ılo sozlemelerı


ılo sozlemelerı
caIima ye Sosyal GUvenlik BakanIii
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Aima J?utà
eIecekIe kariIatIrma oIanai bulunmamakia birlikte, 20'rici Yuzyil kukusuz
gecmi yozyiflara gäre deimin ba döndürücO nitelik kazandii bir zaman dilimidir.
Uluslararasi iliki1erin de en youn bir duruma geIdii 20. YQzyilda, gecmi
yuzyillardan farkli oarak, dunyada bari icinde bir arada yaamanin, ortak
deerleri payIamarun, ibirIii yapmanin insanIia huzur ye mutluluk getirecei
inanciyla, bariin korunmasi, ekonomik, sosyal ye kültürel gelimenin salanmasi
için bölgesel ye evrensel nitelikte uluslararasi kuruIuIar oIuturuImutur.
Uluslararasi kuruIuIarin insanIia saIadii yararlarin älcusü, amaçlara
uIamadaki baariIari tartiiImakIa birlikte, özelikle ILO, UNESCO, UNICEF gibi
uzmanhik kuruIuIarinin insanlik 1cm gOz ardi edilemeyecek çabaIrinin buIunduu
bir gerçektir.
ILO, Birlemi Milletler'in insari haklariyla ilgili uzmanhik kuruIuIarindan
biridir. ILO, tUrn dünyada caIima ye yaam kouIlarinin iyiIetirilmesine, sosyal
adaletin geIitiriImesine ye bu yoldan evrensel bariin gerçekIetiriImeSifle katkida
bulunmaya çaba gastermektedir.
1919 yplinda kurulan ILO, bugUne kadar 181 SözIeme ye 189 Tavsiye Karari
kabul etmitir.
OrgOte, Cumhuriyetin kuruluunun henUz 9'uncu yilinda, 1932'de uye olan
Türkiye, Cumhuriyetin 75'inci kuruIu yildonUmUnü kutIadiimiz 1998 yilina kadar
toptam 181 Sözlemeden 38'ini onaylamitir. Avrupa Birlii Ulkelerince onaylanan
Sözleme sayisi ortalamasi 70, ILO'ya uye ülkeler ortalamasi 37'dir.
Turkiye, 1998 yilinda;
- BütUn sektörlerde çocuklarin çalitiriImasini etkili biçimde yasaklayacak
utusal bir politika izienmesini ye giderek çocuklarda cahma yainin, fiziksel ye
ruhsal açidan olgunIamalariyIa uyumlu biçimde yukseltilmesini amaçlayan
Istihdama Kabulde Asgari Yaa llikin 138 sayulu ye
- Zorla ye zorunlu calitirmaya izin verilmesini kouIlara baIayan Cebri ye
ya Mecburi çaIiturmaya IIikin 29 sayili SozIemeyl, onayIamitir.
Bu iki SozIeme, ILO'nun temel hakiara ilikin 7 Sözlemesi arasunda yer
almaktadir. Turkiye, temel hakiara iIikin 87,98, 100, 105 ye 111 sayuIl SäzIemeleri
ise daha änce onaylamiç bulunmaktadir.
Ulkemiz, 29 ye 138 sayili SözIerneIeri onaylamakia ILO'nun temel haklara
iIikin 7 sözIemesinin tamamini onaylayan 38 dünya Ulkesinden bin
durumuna geimiçtir.
Anayasa'nin 90inci Maddesine gore, üikemiz tarafindan onaylanan ILO
SOzIemeieri yasa hükmündedir. Bunlar hakkirida Anayasa'ya aykirilik iddiasi
lie Anayasa Mahkemesi'ne bavuruiamaz. Ancak Söziemeierin uyguianabiimesi
1cm, eer gerekiyorsa Ic hukukta düzenieme yaprimasi yoluna gidiimektedir.
Bakaniiim:z bu konuda youn çaiimaiar yapmaktadir.
ILO, standart belirieme ye buniarin uygulanmastni izieme çaiimaiarinin
yaninda, teknik içbirlii calimaiariyia da üyesi bulunan üikelere yardimci oimaktadir.
Türkiye, uzun yiiiardan bu yana ILO lie ibirlii yaparak ceitli projeler gerçekietirmi
ye bu ibirIiinden baçartii sonuçiar aimiçtir. u anda süren en Onemii projelerden
birini cocuk Içilimnin Ontadan Kaldirulmasu Programi (1PEC) oiuturmaktadir.
Yeni bir yüzyiia girerken, dünyada yaanan hizii deim ye küreseiieme
olgusu karisinda 1LO'nun nasii bir rol üstlenmesi gerektii günümUzde youn olarak
tartiiJmaktadir. Bu baiamda, ILO'nun standart belirieme iievinin yani sira, dUnyada
isiziiin Onlenmesi, istikrarii ye üretken istihdamin geiitirilmesi konusunda etkin
çaiimalar yapmasi Uzerinde duruimaktadrr. Hiç kuku yok ki, eitsizIikIerin, gefir
daiiimu adaietsiziiklerinin, isizliin artmaktaoiduu dünyamizda, ILO Yirmibirinci
Yuzyiida da Onemini ye ulusiararasi topiuluk 1cm vazgeciimeziimni sürdürecektir.
Türkiye lie ILO arasindaki youn iiikiier ye ILO SOzIemeierinin üikemizce
onaylanmasi, bir bak:ma Cumhuriyet döneminde Türkiye'nin, yurttaiarunin sosyal
hak ye olanakiarini ulusiararasi standartiar düzeyine cikarma konusundaki karariiiiinun
ye cabas:nuri birsonucudur.
ILO Anayasasi lie üikemizin onayiadiu 38 ILO SOziemesinin Türkçe ye Ingiiizce
metinierini bir araya getiren bu kitabun, Cumhuriyetimizin 75. YiidOnQmünde konuyia
ilgilenen kii ye kuru!uiar 1cm bir "75. Yui Armaani" niteIii tauyacaOIna ye Onemii
bir gereksinimi kariiayacaina inanlyorum.
Kitabin hazirianmasinda emei geçen Bakaniiumpz personeiine teekkUr
Prof. Dr. Nami cAÔAN
çaluçma ye Sosyal GUvenlik Bakani
Although a comparisions with the future may not seem to be feasible, 20 th
centrury is a period when has become more dazzling than it was in the previous
With the aim of protecting peace and promoting economic, social and cultural development and with the conviction that peaceful coexistence, holding
of common values and cooperation would bring tranquility and happiness,
international organizations of universel and regional nature have been founded
during the 20 th century where internationa' relations have intensified unlike
the past centuries.
Despite the ongoing argument on the extent of advantages provided by the
international organizations for the humanity and their accomplishment to attain
the set objectives, it is obvious thatspecialized organizations such as ILO, UNESCO
and UNICEF in particular render valuable efforts for the humanity.
ILO is one of the specialized organizations of the UN that deals with human
rights at work. It is striving to contribute, throughout the world, into improving
working and living conditions and promoting social justice and thus achieving
universal peace.
ILO has adopted 181 Conventions and 189 Recommendations since its establishment in 1919.
After having joined the Organization in 1932. Turkey has ratified 38 of the 181
Conventions until the year 1998 in which we are celebrating 75 th anniversary of
the proclamation of the Republic. Average number of Conventions ratified by EU
members and ILO members are respectively 70 and 37.
In 1998, Turkey ratified Minimum Age Convention No 138 that aims to en-
dorse the adoption of a national policy banning effectively child labour in all
sectors of economy and to raise progressively the minimum age for admission to
employment to a level consistent with their fullest physical and mental development and Forced Labaour Convention No.29 that subjects recourse to forced and
compulsory labour to conditions.
Both Conventions are among the seven ILO Conventions regarding fundamental rights. Turkey has already ratified the rest of the Conventions No: 87, 98,
100, 105 and 111. Ratifying Conventions No:29 and 138 Turkey has become one
of the 38 members that ratified all seven conventions concerning fundamental
According to Article 90 of the Turkish Constitution ILO Conventions duly put
into effect carry the force of law. No appeal to the Constitutional Court can be
lodged with regard to these agreements, on ground that they are unconstitu-
tional. Nevertheless, amendments in the national legislation are made, if necessary, to implement these Conventions in Practice. In this regard our Ministry
has been carrying out intensive work.
In addition to its standard setting and follow-up activities ILO is providing
help to member countries through its technical cooperation programmes . Turkey
has for years effected several projects in collaboration with ILO and harvested
rewarding results from this exercise. The most salient project currently ongoing is
"International Program On The Elimination of child Labour (IPEC),"
At the threshold of a new century and in the face of globalisation and rapid
changes worldwide, ILO's future role is the subject of heated debates. Further to its
standard setting activities, it is recognized that there is a need for the ILO to con-
duct effective work on the fight againts worlwide unemployment and the promotion of sustainable productive employment. There is no doubt that ILO will maintain its importance and indispensibilityforthe international community in the world
of the 21 St century where inequalities, unjust distribution of wealth and unemployment are on the increase.
The intensive relationship between Turkey and ILO and ratification of ILO Con-
ventions are the consequences of Turkey's determination to boring social rights
enjoyed by Turkish citizens to the level of international standards.
I believe that this book which brings together the Constitution of ILO and
Turkish and English texts of the 38 Conventions ratified by Turkey will be a gift for
people and institutions interested in the subject at this 75 th anniversary of the
proclamation of our Republic and will serve to satisfy an important necessity.
I take this opportunity to extend my appreciation to the staff of Ministry Who
have taken part in the preparation of this book.
Prof. Dr. Nami çaan
Minister of Labour and Social Security,
The Constitution of the International Labour
Declaration Concerning the Aims and Purposes of
the International Labour Organisation
ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights
at Work
List of ILO Conventions Ratified By Republic of Turkey
(As at 1998)
2 No'lu
Unemployment Convention
Right of Association (Agriculture) Convention
Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention
Minimum Age (Trimmers and Stokers) Convention
Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Convention
Forced Labour Convention
(Shelved) Free-Charging Employment
Workmen's Compensation (Occupational Diseases)
Convention (Revised)
Underground Work (Women) Convention
Minimum Age (Sea) Convention (Revised)
Minimum Age (Industry) Convention (Revised)
Medical Examination of Young Persons (Industry)
81 No'lu
Labour Inspection Convention
Freedom of Association and Protection of the
Right to Organise Convention
Employment Service Convention
94 No'Iu
Labour Clauses (Public Contracts) Convention
Protection of Wages Convention
96 No'lu
Fee-Charging.Employment Agencies
Convention (Revised)
Right to Organisê and Collective
Bargaining Convention
Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery (Agriculture)
Equal Remuneration Convention
Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention
Abolition of Forced Labour Convention
Discrimination (Employment and Occupation)
Radiation Protection Convention
Final Articles Revision Convention
Equality of Treatment (Social Security) Convention
Guarding of Machinery Convention
Employment Policy Convention
Minirrum Age (Underground Work) Convention
Maximum Weight Convention
Workers' Representatives Convention
Minimum Age Convention
Human Resources Development Convention
Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards)
Labour Relations (Public Service) Convention
Termination of Employment Convention
(Sakatlar) SOZLEMESI
VocatonaI Rehabilitation and Employment
(Disabled Persons) Convention
International Labour Conventions
Evrensel ye kaiici bir bariin ancak sosyal adalet temetine dayali olmasi
cok sayida insan 1cm, adatetsizliin, sefaietin ye yoksuliuun bulunduu
çalima koullarinin varhi ye bunun dunya barii ye ahengini tehlikeye
düUrecek bir honutsuziva yol açtii ye bu koullarin örnein gunluk ye
haftalik makslmum çaiima saatlerinin dUzenlenmesi, içiierin ie alinmasi,
isizlie kari mücadele, yeteril yaam kouliarini salayacak bir ücretin
guvence altina linmasi, icilerin genel ye mesleki hastalikiara ye i sirasinda
meydana gelen kazalara kari korunmasi, cocukiarin, genclerin ye kadiniarin
korunmasi, yahlik ye maluliyet ayliklarinin balanmasi, " eit ie eit ücret
ilkesinin taninmasi, sendikai äzguriuk ilkesinin salanmasi, teknik ye mesleki
eitimin duzenlenmesi ye bnzer dier önlemler bakimindan bu kouliari
iyiletirmenin acilen gereklilii nedenlyle
Gerçekten insancil kouiiara sahip bir çalima dUzeninin herhangi bir ulus
tarafindan kabul edilmemesi kendi ülkelerinde çaiianlarin durumlarini
iyitetirmeyi arzu eden dier uluslarin çabalarina engel oluturmasi nedenlyle;
Adalet ye insaniyet duygularindan hareketle, ayni zamanda süreklilDir
dünya bariini salamak arzusu ye bu belirtilen hedeflere ulamak amaciyla
hareket eden Yüksek Akit Tarafiar, Uluslararasi Qalima OrgUtu'nün ibu
Anayasasi'ni onaylartar.
Bu Anayasa'nin Baiangiç bölumünde ye Ulusiararasi çatima
Orgütü'nün hedef ye amaçiari lie ligili 10 Mayis 1944 tarihinde Filacielfiya'da
kabul ediiip, metni bu Anayasa'ya ek olan Bildirge'de açikianan programin
gerceklemesmne çalimakla garevli bir sürekli örgut kuruimutur.
Utuslararasi çaIima Orgutu'nun uyeleri, 1 Kasim 1945 tarihinde Orgut
Qyesi bulunan Devletler ile bu maddenin 3. ye 4. fikra hük0mleri gereince üye
niteliini alacak dier Devietler oiacaktir.
1Anayasaniri 1919 yllinda kabul edilen orijinal metni, 4 Haziran 1934 tarihinde yürürlue girenl 922
tarihii deiik; 26 Eylui 1946 tarihinde yUrOrlUe giren 1945 tarihli Deiiklik Belgesi; 20 Nisan 1948
tarihinde yUruriOe giren 1946 tarihii Deiikiik Belgesl; 20 MayLs 1954 Tarihinde yürüriue giren 1953
tarihii Deiikiik belgesi; 22 Mayis 1963 Tarihinde yürürlüe giren 1962 tarihll Deiiklik Belgesi; ye 1
Kasim 1974 tarihinde yOrürlüe giren 1972 tarihii Deilkiik Beigesi iletadil ediimitir,
Birlemi Milletlerin her asil Qyesi ye art hükümlerine uygun olarak
Genel Kurul karari ile Birlemi Milletler uyeliine kabul edilen her deviet,
Uluslararasi çaIima Orgutu Anayasasi'ndan doan yükümlülükleri resmen
kabul ettiini Uluslararasi calima Bürosu Gene! Müdürü'ne bildirmek suretiyle
Uluslararasi caliçma Orgütu'ne üye olabilir.
Uluslararasi çaIima Orgutu Gene! Konferansi, hükümet temsilcilerinin
Uçte ikisinin toplantida hazir bulunduu ye oylamaya katildii oturumda
temsilcilerin üçte ikisinin kabul oyuyla örgüte Uye kabul edebilir. Boyle bir
kabul yeni üye ülke hQkümetinin, Orgut Anayasasi'nin getirdii yükürnlülükleri
resmen kabul ettiini Uluslararasi Qalima Bürosu Genel MüdürU'ne bildirmesi
durumunda yururluk kazanir.
Uyelikten cekume
Uluslararasi calrma Orgütü'nün herbir üyesi Uluslararasi Qalima
Bürosu Gene! MüdürU'ne çekilme niyetine dair On bildirimde bulunmadan
Orgütten ceki!emez. Bu bildirim Genel MUdür tarafindan alindii tarihten itibaren
iki yil sonFa ye bu tarihte üyenin üyelik sifatindan doan bütün mali
yukUmlulüklerini yerine getirmi olmasi kaydiyla yürurlue girecektir. Bir üye
ülke, bir uluslararasi çalima sozlemesinionaylami ise, bu çekilme
sözIemeden doan veya onunla ilgili clan yükümlülüklerin sOzleçmede
Ongorülen sure zarfinda geçerliliini etkilemez.
Yeniden Uyelie Alinma
Bir Devletin Orgute uyeliinin sona ermi olmasi durumunda, onun
tekrar üyelie kabul edilmesi bu maddenin 3 ye 4. fikralari hükümlerine gOre
lu Kurulular
Daimi Orgüt
Uye Ulke delegelerinden oluan bir Genel Konferans
7. maddede tanimlandii §ekilde oluturulan bir Yönetim Kurulu ye
YOnetim Kurulu'nun denetimi altinda bir Uluslararasi çalima
Bürosundan olumaktadir.
Toplantilar ye Temsilciler
1- Uye ülke delegelerinden oluan Genel Konferans gerekli gOruldukçe
zaman zaman ye en az yilda bir kez olmak üzere toplanacaktir. Konferans, ikisi
hükümet delegesi , dier ikisi ise her uye ülkenin çaliçanlarinin ye iverenlerinin
herbirini temsilen katilan delegelerden olmak üzere üye ülkelerin herbirinin 4
delegesinden oluur.
Teknik MüavirIer
2- Her delegeye, topiantinin gündeminde yer alan konulardan herbiri 1cm
sayisi ikiyi geçemeyen teknik mUavir eIik edebilecektir. OzelilkIe kadiniari
ilgilendiren konular Konferans'ta goruulecei zaman, teknik müavir olarak
belirienen kiilerden en az birisi kadin olacaktir.
Anavatan Diundaki
Toprakiardan Belirlenen
Teknik MUavir
3- Anavatan diindaki toprakiarin Ulusiararasi iiikilerinden sorumlu clan
her Uye ülkesi, delegelerinin herbiri 1cm
Anilan topraklann kendi yanetim alani icerisine giren sorunlar
konusunda bu topraklarin delegeleri tarafindan seçilen kiiIeri, ye
Kendi kendilerini yOnetemeyen toprakiarla ilgili sorunlar konusunda
delegelerine danimanlik yapmak üzere seçilen kiiIeri ek teknik müavir olarak
tayin edebiiecektir.
4- Iki veya daha fazia üye ülkenin ortak yönetimi altinda bulunan
toprakiar sozkonusu oiduunda bu üye ülkeier, deiegeierine danimanlik
yapacak kiiieri teknik müavir olarak belirleyebiiecektir.
Hükümet dui Temsilcilerin
5. Uye ülkeler, hUkümet dii delegeleri ye teknik mQavirieri o üikede
mevcut olan çalianlarin ye iverenierin en fazia temsil yetkisine sahip meslek
kurululariyla anlaarak beliriemeyl taahhUt ederler.
Teknik MUavirlerin Durumu
Teknik müavirler, elik ettikieri delege tarafindan yapilan talep üzerine
ye Konferans bakaninin özel izni diinda soz alamaz ye oylamaya katilamaziar.
Bir delege, Baçkana verecei yazili bildirim lie teknik müavirlerden
birisini vekil tayin edebliecek ye adi geçen vekiie bu sifatla soz almaya ye
oyiamaya katilmasina izin verilecektir.
Deiegelerin ye teknik mUavirlerinin adlari, Uye ülkeierin hükümetieri
tarafindan uiusiararasi calima Bürosuna bud irilecektir
Yetki BeLgeleri
Delegelerin ye teknik müavirlerin yetki belgeieri Konferansin
incelemesine tabi tutulacak ye Konferans, hazir bulunan delegelerin oylarinin
ucte iki counluuyla bu maddeye uygun olarak aday gosterilmemi clan
delege ye teknik mUavirin kabulünü reddedebilecektir.
Oy Hakiari
Her delege Konferans tarafindan gorUçüien bütün soruniar hakkinda
bireysei ciarak cy verme hakkina sahip olacaktir.
Uye Ulkelerden bin, belirleme hakki olduu halde hükümet dii
delegelerden birini beIirlememise, dier hUkümet dii delegenin Konferansa
katilim ye konuma hakki olacak, ancak oy verme hakki olmayacaktir.
3- Konferans, üçQncü madde gereince Qye ülkelerden birinin delegesini
kabul etmeyi reddettii takdirde bu madde hUkUmleri säzkonusu delege
beIirlenmemi gibi uygulanacaktir.
Konferans Toplantilarunun Yen
Konferans toplantilan, Koriferans tarafindan bir önceki toplantida alinan
Kararlara uymak kouluyla, Yônetim Kurulu'nca kararlatiruIan yerde yapilacaktir.
Iiiuslararasu çaIima Bürosundaki Sandalye Sayusi
Uluslararasi çalima BQrosu'nun sandalye sayisinda yapilacak herhangi
bir deiçikIik, mevcut delegelerin oylarinin üçte iki couniuu ile Konferans
tarafindari kararIatiriIacaktir.
Yönetim Kurulu
1-Yönetim Kurulu;
Yirmi sekizi hükümetlerj temsilen
Ondördü iverenIeri temsi/en
OndördU iciieri temsilen olmak üzere ellialtu kiiden oluacaktir.
HUkümet Temsilcileri
2- Hükümetleri temsil eden yirmi sekiz üyeden on'u büyük sinai änemi
olan üye ülkeler tarafindan atanacak, onsekizi ise, yukaruda sozu edilen on üye
ülkenin delegeleri diinda Konferans'a katilan Hükümet delegeferi tarafindan
bu amaç 1cm seçilen uye ülkelerce atanacaktir.
SanayiIemi BüyUk Ulkeler
3. YOnetim Kurulu, gerektii her defa da, büyuk sinai önemi olan Orgüt
üyesi ülkelerin hangileri olduunu belirleyecek ye Yönetim Kurulu bu hususta
bir karar vermeden once büyük sinai önemi olan ülkelerin seçimi ile ilgili turn
sorunlarin baimsiz bir komite tarafindan incelenmesini salamak üzere kurallar
koyacaktir. Buyuk sinayl önemi olan üye ülkelerin hangileri oIduu konusunda
Yönetim Kuruiu'nun beyantna kari bir üye Ulke tarafindan yapulan herhangi
bir bavuru, Konferans tarafindan karara balanacak, ancak, Koriferansa
cukarulan bavuru, Konferans sôzkonusu bavuru lie ilgili karar verinceye kadar
anulan beyanin uygulanmasini askiya almayacaktir.
veren ye isçi
IverenIeri temsil eden kiiler ile iççileri temsii eden kiiIer karuiikli olarak,
Konferansa kattlan iveren delegeleri lie içi delegeleri tarafindan seçileceklerdir.
Görev SUresi
5-YOnetim Kurulu'nun gorev süresi üç ytidir. Eer herhangi bir nedenle,
Yönetim Kurulu seçimleri, bu sürenin sonuna kadar yapiImadii takdirde,
Kurui bu seçimler yapilincaya kadar görevi bainda kalacaktir.
Acik Görevier Vekillerin Tayini vs.
6- Açik gorvIerin doidurulmasi ye vekillerin atanmasi ekIi lie dier benzer
konular hakkinda Konferansin onayi ile Yönetim Kurulu karar verebilir.
7-Yönetim Kurulu, zaman zaman kendi arasindan bir bakan ye lid bakan
yardimcisi seçer, bunlardan birisi hükümeti, birisi iverenleri birisi de içileri
temsil eden kiiier oiacaktur.
8- Yönetim Kuruiu kendi çaIima yöntemini kendisi dUzenleyecek ye
toplanma zamaniarini kendisi belirieyecektir Ozel toplanti, Yönetim
Kurulu'ndaki en az Onalti temsilcinin bu amaca yoneiik yazili talebi üzerine
Genel MüdUr
Uluslararasu Qahma Bürosu'nun bir Genel Müdürü oiacak ye bu kimse
Yönetim Kurulu tarafindan atanacak, Kurulun tailmatlarina uyacak, Uluslararasi
calima Bürosu'nun lyl bir §ekiide çaIimasindan ye kendisine verilecek
garevlerin yurutuimesinden sorumlu olacaktir.
Genel Müdür veya onun yardimcisi Yönetim Kuruiu'nun bUtün
toplantilarina katilacaktir.
Personelin Atanmasi
Uiuslararasi Qalima BUrosu Personeli, YOnetim Kurulunca uygun
gorüien duzenlemeler cercevesinde Genel MUdUr tarafindan atanacaktir.
Büronun verimli bir §ekilde caiimasI amaciyia mümkün olduunca
Genei Müdür'ün farkii milliyetlerden kiçileri seçmesi gerekecektir.
Bu kiilerden beiirii sayidaki kismi kadin olacaktir.
Görevierin Uiuslararasi NiteIii
4-Genel MUdür ye personelin gorevieri sadece uluslararasi
niteiikte olacaktir. Görevlerin yerine getirilmesinde, Genel MUdür ye personeli,
hiçbir hükümetten ye örgut diindaki hiçbir makamdan talimat istemiyecek ye
kabul etmiyecektir. Buntar sadece ärgUte kari sorumlu utyslararasi görevtiler
otmalari nedeniyle bu durumlartyta badamayan herhangi bir hareketten
5-Orgüt uyesi her Ulke, Genel Müdürün ye personelin gärevlerinin
sadece uluslararasi nitetiine saygi göstermeyi ye gärevlerinin yapilmasi
sirasinda ontari etkitemeye çalimamayi taahhüt eder.
Büronun Görevleri
1 -Uluslararasi Qalima Bürosunuri görevleri, endUstriyel yaam ye
çaIima kouItarina iIikin ulustararasi Sözlemeler akdetmek amaciyla
Konferansta göruulmesi änerilen konulariri incelenmesi ye Konferans veya
Yönetim Kurulunca istenilen özel aratwmalarin yUrütutmesi He ilgili konutarda
bHgilerin toplanip daitiImasini içerir.
2- Yönetim Kurutu'nun kendisine verebilecei direktifler sakti kalmak
kaydiyla, Büro:
Konferans toplanttlarinin gündemiride yer alan çeitIi maddeler
konusunda dokümantar hazirlayacak;
Istekieri üzerine, Konferans kararlari esas alinarak mevzuat hazirlanmasi,
idari uygulamatarin ye denetim sistemlerinin gelitiriimesi 1cm uygun her türiü
yardimi, gücü nispetinde hükümetlere salayacaktir.
(C) SözIemelere etkin bir yurUrluk kazandiritmasi baIaminda bu
Anayasa hükümlerince istenen gorevleri yerine getirecek
(d) Yönetim Kurutu'nun uygun görecei dillerde, uluslararasi önem
arzeden sanayl ye istihdam sorunlari He ilgiti yayintari basacak ye yayinlayacak
3- Genel olarak, Konferans ye Yônetim Kurulu tarafindan kendisine
verilecek dier gOrev ye yetkilere de sahip olacaktir.
Hükümetlerle IIikiter
Uye Olkelerin sanayl ye istihdam sorunlariyla ilgilenen bakanlikiar,
Uluslararasi çalima Bürosu Yönetim Kurutu'ridaki kendi hükümet temsilcisi
araciliiyIa ya da boyle bir temsilcisi buiunmadii takdirde hOkümet tarafindan
bu amaç 1cm belirIenmi dier yetkili memuru vasitasiyta Genet Müdür ite
dorudan itetiim kurabitirler.
Uluslararasi OrgUtlerle IIikiIer
Uluslararasi QaIima Orgutu, bu Anayasa çerçevesinde, Ozei gOrevteri
bulunan uluslararasi kamu hukuku Orgutlerinmn faatiyetierini koordine etmekle
gOrevti genet utustararasi Orgüt lie ilgili alanlarda Ozel gOrevleri olan
ulustararasi kamu hukuku Orgutleriyle ibirlii yapacaktir.
Ulustararasi çatima Orgutü, ulustararasi kamu hukuku Orgutleri
temsilciieririin oy hakki olmaksizin kendi gorumeierine katilabilmeleri 1cm uygun
düzeniemeier yapabilir.
3- Uiuslararasi Qaiima Orgütü, istedii takdirde, uluslararasi iverenIer,
iciler, tarimcilar ye kooperatifçiierin argutieri dahil hükümetdii taninmi
uluslararasi kuruluiara danirnak 1cm
uygun düzeniemeler yapabiiir.
MaIlye ye BUtce lie
ilgili Düzeniemeler
1- Uluslararasi calima OrgUtü, Biriemi Miiietler lie uygun gorulecek
mail ye butçe lie iigiii duzeniemeier yapabilir.
2- Bu tür dUzeniemeler yapiiincaya kadar veya herhangi bir tarihte bu
tür düzerilemeier yururiUe girmemise
Uye Uikeierden herbiri Konferans ye Yônetim Kurulu toplantilarina
katilan delegeierin ye buniarin teknik mUavirleri lie temsiiciierinin yoi ye
konakiama giderierini ödeyecek, gerektii durumda
Uluslararasi caiima Bürosu'nun dier bütün giderieri lie Konferans
ye Yönetim Kurulu toplantilarinin giderieri Ulusiararasi çalima Bürosu Genel
Müdürü tarafindan Uluslararasi calima OrgUtü genei butçesinden ãdenecektir.
Uiusiararasi caiima Orgütü butçesinin onayianrnasi, topianmasi ye
tahsisine iiikin düzeniemeler Konferans tarafindan hazir buiunan deiegeierin
ucte iki çouniuuyla belirienecek ye HükUmet Temsilcileririin oIuturduu bir
komite tarafindan harcamalarin
Orgüt uyesi üikeler arasinda tahsisine iiikin dUzenlemeler lie butcenin
onayianmasi salanacaktir.
3- Uluslararasi caiima OrgUtü'nün giderleri bu maddenin 1 veya 2 (c)
fikralari gereince yururiue giren düzenlemeiere uygun olarak üye ülkeier
tarafindan karilanacakir.
Aidatlarun Ôdenmesinde Gecikmeier
4- OrgUte mall katkularini ädemekte geçikmi oian Orgüt uyesi bir ülke,
sOzkonusu gecikmi borç miktarinun önceki iki tam yiii 1cm tahakkuk etmi
katki miktaruna eit oimasi ya da amasi haliride, Konferans'ta, Yönetim
Kuruiu'nda ye herhangi bir komitede veya Yänetim Kuruiu uyeierinin
seçimierinde oy kuiianamaz. Bununia beraber Konferans, üikenin eimnde
kouIiar nedeniyie odemeyi yapamami olduuna inanmasi haiinde,
hazir bulunan delegelerin üçte iki oy couniuu lie bu uyenin oy kuiianmasina
izin verebiiir.
Genel MUdürUn Mali
5- Ulusiararasl Qatuma Bürosu Genei MüdürU, Ulusiararasi çaiuma
Orgütü'nün foniarinun kulianimindan Yänetim Kurulu'na kari sorumiudur.
Konferansun GUndemi
1-YOnetim Kurulu, üye ülkelerden birinin hükürneti veya . maddede
belirtilen herhangi bir temsili Orgut veya ulusiararasi kamu hukuku Orgütü
tarafundan gundeme konulacak maddeler konusunda yapulan Oneriyi dikkate
alarak Konferans topiantilarinin tümünün gUndemini beiirieyecektir.
Konferans Hazirlikiari
1- Yönetim Kurulu, Konferans tarafindan bir Sözieme ya da Tavsiye
Kararu'nin kabulünden Once, Konferans hazirlik araçlariyla öncelikie iIgiU üye
ülkeierin yeterli danima ye teknik,hazirIik yapmaiaruni saiamak 1cm kuraliari
GUndemin iletilmesi ye
Konterans'a sunulacak Raporlar
Genel Müdür, Konferansun Genei Sekreter!ik gOrevini yapacak ye
Konferans topianmadan 4 ay Once gündemi üye ülkelere ulatiracak ye onlar
aracuiiiyla belirIenmi
olmalari durumunda hOkümetdii delegelere de
Gündemin her maddesi lie iigili raporiar, Konferans toplanmadan Once
üzerinde yeterli inceleme olanaOi verecek §ekilde zamanunda üye üikeiere
gOnderiiecektir. YOnetim Kuruiu, bu hükmUn uygulanmasina yOnelik usuileri
GUndeme Itiraziar
Uye üike hükümetierinin herbiri gUndem maddelerinin tQmünün ya da
herhangi birinin gündeme konulmasina resmen itiraz edebilir. Bu itirazun
erekceIeri Genei mUdUr'e gOnderiiecek bildiride açukianacak, Genel Müdr
Orgut uyesi ü!keierin tümüne bunu iietecektir.
Ancak; itiraz edlien maddeler, Konferans'ta hazir bulunan deiegeierin
üçte iki oy couniuuyia sOzkonusu maddeier lehinde karar vermesi
durumunda gUndemden çukaruiamaz.
Konferans GUndemine
Yeni Maddelerin Ekienmesi
Konferans (bir Onceki fikradan farkii oiarak) hazir bulunan delegeierin
Oçte iki counIuuyia herhangi bir konunun Konferans'ta gOrüülrnesine karar
vermesi durumunda, 0 konu, sonraki topiantunun gundemine konulacaktur.
Konferanstaki Görevliier1
iIeyi ye Komiteler
Konferans bir ba'kan ye üç bakan yardimcisi seçecektir. Bakan
yardimciiarindan birisi hükümet delegesi, birisi iveren delegesi birisi de içi
delegesi olacaktir. Konferars kendi iieyiç biçimini düzenleyecek ye herhangi
bir konuda inceleme yapmak ye rapor hazirlamak üzere komiteler
Ibu Anayasa'da aksine bir hükUm bulunmamasi veya Konferans'a
yetkiler veren herhangi bir Sözieme veya dier beigede yer alan kouliar ya
da 13. madde gereince kabul edilen butçe ye mall dUzenlemelere ilikin hailer
diinda, turn konularda hazir bulunan delegelerin oylarinin salt çouniuuyla
karar verecektir.
çounIuk Yeter Sayist
Eer kullaniian oylarin toplam sayisi Konferans'a katilan delegelerin
sayisinin yarisina eit deitse oyiama gecersiz sayilir.
Teknik Uzmanlar
Konferans, komitelere atamak suretiyle oy hakki olmayan teknik uzmaniar
SözIemeIer ye Tavsiye Kararlari
Konferans Karariari
Eer Konferans, gQndemdeki bir madde lie ilgili önerilerin kabul
edilmesi konusunda karar verirse, bu änerileriri: (a) bir uluslararasi Sözleme
§eklinde ml yoksa (b) SãzIeme Kabulü 1cm zamanin uygun ye elveriIi olmadii
Konu ye durumda ortaya cikan kouilari karitamak üzere bir Tavsiye Karari
§ekiinde mi oiacaini belirleyecektir.
Gerekli çounIuk
Her iki durumda, bir SozIeme veya Tavsiye Kararinin Konferans
tarafindan kabulü 1cm
son oyiamada hazir buiunan deiegelerin oyiarirun üçte
iki çouniuu gereklidir.
OzeI Bölgesel KouIIara Yönelik
Konferans, genel uyguiamaya yonelik bir Sözleme veya Tavsiye
Karari hazirlarken, iklim kouiiari, sinai orgUtün yetersiz geliimi ya da dier
özei durumlarin sanayl kouIiarini esasli §ekilde farkliiatirdii ülkeleri dikkate
alacak ye bu Ulkelere ozgü duruma ceyap yerebliecek gerekii deikIikleri
Resmi Metinier
Säzleme veya Tavsiye Karari'nin iki nüshasi Konferans Bakani ye
Genel MüdUr tarafindan imzaianacaktir. Bu nüshaiardan birisi Ulusiararasi
çalrçma Bürosu arivine konulacak, dieri Biriemi Miiietler Genel Sekreteri'ne
gönderilecektir. Genei Müdür Sözleme veya Tavsiye Karari'nin onayli bir
nüshasini üye ülkeierin herbirine gonderecektir.
SözIemeIer Acisindan
Uye Ulkelerin YUkUmlUIUkIeri
5- Säzieme säzkonusu oiduunda:
SäzIeme turn üye üikeiere onaylanmak üzere gänderiiecektir
Uye üikeierden herbiri, Konferans oturumunun kapaniiridan itibaren
bir yiilik sure içerisinde veya istisnai kouiiar nedeniyle bir yilIik sure ye Konferans
oturumunun kapaniindan itibaren 18 ayi geçmeyecek §ekiide SozIemeyi
mevzuat halirie getirecek makam veya makamlara sunmayi üstienir;
Uye Ulkeler, SözIemenin sôzedilen yetkiii makam veya makarniara
sunuimasi için bu madde gereince alinan Oniemier lie yetkiii sayilan bu makam
veya makamiarla ilgili ayriritiii bilgiier ye bu makamiar tarafindan alinan uygulama
karariari hakkinda Uiuslararasi QaIima Burosu Genel Müdürü'rie bilgi verecektir.
Uye üike, yetkiii makam veya makamiarin olurunu aimi ise
SözIemenin resmi onayini Genel Müdüre iletecek ye Sôzieçme hükümlerine
yurüriuk kazandirmak üzere gerekii äniemleri alacaktir.
Uye üike, yetkili makarn veya makamiarin oiurunu aIarnami ise, üye
üikeye, Yönetirn Kuruiu tarafindan isteniien uygun dônemlerde SOzIemeyi
ligilendiren konuiara iIikin mevzuat ye uyguiama hakkinda Sözierne
hükürnierinden herhangi birinin mevzuat, idari önlemier, topiu sözieme
veya dier §ekiiierle ne dereceye kadar yurüriüe konuIduunu ya da
konuimasinin öneriIdiini gostermek ye bu tür Söziemenin onayianmasini
engeileyen ya da geciktiren g(.Içiukieri belirlemek suretiyie Uiusiararasi çaIma
Bürosu Genei Müdürü'ne rapor gOndermek diinda herhangi bir zoruniuiuk
Tavsiye Kararlari Açisindan Uye IJikelerin
6- Tavsiye Karari sözkonusu oIduunda:
Tavsiye Karari ulusai mevzuat ya da baka §ekiilerde yurüriue
konuimak amaciyia incelenmek üzere turn uye üikeiere gönderiiecektir
Uye uikelerden herbiri Konferans oturumunun kapaniindan itibaren
en fazia bir yiiiik sure içerisinde veya istisnal kouIIar nedenlyle bir yiliik sure
içerisinde yapma oiani oimadir takdirde, mumkun oian en yakin sürede ye
Konferans oturumunun kapaniindan itibaren 18 ayi geçmeyecek ekiide
Tavsiye Karari'ni mevzuat haiine getirmek veya baka turlu önlem almak uzere
bu husustaki yetkili makam veya makamiara sunmayi usfienir;
Uye ülkeier, Tavsiye Karari'nin sözediieri yetkili makam veya
makarniara sunuirnasi için bu rnadde gereince alinan öniemler ile yetkiii sayilan
bu makam veya makamlaria iigiii ayrintili biigiler ye bu makamlar tarafindan
alinan uyguiama kararlari hakkinda Uiuslararasi çaIirna Burosu Genei
Muduru'ne bilgi verecektir.
Tavsiye Kararinin sOzediien yetkiii makam veya makarniara
sunuimasindan doiayi uye üikelere, Yönetim Kuruiu tarafindan isteniien
uygun dönemlerde Tavsiye Kararinu ilgilendiren konulara iIikin o ülkelerdeki
mevzuat ye uyguiama hakkinda Tavsiye Karari hükümierinin ne deeceye kadar
yururiue konulduunu ya da konulmasinin öneriidiini gastermek ye bu
hükümlerin kabul edlimesi ye uygulanmasi 1cm gerekll garulen veya
gorulebilecek oian deiiklikleri Uluslararasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürü'ne
rapor gondermek diinda herhangi bir zoruniuluk yuklenmeyecektir.
Federal Devietlerin YükUmlUlUkleri
7- Federal Deviet sözkonusu oiduu takdirde açaidaki hükümler
SözlemeIer ye Tavsiye Kararlari açisindan federal hükümet, kendi
anayasal sistemine gäre federal bir uygulama karari alinmasuni uygun garmUse,
Federal devietin yukumlUiükieri federal devlet olmayan üye ülkelerinki lie ayni
Säziemeler ye Tavsiye Karariari açisindan federal hükUmet, kendi
anayasal sistemine gäre tamamen veya kismi olarak, federal bir uygulama
kararindan ziyade .kurucu devietler, eyaletier ya da kantohlar tarafindan
uygulama karari alinmasini uygun gormüse, Federal hükümet
Kendi anayasasina ye ilgili kantonlar, eyaletier veya kurucu
devietierin anayasalarina gore yasal mevzuat veya dier uygulama kararlari
Konferans oturumunun kapaniçindan itibaren 18 ayi gecmeyecek §ekilde
uygun federal deviet, eyaiet veya kantoniarin makamlarina bu SOz1eme ye
Tavsiye Kararlarinin sunulmasi 1cm full düzenlemeier yapacak
Federal devlet icinde bu Sözleme ye Tavsiye Kararlarinin hUkümlerine
yürürlük kazandirmak üzere egudumIü bir uygulama kararinin gelitirilmesi
amactyla federal makamlari arasinda düzenli gOrümeler yapilmasi 1cm iigiii
kurucu devietler, eyaletler ye kantonlarin hükümetierinin uygun gOrüü lie
oniemier aiacak
Sözleme ye Tavsiye Kararlarinin uygun federal makamlara, kurucu
devletierin, eyaletlerin veya kantonlarin yetkiii makamlarina sunuimasi 1cm bu
madde gereince alinan Onlemier lie uygun sayilan bu makamlarla ilgili ayrintiii
biigiler ye bu makamiarca aiinan uygulama karariari hakkinda Uluslararasi
caIima BUrosu Genei Müdürü'ne bilgi verecek;
Onaylamami olduu herbir SOzleçme 1cm, YOnetim Kurulu tarafindan
istenlien uygun dônemlerde Sozlemeyi dikkate aiarak federasyon ye onun
kurucu devietierinde, eyaletler ya da kantoniardaki mevzuat ye uyguiama
konusunda SOzleme hükumlerinden herhangi birinin mevzuat, idari Onlemier,
topiu sOzieme veya dier §ekillerie ne dereceye kadar yUrUrlue konuiduunu
ya da konulmasinin Onerildiini gostermek üzere Ulusiararasi çalima Bürosu
Geriei Müdürü'ne rapor ganderecek
Her bir Tavsiye Karari 1cm, Yôrietim Kurulu tarafindan istenilen
uygun dönemierde Tavsiye Karari'ni dikkate alarak federasyon ye onun kurucu
devietierinde, eyalet ya da karitonlardaki mevzuat ye uygulama konusunda
Tavsiye Karari hükümierinin ne dereceye kadar yururlUe konulduunu ya da
konulmasinin Onerildiini gastermek ye bu hükümierin kabui edilmesi ye
uygulanmasi 1cm
gerekll garulen veya gOrülebilecek olan deiikiikleri belirtmek
üzere Uluslararasi calima Bürosu Genel Mudürü'ne rapor gonderecektir.
SözIeme ye Tavsiye Kararlarinun
Dâha Uygun HükUmler Uzerindeki Etkisi
8- Konferans tarafindan herhangi bir SäzIeme veya Tavsiye Karari'nin
kabulO veya bir uye tarafindan herhangi bir Sözleme'nin onaylanmasi, ilgili
iciIere SözIeme ye Tavsiye Karari'nda ongarulenlerden daha uygun kouIIar
salayan yasa, karar, teamül veya anIamayi hiçbir çekilde etkilemeyecektir.
BirIemi Milletler Nezdinde Tescil Ettirme
Bu suretle onaylanmi olan her säzleme,Birlemi Milletler (BM)
AndIamasinin 102 maddesi hükümleri gereince tescil edilmek üzere
Uluslararasi Qalima Bürosu Genel MUdürü tarafindan BirIemi Milletler
Genel Sekreterine gonderilecek ancak, sadece sazIemeyi onayIami üyeteri
Genel Kurul Tarafindan Kabul Edilmeyen Sözleme Tasarilari
1-BUtünü üzerindeki son oylamada hazir bulunari Qyelerin kullandikiari
oylarin Oçte iki counluunu alamayan her tasari,orgut uyelerinden isteyenler
arasinda özel bir säzIeme konusu oluturabilir.
2- Bu suretle onaylanan her sözleçme,iIgiIi Uye Qikeler tarafindan
Uluslararasi çaIima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne ye BirIemi Milletler
AndIamasinin 102. maddesi hUkUmlerine uygun olarak tescil edilmek üzere
Birlemi MiUetler Genel sekreterine gönderilecektir.
Onaylanmu SözIemeler Hakkindaki Vullik Raporlar
Uye Ulkelerden herbiri katiImi oIduu sözIemeIeri yürurlue koymak
için aldii önlemler hakkunda Uluslararasi çaIuma Bürosuna yllirk bir rapor
sunmayu taahhOt eder. Bu raporlar, Yänetim Kurulu tarafindan belirtilen §ekilde
yazulacak ye onun istedii açik bilgileri icerecektir.
Raporlarin Incelenmesi ye IetiImesi
Genel Müdür, 19. ye 22. maddelerdeki uygulama gerei üye ülkeler
tarafindan kendisine göriderilecek bilgi ye raporlarun bir äzetini yapilacak en
yakun konferans toplantisina sunacaktur.
Her ue ülke, 19 ye 22 maddelerdeki uygulama gerei, Genel Müdüre
iletilen bilgi ye raporlann kopyasini 3. maddede belirtiIdii Ozere temsili kuruIu
olarak taninmu ärgutlere gönderecektir.
Bir Sözleme'nln Uygulanmasi Hakkundaki ikayetIer
Uye Ulkelerden herhangi birinin, katilmu oIduu bir säzlemenin
memnuniyet vend bir §ekilde uygulanmaslni saIamadiina dair mesleki bir
içi veya iveren Orgutü tarafindan Uluslararasi caI,ma BUrosu'na yapilan
her §ikayet, Yônetim Kurulu tarafindan, säzkonusu hUkümete Hetilebfleáek ye
bu hUkümet konu hakkinda, Yönetim Kurulunun uygun görecei bir açiklama
yapmaya davet edilebilecektir.
ikayeti Kamuoyuna Duyurma jmkanu
Säzkoriusu hükümetten makul bir sure iqerisinde hiçbir açiklama
aItnmadii veya alinan aciklamanin YOnetim Kurulunca yeterH gorüImedii
takdirde, bu Kurul alinan §ikayeti ye gerekirse verilen cevabi kamuoyuna
duyurma hakkina sahip olacaktir.
Bir SözIeme'nin Uygulanmasi Hakkindaki ikayetIer
Uyelerden herbiri önceki maddeler gereince kendisiyle beraber
onayIami oIduu säzIemenin uyguIanmi olmasini, kendi fikrince memnuniyet
verici bir ekiIde saIamayan dier bir Uye ülke hakkinda Uluslararasi
QaIima Bürosuna ikayette bulunabilir.
Yönetim Kurulu, gerekli gardUünde ye aaida belirtilen prosedur
gerei bir Soruturma Komisyoniu oIuturmadan änce, 24. maddede belirtilen
§ekilde sözkonusu hükürnetle temaslara baIayabiIir.
ayet Yönetim Kurulu säzkonusu hükUrnete §ikayeti iletmeyl gerekli
gormez ise veya ikayet iletildikten sonra, makul bir sure içerisinde, Yönetim
Kurulunu tatmin edici bir cevap aIinmamusa, Kurul, ortaya konan sorunu
incelemek ye bu konuda bir rapor vermekie görevli bir soruturma Komisyonu
Ayni prosedur gerek dorudan doruya, gerekse Konferanstaki bir
delegenin §ikayeti üzerine Kurul tarafindan uygulanabilecektir.
25. veya 26. maddelerin uygulanmasiyla ilgili bir sorun Yönetim
Kuruluna geIdiinde, säzkonusu I-Iükümet Yönetim Kurulu'nda bir temsilcisi
yoksa Kurulun bu sorun hakkindaki garuçmelerine katilmak üzere bin delege
atamasi hakkina sahip olacaktir. Bu tartiçmalanin yapiIacai tarih, sözkonusu
hükUmete zamaninda bildinilecektir.
Soruturma Komisyonuna Sunulacak Bilgiler
Bin §ikayet, 26. madde gereince, Sonuçturma Komisyonuna ganderiIdii
takdirde, §ikayetle dorudan ilgiti olsun veya olmasin, uyelerden herbiri, §ikayet
konusu hakkinda elinde bulunan her türlü bilgiyi kullanilmak uzene Komisyonun
emrine hazir bulundurmayi taahhUt eden.
Soruturma Komisyonu Raporu
Soruturma Komisyonu, §ikayetin derinlemesine incelenmesinden sonra
bir rapor kaleme alacak ye bu' raporda itirazin kapsamini belirlemeye imkan
tanlyan bütüri hususlar hakkindaki tesbitlerini belirtecek ye §ikayetçi hQkümeti
bilgilendirmek 1cm alinrnasi gereken önlemler ye bu önlemlerin alinmasi 1cm
verilmesi gereken süreler hakkinda tavsiyelerini bildirecektir.
Soruturma Komisyonu Raporuna Gore Yapilacak Uygulamalar
Uluslararasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, Soruturma Komisyonunun
raporunu Yönetim Kuruluna ye anIamazlikla ilgili hükümetlerin her birine
gonderecek ye raporun yayinlanmasini saIayacaktrr.
Ilgili hükümetlerden herbiri, Komisyon raporundaki tavsiyeleri kabul
edip etmediini ye kabul etmedii takdirde, anlamazlii Uluslararasi Adalet
Divanina gätürmek isteyip istemediini, üç aylik bir sure içinde Uluslararasi
çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne bildirecektir.
Yetkili Makamlar Tarafindan Uymakla YükUmlU Olunan Kurallarin IhIali
Uye Ulkelerden her bin bir sOzleme veya tavsiye lie ilgili olarak 19.
maddenin (5b), (6b) veya (7b) (I) fikralarindaki yazili önlemleri aimadii takdirde,
dier her uyenin bu konuda YOnetim Kuruluna bavuru hakki olacaktir. Yönetim
Kurulu, säzkonusu üyenin saptanan önlemleri almadii görüüne vardii
takdirde Genel Kurula bunu rapor edecektir.
Uluslararasi Adalet Divani Kararlari
Uluslararasi Adalet Divaninin 29.maddeye uygun olarak kendisine sunulan
bir ikayet veya bin sorun hakkindaki karari geri çevrilemez.
Soruurma Komisyonun olasi görülerinin sonuçlari veya tavsiyeleri
Uluslararasi Adalet Divaninca doruIanabilecek, detirebilecek veya iptal
Soruturma Komisyonu veya Uluslararasi Adalet Divani Tavsiyelerinin
ayet herhangi bir üye gerek Soruturma Komisyonu raporunda
gerekse Uluslararasi Adalet Divani kararinda yer alan olasi tavsiyelere, ôngãrulen
sure içerisinde uymaz ise Yönetim Kurulu duruma gore bu tavsiyelerin yerine
getirilmesmni salamak 1cm uygun görecei kimi Onlemleri Genel Kurula tavsiye
Soruturma Komisyonu veya Utuslararasi Adalet Divani Tavsiyeleriniri
Kusurlu bulunan HUkUmet gerek Soruturma Komsyonu tavsiyelerine
gerekse Uluslararasi Adalet Divani kararlarina uymak 1cm gerekll önlemleri aldii
konusunda Yônetmm Kurulu'na her zaman bilgi verebilir ye bildirimin
doruluunu ispatlamak 1cm Yänetim Kurulundan aIdii önlemleri incelemekie
gorevlendirflecek bir Soruturma Komisyonu oluturuImasini talep edebilir.
Bu durumda, 27, 28, 29, 31 ye 32 mci maddelerin özel hükümleri uygulanacak
ye §ayet soruturma Komisyonu raporu veya Uluslararasi Adalet Divani Karari,
kusurlu bulunari hükümet lehinde ise, Yönetim kurulu, derhal 33'üncü maddeye
uyun olarak alinan änlemlerin geri aiinmasni tavsiye etmek zorunda olacaktir.
Anavatan Diindaki Ulkelerde SözIemeIerin Uygulanmasi
Uye Ulkeler, Ibu Anayasa hQkümlerine uygun olarak
onaylayacakiari sözIemeleri vesayet altindaki bütün toprakiari dahil,
uluslararasi iIikiIerini kendileri salayip yonetimlerini üzerine aidikiari anavatan
diindaki ülkeierde de, sözIemeye konu clan soruniar, o ülke makamina verilen
yetki dahiiinde olmamak veya sözieme, boigesei §artlar nedeniyie uygulanamaz
olmadikça veya säzlemeleri bolgesel koçullara uyarlamak 1cm gerekll
deiikIiklerin yapilmasini sakli tutmak kaydiyla uygulamayi taahhüt ederler.
Bir soziemeyi onaylayan her uye Ulke, sözIemenin onayindan sonra
mümkün olan en kisa sure icerisinde aaidaki 4 ye 5 mci fikralarda sözkonusu
oIanlardiinda kalan ülkeler hakkinda, sözleme hükQmleririi uygulamayi ne
älçüde üstiendiini bildiren ye adi geçen sôziemede istenilen bütün biigiieri
veren bir biidirgeyi Ulusiararasi çaIima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne gonderecektir.
Bir önceki fikra gereince bildirge gönderen her Uye ülke, sôzIeme
hükümlerine uygun olarak, daha önceki her bildirgenin hükümlerini deitiren
ye yukaridaki fikradan ängOrulen üikeierie ilgili durumu bildiren yeni bir
blidirgeyl, belirli süreler içinde gonderebilecektir.
Säzlemede ele alinan sorunlar, anavatan dii ülkede bulunan
makamlarin kendi yetki alanlarina gi;diinde, bu ülkenin uluslararasi
ilikiierinden sorumlu clan uye ülke hQkümetinin bir kanun yayinlamasi veya
dier Onlemleri alabilmesi 1cm, sözkonusu ülke hükümetine mUmkQn clan en
kisa sure içerisinde sazIemeyi gonderecektir. Daha sonra, bu üye, o ülke
hükümeti lie anIaarak yine o ülke adina sözIeme yukumlulUklerini kabul
ettiine dair bir bildirgeyl Uluslararasi Qaliçma Bürosu Genel MüdUrüne
Bir sözIeme hükümlerinin kabul ediIdiine dair bir bildirge ;
a) Ortak yetkiieri içindeki bir ülke 1cm iki veya daha fazia Orgut uyesi
b) BirIemi Milletler arti hükümleri veya bu ülke bakimindan yürurlukte
olan dier bütün hükümler gerei, bir ülkenin yönetiminden sorumlu
uluslararasi her makam tarafindan, Uluslararasu Qalima BUrosu Genel
Müdurü'ne ganderilebilir.
Bir säzlemedeki yukumlülükleri 4 ye 5 mci fikralar gereince kabulünün,
Orgut Anayasasi uyarinca onaylanmu
sözlemelerde uygulanan
yukumlulüklerin ye säzleme hUkümlerinden dan yukumluluklerin ilgili ülke
adina kabul edilmesini de kapsamasu gerekecektir. Her kabul bildirgesi,
sOzlemenin bälgesel koullara adapte edilmesi için sözlemede yapilmasi
gereken deiiklikleri açuklua kavuturabilir.
jbu rnaddenin 4 veya 5'nci fikralaru gereince bir bildirge gonderecek
her uye ülke veya uluslararasi makam sözleme hukümlerine uygun olarak
daha önceki her bildirgenin hQkümlerini deitiren veya ilgili ülke aduna
säzleme yukumluluklerinin kabulünün geçersizliini bildiren yeni bir bildirgeyl
belirli süreler içinde gönderebilecektir.
Eer bir säzlemedeki yukumlulukler, ibu maddenin 4 ye 5 fikralarinda
ongärulen ülke adina kabul edilmemi ise, Uye ülke veya üye ülkeler veyahut
da uluslararasi makam, säzlemede ele alinan sorunlar bakimindan bu ülkenin
mevzuat ye uygulamalarina dair Uluslararasu çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürü'ne
rapor verecekier ye bu raporda, mevzuat, idari önlemler, toplu säzlemeler
veya dier bütün önlemlerle sözlemenin her hükmUne raporun ne älçüd,e
etki yapacai gösterilecek ye raporda ayr.uca, bu säzlemenin kabulünü
erigelleyen veya geciktiren guçlukler açiklanacaktir.
Anayasadaki Deiiklikler
Mevcut delegelerce kullanilan oylarin
Ucte iki çounluuyla
Konferansça bu Anayasada yapulmasi kabul editen deiiklikler içbu Anayasanun
7 mci maddesinin 3'ncü fukrasu hükümlerine uygun olarak sanayide gelimi
alan ülkeler sifatiyla Yänetim Kurulunda temsil edilen, on üyenhl beçi dahil
bulunmak üzere, Orgut üyelerinin ücte ikisi tarafindan onaylandiu veya kabul
edildiinde yürürlüe girecektir.
Anayasa ye SözIemeIerin Yorumlanmasi
1- Bu Anayasanin ye bu Anayasa gereince Uyelerce daha sonra onaylanan
sözlerneIerin yorumlanmasuna alt her türlü sorun veya güçlukler Uluslararasi
Adalet Divaninin deerlendirmesine sunulacaktir.
2- Bu maddenin 1 mci fikrasindaki hukümler dikkate alinmaksizin, YOnetim
Kurulu bir säzIemenin yorumlanmasina ait olup, Kurul tarafindan veya anilari
sözleme gereince mahkemeye gonderilecek her soruri veya güçlüun çabuk
çazumlenmesi amaclyla bir mahkeme oIuturulmasi hakkinda birtakim usüller
saptar ye bunu konferansin onayina sunabilir. Uluslararasi Adalet Divaninin
bütün kararlari veya danimaya dayali gorüleri bu fikra gereince oluturulan
her mahkemeyi balayacaktir. Boyle bir mahkeme tarafindan verilen her hüküm,
Orgüt Uyelerine gOnderilecek ye onlarin goruIeri Konferans'a sunulacaktir.
Bölgesel Konferanslar
Uluslararasi çalima Orgutü, BOlgesel Konferanslar duzenleyebilecek
ye Orgut'un hedef ye aniaçlarina ulamasi 1cm yararli gOrecei bOlgesel
kuruIulari oluturabilecektir.
Bolgesel Konferanslarin, yetkileri, gorevleri ye izleyecekleri prosedurler,
YOnetim Kurulu tarafindan formüle edilecek kurallarla düzenlenecek ye yine
YOnetim Kurulu tarafindan Genel Kurul'a onay 1cm sunulacaktir.
ILO'nun Hukuki StatüsU
Uluslararasi çaIima Orgutü tüzel kiilie sahip olacak ye Ozellikle
aaidaki hususlarda yetkili buiunacaktir
Sozlerneler akdetme,
Menkul ye gayri menkul satin alma ye bunlari mulkiyetinde bulundurma,
C) Dava açmak
Ayrucaluklari ye Dokunulmazluklart
Uluslararasi Qaluma Orgutu, üyelerden herbirinin toprakiaru üzerinde,
amaçlarina ulamak için kendisine gerekli olan ayricalukve dokunulmazliklardan
Konferanstaki delegeler, YOnetim kurulu uyeleri, Büro Genel Müdürü
ye Memurlaru da Orgute ait gOrevlerini tam bir baimsizlikla yapmak
kendilerine gerekli olan ayricalik ye dokunulmazliklardan yararlanirlar.
Bu ayricaluk ye dokunulmazliklar, üye devietler tarafundan kabul edilmek
üzere Orgut tarafindan hazirlanacak ayri bir anlama içerismnde belirtilecektir.
Whereas universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based
upon social justice;
And whereas conditions of labour exist involving such injustice, hardship
and privation to large numbers of people as to produce unrest so great that
the peace and harmony of the world are imperilled; and an improvement of
those conditions is urgently required; as, for example, by the regulation of the
hours of work, including the establishment of a maximum working day and
week, the regulation of the labour supply, the prevention of unemployment,
the provision of an adequate living wage, the protection of the worker against
sickness, disease and injury arising out of his employment, the protection of
children, young persons and women, provision for old age and injury, protection of the interests of workers when employed in countries other than their
.own, recognition of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value,
recognition of the principle of freedom of association, the organisation of vocational and technical education and other measures;
Whereas also the failure of any nation to adopt humane conditions of
labour is an obstacle in the way of other nations which desire to improve the
conditions in their own countries;
The High Contracting Parties, moved by sentiments of justice and humanity as well as by the desire to secure the permanent peace of the world,
and with a view to attaining .the objectives set forth in this Preamble, agree to
the following Constitution of the International Labour Organisation:
Article 1
1. A permanent organisation is hereby established for the promotion of
the objects set forth in the Preamble to this Constitution and in the Declaration
co1cerning the aims and purposes of the International Labour Organisation
adopted at Philadelphia on 10 May 1944 the text of which is annexed to this
1The originaltextof the Constitution, established/n 1919 has been modif,edbythe amendment of
1922 which enteredinto force on 4 June 1934; the Instrument of Amendment of 1945 which entered into
force on 26 September1946; the InstrumentofAmendmentof 1946 which entered into force on 20Apr11
1948; the Instrument ofAmendment of 1953 which entered into force on 20 May1954; the Instrument of
Amendment of 1962 which entered into force on 22 May1963; andthe Instrument ofAmendment of 1972
which entered into force on/November 1974.
The Members of the International Labour Organisation shall be the
States which were Members of the Organisation on 1 November 1945, anct
such other States as may become Members in pursuance of the provisions of
paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article.
Any original member of the United Nations and any State admitted to
membership of the United Nations by a decision of the General Assembly in
accordance with the provisions of the Charter may become a Member of the
International Labour Organisation by communicating to the Director-General
of the International Labour Office its fornial acceptance of the obligations of the
Constitution of the International Labour Organisation.
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation may
also admit Members to the Organisation by a vote concurred in by two-thirds
of the delegates attending the session, including two-thirds of the Government
delegates present and voting. Such admission shall take effect on the communication to the Director-General of the International Labour Office by the government of the new Member of its formal acceptance of the obligations of the
Constitution of the Organisation.
No Member of the International Labour Organisation may with- draw
from the Organisation without giving notice of its intention so to do to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office. Such notice shall take effect two years after the date of its reception by the Director-General, subject to
the Member having at that time fulfilled all fwiancial obligations arising out of its
membership. When a Member has ratified any international labour Convention, such withdrawal shall not affect the continued validity for the period provided for in the Convention of all obligations arising therunder or relating
In the event of any $tate having ceased to be a Member of the
Organisation, its readmission to membership shall be governed by the provisions of paragraph 3 or paragraph 4 of this article as the case may be.
Article 2
The permanent organisation shall consist ofa General Conference of representatives of the Members;
a Governing Body composed as described in article 7; and
an International Labour Office controlled by the Governing Body.
Article 3
1. The meetings of the General Conference of representatives of the Members shall be held from time to time as occasion may require, and at least once
in every year. It shall be composed of four representatives of each of the
Members,of whom two shall be Government delegates and the two others
shall be delegates representing respectively the employers and the workpeople
of each of the Members.
2. Each delegate may be accompanied, by advisers, who shall not exceed two in number for each item on the agenda of the meeting: When questions specially affecting women are to be considered by the Conference, one
at least of the advisers should be a woman.
3. Each Member which is responsible for the international relations of
non-metropolitan territories may appoint as additional advisers to each of its
delegatespersons nominated by it as representatives of any such territory in
regard to matters within the self governing powers of that territory; and
persons nominated by it to advise its delegates in regard to matters
concerning non-self-governing territories.
In the case of a territory under the joint authority of two or more Members, persons may be nominated to advise the delegates of such Members.
The Members undertake to nominate non-Government delegates and
advisers chosen in agreement with the industrial organisatioris, if such
organisations exist, which are most representative of employers or workpeople,
as the case may be, in their respective countries.
Advisers shall not speak except on a request made by the delegate
whom they accompany and by the special authorisation of the President of
the Conference, and may not vote.
A delegate may by notice in writing addressed to the President appoint
one of his advisers to act as his deputy, and the adviser, while so acting, shall
be allowed to speak and vote.
The names of the delegates and their advisers will be communicated to
the International Labour Office by the government of each of the Members.
The credentials of delegates and their advisers shall be subject to scru-
tiny by the Conference, which may, by two-thirds of the votes cast by the
delegates present, refuse to admit any delegate or adviser whom it deems not
to have been hominated in accordance with this article.
Article 4
Every delegate shall be entitled to vote individually on all matters which
are taken into consideration by the Conference.
If one of the Members fails to nominate one of the non-Government
delegates whom it is entitled to nominate, the other non-Government delegate
shall be allowed to sit and speak at the Conference, but not to vote.
If in accordance with article 3 the Conference refuses admission to a
delegate of one of the Members, the provisions of the present article shall
apply as if that delegate had not been nominated.
Article 5
The meetings of the Conference shall, subject to any decisions which
may have been taken by the Conference itself at a previous meeting, be held
at such place as may be decided by the Governing Body.
Article 6
Any change in the seat of the International Labour Office shall be decided
by the Conference by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast by the delegates
Article 7
The Governing Body shall consist of fifty-six personsTwenty-eight representing governments,
Fourteen representing the employers, and
Fourteen representing the workers.
Of the twenty-eight persons representing governments, ten shall
be appointed by the Members of chief industrial importance, and eigh-
teen shall be appointed by the Members selected for that purpose by the
Government delegates to the Conference, excluding the delegates of the ten
Members mentioned above.
The Governing Body shall as occasion requires determine which are
the Members of the Organisation of chief industrial importance and shall make
rules to ensure that all questions relating to the selection of the Members of
chief industrial importance are considered by an impartial committee before
being decided by the Governing Body. Any appeal made by a Member from
the declaration of the Governing Body as to which are the Members of chief
industrial importance shall be decided by the Conference, but an appeal to the
Conference shall not suspend the application of the declaration until such
time as the Conference decides the appeal.
The persons representing the employers and the persons representing
tie workers shall be elected respectively by the Employers' delegates and the
Workers' delegates to the Conference.
The period of office of the Governing Body shall be three years. If for
any reason the Governing Body elections do not take place on the expiry of
this period, the Governing Body shall remain in office until such elections are
The method of filling vacancies and of appointing substitutes and other
similar questions may be decided by the Governing Body subject to the approval of the Conference.
The Governing Body shall, from time to time, elect from its number a
chairman and two vice-chairmen, of whom one shall be a person representing
a government, one a person representing the employers, and one a person
representing the workers.
The Governing Body shall regulate its own procedure and shall fix its
own times of meeting. A special meeting shall be held if a written request to
that effect is made by at least sixteen of the representatives on the Governing
Article 8
There shall be a Director-General of the International Labour Office,
who shall be appointed by the Governing Body, and, subject to the instructions of the Governing Body, shall be responsible for the efficient conduct of
the International Labour Office and for such other duties as may be assigned
to him.
The Director-General or his deputy shall attend all meetings of the
Governing Body.
Article 9
The staff of the International Labour Office shall be appointed by the
Director-General under regulations approved by the Governing Body.
So far as is possible with due regard to the efficiency of the work of the
Office, the Director-General shall select persons of different nationalities.
A certain number of these persons shall be women.
The responsibilities of the Director-General and the staff shall be exclusively international in character. In the performance of their duties, the Director-General and the staff shall not seek or receive instructions from any government or from any other authority external to the Organisation. They shall
refrain from any action which might reflect on their position as international
officials responsible only to the Organisation.
Each Member of the Organisation undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Director- General
and the staff and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.
Article 10
The functions of the International Labour Office shall include the collection and distribution of information on all subjects relating to the international
adjustment of conditions of industrial life and labour, and particularly the examination of subjects which it is proposed to bring before the Conference with
a view to the conclusion of international
Conventions, and the conduct of such special investigations as may be
ordered by the Conference or by the Governing Body.
Subject to such directions as the Governing Body may give, the Office
prepare the documents on the various items of the agenda for the
meetings of the Conference;
accord to governments at their request all appropriate assistance
within its power in connection with the framing of laws and regu- lations on the
basis of the decisions of the Conference and the improvement of administrative practices and systems of inspectioi;
carry out the duties required of it by the provisions of this Constitution in connection with the effective observance of CQnventions;
edit and issue, in such languages as the Governing Body may think
desirable, publications dealing with problems of industry and employment of
international interest.
3. Generally, it shall have such other powers and duties as may be assigned to it by the Conference or by the Governing Body.
Article 11
The government departments of any of the Members which deal with
questions of industry and employment may communicate directly with the
Director-General through the representative of their governnient on the Governing Body of the International Labour Office or, failing any such representative, through such other qualified official as the govern- ment may nominate
for the purpose.
Article 12
The International Labour Organisation shall co-operate within the terms
of this Constitution with any general international organisation entrusted with
the co-ordination of the activities of public international organisations having
specialised responsibilities and with public inter- national organisations having
specialised responsibilities in related fields.
The International Labour Organisation may make appropriate arrangements for the representatives of public international organisa- tions to participate without vote in its deliberations.
The International Labour Organisation may make suitable arrange- ments
for such consultation as it may think desirable with recognised non-governmental international organisations, including international organisations of employers, workers, agriculturists and co-operators.
Article 13
1. The International Labour Organisation may make such financial and
budgetary arrangements with the United Nations as may appear appropriate.
2. Pending the conclusion of such arrangements or if at any time no such
arrangements are in forceeach of the Members will pay the travelling and subsistence expenses
of its delegates and their advisers and of its representatives attending the meetings of the Conference or the Governing Body, as the case may be;
all other expenses of the International Labour Office and of the meetings of the Conference or Governing Body shall be paid by the Director-General of the International Labour Office out of the general funds of the International Labour Organisation;
the arrangements for the approval, allocation and collection of the
budget of the International Labour Organisation shall be determined by the
Conference by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast by the delegates present,
and shall provide for the approval of the bUdget and of the arrangements for
the allocation of expenses among the Members of the Organisation by a committee of Government representatives.
The expenses of the International Labour Organisation shall be borne
by the Members in accordance with the arrangements in force in virtue of
paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 (a) of this article.
A Member of the Organisation which is in arrears in the payment contributions
of its financial contribution to the Organisation shall have no vote
in the Conference, in the Governing Body, in any committee, or in the elections of members of the Governing Body, if the amount of its arrears equals or
exceeds the amount of the contributions due from it for the preceding two full
years: Provided that the Conference may by a two-thirds majority of the votes
cast by the delegates present permit such a Member to vote if it is satisfied that
the failure to pay is due to conditions beyond the control of the Member.
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall be responsible to the Governing Body for the proper expenditure of the funds of the
International Labour Organisation.
Article 14
The agenda for all meetings of the Conference will be settled by the
Governing Body, which shall consider any suggestion as to the agenda that
may be made by the government of any of the Members or by any
representative organisation recognised for the purpose of article 3, or by any
public international organisation.
The Governing Body shall make rules to ensure thorough technical
preparation and adequate consultation of the Members primarily concerned,
by means of a preparatory conference or otherwise, prior to the adoption of a
Convention or Recommendation by the Conference.
Article 15
The Director-General shall act as the Secretary-General of the Conference, and shall transmit the agenda so as to reach the Members four months
before the meeting of the Conference, and, through them, the non-Government delegates when appointed.
The reports on each item of the agenda shall be despatched so as to
reach the Members in time to permit adequate consideration before the meeting of the Conference. The Governing Body shall make rules for the application of this provision.
Article 16
1. Any of the governments of the Members may formally object to the
inclusion of any item or items in the agenda. The grounds for such objection
shall be set forth in a statement addressed to the Director- General who shall
circulate it to all the Members of the Organisation.
Items to which such objection has been made shall not, however, be
excluded from the agenda, if at the Conference a majority of two- thirds of the
votes cast by the delegates present is in favour of considering them.
If the Conference decides (otherwise than under the preceding paragraph) by two-thirds of the votes cast by the delegates present that any subject shall be considered by the Conference, that subject shall be included in
the agenda for the following meeting.
Article 17
The Conference shall elect a president and three vice-presidents. One
of the vice-presidents shall be a Goverment delegate, one an Employers' delegate and one a Workers' delegate. The Conference shall regulate its own
procedure and may appoint committees to consider and report on any matter.
Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Constitution or by the
terms of any Convention or other instrument conferring powers on the Conference or of the financial and budgetary arrangements adopted in virtue of article 13, all matters shall be decided by a simple majority of the votes cast by
the delegates present.
The voting is void unless the total number of votes cast is equal to half
the number of the delegates attending the Conference.
Article 18
The Conference may add to any committees which it appoints technical
experts without power to vote.
Article 19
When the Conference has decided on the adoption of proposals with
regard to an item on the agenda, it will rest with the Conference to determine
whether these proposals should take the form: (a) of an international Convention, or (b) of a Recommendation to meet circumstances where the subject, or
aspect of it, dealt with is not considered suitable or appropriate at that time for
a Convention.
In either case a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast by the delegates
present shall be necessary on the final vote for the adoption of the Convention
or Recommendation, as the case may be, by the Conference.
In framing any Convention or Recommendation of general application
the Conference shall have due regard to those countries in which climatic
conditions, the imperfect development of industrial organisation, or other special circumstances make the industrial conditions substantially different and
shall suggest the modifications, if any, which it considers may be required to
meet the case of such countries.
4. Two copies of the Convention or Recommendation shall be authenticated by the signatures of the President of the Conference and of the DirectorGeneral. Of these copies one shall be deposited in the archives of the International Labour Office and the other with the Secretary- General of the United
Nations. The Director-General will communicate a certified copy of the Convention or Recommendation to each of the Members.
5. In the case of a ConventionThe Convention will be communicated to all Members for ratification;
Each of the Members undertakes that it will, within the period of one
year at most from the closing of the session of the Conference, or if it is impos-
sible owing to exceptional circumstances to do so within the period of one
year, then at the earliest practicable moment and in no case later than 18
months from the closing of the session of the Conference, bring the Convention before the authority or authorities within whose competence the matter
lies, for the enactment of legislation or other action;
Members shall inform the Director-General of the International Labour
Office of the measures taken in accordance with this article to bring the Convention before the said competent authority or authorities, with particulars of
the authority or authorities regarded
as competent, and of the action taken by them;
if the Member obtains the consent of the authority or authorities
within whose competence the matter lies, it will communicate the formal ratification of the Convention to the Director-General and will take such action as
may be necessary to make effective the provisions of such Convention,
if the Member does not obtain the consent of the authority or authorities within whose competence the matter lies, no further obligation shall rest
upon the Member except that it shall report to the Director-General of the
International Labour Office, at appropriate intervals as requested by the Governing Body, the position of its law and practice in regard to the matters dealt
with in the Convention, showing the extent to which effect has been given, or
is proposed to be given, to any of the provisions of the Convention by legislation, administrative action, collective agreement or otherwise and stating the
difficulties which prevent or delay the ratification of such Convention.
6. In the case of a Recommendationthe Recommendation will be communicated to all Members for their
consideration with a view to effect being given to it by national legislation or
each of the Members undertakes that it will, within a period of one
year at most from the closing of the session of the Conference, or if it is impos-
sible owing to exceptional circumstances to do so within the period of one
year, then at the earliest practicable moment and in rio case later than 18
months after the closing of the Conference, bring the Recommendation before
the authority or authorities within whose competence the matter lies for the
enactment of legislation or other action;
the Members shall inform the Director-General of the International
Labour Office of the measures taken in accordance with this article to bring the
Recommendation before the said competent authority or authorities with particulars of the authority or authorities regarded as competent, and of the action taken by them;
(d) apart from bringing the Recommendation before the said competent
authority or authorities, no further obligation shall rest upon the Members,
except that they shall report to the Director-General of the International Labour
Office, at appropriate intervals as requested by the Governing Body, the position of the law and practice in their country in regard to the matters dealt with
in the Recommen- dation, showing the extent to which effect has been given,
or is proposed to be given, to the provisions of the Recommendation and such
modifications of these provisions as it has been found or may be found necessary to make in adopting or applying them.
7- In the case of a federal State, the following provisions shall apply;
in respect of Conventions and Recommendations which the federal
go-vernment regards as appropriate under its constitutional system for federal
action, the obligations of the federal State shall be the same as those of Members which are not federal States;
in respect of Conventions and Recommendations which the federal
go-vernment regards as appropriate under its constitutional system, in whole
or in part, for action by the constituent states, provinces, or cantons rather
than for federal action, the federal government shallmake, in accordance with its Constitution and the Constitutions of the
states, provinces or cantons concerned, effective arrangements for the reference of such Conventions and Recommendations not later than 18 months
from the closing of the session. of the Conference to the appropriate federal,
state, provincial or cantonal authorities for the enactment of legislation or other
arrange, subject to the concurrence of the state, provincial or cantonal governments concerned, for periodical consultations between the federal and the state, provincial or cantonal authorities with a view to promoting
within the federal State coordinated action to give effect to the provisions of
such Conventions and Recommendations;
inform the Director-General of the International Labour Office of the
measures taken in accordance with this article to bring such Conventions and
Recommendations before the appropriate federal, state, provincial or cantonal
authorities with particulars of the authorities regarded as appropriate and of
the action taken by them;
in respect of each such Convention which it has not ratified, report to
the Director-General of the International Labour Office, at appropriate intervals
as requested by the Governing Body, the position of the law and practice of
the federation and its constituent states, provinces or cantons in regard to the
Convention, showing the extent to which effect has been given, or is proposed
to be given, to any of the provisions of the Convention by legislation, administrative action, collective agreement, or otherwise;
(v) in respect of each such Recommendation, report to the Director-General of the International Labour Office, at appropriate intervals as requested by
the Governing Body, the position of the law and practice of the federation and
its constituent states, provinces or cantons in regard to the Recommendation,
show/ng the extent to which effect has been given, or is proposed to be
given, to the provisions of the Recommendation and such modifications of
these provisions as have been found or maybe found necessaiy in adopting or applying them.
8. In no case shall the adoption of any Convention or Recommendation
by the Conference, or the ratification of any Convention by any Member be
deemed to affect any law, award, custom or agreement which favourable ensures more favourable conditions to the workers concerned than those existing
provisions provided for in the Convention or Recommendation.
Article 20
Any Convention so ratified shall be communicated by the Director- General of the International Labour Office to the Secretary-General of he United
Nations for registration in accordance with the provisions of article 102 of the
Charter of the United Nations but shall only be binding upon the Members
which ratify it.
Article 21
If any Convention coming before the Conference for final consideration fails to secure the support of two-thirds of the votes cast by the delegates
present, it shall nevertheless be within the right of any of the Members of the
Organisation to agree to such Convention among themselves.
Any Convention so agreed to shall be communicated by the
governments concerned to the Director-General of the International Labour
Office and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in
accordance with the provisions of article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
Article 22
Each of the Members agrees to make an annual report to the International Labour Office on the measures which it has taken to give effect to the
provisions of Conventions to which it is a party. These reports shall be made in
such form and shall contain such particulars as the Governing Body may
Article 23
The Director-General shall lay before the next meeting of the Confer-
ence a summary of the information and reports communicated to him by
Members in pursuance of articles 19 and 22.
Each Member shall communicate to the representative organisations
recognised for the purpose of article 3 copies of the information and reports
communicated to the Director-General in pursuance of articles 19 and 22.
Article 24
In the event of any representation being made to the International Labour
Office by an industrial association of employers or of workers that any of the
Members has failed to secure in any respect the effective observance within its
jurisdiction of any Convention to which it is a party, the Governing Body may
communicate this representation to the government against which it is made,
and may invite that government to make such statement on the subject as it
may think fit.
Article 25
If no statement is received within a reasonable time from the government
in question, or if the statement when received is not deemed to be satisfactory
by the Governing Body, the latter shall have the right to publish the representation and the statement, if any, made in reply to it.
Article 26
Any of the Members shall have the right to file a complaint with the
International Labour Office if it is not satisfied that any other Member is securing 'The effecthe observance of any Convention which both have ratified in
accordance with the foregoing articles.
The Governing Body may, if it thinks fit, before referring such a complaint to a Commission of Inquiry, as hereinafter provided for, communicate
with the government in question in the manner described in article 24.
If the Governing Body does not think it necessary to communicate the
complaint to the governmefit in question, or if, when it has made such communication, no statement in reply has been received within a reasonable time
which the Governing Body considers to be satisfactory, the Governing Body
may appoint a Commission of Inquiry to consider the complaint and to report
The Governing Body may adopt the same procedure either of its own
motion or on receipt of a complaint from a delegate to the Conference.
When any matter arising out of article 25 or 26 is being considered by
the Governing Body, the government in question shall, if not already represented thereon, be entitled to send a representative to take part in the proceedings of the Governing Body while the matter is under consideration. Ad31
equate r?otice of the date on which the matter will be considered shall be given
to the government in question.
Article 27
The Members apree that, in the event of the reference of a complaint to a
Commission of Inquiry under article 26, they will each, whether directly concerned in the complaint or not, place at the disposal of the Commission all the
information in their possession which bears upon the subject-matter of the
Article 28
When the Commission of Inquiry has fully considered the complaint, it
shall prepare a report embodying its findings on all questions of fact relevant
to determining the issue between the parties and containing such recommendations as it may think proper as to the steps which should be taken to meet
the complaint and the time within which they should be taken.
Article 29
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communi-
cate the report of the Commission of Inquiry to the Governing Body and to
each of the governments concerned in the complaint, and shall cause it to be
Each of these governments shall within three months inform the Direc-
tor-General of the International Labour Office whether or not it accepts the
recommendations contained in the report of the Commission; and if not, whether
it proposes to refer the complaint to the International Court of Justice.
Article 30
In the event of any Member failing to take the action required by paragraphs 5 (b), 6 (b) or 7(b)(i) of article 19 with regard to a Convention or Recommendation, any other Member shall be entitled to refer the matter to the
Governing Body. In the event of the Governing Body finding that there has
been such a failure, it shall report the matter to the Conference.
Article 31
The decision of the International Court of Justice in regard to a complaint
or matter which has been referred to it in pursuance of article 29 shall be final.
Article 32
The International Court of Justice may affirm, vary or reverse any of the
findings or recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry, if any.
Article 33
In the event of any Member failing to carry out within the time specified
the recommendations, if any, contained in the report of the Commission of
Inquiry, or in the decision of the International Court of Justice, as the case may
be, the Go-verning Body may recommend to the Conference such action as it
may deem wise and expedient to secure compliance therewith.
Article 34
The defaulting government may at any time inform the Governing Body
that it has taken the steps necessary to comply with the recommendations of
the Commission of Inquiry or with those in the decision of the International
Court of Justice, as the case may be, and may request it to constitute a Commission of Inquiry to verify its contention. In this case the provisions of articles
27, 28, 29, 31 and 32 shall apply, and if the repot of the Commission of Inquiry
or the decision of the Intet national Court of Justice is in favour of the defaulting
government, the Governing Body shall forthwith recommend the discontinuance of any action taken in pursuance of article 33.
Article 35
The Members undertake that Conventions which they have ratified in
accordance with the provisions of this Constitution shall be applied to the nonmetropolitan territories for whose international relations they are responsible,
including any trust territories for which they are the administering authority,
except where the subject-matter of the Convention is within the self govrning
powers of the territory or the Convention is inapplicable owing to the local
conditions or subject to such modifications as may be necessary to adapt the
Convention to local conditions.
Each Member which ratifies a Convention shall as soon as possible
after ratification communicate to the Director-General of the International Labour
Office a declaration stating in respect of the territories other than those referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 below the extent to which it undertakes that the
provisions of the Convention shall be applied and giving such particulars as
may be prescribed by the Convention.
Each Member which has communicated a declaration in virtue of the
preceding paragraph may from time to time, in accordance with the terms of
the Convention, communicate a further declaration modifying the terms of
any former declaration and stating the present position in respect of such
Where the subject-matter of the Convention is within the self governing
powers of any non-metropolitan territory the Member responsible for the international relations of that territory shall bring the Convention to the notice of
the government of the territory as soon as possible with a view to the enactment of legislation or other action by such goverment. Thereafter the Member,
in agreement with the government of the territory, may communicate to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office a declaration accepting the
obligations of the Convention on behalf of such territory.
5. A declaration accepting the obligations of any Convention may be
communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Officeby two or more Members of the Organization in respect of any territory which is under their joint authority; or
by any international authority responsible for the administration of
any territory, in virtue of the Charter of the United Nations or otherwise, in
respect of any such territory.
6. Acceptance of the obligations of a Convention in virtue of paragraph 4
or paragraph 5 shall involve the acceptance on behalf of the territory concerned of the obligations stipulated by the terms of the Convention and the
obligations under the Constitution of the Organization which apply to ratified
Conventions. A declaration of acceptance may specify such modification of
the provisions of the Conventions as may be necessary to adapt the Convention to local conditions.
