RESEARCH FIELDS International trade, regional economics


RESEARCH FIELDS International trade, regional economics
Asli Sen-Tasbasi
Isik University
Department of Economics
Kumbaba Mevkii 34980
+90 216 712 1460 (ext 7212)
International trade, regional economics, development
economics, Turkish economy
PhD in Economics
Marmara University, Istanbul – Turkey
M.A. in Economics, Yildiz Technical University,
Istanbul – Turkey
Graduate Program in Economics, Yildiz Technical University,
Istanbul – Turkey
B.A. in Public Relations, Istanbul University,
Istanbul - Turkey
Visiting PhD Candidate, Lund University, Department of
Economics, Sweden, 2008,
Lecturer, Isik University, Department of Economics,
2004 -Ongoing
Teaching and Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University,
Department of Economics, 2000 - 2004
Visiting PhD Candidate Grant for research at Lund University
Department of Economics, by The Scientific and Research
Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), 2008.
Full scholarship for MA education at Yildiz Technical
University Department of Economics, 2000-2002.
“A Domestic Source of Influence on Trade Policy Making? An
Empirical Investigation of the Protection for Sale Model for Turkey” ,
seminar at Lund University, Department of Economics, Sweden,
October 2008.
“The System of International Trade: Negotiations Between Nations”,
paper presented at UNESCO/ International Social Science Council
(ISSC) International Summer School; "Comparative Research in the
Social Sciences: Field Studies”, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 2006.
“The Future of the Welfare State Model in the European Union: A
Comparison between Turkey and Sweden, paper presented at 9th
National Conference on Social Sciences, co-organized by Middle East
Technical University and Turkish Association of Social Sciences,
Ankara, Turkey, December 2005.
“How Applicable is the European Union Experiment For a Regional
Integration Form in Asia Pacific?”, paper presented at the “Asia
Pacific Economies: Multilateral vs Bilateral Relationships”
International Conference, organized by City University of Hong
Kong, APEC Study Center, Hong Kong, May 2004.
“Sustainable Development in the Context of Developed and
Developing Countries Differences: Where is Turkey?, paper presented
at 8th National Conference on Social Sciences, co-organized by
Middle East Technical University and Turkish Association of Social
Sciences, Ankara, Turkey, December 2003.
“Analyzing the Chinese Economy: Economic Emergence and Social
Change?”, paper presented at the international conference entitled
“Integration and Innovation: Finding A Common Ground For A
Dynamic Asia”, co-organized by Harvard University and Sookmyung
Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea, August 2003.
"Globalization, Politics and Financial Turmoil: Asia's Banking
Crisis", by Shanker Satyanath, New York, Cambridge University
Press, 2006, book review in Review of Social Economics (SSCI), Vol
LXVI, No2, Routledge, June 2008, ISSN: 0034-6764.
"The System of International Trade: Negotiations between Nations",
in the book entitled: "Comparative Research in Social Sciences", eds.
Nikolai Genov, UNESCO/REGLO publishing, June 2007, Paris and
Sofia, ISBN: 978-954-8443-13-5.
“Aussenwirtschaftspolitik der Nicaragua” (Foreign Economic Policy
Aussenwirtschaftspolitik: Staaten und Organisationen (Handbook of
Foreign Economic Policy: States and Organizations), in German, eds.
Jurgen Bellers & Wolfgang Gieler, Lit Verlag, 2004, ISBN 3-82586920-2, co-author: Cakmak, S.
Asya'da Panik (Panic in Asia), Intermedya Ekonomi Dergisi
(Intermedya Economy Journal), Year 4, Vol 35, 28 Sept-4 Oct 1997,
1TL = 1 "Taner" Doları (1TL = 1 "Taner" Dollar), Intermedya
Ekonomi Dergisi (Intermedya Economy Journal), Year 4, Vol 35, 28
Sept-4 Oct 1997, p.58-5
Japonlar Dur Durak Tanımıyor (Japans Never Stop), Intermedya
Ekonomi Dergisi (Intermedya Economy Journal), Year 4, Vol 37, 1218 Oct 1997,p.44-45
Dresdner Bankası'nda Tansiyon Yükseliyor (Tension Rises at
Dresdner Bank), Intermedya Ekonomi Dergisi (Intermedya Economy
Journal), Year 4, Vol 37, 12-18 Oct 1997, p.46-47
Avrupa'da Hatlar Karıstı (Lines are Interrupted in Europe), Intermedya
Ekonomi Dergisi (Intermedya Economy Journal), Year 4, Vol 38, 1925 Oct 1997, p.44-45
Vietnam'dan Kaçan Kurtuluyor (Escape from Vietnam), Intermedya
Ekonomi Dergisi (Intermedya Economy Journal), Year 4, Vol 38, 1925 Oct 1997,p.44-45
Iste Yeni Latin Dinamizmi (New Latin Dynamism), Intermedya
Ekonomi Dergisi (Intermedya Economy Journal), Year 4, Vol 39, 26
Oct-1 Nov 1997, p.44-46
Birlesik Avrupa Kendini EMU'ya Hazırlıyor (Integrated Europe
Prepares for EMU), Intermedya Ekonomi Dergisi (Intermedya
Economy Journal), Year 4, Vol 39, 26 Oct-1 Nov 1997, p.47
Krizdeki Asya Nasıl Kurtulacak? (How Will Asia Overcome the
Crisis?), Intermedya Ekonomi Dergisi (Intermedya Economy Journal),
Year 4, Vol 42, 16-22 Nov 1997, p.46-47
Bankacılıkta Tango Rüzgarı (Tango Breeze in the Banking Sector),
Intermedya Ekonomi Dergisi (Intermedya Economy Journal), Year 4,
Vol 43, 23-29 Nov 1997, p.46-47
Japonya'da Bir Asrın Sonu (The End of a Century in Japan),
Intermedya Ekonomi Dergisi (Intermedya Economy Journal), Year 4,
Vol 44, 30 Nov-6 Dec 1997, p.52-53
Üyelik Yeniyıl Hediyesi Olacak mı? (Will Membership Become a
New Year’s Gift?), Intermedya Ekonomi Dergisi (Intermedya
Economy Journal), Year 4, Vol 45, 7-13 Dec 1997, p.46-47
Kartellere Elveda!(Farewell to Cartels!), Intermedya Ekonomi Dergisi
(Intermedya Economy Journal), Year 5, 1-7 Feb 1998, p.48-49
ECO101 Introduction to Economics I
ECO303 Microeconomics
ECO311 International Economics
ECO470 Economics of East Asia
Earlier Teaching Assistant:
ECO311 International Economics
ECO311 International Economics - Problem Sessions
ECO401 Economics of the European Union
International Summer School "Comparative Research in the
Social Sciences: Field Studies”, Sofia, Bulgaria, participant
with full scholarship, by UNESCO/ISSC, September 2006
PhD course on: "The Politics of Welfare Reforms in
Comparative Perspective: Parties, Institutions, Interest
Organizations and Pressure for Reforms", Oslo Summer
School in Comparative Social Science Studies, University of
Oslo, Norway, 2005
PhD Course on "Game Theory and Social Science", 38th
Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and
Collection, University of Essex, UK, 2005
“Enter The Dragon: China On The World Stage”, Workshop
co-organized by Harvard University and Sookmyung
Women’s University, in Seoul, South Korea, 2003.

Benzer belgeler

Curriculum Vitae - METU Department of Economics

Curriculum Vitae - METU Department of Economics Fellowship, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 2006-2007 Scholarship, Sabanci University, 2005-2006 Scholarship, Bilkent University, 2000-2005 INVITED SEMINARS AND CONFERENCES...
