CURRICULUM VITAE - METU Department of Economics


CURRICULUM VITAE - METU Department of Economics
Aylin Ege
Aylin EGE (Çelenkler)
Ankara, TURKEY
Married, one daughter
ODTÜ (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi), İktisat Bölümü,
Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Dumlupınar Bulvarı, No: 1, Çankaya,
06800 Ankara-TURKEY
90 - 312 - 210 3035
90 - 312 - 210 7964
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
PhD in Economics:
MA in Economics:
MA in Economics:
BSc in Administrative Sciences:
University of Kent at Canterbury, Department of
Economics, 1990 (British Technical Cooperation
University of Kent at Canterbury, Department of
Economics, 1981 (British Technical Cooperation
Ankara University, School of Political Sciences,
Department of Economics, 1980
Middle East Technical University (METU), Faculty
of Administrative Sciences, Department of
Management, 1971
Department of Economics, METU
Head of Group of Economic Policies, Directorate General for EC
Affairs, State Planning Organization (SPO)
Economist, Directorate General for EC Affairs, SPO
Economist, Economic Planning Department, SPO
Economist, Land and Agrarian Reform Undersecretariat
Economist, Various Departments, SPO
“The World into the 21st Century: Globalization, Market Capitalism and Sustainability”
(with A. Yavuz Ege), METU Studies in Development (In Honor of Fikret Şenses),
2016, Vol.43, No.1, pp.129-156
“Avrupa Birliği’nin Uluslararası Ekonomik İlişkileri” (International Economic Relations
of the European Union), Türkiye-AB İlişkileri: Yeni Açılımlar, Belgin Akçay (ed.),
Ankara Üniversitesi Jean Monnet Kürsüsü Konferans Dizisi: 2014/2015, Ankara: Seçkin;
2015, pp.65-78
“Türkiye’nin İmalat Sanayii Ürünleri Dış Ticaretinde Kalite ve Fiyata Dayalı Rekabet”
(Price and Quality Competition in Turkey’s Manufacturing Industry Trade, (with A.
Yavuz Ege), in Türkiye Ekonomisinin Dünü Bugünü Yarını: Yakup Kepenek’e ve
Oktar Türel’e Armağan, Emre Özçelik and Erol Taymaz (eds.), Ankara: İMGE, 2015,
“Alignment of Turkish Securities Market Legislation with the EU Acquis: Does EU
Membership Offer Additional Benefits?”, (with Gül Ertan İlal), in The Great Catalyst:
European Union Project and Lessons from Greece and Turkey" Bülent Temel (ed.),
Lanham (MD): Lexington Books, 2014, pp.173-200
“EU Accession and Central Bank Reform in Turkey” (with Erman Aksüt), in Turkey’s
Accession to the European Union: Political and Economic Challenges, Belgin Akçay
and Bahri Yılmaz (eds.), Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2013, pp.161-180
“An Assessment of EU 2020 Strategy: Too Far to Reach?”, (with M. Selman Çolak),
Social Indicators Research, (SSCI), 2013, Vol.110, Issue:2, pp. 659-680 (published
online at on 15
November 2011)
“Overcoming Problems in Turkey’s Renewable Energy Policy: How can EU
Contribute?”, (with Selahattin Murat Şirin) Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews, (SCI-E), 2012, Vol.16, Issue.7, pp.4917-4926
“Dünya Ticaret Örgütü ve Avrupa Birliği” (World Trade Organisation and the European
Union), in Prof.Dr.Tuğrul Arat’a Armağan, Ankara: Yetkin Kitabevi, 2012, pp.405422
“Avrupa Birliği’nin Türkiye’ye Yönelik Mali Yardımları: Mali Protokollerden Katılım
Öncesi Mali Yardım Aracı (IPA)’ya” (EU’s Financial Aid to Turkey: From Financial
Protocols to Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)), (with H. Özçelik) in Prof.
Dr. Ahmet Gökdere’ye Armağan: Ekonomi ve Hukuk Üzerine Yazılar, Belgin Akçay
and F. Kemal Kızılca (eds.), Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi, 2011, pp.227-258.
“Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area – Is It Time To Be Optimistic about the Future?”,
Focus, IEMed (Institut Europeu de la Mediterrãnia), 2010,
“Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği’ne Üyeliğinin Ekonomik Etkileri: Üç Muhtemel Senaryo
Üzerine Düşünceler” (Economic Effects of Turkey’s Accession to the EU), TürkiyeAvrupa Birliği İlişkileri Üzerine Ekonomi-Politik Tezler, İrfan Kalaycı (ed.), İstanbul:
Beta, 2006, pp.87-104
“Avrupa Birliği’nde Nükleer Enerji ve Türkiye” (Nuclear Energy in the European Union
and Turkey), in AB’nin Enerji Politikası ve Türkiye, Ankara: Ulusal Politika
Araştırmaları Vakfı (UPAV), 2004, pp.129-141
“Avrupa Birliği’nde Kömür ve Katı Yakıtlar” (Coal and Solid Fuels in the European
Union), in AB’nin Enerji Politikası ve Türkiye, Ankara: Ulusal Politika Araştırmaları
Vakfı (UPAV), 2004, pp.109-128
“Turkey and the European Union: A Political Economy Perspective”, in Greece and
Turkey in the 21st Century: Conflict or Cooperation – A Political Economy
Perspective, Christos Kollias and Gülay Günlük-Şenesen (eds.), New York: Nova
Science Publishers, 2003, pp.151-164
“KKTC Ödemeler Dengesi, 1977-2000” (Balance of Payments of the Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus), in Akdeniz’de Bir Ada: KKTC’nin Varoluş Öyküsü, Oktar Türel
(ed.), Ankara: IMGE, 2002, pp.121-198
“AB Ortak Dış Ticaret Politikası” (Common Commercial Policy of the EU), Rekabet
Kurumu Perşembe Konferansları, Ankara: Competition Authority, May 2000, pp.73102
“Avrupa Birliği’nin Ortak Ticaret Politikası ve Türkiye” (Common Commercial Policy of
the EU and Turkey), METU Studies in Development (In Honor of Fikret Görün), 1999,
Vol.26, No: 3-4, pp.253-279
“Foreign Trade and Industrial Competitiveness of Turkey in the Customs Union”, in Die
Turkei in der EU-Zollunion: Empirie-Theorie-Perspectiven (Turkey in the Customs
Union: Empiricism, Theory, Perspectives), Zentrum für Türkeistudien (Hrsg.) Münster:
Lit Verlag, 1999, pp.71-85
“Tarım Alanında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri” (Turkey-EU Relations in the Area of Agriculture)
(in Turkish) (with C. Ertuğrul), Cumhuriyetin 75. Yılında Türkiye Tarımı
Sempozyumu, 15-16 October 1998, Ankara, pp.213-222
“Ekonomik Yönden Bölgeselleşme: Avrupa Birliği (AB), NAFTA, APEC” (Regional
Economic Integration: European Union (EU), NAFTA, APEC), İKV Dergisi, JanuaryApril 1998, No.140, pp.49-54
“Turkey’s Achievements in Adapting to the Common Commercial Policy of the
European Union”, Finansal Forum, Special Supplement: EU-Turkey Relations, 30
April 1997
“Türkiye-AB İlişkileri” (Turkey-EU Relations), Yeni Dünya Düzeni ve Türkiye
Tarımı, TC Ziraat Bankası Kültür Yayınları, No.30, Ankara, 1996, pp.87-99
“Türkiye-AB İlişkileri” (Turkey-EU Relations), Tarım ve Köy, Tarım ve Köyişleri
Bakanlığı Dergisi, No.108, March-April 1996, pp.6-7
“Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye” (European Union and Turkey), ODTÜ’lüler Bülteni, No.
41, April 1995, pp.4-5
Economic Fluctuations in Turkey (1950-1980): An Econometric Study, Ankara:
Hacettepe University, No.17, 1993
1974 Yılı Urfa İl Geliri Raporu: Kaynak ve Hesaplama Yöntemleri (1974 Output in
Urfa: Sources and Computation Methods), (with B. Erdaş and others), Ankara:
Başbakanlık Toprak ve Tarım Reformu Müsteşarlığı, No.14, 1977
Reform Öncesi Buğdaytepe Köyü Sosyo-ekonomik Yapı Araştırması (Research on
the Socio-economic Structure of the Buğdaytepe Village Before Reform), Ankara:
Başbakanlık Toprak ve Tarım Reformu Müsteşarlığı, No.13, 1975
. METU Development Foundation Awards for various papers published in international
journals and books
. TUBITAK Awards for various papers published in international journals
. METU Performance Award for academic activities in 2004.