7. Each Member or international authority which has communicated a
declaration in virtue of paragraph 4 or paragraph 5 of this article may from
time to time, in accordance with the terms of the Convention, communicate a
further declaration modifying the terms of any former declaration or terminating the acceptance of the obligations of the Convention on behalf of the territory concerned.
8. If the obligations of a Convention are not accepted on behalf of a
territory to which paragraph 4 or paragraph 5 of this article relates, the Member or Members or international authority concerned shall reportto the Director-General of the International Labour Office the position of the law and practice of that territory in regard to the matters dealt with in the Convention and
the report shall show the extent to which effect has been given, or is proposed
to be given, to any of the provisions of the Convention by legislation, administrative action, collective agree- ment or otherwise and shall state the difficulties
which prevent or delay the acceptance of such Convention.
Article 36
Amendments to this Constitution which are adopted by the Conference
by a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast by the delegate present shall take
effect when ratified or accepted by two-thirds of the Members of the Organization including five of the ten Members which are represented on the Governing
Body as Members of chief industrial importance in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of article.
Article 37
1. Any question or dispute relating to the interpretation of this Constitution or of any subsequent Convention concluded by the Members in pursu34
ance of the provisions of this Constitution shall be referred for decision to the
International Court of Justice.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article the Governing Body may make and submit to the Conference for approval rules providing for the appointment of a tribunal for the expeditious determination of
any dispute or question relating to the interpretation of a Convention which
may be referred thereto by the Governing Body or in accordance with the
terms of the Convention. Any applicable judgement or advisory opinion of the
International Court of Justice' shall be binding upon any tribunal established
in virtue of this paragraph. Any award made by such a tribunal shall be circulated to the members of the organisation and any observations which they
may make thereon shall be brought before the Conference.
Article 36
The International Labour Organisation may convene such regional conferences and establish such regional agencies as may be desirable to promote
the aims and purposes of the Organisation.
The powers, functions and procedure of regional conferences shall be
go-verned by rules drawn up by the Governing Body and submitted to the
General Conference for confirmation.
Article 39
The International Labour Organisation shall possess full juridical personality and in particular the capacityto contract;
to acquire and dispose of immovable and movable property;
to institute legal proceedings.
Article 40
The International Labour Organisation shall enjoy in the territory of
each of its Members such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the
fulfilment of its purposes.
Delegates to the Conference, members of the Governing Body and the
Director-General and officials of the Office shall likewise enjoy such privileges
and immunities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in connection with the Organisation.
Such privileges and immunities shall be defined in a separate agreement to be prepared by the Organisation with a view to its acceptance by the
States Members.
Fiiadeifiya'da 26. topiantisini yapan Uluslararasi çalima OrgUtu Genel
Konferansi, Utusiararasi çahma Orgutün(1n amac ye hedefieri ye uyeierinin
slyasetlerinden esinlenmi liketer lie ilgiti ibu Bildirgeyl 1944 Mayisi'nin onuncu
günü kabul eder.
Konterans, Orgüt'ün dayandii temel ilketeri bir kez daha doruiar ye
§uniarl özetiikie bildirir
Emek bir mat deiidir
Dernek kurma ye ifade ozgurtüü destekienen bir iteriemenin vazgeciimez
Yoksutiuk, buiunduOu yerterde, herkesin refahina yoneiik bir tehiike
lhtiyaca kari mUcadele, her utusun kendi ütkesi icerisinde tükenmez
bir gucie ye kamu yararinin satanmasi amaciyta içi ye iveren temsilcilerinin
Hükümet temsitcileri lie eçit artiari icinde katilimiariyta yapacakiari serbest
tartimatara ye atacakiari demokratik karartara hakim otarak sürekti ye ortak
bir utustararasi gayretie yurutütecektir.
Utusiararasi calima OrgütunUn Anayasasi'nda yazili bulunup, sürekti bir
bariin ancak sosyal adalet temeli üzerinde kurutabiieceine dair clan bitdirgenin
doruiuunun tecrübe lie tamamen ortaya ciktiina kanaat getiren Konferans,
aaidaki hususiari bildirir
irk, inanc ye cinsiyetieri ne olursa olsun, bütün insantar maddi
iier!emeterini ye manevi geiimeierini, hür ye haysiyetti bir ekiIde, ekonomik
guvence aitinda ye eit §arttarda sürdürmek hakkina sahiptirter.
Bu sonuca ulaçtiracak kouItarin gerçekietiritmesi, her utusat ye
utusiararasi slyasetin ana hedefini otuturmatidir.
Ulusal ye Uiuslararasi duzeyde özeliikte ekonomik ye mail alanlarda
alinan bütün öniemierin ye programlarin bu bakimdan deerIendiriimesi ye
sadece bu temei hedefin gerçektetiriimesini engeiteyen deii, koiaylatiran
niteiikte gOruiecek §ekiide kabul ediimeiidir.
Ulustararasi dUzeyde aiinan mail ye ekonomik turn ôntemierin ye yapilan
programiariri bu temet hedef iinda düünüimesi ye inceienmesi Uiusiararasi
catima Orgütüne düen bir ödevdir.
Ulustararasi çaiima OrgutU kendisine veriten gorevteri yerine getirirken,
butun uygun ekonomik ye mail faktOrieri dikkate aidiktan sonra, karar ye
tavsiyelerine uygun gorduu bütün hukUmieri koyabilmek yetkisine sahiptir.
hususiarin gerçektemesini
Konferans, aaida yazili
satayacak programiarin uyguianmasi iinde ceitii ulustara yardimin
Ulusiararasi çalima Orgutu 1cm
önemli bir yukumluluk oluturduunu kabul
Tam istihdamin salanmasi ye hayat seviyesinin yükseltilmesi,
çiIeri, becerlierini ye bilgilerini bUtUnüyle gosterebilmekten zevk
duyacaklari ilerde çalitirmak ye bu sayede ortak refaha en iyi biçimde katki
da bulunmak;
Bu amaca ulamak için, bütün ilgililer hakkinda uygun güvencelerle
içileri meslekierinde yetitirmek üzere olanaklar salamak ye onlarin bir yerden
dier bir yere nakillerini ye bu arada gerek kendilerinin gerek dier halkin
göçerIiliini kolaylatirabilecek önlemlere baçvurmak,
Ucretler ye kazançlar, çaliçma süreleri ye dier çaIima koullari
konularda kaydedilen ileriemelerin sonuçlarindan herkese eit ekilde
yararlanma imkarii taninmasi, l sahibi clan ye korunmaya muhtaç olan
kimseiere asgari yaam koullan saiayacak bir ücret verilmesi,
Toplu görüme yapmak hakkinin tam olarak taninmasi, üretim
dUzenlemelerinin sürekli iyiietirilmesi lie sosyal ye ekonomik politikanin
hazirlanmasi ye uygulanmasinda ortaklaa hareket etmek için içi ye iverenIerin
ibirlii yapmasi
Güvenceye ye eksiksiz tibbi tedaviye ihtiyac duyan herkes 1cm temel bir
gelir salamak amacina yönelik sosyal guvenlik önlemlerinin yayginiatirilmasi,
Bütün ilerdeki içilerin hayat ye saOtiklarinin uygun bir biçimde
cocuklarin ye annelerin korunmasi,
I) Gida, barinma, kültür ye dinlenme olanaklari bakimindan uygun bir
duzeye ulaçilmasi
j) Eitim ye meslek alanlarinda eit anslar salanmasi
bu bildirimde belirtilen hedeflere ulamak 1cm gerekll clan bütün dünya
üretim kaynakiarinin daha geni ye daha eksiksiz bir §ekilde kullanilmasinin,
ulusal ye uluslararasi düzeyde etkiii bir ibirliiyIe ye äzel!ikle üretim ye tüketimin
yayginIatirmasini saiamaya, änemli ekonomik çalkantiiardan kacinmaya, çok
az deerlendirilmi
bãigelerin sosyal ye ekonomik ilerlemelerini
gerçekletirmeye, gida ye hammadde konusunda dünyadaki fiyatlarda daha
yaygin bir istikrar saiamaya ye yüksek kapasitede, istikrarli bir ticaret ortami
gerçekietirmeye yänelik änlernlerle saianabiieceine kanaat getiren
Konferans, Uluslararasi çaIima Orgütünün, bu büyOk gOrevde, ayni zamanda
bütün ulusiarin salik, eitim ye refahinin iyiietirilmesi hususunda kendisine
bir sorumluluk payt ayirmi olan bütün uluslararas: kurulularla tam bir ibirlii
yapmaya säz verir.
Konferans, bu bildirgede säzu edilen ilkeierin, bütün dUnya uluslari
hakk:nda tam olarak uygulanabilir otduunu kabul eder ye ayet bunlarin
uygutama tarzlarinda her ulusun sosyal ye ekonomik geIime derecesinin
gerekli §ekiide hesaba katilmasi, gerekirse bu ilkelerin batmli durumda
clan uluslarin yanisira kendi kendilerini yönetebilecek hale gelenlere aamali
biçimde uygulanmasi hususunun bütün uygar dünyayi ilgilendirdiini
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation, meeting in its Twenty-sixth Session in Philadelphia, hereby adopts, this tenth day of
May in the year nineteen hundred and forty-four, the present Declaration of the
aims and purposes of the International Labour Organisation and of the principles which should inspire the policy of its Members.
The Conference reaffirms the fundamental principles on which the Organisation is based and, in particular, that(a) labour is not a commodity;
(b) freedom of expression and of association are essential to sustained
(c) poverty anywhere constitutes a danger to prosperity everywhere;
(d) the war against want requires to be carried on with unrelenting vigour
within each nation, and by continuous and concerted international effort in
which the representatives of workers and employers, enjoying equal status
with those of governments, join with them in free discussion and democratic
decision with a view to the promotion of the common welfare.
Believing that experience has fully demonstrated the truth of the statement in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation that lasting
peace can be established only if it is based on social justice, the Conference
affirms thatall human beings, irrespective of race, creed or sex, have the right to
pursue both their material well-being and their spiritual development in conditions of freedom and dignity, of economic security and equal opportunity;
the attainment of the conditions in which this shall be possible must
constitute the central aim of national and international policy;
(C) all national and international policies and measures, in particular those
of an economic and financial character, should be judged in this light and
accepted only in so far as they may be held to promote and not to hinder the
achievement of this fundamental objective;
(d) it is a responsibility of the International Labour Organisation to examine and consider all international economic and financial policies and measures in the light of this fundamental Objective;
(e) in discharging the tasks entrusted to it the International Labour Organisation, having considered all relevant economic and financial factors, may
include in its decisions and recommendations any provisions which it considers appropriate.
The Conference recognises the solemn obligation of the International
Labour Organisation to further among the nations of the world programmes
which will achieve:
full employment and the raising of standards of living;
the employment of workers in the occupations in which they can have
the satisfaction of giving the fullest measure of their skill and attainments and
make their greatest contribution to the common well-being;
the provision, as a means to the attainment of this end and under
adequate guarantees for all concerned, of facilities for training and the transfer
of labour, including migration for employment and settlement;
policies in regard to wages and earnings, hours and other conditions
of work calculated to ensure a just share of the fruits of progress to all, and a
minimum living wage to all employed and in need of such protection;
the effective recognition of the right of collective bargaining, the coope- ration of management and labour in the continuous improvement of productive efficiency, and the collaboration of workers and employers in the preparation and application of social and economic measures;
the extension of social securiiy measures to provide a basic income to
al/in need of such protection and comprehensive medical care;
adequate protection for the life and health of workers in all occupations;
provision for child welfare and maternity protection;
the provision of adequate nutrition, housing and facilities for recreation
and culture;
the assurance of equality of educational and vocational opportunity.
Confident that the fuller and broader utilisation of the world's productive
resources necessary for the achievement of the objectives set forth in this
Declaration can be secured by effective international and national action, including measures to expand production and consumption, to avoid severe
economic fluctuations, to promote the economic and social advancement of
the less developed regions of the world, to assure greater stability in world
prices of primary products, and to promote a high and steady volume of international trade, the Conference pledges the full co-operation of the International Labour Organisation with such international bodies as may be entrusted
with a share of the responsibility for this great task and for the promotion of the
health, education and well-being of all peoples.
The Conference affirms that the principles set forth in this Declaration are
fully applicable to all peoples everywhere and that, while the manner of their
application must be determined with due regard to the stage of social and
economic development reached by each people, their progressive application
to peoples who are still dependent, as well as to those who have already
achieved self government, is a matter of concern to the whole civilised world.
ILO'nun, evrensel ye kahci bari 1cm
inanciyla kuruImu olmasi nedeniyle;
sosyal adaletin gerekil oIduu temel
Ekonomik büyümenin, eitHi, toplumsal ilerlemeyi ye yoksuIIua
son verUmesini saIamak 1cm gerekli, ancak yeterli olmamasinin, ILO'nun guçlu
sosyal politikalari, adaleti ye demokratik kurumlari tevik etmesine olan
gereksinimi teyid etmesi riedeniyle;
Ekonomik ye sosyal geUme 1cm küresel bir strateji çerçevesinde geni
tabanli sürdürülebilir bir kalkinmayi yaratabilmek icin, ekonomik ye sosyal
politikalarin kariIikIi olarak biribirini guclendirmesini saIamak amaciyla, ILO,
kendisinin bUtün uzmanlik alanlarinda ye äzellikle de istihdam, mesleki eitim
ye calima kouUari alanlarinda standart koyma, teknik ibirIii ye aratirma
kaynaklarini her zamankinden daha fazia kullanmalidir inanciyla;
ILO, özel sosyal gereksinimi olanlarin , äzellikle de içsizlerin ye gacmen
icilerin sorunlarina ôzel änem vermeU ye bunlarin sorunlarini côzmeye yOnelik
uluslararasi, bolgesel ye ulusal cabalari harekete gecirmeli, tevik etmeli; i
olanakiari yaratilmasini amaçlayan etkin politikalar geIitirmeIidir mnanciyla;
Toplumsal ilerleme ye ekonomik buyume arasindaki ba korunmaya
caliilirken; ilgili kiilerin, yaratilmasina katkida bulundukiari zenginhikten hak
ettikleri payt, firsat eitIii temelinde äzgürce isteyebilmelerini ye insan olarak
taidiklari potansiyele tam olarak uIaabiImelerini olanakli kilabilmek 1cm,
caIima yaamindaki temel hak ye ilkelerin guvence altina alinmasinin äzel bir
Onem taimasi nedenlyle;
ILO'nun, uluslararasi calima standartlarini oIuturmak ye bunlarla
ilgilenmekle yetkili uzmanlik kuruIuu ye gucünü anayasasindn alan
uluslararasi bir örgut olmasi ye anayasal ilkelerinin bir ifadesi olarak calima
yaaminda temel hakiari geIitirrne çalimaIarinda evrensel destek ye kabul
gormesi nedeniyle;
KariIikIi ekonomik baimIiliOin giderek arttii bir ortamda, Orgut'ün
Anayasasinda yer alan temel ilke ye hakiarin deOimez niteliinin yeniden
teyit edilmesinin ye bunlariri evrensel olarak uygulanmasini tevik etmenin
ivedilik taimasi nedenlyle;
Uluslararasi calima Konferansi,
(a) Bütün uyelerir), ILO'ya serbestçe katilmakia, ILO Anayasasi'nda ye
Filadelfiya Beyannamesi'nde belirtilen ilkeleri ye haklari kabul ettiklerini ye
Orgut'un genel hedeflerine ulamak 1cm kaynaklari imkan verdii ölçüde ye
özel koulIarina tam olarak uygun bicimde çalima yükümlülüünü
(b) Bu ilkelerin ye hakiarin Orgüt icmnde ye diinda temel kabul edilen
SOzlemelerde belirli hak ye yükumlulükler biçiminde ifade edildiini ye
gelitirildiini hatirlatir.
Sãz konusu SOzlemeleri onaylamami olsalar dahi, bütün Uyelermn,
Orgüt üyesi olmakla, bu Sözleçmelerle düzenlenen ye aaida sayilan temel
haklara iUkin ilkelere, lyl niyetle ye Anayasa'ntn gerei olarak saygi gOstermek,
bu Hkeleri geIitirmek ye gerçekletirmekle yükumlü oldukiarini açiklar:
Sendikalama özgürluü ye toplu pazarlik hakkinin etkin biçimde
Zorla ya da zarunlu çalitirmanin turn biçimlerinin ortadan
çocuk içiliine etkin biçimde son verilmesi; ye
Istihdamda ye meslekte ayrimciliin ortadan kaldirilmasi.
Bu amaçlara ulamada, üye Ulkelerin belirlenen ye Ifade edilen
gereksinimlerine cevaben di kaynaklarin ye destein harekete geçirilmesi
ye ILO Anayasasi'nin 12. maddesi uyarinca ILO'nun iliki içinde olduu dier
uluslararasi örgütlerin tevik edilmesi de dahil olmak üzere, anayasal, ilemsel
ye butçe kaynaklarini tam kullanmak suretiyle ye aaidaki yollarla bu cabalari
desteklemek amaciyla, Orgut'un, Uyelerine yardirnci olma yükümlülüünü
kabul eder:
(a) Temel Sözlemelerin onaylanmasini ye uygulanmasini tevik etmek
için teknik ibirlii ye danimanlik hizmetleri sunarak
b) Bu Sözlemelerin bazilarini ya da hiçbirini onaylamaya hazir olmayan
üyelerin, bu SOzlemelerde yer alan temel hakiara ilikin ilkelere saygi gösterme,
bu ilkeleri tevik ye gercekletirme çabalarina yardim ederek;
(c) Uyelerin ekonomik ye sosyal kalkinma 1cm ortam yaratma çabalarina
yardirnci olarak.
Bu Bildirgeyi tam anlamiyla hayata geçirebilmek 1cm, anlamli, etkin ye
tevik edici bir izieme mekanizmastnin, bu metnin ekinde yer alan ye bu
Bildirgenin ayrilmaz parçasi sayilacak belgede belirtilen Onlemlere uygun olarak
uygulamaya konmasini kararlatirir.
Qalima standartlarinin ticari korumacilik amaçlariyla kullanilmamasi
gerektimni ye bu Bildirgede ye izieme mekanizmasinda yer alan hicbir hükmün
boyle bir amaç 1cm kullanilmayacaini ya da kullanilmasinin istenemeyeceini;
ayrica, herhangi bir ülkenin karilatirmali avantajinin bu Bildirge ye izleme
mekanizmasi çerçevesmnde sorgulanamayacaini vurgular.
Bildirgenin Izlenmesi
1. Gene! amaç
Aaida aciklanan iziemenin amaci, ILO Anayasasi'nda ye Filadelfiya
Beyannamesi'nde yer alan ye bu Bildirge ile tekrar teyit edilen temel like ye
hakiari gelitirmek için Orgüt Uye!erinin gOsterecekleri çabalari tevik etrnektir.
Izieme mekanizmasi, tarn anlamiyla tevik edici bir nitelik taiyan bu
amaca uygun olarak, teknik ibirlii faaliyetleri yoluyla, Orgüt'un desteinin,
saz konusu temel like ye hakiari uygulamalarinda Uyelere yardimci oIabilecei
alanlarin belirienmesine olanak salayacaktir. Bu mekanizma, yerIemi denetim
mekanizmalarinifl yerini almadii gibi, o mekanizmalarin iIeyiini de
engellemeyecektir; dolayistyla, o mekanizmalarin kapsaminda bulunan
befirli durumlar bu iziemenin çerçevesi icinde incelenmeyecek ya da yeniden
incelemeye tabi tutulmayacaktir.
Bu izieme mekanizmasinin aaida betimienen iki yänü, mevcut
usullere dayanmaktadir: Onaylanmami temel Sözlemelere iliçkin yillik izleme,
Anayasa'nin 19. madde 5(e) paragrafinin uygulanmasindakl mevcut usullerde
yalnizca bazi uyarlamalar yapilmasini gerektirecektir; küresel rapor ise,
Anayasa uyarinca yürütülen usullerden en lyl sonuçlarin elde edilmesine hizmet
Onaylanmamiç temel Sözlemelerin yvilik olarak izienmesi
A. Amaç ye kapsam
Amaç, temel Sözlemelerin tümünü henüz onaylamami olan Uyelerin,
Bildirge uyarinca gosterdikleri cabalari, 1995 yilinda Yänetim Kurulu'nun
yururlüe koyduu dOrt yilda bir yapilan incelemenin yerini alan
basitletiriImi usuller araciliiyla her yii inceleme firsati salanmasidir.
izleme, her yil, Bildirge'de belirtilen dört alandaki temel ilkeleri ye hakiari
B. Usuiler
izleme, Anayasa'nin 19. madde 5(e) paragrafi uyarinca Uyelerden
istenecek raporlara dayanacaktir, Rapor formiari, temel SäzlemeIerden birini
ya da birden faziasini onaylamami hukumetlerden, yasalarinda ya da
uygulamaiarinda yapilmi olabilecek deikiikler konusunda bilgi alinmasini
saIayacak biçimde ye Anayasa'nin 23. madde hükmü ye yerIeçmi
uygulama dikkate alinarak duzenlenecektir.
Büro tarafindari derlenecek bu raporlar, Yönetim Kurulu'nca
Bu §ekilde derlenen raporlara, daha derinlemesine bir gorumeyi
gerekil kilan yOnlere dikkat çeken bir giri bölümü hazirianmasi amaciyla, Büro,
YOnetim Kurulu'nca bu amaçla gorevlendirilmi bir uzmanlar grubundan
istekte bulunabilecektir.
Yönetim Kurulu'nda temsil edilmeyen Uyelerin, raporlarinda yer
alan bilgilere ek olarak, Yönetim Kurulu'ndaki garumeIer sirasinda gerekli ya
da yararli olabilecek tamamlayici açiklamalari en uygun yoidan saiamalarina
imkan vermek üzere, Yönetim Kurulu'nun mevcut usuilerinde deiikliOe
gidilmesi hususu ipceienmeiidir.
iii. KUresel rapor
A. Amaç ye kapsam
1. Bu raporun amaci, änceki don yillik dOnemde her bir kategorideki
temel like ye haklarin durumunu dinamik küresel bir gOruntü biciminde ortaya
koymak ye Orgut'un saIadi yardimlarin etkinIiinin deerIendiriIebiImesine
ye gelecek dänem 1cm, gerekli Ic ye di kaynakiarin harekete geçirilmesini
satayacak §ekilde tasarlanan tekriik ibirIii eylem planlari bicimindeki
önceliklerin betirlenebilmesinehizmet edecek bir temel sunmaktir.
2. Rapor, her yil, sirayla, temel ilketerin ye hakiarin grupIandiriIdii dört
kategoriden birini kapsayacaktir.
B. Usuller
Rapor, resmi bilgiler ya da yerIemi usullere uygun olarak toplanan
ye deerlendiriIen bilgiler esas alinarak, Genel Müdür'ün sorumIuluu
altinda hazirlanacaktir. Temel SözIemeleri onayIamami olan Devietler sOz
konusu oIduunda, rapor, özeHikle, )yukarida belirtilen yillik iziemenin
bulgularina dayanacaktir. hgili SôzIemeleri onayIami Uyeler 1cm, rapor,
özellikle, Anayasa'niri 22. maddesine uygun bicimde ele alirian raporlara
Bu rapor, ucIU görüme 1cm Genel Müdür raporu olarak Konferansa
sunulacaktir. Konferans, bu raporu, Ic TUzüUn 12. maddesi kapsamindaki
raporlardan ayri olarak ele alabilir ye tümüyle bu raporun goruulmesine ayrilan
bir oturumda görüebilir, ya da bir baka uygun yol izleyebilir. Daha sonra,
Yönetirn Kurulu, erken bir tarihte, izleyen dOrt yrilik dänem icerisinde
uygulanacak änceliklere ye teknik ibirIii eylem planlarina iHçkin olarak bu
gäruçmelerden çikan sonuçlari belirleyecektir.
u anIaiImutir ki:
9. Yukaridaki hükümleri uygulamakla gorevli YOnetim Kurulu'nun ye
Konferans'in iç TüzUklerinde deikHk yapilmasi 1cm
öneriler getirilecektir.
2. Konferans, zamani gelmnce, kazanacai deneylmler iiinda, bu
iziemenin iIeyimnin BäIUm l'de ifade edilen genel amaca yetermnce uygun
olup oImadiini deerIendirecektir.
Yukaridaki metin, Cenevrede toplanan Uluslararasi QaIima Orgutu Genel
Konferansi'nin 18 Haziran 1998 günu sona eren 86. oturumunda usu!üne uygun
olarak kabul edilen caImaya IIikin Temel Hakiar ye Ilkeler ILO Bildirgesi ye
SADAKATLE, 1998 ytlinin Haziran ayinin bu ondokuzuncu günü,
imzalarimizi koyduk.
Konferans Bakani,
Uluslararasi çaIima BUrosu Genel MüdUrü
Whereas the ILO was founded in the conviction that social justice is essential to universal and lasting peace;
Whereas economic growth is essential but not sufficient to ensure equity,
social progress and the eradication .1 poverty, confirming the need for the ILO
to promote strong social policies, justice and democratic institutions;
Whereas the ILO should, now more than ever, draw upon all its standard-setting, technical cooperation and research resources in all its areas of
competence, in particular employment, vocational training and working conditions, to ensure that, in the context of a global strategy for economic and
social development, economic and social policies are mutually reinforcing
components in order to create broad-based sustainable development;
Whereas the ILO should give special attention to the problems of persons
with special social needs, particularly the unemployed and migrant workers,
and mobilize and encourage international, regional and national efforts aimed
at resolving their problems, and promote effective policies aimed at job creation;
Whereas, in seeking to maintain the link between social progress and
economic growth, the guarantee of fundamental principles and rights at work
is of particular significance in that it enables the persons concerned to claim
freely and on the basis of equality of opporrtunity their fair share of the wealth
which they have helped to generate, and to achieve fully their human potential;
Whereas the lLO is the constitutionally mandated international organization and the competent body to set and deal with international labour standards, and enjoys universal support and acknowledgement in promoting
fundamental rights at work as the expression of its constitutional principles;
Whereas it is urgent, in a situation of growing economic interdependence,
to reaffirm the immutable nature of the fundamental principles and rights embodied in the Constitution of the Organization and to promote their universal
The International Labour Conference,
1. Recalls:
that in freely joining the lLO, all Members have endorsed the principles and rights set out in its Constitution and in the Declaration of Philadelphia, and have undertaken to work towards attaining the overall objectives of
the Organization to the best of their resources and fully in line with their specific circumstances;
that these principles and rights have been expressed and developed
in the form of specific rights and obligations in Conventions recognized as
fundamental both inside and outside the Organization.
2. Declares that all Members, even if they have not ratified the Conven49
tions in question, have an obligation arising from the very fact of membership
in the Organization, to respect, to promote and to realize, in good faith and in
accordance with the Constitution, the principles concerning the fundamental
rights which are the subject of those Conventions, namely:
freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to
collective bargaining;
the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour;
the effective abolition of child labour; and,
the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
3. Recognizes the obligation on the Organization to assist its Members, in
response to their established and expressed needs in order to attain these
objectives by making full use of its constitutional, operational and budgetary
resources, including by the mobilization of external resources and support, as
well as by encouraging other international organizations with which the ILO
has established relations, pursuant to article 12 of its Constitution, to support
these efforts:
by offering technical cooperation and advisory services to promote
the ratification and implementation of the fundamental Conventions;
by assisting those Members not yet in a position to ratify some or all
of these Conventions in their efforts to respect, to promote and to realize the
principles concerning fundamental rights which are the subject of those Conventions; and
by helping the Members in their efforts to create a climate for economic and social development.
4. Decides that, to give full effect to this Declaration, a promotional followup, which is meaningful and effective, shall be implemented in accordance
with the measures specified in the annex hereto, which shall be considered as
an integral part of this Declaration.
Stresses that labour standards should not be used for protectionist trade
purposes, and that nothing in this Declaration and its follow-up shall be invoked or otherwise used for such purposes; in addition, the comparative advantage of any country should in no way be called into question by this Declaration and its follow-up.
Follow-up to the Declaration
1- Overall purpose
The aim of the follow-up described below is to encourage the efforts
made by the Members of the Organization to promote the fundamental principles and rights enshrined in the Constitution of the ILO and the Declaration
of Philadelphia and reaffirmed in this Declaration.
In line with this objective, which is of a strictly promotional nature, this
follow-up will allow the identification of areas in which the assistance of the
Organization through its technical cooperation activities may prove useful to
its Members to help them implement these fundamental principles and rights.
It is not a substitute for the established supervisory mechanisms, nor shall it
impede their functioning; consequently, specific situations within the purview of those mechanisms shall not be examined or re-examined within the
framework of this follow-up.
3. The two aspects of this follow-up, described below, are based on
existing procedures: the aiinual follow-up concerning non-ratified fundamental
Conventions will entail merely some adaptation of the present modalities of
application of article 19, paragraph 5(e) of the Constitution; and the global
report will serve to obtain the best results from the procedures carried out
pursuant to the Constitution.
II. Annual follow-up concerning non-ratified fundamental Conventions
A Purpose and scope
The purpose. is to provide an opportunity to review each year, by
means of simplified procedures to replace the four-year review introduced by
the Governing Body in 1995, the efforts made in accordance with the Declaration by Members which have not yet ratified all the fundamental Conventions.
The follow-up will cover each year the four areas of fundamental
principles and rights specified in the Declaration.
B. Modalities
The follow-up will be based on reports requested from Members
under article 19, paragraph 5(e) of the Constitution. The report forms will be
drawn up so as to obtain information from governments which have not ratified one or more of the fundamental Conventions, on any changes which may
have taken place in their law and practice, taking due account of article 23 of
the Constitution and established practice.
These reports, as compiled by the Office, will be reviewed by the
Governing Body.
With a view to presenting an introduction to the reports thus compiled, drawing attention to any aspects which might call for a more in-depth
discussion, the Office may call upon a group of experts appointed for this
purpose by the Governing Body.
Adjustments to the Governing Body's existing procedures should be
examined to allow Members which are not represented on the Governing Body
to provide, in the most appropriate way, clarifications which might prove necessary or useful during Governing Body discussions to supplement the information contained in their reports.
Ill. Global report
A Purpose and scope
The purpose of this report is to provide a dynamic global picture
relating to each category of fundamental principles and rights noted during
the preceding four-year period, and to serve as a basis for assessing the effectiveness of the assistance provided by the Organization, and for determining
priorities for the following period, in the form of action plans for technical
cooperation designed in particular to mobilize the internal and external resources necessary to carry them out.
2. The report will cover, each year, one of the four categories of fundamental principles and rights in turn.
B. Modalities
The report will be drawn up under the responsibility of the DirectorGene-ral on the basis of official information, or information gathered and assessed in accordance with established procedures. In the case of States which
have not ratified the fundamental Conventions, it will be based in particular on
the findings of the aforementioned annual follow-up. In the case of Members
which have ratified the Conventions concerned, the report will be based in
particular on reports as dealt with pursuant to article 22 of the Constitution.
This report will be submitted to the Conference for tripartite discussion as a report of the Director-General. The Conference may deal with this
report separately from reports under article 12 of its Standing Orders, and may
discuss it during a sitting devoted entirely to this report, or in any other appropriate way. It will then be for the Governing Body, at an early session, to draw
conclusions from this discussion concerning the priorities and plans of action
for technical cooperation to be implemented for the following four-year period.
IV. It is understood that:
Proposals shall be made for amendments to the Standing Orders of
the Governing Body and the Conference which are required to implement the
preceding provisions.
The Conference shall, in due course, review the operation of this
follow-up in the light of the experience acquired to assess whether it has adequately fulfilled the overall purpose articulated in Part I.
(1998 1TIBAR1YLE)
-AS AT 1998
29 Ekim 1919
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayum Tarihi ye Sayisu
:16 .02. 1950/5543
:18. 02. 1950/ 7436
Amerika BirIeik Devietleri Hükümeti tarafindan 29 Ekim 1919 da
Washington'a davet oiunan Milietier Cemiyetinin Milietlerarasu QaIuma Tekilâtu
Genei Konferansi,
Washington Topiantusi gundeminin ikinci maddesini tekil eden "IsizIii
önleme ye onun sonuçiarina bir care bulma araçiarina mütealiik" bazi tekiifierin
kabulQnü ye
Bu tekilfierin Miiietlerarasi bir sözleme §eklinde kaleme aiinmasini ye
kararIatiriiduktan sonra,
Milietlerarasi çaiima Tekilâti uyeieri tarafindan, 28 Haziran 1919 tarihli
Versay ye 10 Ey101 1919 tarihll Sen-Jermen Antlamalarinun çalumaya alt kusmu
hükUmleri gereince onanmak üzere, aaidaki Sözleme tasarisinu kabul eder.
Bu Sozlemeyi onayan her Qye, üç ayi geçmemesi gereken, mümkün
mertebe kisa fâsilaiarla, isiziie karu savama hususunda, aiinmu ye alunacak
tedbirlere dair her türiü bilgiler dâhii, isiziie mUteallik olarak elde mevcut
bütOn mâlQmat, istatistik ye saireyl, Milletlerarasu Qaiima Bürosuna
gonderecektir. Buna imkân buiunduu her defa, bu mâlumat, onlarin taaiKik
ettii devreyi takibeden uc ay zarfunda ganderiimeleri kabil olacak ekiide
Bu Soziemeyi onayan her üye, merkezi bir makamin kontrolUne tabi bir
resmi parasuz ibuIma büro sistemi kurulmaiidur. Patron ye icilerin temsiiciierini
de ihtiva eylemesi gereken komiteler tayin edliecek ye bu büroiartn iiemesine
mütealiik her hususta mütâiaaiari alinacaktir.
Parasiz resmi ye özel i bulma bUrolari ayni zamanda mevcut olduu
takdirde, bu büroiarin ilerinin mliii bir plan dâhiiinde koordine edilmesi 1cm
tedbirler alunmalidir. Türlü mliii sistemlerin ileme tarzlari, liglil memieketlerie
mutabik kalinmak suretlyle, Milletierarasu caiima BOrosu tarafundan koordine
Bu Sôzlemeyi onamu olup da, isiziiOe karu bir sigorta sistemi kurmu
bulunan Miiletlerarasu çaitma Tekilatu uyeieri, iigili üyeierie aniamak suretlyle,
tesbit editecek artIar içinde, bu uyelerden birinin uyruu otan içilerden kendi
topraI içinde çaIianIara, kendi uyruu içiIerin aldikiari miktara eit sigorta
ödenei almak imkanini verecek tedbirter salàmaIidirtar.
Bu säzIemenin 28 Haziran 1919 tarihtl Versay ye 10 EyIüt 1919 tarihtl
Sen-Jermen AntIamatarinin 13 uncu kisminda derpi editen arttar içinde kesin
çekitde onanmalarina müteatlik belgeler, Milletter Cemiyeti Genet Sekreterliine
gonderielecek ye onun tarafindan tescil editecektir.
Bu Soztemeyi onayari Milletlerarasi çatima Tekilatinin her üyesi, onu
kendi kendisini idare etmeyen sämurgelerine ye ya hakimiyetlerine tabi, yahut
himayeleri attindaki memleketlere, aaidaki ihtirazi kayttlarta uygulamayi
taahhüt eder.
SözIeme hükümleri, mahalli §artlar yuzünden uygulanamaz halde
bu lunmalidir.
SözIemeyi mahalli §artlara uydurmak için tüzumlu otan deiikIikler
bu SözIemede yapitabilmelidir.
Her uye, kendi kendini tamamen idare etmeyen sömurgeleri veya
hakimiyetterine tabi, yahut himayeteri altindaki memleketler hakkindaki kararini
Miltetterarasi çaIima Bürosuna bitdirmeildir.
Milletlerarasi çahma TekiIatini n uc uyesinin onama belgeteri Sekreterlikte
tescit edilmesi akabinde, Mittetler Cemiyeti Genet Sekereteri keyfiyeti,
Milletlerarasi 9atima Tekitatinrn bütün üyeterine tebIi
Bu Sözteme, Mitletler Cemiyeti Genel Sekreteri tarafindan bu tebIiin
yapitdii tarihte yürürtüe girecektir. SözIeme, ancak onama belgelerini
Sekreterlikte tescil ettiren uyeteri baIiyacaktir.
Daha sonra; bu Sôzteme, dier herhangi bir üye hakkinda bu üyenin
onama betgesi Sekreterlikte tescil editdii tarihte yurürlüe girecektir.
Bu SäzIemeyi onayan her üye, onun hükümlerini en geç, 1 Temmuz
1921 de uygulamayi ye bu hükümterin flit atanina geçmesi 1cm
atmayi taahhOt eder.
gerekti tedbirteri
Bu SäzIemeyi onayan her Uye, onun ilk yurürIUe giri tarihinden itibaren
onyil geçtikten sonra, Milietler Cemiyeti Genel Sekreterliine gonderecei ye
bu sekreterIiin tesciI.edecei bir ihbarname lie feshedebilir. Fesih, Sekreterlikte
tescilinden ancak bir yil sonra muteber olur.
Miiletlerarasi 9aiima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulunun, en az her on yiida bir
defa, bu SözIemenin uyguianma durumu hakkinda Genel Konferansa bir rapor
vermesi ye Sazleçmenin yeniden gazden gecirilmesi veya tadili meselesinin
konferans gUndemine alinip alinmamasi gerektii hususunda bir karar almasi
Bu SäzIemenin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinlerinin her ikisi muteber
Convention No. 2
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation;
Having been convened at Washington by the Government of the United
States of America on the 29th day of October 1919, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
"question of preventing or providing against unemployment", which is
the second item in the agenda for the Washington meeting of the Conference,
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts the following Convention, which may be cited as the Unemployment Convention, 1919, for ratification by the Members of the International
Labour Organisation in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of
the International Labour Organisation
Article 1
Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall communicate to the
International Labour Office, at intervals as short as possible and not exceeding
three months, all available information, statistical or otherwise, concerning
unemployment, including reports on measures taken or contemplated to combat unemployment. Whenever practicable, the information shall be made available for such communication not later than three months after the end of the
period to which it relates.
Article 2
Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall establish a
system of free public employment agencies under the control of a central
authority. Committees, which shall include representatives of employers and
of workers, shall be appointed to advise on matters concerning the carrying
on of these agencies.
Where both public and private free employment agencies exist, steps
shall be taken to coordinate the operations of such agencies on a national
The operations of the various national systems shall be coordinated
by the International Labour Office in agreement with the countries concerned.
Article 3
The Members of the International Labour Organisation which ratify this
Convention and which have establithed systems of insurance against unemployment shall, upon terms being agreed between the Members concerned,
make arrangements whereby workers belonging to one Member and working
in the territory of another shall be admitted to the same rates of benefit of such
insurance as those which obtain for the workers belonging to the latter.
Article 4
The formal ratifications of this Convention, under the conditions set forth
in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, shall be communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 5
1. Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies
this Convention engages to apply it to its colonies, protectorates and possessions which are not fully self-governingexcept where owing to the local conditions its provisions are inappli-
cable ; or
subject to such modifications as may be necessary to adapt its
provisions to local conditions.
2. Eack Member shall notify to the International Labour Office the action
taken in respect of each of its colonies, pro- tectorates and possessions which
are not fully self-governing.
Article 6
As soon as the ratifications of three Members of the International Labour
Organisation have been registered with the International Labour Office, the
Director-General of the Inter- national Labour Office shall so notify all the Members of the International Labour Orgariisation.
Article 7
This Convention shall come into force at the date on which such notification is issued by the Director-General of the International Labour Office, but it
shall then be binding only upon those Members which have registered their
ratifications with the International Labour Office. Thereafter this Convention
will come into force for any other Member at the date on which its ratification is
registered with the International Labour Office.
Article 8
Each Member which ratifies this Convention agrees to bring its provisions into operation not later than 1 July 1921, and to take such action as may
be necessary to make these provisions effective.
Article 9
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered with the International Labour
Article 10
At least once in ten years the Governing Body of the International Labour
Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the working of this
Convention, and shall consider the desirability of placing on the agenda of the
Conference the question of its revision or modification.
Article 11
The French and English texts of this Convention shall both be authentic.
25 Ekim 1921
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayum Tarihi ye Sayisu
24. 10. 1960/110
: 28. 10. 1960/10641
Milletlerarasi caIuma Bürosu Yônetim Kurulu tarafindan vaki davet Uzerine
25 Ekim 1921 tarihinde Cenevre'de 3 üncu toplantisinu yapan Miltetlerarasi
calima Tekilati Genel Konferansi, toplanti gundeminin 4 üncü maddesine
dahil bulunan Tarum icilerinin Dernek Kurma ye Birleme hakiarina müteallik
tekliflerin kabulüne ye,
Bu tekilflerin MiHetlerarasu bir Sözleme §eklini almasina karar verdikten
Milletlerarasi çaluma Tekilatunun uyeleri tarafuridan, Milletlerarasi çalima
Tekilatinin statüsü hükümleri gereince onanmak üzere, (Tarimda) dernek
kurma hakkina müteatlik 1921 Sayuli Sözlemesi adini taiyacak olan aaidaki
Sozlemeyi kabul eder.
Milletlerarasi calima Tekilâtunin bu Sozlemeyi onayan her Oyesi, tarimda
calian bilumum ahuslara, sanayl icilerinde olduu gibi, dernek kurma ye
birleme haklarini aynen salamayi ye tarim içileri bakimindan bu hakiari
tandidedici kanuni veya sair hükümleri ilga etmeyl taahhüt eder.
Bu Sozleçmenin, Milletlerarasi çalima Tekilâtunun statüsünde belirtilen
§artlar dahilindeki kesin onama belgeleri Milletlerarasi calima Bürosu Genel
Müdürüne gonderilecek ye onun tarafundan tescil edflecektir.
Bu Sözleme, Milletlerarasi çalima Tekilâti üyelerinden ikisinin onama
belgelerinin Genel MUdür tarafindan tescil edildii tarihte mer'iyete girecektir.
Sözleme, ancak onama belgeleri Milletlerarsi calima Bürosunca, tescil
edilmi uyeeri balayacaktir.
Bundan sonra bu Szleme, her bir üye hakkunda, kendisinin onama
belgesinin Milletlerarsi Qalima Bürosunca tesdil edildii tarihte mer'iyete
Mi letlerarasi çaIima Tekilati üyelerinden ikisinin onama belgelerinin tescili
akabinde, Miletlerarasi Qalima BUrosunca Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel
MüdürU keyfiyeti Milletlerarasi Qalima Tekilatinin bütün üyelerine tebli
edecektir. Tekilatin dier üyeleri tarafindan daha sonra gOnderilecek onama
belgelerinin tescil ediIdiini de onlara tebli edecektir.
Bu Sozlemeyi onayan her üye 3 uncü madde hükümleri mahfuz kalmak
artiyIe, 1 mci madde hükümlerini en geç 1 Ocak 1924 tarihinden itibaren
tatbik etmeyi ye bu hükümleri müessir kilmak 1cm
taahhüt eder.
gerekli olan tedbirleri almayi
Bu Säzlemeyi onayan Milletlerarasi çaIima TekiIâtinin her uyesi
SOzlemeyi müstemlekelerinde, idaresi ye himayesi altindaki ülkelerde
Mfletlerarasi çalima TekiIatinin Statüsünün 35 mci maddesine uygun oarak
tatbik etrneyi taahhüt eder.
Bu Sôzlemeyi onayan her üye, onu, ilk yururIue giri tarihinden itibaren
on yillik bir devre sonunda; Miletlerarasi calima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne
gonderecei ye bu Genel Müdürce tescil edilecek bir ihbarname ile feshedebilir.
Fesih, keyfiyetmn Miletlerarasi çaIima Bürosu tarafindan tescili tarihinden itibaren
bir sene sonra muteber olacaktir.
Milletlerarasi çaltma Bürosu YOnetim Kurulu en az on senede bir bu
SôzIemenin tatbikati hakkinda genel konferansa bir rapor sunacak ye onun
yeniden gOzden geçirllmesi veya tadili meselesinin konferans gündemine
konulmasi Iüzumu hakkincja karar verecektir.
Bu Sözlemenin Fransizca ye ngilizce metinleri ayni derecede muteberdir.
Convention No. 11
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office, and having met in its Third Session on 25 October 1921,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
the rights of association and combination of agricultural workers, which is
included in the fourth item of the agenda of the Session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention, adopts the following Convention, which may be cited as
the Right of Association (Agriculture) Convention, 1921, for ratification by the
Members of the International Labour Organisation in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation:
Article 1
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies this
Convention undertakes to secure to all those engaged in agriculture the same
rights of association and combination as to industrial workers, and to repeal
any statutory or other provisions restricting such rights in the case of those
engaged in agriculture.
Article 2
The formal ratifications of this Convention, under the conditions set forth
in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, shall be communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 3
This Convention shall come into force at the date on which the ratifications of two Members of the International Labour Organisation have been registered by the Director-General.
It shall then be binding only upon those Members whose ratifications
have been registered with the International Labour Office.
Thereafter, the Convention shall come into force for any Member at
the date on which its ratification has been registered with the Ihternational
Labour Office.
Article 4
As soon as the ratifications of two Members of the International Labour
Organisation have been registered with the International Labour Office, the
Director-General of the International Labour Office shall so notify all the
Members of the International Labour Organisation. He shall likewise notify
them of the registration of ratifications which may be communicated subsequently by other Members of the Organisation.
Right of Association (Agriculture), 1921
Article 5
Subject to the provisions of Article 3, each Member which ratifies this
Convention agrees to bring the provisions of Article 1 into operation not later
than 1 January 1924, and to take such action as may be necessary to make
these provisions effective.
Article 6
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies this
Convention engages to apply it to its colonies, possessions and protectorates
in accordance with the provisions of article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation.
Article 7
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered with the International Labour Office.
Article 8
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 9
The French and English texts of this Convention shall both be authentic.
25 Ekim 1921
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 111. 02. 1946/4865
:16. 02. 1946/6234
Miiletlerarasi Ic Bürosu Idari Meolisi tarafindan tarafindan vaki davet
uzerine Cenevre'de 25 10 1921 de 3 Oncü toplantisini yapan Milietier Cemiyeti
Milietierarasi I Tekiiati Gene! koriferansi,
Gündemin 7 nd maddesini teckil eden, sanayide hafta tatili meseiesi
hakkinda bazi tekilfierin kabuiünU ye;
Bu tekilfierin bir Milietlerarasi
Sözlemesi cekilni aimasini
kararlactirdd<tan sonra,
Versay Andiacmasinin 14 uncu kisminda ye dier baric andiacmalarinin
mOtenazir kisimlarinda mevcut hükümier gerei nce, Miiietierarasi I TekiIati
uyelerinde onanmak üzere, acaidaki Säzleme Projesini kabul etmictir:
Bu Sazleçmenin uyguianmasi bakimindan;
Maden ye tac ocakiari lie herhangi bir maddeyi topraktan çikartmak;
Maddelerin imali, tadili, temizienmesi, tamiri, süslenmesi, ikmaii, satic
ye yikma icieri, gemi insi, eiektrik ye genel olarak her türiü
muharrik kuwet, istihsal, tahvU ye nakil icleri dahil, maddeierin cekilierinin
kismen ye ya tamamen deictirilmesi;
Her nevi bina, demiryolu, tramvay, liman, dok, dalga kiran, kanal,
nehirlerde sefer tesisati, yol, tünei, käpru, su bendi, ana ye adi iaim, kuyu,
telefon, teigraf, eiektrik tesisati, havagazi, su tesisati ye tevzi ye dier yapi
icieri lie bunlara alt tamir, bakim, tadli, yikma, haziriama ye temel icieri;
Dok, rihtim, iskeie ye antrepbiarda eyanin boaitiiip yuklenmesi,
tacinmasi ye icienmesi dahii el iie tacima içleri haric, insan ye ecyanin kara,
demiryolu lie nehirierde nakil icleri;
Yukaridaki sayim, sinai mUesseselerde çaiima müddetinin günde sekiz
ye haftada kirk sekiz saat olarak tandidini istihdaf eden Washington
Saziecmesinde, her HükQmet tarafindan kabulU derpi edilen istisnaiar bu
Sazlemeye uygulanmaiari kabil oIduu derecede nazara alinmak kayit ye
carti altinda yapiImitir.
Yukaridaki sayimdan backa, her üye, iüzum gardQO taktirde, bir taraftan
sanayl ye dier taraftan tarim ye ticaret arasindaki hududu tayin edebilir.
Resmi veya hususi herhangi bir sinai müessesede veya onun
mütemilatinda çalian bütün §ahislar, bundan sonraki maddelerde derpi
olunan istisnalar nazara almak artiyla, her 7 günlük bir devre içinde fasilasiz
en az 24 saat zarfinda istirahatten istifade edeceklerdir.
Bu istirahat, imkan dairesinde bir müessesenin bütün mensuplarina ayni
zamanda verilecektir.
Istirahat mümkün mertebe, memleket veya bölge gelenek ye adetlerinde
yer alan günlere rastlayacaktir.
Her üye, münhasiran ayni bir aile efradinin çalitii, sinai müesseselere
mensup §ahlslarl 2 nd madde hükmunden istisna edebilir.
Her üye, hal icaplarina uygun türlü iktisadi ye insani mülahazalari bilhassa
gOz önünde tutmak suretiyle iverenlerle içilerin yetkili cemiyetleri mevcut
olan yerlerde bu cemiyetlerle istiareden sonra, 2 nci madde hükümleri hakkinda
tam veya kismi istisnalar (istirahatin kaldirilmasi veya azaltilmasa dahil) kabul
Bu istiare, yürürlükte olan mevzuatin uygulanmasi suretiyle kabul edilmi
bulunan istisnalar halinde mecburi olmayacaktir.
Her üye 4 ncü madde gereince tamamen kaldirilan veya azaltilan
dinlenmeleri telafi edici istirahatlerin esasen mahalli anlamalar yahut örfü
adetlerle derpi edilmi bulunmasi müstesna, dier hallerde bu §ekilde telafi
edici dinlenme zamanlari tespit eden hükümler koymayi mümkün mertebe
Her üye, bu Sözlemenin 3 ye 4 üncü maddeleri gereince kabul edilen.
istisnalarin bir listesini yaparak bunu Milletlerarasi l Bürosuna gonderecektir.
Her uye bundan sonra her iki senede bir defa bu listede yapacai deiklikleri
Milletlerarasi I Bürosu bu husus için Milletlerarasi Genel I Konferansina
bir rapor verecektir.
Bu sözleme hükümlerinin uygulanmasini kolaylatirmak için, her patron, müdür veya vekili aaidaki mükellefiyetlere tabi olacaktir.
a) Haftalik dinlenme bütün §ahlslara toplu bir halde veriliyorsa toplu istirahat
gun ye saatlerini, müssese icinde veya baka munasip bir yerde göze çarpacak
afiIer asmak suretlyle veyahut HükUmetce münasip garuIecek dier herhangi
bir §ekilde bildirmek,
b) Haftalik dinlenme bütün ahislara toplu bir halde veriliyorsa, memleket
kanunlarinin veyahut yetkiii makamlarca yaprian Tüzüün tarifi dahilinde
hazirtanmi bir deftere hususi bir dinlenme rejimine tabi tutulan içi veya
hizmetlileri ye bu rejimi bildirmek.
Bu Säzlernenin, Versay Andlamasinin 13 üncü kisminda ye dier Bari
Andlamaiannin mütenazir tutumlarinda derpi edilen §artiar icinde kati §ekilde
onandiina alt beige Milletier Cemiyeti Genel Sekreterfline gonderilecek ye
bu onanma Genel Sekreterlikçe tescil edilecektir.
Milletierarasi I Tekilatinin iki üyesinin oriamalari Genel SekreterHkçe tescil
ediidii tarihten itibaren bu Sözleme yürürlue girecektir.
Bu Sözieme, ancak onamalari Sekreterlikçe tescil edilen üyeleri
Daha sonra, bu SözIeme, her uye hakkinda onamasi Sekreterlikçe tescil
edildii tarihten itibaren yurürIue girecektir.
Milletlerarasi i TekiIati Uyelerinden ikisinin onamalari Sekreterlikçe tescil
edilmesi akabinde, Milletler Cemiyeti Genel Sekreteri keyfiyeti Milletlerarasi l
Teçkilâtinin bUtün üyeleri tarafindan kendisine sonradan tebli edilecek
onamalari da keza bütün uyeiere biidirecektir.
Bu Soziemeyi onayan her üye onun 1,2,3,4,5,6 ye 7 nd maddeleri
hOkümierini engec 1.1.1924'e kadar uygulamayi ye bu hükümlerin fill alanina
geçmesi 1cm gerekli tedbirleri almayt taahhüt eder.
Bu Sozlemeyi onayan her uye, onu Versay AndIamasinin 421 mci
maddesi ye dier Bari Andlamalarinin mütenazir maddeleri hükümieri
gereince, bütün müstemleke, mUstamare ye himayesi aitindaki memleketlerde
uygulamayi taahhüt eder.
Bu SäzIemeyi onayan her uye, onu, yurQrlüe girmeye baladii tarihten
10 sene geçtikten sonra Milietler Cemiyeti Genel Sekreterliine yapacai ye bu
SekreterIiin tescil edecei bir ihbarname lie feshedebilir. Fesih, Sekreterlikce
tesciU tarihinden bir sene sonra muteber olur.
Miltetlerarasi i Bürosu Idare Meclisi, en az her on senede bir defa bu
Sôztemenin uygulanma durumu hakkinda Genei Konferansa bir rapor vermekie
ye Konferans gündemi içine, söziemenin yeniden gäzden geçirilmesi veya
tadili meselesinin konulup konulmamasi gerektii hususunda bir karar aimakia
Bu Säzlemenin Fransizca ye ingilizcè metinlerinin her ikiside muteber
Convention No. 14
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Third Session on 25 October 1921,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
the weekly rest day in industrial employment, which is included in the seventh
item of the agenda of the Session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts the following Convention, which may be cited as the Weekly Rest
(Industry) Convention, 1921, for ratification by the Members of the International Labour Organisation in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
Article 1
1. For the purpose of this Convention, the term "industrial undertaking"
includesmines, quarries, and other works for the extraction of minerals from
the earth;
industries in which articles are manufactured, altered, cleaned, repaired, ornamented, finished, adapted for sale, broken up or demolished, or
in which materials are transformed ; including shipbuilding and the generation, transformation and transmission of electricity or motive power of any
construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, alteration, or
demolition of any building, railway, tramway, harbour, dock, pier, canal, inland
waterway, road, tunnel, bridge, viaduct, sewer, drain, well, telegraphic or telephonic installation, electrical undertaking, gas work, water work, or other work
of construction, as well as the preparation for or laying the foundations of any
such work or structure;
transport of passengers or goods by road, rail, or inland waterway,
including the handling of goods at docks, quays, wharves or warehouses, but
excluding transport by hand.
2. This definition shall be subject to the special national exceptions contained in the Washington Convention limiting the hours of work in industrial
undertakings to eight in the day and forty-eight in the week, so far as such
exceptions are applicable to the present Convention.
3. Where necessary, in addition to the above enumeration, each Mem69
ber may define the line of division wich separates industry from commerce
and agriculture.
Article 2
I. The whole of the staff employed in any industrial undertaking, public
or private, or in any branch thereof shall, except as otherwise provided for by
the following Articles, enjoy in every period of seven days a period of rest
comprising at least twenty-four consecutive hours.
This period of rest shall, wherever possible, be granted simultaneously
to the whole of the staff of each undertaking.
It shall, wherever possible, be fixed so as to coincide with the days
already established by the traditions or customs of the country or district.
Article 3
Each Member may except from the application of the provisions of Article
2 persons employed in industrial undertakings in which only the members of
one single family are employed.
Article 4
Each Member may authorise total or partial exceptions (including
suspensions or diminutions) from the provisions of Article 2, special regard
being had to all proper humanitarian and economic considerations and after
consultation with responsible associations of employers and workers, wherever such exist.
Such consultation shall not be necessary in the case of exceptions
which have already been made under existing legislation.
Article 5
Each Member shall make, as far as possible, provision for compensatory
periods of rest for the suspensions or diminutions made in virtue of Article 4,
except in cases where agreements or customs already provide for such periods.
Article 6
I. Each Member will draw up a list of the exceptions made under Articles
3 and 4 of this Convention and will communicate it to the International Labour
Office, and thereafter in every second year any modifications of this list which
shall have been made.
2. The International Labour Office will present a report on this subject to
the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation.
Article 7
In order to facilitate the application of the provisions of this Convention,
each employer, director, or manager, shall be obligedwhere the weekly rest is given to the whole of the staff collectively, to
make known such days and hours of collective rest by means of notices
posted conspicuously in the establishment or any other convenient place, or
in any other manner approved by the Government
where the rest period is not granted to the whole of the staff collectively, to make known, by means of a roster drawn up im accordance with the
method approved by the legislation of the country, or by a regulation of the
competent authority, the workers or employees subject to a special system of
rest, and to indicate that system.
Article 8
The formal ratifications of this Convention, under the conditions set forth
in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, shall be communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 9
This Convention shall come into force at the date on which the ratifications of two Members of the International Labour Organisation have been registered by the Director-General.
It shall be binding only upon those Members whose ratifications have
been registered with the International Labour Office.
Thereafter, the Convention shall come into force for any Member at
the date on which its ratification has been registered with the International
Labour Office.
Article 10
As soon as the ratifications of two Members of the International Labour
Organisation have been registered with the International Labour Office, the
Director-General of the International Labour Office shall so notify all the
Members of the International Labour Organisation. He shall ilkewise notify
them of the registration of ratifications which may be communicated subsequently by other Members of the Organisation.
Article 11
Each Member which ratifies this Convention agrees to bring the provisions of Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 into operation not later than 1 January
1924 and to take such action as may be necessary to make these. provisions
Article 12
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies this
Convention engages to apply it to its colonies, possessions and protectorates,
in accordance with the provisions of Article 35 of the Constitution of the Inter71
national Labour Organisation.
Article 13
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered with the International Labour Office.
Article 14
At least once in ten years, the Governing Body of the International Labour
Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the working of this
Convention and shall consider the desirability of placing on the agenda of the
Conference the question of its revision or modification.
Article 15
The French and English texts of this Convention shall both be authentic.
ILO Kabul Tarihi
: 29 Ekim 1921
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayusi
25. 05. 1959 I 7292
: 02. 06. 1959 / 10220
Milletlerarasi caIima BUrosu Yänetim Kurulu tarafindan vaki davet üzerine,
25 Ekim 1921 arihinde Cenevre'de yapilan, Milletlerarasi ça1ima Tekilati Genel
Konferansinin 3 uncü toplantisinda:
Toplanti gundeminin 8 mci maddesini tekiI eden 18 yaindan aa
bilumum §ahislarin Trimci ye Ateci sifatiyla gemilerde ie alinmalarinin men'ine
dair muhtelif tekilfierine kabulUne,
Bu tekilfierin Milletlerarasi bir SözIeme §eklinde kaleme alinmasina,
Karar verildikten sonra, MiHetlerarasi calima TekiIati statüsü hükümlerine
uygun olarak, Milletlerarasi çalima Tekilati Qyelerince tasdik edilmek Ozere,
Trimci ye Atecilerin asgari ya haddine dair 1921 tarihll SözIeme adini alacak
olan aaidaki SözIeme kabul ediImitir:
Ibu Sözlemenin tatbikati bakimindan "Gemi" tabiri, harp gemileri
müstesna, denize sefer yapan büyük, kuçuk, ne olursa olsun, hususi mülkiyete
veya âmme mülkiyetine alt bilumum gemileri ifade eder.
18 yaindan aakimseler, trimci veya ateci stfatiyle, gemilerde
Ikinci madde hUkümleri:
Amme makamlarinca tasvip edilmek ye onlarin murakabesi altinda
bulunmak §artiyle, mektep gemilerinde genç yataki kimseler tarafindan gorulen
Esas kuwei muharrekesi buhar kuweti olmayan gemilerdeki iIerde;
C) Japonya veya Hmndistan'da en ziyade temsil kabiliyetmni haiz içi ye
iveren teekk011eri lie istiare edilerek hazirlanacak nizamnamelerdeki kayitlar
mahfuz kalmak çartiyle, munhasiran bu memleketlerin sahillerinde sefer yapan
gemilerde çahtirilacak olan ye bedeni kabiliyetlerinin müsait olduu tibbi bir
muayene neticesinde kabul edilmi bulunan en az 16 yaindaki kimselerin
yaptii ilerde, tatbik edilmeyecektir.
Bir limanda bir trimci veya ateci almak mecburiyeti hasii oiduu takdirde,
eer oradaki bu sinif içiler arasinda en az onsekiz yainda içi bulunmasi
mümkün olmazsa onsekiz yaindan kuçUk fakat onalti yaindan büyük genç
içiier bu içlere alinabilirier. Boyle bir hal vukuunda, hizmetine ihtiyac duyuian
bir trimci veya atecinin yerine bu gençierden iki kiinin ie alinmasi zaruridir.
Bu Sözieme hükümierinin tatbikatinin kontrolünü imkanini temin
sadedinde, her kaptan veya iveren, gemide çaiian ye yalari onsekizden küçük
olan bu nevi §ah!siarl doum tarihieri lie biriikte gösteren bir kayit defteri veya
mürettebat listesi tutmakla mükelieftir.
Gemi mürettebatini i mukaveleleri ibu SOzleme hükümlerinin bir
hüiasasini ihtiva edecektir.
bu Söziemenin Milietlerarasi caiiçma Tekiiati Statüsüyle vaaz edilmi
§artiar dahilinde, resmen tasdik edildiini mubeyyin beigeler, Milletlerarasi
çaiima Bürosu Umum Müdürüne gOriderilecek ye tasdik keyfiyeti umum Müdür
tarafindan tescil oiunacaktr.
Bu SOzieme, Milletlerarasi çaiima Tekiiati üyeierinden ikisinin tasdiki
ye tasdikin Umum Müdür tarafindan tescili lie mer'i yete girecektir.
Bu Sozieçme ancak Milietierarasi Qaiima Bürosunca tasdikieri tescil
edilmi üyeieri baIar.
Bundan sonra Sözieme, tasdik keyfiyetini Milletierarasi Qaiirna
Bürosuna tescii ettiren her üye hakkinda tescilinin yapildii tarihte mer'iyete
Ibu Söziemenin Milietlerarasi Qalima Tekilati uyeierinden ikisi
tarafindan tasdik edlimesi ye tasdikin Milletlerarasi QaIima Bürosunca tesciii
akabinde Miiietierarasi Qaiima .Bürosu Umum Müdürü durumu Milletlerarasi
Qalima Tekiiatinin bütün uyelerine tebli edecektir. Milletlerarasi Qalma
Tekiiatinin dier uyeieri tarafindan daha sonra bildirilmi oian tasdikiere alt
tescilier 1cm de aynl §ekiide tebliat yapiiacaktir.
SOziemeyi tasdik eden her üye 8 mci madde hükmü mahfuz kaimak
§artiyie 1,2,3,4,5 ye 6 tici maddelerde yazili hükümieri, en gec 10 ocak 1924
tarihinden itibaren tatbik etmeyl ye bu hükümlerin tatbiki hususunda gerekli
tedbirieri almayl taahhüt eder.
bu SäzIemeyi tasdik eden her üye, Sazleçme hükumierini
müstemiekelerde, Idaresi veya himayesi altindaki Uikelerde Milletlerarasi caima
Tekiiati statüsünün 35 mci maddesi gereince tatbik etmeyl taahhüt eder.
Eu Sozlemeyi tasdik eden her Oye, onu, ilk yUrürIue giriç tarihinden
itibaren on yiliik bir devre sonunda, Miiletlerarasi Qaiima Bürosu Umum
MüdürOne gOnderecei ye müdürün tescil edecei bir ihbarname lie feshedebilir.
Fesih, tescilin Milietierarasi caiima BOrosu tarafindan ifasindan bir sene sorira
muteber oiacaktir.
Mitletierarasi çahma Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu, en az 10 senede bir ibu
SOzlemeriin tatbikati hakkinda genel konferansa bir rapor arz edecek ye icap
ettii takdirde konferansin gundemine bu SäzIemenin yeniden gozden
geçirilmesi ye ya tadili lie ilgili meseleieri ithal edecektir.
Ibu Säziemenin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinieri ayni derecede
Convention No. 15
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Oftice, and having met in its Third Session on 25 October 1921,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
the prohibition of the employment of any person under the age of eighteen
years as trimmer or stoker, which is included in the eighth item of the agenda
of the Session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts the following Convention, which may be cited as the Minimum
Age (Trimmers and Stokers) Convention, 1921, for ratification by the Members
of the International Labour Organisation in accordance with the provisions of
the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
Article 1
For the purpose of this Convention, the term "vessel" includes all ships
and boats, of any nature whatsoever, engaged in maritime navigation, whether
publicly or privately owned; it excludes ships of war.
Article 2
Young persons under the age of eighteen years shall not be employed or
work on vessels as trimmers or stokers.
Article 3
The provisions of Article 2 shall not applyto work done by young persons on school-ships or trainingships, provided that such work is approved and supervised by public authority
to the employment of young persons on vessels mainly propelled by
other means than steam;
to young persons of not less than sixteen years of age, who, if found
physically fit after medical examination, maybe employed as trimmers or stokers on vessels exclusively engaged in the coastal trade of India and of Japan,
subject to regulations made after consultation with the most representative
organisations of employers and workers in those countries. Article 4
When a trimmer or stoker is required in a port where young persons of
less than eighteen years of age only are available, such young persons may
be employed and in that case it shall be necessary to engage two young
persons in place of the trimmer or stoker required. Such young persons shall
be at least sixteen years of age.
Article 5
In order to facilitate the enforcement of the provisions of this CorLvention,
every shipmaster shall be required to keep a register of all persons under the
age of eighteen years employed on board his vessel, or a list of them in the
articles of agreement, and of the dates of their births.
Article 6
Articles of agreement shall contain a brief summary of the provisions of
this Convention.
Article 7
The formal ratifications of this Convention, under the conditions set forth
in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, shall be communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 8
This Convention shall come into force at the date on which the ratifications of two Members of the International Labour Organisation have been registered by the Director- General.
It shall be binding only upon those Members whose ratifications have
been registered with the International Labour Office.
Thereafter, the Convention shall come into force for any Member at
the date on which its ratification has been registered with the International
Labour Office.
Article 9
As soon as the ratifications of two Members of the Inter- national Labour
Organisation have been registered with the International Labour Office, the
Director-General of the International Labour Office shall so notify all the Members of the International Labour Organisation. He shall likewise notify them of
the registration of ratifications which may be corn- municated subsequently by
other Members of the Organisation.
Article 10
Subject to the provisions of Article 8, each Member which ratifies this
Convention agrees to bring the provisions of Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 into
operation not later than 1 January 1924 and to take such action as may be
necessary to make these provisions effective.
Article 11
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies this
Convention engages to apply it to its colonies, possessions and protectorates,
in accordance with the provisions of Article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation.
Article 12
A Mamber whieh has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall nat take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered with the International Labour Office.
Article 13
At least once in ten years, the Governing Body of the International Labour
Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the workingof this
Convention and shall consider the desirability of placing on the agenda of the
Conference the question of its revision or modification.
Article 14
The French and English texts of this Convention shall both be authentic.
ILO Kabul Tarihi
: 30 Mayis 1928
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisu
: 25. 06. 1973 / 1769
: 03. 07. 1973 / 14583
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi : 01. 07. 1974/7- 8585
: 02. 09. 1974/14994
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
Milletlerarasi çalima TekiIati Yãnetim Kurulu tarafindan Cenevre'ye davetedilerek orada 30 Mayis 1928 tarihinde onbirinci toplantusini yapan Milletlerarasi
çaliçma Tekilati Genel Konferansu,
Toplantu gundeminin birinci maddesini tekil eden asgari ücret tesbit
usiIleri ihdasina dair muhtelif tekllfierin kabulUnü ye, bu tekllfierin bir
Milletlerarasi Sözleme §eklini almasuni kararlatirdiktan son ra:
Bin dokuz yuz yirmi sekiz yilu Haziran ayinin ibu onaltinci gunQ,
Milletlerarasu çalima Tekilati StatüsU hükümlerine uygun olarak, Milletlerarasi
çaIuma Tekilati Uyelerince onaylanmak üzere, asgari ücret tesbit usüHeri
ihdasina dair 1928 tarihll Sözleme §eklinde adlandirilacak olan aaidaki
Sazlemeyi kabul eder.
Milletlerarasu çaIuma Tekilatinin bu Säzlemeyi onaylayan her üye
devleti, toplu säzleme yoluyla veya baka bir yolla etkili bir ücret tesbiti
usulUnün buIunmadiu veya o ücretlerin istisnai ekitde düQk olduu iIerde
veya iIerin bölumterinde (özellikle evde yapilan ilerde) asgari ücret tesbitine
imkan veren usülleri ihdas veya muhafazayi taahhüt eder.
Bu Sözleme uyarinca 'ler" deyimi imalât ye ticaret ilerini kapsar.
Bu SOzleçmeyi onaylayan bir Uye belirli bir i veya için bölümü 1cm,
varsa söz konusu i veya iin bolumuyle ilgili iveren ye içi teçekkullerine
danutiktan sonra 1 mci maddede Ongorulen asgari ücretlerin tesbit usüllerinin
hangi ilere veya iIerin bolümlerine ye özellikle evde yapilan içlerin veya
bölümlerinin hangilermne uygulanacaina karar vermekte serbesttir.
1. Sozlemeyi onaylayan her Qye, asgari ücretlerin tesbit usüllerini ye
bunlarin uygulama §ekillerini tayinde serbesthr.
2. Aricak:
Bir ie ye ya iin beliril bir böiümüne asgari ücret tesbit usülierinin
uyguianmasindan Once, ligili iveren ye iççi temsilcilerine, varsa oniara alt
teekküiierin temsilcileri de dahil oimak üzere, yetkiii makam tarafindan
mesiekieri veya gorevieri itibari lie kendlierine bavuruImasi uygun gOruien
vasifta bütün kimselere daniiiacaktir.
igiii iveren ye içiier mliii mevzuatin tayin edecei çekilde ye Oiçude
fakat herhaide eit sayida ye artiarla asgari ücret tesbit usuiierinin
uyguianmasina kattiacakiardir.
Tesbit ediien asgari ücretiere, ilgili iveren ye içiier uymak zorunda
oiacak, gerek ferdi anIamayIa gerekse, yetkiii makamin genei veya özei izni
hariç, toplu soziemeyie, bir indirme yapamlyacakiardir.
SOzIemeyi onayiayan her üye, bir yandan ligili iveren ye içiierin
yürürlukteki asgari ücretierden haberdar olmasi ye öte yandan fillen Odenen
ücretierin uyguianacak asgari miktariarrn aitina dümemesi için, bir kontrol ye
müeyyide sistemi ihdas etmek suretiyie gerekii tedbirieri alacaktir.
Her içi, uyguianmasi gereken asgari ücret miktarIarinin altinda bir
ücret Odenmesi halinde mliii mevzuatla tesbit edilecek bir sure içerisinde,
mahkeme veya dier kanuni bir yolia kendisine borçiu kalinan mebIai talep
hakkina sahip oiacaktir.
SOziemeyi onayiayan her üye, her yii Milletierarasi calima Bürosuna,
asgari ücret tesbit usülierinin uyguiandii iierin veya iierin bölümlerinin bir
listesini ihtiva eden ye bu usülierin uyguiama §ekii ye sonuçiarini gOsterir genel
bir rapor verecektir. Bu rapor, asgari ücret tesbit usul ye ekiiierine tabi içiierin
yakiaçik oiarak adedini, tesbit ediien asgari ücretin miktariarini ye icabinda
asgari Ucretie liglil en önemii tedbirleri kisaca beiirtecektir.
Bu SOziemenin Miiietierarasi çaitma Tekiiâti statüsünde OngOruien
artiar içinde resmen onayiandiina dair belgeler Miiietierarasi çaliçma Bürosu
Genel Müdürüne gOnderiiecek ye onun tarafindan tescii ediiecektir.
Bu SOzieme ancak onayiama beigeleri Milietierarasi çaiima Bürosu
tarafindan tescii ediImi oian Miiietierarasi çaiima Tekiiati üyeierini
Bu. SOzieme, iki uyenin onayiama beigesi Genei Müdür tarafindan
tescil ediIdii tarihten on iki ay sonra yururiQe girecektir.
Daha sonra bu sözieme, onu onayiayan her üye 1cm onaylama belgesi
tescil ediIdii tarihten on iki ay sonra yQrurlue girecektir.
MiIIetleraras çaiima Tekiiatinin iki üyesinin onaylama beigeleri
Milletierarasi çaiiçma Bürosunda tescil edlimesini müteakip, Milietlerarasi
çaIima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, keyfiyeti Miletlerarasi caiima TekiIatinin bütün
üyèlerine tebIi edecektir. Genel MüdUr Tekiiatinjn bütUn dier üyeieri
tarafindan daha sonra biidiriImi olan onaylamalara alt tescilier 1cm de ayni
ekiide tebligat yapacaktir.
Bu SozIemeyi onaylayan her üye, onu ilk yururiüe giri tarihinden
itibaren on yiHik bir devre geçtikten sonra, Miiletierarasi gaiima Bürosu Genel
MüdürIUüne gänderecei ye onun tescil edecei bir ihbarname lie feshedebilir.
Fesih, Miletlerarasi çaiima Bürosunda tesciiden ancak bir yll sonra muteber
Bu Säziemeyi onaylami olup da, onu, bundan evvelki paragrafta
sözu edilen on yiUik devrenin bitiminden itibaren bir yll zarfinda bu maddede
öngOruldüu ekiIde feshetme ihtiyarini kullanmayan her üye, yeniden be
yiilik bir müddet içiri balanmi oiacak ye bundan sonra bu Sözieçmeyi her
yillik devre bitince bu madde de öngoruien §artlar içinde feshedebiiecektir.
Gerekli gOrduu her defasinda, Milletierarasi çaiima BUrosu Yönetim
Kuruiu bu Sãzlemenin uygulanmasi hakkindaki bir raporu Genel Konferansa
sunacak ye onun tamamen veya kismen detiriimesi keyliyetinin Konferans
gundemine koriulmasi lâzm gelip gelmedii hakkinda karar verecektir.
Bu Säzlemenin Fransizca ye ingilizce metinleri ayni §ekilde muteberdir.
Convention No. 26
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Eleventh Session on 30 May 1928,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
minimum wage-fixing machinery, which is the first iterri on the agenda of the
Session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this sixteenth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred
and twenty-eight the following Convention, which may be cited as the Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Convention, 1928, for ratification by the Members of the International Labour Organisation in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
Article 1
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies
this Convention undertakes to create or maintain machinery whereby minimum rates of wages can be fixed for workers employed in certain of the trades
or parts of trades (and in particular in home working trades) in which no
arrange- ments exist for the effective regulation of wages by collective agreement or otherwise and wages are exceptionally low.
'2. For the purpose of this Convention the tern" trades" includes manufacture and commerce.
Article 2
Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall be free to decide, after
consultation with the organisations, if any, of workers and employers in the
trade or part of trade concerned, in which trades or parts of trades, and in
particular in which home working trades or parts of such trades, the minimum
wage-fixing machinery referred to in Article 1 shall be applied.
Article 3
I. Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall be free to decide the
nature and form of the minimum wage-fixing machinery, and the methods to
be followed in its operation
Provided that-82
before the machinery is applied in a trade or part of trade, represeritatives of the employers and workers concerned, including representatives of
their respective organ- isations, if any, shall be consulted as well as any other
persons, being specially qualified for the purpose by their trade or functions,
whom the competent authority deems it expedient to consult
the employers and workers concerned shall be associated in the operation of the machinery, in such manner and to such extent, but in any case
in equal numbers and on equal terms, as may be determined by national laws
or regulations
minimum rates of wages which have been fixed shall be binding on
the employers and workers concerned so as not to be subject to abatement
by them by individual agreement, nor, except with general or particular
authorisation of the competent authority, by collective agreement.
Article 4
I. Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall take the necessary
measures, by way of a system of supervision and sanctions, to ensure that the
employers and workers concerned are informed of the minimum rates of wages
in force and that wages are not paid at less than these rates in cases wher e
they are applicable.
2. A worker to whom the minimum rates are applicable and who has
been paid wages at less than these rates shall be entitled to recover, by judicial
or other legalised proceedings, the amount by which he has been underpaid,
subject to such limitation of time as may be determi.ned by national laws or
Article 5
Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall communicate annually
to the International Labour Office a general statement giving a list of the trades
or parts of trades in which the minimum wage-fixing machinery has been applied, indicating the methods as well as the results of the application of the
machinery and, in summary form, the approximate numbers of workers covered, the minimum rates of wages fixed, and the more impOrtant of the other
conditions, if any, established relevant to the minimum rates.
Article 6
The formal ratifications of this Convention under the conditions set forth
in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation shall be communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 7
I. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members whose
ratifications have been registered with the International Labour Office.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members of the International Labour Orgartisation have
been registered with the Director- General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member
twelve months after the date on which its ratification has .been registered.
Article 8
As soon as the ratifications of two Members of the International Labour
Organisation have been registered with the International Labour Office, the
Director-General of the International Labour Office shall so notify all the Members of the International Labour Organisation. He shall likewise notify them of
the registration of ratifications which may be communicated subsequently by
other Members of the Organisation.
Article 9
I. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after
the expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes
into force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered with the International Labour Office.
2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years .mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of five years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of five years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 10
At least once in ten years, the Governing Body of the International Labour
Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the working of this
Convention and shall consider the desirability of placing on the agenda of the
Conference the question of its revision or modification.
Article 11
The French and English texts of this Convention shall both be authentic.
:.6 Haziran 1930
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisu
Resmi Gazete Vayim Tarihi ye Sayisu
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarih ye Sayisi
23. 01. 1998 / 4333
27. 01. 1998 / 23243
25. 05. 1998 /98 - 11225
23. 06. 1998 / 23381
Uluslararasi çalima Orgütü Yönetim Kurulu'nun vaki daveti Ozerine 10
Haziran 1930 tarihinde Cenevrede 14 uncu toplantisuni yapan Uluslararasi
QaIima OrgUtu Genet Konferansi,
Toplanti gurideminin linci maddesine dahil bulunan cebri veya mecburi
caIitirma konusundaki bazi tekliflerin kabulüne ye,
Bu tekliflerin Uluslararasi bir Sözleme çekHni almasuna karar verdikten
Uluslararasi çalima Orgutu'nOn üyeleri tarafindan Uluslararasi Qalima
Orgütü'nOn statüsU hükümleri gereince onanmak zere cebri calitirmaya
müteallik 1930 tarihli SOzleme adini taiyacak olan aaidaki Sozlemeyi
bugunkü Yirmisekiz Haziran bin dokuz yuz otuz tarihinde kabul eder.
Uluslararasi Qalima OrgUtü'nün bu Sazleme'yi onaylayan her üyesi
mümkQn olduu kadar kisa bir sUrede her ne §ekil altinda olursa olsun cebri
veya mecburi calutirmanin kaldirulmasini taahhUt eder.
Cebri veya mecburi çalittrmanin tamamen kaldirilmasr amaciyla, cebri
veya mecburi çahtirmaya, geçici bir mUddet id sadece kamu yarari ye istisnal
önlem olarak açaidaki maddelerde belirtilen artlarda ye garantilerle
Bu SözIemenin yürüIue girmesinden itibaren beç senelik bir sürenin
sonunda ye Uluslararasi calima Orgütü Yönetim Kurulunun aaidaki31inci
maddede angOrulen raporuriu hazirlamasu sirasunda Uluslararasu çaIirna Orgutu
her ne §ekiJ altunda olursa olsun yeni bir geçiç süresi tanunmaksizin cebri veya
mecburi çaIitirmanin kaldurilmasi ihtimalini tetkik edecek ye Konfurans
gundemine bu konunun alinip alinmamasi hususuna karar verecekl:ir.
1- Bu Sözlemenin amaçlari için, "Cebri veya Mecburi calictirma" ifadesi
herhangi bir kiinin ceza tehdldi altinda ye bu kiinin tam istei olmadan mecbur
edildii turn i veya hizmetleri ifade eder.
2- Ancak "Cebri veya Meoburi çaliçtirma" ifadesi bu SäzIeme balaminda
aaidakileri kapsamaz:
Mecburi askerlik hizmeti hakkindaki kanunlar gereince mecbur tutulan
ye sadece askeri bir mahiyet taiyan iIere hasredilen bir çahçma veya hizmet;
Bizzat kendi kendini yoneten bir memleketin vatandalarinin olaan
kamu hizmeti yukumluluklerinin bir parçasini tekiI eden bir veya hizmet,
çalima veya hizrnetin bir kamu makamnin nezaret ye kontrolü altinda
icra edilmesi ye söz konusu ferdin özet kiilerin, §irketlerin veya özel-tüzel kiiIerin
hizmetine birakilmamasi veya verilmernesi çartiyla, bir mahkemenin verdii
rnahkumiyet kararinin sonucu olarak yaprnaya rnecbur edildii bir i veya hizmet;
Olaanüstü hallerde, yani harp, felaketler veya yangin, su baskini,
aclik, yer sarsintilari, salgin hastalikiar ye §iddetli hayvan salginlari, hayvanlarin
ye mahsule zarar veren böcek veya parazitlerin hastalik yaymalari durumunda
ye genel olarak halkin bütünün veya bir kisminin normal yaarna §artlarini
veya hayatini tehlikeye koyan tehlikeli veya zarar verici her türlU §artlarda
yapilmasi rnecburi bir i veya hizmet;
Küçuk çapli toplumsal hizmetler, yani toplum fertleri tarafindan dorudan
doruya toplurn menfaatine yapilan iler, bizzat toplumun fertleri veya dorudan
doruya temsilcilerinin bu ça!irnalarin gerekli olduunu beyan etmeleri hakkinin
taninmasi §artiyla toplum üyelerine düçen olaan kamu hizmeti mukellefiyetleri
olarak mütealaa edilecektir.
Bu SôzIemenin uygulanmasinda "Yetkili Makamlar" tabiri ya metropoliten
makamlarini, ya da ilgili ülkelerin en üst merkezi makamlarini ifade edecektir.
Yetkili makamlar özel kiiler, irketler veya äzel tüzel kiiler menfaatine
cebri veya mecburi çalitirmayi ernpoze etrneyecekler veya ernpoze edilrnesine
izin verrneyeceklerdir.
Ozel kiiler §irketler veya özel tüzel kiiler mefaatine boyle bir cebri
veya mecburi çalitirma §ekli, bir uye tarafindan ibu SOzlemenin onaylanmasi
Uluslararasi çalirna Orgütü tarafindan tescil edildii tarihte rnevcut olduu
takdirde, bu üye kendisi icin bu SOzleme'nin yururIue girdii tarihten itibaren
sözkonusu cebri veya rnecburi çalitirmayi tamarnen kaldiracaktir.
1- Ozel §ahis!ara, §irketlere ye Ozel-tüzel kiilere taninan hiç bir irntiyaz,
bu Ozel ahis, §irket ye Ozel-tüzel kiiIerin kullandiklari yada ticaretini yaptiklari
ürünlerin üretilrnesi veya toplanmasi 1cm cebri veya rnecburi çalitirma imkanini
hiç bir §ekilde verrneyecektir.
2- Cebri veya mecburi çalitirma imkani veren hükümler ihtiva eden
imtiyazlar mevcut oIduu takdirde, söz konusu hükümler ibu Sözlemenin
1 hid maddesine uygunluk saIamasi 1cm mümkün olan süratle feshedUecektir.
Idarenin memurlari, sorumlu oldukiari halki gorevleri gerei herhangi bir
§ekilde çaIitirmaya tevik etme durumunda kalmalari halinde dahi, bu halka
Ozel ahislar §irketler veya äzel-tUzel kiiIer cm çalimalari için ferden yada
toplu olarak baskida bulunmayacaklardir.
dari gorevler icra etmeyen §efler, cebri veya mecburi çahitirmaya ba
Idari gorevler icra eden §efler, yetkiti makamlarin kati musaadesiyle, bu
SözIemenin lOuncu maddesinde ongorulen §artlarda cebri veya mecburi
çalitirmaya ba vurabilirler.
