Name - Faculty of Education


Name - Faculty of Education
Boğaziçi University
Dean of the Faculty of Education
P.K. 2 Bebek, Istanbul 34342
telephone: (212) 359 45 58
fax: (212) 263 02 33 or 257 50 36
Academic Status:
Full Professor (Ph.D.)
Place and Date of Birth:
Istanbul, Turkey, June 12, 1947
Turkish Citizen
Marital Status
Married, mother of two sons, born May 17, 1979 (Cum Laude graduate
of Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin, 2001; Ph.D., Department
of Mathematics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2008)
July 31, 1980 (Summa Cum Laude graduate of Bates College, Lewiston,
Maine, 2002; M.Phil. in Classical and Medieval Arabic History in the
Faculty of Oriental Studies, Oxford University, England, 2004; PhD.
Candidate, University of Chicago, Oriental Institute)
Turkish, English (bilingual), French (advanced level), German
(beginning level), Dutch (beginning level)
May 1995
University of Puget Sound,
Tacoma, Washington, USA
December 1977
University of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Honorary Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Division of
Social Sciences,
Department of Education
Ph.D. in Educational
Minor: Measurement
Evaluation and
Statistical Analysis
Dissertation: “The Effects of Level of Cognitive
Achievement on Selected Learning Criteria
Under Mastery Learning and Normal Classroom
Dissertation Committee: Benjamin S. Bloom
(Chair), Jacob Getzels, Bertram Cohler
June 1973
Hacettepe University,
Ankara, Turkey
Department of
M.S. in
Applied Psychology
May 1970
Albert Schweitzer College
Churwalden, Switzertland
Certificate in
June 1969
University of Puget Sound, Dept. of Psychology
Tacoma, Washington,
Dept. of Philosophy
(Double Major)
Minor: American
Departmental Honors
in Psychology and in
August 1965
Istanbul Municipal
Üsküdar American
Academy for Girls
High School Diploma
Sultan Ahmet İlkokulu
Diploma of
Ballet Division
The Turkish Ministery of Education Scholarship for Doctoral Work in
the United States (used at The University of Chicago)
Tuition Scholarship, Albert Schweitzer College, Churwalden,
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Scholarship, University of Puget Sound,
Tacoma, Washington
Half tuition scholarship, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma,
December 3, 2010
Dean of the Faculty of Education
Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
December 21, 1998January 15, 2002
Department Chair
Boğaziçi University, Faculty of
Education, Department of Educational
Istanbul, Turkey
September 1996December 1998
Visiting Scholar
Utrecht University, Centre for
Counselling Studies of the Policy and
Management Centre,
Utrecht, Netherlands
February 25, 1994September 2, 1996
Department Chair
Boğaziçi University, Faculty of
Education, Department of Educational
Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey
July 9, 1991September 2, 1996
M.A. Program Director of
Curriculum and Instructional
Boğaziçi University, Department of
Educational Sciences, Institute of Social
Istanbul, Turkey
June 17, 1991
Tenured as Full Professor
In the area of Curriculum and
Instructional Programs
Boğaziçi University, Faculty of
Education, Department of Educational
Istanbul, Turkey
January 31, 1991
Granted the title of Professor in
the area of Curriculum and
Instructional Programs
Boğaziçi University, Faculty of
Education, Department of Educational
Istanbul, Turkey
October 18, 1985
Tenured as Associate Professor
In the area of Curriculum and
Instructional Programs
Boğaziçi University, Faculty of
Education, Department of Educational
Istanbul, Turkey
October 22, 1984
Granted the title of Dochent
(Associate Professor) in the area
of Educational Psychology
Boğaziçi University, Faculty of
Education, Department of Educational
Istanbul, Turkey
November 1982
Assistant Professor
Boğaziçi University, Faculty of
Education, Department of Educational
Istanbul, Turkey
September 1980
Bogazici University, Faculty of Arts and
Sciences, Department of Education,
Istanbul, Turkey
January 1979May 1980
Instructor and
Research Associate
Roosevelt University, Faculty of
Education, and Research and
Development Center,
Chicago, Illinois
September 1978January 1979
Research Associate
Roosevelt University Research and
Development Center,
Chicago, Illinois
September 1978January 1979
Northwestern University,
Evanston, Illinois
February 1978September 1978
Research Assistant
The Spencer Foundation,
Chicago, Illinois
September 1977December 1977
Instructor for Seminar on Mastery
Learning given to High School
teachers of the city of Chicago
The University of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois
March 1976June 1976
Instructor for Seminar on Mastery
Learning given to Junior College
professors of the city of
The University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Instructor of Psychology and
Hacettepe University Nursing College,
Ankara, Turkey
Ballet Teacher
Tarhan Koleji (a private high school),
Istanbul, Turkey
Guidance Counselor
Tarhan Koleji (a private high school)
Istanbul, Turkey
Teaching 1/3 of the course
“Introduction to Philosophy” as a
senior to freshmen
The University of Puget Sound,
Department of Philosophy,
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Student Assistant
The University of Puget Sound,
Department of Philosophy,
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Student Assistant
The University of Puget Sound,
Department of Phychology,
Tacoma, Washington, USA
July 6, 2001
International Biographical Centre
Cambridge CB2 3QP England
Nominated for International
Intellectual of the Year for 2001
June 11, 2001
Boğaziçi University Alumni
The right to use the sports units free of
charge due to having worked at Boğaziçi
University for more than 20 years, and
for “great contribution as an
academician to what Boğaziçi
University has contemporarily become”
June 8, 2001
International Biographical Centre
Cambridge CB2 3QP England
Biography selected for 2000
Outstanding Scholars of the 21st
Century, First Edition
April 20, 1999
Istanbul State Opera and Ballet,
Istanbul State Conservatory,
Dilek and Oya Ballet Schools
Award given at the Commemoration of
Madam Olga Nuray Olcay, as a graduate
of her 1965 class of Ballet of the
Istanbul Municipal Conservatory
December 14, 1998
Utrecht University Centre for
Counselling Studies, Utrecht,
Certificate of Appreciation
June 6, 1995
Boğaziçi University
Research Fund,
Istanbul, Turkey
Emin Aydın’s MA thesis entitled “The
Effects of Mastery Learning Method of
Instruction and Learning Environment
Organization on Mathematics
Achievement Levels and Mathematics
Attitute Scores of Second Year Junior
High School Students in a Private High
School in Istanbul” for which Güzver
Yıldıran was the thesis advisor shared
the Boğaziçi University Research Fund
Award of The Best Thesis in the Area
of Social Sciences with İlker Tuğal
June 6, 1995
Boğaziçi University
Research Fund,
Istanbul, Turkey
İlker Tuğal’s MA thesis entitled “The
Effects of Grouping and Mastery
Learning Method of Instruction on
English Levels of Lycée One Students in
Kuleli Military High School”for which
Güzver Yildiran was the thesis advisor
shared the Boğaziçi University Research
Fund Award of The Best Thesis in the
Area of Social Sciences with Emin
May 13, 1995
The University of Puget Sound,
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Honorary Degree of Doctor of
Philosophy granted by The University
of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington
for “distinguished academic career,
professional accomplishments as a
teacher and scholar of educational
psychology, contributions on an
international level by serving as a
participant in professional
March 5, 1986
Istanbul Eminonu Rotary Club
Bulletin No: 620, p.3
Printing of personal biography
Professional Communications
Organizations International Trade
and Commerce Ltd.
Taksim, Istanbul
Biography printed in Who‟s Who in
April 1983
Selected as the only Turkish
member of the Accreditation
Committee by the European
Council of International Schools
(ECIS) and the New York State
Association of Independent
Evaluation Committee of Istanbul
Robert Academy
Graduate Education Faculty, The
University of Chicago, Chicago,
Selected by the Graduate Education
Faculty as a Student Representative to
the Social Sciences Visiting Committee
The University of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois
Selected to Pi Lambda Theta, National
Honor and Professional Association in
Department of Educational
Psychology, The University of
Chicago, Chicago, Illinos
Elected Student Representative by the
University of Puget Sound,
Tacoma, Washington
Graduated with Departmental Honors in
Psychology and in Philosophy
University of Puget Sound,
Tacoma, Washington
Mortar Board (Women’s Honor Society)
University of Puget Sound,
Tacoma, Washington
Honor Society
Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education
Undergraduate Level (1980-)
ED 212
ED 262
ED 280, ED 211
ED 310, ED 272
ED 321, ED 373
ED 312
ED 480-489
ED 490-499
Psychology of Learning
Planning and Evaluation of Instruction
Educational Psychology
Curriculum and Instructional Methods
Measurement and Evaluation
Learning-Teaching Processes
Special Topics in Education
Special Studies in Education
Graduate Level (1980-)
ED 505
ED 511
ED 514
ED 516
ED 564
ED 571
ED 573
ED 578
ED 579
ED 670, ED 581, ED 582
Research Design and Methodology
Advanced Educational Psychology
Principles of Learning
Mastery Learning: Theory and Application
Seminar 1: Writing a Master’s Thesis Proposal
Curriculum: Theory and Design
Measurement and Evaluation
Curriculum and Program Evaluation
Graduate Seminar
Individual Study
Master’s Project
Master’s Thesis
ED 690
ED 697, ED 698, ED 600, ED 690
Roosevelt University, Chicago, Illinois
Graduate Level (Spring 1980)
The Deviant Child
Techniques of Pupil Appraisal
Appraisal Techniques for Vocational Counseling
Undergraduate Level (Spring 1979)
Tests and Measurements
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Undergraduate Level (Fall 1978)
Educational Psychology
The University of Chicago
Graduate Level (Spring 1976, Fall 1977)
Graduate Seminar on Mastery Learning
Hacettepe University Nursing School, Ankara, Turkey (1971-1972
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Tarhan High School, Istanbul, Turkey, (1970-1971)
March 23, 2001
Used for:
May 26-June 2, 2001
Lonavla, India
Partial Travel Support of the Boğaziçi University Foundation to
attend the InternationalAssociation for Counselling (IAC) conference
entitled Families in Transition-Counselling in Transition Meeting the Challenges Ahead, to present the paper entitled “CrossCultural Research, Concepts and Methodologies: Birds Against a
Dark Sky”. (Amount Granted: 536,000,000 T.L. $512)
May 26-June 2, 2001
Lonavla, India
Travel, registration, and living expense support of the IAC
(International Association for Counselling) for the IAC conference
entitled Families in Transition-Counselling in Transition Meeting the Challenges Ahead, to present the paper entitled “CrossCultural Research, Concepts and Methodologies: Birds Against a
Dark Sky”. (Amount Granted: $ 1500).
May 13, 1995
Tacoma, Washington
Travel Support of the Boğaziçi University Foundation for travel
expenses to Tacoma, Washington in order to receive Honorary
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy conferred by the University of
Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington. (Amount Granted: 40.000.000
TL. $ 1000)
April 19-22, 1995
Valetta, Malta
Travel support of the Boğaziçi University Research Fund to attend
the International Conference on Counselling and Tolerance, to
present the paper entitled “Problems Inherent in the Concept of
Tolerance”. (Amount Granted: 10.924.000 TL $ 262)
July 24-27, 1994
Pamplona-Iruna, Spain
Travel Support of the Boğaziçi University Research Fund to attend
the XIIth International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology
presenting two papers entitled “The Replacement of Stable
Characteristics with Alterable Ones in Explaining Individual
Differences” and with Arif Kırkıç “The Effects of Mastery Learning
Method of Instruction and Laboratory Experiments on Achievement
and Science Misconception Scores of Secondary School Turkish
July 17-22, 1994
Madrid, Spain
Travel Support of the Boğaziçi University Research Fund to attend
the 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology presenting
a paper with Robert Hackenberg entitled “The Effects of Instruction,
Aptitude and Grouping on Mathematics Achievement of Fourth
Grade German Students Studying under Mastery Learning and
Normal Classroom Instruction”. (Amount Granted: 13.350.000 TL. $
July 2-11, 1993
Tampere, Finland
Travel Support of the Boğazici University Research Fund to attend
the IIIrd European Congress of Psychology for session “Learning”
presenting with Robert Hackenberg a poster paper entitled “The
Effects of Instruction Aptitude, and grouping on Mathematics
Achievement of Fourth Grade German Students Studying Under
Mastery Learning and Normal Classroom Instruction”. (Amount
Granted: 5.500.000 T. $ 550)
March 2, 1989
Research Grant of Boğaziçi Üniversity Reasearch Fund for the
project entitled “The Sensitivity of Formative Evaluation and
Teaching Aids for Preschool Objectives to Instruction,
Development and Setting”, (Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici
Değerlendirme Aracı’nın Eğitim, Gelişim ve Ortam Farklarına
Duyarlılığı) Project Code: 89DO104. (Amount Granted: 4.300.000
TL. $ 2011.22 over one year)
January 24-May 12, 1992
Refunding Granted, 2.000.000 TL, $285 over four months
March 3, 1987-January 6, 1989
Research Grant of Boğaziçi Üniversity Reasearch Fund for the
project entitled “The Sensitivity of an Evaluation Instrument for
Prsechool Children to Development and Instruction” (Okulöncesi
Çocuklar için Hazırlanmış Bir Değerlendirme Ölçeğinin Gelişim ve
Eğitime Duyarlılığı). Project Code: 87DO507. (Amount Granted:
1.090.000 TL, $ 1288.419 over one year)
December 1978May 1979
Proposal co-authored and funded (with Jane Hill): A Proposal to
Field Test the “Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for
Preschool Objectives” and to provide Training and Consultation
for Head Start Teachers, Department of Human Services, Children
and Youth Services Division, Chicago, Illinois (Under Fund and
Activity Number 777-2219). (Amount Granted: $82,849.54, over one
TEVDAK (Turkish Education Foundations Consolidation Council)
In-service Teacher Training Seminar and Workshops
1-2 and 8-9 April, 2000
Project Coordinator
Professor Güzver Yıldıran Ph.D.
Project Team
Associate Professor Fatma Gök Ph.D.
Associate Professor Meral Çulha Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Yavuz Akpınar Ph.D.
Ayşe Caner Ed.D.
Özlem Ünlühisarcıklı Ph.D.
Seminar and Workshops of
Instructional Methodologies and Program Development
Güzver Yıldıran
Yavuz Akpınar
Teacher Characteristics
Fatma Gök
Özlem Ünlühisarcıklı
Student-Teacher Interactions
Meral Çulha
Ayşe Caner
Number of Participants
Amount of Funding
Kabataş Lycée, Istanbul, Turkey
January 27, 1999January 28, 2002
January 30, 2002February 9, 2005
Elected by the Boğaziçi University Administrative Council as
University Representative and Project Coordinator of the two
Laboratory Schools for primary education, Ferit Aysan Çağdaş
Yaşam İlköğretim Okulu, Kağıthane, Istanbul, Turkey, and
Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu, Uçaksavar,
Istanbul on January 27, 1999, in accordance with the protocole
signed between the Ministry of National Education and Boğaziçi
University on December 21, 1998. Both schools have
disadvantaged student populations from deprived areas. Seven
projects have been carried out since January 27, 1999.
Re-elected by the Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education
Administrative Council on January 28, 2002 and re-elected and reappointed by the Boğaziçi University Administrative Council on
January 30, 2002 as University Representative and Project
Project Coordinator
Güzver Yıldıran
Project Teams
Science Project
Associate Professor Dilek Ardaç Ph.D., 1999, 1999-2000, 20002001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004, Fall 2004-2005.
Associate Professor Ayşenur Yontar Toğrol Ph.D., 1999, 19992000, Fall 2004-2005.
Instructor Dr. Buket Yakmacı Güzel, 1999, 1999-2000, 2000-2001,
2001-2002 Spring Semester, 2002-2003 Fall Semester, 2003-2004
Fall Semester, 2004-2005.
Instructor Ebru Zeynep Muğaloğlu, 2000-2001 Spring Semester,
2001-2002, 2002-2003 Fall Semester, 2004-2005.
Instructor Nergiz Nazlıçiçek, 2000-2001 Spring Semester,
2001-2002, 2002-2003 Fall Semester, 2004-2005.
Math Support Project
Assistant Professor Emine Erktin Ph.D., 1999,1999-2000, 20002001, Spring Semester 2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004, Fall 20042005.
Computer Education and Teacher Training Project
Professor Avadis Hacinliyan Ph.D. 1999, 1999-2000.
Associate Professor Yavuz Akpınar Ph.D., 1999, 1999-2000, 20002001, 2001-2002, Fall 2004-2005.
Preschool Education and Teacher Training Project
Professor Sevda Bekman Ph.D. 1999, 1999-2000.
Assisstant Professor Bruce Johnson-Beykont Ph.D., 1999, 19992000, 2000-2001.
English Support Project
Assistant Professor Yasemin Bayyurt Ph.D., 1999.
Instructor Zeynep Kızıltepe Ph.D., 1999-2000.
Assistant Professor Belma Haznedar Ph.D., 2000-2001, 2001-2002,
2002-2003, 2003-2004, Fall 2004-2005.
Teacher Training Program and the Systems Approach
Professor Güzver Yıldıran Ph.D., 1999, 1999-2000, 2000-2001Instructor Ayşe Caner Ph.D., 1999, 1999-2000, 2000-2001Instructor Özlem Ünlühisarcıklı Ph.D., 1999, 1999-2000, 20002001, 2001-2002.
Upon the request of the two Laboratory Schools of primary
education (Ferit Aysan Çağdaş Yaşam İlköğretim Okulu and
Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu), seminars on
Total Quality Management and upon the request of Orgeneral
Kami ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu seminars on FamilySchool Cooperation as well as on Family-Child Interactions.
Güzver Yıldıran
Total Quality Management
Dr. Hayal Köksal (Center for Quality Schools, Turkish Section)
April 1 and 22, 2004
Upon the recommendation of Şeref Çalışır, Director of National
Education of the District of Beşiktaş in Istanbul, 100 teachers and
administrators of 45 public schools in the district as well as 8
teachers and the principal of Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey
(April 1, 2004)
Sabancı Anatolian Lycée, Beşiktaş, Istanbul
26 teachers and the principal of Ferit Aysan Çağdaş Yaşam
İlköğretim Okulu (April 22, 2004)
Ferit Aysan Çağdaş yaşam İlköğretim Okulu, Kağıthane, Istanbul
Family-School Cooperation
Nur Sucuka, MOCEF (Mother-Child Education Foundation, Section
Coordinator for Early Childhood Education)
April 16, 2004
24 teachers and the principal of Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey
İlköğretim Okulu
Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu, Cengiz Topel,
Family-Child Interactions
Erçin Kimmet, MOCEF (Mother-Child Education Foundation,
Section Coordinator for Father Support Program)
April 29, 2004
75 parents of students in grades 1-5
Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey ilköğretim Okulu, Cengiz topel,
Organizer of 4-hour lecture seminars with Münevver Mertoğlu,
Director of Educational Supervisors of the Province of Istanbul, for
educational supervisors of primary education, teachers and
administrators of Boğaziçi University Laboratory Schools and
English teachers on Basic Concepts and Practices in
Measurement and Evaluation by Prof. Güzver Yıldıran (106
educators), European Language Portfolio System and its
Reflection on the Turkish Educational System by Assistant
Professor Belma Haznedar (175 teachers), and E-Learning, Tools
and Characteristics by Associate Professor Yavuz Akpınar (90
educators) and Asisstant Profesor Hamdi Erkunt and Dr. Günizi
Kartal (60 educators)
Basic Concepts and Practices in Measurement and Evaluation
Prof. Güzver Yıldıran
December 16, 2004
106 educational supervisors of primary education of the Province of
Istanbul and teachers and administrators of Boğaziçi University
Laboratory Schools
Istanbul Lycée Conference Hall
European Language Portfolio System and its Reflection on the
Turkish Educational System
Assistant Professor Belma Haznedar
December 21, 2004
175 English teachers of the Province of Istanbul
Istanbul Lycée Conference Hall
E-Learning Tools and Characteristics
Associate Professor Yavuz Akpınar
January 12, 2005
90 educational supervisors of primary education of the Province of
Istanbul and teachers and administrators of Boğaziçi University
Laboratory Schools
Istanbul Lycée Conference Hall
Asisstant Profesor Hamdi Erkunt and Dr. Günizi Kartal
January 13, 2005
60 educational supervisors of primary education of the Province of
Istanbul and teachers and administrators of Boğaziçi University
Laboratory Schools
Istanbul Lycée Conference Hall
For All Projects
Two administrators (the principal and vice-principal), 24 teachers,
and 997 students at Ferit Aysan Çağdaş Yaşam İlköğretim Okulu
and two administrators (the principal and vice-principal), 22
teachers, and 591 students at Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey
İlköğretim Okulu
Ferit Aysan Çağdaş Yaşam İlköğretim Okulu, Kağıthane, Istanbul,
Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu, Cengiz Topel,
Istanbul, Turkey
Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
Resources of the Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University. The
Coordinator and the team conducted the projects without pay as a
community service involvement
All projects were carried out in 1999, 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 20012002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004, and Fall 2004-2005 academic years at
Ferit Aysan Çağdaş Yaşam İlköğretim Okulu, while in Orgeneral
Kami ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu, projects commenced
during the summer of 2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2003-2004, and
Fall 2004-2005 academic years.
UYDOP Summer School for Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey
İlköğretim Okulu
Summer 2001 (July 2-August 7)
Professor Güzver Yıldıran Ph.D.
Instructor Ayşe Caner Ph.D.
Instructor Özlem Ünlühisarcıklı Ph.D.
Members of EREC (Educational Research Club Students of
Boğaziçi University)
36 Boğaziçi University EREC Club students as group leaders
79 Primary Education Students
Science, Mathematics, English, Sports, Social Activities
Total Number of Weeks/Hours
5 weeks, 60 hours
UYDOP Summer School for Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey
İlköğretim Okulu
Summer 2000 (June 27-July 27)
Professor Güzver Yıldıran Ph.D.
Instructor Ayşe Caner Ph.D.
Instructor Özlem Ünlühisarcıklı Ph.D.
Members of EREC (Educational Research Club Students of
Boğaziçi University)
12 Boğaziçi University EREC Club students as group leaders
28 Primary Education Students
Science, Mathematics, English, Sports, Social Activities
Number of Weeks/Hours
4 weeks, 48 hours
UYDOP Summer School for Ferit Aysan Çağdaş Yaşam
İlköğretim Okulu
Summer 1999 (June 24-July 23)
Professor Güzver Yıldıran Ph.D.
Instructor Ayşe Caner Ph.D.
Instructor Özlem Ünlühisarcıklı Ph.D.
Members of EREC (Educational Research Club Students of
Boğaziçi University)
12 Boğaziçi University EREC Club students as group leaders
68 Primary Education Students
Science, Mathematics, English, Computer Education, Painting,
Number of Weeks/Hours
4 weeks, 32 hours
September 28, 1999
Member of the six-person Consultation Team of the Ministry of
National Education on the formulation of long, middle, and short
range plans for the Istanbul earhquake of August 17, 1999.
