Güven veren kalite


Güven veren kalite
Güven veren kalite...
Reliable quality...
Güven veren kalite... Reliable quality...
Kalite politikam›z Quality policy
• Güvenilir ve kaliteli ürün üretmek,
To manufacture reliable and high quality products,
• Üretimde verimlili¤i sa¤lamak,
To achieve efficiency in production,
• Tüm çal›flanlar›n, sürekli olarak kalite sisteminin
gelifltirilmesi ve iyilefltirmesi faaliyetlerine kat›l›m›n›
To ensure that all our employees continuously involve
in all efforts intended to develop and improve of our
quality system,
• Müflterilerimizin ihtiyaç ve beklentilerini karfl›lamak,
sürekli iyilefltirme çal›flmalar› ile müflteri memnuniyetini
To meet our customers’ needs and expectations,
increase customer satisfaction through continuous
improvement activities,
• Topluma ve çevreye sayg›l› olmak,
To show respect to the public and the environment,
• Ülke ekonomisine katk›da bulunmak.
To contribute to national economy.
Sat›fl alanlar› Sales area
%1 Endüstriyel ve mimari
Industrial and
Yedek parça
Ana otomotiv
sanayi OEMs
Firma bilgileri Company profile
Toplam alan Total land owned: 25.000 m2
Kapal› alan Roofed facility: 20.100 m2
Ana üretim Main production:
Nakil araçlar› emniyet camlar›, endüstriyel camlar, mimari camlar (lamine ve temperli)
Safety glasses for motor vehicles, industrial glasses, architectural (laminated and tempered)
Standartlar Production Standards:
ISO/TS 16949:2002 (SGS) / ISO-EN-9001:2008 (TSE-TURKEY) / ISO14001:2004 (SGS)
OHSAS 18001:2007 (SGS) / ECE-R43-E6 (BELGIUM) / ECE-R43-E37 (TURKEY) / DOT-739 (USA)
Olimpia Oto Camlar› / Auto Glass
Oto Cam Sektöründe 1964’ten bugüne bir kalite gelene¤i.
A tradition of Quality in the Auto Glass industry since 1964 so far.
Olimpia, otomotiv ana sanayine orijinal parça ve yenileme pazar›na
eflde¤er ürün üreten, Türkiye'de sektörünün en eski, köklü ve önde gelen
kurulufllar›ndan birisidir.
Olimpia is one of the oldest rooted and leading companies in its industry
in Turkey, manufacturing original parts and products equivalent to renewal
parts for the key automotive industry.
Üretim aflamas›nda, 45 y›l› aflan bilgi birikiminin getirdi¤i uzmanlaflm›fl
kadrosu ile dünyan›n en geliflmifl teknolojilerine sahip makine ve
ekipmanlar›n› kullanan, bünyesinde ISO/TS 9000-2008 Kalite Yönetim
Sistemi'ni, ISO/TS-16949/2002 Otomotiv Endüstrisi Kalite Yönetim
Sistemi'ni uygulayan, Birleflmifl Milletler'in ECE-R43 ve Avrupa Birli¤i'nin
92/22/EEC Motorlu Araçlar Emniyet Cam› Güvenlik Homologasyonlar›
ve Amerika K›tas› Ülkeleri için DOT standartlar›nda üretim yapan, konusu
ile ilgili bünyesinde kurulu Türkiye'nin en geliflmifl laboratuarlar›nda
gerekli test ve deneyleri yapabilen bir kurulufltur.
It is a company that employs a staff of expert persons, reinforced by knowledge
of over 45 years and also world's most state-of-the-art machines and equipment
for its production facilities; implements ISO/TS 9000-2008 Quality
Management System and ISO/TS-16949/2002 Automotive Industry Quality
Management System; carries out production activities under UN's DOT
standards of ECE-R43; EU's 92/22/EC - Safety glazing and glazing materials
on motor vehicles and their trailers; and Americas' DOT Standards, and
conducts necessary tests and experiments in the most advanced laboratories
of Turkey established in its own facilities.