Kanunen taninan ye herhangi bir §ekiI altinda yeterhi Ucret alamayan
§etler, hlghhi yonetméliklere uyulmasi ye istismari onleyecek tUrn gerekhi tedbirlerin
atinmasi §artiyla, kiiseI hizmetlerden yararlanabihirler.
Cebri veya mecburi çalitirmaya müracaat edilmesi hususundaki her
bir kararin sorumluluu ilgili ülkenin Ustsivil makamlarina düecektir.
Ancak, bu makamlar üst mahalhi makamlara içiIerin daimi oturma
mahahindén uzaklamaIarina mahal vermeyecek §ekhlde, cebri veya mecburi
çaIitirma yetkisi verebilirler. Bu makamlar ibu Säzlemenin 23 üncü
maddesinde angarülen yonetmelikle belirtilen müddetler ye artlara tabi olacak
§ekilde gorevlerinin icrasindan idarenin memurlaririin yer deitirmesi ye hdari
meteryalin nakil bahis konusu olduu takdirde içiIeriri normal ikamet mahahli
haricinde icraatta butunmalari için cebri veya mecburi çaIitirma konulmasi
hususunda Ust mahalli makamlarada yetki verebilirler.
Bu Säzlemenin 1 Ouncu maddesiride belirtiten aksi hUkümter hariç, cebri
veya mecburi caIitirma koyma hakkina haiz herhangi bir makam änce;
Verilecek hizmetin onu icra etmesi talep edilen toplurn 1cm ôriemhi ye
dorudan doruya toplum menfaatine oIduuna,
Bu hizrnet veya iin halihazir veya yakin gelecek zarurete haiz olduuna;
Ilgili ülkede benzeri i veya hizmetler 1cm geçerli olanlardan dUük
olrnayan Ucret ye cahima §artlarl änerilmesine ramen bu hizmetin yerine
getirilmesi veya iln yapilmasi iciri gönQllü i gUdu temini mümkün olmadiina;ve
d) i veya hizmetin, mevcut igücü ye onun söz konusu ii yapma kabiliyeti
gözönüne alinarak, söz konusu halka çok air bir yük tekil etmediine kani
olduu takdirde ancak bu çalitirma §ekline müsaade etmelidir.
Vergi olarak talep edilen cebri veya mecburi çaIitirma ye idare görevleri
icra eden efIer tarafindan kamu menfaatine çalrmalar 1cm konulan cebri veya
mecburi çaIitirma tedricen kaldirilacaktir.
Bu kaldirmayi bekierken, vergi olarak cebri veya mecburi çaIitirma
talep ediIdii veya kamu menfaatine çaIimalar için idari gorevleri icra eden
efIer tarafindan cebri veya mecburi çaltçtirma konuIduu takdirde ilgili
makamlar ilk once:
Yapilacak i veya verilecek hizmetin onu icra etmesi tatep edilen toplum
için önemH ye dorudan doruya toplum menfaatine oIduuna;
Bu hizmet veya iin halihazir veya kaçinilmaz olarak yakinda doacak
bir ihtiyaci karIadiina
veya hizmetin mevcut I gücü ye onun sOz konusu ii yapma kabiliyeti
gOzOnüne alinarak, söz konusu halka çok air bir yük tekiI etmediine;
Bu Ic veya hizmetin ictasinin içiIeri daimi ikametgahlarinin oIduu
mahalden uzaklactlrmaya mecbur etmeyeceine;
Bir i veya hizmetin icrasinin dinin, sosyal yaamin, veya tarimin
icaplariyla uyumtu yonIendiriIeceine kani otmalidirtar.
1- Sadece 18' den yukari ye 45' den acai yaIarda bulunan salam yetickin
erkekier cebri veya mecburi çaIitirmaya tabi olabilirler. Bu sOzlecmenin lOuncu
maddesinde ongörulen tmc türleri hariç, acaidaki tedbirter ye cartlar dikkate
au nmalidir.
Mümkün otan her halükarda, konulan ii yapacak ilgililerin bulaçici bir
hastaIiinin oImadiinin, bedeni kabiliyetlerinin yapilacak i ye icra ediIecei
art!ara uygunluunun idarece tayin edilen bir doktor tarafindan önceden tesbit
Oretmenter Orencfler ye genel olarak idari personelmn muaf tutulmasi;
Her toplumda ailevi ye sosyal yaam için zorunlu yetiçkmn ye saIam
erkek miktarinin birakilmasi
Kari-koca ye aile baIarina saygi gOsterilmesi,
2- Yukaridaki parag rafin (c) altparagrafinin uygulamasinda, bu Sozlecmenmn
23üncü maddesinde Ongarulen düzenlemeler, belirli sayida nüfustan bir seferde
alinabilecek daimi nüfusun erkek ye saIam fert nisbetini tesbit eder, ancak bu
nisbet hiç bir ekiIde bu nüfusun %25 mi geçemez. Bu nisbeti tesbit ederken
yetkili makamlar nüfus younIuunu bu nüfusun sosyal ye fiziki kaIkinmicliini,
mahatlinde ye kendi hesaplarina ilgililer tarafindan icra edilecek iclerin durumunu
ye yilrn hangi devresinde oIacaini dikkate amaIidirlar; ye genel olarak ilgili
toplurnun normal yaaminin iktisadi ye sosyal ihtiyaclarina saygi gOstermelidirler.
Herhangi bir ferdin muhtelif §ekiller altinda cebri veya mecburi
çaIitirmayamaruz kalabHecei azami müddet, 12 aylik bir sürede, iyerine
gitmek ye oradan gelmek 1cm
üzere 60 gunü gecemez.
geçen gerekli yolculuk gunleri de dahil olmak
Cebri veya mecburi çaIitirmaya maruz kalan her iççiye icra ettii cebri
veya mecburi calima mUddetlerini gOsteren bir sertifika verilecektir.
Cebri veya mecburi caIitiriImaya maruz kalan her §ahsln normal calima
saatleri gonullu çaIima için ayrilan saatlerle ayni olmali ye cebri veya mecburi
caIitiriIma esnasinda normal sUre içmnde icra edilen çaliçma saatleri gonullu
çaliçmalarin fazla caIima saatleri için OngOrulen nisbetlere eit nisbetlerde
Herhangi bir §ekil altinda cebri veya mecburi çalitirilmaya maruz kalan
bütün §ahlslara haftada bir dinlenme günü verilmelidir ye bu gUn mümkün
olduu Olcude sOz konusu memleketin veya bolgenin Orf ye adetlerine gore
hasredilen güne tesadüf ettirilmelidir.
Bu Sözleme'nin lOuncu maddesinde ongoruten cebri veya mecburi
çalitirma haricinde, ne ekiIde olursa olsun, cebri veya mecburi çaliçtirmanin
ücreti nakit olarak ödenmeli ye bu ücret ayni tür iIer 1cm icilerin istihdam
edildikieri bolgede yürUrlukte olanlardan ye ne de icilerin ie alindiklari bOlgede
yurUrlukte olanlardan daha aaOI olmamalidir.
Idari vecibelerinin icrasinda çefler tarafindan konulan çaIitiriIma halinde
mümkUn olan en kisa sUrede, ücretlerin Odenmesinin Onceki paragrafta
öngOrülen §arttarda yerine getirilmesi uygulamasina gecilecektir.
Ucretler, kabile §efine veya baka herhangi bir makama deil, her iççiye
ferden Odenmelidir.
iyerine gidi ye geliler 1cm geçen yolculuk gUnleri Ucretlerin
Odenmesinde i günü olarak kabul edilmelidir.
Bu madde, iççiye verilen Ucrelten içinin mutad olan gUnlUk yiyeceinin
karçilii kesilecektir §eklinde anlailmamalidir; ama Ucretlerden*
mUkeUefiyetlerinin yerine getirilmesi, ilerinin özel artlari dolayistyla ilerine
devam etmelerini salamak 1cm içilere verilen Ozel yemek, elbise ye lojman,
ye ne de alet temini gayeslyle hiç bir kesinti yapilmaz.
1- ten hasil olan kazalarin veya hastaliklarin tanzimi lie ilgili kanun ye
yanetmelikier ye ilgili Ulkede yururlUkte olan Olen veya malul içilerin bakmakla
yukumlu oldukiari kimselere tazminat verimesini ängören kanun ye
yönetmelikler serbest caIian iciIerIe ayni §artlarda cebren veya meoburi
çalitirmaya tabi olan gahislara da ayni gekilde uygulanacaktir.
2- Bir igçiyi cebri veya mecburi bir igte istihdam eden bir makam her
halükarda çaligmadan hasil olan bir kaza veya hastalik igçinin kismen veya
tamamen kendi ihtiyaçlarini kargilamasina mani olursa sOz konusu igcinin
maigetini salamakla mükellef olacaktir. Bu makam, igten hasil olan iggOrmezlik
veya OlUm halinde adi geçen igçinin fiilen bakmakla yükümlü olduu kimsenin
bakimini saIamak 1cm tedbirler almakia da yukumlu olmalidir.
Cebri veya mecburi caligtirmaya tabi olan kimseler, istisnai zaruret halleri
haric, yiyecek ye iklim gartlari aligtiklari gartlardan salikIarina zarar verecek
ölçüde farkli bolgelere nakledilmemelidir.
Bu igçilerin gartlara aligmasi ye saliklarinin korunmasi 1cm gerekti hijyen
ye barinma ile ilgili tedbirlerin siki bir gekilde alinmamig olmasi halinde bu
igçHerin nakillerine izin verilmeyecektir.
BOyle bir nakil zorunlu olduu takdirde igçilermn yeni gida ye iklim
gartlarina tedricen intibakini salayan tedbirler yetkili tibbi servisin mütealasindan
sonra kabul edilmelidir.
Bu igçilermn aligkin olmadiklari devamli bir igi yapmalarinin talep edilmesi
halinde, onlarin bu nevi bir ige intibakiarinin Ozellikle tedrici eitim çaligma
saatleri salanmasi ye ara dinlenmelerinin tanzimi ye gerekfl olan istirahat veya
gUnluk lagenin arttirilmasi veya iyilegtirilmesi hususunda tedbirler alinmalidir.
Igçilermn uzun bir müddet igyerinde kalmalarini mecbur eden ingaat ye
cebri veya meoburi çaligtirmaya bagvurulmasina müsaade
etmederi Once yetkili makamlar agaidaki hususlardan emin olmalidirlar.
1- Igçilerin saliinin korunmasi ye onlara gerekli her türlü tibbi bakimin
deruhte edilmesi ye özellikle:
Bu igçilerin ige baglamadan ewel ye çaligma süresince belirli aralikiarla
doktor tetkikinden geçirilmesi;
BütOn ihtiyaclari kargilamak için gerekli materyal, hastaneler, hasta
bakicilar, dispanserler ye yeterli salik persone!mnin varolmasi ye,
Igyerlerindeki sihhi gartlarin, igcilerin su, yiyecek, içecek maddelerinin
bakim igleri 1cm
temin edilmesi ye igyerinin mutfak materyali lie techizinin iyi bir gekilde
salanmasi ye gerektimnde de lojman ye kiyafet yardiminin tatminkar durumda
2- igçinin istei veya rizasi üzerine, emin bir usulle igçinmn ücretinin bir
kisminin igçi ailesinin geçiminin salanmasi 1cm uygun tedbirler alinmalidir;
3- Igcmlerin çaligma mahaline gidig geligléri yol masraflari ye sorumluIuu
idarece salanmaiidir ye idare mevcut bütün nakllyat vasitalarindan mümkün
oIduu kadar geni ôlçude faydalanarak bu yolculukiari koIayIatirmaIidir.
Belirli bir sure i göremezIie sebebiyet veren i kazasi veya hastalik
halinde iççinin kendi memleketine donmesiyle ilgili masraflari idare tarafindan
Cebri veya mecburi caIima süresinin hitamirida, gänüllQ içi olarak
kalmak isteyen her içiye iki senelik bir müddet zarfinda bedava memleketine
dönme hakkini kaybetmeden bu isteini yerine getirmesine izin verilir.
1- Hamal veya kayikçilarin ii gibi, çahislarin veya mallarin tainmasi 1cm
ba vurulan cebri veya mecburi çaIitirrna mürnkün oIduu kadar kisa bir sürede
kaldirilmalidir. Yetkili makamlar bu sirada, ozellikle u hususlari tesbit eden
yönetmeHkleri yayimlamalidirlar:
Bu çalitirmanin sadece idare memurlarinin gorevleri sirasindaki yer
detirmeIeri veya hükümet kurumlarinin nakli veya mutlaka acil bir zorunluluk
halinde dier §ahlslarin ye memurlarin nakil için kuUanilmasi mukellefiyeti,
Bu ite kullanilacak içilerin bu ite bedenen uygun olduju, mümkün
olan yerlerde Onceden bir doktor muayenesiyle belgelendirme mukellefiyeti;
Bäyle bir muayenenin mümkün olmadii hallerde bu igücunu istihdam eden
ahsin, istihdam edilen içilerin istenileri bedeni kabiliyete haiz oldukiari ye
buIaici bir hastalikian muzdarip olmadikiarindan emin olma mukellefiyeti;
Icller tarafindan taçinacak azami yuk;
Bu iciIerin oturdukiari mahalden gaturulecekleri azami mesafe;
Dônü yolculuk gunleri de dahil olmak üzere, bu içilermn mecbur
tutulduklari aylik veya baka bir müddet 1cm gorevlendirilebilecekleri azami
gun sayisi;
Cebri veya mecburi calitirmanin bu §eklini talep etme hakkina sahip
kimseler ye onlarin cebri çaIitirmaya ne olcüde müracaat etme hakiarinin
2- Onceki paragrafin (c), (d) ye (e) hartleri altinda bahis konusu olan üst
sinirlari tesbit ederken yetkili makamlar, dikkate alinacak muhtelif faktörleri,
özellikle içilerin topIandii nüfusun bedensel kabiliyetini, katedilecek yolun
mahiyetini ye iklim §artlarini dikkate almalidirlar.
3- Yetkili makam ayrlca bu taiyici icilermn normal gunluk seyahatlerinin
ortalama 8 saatlik bir i günune tekabül eden bir mesafeden daha fazia
olmamasini teminen gerekil düzenlemeleri yapacaktir.
Bu düzenlemelerle esas olarak sadece tainacak airlik ye katedilecek
mesafe deil, ayni zamanda yolun mahiyeti, mevsim ye dier turn unsurlar ye
gUnluk normal seyahatleri açan seyahatlerde bunlar 1cm
normal saat ücretinden
yuksek ücret ödenecei anlailmalidir.
1- Yetkili makam cebri ekip biçmeyi sadece aclik veya yiyecek ikmalinde
yaanan yetersizilkiere kari bir änlem olarak ye herhalükarda yiyecek ye ürünün
onu Ureten insanlarin veya topIuIuun mülkiyetinde kalmasi kouluyla izin
2- Bu madde, üretimin kanun veya gelenek gerei ortaklik esasi Uzerinde
örgütIendii ye ürün veya bunun satilmasindan elde edilen karin topluJuun
mülkiyet olarak kaIdi yerlerde topluluk üyelerinin toptuluk tarafindan kanun
veya gelenek tarafindan talep edilen iIerin topluluk uyeleri tarafindan yapilmasi
zorunIutuunu ortadan kaldirir ekiIde yorumlanmayacaktir.
Uyelerinin herhangi bin tarafindan iIenmi suçlar 1cm bir topluluun
tümüne ortak bir ceza uygulanmasini ängören kanunlar cebri veya mecburi
caIitirmayi bir topluluk 1cm
bir ceza usulü olarak öngOren hükUmler
Madenlerde yapilmakta olan yeralti cahmalari için cebri veya mecburi
cahmaya bavurulmayacaktr.
Bu Sözteme'yi onaylayan ülketerin Uluslararasi calima Orgutu
Anayasasinin 22inci maddesi hükümleri uyarinca bu SözIeme hükümlerini
hayata geçirmek 1cm aldiklari önlemler hakkinda Ulustararasi camima Orgutu'ne
sunmayi taahhüt ettikieri raporlar, bu ülkede meeburi calittrmaya ne olçude
bavurulduu, buna ne amaçla gerek görüIdüu, hastalik ye ölüm oranlari,
ücret ödeme metodlari ye ücret tarifesi ye konuyla figili olabilecek dier bilgiler
konusunda mümkün olduunca ayrinti icerecektir.
Sôzkonusu Sözleme hükümlerini yerine getirmek 1cm yetkfli makamlar
cebri veya mecburi çaliçtirmanin kullanimina ilikin tam ye vazih yönetmelikleri
Bu yônetmelikler, özellikle cebri veya mecburi calimaya tabi kilinan
her ahsa, çalima kouflariy!a ilgili §ikayetlerini yetkilitere iletmesini mümkün
kilacak ye bu §ikayetlerinin incelenip deerlendiriImesini güvence altina alan
kurallar ihtiva edecektir.
Cebri veya mecburi calitirmayi düzenleyen yönetmeliklerin siki bir §ekilde
uygulanmasini teminen, ya gönullu çalimanin teftii 1cm tesis edilmi mevcut
bir i tefti kurulunun gärevleri cebri veya mecburi calimayi da kapsayacak
§ekilde geniletiterek, yada bunu baka yollarla satayathk uygun tedbinler
her halükarda alinacaktir. Cebri veya mecburi caIitirmaya tabi kilinan kiçilerin
bu yanetmeiikler hakkinda bligi sahibi olmalarini saIayacak tedbirler de
Cebri veya mecburi çahtirmanin kanuna aykiri olarak gelitirilmesi bir
suc olarak cezalandiracak ye bu Sazleme'yi onayiayan her üye kanunca
getirdii mueyyidelerin gerçekten etkili ye tam olarak uygulanmasinin
salanmasiyla yukumiu olacaktir.
1- Bu Sozlemeyi onaylayan Uluslararasi çalirna Orgütu'nün her üyesi,
bu Sozlemeyi egemenhik, yargi yetkisi, himaye, hükmetme, vesayet veya
otoritesi aitinda olan toprakiarda, Ic hukukuna alt konulardaki yukumlUlukIerin
de yerine getirme hakkina sahip oharak, uygulamayi taahhüt eder. Bununia
beraber eer bu üye Uluslararasi Qalima Tekilati Ariayasasi'nin 35inci
maddesinin hükQmlerinden yararlanmak isterse; oriaylamasina aagidaki
bölgeleri tanitan bir beyani eklemek zorunda kaiacaktir.
Ibu Sözleme hükümlerini herhangi bir deiklik olmadan uyguhamayi
planIadii yerler;
Ibu Sôzleme hükümlerini deiikherle uygulamayi phanladii yerier,
bu durumda bu deikler de beyana eklenecektir;
Hakkinda karari saklt tuttuu yerler.
2- Yukarida mezkur beyan onay içleminin ayrilmaz bir parçasi olacak ye
ayni geçerliiie haiz olacaktir. Boyle bir beyani kaleme alan her Uye yapacai
yeni bir beyan lie bu maddenin (2) ye (3) üncü alt paragraflari gereince, ilk
beyanindaki cekiriceleri tamamen veya kismen iptal etme hakkina sahip
Bu Sözleme'nin resmi onay belgeleri Uhushararasi çalima Orgutü Genel
Müdürüne gonderilecek ye onun tarafindan tescil edilecektir.
1- Bu SOzleme, ancak onay belgeleri Geriel mUdür tarafindan tescil edilmi
olari Uhuslararasi Qalima Orgutu uyelerini balayacaktir.
2. Bu SOzIeme iki üyenin onay belgesi Genel MüdUr tarafindan tescil
edildii tarihten on iki ay sonra yQrurIue girecektir.
3.Daha sonra bu SOzheme, onu oriayhayan her üye 1cm onay belgesi
tescil edildii tarihten on iki ay sonra yurürlüe girecektir.
1- Ulusiararasi cahima Orgütü Genel MQdürü Uluslararasi QaIima
Orgutü'nun turn uyelerini kendisine argut uyeleri tarafindan bildirilen turn onay
ye fesihierden haberdar kiIacaktr.
2- Genel müdür, kendisine ikinci onayin bildirilmesinden sonra
SözIeme'nin yQrurlue giri tarihini orgut Uyeierinin dikkatine getirecektir.
1- Bu Sözleme'yi onaylayan her üye Sözieme'nin ilk olarak yurüriue
girdii tarihten itibaren on ylilik bir sürenin sanunda Uiuslararasi caIima Orgutu
Gene! Müdürü'ne gonderecei ye Gene! Müdür tarafindan tescil edilecek bir
bildiri lie Sozieme'yi feshedebilir. Fesih, tescii edHdii tarihten itibareri bir yii
sonra muteber oiur.
2. Bu Sozieme'yi onayIami olup da, onu, bundan eweiki fikrada sozu
edilen on yillik devrenin bitiminden itibaren bir yil zarfinda bu madde de
ongoruiduü §ekilde teshetmek hakkinr kullanmayan her üye yeniden 5 ylilik
bir müddet içiri baianmiç oiacak ye bundan sonra bu Säzieme'yi, her 5 yiliik
devre bitince, bu maddede ongorulen §artlar içinde feshedebiiecektir.
Uluslararasi Qalima Orgutü YOnetim Kurulu, gerekil gördUü zaman bu
Sözieme'nin uygulanmasi hakkindaki bir raporu Gene! Konferansa sunacak
ye Sözieme'nin tamamen veya kismen detiriImesi konusunun Konferans
gundemine alinmasi gerei hakkinda karar verecektir.
1. Konferansin bu Sãzieme'yi tamamen veya kismen déiçtiren yeni bir
Sözieme kabul etmesi ha!inde:
Tadil edici yeni SOzieme'nin bir üye tarafindan onanmasi keyfiyeti,
yukaridaki 3CncU madde nazara alinmaksizin ye tadil edici yeni Säzleme
yururIue girmi oimak kayit ye artiyia, bu SözIeme'nin derhai ye
kendiiiinden feshini gerektirecektir.
Tadil edici yeni Söziemenin yurürlue girmesi tarihinden itbaren bu
Sözleme uyelerin onaylanmasina artik acik buiundurulmayacaktir.
2. Bu Sözieme, onu onayip da tadil edici SOziemeyi onaylamami
bulunan üyeler 1cm, herhaide §imdiki §ekii ye içeriiyie geçerli olmakta devam
Bu Soziegmenin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinieri ayni derecede geçerlidir.
Convention No. 29
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation.
Heaving been convened at geneva Body of the Governing Body of the
Interna- tional Labour Office, and having met in its Forteenth Session on 10
June 1930, and
Having decided upon th adoption of certain proposals with regard to
forced or compulsory labour, which is included in the first item on the agenda
of the Session and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention
adopts this twenty-eighth. dayof June of the year one thousand nine
hundred and thirty. the following Convention, which may be cited as the
Forced Labour Convention 1930. for ratification by the Members of the International Labour Organisation accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
Article 1
I. Eauch Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies
Convention undertakes to suppress the use of forced or compulsory labour in
all its forms within the shortest possible period.
With a view to this complete suppression, recourse to forced or compulsory labour may be had during the transitional period, for public purposes
only and as an exseptional measure subject to the conditions and guarantees
hereinafter provided.
At the expiration of a period of five years after the coming into force of
this Convention, and when thc Governing Body of the International Labour
office prepares the report provided for in Articic 31 below, the said Governing
Body shall consider the possibility of the suppression of forced or compulsory
labour in all its forms with out a further transitional period and the desirabilty of
placing this question on the agenda of the Conference.
Article 2
For the purposes this Convention the term "forced or compulsory
labour" shall mean all work or service which is exacted from any person
underthe menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered
him self voluntarily.
Nevertheless, for the purposes of this Convention, the term "forced or
compulsory labour" shall not include(a) any work or service exacted in virtue of compulsory military service
laws for work of a purely military character;
any work or service which forms part of the normal civic obliaations of
citizens of a fully self aoverning country;
any work or service exacted from any person as a consequence of a
conviction in a court of law, provided that the said work or service is carried
out under the supervision and control of a public authority and that the said
person is not hired to or placed at the disposal of private individuals, companies or associations;
any work or service exacted in cases of emergency, that is to say, in
the event of war or of a calamity or threatened calamity, such as fire, flood,
famine, earthquake, violent epidemic or epizootic diseases, invasion by animal, insect or veaetable pests, and in general any circumstance that would
endanger the existence or the well-being of the whole or part of the population;
minor communal services of a kind which, being performed by the
members of the community in the direct interest of the said community, can
there-fore be considered as normal civic obligations incumbent upon the members of the community, provided that the members of the community or their
direct representatives shall have the right to be consulted in reaard to the need
for such services.
Article 3
For the purposes of this Convention the term "competent authority" shall
mean either an authority of the metropolitan country or the highest central authority in the territory concerned.
Article 4
I. The competent autherity shall not impose or permit the imposition ef
forced or compulsory labour for the benefit of' private individuals, companies
or associations.
2. Where such forced or compulsory labour for the benefit of private
individuals, companies or associations exists at the date on which a Member's
ratification of this Convention is registered by the Director-General of the
International Labour Office, the Vlember shall completely suppress such forced
or compulsory labour from the date on which this Convention comes into
force for that Member.
Article 5
1. No concession granted to private individuals, companies or associations shall involve any form of forced or compulsory labour for the production
or the collection of products which such private individuals, companies or
associations ütilise or in which they trade.
2. Where concessions exist containing provisions involving such forced
or compulsory labour, such provisions shall be rescinded as soon as possible,
in order to comply with Article 1 of this Convention.
Article 6
Officials of the administration even when they have the duty of encouraging the popuiations under their charge to engage in some form of labour, shall
not put constraint upon the said populations or upor. any individual members
there of to work for private individuals, companies or associations.
Article 7
Chiefs who do not exercise administrative functions shall not have
recourse to forced or compulsory labour.
Chiefs who excercise administrative functions may. with the express
permission of the competent authority, have recourse to. forced or compulsory labour, subject to the provisions of Article 10 of this Convention.
Chiefs who are duly, recognised and who do not receive adequate
remuneration in other forms may have the enjoyment of personal services.
subject to due regulation and provided that all necessary measures are taken
to prevent abuses.
Article 6
The responsibility for every decision to have recourse to forced or
compulsory labour shall rest with the highest civil authority in the territory
Nevertheless, that authority may delegate powers to the highest local
authorities to exact forced or compulsory labour which does not involve the
removal of the workers from their place of habitual residence. That authority
may also delegate for such periods and subject to such conditions as may be
laid down in the regulations provided for in Article 23 of this Convention, powers to the highest local authorities to exact forced or compulsory labour which
in volves the removal of the workers from their place of habitual residence for
the purpose of facilitating the movement of officials of the administration, when
on duty, and for the transport of Government stores.
Article 9
Except as otherwise provided for in Article 10 of this Convention, any
authority competent to exact forced or compulsory labour shall, before deciding to have recourse to such labour satisfy itself(a) that the work to be done or the service to be rendered is of important
direct interest for the community called upon to do work or rendcr the service;
(b) that the work or service is of present or imminent necessity;
that it has been impossible to obtain voluntary labour For carrying
out the work or rendering the service by the offer of rates of wages and conditions of labour not less favourable than those prevailing in the area concerned
for similar work or service; and
that the work or service will not lay too heavy a burden upon the
present population, having reoard to the labour available and its capacity to
undertake the work.
Article 10
I. Forced or compulsory labour exacted as a tax and Forced or compulsory labour to which recourse is had For the execution of public works by
chiefs whoexercise administrative functions shall be progressively abolished.
2. Meanwhile, where forced or compulsory labour is exacted as a tax and
where recourse is had to forced or compulsory labour For the execution of
public works by chiefs who etercise administrative Functions, the authority
concerned shall first satisfy itselfthat the work to be done or the service to be rendered is of important
direct interest for the community called upon to do the work or render the
that the work or the service is of present or imminent necessity;
that the work or service will not lay too heavy a burden upon the
present population, having regard to the labour available and its capacity to
undertake the work;
that the work or service will not entail the removal of the workers from
their place of habitual residence;
that the execution of the work or the rendering of the service will be
directed in accordance with the exigencies of religion, sOcial life and agriculture.
Article 11
I. Only adult able-bodied males who are of an apparent age of not less
than 18 and not more than 45 years may be called upon for forced or compulsory labour. Except in respect of the kinds of labour provided or in Article 10 of
this Convention, the following limitations and conditions shall apply:
whenever possible prior determination by a medical officer appointed
by the administration that the persons concerned are not suffering. From any
infectious or contagious disease and that they are physically fit for the work
required and for the conditions under which it is to be carried out;
exemption of school teachers and pupils and officials of the administration in general;
the maintenance in each community of the number of adult able-
bodied men indispensable for family and social life;
(d) respect for conjugal and family ties.
2. For the purposes of subparagraph (c) of the preceding paragraph, the
regulations provided for in .Article 23 of this Convention shall fix the proportion
of the resident adult able-bodied males who may be taken at any one time for
forced or compulsory labour, provided always that this proportion shall in no
case exceed 25 per cent. in fixing this proportion the competent authority shall
take account of the density of the population, ef its social and physical development. of the seasons, and of the work which must be done by the persons
concerned on their own behalf in their locality; and, generally. shall have regard to the economic and social necessities of the normal life of the community concerned.
Article 12
I. The maximum period for which any person may betaken for forced or
compulsory labour of all hinds in any one period of twelve months shall not
exceed sixty days including the time spent in going to and from the place of
2. Every person from whom forced or compulsory labour is exacted shall
be furnished with a certificate indicatina the periods of such labour which he
has completed.
Article /3
I. The normal working hours of any person from whom forced or compulsory labour is exacted shall be the same as those prevailing in the case of
voluntary labour and the hours worked in excess of the normal working hours
shall be remunerated at the rates prevailing in the case of overtime for voluntary labour.
2. A weekly day of rest shall be granted to all persons from whom forced
or compulsory labour of any kind is exacted and this day shall coincide as far
as possible with the day fixed by tradition or custom in the territories or regions concerned.
Article 14
I. With the exception of the forced or compulsory labour provided for in
Article 10 of this Convention, forced or compulsory labour of all kinds shall be
remunerated in cash at rates not less than those prevailing for similar kinds of
work either in the district in which the labour is employed or in the district from
which the labour is recruited, which ever may be the higher.
2. In the case of labour to which recourse is had by chiefs in the exercise
of their administrative funetions. payment of vages in accordance with the
provisions of the pr eceding paragraph shall be introduced as soon as possible.
The wages shall be paid to each worker individually and not to his
tribal chief or to any othcr authority.
For the purpose of payment of wages the days spent in travellina to
and from the place of work shall be counted as working days.
Nothing in this Article shall prevent ordinary rations being given as a
part of wages, such rations to be at least equivalent in value to the money
payment they are taken to represent, but deductions from wages shall not be
made either for the payment of tackes or for special food, clothing or
accomodation supplied to a worker for the purpose of maintaining him in a fit
condition to carry on his work under the special conditions of any employment, or for the supply of tools.
Article 15
Any laws or regulations relating to workmen's compensation for accidents or sickness arising out of the employment of the worker and any laws or
regulations providing compensation for the dependants of deceased or incapacitated workers which are or shall be in force in the territory concerned shall
be equally applicable to persons from whom forced or compulsory labour is
exacted and to voluntary workers.
In any case it shall be an obligation on any authority employing any
worker on forced or compulsory labour to ensure the subsistence of any such
worker who, by accident or sickness arising out of his employment, is rendered wholly or partially incapable of providing for himself, and to take measures to ensure the maintenance of any persons actually dependent upon
such a worker in the event of his incapacity or decease arising out of his
Article 16
Except in cases of special necessity, persons from whom forced or
compulsory labour is exacted shall not be transferred to districts where the
food and climate differ so considerably from those to which they have been
accustomed as to endanger their health.
In no case shall the transfer of such workers be permitted unless all
measures relating to hygiene and accommodation which are necessary to
adapt such workers to the conditions and to safeguard their health can be
strictly applied.
When such transfer cannot be avoided, measures of gradual habituation to the new conditions of diet and of climate shall be adopted on competent medical advice.
In cases where such workers are required to perform regular work to
which they are not accustomed, measures shall be taken to ensure their
habituation to it, especially as regards progressive training, the hours of work
and the provision of rest intervals, and any increase or amelioration of diet
which may be necessary.
Article /7
Before permitting recourse to forced or compulsory labour for works of
construction or maintenance which entail the workers remaining at the
workplaces for considerable periods, the competent authority shall satisfy itself-
that all necessary measures are taken to safeguard the health of the
workers and to guarantee the necessary medical care, and, in particular, (a)
that the workers are medically examined before commencing the work and at
fixed intervals during the period of service, (b) that there is an adequate. medical staff, provided with the dispensaries, infirmaries, hospitals and equipment
necessary to meet all requirements, and (c) that the sanitan, conditions of the
workplaces, the supply of drinking water, food, fuel, and cooking ,utensils,
and, where necessary, of housing and clothing, are satisfactory
that definite arrangements are made to ensure the subsistence of the
families of the workers, in particular by facilitating the remittance, by a safe
method, of part of the wages to the family, at the request or with the consent of
the workers;
that the journeys of the workers to and from the work-places are made
at the expense and under the responsibility of the administration, which shall
facilitate such journeys by making the fullest use of all available means of
that, in case of illness or accident causing incapacity to work of a
certain duration, the worker is repatriated at the expense of the administration;
that any worker who may wish to remain as a voluntary worker at the
end of his period of forced or compulsory labour is permitted to do so without,
for a period of two years, losing his right to repatriation free of expense to
Article 18
1. Forced or compulsory labour for the transport of persons or goods
such as the labour of porters or boatmen, shall be abolished within the shortest possible period. Meanwhile the competent authority shall promulgate regulations determining, inter alia, (a) that such labour shall only be employed for
the purpose of facilitating the movement of officials of the administration, when
on duty, or for the transport of Government stores, or, in cases of very urgent
necessity, the transport of persons other than offcials, (b) that the workers so
employed shall be medically certified to be physically fit, where medical examination is possible, and that where such medical examination is not practicable
the person employing such workers shall be held responsible for ensuring that
they are physically fit and not sufferina from any infectious or contanious disease, (c) the maximum load which these workers may carry, (d) the maximum
diseance from their homes to which they may be taken, (e) the maximum
number of days per month or other period for which they may be taken,
including the days spent in returning to their homes, and (f) the persons entitled to demand this form of forced or compulsory labour and the extent to
which they are entiticd to demand it.
In fixing the maxima referred to under (c), (d) and (e) in the foregoing
paragraph, the competcnt authority shall have regard to all rclevant 'factors,
including the physical development of the population from which the workers
are recruited, the nature of the country through which they must travel and the
climatic conditions.
The competent authority shall further provide that the normal daily
journey of such workers shall not exceed a distance corresponding to an aver-
age working day of eight hours it being understood that account shall be
taken not only, of the weight to be carried and the distance to be covered, but
also of the nature of the road, the season and all other relevant factors, and
that, where hours of journey in excess of the normal daily journey are exacted,
they shall be remunerated at rates higher than the normal rates.
Article 19
I. The competent authority shall only authorise recourse to campulsory
cultivation as a method of precaution against famine or a deficiency of food
supplies and always under the condition that the food or produce shall remain
the property of the individuals or the community producing it.
2. Nothing in this Article shall be construed as abrogating the obliaation
on members of a community, where production is organised on a communal
basis by virtue of law or custom and where the produce or any profit accruing
from the sale thereof remain the property of the community, to perform the
work demanded by the community by virtue of law or custom.
Article 20
Collective punishment laws under which a community may be punished
For crimes committed by any of its members shall not contain provisions for
forced or compulsory labour by.the community as one of the methods of
Article 21
Forced or compulsory labour shall not be used for work underground in
Article 22
The annual reports that Members which ratify this Convention agree to
make to the International Labour Oflice, pursuant to the provisions of article 22
of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, on the measures
they have taken to give effect to the provisions of this Convention, shall con102
as full information as possible, in respect of each territory concerned,
regarding the extent to which recourse has been had to forced or compulsory
labour in that territory, the purposes for which it has been employed, the
sickness and death rates, hours of work, methods of payment of wages and
rates of wages, and any other relevant information.
Article 23
I. To give effect to the provisions of this Convention the competent authority shall issue complete and precise regulations governing the useof forced
or compulsory labour.
2. These regulations shall contain, inter a/ia, rules permitting any person
from whom forced or compulsory labour is exacted to forward all complaitits
relative to the conditions of labour to the authorities and ensuring that such
complaints will be examined and taken into consideration.
Article 24
Adequate measures shall in all cases be taken to ensure that the regulations governing the employment of forced or compulsory labour are strictly
applied, either by extending the duties of any existing labour mnspectorate
which has been established for the inspection of voluntary labour to cover the
insrection of forced or compulsory labour or in some other appropriate manner. Masures shall also be taken to ensure that the regulations are brought to
the knowledge of persons from whom such labour is exacted.
Article 25
The illegal exaction of forced or comnulsory labour shall be punishable
as a penal offence and it shall be an obligation on any Member ratifying this
Convention to ensure that the penalties imposed by law are really adequate
and are strictly enforced.
Article 26
1. Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies
this Convention undertakes to apply it to the territories placed under its sovereignty, jurisdiction, protection, suzerainty, tutelage or authority, so far as it has
the right to accept obligations affecting matters of internal jurisdiction; provided that. if such Member may desire to take advantage of the provisions of
articie 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, it shall
append to its ratification a declaration statingthe territories to which it intends to apply the provisions of this Convention without modificatiorn;
the territories to which it intends to apply the provisions of this Con-.
vention with modifications, together with details of the said modifications;
the territories in respcct of which it reserves its decision.
2. The aforesaid deciaration shall be deemed to be an integral part of the
ratification and shall have the force of ratification. It shall be open to any Member, by a subsequent declaration, to cancel in whole or in part the reservations
made, in pursuance of the provisionè of subparagraphs (2) and (3) of this
.Article, in the original declaration.
Article 27: Ratifications: standard fInal provision.
Article 28: Coming into force: standard final provision.
Article 29: Notification of ratification to Members: final provision.
Article 30: Denunciation. This provision differs from the standard Final
provisions by substituting "Five years" For "ten years" in paragraph 2, so that,
after the Convention has been in force for ten years, it is open to denunciation
at Five-yearly intervals.
Article 31: Examination of revision: standard Fnal provision.
Article 32: Effect of revising Convention: standard Final provision.
Article 33: Authoritative texts: standard final provision.
8 Haziran 1933
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
:11. 02. 1946 I 4866
16. 02. 1946 / 6234
Milletlerarasi I Bürosu Idare Meclisi tarafindari vaki davet üzerine,
Cenevre'de 8Haziran 1933 de on yedinci toplantisini yapan Milletler Cemiyeti
Milletlerarasi I Tekilati Genel Konferansi;
Gündemin birinci maddesini tekiI eden, ücretli i bulma meselesi
hakkinda, bazi tekilfierin kabulünü ye;
Bu tekliflerin bir Muletlerarasi SözIerne §ekUni almasini kararIatirdiktan
Versay Andlamasi'nin 13 üncü kisminda ye diOer Bari AndIamaIarinin
mütenazir kisimlarinda mevcut hUküm ler gere ince Milletlerarasi I TekiIati
uyelerince onanmak üzere, aaidaki Sözleme Projesini kabul eder;
Bu SôzIeme bakimindan "Ucretli jbulma Bürolari" tabiri u manayi
ifade eder:
Kazanç gayesi takibeden jbulma Bürolari, yani dorudan doruya
veya dolayisiyla taraflardan herhangi birinden maddi bir menfaat temini
hedefiyle, bir iççiye i veyahut iverene içi bulmak hususunda tavassut eyleyen
irket, müessese, acente veyahut dier bir teçekkul; bu tarif,
münhasiran veya esas itibariyle itigaI mevzuu iverenlerle içiler arasinda
tavassuttan ibaret olanlar hariç, gazetelere ye dier yayin vasitalarina §amil
dei Idir.
her §ahis,
Kazanç gayesi takip etmiyen Ibulrna Bürolari, yani maddi bir menfaat
gutmemekle beraber, iverenden veya içiden, servisleri için duhuliye, aidat
veya baçka herhangi bir nam altinda para alan irket, müessese, acente veya
dier teekküllerin ibulma servisleri.
2. Bu SäzIeme gemi adamlari hakkinda uygulanmaz.
(Birinci maddenin 1. a) fikrasinda yazili, kazanç gayesiyle çalian Ucretli
lbulma BQrolari, bu SözIeme'nin her üye cm
yururlUe girmesi tarihinden
itibaren 3 sene zarfinda kapatilacakiardir.
Bu kapatmadan ewelki mühlet zarfinda;
Yeniden kazanc gayesiyle çaIian Ucretli Ibulma Bürosu açilmiyacaktir.
Kazanç gayesiyle caliçan Ucretli Ibulma Bürolari, yetkili makamin
kontrolü altinda konulacak ye bu makamea onanmi bir tarifede yazili ücret
ye masraflardan baka para almiyacaklardir.
* Ayni konudaki 96 sayil, sôzIemenIn Cjlkemizco
onaylanmasi sonucunda yOrQrlukten kalkmitir.
1 OE
Bu Säziemenin 2 nci maddesinin 1 mci fikrasindan inhirafa, ancak
iIgiii patron ye içi temsilcilerinin fikri alindiktan sonra ye istisnal ekiIIerde
olmak üzere yetkiii makamca müsaade ediiebiiir.
Bu madde gereince müsaade ediien inhirafiar, ancak mliii kariunlarla
sarih §ekilde tesbit edilip ibuima keyfiyetiniri husus §artlar icinde ye inhirafi
hakii gästerecek surette cereyan ettii sanat ye meslekiere mensup içi
zümreierine i
buimakia itigai eden biroIar hakkirida uyguianacaktir.
2 nd maddede yaziii 3 ayiik mühlet bittikten sonra, bu maddeye
istinaden, yeni Ucretli I Bulma BUroiari açilmasina müsaade ediiemez.
Bu madde gereince, kendiierine inhiraf mUsaadesi verlien her Ucretil
buima Bürosu:
Yetkiii makamin kontrolü aitina konuiacaktir.
Yetkfli makamin tensibi lie azami on yil zarfinda, her sene yenhlecek bir
ytlilk ruhsatname aimaya mecbur oiacaktir.
Ancak, yetkili makamca onanmi bir tarifede yazili ücret ye masraflari
Aricak ruhsatnamesinde müsaade ediimi olmak ye iigili memieketier
arasinda mevcut bir anIamayi uyguiamak §artiyie yabanci memieketlere veya
memieketierden içi tedarik edebiiecektir.
(1 mci maddenin 1, b) fikrasinda yazili kazanc gayesi takip etmeyen Ibuima
Yetkiii makamdan izin almak mecburiyethnde oiacak ye onun kontroiü
aitinda buiuriacaklardrr.
Yapilan masrafiar iyice nazara alinmak suretiye yetkiii makamca tesbit
ediiecek bir tarifeden daha yüksek para aiamayacaktir.
Ancak yetkiD makamca müsaade edlimek ye iigiii memleketier arasinda
mevcut bir anIamayi uyguiamak §artlyia yabanci memieketiere veya
memteketierden içi tedarik edebilecektir.
Gerek bu Sözieme'nin 1 mci maddesinde yaziii Ucretih Içbuima Bürolari,
gerek parasiz da olsa, ibuImayi mutad megaie ittihaz etmi oian her §ahis,
§irket, müessese, acenta veyahut teekküi, yetkiii makama bir beyanname
vermeye ye bunda ücretli mi, ücretsiz mi caPitikiarin biidirmeye mecburduriar.
Gerek bundan eweiki maddeiere, gerek onlarin yerine getiriimesmne alt
dier hUkümiere mhaiif hareketiere kari, miiii kanuniar, bu SOziemede derpi
ediien ruhsatname veya müsaadeierin germ alinmasini da ihtiva eden cezaiari
taymn edecekierdir.
Versay Andlamasi'nIn 408 mci ye dier Bar Andlamaiari'nin mütenazir
maddelerinde derpi edlien yilhk raporiar, 3 üncü madde gereince mOsaade
edilen inhiraflar hakkinda gerekeri maiCimati havi olacakiardir.
Bu Sözleme'nin, Versay AndIamasI'nln 13 uncu kismtnda ye dier Bari
Andiamaiari'nifl mütenazir kisimlarinda derpi edlien §artlar içinde kat'i §ekilde
onandiina alt beige Miiletier Cemiyeti Genel Sekreterligine gonderilecek ye
bu onanma Genei Sekreterlikçe tescil edilecektir.
Bu Sozieme, ancak onamaiari Sekreterlikte tescii edilmi clan uyeieri
balayacaktir. Sözieme, iki uyenin onamalari Genel Sekreterierde tescil
edildikieri tarihten 12 ay sonra yUrUrIue girecektir.
Bundari sonra bu Sözieme her Ciye 1cm, onamasi tescit edlimesinden 12
ay sonra yururIüe girecektir.
Miietlerarasi I TekiIati uyeterden ikisinin onamalari Sekreteriikte tesoli
edilmesi akabinde,Milietler Cemiyeti Genel Sekreteri keyfiyeti Mitietlerarasi l
Tekilatinin bütün üyelerine bildirecektir. Sekreter, Tekilatin baka uyeieri
tarafindan kendisine sonradan tebii edliecek onamatari da keza bUtün üyelere
Bu Sozlemeyi onayan her uye, onu, yurürlue girmeye baladii tarihten
on sene gectikten sonra, Milletler Cemiyeti Genel Sekreterliine yapacai ye
bu Sekreterliin tescii edecei bir ihbarname lie feshedebitir.
Fesih, Sekreterlikte tescili tarihinden bir sene sonra muteber olur.
Bu Sozlemeyi onami olup ta onu, bundan ewelki fikrada yazili 10 yillik
devrenin geçmesinden bir yii sonra, bu madde gereince feshetmek ihtiyarini
kulianmayan her üye, yeniden 10 yiliik bir müddet 1cm balanmi ciacak ye
bundan sonra bu Sozlemeyi, bu maddede derpi edilen §artlar içinde her 10
yiiiik devre bittikçe feshedilebiiecektir.
Bu Söziemenin yürüriüe girmesinden itibaren geçeçek her 10 yiiiik
devrenin sonunda, Miiletlerarasi I Bürosu idare Meclisi, onun uyguianmasi
durumu hakkinda Genei Konferansa bir rapor vermekie ye Konferansin gUndemi
içine onun tamamen veya kismen tadili meselesinin konulup konulmamasi
gerektli hususunda bir karar aimakia ödevlidir.
Konferans, bu Sözleçme'yi tamamen veya kismen tadil eden yeni bir
SOzleme kabul ettii takdirde, bu yeni Sözlemede baçka türlü hükimer
bulunmasi hali müstesna;
Tadil edici yeni Sozleçme'nin bir üye tarafindan onanmasi keyfiyeti
yukaridaki 11 mci maddeye bakilmaksizin tadil edici yeni Sözlemenin yürurlue
girmesi kayit ye arti He, §imdiki bu Sözleçme'nin kendiliinden ye derhal feshini
intaç edecektir.
Tadil edici yeni Sözleme'nin yürürlQe girmesi tarihinden itibaren,
§imdiki bu Säzleçme Uyelerin onamasina açik bulundurulmayacaktir.
imdiki bu SOzleme, onu onami ye tadil edici SözIemeyi ise onamam
olan üyeler 1cm eski metin ye §ekli ile yurürlukte kalmaya devam edecektir.
Bu Sôzleme'nin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinlerinin her ikisi muteber
Convention No. 34
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the Interna-
tional Labour Office, and having met in its Seventeenth Session on 8 June
1933, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
fee-charging employment agencies, which is the first item on the agenda of
the Session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this twenty-ninth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three the following Convention, which may be cited as the FeeCharging Employment Agencies Convention, 1933, for ratification by the Members of the International Labour Organisation in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
Article 1
For the purpose of this Convention the expression "fee-charging
employment agency" meansemployment agencies conducted with a view to profit, that is to say,
any person, company, institution, agency or other organisation which acts as
an intermediary for the purpose of procuring employment for a worker or
supplying a worker for an employer with a view to deriving either directly or
indirectly any pecuniary or other material advantage from either employer or
worker; the expression does not include newspapers or other publications
unless they are published wholly or mainly for the purpose of acting as intermediaries between employers and workers
employment agencies not conducted with a view to profit, that is to
say, the placing services of any company, institution, agency or other
organisation which, though not conducted with a view to deriving any pecuniary or other material advantage, levies from either employer or worker for the
above services an entrance fee, a periodical contribution or any other charge.
2. This Convention does not apply to the placing of seamen.
Article 2
agencies conducted with a view to profit as
Article shall be abolished within
defined in paragraph 1
three years from the coming into force of this Convention for the Member
2. During the period preceding abolition-
there shall not be established any new fee-charging employment agency
conducted with a view to profit;
fee-charging employment agencies conducted with a view to profit
shall be subject to the supervision of the competent authority and shall only
charge fees and expenses on a scale approved by the said authority.
Article 3
Exceptions to the provisions of paragraph 1 of. Article 2 of this Convention may be allowed by the competent authority in exceptional cases, but
only after consultation of the organisations of employers and workers concerned.
Exeeptions may only be allowed in virtue of this Article for agencies
catering for categories of workers exactly defined by national laws or regulations and belonging to occupations placing for which is carried on under
special conditions justifying such an exception.
The establishment of new fee-charging employment agencies shall
not be allowed in virtue of this Article after the expiration of the period of three
years referred to in Article 2.
Every fee-charging employment agency for which an exception is
allowed under this Article-
shall be subject to the supervision of the competent authority;
shall be required to be in possession of a yearly licence renewable at
the discretion of the competent authority during a period which shall not exceed ten years;
shall only charge fees and expenses on a scale approved by the
competent authority ; and
shall only place or recruit workers abroad if authorised so to do by its
licence and if its operations are conducted under an agreement between the
countries concerned.
Article 4
Fee-charging employment agencies not conducted with a view to profit
as defined in paragraph 1 (b) of Article 1-
shall be required to have an authorisation from the corn- petent authority and shall be subject to the supervision of the said authority
shall not make any charge in excess of the scale of charges fixed by
the competent authority with strict regard to the expenses incurred ; and
(C) shall only place or recruit workers abroad if permitted so to do by the
competent authority and if their operations are conducted under an agreement between the countries concerned.
Article 5
Fee-charging employment agencies as defined in Article 1 of this Convention and every person, company, institution, agency or other private
organisation habitually engaging in placing shall, even though making no
charge, make a declaration to the competent authority stating whether their
placing services are given gratuitously or for remuneration.
Article 6
National .laws or regulations shall prescribe appropriate penalties, including the withdrawal when necessary of the licences and authorisations
provided for by this Convention, for any violation of the above Articles or of
any laws or regulations giving effect to them.
Article 7
There shall be included in the annual reports to be submitted under
Article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation all necessary information concerning the exceptions allowed under Article 3.
Article 8
The formal ratifications of this Convention under the conditions set
forth in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation shall be communicated to the Director- General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 9
I. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members whose
ratifications have been registered with the Internationad Labour Office.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members of the International Labour Organi:sation have
been registered with the Director- General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member
twelve months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 10
As soon as the ratifications of two Members of the International Labour
Organisation have been registered with the International Labour Office, the
Director-General of the International Labour Office shall so notify all the Members of the International Labour Organisation. He shall likewise notify them of
the registration of ratifications which may be commu- nicated subsequently by
other Members of the Orga.nisation.
Article 11
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after
the expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes
into force, by an act commu- nicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect
until one year after the date on which it is registered with the International
Labour Office.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 12
At the expiration of each period of ten years after the coming into force of
this Convention, the Governing Body of the International Labour Office shall
present to the General Conference a report on the working of this Convention
and shall consider the desirability of placing on the agenda of the Conference
the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 13
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides,
the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
lure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 11 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force,
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form
and content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the
revising Convention.
Article 14
The French and English texts of this Convention shall both be authentic.
The foregoing is the authentic text of the Fee-Charging Employment Agencies Convention, 1933, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Convention,
ILO Kabul Tarihi
: 4 Haziran 1934
Kanun Tarih ye Saytsi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisu
Milletlerarasi I BUrosu jdare Meclisi tarafindan vaki davet Uzerine,
Cenevre'de 4 Haziran 1934 de 18 mci toplantisini yapan Milletler Cemiyeti
Milletlerarast l TekiIatu Genel Konferansi;
Konferansun 7 mci toplantusinda Mesleki Hastaliklar hakkinda kabul edilmi
olan Sözleme projesi'nin kismeri tadiline taallük edip, bu toplantunin 7 mci
maddesini tekiI eyleyen meseleye dair bazi tekliflerin kabulünü kararIatirduktan
Bu tekllflerin Milletlerarasi bir Sözleme projesi §eklini almast gerektiini
nazara aldiktan sonra,
Bin dokuz yüz otuz dOrt yuh Haziran ayinun yirmi birinci günO, Mesleki
Hastaliklar Sôzlemesi (muaddel) 1934, ünvanini alacak olan aaudaki Sözleme
projesini kabul eder:
Milletlerarasi I TekiIatinun bu SäzIemeyi onayan her Uyesi, mesleki
hastaliklara urayanlar ile bunlarin hak sahipleri varislerine, i kazalarinin tazmini
hakkundaki özel mevzuatindaki genel esaslar dahilinde tazminat salamayi
taahhüt eder.
2. Bu tazminatin miktan, mull mevzuatta i kazalari neticesinde ödenecek
olandan ax olmamalidir. Bu cihet mahfuz tutulmak artuyla her Qye mevzuatinda
bahse konu olan hastalukiar tazminatinun ödeme §artlaruna mUteallik hukümlerin
tesbitinde, ye bu hastaliklara, i kazalaru hakkindaki mevzuatini tatbikinde zaruri
gördu0 tadil ye intibakiari yapmakta serbesttir.
Milletlerarasi I Tekilatunin her üyesi, aaidaki tabloda mevcut olup,
hizalarinda yazilu sanayi ye mesleklerde olmak Uzere kanuna tabi iyerlerinde
çaluçan içcilerin ducar oldukiari hastaluklari meslek hastaIii saymayu taahhUt
* Hastalikiarin ye Zehirli maddelerin
* Kurun veya hailtalari ye mürekkebati lie zehirienmeler ye bundan
müteveiiit ârizaiar
ligili meslek, sanatveya usuilerin listesi
Kurun ihtiva eden cevherierin ye
çinko imaiathanelerinde kurunlu
küiierin manipulasyoriu.
Eski çinkoiarin, kurunia beraber
eritlierek karitiriimasi.
Kuru ndan veya hal italarindan eya
Matbaa hurufati dökmeciiii ye
Kurun mürekkebatinin fabrikasyonu
akümüiatör imal ye tamiri.
Kurun ihtiva eden siriarin
Kurun talai veya tozu lie cliacilik.
Kurunu ihtiva eden, cila, macun ye
boyalarin hazirlanmasi ye manipilasyo
murekkebati lie zehirienmeler ye
bundan müteveiiit arizaiar.
flu icabettiren boyaciiik iIeri.
Civa cevherlerinin manipliasyonu.
Civa mUrekkebati imalati.
Civaii Oiçü ye sair laboratuvar
aietierinin imali.
maddeierinin ihzari.
Civa lie yaldizciiik.
Civair tahliye pompalari vasitasiyla
enkandesan lambalar imali.
Fulminat do merkür lie kapsul imali.
arbon Hastaiii
arbonlu hayvanlar lie temas eden
Yün, tiftik, den, ku, kemik ye boynuz
Emtianin tahmil ye tahiiyesi ye nakil
* Sills toziarindan müteveiiit ye cier
Siiikoz tehilkesine maruz buraktuu mliii
veremi lie müterafik olan veya oimayan
mevzuatta tâyin edilen bütün iler.
siiikoz hastaiii (silikozun öiümun
veya igormeziiinin ash sebebi olmasi
* Fosfor veya
mürekkebati lie Fosfor veya mürekkebatinin istihsai,
zehirienme ye bundan müteveHit arizalar intiar veya istimalini icap ettiren her
türiü iier.
*Arsenjk veya mürekkebati lie Arsenik veya mürekkebatinin istihsal,
zehirienme ye bundan müteveiiit iritiar veya istimaiini icap ettiren her
türiü iier.
* Benzin veya müabitieri ye bunlarin Benzin veya müabihieri ye buniarin
nitrakii veya amilil mUtekkati lie nitratii veya aminii mütekkatinin
zehirienmeier ye bundan m('teveiiit istihsai, intiar veya istimaiin icap
ethren her türiü iier.
* Mevaddi §ahmiye sinifina dahii olan Mevaddi §ahmiye sinifina dahil
idrokarbürierin haiojenli mütekkati lie idrokarbürierin haiojen ii müçtekkatinin
istihsai, intiar veya istimailnin
gerektii ye mliii mevzuatta yeraimi
buiunan her türiü iier.
zeh irienme.
* Radyum ye radyoaktif maddeierden Radyum radyoaktif maddelere veya
veya röntgen
uaindan müteveiiit röntgen
uaina maruz birakan
patoiogique arizaiar.
bliumum iier.
* Iptidal den epiteiyomasi.
Katrari ye huy lie buniarin taktirinden
hasii olan katrail ruhu, zift, madeni
ya, parafin ye bu mevaddin
mürekkebati, mahsuiieri ye artikiarinin
kuiianiimasini gerektiren her türiü iier.
Bu Söziemenin kati ekiide onandii keyfiyeti Miiietier Cemiyeti Genei
Sekreteriiine biidiriiecek ye onun tarafindan tescii edilecektir.
Bu Sözieme, ancak onamaiari Genei Sekreterce tescil ediimi olan
Miiletlerarasi i Tekiiati uyeierini baiayacaktir.
Bu Sözieçme, iki uyenin onamaiarinin Genei Sekreterlikçe tescii
ediimeierinden on iki ay sonra yürüriüe girecektir.
Daha sonra, bu SözIeme, her (ye 1cm, onanmasinin tescii edlimesinden
on iki ay sonra yururiue girecektir.
Miiletierarasi I Tekiiati uyelerinin ikisinin onamalari Sekreterlikte tescii
ediimesi akabinde, Miiietier Cemiyeti Genel Sekreteri keyfiyeti Miiletierarasi i
Teçkiiatinin bütün uyeierine biidirecektir. Sekreter, tekiiatin baka üyeieri
tarafindan kendisine sonradan tebli edilecek onamalari da keza bütUn uyelere
Bu Sôzlemeyi onayan her üye, onu yürUrIUe girmeye baIadii tarihten
itibaren be sene gectikten sonra, Milletler Cemlyati Genel SekreterIiine
yapacai ye bu SekreterHin tescil edecei bir ihbarname ile feshedebilir. Fesih,
Sekreterlikçe tescili tarihinden bir sene sonra muteber olur.
Bu Sozleçmeyi onami olup da, onu bundan evelki fikrada yazili be
ylIlik mühletin geçmesiriden bir yll sonra, bu madde gereince feshetmek
ihtiyarini kullanmayan her uye,yeniden be ylilik bir müddet için balanmi
olacak ye bundan sonra bu Säzlemeyi, bu maddede derpi edilen §artlar
içinde her be yillik devre bitince feshedebilecektir.
Bu SözIenienin yururlüe girmesinden itibaren geçecek her 10 yiIlik
devrenin sonunda, Milletlerarasi
Bürosu Idare Meclisi, onun uygulanmasi
durumu hakkinda Genel Konferansa bir rapor vermekie ye Konferansin gUndemi
içine onun tamamen veya kismen tadili meselesinin konulup konuimamasi
gerektii hususunda bir karar almakia ödevlidir.
Konferans bu Sozlemeyi tamamen veya kismen tadil eden yeni bir
Sözleme kabul ettii takdirde, bu yeni Sözlemede baçka tUrlü hükümler
bulunmasi hail mustesna;
Tadil edici yeni Sôzlemenin bir üye tarafindan onanmasi keyfiyeti,
yukandaki 6 mci maddeye bakmlmaksizin, tadil edici yeni Sözlemenin yürüriüe
girmesi kayit ye §arti lie, §imdiki bu Sözlemenin kendiiiinden ye derhal feshini
intaç edecektir.
Tadil edici yeni SäzIemenin yQruriue girmesi tarihinden itibaren,
§imdiki bu SözIeme uyelerin onanmasina acik bulundurulmayacaktmr.
imdiki bu SäzIeme, onu onamm ye tadil edici Sôziemeyi ise onamam
clan Uyeler için eski hal ye §ekiiyle yUrürlukte kaimaya devam edecektir.
Bu Sözlemenin Fransizca ye ingiiizce metinlerinin her ikisi muteber
Convention No. 42
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Eighteenth Session on 4 June 1934,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
the partial revision of the Convention concerning workmen's compensation
for occupational diseases adopted by the Conference at its Seventh
Session, which is the fifth item on the agenda of the Session, and
Considering that these proposals must take the form of an international
adopts this twenty-first day of June of the year one thousand nine hun-
dred and thirty-four the following Convention, which may be cited as the
Workmen's Compensation ( Occupational Diseases) Convention (Revised),
Article 1
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies
this Convention undertakes to provide that compensation shall be payable to
workmen incapacitated by occu- pational diseases, or, in case of death from
such diseases, to their dependants, in accordance with the general principles
of the national legislation relating to compensation for industrial accidents.
The rates of such compensation shall be not less than those prescribed by the national legislation for injury resulting from industrial accidents. Subject to this provision, each Member, in determining in its national law or regulations the conditions under which compensation for the said
diseases shall be payable, and in applying to the said diseases its legislation in
regard to compensation for industrial accidents, may make such modifications and adaptations as it thinks expedient.
Article 2
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies this
Convention undertakes to consider as occupational diseases those diseases
and poisonings produced by the substances set forth in the Schedule appended hereto, when such diseases or such poisonings affect workers engaged in the trades, industries or processes placed opposite in the said
Schedule, and result from occupation in an undertaking covered by the said
national legislation.
List of diseases and toxic substances.
Poisoning by lead, its alloys or
compounds and their sequelae.
List of corresponding trades, industries or processes.
Handling of ore containing
lead, including fine shot in zinc
Casting of old zinc and lead
in ingots.
Manufacture of articles made
of cast lead or of lead alloys.
Employment in the polygraphic
in- dustries.
Manufacture of lead compounds.
Manufacture and repair of electric
accumulators. Preparation and use of
enamels containing lead. Polishing by
means of lead files or putty powder
with a lead content.
All painting operations involving
the preparation and manipulation of
coating substances, cements or
Poisoning by mercury, its amalgams and compounds and their Sequelae.
colouring substances containing lead
Handling of mercury ore.
Manufacture of mercury compounds,
Manufacture of measuring and
labo- ratory apparatus.
Preparation of raw material for
the hatmaking industry.
Hot gilding.
Use of mercury pumps in the
manufacture of incandescent lamps.
Manufacture of fulminate of
mercury primers.
Anthrax infection.
Work in connection with animals infected with anthrax.
Silicosis with or without pulmotuberculosis, provided that
silicosis is an essential factor in
causing the resultant incapacity or
Handling of animal carcasses
or parts of such carcasses including
hides, hoofs and horns.
Loading and unloading or transport of merchandise.
recognised by national law or regulations as involving exposure to the risk
of silicosis.
Phosphorus poisoning by
phos- phorus or its compounds, and
its sequelae.
Arsenic poisoning by arsenic or
its compounds, and its sequelae.
Poisoning by benzene or its homologues, their nitro- arid amido-derivatives, and its sequelae.
Poisoning by the halogen deriva-
tives of hydrocarbons of the aliphatic
Any process involving the production, liberation or utilisation of
phosphorus or its compounds.
Any process involving the
produc- tion, liberation or utilisation
of arsenic or its compounds.
Any process involving the
produc- tion, liberation or utilisation
of benzene or its homologues, or
their nitro- and amido-derivatives.
Any process involving the
produc- tion, liberation or utilisation
of halogen derivatives of hydrocarbons of the alipathic series designated
by national laws or regulations.
Pathological manifestations due
Any process involvin g exposure to the action of radium, radioactive substances, or X-rays.
radium and other radioactive substances
Primary epitheliomatous cancer of the skin.
Any process involving the handling or use of tar, pitch, bitumen, mineral oil, paraffin, or the compounds, products or residues of
these substances.
Article 3
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 4
This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered
with the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 5
As soon as the ratifications of two Members of the International Labour
Organisation have been registered with the International Labour Office, the
tor-General of the International Labour Office shall so notify all the Members of the International Labour Organisation. He shall likewise notify them of
the registration of ratifications which may be communicated subsequently by
other Members of the Organisation.
Aticle 6
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after
the expiration of five years from the date on which the Convention first comes
into force, by an act corn- municated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect
until one year after the date on which it is registered with the International
Labour. Office.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of five years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of five years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of five years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 7
At the expiration of each period of ten years after the coming into force of
this Convention, the Governing Body of the International Labour Office shall
present to the General Conference a report on the working of this Convention
and shall consider the desirability of placing on the agenda of the Conference
the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 8
I. Should the Conference adop
t a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then,
unless the new Convention otherwise provides,
the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 6 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form
and content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the
revising Convention.
Article 9
The French and English texts of this Convention shall both be authentic.
4 Haziran 1935
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisu
Resmi Gazete Vayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 09: 06. 1937/3229
23. 06. 1937/3638
Bürosu Edare Meclisi tarafindan vaki davet Ozerine,
Cenevre'de 4 Haziran 1935 tarihinde 19 uncu inikad halinde toplanan
Milletlerarasi l Tekilati Umumi Konferansi, Inikat ruznamesinin ikinci maddesini
tekil eden her nevi maden ocakiarinda yeraitinda kadinlarun caIitirilmasina
alt bulunan mesele hakkinda rnuhtelif tekuflerin kabulOnü,
Bu tekliflerin Milletlerarasi bir mukavele projesi çeklini almasini
kararlatirdiktan sonra,
Bin dokuz yuz otuz be senesi Haziran ayinin yirmi bir tarihinde (Yeralti
iIeri Mukavelesi "Kadintar" 1935) adini taiyacak clan aaidaki mukavele
projesini kabul eder:
Bu mukavelenin tasdiki 1cm "Maden OcaOi" tabiri, gerek âmme, gerekse
hüsusi vasfini haiz ye yeraltinda mevcut maddelerin istirapini istihdaf eden her
nevi teebbUslere §amildir.
Kadin cinsinden hiç bir §ahis, yai ne olursa olsun maden ocaklarinda
yeralti ilerinde çaIitirilamaz.
Mull kanunlarla yukarida yazili memnuniyeten
u kimseler istisna
Sevki idare vazifesi lie mükeIlef olup, bedenen calimayan §ahislar,
Sihhi ye sosyal hizmetlerde çalian ahislar,
Mesleki bilgilerini tamamlamak maksadiyle bir maden ocainda yeralti
ilerinde staj gormeierine müsade edilen tahsiIdeki ahislar,
Bedenen calima mahiyetinde olmayan bir sanatin icrasi 1cm bir maden
ocainin yeralti kisimlarina tesadüfi olarak inmesine lUzum gôrüln dier bütün
Bu mukavelenin resmi tasdiknameleri Akvam Cemiyeti Umumi Katibine
tevdi olunacak ye mumaileyh tarafindan tescil edilecektir.
Bu mukavele, ancak, Umumi Katip tarafindan tasdiknamesi tescil edimi
clan Miletlerarasi I Tekilati Azasini balayacaktir.
Mukavele, Umumi Katip tarafindan iki azanin tasdiknamelerinin
tescilinden itibaren 12 ay sonra mer'iyete girecektir.
Bundan sonra da mukavele, her âza 1cm kendi tasdiknamesinin
tescilinden itibaren 12 ay sonra mer'iyete girecektir.
Milletlerarasi I Tekilati âzasindan ikisinin tasdiknamesi tescil edilir edilmez,
Akvam Cemiyeti Umumi Katibi, Miletlerarasi i TekUatinin bütün azasina kefiyeti
i'ar edecektir.
Keza, tekilât âzasi tarafindan kendisine daha sonra tevdi olunacak
tasdiknamelerin tescUini de bütün azaya tebIi
Bu mukaveleleyi tasdik etmi clan her aza mukavelenin mer'iyeti mebde
tarihinden itibaren 10 sene zarfinda, onu Akvam Cemiyeti Umumi Katibine
gänderecei ye mumaileyhin tescil edecei bir rnektupla feshedilebilir. Feshin
h(kmü tescilden itibaren bir sene sonra Carl olacaktir.
Bu mukaveleyi tasdik etmi clan her âza birinci fikrada adi geçen on
senelik mOddetin hitamini takip eden bir senelik müddet zarlinda, bu maddede
derpi edilen feshe ait ihtiyaririt kullanmadir takdirde, yeniden 10 senelik bir
devre içiri bali kalacak ye bundan sonra mukaveleyi, bu maddede yazili §artlar
içinde her on senelik devrenin hitaminda feshedebilecektir.
Bu mukavelenin mer'iyete girmesmnden itibaren her 10 senelik devrelerin
hitaminda Milletlerarasi i Bürosu dare Meclisi, onun tatbikine alt bir raporu
umumi Konferansa tevdi edecek ye onun tamamen veya kismen tadili meselesini
Konferans ruzmamesine kcyup koymama hususunda bir karar alacaktir.
1- Konferans, bu mukaveleyi tamamen ye ya kismen tadil eden yeni bir
mukavele kabul ettii takdirde, yeni mukavelede hilafina bir hüküm olmadpkca,
a) Tadili muhtevi yeni mukavelenin bir âza tarafindan tasdiki, cnun mer'iyete
girmi olmasi kayit ye arti altinda, yukaridaki 7 nd madde nazari itibare
alinmaksizin, hail hazirdaki mukavelenin tabi bir §ekilde derhal feshiril tazammun
b) Tadili havi yeni mukavelenin mer'iyete girmesi tarihinden itibaren,
halihazir mukavelesi artik azanin tasdkine açik bulundurutmayacaktir.
2- Bu mukavele, onu tasdik edip te tadili havi mukaveleyi tasdik etmeyecek
âza 1cm §imdiki ekiI ye metni lie mer'i olmakta devam edecektir.
Bu mukavelenin Fransizca ye ingilizce metinlerinin her ikiside muteberdir.
Convention No. 45
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Nineteenth Session on 4 June 1935,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
the employment of women on underground work in mines of all kinds, which
is the second item on the agenda of the Session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this twenty-first day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five the following Convention, which may be cited as the Underground Work (Women) Convention, 1935
Article 1
For the purpose of this Convention, the term " mine" includes any
undertaking, whether public or private, for the extraction of any substance
from under the surface of the earth.
Article 2
No female, whatever her age, shall be employed on underground work in
any mine.
Article 3
National laws or regulations may exempt from the above prohibitionfemales holding positions of management who do not perform manual
females employed in health and welfare services;
females who, in the course of their studies, spend a period of training
in the underground parts of a mine ; and
any other females who may occasionally have to enter the underground parts of a mine for the purpose of a nonmanual occupation.
Article 4
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 5
This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered
with the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member
twelve months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 6
As soon as the ratifications of two Members of the International Labour
Organisation have been registered, the Director-General of the International
Labour Office shall so notify all the Members of the International Labour
Organisation. He shall likewise notify them of the registration of ratifications
which may be communicated subsequently by other Members of the
Article 7
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after
the expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes
into force, by an act corn- municated to the Director-Genral of the International Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect
until one year after the date on which it is registered.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 8
At the expiration of each period of ten years after the coming into force of
this Convention, the Governing Body of the International Labour Office shall
present to the General Conference a report on the working of this Convention
and shall consider the desirability of placing on the agenda of the Conference
the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 9
1. Should the Conference adopt a nw Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides,
(a) the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
juTe involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 7 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
(b) as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force,
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form
and content for those Memliers which have ratified it but have not ratified the
revising Convention.
Article 10
The French and English texts of this Convention shall both be authentic.
22 Ekim 1936
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayum Tarihi ye Sayisu
25. 05. 1959/ 7293
02. 06. 1959 / 10220
(1936 tadili)
Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Yonetim Kurulu tarafindan vaki davet üzerine,
22 Ekim 1936 tarihinde Cenevre'de yapilan Milietlerarasi caiima Tekilati Genel
Konferansinin 22 nd topiantisinda;
Ibu topianti gundemindeki, Konferansin ikinci toplantisinda kabul ediimiç
olan deniz ilerinde çaiitirilacak cocuklarin asgari ya haddinin tesbitine dair
Söziemenin kismen tadiii lie ilgili muhtelif teklifierin kabuiOne,
Bu tekliflerin Milletlerarasi bir SözIeme §eklinde kaleme alinmasina,
Karar veriidikten sonra, deniz ilerinde çalitirilacakiann asgari yaç haddine
dair 1936 tarihii (Muaddel) Sözleme adini alacak olan aaOidaki Sözleme
bugünku yirmi dört Ekim bin dokuz yuz otuz alti tarihinde kabul ediImitir.
Ibu Söziemenin tatbikati bakimindan "Gerni" tabiri harb gemileri
müstesna, denizde sefer yapan büyük, küçük ne olursa oisun hususi mülkiyete
veya âmme mUlkiyetine alt bilUmum gemileri ifade eder.
MUnhasiran ayni alie efradinin caiitii gemlier hariç, dier gemilerdeki
iierde onbe yaindan aau cocuklar çaIitirilamaz.
Bununla beraber, onbe yaindan aai bir çocua i veriimesinde
cocuun menfaatinin bahismevzuu oiduuna dair bir mektep idaresi yahut
milli mevzuatla tesbit ediimi bir makarn, cocuun bedeni durumu lie sihhatini
ye verilmesi melhuz iin hâien olduu kadar istikbaide de cocua salayacai
menfaatleri göz önünde bulundurmak suretiyle bir kanaate vardiOl takdirde,
milil mevzuatia asgari 14 yaindaki çocuklara calima beigeieri veriiebilmesi
Amme makaminca tasvibedilmek ye onun murakabesi aitinda bulunmak
§artlyla mektep gemilerinde çoçukiar tarafindan yapilan iler hakkinda ikinci
madde hükümleri tatbik edilmez.
Içbu Sözleçme hUkümlerinin tatbikatini kontrol sadetinde, her kaptan veya
iveren gemide çaliari ye yalari 16 dan kUçuk clan bUtün §ahtslarl doum
tarihleriyle birlikte gästeren bir kayit defteri veya mürettebat listesi tutmakla
Ibu SäzIeme Sanayi ilerinde çaliçacak çocuklar 1cm asgari ya tesbiti
(1919) ye sinai mahiyet arz etmeyen ilerde çaliacak çocuklar 1cm asgari ya
tesbiti (1932) hakkindaki Milletlerarasi Söziemeleri tadil edecek sözlemelerin
Milletlerarasi çaiima Konferansi tarafindan kabOlünden sonra mer'iyet mevkiine
Ibu Säzlemenin resmen tasdik edildiini mubeyyin belgeler Milietlerarasi
caliçma Tekilati Umum MüdQrüne gönderiiecek ye tasdik keyfiyeti onun
tarafindan tescil olunacaktir.
Ibu Sözleme, ancak tasdikleri Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Umum
MüdOrUnce tescil edilmi olan Uyeleri balayacaktir.
Yukaridaki 5 mci madde hükümleri mahfuz kalmak artiyle, bu Sözleçme,
ancak, iki üyenin tasdikierinin Umum Müdür tarafindan tescilinden itibaren
oniki ay mer'iyete girecektir.
Bundan sonra, bu Sözleme her üye hakkinda, tasdikin tescilinden
itibaren oniki ay sonra mer'iyete girecektir.
Ibu Säzlemenin Milletlerarasi çaiima Tekilâti üyelerinden ikisi
tarafindan tasdik edilmesi ye tasdikierin tescili akabinde Milletlerarasi Qalima
Bürosu Umum Müdürü durumu Milletlerarasi çalima Tekiiâtinin dier bütün
Qyelerine tebli edecektir. Milletlerarasi çaiima Tekilâtinin dier üyeleri
tarafindan daha sonra bildirilmi clan tasdiklere alt tesciller 1cm de ayni §ekilde
tebligat yapacaktir.
Bu Säzlemeyi tasdik eden her uye, onu, ilk yürurle giri tarihinden
itibaren on yillik bir devre sonunda, Milletlerarasi Qalima BOrosu Umum
MüdOrüne gönderecei ye bu MOdürün tescil edecei bir ihbarname lie
feshedebilir. Fesih, tescilin Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu tarafindan ifasindan
bir sene sonra muteber oiacaktir.
Yukaridaki paragrafta zikredilen 10 senelik müddetin hitamindan itibaren
bir sene icinde bu maddede derpi ediimi olan fesih hakkini kuilanmayan
ibu Säziemeyi tasdik etmi her uye, yeniden on senelik bir müddetie baii
kalir. Ve bundan sonra ibu maddede yazili §artiar dahilinde her 10 senelik
müddetin hitaminda ibu Sozleçmeyi feshedebiler.
Ibu Säziemenin ilk mer'iyete girdii tarihten itibaren on senelik bir
muddetin hitaminda Milletlerarasi QaIima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu ibu
Sôzlemenin tatbikati hakkinda genel Konferansa bir rapor arz edecek ye
icabettii takdirde Konferansin gundemine SözIemenin kismen veya tamamen
tadili He ilgili meseleleri ithal edecektir.
1. Konferansça, ibu Sôziemenin kismen veya tamamen tadili hakkinda
yeni bir Säzlemenin kabulU halinde ye yeni Sözleme bakaca bir hüküm
derpi etmedii takdirde:
Tadili ihtiva eden bu yeni Sözlemenin, bir üye tarafindan tasdiki ye
mer'iyete girmesi, yukaridaki 9 uncu maddeye ramen, içbu Säzlemenin
derhal kendiliinden ortadan kalkmasini intaceder.
Ibu Sözleme, tadili ihtiva eden yeni Säziemenin mer'iyete girdii
tarihten itibaren artik uyelerin tasdikine acik kalamaz.
2. Ibu Sazlemeyi tasdik eden üyeler, bunu tadil eden SozIemeyi tastik
etmedikieri takdirde, tastik ediImi Sözleme eski hal ye §ekli lie meriyette
jbu Sôzlemenin Fransizca ye ingilizce metinieri ayni derecede
muteberdi r.
Convention No. 58
The General Conference of the Intern'ational Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Twenty-second Session on 22 October 1936, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
the partial revision of the Convention fixing the minimum age for admission
of children to employment at sea adopted by the Conference at its Second
Session, the question forming the agenda of the present Session, and
Considering that these proposals must take the form of an international
adopts this twenty-fourth day of October of the year one thousand nine
hundred and thirty-six the following Convention, which may be cited as the
Minimum Age (Sea) Convention (Revised), 1936
Article 1
For the purpose of this Convention, the term "vessel" includes all ships
and boats, of any nature whatsoever, engaged in maritime navigation, whether
publicly or privately owned; it excludes ships of war.
Article 2
I. Children under the age of fifteen years shall not be employed or work
on vessels, other than vessels upon which only members of the same family
are employed.
2. Provided that national laws or regulations may provide for the issue in
respect of children of not less than fourteen years of age of certificates permit-
ting them to be employed in cases in which an educational or other
appropriate authority designated by such laws or regulations is satisfied, after
having due reard to the health and physical condition of the child and to the
prospective as well as to the immediate benefit to the child of the employment
proposed, that such employment wilt be beneficial to the child.
Article 3
The provisions of Article 2 shall not apply to work done by children on
school-ships or training-ships, provided that such work is approved and supervised by pubUc authority.
Article 4
In order to facilitate the enforcement of the provisions of this Convention,
every shipmaster shall be required to keep a register of all persons under the
age of sixteen years employed on board his vessel, or a list of them in the
articles of agreement, and of the dates of their births.
Article 5
This Convention shall not come into force until after the adoption by the
International Labour Conference of a Convention revising the Convention fixing the minimum age for admission of children to industrial employment, 1919,
and a Convention revising the Convention concerning the age for admission
of children to non-industrial employment, 1932.
Article 6
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 7
This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
Subject to the provisions of Article 5 above it shall come into force
twelve months after the date on which the ratifications of two Members have
been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member
twelve months after the date on which its ratifi- cation has been registered.
Article 8
As soon as the ratifications of two Members of the International Labour
Organisation have been registered, the Director- General of the International
Labour Office shall so notify all the Members of the International Labour
Organisation. He shall likewise notify them of the registration of ratifications
which may be communicated subsequently by other Members of the
Article 9
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after
the expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes
into force, by an act corn- municated to the Director-General of the Interna-
tional Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect
until one year after the date on which it is registered.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, there after, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 10
At the expiration of each period of ten years after the coming into force of
this Convention, the Governing Body of the International Labour Office shall
present to th General Conference a report on the working of this Convention
and shall consider the desirability of placing on the agenda of the Conference
the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 11
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this CoDvention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides,
the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 9 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form
and content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the
revising Convention.
Article 12
The French and English texts of this Convention shall both be authentic.
3 Haziran 1937
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Vayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 26. 11. 1992 / 3849
: 12. 12. 1992/21433 Mükerrer
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih veSayisi : 08. 01. 1993 / 93-3967
Resmi Gazete Yayum Tarihi v.e Sayisi
: 25. 02. 1993 / 21507
Uluslararasi calima Orgütu Genel Konferansi, Uluslararsi çalima Bürosu
Yänetim Kurulu'nun daveti üzerine 3 Haziran 1937 tarihinde Cenevre'de yaptiI
Yirmi uçüncü Oturumunda,
Oturum gundeminin altinci maddesini tekil eden,Konferansin Birinci
Oturumunda kabul edilmiç clan sanayl iyerlerine alinacak çocuklar 1cm
yai tesbit eden Säzlemenin kismen düzeltilmesi hakkinda bazi tekilfierin
kabulünü kararIatirarak,
Bu tekliflerin Uluslararasi bir Sözleme §eklini almasi gerektiini düünerek,
Bindokuzyuzotuzyedi senesinin Yirmiiki Haziran günü 1937 tarihli Asgari
Ya (Sanayl) Sãzlemesi (düzeltilmi) adi verilecek clan aaidaki Sozlemeyi
kabul etmitir.
1. Ibu Säzlemede sanayl iletmeleri" terimi özellikle §unlarl içermektedir:
Madenler,ta ocakiari ye topraktan her türlü maden cikarma faaliyetleri,
Mallarin imal edildil, tadil edildii, temizlendii, onarildii, doriatildii,
tamamlanip satia hazir hale getirildii,parcalandii veya imha edildii sanayiler
veya gemi inçaasi ye elektirik lIe dier her türlü muharrik gücün üretimi,
transformasyonu ye daitimi dahil cimak üzere maddelerin bir cleiime
uradiklari sanayiler,
Turn bina, demiryolu, tramvay, liman, depo, dalgakiran, kanal, Ic su
yolu, karayolu, tünel, köpru, viadük, kanalizasyon, kuyu, telefon veya telgraf
tesisati, elektrik ebekesi, gaz çebekesi, su ebekesi veya dier inaat yapimi,
yenilenmesi, bakimi, onarimi, tadili, veya yikimi, yada bu inaat faaliyetleri
öncesinde yapilan hazirlik ye temel caliçmalari,
EVe tairnacilik hariç olmak üzere, depo, iskele, rihtim, ye antrepolarda
yukleme, boaltma içlerini de içerecek §ekilde karayolu, demiryolu ye Ic su
yoluyla yolcu ye mat taçimaciki,
* Ayni Konudaki 138 Sayili Söziemenin
Ulkemizce onaylanmast sortucunda yururiukten kaIkmitir.
2. Her üikeniri yetkili makami, sariayi lie ticaret ye tarimi ayiran siniri
tesbit edecektir.
Onbe yain aitindaki çocukiar kamu ye Ozei sektOr sanayi iietmeierinde
yada buniarin alt birimierinde istihdam ediiemez veya calitiriiamazlar.
2.Ancak, tabiati icabi veya çalima çartiarrndan dolayi orada istihdam
ediien kiiierin hayati, salii veya ahiaki bakimiridan tehiike arzeden iier haric
oimak üzere, mliii mevzuat bu çocuklarin sadece iverenin aile Uyelerinin çaiitii
iietmelerde çaIimasina izin verebilir.
Içbu Sãzlemenin hükümleri, çaiimalari kamu makamiarinca onaylanip
denetienmek §artiyia, teknik okuliarda çocukiar tarafindan yapiian ilere
Içbu SözIeme hükümierinin uygulanmasini kotayiatirmak amaciyia her
sanayl iietmesi ivereni, istihdam ettii onsekiz yaIn aitindaki kiiier cm doum
tarihlerini de gösterir bir kayit tutar.