. Jean Monnet Permanent Course Status Award by the European Commission for the
course on European Economic Integration and Turkey, at Department of Economics,
METU (2001)
. British Technical Cooperation Award for studies leading to MA in Economics and PhD
in Economics (1979-1984)
“External Economic Relations of the European Union”, ‘Ankara University Jean Monnet
Chair Conference Series: 2015- IV: Foreign Relations of the EU and Turkey’, Çankırı
Karatekin University, 13 April 2015
"Turkey and the EU: Past, Present and Future Prospects", ‘Faculty Development in
International Business (FDIB) Program for American Professors on Transitional
European Economies’, organized by US International Business Center (IBC), İstanbul, 28
May 2009
“The EU Accession Process and Its Requirements: Economic Aspect”, ‘ECORYS –
METU EU Seminar Series’, Ankara, 5 March 2009
“Teaching Economics of European Integration in a Non-member State: Difficulties and
Achievements”, ‘EU-CONSENT - Work Package X “Teaching” – Teaching EU
Deepening and Widening: From Teaching to Sustainable Knowledge’, Cologne, 28
November 2008
“On ‘The External Dimension of the Internal Market: An Economic Perspective’ by Peter
Holmes”, ‘Internal Market Conference’, College of Europe, Bruges, 25-26 April 2007
“Economic Integration in the European Union” (in Turkish), ‘Training Programme for
Assistant Experts of the Undersecretariat for Foreign Trade’, Ankara, 9 February 2006
“Economic Integration in the European Union” (in Turkish), European Module of the
Jean Monnet Project on ‘Political Integration of the EU’ implemented by the EU
Commission and Anadolu University, Center for European Studies, Eskişehir, 1 April
2005 and 17 March 2006
“Economic Integration in the European Union” (in Turkish), Training Program on ‘The
Enlargement Process of the EU and Turkey’ organized by METU (Centre for European
Studies), Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce and Anadolu University (Center for European
Studies); Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, 20 March 2004 and Anadolu University,
Eskişehir, 11 February 2004
“EU Policy on East Mediterranean” (in Turkish), Second METU Workshop on East
Mediterranean, Ankara, 11-12 June 2002
“The Euro”, Seminar organized by the British Council, Ankara, 29 January 2002
“Common Commercial Policy of the EU” (in Turkish), ‘Thursday Conferences of the
Competition Authority’, Ankara, 18 May 2000
“Regional Integration Between Unequal Partners”, ‘17th Annual MEEA Meeting’, ASSA
Meetings 1998, Chicago, USA, 3-5 January 1998
“European Union and Population in Turkey”, ‘Third National Demographic Studies
Conference’, Ankara, 3-5 December 1997
“Foreign Trade and Industrial Competitiveness of Turkey in the Customs Union”,
‘Wuppertal Economic Colloquium 97’ organized by the Wuppertal University,
Wuppertal, Germany, 10-11 October 1997
“EU-Turkey Relations and Functioning of the Customs Union” (in Turkish), ‘Symposium
on Globalisation and its Consequences for the Labor Force in Turkey’, organized by
“Agreement Establishing the WTO” (in Turkish) and “Understanding on the
Interpretation of Article XXIV of GATT 1994” (in Turkish), Seminars organized by the
Technology Development Foundation of Turkey, Ankara, 3 April 1996 and İstanbul, 3
July 1996
“Customs Union” (in Turkish), Conference organized by the Kırıkkale University,
Kırıkkale, 13 March 1996
“Turkey-EU Customs Union” (in Turkish), Seminar organized by the Department of
Industrial Engineering, METU, Ankara, 16 February 1996
“Turkey-EU Relations” (in Turkish), ‘Agriculture Week 96 Symposium’ organized by the
TMMOB: Chamber of Agricultural Engineers, Ankara, 8-9 January 1996
“Membership of Turkey to the European Community - Problems and Prospects”, Panel
Discussion organized by the Turkish- American Association, Ankara, 19 October 1995
“European Union and Turkey” (in Turkish), Seminar organized by METU Graduates
Alumnae Association, Ankara, 1 April 1995
“Turkey-EU Relations” (in Turkish) and “Common Commercial Policy and Turkey” (in
Turkish), ‘Seminar on Turkey-EU Relations and Customs Union’ organized by the
Turkish Development Bank, Ankara, 27-30 March 1995
“Customs Union and Turkey” (in Turkish), Seminar organized by the Department of