January 27, 1999-
Coordinator of the Laboratory Schools Project imlemented in two
primary education institutions (Ferit Aysan Çağdaş Yaşam
İlköğretim Okulu and Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim
Okulu) based on the protocole signed by the Minister of National
Education and the Rector of Boğaziçi University
December 16-17, 1995
Consultant to the Project on the General Development of
Darüşşafaka Lycée towards the 21st Century, Istanbul: Heybeliada
September 1993February 1996
Consultant to the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Bogazici
University, Istanbul
May 25-26 1989
Consultant to the Children’s Television Workshop, Turkish version
of Sesame Street, Turkish Radio Television Network, Ankara,
January 13, 1982April 1984
Consultant to the Boğaziçi University Center for Preschool
Education, Istanbul,Turkey
July 1983
Consultant to the Division of Educational Programs, Argonne
National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois
December 1978May 1979
Program Specialist, Department of Human Services, Head Start
Training Program, Roosevelt University, Research and
Development Center, Chicago, Illinois
September-December 1978
Consultant, Department of Human Services, Head Start Training
Program, Roosevelt University, Research and Development Center;
Chicago, Illinois
September 2009-
Advisor to the Master‟s Degree Program of 2009 in Curriculum
and Instructional Programs, Department of Educational Sciences,
Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
September 1992June 1996
Advisor to the Master‟s Degree classes of 1994 and 1995 in
Curriculum and Instructional Programs, Department of Educational
Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
September 1993September 1995
Advisor to the Master‟s Degree Class of 1995 in Guidance and
Psychological Counseling, Department of Educational Sciences,
Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
September1991September 1995
Advisor to the undergraduate Class of 1995 in Guidance and
Psychological Counseling, Department of Educational Sciences,
Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
September 1989-September
Advisor to the Master‟s Degree class of 1991 in Guidance and
Psychological Counseling, Department of Educational Sciences,
Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
September 1985July 1988
Advisor to the undergraduate class of 1988 in Guidance and
Psychological Counseling, Department of Educational Sciences,
Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
June 3, 2005-
Founding Member of the Council of Professors in Curriculum and
Instructional Programs (25 professors in the area in Turkey)
January 1990-
Turkish Psychological Association (Türk Psikoloji Derneği),
Istanbul, Turkey
June 26, 1986-
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Alumni Association, Istanbul, Turkey
Psikologlar Derneği (Psychological Association), Ankara, Turkey
Alumni Association, American Academy for Girls, Istanbul, Turkey
National Geographic Society
Pi Lambda Theta, National Honor and Professional Association in
National Society for the Study of Education
American Educational Research Association
American Psychological Association
Editor: Boğaziçi University Journal: Educational Sciences
(Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Dergisi: Eğitim Bilimleri)
June 16, 1987-June 16, 1996
Member of the Publications Board (March 1, 1985-June 16, 1996)
Date of
Language of
of Articles
and Pages
XVI, 1994-1995
Boğaziçi University
XV, 1992-1993
Boğaziçi University
XIV, 1990-1991
Boğaziçi University
XIII, 1988-1989
Boğaziçi University
Referee for Boğaziçi University Journal of Education
July 13, 2001-September 6, 2004 Elected by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Education of
Boğaziçi University as one of the 5 members from 5 different
September 6, 2004universities for the Advisory Board of Boğaziçi University
Journal of Education (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi 5
kişilik Danışmanlar Kurulu üyesi)
Elected by Faculty Council of the Faculty of Education of Boğaziçi
University as a referee for the Boğaziçi University Journal of
Education (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Egitim Dergisi Hakemi)
Request: April 13, 2005
Report: May 12, 2005
Boğaziçi University Journal of Education
Evaluation of an article on Jean Jaques Rousseau and his approach
to education (in English)
Request: May 3, 2004
Report: June 3, 2004
Boğaziçi University Journal of Education
Evaluation of an article on the Turkish adaptation of Thinking
Styles Inventory for Teachers by Sternberg, its validity and
relaiability (in Turkish)
Request: March 27, 2004
Report: May 3, 2004
Boğaziçi University Journal of Education
Evaluation of an article on Guidance and psychological services in
Turkey, problems and proposals (in Turkish)
Request: November 10, 2003
Report: January 12, 2004
Boğaziçi University Journal of Education
Evaluation of an article on a curriculum for cultural peace (in
Request: August 1, 2003
Report: August 1, 2003
Boğaziçi University Journal of Education 19 (2), 2002
Evaluation of an article on the effect of student motivation on
classroom activities (in Turkish)
Report: August 3, 2001
Boğaziçi University Journal of Education 19 (2), 2002
Evaluation of an article on education and social change, and the
role of education on the process of change in Turkey (in Turkish)
Report: August 3, 2001
Boğaziçi University Journal of Education 19 (1), 2002
Evaluation of an article on on a survey of literature on concept
learning in physical geography (in English)
Boğaziçi University Journal of Education 19 (1), 2002
Evaluation of an article on human rights and education (in English)
Boğaziçi University Journal of Education 19 (1), 2002
Evaluation of an article on meta-cognition (in English)
Boğaziçi University Journal of Education XVII, 1996-1999
Evaluation of an article on mother-child education (in Turkish)
Referee for Other Journals
Reques: January 18, 2008
Report: February 27, 2008
Ministry of National Education,
Center of Publications
Milli Eğitim Dergisi (2008) (Journal of Ministry of National
Education), Evaluation of an article entitled “Açık Lise Programı
Uygulamalarında Karşılaşılan Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri:
Elazığ, Malatya ve Diyarbakır İlleri Örneği” (Problems and
Solution Proposals in the Implementation of Open Lyceé Program:
The Case of Elazığ, Malatya, and Diyarbakır)
Request: November 24, 2004
Report: February 16, 2005
Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi No.282 (Turkish
Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal No. 282),
Evaluation of an article entitled “Okul Psikolojik Danışmanları için
Bir Müdahale Biçimi: İkili Psikolojik Danışma” (An Intervention
for School Psychologists: Pair Counseling. In Turkish)
Request: July 7, 2003
Report: September 8, 2003
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Dergisi
(Dokuz Eylül University, Buca Faculty of Education Journal of
Education), Evaluation of an article on achievement motivation:
The ralationship of fear of success, hope for success, fear of failure
on sex role identity and perception of success of university students
(in Turkish)
Scientific Council Membership
January 17, 2002
Member of the Scientific Council for the Symposium 2000’li Yıllarda
Lise Eğitimine Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar (Contemporary Approaches to
Lycée Education in the Years of 2000) organized tp be held on June
8-9, 2002 by Istanbul Kültür University, Kültür Koleji Eğitim Vakfı
(Kültür Secondary School Educational Foundation) Kültür Lycée, and
Kültür Science Lycéee
Date of Meeting: April18, 2002
Place: Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational Sciences
Participants: Dr. Bahar Akıngüç Günver
Assistant General Director of Kültür Schools
Topic: The organization of the papers into sessions for the symposium
January 1999-
Member of the Scientific Council of the Mother Child Education
Foundation (MOCEF)
Date of Scientific Council Meeting: March 15, 2002
Place: Elmadağ, Istanbul
Topic: Güneydoğu Eğitim Girişimi (Southeastern Anatolia
Educational Initiative)
Chair: Prof. Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı
Referee for Scientific Awards
February 2, 2002
“Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi (TÜBA) Sosyal Bilimlerde Bilim,
Himet ve Teşvik Ödülleri Esasları”nın 4. Maddesi uyarınca 2001
Hizmet Ödülü adayının değerlendirilmesi (The evaluation of the
candidate to receive the Service Award according to the 4th item of the
“Turkish Academy of Sciences, Science, Service and Initiative
Awards By-Law”in the area of Social Sciences (TÜBA)
Requested by:
Professor Süleyman Çetin
Özoğlu, Academic Advisor to
the Chair (Başkan Akademik
Istanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Pedagoji Kürsüsü’nden 1979
tarihinde emekli (Retired from the Department of Pedagogy of the
Faculty of Arts of Istanbul University in 1979)
Report Date:
March 20, 2002
Report: Positive, pp. 2
November 14, 2001
Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi (TÜBA), “TÜBA Üstün Başarılı Genç
Bilim İnsanlarını Ödüllendirme Programı, GEBİP”, Sosyal Bilimler
Komitesi çerçevesinde bilim bursu verilecek adayın değerlendirilmesi
(The evaluation of a candidate to receive the science award of the
Social Science Committee of the Award Program for Exceptionally
Successful Young Scientists of the Turkish Academy of Sciences,
Requested by:
Ankara Universitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Eğitimde Psikolojik
Professor İzzet Berkel,
Hizmetler Bölümü (Ankara University, Faculty of Educational
Associate Chair, on behalf of Sciences, Department of Psychological Services in Education)
the Area Evaluation
Committee of the Turkish
Academy of Sciences Council
(Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi
Konseyi Alan Değerlendirme
Komitesi adına Prof. Dr. İzzet
Berkel, Başkan Yardımcısı)
Report Date:
November 30, 2001
Report: Positive, pp. 2
Project Evaluator for Boğaziçi University
July 2, 1999-
Evaluator of research projects submitted for funding to the Boğaziçi
University Reseach Fund Administrative Council
Request Date:
January 17, 2007
Department of Foreign Language Education, Faculty of Education,
Boğaziçi University
Requested by:
Prof. Cem Behar
Committee of Scientific
Research Projects and Section
Director, Boğaziçi University
Project Code: 07D602
Çalışma Belleği ve Metin Yerelleştirmesi Arasındaki İlişkinin
Yabancı Dildeki Metnin Bilişsel İşlem ve Okuma Algılama
Süreçlerinden Geçirilmesindeki Rolü ( The Role of the Relationship
between Working Memory and Textual Nativization in Processing
and Comprehending a Foreign Language Text)
Amount Requested 21,000YTL (14,840.989 US Dollars)
Report Date:
January 18, 2007
Report: Positive
Request Date:
January 17, 2007
Department of Foreign Language Education, Faculty of Education,
Boğaziçi University
Project Code: 07D601
İki Dilliliğin Psikodilbilimsel İncelemeleri: Türkçe-İngilizce Tümce
İşleme (Psycholinguistic Investigations of Bilingualism: Sentence
Processing in Turkish and English)
Requested by:
Prof. Cem Behar
Committee of Scientific
Research Projects and Section
Director, Boğaziçi University Amount Requested: 11,253.70 YTL (7953.1455 US Dollars)
Report Date:
January 18, 2007
Report: Positive
Request Date:
January 25, 2005
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
Boğaziçi University
Project Code: 05B703
Requested by:
A Normative Study for the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test: Establishing
Prof. Cem Behar
Developmental Norms for 8 to 10 Year-old Turkish Children
Committee of Scientific
Research Projects and Section
Director, Boğaziçi University Amount Requested: 3584.38 YTL (2759.55 US Dollars)
Report Date:
February 14, 2005
Should be supported with revisions
Request Date:
January 29, 2004
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
Boğaziçi University
Project Code: 04B702
Requested by:
Beklentiler ve Dağıtım Davranışları (Expectation States and
Professor Zeynep İlsen Önsan Distributive Judgements)
Chair: Committee of
Scientific Research Projects
and Section Director,
Boğaziçi University
Amount Requested: 3,725,000,000 TL (2760.282 US Dollars)
Report Date:
February 9, 2004
Report: Positive
Request Date:
July 4, 2002
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
Boğaziçi University
Project Code: 02HB701D
Requested by:
An Investigation of the Relations between Theory of Mind and
Professor Zeynep İlsen Önsan Language: Evidence from Turkish
Chair: Committee of
Scientific Research Projects
and Section Director,
Boğaziçi University
Amount Requested: 3,500,000,000 TL (2333 US Dollars)
Report Date:
July 10, 2002
Report: Positive
Request Date:
July 4, 2002
Department of Foreign Language Education, Faculty of Education,
Boğaziçi University
Project Code:02HD604
Requested by:
Elektronik Portfolio Geliştirmenin Öğretmen Adaylarının Öğrenme
Professor Zeynep İlsen Önsan Süreci Üzerindeki Etkisi: Hizmet Öncesi İngilizce Öğretmeni
Chair: Committee of
Yetiştirme Bağlamından Bir Örnek (The Effect of Electronic Portfolio
Scientific Research Projects
Development on the Learning Processes of Teacher Candidates: An
and Section Director
Example Related to the Pre-service Training of English Teachers)
Boğaziçi University
Amount Requested: 25,000,000,000 TL (16,666 US Dollars)
Report Date:
July 10, 2002
Report: Positive
Request Date:
March 1, 2002
Boğaziçi University Kandilli Observatory, Earthquake Research
Depreme Bağlı Post-travmatik Stres Bozukluğunun Psikopatolojisi
Requested by:
(The Psychopathology of Earthquake Triggered Post-traumatic Stress
Professor Zeynep İlsen Önsan Disorder)
Chair: Committee of
Scientific Research Projects
and Section Director,
Boğaziçi University
Report Date:
March 7, 2002
Report: Positive
Request Date:
March 1, 2002
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
Boğaziçi University
Self-Discrepancy, Self-Construals and Psychological Well-Being
Requested by:
Professor Zeynep İlsen Önsan
Chair: Committee of
Scientific Research Projects
and Section Director,
Boğaziçi University
Report Date:
March 7, 2002
Report: Positive
Request Date:
March 1, 2002
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
Boğaziçi University
Requested by:
Professor Zeynep İlsen Önsan
Chair: Committee of
Scientific Research Projects
and Section Director,
Boğaziçi University
Toplumsal Olayların Hatırlanmasını Etkileyen Faktörler (The Factors
Affecting the Flashbulb Memories of Societal Events)
Report Date:
March 7, 2002
Report: Positive
Request Date:
July 4, 2001
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
Boğaziçi University
Edimsel Koşullanmada Sönme Sürecinin Erkek Japon Bıldırcınların
Requested by:
Cinsel Davranışında Araştırılması (The Investigation of the
Professor Zeynep İlsen Önsan Extinction Process of Sexual Behaviors of Japanese Quails ithrough
Chair: Boğaziçi University
Operant Conditioning).
Research Fund Administrative
Report Date:
July 12, 2001
Report: Positive
Request Date:
July 4, 2001
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
Boğaziçi University
Measurement of Speed of Processing in Very Young Children.
Requested by:
Professor Zeynep İlsen Önsan
Chair: Boğaziçi University
Research Fund Administrative
Report Date:
July 11, 2001
Report: Positive
Request Date:
December 2000
Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education,
Boğaziçi University
Sekiz Yıllık Zorunlu Eğitim Uygulamasının Istanbul İlinde
Requested by:
Değerlendirme Çalışması (Evaluation Study of the Implementation of
Professor Zeynep İlsen Önsan Eight-Year Compulsory Education in the Province of Istanbul)
Chair: Boğaziçi University
Research Fund Administrative
Report Date:
December 2000
Rapor: Olumlu
Request Date:
School of Applied Disciplines, Department of Tourism
Administration, Boğaziçi University
Project on nutrition data of Turkish 12-year-olds.
Requested by:
Professor Öktem Vardar
Chair: Boğaziçi University
Research Fund Administrative
Report Date:
Report: Positive
Project Evaluator for Other Universities
Request Date:
October 17, 2001
Requested by:
Professor Nihat G. Kınıkoğlu
Secretary General: Yıldız
Technical University
Research Fund
Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesi (Faculty of Arts and Design), Sanat
Bölümü (Department of Art), Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul
Müzelerin Tarih Öğretiminde Laboratuvar Olarak Kullanılması (The
Use of Museums as Laboratories in History Instruction).
Amount Requested: 4,316,040,000 TL (2,877.36 US Dollars)
Report Date:
November 28, 2001
Report: Positive, pp. 3
Request Date:
October 17, 2001
Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi (Faculty of Arts and Sciences), Eğitim
Bilimleri Bölümü (Department of Educational Sciences), Yıldız
Technical University, Istanbul
Requested by:
Professor Nihat G. Kınıkoğlu
Secretary General: Yıldız
Technical University
Research Fund
Üniversitelerde Eğitim ve Öğretimi Geliştirme Çalışmaları: Yıldız
Teknik Üniversitesi için Bir Model (Studies on the Development of
Education and Instruction in the Universities: A Model for Yıldız
Technical University.
Amount Requested: 13, 234,500,000 TL (8,823 US Dollars)
Report Date:
November 30, 2001
Report: Positive, contingent upon changes, pp.3
Books in English
August 11, 2010
Güzver Yıldıran, Aslı Sezen. From State Ideology to Curricular
Reform: The Case of Turkey 1919-1938. Saarbrücken, Germany:
Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, pp. 328.
December 2006
Multicultural Applications of Mastery Learning: Our Thoughts,
Our Deeds and Our Hopes for Education. İstanbul: Boğaziçi,
University Press, pp. 441.
Second Edition 2010
November 2005
Faculty of Education; Güzver Yıldıran (ed.). Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University Printhouse, pp. 32.
Recent Perspectives on Turkish Education: An Inside View
(Güzver Yıldıran, John Durnin, eds.). Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana
University Turkish Studies Publications, pp. 266.
March 1994
Proceedings of the Symposium on Guidance and Career
Counseling at the University Level (Üniversite Seviyesinde
Rehberlik ve Mesleğe Yöneltme Sempozyumu Bildirileri); Necla
Öner, Güzver Yıldıran, eds; written in two languages, English and
Turkish). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, pp. 158.
December 1977
The Effects of Cognitive Achievement on Selected Learning
Criteria under Mastery Learning and Normal Classroom
Instruction. Unpublished Ph.D Dissertation, The University of
Chicago, pp. 153.
Chapters in Books in English
Opening Speech of the Dean of Faculty of Education of Boğaziçi
University. Between Global and Local: Adult Learning and
Development İstanbul, 2011: Positioning and Conceptualizing
Adult Education and Learning within Local Development,
Proceedings Book of ESREA, European Society for Research on
the Education of Adults, İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Press, 1-3.
October 2000
Cross-Cultural Orientations, Concepts and Methodologies: Birds
Against a Drk Sky. ABH/SEV Education Conference. Istanbul:
Health and Education Foundation and American Board, 13-22.
Environmental Ethics: The Need for a Paradigmatic Shift.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on
Environmental Ethics. (Kriton Curi, Ian Douglas, Abdul Ghafoor
Ghaznawi, İnci İşli eds.). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, 59-68.
Foreword (Necla Öner, Güzver Yıldıran). Proceedings of the
Symposium on Guidance and Career Counseling at the
University Level (Necla Öner, Güzver Yıldıran eds.). Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University Press, III-VI.
Mastery Learning and Quality of Education. Quality of Education:
Its future Prospects in the Turkish Educational System. Özcan
Demirel, Mehmet Demirezen, Cengiz Tosun, Gülten Ülgen (Eds.).
Ankara: Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education, 115-12.
December 1977
A social implication of Mastery Learning: Mastery Learning and the
selection functions of schools (George Engelhard, Arthur J. Burke,
Güzver Yıldıran). Research Strategies for Selected Educational
Problems. The University of Chicago: MESA Seminar Department
of Education, 5-13.
Books in Turkish
Temmuz 2002
Bir İlk Bir Ümit (A First, A Hope; Güzver Yıldıran ed.). Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University Press, pp. 153.
1994, 1996
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu El Kitabı (Handbook of
Boğaziçi University Research Fund; Nurşen Özalp, Güzver
Yıldıran, eds.). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press. (2nd Edition:
1996, pp. 48; 1st Edition 1994, pp. 48).
November 1985
III. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Bilimsel Çalışmaları: 13-15 Eylül 1984,
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Istanbul (Proceedings of the IIIrd National
Psychological Conference: September 13-15, 1984, Boğaziçi
University, Istanbul; Necla Öner, Güzver Yıldıran, Ali Baykal, eds.).
Ankara: Sevinç Matbaası, (Publication of the Psychological
Association; Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları), pp. 381.
November 1982
Öğrenme Düzeyi ve Ürünleri (Level of Learning and Its Products).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Matbaası: Boğaziçi University
Publications, No. 339. Faculty of Education I, Department of
Educational Sciences I, pp. 187.
Chapters in Books in Turkish
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Öğretim Üyesi Güzver
Yıldıran’ın Konuşması (The Speech of Güzver Yıldıran, Faculty
Member of the Faculty of Education of Boğaziçi University).
Avrupa Birliği ve Eğitim: 3 Mart 2003 (European Union and
Education: March 3, 2003). Ankara: Ankara University Press,
Publication of Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences,
No.192, 73-88. Discussion, 96-97.
Değişen Dünyada Eğitimimiz: Olgular, Seçenekler (Our educational
System in a Changing World: Facts, Alternatives). Eğitimimiz ve
Türkiye’de Zorunlu Temel Eğitim (Our Education and
Compulsory Basic Education in Turkey; Prof. Dr. Oya Başak,
Prof. Dr. Dilek Doltaş, İnci Aral, Ülker Melek eds.). Istanbul: Ilıcak
Gazetecilik ve Matbaacılık A.Ş., 73-89.
XXI. Yüzyıla doğru Darüşşafaka Arama Konferansı Konuşmaları
(Contributions to the Search Conference of Daruşşafaka on the
Verge of the 21st Ccntury). XXI. Yüzyıla Doğru Darüşşafaka Arama
Konferansı (The Search Conference of Daruşşafaka on the Verge
of the 21st Century). Istanbul: Fer Ofset Press, pp. 8, 13, 17, 28, 4748, 58-59, 79-80, 92-93, 112.
Başlarken (Foreword; Necla Öner, Güzver Yıldıran). Üniversite
Seviyesinde Rehberlik ve Mesleğe Yöneltme Sempozyumu Bildirileri
(Proceedings of the Symposium on Guidance and Career
Counseling at the University Level); Necla Öner, Güzver Yıldıran
Eds. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, VII-X.
“Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı”nın
(OHDİDA) Eğitim, Gelişim ve Ortam Farklarına Duyarlığı (The
Sensitivity of “Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for
Preschool Objectives” to Instruction, Development and Setting).
VII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Bilimsel Çalışmaları (Proceedings of
the VIIth National Congress of Psychology); Prof. Dr. Rüveyde
Bayraktar, Assistant Prof. İhsan Dağ, Eds. Ankara: METEKSAN
A. Ş., 77-85.
Başlarken (Foreward; Necla Öner, Güzver Yıldıran, Ali Baykal). III.
Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Bilimsel Çalışmaları (Proceedings of the
IIIrd National Congress of Psychology); Necla Öner, Güzver
Yıldıran, Ali Baykal, Eds. Psikologlar Dernegi Yayınları (Publication
of the Psychological Association). Ankara: Sevinç Publication
House, 11-18.
Okul Öncesi Çocukları İçin Hazırlanmış Bir Değerlendirme Aracının
Yapısal Geçerliliği: Pilot çalışma (The Construct Validity of an
Evaluation Instrument Developed for Preschool Children: A Pilot
Study; Güzver Yıldıran, Ozana Uzunkavak Ural). III. Ulusal
Psikoloji Kongresi Bilimsel Çalışmaları (Proceedings of the IIIrd
National Congress of Psychology); Necla Öner, Güzver Yıldıran,
Ali Baykal, Eds ). Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları (Publications of the
Psychological Association). Ankara: Sevinç Publication House, 331339.
Okulöncesi Eğitimin Yaygınlaştırılmasında Kurumlara Düşen
Görevler (The Obligations of Institutions in Increasing the
Availability of Preschool Education). YA-PA Okul öncesi Eğitimi
ve Yaygınlaştırılması Semineri, II, III (YA-PA Seminars II, III on
Increasing the Availability of Preschool Education). Istanbul:
YA-PA Publications, Doğuş Press, 115-119.
Okul Öncesi Eğitimde Okul, Ana-Baba ve Çevre Arasında
İşbirliğinin Sağlanması (The Enhancement of Cooperation among
the Preschool, Parents and the Environment). Okulöncesi Eğitim ve
Sorunları (Preschool Education and its Problems). Ankara: Türk
Eğitim Derneği Yayınları, 67-88.
Articles in English
How global is globalization? Boğaziçi University Journal of
Education, 25 (1), Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, 1-8.
The effects of mastery learning and cooperative, competitive and
individualistic learning environment organizations on achievement
and attitudes in mathematics (Guzver Yıldıran, Emin Aydın). Journal
of Research in Mathematical Education, 9, 1, Issue 21, March
2005. The Korea Society of Mathematical Education, Series D, 69-96.
Culture, systems and people: The case of the Netherlands through the
window of a foreign non-Dutch speaking academician. Boğaziçi
University Journal of Education, 19 (1) 2002. Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University Press, 77-102.
Problems inherent in the concept of tolerance. Boğaziçi University
Journal of Education, XVIII, 2000-2001. Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University Press, 77-82.
The effects of instruction, aptitude, and grouping on mathematics
achievement of fourth grade German students under Mastery Learning
and normal classroom instruction (Güzver Yıldıran, Robert
Hackenberg). Boğaziçi University Journal: Educational Sciences,
XVI, 1994-1995. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, 83-94.
The effects of Mastery Learning method of instruction and laboratory
experiments on achievement levels and science misconception scores
of secondary school Turkish students (Güzver Yıldıran, Arif
K.Kırkıç). Boğaziçi University Journal: Educational Sciences,
XVI, 1994-1995. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, 95-112.
The effects of Mastery Learning method of instruction and a
particular conceptual change strategy on achievement and
misconception levels of eighth grade science students (Yakut GaziDemirci, Güzver Yıldıran). Boğaziçi University Journal:
Educational Sciences, XVI, 1994-1995. Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University Press, 113-141.
The reliability and validity of Formative Evaluation and Teaching
Aids for Preschool Objectives (FETAPO) (Güzver Yıldıran, İpek
Görkey-Taffe). Boğaziçi University Journal: Educational Sciences,
XVI, 1994-1995. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press. 159-190.
June 1995
Yıldıran accepts doctorate degree at commencement. Arches: The
University of Puget Sound. Tacoma, Washington, p. A-1.
The replacement of stable characteristics with alterable ones in
explaining individual differences. Boğaziçi University Journal,
Educational Sciences, XIV, 1990-1991. Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University Press,1-6.
The effects of Mastery Learning and improved teaching on
mathematics achievement of seventh grade Turkish students (Güzver
Yıldıran, Boniface Nwabueze). Boğaziçi University Journal:
Educational Sciences, XIV, 1990-1991. Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University Press, 111-123.
October 15, 1990
Preparing students for tomorrow: Strategies within the university.
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi‟nden Haberler (News from Boğaziçi
University), 10/90. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, 4-7.
The effects of Mastery Learning and improved materials on English
achievement levels of Turkish students (Güzver Yıldıran, Uğur
Eğinlioğlu). Boğaziçi University Journal: Educational Sciences,
XII, 1986-1987. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, 73-85.
The effects of Mastery Learning and teaching for creativity on
learning a second language (John Durnin, Güzver Yıldıran). Journal
of Structural Learning (J. M. Scandura, B. Greer, R. Schmid, Eds.)
9, 3-4. New York, London: Gorden and Breach, Science Publishers,
Inc., 275-289.
April 1986
Mastery Learning as an instructional design: Contributions to student
achievement. Boğaziçi University Journal: Educational Sciences,
XI, 1984-1985. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press,55-67.
Level of learning, time related effort, and positive affect or interest.
Boğaziçi University Journal: Education, VIII-IX, 1980-1981.
Istanbul: Nuraş Koll. Şti., 149-163.
Abstracts in English
The effects of Mastery Learning method of instruction and a
particular conceptual change strategy on achievement and
misconception levels of eighth grade science students (Yakut Gazi,
Güzver Yıldıran,), IVth European Congress of Psychology, July 27, 1995 Athens, Greece: Abstracts (A. Hantzi, M. Solman eds.).
Athens, Greece: Ellinika Grammata, 82-83.
The effects of Mastery Learning method of instruction and laboratory
experiments on achievement levels of and science misconception
scores of secondary school Turkish students (Güzver Yıldıran, Arif K.
Kırkıç), Abstracts: XIIth International Congress of CrossCultural Psychology. Pamplona- Iruna, Spain, p. 120.
The effects of instruction, aptitude, and grouping on mathematics
achievement of fourth grade German students studying under Mastery
Learning and normal classroom instruction (Güzver Yıldıran, Robert
Hackenberg). Abstracts: 23rd International Congress of Applied
Psychology, Madrid, Spain, p. 141.
The effects of instruction, aptitude, and grouping on mathematics
achievement of fourth grade German students under Mastery Learning
and normal classroom instruction (Güzver Yıldıran, Robert
Hackenberg). Third European Congress of Psychology Abstracts.
Tampere, Finland, p. 1124.
The effects of Mastery Learning and improved teaching on
mathematics achievement of seventh grade Turkish students (Güzver
Yıldıran, Boniface Nwabueze). 2nd Regional Conference of the
International Association for Cross-cultural Psychology:
Abstracts. Amsterdam: Department of Psychology, Free University,
p. 204.
The effects of Mastery Learning and teaching for creativity on
learning a second language (John Durnin, Güzver Yıldıran). 21st
International Congress of Applied Psychology Abstracts, 13-18
July 1986. Jerusalem, Israel: International Association of Applied
Psychology and The Israel Psychological Association, p. 103.
The effects of Mastery Learning and teaching for creativity on
learning a second language (John Durnin, Güzver Yıldıran). 8th
International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology Abstracts,
6-10 July 1986. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University and International
Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, p. 139.
The effects of cognitive achievement on selected learning criteria
under Mastery Learning and normal classroom instruction.
Dissertation Abstracts International, XXXVIII, 12.
Articles in Turkish
Yaşananlar, Yönelimler ve Eğitim (Events, inclinations and
education). Boğaziçi University Journal of Education, 19 (2), 2002.
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, 61-80.
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi ve dergi tarihçemiz:
Oluşumlar, açılımlar (The history of the Boğaziçi University Faculty
of Education and our journal: Formations and expansions).
Boğaziçi University Journal of Education, XVII, 1996-1999.
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press,1-15.
“Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı
Öğretmen Formu” ve öğretmen eğitimi (“The Teacher Form of the
Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for Preschool Objectives”
and teacher training; Güzver Yıldıran and Nur Sucuka). Boğaziçi
University Journal of Education, XVII, 1996-1999. Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University Press, 37-53.
October 1999
Değişen dünyada eğitimimiz: Olgular, seçenekler (Our educational
system in a changing world: Facts, alternatives). Eğitim ve Bilim
(Education and Science) 24, 114. Ankara: Türk Eğitim Derneği
(Turkish Education Association), 39-51.
August 1999
Çevresel ahlak: Paradigmatik bir değişim gereksinimi
(Environmental ethics: The need for a paradigmatic shift). Istanbul
Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi (Istanbul University Journal
of the School of Forestry), Seri B, 42, (3-4), 43-47. Istanbul: Istanbul
Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi.