1 .Tabiati icabi veya çaiiçma §artiarindan dolayt orada istihdam edilenierin
hayati, saiii veya ahiaki bakimindan tehlike arzeden iIer 1cm, rnilli mevzuat:
a) Genç kiiierin veya yetikmnlermn bu iiere kabul edlieblimesi 1cm
yain üstünde bir ya veya yaiari tesbit eder veya,
b)Genc kiilerin veya yetikmnierin bu iiere kabul edilebilmesi için onbe
yain üstünde bir yaçi veya yaiari tesbit etmek üzere uygun bir makami
gäreviendi rir.
2.Uiusiararasi çaIima Orgutu Anayasasinin 22 nd maddesi gereince
sunuiacak yiiiik raporiar, duruma gore, önceki fikranin (a) bendine uygun oiarak
mull mevzuatça belirienen ya veya yaIar hakkindaki, ya da Onceki fikranin
(b) bendine uygun oiarak kendisine yetki veriien makam tarafindan bu yetkiye
istinaden alinan tedbirler hakkindaki bUtün bilgileri ihtiva etmelidir.
1.Japonya 1cm, bu madde hükümieri ibu SOzlemenin 2 nci ye 5 nd
maddelerinin hükümieri yerine geçer.
OndOrt yain aitindaki çocuklar, herhangi bir kamu veya Ozel sanayi
iietmesinde veya buniara baii herhangi bir iyerinde istihdam ediiemez veya
çaIttiriiamaziar: Mill mevzuattn bu yataki cocuklarin sadece vereriin aile
fertlerinin istihdam edildii iletmeterde çalitirilmasina izin verdii durumiar
bu hükmUn kapsami diindadir.
3.Onalti yaçin altiridaki cocuklar, maden ocaklari veya fabrikalarda, mliii
mavzuatta tehllkeli veya salia zararli olarak belirtilen iIerde istihdam edilemez
veya çaiitiriimazlar.
1. 2 nd, 4 uncU ye 5 mci maddelerin hükümleri Hindistan 1cm gecerli
deiidir.Ancak,Hindistan yasama meclisi aaidaki maddeleriri uygulamasina
dair kanun çikardii takdirde bu maddeler bütün boigelerde uyguianrr.
2. Oniki yain aitindaki cocukiar, eiektrik enerjisiyle çaiian ye 10'dan
fazia içi çaiitiran fabrikalarda istihdam edilemez veya çalitinImazlar.
3. Onuç yan aitindaki cocuklar demiryoluyla yolcu veya mat, veya posta
nakil iierinde yada dok, iskele veya rihtimlarda mat yukIeme-boaitma iierinde
(el lie taima haric istihdam ediiemez veya çaIitirilamazIar:
4. Onbe yain altindaki çocukiai aaida beiirtiien iIerde istihdam
ediiemez veya caiiçtirilmazlar.
Maden ocakian, ta ocakiari ye topraktan maden çikarmayia ilgili dier
Yetkili makam tarafindan tehiikeli ye salia zararli olarak nitelenen ye
bu maddeniri kapsamina giren meslekier.
5. Tibben caIiabiIiriii belgetenmedikce aaida belirtilen kiiIerin yine
aaida beiirtilen iIerde çaIimaIarina izin verilemez:
Oniki yarna girmi fakat onyedi yaIn aitinda olanlarin elektrik enerjisiyle
çaiian ye 10'dan fazia içi istihdam eden fabrikalarda çaiitiriimasina izmn
Onbe yaina girmi fakat onyedi yain aitinda olaniarin maden
ocakiari nda çaIitiriimaiarina izin veriiemez.
Qin ii, bu madde hükümieri ibu SOzlemenin 2 nci ye 5 mci
maddelerinin hUkUmieri yerine geçer.
Oniki yain altindaki çocukiar, motor gQcUyie çaIian makinalarin
kulIanildii ye düzenii olarak 30 veya daha fazia iççi caiiçtiran fabrikalarda
istihdam edilemez veya çalitirilmazlar.
Onbe yain altindaki cocukiar aaida belirtilen ilerde istihdam
edilemez veya caiitirilmazlar:
Düzenii olarak 50 veya daha fazia içi istihdam eden maden ocakiarinda;
Motor gucüyle çalian makinalarin kullanildii ye düzenli olarak 30
veya daha fazia içi istihdam eden fabrikalarda mliii mevzuat tarafindan tehilkeil
veya saiia zararli olarak beiirlenen iierde.
Bu madde kapsamina giren iietmeierdeki iverenler istihdam ettikieri
onaiti yarn aitindaki tüm kiiierin kayiflarini tutacakiardir. Bu kaytiann yaninda,
yetkiii makam tarafindan talep edlien ye kiiIerin yaIarini gôsteren birer beige
buiundu ruiur.
Uiusiararasi caIima Konferansi, bu konunun gundeme aiindii herhangi
bir oturumunda, ibu Säziemenin yukarida yer alan Ii.Bôlümünün
maddeierinden herhangi bin veya birden faziasiyia ilgiii oiarak üçte iki
counlukia deiikIik tasarilari kabul edebiiir.
Bu tür bir deiikiik tasarisinda, deiiklik kapsamina giren üye ülke
veya üikeier beiirtiiir ye Konferans oturumunun kapaniini takip eden bir yii
icinde veya istisrial hailerde 18 ay içinde bu deiikIik tasarilari deiikiik
kapsamina giren üye ülke veya ulkeier tarafindan, bu konuda kanun cikariimasi
veya dier iigiii iiemlerin yapilmasi 1cm kendi yetkiii makam veya makamlarina
Bu kapsama giren her üye üike, bu konuda yetkili makam veya
makamiarinin muvafakatini aimasi halinde, deiikIik lie ilgili resmi onay
belgesini tescil edilmek üzere Utuslararasi çaIima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne
Bu tür bir deikiik tasarisi, deiikiik tasansi kapsamina giren üye
Ulke veya ülkeier tarafindan ibu Söziemenin onaylanmasinda "kabul ediimi
bir deiikiik" olarak yururiue girer.
jbu Soziemeye alt resmi onay beigeieri Uiusiararasi Qaiima Bürosu
Genel Direktörüne lietilecek ye onun tarafindan tescii edilecektir.
Ibu SözIeme, sadece onay belgeieni, Genel Direktör taralindan tescii
ediImi oian Uiuslararasi Qaiima Tekiiati uyeierini baiayacaktw.
Ibu Säzieme, iki Uyenin onay beigeleri Genel Direktör tarafindan
tescil ediidii tarihten oniki ay sonra yururlüe girecektir.
Daha sonra, ibu Sözleme, onayiayan her Qike 1cm, onay beigesinin
Genei Direktôr tarafindan tescil tarihinden oniki ay sonra yürUriüe girecektir.
Ulusiararasi caIima TekiIati uyesi iki ülkenin onay beigeieri tescii edilir
ediimez, Uluslararasi çalima Bürosu Genel Direktörü bu durumu bütün uye
Ulkelere bildirecektir. Genel Direktör, ayni §ekilde, TekiIatin dier üyeleri
tarafindan kendisine daha sonra uiatiriIacak onay beigelerinin tescil iIemini
de bütün uye Olkelere bildirecektir.
Ibu Sozlemeyi onayIayan her uye ülke,SôzIemenin ilk yururiüe
girdii tarihten itibaren 10 yillik bir devre sonunda Uluslararasi calima Bürosu
Genel Direktärüne gonderecei ye onun tarafindan tescil edilecek bir bildirim
lie Säzlemeyi feshedebilir.Fesih,tescii tarihinden ancak bir yil sonra yurürlüe
g irer.
Ibu Sozlemeyi onaylami olup da, bundan ewelki fikrada sözu edilen
10 yillik devrenin bitiminden itibaren bir yil zarfinda bu madde gereince fesih
hakkini kullanmayan her Uye Qike yeniden 10 yillik bir muddet için baIanmi
olurve bundan sonra ibu Sozieçmeyi, her 10 ytllik devre bitiminde bu maddede
belirtilen §artlar icerisinde feshedebilir.
Uluslararasi çaiima BUrosu Yänetim Kurulu,gerekli gordQu her sefer,
içbu SäzIemenin uygulanrnasi hakkinda Genel Konferansa bir rapor sunacak
ye Säzlemenin tamamen veya kismen düzeltilmesi konusunun Konferans
gundemine alinmasina gerek bulunup bulunmadiini inceieyecektir.
1. Genel Konferansin, bu Sözlemenin tamamini veya bir kismini
yeni bir SözIeme kabul etmesi halinde ye bu yeni SOzlemede aksine bir
hüküm bulunmadii takdirde:
Deiçiklik getiren yeni Säzlemenin bir Uye tarafindan onaylanmasi,
bu yeni Sozlemenin yururlUe girmi olmasi kaydiyla, yukaridaki 13 Oncü
madde hukümleri gozonUnde tutulmaksizin, ibu Säzlemenin derhal feshi
neticesini douraqaktir.
Deiklik getiren yeni Sözlemenin yurürlUe giri tarihinden itibaren,
ibu Säzleme üye ülkeleriri onayina artik açik tutulmayacaktir.
2. Ibu Sözlemeyi onaylami bulunan ye deiiklik getiren Sozlemeyi
onaylamayacak olan ülkeler acisindan ibu Sozleçme ayni muhteva ye biçirnde
yururlukte kalacaktir.
Bu Säzlemenin Franizca ye Ingilizce metinlerinden bin veya
edeerde gecerlidir.
Convention No. 59
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Twenty-third Session on 3 June
1937, and
Havin decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to the
partial revision of the Convention fixing the minimum age for admission of
children to industrial empiovment adopted by the Conference at its First Session, which is the sixth item on the agenda of the Session, and,
Considering that these proposals must take the form of an international
adopts this twenty-second day of June of the year one thousand nine
hundred and thirty-seven, the following Convention, which may be cited as
the Minimum Age (Industry) Convention (Revised), 1937:
Article 1
1. For the purpose of this Convention, the term "industrial under taking"
includes particularlymines, quarries, and other works for the extraction of minerals from
the' earth;
industries in which articles are manufactured, altered, cleaned, repaired, ornamented, finished, adapted for sale, broken up or demolished, or in
which materials are transformed; including shipbuilding, and the generation,
transformation, and transmission of electricity and motive power of any kind;
construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, alteration, or demolition of any building, railway, tramway, harbour, dock, pier, canal, inland
watervay, road, tunnel, bridge, viaduct, sewer, drain, well, telegraphic or telephonic installation, electrical undertaking, gas work, waterwork, other work of
construction, as well as the preparation for or laying the foundations of any
such work or structure;
transport of passengers or goods by road or rail or inland waterway
including the handling of goods at docks, quavs, wharves, and warehouses,
but excluding transport by hand.
2. The competent authority in each country shall define the line of division wich separates industry from commerce and agriculture.
1 Date of coming into force: 21 Februaty 1941. The Convention was revised in 1973 by
Convention No. 138, subject to certain conditions (see Article 10(4) (d) of Convention No. 138).
Article 2
I. Children under the age of fifteen years shall not be employed or work in
any public or private industrial undertaking, or in any branch thereof.
2. Provided that, except in the case of employments which, by their nature or the circumstances in which they are carried on, are dangerous to the
life, health or morals of the persons employed therein, national laws or regulations may permit such children to be employed in undertakings in which only
members of the employer's family are employed.
Article 3
The provisions of this Convention shall not apply to work done by chil-
dren in technical schools, provided that such work is approved and supervised by public authority.
Article 4
In order to facilitate the enforcement of the provisions of this Convention,
every employer in an industrial undertaking shall be required to keep a register of all persons under the age of eighteen years employed by him, and of the
dates of their births.
Article 5
I. In respect of employments which, by, their nature or the circumstances
in which they are carried on, are dangerous to the life health or morals of the
persons employed therein, national laws shall either prescribe a higher age or ages than fifteen years For the admission
there to of young persons or adolescents; or
empower an appropriate authority to prescribe a higher age or ages
than fifteen years for the admission there to of young persons or adolescents.
2. The annual reports to be submitted under article 22 of the Constitution
of the International Labour Organisation shall include full information concerning the age or ages prescribed by national laws in pursuance of subparagraph
of the preceding paragraph or concerning the action taken by the
appropriate authority in exercise of the powers conferred upon it in pursuance
of subparagraph
of the preceding paragraph, as the case may be.
Articles 6-9: Modifications in the application of the Convention to Japan,
India and China, and procedure for their amendment.
Articles 10-16: Standard final provisions.
ILO Kabul Tarihi
:19 Eyiül 1946
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisu
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
:16. 08. 1983 / 2878
:18. 08. 1983 / 18139
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih veSayisi :11. 07. 1984/ 84-6284
:15. 08. 1984/ 18490
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisu
Milietlerarasi çaluma BUrosu Yönetim Kurulu tarafindan Montreai'e davet
edilerek, orada 19 Eylül 1946 tarihinde Yirmi Dokuzuncu toplantisini yapan,
Milietierarasi caiima Tekilati Genel Konferansi, Toplanti gündeminin üçuncü
maddesini tekil eden çocuklarin ye gençlerin sanayide istihdama elverililikIeri
ile ilgili salik muayenesine tabi tutulmaiari hakkinda bazi tekllfierin kabulüne,ve
Bu tekiifierin bazilarinin ulusiararasi bir Sözleçme haline geimesine karar
vererek,Bin dokuz yüz kirk aiti yiii Ekim ayinun ibu dokuzuncu günü, Gençlerin
Sanayide Salik Muayenesine tabi tutulmalarina dair 1946 Sözlemesi §eklinde
adlandirilacak clan aaudaki Saziemeyi kabul eder.
1. Bu SOzleme, kamusal veya äzel sinai iyerIerinde veya bu iyerleriyle
ilgili ilerde çalitirulan veya çaiuiian çocuklarla gençlere uyguianir.
2. Bu Sözlemenin uygulanmasinda:
Maden ye ta ocakiari lie her türlü maddenin topraktan çikariimasiyla
ilgili iyerieri,
Maddelerin imal ye tadli edildii, temizIendii, onaniduu, süslendii,
tamamiandii, sati 1cm hazirlandiu iyerleriyle, gemi yapimi, eiektrik ye genel
olarak her türiü itici güç uretme, tahvii ye iletme iieri dahii, maddeierin §ekiiierinin
deitiriidii iyerieri,
Yapim, onarim, bakim, deiim ye yikum ileri dahil bina yapimi ye
bayindurlik ileriyie iigiIi müesseseler,
Dok,rihtum, iskele, antrepo ye ucak aianiarinda eyanin elle tainmasi
dahil, kara, demir yolu, nehir, kanai ye göilerde veya hava yolu lie yapilan
insan ye eya nakiiyatiyia uraan mOesseseier,<Sanayi iyerierinden> sayiiur.
3. Yetkiii makam, bir taraftan sanayi ye dier taraftan tarim, ticaret ye
sanayiden sayilmayan dier iier arasindaki hududu taymn eder.
1 .Qocuklar ye 18 yaindan aai olan gender, aricak çalitirilacakIari, ice
elvericli oldukiari esasli bir salik muayenesi sonucunda kabul edildii takdirde,
sinai bir müessese tarafindan ice aitnabilirler.
2. ice elvericliIii tayin lie ilgili salik muayenesi,yetkili makamca tensip
edilmic kalifiye bir hekim tarfindan yapilacak bir saiik belgesi He yahut calicma
iznine veya karnesine kaydedilmek suretiyle tevsik olunur.
3. ice eivericiiIii tevsik eden beige:
Belirli Ic artIari koyabilecek,
Ice eIvericIiIii tayin yonunden saIik muayenesine ilickin mevzuatin
uygulamasindan sorumlu bulunan makam tarafindan bir'grup halinde tasnif
editen ye saIikIa ligili benzer tehlikeler arz eden belirli bir Ic veya meslek gruplari
4. Mull mevzuat ice eivericUliOi tevsik eden belgeyi tanzimle yukUmlü yetkili
makami tayin edecek ye bu belgenin tanzim ye verilme usul ye artlarini
çocukiarin ye gencierin ice elvericli buiunup bulunmadikiari, on sekiz
yacina kadar sürdürülen bir saItk kontrolüne tabi tutuimalarini gerektirecektir.
18 yacindan kOçuk bir cocuun yahut gencin sürekli olarak calictirilmasl,
ancak bir yiii gecmeyen aralikiarla saIik muayenesinin yenilenmesi cartina
baOIi oiabiiecektir.
Mliii Güvenlik Konseyi (S. sayisl 636)
Mliii mevzuatiri
Icin arz ettii tehilkelerle ye çocuun yahut gencin ewelki muayenerle
açikIanmI bulunan saiik durumu lie ilgili kontrolUn tesirli olmasini saiamak
1cm, ya salik muayenesinin hangi özel cartlar dahilinde yiilik muayeneye
ilaveten yapilmasi yahut daha sik oiarak yenilenmesi erektiini öngärmesini,
SaIik muayenesinin istisnal durumlarda yenilenmesinde yetkili makami
gorevIi kilmasini gerektirecektir.
1. Salik bakimindan buyuk tehilkeler arz eden mesleklerde ice eIveriçliIii
tesbit etmek bakimindan salik muayenesi ye bu muayenenin yenilenmesi en
az yirmi bec yaina kadar yapilmaiidir.
2.Miili mevzuatin, ice eIvericliJii tayin bakimindan salik muayenesinin
en az yirmi bir yacina kadar yapilmasina matuf icleri veya Ic katogorilerini ya
tayin etmesi veya tayin etme yetkisini uygun bir makama tevdii gerekecektir.
Yukaridaki maddelerde örigôrüien gerekil saiik muayenelerinin çocuklar,
ftçbir masrafi gerektmrmemetidir.
gençier veyahut alieleri 1cm
Ice eIversiziikIeri veya bedeni eksiklik ye aksakiiklarin bulunduu saIik
muayenesince tesbit edilen çocuktarIa gençIeriri yeniden yönetiimesi ye yeniden
bedeni ye mesleki intibaki 1cm yetkiU makam tarafindan gerekii her türiü tedbir
Bu tedbirierin nitelik ye kapsami yetkiii makamca tesbit olunacak;bu
amaçla konuyia ilgili çaiima, eitim, sosyal ye sihhi servisler arasinda bir icbirlii
kuruimasi ye bu tedbirlerin uyguianmasi 1cm bu servisler arasinda tesirli irtibatin
idame ettirilmesi gerekecektir.
Mliii mevzuat, ice elvericiiiii açikça kabul edilmemic olan çocuklari
Bitiminde genç içinin yeni bir muayeneye tabi tutuIacaOi bir devre
geçerii, geçici i permileri yahut saIik beigeleri:
Ozel mahiyette çalitirma çartiari koyan permiler yahut beigeler
veriimesini zorunlu kilabiiecektir.
1. Iverenin, mevzuat ile konulacak hUkme gore, ice eivericIiiie aykiri bir
cihet buiunmadiini tevsik eden saiik karnesir,i yahut çaIima permisini veya
karnesini dosyaiayarak bunu ic teftici sirasinda tetkike amade tutmasi
2.Miiii mevzuat, bu Sozieçmenin siki bir
ekiIde uygulanmasini
saiayabilecek dier denetim metotiarini tayin eder.
Bir üye Uikenin toprakiari, nüfusunun dainikliiii yahut geiime seviyesi
bakimindan bu Sazlecme hUkümlerinin yetkili makamca uygulanmasina imkan
göruImedii geni bOigeleri ihtiva ettii hallerde, bu makam, sOz konusu
boIgeleri ya genel bir çekiide yahut bazi müesseseier veya bazi icier hakkinda
gerekii gOrduu istisnalarla SOzIemeyi uygulamaktan muaf tutabilir.
Her üye Milietlerarasi çahma Teckilati statüsünün 22 nd maddesi
gereince bu Saziecmenmn uyguianmasi hakkrnda verecei ilk yiiiik raporda
bu madde hükümierine bacvurmayi tasariadii herhangi bir bOigeyi
beiirtmeiidir.Sonradan hiçbft Uye bu suretle belirtilmic oiduu bölgelerden backa
bOigeler dicinda bu madde hükümierine bacvuramaz.
Bu madde hükümierine bacvuran her üye, daha sonraki yillik
raporlarinda hangi bolgeler çin bu hükümlere bavurmak hakkindan
vazgeçtiini belirtmeiidir.
1 .Bu Sözlemenin onaylanmasini mümkün kilan mevzuatin kabul edildii
tarihten once, cocukiarin ye gençlerin sanayide çahtiriImaya elverililikierini
tayin bakimindan saiik muayenesiyie ilgili mevzuati olmayan her üye,
onaylama belgesine ek bir beyan lie 2 nd ye 3 uncu maddelerde ongorülen on
sekiz ya yerine hiç bir §ekiide onaiti yatan aai olmamak Uzere;onsekiz
yatan aai bir ya ye 4 uncü maddede ongOrulen yirmi bir ya yerine hiçbir
§ekiide ondokuz yatan aai olmamak üzere yirmibir yatan aai bir ya
haddi koyabilir.
2. Boyle bir beyanda bulunmu clan her üye, onu, daha sonraki bir beyan
lie her zaman iptal edebilir.
3.Hakkinda bu maddenin 1 mci paragrafina uygun suretle yapiImi bir
beyan yururlukte clan her üye, her yii, bu SOzlemenin uyguianmasiyia iigili
yiilik raporunda SOzleme hükümlerinin tam olarak uyguianmasi yoiunda ne
Oiçüde iierieme gerçekIetirildiini beUrtmelidir.
1 .Bu SOziemenin 1 mci BOiümünün hUkümieri, bu maddede ongOruien
deiikIikIerie Hindistan'a uygulanir.
a)SOz konusu hükümier, Hindistan mevzuatinin uyguiamaya yetkili kiidii
bütün toprakiarda uygulanir.
<Sinai müessese> kavrami aaidakiieri kapsar:
i)<Hindistan Fabrika Kanunu>kapsamina giren fabrikaiar,
ii)<Hindistan Maden Ocakiari Kanunu>kapsamina giren maden ocakiari,
iii) Demiryoliari,
iv)cocuklarin çalitriimasi hakkindaki 1938 tarihil kanun kapsamina giren
bütün iier.
2 nd ye 3 uncu maddeler çocukiara ye onaiti yaindan aai olan
genclere uygulanir.
4 uncu maddedeki <ondokuz ya>.ibaresi,<yirmibir ya>in yerine
6 mci maddenin 1 mci ye 2 nd paragraflari Hindistan'a uyguianmaz.
2. Bu maddenin 1 mci paragrafmndaki hükümler aamdaki usuile tadli
Milletierarasm çaimma Konferansi, konunun gündeminde buiunduu
herhangi bir toplantmda ücte iki couniukla, bu maddenin 1 mci paragrafi
hakkinda tadil tasarriarm kabul edebilir.
Boyle bir tadil tasarisi, konferans toplantisinin kapanmasmndan itibaren
bir ymilik yahut olaanüstü durumiarda, 18 aylik bir müddet içinde Hindistan'da
bu tadil tasarisini kanun hafine getirmek yahut baka yoldan tedbirler almak
maksadiyla konu itibarlyle yetkisi dahiline giren makama yahut makamiara
sunu lur.
c)Hindistan, yetkili makamin yahut makamiarin olurunu aidii takdirde;
tadilini, kesin onaylama belgesini, tescil edilmek üzere, Milietlerarast Qahma
Bürosu Genel Müdürüne gönderir.
d)Hindistan tarafindan onayianan boyle bir tadil tasarisi, bu SOzlemenin
tadili olarak yururlue girer.
Son HükUmler
Bu SözIemenin hicbir hükmü, onda derpi olunaniardan daha eIverili
§artlar saIayan hiçbir kanun, karar, adet yahut iverenlerIe içiIer arasindaki
mevcut aniama hükümierine halel getiremez.
Bu Sözlemenin kesin onama beigeleri, tescil edilmek üzere Milletlerarasi
çalima Bürosu Geriel Müdürüne gãnderilir.
Bu SäzIeme, ancak onaylama belgesi MiHetlerarasi çalima Bürosu
Genel MUdürü tarafindan tescil edUen Milietlerarasi calima Teçkilâti üyeierini
SOzleme, iki üyenin onaylama belgelerinin Genel Müdür tarafindan
tescilinden itibaren 12 ay sonra yururlue girer.
Bundan sonra, bu Sözleme her üye hakkinda kendisinin onaylama
belgesinin tesciliriden itibaren 12 ay geçince yururIue girer.
Bu SOzlemeyi onayiayan her üye, onu, ilk yürurlüe giri tarihinden
itibaren 10 yii gectikten sonra Milietlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne
yollayaca ye bu Müdürün tescil edecei bir ihbarname lie feshedebilir. Fesih
tescil tarihinden bir yti sonra geçerli olur.
Bu SOziemeyi onayip da onu bundan ewelki fikrada yazili on yillik
mühletin geçmesinden itibaren bir yil zarfinda, bu madde gereince feshetmek
hakkini kullanmayan her üye, yeniden on yillik bir müddet 1cm baianmi
olacak ye bundan sonra bu SOzIemeyi her on yillik devre bitince, bu madde
de OngOrulen §artlar içinde feshedebilecektir.
1. Milietlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürü Tekilat uyeieri tarafindan
kendisine bildirilen bütün onaylama ye fesihierin tescil edildikierini Milletlerarasi
Qalima Tekilatinin bütün uyelerine yaziyla bildirir.
2. Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, kendisine gonderilen ikini
onaylama belgesinin tescil edHdiini, TekiIat uyelerine yaziyla bildirirken bu
Sözlemenin yururIue girecei tarih hakkinda Tekilat uyelerinin dikkatini çeker.
Milletlerarasi çaliçma Tekilatr Genel MüdUrU yukaridaki maddeler
gereince tescil etmi olduu bütürS onaylama ye fesihierle ilgili ayrintili bilgHeri
BirIemi MilIetIerAndIamasinin 102 nd maddesi uyarincatescil edilmek üzere,
BirIemi Milletler Genel Sekreterine tevdi eder.
Bu Sözlemenin yururlue girmesinden itibaren her on yillik bir devre
sonunda Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu, bu SOzlemenin
uygulanmasi hakkinda ki bir raporu genel Konferansa sunar ye onun tamamen
ye ya kismen detirilmesi keyfiyetinin Konferans gundemine konulmasi lUzumu
hakkinda karar verir.
1. Konferansin bu Sozlemeyi tamamen veya kismen detiren ye yeni
bir Säzleme kabul etmesi halinde ye yeni SözIeme baka hükümleri ihtiva
etmedi takdirde;
Tadil edici yeni SOzlemenin her üye tarafindan onaylanmasi keyfiyeti,
yukaridaki 14 uncU madde nazara alinmaksizin tadil edici yeni Sözlemenin
yururlue girm olmasi kayit ye artiyIa, bu Sözlemenin derhal ye dorudan
doruya feshini gerektirecektir.
Tadil edici yeni Sözlemenin yururIue girme tarihinden itibaren, bu
Sözleme üyelerin onaylamasina artik açik bulundurulmayacaktir.
2. Bu SäzIeme, onu onaylayip da tadil edici SözIemeyi onayIamami
bulunan üyeler 1cm, herhalde imdiki §ekil ye muhtevasi He geçerli olmakta
devam edecektir.
Bu SäzIemenin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinlerinin ler ikiside ayni §ekilde
Convention No. 77
The General Conference of the lnternationai Labour Organisation.
Having been convened at Montreal b' the Governing Body of the International Labour Office and having met in its Twenty-ninth Session on 19 September 1946, and,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals; with regard to
medical examination for fitness For employment in industry children and young
persons, which is included in the third item on the agenda of the Session.
Having determined that these proposals shail take the form of an international Convention.
adopts this ninth day of October of the year one thousand nine hundred
and forty-six, the following Convention, which may be cited as; the Medical
Examination of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1946:
Article 1
I. This Convention applies to children and young, persons employed or
working in, or in connection with, industrial undertakings, whether public or
2. For the purpose of this Convention, the term "industrial undertaking"
inciludes particularly:
mines, quarries, and other works for the extraction of minerals from
the earth;
undertakings in which articles are manufactured, altered, cleaned,
repaired, ornamented, finished, adapted for sale, broken up or demoushed,
or in which materials are transformed, including undertakings engaled in
shipbuilding or in the generation, transformation or transmission of electricity
or motive power of apy kind;
undertakings engaged in building and civil enginering work including constructional: repair, maintenance, alteration and demolition works;
undertakings engaged in the transport of passengers or goods by
road, rail, inland waterway or air, including the handling of goods at docks,
quays, wharves, warehouses or airports.
3. The competent authority shall define the line of division which separates industry from agriculture, commerce and other non-industrial occupations.
Article 2
I. Children and young persons under eighteen years of age shall not be
admitted to employment by an industrial undertaking unless they have been
found fit for the work on which they are to be employed by a thorough medical
2.The medical examinatiqn for fitness for employment shall be carried
out by a qualified physician approved by the competent authority and shall be
certified either by a medical certificate or by an endorsement on the work
permit or in the workbook.
3. The document certifying fitness for employment may be issuedsubject to specified conditions of employment;
for a specified job or for a group of jobs or occupations involving
similar health risks which have been classified as a group by the authority
responsible for the enforcement of the laws and regulations concerning medical examinations for fitness for employment.
4. National laws or regulations shall specify the authority competent to
issue the document certifying fitness for employment and shall define the conditions to be observed in drawing up and issuing the document.
Article 3
The fitness of a child or young person for the employment in which he
is engaged shall be subject to medical supervision until he has attained the
age of eighteen years.
The continued employment of a child or young person under eighteen
years of age shall be subject to the repetition of medical examinations at intervals of not more than one year.
National laws or regulations shall-
make provision for the special circumstances in which a medical
re- examination shall be required in addition to the annual examination or at
more frequent intervals in order to ensure effective supervision in respect of
the risks involved in the occupation and of the state of health of the child or
young person as shown by previous examinations; or
empower the competent authority to require medical reexaminations
in ex- ceptional cases.
Article 4
In occupations which involve high health risks medical examination
and reexaminations for fitness for employment shall be required until at least
the age of twenty-one years.
National laws or regulations shall either specify, or empower an appro-
priate authority to specify, the occupations or categories of occupations in
which medical examination and reexaminations for Fitness for employment
shall be required until at least the age of twenty-one years:
Article 5
The medical examination required by the preceding Articles shall not
involve the child or young person, or his parents, in any expense.
Article 6
I. Appropriate measures shall be taken by the competent authority for
vocational guidance and physical and vocational rehabilitation of children and
young persons found by medical examination to be unsuited to certain types
of work or to have physical handicaps or limitations.
The nature and extent of such measures shall be determined by the
competent authority; for this purpose co-operation shall be established between the labour, health, educational and social services concerned, and effeôtive liaison shall be maintained between these services in order to carry out
such measures.
National laws or regulations may provide for the issue to children and
young persons whose fitness for employment is not clearly determinedof temporary work permits or medical certificates valid for a limited
period at the expiration of which the young worker will be required to. underao
of permits or certificates requiring special conditions of employment.
Article 7
I. The employer shall be required to file and keep available to labour
inspectors either the medical certificate for fitness for employment or the work
permit or workbook showing that there are no medical objections to the employment as may be prescribed by national laws or regulations.
2. National laws or regulations shall determine the other methods of supervision to be adopted for ensuring the strict enforcement of this Convention.
Article 8
In the case of a Member the territory of which includes large areas
where, by reason of the sparseness of the population or the stage of development of the area, the competent authority considers it impracticable to enforce the ar ovisions of this Convention, the authority may exempt such areas
from the application of the Convention either generally or with such exceptions in respect of particular undertakings or occupations as it thinhs fit.
Each Member shall indicate in its first annual report upon the application of this Convention submitted under Article 22 of the Constitution of the
International Labour Organisation any areas in respect of which it proposes to
have recourse to the provisions of the present .Article and no Member shall,
after the date of its first annual report, have recourse to the provisions of the
present Article expect in respect of areas so indicated.
3. Each Member having recourse to the provisions of the present Article
shall indicate in subsequent annual reports any areas in respect of which it
renounces the right to have recourse to the provisions of the present Article.
Article 9
I. Any Member which before the date of the adoption of the laws or regulations permitting the ratification. of this Convention, had no laws or regulations concerning medical examination for fitness for employment in industry
of children and young persons may by a declaration accompanying its ratification, substitute an age lower than eighteen years, but in no case lower than
sixteen years, for the age of eighteen years proscribed in Articles 2 and 3 and
an age lower than twenty one years. but in no case lower than nineteen ,years,
for the age of twenty-one years prescribed in .Article 4.
Any Member which has made such a declaration may at any time
cancel the declaration by a subsequent declaration.
Every Member for which a declaration made in virtue of paragraph 1 of
this.Ar tide is in force shall indicate each year in its annual report upon the
application of this Convention the extent to which any progress has been
made with a view to the full application of the provisions of the Convention.
Article 10
Modifications in the application of' the Convention to India.
Article 1!
Nothing in this Convention shall affect any law, award, custom or agreement between employers and workers which ensures more favourable conditions than those provided by this Convention.
Articles 12-19: Standard Final provisions.
ILO Kabul Tarihi
:19 Eylul 1946
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 24. 05. 1949/5393
: 28. 05. 1949/7218
Milletlerarasi Qalima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulunca Montreal'e davet edilip
orada 19 EyIül 1946 da yirmi dokuzuncu toplantisini akdeden Milletlerarasi
çaIima Tekitatinin Genel Konferansi.
Ilk yirmi sekiz toplantisinda kabul edilen SözlemelerIe,MilletIer Cemiyeti
Genel Sekreterine verilen bazi kayit ye tescil gOrevlerinin bundan sonra yerine
getirilmesini salamak ye Milletler Cemiyetinin feshi Milletlerarasi çalima
Tekilati Statüsünün tadili dolayislyle, bu hususta bazi tamamlayici deiçiklikler
yapmak maksadiyle, anilan Sözlemeierde kismi §ekilde tadiller icrasi hakkinda
olup, toplanti gündeminin ikinci maddesini tekil eden meseleye müteallik
bulunan bir takim tekUflerin kabulünü kararlatirdiktan sonra;
Bu tekliflerin, bir milletlerarasi SözIeme §eklini almasi lazim geldii
mütalâasinda bulunarak;
Bin dokuz yüz kirk alti yili Ekim ayinin dokuzuncu günü, son maddelerin
deiçtiriImesine ait 1946 Säzlemesi adirii taçiyacak olan açaidaki SözIemeyi
kabul eder:
Milletlerarasi çaliçma Konferansinca, ilk yirmibe toplaritisinda kabul edilen
Sözlemelerin metinlerinin herhangi bir yerinde bulurian, <MiHetler Cemiyeti
Genel Sekreteri> kelimeleri yerine, <Milletlerarasi çaIima Bürosu Genel
Müdürü> kelimeleri, <Genel Sekreter> kelimeleri yerine, <Genel
MQdür>kelimeleri ye <Sekreterlik> kelimelesi yerine, <Milletlerarasi calima
Bürosu>kelimeleri konuImutur.
2.Konferansça, ilk yirmi be toplantisinda kabul edilen Söz!emeler de
derpi edilen, Sözlemelerin deiklikIerin orianmalarinin, bozma belgelerinin
ye beyanatin, Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel MüdürU tarafiridan tescil
edilmesi keyfiyeti ile, zikredilen onamalarin, bozma belgelerinin ye beyanatin
anilan säzlemelerin asil metinlerin hükümleri geregince, Milletler Cemiyeti
Genel Sekreteri tarafindan tescil ediJmi olmalari keyfiyeti, her hususta, ayni
hükmü ifade edecektir.
3.Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, bu onamalarin bozma
belgelerinin ye beyanatin Konferansça, ilk yirmibe toplantisinda kabul edilen
Säzlemelerin, bu maddenin bundan ewelki hUkümleri lIe deitirilmi bulurian
hükümleri gereince, kendi tarafindari tescil edilmelerine dair bütUn malumati,
Birlemi Milletler Antlamasinin 102 nci maddesine gore tescil edilmek üzere
Birlemi Milletier Genel Sekreterine gänderecektir.
1.Konferansça ilk on sekiz toplantisinda kabul ediImi bulunan
Sözlemeierin her birinin mukaddemesinin ilk fikrasindaki <Milletler
Cemiyeti>kelimeleri kaldirrlmitir.
2.Konferansça, ilk on yedi toplantisinda kabul ediimi
Sôzlemeierin mukaddemelerinde yazih<Versay Antiamasinin XIII Oncü kismi
andlamaIarinin mütenazir kisimlari hOkümieri
lie dier bari
gereince>kelimeieri He bu formülün deiçmi §ekiileri yerine, <Milletlerarasi
Qalima Tekilati StatUsü hükümleri gereince> kelimeleri konulmutur.
3.Konferansça, ilk yirmi be toplantisindã kabul ediimi bulunan
Sözlemelerin bütün maddelerindeki <Versay Antiamasinin XIII OncU kismi
lIe dier bari antlamaIarinin mOtenazir kisimiarinda derpi edilen §artIar
içinde> keilmeterlyle bu formUlUn deimi bOtün §ekilleri yerine, <Milletlerarasi
caIima Tekilati Statüsünde tesbit edilen §artlar içinde> kelimeleri konulmutur.
Konferansça, ilk yirmi be toplantisinda kabul edilmi bulunan
SOzIemeIerin bütün maddelerindeki <Versay Andiamasinin 408 mci maddesi
ye dier bari andlamalarinin mütenazir maddeleri>kelimeleri ye bu formüiün
bUtün deimi çekilleri yerine, <Milletlerarasi calima Tekilati Statüsünün 22
nd maddesi>kelimeleri konulmutur.
Konferansca, ilk yirmi be toplantisinda kabul edilmi bulunan
Sözlemelerin bütOn maddelerindeki <Versay Antlaçmasinin 421 mci maddesi
ye dier bari antlamalarinin mOtenazir maddeleri> kelimeleri yerine,
<Milletlerarasi çalima Tekilati Statüsünün 35 irici maddesi>kelimeleri
Konferansça, ilk yirmi be topiantisinda kabul edilmiç bulunan
Sözlemelerin mukaddemelerinde ye bütün maddeleriride yazili<Sözleme
Tasarisi >tabiri yerineczSazIeme> kelimesi konulmutur.
Konferansça, ilk yirmi sekiz toplantisinda kabul edilmi bulunan
SOzleçmeieriri, Milletlerarasi çalima BUrosu MOdüründen bahseden bütün
maddelerindeki <MüdUr>ünvani yerine <Genel Müdür>ünvani konulmutur.
Konferarisça, ilk on yedi toplantisinda kabul ediImi bulunan herhangi
bir Sözlemede <adi verilecek olan>kelimeleri mukaddemeye dersolunacak
ye bunu bahis mevzuu Sozlemeyi ifade etmek üzere Milletlerarasi çalima
Bürosunca kullanilacak olan muhtasar ünvan takip edecektir.
Konferansça, ilk on don toplantisinda kabul edilmi bulunan herhangi
bir SOzIemede, birden fazla fikra ihtiva eden maddelerin numaralanmami
fikralari, numaralanacaktir.
Konferansça, ilk yirmi sekiz toplantisinda kabul edilmi
bulunan bir
SOzIemenin kesin ekitde onanmasina ait bir belgeyi §imdiki bu SOzIemenin
yururIüe girdii tarihten sonra, Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne
gOnderecek clan Tekilatin her üyesi, anilan SOzlemeyi, §imdiki bu SOzleme
lIe detirilmi §ekli lie onanmi sayilacaktir.
Bu Söziemenin iki nüshasi, Konferans Bakani lie Milletlerarast caIima
BOrosu Genel MüdQrü tarafindan imzalanacaktir. Bu nüshalardan birisi,
Milletierarasi caIima Bürosu arivine konulacak, dieri Biriemi Milletier
Antlámasinin 102 nd maddesi geregince tescil edilmek Ozere, BirIemi
Milietler Genel Sekreteririe verilecektir.Genel Müdür, bu Sôzlemenin tasdikil
bir nüshasiru, MiHetlerarasi çalima Tekiiati üyeierinden her birine yoiiayacaktir.
Bu Säzlemenin kesin §ekilde onanmalarina ait belgeler, Milletierarasi
çahma Bürosu Genel MUdürüne ganderilecektir..
Bu SözIeme, onun Milletierarasi çalima Tekilati üyeierinden ikisi
tarafindan onanmasina alt beige, Genel Müdür tarafindan alindii tarihte
yururIue girecektir.
Bu SOziemenin yururlue girmesi ye bunu mütaakiben onun yeni
onanmalarina alt beigelerin aiinmasi akabinde, Milietierarasi Qaiima Bürosu
Genel Müdürü, keyfiyeti, Milletlerarasi çaIima Tekilatinin bUtün üyelerine ye
Biriemiç Milietier Genei Sekreterine bildirecektir.
Bu Sözlemeyi onayari tekiiatin her üyesi, bununia, Sözlemenin ilk
yürüriüe girmeslyle, bizzat kendi tarafindan onanmasi tarihi arasindaki fasila
zarfinda, bu Sözleme gereince yapilan herhangi bir hareketin muteber
bulunduunu tanimi oiur.
Bu SözIeme yürüiue girer girmez, Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel
Müdürü, Konferansça, ilk yirmi sekiz toplaritisinda kabul ediimi bulunan
SözlemeIerin, bu Sozleme hükümleri gereince deitirilmi §ekildeki resmi
metinlerini, kendi tarafindan usulü dairesinde imzali ye iki asil nüsha olmak
üzere, hazirlayarak bunlardan bir tanesi Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu arivine
konulacak ye dieri Birlemi Milletler Antlaçmasinin 102 nd maddesine gore
tescil olunmak 1cm, Birleçmi Milietler Genel Sekreterine verilecektir; Genel
Müdür, bu metinlerin tasdikil nQshalarini, tekilat üyelerinin her birine
Konferansça, ilk yirmi sekiz toplantisinda kabul ediImi bulunan
SOzIemelerde mevcut herhangi bir hükme bakilmaksizin, §imdiki bu
SOzleçmenin bir üye tarafindan onanmasi, anilan SOzlemelerden herhangi
birinin tabiatiyla feshini tazammun etmeyecek ye bu SOzlemenin yurulue
girmesinin, adi geçen SOziemeleri yeni onamalara kapali tutmak gibi bir sonucu
1. Bu SOzlemeyi tamamen veya kismen detiren yeni bir SOzlemenin
konferansça kabulü halinde, yeni SOzlemenin aksine hCikümleri ihtiva etmemesi
a) Yeni SOzlemenin bir üye tarafindan onanmasi, bu yeni SOzleme
yurüIue girmi olmak kayit ye artiyle, imdiki bu SözIemenin tabiatiyle
bozulmasini tazammun edecektir;
b) Bu Sozlemeyi detiren yeni SôzIemenin yururIue girmesi tarihinden
itibaren, §imdiki bu Säzleme, artik uyelerin onanmalarana açik
2. Bu Sôzleme, onu onami ye onu detiren Sôzlemeyi onamami
clan bUtün Uyeler hakkinda aynen yUrUrlükte kalmaya devam edecektir.
Bu SäzIemenin Fransizca ye ingilizce metinlerinin her bin ayni §ekilde
* Söz1emeIer!n sonunda yer aIdiindan ingiiizøe Metni ILO tarafindan ayrica
ILO Kabul Tarihi
:19 Haziran 1947
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
:13. 12. 1950 / 5690
: 22; 12. 1950/17689
Milletlerarasi çaligma Tekilati Yönetim Kurulu tarafindan Cenevre'ye davet
edilerek orada 19 Haziran 1947 tarihinde 30 uncu toplantisini yapan Milletlerarasi
çalima Tekilati Genel konferansi,
Toplanti gundeminin 4 uncu maddesini teçkil eden Sanayi ye Ticaret te i
Teftii meselesine dair muhtelif tekliflerin kabulüne,
Bu tekliflerin bir Milletlerarasi SözIeme §eklini almasina, karar verdikten
Bin dokuz yOz kirk yedi yili Temmuz ayinin on birinci günü,
Teftii hakkinda 1947 Sözlemesi adini taiyacak clan aaidaki
Sözlemeyi kabul eder:
Hakkinda bu Sözlemenin yururlukte bulunduu Milletlerarasi çaIima
Tekilatinrn her üyesinin sinai iyerlerinde birtefti sistemi bulundurmasi lâzimdir.
Sinai iyerlerinde i tefti sistemi çalima çartlarina ye içiIerin ileriyIe
meçgul bulunduklari sirada korunmalarina dair konulan kanuni hükümlerin
uygulanmasini salamakla i mUfettilerinin vazifeli bulundukiari bütün iyerleri
hakkinda uygulanir.
Miii mevzuat, maden ye ulatirma iletmelerini veya bu gibi iletmelerini
bazi kisimlarini bu SözIemenin uygulanmasindan istisna edebilir.
tefti sisteminin vazifeleri §unlar olacaktir:
a) calima müddetleri, ucretler, iç emniyeti, içilerin saIii ye refahi, çocuk
ye gençlerin calitirilmasi ye bunlarla ilgili dier hususlar gibi, calima artlarina
ye içcilerin ieriyle megul bulunduklari sirada korunmalarina dair kanuni
hük0mlerin mezkür hukümlerin tatbikini temin etmekie i
bulunduklari nisbette uygulanmasini salamak;
mOfettilerinin vazifeli
b) Iverenlere ye iççiiere, kanuni hükümiere riayet etmeyl saIayacak en
mUessir yollar hakkinda teknik malOmat vermek ye tavsiyeler de bulunmak,
C) Mevcut kanuni hükümlerin sarih §ekilde derpi etmemi olduu kusur
veya suistimalleri yetkiii makamin dikkatine arzetmek;
2. I mufettiçlerine tevdi edilebliecek dier vazifelerin, esas vazifelerini ifaya
mani olmamasi veya iverenier ye icUerle olan münasebetlerinde müfettiçier
zaruri bulunan nüfuz ye tarafsizIia halel vermemeleri lazimdir.
Ic teftiçi, üye memieketin idari usuiyieriyle kabilitelif oiduu nisbette,
merkezi bir makami nezaret ye murakabesine tabi bulunacaktir.
Federel bir deviet bahis mevzuu oiduu taktirde, "merkezi makam"
tabiri, ya federal bir makami veya federasyonu teckil eden bir hükümetin merkezi
makamini ifade edebilir.
Yetkiii makam, acaIda yazii husulari kolaylactirmak 1cm uygun tedbirier
Bir taraftan teftic servisleri, dier taraftan benzeri faaliyetlerde bulunan
hükümetin dier servisieri de resmi ye hususi kurumlar arasirida müessir bir
icbirIii yapilmasi,
Ic teftici servisiniri memuriariyla icveren ye içiler veya bunlariri
tecekkülieri arasinda i beraberIii yaplimasi.
Teftic personeii, memuriyette istikrarlanni ye hükümet deicikiikiermni ye
yerinde olmayan hand tesisiere tabi bulunmalarini saiayacak cekilde bin statü
ye hizmet cartlarindan faydalanan amme memuriarindan terekkup edecektir.
Amme hizmetlerine altntnak 1cm mliii mevzuatin tesbit edeceOi artiar
mahfuz kaimak kaydi lie, ic müfetticleni, yainiz gorecekleri vazifeleri ifa edebilmek
gereken ehliyet gozönunde tutularak tayin edilecekierdir.
Bu ehliyetlenin tahkiki yollani yetkili makam tarafindan taymn edilecektir.
ic mufettiçierinin vazifelerini ifa edebilmeleri 1cm munasip cekiide
yetitirilmeieri lazimdir.
Gerek erkekier, gerek kadinlar i mufettici tayin edilebiieceklerdir; icap
ettii taktirde erkekie kadin mufettiçlere äzei vazifeier verilebilecektir.
Her üye, iIeriyIe megul bulupduklari esnada saIik ye emniyetlerinin
korunmasina dair olari kanuni hUkümlerin uygulanmasrni saIamak ye
kullanilan usullerin, malzemenin ye calima §ekillerinin içiIerin saIik ye
emniyeti üzerindeki etkuerini aratirmak maksadiyla, tababet, makina, elektirik
ye kimya alanlarindaki mütahassilar da dâhil olmak Uzere, hakkiyle ehflyetli
eksper ye teknisyenlerin milli §artlara gore en münasip sayilabilecek tarida
tefti faaliyetlerine itiraklerini temin etmek için Iüzumlu clan tedbirleri alacaktir.
müfettileri, i teftii vazifesini müessir bir §ekilde ifasina yetecek sayida
olacak ye bu sayl, aatdaki hususlar hakkiyle gOzOnünde tutularak tespit
a) Müfettilerin ifa etmek mecburiyetinde olduklari vazifelerin önemi,
Teftie tabi iyerlerinin sayt, mahiyet, buyuklülük ye mevkii,
Bu gibi içyerlerinde istihdam edilen içilerin sayl ye nevileri,
Uygulanmasinin salanmasi gereken kanuni hükümlerin sayisi ye
b) Müfettilerin emrine verilmi clan maddi vasitalar;
c) Teftilerin müessir bir çekilde icrast 1cm bunlarin tabi olacai ameli
1. Yetkili makam, i müfettilerine aaidaki hususlarin temin edilmesi
için lüzumlu olari tedbirleri alacaktir:
Tefti servisinin ihtiyaçlarina gore münasip §ekilde techiz ediImi ye
ilgili bitün ahislara açik bulundurulan mahalli bürolar;
Munasip amme tacit kolaylikiarinin mevcut olmadii hallerde,
müfetticlerin vazifelerini ifa edebilmeleri 1cm lüzumlu olan tacit kolaylikiari,
2. Yetkili makam, i müfetticlermnin vazifelerini ifa edebilmeleri 1cm lüzumlu
olabilecek seyahat vesair masraflarinin kendilerine tediyesi için gerekli tedbirleri
1. HUviyetlerini bildiren belgeleri hamil i mutettigleri acaidaki yetkileri
Teftice tabi herhangi bir icyerine günün veya gecenin herhangi bir
saatinde serbestce ye Onceden haber vermeksizin girmek,
Teftice tabi oldukiarina hükmetmek 1cm
bütün mahallere gUnduzun girmek;
makul bir sebep gOrebilecekleri
c) Kanuni hükümiere hakikatten riayet edilip ediImediine kanaat getirmek
maksadiyle, iüzumiu gorebiiecekleri her tUriü tetkik, kontrol ye tahkikatta
bulunmak ye bilhassa:
Kanuni hukurnierin uygulanmasiyle ligill her hususta iverene veya
iietme personeline yalniz veya §ahitler huzurunda sorular tevcih etmek;
caiicma artiarina dair olan mliii mevzuatin tutuimasini emrethi her
türiü defterierin, kayitiarin veya dier vesikalarin kanuni hükümlere uygun olup
olmadikiarini tetkik etmek ye suretlerini çikarmak veya bunlardan hulasalar
maksadiyie, adi gecen vesikalarin ibraz edilmesini talep etmek;
Asilmasi kanunen mecburi clan ilaniarin asiimasini istemek;
Tahili etmek maksadiyle, kuilanilan veya iienen maizeme ye
maddelerden numuneler aimak ye bunlari goturmek; u çartla ki bu maksatia
her hangi bir numune veya maddenin alinip gOturuldüü iveren veya vekiiine
haber verilecektir.
2. Mufettjçier, teftie geidikierini, iveren veya vekiline haber veririer; meer
ki bu tarzda haber vermenin, vazifelerinin ifasina halet getirebiieceini müiahaza
etmi oisunlar.
1. Tesislerde, tertipierde veya caiima usullerinde tesbit ettikieri ye içiierin
saiik emniyeti bakimindan bir tehiike tekii edeceine kani olmak 1cm makul
bir sebep gordukleri eksikiikierin tamamlanmasi maksadiyie tedbirier aidirmak
hususunda i mUfettiierine yetki veriiecektir.
2. MüfettiIerin bu gibi tedbirleri aidirmalarini mümkün kilmak üzere, adii
veya idari makama her türiü itiraz 1cm mliii mevzuatin tanidi hak mahfuz
kalmak §artiyie, kendileri aaida yaziii hususlarda emir vermek veya verdirmek
yetkismne mailk bulunacakiardir.
iciierin salik ye emniyetine dair clan kanuni hUkümierin tamamlyle
uygulanmasini salamak 1cm, tesisierde iüzumiu goruiebiiecek clan deiikIerin
tesbit edilecek bir zaman zarfinda yapilmasi;
iciierin saiik ye emniyeti bakimindan yakin bir tehilke mevcut oiduu
takdirde, derhal tatbik oiunmak üzere tedbirler alinmasi.
3. Fikra 2 de derpiç oiunan usui, üyenin, adil veya idari usuiieriyie kabul
telif oimadiOi halierde, müfettiIer, emirierin verlimesi veya derhal tatbik edilmek
üzere tedbirierin aiinmasi 1cm yetkiii makama müracaat yetkisine malik
tefti servisinin, mliii mevzuatin emredecei hailerde ye tarzlarda i
kazaiari ye mesiek hastaiii vakaiarindan haberdar ediimesi iazimdir.
Mliii mevzuatin koyabiiecei istisnalar mahfuz kaimak kaydiyie,
Murakabeleri aitindaki iietmeIerie dorudan doruya veya dolayisiyie
herhangi bir aiâkaiari olmak hakkini haiz buiunmiyacaklardir.
Vazifelerinin ifasi sirasinda, imalat, ticaret siriari veya iietme usulieri
hakkinda ärendikIerini, hizmetten ayrildiktan sonra dahi ifa etmemek
mecburiyetinde oiacakiar ye bu mecburiyet münasip cezalar veya disiplin
tedbirierinin mueyyidesi aitinda bulunduruiacaktir.
Tesisierde bir eksiklik buiunduunu veya kanuril hükümierin ihiâi
ediidiini kendlieririe haber veren herharigi bir §ikayet membaini mutiak suretie
gizil tutacakiar ye teftiin bir §ikayet üzerine yapiidiini iveren veya vekiiine
biidirmekten cekinecekierdir.
Iyerierinin, ilgili kanuni hükümierin müessir bir ekiide uyguianmasini
temin etmenin iüzumiu kiiacai kadar sik ye itinali bir ekiide tefti edlimesi
Uyguianmasi i mufettiIeri tarafindan saianan kanuni hükUmleri ihiai
veya ihmai edecek §ahlsiar hakkinda Onceden ihtar ediimeksizin derhai kanuni
takibata geçiiecektir, §U kadar ki, noksanianri ikmaii veya Onieyici tedbirierin
uyguianmasi için önceden ihtarda bulunuirnasi gereken haliere dair mliii
mevzuat tarafindan istisnalar kabul ediiebiiecektir.
Takibata geçmek veya geçilmesini tavsiye etmek yerine, ihtar veya
tavsiyede bulunma keyfiyeti i müfettiierinin takdfrine birakilir.
Uyguianmasi i müfettiiernin kontroItne tabi oian kanuni hükümieri ihial
ye vazifelerini ifada i müfettiierine engel çikarmak haiierine kari münasip
cezal mUeyyideier mliii mevzuat tarafindan derpiç edliecek ye müessir bir §ekiide
tatbik oiunacaktir.
Icabina gore, ya
müfettiieri veya mahaili tefti büroiari, tefti
faaiiyetierinin neticeieri hakkinda merkezi tefti makamina genei mahiyette
muntazam devre raporiari vermekie mükeiief tutuiacakiardir.
Bu raporiar zaman zaman, merkezi makam tarafindan tespit oiunan
tarzda hazirianacak ye bu makam tarafindan tesbit ediien konuiari ihtiva
edecektir; raporiar en az bu makamin tesbit edecei kadar sik olarak ye her
haide senede en az bir defa veriiecektir.
Merkezi tefti makami, kontroü altinda bulunan tefti servislerinin
çaIimaIarina dair umumi mahiyette bir senelik rapor yayinlayacaktir.
Bu senelik raporlar, alt oldukiari seneriin hitamindan sonra makul bir
zaman zarhnda ye her halde 12 ay içinde yayinlanacaktir.
Senelik raporlann suretleri, yayinlandiktan sonra makul bir devre zarfinda
ye her hade üç ay içinde Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel MUdürIüüne
Merkezi tefti makami tarafindan yayinlanan senelik rapor aaidakI
konulari ye adi geçen makamin kontrolüne tabi olan dier ilgili hususlan ihtiva
servisinin faallyetiyle ilgili kanunar ye tUzükler;
i tefti servisinin personeli;
Teftie tabi iyerIerinin istatistikieri ye buralarda caIitinlan içilerin sayisi;
Tefti ziyaretlerinin istatistikieri;
lenen suçlara ye verilen cezalara dair istatistikier;
kazalari istatistikleri;
Meslek hastalikiari istatistikleri.
Hakkinda bu SözIemenin bu kisminin yürürlükte bulunduu Milletlerarasi
calima Teçkilatinin her üyesinin ticari iyerIerinde bir i sistemi bulundurulmasi
Ticari iyerIerinde i tefti sistemi, çalima artIarina ye içilerin iIeriyle
megul bulundukiari sirada korunmalarina dair olan kanuni hükümlerin
uygulanmasini salamakIa Ic mufetticleririin vazifeli bulundukiari iyerleri
hakkinda uygulanir.
Ticari iyerlerinde Ic teftic sistemi, bu Sözlecmenin 3-21. maddeleri
hükümlerinin, uygulanabildikleri nisbette yerine getirilmesini salamaIidir.
1. Milletlerarasi Qallcma Teckilatinin bu SozIemeyi onayan her üyesi
onama belgesine ekIeyecei bir beyania Sôzlecmeyi kabulünde II nd kismi
müstesna tutabilir.
Bu §ekilde ber beyanda bulunmu olan her uye, muteakip bir beyanla,
ewelki beyanini herharigi bir zamanda iptal edebilir.
Bu maddenin birinci pararafina gäre yapiImi alan beyanin kendisi
hakkinda yururlukte bulunduu her üye Säzlemenin tatbikine dair yillik
raporunda SOzleçmenin II nd kisminin hükümleri hakkinda kendi kanununun
ye tatbikatinin durumunu bildirecek ye adi gecen hükümlerin ne dereceye
kadar tatbik mevkiine konduunu veya konulmasinin tasavvur edildiini
Herhangi bir iyerinin veya iyeri kisminin yahut servisinin, bu Sözlemenin
§umulüne girdii muhakkak surefte belli olmadii takdirde, meselenin haul
yetkili makama alt olacaktir.
Bu SOzIemede "Kanuni hükümler" tabiri kanun ye tüzüklerden baka,
kanuri kuvvetini haiz bulunan ye uygulanmasini salamak i müfettiIerinin
vazifesi alan hakem kararlarini ye genel sOzlemeleri de içine alir.
Milletlerarasi çalima Tekilati Statüsünün 22 nd maddesi gereince
verilecek olan senelik raporlara bu Sözleme hükümlerini tatbik mevkiine koyan
bütUn kanunlar ye tüzükler hakkinda mufassal malümat dercedilecektir.
Bir üyenin ülkesi geni bölgeleri ihtiva edip te bu bälgelerdeki nüfusun
dainikIii veya gelime safhasi dolayistyla yetkili makam bu Sözleme
hUkümlerinin buralarda uygulanmasinin kabil olmayacaini mülahaza ettii
takdirde, adi geçen makam, bu bolgeleri bu SözIemenin uygulanmasindan
ya tamamlyle veyahut muayyen iletmeler veya iler hakkinda münasip görecei
istisnalar kabul etmek suretiyle kismen muaf tutabilir.
Her üye, Milletlerarasi çalima Tekilatt statüsünün 22. nci maddesi
gereince bu SOzlemenin uygulanmasina dair verecei ilk ytIlik raporunda,
hakkinda bu madde hükümlerine müracaat niyetinde olduu bölgeleri ye bu
hükümlere müracat niyetinde olmasinin sebeplerini gOstermelidir; hic bir üye,
daha sonra bu suretle göstermi bulunduu bôlgelerden maadasi için bu
madde hükümlerine mUracaat edemez.
Bu madde hükümleririe müracaat eden her üye, muteakip yilltk
raporlarinda, hangi bOlgeler 1cm
vazgectimni gOstermelidir.
bu madde hükümlerine mUracaat hakkindan
1. Miltetlerarasi çaIima TekiIati StatüsUnün 1946 yiiinda tadli edilen
metnin 35 mci maddesinde zikrolunan Ulkeler hususunda bu suretie tadil ediImi
oian adi gecen maddenin 4 ye 5 mci fikraiarinda yaziii üikeler hariç, bu
Soziemeyi onayan her tekiiat uyesi, aaidaki hususlari biidiren biçbeyani
Milletlerarasi caIima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne, onanmasindan sonra, mümkün
olan en kisa müddet içinde gondermeiidir:
Hakiarinda Säzieme hUkümierinin hiç bir deOiikiik yapilmadan
uyguianmasinl taahhüt ettii uikeier;
Haklarinda Säzieme hükümlerinin deiçikiikiere uyguianmasini taahhüt
ettiOl Uikeler ye bu deikliklerin nerelerden ibaret oiduu
Hakiarinda Sozleçmenin uygulanamiyacai üikeier ye bu gibi halierde
Söziemenin uyguianmamasinin sebepieri,
Haklarinda kararini sonraya birakt101 Uikeler,
2. Bu maddenin birinci paragrafinin a ye b bentlerinde zikroiunan
taahhütler, onanmanin ayrilmaz kisimlari oiarak sayilacak ye ayni sonuçlari
3. Her üye bü maddenin 1. paragrafinin b), c) ye d) bentieri gereince,
daha ewel yapmi olduu beyanda mevcut ihtirazi kayitiarin hepsinden yahut
bir kismindan, yeni bir beyan lie vazgecebilecektir.
4. Her üye, 34 uncü madde hükUmierine uygun oiarak, bu Säzlemenin
fesh- ediiebilecei devreler zarfinda genel MQdüre, daha eweiki herhangi bir
beyamn hükümlerini herhaigi baka bir bakimdan deitiren ye beiirli
üikeierdeki durumu blidiren yeni bir beyan gonderebilecektir.
1. Bu Säzleme konusuna dahii bulunan meseleler, anavatan dii bir
üikenin makamlarinin bizzat kendi yetkisi çerçevesi içine girdii zaman, o
Qlkenin Milietierarasi müriasebetierinden sorumiu cian Uye, adi geçen üikenin
hukUmetiyle mutabik olarak, Milietlerarasi çaiima Bürosu Genel müdürüne,
o Ulke adina, bu sôziemedeki vecibeieri kabul ettiine dair bir beyan
2. Bu Sôziemedeki vecibelerin kabuiü hakkindaki bir beyan Milletlerarasi
çalima Bürosu Genel MQdUrune;
Müterek otoriteieri aitinda buiunan bir üike için iki veya daha fazia
Tekiiat üyesi;
Biriemiç Milietler Antiamasi hükUmleri yahut o ülke hakkinda
yururiukte olan herhangi dier bir hüküm gereince, o Oikenin idaresinden
sorumlu bulunan Milletlerarasi her makam, tarafindan gonderilebilir.
3. Bu maddenin yukaridaki paragrafiari hükümieri uyarinca, Milletlerarasi
çairma BUrosu Geriei Müdürüne gänderiien beyaniar, SözIeme hUkumierinin
iigili Uikede deOiikiiklerie ml yoksa deiikIik yapilmadan mi uygulanacatni
blidirmelidir; beyan Sözieme hükümierinin deiiklikler kaydiyie uygulandiini
biidirdii zaman, adi geçen deikIikIerin nelerden ibaret olduunu beiirtmeiidir.
ligili üye yahut uyeier veya Milletlerarasi makam, daha eweiki bir beyania
bildirilen deiikiii iieri sürmek hakkindan, daha sonraki bir beyanla tamamen
veya kismen vazgeçebilecektir.
lIgili üye yahut uyeler veya Milietierarasi makam 17 nd madde
hükümierine uygun olarak, SözIemenin feshediiebiiecei devreier zarfinda
Genel Müdüre, daha ewelki beyanin hUkQmlerinin herhangi baka bir bakimdan
deitiren ye bu Sozieçmenin uyguianmasi hususundaki durumu beiirten yeni
bir beyan gonderebHecektir.
Bu SozIemenin kesin onama beigeleri, Milletierarasi caIima Bürosu Genel
Müdürüne gonderiiecek ye onun tarafindan tesciI ediiecektir.
Bu Sözieme, ancak onama beigeleri Genei MUdUr tarafiridan tescil
ediImi olan Miiietlerarast çaiima Tekiiati uyelerini baiayacaktir.
Bu SözIeme, ki üyenin onama belgelerinin Genei müdUr tarafindan
tescil edilmesi tarihinden on iki ay sonra yürüriüe girecektir.
Daha sonra bu Sozleçme, her üye hakkinda, kendisinin onama
beigesinin tesciliriden itibaren oniki ay sonra yururIue girecektir.
Bu Sözlemeyi onayan her üye, onu, ilk yürüriüe giri tarihinden
itibaren on ytilik bir devre sonunda, Milletlerarasi QaIima Bürosu Genel
Müdürüne gonderecei ye bu müdürün tescil edecei bir ihbarname lie
feshedebilir. Fesih, tescil tarihinden ancak bir yit sonra muteber oiacaktir.
Bu Sozieçmeyi onami oiup da onu bundan ewelki fikrada yazili on
yiiiik devrenin bitiminden itibaren bir yii zarfinda bu madde gereince feshetmek
ihtiyarini kulianmayan her üye, yeniden on yiliik bir müddet için baIanmi
olacak ye bundan sonra bu SazIemeyi, her on yiflik devre bitince, bu maddede
derpi edilen artIar içinde feshedebilecektir.
Miiietlerarasi caIima Bürosu Genei Müdürü tekilat uyeteri tarafindan
kendisine bildirilen bütün onama beyan ye fesihierin tescil edildikierini,
Milietierarasi çalima Tekilatinin bQtün uyelerine tebii edecektir.
Milietlerarasi çaiima Bürosu Genel MüdUrü, kendisine gönderiien
SözIemenin ikinci onama belgesinin tescil ediidiini tekiiat uyelerine tebii
ederken, bu Säzieçmenin yQrüriüe girecei tarih hakkinda tekiiat uyelerinin
dikkatini çekecektir.
Milietlerarasi çarima Bürosu Genel Müdürü yukaridaki maddeler
gereince tescil etmi oiduu bütün onama ye fesihiere dair tam biigiieri,
BirIemi MiiietierAntiamasinin 102 nd maddesi uyarincatesoii edilmek Uzere,
Biriemi MHietier Genel' Sekreterliine uiatiracaktir.
Bu SOzlemenin yururiüe girmesinden itibaren her on yiiiik bir devre
sonunda, Milietierarasi Qaiima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu bu Söziemenin
uyguianmasi hakkindaki bir raporu Genel Konferansa sunacak ye onun tamamen
veya kismen deitirilmesi keyfiyetinin konferans gündemine konulmasi Iüzumu
hakkinda karar verecektir.
1. Konferansin bu Säziemeyi tamamen veya kismen deitiren yeni bir
Säzleme kabul etmesi halinde ye yeni SäzIeme bakaca hükQmier ihtiva
eylemedii takdirde:
Tadil edici yeni Sözlemenin bir üye tarafindan onanmasi keyfiyeti,
yukaridaki 34 ncu madde nazara alinmaksizin ye fakat tadil edici yeni SözIeme
yürurlue girmi oimak kayit ye çarti lie, bu Söziemenin derhal ye kendiliinden
feshini tazammun edecektir.
Tadil edici Sözieriienin yurürlue girmesi tarihinden itibaren, bu
Sözieme, üyelerin onamasina artik açik buiunduruimayacaktir.
2. Bu Sãzieme onu onayip da tadil edici SOziemeyi onamami buiunan
herhaide §imdiki §ekil ye muhtevasiyie muteber olmakta devam
üyeler id
Bu Söziemenin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinleri ayrii §ekiide rnuteberdir.
Convention No. 81
The General Conference of the lnteraational Labour Organisation.
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Thirtieth Session on 19 June 1947;
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals,with regard to
the organisation of labour inspection in industry and commerce, which is the
fourth item on the agenda of the Session, and
Having detertrmined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this eleventh day of July of the year one thousand nine hundred
and forty-seven, the following Convention, which may be cited as the Labour
Inspection Convention, 1947:
Article 1
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation for which this
Convention is in force shall maintain a system of labour inspection in industrial
Article 2
The system of labour inspection in industrual work places shall apply
to all workplaces in respect of which legal provisions relating to conditions of
work and the protection of workers while engaged in their work are enforceable by labour inspectors.
National laws or regulations may exempt mining and transpert undertakings or parts of such undertakings from the application of this Convention.
Article 3
1. The Functions of the system of labour inspection shall be:
to secure the enforcement of the legal provisions relating to conditions o work and the protection of workers while engaged in their work, such
as provisions relating to hours, wages, safety, health and welfare, the employment of children and young persons, and other connected matters, in so far
as such provisions are enforceable by labour inspectors;
to supply technical information and advice to employers and workers
concerning the most efiective means of complying with the legal provisions;
to bring to the notice of the competent authority defects or abuses
not specifically covered by existing legal provisions.
2. Any further duties which may be entrusted to labour inspectors shall
not be such as to interfere with the efiective discharge of their primary duties
or to prejudice in any way the authority and impartiality which are necessary
to inspectors in their relations with employers and workers.
Article 4
I. So far as is compatible with the administrative practice of the Member,
labour inspection shall be placed under the supervision and control of a central authority.
2. In the case of a federal State, the term "central authority" may mean
either a federal authority or a central authority of a federated unit.
Article 5
The competent authority shall make appropriate arrangements to promote: effective co-operation between the inspection services and other government services and public or private institutions engaged in similar activities; and collaboration between officials of the labour inspectorate and employers and workers or their organisations.
Article 6
The inspection stafi shall be composed of public officials whose status
and conditions of service are such that they are assured of stability of employment and are independent of chanaes of government and of improper external
Article 7
I. Subject to any conditions for recruitment to the public service which
may be prescribed by national laws or regulations, labour inspectors shall be
recruited with sole regard to their Aualifications for the performance of their
The means of ascertaining such qualifications shall be determined by
the competent authority.
Labour inspectors shall be adequately trained for the performance of
their duties.
Article 8
Both men and women shall be eligible for apoointment to the inspection
staff; where necessary. special duties may be assigned to men and women in
Article 9
Each Member shall take the necessary measures to ensure that duly
qualified technical experts and specialists, including specialists in medicine,
engineering, electricity and chemistry, are associated in the work ef inspection, in such manner as may be deemed most approoriate under national
conditions, for the purpose of securing the enforcement of the legal provisions
realiting to the protection of the health and. safety of workers -while engaged
in their work and of investigating the effects of processes, materials and methods of work on the health and safety of workers.
Article 10
The number of labour inspectors shall be sufficient to secure the effective
discharge of the duties of the inspectorate and shall be determined with due
regard for:
the importance of the duties which inspectors have to perform in
the number, nature, size and situation of the workplaces liable to
the number and classes of workers employed in such workplaces;
the number and complexity of the legal provisions to be enforced;
(b) the material means placed at the disposal of the inspectors; and
(c) the practical conditions under which visits of infection must be carried out in order to be effective.
Article 11
I. The competent authority shall make the necessary arrangements to
Furnish labour inspectors withlocal offices, suitably equipped in accordance with the reaguirements
of the service, and accessible to all persons concerned:
the transport facilities necessary for the perforrmance of their duties
in cases where suitable public Facilities do not exist.
2. The competent authority shall make the necessary arrangements to
reimburse to labour inspectors any travelling and incideatal expenses which
may be necessary For the performance of their duties.
Article 12
Labour inspectors provided with proper credentials shall be empowered:
to enter freely and.without previous notice at any hour of the day or
night any workplace liable to inspection;
to enter by day any premises which they may have reasonable cause
to believe to be liable to inspection; and
to carry out any examination, test or enquiry which they may consider
necessary in order to satisfy themselves that the legal provisions are being
strictly observed, and in particular166
to interrogate, alone or in the presence of witnesses; the employer or
the staff of the undertaking on any matters concerning the application of the
legal provisions;
to require the production of any books, registers or other documents
the keeping of which is prescribed by national laws or regulations reglating to
conditions of work, in order to see that they are in conformity with the legal
provisions, and to copy such documents or make extracts from them;
to enforce the posting of notices required by the legal provisions;
to take or remove for purposes of analysis samples of materials and
substances used or handled, subject to the employer or his representative
being notified of any samples or substances taken or removed for such purposé.
2. On the occasion of an inspection visit, inspectors shall notify the employer or his representative of their presence, unless they consider that such a
notification may be prejudicial to the performance of their duties.
Article 13
I. Labour inspectors shall be empowered to take steps with a view to
remedying defects observed in plant, layout or working methods which they
may have reasonable cause to believe constitute a threat to the health or
safety of the workers.
2. In order to enable inspectors to take such steps they shall be empow-
ered, subject to any right of appeal to a judicial or administrative authority
which may be provided by law, to make or to have made orders requiringsuch alterations to the installation or plant, to be carried out within a
spec- ified time limit, as may be necessary to secure compliance with the legal
provisions relating to the health or safety of the workers; or
measures with immediate executory force in the event of imminent
danger to the health or safety of the workers.
3. Where the procedure prescribed in paragraph 2 is not compatible with
the administrative or judicial practice of the Member, inspectors shall have the
right to apply to the competent authority for the issue of orders or for the
initiation of measures with immediate executory force.
Article 14
The labour inspectorate shall be notified of industrial accidents and cases
of occupational disease in such cases and in such manner as may be prescribed by national laws or regulations.
Article 15
Subject to such exceptions as may be made by national laws or
revtilations. labour inspectors-
shall be prohibited from having any direct or indirect interest in the
under- talkings under their supervision:
shall be bound on pain of appropriate penalties or disciplinary measures not to reveal, even after leaving the service any manufacturing or commercial secrets or working precesses wich may come to their knowledge in
the course of their duties; and
shall treat as absolutely confidential the source of any complaint bringing to their notice a defect or breach of inspaction provisions and shall give no
intimation te the employer or his representative that a visit of inspection was
made in consequence of the receipt of such a complaint.
Article 16
Work places shall be inspected as often and as thoroughly as a necessary to ensure the effective application of the relevant legal provisions.
Article 17
I. Persons who violate or neglect to observe legal provisions enforceable
by labour inspectors shall be liable to prompt legal proceedings without previous warning: Provided that exceptions may be made by national laws or regulations in respect of cases in which previous notice to carry out remedialvor
preventive measures is to be given.
2. It shall be left to the discretion of labour inspectors to give warning and
advice instead of instituting or recommending proceedings.
Article 18
adequate penalties for violations of the legal provisions enforceable by
labour inspectors and for obstructing labour inspectors in the performance of
their duties shall be provided for by national laws or regulations and effectively
Article 19
Labour inspectors or local inspection offices, as the case may be, shall
be required to submit to the central inspection authority periodical reports on
the results of their instpection activities.
These reports shall be drawn up in such manner and deal with such
subjects as may from time to time be prescribed by the central authority; they
shall be submitted at least as frequently as may be prescribed by that authority
and in any case not less frequently than once a year.
Article 20
I. The central inspection authority shall publish an annual general report
on the work of the inspection services under its control.
Such annual reports shall be published within a reasonable time after
the end of the year to which they relate and in any case within twelve months.
Copies of the annual reports shall be transmitted to the DirectorGeneral of the International Labour Office with in a reasonable period after
their publication and in any case with in three months.
Article 21
The annual repert published by the central inspection authority shall deal
with the following and other relevant subjects in so far as they are under the
control of the said authority:
laws and regulations relevant to the work of the inspectioh service;
staff of the labour inspection service;
statistics of worhplaces liable to inspection and the number of workers employed therein;
statatics of inspection visits;
statics of violations and penalties imposed;
statistics of industrial accidents;
statistics of occupational diseases.
Article 22
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation for which this Part
of this Convention is in force shall maintain a system of labour inspection in
commercial workplaces.
Article 23
The system of labour inspection in commercial workplaces shall apply to
workplaces in respect of which legal provisions relating to conditions of work
and the protection of workers while engaged in their work are enforceable by
labour inspectors.
Article 24
The system of labour inspection in commercial workplaces shall comply
with the requirements of Articles 3 to 21 of this Convention in so Far as they
are applicable.
Article 25
I. Any Member of the lnternhtional labour Organisation which ratifies this
Convention may, by a declaration appended to its ratification, exclude Part II
from its acceptance of the Convention.
Any Member which has made such a declaration may at any time
cancel that declaration by a subseauent declaration.
Every Member for which a declaration made under paragraph 1 of this
Article is in force shall indicate each year in its annual report upon the applica-
tion of this Convention the position of its law and practice in regard to the
provisions of Part II of this Convention and ther extent to which effect has been
given, or is proposed to be given, to the said provisicns.
Article 26
In any case in which it is doubtful whether any undertaking, part or service of an undertaking or workplace is an undertaking, part, service or workplace to which this Convention applies, the question shall be settled by the
competent authority.
Article 27
In this Convention the term "legal provisions" includes, in addition to
laws and regulations, arbitration awards and collective agreements upon which
the force of law is conferred and which are enforceable by labour inspectors.
Article 28
There shall be included in the annual reports to be sUbmitted under
article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation full in
formation concerning all laws and regulations by which effect is given to the
provisions of this Convention.
Article 29
In the case of a Member the territory of which includes large areas
where, by reason of the sparseaess of the population or the stage of develop-
ment of the area, the competent authority considers it impracticable to enforce the provisions of this Convention, the authority may excempt such areas
from the application of this Convention either generally or with such exceptions in respeot of particular undertakings or occupations as it thinks fit.
Each Member shall indicate in its First annual report upon the application of this Convention submitted under article 22 of the Constitution of the
International Labour Organisation any areas in respect of which it proposes to
have recourse to the provisions of the present Article and shall give the reasons for which it proposes to have recourse thereto; no Member shall, after the
date of its first annual report, have recourse to the provisions of the present
Article except in respect of areas so indicated.
Each Member having recourse to the provisions of the present Article
shall indicate in subsequent annual reports any areas in respect of which it
renounces the right to have recourse to the provisions of the present Article.
Articles 30 and 31: Declarations of application to non-metropolitan territories.
Articles 32-39: Standard final provisions.
ILO Kabul Tarihi
:17 Haziran 1948
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 25. 11. 1992 / 3847
:22. 12. 1950/21432 mükerrer
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi : 8. 1. 1993/ 93-3967
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi : 25. 2. 1993/21507
Uluslararasi çaIima Bürosu Yönetim Kuruiu tarafindan Sanfransisko'da
toplantiya çarilarak orada 17 Haziran 1948' de otuz birinci toplantisini yapan
Ulusiararasi çaiima Orgutü buyuk Genel Konferansi, Toplanti gUndeminin
yedinci maddesini oiuturari sendika äzgurluü ye argutlenme hakkinin
korunmasi konusu lie ilgiti çeit1i öneriierin bir sozieçme ekIinde kabulüne
karar verdikten sonra,
Uluslararasi Qaiima Orgutü Anayasaniri Dibaçe kisminin, calianlarLn
durumunun iyileçtirilmesini ye bariin salanmasini mümkün kilacak yollar
arasinda "argutlenme OzgQrIüO ilkesinin" vurguiamasin da açikiami
Fiiadelfiya beyannamesinin ifade ye dernek kurma özgOrlUunun devamli
bir lierlemenin gerekli bir kouiu olduunu yeniden vurgulami ye duyurmu
Uluslararasi çaiima Konferansinin otuzuncu tolantisinda, Uluslararasi
düzenin esasiarini oiuturmasi gereken likeleri oybirIii lie kabul ettlini,
BirIeçmi Milietier Genei Kuruiu'nun, ikinci topiantisinda, bu ilkeieri
kendisine mal ettiini ye Ulusiararasi caiima Orgütünü bir veya bir kaç
Uluslararasi Söziemenin kabulüne olanak saIayacak çekilde çabaiarini
sUrdürmeye davet ettiini,
Gözänünde tutarak bin dokuz yüz kirk sekiz yiii Temmuz ayinin Ibu
dokuzuncu gunO sendika ozguriuune ye ärgutlenme hakkinin korunmasina
ilikin 1948 Sözlemesi adini taiyacak oian açaidaki Soziemeyi kabul eder.
Hakkinda bu Söziemenin yürüriükte buiunduu Uiusiararasi çaiima
Orgütünün her üyesi aaidaki hükümieri yerine getirmeyl üstlenir.
Qaiianlar ye iverenier her hangi bir ayirim yapilmaksizin önceden izin
aimadan istedikieri kuruluiari kurmak ye yainiz bu kuruIuiarin tüzUklerine
uymak kouiuiie buniara Uye olmak hakkina sahiptirler.
çaIanIarin ye iverenIerin orgUtleri tüzük ye Ic yonetmeiiklerini
duzenlemek, temsiicilerini serbestçe seçmek, yönetim ye etkiniiklerini
düzenlemek ye i programlarini beiirlemek hakkina sahiptirler.
Kamu makamlari bu hakki sinirlayacak veya bu hakkin yasaya uygun
§ekilde kulianilmasina engel olacak nitelikte her türlü mUdaheleden
çaIianlarin ye iverenIerin orgutleri yönetsei yoldan feshedilme veya
faaliyetten menedilmeye tabi tutulamaziar.
çaiianlarin ye iverenierin argutier, federasyon ye konfederasyon kurma
ye bunlara üye olma ye her argüt, federasyon veya konfederasyon, uluslararasi
çaIianIar ye isverenler orgutlerine katilma hakiarina sahiptirier.
Yukarida yazili 2,3 ye 4'üncQ maddeler hükümleri çaiianiarin ye
iverenIerin orgutlerinin federasyon ye konfederasyoniari hakkinda uygulanir.
çalianIarin ye iverenlerin orgutleriyie buniarin federasyon ye
konfederasyoniarinlfl tüzei kiilik kazanmalari yukarida yazih 2,3, ye 4'üncU
maddeler hükümlerinin uyguianmasini sinirlayacak niteiikte koui1ara
QaiianIar ye iverenjerIe buniara alt orgutier bu sôzieme lie kendilerine
taninm olari hakiari kulianmada, dier kiiler veya argutienmi toiuIukIar
gibi, yasalara uymak zorundadirlar.
Yasalar, bu sözIeme lie angorüien guvencelere zarar verecek §ekilde
1. Bu sozlemede angãrüiün guvencelerin silahli kuwetiere ye polls
mensuplariria ne ötçüde uyguIanacai ulusal mevzuatia belirlenir.
2. Ulusiararasi çalima Orgütü Anayasasinin 19 uncu maddesinin 8 mci
paragrafi lie konulan ilkelere uygun olarak; bu SôzIemenin bir uye tarafindan
onanmasi durumuna silahit kuvvetler ye polls mensuplarina bu Sözlemede
ängôruleri guvericeleri saIayan yürürlukteki herhangi bir yasa, karar, adet
veya antlamayi etkilemeyecektir.
Bu sözIemede "ãrgut" terimi, çalianlarin veya iverenIerin cikarlarina
hizmet ye bu çikarlari savunma amacini güden calianlarin ye iverenlerin her
türlü kuruluunu ifade eder.
Hakkinda bu sözIemenin yururlukte bulunduu Uluslararasi çaIima
Orgutunun her üyesi, çatianlarin ye iverenFerin orgütleme hakkini serbestçe
kullanmalarini salarnak amaciyla gerekll ye uygun bütün Onlemleri almakla
yu kü mlüdü r.
1. Uluslararasi Qahma Orgutu Anayasasi 1946 deiiklik belgesi lie
deitiriImi bulunan Uluslararasi çaIirna Orgütu Anayasasinin 35 mci
maddesinde sozu edilen fakat bu suretle deitiriImi adi geçen maddenmn 4
uncu ye 5 mci fikralarinda yazik ülkeler diçinda kalan ülkeierle ilgili olarak, bu
SOzlemeyi onayan örgütun her uyesi, aaidakF hususlari bildiren bir
açiklamayi onama belgesi lie biriikte veya onanmasindan sonra mümkun olan
en kisa bir sure içinde Uluslararasi Qalrma Bürosu Genel Müdürüne
Hakkinda Sözleme hükümlerinin hiç bir deFiklik yapilmadan
uygulanacaini taahhüt ettii ülkeler
Sözleme hükümlerinin deiikIikierFe uygulanacaini taahüt ettii
ülkeler ye bu deiikIikIerin nelerden ibaret oIduu;
Sözleçmenin uyguIanamayacai ülkelerve bu gibi hallerde sözlemenin
uygulanamamasinin nedenleri;
Haklarindàkj kararini sakli tuttuu ülkeler.
