.
Good luck to: Jezelle Camacho, Mikayla
McCann, Natalie Salloum and Clarissa
Mrs Gerges
You can choose to have a 2014 calendar
made with your child’s artwork or a
photograph, you may prefer to have a set of
photo or art cards (and at less than $2 each
they are not only very personal, but a great
bargain), the ever popular computer mouse
mat is always a great gift idea, or maybe you
want something from all the choices.
Selective High School Applications-2015
Applications for students seeking selective
high school placement in Year 7 in 2015 will
be available from 15 October 2013. Most
parents are expected to apply online at
All students in Year 5, seeking placement in a
selective high school will be required to sit the
Selective High School Placement Test on
Thursday 13 March 2014. Parents who wish
their child to sit the test will need to apply by
Friday 18 November 2013.
High Performing Students Unit
Again this year you have the added choice of
an iPhone cover which can later be updated
as often as you like. The promotion material
says it is suitable for an iPhone 4/4S/5. The
new product available this year is a
hardcover, spiral bound 2014 Diary (A5 size).
This product (as with the mouse pad) can
only be ordered with a child’s artwork. The
diary is week to a view, with a month to page
at the beginning of each month. Remember,
photos must be in landscape position for
calendars and iPhone covers but can be in
either landscape or portrait position for the
greeting cards.
Girraween High School Information Night
On Tuesday, 29th October 2013 Girraween
High School will be holding an Information
Night for any Year 5 students and their
parents who may be interested in enrolling in
2015. Girraween High School is an
academically selective high school where
students are offered a place after sitting the
Selective High Schools Test.
Sarita Venkataya
Head Teacher Mathematics
Information Night Organiser
9636 729396367303
The greeting cards have no text inside, so are
suitable for a variety of occasions. Again this
year photos may be uploaded direct to the
website and if you choose this option you
need to record the allocated number on your
order form. Sample products are available to
view at the school office. Please come and
have a look at these beautiful products.
Payment is due with the order, and a school
EFTPOS slip is included in the envelope for
your convenience. Costs are as follows:
Unfortunately, the Australian Tax Office has
now placed a deadline on claiming this offset
(and, again, this deadline has not been
widely promoted). With so many parents still
unaware that they are eligible for this
payment, we are attempting to advise as
many as possible before the cut-off date.
$12 per art calendar
$12 per photo calendar
$14 per packet of 8 art cards
$14 per packet of photo cards
$14 per computer mouse mat
$15 per iPhone cover
$17.00 per Diary
There is no limit on the number of items you
wish to purchase. Order forms are with your
child’s artwork and need to be completed and
returned to the school with the artwork or
photographs(if you choose not to upload
these directly to the website) in the envelope
provided, by Monday October 21st. Orders will
be sent to the company at the close of
business on this day, so to avoid
disappointment, please make sure your order
is in.
We understand that financially it is hard for
parents with the continuous costs of raising
children (uniform expense, school expense,
outside sport activity costs, medical expenses
etc.) and if parents are entitled to this money
we believe they should receive it.
Once again, we would appreciate if you could
help up let as many parents as possible
know. We have had some outstanding results
for parents and would like to spread the word
throughout Australia. (Attached is a flyer) If
you would like any other information please
do not hesitate to call 02 9524 2744 or email
Ms Roseman.
Preschool Learning Areas
The grant obtained for developing learning
areas in the preschool has been expended.
Rolling Hills, a play creek bed, improving the
stage area, garden beds for planting,
sandstone seating for storytelling, native
sensory gardens, landscaping and turfing has
improved the areas for fun and play for our
Kindergarten Information for 2014
Sadly only a handful of parents were present
for the Information night presented by Mrs
Heywood and staff. Further information can
be obtained by contacting the school. If you
know of families moving into the area please
direct them to our school for enrolment
Mrs Heywood P-2 Assistant Principal
Children’s Mental Health
Eight members of staff are heading off to the
Blacktown for an evening on the issues of
Mental Health for early childhood. Anxiety
and other areas are an increasing concern
not only for parents but for teachers as well.
Gathering information and learning more
about the issues will only increase the quality
of assistance the school can provide for our
Start Smart Financial Awareness
Last week our school participated in The
Commonwealth Bank StartSmart Workshops
at school.
These workshops are
programmed to each stage level and are
engaging as well as educational, featuring
characters such as Captain SuperCents,
Coach Cash and Gobbles the Wallet
Monster. These workshops were enjoyed by
our students and positive feedback received
from our staff. Some areas the students
touched on were:
* Australian Currency
* Using money in exchange for goods and
* Needs and wants
* Earning, saving, spending and budgeting
* The social pressures and temptations of
Miss Creer
First Child Tax Offset
The government in 2001 introduced the “First
Child Tax Offset”. This was one of the first
types of baby bonuses introduced, but unlike
todays Baby Bonus Schemes it was not given
much media exposure and was confusing. As
a result many parents have missed out on
claiming this entitlement.