September 1995
Tolerans kavramı içindeki sorunlar (Problems inherent in the
concept of tolerance). YÖRET Postası, 7. Istanbul: YÖRET, p.1.
Tam öğrenme ve geleneksel öğretim yöntemlerinin beşinci sınıf
öğrencilerinin fen bilgisi dersi başarı ve hatırlama düzeyine etkileri
(The effects of Mastery Learning and traditional learning methods
on achievement and retention of fifth grade Turkish primary school
students in science; Güzver Yıldıran, Oya Afreşa). Boğaziçi
University Journal: Educational Sciences 1992-1993, XV. Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University Press, 37-48.
Türkiye’de eğitim ve sorunları (The Turkish educational system and
its problems). Boğaziçi University Journal: Educational Sciences
1992-1993, XV. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, 1-16.
Tam öğrenme yöntemi ve üniversite hazırlık kurslarına devamın fen
dersleri başarısı ve üniversite giriş sınavları üzerindeki etkileri (The
effects of Mastery Learning and attendance to university
preparatory courses on school achievement in science and on the
university entrance exams; Güzver Yıldıran, Elif Çetin). V. Ulusal
Psikoloji Kongresi, 14-15-16 Eylül 1988: Psikoloji Seminer Dergisi
Özel Sayısı, 8 (The Vth National Congress of Psychology,
September 14-15-16, 1988: Journal of Seminars in Psychology,
Special Issue, 8). Bornova, İzmir: Ege University Press, 261-285.
Ortaöğretimden yüksek öğretime yansıyan etkenler (Variables
reflected from secondary education to higher education). Boğaziçi
Üniversitesi 125.Yıl Kutlama Programı, Milli Eğitimimizin Hedefleri
Sempozyumu (Symposium on the Aims of Our National Education
organized for the celebration of the 125th anniversary of Bogazici
university). Boğaziçi University Journal: Educational Sciences,
XIII, 1988-1989. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, 95-105.
Öğrenci başarısını etkileyen değişkenler (Variables influencing
student achievement). Boğaziçi University Journal: Educational
Sciences, XIII, 1988-1989. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, 4762.
Tam öğrenme yöntemiyle birlikte öğrencilerin bilişsel giriş
davranışlarına sahip olmalarının başarı üzerindeki etkileri (The effects
of mastery learning and the possession of necessary prerequisites on
achievement levels of students; Güzver Yıldıran, Yeşim Sayar).
Psikoloji Dergisi: IV. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Özel Sayısı, 6, 21
(Journal of Psychology: IVth National Congress of Psychology
Special Issue 6, 21). Ankara: Nüve Press, 67-72.
Varoluşçuluk ve psikoloji (Existentialism and psychology).
Mimeographed for instructional usage. Ankara: Hacettepe University,
Department of Psychology, pp. 31.
January-March, 1972
Eğitim ve olgunlaşma (Education and maturation). Türk Hemşireler
Dergisi 22, 1 (The Turkish Journal of Nursing 22, 1). Istanbul:
Özaydın Press, p. 26.
April-June, 1971
Hümanizm ve yirminci yüzyıl (Humanism and the twentieth
century). Türk Hemşireler Dergisi 21, 11 (The Turkish Journal of
Nursing 21, 11). Istanbul: Özaydın Press, p. 24.
Abstracts in Turkish
July-December 2000
Değişen dünyada eğitimimiz: Olgular, seçenekler (Özet; Our
educational system in a changing world: Facts, alternatives;
Abstract). Türkiye Hastane Tıp Dergisi (Turkish Hospital Medical
Journal) 54, (3-4). Istanbul: Misvak Neşriyat, p. 49.
“Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı
(OHDİDA) Öğretmen Formu”nun eğitime duyarlığı (The sensitivity
of the “Teacher Form of the Formative Evaluation and Teaching
Aids for Preschool Objectives (OHDIDA)” to teacher training;
Güzver Yıldıran, Nur Sucuka). VIII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Bildiri
Özetleri, 21-23 Eylül 1994 (VIIIth National Congress of
Psychology Abstracts, September 21-23, 1994). İzmir: Ege
University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology, Turkish
Psychological Association, p. 95.
“Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı”nın
(OHDİDA) eğitim, gelişim ve ortam farklarına duyarlığı (The
sensitivity of the “Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for
Preschool Objectives” (OHDİDA) to instruction, development and
setting). VII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Serbest Bildiri Özetleri, 22-25
Eylül, 1992 (VIIth National Congress of Psychology Abstracts,
September 22-25, 1992). Ankara: METEKSAN A. Ş., p. 102.
“Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı”’nın
(OHDİDA) eğitim, gelişim ve ortam farklarına duyarlığı (The
sensitivity of “Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for
Preschool Objectives” to instruction, development and setting). In
Nurşen Özalp (Ed.) Boğaziçi Araştırma Fonu’ndan Desteklenen
Araştırma Projeleri: 1988-1989-1990 (Projects Funded by the
Boğaziçi University Research Fund: 1988-1989-1990). Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University Press, p. 64.
Tam öğrenme yöntemiyle birlikte kullanılan etkinleştirilmiş
materyalin lise I. sınıf İngilizce dersi başarı düzeyine etkisi (The
effects of Mastery Learning and improved materials on English
achievement levels of first year senior high school students; Güzver
Yıldıran, Uğur Eğinlioğlu). Eğitim Bilimleri Birinci Ulusal Kongresi:
24-28 Eylül, 1990, Bildiri Özetleri (Abstracts: First National
Congress of Educational Sciences, September 24-28, 1990).
Ankara: Ankara University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, p. 121.
Tam öğrenme ve geleneksel öğretim yöntemlerinin beşinci sınıf
öğrencilerinin başarı düzeyi ve hatırlama puanlarına etkisi (The
effects of Mastery Learning and normal classroom instruction on
the achievement levels and retention scores of Vth grade students;
Güzver Yıldıran, Oya Afreşa). VI. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Bildiri
Özetleri, 5-7 Eylül 1990 (Abstracts: VIth National Congress of
Psychology, September 5-7, 1990). Istanbul: Istanbul Üniversitesi,
Fen Fakültesi Döner Sermaye İşletmesi Prof. Dr. Nazım Terzioğlu
Atölyesi (Istanbul University, Faculty of Sciences, Rotating Fund,
Prof. Dr. Nazim Terzioglu Workshop), p. 100.
Okul öncesi çocukları için hazırlanmış bir değerlendirme (An
evaluation prepared for preschool children). In Nurşen Özalp, Ayseli
Usluata (Eds.). Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu’ndan
Desteklenen Araştırma Projeleri: 1985-1986-1987 (Research
Projects Supported by the Boğaziçi University Research Fund:
1985-1986-1987). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, p. 69.
Tests, Instruments, and Guides in English
September 1990
Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for Preschool
Objectives, (FETAPO): Child Form Item Evaluation Criteria.
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational Sciences,
144 items, pp. 110.
September 1990
Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for Preschool
Objectives, (FETAPO): Teacher Form. Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University, Department of Educational Sciences, 94 items, pp. 17.
September 1990
Revised Form
Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for Preschool
Objectives, (FETAPO): Child Form. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University,
Department of Educational Sciences, 144 items, pp. 36.
November 1978
First Form
Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for Preschool
Objectives, (FETAPO): Child Form. Chicago, Illinois: Roosevelt
University, Research and Development Center, 35 items, pp. 5.
October 1987
Guide to Reporting Publications and Presentations: Research
papers. 60 copies printed as Research Papers series. Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University, Institute of Social Sciences, ISS/ED, 87-01,
pp.26+ ii.
Tests, Questionnaires, Instruments, and Guides in Turkish
March 2001
Çocuk Odaklı Yaşam Ölçeği (ÇOY; Child Centered Life Inventory,
CCLI). Developed by Güzver Yıldıran and Şükran İlimsever.
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational Sciences,
36 items, pp.3.
March 2001
Aile Beklentileri Anketi (ABA; Family Expectations
Questionnaire, FEQ). Developed by Güzver Yıldıran and Şükran
İlimsever. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational
Sciences, 22 items, pp. 2.
April 2000
TEVDAK Okulları Seminer Değerlendirme Formu (Turkish
Education Foundations Consolidation Council Schools Seminar
Evaluation Form). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of
Educational Sciences, 14 items, pp. 1.
April 2000
TEVDAK Okulları Çalıştay Değerlendirme Formu (Turkish
Education Foundations Consolidation Council Schools Workshop
Evaluation Form). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of
Educational Sciences, 6 items, pp.1.
January 2000
BÜ Eğitim Fakültesi Umut 2000 Proje Uygulaması İlköğretim
Öğrencileri Değerlendirme Formu (Primary School Student
Evaluation Form of „Project Hope 2000‟ of the Faculty of
Education, Boğaziçi University). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University,
Department of Educational Sciences, 7 items, pp. 1.
November 1993
Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı
(OHDİDA): Türkçe Öğretmen Formu Made Puan Ölçütleri
(Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for Preschool
Objectives (OHDİDA): Turkish Teacher Form Item Evaluation
Criteria). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational
Sciences, 94 items, pp. 68.
September 1988
Revised Form
Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı
(OHDİDA): Türkçe Çocuk Formu Made Puan Ölçütleri (Formative
Evaluation and Teaching Aids for Preschool Objectives
(OHDİDA): Turkish Child Form Item Evaluation Criteria).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational Sciences,
144 items, pp. 64.
September 1986
First Form
September 1988
Revised Form
November 22, 1982
First Form
September 1988
Revised Form
November 22, 1982
First Form
June 1988
Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı
(OHDİDA): Türkçe Öğretmen Formu (Formative Evaluation and
Teaching Aids for Preschool Objectives (OHDİDA): Turkish
Teacher Form). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of
Educational Sciences, 94 items, pp. 8.
Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı
(OHDİDA): Türkçe Çocuk Formu (Formative Evaluation and
Teaching Aids for Preschool Objectives (OHDİDA): Turkish
Child Form). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of
Educational Sciences, 144 items, pp. 19.
Lise Öğrencilerinin Üniversite Hazırlık Kurslarına Devamlarını
Saptamaya Yönelik Anket (Questionnaire on Attendance to
University Preparatory Institutions for Turkish High School
Students; Güzver Yıldıran, Elif Çetin). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University,
Department of Educational Sciences, 18 items, pp. 3.
May 22, 1988
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü Rehberlik ve
Psikolojik Danışma Son Sınıf Öğrencileri İçin Geliştirilmiş
Değerlendirme Formu (Evaluation Form Developed for the Seniors
of the Guidance and Counseling Program of the Department of
Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University;
Güzver Yıldıran and the students of ED 516, Özlem Ertaul, Dilek
Oran, Talin Papazyan, Esra Toğrol, Brigitte Zartar). Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational Sciences, 57 items,
pp. 6.
November 1987
Öğretmenlik Mesleğini Değerlendirme Anketi (Evaluation of the
Teaching Profession Questionnaire; Güzver Yıldıran, Semiha
Atakan). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational
Sciences, 71 items, pp.6.
June 10, 1987
Fakültemizdeki Öğretim Üyelerinin Yayın ve Sunuları İçin
Geliştirilmiş Sınıflandırma (A Classification System Developed for
the Publications and Presentations of Our Faculty Members).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Education, pp. 2.
Educational Programs in Turkish
January 1994
Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı
(OHDİDA), Öğretmen Eğitimi Programı (Turkish Teacher Training
Program for Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for
Preschool Objectives „OHDİDA‟; Güzver Yıldıran, Nur Sucuka).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational Sciences,
pp. 20.
March 22, 1982
3-6 Yaş Grubu için Eğitim Programı Taslağı (An Educational
Program Proposal for 3-6 Year Olds; Necla Öner, Güzver Yıldıran,
Gülçin Alpöge and the teachers of Boğaziçi University Center for
Preschool Education). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Center for
Preschool Education, pp. 6.
Thomas R. Guskey
G. Yıldıran (2006) Multicultural Applications of Mastery Learning.
İstanbul: Boğaziçi University, Printhouse. Cited: Thomas R.
Guskey (2007); Closing achievement gaps: Revisiting Benjamin S.
Bloom’s “Learning for Mastery”. Journal of Advanced Academics;
Fall 2007; Volume 19, Number 1, 8-31, cited on p. 15.
Zeynep Kızıltepe
G. Yıldıran, J. Durnin (1997) Recent Perspectives on Turkish
Education: An Inside View. Indiana University, turkish studies
Publications. Cited in Zeynep Kızıltepe (2004) Öğretişim: Eğitim
Psikolojisine Çağdaş Bir Yaklaşım (Bilateral Instruction: A
Contemporary Approach to Educational Psychology). Istanbul:
Merteks, pp. 251, cited on p. 190.
Melih Boydak
G. Yıldıran (1999); Çevresel ahlak: Paradigmatik bir değişim
gereksinimi (Environmental ethics: the need for a paradigmatic shift).
İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Dergisi (Istanbul University Journal of the
Faculty of Forestry), Seri B, 42, 3-4, 43-47. Cited in: Melih Boydak
(2000); Çevre Sorunları ve Sivil Toplum: Dünya ve Türkiye’de
Çevreye Bakış (Environmental Problems and Civil Society:
Environmental Perspective in the World and in Turkey). Istanbul:
Çekül/Çevre ve Kültür Değerlerini Koruma ve Tanıtma Vakfı, pp. 15,
cited on p. 8.
Veysel Sönmez
G. Yıldıran (1982); Öğrenme Düzeyi ve Ürünleri (Level of Learning
and its Products). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, pp. 187. Cited
in: Veysel Sönmez; Gelecekteki Olası Eğitim Sistemleri (Some
Probable Educational Systems in the Future). Ankara: ANI
yayıncılık Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti, pp. 134, cited on p. 69.
G. Yıldıran (1986); Mastery learning as an instructional design:
Contributions to student achievement. Boğaziçi University Journal:
Educational Sciences, XI, 1984-1985, 55-67. Cited in: Veysel
Sönmez; Gelecekteki Olası Eğitim Sistemleri (Some Probable
Educational Systems in the Future). Ankara: ANI yayıncılık Sanayi
ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti, pp. 134, cited on p. 69.
Necla Öner
G. Yıldıran (1993, 1988, 1986, 1982); Okulöncesi Hedeflerine
Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı (OHDİDA) (Formative
Evaluation and Teaching Aids for Preschool Objectives, Turkish
OHDİDA Form). Turkısh Child Form (1982,1988) 144 ites, pp. 19;
Turkish Teacher Form (1982, 1988), 94 items, pp. 8; Turkısh Child
Form Item Evaluation Criteria (1986, 1988), 144 items, pp. 64;
Turkısh Teacher Form Item Evaluation Criteria (1993), 94 items, pp.
68. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational
Sciences. Cited in: Necla Öner; Türkiye’de Kullanılan Psikolojik
Testler: Bir Başvuru Kaynağı (Psychological Tests Used in Turkey:
A Source Book). Istanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Matbaası, pp. 628,
cited on 213-216.
Veysel Sönmez
Third Edition,1994
First Edition, 1987
G. Yıldıran (1982); Öğrenme Düzeyi ve Ürünleri (Level of Learning
and its Products). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press, pp. 187. Cited
in: Veysel Sönmez; Sevgi Eğitimi (Education for Love; Third
Edition). Ankara: Pegem, Personel Eğitim Merkezi, Yayın No: 8, pp.
115, cited on p. 100.
Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı
Banu Öney
G. Yıldıran (1990, 1978); Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids
for Preschool Objectives (FETAPO), English Form. English Child
Form (1978), Chicago, Illinois: Roosevelt University, Research and
Development Center, 35 items, pp. 5; Revised form (1990), Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational Sciences, 144 items,
pp. 36), English Teacher Form (1990), 94 items, pp. 17; English Child
Form Item Evaluation Criteria (1990), 144 items, pp. 110. Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational Sciences. Cited in:
Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı, Banu Öney; Evaluation of Early Development
Instruments in Turkey. Istanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma
Raporu (Boğaziçi University Research Fund Reports), pp. 75,
cited on 20-25.
Thomas R. Guskey
Therese D. Pigott
March-April 1988
G. Yıldıran (1977); The Effects of Level of Cognitive Achievement
on Selected Learning criteria Under Mastery Learning and
normal Classroom Instruction. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,
Chicago: The University of Chicago, pp. 153. Cited in: Thomas R.
Guskey, Therese D. Pigott; Research on group based Mastery
Learning programs: A meta-analysis. Journal of Educational
Research, 81, 4, 197-216, cited on 199, 202, 206, 207, 209, 211.
Nuray Senemoğlu
January 1988
G. Yıldıran (1986); Mastery Learning as an instructional design:
Contributions to student achievement. Boğaziçi University Journal:
Educational Sciences, XI, 1984-1985, 55-67. Cited in: Nuray
Senemoğlu; Öğretimin geliştirilmesi (The amelioration of
instruction). Eğitim ve Bilim (Education and Science) 12, 67, 27-31,
cited on p. 31.
Academic Reports in English
November 10-12 1994
Report of Group No. 1: Environmental Ethics (Güzver Yıldıran,
Andrzej Furman, Emmanuel Agius). International Symposium and
Workshop on Environmental Ethics, November 7-12, 1994.
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Institute of Environmental Sciences
and UNESCO at Hilton Hotel, pp. 3.
July 27-28, 1983
Review of DEP‟s Evaluation Needs: Evaluation Report. Argonne,
Illinois: Argonne National Laboratory, Division of Educational
Programs, pp. 5.
April 10-14, 1983
Social Science Education (GüzverYıldıran, Harry Fairtlough).
Section of the Evaluation Report of the Accreditation Committee
selected by the European Council of International Schools and the
New York State Association of Independent Schools for the
evaluation of Robert Academy. Istanbul, Robert Academy.
January 1979
Head Start Training Program, Fall, 1978 (Jane Hill, Güzver
Yıldıran). Final Report to the Department of Human Services,
Division of Children and Youth Services, under Fund and Activity
no. 777-2219. Chicago, Illinois: Research and Development Center,
College of Education, Roosevelt University pp. 168.
Scientific Reports in Turkish
November 25, 2002
Kuruluşlar, Düşünceler, Veriler: Eğitim Fakültesi’nin Hikayesi
(Formations, Thoughts and Data: The Story of the Faculty of
Education). Istanbul: Report for the 20th Anniversary of the Faculty
of Education of Boğaziçi University, pp. 173.
May 12, 1992
Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı’nın
(OHDİDA) Eğitim, Gelişim ve Ortam Farklarına Duyarlığ (The
Sensitivity of Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for
Preschool Objectives (OHDİDA) to Instruction, Development and
Setting). Istanbul: Research Report for the Boğaziçi University
Research Fund, pp. 556.
March 1989
Okulöncesi Çocukları için Hazırlanmış Okulöncesi Hedeflerine
Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı’nın (OHDİDA) Gelişim ve
Eğitime Duyarlığı (The Sensitivity of Formative Evaluation and
Teaching Aids for Preschool Objectives (OHDİDA) Prepared for
Preschool Children to Development and Instruction). Istanbul:
Research Report for the Boğaziçi University Research Fund, pp. 62.
Academic Reports in Turkish
June 26-27, 2006
Müfredat Değerlendirme Çalıştayı için Fen ve Teknoloji Programı
Değerlendirme Komisyonu Raporu (Summary Report of the
Committee on the Evaluation of the Science and Technology
Program for the Curriculum Development Workshop). Ankara: to the
Board of Education of the Ministry of National Education, pp. 3.
December 2, 2005
Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Alanı Profesörler Kurulu İlköğretim 15. Sınıflar Öğretim Programlarını Değerlendirme Toplantısı
(Eskişehir) Sonuç Bildirisi (Final Comments of the Evaluation
Meeting of the Council of Professors in the Area of Educational
Programs and Instruction on the Instructional Programs of
Primary Education grades 1-5). Eskişehir: Anadolu University,
Faculty of Education, pp. 8.
October 24, 2001
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü
Akademik Faaliyet Raporu: 1 Ekim 2000-30 Eylül 2001 (Report of
the Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education, Department of
Educational Sciences on Academic Activities: October 1, 2000September 30, 2001). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of
Educational Sciences, pp. 20.
July 12, 2001
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim bilimleri Bölümü
Akreditasyon Raporu: 2000 (Accreditation Report 2000 of the
Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education, Department of Educational
Sciences). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational
Sciences, pp. 12.
June 5, 2001
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü’nün 4 Haziran 2001 tarih ve C.91093 sayılı Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü’nün Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Çerçevesinde Yürüttüğü Yetişkin Eğitimi
Lisansüstü Programıyla İlgili Talep Ettiği Rapor (Report Requested by
the Rector’s Office on June 4, 2001, No. C.9-1093 on the Adult
Education Graduate Program of the Department of Educational
Sciences in the Institute of Social Sciences). Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University, Department of Educational Sciences, pp. 5.
September 2000
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü
Akademik Faaliyet Raporu: 1 Ekim 1999-30 Eylül 2000 (Report of
the Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education, Department of
Educational Sciences on Academic Activities: October 1, 1999September 30, 2000). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of
Educational Sciences, pp. 24.
June 20, 2000
Faküle Kurulu’nun 15 Mayıs 2000 tarih ve 2000/6 sayılı toplantısında
kurduğu İngilizce Öğretmenliği Alanında Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans
Programını İnceleme Komisyonu Raporu (Report of the Commission
to Study the Master‟s Program without Thesis in Teaching English
as a Second Language; Füsun Akarsu, Ayşe Akyel, Avadis
Hacinliyan, Güzver Yıldıran). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Faculty
of Education, pp. 3.
March 23, 2000
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü
Akreditasyon Raporu: 1999 (Accreditation Report 1999 of the
Boğaziçi University faculty of Education, Department of Educational
Sciences). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, department of Educational
Sciences, pp. 7.
September 1999
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü
Akademik Faaliyet Raporu: 1 Ekim 1998-30 Eylül 1999 (Report of
the Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education, Department of
Educational Sciences on Academic Activities: October 1, 1998September 30, 1999). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of
Educational Sciences, pp. 24.
September 1996
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü
Akademik Faaliyet Raporu: 1 Ekim 1995-30 Eylül 1996 (Report of
the Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education, Department of
Educational Sciences on Academic Activities: October 1, 1995September 30, 1996). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of
Educational Sciences, pp. 16.
May 29, 1996
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Stratejik Planı Çerçevesinde Eğitim Bilimleri
Bölümü Amaç ve Hedefleri (The Goals and Objectives of the
Department of Educational Sciences within the Frame of the
Strategic Plan of Boğaziçi University). Istanbul: The Rector's Office
of Bogaziçi University, pp. 5.
May 9, 1996
Eğitim İhtisas Komitesi Raporu (Report of the Education Committee;
Prof. Ziya Bursalıoğlu, Associate Prof. Aytaç Açıkalın, Prof. Mahmut
Adem, Prof. Hüsnü Arıcı, Prof. Ayşegül Ataman, Prof. Nihat Bilgen,
Prof. Akif Ergin, Prof. Reşat Genç, Prof. Dursun Gökdağ, Zuhal
Gökçesu, Prof. Galip Karagözoğlu, Prof. Rıfat Önsoy, Prof. S. Öçetin
Özoğlu, Mustafa Şahin, Prof. Haydar Taymaz, Prof. Güzver Yıldıran,
Ibrahim Yurt). UNESCO Türkiye Milli Komisyonu Yönetim Kurulu
Raporu (1996): Genel Kurul’un XXII. Dönem 1. toplantısında
sunulmuştur. (Report of the Administrative Council of UNESCO
(1996): Presented at the 1st Meeting of the XXIInd General
Assembly). Ankara: UNESCO, 62-64.
September 1994
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü
Akademik Faaliyet Raporu: 1 Ekim 1993-30 Eylül 1994 (Report of
the Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education, Department of
Educational Sciences on Academic Activities: October 1, 1993September 30, 1994). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of
Educational Sciences, pp. 22.
February 28-March 2, 1994
Çevre Eğitiminin Kurumsallaşması Komisyonu Raporu (Report of
the Commission on the Institutionalization of Environmental
Education; Metin İlyas Aksoy, Ahmet İnan, Meral Ölmez, Münir
Yükselmiş, Mesut Taşçı, Naci Otmanbölük, Hayrettin Karaerkek,
Timur M. Mutaf, Güzver Yıldıran, Esin Avşar, Ayşe Dursunoğlu,
Ahmet Sevgi, Ümit Yaşar Gözüm, Tuncay Neyişçi, Şehabettin
Harput, Gülengül Giray, Mehmet Bilgiç, İbrahim Özdemir, Kasım
Cemal Güven, Gaffar Tetik, Huriye Kazaner, İbrahim Canan, Adnan
Kuyucular, Ömer Özcan, Selahattin Öğülmüş, Prof. Dr. Necmettin
Çepel, Kamil Uğurlu). Çevre Bakanlığı II. Çevre Şurası (The Second
Council of Environment of the Ministry of Environment). Istanbul:
The Marmara Hotel, pp. 8.
September 20, 1984
6 Yaş Taslak Müfredat Programı Hakkında Rapor (Report on the
Preliminary Curriculum Program for 6-Year Olds). Prepared for
the Ministry of National Education. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University,
Department of Educational Sciences, pp. 2.
Project Reports
September 2001
Güzver Yıldıran, Ayşe Caner; UYDOP Çerçevesinde 1998-1999,
1999-2000 ve 2000-2001 Eğitim Öğretim Yıllarında Yapılan
Çalışmalar (Implementations within the Frame of the Experimental
Laboratory Schools Project during the Academic Years of 19981999, 1999-2000 and 2000-2000). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University,
Department of Educational Sciences, pp. 4.
Güzver Yıldıran, Ayşe Caner and members of EREC Club; BÜ Eğitim
Fakültesi, Uygulama ve Deneme Okulları Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü
Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu “Yaz Okulu”
Projesi (Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education Experimental
Laboratory Schools Project, 2001 “Summer School” of the
Department of Educational Sciences at Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet
Güzey İlköğretim Okulu). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department
of Educational Sciences, pp.11.
July 2001
Evaluation Reports for Boğaziçi University Research Fund Administrative Council
March l, 1996
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Ocak 1996 Proje Önerilerinin
Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of January 1996 Research
Proposals Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research Fund).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Administrative Council,
pp. 6.
January 4, 1996
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Aralık 1995 Dönem
Raporlarının Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of December 1995
Progress Reports Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research
Fund). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Administrative
Council, pp. 6.
December 6, 1995
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Aralık 1995 Sonuç Raporlarının
Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of December 1995 Final
Reports Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research Fund).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund Administrative Council,
pp. 6.
July 3, 1995
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Haziran 1995 Proje Önerilerinin
Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of June 1995 Research
Proposals Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research Fund).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Administrative Council,
pp. 3.
February 22, 1995
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Ocak 1995 Proje Önerilerinin
Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of January 1995 Research
Proposals Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research Fund).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Administrative Council,
pp. 8.