2. Bu maddenin birinci paragrafinin (a) ye (b) bentlerinde sOzü edilen
tahhütler, onamanin ayrilmaz kisimlari sayilacak ye onarna kuwetine sahip
3. Her üye bu maddenin l'inci paragrafinin (b),(c) ye (d) bentleri gereince
daha once yapmi olduu açiklamada mevcut çekincelerin hepsiriden veya
bir kismindan yeni bir açikiama lie vazgeçebilecektir.
Her üye 16 mci madde hükümlerine uygun olarak bu SôzIemenin
fesh- edilebiIecei süreler zarfinda Genel Müdüre, daha ônceki herhangi bir
açikiamanmn hükQmlerini baka herhangi bir bakimdan deitiren ye belirli
ülkelerdeki mevcut durumu bildiren yeni bir acmklama ganderebiiecektir.
1. Bu Sôzlemede ele almnan konular anavatan dmm bir ülkenin
makamlarinmn bizzat kendi yetkisi cercevesi içine girdii zaman o ülkenin
uluslararasm ilikiIerinden sorumlu olan üye, adi geçen ülkenin hukumetiyle
uyuarak Uluslararasi çaImma Bürosu Genel Müdüre, o ülke adina bu
Sözlemedeki yukumlulukleri kabul ettiine ilikin bir açiklama gönderebilecektir.
2. Bu sözIemedeki yukümlülüklerin kabulUnü bildiren bir aciklama
Uluslararasi caIima Bürusu Genel Müdürüne:
ortak otoriteleri altmnda butunan bir ülke için Orgutün iki veya daha
fazia üyesi;
Birlemi Milletler antIamasm hükümleri yahut 0 ülke hakkinda
yUrüriükte alan herhangi bir dier hüküm gereince o ülkenin yonetiminden
sorumlu bulunan uluslararasm bir makam tarafiridan gonderilebilir.
3. Bu maddenin yukaridaki paragrafiarmndaki hükümler uyarmnca
Uluslararasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne ganderilen açiklamalar Sözleme
hükümlerinin ilgili ülkede deiiklik yapilmadan mm yoksa deiklerlemi
uygulanacamni bildirecektir aciklama SözIeme hükümlerinin deiiklikIer
kaydiyla uygulanacamnm bildirdii zaman, bu deiikliklerin nelerden ibaret
olduunu açik olarak gosterecektir.
4. Igili üye, uyelePveya uluslararasi makam, daha önceki bir açiklamayla
bildirilen deiiklie baç vurma hakkindan daha sonraki bir aciklamayla tamamen
veya kismen vaz gecebilecektir.
5. ugh uye, uyeler ye ya uhuslararasi makam, 16 nci madde hükUmlerine
uygun olarak bu Sözlemenin feshedilebilecei devreler süresince Uluslararasi
çalmma Bürosu Genel Müdürüne daha önceki herhangi bir acmklamanmn
hükümlerinin baka herhangi bir bakmmdan deitiren ye Sozleçmenin
uyguianmasi bakimindan mevcut durumu belirten yeni bir açmklama
Bu SôzIemenin kesin onama belgeleri Uluslararasm çalmma Bürosu Genel
Müdürüne gonderilir ye onun tarafmndan kaydedilir.
Bu Sözleme ancak onama belgeleri Genel Müdür tarafmndan
olan Uluslararasi Qalmma Orgütü uyelerini balar.
Bu Sôzleme, iki uyenin onama belgesi Genel Müdür tarafindan
kaydedildii tarihten on ikiay sonra yururl(e girer.
Daha sonra bu SözIeme, onu onayan her uye 1cm, onama belgesi
kaydediIdii tarihten on ikiay sonra yururlue girer.
Bu sãzlemeyi onayan her üye ilk yürürlüe girdii tarihten itibaren on
yrilik bir sOre soriunda Ulusiararasi çalima BUrosu Genel MUdUrüne
gönderecei bu mUdür0n kaydedecei bir beige ile feshedebilir. Fesih, kayit
tarihinden ancak bir yfi sonra geçerli olur.
Bu sOzlemeyi onami olup da onu bundan änceki fikrada sözü edilen
on yillik sOrenin bitiminden itibaren bir yillik sOre içinde bu madde gereince
feshetmek seçeneini kullanmayan her uye yeniden on yillik bir sOre icin
balanmi olur ye bundan sonra bu soziemeyi, her on ylIlik sure bitince, bu
maddenin içerdii koullar içinde feshedebilir.
Ulusiararasi çaiima Bürosu Genei MOdUrü , Orgut Oyeieri tarafindan
kendisine bildirilen, bütün onama ye fesihierin kaydedildiini Uluslararasi
çahma OrgütünOn bütün uyeierine duyurur.
Genel Müdür kendisine gonderiien Säzlemenin Ikinci onama belgesinin
kaydedildiini ãrgut Oyelerine duyururken bu sözlemenin yUrurlOe girecei
tarih hakkinda ôrgut uyelerinin dikkatini çeker.
Uluslararasi çaiima BOrosu Genel MüdürO, yukaridaki maddeler
gereince kaydetmi olduu bütün onama ye fesihiere iiikin tam bilgileri,
Birlemi Milletler Antlamasinin 102 nd maddesi uyarpnca kaydedilmek üzere
Birlemi Milletler Genel sekreterine uIatirir.
Uluslararasi çalima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu, gerekli gördOu zaman bu
sOzlemenin uyguianmasi hakkindaki bir raporu Genel Konferansa sunar ye
onun tamamen veya kismen detirilmesi konusunun Konferans gundemine
alinmasi gerei hakkinda karar verir.
1. Konferansin bu Sãzlemeyi tamamen veya kismen deitiren yeni bir
Säzleme kabul etmesi halinde ye yeni sözleme aksini ängôrmedii takdirde:
Deitirici yeni sözleçmenin bir üye tarafindan onanmasi durumu
yukaridaki 16 nci madde dikkate alinmaksizin ye deitirici yeni Sözleme
yUrurlue girmi olmak kayit ye §artl ile, bu Söziemenin derhal ye kendiIiinden
feshini gerektirir.
Deiçtirici yeni SOzlemenin yOrUrIue girmesi tarihinden itibaren bu
Sözleme uyelerin onamasina artik açik buiundurulamaz.
2. Bu sOzleme, onu onayip da Deitirici Soziemeyi onamami bulunan
uyeler için, herhaide §imdiki §ekli ye içerii olmakta devam eder.
Bu SOzlemenin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinleri ayni ekiide geçerlidir.
Convention No. 87
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at San Francisco by the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office, and having met in its Thirty-first Session on 17
June 1948;
Having decided to adopt, in the form of a Convention, certain proposals
concerning freedom of association and protection of the right to organise,
which is the seventh item on the agenda of the session;
Considering that the Preamble to the Constitution of the International
Labour Organisation declares "recognition of the principle of freedom of association" to be a means of improving conditions of labour and of establishing
Considering that the Declaration of Philadelphia reaffirms that "freedom
of expression and of association are essential to sustained progress";
Considering that the International Labour Conference, at its Thirtieth Ses-
sion, unanimously adopted the principles which should form the basis for
international regulation;
Considering that the General Assembly of the United Nations, at its Second Session, endorsed these principles and requested the International Labour
Organisation to continue every effort in order that it may be possible to adopt
one or several international Conventions;
adopts this ninth day of July of the year one thousand nine hundred and
forty- eight, the following Convention, which may be cited as the Freedom of
Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention; i948:
Article 1
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation for which this
Convention is in force undertakes to give effect to the following provisions.
Article 2
Workers and employers, without distinction whatsoever, shall have the
right to establish and, subject only to the rules of the organisation concerned,
to join organisations of their own choosing without previous authorisation.
Article 3
I. Workers and employers organisations shall have the right to draw up
their constitutions and rules, to elect their representatives in full freedom, to
organise their administration and activities and to formulate their programmes.
2. The public authorities shall refrain from any interference which would
restrict this right or impede the lawful exercise there of.
Article 4
Workers and employers organisations shall not be liable to be dissolved
or suspended by administrative authority.
Article 5
Workers and employers organisations shall have the right to establish
and join Federations and confederations and any such organisation, federa-
tion or confederation shall have the right to affiliate with international
organisations of workers and employers.
Article 6
The provisions of Articles 2, 3 and 4 hereof apply to federations and
confederations of workers and employers organisations.
Article 7
The acquisition of legal personality by workers and employers
organisations. federations and confederations shall not be made subject to
conditions of such a character as to restrict the application of the provisions of
Articles 2, 3 and 4 hereof.
Article 8
In exercising the rights provided for in this Convention workers and
employers and their respective organisations, like other persons or
organised collectivities, shall respect the law of the land.
The law of the land shall not be such as to impair, nor shall it be so
applied as to impair, the guarantees provided for in this Convention.
Article 9
I. The extent to which the guarantees provided for in this Convention
shall apply to the armed Forces and the police shall be determined by national
laws or regulations.
2. In accordance with the principle set forth in paragraph 8 of article 19 of
the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation the ratification of this
Convention by anytember shall not be deemed to affect any existing law, award,
custom or agreement in virtue of which members of the armed forces or the
police enjoy any right guaranteed by this Convention.
Article /0
In this Conventior the term "organisation" means any organisation of
workers or of employers for furthering and defending the interests of workers
or of employers.
Article 11
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation for which this
Convention is in force undertakes to take all necessary and appropriate measures to ensure that workers and employers may exercise Freely the right to
Article 14-21
Declarations of application to non-metropolitan territories.
Article 14-2 1
Standart final provisions.
ILO Kabul Tarihi
: 17 Haziran 1948
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
Milletierarasi çaiima Bürosu YOnetim kurulu tarafindan Sanfransisko'ya
davet edilerek orada 17 Haziran 1948 de otuz birinci toplantisini yapan
Milletierarasi çakma Teçkilatt Genel Konferansi,
Toplanti gundemini dOrdüncü maddesine dahil bulunan i ye lçi Buima
Servisi kuruimasi meselesine dair muhteiif tekliflerin kabUlUne,
Bu tekliflerin bir Milletlerarasi Säzleme §ekiini aimasina karar verdikten
1948 ytli Temmuz ayinin dokuzuncu gunü, j ye Içi Buima Servisi hakkinda
1948 sözlemesi adini taiyacak olan aaidaki sôziemeyi kabul eder:
Hakkinda bu Söziemenin yururIukteolduu Milietlerarasi çaiima
Tekilatinin her uyesi,bir amme ye parasiz
ye Içi Bulma Servisi bulundurmali
veya bulundurulmasini salamaiidir.
ye Içi Bulma Servisinin esas görevi icap ettii takdirde ilgili dier
amme- teekküileri ye hususi teekkülierie ibiriii yaparak tam çaiiçmanin
salanmasina ye idamesine müstahsil kaynakiarin geiitirilmesine ye bunlardan
istifade edilmesine- matuf mliii programin ayrilmaz bir parçasi olarak, i piyasasini
mümkün mertebe en iyi §ekiide tekiiatlandrrmayi gerçekietirmek oimalidir.
ye Içi Buima Servisi, mull bir makamin denetimi altinda mull bir i ye
içi bulma bürolari tekifatindan terekkup etmelidir.
Bu tekiiat, memleketin her corafi bölgesinde hizmet etmeye yetecek
sayida iveren ye iççiier 1cm eiverili yerlerde mahalli bUrolardan ye lOzumu
halinde- bOlge ye bürolarindan mürekkep bir §ebekeyi ihtiva etmelidir.
ebeke Tekilati;
a) Aaidaki halierde genel bir incelemeye tabi tutulmalidir;
(1) jktisadi faaiiyetin ye faai nUfusun daiii tarzinda mühim deiikiikler
vuku buIduunda:
(2) Yetkili makam, bir deneme devresi zarfinda elde edilen tecrübe hakkinda
bir takdirde bulunabilmek 1cm, §ebeke teçkilatin yeniden gazden geçirmeyi
münasip gorduunde
b) Boyle bir incelemenin üzumtu kiIdii hallerde tadil edHmefldir.
L ye Içi Bulma Servisinin kurulma ye ilemesinde i ye lçi Bulma
servisi politikasinin gelimesinde iverenler ye içiler temsilciierinin ibirliinin
salanmasi için,danima komisyonlari vasitasiyla münasip tedbirler alinmalidir.
Bu tedbirler, bir veya daha fazia mliii danima komisyoniariyla, lüzumlu
hallerde, bOlge komisyoniarinin ye mahalli komisyonlarin kurulmasirii derpi
Bu komisydniardaki iveren ye içi temsilcileri, §ayet mevcut i:seler,
iverenIeri ye içiIeri temsil eden teekküllere daniildiktan sonra, eit sayida
tayin olunmalid!r
ye Içi Bulma Servisinin, içiIerin mevcut iIere sevki hususundaki genel
politikasi, 4 üncü maddede derpi olunan danima komisyonlari vasitasiyla
iverenlerin ye içilerin temsilcilerine daniiIdiktan sonra tesbit edilmeildir.
ye Içi Bulma Servisi, içiLerin müessir bir §ekilde tedarikini ye ie
yerletirilmesini salayacak tarzda tekilatIandiriimalidir. Servis, bu maksatla,
u hususlari yerine getirmelidir:
a) Elverili bir i bulabilmek 1cm içilere ye müesseselerine, uygun içi
bulabilmek için de iverenIere yardim etmek ye bilhassa milli olçude tesbit
olunan hükümier uyarinca:
() i talebinde bulunanlari tescil ye bunlarin mesleki vasiflarini, tecrübe
ye arzularini not etmek, ie konulmalari için oniara sualler sormak, icap ederse,
bedeni ye mesieki kabiliyetlerini yokiamak, mahal varsa mesleki yOneltme,
mesieki yetime veya yeniden mesieki intibak hususlarinda onlara yardimda
(II) içverenlerden, servise haber verdikieri münhaUere ye bu münhallere
aimak Uzere aradikiari iççiterin haiz bulunmalari icab eden çartlara dair sarih
malumat elde etmek;
(iii) Istenilen bedeni ye mesieki kabi!iyeti haiz talipleri münhal ilere
(IV) Kendisine ilk defa daniilan büro, tâlipleri uygun §ekiIde ie
yerletirecek, yahut bo yerieri uygun ekiIde doldurabilecek durumda
bulunmadii veya daha baka oiaylarin lüzumu kiIdrr hallerde, i arz ye
taleplermni bir bürodan baka bir bQroya havale etmek suretiyle ileri
b) Aaidaki hususlann salanmasi 1cm
münasip tedbirer almak;
imkanlarina gäre ayarlamak
maksadiyia meslekier arasinda seyyaliyeti ko1ayiatrrmak;
arzini muhtelif meslekierdeki i
Içiierin uygun i imkanlari bulunari bölgeier nakillerine yardm
maksadiyia corafi seyyaiiyeti koIayIatirmak;
içi arz ye talebindeki mahaili ye geçici dengesizi giderme çaresi
olarak, içiierin bir bölgeden dierine geçici çekiide nakillerini koiayIatirmak;
(IV) Içilerin bir memieketten dierine, ilgili hükümetlerce tasvip olunacak
hareketierini koiayiatirmak;
c) capederse, dier makamiara içverenler ye iççi sendikalariyia i birIii
yaparak, gerek bUtün memieketteki, gerek muhtelif sanayl, mesiek ye
bäfgelerdeki i plyasasi durumu hakkinda mevcut bütün malumati toplayip
tahiil etmek ye bu malümati, sistemli olarak ye süratle ilgili amme makamlartyla
iveren ye içi teekkUIIerinin ye umumun emrine hazir bulundurmak;
d) IsizIik sigortasi ye yardimi dairesinde ye isizIere yardimi istihdaf eden
dier tedbirIerin uygulanmasinda ibirIii yapmak;
e) Lüzumu halinde, müsait bir caIitirma durumunun saIanmasina matuf
sosyai ye ekonomik planiarin hazirlanmasrnda dier amme teeküIlerine ye
hususiteekküIIere yardim etmek.
Aaidaki hususiar 1cm tedbirler alinmaladir;
Tarim ye ihdisasin faydali oIabiIecei herhangi dier bir faaliyet kolu
için, muhtelif i ye içi bulma büroiari dahilinde meslek ye sanayi itibari lie
ihtisas böiümlerinin bulunmasini koiayIatirmak;
Sakat §ahisiar gibi, i için müracat eden muayyen içi kategorilerinin
ihtiyaçlariná memnuniyet vend bir §ekilde cevap vermek.
ye Içi Bulma ye Mesleki Yöneitme Servisierinin cerçevesi içinde gençier
özel tedbirler alinmali ye geiitiniimeiidir.
ye Içi Bulma Servisi personeli, kendilerinin her t(rIü hükümet
deikiikierine ye yolsuziuk harici tesiriere tabi olmamalarini ye servisin
ihtiyaçiarinin icaplari hanic, memuriyette istikranlarini saIayacak bir statü ye
hizmet artianindan faydalanan amme memunlarindan teekküI etmelidir.
Mliii mevzuatin, amme hizmetine aiinacak memuriar hakkinda derpi
ettii artiar mahfuz kaimak kaydiyla, i ye Içi Bulma Servisinin personeil,
yainiz bir adaydan gorecei gärevi yenine getirmek cm aranilan ehIiyet göz
önünde tutularak tayin edilmeildir.
Bu ehliyetlerin tahkiki yollari yetkili makam tarafindan tayin olunmalidir.
gorevlerini ifa edebilmeleri 1cm münasip
I ye Içi Bulma Servisi personeli,
§ekilde yetitirilmeHdir.
ye Içi Bulma Servisi ye icap ederse dier amme makamlari, iverenlerin
ye icilerin teekküIleri ye dier ilgili teekkUIIerle ibirIii halinde, iverenIerle
içilerin ihtiyari esas üzerinde Ic ye Içi Bulma Servisinin imkanlarindan istifade
etmelerini tecvik etmek 1cm mUmkün olan bütQn tedbirleri almalidirlar.
ye lcd Bulma Servisiyle, kazanc gayesi takip
Yetkili makamlar, amme
etmeyen hususi iç ye ici bulma bUrolari arasinda müessir bir icbirlii saIamak
Iüzumlu her türlü tedbirler almalidirlar.
Bir Uyenin ülkesi geni bolgeleri ihtiva edip de bu bolgelerdeki nüfusun
dainiklii veya gelime safhasi dolayisiyta yetkili makam, bu sözlecme
hükümlerinin buralarda uygulanmasinin kabil oImayacaina mülahaza etti
takdirde, adi gecen makam, bu bolgeleri bu Sözlecmenin uygulanmasindan
ya tamamiyle veyahut muayyen icletmeler veya icier hakkinda munasip gorecei
istisnalar kabul etmek suretiyle kismen muaf tutabilir.
Her uye, Milletlerarasi caIicma Teckilati Statüsünün 22 nci maddesi
gereince bu säzlemenin uygulanmasina dair verecei ilk yillik raporunda,
hakkinda bu madde hukümlerine mQracat niyetinde oIduu bolgeleri ye bu
hUkümlere müracaat niyetinde otmasinin sebeplerini gostermelidir; Hiçbir üye
daha sonra, bu suretle gostermi bulunduOu bolgelerden maadasi 1cm bu madde
hükümlerine müracaat edemez.
Bu madde hükümlerine mürabaat eden her uye, mutaakip yillik
raporlarinda, hangi bolgeler için bu madde hükümlerine mfracaat hakkindan
vazgeçtiini gastermelidir.
1. Milletlerarasi calicma Teckilati StatüsUnün 1946 yilinda tadil edilen
metninin 35 mci maddesinde ,zikrolunan ülkeler hususunda, bu suretle tadil
edilmic olan adi geçen maddenin 4 ye 5 mci fikraIarind yazili Ulkeler hariç, bu
sozlemeyi onayan her teckilat uyesi, açaidaki husüslari bildiren bir beyani
Milletlerarasi calicma Bürosu Genel MüdUrüne, ortamasindan sonra mümkUn
olan en kisa müddet icmnde gondermelidir:
Hakiarinda sozlecme hUkümlerinin hiçbir deicikIik yapilmadan
uygulanmasini taahhUt ettii ülkeler;
Hakiarinda sozlecme hükümlerinin deOicikiiklerle uygulanmasini taahhüt
ettii ülkeler ye bu deikIikierin nelerden ibaret oIduu;
Hakiarinda sOziemenin uyguIanamiyacar Ulkeler ye bu gibi hailerde
söziemenin uyguianamamasiriin sebepleri;
Hakiarinda kararini sonraya biraktii Ulkeler.
Bu maddenin birinci paragrafanin (a( ye (b( beritierinde zikrolunan
taahhütler onamanin ayriimaz kisimiari oiarak sayilacak ye ayni sonuçlari
Her Uye, bu maddenin 1 mci paragrafinin (b), (c) ye (d)) bentieri gereince
daha ewel yapmi oiduu beyanda mevcut ihtirazi kayitiarin hepsinden yahut
bir kismindari yeni bir beyan lie vazgeçebilecektir.
Her üye l7inci madde hükümlerine uygun olarak, bu SäzIemenin
fesh edilebiiecei devreier zarlinda Genei Müdüre, daha ewelki herhangi bir
beyanin hükümierini herhangi baka bir bakimdan detiren ye belirli
üikeierdeki durumu biidiren yeni bir beyan göndere bilecektir.
1. Bu sözieme konusuna dahii bulunan meseleler, anavatan dii bir ülkenin
makamiarinin bizzat kendi yetkisi cercevesi içine girdii zaman, o Ulkenin
milietierarasi münasebetlerinden sorumlu olan uye, adi geçen ülkenin
hukumetiyie mutabik olarak, Milietierarasi caIima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne, o
ülke adina bu Söziemedeki vecibeleri kabul ettiine dair bir beyan
2. Bu sözieme'deki vecibeierin kabulü hakkindaki bir beyan Miiletierarasi
çaiima Bürosu Genei Müdürüne
Müçterek otoriteier altinda bulunan bir üye 1cm
iki veya daha fazia
tekilat üyesi;
BirIemi Milietler Antiamasr hükUmleri yahut o ülke hakkinda
yururlükte olan herhangi dier bir hüküm gereince o üikenin idaresinden
sorumiu buiunan milletier arasi her makam; tarafindan gänderiiebiiir.
3. Bu maddenin yukaridaki paragrafiari hükümieri uyarinca Milletierarasi
çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne gOndermien beyaniar sãzieme hükümlerinin
iigiii üikede deiikiikierIe ml yoksa deiikIik yapilmadan mi yapiiäcaini
blidirmeildir; beyan sOzieme hükümlerinin deiikiikier kaydiyia uyguiandiini
bildirdii zaman adi gecen deiklikierin nelerden ibaret oiduunu behrtmelidir.
4. Iigiii uye yahut uyeierveya Milietlerarasi makam, daha eweiki bir beyanda
biidiriien deiikiii lien sürmek hakkindan, daha sonraki bir beyania tamamen
veya kismen vazgeçebiiecektir.
5. ligili üye yahut uyeier veya Miiietierarasi makam 17 nd madde
hükümierine uygun olarak, söziemenin feshediIebitecei devreier zarfinda,
Genel Müdüre daha eweiki bin beyanin hükümienini herhangi bin baka bin
bakimdan deitiren y bu sãziemenin uygulanmasi. hususundeki durumu
beiirten yeni bin beyan gönderebiiecektir.
Bu SäzIemenin kesin onama belgeleri, Milletlerarasi caIima Bürosu Genel
Müdürüne ganderilecek ye onun tarafindan tescil edilecektir.
Bu SäzIeme, ancak onama belgeleri Genel Müdür tarafindan tescil
MiHetlerarasi çalima Teki1ati üyelerini baIayacaktir.
Bu SözIeme, iki uyenin onama belgelerinin Genel Müdür tarafindan
tescil edilmesi tarihinden on iki ay sonra yUrurlQe girecektir.
Daha sonra, bu sözleme, her üye hakkinda, kendisinin onama
belgesinin tescilinden itibaren on iki ay sonra yururIüe girecektir.
Bu sozleme'yi onayan her uye, dnu, ilk yururlüe giri tarihiriden
itibareri on ylilik bir devre sonunda, Milletlerarasi çaIima Bürosu Genel
MüdOrüne gonderecei ye bu MQdürün tescil edecei bir ihbarname ile
feshedebilir. Fesih tescil tàrihinden ancak bir yil sonra muteber olacaktir.
Bu SözIemeyi onami olup da, onu bundan ewelki fikrada yazili on
yilhk devrenin bitiminden itibaren bir yil zarfinda bu madde gereince feshetmek
ihtiyarini kullanmayan her Uye yeniden on ylilik müddet icin baIanmi olacak
ye bundan sonra bu sOzIemeyi, her on yillik devre bitince, bu maddede derpi
edilen artIar içinde feshedebilecektir.
Milletlerarasi calima BUrosu Genel Müdürü, TekiIat uyeleri tarafindan
kendisine bildirilen bütün onama, beyan ye fesihierin tescil.edildiklerini,
Milletlerarasi calima Tekilatinin bütün uyelerine tebli edecektir.
Milletlerarasi caIima Bürosu Genel MUdUrü, kendisine gänderilen
säzleme'nin ikinci onama belgesinin tescil edildiini tekilat uyelerine tebIi
ederken, bu Sözlemenin yurürIüe girecei tarih hakkinda Teçkilat uyelerinin
dikkatini çekecektir.
Milletlerarasi çaIima Burosu Genel MüdOrü, yukaridaki maddeler
gereince, tescil etmi olduu bCitün onama, beyan ye fesihiere dair tam bilgileri,
BirIemi MilletlerAntlamasinin 102 mci maddesi uyarincatescil edilmek üzere,
Birlemi Milletler Genel Sekreterine ulatiracaktir.
Bu Sözlemenin yururlue girmesinden itibaren her onyillik bir devre
sonunda,Milletlerarasi Qalima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu bu SözIemenin,
uygulanmasi hakkindaki bir raporu Genel Konferansa sunacakve onun tamamen
veya kismen deiçtiriImesi keyfiyetinin konferans gUndemine konulmasi lUzumu
hakkinda karar verecektir.
1. Konferansin bu Sözleme'yi tamamen veya kismen detiren yeni bir
säzIeme kabul etmesi halinde ye yeni sözleme bakaca hükQmleri ihtiva
eylemedii takdirde;
Tadil edici yeni sözleme'nin bir üye tarafindan onanmasi keyfiyeti,
yukaridaki 17 nd madde nazara alinmaksizin vefakattadil edici yeni sôzleçmenin
yururiüe girmi olmak kayit ye arti lie, bu Säzieçmenin derhal ye dorudan
doruya feshini tazammun edecektir.
Tadii edici yeni sãzIemeni yürüriUe girmesi tarihinden itbaren bu
Sözieme, uyelerin onamasina artik açik bulundurulmayacaktir.
2. Bu SôzIeme, onu onayip da tadil edici sözIemeyi onarnami bulunan
üyeler için, herhalde imdiki §ekil ye muhtevasiyla muteber olmakta devam
Bu Söziemenin Fransizca ye ngilizce metinieri ayni ekilde muteberdir.
Convention No. 88
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at San Francisco by the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office, and having met in its Thirty-first Session on 17
June 1948, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals concerning the
organisation of the employment service, which is included in the fourth item
on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this ninth day of July of the year one thousand nine hundred and
forty- eight, the following Convention, which may be cited as the Employment
Service Convention, 1948:
Article 1
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation for which this
Convntion is in force shall maintain or ensure the maintenance of a free
public employment service.
2. The essential duty of the employment service shall be to ensure, in
cooperation where necessary with other public and private bodies concerned,
the best possible organisation of the employment market as an integral part of
the national programme for the achievement and maintenance of Full employment and the development and use of productive resources.
Aaticle 2
The employment service shall consist of a national system of employment offices under the direction of a national authority.
Article 3
I. The system shall comprise a network of local and, where appropriate,
regional offices, sufficient in number to serve each geographical area of the
country and conveniently located for employers and workers.
2. The organisation of the network shall(a) be reviewed-
I) whenever significant changes occur in the distribution of economic
activity and of the working population, and
ii) whenever the competent authority considers a review desirable to as187
sess the experience gained during a period of experimental operation; and
b) be revised whenever such review shows revision to be necessary
Article 4
I. Suitable arrangements shall be made through advisory committees for
the co-operation of representatives of employers and workers in the
organisation and operation of the employment service and in the development
of employment service policy.
These arrangements shall provide fbr one or more national advisory
committees and where necessary for regional and local committees.
The representatives of employers and workers on these commiittees
shall be appointed in equal numbers after consultation with representative organisations of employers and workers, where such organisations exist.
Article 5
The general policy of the employment service in regard to referral of
work- ers to available employment shall be developed after consultation of
representatives of employers and workers through the advisory committees
provided for in Article 4.
Article 6
The employment service shall be so organised as to ensure effective
recruitment and placement, and for this purpose shall(a) assist worhers to find suitable employment and assist employers to
find suitable workers, and more particularly shall, in accordance with rules
framed on a national basis register applicants for employment, take note of their occupational
qualifications, experience and desires, interview them for employment, evaluate if necessary their physical and vocational capacity, and assist them where
appropriate to obtain vocational guidance or vocational training or retraining,
obtain from employers precise information on vacancies notified by
them to the service and the requirements to be met by th workers whom they
are seeking,
refer to available employment applicants with suitable skills and physical capacity,
refer applicants and vacancies from one employment office to another, in cases in which the applicants cannot be suitably placed or the vacancies suitably filled by the original office or in which other circumstances warrant such action;
(b) take appropriate measures tofacilitate occupational mobility with a wiew to adjusting the supply of
labour to employment opportunities in the various occupations,
facilitate geographical mobility with a view to assisting the movement
of workers to areas with suitable employment opportunities,
facilitate temporary transfers of workers from one area to another as a
means of meeting temporary local maladjustments in the supply of or the
demand for workers,
facilitate any movement of workers from one country to another which
may have been approved by the governments concerned;
collect and analyse, in co-operation where appropriate with other
authorities and with management and trade unions, the fullest available information on the situation of the employment market and its probable evolution,
both in the country as a whole and in the different industries, occupations and
areas, and make such information available systematically and promptly
to the public authorities, the employers and workers organisations concerned, and the general public;
co-operate in the administration of unemployment insurance and assistance and of other measures for the relief of the unemployed; and
assist, as necessary, other public and private bodies in social and
economic planning calculated to ensure a favourable employment situation.
Article 7
Measures shall be taken-
to facilitate within the various employment offices specialisation by
occupa- tions and by industries, such as agriculture and any other branch of
activity in which such specialisation maybe useful; and
to meet adequately the needs of particular categories of applicants for
employment such as disabled persons.
Article 8
Special arrangements for juveniles shall be initiated and developed within
the framework of the employment and vocational guidance services.
Article 9
I. The staff of the employment service shall be composed of public officials whose status and conditions of service are such that they are independent of changes of government and of improper external influences and, subject to the needs of the service, are assured of stability of employment.
Subject to any conditions for recruitment to the public service which
may be prescribed by national laws or regulations, the staff of the employment
service shall be recruited with sole regard to their qualifications for the p&formance of their duties.
The means of ascertaining such qualifications shall be determined by
the competent authority.
The staff of the employment service shall be adequately trained for the
performance of their duties.
Article 10
The employment service and other public authorities where appropriate
shall, in co-operation with employers and workers organisations and other
interested bodies, take all possible measures to encourage full use of employment service facilities by employers and workers on a voluntary basis.
Article 11
The competent authorities shall take the necessary measures to secure
effective co-operation between the public employment service and private
employment agencies not conducted with a view to profit.
Article /2
In the case of a Member the territory of which includes large areas
where, by reason of the sparseness of the population or the stage of develop-
ment of the area, the competent authority considers it impracticable to enforce the provisions of this Convention, the authority may exempt such areas
from the application of this Convention either generaliy or with such exceptions in respect of particular undertakings or occupations as it thinhs fit.
Each Member shall indicate in its first annual report upon the application of this Convention submitted under article 22 of the Constitution of the
International Labour Organisation any areas in respect of which it proposes to
have recourse to the provisions of the present Article and shall give the reasons for which it proposes to have recourse thereto; no Member shall, after the
date of its first annual report, have recourse to the provisions of the present
Article except in respect of areas so indicated.
Each Member having recourse to the provisions of the present Article
shall indicate in subsequent annual reports any areas in respect of which it
renounces the right to have recourse to the provisions of the present Article.
Articles 13 and 14
Declarations of application to nonmetropolitan
Articles 15-22: Standard Final provisions.
11.0 Kabul Tarihi
: 8 Haziran 1949
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisu
: 21. 12. 1960 / 10686
Milletlerarasi çaIima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu tarafindan vâki davet üzerine
8 Haziran 1949 tarihinde Cenevre'de otuz ikinci toplantusuni yapan Milletlerarasi
QaIrma Tekilati Genel Konferansi,
Toplantu gUndeminin 6 nou maddesini teçkil eden ye bir amme makamu
tarafindan yapilan mukavelelere konulacak çalima §artlariyle ilgili bulunan
muhtelif tekliflerin kabulUne,
Bu tekilfierin bir milletlerarsi säzIeme ekIini almasina karar verdikten
Bin dokuz yüz kirk dokuz yili Haziran ayunin ibu yirmi dokuzuncu günü,
catuma §artlarina (Amme mukaveleleri) dair 1949 Sözlemesi adini taiyacak
olan aaidaki Sôzlemeyi kabul eder:
1 .Bu Sözleme açaudaki artIari haiz mukaveleler hakkunda uygulanir
a) Mukavelede taraflari tekil edenlerden en az birinin bir amme makami
b) Mukaveleyi ifanin:
Bir amme makami tarafindan para sarfiyatu yapilmasini,
Akitte dier tarafi tekil edenin içi caIitirmasinu istilzam eylemesi,
c) Mukavelenin
Bayindurlik ilerinin yapulmasi, taditi, tamiri veya yukumu,
Materyal, tevazim ye techizatun imali, takulmasu, ilenmesi veya nakli,
Hizmetlerin bizzat ifasu veya temini gayest ile yapitmi olmasi,
d)Mukavelenin, hakkinda bu Sözleme'nin yürürlükte buIunduu
Milletlerarasu çatima Tekikalatu uyelerinden birinin merkezi bir makamu
tarafindan yaputmasi,
2.Yetkili makam, merkezi makamlardan gayri makamlartarafundan yapiImi
olan mukavelelere Sözleme'nin ne olçude ye hangi artlar dahilinde
uygulanacaini tayin edecektir.
3.Bu Sözleme, taaronlar veya mukaveleyl devir alan §ahuslar tarafindan
yapilan iler hakkunda uygulanir; yetkili makam bu Söztemenin mezkCw i(ere
uygulanmasinu salamak Uzere gereken tedbirleri aacaktir.
4.IlgiIi iveren ye içi teekküIIerinin mevcut oIduu yerlerde bu
teekküIterIe istiareden sonra yetkili makam tarafindan tayin edilen bir haddi
geçmiyecek tutarda bir amme fonunun sarirni istlizam eden mukaveleier, bu
Söziemenin uyguianmasindan istisna edilebilir.
5.Yetkiii makam, Ugiii iveren ye içi teekküiierinin mevout oiduu yerierde
bu teekküiierie itiareden sonra idari mevkiler igai veya teknik veya limi
mahiyette vazifeier ifa edip çaIima §artiarl mliii mevzuat veya koiiektif mukavele
veya bir hakem karari lie tanzim ediimemi olan ye umumiyetle bedeni bir i
göremiyen kimseleri bu säziemenin tatbik sahasi diinda birakabiiir.
1 .Bu SözIeme'nin §umulüne giren mukave!eier, ilgili içiiere iin yapiidii
ayni bolgedeki i kolu veya sanayide ayni mahiyetteki i içiri
a)Koilektif mukavele yolu ilgiii veya ilgili sanayi veya i kolundaki içi
veya iverenierin mühim bir kismini temsil eden içi ye iveren teekküiieri
arasinda tensip ediimi dier bir müzakere usuk) yolu lie,
b)Hakem karan yoiu lie, veya,
c)Miiii mevzuatia:
Tesbit ediimi oianiardan daha az eiveriii oimayan ücretleri (Odenekier
dahii), i müddetierini ye dier çaiima artiarini garanti eden hükümieri ihtiva
2.Bundan eweiki fikrada zikrolunan çalima §artiarl, iin yapiidit boigede,
yukarida yazili §ekilierden birine gore tanzim edilmedii takdirde, mukavelelere
ithali gereken maddeler, iigiii içiiere:
a) Benzeri en yakin böigedeki iigiii i kolu veya sanayide ayni mahiyetteki
bir i için koiiektif mukavele veya mutabik kaitnan dier bir müzakere usulü
yoiiyle yahut hakem karari veya mliii mevzut yollyia tesbit ediimi olaniardan;
b)Veya, kendisiyie mukaveie yaplian mUteahhidin i yaptii i kolu veya
sanayle mensup oiup benzeri çartiar içinde bulunan iverenierin o i koiu veya
sanayide riayet ettikleri genei seviyeden,
Daha az eIveriIi oimiyan ücretleri (ödenekier dahil),
müddetlerini ye
dier caIima §artiarini garanti edecektir.
3.Mukaveiere ithal olunacak artiarin mahiyeti ye buniar üzerinden
yapiiacak her türiü tadiiier, iigili içveren ye içi teekküiIerinin mevcut oiduu
yerierde bu gibi teekküiIerie istiareden sonra, yetkiii makam tarafindan, mliii
§artiara en uygun addediiecek bir ekiide tayin edilecektir.
4. Müteahhitierin, §artlarin mahiyetinden haberdar olabiimeieri icin yetkili
makam, §artnameierin ilani gibi iüzumlu tedbirieri veya sair her türiü tedbirieri
Akitierin ifasinda, istihdam ediien iççiierin saiii, i emniyeti ye sosyai
servisierine mütaiiik gerekii tedbirlerin mliii me'zut, koliektif mukaveie veya
hakem karari gereince bu gibi iciJer hakkinda dorudan doruya uyguianmasi
mUmkün deiise, yetkiii makam, iigiii içiiere, adil ye makui saiik emniyet ye
sosyai servis §artiarinl saiamak üzere gerekil tedbirier alacaktir.
Bu SOzIeme hükümlerini tatbik mevkiine koyan kanun, tüzük veya dier
a) (i)Bütün ilgililere bildirilecek ;
Bunlarin uygulanmasini saIamakIa mükellef kimseleri tasrih edecek;
IçiIeri, tabi oldukiari çaIima artIarindan haberdar etmek Uzere, i
yerlerinde veya dier çaIima mahallerinde herkesçe gorutebilecek bir §ekilde
itanlar konulmasini mecburi kilacak; ye
b)Bahis konusu hükümlerin müessir bir §ekilde uygutanmasini garanti
eden dier tedbirlerin yürürlükte oIduu ahval haric;
i)IIgiIi iççilerin çahtiklari müddetleri ye kendilerine ödenen Ucretleri gãsterir
mUnasip defterler tutulmasini:
ii)Bunlarin müessir bir tarzda tatbikini saIiyacak münasip bir teftiç rejimi
kurulmasini derpi edecektir.
1 .Amme mukavelelerine ithal edUmi olan çaIima §artlarina riayetten ye
bunlari uygulamaktan imtina edilmesi halinde, mukavele yapmayi red yollyla
veya dier herhangi bir baka yolla, uygun mUeyyideer tatbik edilecektir.
2.IIgili içiIerin hakiari olan ücretleri elde edebilmeleri 1cm, mukavele
gereince tahakkuk eden istihkaklardan tevkifat yapmak yoluyla yahut da dier
herhangi bir baka yolla, uygun tedbirler alinacaktir.
Milletlerarasi çalima Tekilati StatüsünUn 22 nd maddesi hükümleri
gereince sunulmasi gereken yillik raporlar, bu SözIeme hükümlerini tatbik
mevkiine koyan tedbirler hakkinda tam bilgileri ihtiva edecektir.
lUlkesi vasi bãlgeleri ihtiva eden bir üye memleketin yetkili makami,
nüfusunun dainikIii veya bu bolgelerin gelime durumu sebeblyle mezkOr
bölgelerde bu SôzIeme hükümlerini tatbik etmenin kabil olmayacai kanaatine
vardii takdirde, ilgili içi ye iveren teçekkullerrinin buIunduu yerlerde bu
teekküIIerIe istiare ettikten sorira, anilan bölgeleri, ya umumi olarak veya
münasip gärecei bazi müessese veya bazi içiIeri istisna etmek suretiyle
sOzleçme hükümlerinin tatbiki diinda birakabilir.
2.Her uye, Milletlerarasi QaIima TekiIati statüsUnün 22 nci maddesi
gereince bu SäzIeme'nin uygulanmasi hakkinda verecei ilk yillik raporunda,
bu madde hükUmlerine bavurmak niyetinde oIduu her bölgeyi bildirecek ye
bu madde hükümlerine bavurmak niyetinde olmasinin sebeplerini gästerecektir.
Bundan sonra hiçbir üye, bu suretle biIdirmi oIacai bölgeler hariç, bu madde
hükümlerine bavuramayacaktir.
3.Bu madde hükümlerine bavuran her Uye, uc seneyi gecmeyen fasilalarla
ye ilgili iveren ye içi teekkuIIerinin mevcut oIduu yerlerde bu gibi
teekkUIIerIe istiare ederek, bu Sózleçme'nin uygulanmasinrn 1 mci fikra
gereince muaf tutulmu olan bôlgelere temiti imkanini tekrar gözden
4.Bu madde hükümleririe bavuran her uye, anilan hükümlere bavurrna
hakkindari vazgeçtii bälgeleri ye bu Säzleme'nin bu gibi bOlgelerde tedrici
surette uygulanmasi vadisinde kaydedilen terakkiyi, daha sonraki ylilik
raporlarinda bildirecektir.
Yetkili makam, micbir sebep halinde yahut mull refah veya milli güvenhik
içirl bir tehllke arz eden hâdiseler vukuunda, ilgili içveren ye içi teekkQllerinin
mevcut oIduu yerlerde bu gibi teekküllerIe istiareden sonra, bu Sözleme
hükümlerinin uygulanmasini geçici olarak durdurabilir.
1.Bu SözIeme, onun,iIgili üye hakkrnda yururlue girmesinden ãnce
olan akitler hakkinda uygulanmaz.
2.Bu Sözleme'nin feshi, fesih yürürlUe girmeden ewel yapilmi olan
mukavelelerin hUkümlerinin uygulanmasina halel getirmez.
1.Bu Sözleme'nin kesin onama belgeleri Milletlerarasi QaIima Bürosu
Umum Müdürüne gônderilecek ye onun tarafindan tescil edflecektir.
1 .Bu SOzleme, ancak onama belgeleri Umum Müdür tarafindan tescil
edilmi oan Milletlerarasi çalima Tekilati uyelerini balayacaktir.
2.BuSozleçme iki üyenin onama belgeleri Umum Müdür tarafindan tescil
edildii tarihten itibaren on iki ay sonra yurulue girecektir.
3.Daha sonra, bu Säzleçme her üye hakkinda, kendisinin onama
belgesinin tescil edildii tarihten itibaren on iki ay sonra yürürIüe girecektir.
1 .MiHetlerarasi çalima TekiIati Statüsünün 35 mci maddesinin 2 nd fikrasi
g.ereince Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürune gönderilecek olan
beyanlar aaidaki hususlari belirtecektir.
a)hguli uyenmn, Sözleçme hikümIerini detirmeksizin uygulamayt taahhUt
ettii ullceler;
b)Sözleme hükümlerinin deikIiklerIe uygulanmasini taahüt eden ülkeler
ye anilan deikIikIerin nelerden ibaret oIduu;
c)Sözlemenin uyguIanmadii ülkeler ye bu gibi hallerde niçin
üygulanmadiinin sebepleri;
d)Durumun daha derin bir §ekilde incelenmesine intizaren hakkindaki
kararini sonraya birakan ülkeler.
2Bu maddenin birinci fikrasinin (a) ye (b) bentlerinde zikredilen taahhütler
onamanin ayrilmaz kisimlari olarak sayilacak ye ayni sonuçlari douracaktir.
3.Her üye, bu maddenin birinci fikrasinin (b),(c) ye (d) bentleri gereince,
daha ewel yapmi oIduu beyanda mevcut ihtirazi kayitlarin hepsinden veya
bir kismindan yeni bir beyan He vazgeçilebilecektir.
4.Her üye bu SözIemenin, 14 uncu madde hükümlerine uygun olarak
feshedilebilecei devreler zarfinda Genel Müdüre, daha evvelki bir beyanin
hükümlerini dier bakimlarindan deitiren ye belirli ülkelerdeki durumu bildiren
yeni bir beyan gonderebilecektir.
1 .Milletlerarasi çaIima Tekilati Statüsünün 35 mci maddesinin 4 ye 5
mci fikralari gereince Milletlerarasi çaIma Bürosu Genel MUdürüne gonderilen
beyanlarda, Sözleçme hükümlerinin ilgili ülkede aynen ml yoksa deikIikleriyle
mi uygulanacaini hususu açik!anacaktir; beyan, SôzIeme hükümlerinin
deikIikIerle uygulanacairu açikIadii takdirde bu deiikliklerin nelerden
ibaret olduunu da belirtecektir.
2iIgili uye veya uyeler veya ilgili Milletlerarasi makam, daha sonra yapacai
bir beyanla, daha ewelki bir beyanda belirtilmi olan bir deiikIie bavurma
hakkindari tamamen veya kismen vazgeçebilir.
3JIgili uye veya uyeler veya ilgili Milletlerarasi makam, bu Sözleme'nin
14 ncu madde hükümleri uyarinca feshedilebilecei devreler zarfinda Genel
Müdüre, daha evvelki bir beyanin hükümlerini dier bakimlardan detiren ye
bu SäzIeme'nin tatbikatiyle ilgili hali hazir durumu açitclayan yeni bir beyan
1.Bu Säzleçme'yi onayan her üye, onu, ilk yürürIUe girdii tarihten
itibaren on yillik bir devrenin sonunda, Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genl
MüdürQne gänderecei ye Genel MüdOrün tescil edecei bir ihbarname He
feshedilir.Fesih, tescil tarihinden itibaren bir yil sonra muteber olacaktir.
2.Bu Säzleme'yi onarni olup da, bundan ewelki fikrada yazili on yillik
devrenin hitamindan itibaren bir yil zarfinda, bu maddede derpi ediIrni olan
fesih hakkini kullanmayan her üye, yeniden on yrilik bir müddet 1cm baIanmi
olacak ye bundan sonra bu Sozleme'yi her on yillik devrenin sanunda bu
maddede derpi olunan artlar içinde feshedebilecektir.
1. Milletlerarasi calima BUrosu Genel Müdürü,Tekilat Uyeleri tarfindan
kendisine bildirilen bilimum onama, beyan ye fesihierin tescil edildiOini
Milletlerarasi Qalima Tekilatinin bütün uyelerine tebli edecektir.
2.Umum Müdür, kendisine gönderiImi olan ikinci onama belgesmnmn tescil
edildiini TekiIat Uyelerine tebli ederken, bu Sözleme'nin yurürlue girecei
tarih hakkirida Tekilat Uyelermniri dikkatini çekecektir.
Milietlerarasi çaIima Bürosu Umum Müdürü, yukaridaki maddeler
gereince tescil etmi oIduu bQtOn onama, beyan fesihlere dair tam bilgileri
BirIemi Milletler AndIamasinin 102 nd maddesi uyarinca tescil edilmek Uzere,
BirIemi Milletler Genel Sekreterine uIatiracaktir.
Bu sozleçmenin yUrurlue girdii tarihten her on yrlilk bir devrenin
sonunda, Milletlerarasi QaIima Bürosu Yänetim Kuruiu, bu SözIeme'nin
tatbikati hakkinda Genei Konferansa bir rapor sunacak ye onun tamamen veya
kismen detiriImesi keyfiyetinin Konferans gUndemine konulmasi lazim gelip
gelmedii hususunda karar verecektir.
1. Konferansin, bu Säzleme'yi tamamen veya kismen deitiren yeni bir
Säzleme kabul etmesi halinde, yeni Sözleme baka bir ekiI derpi etmedikce;
a)Tadil edici yeni Sözleme'nin bir üye tarafindan onanmasi keyfiyeti,
yukaridaki 14 Uncu madde nazara aI,nmaksizin, ye fakat tadil edici yeni Sôzieme
yürürIue girmi olmak kayit ye §artl lie bu sözieme'nin derhal ye kendiIiinden
feshini tazammun edecektir.
b)Bu Sözleme, tadil edici yeni Säzleme'nin yürürIOe girmesi tarihinden
itibaren, artik üyeIerin onanmasina açik bulundurulmiyacaktir.
2.Bu SôzIeme, onu onayipda tadil edici SözIeme'yi onamami bulunan
üyeler 1cm her halde §imdiki §ekil ye muhtevasiyle yurUrlukte kalacaktir.
Bu Säzleme'nin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinleri ayni derece muteberdir.
Convention No. 94
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Thirty-second Session on 8 June
1949, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals concerning
labour clauses in public contracts, which is the sixth item on the agenda of the
session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an
international Convention,
adopts this twenty-ninth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine the following Convention, which may be cited as the Labour
Clauses (Public Contracts) Convention, 1949
Article I
1. This Convention applies to contracts which fulfil the following conditions
that one at least of the parties to the contract is a public authority;
that the execution of the contract involvesthe expenditure of funds by a public authority; and
the employment of workers by the other party to the contract;
(c that the contract is a contract for(I) the cohstruction, alteration, repair or demolition of public works
(ii) the manufacture, assembly, handling or shipment of materials, supplies or equipment; or
the performance or supply of services ; and
(d) that the contract is awarded by a central authority of a Member of the
tional Labour Organisation for which the Convention is in force.
2. The competent authority shall determine the extent to which and the
manner in which the Convention shall be applied to contracts awarded by
authorities other than central authorities.
3. This Convention applies to work carried Out by subcontractors or
assignees of contracts; appropriate measures national conditions, after consultation with the organisations of employers and workers concerned, where
such exist.
4. Appropriate measures shall be taken by the competent authority, by
advertising specifications or otherwise, to ensure that persons tendering for
contracts are aware of the terms of the clauses.
Article 3
Where appropriate provisions relating to the health, safety and welfare of
workers engaged in the execution of contracts are not already applicable in
virtue of national laws or regulations, collective agreement or arbitration
award, the competent authority shall take adequate measures to ensure fair
and reasonable conditions of health, safety and welfare for the workers concerned.
Article 4
The laws, regulations or other instrument giving effect to the provisions
of this Convention(a) shall-
be brought to the notice of all persons concerned;
define the persons responsible for compliance therewith ; and
require the posting of notices in conspicuous places at the establishments and workplaces concerned with a view to informing the workers of their
conditions of work; and
(b) shall, except where other arrangements are operating to ensure effective enforcement, provide for the maintenance ofadequate records of the time worked by, and the wages paid to, the
workers concerned; and
a system of inspection adequate to ensure effective enforcement.
Article 5
Adequate sanctions shall be applieç, by the withholding of contracts
or otherwise, for failure to observe and apply the provisions of labour clauses
in public contracts.
Appropriate measures shall be taken, by the withholding of payments
under the contract or otherwise, for the purpose of enabling the workers concerned to obtain the wages to which they are entitled.
Article 6
There shall be included in the annual reports to be submitted under
Article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation full
information concerning the measures by which effect is given to the provisions of this Convention.
Article 10
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 11
1. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered
with the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member
twelve months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 12
I. Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office in accordance with paragraFh 2 of Article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation shall indicatethe territories in respect of which the Member concerned undertakes
that the provisions of the Convention shall be applied without modification
the territories in respect of which it undertakes that the provisions of
the Convention shall be applied subject to modifications, together with
details of the said modifications;
the territories in respect of which the Convention .is inapplicable and
in such cases the grounds on which it is inapplicable;
the territories in respect of which it reserves its decision pending
further consideration of the position.
The undertakings referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be an integral part of the ratification
and shall have the force of ratification.
Any Member may at any time by a subsequent declaration cancel in
whole or in part any reservation made in its original declaration in virtue of
subparagraphs (b), (C) or (d) of paragraph 1 of this Article.
Any Member may, at any time at which the Convention is subject to
denunciation in accordance with the provisions of Article 14, communicate to
the Director-General a declaration modifying in any other respect the terms of
any former declaration and stating the present position in respect of such
territories as it may specify.
Article 16
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accor-
dance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of
all ratifications, declarations and acts of denunciation registered by him in
accordance with the provisions of the preceding articles.
Article 17
At the expiration of each period of ten years after the coming into force of
this Convention, the Governing Body of the International Labour Office shall
present to the General Conference a report on the working of this Convention
and shall consider the desirability of placing on the agenda of the Conference
the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 18
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Conven199
tion in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise providesthe ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 14 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 19
The English and French versions the f text of this
equally authoritative
Convention are
8 Haziran 1949
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 24. 10. 1960 / 109
: 28. 10. 1960/10641
Milletlerarasi Qalima Tekilati Yänetim Kurulu tarafindan vaki davet üzerine
8 Haziran 1949 tarihinde Cenevre'de otuz ikinci toplantisini yapan Milletlerarasi
çalima Tekilati Genel Konferansi:
Toplanti gUndeminin yedinci maddesini tekil eden, ücretin korunmasi
meselesine dair muhtelif tekliflerin kabulüne,
Bu tekllflerin Milletlerarasi bir Sôzleme §eklini almasina karar verdikten
Bin dokuz yUz kirk dokuz yili Temmuz ayinln içbu birinci günü Ucretin
Korunmasi hakkinda 1949 Sözlemesi adini taiyacak olan aaidaki Sözlemeyi
kabul eder.
Bu Sözleme bakimindan .<Ocret> tabiri, yapilan veya yapilacak olan bir
veyahut garulen veya gärOlecek olan bir hizmet 1cm yazili veya sôzlü bir i
akdi gereince bir iveren tarafindan bir içiye, her ne nam altinda ye hangi
hesaplama çekH ile olursa olsun ödenmesi gereken ye nakden deOerlendirilmesi
kabil olup karilikli anlama veya mliii mevzuatla tesbit edilen bedel veya
kazançlari ifade eder.
1 .Bu Sözleme,kendisine bir ücret ädenen veya ödenmesi gereken her
§ahis hakknda uygularur.
2.Yetkili makam, keyfiyetle dorudan doruya ilgili iveren ye içi
teekküIlerinin bulunduu yerierde bu gibi teekkülierIe istiareden sonra,
hakiarinda bu SözIeme hükümierinin hepsi veya bir kismini uyguiamanin uygun
oImayacai ahval ye §erait icinde caIian ye istihdam edilen ahis zQmreleriyie,
bedenen yapilari iierde istihdam edilmeyen veyahut ev hizmetlerinde ye benzeri
iIerde calian ahis zQmrelerini bu Sozieme hükümlerinin hepsini veya bir
kismirun uyguianmasindan istisna edebilir.
3.Her üye, Milletlerarasi Qaiima Tekiiati Statüsünün 22 nd maddesi
gereince bu SözIemenin uygulanmasi hakkinda ganderecei ilk yiitik
raporda, bundan evveiki fikra hükümlerine uygun olarak, SozIeme
hUkümlerinin hepsi veya bir kisminin uygulanrnasindan istisna etmek
tasawurunda oiduu §ahis zümrelerini belirtecektir.Bundan sonra hiç bir üye,
bu suretle belirtilen §ahls zQmreleri diinda istisnalar koyamiyacaktir.
4.11k yiilik raporunda bu Sözleme hükUmlerinin hepsi veya herhangi birinin
uyguianmasindan istisna etmektasawurunda oIduu ahis zümrelerini beiirtmi
olari her üye, bundan sonraki raporlarinda, hakiannda bu maddenin 2 nd
fikrasi hükümlerine bavurma hakkindan vazgeçtii §ahls zürnrelerini ye bu
Söziemenin bu ahis zümreierine uygulanmasi bakimtndan kaydediimi olan
iIeriemeiri belirtecektir.
1 ,Nakit olarak Odenmesi gerekeri ücretier, münhasiran tedavüiü mecburi
alan para ile ödenecek ye emre muharrer senetle, bono ile, kuponia veya
tedavQlü mecburi parayr temsil ettii iddia olunan dier herhangi bir §ekiide
Odeme yasak edilecektir.
2.Ucretlerin bir banka üzerine cekilen çekie yahut pasta ceki veya
havaleslyle tediyesi teamülden oiduu veya Ozel vaziyetier dolayisiyle zaruri
bulunduu veya bir kollektif mukavele veya hakem karariyle bu §ekilierde
ödemenln derpi ediidii yahut bunlariri hicbiri mevcut buIunmadti takdirde
ilgili içi riza gösterdigi halierde, yetkili makam, ücretin, sözü edilen §ekillerde
ödenmesine müsaade veya hükmedebilir.
mahiyeti dolayisiyie ücretin kismen ayin olarak
ödenmesinin âdet veya arzuya ayan oIduu sanayl veya icierde, mliii mevzuat,
koilektif mukaveleler veya hakem karariari, bu ödeme ekiine müsaade edebilir.
1 .Ilgiii sanayl veya 1cm
Ucretin isportolu içki veya zararh maddelerie ödenmesine hiçbir suretle mOsaade
2.Ucretin kismen ayin olarak ödenmesine müsaade ediidii halierde:
a)AynI olarak verilen eyIerin gerek içinin ye gerekse ailesinin ahsen
kulianabilmesi ye onlarin menfaatine uygun bulunmasi, ye
b)AynI ödemeiere takdir edilen kiymetin adil ye maküi oimasi 1cm gerekli
tedbirier alinmic olacaktir.
Ucret doOrudan doruya ligHi içiye ödenecektir. Meter ki, mliii mevzuta
veya bir kollektif mukavele veyahut bir hakem karari bu hususta backa bir
hüküm koymu veya ilgiii içi backa bir cekil kabul etmic oisun.
Içinin, ücretini diiedii gibi kuilanma hurriyetini icvererlin her ne suretle
oiursa olsun tandit etmesi yasaktir.
1. Bir icyeri çerçevesi içinde icciiere mai satmak üzere ekonomaiar aciidii,
yahut onlara hizmet 1cm servisler kurulduu takdirde, bu ekonomoiardan veya
servislerden faydaianmalari
'ugh! içiIer Ozerinde hiçbir cebir icra
2.Dier maazaIara veya servisiere gitmek mUmkün oimadii hailerde,
yetkiii makam adil ye makül fiyatlaria yapilmasi veya iveren tarafindan açiian
ekonomalarin veyahut yapilan hizmetierin iletiimesinde kazanc gayesi
gudulmemesi ye sadece iciierin menfaatierinin gazetiimesi 1cm
uygun tedbirier
1 .Ucretiilerden kesintlier yapiimasina, ancak mull mevzuatin tayin veya
bir koiiektif mukaveienin yahut bir hakem kararinin tesbit ettii §artiar ye hadier,
dahiiinde müsaade edllecektir.
2. Içiier, bu gibi kesintlierinin hangi §artiar ye hadier içinde
yapilabiieceinden, yetkili makamin en uygun addedeceOl §ekilde haberdar
Bir lçi tarafindan, bir ie yeriemek veya i muhafaza etmek maksadryla
bir iverene veya onun vekiiine veyahut herhangi bir araciya (Mesala içi
topiamakia gorevii bir kimseye) dorudan doruya veya dolayisiyie bir ödemede
bulunmasini saiamak 1cm ücretierden her hangi bir kesinti yapmak yasaktir.
Ucret, ancak mliii mevzuatin beiirttii usuiier ye hadler dahiiinde haciz
veya temiik edebiiir.
Uepret haciz ye temiike kari, içinin ye aiiesinin geçimini saiayabiimesi
lüzumlu sayilan oiçude himaye ediiecektir.
1. Bir müessesenin ifiasi veya mahkeme kararlyle tasfiyesi halinde bu
müessesede çaiian içiier, gerek iflasa veya mahkeme karariyie tasfiyeye
takaddüm edip mliii mevzuatia tayin edilen bir müddet zarfinda geçen bazi
hizmetleri doiayisiyie kendlierine borçlaniIan ye gerekse mliii rnevzuatla tayin
edilen miktari geçmiyen ücretier 1cm, imtiyazii aiacakii mevkiini igai edecekierdir.
2.imtiyazli bir alacak tekii eden ücret, aieiâde aiacakiiiarin hisseierini
aimalarindan ewei, tam oiarak ödenecektir.
3.lmtiyazâii bir alacaktekii eden ücretin, difler imtiyazii alacakiara nazaran
ruçhan sirasi, mliii mevzuatia tayin edilecektir.
1. Ucret muntazaman fasiiaiaria ödenecektir. Ucretin muntazaman
fasiiaiariá ôdenmesini saiiyan tatmin edici bakaca usuiler mevcut oimasi hail
haric, ücretin hangi fasiialarla ädenmesi lazim geIdii, mliii mevzuatla tayin
veya bir koi!ektif mukaveie veyahut bir hakem karari iie tesbit ediiecektir.
2.I akdi sona erdii zaman, borçlaniimi olan ücretin tamami, mliii
mevzuata veya bir kollektif mukaveleye veyahut bir hakem kararina uygun
olarak ödenecektir. Bu yolda bir mevzuat, veya koilektif mukavele veyahut hakem
karari mevcut deil se, ödeme, mukavele hükümleri gäz önunde tutularak
makul bir muhlet içinde yapilacaktir.
Ucret nakdi olarak ödendii hailerde, yainiz i gunierinde ye i yerinde
yahut iyerine yakin bir yerde odenecektir; meer ki, mliii mevzuat veya bir
koiiektif mukavele veyahut bir hakem karari, baka türlü bir §ekii derpi etsin
veya ilgili iciIerin malumu bulunan baka §ekiHer daha uygurl telakki edilsin.
Ucretin parekende icki satilan yerlerde yahut benzer müesseselerde ye
kotüye kulianilmasinin ônlenmesi gerekiyorsa, parekende, eya sati
mazaIarinda ye elence yerierinde odenmesi yasaktir. Bu hükUm bu gibi
rnuesseseierde çahmakta olan iççiiere tatbik edilmez.
cabettii takdirde, içiIeri kolayca anliyacakiari bir çekiide aaidaki
hususlardan haberdar etmek gayesiyie müessir tedbitler aiinacaktir.
Ie alinmalarindan once içiiere, tabi oiacakiari ücret §artlari hakkinda
malümat verilmesi veya ücret §artlarinda bir deiikIik yapilmasi halinde
deiikiiklerin bildirilmesi,
Odemenin taaiUk ettii devreye alt ücretierini tekii eden unsurlar
deebiIecek durumda ise, bu unsurlarin her ücret tediyesi strasinda iççilere
Bu Sözieme hükümlerini tatbik mevkiine koyan mevzuat:
IIgiii §ahlsiarin biigisine arz edilecek
Bu mevzuata riayetie garevii kimseleri tasrif edecek;
Bu mevzuata aykri hareketlere karçi uygun ceza mueyyideleri tesbit edecekve;
d)Gerekli her türiü ahvalde, uygun bir §ekil ye usul dahilinde kayit ye
defterler tutuimasini derpi edecektir.
Milietlerarasi Qalima Teçkilati Statüsünün 22 nd maddesi gereince
verilmesi gereken yillik raporiar, bu SOzIeme hQkumierini tatbik mevkiine koyan
tedbirIer hakkinda tam bilgileri ihtiva edecektir.
1. Ulkesi vâsi bOigeieri ihtiva eden bir üye memieketin yetkili makarni,
nüfusunun dainikIii veya bu bOlgeIerin geIime durumu sebebiyle, mezkUr
bolgelerde bu säzIeme hükümlerini tatbik etmenin kabil oImayacai kanaatine
vardii takdirde, ilgili iççi ye iveren teekküIIerinin buIunduu yerlerde bu
teekkUIIerle itira ettikten sonra, anilan bolgeleri, ya umumi olarak veya
münasip garecei bazi müessese veya bazi iIeri istisna etmek suretiyle
SäzIeme hükümlerinin tatbiki diinda brakabiIir.
2.Her uye, Milletlerarasi caIima TekiIati Statüsünün 22 nd maddesi
gereince bu Säzlemenin uygulanmasina dair verecei ilk yillik raporunda
bu madde hukümlerine bavurma niyetinde olduu her bolgeyi bildirecek ye
bu madde hükümlerine müracaat niyetinde olmasinin sebeplerini
gdsterecektir.Bundan sonra hiçbir Qye bu suretle biIcirmi olacai bolgeer
hariç, bu madde hükümlerine bavuramayacakttr.
3.Bu madde hükümlerine bavuran her Uye, uc yih gecmeyen fasilalarla
ye ilgili iveren ye iççi teekküllerinin mevcut olduOu yerlerde bu gibi
teekkUlIerle itiare ederek, bu sözIemenin uygulanmasininl irici paragraf
uyarinca muaf tutulan bolgelere temili imkani tekrar gozden geçirecektir.
4.Bu madde hükümlerine bavuran her üye, anilan hükümlere bavurma
hakkindan vazgeçtiti bölgeleri ye bu Sözlemenin bu gibi bolgelerde tedrici
surette uygulanmas' süresince kaydedilen terakkiyi daha sonraki yillik
raporlarinda bildirecektir.
Bu Sôzlemenin kesin onama belgeleri, Milletlerarasi çaIima Bürosu Genel
Müdürüne gonderilecek ye onun tarafindan tescil edilecektir.
1. Bu Sözleme, ancak onama belgeleri Genel MUdür tarafindan tescil
edilmiç olan Milletlerarasi çaIima Tekilati üyelerini balayacaktir.
2.Bu Säzleme, iki Qyenin onama belgeleri Genel Müdür tarafindn tescil
ediIdii tarihten itibaren on iki ay sonra yurUrlue girecektir.
3.Daha sonra, bu Säzleme her Uye hakkinda kendisinin onama belgesinin
tescil edildii tarihten itibaren on iki ay sonra yururIUe girecektir.
1 .Milletlerarasi çalima TekiIati statüsUnün 35 irici maddesinin 2 mci
fikrasi gereince Genel Müdüre gänderilecek olan beyanlar aaidaki hususlari
a)IIgili Uyenin, Säzleme hükümlerini deitirmeksizin uygulamayi taahhüt
ettii ulkeler;
b)SäzIeme hükümlerinin deikliklerle uygularimasini taahhüt eden ye
bu deOiiklikIern neerden ibaret oIduu
c)SözIemenin uygulanamadii Ulkeler ye bu gibi halterde niçin
uygulanmadiinin sebepleri;
d)Durumun daha derin bir §ekilde iricelenmesine iritizaren, hakiarindaki
kararini sonraya birakan ulkeler;
2.Bu maddenin birinci fikrasnn (a) ye (b) bentlerinde zikrolunan taahhUtler,
onamanin, ayrilmaz kisimlari olarak sayilacak ye ayni sonuçlari douracaktir.
3. Her üye bu maddenin 1 mci paragrafi (b,c,d) bentieri gereince, daha
ewel yapm olduu beyanda mevcut ihtirazi kayitiarin hepsinden veya bir
kismindan, yeni bir beyari lie vazgeçebilecektir.
4.Her üye, bu Sözlemenin, 22 nd madde hükUmlerine uygun olarak
feshedileblieceOl devreier zarfinda Genel MUdüre, daha ewelki bir beyanin
hükümierinin dier bakimlardan detiren ye beliril ülkeierdeki durumu bildiren
yeni bir beyan gönderilebiiecektir.
Milletlerarasi çalima Tekilati Statüsünün 35 mci maddesmniri 4 ye 5
md fikralari gerei nce Milletierarasi Qalima Bürosu Genel MüdürQne gänderiien
beyanlarda, Sözleme hQkümlerinin ilgili ülkede aynen ml yoksa deikiikier
ml uygulunacai hususu açiklanacaktir; beyan SOzleme hQkümierinin
deiikIerle uyguianacaini açikiadii taktirde, bu deiiklikierin neierden ibaret
oiduunu da beiirtecektir.
ligili üye veya üyeler veya ilgili milletlerarasi makam daha sonra
yapacai bir beyanla, daha eweiki bir beyanda beiirtmi olan bir deiikiie
bavurmak hakkindan tamamen veya kismen vazgeçebilir.
ligili üye veya ülkeier veyahut ilgili miHetlerarasi makam, bu Sôziemenin,
daha ewelki bir beyanin hükümlerini dier bakimiardan deOitiren ye bu
Säziemenin uyguianmasi hususundaki durumu belirten yeni bir beyan
1. Bu SôzIemeyi onayan her Uye, onu, ilk yürürIue girdii tarihten
itibaren on yiflik bir devrenin sonunda, Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel
Müdürüne gönderecei ye Genel MQdürün tescil edecei bir ihbarname lie
fesh edebilir. Fesih feshin tescil tarihinden itibaren bir yil sonra muteber olacaktir.
2.Bu Sôziemeyi onami olup da, bundan ewelki fikrada yazili on yiliik
devrenin bitiminden itibaren bir yil zarfinda bu maddede derpi ediImi olan
fesih hakkini kuiianmayan her üye, yeniden on yiflik bir müddet 1cm baianmi
olacak ye bundan sonra bu SozIemeyi, her on yillik devreriin sonunda, bu
maddede derpi olunan §artlar içmnde feshedebilecektir.
1. Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, Tekilat Uyeleri tarafindan
kendisine bildirilen bilimum onama beyan ye fesihierin tescil ediidiini
Milletlerarasi QalimaTekmIattn in bUtün üyelerinetebii
2.Genel MüdQr, kendisine gônderiim} olan ikinci onama beigesinmn tescil
ediIdiini Tekiiat üyelermne tebli
ederken, bu Sözlemenin yürurlue girecei
tarih hakkinda Tekilat üyelerinin dikkatini çekecektir.
Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel MüdürO, yukaridaki Maddeler
gereince, tescU etmi oduu bUtün onama, beyan ye fesihiere dair tam bilgileri,
Birlemi Milletler Antlamasinin 102 nci maddesi uyarinca tescil edilmek Uzere,
Birlemi Milletler Genel Sekreterine ulatiracaktir.
Bu Sözlemenin yururIüe girdii tarihten itibareri her on yillik bir devrenin
sonunda, Milletlerarasi calima Bürosu Yönetirn Kurulu, bu Sözlemenin
tatbikati hakkinda Genel Konferensa bir rapor sunacak ye onun tamamen veya
kismeri detirilmesi keyliyetinin konferans gundemine konulmasi lazrm gelip
geImedii hususundä karar verecektir.
1 .Genel Konferansin bu SozIemeyi tamamen veya kismen deitiren
yeni bir SözIeme kabul etmesi halinde, yeni SäzIerne baka bir §eku derpi
Tadil edici yeni Sözlemenin bir uye tarafindan onanmasi keyfiyeti,
yukaridaki 22 nd madde nazara alinmaksizin ye fakat tadil edici yeni SözIeme
yürürlUe girm olmak kayttye artiyIe, bu Sôzlemenin derhal ye kendiliinden
feshini tazammun edecektir.
Bu SOzleme, tadil edici yeni Sözlemenin yururIue girmesi tarihinden
itibaren, artik uyelerinin onanmasina açik bulundurulmayacaktir.
2.Bu Säzleme, onu onayip da tadil edici Sãzlemeyi onamarni bulunan
uyeler için her halde §imdiki çekil ye muhtevasiyle yururlLllcte kalacaktir.
Bu Sözlemenin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinleri ayni derecede muteberdir.
Convention No. 95
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Thirty-second Session on 8 June
1949, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certainn proposals concerning the
protection of wages, which is the seventh item on the agenda of the session,
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this first day of July of the year one thousand nine hundred and
forty- nine the following Convention, which may be cited as the Protection of
Wages Convention, 1 949
Article 1
In this Convention, the term wages" means remuneration or earnings,
however designated or calculated, capable of being expressed in terms of
money and fixed by mutual agreement or by national laws or regulations,
which are payable in virtue of a written or unwritten contsact of employment
by an employer to an employed person for work done or to be done or for
services rendered or to be rendered.
Article 2
This Convention applies to all persons to whom wages are paid or
The competent authority may, after consultation with the organisations
of employers and employed persons directly concerned, if such exist, exclude
from the application of all or any of the provisions of the Convention categories of persons whose circumstances and conditions of employment are such
that the application to them of all or any of the said provisions would be inap-
propriate and who are not employed in manual labour or are employed in
domestic service or work similar thereto.
Each Member shall indicate in its first annual report upon the application of this Convention submitted under article 22 of the Constitution of the
International Labour Organisation any categories of persons which it proposes
to exclude from the application of all or any of the provisions of the Convention
in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph; no Member
shall, after the date of its first annual report, make exclusions except in respect
of categories of persons so indicated.
Each Member having indicated in its first annual report categories of
persons which it proposes to exclude from the application of all or any of the
provisions of the Convention shall indicate in subsequent annual reports any
categories of persons in respect of which it renounces the right to have recourse to the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article and any progress which
may have been made with a view to the application of the Convention to such
categories of persons.
Article 3
Wages payable in money shall be paid only in legal tender, and pay-
ment in the form of promissory notes, vouchers or coupons, or in any other
form alleged to represent legal tender, shall be prohibited.
The competent authority may permit or prescribe the payment of
wages by bank cheque or postal cheque or money order in cases in which
payment in this manner is customary or is necessary because of special circumstances, or where a collective agreement or arbitration award , so provides, or, where no.t so provided, with the consent of the worker concerned.
Article 4
National laws or regulations, collective agreements or arbitration awards
may authorise the partial payment of wages in the form of allowances in kind
in industries or occupations in which payment in the form of such allowances
is customary or desirable because of the nature of the industry or occupation
concerned; the payment of wages in the form of liquor of high alcoholic
content or of noxious drugs shall not be permitted in any circumstances.
In cases in which partial payment of wages in the form of allowances
in kind is authorised, appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure thatsuch allowances are appropriate for the personal use and benefit of
the worker and his family ; and
the value attributed to such allowances is fair and reasonable.
Article 5
Wages shall be paid directly to the worker concerned except as may be
otherwise provided by national laws or regulations, collective agreement or
arbitration award or where the worker concerned has agreed to the contrary.
Article 6
Employers shall be prohibited from limiting in any manner the freedom
of the worker to dispose of his wages.
Article 7
1. Where works stores for the sate of commodities to the workers are
established or services are operated in connection with an undertaking, the
workers concerned shall be free from any coercion to make use of such stores
or services.
2. Where access to other stores or services is not possible, the competent authority shall take appropriate measures with the object of ensuring that
goods are sold and services provided at fair and reasonable prices, or that
stores established and services operated by the employer are not operated for
the purpose of securing a profit but for the benefit of the workers concerned.
Article 8
Deductions from wages shall be permitted only under conditions and
to the extent prescribed by national laws or regulations or fixed by collective
agreement or arbitration award.
Workers shall be informed, in the manner deemed most appropriate
by the competent authority, of the conditions under which and the extent to
which such deductions may be made.
Article 9
Any deduction from wages with a view to ensuring a direct or indirect
payment for the purpose of obtaining or retaining employment, made by a
worker to an employer or his representative or to any intermediary (such as a
labour contractor or recruiter), shall be prohibited.
Article 10
Wages may be attached or assigned only in a manner and within limits
prescribed by national laws or regulations.
Wages shall be protected against attachment or assignment to the
extent deemed necessary for the maintenance of the worker and his family.
Article 11
In the event of the bankruptcy or judicial liquidation of an undertaking,
the workers employed therein shall be treated as privileged creditors either as
regards wages due to them for service rendered during such a period prior to
the bankruptcy or judicial liquidation as may be prescribed by national laws or
regulations, or as regards wages up to a prescrihed amount as may be determined by national laws or regulations.
Wages constituting a privileged debt shall be paid in full before ordinary creditors may establish any claim to a share of the assets.
The relative priority of wages constituting a privileged debt and other
privileged debts shall be determined by national laws or regulatiOns.
Article 12
1. Wages shall be paid regularly. Except where other appropriate arrangements exist which ensure the payment of wages at regular intervals, the
intervals for the payment of wages shall be prescribed by national laws or
regulations or fixed by collective agreement or arbitration award.
2. Upon the termination of a contract of employment, a final settlement
of all wages due shall be effected in accordance with national laws or regulations, collective agreement or arbitration award or, in the absence of any applicable law, regulation, agreement or award, within a reasonable period of time
having regard to the terms of the contract.
Article 13
The payment of wages where made in cash shall be made on working
days only and at or near the workplace, except as may be otherwise provided
by national laws or regulations, collective agreement or arbitration award, or
where other arrangements known to the workers concerned are considered
more appropriate.
Payment of wages in taverns or other similar establishments and,
where necessary to prevent abuse, in shops or stores for the retail sale of
merchandise and in places of amusement shall be prohibited except in the
case of persons employed therein.
Article 14
Where necessary, effective measures shall be taken to ensure that workers are informed, in an appropriate and easily understandable mannerbefore they enter employment and when any changes take place, of
the conditions in respect of wages under which they are employed ; and
at the time of each payment of wages, of the particulars of their
wages for the pay period concerned, in so far as such particulars may be
subject to change.
Article 15
The laws or regulations giving effect to the provisions of this Convention
shallbe made available for the information of persons concerned;
define the persons responsible for compliance therewith
prescribe adequate penalties or other appropriate remedies for any
violation thereof;
provide for the maintenance, in all appropriate cases, of adequate
records in an approved form and manner.
Article 16
There shall be included
the annual reports to be submitted
under article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
full information concerning the measures by which effect is given to the provisions of this Convention.
Article 17
In the case of a Member the territory of which includes large areas
where, by reason of the sparseness of the population or the stage of development of the area, the competent authority considers it impracticable to enforce the provisions of this Convention, the authority may, after consultation
with the organisations of employers and workers concerned, where such exist,
exempt such areas from the application of this Convention either generally or
with such exceptions in respect of particular undertakings or occupations as it
thinks fit.
Each Member shall indicate in its first annual report upon the application of this Convention submitted under article 22 of the Constitution of the
International Labour Organisation any areas in respect of which it proposes to
have recourse to the provisions of the present Article and shall give the reasons for which it proposes to have recourse thereto; no Member shall, after the
date of its first annual report, have recourse to the provisions of the present
Article except in respect of areas so indicated.
Each Member having recourse to the provisions of this Article shall, at
intervals not exceeding three years, reconsider in consultation with the
organisations of employers and workers concerned, where such exist, the
practicability of extending the application of the Convention to areas exempted
m virtue of paragraph I.
Each Member having recourse to the provisions of this Article shall
indicate in subsequent annual reports any areas in respect of which it renounces the right to have recourse to the provisions of this Article and any
progress which may have been made with a view to the progressive application of the Convention in such areas.
Article 18
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 19
This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member
twelve months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 20
1. Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation shall indicate-
the territories in respect of which the Member concerned undertakes
that the provisions of the Convention shall be applied without modification
the territories in respect of which it undertakes that the provisions of
Convention shall be applied subject to modifications, together with details of the said modifications;
the territories in respect of which the Convention is inapplicable and
in such cases the grounds on which it is inapplicable
the territories in respect of which it reserves its decision pending
further consideration of the position.
The undertakings referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be an integral part of the ratification
and shall have the force of ratification.
Any Member may at any time by a subsequent declaration cancel in
whole or in part any reservation made in its original declaration in virtue of
subparagraph (b), (c) or (d) of paragraph 1 of this Article.
Any Member may, at any time at which the Convention is subject to
denunciation in accordance with the provisions of Article 22, communicate to
the Director-General a declaration modifying in any other respect the terms of
any former declaration and stating the present position in respect of such
territories as it may specify.
Article 21
l.Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office in accordance with paragraph 4 or 5 of article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation shall indicate whether the provisions of the Convention will be applied in the territory concerned without modification or subject to modifications; when the declaration indicates that the
provisions of the Convention will be applied subject to modifications, it shall
give details of the said modifications.
The Member, Members or international authority concerned may at
any time by a subsequent declaration renounce in whole or in part the rçiht to
have recourse to any modification indicated in any former declaration.
The Member, Members or international authority concerned may, at
any time at which this Convention is subject to denunciation in accordance
with the provisions of Article 22, communicate to the Director-General a declaration modifying in any other respect the terms of any former declaration and
stating the present position i.n respect of the application of the Convention.
Article 22
1. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after
the expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes
into force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter,
may denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years
under the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 23
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications, declarations and denunciations communicated to him by the
Members of the Organisation.
When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 24
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications, declarations and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 25
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 26
I. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides,
the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 22 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force,
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 27
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
(1949 TAD iLi)
8 Haziran 1949
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 8. 8. 1951 / 5835
:14. 8. 1951 / 7884
Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu tarafindan Cenevre'ye davet
edilerek orada 8 Haziran 1949 da ctuz ikinci toplantisini yapan Milletlerarasi
çaIima Tekilatt Genel Konferansi,
Toplanti gundeminin ikinci maddesine dahil bulunan ücreth ic bulma
bürolari hakkindaki 1933 tarihli Säzlecmenin tadiline dair bazi tekliflerin
Bu tekllfierin, hakkinda sozlecmenin yürürlükte bulunduu her üyenin
parasiz bir âmme i ye içi bulma bürosu bulundurmasi veya bulundurulmasini
salamasi lazim geldiini derpi eden 1948 tarihll
ye lçi Bulma Servisi
hakkindaki Sozlecmeyi tamamityacak bir Milletlerarasi Sözlecme ceklini almasini,
Kararlactirdiktan sonra;
Boyle bir servisin bütün içi kategorilerinin faydalanabilecekleri bir tecekkul
olmasi lazim geIdiini gOzönCnde tutarak;
Bin Dokuz yuz kirk dokuz yili Temmuz ayinin birinci günü Qcretli i bulma
bürolari hakkinda bin dokuz yüz kirk dokuz muaddel Sozlecmesi adini taiyacak
clan acaidaki sOzlemeyi kabul eder.
1. Bu Sözlecme bakimindan "ücretli i bulma bürolari" tâbiri unlari ifade
a)Kazanc gayesi takip eden ic bulma bürolari, yani dorudan doruya
veya dolayisiyle taraflarin her hangi birinden maddi bir menfaat temini
maksadiyle, bir içiye ic, veya bir icverene içi bulmak hususunda tavassut
eden her ahis, irket müessese, acenta veya dier herhangi bir tecekkül; ye
münhasiran veya esas itibariyle itigal mevzuu ic verenlerle icciler arasinda
tavassuttan ibaret olan gazeteler ile,
b) Kazanç gayesi takip etmeyeri Ic bulma bürolari, yani maddi bir menfaat
gutmemekle beraber, icverenlerden veya içiden, yapilan hizmet mukabilinde
duhuliye, aidat veya backa her hangi bir nam altinda ücret alan irket, müessese,
acerita veya dier tecekkullerin ic bulma servisleridir.
2.Bu Säzleme gemi adamlarinin ie yerletirilmeIeri hakkinda
1 .Bu Sözlemeyi onayan her üye, kazanç gayesi takip eden ücretli
bulma bürolarinin tedricen kaldirilmasini ye dier i bulma bürolarinin bir nizama
balanmasini derpi eyliyen ILbôlüm hükümlerini mi, yoksa, kazanc gayesi
takip eden i bulma bürolari da dahil olmak üzere ücretli i bulma burolarinin
bir nizama balanmasini derpi eyliyen lll.bölüm hükümlerini ml kabul ettiini
onama vesikasinda belirtecektir.
2.Sözlemenin lll.bôlümündeki hükümleri kabul eden her Uye, II.
bälümdeki hukümleri kabul ettiini sonradan Genel MüdUre bildirebilir,böyle
bir beyanin Genel Müdür tarafindan tescil edildii tarihten itibaren, Sözlemenin
lll.bölümünün hukümleri, anilan uye hakkinda yürurlükten kalkarak ll.bOlüm
hükümleri kendisine tatbik edilir.