Gebze ve Ankara'da kurulu bulunan 2 üretim tesisinde, genç ve dinamik
kadrosu ile birlikte, dünya markalar› ile rekabet edebilecek bilgi birikimi
ve teknoloji düzeyine ulaflm›fl, bunun devaml›l›¤›n› sa¤lamak için sürekli
geliflen ve yenilenen bir yap› içerisinde kaliteli, güvenilir, verimli ve
çevreye sayg›l› üretim yapmay› misyon edinmifl bir kurulufl olan Olimpia,
ISO-14001 Çevre Yönetim Sistemi ile çevre duyarl›l›¤›n› belgelemifl,
iflyeri ve çal›flanlar›n›n güvenli¤i içinde OHSAS 18001 Sistemi'ni
Olimpia is a company, which has attained a knowledge and technology level
that can compete with worldwide brand marks thanks to its young and dynamic
staff at 2 production facilities established in Gebze and Ankara; and has
undertaken a mission to perform high-quality, reliable, effective and
environmentally-conscious production activities in an ever-growing and
renewing structure so as to sustain such a level, has already proved its
environmentally consciousness by obtaining an ISO-14001 Environment
Management System certification and currently implements the OHSAS
18001 System for the workplace and worker safety.
Ço¤unlu¤u Avrupa olmak üzere, üretiminin %50'sine yak›n k›sm›n› 5 k›ta
da 30'u aflk›n ülkeye ihraç eden, Avrupa'da yerleflik ana otomotiv üreticilerine
kalitesini kabul ettirmifl ve bu firmalar›n tedarikçisi olmufl bir kurulufltur.
It is also a company which exports almost 50% of its production volume to
over 30 countries throughout 5 continents, particularly in Europe, and proved
its quality to automotive manufacturers established in Europe and it has thus
become a supplier of such companies.
Ço¤unlu¤u firma bünyesine ba¤l› olarak kurulmufl bulunan bölge
müdürlükleri ile tüm Türkiye'ye ürünlerini ulaflt›ran, yayg›n montaj servis
istasyonlar› ile 365 gün - 24 saat, ihtiyaç halinde ve flartlar›n uygun olmas›
halinde mobil hizmet vererek, kendi ürünlerinin yan›nda; Türkiye yetkili
bayisi oldu¤umuz fiiflecam - Trakya Otocam Fabrikas› üretimi olan Lameks,
Duracam markal› di¤er yerli oto cam ürünleri, ithal oto cam ürünleri ve
Türkiye distribütörü oldu¤u dünyan›n en büyük oto cam yap›flt›rma
komponentleri üreticilerinden olan LJF-Bostik (Total) ile birlikte DOW
ürünleri ile oto cam› yap›flt›r›c›lar›n› ülke genelinde son tüketiciye ulaflan,
üretim aflamas›nda oldu¤u gibi hizmet noktas›nda da kaliteden asla taviz
vermeyen, müflteri memnuniyetini firma kültürü haline getirmifl bir
It is a company which delivers its products all around Turkey with its network
of regional offices established mostly within the structure of the company ;
reaches the end user all around the country with its own products as well as
a wide range of products including other domestic auto products branded
Lameks and Duracam manufactured by fiiflecam - Trakya Otocam Factories,
of which we act as an authorized dealer in Turkey, and also imported glass
products, and DOW products and auto glass adhesives, together with LJFBostik (Total), one of the world's largest manufacturers in field of auto glass
adhesive components; and it always stands firm on quality both in stages of
production and service and it further conveys customer satisfaction into a
company culture.
OEM Referanslar›m›zdan baz›lar› Some of our OEM references
444 O6 CAM
Kurumsal Corporate
Oto cam›nda fark yaratan marka Olimpia.
Olimpia: a brand making a difference in auto glasses.
Üretim aflamalar Production
Herfley Jumbo ebatl› cam›n stoktan al›narak CNC
kesime girmesi ile bafllar. Bu aflamada hatas›z ve
minimum fire ile çal›fl›lmaktad›r. Delik ve çapak
makinalar›m›zda iflleme devam edilir. Entegre serigraf
hatt›m›zda cam ile boyan›n en uyumlu birlikteli¤i
sa¤lan›r. Bu aflamada özel haz›rlad›¤›m›z bilgisayar
ile film haz›rlamadan kal›p haz›rlama ve PLC bask›ya
kadar tüm ifllemler tesislerimizde yaplmaktad›r.