February 15, 1995
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Aralık 1994 Ara ve Sonuç
Raporlarının Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of December 1994
Progress and Final Reports Submitted to the Boğaziçi University
Research Fund). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund
Administrative Council, pp.16.
January 10, 1994
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Ocak 1994 Proje Önerilerinin
Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of January 1994 Research
Proposals Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research Fund).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Administrative Council,
pp. 10.
December 29, 1993
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Aralık 1993 Ara ve Sonuç
Raporlarının Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of December 1993
Progress and Final Reports Submitted to the Boğaziçi University
Research Fund). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund, pp. 9.
July l, 1993
Boğaziçi Universitesi Araştırma Fonu Haziran 1993 Önerilerinin
Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of June 1993 Research
Proposals Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research Fund).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund, pp. 4.
May 27, 1993
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Ödü1 Komisyonu Raporu
(Boğaziçi University Research Fund Award Commission Report;
Ayşe Soysal, Güzver Yıldıran, İlsen Önsan, Behlül Üsdiken, Zafer
Toprak, Rahmi Güven). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund,
pp. 3.
February 8, 1993
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu 1993 Proje, Ara ve Sonuç
Raporlarının Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of January 1993
Research Proposals, Progress and Final Reports Submitted to the
Boğaziçi University Research Fund). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University
Research Fund, Administrative Council, pp. 6.
February 11, 1992
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Ocak 1992 Araştırma Önerilerinin
Değerlendirmesi (The Evaluation of January 1992 Research
Proposals Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research Fund).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Administrative Council,
pp. 5.
January 23, 1992
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırm Fonu 1992 Ara ve Sonuç Raporları
Değerlendirmesi (The Evaluation of 1992Progress and Final
Reports Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research Fund).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Administrative Council,
pp. 12.
March 6, 1991
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Ocak 1991 2. Çağrıya Yanıt
Veren Dönem ve Sonuç Raporlarının Değerlendirilmesi (The
Evaluation of Progress and Final Reports Responding to the
Second Call of January 1991 Submitted to the Boğaziçi University
Research Fund; Güzver Yıldıran, Ahmet Koç). Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University Research Fund, Administrative Council, pp. 5.
February 1, 1991
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Ocak 1991 Araştırma, Dönem
ve Sonuç Raporlarının Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of
January 1991 Progress and Final Reports Submitted to the
Boğaziçi University Research Fund; Güzver Yıldıran, Ahmet Koç).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Administrative Council,
pp. 8.
January 28, 1991
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Ocak 1991 Araştırma Sonuç ve
Önerilerinin Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of January 1991
Final Reports and Research Proposals Submitted to the Boğaziçi
University Research Fund; Güzver Yıldıran, Ahmet Koç). Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Administrative Council, pp. 15.
July 17, 1990
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Haziran 1990 Araştırma
Önerilerinin Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of June 1990
Research Proposals Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research
Fund; Güzver Yıldıran, Ahmet Koç). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University
Research Fund, Administrative Council, pp. 2.
May 22, 1990
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu 1990 Ara ve Sonuç
Raporlarının Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of 1990 Progress
and Final Reports Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research
Fund; GüzverYıldıran, Ahmer Koç). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University
Research Fund, Administrative Council, pp. 25.
February 12, 1990
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Ocak 1990 Araştırma
Önerilerinin Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of January 1990
Research Proposals Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research
Fund; GüzverYıldıran, Ahmet Koç). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University
Research Fund Administrative Council, pp. 9.
October 9, 1989
Boğaziçi Universitesi Araştırma Fonu, Eylül 1989 Araştırma
Önerilerinin Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of September 1989
Research Proposals Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research
Fund; Güzver Yıldıran, Ahmet Koç). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University
Research Fund Administrative Council, pp. 6.
May 17, 1989
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu 1989 Ara ve Sonuç Raporları
Degerlendirmesi (The Evaluation of the 1989 Progress and Final
Reports Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research Fund;
GüzverYıldıran, Ahmet Koç). Istanbul: Boğazici University Research
Fund, Administrative Council, pp. 13.
February 21, 1989
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu 1989 I. Dönem Araştırma
Önerileri Değerlendirmesi (The Evaluation of the 1989 Ist Term
Research Proposals Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research
Fund; Güzver Yıldıran, Ahmet Koç). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University,
Research Fund, Administrative Council, pp. 13.
October 10, 1988
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu 1988 II. Dönem Araştırma
Önerileri Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of the 1988 IInd Term
Research Proposals Submitted to the Boğaziçi University Research
Fund). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Administrative
Council, pp. 6.
February 1988
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu 1988 Dönem ve Sonuç
Raporlarının Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of the 1988
Progress and Final Reports submitted to the Boğaziçi University
Research Fund). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Fund,
Administrative Council, pp. 5.
March 1985
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma Politikası ile İlgili Öneriler Raporu
(Report on Suggestions Related to Boğaziçi University Research
Policies; Yüksel Inel, GüzverYıldıran, Ayşe Soysal). Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University, pp. 18.
Boğaziçi University Committee, Center, and Strategic Plan Reports
November 27-28, 1995
Boğaziçi Universitesi Sekiz Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi
Değerlendirmesi (The Evaluation of Eight Implementation and
Research Centers of Boğaziçi University). Istanbul: Boğaziçi
Üniversitesi Uygulama ve Araştırma (UYGAR) Merkezleri
Koordinasyon Kurulu (Coordination Council of the Implementation
and Research Centers of Boğaziçi University).
November 9, 1993
Eğitim Teknolojisi Merkezi Raporu (Report on the Center of
Educational Technology). Istanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Uygulama
ve Araştırma (UYGAR) Merkezleri Koordinasyon Kurulu
(Coordination Council of the Implementation and Research Centers of
Boğaziçi University), pp. 2.
June 17, 1993
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Dersleriyle İlgili Rapor (Report
on the Fine Arts Courses at Boğaziçi University; Oya Başak, Güzver
Yıldıran, Dilek Doltaş). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Commission to
Evaluate the Course Curricula of the Fine Arts Department, pp. 4.
February 16, 1990
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi'nde Öğrenci Sayıları Fazla Olan Sınıfların
Sorunlarını İnceleme Komisyonu Raporu (Report of the Committee
to Investigate the Problem of Overcrowded Classes of Boğaziçi
University; Kriton Curi, Hamit Fişek, Mehmet Kaytaz, Güzver
Yıldıran). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Committee to Investigate the
Problem of Overcrowded Classes, pp. 3.
December 1989
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Araştırma ve Uygulama
Merkezi Eğitim Alanı Çalışmaları Öneri Taslağı (A Preliminary
Proposal for Educational Research and Activities of the Boğaziçi
University Center of International Studies). Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University Center of International Studies, pp. 2.
August 21, 1984
Yerleşim Çalışma Grubu Raporu (Settlement Work Group Report;
Hamit Fişek, Cevza Sevgen, Güzver Yıldıran). Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University, pp. 3.
December 1982
Okulöncesi Eğitim Merkezi Geliştirme Komisyonu Raporu (Report of
the Center for Preschool Education Development Committee;
Güzver Yıldıran, C. Akkuş, Atilla İrfanoğlu, Deniz Gökçe, Zafer
Ortaçgil). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Rector’s Office, pp. 165.
December 3, 1982
Yayın Komisyonu Raporu (Report of the Publications Committeee;
Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı, Tansu Çiller, Ahmet Ceranoğlu, Güzver Yıldıran,
Mustafa Niksarlı). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, pp. 2.
September 30,1981
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Okulöncesi Eğitim Merkezi Yönetmeliği (ByLaws for the Boğziçi University Center for Preschool Education;
Necla Öner, Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı, Güzver Yıldıran, Ayhan Aksu,
Gülçin Alpöge). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, pp. 8.
Articles Written in English in Newspapers/Journals
September 1995
Yıldıran accepts doctorate degree at commencement. Arches:
University of Puget Sound (Tacoma, Washington), p. 6.
Citations from and Interviews in Newspaper / Journal Articles Published in English
September 1995
Michelle Te; Yıldıran a true believer in human potential. Arches:
University of Puget Sound (Tacoma, Washington), p. 6.
June 1995
Michelle Te; Graduates have their day in the sun. Arches: University
of Puget Sound (Tacoma, Washington), p. A-1.
May 11, 1995
Steve Maynard; Panetta bringing graduation greetings to UPS. The
News Tribune: Local, (Tacoma, Washington), p. B2-1.
August 28, 1968
Judy Davis; Students’ research aids state agencies with data, records.
Suburban Times (Tacoma, Washington), p. 11.
April 26, 1968
AWS Honors presented at annual banquet. University of Puget
Sound Trail (Tacoma, Washington), p. 9.
April 27 (?) 1968
Mortar Board alumnae will honor seniors. The Tacoma News
March 10, 1967
Hands across seas: Club generates friendship. University of Puget
Sound Trail (Tacoma, Washington).
Summer 1966
Exact date unavailable
Camp leaders come from afar. The Tacoma News Tribune.
April 3, 1966
Student status now-Leaders of tomorrow. The Tacoma News
Tribune: Society.
Exact date unavailable
Fran Mathews; Status of women is rising by world travel, education.
The Tacoma News Tribune.
Articles Written in Turkish in Newspapers and Journals
May 20, 1993
Gençliğimiz, ortamları ve bayramları (Our youth, their setting, and
their holiday). Milliyet (A major daily newspaper), “Düşünenlerin
Köşesi” (“Thoughts of Thinkers Column”), p. 19.
April 23, 1993
23 Nisan’ımız ve çocuklar (Our 23rd of April and children). Milliyet
(A major daily newspaper), “Düşünenlerin Köşesi” (“Thoughts of
Thinkers Column”), p. 17.
January 6, 1984
5 Yaşından küçükler için okul öncesi eğitmi yaygınlaştırılmalıdır
(Preschool education should be more inclusive of children younger
than 5). Tercüman: İnci (A major daily newspaper), p. 1.
Citations from and Interviews in Newspaper / Journal Articles Published in Turkish
February 2011
New Deans (Yeni Dekanlar). Announcement of the deans of the
Faculty of Arts and Sciemnces and The Faculty of Education.
BÜMED Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Mezunlar Derneği Aylık Yayını,
No. 159 (Monthly Publication of the Boğaziçi University Alumni
Association, No. 159), p. 12.
December 2009
Teacher’s Day
Organized by the Department
of Science Education at the
Secondary School Level,
Faculty of Education
Boğaziçi University
News from the lecture entitled “Kuruluşlar, oluşumlar, veriler:
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi’nin profiliyle hikayesi, 19731982, 1982-2002” (Foundations, occurances and data: The story
and the profile of the Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education),
given on Teachers Day, November 24, 2009; BÜMED Boğaziçi
Üniversitesi Mezunlar Derneği Aylık Yayını, (Monthly Publication
of the Boğaziçi University Alumni Association), p. 8.
February 2005
Tuncel Gülsoy; Bir İlk Bir Ümit (A First, A Hope). Boğaziçi, 18-23.
Istanbul: BÜMED Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Mezunlar Derneği Yayın
Organı (Boğaziçi University Alumni Association Publication).
January 2004
Teacher’s Day
Organized by the Department
of Educational Sciences,
Faculty of Education
Boğaziçi University
Öğretmenler Günü (Teacher’s Day ; Abuzer Yakaryılmaz). News and
citation as the chair of the panel entitled “Öğretmen Eğitiminin
Bugünü ve Geleceği” (The Present and Future of Teacher
Education). BÜMED Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Mezunlar Derneği
Yayını (Boğaziçi University Alumni Association Publication), p. 13.
January 2003
20th Anniversay of the
Faculty of Education of
Boğaziçi University
(News and Citation)
Eğitim Fakültesi 20 yaşında (20th anniversary of the Faculty of
Education). News and citation from the lecture entitled “Kuruluşlar,
Düşünceler, Veriler: Eğitim Fakültesi’nin Hikayesi” (Formations,
Thoughts, and Data: The Story of the Faculty nof Education) and
from the prsentation entitled “UYDOP Projesi” (Laboratory Schools
Project) on the panel entitled Eğitim Fakültesi Projeleri Paneli (The
Projects of the Faculty of Education). Boğaziçi (BÜMED Boğaziçi
Üniversitesi Mezunlar Derneği Yayın Organı, Boğaziçi University
Alumni Association Publication), p. 11-12.
December 2002
20th Anniversay of the
Faculty of education of
Boğaziçi University
(News and Citation)
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi 20 yaşında (20th anniversary
of the Faculty of Education of Boğaziçi University). News and
citation from the lecture entitled “Kuruluşlar, Düşünceler, Veriler:
Eğitim Fakültesi’nin Hikayesi” (Formations, Thoughts, and Data:
The Story of the Faculty nof Education). Boğaziçi‟nden Haberler
(News from Boğaziçi University), p. 2.
April 9, 2002
(News and citation)
TED’de bir konferans veren Prof. Dr. Yıldıran: Evrensel değerleri
insanlığa sunamamış (Prof. Yıldıran who gave a lecture in TED
(Turkish Educational Association School): TheUniversal values
which were not put in the service of humanity). Denge: Günlük
Siyasi Gazete, Aydın (Denge: Daily Political Newspaper, Aydın,
Turkey), p.1.
April 8, 2002
(News and citation)
Istanbul Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi öğretim
görevlisi Prof. Dr. Güzver Yıldıran: Eğitim devamlılığı olan bir
süreçtir (Prof. Güzver Yıldıran, Faculty member of Istanbul Boğaziçi
University, Faculty of Educational Sciences: Education is a process
that has continuity). Mücadele: Günlük Bağımsız Siyasi Gazete,
Aydın, (Mücadele: Daily Independent Political Newspaper, Aydın,
Turkey), p. 1-2.
January 2002
Metin Göksel, Önder Kızılkaya; Eğitim Fakültesi sahada; Varoşlarda
vahalar (The Faculty of Education is in the field; Valleys in the
shanties). Boğaziçi, 36-39. Istanbul: BÜMED Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Mezunlar Derneği Yayın Organı (Boğaziçi University Alumni
Association Publication).
March 9, 2001
Birol Keleş; Felsefe, psikoloji, sosyoloji ve pedagoji
formasyonlarında eksiklikler bulunuyor: Öğretmen de yetersiz
(Insufficiencies are found in the philosophical, psychological,
sociological and pedagogical formation: The teacher is also
ineffective). Cumhuriyet (A major daily newspaper), p. 9.
September 2000
Çiler Altuntaş; Nöbet değişti (The guard has changed). Boğaziçi
(18), 18-20. Istanbul: BÜMED Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Mezunlar
Derneği Yayın Organı (Boğaziçi University Alumni Association
Publication), cited on p. 18.
Article on the First
Ceremony of Handing
Over the Office of the
Rector of Boğaziçi
August 2000
News on the First
Ceremony of Handing
Over the Office of the
Rector of Boğaziçi
Rektörlük devir teslim töreni yapıldı (The ceremony of handing over
the office of the Rector was held). Boğaziçi‟nden Haberler (39)
(News from Boğaziçi), p. 1.
November 1995
Metin Göksel; Bir bilim emekçisi: Prof. Dr. Güzver Yıldıran (A
scientific laborer: Prof. Dr. Güzver Yıldıran). Boğaziçi‟nden
Haberler (8) (News from Boğaziçi), 4-5.
October 28, 1991
Diploma iş garantisi sağlamaz (Diploma does not guarantee a job).
Interview With the Rector of Boğaziçi University, Ergün Toğrol,
Necla Öner, Güzver Yıldıran. Sabah (A major daily newspaper),
p. 18.
July 3, 1988
Ülker Göktürk; Küçük “yarışcı” bilgiden yorgun düşüyor (The young
contestant gets tired of information); Cumhuruiyet (A major daily
nespaper), p. 12.
May 1988
Excerpts from the presentation “Ortaöğretimden yüksek öğretime
yansıyan etkenler” (“Variables reflected from secondary education
to higher education”) in the symposium on Milli Eğitimimizin
Hedefleri (The Goals of Our National Education) organized for the
celebration of the 125th anniversary of Boğaziçi University.
Moderator: Prof. Ergün Toğrol, Rector of Boğaziçi University,
Panelists: Hasan Celal Güzel, Minister of National Education, Youth
and Sports, Prof. Ömür Akyüz, Associate Prof. Güzver Yıldıran, and
Associate Professor Ali Baykal. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’nden Haberler
(News from Bogazici University) No: 5 / 88, 8-9, cited on p. 9.
January 1, 1986
Öğretmenler günü 25 Kasım tarihinde üniversitemizde dördüncü kez
kutlandı (Teachers’ day was celebrated for the fourth time on
November 25 in our university). Excerpts from “Öğrenci başarısını
etkileyen değişkenler” (“Variables which affect the levels of
achievement of students”). Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’nden Haberler
(News from Boğaziçi University), No: 1 / 86, 20-22, cited on
September 16, 1984
Metin Özyıldırım; “6 yaş olumsuz” (“Program for 6 year olds
negative”). Milliyet (A major daily newspaper), p. 7.
January 20, 1984
Milli eğitim’de model tartışması (Discussion of models in national
education). Milli Gazete (A daily newspaper), p. 1.
January 16-22, 1984
Okulda dayak çok sakıncalı (Corporal punishment in schools is
problematic). Nokta Haftalık Haber Dergisi (A weekly news
magazine), No: 47, p. 39.
January 12, 1984
Şükrü Sarı; Yarış havasına girmeyin (Don't get into a competitive
spirit). Interview with Prof. Turhan Oğuzkan and Associate Prof.
Güzver Yıldıran. Milliyet (A major daily newspaper), p. 9.
October 16, 1983
M. Şükrü Sarı (Moderator), Taner Özcan (Press Release); İlkokullarda
altı yaş uygulaması (Inclusion of six year-olds in the elementary
schools). Milliyet (A major daily newspaper), p. 4.
August 26, 1981
Çocuk başarısızsa, aile ne yapmalıdır? (What should families do
when the child fails at school?). Interview with Associate Professor
Necla Öner and Dr. Güzver Yıldıran. Günaydın: Saklambaç (A
daily newspaper), p.1.
August 25, 1981
Çocuğun başarısızlığı dünyanın sonu değildir (A child’s failure is not
the end of the world). Interview with Associate Professor Necla Öner
and Dr. Güzver Yıldıran. Günaydın: Saklambaç (A daily
newspaper), p.1.
Turkish Television Networks
March 25, 2011
Dragon’s Den
Information on Baybars Altuntaş’s experiences as a student at
Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Education, Department of Foreign
Language Education. Dragon‟s Den, Bloomberg TV.
June 24, 2006
Educational Program Panel
April 22, 2005 (recording
Educational Program Panel
April 30, 2005 (broadcast)
May 1, 2005-05
Zeka, Yetenek ve Üstün Yetenekli Çocukların Eğitimi (Intelligence,
Ability, and the Education of Gifted Children). Other Panelists:
Mustafa Coşkun, (Engineer; parent of a gifted child), Turgut Sarıgül
(Guidance and Counseling Office of Fatih University Entrance Exam
Institution). Moderator: Dr. Yazgülü Akdoğan, Journalist, Writer.
Cevap Anahtarı (Answer Key), SKY Türk TV, Istanbul Turkey.
Panelist on the topic of Toplumun Eğitiminde Sosyal Sorumluluk
Projelerinin Önemi (The Importance of Social Responsibility
Projects for the Education of the Public). Particular contribution on
The Laboratory Schools of Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Education
Project (UYDOP) and the book entitled Bir İlk Bir Ümit (A First, A
Hope). Other Panelist: Dr. Arif Kırkıç, Campus Principal of
Fenerbahçe Koleji. Moderator: Hayati Oktay, Eğitimde Farklı Bakış
Programı (Divergent Perspectives in Education Program) of
Fenerbahçe TV, Istanbul, Turkey.
April 5, 2002 (recording date) Interview with the Director of News of AY TV (Aydın Television)
Serol Sarışınkaya on University Entrance Exams and Messages to
Students, to be broadcast in the News of AY TV, Aydın, Turkey.
April 7, 2002 (broadcast)
16:00, 20:30, 23:30
April 8, 2002 (broadcast)
April 4, 2002
Interview (live)
Interview with Mehmet Kundak on Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Eğitim
Sorunlarının Karşılaştırılması (Comparison of Educational Problems
in the World and in Turkey), AY TV (Aydın Television), Aydın,
September 13, 1999
Interview (live)
Türkiye’de Öğretmen Eğitimi (Teacher Education in Turkey). Yakın
Plan (Close Plan), NTV, Istanbul, Turkey.
February 27, 1995
Panel Discussion (live)
Çevre Ahlakı Paneli (Panel Discussion on Environmental Ethics).
Moderator: Hayrettin Karaca, Participants: Prof. Güzver Yıldıran,
Prof.Uçkun Geray, Prof. Necla Arat. Panel, TRT II, (Turkish Radio
Television Network), Istanbul, Turkey.
Turkish Radio Broadcasts
April 8, 1999
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü Tanıtımı
(Information on the Department of Educational Sciences of
Boğaziçi University), Radyo Boğaziçi, Istanbul, Turkey.
December 26, 1995
13:30- 14:00
Anadolu Liseleri ve Özel Okullar Sınavları: Prof. Dr. Diane Sunar ile
Söyleşi (National Examinations for Anatolian Lycées and Selective
Private Schools: Talk with Prof. Diane Sunar. İnsanlık Hali:
Psikoloji ve Günlük Hayat (The Human Condition: Psychology
and Everyday Life), Açık Radyo (Open Radio), Istanbul, Turkey.
September 24, October 1,
Yaratıcılık (Creativity). İnsan Deyince (That Being Called Human).
Istanbul Radyosu, TRT II Eğitim ve Kültür Yayınları (Istanbul
Radio, TRT II Educational and Cultural Programmes), Istanbul,
March 26, April 2, 1984
Zeka Nedir, Nasıl Gelişir? (What is Intelligence, How Does It
Develop?). İnsan Deyince (That Being Called Human). Istanbul
Radyosu, TRT II Eğitim ve Kültür Yayınları (Istanbul Radio, TRT
II Educational and Cultural Programmes), Istanbul, Turkey.
January 9-16, 1984
Kişilik Nedir? Kişilik Psikolojisi Ne ile İlgilenir? (What is
Personality as a Construct? What Does Personality Theory Deal
With?). İnsan Deyince (That Being Called Human). Istanbul
Radyosu, TRT II Eğitim ve Kültür Yayınları (Istanbul Radio, TRT
II Educational and Cultural Programmes), Istanbul, Turkey.
Lectures in English
April 28, 2011
Opening speech of the Dean of Faculty of Education of Boğaziçi
University. European Society for Research on the Education of
Adults (ESREA), “Between Global and Local: Adult Learning and
Development” network‟s “Positioning and Conceptualizing Adult
Education and Learning within Local Development” Istanbul 2011
Conference. Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Education Department of
Educational Sciences, New Hall 301 (30 minutes).
May 8, 2009
How Global is Globalization. Lecture presented to the Group from
George Washington University (Washington D.C. USA). Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational Sciences, (1 hour).
June 17, 1995
Heybeliada, Istanbul
Environmental Ethics: The Need for a Paradigmatic Shift.
Lecture presented at the Ecumenical Patriarchate Summer
Seminar on Halki ‟95, entitled Environmental Ethics. Istanbul:
Heybeliada, Holy Trinity Monastery, (2 hours).
September 7, 1989
The Turkish Educational System in Brief. Lecture presented at
Robert Academy for the Teacher Orientation Program. Istanbul:
Robert Academy, (1 hour).
April 28, 1989
The Replacement of Stable Characteristics with Alterable Ones
in Explaining Individual Differences. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Müze
Konferansları (Boğaziçi University Museum Lecture Series).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Museum, (1 hour).
April 1, 1989
The Turkish Educational System: Its Strengths and Flaws.
Lecture presented for the guests of the American Board Schools in
Turkey. Istanbul: Ayasofya Pansiyonları, (l. hour).
March 30, 1989
An Overlook at the Turkish Educational System. Lecture
presented for the Teachers from Belgium Working with Migrant
Turkish Children. Istanbul: Department of Educational Sciences,
Boğaziçi University, (2 hours).
January 6, 1983
Mastery Learning: Theory and Methodology. Lecture presented
for Robert Academy Teachers. Istanbul: Robert Academy (1 hr).
December 6, 1982
Individual Differences in School Achievement. Lecture presented
for the teachers of İzmir American Collegiate Institute for Girls.
İzmir: American Collegiate Institute for Girls, (1 hour).
August 24, 1982
The Turkish Educational System and Mastery Learning. Lecture
presented at the Teacher Orientation Program of Üsküdar
American Academy for Girls. Istanbul: Üsküdar American
Academy for Girls, (1 hour).
August 31, 1981
Students, Teachers and Teaching Methods. Lecture presented at
the Teacher Orientation Program of Üsküdar American
Academy for Girls. Istanbul: Üsküdar American Academy for Girls,
(1 hour).
March 17, 1979
Evanston, Illinois
The Inheritance of Intelligence. Lecture presented with Dr. Marvin
Stodolsky for the group Yesterday‟s Children. Evanston, Illinois,
(1 hour).
Speeches or Remarks in English
April 15, 1994
Bari, Italy
Dates of Seminar:
14-15 April, 1994
July 9, 1986
Dates of Congress:
6-10 July, 1986
Remarks of the Chairperson of the session entitled School
Curricula at Different Levels to the General Assembly. The First
International Seminar of Educational Sciences in the
Mediterraneran Area. Bari: Universita Di Bari, Dipartimento Di
Scienze Dell ’Educazione (16:00-17:00, 20 minutes).
Discussant‟s Remarks. 15th Symposium of the VIIIth International
Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology entitled Human and Social
Development in the Middle East. Istanbul: Etap Marmara Hotel
(9:00-10:35, 15 minutes).
Lectures in Turkish
November 24, 2009
Teachers Day
Dedication to Prof. Hikmet
Kuruluşlar, Oluşumlar, Veriler: Eğitim Fakültesi’nin Profiliyle
Hikayesi, 1973-1982, 1982-2002 (Foundations, Occurances and
Data: The Story and the Profile of the Boğaziçi University Faculty
of Education) Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Albert Long Hall (50
December 16, 2004
Ölçme Değerlendirme Alanında Temel Kavramlar ve Uygulamalar
(Basic Concepts and Practices in the Area of Measurement and
Evaluation). For 106 primary education supervisors for the province
of Istanbul and for the teachers of the two laboratory schools of
Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Education. Eminönü Istanbul Lycée
Conference Hall (4 hours).
November 25, 2002
The 20th Anniversary of the
Faculty of Education of
Boğaziçi University
Kuruluşlar, Düşünceler, Veriler: Eğitim Fakültesi’nin Hikayesi
(Foundations, Thoughts and Data: The Story of the Faculty of
Education). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Albert Long Hall (70
April 5, 2002
Değerler, Toplumlar ve Eğitim (Values, Societies and Education).
Lecture presented to the staff of the Psychiatry Clinic. Aydın: Adnan
Menderes University Hospital, (2 hours).
April 4, 2002
Değerler, Toplumlar ve Eğitim (Values, Societies and Education).