Economics, METU, Ankara, 13 January 1995
“Turkey’s Relationship with the European Community”, Conference on ‘Turkish-United
States Relations in an Evolving International Order’, organized by Texas Tech University,
Lubbock, USA, 17 November 1994
“European Community’s Viewpoint on Turkey’s Full Membership”, Seminar organized
by the Department of Economics, METU, Ankara, 15 March 1993
“Turkey’s Accession Request and its Aftermath” (in Turkish), Seminar on ‘Future of the
European Communities and Turkey-EC Relations’, organized by Ankara University and
Erciyes University, Kayseri, 9-10 January 1993
“On ‘Turkey and the European Community: Regional Integration and Economic
Convergence’ by Robert C. Hine, Conference on the ‘Turkish Economy Since
Liberalization’, organized by Bilkent University, Ankara, 3-4 October 1992
“Absorption Performance of Candidate Countries regarding EU Regional Funds: Case of
Turkey”, TUBITAK Project No.107K155, Coordinator, 2007
“MAEM-MEMA Network”, EU INTERREG III B MEDOCC Programme, Researcher,
“EU-CONSENT”, Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission,
Researcher, 2005-2009
“Training Program on the Enlargement Process of the EU and Turkey”, European
Commission, Budget Line: B7 – 4100, Researcher, 2003- March 2004
“Energy Policy of the EU and Implications for Turkey, EUROPA - Bridges of Knowledge
Programme, European Commission, DELTUR/MEDTQ/06-03, Researcher, May 2003April 2004
“Researching Europe: European Integration by View of Young Researchers, European
Commission, A – 3022, (ref.2002 – 3388/001-001), Project coordinator, 2002 – March
“A Critical Evaluation of the Economic Structure of the Turkish Republic of Northern
Cyprus”, METU – AFP Project, AFP – 98-04-03-03, Researcher, 1998-2001
“Strategic Focal Point Project for the Comprehension of the WTO Agreement”, Project of
the Technology Development Foundation of Turkey, TTGV-91/S, Advisor, 1996
Abugamea, G. H. “The Performance of Palestinian Foreign Trade: From Prolonged
Imposed Integration to the Israeli Economy to a Window towards the Rest of the World”,
METU, 2003
Kerimov, Mergen, “Importance of Natural Gas Reserves for Turkmen Economy”, METU,
Güner, Selda Nil, “Towards a More Interactionist Approach on the Changing Dynamics
and Determinants of EU Trade Strategies”, METU, 2012
Buzlupınar, Elif, “Financial Market Integration in the EU and Probable Effects on
Turkish Stock Market”, METU, 2008
Köse, Tekin, “The Dominance of the Dollar and its Sustainability in the International
Monetary System”, METU, 2008
Atmaca, Serkan, “Adaptation of Turkey to the European Union Research and Innovation
Policies during the Accession Period”, METU, 2006
Uğurlu, Ülge, “The Relationship between Regional Policy and Regional State Aid Policy
in the European Union and Implications for Turkey”, METU, 2006
Köse, Hasan, “Competition between Euro and US Dollar in International Markets and in
Turkey”, METU, 2006
Ersoy, Mahmut Burak, “Potential Effects of EU Membership on Turkish Foreign Direct
Investment Inflows: Implications of Experiences of Ireland, Spain and Poland”, METU,
Işık, Seval İskender, “Strengthening Turkish Small and Medium Size Enterprises and
Promoting Entrepreneurship in the Light of European Union Policies”, METU, 2005
Öner, Başak, “Promoting Energy Efficiency in Turkey in the Light of Best Practices at the
Level of European Union and Selected Member States: Denmark and Germany”, METU,
Özdoğan, Ayşe Şule, “Sources of Competitive Advantage of Turkish Clothing and
Cement Industries with Respect to the European Union”, METU, 2005
Erişken, Cevat, “Electricity Market Liberalisation in the EU-15 Member States, New
Entrants and Candidate Countries: Measuring the Progress between 1999 and 2001”,
METU, 2004
Köse, M., “International Effects of the Euro and the Impact of Its Trade Effects on the
Turkish Economy”, METU, 2002
Bayrak, H., “A Selective Study of Overall and Sectoral Competitiveness of Turkish
Industry”, METU, 1999
Sümer, S., Standardization in the European Union and Turkey: Present Situation and
Future Prospects”, METU, 1996
Routledge (book)
Eastern Mediterranean University – TRNC (project)
METU Studies in Development (paper)
İşletme ve Finans (paper)