The production starts by the transfer of Jumbo-size
glasses from the stock to CNC shape cutting machines.
At this stage, the work is done defectlessly and with
minimum waste. The process continues on our
perforating and edge finishing machines. The most
harmonious togetherness of glass and paint is ensured
on our fully integrated serigraphy machine. In this
phase, by using our specifically designed computer
system, all the process, from the preparation of films
to the preparation of molds and PLC printing, is
carried out at our own plant.
Dünya standartlar›nda teknoloji ve kapasiteye sahip olan Olimpia, üretiminin tüm aflamalar›nda sahip
oldu¤u bu gücü sonuna kadar kullanmaktad›r. With its technology and production capacity in global
standards, Olimpia employs its technological power in all the stages of production to the fullest extent.
Oto cam›nda 45 y›l› aflk›n süredir hizmet
veren Olimpia, Avrupa’da yerleflik ana
otomotiv üreticilerine kalitesini kabul
ettirmifl bir kurulufltur. / Olimpia, which
has been providing services to the auto glass
sector for over 45 years, is a company
acknowledged for its high quality by main
European automobile manufacturers.
Üretime lamine hatlar›m›zda devam edilir. PLC
kontrollü lamine cam bükme f›r›nlarm›z hatas›z
flekillendirme yapmaktad›r. fiekillenen camlar,
özel flartland›r›lm›fl laminasyon odam›zda %100
kontrol edilerek PVB ile birlefltirilir. Lamine
camlar son kontrol yap›ld›ktan sonra sevke
The production continues on our lamination
lines. Our PLC-controlled lamination bending
furnaces perform defect-free shaping. All glasses
thus shaped are fully controlled in our specifically
climatized lamination chamber and then
amalgamated with PVB. After a final quality
control, laminated glasses are prepared for
packaging and delivery.
444 O6 CAM
Üretim Production
Kontrol + teknoloji = kalite
Control + technology = quality
Kalite kontrol Quality Control
ECE Regülasyon 43 normlar›na göre yap›lan testler:
• Görünüfl ve kal›nl›k tayini
• Optik testler: Optik sapma, Görme distorsiyonu,
Ifl›k geçirgenli¤i.
• Camlar; bilya darbesine, kafa darbesine, delinmeye,
›fl›¤a (radyasyon), rutubet ve s›ca¤a, kaynamaya ve
termal floka karfl› dayan›kl›l›k testlerine tabi tutulur.
Tests performed in conformity with ECE Regulation
43 norms:
• Determination of appearance and thickness
• Optical tests: Optical deviation, Visual distortion,
Light permeability.
• Glasses are tested for resistance against impacts
of balls and head, perforation, light (radiation),
humidity and high temperature, boiling, and thermal
Kaliteli, güvenilir, verimli ve çevreye sayg›l› üretim yapmay› misyon edinmifl olan Olimpia, üretiminin
her aflamas›nda bu kriterler do¤rultusunda kalite kontrol yapmaktad›r. Dedicated to performing high
quality, reliable and efficient production by showing utmost respect for the environment, Olimpia applies
quality control in every stage of production in line with those criteria.
Temperli camlar için parçalanma testleri
yap›lmaktad›r. / Tempered glasses are tested
for their breakage strength.
444 O6 CAM
Kontrol Control
Gebze Fabrika / Gebze Factory
‹stanbul Cad. 562 Sk. No.6
41400 Gebze, Kocaeli, Türkiye
Tel : +90(0)262 646 38 78 pbx
Fax : +90(0)262 646 38 82
Ankara Fabrika / Ankara Factory
Tezcan Sok. No.36
06160 Siteler, Ankara, Türkiye
Tel : +90(0)312 348 60 22/23 - 348 64 03 - 349 10 08
Fax : +90(0)312 349 29 09
444 O6 CAM