Lecture presented to the administrators, teachers and parents of TED
Aydın Koleji (Turkish Educational Association, Aydın Lycée) as
well as the inspectors of the Ministry of National Education and other
interested community members. Aydın: TED Aydın Koleji, (3 hours).
24 November, 2000
İnsan Haysiyeti Kavramı, Toplumlar, Projeler (The Concept of
Human Dignity, Societies, and Projects). Lecture presented by the
Coordinator of UYDOP (Experimental Laboratory Schools Project
of Boğaziçi University under the protocole signed by the Ministry of
National Education and Boğaziçi University) for Teachers‟ Day.
Kağıthane, Istanbul: Ferit Aysan Çağdaş Yaşam İlköğretim Okulu,
(30 minutes).
June 26, 1996
Cumhuriyet Dönemi’nde Sekiz Yıllık Temel Eğitim Sürecinin
Gelişimi (The Development of the Process Leading to Eight-Year
Compulsory Education within the History of the Turkish
Republic). Lecture presented at the Symposium entitled Milli
Eğitim’in Atatürkçülük Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (The
Evaluation of the National Education from the Perspective of
Atatürk‟s Ideas) Istanbul: Kara Harp Akademisi (The Army War
Academy; 1 hour).
March 24, 1995
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri ve Psikoloji Bölümleri’nin
Tanıtımı, Lisans ve Lisansüstü Programları (Information on the
Undergraduate and Graduate Programs of the Department of
Educational Sciences and Department of Psychology of Boğaziçi
University). Lecture presented to the Senior Lycée students of
Üsküdar American Academy for Career Day Conferences. Istanbul:
Üsküdar American Academy, (40 minutes).
February 8, 1995
Tam Öğrenme Yöntemi ve Okullarda Uygulanabilirliği (Mastery
Learning and its Applicability in School Settings). Lecture
presented to the Commanders and Teachers of Kuleli, Malta, and
Işıklar Military High Schools. Istanbul: Kuleli Military High School,
(2 hours).
March 15, 1990
Ölçme Değerlendirme Kavramı içinde Tam Öğrenme (Mastery
Learning within the Concepts of Measurement and Evaluation).
Lecture presented to the student cadets of Sarayburnu Yüksekokullar
Öğrenci Komutanlığı (Sarayburnu Commandary of Higher
Education for Student Cadets). Istanbul: Sarayburnu, (1.5 hours).
March 16, 1989
Öğrenci Başarısı ve Psikolojik Sağlık (Student Achievement and
Psychological Health). Lecture presented for the Parent-Teacher
Association of Özel Şişli Terakki Lycée. Istanbul: Şişli Terakki
Lisesi, (1.5 hours).
May 6, 1988
Çocuğun Okul Başarısını Etkileyen Faktörler (Factors Influencing
School Achievement Levels of Children). Lecture presented for the
Parent-Teacher Association of Özel Şişli Terakki Lycée. Istanbul:
Şişli Terakki Lisesi, (1.5 hours).
April 15, 1988
Tam Öğrenme Yöntemi (Mastery Learning Method of Instruction).
Lecture presented at Semiha Şakir Experimental Lycée. Istanbul:
Semiha Şakir Deneme Lisesi, (1 hours).
August 27, 1986
Eğitimde Değerlendirme Sorunu (The Problem of Evaluation in
Education). Lecture presented at the Istanbul Eminönü Rotary
Club. Istanbul: Sheraton Hotel, (1 hour).
April 19, 1986
Yaygın Eğitim Ortamında Tam Öğrenme: Üniversite Giriş Sınavına
Hazırlık (Mastery Learning within the Context of Non-formal
Education: Preparation for University Entrance Exams). Lecture
presented for the teachers of Modern Eğitim Fen Dershanesi
(Preparatory Institution for Modern Education in Science).
Üsküdar, Istanbul: MEF Dersanesi, (1 hour).
March 5, 1986
Öğretim Yöntemleri ve Öğrenci Başarısı (Instructional Methods and
Student Achievement). Lecture presented at the Istanbul Eminönü
Rotary Club. Istanbul: Sheraton Hotel, (1 hour).
November 25, 1985
Öğrenci Başarısını Etkileyen Değişkenler (Variables Affecting
Achievement Levels of Students). Lecture presented at the
Teachers‟ Day Conference of Boğaziçi University. Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University, Büyük Toplantı Salonu (Garand Assembly
Hall;1 hour).
March 13, 1984
İnsanlararası İlişkiler (Human Relations). Lecture presented at the
Second Yearly Educational Conference of the Istanbul Chapter of
the Turkish Council of Nurses. Istanbul: The Admiral Bristol
Hospital, (1 hour).
March 6, 1984
Kişilik ve Gelişimi (Personality and its Development). ). Lecture
presented at the First Yearly Educational Conference of the
Istanbul Chapter of the Turkish Council of Nurses. Istanbul: The
Admiral Bristol Hospital, (1 hour).
December 7, 1982
Okul Başarısında Kişisel Farklılıklar (Individual Differences in
School Achievement). . Lecture presented for the teachers of İzmir
American Collegiate Institute for Girls. İzmir: American Collegiate
Institute for Girls, (1 hour).
March 25, 1981
Aile ve Öğretmenin Öğrenci ve Öğrenme Üzerindeki Etkileri (The
Effects of Families and Teachers on Students and Learning).
Lecture presented to the teachers and students of Atatürk Lycée.
Beşiktaş, Istanbul: Atatürk Lisesi, (1 hour).
June 19, 1978
Tam Öğrenme ve Gelenksel Öğrenme Ortamlarında Bilişsel Başarı
Düzeyinin Seçilmiş Öğrenme Ölçütleri Üzerindeki Etkileri (The
Effects of Cognitive Achievement on Selected Learning Criteria
Under Mastery learning and Normal Classroom Instruction).
Lecture on Doctoral Dissertation given to the Faculty Members of
the Departments of Education and Psychology of Hacettepe Universty.
Ankara: Hacettepe University, (1hour).
Speeches in Turkish
November 24, 2009
Teachers Day
Dedication to Prof. Hikmet
Prof. Dr. Hikmet Sebüktekin’in Akademik ve İdari Özgeçmişi (The
Academic and Administrative Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Hikmet
Sebüktekin). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Albert Long Hall (10
April 11, 2006
Akademik Yaşama Bakış Açısı, Araştırmalar ve Katkılar
(Perspectives on Academic Life, Research and Contributions).
Lecture given to the graduate students (19) in the Guidance and
Psychological Counseling and Adult Education programs of the
Department of Educational Sciences in ED 564 Seminar course upon
the invitation of the course instructor Associate Prof. Deniz AlbayrakKaymak, Ph.D. 15:00-16:00, Faculty of Ecucation Building 301,
Boğaziçi University.
October 25, 2005
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi’nin Hikayesi: İlk 20 Yıl, 19731982, 1982-2002 (The Story of the Faculty of Education of
Boğaziçi University: The First 20 Years, 1973-1982, 1982-2002)
Lecture given to the students (44) of ED 121 Orientation to Guidance
and Counseling upon the invitation of the course instructor Associate
Prof. Deniz Albayrak-Kaymak, Ph.D. 13:00-14:00, Faculty of
Ecucation Building 204, boğaziçi University.
April 1, 2004
Presentation of the Uygulama ve Deneme Okulları Projesi UYDOP
(Laboratory Schools Project) of Boğaziçi University Faculty of
Education to100 teachers and administrators of the Distirict of
Beşiktaş, Istanbul. Istanbul: Sabancı Anatolian Lycée, (15 minutes)
October 25, 2002
Presentation of the Uygulama ve Deneme Okulları Projesi (UYDOP;
Laboratory Schools Project UYDOP) to 25 faculty members of the
Sør-Trøndelag University College, Trondheim, Norway. Istanbul:
Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu, (45 minutes).
June 28, 2002
Dekanlık Eğilim Belirleme Süreci içinde adaylık konuşması
(Candidate Speech for the position of the Dean of the Faculty of
Education, Boğaziçi University, in the process of determining the
faculty inclination). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Faculty of
Education (20 minutes).
November 27, 2001
EREC Klübü’nün düzenlediği Öğretmenler Günü Kutlaması Açılış
Konuşması (Opening Speech for the Celebration of Teachers‟ Day
organized by EREC, Educational Research Club). İstabul:
Boğaziçi University, Kırmızı Salon, (20 minutes)
November 14, 2001
Tekirdağ Anadolu Öğretmen Lisesi Lise 3 öğrencilerine Boğaziçi
Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü’nün tanıtımı
(Information on Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Education, and
Department of Educational Sciences given to Lycée 3 students of
Tekirdağ Anatolian Lycée for Teachers). Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University, Turgut Noyan Salonu, (25 minutes).
September 10, 2001
Speech of the Coordinator of UYDOP (Experimental Laboratory
Schools Project of Boğaziçi University under the protocole signed
by the Ministry of National Education and Boğaziçi University) at
the opening of schools of elementary and secondary education at the
beginning of the 2001-2002 academic year. Istanbul: Orgeneral Kami
ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu, (20 minutes).
August 7, 2001
Speech of the Coordinator of UYDOP (Experimental Laboratory
Schools Project of Boğaziçi University under the protocole signed
by the Ministry of National Education and Boğaziçi University) at
the Closure and Certificate Ceremony of the Summer School 2001
conducted by the Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi
University and EREC (Educational Research Club of Boğaziçi
University), held between July 2-August 7, 2001 at Orgeneral Kami
ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University,
Turgut Noyan Hall, (30 minutes).
September 11, 2000
Speech of the Coordinator of UYDOP (Experimental Laboratory
Schools Project of Boğaziçi University under the protocole signed
by the Ministry of National Education and Boğaziçi University) at
the opening of schools of elementary and secondary education at the
beginning of the 2000-2001 academic year. Istanbul: Orgeneral Kami
ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu, (15 minutes).
August 7, 2000
Rektörlük Devir Teslim Töreni Açılış ve Kapanış Konuşmaları ve
Tören Sunuculuğu (Opening and Closure Speeches and
Presentation of the First Ceremony of the Turning Over of the
Office of the Rector From Prof. Üstün Ergüder to Prof. Sabih
Tansal). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Albert Long Hall, (19:0022:00, 3 hours).
July 27, 2000
Speech of the Coordinator of UYDOP (Experimental Laboratory
Schools Project of Boğaziçi University under the protocole signed
by the Ministry of National Education and Boğaziçi University) at
the Closure and Certificate Ceremony of the Summer School 2000
conducted by the Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi
University and EREC (Educational Research Club of Boğaziçi
University), held between June 27-July 27, 2000 at Orgeneral Kami
ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu. Istanbul: Orgeneral Kami ve
Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu, (15 minutes).
April 1, April 9, 2000
Opening and Closure speeches of the Project Coordinator for
TEVDAK (Turkish Education Foundations Consolidation Council)
In-service Teacher Training Seminar and Workshops conducted
by the Department of Educational Sciences of Boğaziçi University,
held on April 1-2 and 8-9. Istanbul: Kabataş Lisesi, (25 minutes).
July 23, 1999
Speech of the Coordinator of UYDOP (Experimental Laboratory
Schools Project of Boğaziçi University under the protocole signed
by the Ministry of National Education and Boğaziçi University) at
the Closure and Certificate Ceremony of the Summer School 1999
conducted by the Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi
University and EREC (Educational Research Club of Boğaziçi
University), held between June 24-July 23, 1999 at Ferit Aysan
Çağdaş Yaşam İlköğretim Okulu. Istanbul: Ferit Aysan Çağdaş
Yaşam İlköğretim Okulu (20 minutes).
June 23, 1999
Speech of the Coordinator of UYDOP (Experimental Laboratory
Schools Project of Boğaziçi University under the protocole signed
by the Ministry of National Education and Boğaziçi University) at
the End of the 1998-1999 Academic Year Program. Istanbul: Ferit
Aysan Çağdaş Yaşam ilköğretim Okulu, (25 minutes).
April 20, 1999
Opening Speech and Presentation (with Semra Şatıroğlu) of the
Madam Olga Nuray Olcay‟ı Anma Töreni (Night of Tribute to
Madam Olga Nuray Olcay, the founder of the Ballet department
of Istanbul Municipal Conservatory in 1953) sponsored by Istanbul
State Opera and Ballet, Istanbul State Conservatory, Dilek and Oya
Ballet Groups. Beşiktaş, Istanbul: Afife Jale Theater, (20:00-22:00, 2
March 19, 1991
Çay ve Sohbet (Tea and Talk). Lecture presented for Boğaziçi
University Educational Research Club (EREC). Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University, (1.5 hours).
September 13, 1984
Opening Speech of the III. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (IIIrd
National Congress of Psychology). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University
Büyük Toplantı Salonu (Grand Assembly Hall; 30 minutes).
Dates of the Congress:
September 13-15, 1984
Paper Presentations in English
March 21, 2008
New York, USA
Dates of the Conference:
March 17-21, 2008
May 31, 2001
Lonavla, India
Dates of the Conference:
May 29-June 2, 2001
The Effects of State Ideology, Politics, Educational Policies and
Educational Philosophy on the Science Curricula of Primary
Education: 1919-1938. Comparative and International Society‟s
52nd Annual Conference 2008. Historical Change and
Contemporary Challenges in Turkey, Lebanon and Iran. (Chair:
Merlanie E. Fedri, Pennsylvania State University) Group Number:
222, Session Time Block: 5.1, Session Type:Roundtable Panel, 8:3010:00 am. Joint paper of Güzver Yıldıran (Boğaziçi University), Aslı
Sezen (Pennsylvania State University). Presented by Aslı Sezen.
Cross-cultural Research, Concepts and Methodologies: Birds against a
Dark Sky. Paper presented at the International Conference of IAC
(International Association for Counseling) entitled Families in
Transition-Counselling in Transition-Meeting the Challenges
Ahead. Lonavla: Fariyas Holiday Resort.
December 25, 1998
Culture, Systems, and People: The case of Holland through the
Window of a Foreign Non-Dutch speaking Academician. Paper
presented at the Academic General Council of Boğaziçi University,
Faculty of Education. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Faculty of
April 20, 1995
Valetta, Malta
Problems Inherent in the Concept of Tolerance. Paper presented at the
two Working Groups entitled Society‟s Needs for Counselling with
the Aim of Developing Tolerance of the International Conference
on Counselling and Tolerance organized by the International Round
Table for the Advancement of Counseling (IRTAC). Valetta:
University of Malta.
Dates of the Conference:
April 19-22, 1995
November 7, 1994
Dates of the Symposium:
November 7-12, 1994
July 25, 1994
Dates of the Congress:
July 23-27, 1994
July 25, 1994
Dates nof the Congress:
July 23-27, 1994
July 21, 1994
Madrid, Spain
Dates of Congress:
July 17-22, 1994
April 14, 1994
Bari, Italy
Dates of the Seminar:
April 14-15, 1994
July 9, 1993
Tampere, Finland
Dates of the Congress:
July 4-9, 1993
September 20, 1990
Dates of the Conference:
September 20-21, 1990
July 5, 1989
Amsterdam, Holland
Dates of the Congress:
July 2-7, 1989
Environmental Ethics: The Need for a Paradigmatic Shift. Paper
presented at the International Symposium and Workshop on
Environmental Ethics, organized by Boğaziçi University Institute of
Environmental Sciences and UNESCO. Istanbul: Hilton Hotel,
The Replacement of Stable Characteristics with Alterable ones in
Explaining Individual Differences. Paper presented at the XIIth
International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology for the
symposium entitled Educational Intervention: Cross-Cultural
Aspects. Pamplona-Iruna: Escuela de Estudios Sanitarios.
The Effects of Mastery Learning Method of Instruction and
Laboratory Experiments on Achievement and Science Misconception
Scores of Secondary School Turkish Students. Paper presented with
K. Arif Kırkıç at the XIIth International Congress of CrossCultural Psychology for the symposium entitled Educational
Intervention: Cross-Cultural Aspects. Pamplona-Iruna: Escuela de
Estudios Sanitarios, 10:45-12:30.
The Effects of Instruction, Aptitude and Grouping on Mathematics
Achievement of Fourth Grade German Students Studying under
Mastery Learning and Normal Classroom Instruction. Paper presented
with Robert Hackenberg at the 23rd International Congress of
Applied Psychology for the symposium entitled Educational,
Instructional, and School Psychology. Madrid: Congress Hall.
An Overlook at the Turkish Educational System. Paper presented at
The First International Seminar of Educational Sciences in the
Mediterranean Area. Bari, Italy: Universita Di Bari, Dipartimento Di
Scienze Dell ’Educazione.
The Effects of Instruction, Aptitude, and Grouping on Mathematics
Achievement of Fourth Grade German Students Studying Under
Master Learning and Normal Classroom Instruction. Paper presented
with Robert Hackenberg at the Poster Session entitled Learning of
the IIIrd European Congress of Psychology Tampere: University of
Preparing Students for Tomorrow: Strategies within the University.
Reporter’s Paper presented at the Ist session of the 5th Balkan
Rectors‟ Conference. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Büyük Toplantı
Salonu (Grand Assembly Hall).
The Effects of Mastery Learning and Improved Teaching on
Mathematics Achievement of Seventh Grade Turkish Students. Paper
presented with Boniface Nwabueze at the PA 125 Paper Session of the
1st European Congress of Psychology. Amsterdam: RAI Congress
June 30, 1989
Amsterdam, Holland
Dates of the Conference:
June 27-July 1, 1989
July 15, 1986
Jerusalem, Israel
Dates of the Congress:
July 13-18, 1986
July 8, 1986
Dates of the Congress:
July 6-10, 1986
The Effects of Mastery Learning and Improved Teaching on
Mathematics Achievement of Seventh Grade Turkish Students. Paper
presented with Boniface Nwabueze at the 14th session entitled
Cognition-Education of the 2nd Regional Conference of the
International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Amsterdam: Department of Psychology, Free University.
The Effects of Mastery Learning and Teaching for Creativity on
Learning a Second Language. Paper presented with John Durnin at the
Interactive Papers session of the 21st International Congress of
Applied Psychology, Jerusalem, Israel: Jerusalem Convention Center
and Jerusalem Hilton Hotel, (Interactive Papers: 8:30-10:30).
The Effects of Mastery Learning and Teaching for Creativity on
Learning a Second Language. Paper presented with John Durnin at the
21st Paper Session entitled Educational Psychologyof the 8th
International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Istanbul:
EtapMarmara Hotel.
February 27, 1985
Mastery Learning as an Instructional Design: Contributions to Student
Achievement. Paper presented at the Seminar on Design Education
at the Secondary School Level. Istanbul: Istanbul Technical
University, Faculty of Architecture.
June 19, 1984
Mastery Learning and Quality of Education: The Two-sigma Problem.
Paper presented at the International Symposium on Quality of
Education and its Future Prospects in the Turkish Educational
System. Ankara: Hacettepe University.
Dates of the Symposium:
June 18-20, 1984
June 11, 1977
Bloomington, Illinois
On the Nature of Women and Her Role in Turkey. Paper presented at
the Illinois International Women‟s Year Conference; Women: A
New Force for World Change. Bloomington, Illiniois: Illinois State
Paper Presentations in Turkish
Değerler, Toplumlar ve Eğitim (Values, Societies and Education).
Paper presented at the Second Session entitled “Eğitim ve Toplum”
(“Education and Society”) of the Türk Eğitim Derneği (TED)
Date of the Scientific Meeting: Bilimsel Toplantısı (Turkish Educational Association Scientific
November 23, 2001
Meeting). Session Chair: Professor Özcan Demirel, Hacettepe
University, Department of Educational Sciences. Çekirge Meydanı,
Bursa: Kervansaray Oteli Konferans Salonu, (10:45-11:30).
November 23, 2001
September 19, 2000
Dates of the Congress:
September 17-20, 2000
Değişen Dünyada Eğitimimiz: Olgular, Seçenekler (Our Educational
System in a Changing World: Facts, Alternatives). Paper presented
at the IX. Türkiye Hastane Mütehassısları Tıp Kongresi, 17-20 Eylül,
2000 (IXth Medical Congress of Turkish Hospital Specialists,
September 17-20, 2000). Istanbul: Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi.
September 22, 1994
Dates of the Congress:
September 21-23, 1994
September 22, 1992
Dates of the Congress:
September 22-25, 1992
September 25, 1990
Dates of the Congress:
September 24-28, 1990
September 5, 1990
Dates of the Congress:
September 5-7, 1990
September 15, 1988
Dates of the Congress:
September 14-16, 1988
Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı
(OHDİDA) Öğretmen Formu’nun Öğretmen Eğitimine Duyarlığı (The
Sensitivity of the Teacher Form of the Formative Evaluation and
Teaching Aids for Preschool Objectives (OHDIDA) to Teacher
Training). Paper presented with Nur Sucuka at the VIIIth session of
the VIII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (VIIIth National Congress of
Psychology). İzmir: Ege University Tiyatro Salonu (Theater).
Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı’nın
(OHDİDA) Eğitim, Gelişim ve Ortam Farklarına Duyarlığı (The
Sensitivity of the Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for
Preschool Objectives (OHDİDA) to Instruction, Development, and
Setting). Paper presented at the Second Session entitled Gelişim
Psikolojisi (Developmental Psychology) of the VII. Ulusal Psikoloji
Kongresi (VIIth National Congress of Psychology). Ankara:
Hacettepe University, S Salonu.
Tam Öğrenme Yöntemiyle Kullanılan Etkinleştirilmiş Materyalin Lise
1. Sınıf İngilizce Dersi Başarı Düzeyine Etkisi (The Effects of
Mastery Learning and Improved Materials on English Achievement
Levels of Turkish Students). Paper presented with Uğur Eğinlioğlu at
the Third Session entitled Program Geliştirme (Curriculum
Development) of the Eğitim Bilimleri Birinci Ulusal Kongresi (First
National Congress of Educational Sciences). Ankara: Ankara
University, A3 Anfi.
Tam Öğrenme ve Geleneksel Öğretim Yöntemlerinin Beşinci Sınıf
Öğrencilerinin Başarı Düzeyi ve Hatırlama Puanlarına Etkisi (The
Effects of Mastery Learning and Normal Classroom Instruction on
Achievement Levels and Retention Scores of Vth Grade Students).
Paper presented with Oya Afreşa at the First Session of the VI. Ulusal
Psikoloji Kongresi (VIth National Congress of Psychology).
Istanbul: Istanbul University.
Tam Öğrenme Yöntemi ve Üniversite Hazırlık Kurslarına Devamın
Fen Dersleri Başarısı ve Üniversite Giriş Sınavları Üzerindeki Etkileri
(The Effects of Mastery Learning and Attendance to University
Preparatory Courses on School Achievement in Science and
University Entrance Exams). Paper presented with Elif Çetin at the
V. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (Vth National Congress of
Psychology). İzmir: Ege University, Atatürk Kültür Merkezi.
September 25, 1986
Dates of the Congress:
24-26 September, 1986
September 15, 1984
Dates of the Congress:
September 13-15, 1984
November 17, 1983
Dates of the Meeting:
September 17-18, 1983
September 24, 1982
Dates of the Congress:
Tam Öğrenme Yöntemi ile Birlikte Öğrencilerin Bilişsel Giriş
Davranışlarına Sahip Olmalarının Başarı Üzerindeki Etkileri (The
Effects of Mastery Learning and the Possession of Cognitive Entry
Behaviors on Achievement). Paper presented with Yeşim Sayar at the
IV. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (IVth National Congress of
Psychology). Ankara: Middle East Technical University, Solmaz
İzdemir Salonu.
Okulöncesi Çocukları için Hazırlanmış Bir Değerlendirme Aracının
Yapısal Geçerliği: Pilot Çalışma (The Construct Validity of an
Evaluation Instrument Designed for Preschool Children: Pilot
Study). Paper presented with Ozana Uzunkavak-Ural at the III. Ulusal
Psikoloji Kongresi (IIIrd National Congress of Psychology).
Istanbul: Tiyatro Salonu, Boğaziçi University.
Okulöncesi Eğitimde Okul, Ana-Baba ve Çevre Arasında İşbirliğinin
Sağlanması (The Enhancement of Cooperation Among the
Preschool, Parents and the Environment). Paper presented at the
Türk Eğitim Derneği VII. Eğitim Toplantısı: Okulöncesi Eğitim ve
Sorunları (VIIth Educational Meeting of the Turkish Educational
Association: Preschool Education and its Problems). Bakanlıklar,
Ankara: Bulvar Palas.
Tam Öğrenme ve Sınıf Ortamında Uygulanışı (Mastery Learning and
its Implimentation in the Classroom). Paper presented at the II.
Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (IInd National Congress of Psychology).
Ankara: Hacettepe University, M Salonu.
September 22-24, 1982
Panel Presentations in English
October 6, 2000
Kuşadası, Aydın
Dates of the Workshop:
October 5-7, 2000
Cross-cultural Research, Concepts and Methodologies: Birds against a
Dark Sky. Paper presented in the Panel entitled Perspectives:
Learning in/from Two Cultures of the Health and Education
Foundation and American Board: Second Education Workshop.
Moderator: Alan McCain; Presenter of Speakers: Tülin Büyükalkan;
Participants: Ken Arnold, Robert Keller, Prof.Ayla Oktay, Prof.
Güzver Yıldıran. Kuşadası: Merit Sunset Motel, (8:30-10:15).
Panel Presentations in Turkish
May 15, 2010
The First National Conference
on Curriculum and
Instructional Programs
Ayvalık, Balıkesir
Kongre Değerlendirme Paneli (Panel on the Evaluation of the
Conference). I. Ulusal Eğitim Programları ve Eğitim Kongresi (The
First National Conference on Curriculum and Instructional
Programs). Chair: Prof. Özcan Demirel, Participants: Prof. Nevin
Saylan, Prof. Mehmet Ali Kısakürek, Prof. Ali Yıldırım, Prof. Adil
Türkoğlu. Ayvalık: Ayvalık Meslek Yüksek Okulu Seminer Salonu,
May 13, 2010
The First National Conference
on Curriculum and
Instructional Programs
Ayvalık, Balıkesir
Bilim Etiği İçinde Bazı Öneriler (Recommendations on Scientific
Ethics). Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Etik Kurulu Paneli (Panel of
the Ethics Council of the Association of Curriculum and Instructional
Programs). The First National Conference on Curriculum and
Instructional Programs.Chair: Prof. Mehmet Ali Kısaküre,
Participants: Prof. Nevin Saylan, Prof. Nevzat Battal, Prof. Adil
Türkoğlu. Ayvalık: Ayvalık Meslek Yüksek Okulu Seminer Salonu,
March 3, 2003
Celebrations for the 79th
Anniversary of Unity of
Instruction Law
Eğitim ve İnsan Hakları (Education and Human Rights). Ankara
Üniversitesi Avrupa Birliği ve Eğitim Bilimsel Toplantısı (Scientific
meeting of Ankara University on European Union and
Education). Ankara: Ankara University (14:00-17:30).