Kazanç gayesi takip eden ücretli i bulma bürolarinin tedricen kaldirilmasi
ye dier i bulma bürolarinin bir nizama balanmasi
1. I.maddenin (a) fikrasinda yazili kazanc gayesi takip eden ücretli
bürolari, süresi yetkili makam tarafindan tayin edilecek mandut bir devre zarfinda
2.Amme hizmeti mahiyetinde bir Ic bulma servisi ihdas edilmedikce bu
kapatma ii tatbik edilemeyecektir.
3.Yetkili makam, muhtelif kategorilerdeki çahislara i bulmakla itigal eden
bUrolarin kapatilmasi hususunda farkli mühletler koyabilir.
1 .Kazanc gayesi takibeden ücretli i bulma bürolari, kapanmalarina
takaddüm eden mühlet zarfinda:
a)Yetkili makamin kontrolüne tabi olacakiardir.
b)Ancak,tarifesi ya bu makama tevdi veya onun tarafindan tasvip edilecek
yahut da anilan makam tarafindan tayin edilmi
harçlari ye masraflari
2.Bu kontrol, bilhassa, kazanc gayesi takip eden ücretli Ic bulma
bUrolarinin muamelatlyle ilgili suistimalleri Onlemeye matuf olacaktir.
3.Bu maksatla yetkili makamin ilgili icveren ye içi teekkulleriyle münasip
tarzda istiçaresi lazimdir.
1.Milli mevzuatla sarih bir surette tesbit olunan ye amme Ic bulma
bürolarinca matlup §ekHde ie yerIetiritmeIeri mUmkün bulunmayan ahis
katogorueri hakkinda istisnai surette ye aricak ilgiH iveren ye ici teekkUlIerine
munasip usuflerle daniildiktan sonra bu SäzIemeriin 3 uncu maddesinin 1
mci fikrasi hUkümlerinden inhiraf etmek husususunda müsaade olunacaktir.
2.Bu madde gereince kendisine müsaade olunan her ücretli bulma
Yetkili makamin Kontrolürie tabi olacaktir.
Yetkili makam tarafindan tesbit ediIecekdevreIerde yenhlenecek yillik
bir ruhsatiyeyi haiz bulunacaktrr.
Yetkili makam tevdi ye onun tarafindan tasvip edilmi yahut da anilan
makam tarafindan tesbit olunmu tarifedekinden fazia harc ye masraf
d)Ancak yetkili makam tarafindan mezun kiIindii takdirde ye yururlukte
bulunan mevzuatla tesbit edilmi §artthr içmnde, yabanci memleketler 1cm veya
yabanci memleketlerden içi tedarik edebilecekdir.
Birinci maddenin 1 (b) fikrasinda yazili ye kazanc gayesi takip etmeyen
bulma bürolari
a)Yetkili makamin mUsaadesini haiz olacak ye anilari makamin kontroluna
tabi bulunacakiardir.
b)Yetkili makama tevdi edflip onun tarafindan tasvip olunan yahut da
yapilan masraflar gozonUnde bulundurularak anilan makam tarafindan tesbit
olunacak tarifeden daha yüksek ücret alamiyacaklardir.
c)Ancak yetkiU makam tarafindan mezun kilindikiari takdirde ye yururlukte
bulunan mevzuatla tesbit ediImi §artlar içinde yabanci memleketlere veya
yabanci memleketlerden içi tedarik edebhleceklerdir.
Yetkili makam, ücretsiz h bulma bLirolarinin muamelelerini parasiz
yaptikiarina kanaat hasil etmek için gerekli tedbirleri alacaktir.
Gerek, Sözlemenin bu bölümündeki hükümlere gerek bunlari yururlUe
koyan mevzuat hükümlerine aykiri hareket hakkinda, icabinda bu Sözlemede
derpi olunan ruhsatiyenin veya musaadenin geri alinmasini da ihtiva etmek
üzere uygun cezal mueyyideler konuacakttr.
Milletlerarasi çaIimaTekhlati Anayasanin 22 nd maddesinde derph olunan
yillik raporlar, 5 inch madde gereince müsaade ediImi
olan irihiraflara ye
bllhassa inhiraflardan faydalanan bürolarin sayisina ye faaliyetlermnmn §umul
sahasina, inhiraflari gerektiren sebeplere ye anilan bürolarin faaliyetini kontrol
etmekie yetkili makam tarafindan ittihaz edilmi clan tedbirlere dair her türlQ
gerekli bilgileri verecektir.
Ucretli I Bürolarunun Nizama BaIanmasu
Birinci maddenin 1 (a) fikrasinda yazili kazanç gaesi takip eden ücretli i
bulma bürolari
a)Yetkili makamin kontrolüne tabi olacakiardir;
b)Yetkili makam tarafindan tensip edilecek devrelerde yenilenecek yillik
bir ruhsatnameyi haiz bulunacakiardir.
c)Yetkili makama tevdi ye onun tarafindan tasvip ediImi yahut da anilan
makam tarafindan tesbit oIunmu tarifedekinden fazia harç ye masraf
d)Ancak yetkili makam tarafindan mezun kilindikiari takdirde ye yururlukte
bulunan mevzuatla tesbit edilmi artIar içinde yabanci memleketlere veya
memleketlerden içi tedarik edebilecekierdir.
Birinci maddenin 1 (b) fikrasinda yazili bulunan ye kazanç gayesi takip
etmiyen ücretli i bulma bürclari;
a) Yetkili makamin müsaadesini alacaklar ye anilan makamin kontrolüne
tabi bulunacakiardir.
b)Yetkili makama tevdi ye onun tarafindan tasvip edilecek yahut da anilan
makam tarafindan yaprlan masraflar gOzönUnde bulundurularak, tayin olunacak
tarifeden yüksek bir ücret alamiyacaklardir.
c)Ancak yetkili makam tarafindan mezun kilindikiari takdirde ye yürürlUkte
bulunan mevzuatla tesbit ediImi §artlar içinde yabanci memleketlere veya
yabanci memleketlerden içi tedarik edebilecekierdir.
Yetkili makam, Ucretsiz i
bulma bürolarinin muamelelerini parasiz
yaptiklarina kanaat hasil etmek 1cm gerekll tedbirleri alacaktir.
Gerek Söztemenin bu bölümün hükümlerine gerek bunlari yürurIue
koyan mevzuat hükümlerine aykiri her hareket hakkinda, icabinda, bu
Sözlemede derpi olunan ruhsatnamenin yahut müsaadenin geri alinmasini
da ihtiva eden uygun cezai müeyyideler konulacaktir.
MiUetlerarasi çalima Tekilati Anayasanin 22 mci maddesinde derpi
olunan ylilik raporlar, bilhassa kazanc gayesi takibeden bürolar dahil olmak
üzere ücretli i bulma bürolarinin muamelelerini kontrol etmek 1cm yetkili makam
tarafindan alinmi olan tedbirler hakkinda gerekil her türlü bilgileri verecektir.
çeitIi Hükümler
1 .Bir uyenin ülkesi geni bälgeleri ihtiva edip de bu bölgelerdeki nüfusun
datnikli veya gelime safhast dolayisiyle yetkili makam, bu Sözleme
hükümlerinin buralarda uygulanmasinin kabil olmayacaini mülahaza ettii
takdirde, adi geçen makm, bubölgeleri bu Sözlemenin uygulanmasindan
ya tamamlyle veyahut muayen iletmeler veya iIer hakkirida münasip gorecei
istisnalari kabul etmek suretiyle kismen muaf tutabilir.
2.Her üye, Milletlerarasi Qaliçma Tekilati Anayasasinin 22 nd maddesi
gereince bu Sözlemenin uygulanmasina dair verecei ilk yitlik raporunda,
hakkinda bu madde hukümlerine müraacat niyetinde olduu bolgeleri ye bu
hUkümlere müraacat niyetmnde olmasinin sebeplerini gastermelidir ; hiçbir üye,
daha sonra, bu suretle göstermi bulunduu bolgelerden maadasi 1cm bu madde
hükümlerine müraacat edemez.
3.Bu madde hükümlerine müracaat eden her uye, mUtaakip yillik
raporlarida, hangi bolgeler 1cm
bu madde hükümlerine müracaat hakkindan
vazgeçtiini gostermelidir.
u SözIemenin kesin onama belgeleri, Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel
Müdürüne gOnderilecek ye onun tarafindan tescil editecektir.
1 .Bu Sozleme, onama belgeleri Genel Müdür tarafindan tescil edilmi
clan Milletlerarasi çalima Teçkilati üyelerini llzam eder.
2.Bu Säzleme, iki üyenin onama belgelerinin Genel MüdUr tarafindan
tescil edilmesi tarihinden ancak on iki ay sonra yurürlue girer.
3.Bu SOzleme, onu sonradan onayan uyeler 1cm onama belgesmnin tescil
edilmesinden on iki ay sonra yUrurlue girer.
1. Milletlerarasi çalima Statüsünün 35 mci maddesinin 2 nd fikrasi
gereince Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne ganderilecek beyanlar
aaidaki hususlari açiklamalidirlar.
a)iIgili üyenin, Säzleme hükümleriride hiç bir deiiklik yapilmadan
uygulanacaini taahhUt ettii ulkeler
b)Sözleme hükumlerinde deiikllkIer yapilarak uygulanaca mi taahhüt
ettii Ulkeler ye bu deiiklikIerin nelerden ibaret oIduu
c)SäzIemenin uyguIanamiyacai ülkeler ye bu gibi hallerde SäzIemenin
uygulanamamasmnin sebepleri
d)Sözleme hakkmndaki kararmn vaziyetin daha ziyade tetkikine kadar talik
ettii ülkeler.
2.Bu maddenin birinci fikrasmnmn (a) ye (b) bentlerinde zikrolunan taahhütler,
onamanmn ayrmlmaz kmsimlari olarak sayilacak ye ayni sonuçlari douracaktir.
3.Her Uye bu maddenin, linci fikrasinmn b), c), ye d) bendleri gereince
daha ewel yapmi oIduu beyanda mevcut ihtirazi kayitlarin hepsinden veya
bir kismmndan, yen bir beyan lie vazgeçiiebilecektir.
4.Her üye, hind madde hükümierine uygun olarak, bu Söziemeyi
feshedebiIecei devreier zarfinda, Genel Müdüre, daha ewelki herhangi bir
beyanmn hükümlerini herhangi bir bakimdari deiçtiren ye beliril ülkelerdeki
durumu bildiren yeni bir beyan gonderebilecektir.
1 .MiHetlerarasm çaIima Tekiiati Anayasasinin 35 mci maddesinin 4 ye 5
mci fikraiari uyarinca, Genel Müdüre gonderilen beyaniar, SäzIeme
hükümlerinin ülkede deiikIikIerie ml yoksa deiiklik yapilmadan mm
uyguIanacamnm bildirmeildir; beyan, Sözleme hükümierinin deiikiikier
kaydlyle uygulanacamnm biidirdii zaman, bu deiikUklerin nelerden ibaret
olduunu belirtmelidir.
2.IIgiii üye veyahut üyeler veya milletlerarasi makam, daha ewelki bir
beyania blidirilen deiikiii hen sürmek hakkindan daha sonraki bir beyania
tamamen veya kismen vazgeçebhiecektir.
3.Ilgiii üye yahut uyeier veya milietlerarasi makam, 11 mci madde
hUkümierine uygun olarak Sözleçmenin feshedebiIecei devreler zarlmnda,
Milletlerarasi çaiima Bürosu Genei Müdürüne, daha evvelki bir beyanin
hükümierini herhangi bir baka bakimdan deitiren ye bu Söziemenin
uygulanmasm hususundaki durumu belirten yeni bir beyan gonderebilecektir.
1 .Bu Soziemeyi onayan her uye, onu ilk yurürlue giniç tarihinden itibaren
on yiliik bir devre sonunda, Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne
gänderecei ye bu müdürün tescil edecei bir ihbarname lie feshedhiebilir.
Fesih, tescil tarihinden ancak bir ymi sonra muteber olacaktmr.
2.Bu Säziemeyi onamm olup da onu bundan eweiki fikrada yazili 10
yiiimk devrenin bitiminden itibaren bir ymi zanfmnda, bu madde gereince feshetmek
ihtiyarmni kuilanmayan her üye, yeniden on ymilik devre bitimince, bu madde
derpi olunan artiar içinde feshediiebilecektir.
1 .Milletleraras' cahma BUrosu Genel Müdürü, Tekilat üyeleri tarafindan
kendisine bildirilen bütün onama, beyan ye fesihierin tescil olunduunu
Milletlerarasi Tekilatinin bütün Uyelerine tebIi
2.Milletlerarasi QaIima BUrosu Genel Müdürü, kendisine gOnderilen
SözIemenin ikinci onama belgesinin tescil olunduunu Tekilat Oyelerine
tebIi ederken, bu Säzlemenin yururlüe girecei tarih hakkirida tekiIat
uyelerinin dikkatini gekecektir.
Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, yukaridaki maddeler
gereince, tescil etmi olduu bUtün onama, beyan ye fesihiere dair tam bilgileri,
Birlemi MiUetlerarasi AntlamasinIn 102 nd maddesi uyarinca tescil edilmek
üzere Birlemi Milletler Genel Sekreterine uIatiracaktir.
Bu Sözlemenin yururlUe girmesinden itibaren her on ytilik bir devre
sonunda, Milletlerarasi çaIima Bürosu Yänetim Kurulu, bu SäzIemenin
uygulanmasi hakkindaki bir raporu Genel Konferansa sunacakve onun tamamen
veya kismen detIrilmesi meselesinin konferans gUndemine konulmasi lüzu mu
hakkinda karar verecektir
1.Konferansin bu SozIemeyi tamamen veya kismen
detiren yeni bir
Sözleme kabul etmesi halinde ye yeni sözleme baçkaca hQkUmler ihtiva
eylemedii takdirde:
a)Tadil edici yeni sözlemenin bir Uye tarafindan onanmasi keyfiyeti,
yukaridaki 23 ünoü madde nazara alinmaksizin ye fakat tadil edici yeni sözleme
yürürlüe girmi olmak kayit ye §arti ile, bu Säzlemenin derhal ye kendiliinden
feshini tazammun edecektir.
b)Tadil edici yeni sOzlemenin yürürlüe girmesi tarihinden itibaren bu
Sözleme, uyelerin onanmasina artik açik bulundurulmayacaktlr.
2.Bu Sözleme, onu onayip da tadil edici sOzleçmeyi onami bulunan
uyeler 1cm, her halde imdiki ekiI ye muhtevasiyle muteber olmakta devam
Bu Sôzlemenin Fransizca ye ingilizce metinleri ayni §ekilde muteberdir.
Convention No: 96
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International
Labaur Office, and having met in its Thirty-second Session on 8 June 1949,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
the revision of the Fee-Charging Employment Agencies Convention, 1933,
adopted by the Conference at its Seventeenth Session, which is included in
the tenth item on the agenda of the session, and
Having resolved that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention, complementary to the Employment Service Convention,
1948, which provides that each Member for which the Convention is in force
shall maintain or ensure the maintenance of a free public employment service,
Considering that such a service should be available to all categories of
adopts this first day of July of the year one thousand nine hundred and
forty- nine the following Convention, which may be cited as the Fee-Charging
Employment Agencies Convention (Revised), 1949
Article 1
1. For the purpose of this Convention the expression "fee-charging
employment agency" meansemployment agencies conducted with a view to profit, that is to say,
any person, company, institution, agency or other organisation which acts as
an intermediary for the purpose of procuring employment for a worker or
supplying a worker for an employer with a view to deriving either directly or
indirectly any pecuniary or other material advantage from either employer or
worker ; the expression does not include newspapers or other publications
unless they are published wholly or mainly for the purpose of acting as intermediaries between employers and workers
employment agencies not conducted with a view to profit, that is to
say, the placing services of any company, institution, agency or other
organisation which, though not conducted with a view to deriving any pecuniary or other material advantage, levies from either employer or worker for the
above services an entrance fee, a periodical contribution or any other charge.
2. This Convention does not apply to the placing of seamen.
Article 2
I. Each Member ratifying this Convention shall indicate in its instrument
of ratification whether it accepts the provisions of Part II of the Convention,
providing for the progressive abolition of fee-charging employment agencies
conducted with a view to profit and the regulation of other agencies, or the
provisions of Part HI, providing for the regulation of fee-charging employment
agencies including agencies conducted with a view to profit.
2. Any Member accepting the provisions of Part Ill of the Convention
may subsequently notify the Director-General that it accepts the provisions of
Part II; as from the date of the registration of such notification by the DirectorGeneral, the provisions of Part lii of the Convention shall cease to be applicable to the Member in question and the provisions of Part II shall apply to it.
Article 3
Fee-charging employment agencies conducted with a view to profit as
defined in paragraph 1 (a) of Article 1 shall be abolished within a limited period
of time determined by the competent authority.
Such agencies shall not be abolished until a public employment service is established.
The competent authority may prescribe different periods for the abolition of agencies catering for different classes of persons.
Article 4
I. During the period preceding abolition, fee-charging employment agencies conducted with a view to profitshall be subject to the supervision of the competent authority; and
shall only charge fees and expenses on a scale su6mitted to and
approved by the competent authority or fixed by the said authority.
Such supervision shall be directed more particularly towards the elimination of all abuses connected with the operations of fee-charging employment agencies conducted with a view to profit.
For this purpose, the competent authorJty shall consult, by appropriate methods, the employers' and workers' organisations concerned.
Article 5
1. Exceptions to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of this Conven-
tion shall be allowed by the competent authority in exceptional cases in respect of categories of persons, exactly defined by national laws or regulations,
for whom appropriate plaáing arrangements cannot conveniently be made
within the framework of the public employment service, but only after
consultation, by appropriate methods, with the organisations of employers
and workers concerned.
Every fee-charging employment agency for which an exception is allowed
under this Articleshall be subject to the supervision of the competent authority;
shall be required to be in possession of a yearly licence renewable at
the discretion of the competent authority;
shall only charge fees and expenses on a scale submitted to and
approved by the competent authority or fixed by the said authority;
shall only place or recruit workers abroad if permitted to do so by the
competent authority and under conditions determined by the laws or regulations in force.
Article 6
Fee-charging employment agencies not conducted with a view to profit
as defined in paragraph 1 (b) of Article 1shall be required to have an authorisation from the competent authority and shall be subject to the supervision of the said authority
shall not make any charge in excess of the scale of charges submitted
to and approved by the competent authority or fixed by the said authority, with
strict regard to the expenses incurred ; and
shall only place or recruit workers abroad if permitted so to do by the
corn- petent authority and under conditions determined by the laws or regulations in force.
Article 7
The competent authority shall take the necessary steps to satisfy itself
that non-fee-charging employment agencies carry on their operations gratuitously.
Article 8
Appropriate penalties, including the withdrawal when necessary of the
licences and authorisations provided for by this Convention, shall be prescribed
for any violation of the provisions of this Part of the Convention or of any laws
or regulations giving effect to them.
Article 9
There shall be included in the annual reports to be submitted under
article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation all necessary information concerning the exceptions allowed under Article S, including more particularly information concerning the number of agencies for which
such exceptions are allowed and the scope of their activities, the reasons for
the excep- tions, and the arrangements for supervision by the competent authority of the activities of the agencies concerned.
Article 10
Fee-charging employment agencies conducted with a view to profit as
defined in paragraph 1 (a) of Article 1shall be subject to the supervision of the competent authority
shall be required to be in possession of a yearly licence renewable at
the discretion of the competent authority
shall only charge fees and expenses on a scale submitted to and
by the competent authority or fixed by the said authority
shall only glace or recruit workers abroad if permitted so to do by the
corn- petent authority and under conditions determined by the laws or regulations in force.
Article 11
Fee-charging employment agencies not conducted with a view to profit
as defined in paragraph 1 (6) of Article 1shall be required to have an authorisation from the competent authority and shall be subjeôt tO the supervision of the said authority
shall not make any charge in excess of the scale of charges submitted to and approved by the competent authority or fixed by the said authority
with strict regard to the expenses incurred; and
shall only place or recruit workers abroad if permitted so to do by the
competent authority and under conditions determined by the laws or regulations in force.
Article 12
The competent authority shall take the necessary steps to satisfy itself
that non-fee-charging employment agencies carry on their operations gratuitously.
Article 13
Appropriate penalties, including the withdrawal when necessary of
the licences and authorisations provided for by this Convention, shall be prescribed for any violation of the provisions of this Part of the Convention or of
any laws or regulations giving effect to them.
Article 14
There shall be included in the annual reports to be submitted under
article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation all necessary information concerning the arrangements for supervision by the competent authority of the activities of fee-charging employment agencies including more particularly agencies conducted with a view to profit.
PART lv.
Article 15
In the case of a Member the territory of which includes large areas
where, by reason of the sparseness of the population or the stage of development of the area, the competent authority considers it impracticable to enforce the provisions of this Convention, the authority may exempt such areas
from the application of this Convention either generally or with such exceptions in respect of particular undertakings or occupations as it thinks fit.
Each Member shall indicate in its first annual report upon the application of this Convention submitted under article 22 of the Constitution of the
International Labour Orgariisation any areas in respect of which it proposes to
have recourse to the provisions of the present Article and shall give the reasons for which it proposes to have recourse thereto; no Member shall, after the
date of its first annual report, have recourse to the provisions of the present
Article except in respect of areas so indicated.
Each Member having recourse to the provisions of the present Article
shall indicate in subsequent annual reports any areas in respect of which it
renounces the right to have recourse to the provisions of the present Article.
Article 16
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 17
This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member
twelve months after the date on which its ratification has been registered. Article 18
1. Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 35 of the Constitution
of the International Labour Organisation shall indicatethe territories in respect of which the Member concerned undertakes
that the provisions of the Convention shall be applied without modification
the territories in respect of which it undertakes that the provisions of
the Convention shall be applied subject to modifications, together with details
of the said modifications
the territories in respect of which the Convention is inapplicable and
in such cases the grounds on which it is inapplicable;
the territories in respect of which it reserves its decision pending
further consideration of the position.
The undertakings referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be an integral part of the ratification
and shall have the force of ratification.
Any Member may at any time by a subsequent declaration cancel in
whole or in part any reservation made in its original declaration in virtue of
subparagraph (b), (c) or (d) of paragraph 1 of this Article.
Any Member may, at any time at which the Convention is subject to
denunciation in accordance with the provisions of Article 20, communicate to
the Director-General a declaration modifying in any other respect the terms of
any former declaration and stating the present position in respect of such territories as it may specify.
Article 19
I. Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office in accordance with paragraph 4 or 5 of article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation shall indicate whether the provi-
sions of the Convention will be applied in the territory concerned without
modification or subject to modifications ; when the declaration indicates that
the provisions of the Convention will be applied subject to modifications, it
shall give details of the said modifications.
The Member, Members or international authority concerned may at
any time by a subsequent declaration renounce in whole or in part the right to
have recourse to any modification indicated, in any former declaration.
The Member, Members or international authority concerned may, at
any time at which the Convention is subject to denunciation in accordance
with the provisions of Article 20, communicate to the Director-General a declaration modifying in any other respect the terms of any former declaration and
stating the present position in respect of the application of the Convention.
Article 20
1. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after
the expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes
into force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 21
International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications, declarations and denunciations communicated to him by the
Members of the Organisation.
2. When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 22
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications, declarations and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 23
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 24
I. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides,
the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 20 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into
force, this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form
and content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the
revising Convention.
Article 25
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
18 Haziran 1949
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayum Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 08. 08. 1951 / 5834
:14. 08. 1951 I 7884
Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Yönetim kurulu tarafindan Sarffransisko'ya
davet edilerek orada 18 Haziran 1949 da otuz ikinci toplantisini yapan
MiUetlerarasi QaIima TekiIati Genel Konferansi, toplanti gOndeminin 4 uncu
maddesini tekil eden TekiIatlanma ye Kollektif Müzakere Hakki prensiplerinin
uygulanmasina müteallik muhtelif tekilfieri kabul etmeye, bu tekliflerin
Milletlerarasi bir sozleçme §eklini almasina 'karar verdikten sonra, Bin dokuz
yuz kirk dokuz yili Temmuzunun birinci günü tekilatlanma ye kollektif müzakere
hakkina dair 1949 Sözlemesi adini taiyacak olan aaidaki Söz!emeyi kabul
Içiler çalima hususunda sendika hOrriyetirie halel getirmeye mâtuf
her türlü fark gäzetici harekete kari tam bir himayeden faydalanacaktir.
Bäyle bir himaye blihassa,
Bir içinin çaliçtirilmasini, bir sendikaya girmemesi veya bir sendikadan
çikmasi §artlna tabi kilmak;
Bir sendikaya Uye olmasi yahut çalima saatleri diinda veya iverenin
muvafakati lie çaliçma saatlerinde sendika faliyetlerine itirak etmesinden dolayi
bir içiyi iinden cikarmak veya baka suretle onu izrar etmek; maksatlari guden
hareketlere mutaallik hususlarda uygulanacaktir.
Içi ye iveren teekkQlleri, gerek dorudan doruya, gerek mQrnessilleri
veya uyeleri vasitasiyla birbirlerinin kurululari, ileyiIeri ye idarelerini
mOdahelede bulunmalarina kari gerekli surette himaye edilecekierdir.
Bllhassa içi teekküllerini bir içverenin veya bir iveren teekkülünOn
kontrolüne tabi kilmaya, bir iverenin veya bir iveren teekkülünOri kendi
nufuzu altina alinmi
içi teekkUlleri ihdasini tahrik etmeye veya içi
teekküllerinin mall yollarla veya baka bir çekilde desteklemeye mâtuf tedbirler,
bu maddedeki manasi He müdahele hareketlerinden sayilir.
Bundan önceki maddelerde tarif olunan "Teçkilatlanma hakki" na riayet
edilmesini salamak üzere icabettii takdirde mHIi §artlara uygun tekHat
çatima §artlarinl kollektif mukavelelerle tanzim etmek üzere iverenIer
veya iveren teekkuiieriyIe içi teekküIIeri arasinda ihtiyari müzakere
usulUnden faydalanhimasini ye bu usülün tam bir surette gelitirilmesini tevik
etmek ye gerçekletirmek için Iüzumu halinde milli §artiara uygun tedbirier
Bu söziemede derpi olunan teminatin ne gibi haflerde siiahli kuwetler
ye zabita kuwetlerine hangi olçüde uyguianacai mliii mevzuatlatâyin edilecektir.
Bu sözIemenin bir üye tarafindan onanmasi bu sözlemede derpi
edilen teminati silahli kuvvetlere ye zabita kuwetleri mensupiarina veren mevcut
bir kanuna karara teamüle veya anttamaya, Milletlerarasi çahçma TekiIati
Anayasasinin 19 uncu maddesinin 8 mci paragrafinda yazili prensipier gereince,
halel getirmez.
Bu SäzIeme, Deviet memurlarinin durumiari lie alâkali deiIdir ye hiç bir
surette, onlarin hakiarina veya statülerine halel getirmez.
Bu SözIemenin resmi onama belgeieri Milietlerarasi çaIrma Bürosu Genel
Müdürüne gonderiiecek ye onun tarafindan tescii ediiecektir
Bu Säzieme, onama belgeleri Genei müdür tarafindan tescil ediimi
oian Milletlerarasi çaIima Teçkilati üyeierini lizam eder.
Bu Sözieme iki üyenin onama belgeleri Genei Müdür tarafindan tescii
edildikten ancak on iki ay sonra yururiue girer.
Bu Sözieme, onu sonradan onayan üyeler 1cm onama belgesinin tescil
edilmesinden on iki ay sonra yurürlue girer.
1. Milietierarasi QaIima TekiIati Anayasasinin 35 mci maddesinin ikinci
fikrasina uygun olarak Miiietierarasi çaliçma Bürosu Genel Müdürune
gönderiiecek oian beyanarin u hususiari bildirmesi Iâzim geiir:
ligili üyenin Sözleçme hükümlerinde hiçbir deiikiik yapilmadan
uyguIanacaini taahhüt ettii üikeler;
Säzieme hOkümlerinde deikIikIer yapilarak uyguIanacaini taahhüt
ettii ülkeier ye bu deikIikierin nelerden ibaret olduu;
Sözlemenin uyguianamayacai ülkeier ye bu gibi hallerde söztemenin
uygulanamamasinin sebepieri;
SäzIeme hakkindaki kararini vaziyetin daha ziyade tetkikirie kadar
talik ettii üikeier.
Bu maddenin birinci fikrastnin (a) ye (b) bentlerinde zikrolunan
taahhUtler, onamanin ayrilmaz kisimiari olarak sayilacak ye ayni sonuçiari
Her uye, bu maddenin birinci fikrasinin b) , c) ye d) bentieri gereince,
daha ewel yapmi olduu beyanda mevcut ihtirazi kayitiann hepsinden veya
bir kismindan yeni bir beyan lie vazgeçebiiecektir.
Her uye, 11 mci madde hükümlerine uygun oiarak, bu sözIemenin
fesh ediiebiiecei devreler zarfinda, Genei Müdüre, daha evvelki herhangi bir
beyanin hükümlerini her hangi bir bakimdan detiren ye beiirli üikelerdeki
durumu bildiren yeni bir beyan gänderebiiecektir.
Milletlerarasi çaiima TekiIati Anayasasinin 35 mci maddesinin 4 üncu
ye 5 mci fikralari uyarinca c3eriei Müdüre gonderiien beyanlar, Sözieme
Hükümlerinin Ulkede deiklikIerIe ml yoksa deikIik yapiimadan mi
uyguIanacaini bildmrmelidir; beyan,SôzIeme hükUmlerinin deiikIikIer
kaydiyie uyguianacaini biidirdii zaman, bu deiikIikIerin nelerden ibaret
olduunu beiirtmelidir.
itgili üye yahut üyeierveya Milletierarasi Makam, daha ewelki bir beyanla
bildirilen deiiklii hen sUrmek hakkindan daha sonraki bin beyanla tamamen
veya kismen vazgeçebiiecektir.
llghii uye yahut uyeler veya MilletIerarsi Makam 11 mci madde
hUkümlerine uygun oiarak, SozJemenmn feshediiebiiecei devreier zarfinda,
Milletierarasi QaIima BUrosu Genei MüdürQne daha evveiki bir beyanin
hükümlerinin herhangi bir baka bakimdan deitiren ye bu SözLemenin
uygulanmasi hususundaki durumu beiirten yeni bir beyan ganderebilecektir.
Bu Sözlemeyi onayan her Uye, onu, ilk yuruniüe giri tarihinden
itibaren on yiilik bir devre sonunda, Milletlerarasi Qaiima Bürosu Genei
Müdürüne gonderecei ye bu Müdürün teschl edecei bin ihbarname lie
feshedebhlir. Fesih, tescil tarihinden ancak bir yil sonra muteber olacaktir.
Bu Sozlemeyi onami oiup da, onu bundari ewelki fikrada yazili on
yiiiik devrenin bitiminden itibaren bin yil zarfinda, bu madde gereince feshetmek
ihtiyarini kullanmayan her Uye, yeniden on yillik müddet 1cm baianmi olacak
ye bundan sonra bu Soziemeyi, her on yiilik devre bitince, bu maddede derph
olunan §artiar içinde féshedebilecektin.
Milietlerarasi çaIima Bürosu Genel MüdürU, TekiIât uyeleri tarafindan
kendisine bildirilen bütün onama, beyan ye fesihierin tescil oIduunu
Miiletlerarasi cahma TekiIatinin bUtün uyelerine tebli edecektir.
Milietlerarasi caiima Bürosu Genel MUdürü, kendisine ganderilen
Söziemenin ikinci onama belgesinin tescii olduunu tekiIat uyeierine tebli
ederken, bu säzIemenin yürurIue girecei tarih hakkinda tekilat uyelerinin
dikkatini çekecektir.
Milletierarasi çaIima B'Urosu Genel Müdürü, yukaridaki maddeler
gereince, tescil etmi oIduu bütün onama, beyari ye fesihiere dair tam bilgileri,
Birlemi Milletler Antlaçmasinin 102 nci maddesi uyarinca tescil edilmek üzere,
Birlemi Milletier Genel Sekreterine uIatiracaktir.
Bu SãzIemenin yQrOriUe girmesinden itibaren her on yillik bir devre
sonunda,Milietlerarasi Qalima BUrosu YOnetim Kurulu, bu SözIemenin,
uygulanmasi hakkindaki bir raporu Genel Koriferansa sunacak ye onun tamamen
veya kismen detirilmesi meselesinin konferans gundemirie konuimasi Iüzumu
hakkinda karar verecektir.
1. Konferansin bu Soziemeyi tamamen veya kismen deitiren yeni bir
Sözieme kabul etmesi halinde ye yeni SözIeme bakaca hükümleri ihtiva
eylemedii takdirde:
Tadil edici yeni SOzIemenin bir üye tarafindari onanmasi keyfiyeti,
yukaridaki 14 Oncu madde nazara aiinmaksizin ye fakat tadil edici yeni
Söziemenin yUrüriüe girmi olmak kayit ve'arti lie bu SäzIemenin derhal
ye kendiiiinden feshini tazammun edecektir.
Tadil edici yeni SäzIemenin yururIue girmesi tarihinden itbaren bu
SOzIeme, uyeierin onamasina artik açik buiundurulmayacaktir.
2. Bu Sôzleme, onu onayip da tadil edici SOzleçmeyi onamami bulunan
uyeler 1cm, herhaide §imdiki §ekiI ye muhtevasiyla muteber oimakta devam
Bu Söziemenin Fransizca ye Ingiiizce metinleri ayni §ekiide muteberdir.
Convention No. 98
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office, and having met in its Thirty-second Session on 8 June 1949,
Having decided upon the adoptionof certain proposals concerning the
application of the principles of the right to organise and to bargain collectively,
which is the fourth item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention, adopts this first day of July of the year one thousand nine
hundred and forty-nine the following Convention, which may be cited as thi..
Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949:
Article 1
Workers shall. enjoy adequate protection against acts of antiunion
discrimination in respect of their employment.
Such protection shall apply more particularly in respect of acts calculated to-
make the employment of a worker subject to the condition that he
shall not join a union or shall relinquish trade union membership
cause the dismissal of or otherwise prejudice a worker by reason of
union membership or because of participation in union activities outside working hours or, with the consent of the employèl, within working hours.
Article 2
I. Workers and employers organisations shall enjoy adequate protection
against any acts of interference by each other or each other's agents or members in their establishment, functioning or administration.
2. In particular, acts which are designed to promote the establishment of
workers organisations under the domination of employers' organisations, or
to support workers organisations by financial or other means, with the object
of placing such organisations under the control of employers or employers
organisations, shall be deemed to constitute acts of interference within the
meaning of this Article.
Article 3
Machinery appropriate to national conditions shall be established, where
necessary, for the purpose of ensuring respect fdr the right to organise as
defined in the preceding Articles.
Article 4
Measures appropriate to national conditions shall be taken, where neces-
sary, to encourage and promote the full development and utilisation of ma-
chinery for voluntary negotiation between employers or employers'
organisations and workers organisations, with a view to the regulation of terms
and conditions of employment by means of collective agreements.
Article 5
The extent to which the guarantees provided for in this Conventiqn
shall apply to the armed forces and the police shall be determined by national
laws or regulations.
In accordance with the principle set forth in paragraph 8 of article 19 of
the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation the ratification of this
Convention by any Member shall not be deemed to affect any existing law,
award, custom or agreement in virtue of which members of the armed forces
or the police enjoy any right guaranteed by this Convention.
Article 6
This Convention does not deal with the position of public servants engaged in the administration of the State, nor shall it be construed as prejudicing their rights or status in any way.
Article 7
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 8
I. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
2. It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 9
Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation shall indicate(a) the territories in respect of which the Member concerned undertakes
that the provisions of the Convention shall be applied without modification
the territories in respect of which it undertakes that the provisions of
the Convention shall be applied subject to modifications, together with details
of the said modifications
the territories in respect of which the Convention is inapplicable and
in such cases the grounds on which it is inapplicable
the territories in respect of which it reserves its decision pending
further consideration of the position.
The undertakings referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be an integral part of the ratification
and shall have the force of ratification.
Any Member may at any time by a subsequent declaration cancel in
whole or in part any reservation made in its original declaration in virtue of
subparagraph (b), (c) or (d) of paragraph 1 of this Article.
Any Member may, at any time at which the Convention is subject to
denunciation in accordance with the provisions of Article 11, communicate to
the Director-General a declaration modifying in any other respect the terms of
any former declaration and stating the present position in respect of such
territories as it may specify.
Article 10
I. Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office in accordance with paragraph 4 or 5 of article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation shall indicate whether the provisions of the Convention will be applied in the territory concerned without modification or subject to modifications when the declaration indicates that the
provisions of the Convention will be applied subject to modifications, it shall
give details of the said modifications.
The Member, Members or international authority concerned may at
any time by a subsequent declaration renounce in whole or in part the right to
have recourse to any modification indicated in any former declaration.
The Member, Members or international authority concerned may, at
any time at which this Convention is subject to denunciation in accordance
with the provisions of Article 11, communicate to the Director-General a declaration modifying in any other respect the terms of any former declaration and
stating the present position in respect of the application of the Convention.
Article Ii
I. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after ths
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes info
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 12
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications, declarations and denunciations communicated to him by the
Members of the Organisation.
2. When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 13
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations fuli particulars of all
ratifications, declarations and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 14
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 15
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides,
the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 11 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force,
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form
and content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the
revising Convention.
Article 16
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
ILO Kabul Tarihi
: 6 Haziran 1951
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 30. 04. 1969 / 1168
: 09. 05. 1969/13194
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi : 16. 01. 1970/7-91
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi : 26. 03. 1970/ 13455
Milletlerarasi Qalima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu tarafindan Cenevre'de
toplantiya davet edilerek orada 6 Haziran 1951 de 34 üncu toplantisini yapan
Milletlerarasi çaIima Tekilati Genel Konferansi toplanti gundeminin 8 mci
maddesini tekil eden tarimda asgari Qcret tesbit usulleri meselesine dair
tekliflerin kabülUne ye bu tekliflerin bir Milletlerarasi Sozleçme §eklini almasina
karar verdikten sonra, Bin dokuz yuz elli bir yili Haziran ayinin ibu 28 mci
gUnü, Tarimda Asgari Ucret Tesbit Usülleri Hakkinda 1951 Sözlemesi adini
taiyacak clan aaidaki Sozlemeyi kabul eder:
Milletlerarasi Qalima Tekilatinin bu Sozlemeyi onayliyan her üyesi
tarimsal iyerleriyle tarimla ilgili ilerde calitirilan içiIerin asgari Qcret hadlerinin
tesbiti mümkün kilacak mUnasip usuller koymayi veya bu gibi usulleri muhafaza
eylemeyi taahhüt eder.
Bu Sözlemeyi onaylayan her üye eer varsa, ilgili iveren ye içi1erin
en fazia temsil kabiliyetini haiz teekküllerine danigtiktan sonra, bundan ewelki
fikrada derpi olunan asgari Ocret tesbit usüllerinin hangi iyerleri, iIer ye
§ahls zümreleri hakkinda uygulanaca mi tayinde serbesthr.
Yetkili makam, tabi olduklari calima §artlarl dolayisiyle hakiarinda bu
Sözleme hükümlerine hepsinin veya bir kismmnmn uygulanmasi mOmkün
olmayan çiftçinin calitirdii kendi aile fertleri gibi §ahis zümrelerini bu gibi
hükümlerin uygulanmasindan haric tutabilir.
Asgari Ocretlerin kismen ayni olarak ödenmesi arzuya ayan ye
teamulden olduu hallerde, milli mevzuat, toplu sôzIemeIer veya hakem
kararlari bu çekilde tediyeye müsaade edebilir.
Asgari ucretlerin kismen aynI olarak ödenmesine mUsaade olunduu
Bu gibi aynI yardimlarin iççinirm ye ailesi fertlerinin §ahsen kullanma ye
faydalanmalarina elveriIi bulunmasini; ve
Bu gibi aynI yardimlara takdir edilen deerin âdil ye mâkul olmasmni
salamak Ozere münasip tedbirler almnmalidir.
Bu söziemeyi onaylayan her üye, aaidaki fikraiarda Ongôrüien §artiar
mahfuz kaimak kaydiyle, asgarl Ucret tespit usullerlyle bu usuilerin
uyguianmasinda takip oiunacak yoliari tayi nde serbesttir.
Bu hususta bir karar vermeden änce, eer varsa, iigili iveren ye içVerin
en fazia temsii kabiiiyetini haiz teekkuiieriyie ye meslek veya vazifeieri doiayisiyle
bu hususta bflhassa ehiiyet sahibi olup kendilerine daniilmasi yetkili makamca
faydaii gorulen sair §ahlsiaria etrafiica ihzari bir danimada buiunuiacaktir.
ligili iveren ye içiier mliii mevzuatin tesbit edebiiecei tarz ye Oiçude
fakat her haide tam eitIik esasi üzerinden asgari ücret tesbit usulierinin
uyguianmasina itirak edecekier veya bu hususta kendiierine daniiiacak veya
fikirierini ifade etme hakkini haiz olacakiardir.
Tesbit edlien asgari ücret hadierine iigiii iveren ye icilerin riayeti
mecburi olacak ye bu hadler indiriimeyecektir.
Yetkiii makam bedeni veya fikri kabiiiyetieri mandut clan içiierin
çalitiriimasi imkaniarinin azaimasini öniemek maksadiyie, icabettii takdirde,
münferit hailerde, asgari ücret hadlerinde istisnalara müsaade edebilir.
Bu Sozlemeyi onayiayan her üye, iigiii iveren ye iççilerin yüruriukte
olan asgari ücret hadierinden haberdar edilmesini ye bu hadierin uyguiandii
halierde bu hadierden daha az ücret Odenmemesini saiamak 1cm gereken
tedbirieri aiacaktir, Bu tedbirier ilgili memleketin tariminda carl §artiar bakimindan
gerekil ye bu §artiara en uygun olan bütün kontrol,tefti ye cezai mueyyide
tedbirlerini ihtiva edecektir.
Hakkirda asgari hadier uygulanan ye kendisine bu hadierden az ücret
Odenmi bulunan bir içi, mliii mevzuat;n tespit edecei mühiet zarfinda,
mahkeme yoluyia veya sair münasip bir yoldan kendisine eksik ödenen
mebiarn tutarini geri aimak hakkini haiz oiacaktir.
Bu SOzlemeyi onayiayan her üye, her yii Milietierarasi çaiima Bürosuna,
asgari Ucret tesbit usuilerinin tatbik §ekilierini ye tatbikattan ahnan neticeieri
belirten genel bir ekspoze gonderecek ye bu ekspozede, çümul içine giren
iieri ye içiierin takribi sayisini, tesbit edlien asgari ücret hadieririi ye eer
varsa, asgari hadierie iigiii olarak kabul ediimi clan önemii diger tedbirieri
özet haiinde beiirtecektir.
Bu Sôziemenin resmi onayiama beigeleri Miiletierarasi QaIima Bürosu
Genei Müdürüne gönderiiecek ye onun tarafindan tescil ediiecektir.
Bu Sözieme, ancak Onaylama Beigeleri Genei MüdürL tarafindan tescii
edilmi olan Milietierarasi caIima Tekiiati üyeierini baiayacaktir.
Bu Sözieme iki uyenin onarna beigesi Genel Müdür tarafindan tescil
edildiOl tarihten on iki ay sonra yüruriue girecektir.
3. Daha sonra bu SözIeme onu onayiayan her üye 1cm
onaylama belgesi
tescil edildii tarinten on iki ay sonra yururlue girecektir.
1. Milletlerarasi calima TekiIati StatüsünUn 35 mci maddesinin 2 mci
fikrasi gereince Milletlerarasi Qalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne gönderilecek
clan beyanlar u hususlari belirtecektir;
Ilgili uyenin, SäzIeme hükümlerinin hiçbir deiiklik yapilmadan
uygulana caini taahhüt ettii Qikeler;
Sözleme hUkümlerinin deiiklikler yapilarak uyguIanacaini taahhüt
ettii ülkeler ye bu deiikliklerin nelerden ibaret oIduu;
Sözlemenin uygulanamayacai ülkeler ye bu gibi halterde Sözlemenin
uygulanamamasinin sebeperi;
Haklarindaki kararin vaziyetin daha etraflica tetkikine kadar mahfuz
tuttuu üikeier.
2. Bu maddenin birinci fikrasinin (a) ye (b) bentierinde sözü edilen
taahhütier onamanin ayrilmaz kisimiari sayiiacak ye onaylama kuwetini haiz
3. Her üye bu maddenin 1 mci fikrasinin (b), (c) ye (d), bentleri gereince
daha ewei yapmi oIduu beyanda mevcut ihtiyari kayitlarin hepsinden veya
bir kismindan, yeni bir beyania vazgeçebiiecektlr.
4. Her üye, 10 uncu madde hükümierine uygun olarak bu Söziemenin
fesh ediIebilecei devreler zarfinda Genel MUdüre, daha eweiki herhangi bir
beyanin hUkümlerini baka herhangi bir bakimdan deitiren ye beiirli
üikelerdeki halihazir vaziyeti biidiren yeni bir beyan gonderebiiecektir.
Miiletierarasi çaIima TekiIatt Statüsünün 35 mci Maddesinin 4 uncü
ye 5 mci fikraiari geremnce Miiietierarasi caIima Bürosu Genei MUdOrüne
gonderilen beyaniar SözIeme hükümierinin ligili üikede deikIikIerie ml yoksa
deiikiik yapiimadan mi uygulanacaini beiirtecektir; Beyan, SözIeme
hükümierinin deiikiikier kaydiyla uyguianacaini biidirdii zaman Bu
deiikIikierin neierden ibaret olduunu acik oiarak gasterecektir.
ilgili üye, uyeler veya Milietlerarasi Makam, daha ewelki bir beyania
bildirilen deiiklie ba vurma hakkindan daha sonraki bir beyanla tamamen
veya kismen vazgeçebilir.
Ilgiii Uye, üyeier veya Miiletlerarasi makam 10 uricu madde hükümlerine
uygun olarak bu SOzlemenin feshedilebilecei devreier zarfinda Genel Müdüre
daha evveiki bir beyanin hükOmierini baka bir bakimdan deitiren ye
SôzIemenin uyguianmasi bakimindan halihazir vaziyeti
idiren yeni bir beyan
1. Bu SozIemeyi onayiayan her uye onu ilk yururiue girdii tarihinden
itibaren on yiiiik bir devre sonunda, MiUetierarasi Qaiima Genel Müdürün tescil
edecei bir beige lie feshedebiiir. Fesih, tescii tarihinden ancak bir yii sonra
muteber olacaktir.
2. Bu SozIemeyi onaIami olup da, onu bundan ewelki fikrada sözü
edilen on yillik devrenin bitminden itibaren bir yil zarfinda, bu maddede
ongoruIdOü §ekilde feshetme ihtiyarini kullanmayan her uye yeniden on ytilik
müddet 1cm
baIanmi olacak ye bundan sonra bu SäzIemeyi, her on yillik
devre bitince bu maddede on görülen §artlar içinde feshedebilecektir.
Milletlerarasi 9alima BUrosu Genel Müdürü, Milletlerarasi çaltma
Tekilati uyeleri tarafindan kendisine bildirilen bütün onaylama beyan ye
fesihierin tescil oIunduu Tekilatin bütOn Uyelermne tebli
Genel Müdür, kendisine gOnderilen Sozlemenin ikinci onaylama
belgesinin tescil olunduunu tekilat uyelerine bildirirken, bu SözIemenin
yururlue girecei tarih hakkinda Tekilat uyelerirlin dikkatini çekecektir.
Milletlerarasi çaIima Bürosu Genel Müdürü yukaridaki maddelere uygun
olarak tescil etmi oiduu bUtün onaylama beyan ye fesihiere dair tam bilgileri,
BirIemi Milletier AndIamasinin 102 nd maddesine uygun olarak tescil edilmek
üzere, Birlemi Milietler Genel Sekreterine uIatiracaktir.
Milletlerarasi gaiima BUrosu Yönetim Kurulu gerekli gOrdüü her
seferinde, bu SOzlemenin uygulanmasi hakkindaki bir raporu Genel
Konferansa sunacak ye onun tamamen veya kismen deitirilmesi meselesinin
konferans gundemine alinip alinmamasi hususunu inceleyecektir.
1. Konferansin bu SOzlemeyi tamamen veya' kismen deitiren yeni bir
sOzleme kabul etmesi halinde ye yeni sOzleme aksini OngOrmedii takdirde:
Tadil edici yeni SOzIemenin bir uye tarafindan onaylanmasi keyfiyeti,
yukaridaki 10.uncu madde nazara alinmaksizin ye tadil edici yeni SOzIeme
yUrürIüe girmi olarak kayit ye §artl lie, bu SOziemenin derhal ye kendiiiinden
feshini tazammun edecektir.
Tadil edici yeni sOzIemenin yürürlüe girmesi tarihinden itbaren bu
Sözleme üyelerin onaylanmasina artik açik bulundurulmayacaktir.
2. Bu SOzleme onu onayiayip da tadil edici SOzIemeyi onayiamami
bulunan uyeler 1cm, herhalde §imdiki ekil ye muhtevasiyle muteber olmakta
devam edecektir.
Bu SOzlemenin Fransizca ye ngilizce metinleri ayni §ekilde muteberdir.
Convendon (No. 99)
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Thirty-fourth Session on 6 June
1951, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
minimum wage fixing machinery in agriculture, which is the eighth item on the
agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an inter
national Convention, adopts this twenty-eighth day of June of the year one
thousand nine hundred and fifty-one the following Convention, which may be
cited as the Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery (Agriculture) Convention, 1951:
Article 1
I. Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies
this Convention undertakes to create or maintain adequate machinery whereby
minimum rates of wages can be fixed for workers employed in agricultural
undertakings and related occupations.
Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall be free to determine, after consultation with the most repre- sentative organisations of employers and wor kers concerned, where such exist, to which undertakings,
occupations and categories of persons the minimum wage fixing machinery
referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be applied.
The competent authority may exclude from the application of all or
any of the provisions of this Convention categories of persons whose conditions of employment render such provisions inapplicable to them, such as
members of the farmer's family employed by him.
Article 2
I. National laws or regulations, collective agreements or arbitration awards
may authorise the partial payment of minimum wages in the form of allowances in kind in cases in which payment in the form of such allowances is
customary or desirable.
2. In cases in W hich partial payment of minimum wages in the form of
allowances in kind is authorised, appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure thatsuch allowances are appropriate for the personal use and benefit of
the worker and his family; and
the value attributed to such allowances is fair and reasonable.
Article 3
Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall be free to decide,
subject to the conditions stated in the following paragraphs, the nature and
form of the minimum wage fixing machinery, and the methods to be followed
in its operation.
Before a decision is taken there shall be full preliminary consultation
with the most representative or ganisations of employers and workers concerned, where such exist, and with any other persons specially qualified by
their trade or functions whom the competent authority deems it useful to consult.
The employers and workers concer ned shall take part in the operation
of the minimum Wage fixing machinery, or be consulted or have the right to be
heard, in such manner and to such extent as may be determined by national
laws or regulations but in any case on a basis of complete equality.
Minimum rates of wages which have been fixed shall be binding on the
employers and workers concerned so as not to be subject to abatement.
The competent authority may permit exceptions to the minimum wage
rates in individual cases, where necessary, to prevent curtailment of the
opportunities of employment of physically or mentally handicapped workers.
Article 4
I. Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall take the necessary
measures to ensure that the employers and workers concerned are informed
of the minimum rates of wages in force and that wages are not paid at less
than these rates in cases where they are applicable; these measur es shall
include such provision for supervision, inspection, and sanctions as may be
necessary and appropriate to the conditions obtaining in agri- culture in the
country concerned.
2. A worker to whom the minimum rates are applicable and who has
been paid wages at less than these rates shall be entitled to recover, by judicial
or other appropriate proceedings, the amount by which he has been underpaid, subject to such limitation of time as may be determined by national laws
or regulations.
Article 5
Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall communicate annually
to the International Labour Office a general statement indicating the methods
and the results of the application of the machinery and, in summary form, the
occupations and approximate numbers of workers covered, the minimum rates
of wages fixed, and the more impor tant of the other conditions, if any, established relevant to the minimum rates.
Article 6
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office forregistration.
Article 7
I. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered
with the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 8
I. Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 35 of the Constitution
of the International Labour Organisation shall indicatethe territories in respect of which the Member concerned undertakes
that the provisions of the Convention shall be applied without modification
the territories in r espect of which it undertakes that the provisions of
the Convention shall be applied subject to modifications, together with details
of the said modifications
the territories in respect of which the Convention is inapplicable
and in such cases the grounds on which it is inapplicable;
the territories in respect of which it reserves its decision pending
further consideration of the position.
The undertakings referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of
paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be an integral part of the ratification and shall have the force of ratification.
Any Member may at any time by a subsequent declaration cancel in
whole or in part any reservation made in its original declaration in virtue of
subparagraphs (b), (c) or (d) of paragraph 1 of this Article.
Any Member may, at any time at which the Convention is subject to
denunciation in accordance with the provisions of Article 10, communicate to
the Director-General a declaration modifying in any other respect the terms of
any former declara- tion and stating the present position in respect of such
territories as it may specify.
Article 9
Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office in accordance with paragraphs 4 or 5 of Article 35 of the
Constitution of the International Labour Or ganisation shall indicate whether
the provisions of the Con- vention will be applied in the territory concerned
without modification or subject to modifications; when the declaration indicates that the provisions of the Convention will be applied subject to modifications, it shall give details of the said modifications.
2. The Member, Members or international authority concerned may at
any time by a subsequent declaration renounce in whole or in par t the right to
have recourse to any modification indicated in any former dectaration.
The Member, Members or inter national authority concerned may, at
any time at which this Convention is subject to denunciation in accordance
with the provisions of Article 10, communicate to the Director-General a declaration modifying in any other respect the terms of any former declaration and
stating the present position in respect of the application of the Convention
Article 10
I. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after
the expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes
into force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 11
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications, declarations and denunciations communicated to him by the
Members of the Organisation.
When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 12
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communi-
cate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in
accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars
of all ratifications, declarations and acts of denunciation registered by him in
accordance with the provisions of the preceding articles.
Article 13
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 14
I. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new, Convention otherwise providesthe ratification by a Member of the new, revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstandinb
the provisions of Article 10 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into for ce
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 15
The English and French ver sions of the text of this Convention are equally
ILO Kabul Tarihi
: 6 Haziran 1951
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
:13. 12. 1966 / 810
: 22. 12. 1966/12484
Bakaniar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi :14. 04. 1967 / 6-8036
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 1e3. 06. 1967/12620
Bakaniar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi : 02. 09. 1967 / 6-8729
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisu
: 22. 09. 1967 /12706
Milietierarast çalima Bürosu Yönetim Kuruiu tarafindan Cenevre'de
topiantiya davet ediierek orada 6 Haziran 1951 tarihinde otuzdôrdüncü
topiantisini yapan Milletierarasi çaiima Tekiiati Genel Konferansi;
Toplanti gundeminin yedinci maddesini tekii eden, eçit deerde l
erkek ye kadin iciier arasinda ücret eitlii prensibi lie liglil çeitii tekilfierin
Bu tekilfierin bir milietierarasi sözIeme §ekiini aimasina karar verdikten
Bindokuzyüzeiiibir yiii Haziran ayinin ibu yirmi dokuzuncu günü, eit
ücrete dair 1951 Sözlemesi adini taiyacak oian aaidaki Söziemeyi kabul
Bu Säzleme bakimindan
"Ocret" deylmi, içinin çaiitiriImasi nedeniyie iveren tarafindan
kendisine nakdi veya ayni oiarak dorudan doruya veya biivasita ödenen
normal, kök veya asgari ücret veya ayiikia, saianan bütün dier menfaatieri
içine alir;
" Eit deerde i
erkek ye kadin icier arasinda ücret eitiii"
deylmi, cinsiyet esasina dayanan bir ayirim gOzetmeksizin tesbit ediimi buiunan
ücret hadierini ifade eder.
1. Her üye, ücret hadlerinin tesbitiyie liglil olarak yurüriukte bulunan
usuilere uygun yoilardan, eçit deerde i 1cm erkek ye kadin içiier arasinda
ücret eitIii prensibini tevik ye bu prensibmn bütün içiiere uyguianmasini,
sozü ediien usiJiierle telifi kabli olduu nispette temin edecektir.
2. Bu prensip:
Mliii mevzuat
Mevzuatla kuruimu veya tannmi herhangi bir Ucret tesbit düzeni,
Iverenierie içiier arasinda yapilan toplu sozIemeIer; veya
Bu çeitii usulierin biretirilmesi yoluyla uyguIanabilir.
Bu Sözieme hükUmlerinin uyguianmasini koIayIatiracak mahiyette
olduu halierde, ihtiva ettikieri arneiiyeler esas alinmak suretiyie, iIerin objektif
bir §ekiide deerIendiriImesini tevik 1cm tedbirier alinacaktir.
Bu deerien'dirrne takip edilecek usuiler, ücret hadie?inin tesbitine yetkiii
makamiar tarafindan veya ücret hadlerinin toplu sözIemeiere gore tesbit
edilmesi halinde, bu sOzlenieiere taraf olaniarca karariatiriiabiIir.
Bu §ekilde objektif bir deeriendirme neticesinde, yapiiacak iIerde
tesbit edilen farkiara, cinsiyet gozetiImeksizin tekabüi eden, ücret hadieri
arasindaki farkiar eçit deerde i için erkek ye kadin içiier arasirida ücret eitiii
prensibine aykiri sayiiamaz.
Her üye, ibu Sôzieme hükümlerinin tatbik mevkiine konulmasi amaciyla
iigiii içi ye iveren teekküiieri lie uygun yotlardan ibirIii yapacaktir.
Bu SOziemenin resmi onay beigeleri Milietierarasi Qaiima Bürosu Genel
Müdürüne gOnderiiecek ye onun tarafindan tescil edilecektir.
Bu SOziemede, ancak onay belgeleri Genei Müdür tarafndan tescil
ediImi olan Milietierarasi çahma TekiIati üyeierini baiayacaktir.
Bu Sozieme, iki üyenin onay belgesi Genel MüdUr tarafiridan tescii
ediidii tarihten on iki ay sonra yürQrlue girecektir.
Daha sonra bu SOzieme, onu onayiayan her uye 1cm onay beigesi
tescil ediidii tarihten on iki ay sonra yururiUe girecektir.
1. Milietierarasi çahma Tekiiati Statüsünün 35 mci maddesinin 2 nd
fikrasi gereince Milletierarasi çaiima Bürosu Genel MüdürUne gonderiiecek
oian beyaniar u hususlari biidirecektir.
Ilgili uyenmn, sOzieçme hUkUmierinin hiçbir deiiklik yapilmadan
uyguiana caini taahhüt ettii ülkeier;
SOzieme hükümIerinin deikiikier yapilarak uygulanacaini taahhüt
ettii ülkeier ye bu deikiikIerin nelerden ibaret olduu;
SözIemenin uyguIanamayacai ülkeler ye bu gibi hallerde sözIemenin
uygulanamamasinln sebepleri;
Hakiarindaki karartni, vaziyetin daha etraflica tetkikine kadar mahfuz
tuttuu ülkeler.
Bu maddenin 1 irici fikrasinin (a) ye (b) beritlerinde sozu edilen taahhütler
onaylamanin ayrilmaz kisimlari olarak sayilacak ye onaylama kuwetini haiz
Her üye, bu maddenin 1 mci fikrasinin (b), (c ye (d), bentleri gereince
daha ewel yapmi olduu beyanda mevcut ihtirazi kayitlariri hepsinden veya
bir kismindan, yeni bir beyania vazgeçebilecektir.
Her uye, (9) i+iadde hUkümlerine uygun olarak bu Sôzlemenin feshediIebHecei devrelr zarfinda Genel MüdUre, daha ewelki herhangi bir beyanin
hUkümlerini baka herhangi bir bakimdan deitiren ye belirli ülkelerdeki hail
hazir vaziyeti bildiren yeni bir beyan gänderecektir.
Milletlerarasi calima Tekilâti StatüsUnün 35 mci maddesinin 4 uncU
ye 5 mci fikraiari gereince Milletierarasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne
gönderilen beyanlar sozleçme hükümlerinin ilgili ülkede deiçikliklerIe mi,
yoksa deiiklik yapilmadan mi uygulanacaini belirtecektir; sözieme
hükUmlerinin deiikIikler kaydiyie uyguIanacaini bildirdiOi zaman, bu
deiikIiklerin nelerden ibaret olduunu acik olarak gosterecektir.
ilgili uye, üyeler veya Milletlerarasi Makam, daha evvelki bir beyanla
bildirilen, deiikIie ba vurma hakkiridan daha sonraki bir beyanla tamamen
veya kismen vazgeçebilir.
ilgili uye, üyeer veya Milletlerarasi makam 9 uncu madde hükümlerine
uygun olarak, bu SözIemenin feshedilebilecei devreler zarfinda Genel Müdürü,
daha ewelki herhangi bir beyanin hükümlerini baka herhangi bir bakimdan
deitiren ye säzIemeriin uygulanmasi bakimindan halihazir vaziyeti bildiren
yeni bir beyan gônderebilir.
Bu SazIemeyi onaylayan her uye, onu ilk yürürlQe girdii tarihten
itibaren on yillik bir devre sonunda Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel
MüdürUne gonderecei ye bu Müdürün tescil edecei bir beige lie feshedebilir.
Fesih, tescil tarihinden ancak bir yil sonra muteber oiacaktir.
Bu sözlemeyi onaylamiç oiuii da, onu bundan ewelki fikrada sazu
edilen on yillik devrenin bitiminden itibaren bir yil zarfinda bu maddede
öngörQiduu §ekilde feshetmek ihtiyarini kuilanmayan her üye yeniden on
yillik bir müddet 1cm balanm, olacak ye bundan sonra bu Sozlemeyi, her
on yillik devre bitince, bu maddede öngörUien artlar içinde feshedebilecektir.
1. Milietlerarasi QaIima Bürosu Genel MUdürü Milletlerarasi çaIima
Tekilati üyeleri tarafindan kendisine bildirilen bitün onaylama beyan ye
fesihierin tescil olduuriu Tekilatin bOtün uyelerine bildirecektir.
2. Genel Müdür kendisine gonderUen sözIemenin ikinci onama belgesinin
tescil olduOunu tekilât uyelerine bildirirken, bu Säzleçmenin yurürIue girecei
tarih hakkinda tekilat üyelerinin dikkatini çekecektir.
Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürü yukaridaki maddelere uygun
olarak tescil etmi olduu bütün onaylama, beyan ye fesihiere dair tam bilgileri,
Birlemi Milletler AntIamasinin 102 nd maddesine uygun olarak tescil edilmek
üzere, Birlemi Miuetler Genel Sekreterine uIatiracaktir.
Milletlerarasi çaIima Bürosu Yänetim Kurulu gerekil ãrdüO her
seterinde, bu SäzIemenin uygulanmasi hakkindaki bir raporu Genel
Konferansa sunacak ye onun tamamen veya kismen detirmesi meselesinin
konferans gundemine alinrnasi lUzumu hakkinda karar verecektir.
1. Konferansin bu Sozlemeyi tamamen veyakismen deitiren yeni bir
sôzIeme kabul etmesi halinde ye yeni sôzleme aksini öngärmedii takdirde:
Tadil edici yeni sözIemenin bir uye tarafindan onanmasi keyfiyeti,
yukaridaki 9 uncu madde nazara alinmaksizin ye tadil edici yeni sözleme
yUrurlUe girmi olmak kayit ye artiyle bu Sözlemenin derhal ye kendiliinden
feshini tazammun edecektir.
Tadil edic( yeni sözIemenin yururlue girmesi tarihinden itbaren bu
sözleme uyelerin onaylamasina artik açik bulundurulmayacaktir.
2. Bu Sözleme, onu onaylayip da tadil edici sozlemeyi onayIamami
bulunan üyeler 1cm herhalde imdiki §ekil ye muhtevasiyla muteber olmakta
devam edecektir.
Bu Sözlemenin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinleri ayni §ekilde muteberdir.
Convention No. 100
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the Interna-
tional Labour Office, and having metin its Thirty-fourth Session on 6 June
1951, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
the principle of equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of
equal value, which is the seventh item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention, adopts this twenty-ninth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty-one the following Convention, which may be cited
as the Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951:
Article 1
For the purpose of this Conventionthe term "remuneration" includes the ordinary, basic or minimum wage
or salary and any additional emoluments whatsoever payable directly or indirectly, whether in cash or in kind, by the employer to the worker and arising
out of the worker's employment;
the term "equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of
equal value" refers to rates of remuneration established without discrimination
based on sex.
Article 2
I. Each Member shall, by means appropriate to the methods in operation
for determining rates of remuneration, promote and, in so far as is consistent
with such methods, ensure the application to all workers of the principle of
equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value.
2. This principle may be applied by means of national laws or regulations;
legally established or recognised machinery for wage determination;
collective agreements between employers and workers ; or (d) a combination of these various means.
Article 3
I. Where such action will assist in giving effect to the provisions of this
Convention measures shall be taken to promote objective appraisal of jobs on
the basis of the work to be performed.
The methods to be followed in this appraisal may be decided upon by
the authorities responsible for the determination of rates of remuneration. or,
where such rates are determined by collective agreements, by the parties
Differential rates between workers which correspond, without
regard to sex, to differences, as determined by such objective appraisal, in the
work to be performed shall not be considered as being contrary to the principle of equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal
Articic 4
Each Member shall co-operate as appropr late with the employers and
workers organisations concerned for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this Convention.
Article 5
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 6
I. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director- General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 7
Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the Interna-
tional Labour Office in accordance with paragraph 2 of article .35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation shall indicatethe territories in respect of which the Member concerned undertakes
that the provisions of the Convention shall be applied without modification;
the territories in respect of which it undertakes that the provisions of
the Convention shall be applied subject to modifications, together with details
of the said modificatidns;
the territories in respect of which the Convention is inapplicable and
in such cases the grounds on which it is inapplicable
d) the territories in respect of which the reserves its decisions pending
further consideration of the position.
The undertakings refer red to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be an integr al part of the ratification
and shall have the force of ratification.
Any Member may at any time by a subsequent declaration cancel in
whole or in part any reservation made in its orginal declaration in virtue of
subparagraph (b), (c) or (d) of paragraph 1 of this Article.
Any Member may, at any time at which the Convention is subject to
denunciation in accordance with the , provisions of Article 9. communicate to
the Director-General a declaration modifying in any other respect the terms of
any former declaration and stating the present position in respect of such
territories as it may specify.
Article 8
I. Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office in accordance with paragraph 4 or 5 or article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation shall indicate whether the provisions of the Convention will be applied in the territory concerned without modi-
fication or subject to modifications; when the declaration indicates that the
provisions of the Convention will be applied subject to modifications, it shall
give details of the said modifications.
The Member, Members or international authority cancer ned may at
any time by a subsequent declaration renounce in whole or in part the right to
have recourse to any modification indicated in any former declaration.
The Member, Members or international authority concerned may, at
any time at which this Convention is subject to denunciation in accordance
with the provisions of Article 9, communicate to the Director- General a declaration modifying in any other respect the terms of any former declaration and
stating the present position in respect of the application of the Convention.
Article 9
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragr aph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Ar tide.
Article 10
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications, declarations and denunciations commu- nicated to him by the
Members of the Organisation.
When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into forte.
Article 11
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications, declarations and acts of denunciation registered by him in
accordance with the provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 12
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing
on the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in
Article 13
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides-
the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
juTe involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 9 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 14
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
28 Haziran 1952
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 29. 07. 1971 / 1451
:10. 08. 1971 / 13922
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi (*): 01. 04. 1974 / 7-7964
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi :15. 10. 1974/ 15037
MiHetlerarasi çalima Tekilati Genel Konferansi, Mifletlerarasi çaIima
Bürosu Yönetirn Kurulu tarafindan Cenevre'de toplantrya davet olunarak, 4
Haziran 1952 tarihinde yaptii 35 mci toplantisinda,
Toplanti gundeminin 5 mci maddesini tekil eden sosyal guvenhiin asgari
normiari konusundaki muhtelif tekilfieri kabule karar vererek,
Bu tekilfierin bir Milletlerarasi Sözleme §ekIini almasi gerektiini tesbit
Yirmi sekiz Haziran bin dokuz yüz elli iki tarihinde "1952 Sosyal Güvenlik
(Asgari Normiar) SözIemesi" olarak isimlend irilecek olan aaidaki Sözlemeyi
kabul etmitir.
1- Bu SözIemede,
"Mevzuatla tayin olunan" tabiri, milli mevzuatla veya milli mevzuat
gereince tayiri olunan demektir.
"kamet" tabiri, mutad olarak Uye Devietin, Olkesi uzerinde ikameti,
"Mukim" tabiri de, mutad olarak Uye Devletin Olkesi Uzerinde ikamet eden
kimseyi ifade eder.
"Kari" tabiri, geçimi koca tarafindan salanan kari demektir.
"Dul Kadin" tabiri, kocasinin ölümü tarihinde geçimi kocasi tarafindan
salanan kadin demektir.
(*) SäzIemenin 2. maddesinin (b) fikrasnda öngörülen yetkiye dayanhiarak, sadece hastalik
ödenekierine iiikin iIi'ncu ihtiyarlikyardtmlarina Uikin V nd, i kazalanyla meslek hastalikiari halinde
yapilacak yardimlara iiikin VI nci, ma1011yet yardimlarina iiikin IX uricu ye öiüm yardimianna iIikin X
ncu bä!Omlerine alt mukefleflyetierin kabulü, saOlik yardimiarina lIikin II nc ye analik yardimlarina iIikin
VUl mci böiümlere aitmüketiefiyetlerin isa sazIemenin 3. maddesiride ongoruien yetkiye dayanhlarak 9.
maddesinin (d) krasi lIe 48. maddenin (c)1krasindaki gecici istisna hükümierinden yararlanmak suretlyle
kabulü kaydlyla onayianmitir.
"cocuk" tabiri, mevzuatla tayin edilen §ekle gore, tahsll mecburiyetinin
sona erdii yain aItndaki bir çocuk veya 15 yaini doldurmami bir çocuk
"Staj Devresi" tabiri, mevzuatla tayin edilen §ekle gOre, bir prim ödeme
devresi, bir caIima devresi, bir ikamet devresi veya bunlarin herhangi bir
§ekildeki terkibi demektir.
2- 10, 34 ye 49 uncu maddelerin tatbikatinda, "yardim" tabiri, ya ilgiliye
dorudan doruya salanan salik yardimlari veya ilgilinin yaptil masraflarin
kendisine odenmesi §eklindeki bilvasita yardimlar manasina gelir.
Ibu SOzlemeyi tatbik eden her üye,
a) 1)1. bOlümü
IV.VVI.IX ye X. bölümlerden en az birisi dahil olmak §artiyle II. III. IV. VI.
VU. VIII. IX. ye X. bOlümlerden en az uçünu;
XI. XII. XIII. bolümlerin bunlarla ilgili hükümlerini,
XIV. bölümü ; tatbik etmeye,
b) SözIemenin II - X. bolümlerinde yazili mukellefiyetlerden hangilerini
kabul ettiini, tasdik vesikasinda belirtmeye mecburdur.
Ekonomisi ye tedavi imkanlari yeter derecede geIimemi olan bir Uye,
yetkili makam dilerse. ye bu makamin Iüzum garduU muddetçe, tasdik
vesikasina ekIeyecei bir beyanla aaida yazili maddelerde derpi olunan
muvakkat istisnalardan faydalanma hakkini mahfuz tutabilir : 9 d); 12(2); 15d);
18(2); 21c); 27d); 33b); 34(3); 4ld); 48c); 55d) ye Bid).
Bu maddenin 1. paragrafina gOre bir beyanda bulunan her Uye
Milletlerarasi çalima Tekilati Ana Statüsünün 22 nci maddesine gäre vermeye
mecbur oIduu, bu SOzIemenin tatbikati hakkindaki yillik raporunda,
faydalanma hakkrni mahfuz tuttuu istisnalardan her birisi 1cm,
Bu istisnanin dayandii sebeplerin devam ettiini;
Veya, bahis konusu istisnadan faydalanma hakkindan belirli birtarihten
itibaren vazgeçtiini, bildirir.
Ibu SOzIemeyi tasdik etmi olan her üye, II-X. bölUmlerden tasdik
vesikasinda evvelce belirtilmemi olanlarin bir veya bir kaçinin tahmil ettii
mükellefiyetlerikabul ettiini Milletlerarasi çalima BUrosu Genel MüdürQne
sonradan bildirebilir.
Bu maddenin 1. paragrafinda derpi edilen taahhütler tasdik vesikasinin
ayrilmaz cuzu olarak kabul edilir ve bildirme tarihinden itibaren ayni kuweti
haiz olur.
Bir Uyenin, tasdik vesikasinda yer alan II - X. bOlümlerden herhangi birinin
tatbikati bakimindan, içi ye hizmetlilerin veya mukimlerin muayyen bir yUzde
nispetinden yukari sayida içi ye hizmetii veya mukimlerin muayyen bir yüzde
nispetinden yukari sayida içi ye hizmetli veya mukim katogorilerini korumakia
mükeilef olmasi halinde, Uye mezkur bäiüniün tatbikini taahhüt etmeden once,
istenhlen nisbete ulailmi olduOundan emin bulunmasi iazimdir.
Bu sOzIemenin H, lii, IV, V, VOl (SaIik yardirniarina taallük eden hususiarda,
IX ye X. bOlümlerinin tatbikati bakimindan, bir Uye mliii mevzuata gore mecburi
olmayan sigortalaria saIanan himayeyi de hesaba katabiflr.
a) Amme mercileri tarafindan mürakabe edilmesi veya mevzuatla tayin
edilen esasiara uygun olarak, iverenIerle çalianIar tarafindan mütereken idare
b) Kazanciari, kalifiye bir erkek icinin kazancini amayan kimselerin
mühim bir kismini §umüIUne aimasi;
c) cabinda, dier himaye §ekiileriyie biriikte, Sözlemenin ilgili hükümlerine
uygun bulunmasi; iazimdir.
SOzlemenin bu bOlümünü tatbik eden her Uye, korunan kimselere saiik
durumiari gerektirdii zaman, bu bäiümün aaidaki maddelerine uygun olarak,
koruyucu mahiyette veya tedavi §eklinde saOlik yardimiari yapilmasini teminat
altina alir.
Yardim yapilacak hat, sebebi ne olursa otsun hastalik hati lie gebelik,
doum ye buniarin dourduu neticelerdir.
Korunan kimseleri,
Bütün içi ye hizmetliierin yuzde ellisinden az olmamak Qzere, mevzuatia
tayin edilen ici ye hizmetii katogoriieriyle buniarin kari ye çocuklari;
Veya, bütün mukimierin yuzde yirmisinden az olmamak üzere,
mevzuatta tayin ediien faai nOfus katogoriieriyle bunlarin kari ye cocukiari;
C) Veya, bütün mukimierin yüzde etlisinden az olmamak üzere, mevzuatla
tayin oiunan mukim kategorileri
d) Veya, 3 UncU maddeye gOre bir beyanin yapitmi oimasr halinde, en az
20 kii çaiitiran sinai iyerterindeki ici ye hizmetlilerin yüzde eilisinden az
olmamak Uzere, mevzuatia tayin olunan ici ye hizmetii kategoriteriyle buniarin
kari ye çocukiari; tekit eder.
1- Yardimlar en az §unlardlr:
a) Hastalik hatinde:
Evde yapilacak muayeneler dahil, pratisyen hekimlertarafindan yapilacak
muayene ye tedaviler;
Mütehassis hekmler tarafindan, hastanelerde yatarak veya ayakta
yapilacak muayene ye tedavilerle hastane diinda salanabilecek tedaviler;
Hekim reçetesiyle lüzum gosterilen ilaçlarin temini;
Lüzumu halinde, hastaneye yatirma;
b) Gebelik, doum ye bunlardan hen gelen hastalik ye arizalarda;
Doumdan evvel, doum esnasinda ye doumdan sonra, bin hekim
veya diplomali ebe tarafindan yapilacak muayene ye tedaviler;
Lüzumu halinde, hastaneye yatirma.
Yardimdan faydalananlar veya bunlarin aVe reislerL hastalik halinde
yapilacak sahk yardimi masraflarina itirak ettirilebilir. Bu itirake taãUük eden
esaslar ilgiliye air bir yük tekiI etmeyecek §ekilde tesbit edilmelidir.
Bu madde gereince yapilacak yardimlar, korunan kimsenin saliini
korumaya, çalima gucUnO iadeye ye §ahsi ihtiyaçlarini karçilayabilme
kabiliyetini artirmaya matuftur.
Salik yardimlarinin ifasiyla garevli Deviet daireleri veya müesseseler,
korunan kimseleri, amme idareleri tarafindan veya bu idarelerce yetkili kabul
edilmi dier teekküller tarafindan, kendi hizmetlerine arz edilen umumi sahk
mUesseselerine müraacaat etmeye, uygun garulebilecek her türlU vasitalarla,
tevik éderler.
10 uncu madde de belirtilen yardimlar, suistimali önlemek 1cm, Iüzumlu
sayilabilecek asgari bir staj süresinin tamamIami olan sigortalilara ye bunlarin
hak sahibi kimselerine temin olunur.
10 uncu maddede belirtilen yardimlar vak'anin devami süresinc
salanir; ancak, hastalik halinde her vaka için yardim süresi 26 haifa olarak
tandit edilebilir; u kadar ki, hastahk Oderiei verhlmesine devam olunduu
sUrece, saltk yardimlari durdurulamaz ye uzun tedaviyi gerektirdii mHli
mevzuatla kabul edilen hastalikiarda yukanda yazili sürenin uzatilmasi 1cm
hükümler vaz olunur.
3. maddeye gore bir beyanin yapilmi olmasi halinde, yardim süresi
vak'a batna 13 haifa olarak tandit edilebilir.
SOzlemenin bu bölümünü tatbik eden her üye, korunan kimselere, bu
bOlümOn aaidaki maddelerine uygun olarak hastalik Odenei verilmesini
teminat altina alir.
Yardim yapilacak hal, hastaiiktan lIen gelen ye mliii mevzuatta beIirtUdii
§ekilde, kazancin muvakkaten durmasini mucip olan i gOrerneziik haiidir.
Korunan kimseleri,
Bütün içi ye hizmetlilerin yuzde eilisinden az olmamak üzere, mevzuatla
tayin olunan içi ye hizmetii kategorileri;
Veya, bütün mukimlerin yüzde yirmisinden az olmamak üzere,
mevzuatla tayin olunan faai nüfus kategorileri;
C) Veya, olay esnasindaki geçim kaynaklari 67 nd madde hükümlerine
uygun bir §ekilde mevzuatla tayin olunan hadleri amayan bütün mukimler;
d) Veya, 3 uncü maddeye gãre bir beyanin yapiimr olmasi halinde, en az
20 kii çaiitiran sinai iyerIerindeki içi ye hizmetlilerin y(zde eliisinden az
olmarnak üzere, mevzuatla tayin olunan içi ye hizmetli kategorileri; tekii eder.
MADbE 16
Korunan kimselerin içi ye hizmetii veya faai nüfus kategorlierinden
müteekkii olmasi halinde, yardim, 65 veya 66 nd maddeler hükümlerine
uygun olarak hesaplanan bin periyodik ädeme ekHnde olur.
Olay esnasindaki geçim kaynaklari muayyen hadleri amayan bütün
mukimlerin korunrnu olmasi haUnde, yardim 67 nci madde hükümierine uygun
olarak hesapianan bir periyodik ödeme eklinde olur.
16 nd maddede beiirtiien yardim, enaz suistimali önlemek için iüz'umlu
sayilabilecek bir staj süresini tamamiami olan kimselere temin edilir.
16 nci maddede beiirtiien yardim, vakanin devami sresince saianir.
Ancak bu yardim her hastalik vak'asi 1cm 26 hafta olarak tandit edilebilir ye ilk
Cic gun icinde ödenek veriimeyebiiir.
3. uncu madde gereince bin beyanin yapiimi olmasi haiinde, yardim
Bir yil içinde hastaiik ödenei verilen günler toplami ayni yti içinde
korunan §ahisiar sayisi ortalamasinin on katindan daha az olmamak üzere
tesbit edilecek bir sure;
Veya, her vak'a 1cm 13 hafta (Ilk üç gun ödenek veriimiyebiiir);
olarak tandit ediiebiiir.
SOziemenin bu bôiümünü tatbik eden her Uye korunan kimseiere, bu
böiümOn aaidaki maddelerine uygun oiarak isiziik yardimlari yapiimasini
teminat aitina alir.
Yardim yapitacak hat, caiimaya muktedir ye j alamaya hazir bulunan bir
kimsenin, uygun bir i bulma imkansiziii sebebiyie ye mull mevzuatta-tarif
olunduu §ekilde, kazancin muvakkaten durmasi hatidir.
Korunan kimseleri,
Bütün içi ye hizmetliteriri yüzde ettisinden az otmamak üzere, mliii
mevzuatia tayin olunan içi ye hizmetii kategorileri;
Veya, olay esnasindaki geçim kaynaklari 67 nd madde hükümterine
uygun olarak mevzuatta tayin editen hadteri amiyan bütün mukimler;
Veya, 3 uricu madde gereince bir beyan yapilmi oimasi haiinde en
az 20 kiçi catiçtiran sinai iyerlerindeki içi ye hizmetiilerin %50 sinden az
otmamak Uzere, mevzuatta tayin edilen içi ye hizmetii kategorileri; tekii eder.
Korunan kimseierin içi ye hizmetii kategorilerinden mQteekkiI olmasi
hatinde, yardim, 65 veya 66 nci maddeler hükümlerine uygun oiarak
hesapianan bir perlyodik ödeme ekiinde oiur.
Otay esnasindaki geçim kaynaktari muayyen hadieri amayan bUtün
mukimlerin karunmu olmasi halinde, yardim 67 nd madde hükümierine uygun
otarak hesapianan bir perlyodik ödeme §ektinde olur.
22 nd maddede belirtilen yardim, enaz su istimail öntemek 1cm iUzumiu
sayitabitecek bir staj süresini tamamlami alan korunan kimseiere temin edilir.
1- 22 nd maddede beiirtilen yardim, olayin devami sUresince satanir.
Ancak, yardim suresi;
lçi ye hizmetli kategorilerinin korunmu olmasi haiinde,12 ayiik bir
devre içinde 13 hafta;
Olay esnasindáki geçim kaynakiari kanunla tayin editmi hadleri
amayan bütün mukimierin korunmu olmasi halinde, 12 aylik bir devre içinde
26 hafta; olarak tandit edilebilir.
2- Mliii mevzuat gereince, yardim sUresinin prim ãdeme süresine veya
muayyen bir sure içinde daha änce aiinmi
alan yardimlara gore,
kademelendiritmi olmasi hatinde, oniki ayiik devre içmnde ortaiama yardim
süresi 13 haftayi butduu takdirde, birinci paragrafiri (a) bendi hükmü yerine
getiritmi sayilir.
3- Her isiztik vak'asinda ilk 7 gUn 1cm yardim yapitmayabiiir, u kadar ki,
mevzuatla tayin olunari bir sUreyi amayan muvakkat çatima gunlerinden
Onceki ye sonraki isiziik gunieri ayni vak'anin devami sayitir.
4- Mevsimlik iterde çalianlar 1cm yardim sUresi ye yardim yapitmayacak
olan ilk günter sayisi l arttarina uydurulabiiir.
Sözlemenin bu bölümünü tatbik eden her Uye, korunan kimselere, bu
bôlümün aaidaki maddelerine uygun olarak Ihtiyartik yardimlari yapilmasini
teminat altina alir.
Yardim yapilacak hal, mevzuatla tayin olunan bir yain üstündeki
ihtiyarlik halidir.
Mevzuatla tayin olunan ya haddi 65 den yukari olmamalidir. Bununla
beraber, memleketteki yali kimselerin çahma gUçleri gäzonOnde
bulundurulmak suretiyle, selâhiyetli merciler tarafindan daha yüksek bir ya
haddi de tesbit olunabilir.