TUBITAK (project)
TÜİK (paper)
Anadolu Üniversitesi Dergisi (paper)
Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi (paper)
Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (paper)
Member of Faculty Board, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Middle
East Technical University, 2013-2016
Member of Executive Board, Center for European Studies, Middle East Technical
University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 1998-2014
Group Director, Economic Policies Group, State Planning Organisation, Directorate
General for EU Affairs, 1988-1993
European Economic Integration and Turkey
METU (Masters and PhD Programme in Economics and Masters Degree
Programme in European Studies) (awarded Jean Monnet Permanent
Course status by the European Commission)
Economics of European Integration
METU (Masters Degree Programme in European Studies)
Introduction to Economics
METU (Undergraduate Programme in Economics)
Turkish Economy and Adaptation Problems to the EC (with particular
emphasis on common commercial policy of the EC) (in Turkish)
Ankara University, European Community Research Center (Training
Programmes on the European Community)
European Union and Turkey (excluding 1996 and 1999)
METU (Economics – Undergraduate Programme in Economics)
Cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean Area and the Barcelona Process
MAEM-MEMA Network (Master in Euro Mediterranean Affairs-Track ICourse II - Barcelona) (co-taught with Eduard Soler i Lecha and Gemma
Fundamentals of EU Economics
METU, Centre for European Studies (Training Programme on “The
Enlargement Process of the European Union and Turkey”)
Turkey and the Economic Aspects of Enlargement
METU, Centre for European Studies (Training Programme on “The
Enlargement Process of the European Union and Turkey”)
Economics of European Integration
METU (PhD Programme in Economics)
European Economic Integration and Turkey
METU (PhD Programme in Economics)
Globalisation, Regionalisation and the EU
METU (Undergraduate Programme in Economics)
International and Regional Trade Issues, International and Regional
Monetary Issues, GATT and the World Trade Organization
METU Continuing Education Centre (Training Programme for
Foreign Diplomats)
European Integration and Turkey (I&II)
METU (Undergraduate Programme in Economics)
Common Commercial Policy of the EC (in Turkish)
Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of European
Community Studies (Masters and PhD Programmes on European
Common Commercial Policy of the EU
METU (Undergraduate Programme in Economics)
International Economics
METU (Undergraduate Programme in Economics)
Advanced Mathematics for Economists (in Turkish)
Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Faculty of Political
Sciences, Department of Economics (Masters Degree Programme in
. Member of A-NEST (Academic Network of European Studies in Turkey)
. Member of Avrupa Birliği ve Küresel Araştırmalar Derneği (ABKAD) (European
Union and Global Research Association)
. Member of MAEM-MEMA Network, Network of Mediterranean Universities and other
Academic Institutions
. Member of EU-CONSENT (Constructing Europe Network)
. Member of MEEA (Middle East Economic Association)
. Member of Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği Derneği (Turkey-European Union Association)
. Member of Kent Society (The Society of Members and Friends of the University of
Kent at Canterbury)
. Member of ODTÜ Mezunlar Derneği (METU Graduates Alumnae Association)
. Member of Üsküdar Amerikan Lisesinden Yetişenler Derneği (Üsküdar American
Academy Alumnae Association)

Benzer belgeler

1/8 Ayselin Gözde YILDIZ, Phd Yasar University Department of

1/8 Ayselin Gözde YILDIZ, Phd Yasar University Department of Second-­‐Pan  European  Conference  on  EU  Politics,  ECPR  “Enlargement  and  Migration”.   Selected  to  be  financially  supported  by  the  EU  Commission ...


1 Elif AKBOSTANCI ÖZKAZANÇ Department of Economics Middle

1 Elif AKBOSTANCI ÖZKAZANÇ Department of Economics Middle METU International Conference in Economics (Ankara), Proceedings, 2003 (with G.İ. Tunç and S.Türüt-Aşık). İmalat Sanayi ve Kirlilik: Bir Kirli Endüstri Sığınağı Olarak Türkiye, 8. Ulusal Sosyal Bil...