November 25, 2002
The 20th Anniversary of the
Faculty of Education of
Boğaziçi University
Uygulama ve Deneme Okulları Projesi (UYDOP; Laboratory School
Project). Eğitim Fakültesi Projeleri Paneli (Presentation on the panel
entitled The Projects of the Faculty of Education). Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University, Albert Long Hall, (15:30-17:30).
November 23, 2001
Eğitim ve Toplum-Yorumlar ve Öneriler (Education and SocietyImplications and Suggestions). Panel presentation at the Fourth
Session of the Türk Eğitim Derneği (TED) Bilimsel Toplantısı
(Turkish Educational Association Scientific Meeting). Moderator:
Professor Bozkurt Güvenç, Advisor to the Ninth President of the
Turkish Republic, Süleyman Demirel, Participants: Professor Ali
Baykal, General Director of the Terakki Vakfı Özel Şişli Terakki
Okulları (Terakki Foundation Private Şişli Terakki Schools), Professor
Güzver Yıldıran, Chair of the Department of Educational Sciences,
Boğaziçi University, Professor Ulviye Özer, Department of
Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Uludağ University, Professor
Şeyda Özil, Faculty of Arts, Istanbul University. Çekirge Meydanı,
Bursa: Kervansaray Oteli Konferans Salonu, (14:00-16:30).
April 30, 2001
Temiz Toplum Yaratmada Eğitimin Rolü (The Role of Education in
the Creation of an Ethical Society). Paper presented at the Panel
entitled Temiz Toplum Yaratmada Eğitimin Rolü (The Role of
Education in the Creation of an Ethical Society) organized by Hür
ve Kabul Edilmiş Masonlar Büyük Locası (Free and Accepted
Masons Grand Chapter). Moderator: Prof. Bozkurt Güvenç, Advisor
to the Ninth President of the Turkish Republic, Süleyman Demirel,
Participants: Prof. Güzver Yıldıran, Prof. Ali Baykal. Istanbul: Hilton
Hotel, (16:15-18:15).
November 24, 1995
Değişen dünyada eğitimimiz: Olgular ve Seçenekler (Our
Educational System in a Changing World: Facts and Alternatives).
Paper presented in the Panel entitled Eğitim ve Biz (Education and
Us) organized by Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education and
Çağdaş Yaşam EğitimVakfı (Foundation of Education for
Contemporary Life) for November 24 Teachers‟ Day. Moderator:
Prof. Cem Alptekin, Dean of the Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi
University, Participants: Prof. Güzver Yıldıran, Prof. Ali Baykal,
Associate Prof. Füsun Akarsu. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Büyük
Toplantı Salonu (Grand Assembly Hall).
May 24, 1995
2000’li Yılların Eşiğinde Eğitimin Başlıca Sorunları (The Main
Problems of Education at the Threshold of the Years 2000s). Paper
presented at the Panel organized by UNESCO National Committee
for UNESCO Haftası, 22-27 Mayıs 1995 (UNESCO Week, May 2227). Moderator: Dr. Hıfzı Topuz, Presenters: Prof. Güzver Yıldıran,
Prof. İlber Ortaylı, Prof. Arsın Aydınuraz. Tekirdağ: Belediye Sergi
Salonu, (15:00-17:00).
Dates of UNESCO Week:
May 22-27, 1995
March 22, 1995
Dates of the Meetings:
March 20-24, 1995
Çevre Ahlakı (Environmental Ethics). Paper presented at the Panel
for Orman Haftası Toplantıları 20-24 Mart, 1995 (Forestry Week
Meetings, March 20-24, 1995). Moderator: Prof. Uçkun Geray
Istanbul: Istanbul University, Faculty of Forestry.
June 21, 1990
Türkiye’de Eğitim ve Sorunları (Education in Turkey and Its
Problems). Paper presented at the Panel of the Symposium entitled
Türkiye’de Eğitim ve Sorunları (Education in Turkey and Its
Problems) organized by Harp Akademileri (Turkish War
Academies) for the Milli Güvenlik Akademisi (National Security
Academy). Moderator: Prof. Orhan Oğuz, Paricipants: Prof. Ergün
Toğrol. Rector of Boğaziçi University, Associate Prof. Güzver
Yıldıran, Prof. Erol Cihan, Prof. Ali Sait Sevgener, Associate Prof.
Nihat Bilgen, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of National Education,
and Ömer Özüduru. Maslak, Istanbul: Harp Akademileri (Turkish War
May 5, 1988
Orta Öğretimden Yüksek Öğretime Yansıyan Etkenler (Factors
Reflected from Secondary Education to Higher Education). Paper
presented at the Panel of the Symposium entitled Milli Eğitimimizin
Hedefleri (The Objectives of Our National Education) organized
for the celebration of the 125th Anniversary of Boğaziçi University.
Moderator: Prof. Ergün Toğrol, Rector of Boğaziçi University,
Presenters: Hasan Celal Güzel, Minister of National Education Youth
and Sports, Prof. Ömür Akyüz, Asssociate Prof. Güzver Yıldıran.
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Büyük Toplantı Salonu (Grand
Assembly Hall; 9:30-12:30).
April 9, 1985
Yaratıcılık (Creativity). Paper presented at the Panel entitled
Edebiyatın Gençlik ve Toplum Üzerindeki Eğitsel Etkisi (The
Educational Effect of Literature on Youth and Society), organized
by the Beşiktaş Lioness Club. Moderator: Prof. Hilmi Yavuz,
Participants: Selim İleri (writer), Associate Prof. Güzver Yıldıran.
Istanbul: Yıldız University.
Seminar Presentations in English
May 7, 2004
Seminar to the foreign teachers teaching in English of the İzmir
American Collegiate Institute entitled Measurement and Evaluation.
İzmir: İzmir American Collegiate Institute, (4 hours).
June 4, 1996
Alterable Characteristics in Human Performance Reflected in
Education. Department of Economics Seminars. Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University, (2 hours).
September 10November 25, 1993
Mastery Learning: Theory and Methodology. 10 Two-Hour Inservice Teacher Training Seminar Series for Certification of
English Teachers of İSTEK Foundation, organized by YÖRET and
İSTEK Foundations. Balmumcu, Istanbul: Atanur Oğuz Lycée, (10
weeks, 20 hours).
May 23, 1991
The Implementation of Mastery Learning in Turkish Educational
Settings: Outcomes of Research. Seminar presented to the graduate
students of the Guidance and Psychological Counseling and Adult
Education Programs of the Department of Educational Sciences.
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, (3 hours).
January 20, 1986
The Effects of Mastery Learning and Teaching Creativity on Learning
a Second Language. Seminar presented to Robert Academy
Teachers that participated in the study. Istanbul: Robert Academy,
(1 hour).
March 22, 1983
Mastery Learning and its Applicability at the Secondary School Level.
Seminar presented for Robert Academy Teachers. Istanbul: Robert
Academy, (1 hour).
April 23, 1981
Are Differences in Learning Necessary? Seminar presented for
Faculty Members and Graduate Students of the Department of
Education and Department of Psychology. Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University, Department of Education, (1hour).
Workshop Presentations in English
April 4, 18, 20, 1979
Chicago, Illinois
Structuring the Physical Environment for Individualization:
Structuring Time. Workshop presented with Dr. Jane Hill to Head
Start Teachers in Chicago funded by the Department of Human
Services, Children and Youth Services Division, organized by
Roosevelt University, Research and Development Center. Chicago,
Illinois, (3hours).
March 8, 28, 30, April 3, 1979 Individualizing Instruction: On reading. Workshop presented with Dr.
Chicago, Illinois
Jane Hill to Head Start Teachers in Chicago funded by the
Department of Human Services, Children and Youth Services
Division, organized by Roosevelt University, Research and
Development Center. Chicago, Illinois, (4 hours).
October 25-26, 1978
Chicago, Illinois
Mastery Learning. Workshop presented with George Olson at
Individualized Instruction: A Conference in Curriculum
Development for Head Start Teachers in Chicago funded by the
Department of Human Services, Children and Youth Services
Division, organized by Roosevelt University, Research and
Development Center. Chicago, Illinois: Illinois Institute of
Technology, (8 hours).
Seminar Presentations in Turkish
December 20, 2005
Seminar to the Turkish and Foreign Teachers and
Administrators of Yüzyıl Işıl Elementary and Secondary Schools
entitled Eğitim ve Öğretimde Ölçme ve Değerlendirme (Seminar on
Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Instruction with
simultaneous translation). Istanbul: Yüzyıl Işıl Schools, Bahçeköy, (2
hours, 16:00-18:00)
December 19, 2003
Seminar to the Turkish Teachers of the İzmir American
Collegiate Institute entitled Ölçme Değerlendirme Semineri
(Seminar on Measurement and Evaluation). İzmir: İzmir American
Collegiate Institute, (4 hours).
April 5, 2002
Seminar to the administrators and teachers of TED Aydın Koleji
(Turkish Educational Association, Aydın Lycée) entitled Öğrenci
Başarısı ve Öğretim Yöntemleri (Student Achievement and
Instructional Methods). Aydın: TED Aydın Koleji (1.5 hours).
May 10, 2001
In-service Teacher Training UYDOP (Experimental Laboratory
Schools Project) seminar entitled Sistem Yaklaşımı ile Okul
Ortamının Geliştirilmesi (School Development through Systems
Approach) presented with Dr. Ayşe Caner. Istanbul: Orgeneral Kami
ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu, (2hours).
March 1, 2001
In-service Teacher Training UYDOP (Experimental Laboratory
Schools Project) seminar entitled Sistem Yaklaşımı Çerçevesinde
Katılımcı ve Demokratik bir Ortamda Okul Misyonu Oluşturulması
(The Formulation of a Mission Statement Using the Systems
Approach in a Participatory Democratic Setting) presented with
Dr. Ayşe Caner. Istanbul: Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey
İlköğretim Okulu, (2hours).
January 18, 2001
In-service Teacher Training UYDOP (Experimental Laboratory
Schools Project) seminar entitled Okul Misyonunun Oluşturulmasında
Sistem Yaklaşımı ve Ortam İklimi (Systems Approach for the
Formulation of a School Mission Statement and Cultural
Climate) presented with Dr. Ayşe Caner. Istanbul: Orgeneral Kami
ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu, (2 hours).
December 14, 2000
In-service Teacher Training UYDOP (Experimental Laboratory
Schools Project) seminar entitled Okula Sistem Yaklaşımı ile Bakış
(A Look at the School through the Systems Approach) presented
with Dr. Ayşe Caner and Dr. Özlem Ünlühisarcıklı. Istanbul:
Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu, (3 hours).
April 1-2, 2000
In-service Teacher Training Seminars entitled Eğitim Yöntemleri
ve Program Geliştirme (Instructional Methodologies and Program
Development) presented with Dr. Yavuz Akpınar organized by
Boğaziçi University Department of Educational Sciences and
TEVDAK (Turkish Education Foundations Consolidation Council).
Istanbul: Kabataş Lycée, (12 hours).
June 17, 1999
In-service Teacher Training UYDOP (Experimental Laboratory
Schools Project) seminar entitled Öğretmentler Tarafından
Oluşturulan Okul Geliştirici Projeler (Formulation of Teacher
Initiated Projects for School Development) presented with Dr.
Ayşe Caner. Istanbul: Ferit Aysan Çağdaş Yaşam İlköğretim Okulu,
(3 hours),
June 3, 1999
In-service Teacher Training UYDOP (Experimental Laboratory
Schools Project) seminar entitled Öğretmentler Tarafından
Oluşturulan Okul Geliştirici Projeler (Formulation of Teacher
Initiated Projects in School Development) presented with Dr. Ayşe
Caner. Istanbul: Ferit Aysan Çağdaş Yaşam İlköğretim Okulu,
(2 hours).
June 1, 1999
In-service Teacher Training UYDOP (Experimental Laboratory
Schools Project) seminar entitled Öğretmentler Tarafından
Oluşturulan Okul Geliştirici Projeler (Formulation of Teacher
Initiated Projects in School Development) presented with Dr. Ayşe
Caner. Istanbul: Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu,
(3 hours).
May 11, 1992
Seminar entitled “Okulöncesi Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici
Değerlendirme Aracı” Maddelerinin Eğitim, Gelişim ve Ortam
Farklarına Duyarlığı (The Sensitivity of the Items of the Turkish
Form of “Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for Preschool
Objectives” to Instruction, Development, and Setting) presented to
the Master‟s Program students in Preschool Education, Guidance
and Psychological Counseling and Adult Education. Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational Sciences, (3 hours).
June 26, 1990
In-service Teacher Training Seminar entitled Türkiye’de Eeğitim ve
Sorunları (Education in Turkey and Its Problems) presented to the
elementary school teachers of Şişli Terakki Lycée. Istanbul: Şişli
Terakki Lisesi, (1.5 hours).
September 8, 1989
In-service Teacher Training Seminar entitled Öğrenci Başarısını
Etkileyen Değişkenler (Variables Affecting Achievement Levels of
Students) presented to the teachers of Şişli Terakki Lycée. Istanbul:
Şişli Terakki Lisesi, (1.5 hours).
May 12, 1989
Seminar entitled Okulöncsi Çocukları için Hazırlanmış “Okulöncesi
Hedeflerine Dönük İzleyici Değerlendirme Aracı” Maddelerinin
Gelişim ve Eğitime Duyarlığı (The Sensitivity of the Items of the
Turkish Form of “Formative Evaluation and Teaching Aids for
Preschool Objectives” Designed for Preschool Children to
Development and Instruction) presented to the Master‟s Program
students in Preschool Education. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University,
Department of Educational Sciences, (3 hours).
September 2-7, 1985
In-service Teacher Training Seminar entitled Okulöncesi Eğitimde
Aile, Okul ve Çevre İlişkileri ve İşbirliği (Family, School, and
Environmental Interactions and Cooperation in Preschool
Education), organized by the Istanbul Özel Öğretim Kurumları
Derneği (Istanbul Association of Private Educational Institutions )
under the sponsorship of Milli Eğitim Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Özel
Öğretim Kurumları Daire Başkanlığı (Ministry of National Education
Youth and Sports, Director’s Office, Division of Private Educational
Institutions) for the teacher education course entitled Okulöncesi
Eğitim (Preschool Education). Istanbul: Işık Lisesi, (1 hour).
May 16, 1985
In-service training seminar presented to school guidance counselors
entitled Tam Öğrenme Yönteminin Okullarda Uygulanışı (The
Implementaion of Mastery Learning Method of Instruction in
Schools) for Okul Rehberliği Grup Çalışmaları, Seminer IX (Group
Studies on School Counseling, Seminar IX). Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University, Department of Educational Sciences, (1 hour).
January 24, 1985
In-service training seminar presented to school guidance counselors
entitled Değer Kavramı Üzerinde Bazı Düşünceler (Some Thoughts
on the Concept of Value) for Okul Rehberliği Grup Çalışmaları,
Seminer III (Group Studies on School Counseling, Seminar III).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational Sciences,
(1 hour).
March 15, 1983
Tam Öğrenme Kuram ve Yöntemi (Mastery Learning: Theory and
Methodology). Seminar presented for Robert Academy Teachers.
Istanbul: Robert Academy, (1 hour).
16 Ağustos 1982
Silivri, Istanbul
Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri (Scientific Research Methods).
TÜBİTAK ve Istanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Hücre Biyolojisi
Lisansüstü Yazokulu Seminerleri için hazırlanmış konferans (Lecture
Dates of the Seminars:
presented at the Graduate Summer School Seminars on Cell
August 15- September 3, 1982 Biology, sponsored by the Turkish Scientific and Technical
Research Association (TÜBİTAK) and Istanbul University
Faculty of Sciences). Silivri, Istanbul: Istanbul University UNİSEM
Tesisleri (UNİSEM Accommodations; 3.5 hours).
May 5, 1982
In-service Teacher Training Seminar entitled Fiziksel Çevreyi
Bireysel Öğretim İçin Hazırlama: İlgi Alanları Geliştirme
(Structuring the Physical Environment for Individualization:
Developing Interest Centers) presented for the preschool education
teachers of Boğaziçi University Center for Preschool Education.
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Center for Preschool Education,
(1 hour).
April 30, 1982
In-service Teacher Training Seminar entitled Fiziksel Çevreyi
Düzenleme (Structuring the Physical Environment) presented for
the preschool education teachers of Boğaziçi University Center for
Preschool Education. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Centerfor
Preschool Education, (1 hour).
February 3, 1982
In-service Teacher Training Seminar entitled Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Okulöncesi Eğitim Merkezi’nde yapılacak Araştırmaların Önemi
(The Importance of Doing Research at the Boğaziçi University
Center for Preschool Education) presented for the preschool
education teachers of Boğaziçi University Center for Preschool
Education. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, (1 hour).
Workshop Presentations in Turkish
April 8-9, 2000
In-service Teacher Training Workshops entitled Eğitim Yöntemleri
ve Program Geliştirme (Instructional Methodologies and
Curriculum Development) presented with Dr. Yavuz Akpınar
organized by Boğaziçi University Department of Educational Sciences
and TEVDAK (Turkish Education Foundations Consolidation
Council). Istanbul: Kabataş Lycée, (12 hours).
Session Leadership in English
June 24, 1999
Dates of the Forum:
June 22-25, 1999
July 25, 1994
Cahirperson of the Panel entitled Issues in Early and Basic
Education II in Central Asia Regional Literacy Forum organized
by MOCEF (Mother-Child Education Foundation) and International
Literacy Institute. Istanbul: Dedeman Hotel, (16:00-17:00).
Chairperson of the Symposium entitled Educational Intervention:
Cross-Cultural Aspects. XIIth International Congress of CrossCultural Psychology. Pamplona-Iruna: Escuela de Estudios
Sanitarios, (10:45-12:30).
Dates of the Congress:
July 23-27, 1994
April 14-15, 1994
Bari, Italy
Dates of the Seminar:
April 14-15, 1994
Chairperson of the session entitled School and Curricula at
Different Levels. The First International Seminar of Educational
Sciences in the Mediterranean Area. Bari: Universita Di Bari,
Dipartimento Di Scienze Dell ’Educazione, April 14 (14:00-16:30),
April15 (10:00-12:00).
October 20, 1988
Chairperson at the Seminar entitled The Problems of Turkish
Migrant Youth in Sweden presented by teachers from Sweden and
Turkish academicians. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of
Educational Sciences, (15:30-17:30).
July 9, 1986
Chairperson with Daniel Wagner for the 17th Symposium entitled
Literacy, Education and Media Exposure in the Middle East.
VIIIth International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Istanbul: Etap Marmara Hotel, (10:55-12:30).
Dates of the Congress:
July 6-10, 1986
July 9, 1986
Dates of the Congress:
July 6-10, 1986
Chairperson with Daniel Wagner for the 15th Symposium entitled
Human and Social Development in the Middle East. VIIIth
International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Istanbul:
Etap Marmara Hotel, (9:00-10:35).
Session Leadership in Turkish
May 13-14, 2010
Ayvalık, Balıkesir
Dates of the Conference
May 13-15, 2010
December 2, 2003
The First National Conference on Curriculum and Instructional
Thursday May 13, 2010: First Session, Hall 2; 14:15-15:15
Thursday May 13, 2010: Second Session, Hall 6; 15:30-16:30
Friday May 14, 2010: Third Session, Hall 4; 15:00-16:00
Friday May 14, 2010: Fourth Session, Hall 4; 16:30-17:30
Chairperson of the 1st Panel Session of the 2003 Yılı Öğretmenler
Günü (Teacher Day of 2003) entitled Öğretmen Eğitiminin Bugünü
ve Geleceği (The Present and the Future of Teacher Education).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, albert Long Hall (13:30-15:00).
Kerem Altun, General Director of Teacher Training and Education of
the Ministry of National Education; Alaaddin Dinçer, General
Director of Eğitim-Sen (Education Union); Professor Mualla Aksu
Bilgin, Faculty of Education, İnönü University, Malatya; Prof. Işıl
Ünal, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Ankara University
December 2, 2003
Chairperson of the 2nd Panel Session of the 2003 Yılı Öğretmenler
Günü (Teacher Day of 2003) entitled Öğretmen Eğitiminin Bugünü
ve Geleceği (The Present and the Future of Teacher Education).
Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, albert Long Hall (15:30-17:30).
Prof. Türkan Saylan, General Director of Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme
Derneği (Society for the Support for Contemporary Life); Ramazan
Çavdar, Retired Teacher; Abuzer Yakaryılmaz, Student in the Faculty
of Education of Boğaziçi University
September 22, 1992
Dates of the Congress:
September 22-25, 1992
September 7, 1990
Chairperson of the 2nd Session entitled Gelişim Psikolojisi
(Developmental Psychology) of the VII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi
(VIIth National Congress of Psychology). Ankara: Hacettepe
University, S Salonu, (16:00-17:15).
Chairperson of the 2nd Session entitled Testleme (Testing) of the VI.
Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (VIth National Congress of Psychology).
Istanbul: Istanbul University, Faculty of Arts, Anfi 9, (11:00-12:05).
Dates of the Congress:
September 5-7, 1990
September 5, 1990
Dates of the Congress:
September 5-7, 1990
May 4, 1989
Dates of the Symposium:
May 3-5, 1989
September 15, 1988
Chairperson of the 2nd Session entitled Eğitim Psikolojisi
(Educational Psychology) of the VI. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (VIth
National Congress of Psychology). Istanbul: Istanbul University,
Faculty of Arts, Anfi 9, (15:35-16:55).
Chairperson of the 6th Session of the Symposium entitled Radyoaktif
Atıklar, Çevre ve Sağlık (Radioactive Wastes, the Environment and
Health) organized by the Faculty of Engineering, Boğaziçi
University. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, (16:20-17:40).
Chairperson of the 21st Session of the V. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi
(Vth National Congress of Psychology). İzmir: EgeUniversity,
Dates of the Congress:
September 14-16, 1988
September 25, 1986
Chairperson of the 4th Free Paper Session of the IV Ulusal Psikoloji
Kongresi (IVth National Congress of Psychology). Ankara: Middle
East Technical University, (11:30-13.00).
Dates of the Congress:
September 24-26, 1986
April 27, 1985
Dates of the Seminar:
April 25-27, 1985
September 13, 1984
Dates of the Congress:
September 13-15, 1984
Chairperson of the Panel entitled Okul Öncesi Eğitimin
Yaygınlaştırılmasında Kurumlara Düşen Görevler (The
Responsibility of Institutions in Increasing the Availability of
Preschool Education) in the seminar entitled Okul Öncesi Eğitim ve
Yaygınlaştırılması (Preschool Education and its Availability)
organized by YA-PA Publications. Istanbul: Gazeteciler Cemiyeti.
Chairperson of the Panel entitled Türkiye’de Okulöncesi Eğitim ve
Sorunları (Preschool Education and Its Problems in Turkey) of the
III. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (IIIrd National Congress of
Psychology). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, (14:30-16:00).
Conference, Symposium, Panel, Seminar Organizations in English
May 13, 1999
Organizer with Dr. Deniz Albayrak-Kaymak of the seminar
presented by Dr. James P. Carnevale from the United States entitled
Thoughts for the Beginning Practitioner sponsored by the
Department of Educational Sciences and BÜREM (Boğaziçi
University Student Counseling Center). Istanbul: Faculty of
Education, Boğaziçi University, (12:00-14:00).
October 24-26, 1991
Organizer with Prof. Necla Öner of the International Symposium on
Guidance and Career Counseling at the University Level
sponsored by Boğaziçi University Rector’s Office. Istanbul: Boğaziçi
University, Turgut Noyan Salonu.
July 9, 1986
Organizer with Daniel Wagner of the 17th Symposium entitled
Literacy, Education, and Media Exposure in the Middle East of
the VIIIth International Congress of Cross-cultural Psychology.
Istanbul: Etap Marmara Hotel, (10:55-12:30).
Dates of the Congress:
July 6-10, 1986
July 9, 1986
Dates of the Congress:
July 6-10, 1986
Organizer with Daniel Wagner of the 15th Symposium entitled
Human and Social Development in the Middle East of the VIIIth
International Congress of Cross-cultural Psychology.
Istanbul: Etap Marmara Hotel, (9:00-10:35).
24-25 May, 1984
Organizer of the two seminars on Curriculum Development of the
Fulbright Professor of Education at Gazi University, Faculty of Arts
and Sciences, Ankara, Turkey, John H. Durnin at Boğaziçi
University. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational
June 2-3, 1983
Organizer of the three seminars on Counseling of the Fulbright
Professor of Education at Hacettepe University, Faculty of
Education, Ankara, Turkey, Thomas M. Skovhold at Boğaziçi
University. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational
October 2, 11, 16, 18, 1979
Chicago, Illinois
Conference Coordinator of the conference series entitled Working as
a Team: Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness, Four Area
Conferences on Curriculum Development coordinated by Roosevelt
University, College of Education, funded by the Department of
Human Services Children and Youth Services Division. Chicago,
Illinois: Sears YMCA, Harris YMCA, Truman College, King
Community Service Center.
October 25-26, 1978
Chicago, Illinois
Conference Coordinator of the conference entitled Individualizing
Instruction: A Conference in Curriculum Development
coordinated by Roosevelt University, College of Education, funded by
the Department of Human Services Children and Youth Services
Division. Chicago, Illinois: Illinois Institute of Technology.
Congress, Conference, Symposium, Panel, Seminar, Ceremony, Summer School
Organizations in Turkish
December 16, 21, 2004
January 12-13, 2005
Organizer of 4-hour lecture seminars with Münevver Mertoğlu,
Director of Educational Supervisors of the Province of Istanbul, for
educational supervisors of primary education, teachers and
administrators of Boğaziçi University Laboratory Schools and English
teachers on Basic Concepts and Practices in Measurement and
Evaluation by Prof. Güzver Yıldıran (106 educators), European
Language Portfolio System and its Reflection on the Turkish
Educational System by Assistant Professor Belma Haznedar (175
teachers), and E-Learning, Tools and Characteristics by Associate
Professor Yavuz Akpınar (90 educators) and Asisstant Profesor
Hamdi Erkunt and Dr. Günizi Kartal (60 educators). Istanbul: Istanbul
Lycée Conference Hall, (13:30-17:30 each time)
April 16 and 29, 2004
Organizer of seminars presented by MOCEF (Mother-Child Education
Foundation coordinators) to the teachers and administrators of
Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu by Nur Sucuka on
Family-School Cooperation and to 75 parents on Family-Child
Interaction by Erçin Kimmet within the scope of UYDOP
(Laboratory Schools Project of Boğaziçi University Faculty of
Education). Istanbul: Cengiz Topel (15:00-17:00, April 16 and 29,
April 1 and 22, 2004
Organizer of seminars on Total Quality Management by Dr. Hayal
Köksal (Center for Quality Schools, Turkish Section) to 100 teachers
and administrators of Beşiktaş district of Istanbul as well as to the
teachers and administrators of Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey and
Ferit Aysan Çağdaş Yaşam İlköğretim Okulları within the scope of
UYDOP (Laboratory Schools Project of Boğaziçi University Faculty
of Education). Istanbul: Sabancı Anatolian Lycée, Beşiktaş (15:0017:00, April 1, 2004), Istanbul: Ferit Aysan İlköğretim Okulu,
Kağıthane (14:30-16:30, April 22, 2004).