Milli mevzuat, yardima hak kazanan kimsenin mevzuatla belirthen ücretli
içlerde çalimasi halinde yardimin durdurulacaina dair hükUmleri ihtiva edebilir;
veya primli sosyal gOvenlik sistemlerinde, hak sahibinin kazancinin mevzuatla
tayin edilen bir haddi amasi halinde, primsiz sosyal guvenlik sistemlerinde
ise, hak sahibinin kazancinin veya dier geçim kaynakiarinin veya bunlarin
toplaminin mevzuatla belirtilen bir haddi amasi halinde, yardimlardan indirim
Korunan kimseleri,
Bütün içi ye hizmetlilerin yuzde ellisinden az olmamak Ozere, mevzuatta
tayin olunan içi ye hizmetli kategorileri;
Veya, bUtün mukimlerin yuzde yirmisinden az olmamak Uzere,
mevzuatla tayin olunan faal nüfus kategorileri;
Veya, ihtiyarhk devresindeki geçim kaynaklari 67 nd madde hükümlerine
uygun olarak mevzuatla tayin edilen hadleri amayan bütün mukimler;
Veya, 3 Oncu maddeye gore bir beyanin yaprlmi olmasi halinde en az
20 kii çaIitiran sinai iyer1erindeki bütün içi ye hizmetlilerin yuzde etlisinden
az olmamak Ozere, rpevzuatla tayin olunan içi ye hizmetli kategorileri; tekil
Korunan kimselerin içi ye hizmetli veya faal nüfus kategorilerinden
müteekkiI olmast halinde, 65 veya 66 nci maddeler hükümlerine uygun olarak;
Ihtiyarlik devresindeki geçim kaynaklari mevzuatla tayin edilen hadleri
amayan bütün mukimleriri korunmu olmasi halinde, yardim 67 nci madde
hükümlerine uygun olarak; hesaplanan bir perlyodik Odeme §eklinde olur.
28 mci maddede belirtilen yardim, en az aaida yazili korunan kimseler
için teminat altina atiriir;
30 senelik bir prim ödeme veya caIima süresi veya 20 senelik ikamet
süresi §eklinde tesbit edilebilecek bir staj sUresini tamamlayan kimseler;
Prensip olarak bUtün çalianlarin korunmasi haHnde, mevzuat ile tayin
olunan bir prim Odeme süresini tamamlayan ye çalima devresi zarfinda kendi
adina, yillik ortalama olarak mevzuatla tayin olunan gun sayisi kadar prim
ädemi clan kimseler.
2- Birinci paragrafta yazih yardimin yapmasi asgari bir prim ödeme veya
calima süresinin tamamIanmi olmasi §artina bali olduu takdirde, en az,
aaida yazili §artlarl haiz olan korunan kimselere de indirimli bir yardim
yapilmasi teminat altina alinir:
Mevzuatla tayin olunan esaslara uygun olarak 15 yillik bir prim ödeme
veya calima sUresini tamarnlami clan kimseler;
Prensip olarak bütQn çalianIarin korunmasi halinde, mevzuatla tayin
olunan bir prim ödeme süresini tamamlayan ye. calima devresi zarfinda kendi
adina her yrl ortalama olarak bu maddenin birinci paragrafinin (b) fikrasnda
derpiç olunan ortalamanin yarisi kadar gun prim ödemi clan kimseler;
3- Mevzuatla tayin olunan esaslara uygun olaraki 0 senelik bir prim ädeme
veya 5 senelik bir ikamet süresini tamamlami clan korunan kimselere, Xl.
bölüm hükümlerine uygun ye fakat mezkur bölQme ekli cetvelde gasterilen
örnek - sigortali veya hak sahibi kimseler için bu cetvelde yazili nispetten % 10
daha eksik bir yardim teminat alttna alinmi ise, bu maddenin birinci paragrafi
hUkmü yerine getirilmi sayilir.
4- Staj süresinin 10 senelik prim ödeme veya çalima sOresinden fazia
fakat 30 senelik prim ödeme veya çalima süresinden az olmasi halinde, Xl.
bôlüme ekli cetvelde gosterilen nispetlerden orantili bir indirme yapilabilir.
Mezkur staj süresi 15 seneden fazla olduu takdirde, ibu maddenin ikinci
paragrafi hükümlerine uygun indirimli yardim yapilir.
5- Bu maddenin 1, 3 veya 4 üncü paragraflarinda yazili yardimlarin
yapilmasi asgari bir prim ödeme veya calima sOresi artina bali olduu
takdirde, münhasiran, SözIemenin ibu bölümUnOn tatbiki ile ilgili hükümlerin
yururlue girdii tarihte ileri yalara ulami bulunmalari sebebiyle, bu
maddenin ikinci paragrafina uygun olarak mevzuatla tayin oIunmu §artlari
yerine getiremiyen korunan kimselere, bu gibi kimseler icin normal yain daha
ustundeki bir yata bu maddenin 1, 3 ye 4 üncQ paragraflari hükümlerine uygun
yardimlar salanmami olmak kaydiyle, indirimli bir yardimin temin olunmasi
28 - 29 uncu maddelerde belirtilen yardimlar ihtiyarlik halinin devami
süresince salanir.
Sözlemenin bu bölümUnü tatbik eden her Uye, korunan kimselere, i
kazalari ye meslek hastalikiari halinde, bu bäiümUn aaidaki maddelerine
uygun olarak, yardimlar yapilmasini teminat altina alir.
1- Yardim yapilacak hailer, i kazalarindan veya mevzuatla kabul edilen
meslek hastalikiarindan hen gelen aaida yazili halierdir:
Hastalik hail;
Hastaliktan Hen gelen ye rnhlii mevzuatta tarif ediidii §ekilde, kazancln
muvakkaten durmasini mucip clan l gOremeziik hall;
Kazanma gücünün tamaminin veya mevzuatla tayin olunan bir
derecenin üstünde olmak üzere bin kisminin muhtemeien devamii olarak kaybi
veya bu kayba tekabül eden bir beden noksanlii meydana gelmesi;
Aile reisinin ölümu sebeblyle dul kadinin ye çocuklarini gecim
hmkanIarinin kayip olmasi; dul kadinin yardima hak kazanimasi, kendi geçimini
temine muktedir olamayacainin mUli mevzuat hükümlerine gäre kabul edilmesi
artina baianabilir.
Korunan kimseleri,
Bütün içi ye hizmetlilerin yuzde ellisinden az olmamak üzere, mevzuatla
tayin olunan içi ye hizmetli kategorileri ye aile reisinin ölümü lie hak kazanilan
yardimlar 1cm, bu kategonilere dahil iççi ye hizmetliierin karl ye çocuklari;
Veya, 3 uncu madde gereince bir beyanin yapilmi olmasi halinde,
en az 20 kii çalitiran sinai iyerlerindeki içi ye hizmetihlerin %50 sinden az
olmamak üzere, mevzuatla tayin olunan içi ye hizmetli kategorileri ye aiie
reisinin älümü lie hak kazanilan yardimlar 1cm, bu kategorilere dahil içi ye
hizmetlilerin kari ye çocuklari; tekil eden.
Hastalik halinde yapilacak yardimlar bu maddenin 2 ye 3 üncü
paragraflarinda belirtilen saiik yardimlaridir.
Salik yardimlari §unlardlr:
Evde yapilan muayeneler dahil, pratisyen hekim muayeneleri lie
mütehassis hekimler tarafindan bir hastanede ayakta veya yatarak yapilan
Di tedavileni:
Evde, bir hastanede veya dier saIik müesseselerinde hemireler
tarafindan yapiian bakim ye tedaviier;
Hastane, nekahat evi, sanatoryum veya dien salik müesseselenmndeki
bakim masrafiani;
Di tedavi malzemesi, ilaç ye dier tibbi ye cerrahi maizemenin temin
edilmesi, protez temini ye bakimi, gäziuk venilmesi;
0 Bin hekim veya diçinin nezareti aitinda olmak üzere, kanunla hekimlik
mesieine baii kabul edilen dier meslekier mensupiari tarafindan yapilacak
bakim ye tedaviier.
3- Uçüncü maddeye gäre bir beyanin yapiImi olmasi haiinde, salik
yardimiari en az çunlari ihtiva eder:
Evde yapiian muayeneier dahit, pratisyen hekim tarafindan yapilan
muayene ye tedaviler;
Mütehassis hekimler tarafindan, bir hastanede ayakta veya yatarak
yapilan muayene ye tedavilerie hastane diinda yapiacak muayene ye tedaviler;
Bir hekim veya seiâhiyetii dier bir kimsenin recetesiyie iüzum gosterilen
Gereken hailerde, bir hastaneye yatirma,
4- Yukaridaki paragrafiara gäre yapilacak saiik yardimlari, korunan
kimsenin saiiini korumaya, caiima gUcünü iadeye ye §ahsi ihtiyaciarini
görebilme kabiiiyetini artrmaya matuftur.
Saiik yardimiarini ifa lie garevii Deviet daireleri veya mUesseseier, uygun
görüien hailerde, caiima gQçieri azaimiç kimselerin yeniden uygun bir ie
aiitirmaiari maksadiyie, mesieki rehabilitasyon müesseseieriyie ibirlii yaparlar.
Mezkir daire ye muesseseier, çaiima gucleri aza!mr kimselerin mesieki
rehabilitasyona tabi tutuimalari hususunda tedbirier aimaya mliii mevzuatia
yetkiii kilinabilir.
Geçici i goremezlik, kazanma gucunUn tamaminin daimi olarak
kaybedilmesi veya bu kayba tekabül eden bir beden noksaniii meydana
geimesi veyahut aile reisinin öiUmü halierinde yapilacak yardimiar 65 veya 66
nci madde hükümierine uygun olarak hesapianacak periyodik ödemeier
Kazanma gucünün bir kisminin daimi olarak kaybedilmesi veya bu
kayba tekabüi eden bir beden noksaniii meydana geimesi haiinde yapilacak
yardim, yardim yapilmasi gerekiyorsa, caiima gücünün tamaminin kaybi veya
buna tekabüi eden beden noksaniii hali 1cm derpi olunan miktarin uygun bir
nispeti üzerinden tesbit edilecek periyodik ödemeier §eklindedir.
Perlyodik Odemeier,
goremeziik derecesinin cüz'i olmasi;
Veya yetkiii mercilerin, sermayenin iyi kuiianiiacaindan emin
buiunmaiari; halinde sermayeye cevrilerek toptan ödenebilir.
34 veya 36 nci maddeierde beiirtilen yardimiar, enaz, kaza aninda veya
hastaiiin meydana geidii sirada üyenmn Uikesinde içi veya hizmetii olarak
caIitiriimakta clan korunan kimseier 1cm, alie reisinin äiümü sebebiyie yapiiacak
periyodik ädemeerde de ye bu gibi kimselerin dul karilari ye cocuklari 1cm,
teminat altina alinir.
34 veya 36 nci maddelerde belirtilen yardimlar, yardimi gerektiren hahn
devami sOresince saIanir. u kadar ki, geçici i goremezhik ädenei, her l
göremezhik vak'asinda ilk üç gun 1cm
Säzlemenin bu bôlUmünü tatbik eden her üye, korunan kimselere, bu
bälümün aaidaki maddeleririe uygun olarak, aile yardimlari yapilmasini
teminat altina ahir.
Yardim yapihacak hal, mevzuatla tayin oIunacai §ekilde, çocuklarin
geçimini salama mukehlefiyetidir.
Korunan kimseleri,
Bütün içi ye hizmethiherin yuzde elhisinden az olmamak üzere, mevzuatla
tayin ohunan içi ye hizmethi kategorileri;
Veya, bütün mukimlerin yüzde yirmisinden az olmamak üzere,
mevzuatla tayin olunan faal nüfus kategorileri;
Veya, çocuk geçindirmekle mükeltef oIduu sure içinde geçim kaynakiari
mevzuatla taymn ohunan hadheri amayan bütün mukimler;
Veya, 3 Uncu maddeye gore bir beyanin yapilmi olmasi halinde en az
20 kii cahitiran sinai iyerlerindeki bütün içi ye hizmetlilerin yuzde ellisinden
az ohmamak üzere, mevzuatla tayin olunan içi ye hizmethi kategoriheri; tekih
Yapihacak yardimlar;
Mevzuatla tayin ediImi bir staj sOresini tamamlayan her korunan kimseye
periyodik Odemeler yapilmasi;
Veya, çocukhara yiyecek, giyecek, mesken, tatih geçirme yerleri veya
ev idaresinde yardim saIanmasi;
Yahut, (a) ye (b) fikralarinda yazihi yardimharin mezcedilerek temini;
42 nd maddede behirtilen yardimlar en az mevzuatla tayin edilen ekIe
gOre, muayyen bir sure içmnde 3 ayhk prim Odeme veya çahima, yahut bir
senelik ikamet
aitina alinir.
artIarindan birini yerine getiren korunan kimseler 1cm
42 nd maddeye gäre yapiacak yardimiarin tutari,
66 nci maddede belirtlien esasiara uygun olarak tesbit edilecek bir
erkek içinin Ucretinin % 3 0 lie korunan kimselerin çocuklari sayisinin
Veya bu Ucretin % 1.5 u lie bütün mukimierin çocuklari sayisinin
çarpimina; eit oimaiidir.
Perlyodik ödemeier §ekiinde yapilacak yardimiar, yardimi gerektiren haHn
devami süresince saianir.
Söziemenin bu bölümUnO tatbik eden her üye, korunan kimselere bu
bOiUmOn aaOidaki maddeierine uygun olarak, analik yardimiari yapiimasini
teminat aitina aiir.
Yardim yapiiacak hal, gebeiik, doum ye buniarin dourduu neticeierie,
mevzuatta beiirtiidii §ekilde, bu sebepierden doiayi kazancin muvakkaten
durmasi haiieridir.
Korunan kimseleri,
BütOn içi ye hizmetliierin yuzde ellisinden az oimamak üzere, mevzuatla
tayin olunan içi ye hizmetii kategoriieri içindeki kadiniarla, analik saiik
yardimiarina taailük eden hususlarda, bu kategorliere dahii erkekierin kanlari;
Veya, bütün mukimlerin %20 sinden az oimamak üzere, mevzuatia
tayin olunan faai nüfus kategorileri icindeki kadiniarla, anaiik saiik yardimiarina
taaiiük eden hususiarda, bu kategorilere dahil erkekierin karilari;
Veya, 3 UncU maddeye gare bir beyanin yapiImi olmasi halinde en az
20 kii çalitiran sinai iyerierindeki içi ye hizmetlilerin yüzde eiiisinden az
olmamak üzere, mvzuatla tayin olunan içi ye hizmetii kategorilerine dahii
kadinlar iie, analik saOlik yardimiarina taaliük eden hususiarda, bu kategorilere
dahil erkekierin kartiari; tekii eder.
1- Gebelik doum ye buniardan lien geien hastaiik ye arizaiarda yapiiacak
saiik yardimlari bu maddenin iki ye Oçüncü paragraflarinda yaziii yardimiardir.
2- Saiik yardimlari enaz §unlardlr:
Doumdan änce ye doum esnasinda ye doumdan sonra hekim
veya dipiomali ebe tarafindan yaprian muayene ye tedaviler;
Gereken halierde bir hastaneye yatirma,
3- Bu maddenin ikinci paragrafinda beiirtiien salik yardimlari, korunan
kadinin saiiini, çaiima gücünü ye ahsi ihtiyaçlarinr gorebiime kabiiiyetini
korumaya, iadeye veya artirmaya matuftur.
4- Analik saiik yardimiarini ifa lie görevli Deviet daireleri veya müesseseier,
korunan kadinlari, amme idareleri tarafindan veya yetkiieri bu idareierce kabul
ediImi dier teekküiier tarafindan kencii hizmetlerine arz olunan umumi saIik
servislerine müracaat etmeye, uygun gorüiebiiecek her türlü vasitalaria tevik
Gebeilk, doum ye buniardan hen geteri hastalik ye arizalar sonucu i
goremeziik halierinde yapilacak yardim, 65 veya 66 nci maddeler hükümlerine
uygun olarak hesapianacak perlyodik ödemeier §eklindedir. Periyodhk
ödemeierin mhktari vak'anin devam ettii sOre içinde deebhhir; u kadar ki,
ortalama yardim miktarinin yukarida yazili hükUmiere gore hesaplanan mikiara
ygun oimasi arttir.
49 ye 50 nd maddelerde belirthlen yárdimlar, enaz, korunan kimseler
kategonisirie dahil olup suistimali änlemek maksadiyla, Iüzumlu sayilabliecek
bir sta] süresini tamamiami bulunan kadinlar 1cm, 49. maddede belirtilen
yardimiar bu kategorilere dahhl ye muayyen staj sOresini tamamiami erkekierin
karilari cm de teminat altina alinmalidir.
49 ye 50 nd maddelerde belirtHen yardimlar, yardimi gerektiren vak'anin
devami sUresince saianir. Ancak, perlyodik ädemeler 12 hafta olarak tandit
oluna blur. u kadar ki, milli mevzuatta, iten kalma halinin, daha uzun müddet
devam etmesi lazim geIecei veya devam edebiieceine dair bir hOküm
buiunduu takdirde perlyodik ädemeler süresi bu müddetten daha kisa olamaz.
Sözlemenin bu bOlümünü tatbik eden her Oye, korunan kimselere, bu
böiümün aaidaki maddelerine uygun oiarak maiulhyet yardimiari yapilmasini
teminat aitina aiir.
Yardim yapilacak hal, mesleki bir faaliyet icra edebhlme gOcunun,
mevzuatla tayin oiunan bir derecede ye muhtemelen daimi oiarak kaybediimesi
veya hastahk ödeneinin kesiIdii tarihte i göremezliin devam etmesi haHeridir.
Korunan kimseleri,
Bütün içi ye hizmetlilerin %50 sinden az olmamak üzere mevzuatla
tayin olunan içi ye hizmetli kategorileri;
Veya, bütün mukimlerin %20 sinden az olmamak üzere, mevzuatla
tayin edilen faal nüfus kategorileri;
Veya maluliyet devresindeki gecim kaynaklari 67 nci madde hükümlerine
uygun olarak mevzuatla tayin edilen hadleri amiyan bütün mukimler;
Veya, 3 uncU maddeye gäre bir beyanin yapiImi olmast halinde, en az
20 kii caIitiran sinai i yerlerindeki bütün içi ye hizmetlilerin %50 sinden az
olmamak üzere, mevzuatla tayin edilen içi ye hizmetlileri; tekiI eder.
Yapilacak yardim,
Içi ye hizrnetli kategorileriniri yahut faal nüfus kategorilerinin korunmu
olmasi halinde, 65 veya 66 nci maddeler hükümlerine gore;
Malululiyet devresindeki geçim kaynakiari muayyen hadleri amiyan,
bütün mukimlerin korunmu olmasi halinde, 67 nci madde hükOmlerirte gOre;
hesaplanacak periyodik Odemeler §eklindedir.
56 nci maddede belirtilen yardim, en az aaida yazih kimseler 1cm teminat
altina alinmalidir;
15 yillik bir prim Odeme veya çalima sUresi veyahut 10 senelik ikamet
süresi §eklinde tesbit edilebilecek bir staj süresini tamamlayan kimseleri;
Prensip olarak bütün çalianIarin korunmasi halinde, üç yillik prim
ödeme sUresini tamamlayan ye cahma devresi zarfinda, kendi adina yillik
ortalama olarak, mevzuatla tayin olunan gun sayisi kadar prim Odemi olan
2- Birinci paragrafta yazili yardimin yapilmasi asgari bir prim Odeme veya
calima süresinin tamamlanmi olniasi §artlrla baIi olduu takdirde, enaz,
aaida yazili korunan kimselere indirimli yardim yapilmasi temiriat altina alinir:
Mevzuatla tayin olunan esaslara uygun olarak 5 yiIlik bir prim ödeme
veya cahma süresini tamamlami olan kimseler;
Prensip olarak bUtOn çalianIarin korunmasi halinde, üç yiHik bir prim
Odeme süresini tamamlayan ye çaIima devresi zarfinda kendi adina her yii
için ortalama olarak, bu maddenin birinci paragrafinin (b) fikrasinda derpi
olunan ortalamanin yarisi kadar gun prim Odemi olan kimseler;
3- Mevzuatla tayin olunari esaslara uygun olarak, 5 yillik bir prim Odeme
veya çakma veyahut ikamet süresini tamamlamr oan korunan kimselere XI.
bOlüm hCikümlerine uygun fakat mezkur bOlüme ekli cetvelde gOsterilen Ornek
- sigortali veya hak sahibi kimseler 1cm
bu cetvelde yaziii nispetten % 10 daha
eksik bir yardim yapilmasi teminat altina alinmi
ise, bu maddenin birinci
paragrafi hükmü yerine geimi sayilir.
4- Staj süresinin 5 yiiiik prim ädeme veya çahma süresiriden fazia fakat
15 seneilk prim ödeme veya çaIima süresinden az oimasi halinde, Xl. böiume
ekli cetvelde gosterilen nispetlerden orantili bir indirme yapilabilir. I bu maddenin
ikinci paragrafina uygun olarak indirimli yardim yapilir.
56 ye 57 mci maddelerde belirtiien yardimlar ma101iyet halinin devami
süresince veya bu yardimin yerine ihtiyarlik yardimi kaim oluncaya kadar ödenir.
Sözlemenin bu bölümünü tatbik eden her üye, korunan kimselere, bu
bölüm0n aaidaki maddelerine uygun olarak ölüm yardimi yapilmasini teminat
altina alir.
Yardim yapilacak hal, aile reisinin ölümü lie dul kadinin veya çocuklarinin
geçinme imkanlarinin kayboimasi halidir. Dul kadinin yardima hak kazanmasi,
mliii mevzuat hükümierine gäre kendi geçimini temine muktedir olmayacainin
kabul edilmesi artina balanabiiir.
Mliii mevzuat, yardima hak kazanan kimsenin mevzuatla belirtilen ücretii
ilerde çalimasi halinde yardimin durdurulacaina dair hukümleri ihtiva edebilir
veya, primil sosyal güvenlik sistemlerinde, hak sahibinin kazancinin mevzuatla
tayin edilen bir haddi amasi halinde, primsiz sosyal guvenhik sistemlerinde
ise, hak sahibinin kazancinin veya dier geçim kaynaklarinin veya bunlarin
topiaminin mevzuatla tayin edilen bir haddi amasi halinde, yardimlardan indirim
Korunan kimseleri,
Bütün içi ye hizmetlilerin % 50 sinden az olmamak Ozere, mevzuatia
tayin olunan içi ye hizmetli kategorilermne dahil aile reislerinin karilari ye
Veya, bUtün mukimlerin %20 sinden az olmamak üzere, mevzuatla
tayin olunan faal nOfus kategorilerine dahii aiie reislerinin karilari ye çocuklari;
Veya aile reisierini kaybeden ye yardim yapilacak devredeki gèçim
kaynaklari 67 nd madde hükümlerine uygun olarak mevzuatia tayin edilmi
hadleri amayan ye mukim vasfini haiz buiunan bUtün dul kadinlar lie cocuklar;
Veya, 3 üncü maddeye gore bir beyanin yapiimi olmasi halinde, en az
20 kii çaIi'tiran sinai iyeriermndeki bütün içi ye hizmetliierin %50 sinden az
almarnak üzere mevzuatla tayin olunan içi ye hizmetli kategorilerine mensup
aile reislerinin karilari ye cocuklari; tekil eder.
Yapilacak yardim,
Içi ye hizmetH kategorilerinin yahut laal nüfus kategorilerinin korunmasi
halinde, 65 veya 66 nci maddeler hükQmlerine uygun olarak;
Yardim yapilacak devredeki gelirleri muayyen hadleri amayan bütün
mukimlerin korunmasi halinde, 67 nci madde hükümlerine uygun olarak;
hesaplanacak periyodik ödemeler ekIindedir.
62 nd maddede belirtilen yardim, en az, aaida yazili kimseler cm teminat
altina alinmalidir:
Aile reisleri tarafindan, kanunla tesbit edilmi esaslar dahilinde, 15 yillik
prim ödeme veya çaIima sOresi veyahut 10 yillik ikamet sUresi tamamlanmi
olan korunan kimseler;
Prensip olarak bütUn çaIianlarin karilariyla cocuklarinin korunmasi
halinde, aile reisleri tarafindan, üç yiIlik prim ödeme süresi tamamlanan ye
çaIitii devre zarfinda aile reisi adina, mevzuatla tayin olunan yillik ortalama
gun sayisi kadar prim ädemi olan korunan kimseler.
2- Birinci paragrafta yazili yardimlarin yapilmasi asgari bir prim ädeme
veya çaliçma süresi §artinin yerine getirilmesine baIi olduu takdirde, en az
aaida yazili kimseler için indirimli bir yardim yapilmasi teminat altina alinir:
Aile reisleri tarafindan, mevzuatla tayin olunan esaslar dahiliride 5 yillik
bir prim ödeme veya calima süresi tamamlami olan korunan kimseler;
BütQn çalianIarin kari ye çocuklarinin korunmasi halinde, aile reisleri
tarafindan üç ytllik bir prim ödeme süresini tamamIami olari ye calidii devre
zarfinda bu aile reisi adina her yil için ortlama olarak, bu maddenin birinci
paragrafinin (b) fikrasinda derpi olunan ortalamanin yarisi kadar gUn için prim
ödenmi olan korunan kimseler;
3- Aile reisi tarafindan, mevzuatla tayin olunan esaslara uygun olarak 5
yillik bir prim ödeme veya çaIima veyahut ikamet süresi tamamIanmi olan
korunan kimselere, Xl. bölUm hükümlerine uygun ye fakat mezkur bölüme ekli
cetvelde gosterilen Ornek - sigortali veya hak sahibi kimseler için bu cetvelde
yazili nisbetten % 10 eksik bir yardim yapilmasi teminat altina ahnmi ise bu
maddenin birinci paragrafi hukmü yerine getirilmi sayilir.
4- Staj süresinin 5 yillik prim ödeme veya çalima suresinden fazia, fakat
15 senelik prim ôdeme veya çalima sUresinden az olmasi halinde, Xl. bölUme
ekli cetvelde gosterilen nisbetlerden orantili bir indirme yapilabilir. I bu maddenin
ikinci paragrafina uygun olarak indirimli yardim yapilir.
5- çocuksuz ye kendi geçimini salamaa muktedir olmadiOl kabul edilen
bir dul kadinin älüm yardimina hak kazanabilmesi için asgari bir evlilik süresinin
gecmi olmasina luzum gOrUlebilir.
62 ve 63 Uncü maddelerde belirtilen yardimlar, yardimi gerektiren haHn
devami süresince salanir.
1- Bu madde gereince yapilacak perlyodik ödemenin miktari lie bu
ödemenin yapilmasini gerektiren hahn devami süresince verilecek aile
yardimiarinin toplami, kendisne veya hak sahibi kimselerine periyodik ödeme
yapilan sigortalinin eski kazanci He örnek - sigortahi veya hak sahibi kimseler
gibi ayni aihe mesuhiyetini haiz korunan bir kimseye ödenen .aiie yardimi
tophaminin bu böiüme bahi cetveide gösterilen yuzdesinden az oiamaz.
2- Sigortahinin esKi kazanci mevzuatia tayin olunan usuhlere gore
hesaphanir; korunan kimselerin veya aile reisherinin kazanclarina gOre sinifiara
ayriimi olmasi halinde, eski kazançlari, bu kimselerin eweice dahil bulundukiari
sinifharin esas kazançiarina gOre hesaplanabihir.
3- Yardim tutarlari veya yardimin hesabina esas tutuhan kazançlar 1cm
mevzuatia azami bir had tayin olunabihir. Ancak, azami had Oyie tesbit olmaladir
ki; sigortahinin eski kazancinin kalifiye bir erkek icinin kazancina eit veya
bundan az olmasi hahinde, bu maddenin 1 mci paragrafi hükümleri yerine
gelmi olsun.
4- Sigortahinin eski kazanci, kalifiye erkek içinin ücreti, yardim tutari ye
aile yardimiari ayni zaman esasina gOre hesaplanir.
5- Dier sigortahi veya hak sahipierine yapilacak yardimiar, örnek sigortahi
veya hak sahibi kimselere alt yardima nazaran makul bir nispet dahihinde tesbit
6- Bu maddenin tatbikinde, kalifiye erkek içi;
Eiektrik makineherinden gayri makine sanaylinde çaliçan bir tesviyeci
veya toriaci;
Veya, aaidaki paragraf hükümlerine gOre, tayin olunan bir örnek
kahifiye içi;
Veya, mevzuatia tayin olunacak ekie gOre, yihlik veya daha kisa bir
devre esasina gOre tesbit edilen kazanci, btün korunan kimselerin % 75 mm
kazancindan yüksek veya buna eit olan bir kimse;
Veya, kazanci bütün korunan kimselerin ortalama kazanciriin %125
me eit olan bir kimsedir;
7- Yukaridaki paragrafin (b) fikrasinin tatbikinde, örnek kahif lye içi, bahis
konusu yardim koluna tabi oharak en cok sayida erkek içinin veya aile reisinin
çaIitiriIdii ekonomik faaliyet bölümü içinde ylne ençok sayida korunan
kimsenin veya aile reisinin çaIitiriidii i kollari grubundan seçilir; bu makatha,
Biriemi Mihletler Ekonomik Sosyah Konseylnmn 27 Austos 1948 tarihindeki 7
nd toplantisinda kabul edihen ye içbu sOzhemeye ekienen "Bütün Ekonomik
Faaliyetherinin MiHetlerarasi StandartTasnifi" kuhlanilir; bu tasnifte iheride yapihacak
bütün tadihierde nazara ahinir.
8- Yardim miktarlarinin bOhgeden bOlgeye demesi hahinde, kalifiye, erkek
içi, bu maddenin 6 ye 7 nci paragraflari hükümlerine uygun olarak her böhge
için ayri ayri tesbit edilebilir.
9- Kahifiye erkek içinin ücreti, kohhektif mukavelelerle veya, uygulanmasi
mümkün clan yerlerde, Mliii mevzuatla, veya Orf ye adetlere gOre tesbit olunan
ye normal calima saati karilii olarak Odenen ücret esasi üzerinden, varsa,
hayat pahalilii zamlari da nazara alinarak tespit olunur.Bu çekilde tesbit olunan
bolgeden bOlgeye demesi ye 8 mci paragrafiri tatbik olunmamasi halinde
medyan ücret esas alinir.
10- Ihtiyarlik, i kazalari ye meslek hastalikiari (Gecici igOremezlikleri
Odenekleri haric) malüliyet veya aile reisinin ölümü sebeblyle yapilmakta clan
periyodik Odemeler hayat pahaliliindaki esasli deiklikler yQzunden ücretlerin
umumi seviyesinde vukua gelen onemli deimelere gore ayarlanir.
1- Bu madde greince yapilacak periyodik ödemenin miktari lie bu
Odemenin yapilmasini gerektiren hahn devami süresince verilecek aile
yardimlarinin topiami, alelâde kâhil bir erkek içinin kazanci lie örnek sigortali
veya hak sahibi kimseler gibi ayni aile mesuliyetini haiz korunan bir kimseye
ödeneri aile yardimi toplaminin bu bölüme bahi cetvelde gOsterilen yuzdesinden
az olamaz.
2- Kâhil erkek içinin ücreti, yardim ye aile yardimlari, ayn: zaman esasina
gore hesaplariir.
3- Dier sigortahi veya hak sahibi kimselere yapilacak yardimlar, Ornek sigortali veya hak sahibi kimselere alt yardima nazaran makul bir nisbet dahilinde
tesbit edilir.
4- Bu maddenin tatbikinde, kâhil erkek içi;
Elektrik makinelerinden gayri makine sanayiinde cahran bir ärnek içi;
Veya, aaidaki paragraf hükümlerine gore tayin edilecek bir Ornek
5- Yukaridaki paragrafin (b) fikrasiniri tatbikinde, ornek içi, bahis konusu
yardim koluna tabi olarak en çok sayida erkek içinin veya aile reisinin
calitirildti ekonomik faahiyet böiümü icinde yine ençok sayida korunan
kimsenin veya aile reisinin cahittrildii i kollari grubundan seçilir; bu maksatla,
Birieme Mihletler Ekonomik Sosyal Korfseyinin 27 Austos 1948 tarihindeki 7
nd topiantisinda kabul edilen ye ibu sOzlemeye eklenen "Bütün Ekonomik
Faaliyetlerin in Milletlerarasi Standart Tasnifi" kul lanihi r; bu tasnifte ileride yapilacak
bütün tadiller de nazara alinir.
6- Yardim miktarlarinin bOlgeden bOlgeye deiçmesi halinde, kâhil erkek
içi, bu maddenin 4 ye 5 mci paragraflari hükümlerine uygun olarak, her bOlge
ayri ayri tesbit edilebilir.
7- Kâhil erkek içinin ücreti kohlektif mukavelelerle veya, uygulanmasi
mOmkün olan yerlerde, mliii mevzuatla veya Oil ye adetlere gore tesbit olunan
ye normal çalima saati karilii olarak Odenen ücret esasi üzerinde ye varsa,
hayat pahaIilii zamlari da nazara alinarak tesbit olunur.Bu ekiIde tesbit olunan
ücretleriri bOigeden bOlgeye deimesi ye 6 nci paragrafin tatbik olunmasi
hahinde medyan ücret esas alinir.
8- ihtiyarlik, l kazasi ye meslek hastahikiari (Gecici igôremezhik Odenekleri
haric), maiOliyet veya aile reisinin Olümü sebebiyle yapilmakta clan periyodik
ödemeler, hayat pahaIiIiindaki esasli deikIikIer yüzUnden ücretlerin umumi
seviyesinde vukua gelen änemli deme1ere gore ayarlanir.
Bu madde gereince yapilacak periyoodik ädemlerde;
Yardim tutart, mevzuatla tayin edilen bir bareme gOre veya, mevzuatla
tayin oIunmu
esaslar dahilinde, selâhiyetli amme mercileri tarafindan
hazirlanan bir bareme gOre tesbit olunur;
Bu yardim miktarinda, ancak, sigortali veya hak sahibinin ailesinin
dier geçim kaynakiari mevzuatla tayin olunan, veya, mevzuatla tayin oIunmu
esaslar dahilinde, selahiyetli amme mercileri tarafindan tesbit olunan miktarlari
atii Olçude indirim yapilabilir;
Yardim ye dier geçim kaynakiarinin toplamindan yukaridaki (b)
fikrasinda derpi ounan indirimler yapildiktan sonra kalan miktar, sigortalinin
veya hak sahibiriin ailesinin saIik ye dier bakimlardan uygun §artlar icinde
yaamasina yetecek kadar olmah ye 66 nci madde hükUmlerine gOre
hesaplanacak miktardan daha a olmamalidir;
Bahis konusu bölüm mucibince Odenen yardimlar toplaminin tutari,
66 nci madde hükümlerini ye;
III. BOlüm için 15 mci maddenin b) fikrasi;
V. BOlüm 1cm 27 nd maddenin b) fikrasi
IX. Bölüm için 55 mci maddenin b) fikrasr
X. Bôlüm 1cm 61 mci maddenin b) fikrasi;
hükümlerini tatbik etmekie elde ounacak yardimlar toplamini en az %30
nisbetinde atii takdirde, yukaridaki C) fikrasi h0kümleri yerine geImi sayilir.
Yard im
Ôrnek sigortali veya
Hak sahibi kimseler
% Nisbeti
Isizli k
Evli ye iki çocuklu erkek
EvIi ye iki çocuklu erkek
ihtiyarlik ayki balanacak
yacta bir karisi olari erkek
Ic kazalari ye
meslek hastaliklari:
Geçici I goremezlik
Evil ye iki çocuklu erkek
Evil ye iki çocuklu erkek
Iki çocuklu dul kadin
Evil ye iki çocuklu erkek
Iki cocukiu dul kadin
Yabanci uyruklu mukimier vatandaIarIa ayni hakiara sahip olurtar. u
kadar ki, mevzuat, tamami veya mühim bir kismi amme fonlarindan kariIanan
yardimlar veyahut yardim kisimiarina taallük eden hususlarla geçici devre
yardimlarina taalkik eden hususlarda, yabancilarla memleket uyruunda
olmakia beraber üyenin ülkesi diinda domu olanlar hakkinda, hususi
hükümIeri ihtiva edebilir.
içi ye hizmetIilere tatbik olunan primli sosyal guvenUk sistemlerinde,
SäzIemenin lIgili bolümündeki mukellefiyetleri kabul etmi bulunan dier bir
üye Devletin uyruunda olan korunan kimseler, mezkur bölüm tatbikatinda
vatandaIarIa ayni hakiara sahip olurlar. u kadar ki, bu paragrafin tatbikati,
mutekabiIiyet esasini derpi eden iki veya çok tarafli anIamaIarrn yapiImi
olmasi §artlna baIanabiIir.
i bu sözlemenin Il-X uncu bölümlerinden herhangi birine gäre korunan
bir kimsenin hak kazandi bir yardim, aaidaki hailerde ye mevzuatla tayin
olunabilecek bir ölçüde durdurulabilir.
Ilgili Uye Devletin Ulkesi üzerinde buIunmadii sürece;
ilgili ahsin geçim masraflarinin âmme fonlarindan veya bir sosyal
gUvenhik servisi veya kurumu tarafindan kariIandIOi sürece, §ukadar ki, yardim
miktarr kariIanan masraflardan daha fazia ise aradaki fark sigortalirun veya
hak sahibinin geçindirmekIe mukellef oIduu kimselerine verihir;
ilgihitiin,aiIe yardimhari hariç, dier bir sosyal güvenlik kolundan nakdi
yardim aIdtt sürece ye ayni olay dolayisiyla ücUncü bir tarafin kendisine ädenek
vermeye devam ettii devre zarlinda; u kadar ki; yardimin durdurulan kismi,
üçüncü tarafiarca ädenen yardim miktarindan daha fazia olamaz;
Ilgihinin hile yoluyla bir yardim elde etmeye teebbüs etmesi hatinde;
Yardimi gerektiren hahn ilgihi tarafindan iienen bir suc neticesi olarak
meydana gelmesi halinde;
Yardimi gerektiren hahn, ilgihinin kasitli bir kusuru neticesi olarak meydana
gelmesi hahinde;
cabinda ilgihinin, faydalanmasina arz olunan sahik veya readaptasyon
servislerinden faydalanmayt ihmal etmesi veya yardimi gerektiren hahn mevcut
olup oImadinin tevsiki yahut sigortalinin veya hak sahiplerinin durumlarinin
tesbiti için mevzuatla tayin edilmiç olan usullere riayet etmesi hallerinde;
h) IsizIik yardimi bahis konusu olduundan ilgilinin, hizmetine arz olunan
bulma servislerinden faydalanmakta kusur etmesi halinde;
I) IsizIik yardimi bahis konusu ohduunda, ilgihinin, bir mesleki ihtitaf
neticesi oiarak iin durmasi yüz(nden iini kaybetmesi veya meru bir mazeret
oimaksizin ihtiyari oiarak ii terketmesi haileriride;
j) O1C1m yardimlari söz konusu oiduunda, dul kadinin baka bir erkekie
kari-koca gibi yaadii sürece.
Yardimin taiebinin reddolunmasi veya yapilan yardimin miktari ye
mahiyeti üzerinde ihtilafa duülmesi halinde, hak iddia eden kimse, mahkemeye
müracaat hakkina sahiptir.
jbu SözIemenin tatbikatinda, sahik yardimiarinin ifasi iinin
pariementoya kari mes'ui bir devhet dairesine tevdi ediImi olmasi haiinde, 1
mci paragrafta derpi oiunan mahkemeye müracaat hakki yerine, yardimin
yapiimadii veya yapilan yardimin miktar ye mahiyeti hakkindaki §ikayetierin
yetkili merci tarafindan tetkik ettirilmesi hakki taninabilir.
Hak iddialarinin, sosyal güvenlik meseleieriyie meguh olmak üzere
kuruimu ye korunan kimselerin de temsil ediIdii hususi mahkemelerce karara
baianmasi haliride, itiraz hakki taninmayabiiir.
Ibu Sözieme gereince saianan yardimiarla bu yardimiarin ifasi için
gerekll idare giderleri, dar geiirhi kimseleri air bir yuk aitinda birakmayacak
§ekiide ye Uye Devletin ye korunan kimseter kategorilerinin ekonomik durumlari
da nazara aiinmak suretiyie, prim veya vergi lie veyahut bu yoliarin her ikisini
mezceden bir usüiie koiiektif oiarak finanse edilir.
Korunan içi hizmetlerinden alinacak sigorta primieri içi ye hizmetiiierie
buniarin kari ye çocukiarina yapihacak yardirniara tahsis otunan kaynakiarin
yüzde ehiisini aamaz. Bu §artln yerine getiriimi oiup olmadiinin tayininde,
aite yardimlariyte, §ayet ayri bir bran oiarak tatbik ediirnekte se, i kazaiari ye
meslek hastaiikiari yardimiari hariç oimak üzere, sözieme gereince saianacak
bilcümie yardimiar bütün olarak nazara alinir.
Uye, ibu Sözieçme gereince salanacak yardimharin ifrasindan genei
otarak sorumhudur. Ve bu maksada uiamak için gerekii bütün tedbirleri aiir.Uye
gerekirse, mall muvazene ile ilgili aktuaryel tetkik ye hesapiarin periyodik
olarak yapiimasini ye 'ardimiaria sigorta prim nispetierinde veya bu yardimiari
kariiamaa tahsis oiunan vergiierde herhangi bir deiikhik yapilmadan once
bu hesap ye tetkikherin behemehai yapihmi oimasini temin eder.
1- Yardimlarin idaresi, pariementoya kari rnes'uh bir Deviet dairesine veya
usüi ye nizamiari amme merciieri tarafindan tesbit olunmu bir müesseseye
tevdi ediimedii takdirde, korunan kimseierin temsiiciieri, dorudan doruya
idareye itirak edebilecekieri gibi mevzuatla tayln olunan §artlar dahilinde istiari
br selahiyetle de idareye katilabilirler. lverenlerIe amme mercileri temsilcilerinin
idareye katilmalari da mliii mevzuatta derpi edilebiHr.
2- Uye, bu SäzIemenin tatbikati lie ilgili hizmetlerle kurumlarin hüsnü
idaresinden genel olarak sorumludur.
Bu Sözleme;
Bahis konusu bälümün ligili Uye için yurürlue girmesinden Once vukua
geien olaylara,
Bahis konusu bölümün ilgili Uye 1cm yurürlüe girmesinden sonra
vukua gelen olaylarda da yQrurluk tarihinden önceki süreler dolayisiyla hak
kazanUan yardimlara; uygularimaz.
jbu sOzIeme, mevcut SöziemeIerden herhangi birinin tadili mahiyetinde
telakki olunamaz.
Ibu SózImede yer alan hususlardan bir veya birkaci hakkinda QaIima
Genel Konferansinca sonradan kabul edilecek bir SozIemede eski Sözleme
hUkümlerinin tatbik ediImeyeceine dair bir hUküm bulunduOu takdirde, ibu
Sözlemenin yeni SOzlemede belirtilecek olan hükümleri, yeni Sozlemeyi
tasdik eden her üye için, mezkiDr Sözlemenin yururlüe girdii tarihten itibaren
1- Ibu SãzIemeyi tasdik eden her üye, Milletlerarast çaiima Tekilati
Ana Statüsünün 22 nd maddesi geremnce vermekie mükellef olduu,
Söziemenin tatbikati hakkinda yillik rapora aaidaki hususlari derceder:
SözIeme hükümlerinin tatbikini saIayan mevzuat hakkinda tam bilgi;
Aaida yazili maddelerde derpi edilen ihsai §artlarin yerine getiriImi
olduunu gosteren delilier;
Korunan kimseler sayis hakkindaki aaida yazili maddeler;
$ a), b), c) veya d); 15 a), b) veya d); 21 a) veya c); 27 a), b) veya d); 33
a), veya b); 41 a), b) veya d); 43 a) b) veya C); 55 a), b) veya d); 61 a), b) veya
Yardim miktarläri hakkindaki 44, 65, 66 veya 67 nd maddeler;
Hastalik odenekleri süresi hakkindaki 18 mci maddenin ikinci
paragrafinin (a) fikras,;
Isizlik yardimlari süresi hakkindaki 24 uncu maddenin 2nci paragrafi;
Korunan içi ye hizmetlilerce ôdenen sigorta primleririin bütün mali
kaynaklar toplaminin nisbeti hakkindaki 71 mci maddenin 2 nd paragrafi,
Yeknesaklik temini maksadiyle, bu bug! vedellller, §ekil bakimindan,
mümkün mertebe Milletlerarasi calima Bürosu Idare Heyetmnin tavsiye ye
telkinlerine uygun olarak hazirlanir.
2- Ibu sozlemeyi imzalayan her Uye, Milletlerarasi Qalima Bürosu Genel
Müdürüne, idare heyetince kararlatirrlan fasilalarla verecei raporlarda
Sözlemenin II - X uncu bölümlerinden tasdik vesikasinda veya 4 uncu madde
gereince sonradan gönderilen bildirilerde belirtilmemi olan bölürnlerle ilgili
mevzuat ye tatbikati hakkinda bilgi verir.
Ibu Sözleme denizcilerle deniz balikçilari hakkinda tatbik edilmez.
Denizciler ye deniz balikçilarinin korunmasi hakkindaki hükümler çalima
tekilati Genel Konferansinca kabul edilen "Denizcilerin Sosyal Güvenlii
Hakkinda 1946 Sözlemesi" lie Denizcilerin lhtiyarlik ayliklari hakkinda 1946
Sözlemesi" nde yer almitir.
Uye, Sözlemesinin II - X uncu bäftimlerinden tasdik edilmi olanlarin
tatbikatinda, korunan içi ye hiznletlilerinin veya mukimlerin nisbetini
hesaplarken, denizcilerle deniz balikçilarinin sayUarini içi ye hizmetliler veya
faal nüfus veya mukimler sayisindan haric tutulabilir.
ibu Sözlemenin resmi tasdik vesikalari Milletlerarasi çahma Bürosu
Genel Müdürüne tevdi ye Genel MüdUr tarafindan tescil olunur.
Igbu Sözleme yalniz ,tasdikvesikasi Umum Mudurlukce tescil edilmi
olan Milletlerarasi çalima Tekilati Uyeleri 1cm bir mukellefiyet tekil eder.
Sözleme, Iki Uyenin tasdik vesikasinin Genel Müdür tarafindan tescil
edildii tarihinden on iki ay sonra yürurlue girer.
Bunu takiben SOzleme her uye 1cm kendi tasdik vesikasinin tercihi
tarihinden on iki ay sonra yUrurlue girr.
1- Milletlerarasi calima Tekilati Ana statüsünUn 35 mci maddesinin 2 nd
paragrafi gereince Milletlerarasi calima Bürosu Genel MUdürtne gänderilecek
a) Ilgili uyenmn SOzlemeyi veya Sözlemenin, bazi bälümleririi aynen
uygulamayi taahhüt ettii ülkeler;
Uyenin Sôziemeyi veya bazi böiümlerini tadilen uygulamayi taahhüt
ettii üikeier ye bu tadillerin nelerden ibaret buIunduu;
Söziemenin tatbikinin mümkün oImadii Olkeier ye bu takdirde tatbik
edlimemesi sebepleri;
Durumu daha etrafli olarak tetkik ettikten sonra karara varma hakkini
mahfuz tuttuu ulkeier; beiirtiiir.
Bu maddenin 1 mci paragrafinin a) ye b) fikraiarinda derpi olunan
taahhütler tasdikin ayriimaz cuz'i sayilir ye ayni kuwete haiz olur.
Her üye, bu maddenin 1 nd paragrafinin b),c) ye d) fikralari gereince
gandermi oiduOu bildirlierde yazili kayitiarin tamamindan veya bir kismindan,
bilahare yapacaI yeni bir biidiri lie vazgeçebiiir.
Her uye 82 nd madde gereince bu SOziemenin tatbikten
kaIdirilabiiecei sUreler zarfinda, Genel MOdOre, daha ewelki bildirilerde yazih
çartiari herhangi bakimiardan detiren ye muayyen Qikeierdeki durumu
belirten yeni bir blidiri ganderebiiir.
Milletlerarasi QaIima TekiIati Ana StatüsOnün 35 mci maddesinin 4 ye
5incl paragraflari gereince Milletlerarasi Qahma BOrosu Genel Müdürüne
gOnderilen bildirilerde SözIemenin tamaminin veya bildirinin taallük ettii
bäiümler hUkümierinin, Ulkede, aynen veya tadilen uyguIanacai belirtUir.
SozIemenin veya bazi bOiümlerinin tadlien uygulanacai bildiriIdii takdirde
bu deiikiiklerin nelerden ibaret oiduu tasrih ediHr.
ligili Uye veya Uyeier veya Milletlerarasi merci, muahhar bir bildiri lie
eweice yapiimi bir bildiri de yazili deikIikierden faydalanma hakkindan
tamamen veya kismen vazgecebilirler.
liglil Uye veya Uyeler veyahut Milletierarasi merci 82 nd madde
hUkumierine gore bu Söziemenin, tatbikten kaidiriiabiiecei süreler zarfinda,
Genel MüdUre, evveice gänderiImi bir bildiride yazili §artiariherhangl bir
bakimdan deiçtiren ye SôzIemenin uyguIanmasi bakimindan durumu belirten
yeni bir biidiri gOnderebiiirier.
Bu SOziemeyi tasdik eden her Uye, Söziemenin ilk olarak vürUriüe
girdii tarihten itibaren 10 yiilik bir sürenin sonunda Milletierarasi çahçrna Bürosu
Genel MUdUrüne gonderiiecek ye Genel MOdür tarafindan tescil edliecek bir
tebii lie, SOzIemenin tamaminin veya II - X uncu bölümlerden bir veya bir
kacinin tatbikten kaidirilacaini biidirebiiir. Tatbikten kaidirma keyfiyeti tescil
tarihinden bir yti sonra muteber oiur.
Bu Soziegmeyi tasdik etmi olup da yukaridaki paragrafta yazili 10
yiiiik devrenin sonundan itibaren bir yti zarfinda bu madde de derpi edilen
tatbikten kaidirma hakkini kuilanmayan her üye, yeniden 10 yiiiik bir sOre 1cm
baianmi olur. Ve bundan sonra Soziemeyi veya ii - X uncu böiümierde bir
veya birkaçini her on yiliik devrenin sonunda bu maddedederpi edilen artIarla
tatbikten kaldirabilir.
Milletlerarasi çalima Tekilati uyeleri tarafindan kendisine gonderiterek
tescil olunan bütün tasdik vesikalarini, bildirileri ye yürürlükten kaldirma
teblilerini Milletlerarasi çalima Tekilatinin bütün üyelerne bildirir.
Milletlerarasi Qalima Tekilati, Genel MOdUrü, Sôzlemenin ikinci tasdik
vesikasinin tescil oIunduunu tekiIat Oyelerine bildirirken, SäzIemenin
yürUrlüe girecei tarih üzerine Uyelerin dikkatini çeker.
Milleflerarasi Qahma Bürosu Genel MUdürü, yukaridaki maddeler
hükümlerine gäre tescil edecei bütün tasdik vesikalari, bildiriler ye yururlukten
kaldirma tebIileri hakkinda, Birlemi Milletler AntIamasinin 102 nd maddesi
gereince, tescil olunmak Uzere, Birlemi Milletler Genel Sekreterine tam bilgi
Milletlerarasi calima Bürosu Yänetim Kurulu, Iüzum görecei zamanlarda
QaIima Genel Konferansina bu Sözlemenin tatbikati hakkinda bir rapor verir
ye Sözlemenin tamamen veya kismen detirilmesi konusunun konferans
gUndemine alinmasina Iüzum olup olmadiini tetkik eder.
1. Konferansin bu SäzIemeyi tamamen veya kismen deitiren yeni bir
säzleme kabul etmesi halinde yeni SäzIemede hilafina sarahat olmadikca;
Yeni Sözlemeriin bir üye tarafindari tasdiki üzerine, mezkur Sözleme
yürOrIüe girmi olmak §artlyle, yukaridaki 82 nd madde nazara alinmaksizin
ibu SözIeme bOtün hukukiyle ye derhal yürUrlükten kalkar.
Yeni SözIemenin yürürlüe girii tarihinden itibaren içbu SözIeme
uyelerin tasdikine açik bulundurulmaz.
2. Ibu SazIemeyi tasdik eden ye fakat muaddel yeni SozIemeyi tasdik
etmeyen Uyeler 1cm, her halukarda, bu SôzIeme §ekil ye muhteva bakimindan
yürUrlükte kalir.
Bu säzIemenin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinleri ayni §ekilde muteberdir.
BölUm 0. Ziraat, Ormancilik, Avcilik ye balikçilik,
Ziraat ye Hayvan yetitirme,
Ormancilik ye tomrukçuluk,
Avcilik, tuzakia avlama, av hayvanlarinin üretilmesi,
Bölüm I. Madencilik ye Taçocaklari
KämUr madencili,
Metal madencilii,
Ham petrol ye tabli gaz,
Ta, kil ye kum ocaklarinin ilêtilmesi.
Baka tarafta tasnif olunmayan ye metalden gayri maddelerin istihraci.
BölUm IL ye Ill Imalat Sariayi
Gida maddeleri sanayii (Icki sanaii haric)
içki sanayH,
Tütün sariayii,
Dokuma sanayil,
Kundura giyecek eyasi ye hazir dokuma eya imalati.
Aaç ye mantar sanayii (Mobilya sanayli hariç)
Mobilya ye mefruat sanayli
Kait sanayli ye kaittan eya imalati,
Matbaacilik, neriyatçilik ye bunlarla ilgili sanayii,
Den sanayil ye deriden eya imalati (Kundura haric)
Kauçuk sanayli,
Kimya ye kimyevi mamuller sanayii,
Petrol ye kömür mütaklani sanayil,
Baka tarafta tasnif edilmeyen, metalden gayri madeni marnuller sanayli
(Petrol ye kOmür mOçtaklari haric)
Metallere müteallik esas endüstriler,
Madeni eya imalati (Makine ye tait maizemesi hariç)
Makirie imalati, (Elektrik makineleri haric)
Elektrik makine, cihaz malzemeleri imalati,
Tait malzemeleri imalati,
çeitii imalat sanayil,
Bölüm 4. Inaat
Bölüm 5. Elektrik, gaz, su ye sihhi hizmetler
Elektrik, gaz ye buhar
Su ye sihhi hizmetler,
Bölüm 6. Ticaret, banka, sigorta ye gayri menkul ileri
Toptan ye parekende ticaret,
Bankalar ye diOer mali müesseseler,
Gayri menkul ileri,.
Bälüm 7. Nakliyat, Ardiyecilik ye Ulatirma
Ardiye ye antrepoculuk,
Bölüm 8. Hizmetler
Devlet hizmetleri
Betediye ye ticaret hizmetleri,
Elence hizmetleri,
ahsi hizmetler,
BölUm 9. Iyi Tarif Edilmemi
90- lyl tarif edilmemi faaliyetler.
Convention No.102
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office, and having met in its Thirty-fifth Session on 4
June 1952, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
minimum standards of social security, which are included in the fifth item on
the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this twenty-eighth day of June of the year one thousand nine
hundred and fifty-two the following Convention, which may be cited as the
Social Security (Minimum Siandards) Convention, 1952
Article 1
1. In this Convention-
the term "prescribed" means determined by or in virtue of national
laws or regulations
the term "residence" means ordinary residence in the territory of the
Member and the term "resident" means a person ordinarily resident in the
territory of the Member;
the term "wife" means a wife who is maintained by her husband ; (d)
the term "widow" means a woman who was maintained by her
husband at the time of his death
the term "child" means a child under school-leaving age or under 15
years of age, as may be prescribed;
the term "qualifying period" means a period of contribution, or a
period of employment, or a period of residence, or any combi- nation thereof,
as may be prescribed.
2. In Articles 10, 34 and 49 the term "benefit" means either direct benefit
in the form of care or indirect benefit consisting of a reimburse- ment of the
expenses borne by the person concerned.
Article 2
Each Member for which this Convention is in forcea) shail comply with(i)
at least three of Parts II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X, including at least
one of Parts IV, V, VI, IX and X
the relevant provisions of Parts Xl, XII and XIII ; and (iv) Part XIV;
shall specify in its ratification in respect of which of Parts II to X it accepts
the obligations of the Convention.
Article 3
I. A Member whose economy and medical facilities are insufficiently
developed may, if and for so long as the competent authority considers necessary, avail itself, by a declaration appended to its ratification, of the temporary
exceptions provided for in the following Articles 9 (d) ; 12 (2) ; 15 (d); 18 (2)
21(c); 27 (d); 33 (b); 34 (3) ; 41(d); 48 (c); 55 (d); and 61(d).
2. Each Member which has made a declaration under paragraph 1 of this
Article shall include in the annual report upon the application of this Convention submitted under Article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour
Organisation a statement, in respect of each exception of which it avails
(a) that its reason for doing so subsists ; or (b) that it renounces its right
to avail itself of the exceptzon in question
as from a stated date.
Article 4
1. Each Member which has ratified this Convention may subsequently
notify the Director-General of the International Labour Office that it accepts the
obligations of the Convention in respect of one or more of Parts II to X not
already specified in its ratification.
2- The undertakings referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be
deemed to be an integral part of the ratification and to have the force of ratification as from the date of notification.
Article 5
Where, for the purpose of compliance with any of the Parts II to X of this
Convention which are to be covered by its ratification, a Member is required to
protect prescribed classes of persons constituting not less than a specified
percentage of employees or residents, the Member shall satisfy itself, before
undertaking to comply with any such Part, that the relevant percentage is
Article 6
For the purpose of compliance with Parts II, Ill, IV, V, VIII (in so far as it
relates to medical care), IX or X of this Convention, a Member may take ac-
count of protection effected by means of insurance which, although not made
compulsory by national laws or regulations for the persons to be protectedis supervised by the public authorities or administered, in accordance
with prescribed standards, by joint operation of employers and workers
covers a substantial part of the persons whose earnings do not exceed those of the skilled manual male employee ; and
(C) complies, in conjunction with other forms of protection, where appropriate, with the relevant provisions of the Convention.
Article 7
Each Member for which this Part of this Convention is in force shall secure to the persons protected the provision of benefit in respect of a condition
requiring medical care of a preventive or curative nature in accordance with
the following Articles of this Part.
Article 8
The contingencies covered shall include any morbid condition, whatever
its cause, and pregnancy and confinement and their consequences.
Article 9
The persons protected shall comprise-
prescribed ctasses of employees, constituting not less than 50 per
cent. of all employees, and also their wives and children ; or
prescribed classes of the economically active population, constituting
not less than 20 per cent. of all residents, and also their wives and children ; or
prescribed classes of residents, constituting not less than 50 per cent.
of all residents; or
(d) where a declaration made in virtue of Article 3 is in force, prescribed
classes of employees constituting not less than 50 per cent. of all employees
in industrial workplaces employing 20 persons or more, and also their wives
and children.
Article 10
1. The benefit shall include at leasta) in case of a morbid conditiongeneral practitioner care, including domiciliary visiting
specialist care at hospitals for in-patients and out-patients, and such
specialist care as may be available outside hospitals;
the essential pharmaceutical supplies as prescribed by medical or
other qualified practitioners; and
(iv) hospitalisation where necessary; and
(b) in case of pregnancy and confinement and their consequencespre-natal, confinement and post-natal care either by medical practitioners or by qualified midwives; and
hospitalisation where necessary.
The beneficiary or his breadwinner may be required to share in the
cost of the medical care the beneficiary receives in respect of a morbid condition ; the rules concerning such cost-sharing shall be so designed as to avoid
The benefit provided in accordance with this Article shall be afforded
with a view to maintaining, restoring or improving the health of the person
protected and his ability to work and to attend to his personal needs.
The institutions or Government departments administering the benefit
shall, by such means as may be deemed appropriate, encourage the persons
protected to themselves of the general health services placed at their
disposal by the public authorities or by other bodies recog- nised by the public authorities.
Article 11
The benefit specified in Article 10 shall, in a contingency covered, be
secured at least to a person protected who has completed, or whose breadwinner has completed, such qualifying period as may be considered necessary to preclude abuse.
Article 12
The benefit specified in Article 10 shall be granted throughout the
contingency covered, except that, in case of a morbid condition, its duration
may be limited to 26 weeks in each case, but benefit shall not be suspended
while a sickness benefit continues to be paid, and provision shall be made to
enable the limit to be extended for prescribed diseases recognised as entailing
prolonged care.
Where a declaration made in virtue of Article 3 is in force, the duration
of the benefit may be limited to 13 weeks in each case.
Article 13
Each Member for which this Part of this Convention is in force shall secure to the persons protected the provision of sickness benefit in accordance
with the following Articles of this Part.
Article 14
The contingency covered shall include incapacity for work resulting from
a morbid condition and involving suspension of earnings, as defined by national laws or regulations.
Article 15
The persons protected shall comprise-
prescribed classes of employees, constituting not less than 50 per
cent. of all employees; or
prescribed classes of the economically active population, constituting not less than 20 per cent. of all residents; or
c) all residents whose means during the contingency do not exceed limits prescribed in such a manner as to comply with the require- ments of Article
67; or
(d) where a declaration made in virtue of Article 3 is in force, prescribed
classes of employees, constituting not less than 50 per cent. of all employees
in industrial workplaces employing 20 persons or more.
Article 16
Where classes of employees or classes of the economically active population are protected, the benefit shall be a periodical payment calcu- lated in
such a manner as to comply either with the requirements of Article 65 or with
the requirements of Article 66.
Where all residents whose means during the contingency do not exceed prescribed limits are protected, the benefit shall be a pariodical payment
calculated in such a manner as to comply with the requirements of Article 67
Article 17
The benefit specified in Article 16 shall, in a contingency covered, be
secured at least to a person protected who has completed such qualifying
period as may be considered necessary to preclude abuse.
Article 18
The benefit specified in Article 16 shall be granted throughout the
contingency, except that the benefit may be limited to 26 weeks in each case
of sickness, in which event it need not be paid for the first three days of suspension of earnings.
Where a declaration made in virtue of Article 3 is in force, the duration
of the benefit may be limitedto such period that the total number of days for which the sickness
benefit is granted in any year is not less than ten times the average number of
persons protected in that year; or
to 13 weeks in each case of sickness, in which event it need not be
paid for the first three days of suspension of earnings.
Article 19
Each Member for which this Part of this Convention is in force shall secure to the persons protected the provision of unemployment benefit in accordance with the following Articles of this Part.
Article 20
The contingency covered shall include suspension of earnings, as defined by national laws or regulations, due toinability to-obtain suitable employment in the case of a person protected who is capable of, and available
for, work.
Article 21
The persons protected shall comprise-
prescribed classes of employees, constituting not less than 50 per
cent. of all employees; or
all residents whose means during the contingency do not exceed
limits prescribed in such a manner as to comply with the require- ments of
Article 67; or
where a declaration made in virtue of Article 3 is in force, prescribed
classes of employees, constituting not less than 50 per cent. of all employees
in industrial workplaces employing 20 persons or more.
Article 22
I. Where classes of employees are protected, the benefit shall be a peri-
odical payment calculated in such a manner as to comply either with the
requirements of Article 65 or with the requirements of Article 66.
2. Where all residents whosemeans during the contingency do not exceed prescribed limits are protected, the benefit shall be a periodical payment
calculated in such a manner as to comply with the requirements of Article 67.
Article 23
The benefit specified in Article 22 shall, in a contingency covered, be
secured at least to a person protected who has completed such qualifying
period as may be considered necessary to preclude abuse.
Article 24
1. The benefit specified in Article 22 shall be granted throughout the
contingency, except that its duration may be limited(a) where classes of employees are protected, to 13 weeks within a pe-
nod of 12 months, or
(b) where all residents whose means during the contingency do not exceed prescribed limits are protected, to 26 weeks within a period of 12 months.
Where national laws or regulations provide that the duration of the
benefit shall vary with the length of the contribution period and/or the benefit
previously received within a prescribed period, the provisions of subparagraph
(a) of paragraph 1 shall be deemed to be fulfilled if the average duration of
benefit is at least 13 weeks within a period of 12 months.
The benefit need not be paid for a waiting period of the first seven days
in each case of suspension of earnings, counting days of unemployment before and after temporary employment lasting not more than a prescribed period as part of the same case of suspension of earnings.
In the case of seasonal workers the duration of the benefit and the
waiting period may be adapted to their cOnditions of employment.
Article 25
Each Member for which this Part of this Convention is in force shall secure to the persons protected the provision of old-age benefit in accordance
with the following Articles of this Part
Article 26
The contingency covered shall be survival beyond a prescribed age.
The prescribed age shall be not more than 65 years or such higher age
as may be fixed by the competent authority with due regard to the working.
ability of elderly persons in the country concerned.
National laws or regulations may provide that the benefit of a person
otherwise entitled to it may be suspended if such person is engaged in any
prescribed gainful activity or that the benefit, if contributory, may be reduced
where the earnings of the beneficiary exceed a prescribed amount and, if noncontributory, may be reduced where the earnings of the beneficiary or his
other means or the two taken together exceed a prescribed amount.
Article 27
The persons protected shall compriseprescribed classes of employees, constituting not less than 50 per
cent. of all employees; or
prescribed classes of the economically active population, constituting not less than 20 per cent. of all residents; or
all residents whose. means during the contingency do not exceed
limits prescribed in such a manner as to comply; with the requirements of
Article 67; or
(d) where a declaration made in virtue of Article 3 is in force, prescribed
classes of employees, constituting riot less than 50 per cent. of all employees
in industrial workplaoes employing 20 persons or more.
Article 28
The benefit shall be a periodical payment calculated as follows:
where classes of employees or classes of the economically active population are protected, in such a manner as to comply either with the requirements of Article 65 or with the requirements of Article 66;
where all residents whose means during the contingency do not exceed prescribed limits are protected, in such a manner as to comply with the
requirements of Article 67.
Article 29
I. The benefit specified in Article 28 shall, in a contingency covered, be
secured at leastto a person protected who has completed, prior to the contingency,
in accordance with prescribed rules, a qualif ying period which may be 30
years of contribution or employment, or 20 years of residence ; or
where, in principle, all economically active persons are protected, to
a person protected who has completed a prescribed qualifying period of contribution and in respect of whom, while he was of working age, the prescribed
yearly average number of contributions has been paid.
2. Where the benefit referred to in paragraph 1 is conditional upon a
minimum period of contribution or employment, a reduced benefit shall be
secured at least
to a person protected who has completed, prior to the contingency,
in accordance with prescribed rules, a qualifying period of 15 years of contribution or employment; or
where, in pirinciple, all economically active persons are protected, to
a person protected who has completed a prescribed qualifying period of contribution and in respect of whom, while he was of working age, half the yearly
average number of contributions presaibed inaccord- ance with subparagraph
(b) of paragra,Ph 1 of this Article has been paid.
3 The requirements of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be
satisfied where a benefit calculated in conformity with the requirements of Part
Xl but at a percentage of ten points lower than shown in the Schedule appended to that Part for the standard beneficiary concerned is secured at least
to a person protected who has completed, in accordance with Prescribed
rules, ten years of contribution or employment, or five years of residence.
4. A proportional reduction of the percentage indicated in the Schedule
appended to Part Xl may be effected where the qualifying period for the benefit
corresponding to the reduced percentage exceeds ten years of contribution or
employment but is less than 30 years of contribution or employment ; if such
qualifying period exceeds 15 years, a reduced benefit shall be payable in conformity with paragraph 2 of this Article.
5. Where the benefit referred to in paragraphs I, 3 or 4 of this Article is
conditional upon a minimum period of contribution or employment, a reduced
benefit shall be payable under prescribed conditions to a person protected
who, by reason only of his advanced age when the provisions concerned in
the application of this Part come into force, has not satisfied e conditions
prescribed in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article, unless a benefit in
conformity with the provisions of paragraphs 1, 3 or 4 of this Article is secured
to such person at an age higher than the normal age.
Article 30
The benefits specified in Articles 28 nd 29 shall be granted throughout
the contingency.
Article 31
Each Member for which this Part of this Convention is in force shall secure to the persons protected the provision of employment injury benefit in
accordance with the following Articles of this Part
Article 32
The contingencies covered shall include the following where due to accident or a prescribed disease resulting from employment
a morbid condition
incapacity for work resulting from such a condition and involving
suspension of earnings, as defined by national laws or regulations
total loss of earning capacity or partial loss thereof in excess of a
prescribed degree, likely to be permanent, or corresponding loss of faculty;
the loss of support suffered by the widow or child as the result of the
death of the breadwinner; in the case of a widow, the right to benefit may be
made conditional on her being presumed, i accordance with national laws or
regulations, to be incapable of self- support.
Article 33
The persons protected shall compriseprescribed classes of employees, constituting not less than 50 per
cent. of all employees, and, for benefit in respect of death of the breadwinner,
also their wives and children; or
where a declaration made in virtue of Article 3 is in force, prescribed
classes of employees, constituting not less than 50 per cent. of all employees
in industrial workplaces employing 20 persons or more, and, for benefit in
respect of death of the breadwinner, also their wives and children,
Article 34
1. In respect of a morbid condition, the benefit shall be medical care as
specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article.
2. The medical care shall comprisegeneral practitioner and specialist in-patient care and out-patient care,
including domiciliary visiting
dental care;
nursing care at home or in hospital or other medical institutions;
maintenance in hospitals, convalescent homes, sanatoria or other
medical institutions;
dental, pharmaceutical and other medical or surgical supplies, including prosthetic appliances, kept in repair, and eyeglasses; and
the care furnished by members of such other professions as may at
any time be legally recognised as allied to the medical profession, under the
supervision of a medical o.r dental practitioner.
3. Where a declaration made in virtue of Article 3 is in force, the medical
care shall include at least
general practitioner care, including domiciliary visiting
specialist care at hospitals for in-patients and out-patients, and such
specialist care as may be available outside hospitals
the essential pharmaceutical supplies as prescribed by a medical or
other qualified practitioner; and
hospitalisation where necessary.
4. The medical care provided in accordance with the preceding paragraphs shall be afforded with a view to maintaining, restoring or improving the
health of the person protected and his ability to work and to attend to his
personal needs.
Articie 35
The institutions, or Government departments administering the medical care shall co-operate, wherever appropriate, with the general vocational
rehabilitation services, with a view to the re-establishment of handicapped persons in suitable work.
National laws or regulations may authorise such institutions or depart-
ments to ensure provision for the vocational rehabilitation of handicapped
Article 36
1. In respeet of incapacity for work, total loss of earning capacity likely to
be permanent or corresponding loss of faculty, or the death of the breadwin290
ner, the benefit shall be a periodical payment calculated in such a manner as
to comply either with the requirements of Article 65 or with the requirements of
Article 66.
In case of partial loss of earning capacity likely to be permanent, or
corresponding loss of faculty, the benefit, where payable, shall be a periodical
payment representing a suitable proportion of that specified for total loss of
earning capacity or corresponding loss of faculty.
The periodical payment may be commuted for a lump sumwhere the degree of incapacity is slight; or
where the competent authority is satisfied that the lump sum will be
properly utilised.
Article 37
The benefit specified in Artibles 34 and 36 shall, in a contingency covered, be secured at least to a person protected who was employed in the
territory of the Member at the time of the accident if the injury is due to accident or at the time of contracting the disease if the injury is due to a disease
and, for periodical payments in respect of death of the breadwinner, to the
widow and children of such person.
Article 38
The benefit specified in Articles 34 and 36 shall be granted throughout
the contingency, except that, in respect of incapacity for work, the benefit
need not be paid for the first three days in each case of suspension of earnings.
Article 39
Each Member for which this Part of this Convention is in force shall secure to the persons protected the provision of family benefit in accordance
with the following Articles of this Part
Article 40
The contigency covered shall be responsibility for the maintenance of
children as prescribed
Article 41
The persons protected shall comprise
(a) prescribed classes of employees, constituting not less than 50 per
cent.of all employees; or
prescribed classes of the economically active population, constituting not less than 20 per cent. of all residents ; or
all residents whose means during the contingency do not exceed
prescribed limits; or
where a declaration made in virtue of Article 3 is in force, prescribed
classes of employees, constituting not less than 50 per cent. of all employees
in industrial workplaces employing 20 persons or more.
Article 42
The benefit shall be-
a periodical payment granted to any person protected having
completed the prescribed qualifying period ; or
the provision to or in respect of children, of food, clothing, housing,
holidays or domestic help; or
a combination of (a) and (b).
Article 43
The benefit specified in Article 42 shall be secured at least to a person
protected who, within a prescribed period, has completed a qualifying period
which may be three months of contribution or employment, or one year of
residence, as may be prescribed.
Article 44
The total value of the benefits granted in accordance with Article 42 to the
persons protected shall be such as to represent
3 per cent of the wage of an ordinary adult male labourer, as determined in accordance with the rules laid down in article 66 multiplied by the
total number of children of persons protected; or
1.5 per cent of the said wage, multiplied by the total number of
childrenoff all residents.
Article 45
Where the benefit consists of a periodical payment, it shall be granted
throughout the contigency.
Article 46
Each Member for which this Part of this Convention is in force shall secure to the persons protected the provision of maternity benefit in accordance
with the following Articles of this Part.
Article 47
The cotingencies covered shall include pregnancy and confinement and
their consequences, and suspension of earnings, as defined by national laws
or regulations, resulting therefrom.
Article 48
The persons protected shall compriseall women in prescribed classes of employees, which classes consti-
tute not less than 50 per cent. of all employees, and, for maternity medical
benefit, also the wives of men in these classes; or
all women in prescribed classes of the economically active population, which classes constitute not less than 20 per cent. of all resident, and,
for maternity medical benefit, also the wivesof men in these classes ; or
(C) where adeclaration made in virtue of Article 3 is in force, all women in
prescribed classes of employees, which classes constitute not less than 50 per
cent. of all employees in industrial workplaces employing 20 persons or more,
and, for maternity medical benefit, also the wives of men in these classes.
Article 49
1. In respect of pregnancy and confinement and their consequences, the
maternity medical benefit shall be medical care as specified in paragraphs 2
and 3 of this Article.
2. The medical care shall include at least
pre-natal, confinement and post-natal care either by medical practitioners or by qualified midwives; and
hospitalisation where necessary.
3. The medical care specified in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be af-
forded with a view to maintaining, restoring or improving the health of the
woman protected and her ability to work and to attend to her personal needs.
4. The institutions or Government departments administering the maternity medical benefit shall, by such means as may be deemed appropriate,
encourage the women protected to avail themselves of the general health
services placed at their disposal by the public authorities or by other bodies
recognised by the public authorities.
Article 50
In respect of suspension of earnings resulting from pregnancy and from
confinement and their consequences, the benefit shall be a periodical payment calculated in such a manner as to comply either with the requirements of
Article 65 or with the requirements of Article 66. The amount of the periodical
payment may vary in the course of the contin- gency, subject to the average
rate thereof complying with these requirements.
Article 51
The benefit specified in Articles 49 and 50 shall, in a contingency covered, be secured at least to a woman in the classes protected who has completed such qualifying period as may be considered necessary to preclude
abuse, and the benefit specified in Article 49 shall also be secured to the wife of
a man in the classes protected where the latter has completed such qualifying
Article 52
The benefit specified in Articles 49 and 50 shall be granted throughout
the contingency, except that the periodical payment may be limited to 12
weeks, unless a longer period of abstention from work is required or authorised
by national laws or regulations, in which event it may not be limited to a period
less than such longer period.
Article 53
Each Member for which this Part of this Convention is in force shall secure to the persons protected the provision of invalidity benefit in accordance
with the following Articies of this Part.
Article 54
The contingency covered shall include inability to engage in any gainful
activity, to an extent prescribed, which inability is likely to be permanent or
persists after the exhaustion of sickness benefit.
Article 55
The persons protected shall comprise
prescribed classes of employees, constituting not less than 50 per
cent. of all employees; or
prescribed classes of the economically active population, constituting not less than 20 per cent. of all residents; or
all residents whose means during the contingency do not exceed
limits prescribed in such a manner as to comply with the requirements of
Article 67; or
where a declaration made in virtue of Article 3 is in force, prescribed
classes of employees, constituting not less than 50 per cent. of all employees
in industrial workplaces employing 20 persons or more.
Article 56
The benefit shall be a periodical payment calculated as follows:
where classes of employees or classes of the economically active
population are protected, in such a manner as to comply either with the requirements of Article 65 or with the requirements .of Article 66
where all residents whose means during the contingency do not exceed prescribed limits are protected, in such a manner as to comply with the
requirements of Article 67.
Article 57
1. The benefit specified in article 56 shall, in a contingency covered, be
secured at leastto a person protected who has completed, prior to the contingency,
in accordance with prescribed rules, a qualifying period which may be 15
years of contribution or employment, or 10 years of residence; or
where, in principle, all economically active persons are protected, to
a person protected who has completed a qualifying period of three years of
contribution and in respect of whom, while he was of working age, the prescribed yearly average number of contributions has been paid.
2. Where the benefit referred to in paragraph I is conditional upon a
minimum period of contribution or employment, a reduced benefit shall be
secured at leastto a person protected who has completed, prior to the contingency,
in accordance with prescribed rules, a qu.alifying period of five years of contribution or employment; or
where, in principle, all economically active persons are protected, to
a person protected who has completed a qualifying period of three years of
contribution and in respect of whom, while he was of working age, half the
yearly average number of contributions prescribed in accordance with subparagraph (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article has been paid.
3.The requirements of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be
satisfied where a benefit calculated in conformity with the requirements of Part
Xl but at a percentage of ten points lower than shown in the Schedule appended to that Part for the standard beneficiary concerned is secured at least
to a person protected who has completed, in accordance with prescribed
rules, five years of contribution, employment or residence.
4. A proportional reduction of the percentage indicated in the Schedule
appended to Part Xl may be effected where the qualifying period for the pension corresponding to the reduced percentage exceeds five years of contribution or employment but is less than 15 years of contribution or employment; a
reduced pension shall be payable in conformity with paragraph 2 of this Article.
Article 58
The benefit specified in Articles 56 and 57 shall be granted throughout
the contingency or until an old-age benefit becomes payable.
Article 59
Each Member for which this Part of this Convention is in force shall secure to the persons protected the provision of survivors' benefit in accordance
with the following Articles of this Part.
Article 60
The contingency covered shall include the loss of support suffered by
the widow or child as the result of the death of the breadwinner; in the case of
a widow, the right to benefit may be made conditional on her being presumed,
in accordance with national laws or regulations, to be incapable of self-support.
National laws or regulations may provide that the benefit of a person
otherwise entitled to it may be suspended if such person is engaged in any
prescribed gainful activity or that the benefit, if contributory, may be reduced
where the earnings of the beneficiary exceed a prescsibed amount, and, if
non-contributory, may be reduced where the earnings of the beneficiary or his
other means or the two taken together exceed a prescribed amount.
Article 61
The persons protected shall comprise-
the wives and the children of breadwinners in prescribed classes of
employees, which classes constitute not less than 50 per cent. of all employees; or
the wives and the children of breadwinners in prescribed classes of
the economically active population, which classes constitute not less than 20
per cent. of all residents; or
all resident widows and resident children who have lost their breadwinner and whose means during the contingency do not exceed limits prescribed in such a manner as to comply with the requirements of Article 67; or
where a declaration made in virtue of Article 3 is in force, the wives
and the children of breadwinners in prescribed classes of employees, which
classes constitute not less than 50 per cent. of all employees in industrial
workplaces employing 20 persons or more.
Article 62
The benefit shall be a periodical payment calculated as follows:
where classes of employees or classes of the economically active
population are protected, in such a manner as to comply either with the requirements of Article 65 or with the requirements of Article 66;
where all residents whose means durihg the contingency do not exceed prescribed limits are protected, in such a manner as to comply with the
requirements of Article 67
Article 63
I. The benefit specified in Article 62 shall, in a contingency covered, be
secured at least
(a) to a person protected whose breadwinner has completed, in accor-
dance with prescribed rules, a qualifying period which may be 15 years of
contribution or employment, or 10 years of residence; or
(b) where, in principle, the wives and children of all economically active
persons are protected, to a person protected whose breadwinner has completed a qualifying period of three years of contribution and in respect of whose
breadwinner, while he was of working age, the prescribed yearly average number of contributions has been paid.
2. Where the benefit referred to in paragraph 1 is conditional upon a
minimum period of contribution or employment, a reduced benefit shall be
secured at least-
to a person protected whose breadwinner has completed, in accordance with prescribed rules, a qualifying period of five years of contribution or
employment; or
where, in principle, the wives and children of all economically active
persons are protected, to a person protected whose breadwinner has completed a qualifying period of three years of contribution and in respect of whose
breadwinner, while he was of working age, halt the yearly average number of
contributions prescribed in accordance with subparagraph (b) of paragraph 1
of this Article has been paid.
3.The requirements of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be
satisfied where a benefit calculated in conformity with the requirements of Part
Xl but at a percentage of ten points lower than shown in the Schedule appended to that Part for the standard beneficiary concerned is secured at least
to a person protected whose breadwinner has completed, in accordance with
prescribed rules, five years of contribution, employment or residence.
A proportional reduction of the percentage indicated in the Schedule
appended to Part Xl may be effected where the qualifying period for the benefit
corresponding to the reduced pereentage exceeds five years of contribution
or employment but is less than 15 years of contribution or employment; a
reduced benefit shall be payable in conformity with paragraph 2 of this Article.
In order that a childless widow presumed to be incapable of self support may be entitled to a survivor's benefit, a minimum duration of the marriage may be required.
Article 64
The benefit specified in Articles 62 and 63 shall be granted throughout
the contingency.
Article 65
In the case of a periodical payment to which this Article applies, the
rate of the benefit, increased by the amount of any family allowances payable
during the contingency, shall be such as to attain, in respect of the contingency in question, fore the standard benefidary indicated in the Schedule appended to this Part, at least the percentage indicated therein of the total of the
previous earnings of the beneficiary or his breadwinner and of the amount of
any family allowances payable to a person protected with the same family
responsibilities as the standard beneficiary.
2. The previous earnings of the beneficiary or his breadwinner shall be
calculated according to prescribed rules, and, where the persons protected or
their breadwinners are arranged in classes according to their earnings, their
previous earnings may be calculated from the basic earnings of the classes to
which they belonged.
3. A maximum limit may be prescribed for the rate of the benefit or for
the earnings taken into account for the calculation of the benefit, provided that
the maximum limit is fixed in such a way that the provisions of paragraph 1 of
this Article are complied with where the previous earnings of the benefidary or
his breadwinner are equal to or lower than the wage of a skilled manual male
4. The previous earnings of the beneficiary or his breadwInner, the wage
of the skilled manual male employee, the benefit and any family allowances
shall be calculated on the same time basis.
5. For the other benefidaries, the benefit shall bear a reasonable relation
to the benefit for the standard beneficiary.
6. For the purpose of this Article, a skilled manual male employee shall
a fitter or turner in the manufacture of machinery other than electrical
machinery; or
a person deemed typical of skilled labour selected in accordance with
the provisions of the following paragraph; or
a person whose earnings are such as to be equal to or greater than
the earnings of 75 per cent of all the persons protected, such earnings to be
determined on the basis of annual or shorter periods as may be prescribed; or
a person whose earnings are equal to 125 per cent. of the average
earnings of all the persons protected.
7. The person deemed typical of skilled labour for the purposes of subparagraph (b) of the preceding paragraph shall be a person employed in the
major group of economic activities with the largest number of economically
active male persons protected in the contingency in question, or of the breadwinners of the persons protected, as the case may be, in the division comprising the largest number of such persons or breadwinners; for this purpose, the
international standard industrial classification of all economic activities, adopted
by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations at its Seventh
Session on 27 August 1948, and reproduced in the Annex to this Convention,
or such classifica.tion as at any time amended, shall be used.
Where the rate of benefit varies by region, the skilled manual male
employee may be determined for each region in accordance with paragraphs
6 and 7 of this Article.
The wage of the skilled manual male employee shall be determined on
the basis of the rates of wages for normal hours of work fixed by collective
agreements, by or in pursuance of national laws or regulations, where applicable, or by custom, including cost-of-living allowances if any; where such
rates differ by region but paragraph 8 of this Article is not applied, the median
rate shall be taken.