The offset was introduced to compensate
parents for reduced income that followed the
arrival of a child born between 1 July 2001
and 30 June 2004. There is information on
the ATO website, but like many entitlements it
is difficult to understand.
J & E Piano Music Centre
Some of our children participate in keyboard
lessons during the week and are instructed
by trained teachers of piano and keyboard.
Keyboards are provided for the children to
use. If you would like your child to participate
please ring Johnny Young on 9651 4892 or
0411 884408. Please note that keyboard
lessons are on Tuesday.
Advertisements for Providers at ECPS
Western Sydney Speech Pathology
Western Sydney Speech Pathology is able to
offer Speech Pathology Services at Eastern
Creek Public School. Celine Pascual will be
available at the school every second Friday.
Doctor referrals are not necessary.
Appointments are essential. To make an
appointment or enquire about our services
call our office on 9622 1616.
Georges Pit Stop- All mechanical repairs
and Log Booking Services.
Unit 6/4 Wrightland Ave Arndell Park
Ph: 983 17867
Western Sydney OT Services
At Eastern Creek the services of the Western
Sydney Occupational Therapy Service is
provided by Erica Moses, Senior
Occupational Therapist. If your child or you
require some OT please contact Erica on
0416 574 994.
The Music Bus
If you are interested in your child learning
drums, guitar or singing, please contact Kristy
Ph: 1300 168 742
Fax: (02) 9527 0631
P.O. Box 2675, Taren Point NSW 2229
Commonwealth School Banking
Student Banking continues with Mrs Gundy
on Wednesday.
End of Year Concert
Penrith / Blacktown/ Blue Mountains
Date: Saturday 23rd November, 2013
VENUE: St Clair Public School Hall
Address: Timesweep Dr, St Clair
Rooty Hill RSL Baton Twirlers classes.
If you would like your child to participate in
learning the very special sport program of
marching and baton twirling please contact
Mrs Kristine Ross on 0414781631. The Rooty
Hill RSL Baton Twirlers meet on Monday
evenings 5.00pm to 8.00pm and on Saturday
afternoon from 1.30pm.
Zumba Dance-Breast Cancer Fund Raiser
Sunday 20 October
School Hall 5-7pm
Eastern Creek Apps
Our school has an App. Go to the App store
and search for Eastern Creek Public School
and then you enterusername- community
password is easternckps.
The app Eastern Creek comes on
automatically to your phone. It’s a free App.
The App has been in operation for a few
weeks and I’ve heard many positive
comments- We are still learning how to use it
so your comments are most appreciated.
Taekwondo Classes
David Adlam, from Nepean Wolves
Taekwondo instructs Taekwondo classes on
Friday afternoon. If you are interested in your
children participating in the class
pleaseContact David on Tel:47513494
Before and After School Care
Families in our school have one provider
available for before and after school care.
It is; “St Anthony’s Early Learning Centre” at
46-48 Eskdale St, Minchinbury. The
telephone number is 9832 7477.
School Tennis lessons
Mr Elton Stoney, the school’s tennis coach, is
available for lessons both private or group
and can be contacted on- 0412 122 976.
Currently lessons are on Friday morning.
Places are available for two sessions 8.00
and 8.30 at $7 a session. Please contact
Elton if you wish your child to participate.
Some users of the iphone and androids have
had difficulties with the App. The school has
been told it is important to have all of the
updates loaded onto your phone. The service
provider has assured us that the site is now
up and running properly.
Term 3- Monthly Planner
Term 4- Monthly Planner October
October 2013
Monday 14
Tues 15
Wed 16
Fri 18
Sun 20
Tues 22
Wed 23
Fri 25
Tues 29
Wed 30
Begin Student AssessmentsStandardised Testing
Transition program to RHHS
Public Speaking finals at St
Mary’s South PS
2.00- 3.00-Coming to School
Mandarin Language for Yr 5/6
School Assembly
Music Bus
5.00pm- 7.00pm -Party in PinkZumba Breast Cancer Fund
Raiser in hall
Transition program to RHHS
Milo Cricket for Yr 3/ 4
Mandarin Language for Yr 5/6
2.00- 3.00-Coming to School
Calmsley Hill P-2 Excursion
Music Bus
Transition program to RHHS
6.30- 8.00-Preschool Information
2.00- 3.00-Coming to School
Mandarin Language for Yr 5/6
Otis Media Parent Information9.15 in MPR