December 2, 2003
Organizer of the Piano Recital of Aydın Karlıbel for the Teachers
Day 2003 program. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Albert Long Hall
July 2-August 7, 2001
Organizer of the Summer School at Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet
Güzey İlköğretim Okulu with Dr.Ayşe Caner and EREC
(Educational Research Club) within the frame of UYDOP
(Experimental Laboratory Schools Project of Boğaziçi University
under the protocole signed by the Ministry of National Education and
Boğaziçi University). Courses included Science, Mathematics, English
support education, Social Activities, and Sports for 79 children.
Istanbul: Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu and
Boğaziçi University, (5weeks, 60 hours).
December 8, 2000
Organizer of the Panel on Yatılı İlköğretim Bölge Okulları: Anılar ve
Dialar (Regional Boarding Schools of Compulsory Primary
Education: Memories and Slides) presented by Prof. Rıfat Okçabol,
Sevim Ak (children’s literature writer), and Çiğdem Gündüz (research
assistant). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Turgut Noyan Salonu,
August 7, 2000
Organizer and Presenter of The First Ceremony of the Turning
Over of the Office of the Rector of Boğaziçi University from Prof.
Üstün Ergüder to Prof. Sabih Tansal. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University,
Albert Long Hall, (19:00-22:00).
June 27-July 27, 2000
Organizer of the Summer School at Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet
Güzey İlköğretim Okulu with Dr.Ayşe Caner and EREC
(Educational Research Club) within the frame of UYDOP
(Experimental Laboratory Schools Project of Boğaziçi University
under the protocole signed by the Ministry of National Education and
Boğaziçi University). Courses included Science, Mathematics, English
support education, Social Activities, and Sports for 28 children.
Istanbul: Orgeneral Kami ve Saadet Güzey İlköğretim Okulu and
Boğaziçi University, (4 weeks, 48 hours).
June 24-July 23, 1999
Organizer of the Summer School at Ferit Aysan Çağdaş Yaşam
İlköğretim Okulu with Dr.Ayşe Caner and EREC (Educational
Research Club) within the frame of UYDOP (Experimental
Laboratory Schools Project of Boğaziçi University under the protocole
signed by the Ministry of National Education and Boğaziçi
University). Courses included Science, Mathematics, English support
education, Computer Literacy, Painting, and Guidance Activities for
68 children. Istanbul: Ferit Aysan Çağdaş Yaşam İlköğretim Okulu,
(weeks, 32 hours).
April 20, 1999
Organizer with Semra Şatıroğlu (Head of Corps de Ballet of the
Istanbul State Opera and Ballet) of the Night of Tribute to Madam
Olga Nuray Olcay, founder of the Ballet Department of Istanbul
Municipal Conservatory in 1953, sponsored by Istanbul State Opera
and Ballet, Istanbul State Conservatory, Dilek Ballet Group and Oya
Ballet Group. Beşiktaş, Istanbul: Afife Jale Theater, (20:00-22:00).
December 23, 1994
Organizer of the Seminar entitled Projeden Programa: Anne Eğitimi
(From Project to Program: Mother Education) presented by
Associate Prof. Sevda Bekman under the seminar series of the
Department of Educational Sciences entitled Grateful to be
Together. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational
Sciences, (11:00-12:00).
November 24, 1994
Organizer of Öğretmenler Günü (Teachers‟ Day) Conference entitled
Eğitim Sistemi İçinde Öğretmenlik Formasyonunun Önemi (The
Importance of Teacher Education within the Educational System).
Keynote address by Prof. Bozkurt Güvenç, Advisor to the 9th
President of the Turkish Republic, Süleyman Demirel. Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University, Turgut Noyan Salonu.
February 19-April 22, 1988
Organizer of the Life and Works Exhibit of Prof. Selahattin
Ertürk, previous chair of the Department of Educational Sciences of
Hacettepe University, Ankara, deceased February 8, 1988. Istanbul:
Boğaziçi University Library.
September 13-15, 1984
Organizer with Prof. Necla Öner, and chair of the Executive
Committee of the III. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (IIIrd National
Congress of Psychology). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University.
May 27-29, 2011
Swiss Hotel, İstanbul
International Higher Education Congress: New Trends and
Issues. Participation as the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi
November 10, 2009
Higher Education Council
(YÖK), Ankara
Restructuring Faculties of Education
Topic of Discussion: Representing the Dean Prof. Ali Baykal of the
Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University.
May 16, 2009
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Education
Beytepe, Ankara
First Meeting of the Chairs and Representatives of the Area of
Edıcational Programs and Instruction.
Topic of Discussion: The Evaluation of Masters and Doctorate
Programs in the Area
Forming an Association in the Area
Organization of Conferences in the Area
September 12, 2006
Faculty of Education
Adnan Menderes University
Third Symposium of the Council of Professors in Educational
Programs and Instruction.
June 26-27, 2006
Teacher Resort
Curriculum Evaluation Workshop of the Board of Education of
the Ministry of National Education. Chair of the Committee on the
Evaluation of the Science and Technology Program
December 2, 2005
Faculty of Education
Anadolu University,
Second Symposium of the Council of Professors in Educational
Programs and Instruction.
June 8-10, 2005
Plaza Hotel, Istanbul
Representing Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Education at the
International Conference on Curriculum Reform and
Implementation in the 21st Century: Policies, Perspectives and
June 3, 2005
Faculty of Education
Middle East Technical
University, Ankara
First Symposium of the Council of Professors in Educational
Programs and Instruction. (25 Professors in the area in Turkey).
Topic of Discussion: Conceptual Confusion in the area and Teacher
Education Programs for the Universities in Turkey developed by the
Higher Education Council (YÖK)
Topic of Discussion: The Curriculum Reform in Turkey.
Topic of Discussion: Founding Processes for the Group.
Boğaziçi University Executive Council
11 Members: The Rector, three provosts, four deans, and three representatives from Boğaziçi
University elected by the Senate
December 3, 2010-
Member of the Boğaziçi University
AdministrativeCouncil as the Dean of the
Faculty of Education
November 8, 2000-November 12, 2003
Elected member of the Boğaziçi University
Administrative Council by the Boğaziçi University
Boğaziçi University Senate
20 Members: The Rector, three provosts, four deans, an elected representative from each of the
four faculties, directors of the 6 institutes of the university, and directors of the 2 schools of
higher education of the university
December 3, 2010-
Member of the Boğaziçi University Senate as the
Dean of the Faculty of Education
December 14, 2009- December 3, 2010
Elected member of the Boğaziçi University Senate
by the Faculty Council as the
Representative of the Faculty of Education
Rector: Prof. Kadri Özçaldıran (August 7, 2008- )
December 24, 1999- November 9, 2000
Elected member of the Boğaziçi University Senate
by the Faculty Council as the
Representative of the Faculty of Education
Rector: Prof. Üstün Ergüder (1996-August 7, 2000)
Rector: Prof. Sabih Tansal (August 7, 2000-August 6,
Resigned due to the election by the Senate to the
University Administrative Council
September 25, 1991-September 25, 1994
Elected member of the Boğaziçi University Senate
by the Faculty Council as the Representative of the of
the Faculty of Education
Rector: Prof. Ergün Toğrol (1982-1992)
Rector: Prof. Üstün Ergüder (1992-1996)
September 30, 1988-September 25, 1991
Elected member of the Boğaziçi University Senate
by the Faculty Council as the
Representative of the of the Faculty of Education
Rector: Prof. Ergün Toğrol (1982-1992)
UNESCO Turkish National Council
76 Members: Nine members from the Ministry of National Education, two members from the
Ministry of Foreign Relations, seven members from the Ministry of Culture, sixteen members
from state institutions, twenty-two members from state universities, ten members from private
institutions, ten famous personalities
August 2, 1995-September 2, 1996
Re-elected member of the Education Committee by
the UNESCO National Administrative Council
August 2, 1993-August 2, 1995
Elected member of the Education Committee by the
UNESCO National Administrative Council
July 3, 1995-September 2, 1996
Re-elected member of the UNESCO National
Council by the Faculty of Education, and Boğaziçi
University Senate, as the Representative of Boğaziçi
University, Faculty of Education
April 1, 1993-July 3, 1995
Elected member of the UNESCO National Council
by the Faculty of Education, and Boğaziçi University
Senate, as the Representative of Boğaziçi University,
Faculty of Education
Boğaziçi University Research Fund Administrative Council
10 Members: One Provost, six directors of institutes of Boğaziçi University, three permanent
members elected by the Senate
September 20, 1985-September 2, 1996
Re-elected Constant Member of the Boğaziçi
University Research Fund Administrative Council
by the Boğaziçi University Senate
September 5, 1984-August 1985
Elected member of the Boğaziçi University Research
Fund Administrative Council by the Boğaziçi
University Senate
Executive Council of Boğaziçi University Institute of Social Sciences
5 Members: The director of the Institute of Social Sciences, and 4 members elected by the
Council of Boğaziçi University Institute of Social Sciences
October 5, 1988-September 30, 1991
September 24, 1985-October 4, 1988
Re-elected member of the Administrative Council of
Boğaziçi University Institute of Social Sciences by
the Council of Boğaziçi University Institute of Social
Re-elected member of the Administrative Council of
Boğaziçi University Institute of Social Sciences by
the Council of Boğaziçi University Institute of Social
October 12, 1983- August 1985
Elected member of the Administrative Council of
Boğaziçi University Institute of Social Sciences by
the Council of Boğaziçi University Institute of Social
Council of Boğaziçi University Institute of Social Sciences
12 Members: One director, and chairs of all departments which have graduate education in the
social sciences (six chairs of departments from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, three chairs of
departments from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, two chairs of departments from the
Faculty of Education)
December 21, 1998-January 15, 2002
Member of the Council of Boğaziçi University
Institute of Social Sciences as the Chair of the
Department of Educational Sciences
February 25, 1994-September 2, 1996
Member of the Council of Boğaziçi University
Institute of Social Sciences as the Chair of the
Department of Educational Sciences
September 14, 1989-September 1990
Member of the Council of Boğaziçi University
Institute of Social Sciences as the Acting Chair of the
Department of Educational Sciences
Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education Administrative Council
7 Members: The dean of the Faculty, 3 representatives of professors, 2 representatives of
associate professors, one representative of assistant professors
December 3, 2010-
Chair of the Boğaziçi University Faculty of
Education Administrative Council as the Dean of
the Faculty of Education
November 21, 2005-May 7, 2007 (resigned)
Re-elected member of the Boğaziçi University
Faculty of Education Administrative Council as the
Representative of the Professors of the Faculty of
February 8, 1999-February 11, 2002
Re-elected member of the Boğaziçi University
Faculty of Education Administrative Council as the
Representative of the Professors of the Faculty of
September 25, 1994-September 2, 1996
Re-elected member of the Boğaziçi University
Faculty of Education Administrative Council as the
Representative of the Professors of the Faculty of
June 28, 1991-September 25, 1994
Elected member of the Boğaziçi University Faculty
of Education Administrative Council as the
Representative of the Professors of the Faculty of
September 14, 1989-March 1990
Elected member of the Boğaziçi University Faculty
of Education Administrative Council as the
Representative of the Associate Professors of the
Faculty of Education
Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education Faculty Council
10 Members: The dean of the Faculty, the five chairs of the departments of the Faculty, one
representaive of professors, two representatives of associate professors, one representative of
assistant professors
December 3, 2010-
Chair of the Faculty of Education Faculty Council
as the Dean of the Faculty of Education
March 24, 2008-October 8, 2010
Elected member of Faculty of Education Faculty
Council as the Representative of Professors by the
Faculty of Education Administrative Council
January 15, 2002-January 15, 2005
Elected member of Faculty of Education Faculty
Council as the Representative of Professors by the
Faculty of Education Administrative Council
December 21, 1998-January 15, 2002
Member of Faculty of Education Faculty Council as
the Chair of the Department of Educational Sciences
September 25 1994-September 2, 1996
Member of Faculty of Education Faculty Council as
the Chair of the Department of Educational Sciences
June 28, 1991-September 25, 1994
Elected member of Faculty of Education Faculty
Council as the Representative of Professors by the
Faculty of Education Administrative Council
September 29, 1988-June 28,1991
Re-elected member of Faculty of Education Faculty
Council as the Representative of Associate Professors
by the Faculty of Education Administrative Council
November 7, 1985-September 29, 1988
Elected member of Faculty of Education Faculty
Council as the Representative of Associate Professors
by the Faculty of Education Administrative Council
November 11, 1982-July 1985
Elected member of Faculty of Education Faculty
Council as the Representative of Assistant Professors
by the Faculty of Education Administrative Council
Chair of the Department of Educational Sciences of Boğaziçi University
October 19, 2010-October 26, 2010
Acting Chair of the Department of Educational
Sciences, Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University
December 21, 1998-January 15, 2002
Elected Chair (unanimously) of theDepartment of
Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi
February 25, 1994-September 2, 1996
Appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Education as
the Chair of the Department of Educational Sciences,
Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University
May 12-28 1991
Acting Chair of the Department of Educational
Sciences, Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University
August 1-12, 1990
Acting Chair of the Department of Educational
Sciences, Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University
September 1, 1989- February 1, 1990
Acting Chair of the Department of Educational
Sciences, Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University
October19, 1988- November 4, 1988
Acting Chair of the Department of Educational
Sciences, Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University
July 11-22, 1988
Acting Chair of the Department of Educational
Sciences, Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University
March 3-10, 1988
Acting Chair of the Department of Educational
Sciences, Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University
August 4-15, 1986
Acting Char of the Department of Educational
Sciences, Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University
February 15, 1985
Acting Chair of the Department of Educational
Sciences, Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University
September 1,1980-September 9, 1981
Reporter of the department meetings of the Department
of Education, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Boğaziçi
Boğaziçi University
Goal Setting Committees
April 28, 2005- November 21, 2008
Elected as Chair (unanimously) of the Senate Program
Formats and Contents Committee
February 21, 2001-December 19, 2004
20 Aralık, 2004-November 21, 2008
Member of the Senate Program Formats and
Contents Committee composed of five academicians
elected by the Senate
Re-elected by the Boğaziçi Senate
February 7, 1994-September 2, 1996
Member of the Scientific Ethical Standards
Committee elected by the Senate
November 9, 1992-September 2, 1996
Member of the Strategic Planning Committee
appointed by Prof. Üstün Ergüder, Rector of Boğaziçi
September 17, 1992-September 2, 1996
Member of the Coordination Committee for Centers
of Research and Implementation (UYGAR) elected
by the Senate
February 1993-June 17, 1993
Member of the Committee of Investigation of
Curriculum Programs in the Fine Arts Department
composed of three academicians elected by the Senate
December 14, 1989-December 25, 1989
Member of the Proposal Formulation Committee for
new bylaws for the Institute of Social Sciences elected
by the Administrative Council of the Institute of Social
Publication Committees
November 29, 2004-March 1, 2005
Appointed by Professor Ayşe Soysal, Rector of
Boğaziçi University, to formulate the Faculty of
Education Booklet of Boğaziçi University series for
all faculties
October 10, 2001- December 10, 2003
Member of the Publications Committee of Boğaziçi
University elected by the University Administrative
March 1, 1985-June 16, 1996
Member of the Board of Publications of the
Boğaziçi University Journal: Educational Sciences
selected by the Boğaziçi University Faculty of
Education Faculty Council
April 4, 1983-March 1984
Member of the Publications Committee of Boğaziçi
University re-appointed by Prof. Ergün Toğrol,
Rector of Boğaziçi University
October 27, 1982-December 3, 1982
Member of the Publications Committee of Boğaziçi
University appointed by Prof. Ergün Toğrol, Rector
of Boğaziçi University
Boğaziçi University Award Committees
November 24, 1999-August 7, 2000
Auxiliary member of Honorary Academic Degrees
and Service Awards Permanent Committee elected
by the University Senate
June 4, 1999-December 2, 1999 (resigned)
Member of the Faculty Academic Awards
Committee composed of five academicians elected
by the Senate
March 1993-May 1993
Member of the Boğaziçi University Research Fund
Award Committee composed of three academicians
elected by the Boğaziçi University Research Fund
Committees of International Relations
September 1991-June 1992
Member of the Administrative Council of the Center
of International Relations appointed by Prof. Ergün
Toğrol, Rector of Boğaziçi University
September 29, 1989-September 1991
Associate Director of the Center of International
Relations appointed by Prof. Ergün Toğrol, Rector of
Boğaziçi University
March 16, 1988-June 8, 1988
Member of the American Studies Committee
appointed by Prof. Ergün Toğrol, Rector of Boğaziçi
Organizing Committees
October 16, 2002-September 26, 2003
Member of the Celebration Committee for the
140th Anniversary of Boğaziçi University. Selected
by the Boğaziçi University Senate Meeting Number
October 21, 1994-December 2, 1994
Member of the Curriculum Committee for the
Teacher Certification Program of the Science
Education Department elected by the Faculty Council
of the Faculty of Education
February 12, 1990-March 1, 1990
Member of the Committee to Investigate the
Problem of Overcrowded Classes appointed by Prof.
Ergün Toğrol, Rector of Boğaziçi University
October 13, 1988-1989
Re-elected member of the Development and
Settlement Committee by the Senate
Member of the Development and Settlement
Committee elected by the Senate
April 27, 1987-July 1988
July 4, 1985-August 1985
Member of the Committee for the Coordination of
Curriculum Programs appointed by Prof. Ergün
Toğrol, Rector of Boğaziçi University
Member of the Boğaziçi University Settlement
Work-group appointed by Prof. Ergün Toğrol,
Rector of Boğaziçi University
August 14-August 22, 1984
Committees for the Center for Preschool Education
October 22-December 21, 1982
Chair of the Boğaziçi University Center for
Preschool Education Development Committee
appointed by Prof. Ergün Toğrol, Rector of Boğaziçi
June 1981-August 1982
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the
Boğaziçi University Center for Preschool
Education appointed by Prof. Semih Tezcan, Rector
of Boğaziçi University
Bookstore and Catalogue Committees
June 8, 1984-July 1985
Member of the Boğaziçi University Bookstore
Committee appointed by Prof. Ergün Toğrol, Rector
of Boğaziçi University
September 29, 1983-July 1985
Member of the Boğaziçi University Catalogue
Committee appointed by Prof. Ergün Toğrol, Rector
of Boğaziçi University
Other Committees
February 2, 2011-
Member of the University Housing Allocation
Committee elected by the University Administrative
December 1, 1982-May 1983
Member of the Non-Academic Activities Revolving
Fund Committee appointed by Prof. Ergün Toğrol,
Rector of Boğaziçi University
Ocober 6, 1982-May 1983
Member of the Student Housing Committee
appointed by Prof. Ergün Toğrol, Rector of Boğaziçi
Committees Outside Boğaziçi University
Academic Committees
April 10-14, 1983
One of two Turkish members of the Accreditation
Committee of the European Council of
International Schools (ECIS) and the New York
State Association of Independent Schools for the
Evaluation of Robert Academy, Istanbul, Turkey
Jury Membership for Promotion to Full Professorship at Boğaziçi University
Appointment Date
Report Date
November 13, 2008
December 17, 2008
Selected by the Boğaziçi
University Administrative
Report to the Rectors
Office: Positive
pp. 3
March 12, 2001
May 10, 2001
Selected by the Boğaziçi
University Administrative
Report to the Rectors
Office: Negative
pp. 4
October 25, 1999
November 9, 1999
Request of the Dean’s
Office of the Faculty of
Education for Departmental
Departmental Report
written by Department
Chair to the Dean’s
Office: Positive
pp. 2
July 20, 1999
September 17, 1999
Selected by the Boğaziçi
University Administrative
Report to the Rectors
Office: Positive
pp. 2
February 9, 1999
March, 1999
Selected by the Boğaziçi
University Administrative
Report to the Rector’s
Office: Positive
pp. 2
January 24, 1997
March 24, 1997
Selected by the Boğaziçi
University Administrative
Report to the Rector’s
Office: Positive
pp. 3
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to full professorship in the area of
Computer Education & Educational
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to full professorship in the area of
Mathematics Education
Departmental evaluation of a candidate for the
academic promotion to full professorship in the
area of Psychological Services in Education
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to full professorship in the area of
Psychological Services in Education
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to full professorship in the area of
Psychological Services in Education
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to full professorship in the area of
Psychological Services in Education
October 3, 1991
November 6, 1991
Selected by the Boğaziçi
University Administrative
Report to the Rector’s
Office: Positive
pp. 2
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to full professorship in the area of
Measurement and Evaluation in Education
Jury Membership for Promotion to Full Professorship in Other Universities
Appointment Date
Report Date
April 18, 2005
May 5, 2005
Member of the jury for the academic
appointment of a full professor to the
Psychology Department of Okan University
Appointed by the Rector’s Report to the Rector’s
Office of Okan University, Office of Okan
Istanbul, Turkey
Positive, pp. 2
October 24, 2002
December 24, 2002
Appointed by the Rector’s
Office of Ankara
University, Ankara,
Report to the Rector’s
Office of Ankara
Positive, pp. 4
October 27, 1995
December 6, 1995
Re-appointed by the
University Administrative
Council of Hacettepe
University, Ankara,
Re-evaluation report to
the Rector’s Ofice of
Hacettepe University:
Re-nominated the same
candidate for the
position of full
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to full professorship in the area of
Measurement and Evaluation
Member of the jury for the selection of one of
the two candidates to be promoted to full
professorship in the area of Teaching Social
July 3, 1995
September 26, 1995
Selected by the University
Administrative Council of
Hacettepe University,
Ankara, Turkey
Report to the Rector’s
Ofice of Hacettepe
Nominated one of the
two candidates for the
position of full
January 6, 1995
March 28, 1995
Selected by the University
Administrative Council of
Dokuz Eylül University,
İzmir, Turkey
Report to the Rector’s
Office of Dokuz Eylül
Positive, pp. 2
Member of the jury for the selection of one of
the two candidates to be promoted to full
professorship in the area of Teaching Social
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to full professorship in the area of
Psychological Services in Education
Jury Membership for Promotion to the Position of Associate Professorship at Boğaziçi
Appointment Date
Report Date
July 8, 1999
August, 1999
Selected by the Boğaziçi
University Administrative
Report to the Rector’s
Office: Positive
pp. 2
June 25, 1999
July 6, 1999
Request of the Dean’s
Office of the Faculty of
Education for
Departmental Evaluation
Departmental Report
written by Department
Chair to the Dean’s
Office: Positive
pp. 2
April 8, 1999
May 8, 1999
Selected by the Boğaziçi
University Administrative
Report to the Rector’s
Office: Positive
pp. 2
Member of the jury of a candidate for the
position of associate professor in the area of
Preschool Education
Departmental evaluation of a candidate for the
position of associate professor in the area of
Psychological Services in Education
Member of the jury of a candidate for the
position of associate professor in the area of
Psychological Services in Education
May 28, 1993
June 17, 1993
Selected by the Boğaziçi
University Administrative
Report to the Rector’s
Office: Positive
pp. 2
April 28, 1992
May 12, 1992
Selected by the Boğaziçi
University Administrative
Report to the Rector’s
Office: Positive
pp. 1
March 27, 1991
April 30, 1991
Selected by the Boğaziçi
University Administrative
Report to the Rector’s
Office: Positive
pp. 2
Member of the jury of a candidate for the
position of associate professor in the area of
Psychological Services in Education
Member of the jury of a candidate for the
position of associate professor in the area of
Psychological Services in Education
Member of the jury of a candidate for the
position of associate professor in the area of
Curriculum and Instructional Programs
Jury Membership for the Promotion of Associate Professors in Other Universities
Appointment Date
Report Date
July 21, 1995
July, 1995
Requested by the Dean of
the Faculty of arts and
Sciences, Koç University,
Istanbul, Turkey
Report to the Dean’s
Office: Positive
pp. 2
April 19, 1995
May 31, 1995
Selected by Uludağ
University Administrative
Council, Bursa, Turkey
Report to the Rector’s
Office: Positive
pp. 2
March 10, 1995
April 7, 1995
Selected by Balıkesir
University Administrative
Council, Balıkesir, Turkey
Report to the Rector’s
Office: Positive
pp. 2
Evaluation of an associate professor candidate
for the position of Dean of Students
Member of the jury of a candidate for the
position of associate professor in the area of
Psychological Services in Education
Member of the jury of a candidate for the
position of associate professor in the area of
Curriculum and Instructional Programs
Requested by Fulbright
Commission in Ankara,
Requested by Fulbright
Commission in Ankara,
July 12, 1986
Evaluation for grant allocation to be used in
Turkey for an American associate professor in
Mathematics Education and Curriculum and
Instructional Programs
Fulbright Reference
Report: Positive
Period of Award: January-June 1988
Evaluation of an American associate professor
candidate for the position in Mathematics
Education at a university in Malawi, Africa
Fulbright Reference
Report: Positive
Period of Award: September 1985-August 1986
National Jury Membership for Promotion to Associate Professorship
Appointment Date
Examination Date,
Place and Result
Report Date and
Date of Appointment:
January 7, 2011
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Member of the examination jury for the
academic promotion of a candidate to associate
professorship from Gazi University in the area
of Educational Sciences, Sustainability,
Media Literacy, Educational Programmes
and Instruction, Ankara, Turkey.
Report Date:
March 28, 2011
Negative, pp. 2
Date of Appointment:
January 7, 2011
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Member of the examination jury for the
academic promotion of a candidate to associate
professorship from Kocaeli University
University in the area of Educational Sciences,
Teacher Training, Educational Programs
and Instruction, Kocaeli, Turkey
Report Date:
March 14, 2011
Negative, pp. 2
Date of Appointment:
January 7, 2011
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Member of the examination jury for the
academic promotion of a candidate to associate
professorship from Sakarya University in the
area of Educational Sciences, Teacher
Training, Educational Programs and
Instruction, Sakarya, Turkey
Report Date:
April 1, 2011
Negative, pp. 3
Date of Appointment:
October 12, 2009
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Report Date:
February 1, 2010
Negative, pp. 2
Date of Appointment:
March 1, 2010
Oral Examination:
April 16, 2010
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Ankara University,
Faculty of Educational
Sciences, Ankara
Member of the examination jury for the
academic promotion of a candidate to associate
professorship from Gazi University in the area
of Educational Sciences, Teacher Training,
Educational Programs and Instruction,
Ankara, Turkey
Result: Negative
Date of Appointment:
Oral Examination:
April 8, 2011
February 21, 2011
Ankara University,
Faculty of Educational
Sciences, Ankara
Result: Positive
Date of Appointment:
October 12, 2009
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Report Date:
January 28, 2010
Positive, pp. 3
Date of Appointment:
March 1, 2010
Oral Examination:
April 16, 2010
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Ankara University,
Faculty of Educational
Sciences, Ankara
Member of the examination jury for the
academic promotion of a candidate to associate
professorship from Gazi University in the area
of Educational Sciences, Teacher Training,
Educational Programs and Instruction,
Ankara, Turkey
Result: Positive
Date of Appointment:
October 12, 2009
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Report Date:
January 29, 2010
Positive, pp. 3
Date of Appointment:
March 1, 2010
Oral Examination:
April 16, 2010
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Ankara University,
Faculty of Educational
Sciences, Ankara
Member of the examination jury for the
academic promotion of a candidate to associate
professorship from Pamukkale University in
the area of Educational Sciences,Teacher
Training, Educational Programs and
Instruction, Ankara, Turkey
Result: Positive
Date of Appointment:
June 18, 2007
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Report Date:
October 4, 2007
Negative, pp. 2
Date of Appointment:
November 19, 2007
Oral Examination:
January 11, 2008
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Hacettepe University,
Faculty of Education,
Member of the examination jury for the
academic promotion of a candidate to associate
professorship from Karadeniz Technical
University in the area of Educational Sciences,
Trabzon, Turkey
Result: Negative
Date of Appointment:
July 3, 2008
Oral Examination:
October 13, 2008
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Hacettepe University,
Faculty of Education,
Result: Negative
Date of Appointment:
May 15, 2009
Oral Examination:
June 26, 2009
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Hacettepe University,
Faculty of Education,
Result: Positive
Date of Appointment:
June 9, 2006
Report Date:
September 4, 2006
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Negative, pp. 3
Member of the examination jury for the
academic promotion of a candidate to associate
professorship from Uludağ University in the
area of Educational Sciences, Bursa, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
June 18, 2007
Report Date:
September 25, 2007
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Negative, pp. 1
Date of Appointment:
November 19, 2007
Oral Examination:
January 11, 2008
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Hacettepe University,
Faculty of Education,
Result: Negative
Date of Appointment:
July 3, 2008
Oral Examination:
October 13, 2008
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Hacettepe University,
Faculty of Education,
Result: Positive
Date of Appointment:
June 9, 2006
Report Date:
August 9, 2006
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Negative, pp. 4
Member of the examination jury for the
academic promotion of a candidate to associate
professorship from Fırat University in the area
of Educational Sciences, Elazığ, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
November 22, 2005
Report Date:
February 27, 2006
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Negative, pp. 3
Date of Appointment:
December 22, 2003
Report Date:
February 23, 2004
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Negative, pp. 3
Date of Appointment:
April 12, 2004
Oral Examination:
May 17, 2004
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Gazi University
Gazi Faculty of
Ankara, Turkey
Member of the examination jury for the
academic promotion of a candidate to associate
professorship from Fırat University in the area
of Educational Sciences, Elazığ, Turkey
Member of the examination jury for the
academic promotion of a candidate to associate
professorship from Middle East Technical
University in the area of Educational Sciences,
Ankara, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Negative
Date of Appointment:
October 22, 2004
Oral Examination:
December 3, 2004
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Gazi University
Gazi Faculty of
Ankara, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Positive
Date of Appointment:
April 25, 2002
Oral Examination:
May13, 2002
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Medicine
Psychiatry Clinic,
Ankara, Turkey
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in
the area of Applied (Clinical) Psychology,
Ankara, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Positive
Date of Appointment:
April 25, 2002
Oral Examination:
May13, 2002
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Medicine
Psychiatry Clinic,
Ankara, Turkey
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in
the area of Applied (Clinical) Psychology,
Ankara, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Positive
Date of Appointment:
April 25, 2002
Oral Examination:
May13, 2002
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Medicine
Psychiatry Clinic,
Ankara, Turkey
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in
the area of Applied (Clinical) Psychology,
Ankara, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Positive
Date of Appointment:
April 25, 2002
Oral Examination:
May13, 2002
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Medicine
Psychiatry Clinic,
Ankara, Turkey
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in
the area of Applied (Clinical) Psychology,
Ankara, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Positive
Date of Appointment:
November 7, 2001
Report Date:
January 4, 2002
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Positive, pp. 2
Date of Appointment:
May 2, 2002
Oral Examination:
June 14, 2002
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Ankara University,
Faculty of Educational
Ankara, Turkey
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Mersin University Faculty of Education in the
area of Educational Sciences, İçel, Turkey
Result: Positive
Date of Appointment:
November 7, 2001
Report Date:
December 20, 2001
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
requirements have not
been fulfilled:
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of
Education in the area of Educational Sciences,
Bolu, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
November 7, 2001
Report Date:
December 20, 2001
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
requirements have not
been fulfilled:
Date of Appointment:
November 7, 2001
Report Date:
December 20, 2001
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
requirements have not
been fulfilled:
Date of Appointment:
November 7, 2001
Report Date:
January 4, 2002
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Negative, pp. 2
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Gazi University,Gazi Faculty of Education in
the area of Educational Sciences, Ankara,
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Atatürk University, Kazım Karabekir
Faculty of Education in the area of
Educational Sciences, Erzurum, Turkey
Member of the examination jury for the
academic promotion of a candidate to associate
professorship from Kocaeli University in the
area of Educational Sciences, İzmit, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
June 9, 2006
Report Date:
August 9, 2006
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Negative, pp. 4
Date of Appointment
July 12, 2000
Report Date:
January 17, 2001
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Evaluation Report of
Publications to the
Rector’s Office of
Çanakkale Onsekiz
Mart University
(Çanakkale, Turkey):
Negative, pp. 1
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty
of Education in the area of Curriculum and
Instructional Programs, Çanakkale, Turkey
Oral Examination:
Result: Not admitted
January 22, 2001
Gazi University
Gazi Faculty of
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
August 15, 2000
Report Date:
October 27, 2000
(The statement of the
Office of the Rector of
Selçuk University
announcing the date of
appointment of the InterUniversity Council)
Evaluation Report of
Publications to the
Rector’s Office of
Selçuk University
(Konya, Turkey):
Negative, pp. 3
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Selçuk University in the area of Educational
Sciences and Teacher Training, Konya,
Oral Examination
November 7, 2000
Result: Not admitted
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Education
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
December 22, 2003
Report Date:
February 23, 2004
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Positive, pp. 3
Date of Appointment:
April 12, 2004
Oral Examination:
May 17, 2004
Result: Positive
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Gazi University
Gazi Faculty of
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
August 7, 2000
Report Date:
October 19, 2000
(The statement of the
Office of the Rector of
Akdeniz University
announcing the date of
appointment of the InterUniversity Council)
Evaluation Report of
Publications to the
Rector’s Office of
Akdeniz University
(Antalya, Turkey):
Positive, pp. 3
Member of the examination jury for the
academic promotion of a candidate to associate
professorship from Akdeniz University in the
area of Educational Sciences, Antalya, Turkey
Oral Examination:
November 7, 2000
Result: Not admitted
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Education
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
November 22, 2005
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Report Date:
February 14, 2006
Director‟s Office of
the Inter-University
Evaluation Report of
Publications for
Positive, pp. 3
Date of Appointment:
April 24, 2006
Oral Examination
Result: Positive
May 26, 2006
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Ankara University
Faculty of Educational
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
June 12, 1994
Report Date:
September 29, 1994
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Evaluation Report of
Publications to the
Rector’s Office of
Middle East
Technical University
(Ankara, Turkey):
Positive, pp. 2
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Middle East Technical University Faculty of
Education in the area of Curriculum and
Instructional Programs, Ankara, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Negative
October 10, 1994
Gazi University
Gazi Faculty of
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
June 22, 1993
Report Date:
September 10, 1993
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Evaluation Report of
Publications to the
Rector’s Office of
Balıkesir University
(Balıkesir, Turkey):
Positive, pp. 2
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Bakılesir University, Necatibey Faculty of
Education in the area of Curriculum and
Instructional Programs, Balıkesir, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Negative
October 8, 1993
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Education
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
June 2, 1994
Oral Examination
Result: Positive
October 13, 1994
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Education
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
May 24, 1993
Report Date:
September 27, 1993
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Evaluation Report of
Publications to the
Rector’s Office of
Ankara University
(Ankara, Turkey):
Negative, pp. 2
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Ankara University Faculty of Educational
Sciences in the area of Curriculum and
Instructional Programs, Ankara, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Not admitted
October 8, 1993
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Education
Ankara, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Not admitted
Date of Appointment:
June 10, 1993
Report Date:
September 23, 1993
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Evaluation Report of
Publications to the
Rector’s Office of
Anadolu University
(Eskişehir, Turkey):
Positive, pp. 2
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Anadolu University Faculty of Education in
the area of Curriculum and Instructional
Programs, Eskişehir, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Positive
November 5, 1993
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Education
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
June 22, 1993
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Report Date:
September 28, 1993
Evaluation Report of
Publications to the
Rector’s Office of
Balıkesir University
(Balıkesir, Turkey):
Positive, pp. 2
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Balıkesir University, Necatibey Faculty of
Education in the area of Curriculum and
Instructional Programs, Balıkesir, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Positive
October 5, 1993
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Education
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
June 5, 1992
Report Date:
September 30, 1992
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Evaluation Report of
Publications to the
Rector’s Office of
Ege University
(İzmir, Turkey):
Negative, pp. 1
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Ege University, Higher Education School of
Physical Education and Sports in the area of
Curriculum and Instructional Programs,
İzmir, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Not admitted
October 5, 1992
Gazi University
Gazi Faculty of
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
June 12, 1994
Report Date:
September 29, 1994
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Evaluation Report of
Publications to the
Rector’s Office of
Ege University
(İzmir, Turkey):
Positive, pp. 2
Oral Examination
Result: Negative
October 10, 1994
Gazi University
Gazi Faculty of
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
June 5, 1992
Report Date:
September 28, 1992
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Evaluation Report of
Publications to the
Rector’s Office of
Hacettepe University
(Ankara, Turkey):
Positive, pp. 1
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Hacettepe University Faculty of Education in
the area of Curriculum and Instructional
Programs, Ankara Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Negative
October 5, 1992
Gazi University
Gazi Faculty of
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
July 1, 1993
Oral Examination
Result: Negative
October 5, 1993
(The statement of the
Office of the Rector of
Hacettepe University
announcing the date of
appointment of the InterUniversity Council)
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Education
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
December 3, 2002
Oral Examination
Result: Negative
December 16, 2002
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Gazi University
Gazi Faculty of
Ankara, Turkey
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Middle East Technical University in the area
of Program Development, Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
June 5, 1992
Report Date:
September 28, 1992
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Evaluation Report of
Publications to the
Rector’s Office of
Anadolu University
(Eskişehir, Turkey):
Positive, pp. 1
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Anadolu University Faculty of Education in
the area of Curriculum and Instructional
Programs, Eskişehir, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Positive
October 5, 1992
Gazi University
Gazi Faculty of
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
June 5, 1992
Report Date:
September 28, 1992
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Evaluation Report of
Publications to the
Rector’s Office of
Hacettepe University
(Ankara, Turkey):
Positive, pp. 1
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Hacettepe University Faculty of Arts in the
area of Curriculum and Instructional
Programs, Ankara, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Negative
October 7, 1992
Ankara University
Faculty of Educational
(Ankara, Turkey)
Date of Appointment:
July 1, 1993
(The statement of the
Office of the Rector of
Hacettepe University
announcing the date of
appointment of the InterUniversity Council)
Oral Examination
Result: Negative
October 8, 1993
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Education
Ankara, Turkey
Date of Appointment:
June 5, 1992
Report Date:
September 30, 1992
Selected by the InterUniversity Council
Evaluation Report of
Publications to the
Rector’s Office of
Anadolu University
(Eskişehir, Turkey):
Positive, pp. 1
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to associate professorship from
Anadolu University Faculty of Education in
the area of Curriculum and Instructional
Programs, Eskişehir, Turkey
Oral Examination
Result: Positive
October 7, 1992
Ankara University
Faculty of Educational
Ankara, Turkey
Jury Membership for Promotion to Assistant Professorship at Boğaziçi University
Appointment Date
Report Date
March 17, 2005-05-13
April 13, 2005-05-13
Appointed by the Dean’s
Office, Faculty of
Report to the Dean’s
Office: Positive, pp.2
December 7, 2001
January 4, 2002
Appointed by the Dean’s
Office, Faculty of
Report to the Dean’s
Office: Positive, pp. 2
October 30, 2001
October 30, 2001
Request of the Dean’s
Office, Faculty of
Education for Departmental
Departmental Report
written by Department
Chair to the Dean’s
Office: Positive, pp. 2
Member of the Jury for the re-appointment of a
candidate to assistant professorship in the area
of Psychological Services in Education
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to assistant professorship in the
area of Psychological Services in Education
Departmental evaluation of a candidate for the
academic promotion to assistant professorship
in the area of Psychological Services in
August 2, 2001
August 9, 2001
Appointed by the Dean’s
Office, Faculty of
Report to the Dean’s
Office: Positive, pp. 3
October 6, 1997
November 6, 1997
Appointed by the Dean’s
Office, Faculty of
Report to the Dean’s
Office: Positive
pp. 6
February 12, 1991
February 13, 1991
Appointed by the Dean’s
Office, Faculty of
Report to the Dean’s
Office: Positive
pp. 2
September 10, 1990
October 2, 1990
Appointed by the Dean’s
Office, Faculty of
Report to the Dean’s
Office: Positive
pp. 1
January 28, 1988
January 28, 1988
Appointed by the Dean’s
Office, Faculty of
Report to the Dean’s
Office: Positive
pp. 2
September 16, 1987
September 21, 1987
Appointed by the Dean’s
Office, Faculty of
Report to the Dean’s
Office: Positive
pp. 2
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to assistant professorship in the
area of Psychological Services in Education
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to assistant professorship in the
area of Curriculum and Instructional
Member of the jury of a candidate for the reallocation of the position of assistant professor
in the area of Curriculum and Instructional
Member of the jury of a candidate for the reallocation of the position of assistant professor
in the area of Educational Administration,
Supervision, Planning and Economics
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to assistant professorship in the
area of Curriculum and Instructional
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to assistant professorship in the
area of Educational Administration,
Supervision, Planning and Economics
November 6, 1986
November 24, 1986
Appointed by the Dean’s
Office, Faculty of
Report to the Dean’s
Office: Positive
pp. 1
November 21, 1984
November 21, 1984
Appointed by the
Selection Interview:
Department Chair,
Department of Educational
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate to assistant professorship in the
area of Psychological Services in Education
Member of the jury for the selection of a foreign
assistant professor in the area of Curriculum
and Instructional Methods
Jury Membership for Promotion to Assistant Professorship in Other Universities
Appointment Date
Report Date
January 2006
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate from Yeditepe University,
Faculty of Education to assistant professorship
in the area of Educational Sciences, Istanbul,
Appointed by the Dean’s
Office, Faculty of
Education, Yeditepe
The date on the request by
the Dean Prof. Ömür
Akyüz is December 12,
2004, th date it was
personally delivered to us is
January 2006
October 18, 1989
October 23, 1989
Appointed by the Dean’s
Office, Faculty of
Administrative and
Economical Sciences
Marmara University
Report to the Dean’s
Office: Positive
pp. 3
Member of the jury for the academic promotion
of a candidate from Marmara University,
Faculty of Administrative and Economical
Sciences to assistant professorship in the area of
Business Administration, Istanbul, Turkey
Membership on Committiees of Ethics and Discipline
January 15, 2009
February 13, 2009
Selected by the InterUniversity Council Ethics
Committee, to serve as the
Chair of the “Ethics SubCommittee” under Item 11
of the Examination
Regulations for promotion
to the title of Associate
Report to the InterUniversity Council:
pp. 3
Chair of the Ethics Sub-Committee for a
discipline investigation of an Assistant
Professor at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart
University, Faculty of Education.
December 15, 2005
March 17, 2006
Appointed by the Dean’s
Report to the Dean’s
Office, Faculty of
Office: pp. 4
Education, Boğaziçi
University, as the chief
investigator to serve on the
discipline committee for
the investigation of an
academic teaching staff
member, under the Higher
Education Law number
2547, item 53 and Higher
Education Council
Regulations on Discipline
Codes item 17 of the
Regulations for Teaching
Staff and Civil Servants
Chair in the Discipline Inquiry for an Instructor
in the Department of Secondary School
Science and Mathematics Education, Faculty
of Education, Boğaziçi University
English Language Examination Juries for Assistant Professorship at Boğaziçi University
May 25, 1993
English Language Examination Jury Member for
an assistant professor candidate, Department of
Educational Sciences
January 27, 1988
English Language Examination Jury Member for
an assistant professor candidate, Faculty of Education
November 18, 1987
English Language Examination Jury Member for
an assistant professor candidate, Faculty of Education
November 11-19, 1982
English Language Examination Jury Member for
assistant professor candidates, Department of
Educational Sciences
Jury Member for Part-time Faculty members for the Department of Educational Sciences
January 23, 2009
Jury member for a candidate to be a part-time faculty
member in the Department of Educational Sciences
to teach ED 282 Principles and Methods of
January 18, 2006
Jury member for a candidate to be a part-time faculty
in the Department of Educational Sciences to teach
ED 262 Planning and Evaluation of Instruction
December 10, 2004
Jury member for a candidate to be a part-time faculty
in Guidance and Psychological Counseling,
Department of Educational Sciences to teach ED 213
Development and Learning, ED 325 Theories of
Personality in Counseling, ED 330 Counseling
Skills I, ED 429 Psychological Maladjustment and
Counseling, ED 434 Counseling Skills II, ED 469
Psychology of Adolescence
Research Assistant Selection Committees at Boğaziçi University
May 9-30, 1990
Member of the Research Assistant Selection
Committee for the Department of Educational
November 11-25, 1982
Member of the Research Assistant Selection
Committee for the Department of Educational
October 8-18, 1982
Member of the Research Assistant Selection
Committee for the Department of Educational
Master‟s Degree Entrance Examination Commitees: Boğaziçi University
June 15,17, 2011
Chair of the the Master‟s Degree Entrance
Examination Committee in Curriculum and
Instructional Programs of the Department of
Educational Sciences, 2010-2011 Academic Year
June 16-17, 2010
Chair of the the Master‟s Degree Entrance
Examination Committee in Curriculum and
Instructional Programs of the Department of
Educational Sciences, 2010-2011 Academic Year
August 31-September 1, 2009
Chair of the the Master‟s Degree Entrance
Examination Committee in Curriculum and
Instructional Programs of the Department of
Educational Sciences, 2009-2010 Academic Year
September 1999
Chair of the Master‟s Degree Entrance
Examination Committee in Psychological
Counseling and Guidance Program of the
Department of Educational Sciences for the 19992000 Academic Year
September 1992-September 1994
Chair of the Master‟s Degree Entrance
Examination Committee in Curriculum and
Instructional Programs of the Department of
Educational Sciences for the 1992-1993, 1993-1994,
1994-1995 Academic Years
July16-September 14, 1990
Member of the Master‟s Degree Entrance
Examination Committee in Psychological
Counseling and Guidance of the Department of
Educational Sciences for the 1990-1991 Academic
September 2-September 23, 1985
Member of the Master‟s Degree Entrance
Examination Committee in Psychological
Counseling and Guidance of the Department of
Educational Sciences for the 1985-1986 Academic
Other Juries: Ballet
June 23, 2005
Jury member for the end of year final ballet
examination of Özlem Güzel Ballet and Music
June 1999
Jury member for the end of year final ballet
examination of Dilek Ballet Company, Istanbul
July 2, 1993
Jury member for the end of year final ballet
examination of Dilek Ballet Company, Istanbul
June 20, 1993
Jury member for the end of year final ballet
examination of Oya Ballet Company, Istanbul
May 13, 1988
Jury member for the diploma examination of middle
and higher level ballet division of Dilek Ballet
Company, Istanbul
Sezen, Aslı (May 2007); The Effects of State Ideology, Politics, Educational Policies and
Philosophy on the Science Curricula of Primary Education, 1919-1938. Unpublished
Master’s Thesis in Adult Education, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Educational
Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 379.
İlimsever Başarır, Şükran (June 2002); Family Background, Parental Expectations, School Choice,
and Student Performance. Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Guidance and Psychological
Counseling, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi
University, Istanbul, pp. 203.
Aydın, Emin (June 1995); The Effects of Mastery Learning Method of Instruction and Learning
Environment Organization on Mathematics Achievement Levels and Mathematics
Attitude Scores of Second Year Junior High School Students in a Private High School in
Istanbul. Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Curriculum and Instructional Programs,
Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi University,
Istanbul, pp. 135. (Shared recipient of the Boğaziçi University Research Fund award for
Distinguished Thesis in the Area of Social Sciences given yearly to one thesis. Shared the
award with İlker Tuğal).
Gazi, Yakut (June 1995); The Effects of Mastery Learning Method of Instruction and a Particular
Conceptual Change Strategy on the Achievement and Misconception Levels of Eighth
Grade Science4 Students. Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Curriculum and Instructional
Programs, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi
University, Istanbul, pp. 140.
Tuğal, İlker (June 1995); The Effects of Grouping and Mastery Learning Method of Instruction
on English Achievement Levels of Lycée One Students in Kuleli Military High School.
Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Curriculum and Instructional Programs, Institute of
Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 122.
(Shared recipient of the Boğaziçi University Research Fund award for Distinguished Thesis
in the Area of Social Sciences given yearly to one thesis. Shared the award with Emin
Sucuka, Nur (September 1994); The Sensitivity of the Turkish Teacher Form of Formative
Evaluation and Teaching Aids for Preschool Objectives (OHDİDA) to Teacher Training.
Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Preschool Education, Institute of Social Sciences,
Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 236.
Kırkıç, K. Arif (June 1994); The Effects of Mastery Learning Method of Instruction and
Laboratory Experiments on Achievement Levels and Science Misconception Scores of
Secondary School Turkish Students. Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Curriculum and
Instructional Programs, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences,
Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 110.
Hackenberg, Robert (January 1993); The Effects of Instruction, Aptitude, and Grouping on
Mathematics Achievement of Fourth Grade German Students Studying under Mastery
Learning and Normal Classroom Instruction. Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Guidance
and Psychological Counseling, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Educational
Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 91.
Görkey-Taffe, İpek (May 1992); The Reliability and Validity of the Formative Evaluation and
Teaching Aids for Preschool Objectives. Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Preschool
Education, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi
University, Istanbul, pp. 183.
Çetin, Elif (July 1988); The Effects of University Preparatory Courses and Mastery Learning on
Final Achievement Test Scores and University Entrance Exam Scores of Seniors in a
Turkish High School. Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Guidance and Psychological
Counseling, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi
University, Istanbul, pp. 704.
Sayar, Yeşim (February 1986); The Effects of Mastery Learning and the Possession of Necessary
Prerequisites on Achievement of Turkish Students Studying English as a Second
Language. Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Guidance and Psychological Counseling,
Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi University,
Istanbul, pp. 104.
Eğinlioğlu, Uğur (June 1985); The Effects of Mastery Learning and Improved Materials on
English Achievement Levels of Ninth Grade Turkish Students ar a Private High School.
Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Institute of Social
Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 118.
Nwabueze, Boniface (June 1984); The Effects of Mastery Learning and Improved Teaching on
Mathematics Achievement for Seventh Grade Turkish Students at a Private Secondary
School. Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Institute
of Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul,
pp. 107.
Afreşa, Oya (June 1983); The Effects of Mastery learning and Traditional Learning Methods on
Achievement and Retention of Fifth Grade Turkish Primary School Students in Science.
Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Institute of Social
Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 120.
Uzunkavak, Ozana (June 1983); A Project to Test the Inter-judge Reliability and Construct
Validity of Formative Evaluation for Preschool Objectives. Unpublished Master’s Project
in Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of
Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 161.
Gürün, Tunay (1982); Supplementary Teacher‟s manual to Kernel Lessons Intermediate Based on
Mastery Learning. Unpublished Master’s Project in Guidance and Psychological
Counseling, Faculty of arts and Sciences, Department of Education, Boğaziçi University,
Istanbul, pp. 309.
Committee Member of Master‟s Theses / Projects
Pullukçu, Nuran (September 1993); Guidance-Counseling Expectations of Secondary School
Educators: A Preliminary Test of the Three Dimensional Model of Turkish Guidance
Counseling. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Necla Öner. Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Guidance
and Psychological Counseling, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Educational
Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 89.
Tosun, Ülkü (January 1989); Effects of the Migration Experience on the Psychological Well-being
of the Second Generation Turkish (Im)migrants. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Necla Öner.
Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Institute of Social
Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 164.
Ramazan, Oya (December 1988); Handbook of Psychological Tests Used in Turkey. Thesis
Advisor: Prof. Necla Öner. Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Guidance and Psychological
Counseling, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi
University, Istanbul, pp. 670.
İlkkaracan, Pınar (April 1988); Antecedent Variables of the Self Concept of Children Who
Succeeded or Failed in the High School Entrance Examinations. Thesis Advisor: Prof.
Necla Öner. Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Guidance and Psychological Counseling,
Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi University,
Istanbul, pp. 88.
Küçük, Şenay (February 1987); The Validity of the Turkish Form of the Parental Attitude
Research Instrument Subscales II, III, IV. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Necla Öner. Unpublished
Master’s Thesis in Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Institute of Social Sciences,
Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 103.
Çataklı, Melike (September 1985); Transliteral Equivalence and Reliability of the Turkish Version
of the Piers-Harris Children‟s Self-Concept Scale. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Necla Öner.
Unpublished Master’s Thesis in Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Institute of Social
Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 67.
Evans, Lorne (June 1983); Understanding the Relationship Between Socio-Economic Status,
Language Acquisition and Educational Achievement. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Necla Öner.
Unpublished Master’s Project in Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Institute of
Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 64.
Çakacı Güner (August 1982); A Project Designed to Enlighten High School Students on Values.
Thesis Advisor: Prof. Necla Öner. Unpublished Master’s Project in Guidance and
Psychological Counseling, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Education, Boğaziçi
University, Istanbul, pp. 66.
Berkkan, Sanem (June 1981); A Program to Enhance the Self-Concept of Students: An Activity
for Guidance Hours in Schools (Öğrencilerin Kendilik Anlayışını Geliştirmeyi
Amaçlayan Bir Rehberlik Programı). Thesis Advisor: Prof. Necla Öner. Unpublished
Master’s Project in Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Faculty of arts and Sciences,
Department of Education, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 28.
Committee Member of Doctoral Dissertations
Senemoğlu, Nuray (June 1987); Bilişsel Giriş Davranışları ve Dönüt-Düzeltmenin Erişiye Etkisi
(The Effects of Cognitive Entry Behaviors and Feedback-Correctives on Achievement).
Dissertation Advisor: Prof. Selahattin Ertürk. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation in the area of
Educational Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences,
Hacettepe University, Ankara, pp. 171.