The rates of current periodical payments in respect of old age, employment injury (except in case of incapacity for work), invalidity and death of
breadwinner, shall be reviewed following substantial changes in the general
level of earnings where these result from substantial changes in the cost of
Article 66
In the case of a periodical payment to which this Article applies, the
rate of the benefit, increased by the amount of any family allowances payable
during the contingency, shall be such as to attain, in respect of the contingency in question, for the standard beneficiary indicated in the Schedule appended to this Part, at least the percentage indicated there of the total of the
wage of an ordinary adult male labourer and of the amount of any family
allowances payable to a person protected with the same family responsibilities
as the standard beneficiary.
The wage of the ordinary adult male labourer, the benefit and any
family allowances shall be calculated on the same time basis.
3.For the other beneficiaries, the benefit shall bear a reasonable relation
to the benefit for the standard beneficiary.
4. For the purpose of this Article, the ordinary adult male labourer shall
a person deemed typical of unskilled labour in the manufacture of
machinery other than electrical ma.chinery; or
a person deemed typical of unskilled labour selected in accordance
with the provisions of the following paragraph.
5. The person deemed typical of unskilled labour for the purpose of subparagraph. (b) of the preceding paragraph shall be a person employed in the
major group. of economic activities with the largest number of economically
active male persons protected in the contingency in question, or of the breadwinners of the persons protected, as the case may be, in the division comprising the largest number of such persons or breadwinners; for this purpose the
international standard industrial classification of all economic activities, adopted
by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations at its Seventh
Session on 27 August 1948, and reproduced in the Annex to this Convention,
or such classification as at any time amended, shall be used.
Where the rate of benefit varies by region, the ordinary adult male
labourer may be determined for each region in accordance with paragraphs 4
and 5 of this Article.
The wage of the ordinary adult male labourer shall be determined on
the basis of the rates of wages for normal hours of work fixed by collective
agreements, by or in pursuance of national laws or regulations, where appli-
cable, or by custom, including cost-of-lMng allowances if any; where such
rates differ by region but paragraph 6 of this Article is not applied, the median
rate shall be taken.
The rates of current periodical payments in respect of old age, employ-
ment injury (except in case of incapacity for work), invalidity and death of
breadwinner, shall be reviewed following substantial changes in the general
level of earnings where these result from substantial changes in the cost of
Article 67
In the case of a periodical payment to which this Article appliesthe rate of the benefit shall be determined according to a prescribed
scale or a scale fixed by the competent public authority in conformity with
prescribed rules;
such rate may be reduced only to the extent by which the other
means of the family of the beneficiary exceed prescribed substantial amounts
or substantial amounts fixed by the competent public authority in conformity
with prescribed rules;
the total of the benefit and any other means, after deduction of the
substantial amounts referred to in subparagraph (b), shall be sufficient to maintain the family of the beneficiary in health and decency, and shall be not less
than the corresponding benefit calculated in accordance with the requirements
of Article 66
the provisions of subparagraph (c) shall be deemed to be satisfied if
the total amount of benefits paid under the Part concerned exceeds by at least
30 per cent. the total amount of benefits which would be obtained by applying
the provisiOns of Article 66 and the provisions of:
Article 15 (b) for Part III;
Article 27 (b) for Part V;
Article 55 (b) for Part IX;
Article 61(b) for Part X.
Old age
Employment in jury:
Incapacity for work
Man with wife and two children... .45
Man with wife and two children 45
Man with wife of pensionable age. 40
Man with wife and two children 50
Man with wife and two children 50
Widow with two children
Man with wife and two children ... 40
Widow with two children
Article 68
I. Non-national residents shall have the same rights as national residents:
Provided that special rules concerning non-nationals and nationals born
outside the territory of the Member may be prescribed in respect of benefits or
portions of benefits which are payable wholly or mainly out of public funds and
in respect of transitional schemes.
2. Under contributory social security schemes which protect employees, the persons protected who are nationals of another Member which has
accepted the obligations of the relevant Part of the Convention shall have,
under that Part, the same rights as nationals of the Member concerned: Pro-
vided that the application of this paragraph may be made subject to the
eatistence of a bilateral or multilateral agreement providing for reciprocity.
Article 69
A benefit to which a person protected would otherwise be entitled in
compliance with any of Parts II to X of this Convention may be suspended to
such extent as may be prescribedas long as the person concerned is absent from the territory of the
as long as the person concerned is maintained at public expense, or
at the expense of a social security institution or service, subject to any portion
of the benefit in excess of the value of such maintenance being granted to the
dependants of the beneficiary;
as long as the person concerned is in receipt of another social security cash benefit, other than a family benefit, and during any period in respect
of which he is indemnified for the contingency by a third party, subject to the
part of the benefit which is suspended not exceeding the other benefit or the
indemnity by a third party;
where the person concerned has made a fraudulent claim;
where the contingency has been caused by a criminal offence cornmiffed by the person concerned;
where the contingency has been caused by the wilful misconduct of
the person concerned;
in appropriate cases, where the person concerned neglects to make
use of the medical or rehabilitation services placed at his disposal or fails to
comply with rules prescribed for verifying the occurrence or continuance of
the contingency or for the conduct of beneficiaries;
in the case of unemployment benefit, where the person concerned
has failed tn make use of the employment services placed at his disposal
in the case of unemployment benefit, where the person concerned
has lost his employment as a direct result of a stoppage of work due to a trade
dispute, or has left it voluntarily without just cause; and
in the case of survivors benefit, as long as the widow is living with a
man as his wife.
Article 70
I. Every claimant shall have a right of appeal in case of refusal of the
benefit or complaint as to its quality or quantity.
Where in the application of this Convention a Government department
responsible to a legislature is entrusted with the administration of medical
care, the right of appeal provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article may be
replaced by a right to have a complaint concerning the refusal of medical care
or the quality of the care received investigated by the appropriate authority.
Where a claim is settled by a special tribunal established to deal with
social security questions and on which the persons protected are represented,
no right of appeal shall be required.
Article 71
The cost of the benefits provided in compliance with this Convention
and the cost of the administration of such benefits shall be borne collectively
by way of insurance contributions or taxation or both in a manner which avoids
hardship to persons of small means and takes into account the economic
situation of the Member and of the classes of persons protected.
The total of the insurance contributions borne by the employees protected shall not exceed 50 per cent. of the total of the financial resources
allocated to the protection of employees and their wives and children. For the
purpose of ascertaining whether this condition is fulfilled, all the benefits provided by the Member in compliance with this Convention, except family benefit and, if provided by a special branch, employment injury benefit, may be
taken together.
3. The Member shall accept general responsibility for the due provision
of the benefits provided in compliance with this Convention, and shall take all
measures required for this purpose; it shall ensure, where appropriate, that the
necessary actuarial studies and calculations concerning financial equilibrium
are made periodically and, in any event, prior to any change in benefits, the
rate of insurance contributions, or the taxes allocated to covering the contingencies in question.
Article 72
1. Where the administration is not entrusted to an institution regulated by
the public authorities or to a Government department responsible to a legislature, representatives of the persons protected shall participate in the management, or be associated therewith in a consultative capacity, under prescribed
conditions; national laws or regulations may likewise decide as to the participation of representatives of employers and of the public authorities.
2. The Member shall accept general responsibility for the proper administration of the institutions and services concerned in the application of the Convention.
Article 73
This Convention shall not apply to-
contingendes which occurred before the coming into force of the
relevant Part of the Convention for the Member concerned;
benefits in contingencies occurring after the coming into force of the
relevant Part of the Convention for the Member concerned in so far as the
rights to such benefits are derived from periods preceding that date.
Article 74
This Convention shall not be regarded as revising any existing Conven-
Article 75
If any Convention which may be adopted subsequently by the Conference concerning any subject or subjects dealt with in this Convention so provides, such provisions of this Convention as may be specified in the said Convention shall cease to apply to any Member having ratified the said Conven-
tion as from the date at which the said Convention comes into force for that
Article 76
1. Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall include in the annual report upon the application of this Convention submitted under Article 22
of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisationfull information concerning the laws and regulations by which effect is
given to the provisions of the Convention; and
evidence, oonforming in its presentation as closely as is practicable
with any suggestions for greater uniformity of Presenation made by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, of compliance with the statistical conditions specified inArticles 9 (a), (b), (c) or (d); 15 (a;, (b) or (d) ; 21(a) or (C); 27 (a), (b)
or (d); 33 (a) or (b); 41(a), (b) or (d); 48 (a), (b) or (C); 55 (a), (b) or (d); 61(a),
(b) or (d), as regards the number of persons protected;
Articles 44, 65, 66 or 67, as regards the rates of benefit;
subparagraph (a) of paragraph 2 of Article 18, as regards duration of
sickness benefit;
Paragraph 2 of Article 24, as regards duration of unemployment benef it; and
Paragraph 2 of Article 71, as regards the proportion of the financial
resources constituted by the insurance contributions of employees protected.
2. Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall report to the Director-General of the International Labour Office at appropriate intervals, as
requested by the Governing Body, on the position of its law and practice in
regard to any of Parts II to X of the Convention not specified in its ratification or
in a notification made subsequently in virtue of Article 4.
Article 77
This Convention does not apply to seamen or seafishernmen; provision for the protection of seamen and seafishermén has been made by the
International Labour Conference in the Social Security (Seafarers) Convention, 1946, and the Seafarers Pensions Convention, 1946.
A Member may exclude seamen and seafishermen from the number of
employees, of the economically active population or of residents, when calculating the percentage of employees or residents protected in compliance with
any of Parts II to X covered by its ratification.
Article 78
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 79
This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 80
1. Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Oftice in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 35 of the Constitution
of the International Labour Organisation shall indicatethe territories in respect of which the Member concerned undertakes
that the provisions of the Convention or of any Parts thereof shall be applied
without modification;
the territories in respect of which it undertakes that the provisions of
the Convention or of any Parts thereof shall be applied subject to modifications, together with details of the said modifications;
the territories in nespect of which the Convention is inapplicable and
in such cases the grounds on which it is inapplicable
the territories in respect of which it reserves its decision pending
further consideration of the position.
2. The undertakings referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be an integral part of the ratification
and shall have the force of ratification.
3. Any Member may at any time by a subsequent declaration cancel in
whole or in part any reservation made in its original declaration in virtue of
subparagraphs (b), (c) or (d) of paragraph 1 of this Article.
4. Any Member may, at any time at which the Convention is subject to
denunciation in accordance with the provisions of Article 82, communicate to
the Director-Gpneral a declaration modifying in any other respect the terms of
any former declaration and stating the present position in respect of such
territories as it may specify.
Article 81
1. Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office in accordance with paragraphs 4 or 5 of Article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation shall indicate whether the provisions of the Convention or of the Parts thereof accepted by the Deôlaration
will be applied in the territory concerned without modification or subject to
modifications ; when the Declaration indicates that the provisions of the Con305
vention or of certain Parts thereof will be applied subject to modifications, it
shall give details of the id modifications.
The Member, Members or international authority concerned may at
any time by a subsequent declaration renounce in whole or in part the right to
have recourse to any modification indicated in any former declaration.
The Member, Members or international authority concerned may, at
any time at which this Convention is subject to denunciation in accord- ance
with the provisions of Article 82, communicate to the Director-General a declaration modifying in any other respect the terms of any former declaration and
stating the present position in respect of the application of the Convention.
Article 82
A Member which has ratified this Convention may, after the expiration
of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into force,
denounce the Convention or any one or more of Parts II to X thereof by an act
communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for
registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the
date on which it is registered.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation; provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce the Convention or any one of Parts II to X thereof at the expiration of
each period of ten years under the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 83
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications, declarations and denunciations communicated to him by the
Members of the Organisation.
When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 84
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full articulars of all
ratifications, declarations and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 85
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conferenóe a report On
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 86
1, Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise providesthe ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 82 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 87
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
Div/sian 0. Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting and Fishing:
Agriculture and livestock production.
Forestry and logging.
Hunting, trapping and game propagation.
Division 1. Mining and Quarrying:
Coal mining.
Metal mining.
Crude petroleum and natural gas.
Stone quarrying, clay and sand pits.
Non-metallic mining and quarrying not elsewhere claseified.
Divisions 2-3. Manufacturing:
Food manufacturing industries, except beverage indnstriea.
Beverage industries.
Tobacco manufactures.
Manufacture of textiles.
Mannfacture of footwear, other wearing apparel and made-up textile
Manufacture of wood and cork, except manufacture of furniture.
Manufacture of furniture and fixtures.
Manufacture of paper and paper products.
Printing, publishing and allied industries.
Manufacture of leather and leather products, except footwear.
Mannfacture of rubber products.
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products.
Manufacture of products of petroleum and coal.
Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products, except products of
petroleum and coal.
Basic metal industries.
Manufacture of metal products, except machinery and transport equip
Manufacture of machinery, except electrical machinery.
Manufacture of electrical machinery, apparatus, appliances and
Manufacture of transport equipment.
Miscellaneous manufacturing industries.
Division 4. Construction:
Division 5. Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Services:
Electricity, gas and steam.
Water and sanitary services.
Division 6. Commerce:
Wholesale and retail trade.
Banks and other financial inatitutione.
Real estate.
Division 7 Transport, Storage and Communication:
Storage and warehousing.
Division 8. Seivices:
Government services.
Community and busineas services.
Recreation services.
Personal services.
Division 9. Activities not Adequately Described:
90. Activities not Adequately described.
ILO Kabul Tarihi
: 5 Haziran 1957
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayum Tarihi ye Sayisi
:14. 12. 1960 / 162
: 21. 12. 1960 / 10686
MiUeterarasi Qahma Bürosu Yönetim Kururu tarafindan vâki davet üzerine
8 Haziran 1957 tarihinde Cenevre'de 32 nd toplantisini yapan Milletlerarasi
çaIima TekHati Genel konferansi, toptanti gUndeminin 6 nci maddesini tekiI
eden cebri çalittrma meselesini inceledikten,
Cebri calitirmaya mütedair 1930 tarihll SözIeme hükümlerini gozonünde
Esarete mütealik 1926 tarihti Sôzleçmenin, mecburi veya cebri çaIitirmanin
esarete müabih artlara yol açmamasi 1cm gerekll bütün tedbirlerin alinmasint
etmekte oIduunu; esaretin, esir ticaretinin ye esarete benzer
müesseselerle tatbikatin ilgasina dair olan 1956 tarihll ek Sözlemenin iso, borç
yüzunden kultuk ye köIeliin tamamen ilgasini istihdaf eyIediini; ye ücretin
himayesi hakkrndaki 1949 tarihll SözIemenin, Ocretlerin muntazam fasillarla
ädenmesini derpi eylediini ye ücret tediye usutlerinin, içiyi iinden aynlmasinr
mümkün kilacak her türlü flu imkanlardan mahrum birakacak tarzda olmasini
men ettiini nazari itibara aldiktan,
Ve BirIemi Mitletler Antlamasinda, istihdaf edilen ye Insan Hakiari
Evrensel Beyannamesinde beyan olunan insan haklarini ihial edici mahiyette
olan muayyen cebri veya mecburi çaIitirma ekiIterinin ilgasina mütedair dier
tekliflerjn kabulune ye bu tekilfierin Milletlerarasi bir Säzleme §ekUni almasina
karar verdikten sonra, 1957 yin Haziran ayinin ibu yirmi beçinci gUnO Cebri
caliçtirmanin tigasi Hakkinda 1957 Sözlemesi adini alacak olan açaidaki
SözIemeyi kabul eder.
Milletlerarasi çauima tekiIatinin bu SözIemeyi onayan her üyesi, cebri
veya mecburi çahtirmayi menetmeyl ye,
Siyasi bir cebir veya eitim tedbiri olarak veya muayyen siyasi fikirle
sahip otan veya bu fikirleri beyan eden §ahlslara veya kurutu siyasi, iktisadi
veya içtimai nizama kari ideolojik bakimdan muhalefetlerini izhar eden
kimselere bir ceza olarak,
ktisadi getime gayeslyte euemeinI seferber etme ye elemeOinden
faydatanma metodu olarak,
0- çatima disiplini olarak,
d- Greviere itirak etmi oimayi tecziye tedbiri olarak,
e- Irki, içtimai, miHi veya dm1 bir tefrik vasitasi olarak,
Hiçbir §ekiide cebri veya mecburi caIitirmaya bavurma taahhüt eder.
Milletierarasi caiima Tekiiatinin bu SazIemeyi onayan her üyesi, bu
SözIemenin 1 nci maddesinde tasrih edlien §ekiideki cebri veya mecburi
çaiitirmarun derhal ye tamamen ilgasini temin etmek üzere müessir tedbirier
ittihazini taahhüt eder.
Bu Sôzlemenin kesin onama belgeeri MiHetlerarasi caIima Bürosu Umum
MUdürOne ganderiiecek ye onun tarafindan tescit edflecektir.
Bu SäzIeme, ancak onama belgeleri, Milletierarasi Qairma Bürosu
Umum Müdürü tarafindan tescil edilmi olan Milietierarasi çaiima Tekiiati
uyeierini baiiyacaktir.
Sözieme, iki üyenin onama belgelerinin Umum Müdür tarafindan tescii
ediIdii tarihten itibaren 12 ay sonra yürürIue girecektir.
Daha sonra, bu SOzieme, her üye hakkinda, kendisinin onama
beigesinin tescfl ediidii tarihten itibaren 12 ay sonra yürurIüe girecektir.
Bu soziemeyi onayan her üye, onu, ilk SozIemenin yürurIüe girdil
tarihteri itibaren 10 yiiiik bir devrenin hitaminda, Milletlerarasi çaiima Bürosu
Umum Müdürüne gonderecei ye Umum MUdürün tescil edecei bir ihbarname
lie feshedilebilir. Fesih, feshin tesciii tarihinden itibaren bir yii sonra muteber
Bu Sozlemeyi onami olup da, bundan ewelki fikrada zikroiunan 10
ytilik devrenin hitimanindan itibaren bir yil içiride bu maddede derpi ediimi
oian fesih hakkini kulianmayan her üye, yeniden 10 yillik bir müddet 1cm
baianmi olacak ye bundan sonra bu Sôziemeyi,
Her on ylilik devrenin hitaminda, bu maddede derpi edilen §artlar içinde
Milietlerarasi çalima Bürosu Umum MüdürO, Tekiiat üyeieri tarafindan
kendisine bildirilen bilümum onama ye fesihierin tescil edildikierini Milletlerarasi
çaliçma Tekiiatinin bütün uyelerine tebIi edecektir.
Milletierarasi QaIima Bürosu Umum Müdurü,kendisine gönderiien
säziemenin ikinci oname belgesinin tescil ediidiini Tekiiat uyeierine tebli
ederken, bu Sôzlernenin yUriJrlUe girecei tarih hakkinda TekiIat Uyelerinin
dikkatini cekecektir.
Milletlerarasi çalima BUrosu Umum Müdürü, yukaridaki maddelere
tevfikan tescil etmi olduu bUtün onama ye fesihiere dair tam bilgileri, Birlemi
Milletler Antlamasinin 102 nd maddesi gereince tescil edilmek üzere, Birlemi
MUletler Genel Sekreterine ulatiracaktir.
MLlletlerarasi Qalima BQrosu Yönetim Kurulu, lüzüm görecei zamanlarda,
bu Sözlemenin tatbikati hakkinda Genel Konferansa bir rapor sunacak ye
onun kismen veya tamamen tadil keyfiyetinin Konferans gundemine konulmasi
Iüzumu hakkinda karar verecektir.
1. Konferansin, bu Sozlemeyi kismen veya tamamen tadil eden yeni bir
Säzleme kabul etmesi halinde, yeni Sözleme baka bir §ekil derpi etmedikçe:
Tadili ihtiva edici yeni SözIemenin bir üye tarafindan onanmasi keyfiyeti,
yukaridaki beinci madde hükümleri nazan itibare ahnmaksizin ye fakat tadil
edici yeni Sözleme yürürIue girmi olmak kayit ye §artiyle, bu SözIemenin
derhal ye kendiliinden feshini tazammun edecektir.
Bu SôzIeme, tadili ihtiva edici yeni SOzIemeniri yururlue girdii
tarihten.itibaren artik uyelerin onanmasina açik bulurdurulrnayacaktir.
2. Bu SäzIeme, onu onayipta tadil edici Sozleçmeyi onamami bulunan
uyeler 1cm, her halde §imdiki §ekil ye muhtevasiyle yUrUrlükte kalmakta devam
Bu säzIemenin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinleri ayni derecede muteberdir.
Conventfon No. 105
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office, and having met in its Fortieth Session on 5 June 1957, and
Having considered the question of forced labour, which is the fourth item
on the agenda of the session, and
Having noted the provisions of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930, and
Having noted that the Slavery Convention, 1926, provides that all necessary measures shall be taken to prevent compulsory or forced labour from
developing into conditions analogous to slavery and that the Supplementary
Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade and Institutions and
Practices Similar to Slavery, 1956, provides for the complete abolition of debt
bondage and serfdom, and
Having noted that the Protection of Wages Convention, 1949, provides
that wages shall be paid regularly and prohibits methods of payment which
deprive the worker of a genuine possibility of terminating his employment,
Having decided upon the adoption of further proposals with regard to
the abolition of certain forms of forced or compulsory labour constituting a
violation of the rights of man referred to in the Charter of the United Nations
and enunciated by the Universal Declaration of,Human Rights, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this twenty-fifth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven the following Convention, which may be cited as the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957:
Article 1
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies this
Convention undertakes to suppress and not to make use of any form of forced
or compulsory labouras a means of political coercion or education or as a punishment for
holding or expressing political views or views ideologically opposed to the
established political, social or economic system;
as a method of mobilising and using labour for purposes of economic development;
as a means of labour discipline;
as a punishment for having participated in strikes;
as a means of racial, social, national or religious discrimination.
Article 2
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies this
Convention undertakes to take effective measures to secure the immediate
and complete abolition of forced or compulsory labour as specified in Article 1
of this Convention.
Article 3
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 4
This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director- General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 5
I. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciatica shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
2.Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period often years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 6
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the
When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 7
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communi-
cate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 8
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 9
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise providesthe ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 5 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 10
The English and French ver sions of the text of this Convention are equally
ILO Kabul Tarihi
: 4 Haziran 1958
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisu
:13. 12. 1966 /811
: 22. 21. 1966/12484
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi : 2. 9. 1967/ 6-8730
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 21. 9. 1967/12705
Milletlerarasi çaluma Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu tarafindan tcplantiya
çarrilarak 4 Haziran 1958 de Cenevre'de 42 nd toplantisuni yapan,
Milletlerarasi çahma TekiIatu Genel Konferansi,
Toplanti gundeminin dördüncü maddesini teçkil eden, i ye meslek
alaninda ayirim He ilgili çeitli tekllflerin kabulünü ye
Bu tekllfierin bir milletlerarasi sözleme §eklini almasina, karar verecek,
Filadelfiya beyannamesinin; irk, inanç ye cinsiyetleri ne olursa olsun, bütün
insanlarin, hurriyet, §eref, ekonomik, gUvenhik ye eit imkan §artlari icinde kendi
maddi refah ye manevi geliçmelerini gözetme haklanni teyit ettiini, ye
Ayurimin, Insan Hakiari evrensel beyannamesinde belirtilen hakiari ihlâl
ettii n i,
Göz änünde tutarak,
Bin dokuz yuz ehli sekiz yilu Haziran ayinin yirmi beinci günü ayirum (i ye
meslek) sözlemesi, 1958 adini taiyacak olan aaudaki sozlemeyi kabul eder.
1- Bu sözleme bakimindan "Ayirum" deyimi
Irk, renk, dinsiyet, din, siyasal inanç, ulusal veya sosyal mene
bakimindan yapilan i veya meslek edinmede veya edinilen i veya meslekte
tabi olunacak muamelede eitIii yok edici veya bozucu etkisi clan her türlü
ayrilik gozetme, ayri tutma veya üstün tutmayl,
lgili üye, memleketin, varsa temsilci, içi ye iveren teekkülleri ye
difler ilgili makamlarla itiare etmek suretiyle tesbit edecei, meslek veya i
edinmede veya edilen iç veya meslekte tabi olunacak muamelede eitlii yok
edici veya bozucu etkisi clan bQtün dier ayrulik gäzetme, ayri tutma veya
üstün tutmayt,
Ifade eder.
2- Belirli bir i için, c iin mahiyeti icabi yapilan, herhangi bir ayrulik gözetme,
ayri tutma veya üstün tutma ayirim sayilmaz.
Bu sözleme bakimindan "I" ye "Meslek" terimieri, mesleki eitime,
bir ie ye ceitii mesiekiere girmeyi ye caiima §artlarrnl kapsar.
Bu sözlemenin yururiukte buiunduu üye memleketier, ulusal §artiara
ye tatbikata uygun metodlarla; bu söz!emede ele alinan anlamda her türiü
ayirimt ortadan kaldirmak maksadiyie i veya meslek edinmde ye ecflniien i
veya mesiekte tabi olunacak muamelede eitfli gelitirmeyi hedef tutan mliii
bir politika tesbit ye takip etmeyl taahhUt eder.
Bu sözlemenin yurüriükte buiunduu uye memieketler, uiusal §artiara
ye tatbikata uygun metodlarla,
Sözü edilen poutikanin kabulünü ye uyguianmasini tevik içiri içi ye
iveren teekküIleri ye dier iigili teekküllerin ibirIiini temine gayret etmeyi,
Bu politikanin kabulüne ye uygulanmasini salayacak kanuniar kabul
ye eitim programlarini tevik etmeyi,
Bu politika lie badamayan her türiü kanuni hükümieri kaidirmayl ye
idari taiimat ye tatbikati detirmeyL
Bu poiitikayi istihdam konusunda mliii bir makamin dorudan doruya
kontroiü aitinda takip etmeyi,
Bu politikanin mesiee yoneitme, mesieki eitim, i ye içi buima
hizmetierinde, mliii bir makamin sevki idaresinde uygulanmasini temin etmeyi,
Sözlemenin uygulanmasi lie ilgili yiilik raporiarinda bu politikanin
uygulanmasi konusunda alinan tedbirleri, ye bu tedbirier yoiuyla eide edilen
sonuçlari belirtmeyi; taahhüt eder.
Devietin güvenhiine halel getiren faaiiyetierden ätürü muhik sebeplerle
zanii buiunan veya bu faaliyetiere girien bir §ahts hakkinda alinan tedbirler,
ilgili kiinin mliii tatbikata uygun olarak kuruimu oian yetkili bir makama ba
vurmu hakki sakit kaimak §artiyle, ayirim sayilmaz.
Milletierarasi çaiima Konferansinca kabul ediimi clan dier sôzieme
veya tavsiyeierle öngôruImü bulunan äzei koruma ye yardim tedbirieri ayirim
Herhangi bir uye, varsa temsilci, iveren ye içi teekkUlieriyle yapilacak
gorumeden sonra cinsiyet, ya, sakatlik, aiie sorumlulukiari veya sosyal ye
küitUrel durumiari doiayisiyla, äzel §ekiide korunma veya yardim ihtiyacinda
oldukiari genel olarak kabul ediimi bulunan kimseierin özei ihtiyaçiarini
kariiamak amacini guden ôzel tedbirlerin ayirim sayiimayacaina karar verebilir.
Bu Sôziemeyi onayan üye memIeketier,Sözieme hUkümierini,
Milietierarasi çaiima Tekiiati Anayasasi hükümieri uyarinca, Anavatan dii
üikelerine uyguIanacaini taahhUt eder.
Bu Säzieme kesin onama beigeieri tescil edlimek üzere, Milletlerarasi
caIima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne gänderiiir.
Bu Sôzieme, ancak onama belgesi Milletierarasi 9aIima Bürosu Genel
Müdürü tarafindan tescil ediimi oian Miiletierarasi çahma Tekiiati uyeierini
SözIeme, iki uyenin onama belgelerinin Genel Müdür tarafindan tescil
inden itibaren 12 ay sonra yürürlQe girer.
Bundan sonra, bu SözIeme, her Uye hakkinda, kendisinin onama
belgesinin tescilinden itibaren oniki ay gecince yürUrIüe girer.
Bu Soziemeyi onayan üye memleketler, sOzIemenin ilk yürüriüe
giri tarihinden itibaren on yil geçtikten sonra, Milletierarasi çaIima Bürosu
Genel Müdürune yollayarak tescil ettirecekieri bir ihbarname lie onamayi
feshedebiiir. Fesih, tescii tarihinden itibaren bir yil sonra yürür1üe girer
Bu SözIemeyi onayan yukaridaki fikrada sozU edilen on yiilik devrenin
bitiminden itibaren bir yil içinde, bu madde gereince kendisirie taninan fesih
hakkini kullanmayan üye memleketier yeniden on yiliik bir devre 1cm balaniriar
ye bundan sonra bu sözlemeyi, her on ytilik devre sonunda, bu maddede
öngorulen §artlaria feshedebilirler.
Milletierarasi çaIrma Bürosu Genel Müdürü, Tekilat üyeieri tarafindan
kendisine bildirilen bütün onamaiann ye feslh ihbariarinin tescilini, Mitletierarasi
cahma TekiIatinin bütün üyelerine tebU eder.
Milietlerarasi QaIima Bürosu Genel Müdürü kendisine gönderiien ikinci
onama belgesinin tescilini, tekilat üyelerine tebii ederken, bu säzlemenin
yururlUe girecei tarih hakkinda Tekiiat üyelerinin dikkatini çeker.
Milletlerarasi çaIima BUrosu Genel Müdürü, yukaridaki maddeierin
hükümleri gereince, tescil ettii bütQn onama ye fesih ihbarlarina alt her
türlü bilgiyi Birlemi Milletler Antlamasinin 102 nci maddesi uyarinca tescil
edilmek üzere, BirIemi Milletler Genel Sekreterine gönderir.
Mi4DDE 12
Milletlerarasi caligma BUrosu Yänetim Kurulu IUzum garecei zamanlarda
Genel Konferansa bu sözIemenin uygulanmasi hakkinda bir rapor sunar ye
säzIemenin tamamen veya kismen deitirilmesi konusunun konferans
gundemine konulup konulmamasi Iüzumunu inceler.
1. Konferansin bu Säziemeyi tamamen veya kismen detiren yeni bir
sözieme kabul etmesi ye yeni sozlemede aksine hüküm olmamasi halinde;
Deiik yeni sözIemenin bir uye tarafindan onanmasi, yukaridaki 9
uncu madde hükümleri nazara alinmaksizin, deiik yeni säzlemenin yurüriUe
girmi olmasi kayit ye §artiyle lie bu sôzlemenin derhal ye dorudan doruya
feshini tazammun edecektir.
Deik yeni säzIemenin yurürIue girmesi tarihinden itbaren bu
sôzIeme Uyeierin oriamasina açik bir sözIeme olmaktari cikar.
2. Bu Sözleme onu onayip da deiik säzlemeyi onamami bulunan
Uyeler 1cm, §imdiki §ekil ye muhtevasiile muteber olmakta devam eder.
Convention No. 111
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Forty-second Session on 4 June
1958, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
discrimination in the field of employment and occupation, which is the fourth
item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention, and
Considering that the Declaration of Philadelphia affirms that all human
beings, irrespective of race, creed or sex, have the right to pursue both their
material well-being and their spiritual development in conditions of freedom
and dignity, of economic security and equal opportunity, and
Considering further that discrimination constitutes a violation of
rights enunciated by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
adopts this twenty-fifth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight the following Convention, which may be cited as the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958:
Article 1
1. For the purpose of this Convention the term "discrimination" includesany distinction, exclusion or preference made on the basis of race,
colour, sex, religion, political opinion, national: extraction or social origin, which
has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment in
employment or occupation;
such other distinction, exclusion or preference which has the effect of
nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment in employment or
occupation as may be determined by the Member concerned after consultation with representative employers and workers organisations, where such
exist, and with other appropriate bodies.
2. Any distinction, exclusion or preference in respect of a particular job
based on the inherent requirements thereof shall not be deemed to be discri m ination.
3. For the purpose of this Convention the terms "employment" and "occupation" include access to vocational training, access to employment and to
particular occupations, and terms and conditions of employment.
Article 2
Each Member for which this Convention is in force undertakes to declare
and pursue a national policy designed to promote, by methods appropriate to
national conditions and practice; equality of opporiunity and treatment in respect of employment and occupation, with a view to eliminating any discrimination in respect thereof.
Article 3
Each Member for which this Convention is in force undertakes, by methods appropriate to national conditions and practiceto seek the co-operation of employers and workers organisations and
other appropriate bodies in promoting the acceptance and observance of
this policy;
to enact such legislation and to promote such educational
programmes as may be calculated to secure the acceptance and observance
of the policy;
to repeal any statutory provisions and modify any administrative instructions or practices which are inconsistent with the policy;
to pursue the policy in respect of employment under the direct control of a national authority;
to ensure observance of the policy in the activities of vocational guid-
ance, vocational training and placement services under the direction of a
national authority;
to indicate in its annual reports on the application of the Convention
the action taken in pursuance of the policy and the results secured by such
Article 4
Any measures affecting an individual who is justifiably suspected of, or
engaged in, activities prejudicial to the security of the State shall not be deemed
to be discrimination, provided that the individual concerned shall have the
right to appeal to a competent body established in accordance with national
Article 5
I. Special measures of protection or assistance provided for in other Conventions or Recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference shall not be deemed to be discrimination.
2. Any Member may, after consultation with representative employers
and workers organisations, where such exist, determine that other special
measures designed to meet the particular requirements of persons who, for
reasons such as sex, age, disablement, family responsibilities or social or cultural status, are generally recognised to require special protection or assis321
tance, shall not be deemed to be discrimination.
Article 6
Each Member which ratifies this Convention undertakes to apply it to
non-metropolitan territories in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation.
Article 7
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 8
This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with the
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director- General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 9
I. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding par agraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce thia Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 10
I. The Director-General of the International l,abour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the
2. When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 11
The Director-General of 'the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations lull particulars of all
ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 12
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 13
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this
Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise
providesthe ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 9 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 14
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
ILO Kabul Tarihi
:1 Haziran 1960
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisu
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisu
: 7. 3. 1968 / 1033
: 23. 3. 1968 / 12856
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisu : 2. 7. 1968/6-12959
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi : 25. 7. 1968 / 12959
Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu tarafindan Cenevre'de
toplantiya davet edilerek orada, 1 Haziran 1960 tarihinde kirkdärdUncü
toplantisinu yapan
Milletlerarasi çahma Tekilati Genel Konferansi,
Toplantu gundeminin dördüncU maddesini tekH eden, içcilerin iyonizan
radyasyonlara kari kcrunmasiyla ilgili çeitli tekliflerin kabulüne,
Bu tekllflerin bir Milletlerarasu Säzleme §eklini almasina karar verdikten
BindokuzyQzaltmi Haziran ayinin ibu yirmi ikinci gunO radyasyonlara
kari korunmaya dair 1960 SOzlemesi çeklinde adlandirtlacak olari açaudaki
Sozlemeyi kabul eder:
Ibu Sazlemeyi onaylayan Milletlerarasi Qalima Tekilatinin her uyesi,
onu mevzuat yoluyla, tatbikata alt usul ye kaideler veya dier münasip tedbirlerle
uygulamayi taahhUt eder. Bu säzleme hükümlerinin uygulama alanuna
konulmasinda yetkili makam içi ye iveren temsilcilerlyle istiarede bulunacaktir.
M,4DDE 2
Bu sözleme, içilerin çalimalaru sirasinda iyonizan radyasyonlara
maruz kalmalarina sebep clan bütün laaliyetler hakkinda uygulanir.
Maruz katinabilecek iycnizan radyasyon dozlarinin zayif olmasu
sebebiyle, sözlemenin uygulama alanina konulmasini salamak amaciyla 1.
maddede ôngorülmu olan usullerden bin yoluyla sözleme hükUmleninden
istisna edilecek olan mühUrlü veya mühürsüz radyoaktif maddeler ye lyonizan
radyasyon nereden cihaziar hakkinda bu Sözleme uygulanmaz.
1- Bilgi alanunda kaydedilen gelimelerin
u altinda, içilerin salik ye
emniyetleri bakimindan iyonizan radyasyonlara kari etkili bir §ekilde
korunmasini salamak maksadiye munasip her türlü tedbir alinacaktir.
Bu maksada uygun, gerekil usul ye kaidelerle tedbirler kabul edilecek
ye etkili bir korunma saIanabilmesi 1cm, zaruri olan bilgiler istifadeye açik
Bu §ekflde etkili bir korunma 1cm:
SözIemenin bir üye tarafindan onaylanmasindan sonra içilerin iyonizan
radyasyonlara kari korunmasi 1cm alrnan tedbirler, sözleme hükümlerine
uygun olacaktir.
Sözkonusu uye, Sôzemenin onaylanmasindan once aImi bulunduu
tedbirleri, sözleme hükQmleriyle uygunluk temin etmek maksadiyla mumkün
clan en kisa bir zamanda deitirecek ye onaylanmadan Once mevcut olan
dier tedbirlerin de ayni istikamette detirilmesini tevik edecektir.
C) Sözkonusu uye, Sozlemenin onaylanmasi sirasinda, Milletlerarasi
çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne, Sözleme hUkümlerinin ne §ekilde ye hangi
kategorideki içiIere uygulandiini gOsteren bir bildirge gOnderecek ye
sOzIemenin uygulanmasi hakkindaki raporlarinda bu konuda elde edilen
geIimeyi belirtecektir.
d) Milletlerarasi çaliçma Bürosu Yänetim Kurulu, bu SOzlemenin ilk
yururlUe girmesind.en itibaren üç senelik bir müddet sonunda Konferansa bu
paragrafin (b) fikrasinin uygulanmasiyla ilgiH ye bu hususta alinacak tedbirler
bakimindan uygun gOrdüu teklifleri ihtiva eden özel bir rapor sunacaktir.
2 nd maddede sOzU edilen faaliyetler, Sözlemenin ibu kisminda
ongorülen korunmayi salayacak tarzda tanzim ye bra edilmelidir.
Içilerin lyonizan radyasyonlara maruz kalilarinin mümkün olan en asgari
her türlü gayret sarfedilmeli ye fuzuli clan her türlü rnaruz
kalilar bütün ilgili taraflarca önlenmelidir.
hadde irdirilmesi 1cm
çeitli kategorilerdeki içiler 1cm organizma dii veya içi kaynakiardan
gelebilecek byonizan radyasyonlarin tecvbz edilebilir azami dozlari ye
organizmaya girmesine cevaz yerilebilecek radyoaktif maddelerin azami
miktarlari, ibu SOzlemenin 1 mci kismina uygun olarak tesbit edilecektir.
Tecviz edilen bu azami doz ye miktarlar, yeni bilgilerin içinda, devamli
§ekilde yeniden bncelemeye tabi tutulacaktir.
1- Dorudan doruya radyasyon iIerinde çalian ye;
18 ye daha yukari yata,
18 yaindan kücük alan iciIer için uygun seviyeler, 6 nci madde
hükümlerine uygun olarak tesbit edilmelidir.
2- 16 yaindan kuçuk alan hiç bir içi lyonizan radyasyonlara sebep olan
ilerde caIitirilmamandir.
Dorudan doruya radyasyori
lerinde çalimayan fakat iyonizan
radyasyonlara veya radyoaktif maddelere maruz kalmalari ihtimali bulunan
mahallerde kalan ye bu mahauerden geçen içiler için uygun seviyeler 6. madde
hükümleri gereince tesbit edumelidir.
lyonizan radyasyonlardan hen gelen tehlikelerin mevcudiyetini
gôstermek Uzere, uygun bir tehilke iaretinden faydaIanimaIidir. Bu konuda
gerekli görulen her tUrlü bilgi içilere verilmelidir.
Dorudan doruya radyasyori içlerinde cahan bütün içilere, bu iIerde
çaIitiriImadan änce veya çalitirildikIari sirada, guvenhikleri ye sihhatlerinin
korunmasi için alinacak ihtiyat tedbirleri ye bu tedbirlerin alinmasini gerektiren
sebepler hakkinda lazim geldii ekUde bilgi verilmelidir.
Mevzuat içiIerin çalimaIari sirasinda iyonizani radyasyonlara maruz
kalmalarini intaç eden ileri ibu mevzuat tarafindan tesbit olunacak usuller
dairesinde belirtilmelidir.
Tesbit edilen seviyelere riayet edUip ediImediinin dorulanmasi amaciyla,
içiterin iyonizan radyasyonlara ye radyoaktif maddelere ne dereceye kadar
maruz kaldikiarini tayin etmek üzere içHere ye iyerleri lazim geldii §ekilde
kontrole tabi tutulmalidir.
Dorudan doruya radyasyon ilerinde çaIian bUtUn iççiler, bu iIerde
çaIimadan änce veya çalimaya baIadiktan kisa bir zaman sonra saIik
muayenesine tabi tutulmali ye bundan sonra münasip aratikiarla bu salik
muayenelerinden gecirilmelidir.
yonizan radyasyona maruz kalmanin nitelik veya derecesi ye ya her ikisi
sebeblyle, hangi hallerde aaidaki tedbirlerin sUratle alinmasi icap edecei 1.
maddede öngãrül-en sözlemenin yürütümünün salayici uygulama
metodlarindan bin yoluyia belirtitecektir:
Ici münasip bir sa1ik muayenesine tabi tutuimalidir;
iveren yetkili makam tarafindan veriien talimata uygun olarak bu
makama tevdieten haber vermelidir,
C) Radyasyonlara kari korunma konusunda yetkfli §ahislar, içinin iini
hangi §artiar aitinda yaptiini incelemelidir;
d) Iveren, teknik müahedeiere ye tibbi goruiere dayanan düzeltici
iüzumlu bütQn tedbirleri almalidir.
Hiçbir içi, yetkili tibbi gorue aykini olarak iyonizan radyasyoniara maruz
kalmasini gerektirebilecek ilerde çaiitirilmamaIi veya çalitiri1maya devam
Bu sozlemeyi onaylayan her Uye, sözleme hükümlerinin uygulanmasini
denetleme amaciyia munasip tefti hizmetleri salamayi veya yeteri kadar bu
teftiin saianmI olup olmadtini aratirmayi, taahhüt eder.
Bu sözlemenin kesin onaylama belgeleri Milletlerarasi çaiima Bürosu
Genel MüdUrlüüne gonderilecek ye onun tarafindan tescil edilecektir.
Bu Sôzieme ancak onaylama belgeleri Genel Müdür tarafindari tescil
clan Milletierarasi caiima Tekiiati uyeierini balayacaktir.
Bu Sözleme, iki Uyenin onaylama beigesi Genel MüdQr tarafindan
tescil ediidii tarihten oniki ay sonra yururiue girecektir.
Daha sonra bu säzieme, onu onaylayan her uye için onaylama belgesi
tescil edildii tarihten oniki ay sonra yurürlue girecektir.
Bu säzlemeyi onayiayan her üye onu, ilk yururlüe girdii tarihden
itibaren be yillik bir devre sonunda Milletierarasi calima Bürosu Genel
MQdürüne gonderecei ye bu MüdUrOn tescil edecei bir beige ile feshedebiiir.
Fesih, tescil tarihinden ancak bir yil sonra muteber olacaktir.
Bu säzIemeyi onaylami olari ye bundan ewelki fikrada säzU edilen
be yillrk devrenin bitiminden itibaren bir yil zartinda bu madde de ongorulen
fesih hakkini kullanmayan üye yenideri 5 ytllik bir müddet 1cm baIanmi
olacaktir. Ve daha sonra bu Säzlemeyi, her be ylIlik devrenin bitiminde bu
madde ongarulen §artlar altinda feshedilebilecektir.
MiUetlerarasi çaIima Bürosu Gen& MUdür0, Milletlerarasi çaIima
TekiIati Uyeleri tarafindan kendisine bildirilen bütün onaylama ye fesihlerin
tescil olduunu TekiIatin bütün üyelerine bildirecektir.
Gene! Müdür kendisine gonderilen SözIemenin ikinci onaylama
belgesinin fesih olduunu tekilat üyelerine bildirirken, bu SäzIemenin
yürürlüe girecei tarih hakkinda tekiIat üyelerinin dikkatini çekecektir.
Milletlerarasi Qahma Bürosu Gene! Müdürü yukaridaki maddelere uygun
olarak tescil etmi olduu bütün onaylamalara ye fesHhlere dair tam bilgUeri
Birlemi Milletler AntIamasinin 202 nd maddesine uygun olarak tescil edilmek
üzere, BirIeçmi
MiHetler Gene! Sekreterine uIatiracaktir.
Milletlerarasi Qalima BUrosu Yärietim Kurulu gerekli görduu her
seferinde, bu Sözlemenin uygulanmasi hakkindaki bir raporu gen& konferansa
sunacak ye onun tamamen veya kismen deitirilmesi meselesinin konferans
gündemine alinmasi Iüzumu hakkinda karar verecektir.
1. Konferansin bu Sözlemeyi tamamen veya kismen deiçtiren yeni bir
sôzleme kabulu halinde ye yeni sözIeme aksini ängormedii takdirde:
Tadil edici yeni sözIemenin bir uye tarafindan onaylanmasi keytiyeti,
yukaridaki 18 mci madde nazara alinmaksiztn ye tadil edici yeni sôzleçme
yürQrlUe girmi olmak kayit ye §artiyle, bu sözIemenin derhal ye kendiliinden
feshini gerektirecektir.
Tadit edici yeni sözlemenin yUrurlue girmesi tarihinden itbaren bu
sözIeme uyelermn onaylanmasina artik açik bulundurulmayacaktir.
2. Bu SOzteçme, onu onayip da tadil edici säzlemeyi onayIamami
bulunan üyeler için, herhalde §imdiki §ekiI ye muhtevasiile yürUrlOkte olmakta
devam edecektir.
Bu säzIemenin ngilizce ye Fransizca metinleri ayni derecede muteberdir.
Convention No. 115
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the Interna-
tional Labour Office, and having met in its Forty-fourth Session on 1 June
1960, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
the protection of workers against ionising radiations, which is the fourth item
on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this twenty-second day of June of the year one thousand nine
hundred and sixty the following Convention, which may be cited as the Radiation Protection Convention, 1960:
Article 1
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies this
Convention undertakes to give effect thereto by means of laws or regulations,
codes of practice or other appropriate means. In applying the provisions of
the Convention the competent authority shall consult with representatives of
employers and workers.
Article 2
This Convention applies to all activities involving exposure of wQrkers
to ionising radiations in the course of theirwork.
This Convention does not apply to radioactive substances, whether
sealed or unsealed, nor to apparatus generating ionising radiations which
substances or apparatus, owing to the limited doses of ionising radiations
which can be received from them, are exempted from its provisions by one of
the methods of giving effect to the Convention mentioned in Article 1.
Article 3
I. In the light of knowledge available at the time, all apprapriate steps
shall be taken to ensure effective protection of workers, as regards their health
and safety, against ionising radiations.
2. Rules and measures necessary for this purpose shall be adop ted, and
data essential for effective protection shall be made available.
With a view to ensuring such effective protectionmeasures for the protection of workers against ionising radiations
adopted after ratification of the Convention by the Member concerned shall
comply with the provisions thereof;
the Member concerned shall modify, as soon as practicable, measures adopted by it prior to the ratification of the Convention, so as to comply
with the provisions thereof, and shall promote such modifica- tion of other
measures existing at the time of ratification;
the Member concerned shall communicate to the Director-General of
the International Labour Office, when ratifying the Convention, a statement
indicating the manner in which and the categories of workers to which the
provisions of the Convention are applied, and shall indicate in its reports on
the application of the Convention any further progress made in the matter;
at the expiration of three years from the date on which this Convention first enters into force the Governing Body of the International Labour Office shall submit to the Conference a special report concerning the application
of subparagraph (b) of this paragraph and containing such proposals as it
may think appropriate for further action in regard to the matter.
Article 4
The activities reterred to in Article 2 shall be so arranged and conducted
as to afford the protection envisaged in this Part of the Convention.
Article 5
Every effort shall be made to restrict the exposure of workers to ionising
radiations to the lowest practicable level, and any unnecessary exposure shall
be avoided by all parties concerned.
Article 6
Maximum permissible doses of ionising radiations which may be received from sources external to or internal to the body and maximum permissible amounts of radioactive substances which can be taken into the body
shall be fixed in accordance with Part I of this Convention for various categories of workers.
Such maximum permissible doses and amounts shall be kept under
constant review in the light of current knowledge.
Article 7
1. Appropriate levels shall be fixed in accordance with Article 6 for workers who are directly engaged in radiation work and are(a) aged 18 and over;
(b) under the age of 18.
2. No worker uder the age of 16 shall be engaged in work involving
ionising radiations.
Article 8
Appropriate levels shall be fixed in accordance with Article 6 for workers
who are not directly engaged in radiation work, but who remain or pass where
they may be exposed to ionisin,g radiations or radioactive substances.
Article 9
Appropriate warnings shall be used to indicate the presence of hazards from ionising radiations. Any information necessary in this connection
shall be supplied to the workers.
All workers directly engaged in radiation work shall be adequately
instructed, before and during such employment, in the precautions to be taken
for their protection, as regards their health and safety, and the reasons therefor.
Article 10
Laws or regulations shall require the notification in a manner prescribed
thereby of work involving exposure of workers to ionising radiations in the
course of their work.
Article 11
Appropriate monitoring of workers and places of work shall be carried
out in order to measure the exposure of workers to ionising radiations and
radioactive substances, with a view to ascertaining that the applicable levels
are respected.
Article 12
All workers directly engaged in radiation work shall undergo an appropri-
ate medical examination prior to or shortly after taking up such work and
subsequently undergo further medical examinations at appropriate intervals.
Article 13
Circumstances shall be specified, by one of the methods of giving effect
to the Convention mentioned in Article I, in which, because of the nature or
degree of the exposure or a combination of both, the following action shall be
taken promptly
the worker shall undergo an appropriate medical examination
the employer shall notify the competent authority in accordance with
its requirements;
persons competent in radiation protection shall examine the conditions in which the worker's duties are performed;
the employer shall take any necessary remedial action on the basis of
the technical findings and the medical advice.
Article 14
No worker shall be employed or shall continue to be employed in work
by reason of which the worker could be subject to exposure to ionising radiations contrary to qualified medical advice.
Article 15
Each Member which ratifies this Convention undertakes to provide appropriate inspection services for the purpose of supervising the application of
its provisions, or to satisfy itself that appropriate inspection is carried out.
Article 16
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 17
I. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organ isation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director- General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall cominto force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 18
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of five years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of five years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of five years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of five years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 19
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Orga.nisation of the registration of all
ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the
When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members Of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 20
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 21
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 22
I. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise providesthe ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, not- withstanding
the provisions of Article 18 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 23
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
The foregoing is the authentic text of the Convention duly adopted by the
General Conference of the International Labour Organisation during its Fortyfourth Session which has held at Geneva and decliared closed the twenty-third
day of June 1960.
ILO Kabul Tarihi
: 7 Haziran 1961
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisu
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 4. 5. 1967 / 862
:13. 5. 1967 I 12597
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi : 28. 6. 1968/6-10267
Resmi Gazete Yayum Tarihi ye Sayusi
: 28. 8. 1968 / 12988
SözlemeIerin uygulanmasiyle ilgili Milletlerarasi calima BUrosu
Yönetim Kurulu tarafindan hazirlanacak raporlara dair hükümlerin
yeknesak hale getirilmesi amactyla Milletlerarasi calima Tekilati
Genel Konferansinin ilk otuziki toplanti döneminde kabul edilen
Sözlemelerin kismen deitirilmesi hakkinda Sözleme
Milietlerarasi çaliçma Bürosu Yönetim Kuruiu tarafindan Cenevre'de
topiantiya çairrlarak orada 7 Haziran 1961 tarihinde 45 nd toplantisini yapan,
Milletierarasi çaiiçma Tekilati Genei Konferansi,
Sözlemelerin uyguianmast lie ilgili olarak Milletierarasi calima Bürosu
Yönetim Kurulu tarafindan hazirinacak raporlara dair hUkümlerin yeknesak
hale getirilmesi amaciyia Miiletlerarasi çalima Tekilati Genel Konferansinin
ilk otuz iki toplanti döneminde kabul edlien sözlemeierin kismen detiriimesi
hakkindaki tekilfierin kabuiünü kararIatirdaktan sonra;
Bu tekilfierin bir milletlerarasi Sözleme §eklini aimasi gerektii hususunu
nazan itibare alarak,
Bin dokuz atmi bir yiiinin Haziran ayinin yirmi altinci gUnü, son maddelerin
detiriimesine dair 1961 Söziemesi §ekiinde adiandirilacak olan aaidaki
Söziemeyi kabul eder:
Miiletierarasi çalima Konferansi tarafindan ilk otuziki toplanti döneminde
kabul ediimi olan SOzIemeierin metinlerindeki, sôziemelerin uygulanmasi
hakkinda Milletierarasi çaiima Bürosu Yönetim kurulu tarafindan Genel
Konferansa bir rapor sunuimasini ängoren son madde kaldiriiarak yerine
aaidaki madde ikame olunacaktir:
"Milletlerarasi Qalima Bürosu Yörietim Kurulu, Iüzum gordukçe ibu
Sôzlemenin uyguianmasi hakkinda genel Konferansa bir rapor sunulmasini
ye Söziemenin tamamen veya kismen detirilmesi konusunun Konferans
gundemine alinmasi gerekip gerekmediini inceieyecektir."
Konferans tarafindan ilk otuz iki toplanti dönemi sirasinda kabul edilmi
alan bir Soziemeye alt kesin onama beigesini ibu SözIemenin yururlue
giri tarihinden sonra Milletierarasi çaiima BOrosu Genel MüdOrUne bildiren
TekiIatin her Uyesi a säzlemeyi, ibu sazlemeyle deitirilmi §ekliyle
Ibu Sôzlemenin iki nüshasi Konferans Bakani ye Milletlerarasi QaIima
Bürosu Genel MüdUrü tarafindan imza edilecektir. Bu nUshalardan bin
Milletlerarasi Qalima Bürosu arivine tevdi edilecek dieri, ise, Birlemiç Milletler
Antlamasinin 102. maddesi uyarinca tescil edilmek üzere Birlemi Milletler
Genel Sekreterine gonderUecektir, Genel Müdür, ibu Sôztemenin onayli birer
örneini Milletlerarasi çalima Tekilati Oyelerine gonderecektir.
1- jbu Sozlemeye ait kesin onaylama belgeleri, Mitletlerarasi caliçma
BOrosu Genel müdOrüne gonderilecektir.
Ibu Sözleme, Miuetlerarasi çalima Tekilatinin iki uyesinin onaylama
belgelerinin. Genel Müdür, tarafiridan alindii tarihte yururlue girer.
Milletlerarasi calima Bürosu Geriel Müdürü Ibu sözleme yururIue
girecektir girmez ye yeni onaylama belgelerini alir almaz durumdan MiUetlerarasi
calima Tekilatinin bütün Uyeleririi ye Birlemi Milletier Genel Sekreterini
haberdar edecektir.
4- Bu Sozlemeyi onaylayan tekilatin her uyesi, konferansin ilk otuziki
toplanti dOneminde kabul olunan sözlemeler gereince, bu Sözlemelerde
tesbit edilmi aralikiarla, söz konusu sözlemelerden her birinin uygulanmasi
hakkinda konferarisa bir rapor sunmasi ye bu sözlemelerin tamamen veya
kismen deitiriimesi konusunun konferans gundemine alirimasi gerekip
gerekmeyeceini incelemesi yänünüden Yänetim Kuruluna tahmii edilen
mukellefiyetin yerine bu sözlemenin ilk yururIue giri tarihinden itibaren
yukanda 1 mci maddede zikredilen deiik hükmün kaim oIduunu kabul eden.
Ibu Sôzlemenin bir üye tarafindan onaylanmasi, Koriferansin, ilk otuz
iki dônemi sirasinda kabul etmi olduu Sôzlemelerden her hangi birinde
mevcut herhangi bir hükmi nazara alinmaksizin, o sOzlemenin kendiIiinden
münfesih olmasirii gerektirmeyecek ye içbu säzlemenin yurürlüe girmesi, o
sözlemeni n yeni olaylara kapanmasi sonucunu dourmayacaktir.
1. Konferansin ibu Soziemeyi tamamen veya kismen deitinen yeni bir
säzleme kabul ederse yeni sOzlemede aksine bir hüküm bulunmadikca:
Deik yeni sozleçmenin Tekilatin bir uyesi tarafiridan onaylamasi,
yeni söziemenin yurunlQe girmi olmasi kayit ye çartr lie, ibu sOzlemenin
kendiliinden münfesih sayilmasini genektirecektir;
Deiik yeni sözlemenin yurQriue girdii tanihden itbanen
sözieme uyelermn onayina artik acik bulundurulmayacaktir.
2. Ibu Säzleme, onu onami fakat deOiik sOziemeyi onayiamami
bulunan uyeier için, herhaide §imdiki §ekil ye muhtevasiyia yururlukte kalmaya
devam edecektir.
Ibu Säzlemenin Fransizca ye Ingilizce nOshalari ayni derecede
Convention No. 116
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Forty-fifth Sessian on 7 June 1961,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposats with regard to
the partial revision of the Conventions adopted by the General Conference of
the International Labour Organisation at its first thirty-two sessions for the purpose of standardising the provisions regarding the preparation of reports by
the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the working of Conventions, and
Considering that these proposals must take the form of an international
adopts this twenty-sixth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-one the following Convention, which may be cited as the Final
Articles Revision Convention, 1961:
Article 1
In the texts of the Conventions adopted by the International Labour Conference in the course of its first thirty-two sessions, the Final Article providing
for the presentation by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office
to the General Conference of a report on the working of the Convention shall
be omitted and the following article shall be substituted for it:
"At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report
on the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing
on the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in
Article 2
Any Member of the Organisation which, after the date of the coming into
force of this Convention, communicates to the Director-General of the International Labour Office its formal ratification of any Convention adopted by the
Conference in the course of its first thirty-two sessions shall be deemed to
have ratified that Convention as modified by this Convention.
Two copies of this Convention shall be authenticated by the signature of
the President of the Conference and of the Director-General of the International Labour Office. Of these copies one shall be deposited in the archives of
the International Labour Office and the other shall be communicated to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with
article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations. The Director-General shall
communicate a certified copy of this Convention to each of the Members of
the International Labour Organisation.
Article 4
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to
the Director-General of the International Labour Office.
This Convention shall come into force at the date on which the ratifications of two Members of the International Labour Organisation have been received by the Director-General.
On the coming into force of this Convention and on the subsequent
receipt of. further ratifications of the Convention, the Director-General of the
International Labour Office shall so notify all the Members of the International
Labour Organisation and the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Each Member of the Organisation which ratifies this Convention thereby
recognises that the obligation of the Governing Body under Conventions
adopted by the Conference at its first thirty-two sessions to present to the
Conference at the intervals prescribed thereby a report on the working of each
Convention and to examine at such intervals the desirability of placing on the
agenda of the Conference the question of the revision of the Convention in
whole or in part was replaced as from the first coming into force of this Convention by the provisions of the modified article set forth in Article 1 of this
Article 5
Notwithstanding anything contained in any of the Conventions adopted
by the Conference in the course of its first thirty-two sessions the ratification of
this Convention by a Member shall not ipso jure involve the denunciation of
any such Convention, nor shall the entry into force of this Convention close
any such Convention to further ratification.
Article 6
I. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise providesthe ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the denunciation of this Convention if and when the new revising
Convention shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into forceS
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratifIed it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 7
The English and French versions of the Convention are equally authoritative.
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
28 Haziran 1962
: 19. 7. 1971 / 1453
10. 8. 1971 / 13922
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi : 5. 4. 1973 I 7- 6217
: 9. 6. 1973 /14559
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
Milletlerarasi çalima Teki lati Genel Konferansi,
Mifletlerarasi Qalima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulunun daveti üzerine 6 Haziran
1962 tarihinde Cenevre'de yaptii 46. toplantisinda,
Toplanti gundeminin beinci maddesini tekil eden, vatandalarla vatanda
olmayan kimselere sosyal guvenlik konusunda eit muamele yapilmasi
hakkindaki çeitli tekllfieri, kabul ederek,
Bu tekliflerin bir Milletlerarasi sOzleme §ekline gelmesini kararlatirarak,
Yirmi sekiz Haziran bin dokuz yuz atmi iki tarihinde "1962 Sosyal Güvenlik
Eit Muamele Sözlemesi" olarak adlandirilacak olan aaidaki sozlemeyi kabul
Bu Säzlemede:
"Mevzuat" terimi, sosyal gUverilikle ilgili kanun ye tUzOklerle dier
mevzuat hükumlerini ifade eder;
"Yardimlar" terimi, bUtün gelirler, emeklilik dul - yetim ayliklari, ädenekler
ye dier yardimlarla bunlara yapilan bütün zamlari ye artirmalari içine alir
"Geçici rejimler gereince salanan yardimlar" ibaresi uygulanan
mevzuatin yururlue girdii tarihte belli bir yai ami olan kimselere salanan
yardimlarla bir üyeriin ülkesinin bugunkü sinirlari diinda geçmi olan süreler
veyahut vukua gelmi olaylar nazara alinmak suretiyle, geçici olarak salanan
yardimlari ifade eder.
"Cenaze Yardimi" terimi, ölüm halinde bir defaya mahsus olarak ödenen
paralari ifade eder;
"Ikamet" terimi rnutad ikameti ifade eder;
"Mevzuatla tesbit olunan" terimleri, yukaridaki (a) bendinde belirtilen
milli mevzuatla veya bu mevzuat gereince tespit olunan anlamindadir;
"Mülteci" terimi mültecilerin statüsü hakkindaki 28 1-laziran 1961 tarihli
sözlemenin birinci maddesinde bu terime verilen anlamdadir,
h) "Vatansiz" terimi, vatansizlarin statüsü hakkindaki 28 Eylül 1954 tarihli
sözlemenn birinci maddesinde bu terime verilen anlamdadir.
1- Her uye, bu sözlemede yazili mukellefiyetleri, ülkesinde kendi
vatandalan hakkinda fillen uygulanmakta olan aaida yazili sosyal guvenlik
dallarindan bin veya birkaçi bakimindan kabul edebilir:
Salik yardimlari,
Hastalik ödenekleri,
Analik yardimlari,
MalUllQk yardimlari,
Yalilik yardimlari,
Olüm yardimlari,
kazalari ye meslek hastalikiari yardimlani,
Isizlik yardimlari,
I) Aile yardimlari,
2- Bu sozlemeyi uygulayan her Uye, Sözlemenin hükümlerini, sazleme
mukellefiyetlerini kabul ettii sosyal guvenlik dallari bakimindan uygular.
3- Her üye, hangi sosyal gUvenlik dali veya dallari için bu sOzleme
mukellefiyetlerini kabul ettiini tasdik belgesinde belirtir.
4- Bu sozlemeyi tasdik eden her uye, tasdik belgesinde beflrtilmemi
olan sosyal guvenhik dallarindan bir veya birkaçi için säzleme mUkellefiyetlerini
kabul ettiini, sonradan Milletlerarasi Qalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne
5- Yukanidaki fikrada ãngorulen §eklindeki taahhütler tasdikin ayrilrnaz
parçasi sayilir ye bildirildii tarihten itibaren hüküm ifade eder.
6- Bu sözlemenin uygulanmasinda herhangi bir sosyal guvenlik dali 1cm
säzleme mükellefiyetlerini kabul eden her üye, kendi mevzuatina gäre, aaida
yazili yardimlar mahiyetinde kabul etLii yardimlar varsa, Bulari Millel:lerarasi
çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne bildirir.
Ya korunan kimselerle bunlarin iverenlerinin finansmana dcrudan
doruya katilmalari veya bin meslekte belli bir sure kadar çalimi olma artIarina
bali olarak salanan yardimlar diindaki yardimlar;
Geçici rejimler gereince salanan yardimlar.
7- Yukaridaki fikra gereince yapilacak bildirme ya sözlemenin orianmasi
sirasinda veya bu maddeniri 4 üncü fikrasi gereince yapilacak bildiri sirasinda,
sonradan yürUrlue giren bu mevzuat bahis konusu olduu takdirde de bu
mevzuatiri kabul edildii tarihten itibaren üç ay içinde yapilir.
1- Bu sôzIemeyi uygulayan her Uye, sôzleme mukellefiyetlenin kabul
ettiOl sosyal gUvenlik dallarinda, ülkesinde, bu sOzIemeyi uygulayan dier
üye Devietler vatandalarina, sosyal guvenUe tabi olma ye yardimlardan
yararlanmaa hak kazanma bakimlarindan, kendi vatandalariyle lie eit ilem
OIüm yardimlari bahis konusu olduunda, eit ilem, sozlemeyi tasdik
eden dier bir üye deviet vatandainin hak sahibi kimselerine bu kimselerin
vatandaçlik durumuna bakilmaksizin salanir.
u kadar ki, uye herhangi bir sosyal guvenhik dalinda bir mevzuata
sahip olmakia beraber bu mevzuatin uygularimasinda o üyenin vatandalarina
kendi vatandalariy!a eit iIem yapmayan dier bir Oye devletin vatandalari
hakkinda, saz konusu sosyal guvenhik dali bakimindan bu maddenin yukaridaki
fikralari hUkümlerini uygulamaya bilir.
1- Yardimlardan yararlanma bakimindan eit muamele, ikamet §artlna bali
olmaksizin salanir. u kadar ki, dier bir üye devietin mevzuatina gore, belli
bir sosyal guvenhik dalinda yardimlardan yararlanmak 1cm o üyenin ülkesinde
ikame §arti bulunduu takdirde, o üye deviet vatandalarinin sOz konusu sosyal
güvenhik dali yardimlarindan yararlandirilmalari ikamet çartina balanabilir.
2- Yukaridaki fikra hükmünün istisna olarak, ikinci maddenin 6. (a)
fikrasinda sözu edilen yardimlardan (Salik yardimlari hastalik odernekleri, i
kazalariyle meslek hastalikiari yardimlari ye aile yardimlari haric) yararianabilmek
1cm, ilgilinin Olüm yardimlari bahis konusu oIduunda da Olen kimsenin
mvzuatina gore yardim talep edilen üye devletin ulkesinde açaida yazili
sürelerden daha uzun olmamak Uzere tesbit edilecek bir sOre kadar ikamet
etmiç olmasi §arti konulabilir;
Analik ye isizlik yardimlari 1cm yardim talep tarihinden hemen Once 6
MalüilUk yardimlari 1cm, yardim talep tarihinden, ölOm yardimlari içinde
Olüm tarihinden hemen Once araiiksiz olarak 5 yil,
C) Yalilik yardimlari 1cm 18 yaindan sonra 10 yil, -bu onyilin araliksiz
olarak 5 yilinin yardim talep tarihinden hemen Once olmasi istenebilir.
3- Geçici rejimler gereince salanan yardimlar 1cm özel hükümler
OngOrü lebilir.
4- Yardimlara tekerrOrü Onlemek 1cm gerekli hUkümler, ihtiyaca gOre ilgili
üyeler arasinda özel anlamalarla dOzenlenir.
1- Bu fikrada yazili sosyal gOvenhik dallarindan bin veya birkaçi 1cm bu
sOzleme mukellefiyetlermni kabul eden her Oye 4 üncO madde hükümlenine
ilaveten gerek kendi vatandalari gerekse ayni sosyal guvenlik dali 1cm sOzleçme
mukellefiyetlermni kabul etmi olan dier üye devletler vatanda?arini yabanci
memlekette ikamet etmeleri halindede, malüllük, yalilik, Olüm ye cenaze
yardimlari lie l kazasi ye mesiek hastalii sebeblyle baIanan gelirlerin
ödenmesini 8 mci madde uyarinca ihtiyaca gore alinacak tedbirler mahfuz
oimak kaydiyia temin eder.
u kadar ki, yabanci bir memlekette ikamet halinde ikinci maddenin 6.
a) fikrasinda belirtilen mahiyetteki maiüliük, yaIiIik ye öiUm yardimlarinin
ödenmesi ilgili üyelerin 7 nd madde de Ongaruien, haklann mahfuz tutulmasi
sistemine katilmalari §artina balanabiUr.
Bu madde hükUmleri gecici rejimler gereince salanan yardimlar
hakkinda uyguianamaz.
bu sOzleçme mükeiiefiyetierini kabul eden her üye 4
uncu madde hükümlerine ilaveten gerek kendi vatandaiari gerekse ayni sosyal
guvenhik dali 1cm sozleçme mUkellefiyetierini kabul etmi olan dier üye devietler
vatandaIarinin bu uye devletlerden birmnin Uikesinde ikamet eden çocuklari
dolayislyla çocuk zamlarinin Odenmesini, ilgiii Uyeler arasinda anlamak suretlyle
tesbit edliecek §artlar ye timitler dahilinde temin eder.
Aile yardimiari 1cm
Bu söziemeyi uygulayan uyeler, sOzIeme mukellefiyetlermni kabul
ettikleri sosyal guvenlik dallarinda, kendi mevzuatlari gereince bu söziemeyi
uyguiayan üye devietler vatandaiarinin hak kazandikiari yardimiarla ileride
hak kazanacakiari yardimlari mahfuz tutulmasini saIayan bir sisteme katilmaa,
ilgili uyeler arasinda 8 irici madde hQkümleri uyarinca tesbit olunacak artlar
mahfuz olmak kaydiyla, gayret ederler.
Bu sistem, balica, yardim hakkinin domasi, idamesi ye alinmasi lie
yardim tutarinin hesaplanmasinda sigortalilik, çalima veya ikamet sureleriyle
muadil sürelerin toplanmasini Ongorecektir.
By suretle baIanan rnalQlllük, yalilik ye ölüm yardimlarinin mall yuku
lie ilgili uyeler arasinda aniama suretiyie tesbit edliecek usüllere gore, ya üyeier
arasinda paylatiriIacak veya yardim goren kimse hangi üyenin ülkesinde ikamet
ediyorsa o Uye tarafindan kariianacaktrr.
Bu sOziemeyi uygulayan Qyeler, 5 ye 7 nd maddeler hukumlermnden
doan mukeliefiyetlerini, ya muhacirlerin ayiik hakiarinin mahfuz tutulmasi
hakkindaki 1935 tarihii säzIemeyi tasdik ederek veya kariIikli bir anlama
akdetmek suretlyle o sOzieme hükümierini kendi aralarinda uyguiayarak
veyahut sOz konusu mükellefiyetlerin yerine getirilmesini saiamak üzere
hazirianacak iki veya çok tarafli dier herhangi bir vesika vasitasiyla ifa edebiiirier.
Uyeier araiarinda yapacakiari Ozel anlamalarla, baka uyelermn hak ye
mükeiiefiyetlerine halel geimemek §artiyla ye kazaniImi hakiarla iieride
kazanilacak hakiarin, genel olarak, en az bu sOztemede OngOrülen §artlar
kadar müsait artlarla muhafazasi temin edilmek kaydiyle, bu sOzieme
hukümlerinden ayrilabilirler.
Bu sozleçme hükümteri mültecilerle vatansiziar hakkinda mutekabiliyet
§arti aranmaksizin uygulanir.
Bu sOzleme deviet memurlarini kapsayan Ozel rejimlerle harpten zarar
gOren kimseleri kapsayan Ozel rejimlerie ye sosyal yardim sistemierine
Bu sOzleme hiç bir üyeyi, Milletlerarasi anlamaiar gereince kendi
mliii sosyal guvenlik mevzuatindan hariç tutulmu otan kimseler hakkinda
sOzleme hükümlerini uygulamaya mecbur tutmaz.
Bu sozlemeyi uygulayan uyeler, gerek sôzleme hükümlerinin gerekse
mull sosyal gUvenhik mevzuatlarinin uygulanmasini kolaylatirmak 1cm gerekll
idari yardimlari karilikli ye ücretsiz olarak yaparlar.
Bu sozleçme ilgili uye cm herhangi bir sosyal güvenlik dali bakimindan
yürürIüe girdii tarihteri Once o sosyal gUvenlik daiindan yapilmasi gereken
yardimlar hakkinda uygulanmaz.
Bu söziemenin ilgili Uye 1cm herhangi bir sosyal gQvenhik dali
bakimindan yurürlue girdii tarihten Once vukubuImu olaylar sebebiyle
yururluk tarihinden sonraki sürelere alt olmak üzere o sosyal guvenlik dalindan
yapilmasi gereken yardimlar hakkinda ne §ekilde uygulanacai çok tarafli veya
ikili antlaçmalarla, bu anlamalarin yapimasI halinde de ilguli uyenmn mevzuati
ile tesbit edilir.
Bu sOzleme mevcut sOzlemeIerden herhangi birinin tadili olarak kabul
Bu sözlemeriin tasdik olunduu Milletlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel
MüdürUne bildirilir, o da bunu tescil eder.
Bu SOzIeme, yalniz sözlemeyi tasdik ethkleri Genel Müdür tarafindan
tescil ediImi olan Milletlerarasi çaIima Tekilatina uye devietleri balar.
SOzIeme iki uyenin tasdik etmi olduklarinin Genel Müdür tarafindan
tescil ediIdii tarihten itibaren 12 ay sonra yururIue girer.
Bunu takiben, sOzleme her Uye için, sOzIemeyi tasdik ettiinin tescil
ediidii tarihten itibaren 12 ay sonra yururlue girer.
1- Bu sozlerneyi tasdik etmi olan her uye säzlemenin ilk olarak yQrurIue
girdii tarihten itibaren onyillik bir sOrenin sonunda Milletlerarasi QaIima Bürosu
Genel Müdürüne ganderecei ye Genel Müdür tarafindan tescil edilecek bir
bildiri ile sözlemeyi fesedebilir. Fesih tescil edildii tarihinden itibaren bir yil
sorira muteber olur.
2. Bu säzlemeyi tasdik etmi olan ye bundan bu maddede ongorulen
fesih hakicini yukaridaki fikrada belirtilen on yillik sUrenin sonundan itibaren
bir yil içinde kullanmayan her Uye yerriden on yillik bir devre 1cm baIanmi
olur ye bundan sonra, sozlemeyi her on yillik devrenin sonunda bu maddede
yazili §artlarla, feshedebilir.
Milletlerarasi çaIima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, Teçkilatrn üyeleri tarafindan
kendisine ganderilecek tescil edilen bOtün tastik ye fesih bildirilerini Milletlerarasi
QaIima Tekilatinin bütUn üyelerine haber verir.
Genel MUdür, ikinci tasdik bildirisinin tescil ediIdiini tekilat üyelerine
duyururken, säzlemenin yururlue girecei tarih Ozerine üyelerin dikkatini
Milletlerarasi çaliçma BUrosu Genel MUdQrü, yukaridaki maddelere gäre
tescil edecei bütün tasdik ye fesih bildirileri hakkinda BirIemi Milletler
Antlamasinin 102 nci maddesi gereince tescil olunmak üzere, Birlemi
Milletler Genel Sekreterine tam bilgi verir.
Milletlerarasi çaIima Bürosunun Yônetim Kurulu lüzum görecei
zamanlarda çalima Genel Konferansina bu sôzlemenin uygulanmasi hakkinda
bir rapor verir ye sözIemenin tamaminin veya bir kisminin deitirilmesinin
konferans gundemine alinmasina Iüzum olup oImadiini tetkik eder.
1. Konferansca bu Säzlemenin tamamini veya bir kismini detiren yeni
bir sôzleme kabul edildii ye yeni sözIemede aksine bir hUküm buIunmadi
Yeni sözIeme bir üye tarafindan tasdik edilince, mezkur säzIeme
yUrurlue girmi olmak §arti ile yukaridaki 16 ncr madde hükümlerine
bakilmaksizin bu säzleme derhal ye bütQn hukukiyle feshediImi olur.
Bu sözleme, yeni sözlemenin yururlue girdii tarihten sonra üyelerin
tasdikine acik olmaz.
2. Bu sözleme tasdik eden fakat onu detiren yeni säzlemeyi tasdik
bu sözleme, §ekiI ye muhteva bakimindan, yürürlükte
etmeyen uyeler 1cm
Bu sözlemenin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinleri ayni derecede muteberdir.
Convention No. 118
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisatian,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Forty-sixth Session on 6 June 1962,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
equality of treatment of nationals and non-nationals in social security, which is
the fifth item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this twenty-eighth day of June of the year one thousand nine
hundred and sixty-two the following Convention, which may be cited as the
Equality of Treatment (Social Security) Convention, 1962
Article 1
In this Conventionthe term "legislation" includes any social security rules as well as laws
and regulations;
the term "benefits" refers to all benefits, grants and pensions, including any supplements or increments
the term "benefits granted under transitional schemes" means either
benefits granted to persons who have exceeded a prescribed age at the date
when the legislation applicable came into force, or benefits granted as a transitional measure in consideration of events occurring or periods completed outside the present boundaries of the territory of a Member;
(c) the term "death grant" means any lump sum payable in the event of
the term "residence" means ordinary residence ; the term "prescribed"
means determined by or in virtue of national
legislation as defined in subparagraph (a) above;
the term "refugee" has the meaning assigned to it in Article 1 of the
Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951
(h) the term "stateless person" has the meaning assigned to it in Article 1
of the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons of 28 September
Article 2
I. Each Member may accept the obligations of this Convention in respect
of any one or more of the following branches of social security for which it has
in effective operation legislation covering its own nationals within its own terri-
medical care;
sickness benefit;
maternity benefit
invalidity benefit
old-age benefit;
survivors' benefit;
employment injury benefit
unemployment benefit; and
(I) family benefit.
2. Each Member for which this Convention is in force shall comply with
its provisions in respect of the branch or branches of social security for which
it has accepted the obligations of the Convention.
3. Each Member shall specify in its ratification in respect of which branch
or branches of social security it accepts the obligations of this Convention.
4. Each Member which has ratified this Convention may subsequently
notify the Director-General of the International Labour Office that it accepts the
obligations of the Convention in respect of one or more branches of social
security not already specified in its ratification.
5. The undertakings referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article shall be
deemed to be an integral part of the ratification and to have the force of ratification as from the date of notification.
6. For the purpose of the application of this Convention, each Member accepting the obligations thereof in respect of any branch of social security which has legislation providing for benefits of the type indicated in clause
(a) or (b) below shall communicate to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office a statement indicating the benefits provided for by its legislation
which it considers to bebenefits other than those the grant of which depends either on direct
financial participation by the persons protected or their employer, or on a
qualifying period of occupational activity;or
benefits granted under transitional schemes.
7. The communication referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article shall be
made at the time of ratification or at the time of notification in accordance with
paragraph 4 of this Article; as regards any legislation adopted subsequently,
the communication shall be made within three months of the date of the adoption of such legislation.
Article 3
1. Each Mmber for which this Convention is in force shatl grant within ita
territory to the nationals of any other Member for which ttie Convention is in
force equality of treatment under its legislation with its own nationals, both as
regards coverage and as regards the right to benefits, in respect of every
branch of social security for which it has accepted the obligations of the Convention.
In the case of survivors' benefits, such equality of treatment shall also
be granted to the survivors of the nationals of a Member for which the Convention is in force, irrespective of the nationality of such survivors.
Nothing in the preceding paragraphs of this Article shall require a
Member to apply the provisions of these paragraphs, in respect of the benefits
of a specified branch of social security, to the nationals of another Member
which has legislation relating to that branch but does not grant equality of
treatment in respect thereof to the nationals of the first Member.
Article 4
1. Equality of treatment as regards the grant of benefits shall be accorded
without any condition of residence: Provided that equality of treatment in respect of the benefits of a specified branch of social security may be made
conditional on residence in the case of nationals of any Member the legislation
of which makes the grant of benefits under that branch conditional on residence on its territory.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, the grant
of the benefits referred to in paragraph 6 (a) of Article 2-other than medical
care, sickness benefit, employment injury benefit and family benefit-may be
made subject to the condition that the beneficiary has resided on the territory
of the Member in virtue of the legislation of which the benefit is due, or, in the
case of a survivor, that the deceased had resided thcrc, for a period which shall
not exceedsix months immediately preceding the filing of claim, for grant of
maternity benefit and unemployment benefit;
five consecutive years immediately preceding the filing of claim, for
grant of invalidity benefit, or immediately preceding death, for grant of survivors' benefit;
ten years after the age of 18, which may include five consecutive
years immediately preceding the filing of claim, for grant of old-age benefit.
3. Special provisions may be prescribed in respect of benefits granted
under transitional schemes.
4. The measures necessary to prevent the cumulation of benefits shall be
determined, as necessary, by special arrangements between the Members
Article 5
1. In addition to the provisions of Article 4, each Member which has
accepted the obligations of this Convention in respect of the branch or branches
of social security concerned shall guarantee both to its own nationals and to
the nationals of any other Member which has accepted the obligations of the
Convention in respect of the branch or branches in question, when they are
resident abroad, provision of invalidity benefits, old-age benefits, survivors'
benefits and death grants, and employment injury pensions, subject to measures for this purpose being taken, where necessary, in accordance with Article8
In case of residence abroad, the provision of invalidity, old-age and
survivors' benefits of the type referred to in paragraph 6 (a) of Article 2 may be
made subject to the participation of the Members concerned in schemes for
the maintenance of rights as provided for in Article 7.
The provisions of this Article do not apply to benefits granted under
transitional schemes.
Article 6
In addition to the provisions of Article 4, each Member which has ac-
cepted the obligations of this Convention in respect of family benefit shall
guarantee the grant of family allowances both to its own nationals and to the
nationals of any other Member which has accepted the obligations of this
Convention for that branch, in respect of children who reside on the territory of
any such Member, under conditions and within limits to be agreed upon by
the Members concerned.
Article 7
I. Members for which this Convention is in force shall, upon terms being
agreed between the Members concerned in accordance with Article 8, endeavour to participate in schemes for the maintenance of the acquired rights
and rights in course of acquisition under their legislation of the nationals of
Members for which the Convention is in force, for all branches of social security in respect of which the Members concerned have accepted the obligations
of the Convention.
Such schemes shall provide, in particular, for the totalisation of periods of insurance, employment or residence and of' assimilated periods for the
purpose of the acquisition, maintenance or recovery of rights and for the calcuLation of benefits.
The cost of invalidity, old-age and survivors' benefits as so
determined shall either be shared among the Members concerned, or be borne
by the Member on whose territory the beneficiaries reside, as may be agreed
upon by the Members concerned.
Article 8
The Members for which this Convention is in force may give effect to their
obligations under the provisions of Articles 5 and 7 by ratification of the Maintenance of Migrants' Pension Rights Convention, 1935, by the application of
the provisions of that Convention as between particular Mem- bers by mutual
agreement, or by any multilateral or bilateral agreement giving effect to these
Article 9
The provisions of this Convention may be derogated from by agreements
between Members which do not affect the rights and duties of other Mem- bers
and which make provision for the maintenance of rights in course of acquisi-
tion and of acquired rights under conditions at least as favourable on the
whole as those provided for in this Convention.
Article 10
I. The provisions of this Convention apply to refugees and stateless perSons without any condition of reciprocity.
This Convention does not apply to special schemes for civil servants,
special schemes for war victims, or public assistance.
This Convention does not require any Member to apply the provisions thereof to persons who, in accordance with the provisions of
international instruments, are exempted from its national social security legislation.
Article 11
The Members for which this Convention is in force shall afford each other
administrative assistance free of charge with a view to facilitating the application of the Convention and the execution of their respective social security
Article 12
I. This Convention does not apply to benefits payable prior to the coming
into force of the Convention for the Member concerned in respect of the branch
of social security under which the benefit is payable.
2. The extent to which the Convention applies to benefits attributable to
contingencies occurring before its coming into force for the Member concerned in respect of the branch of social security under which the benefit is
payable thereafter shall be determined by multilateral or bilateral agreement or
in default thereof by the legislation of the Member concerned.
Article 13
This Convention shall not be regarded as revising any existing Conven-
Article 14
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 15
1 .This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director- General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registere.
Article 16
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 17
I. The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the
2. When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 18
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 19
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 20
I. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise providesthe ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 16 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2 This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 21
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
ILO Kabul Tarihi
: 5 Haziran 1963
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisu
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi : 19. 6. 1967 / 6-8456
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi : 22. 8. 1967/12680
Milietierarasi caIima BUrosu YOnetim Kurulu tarafindan Cenevre'de
toplantiya davet edilerek, 5 Haziran 1963 te 47 nd topiantisini yapan MiHetierarasi
Qalima TekiIati Genel Konferansi, topianti gundeminin dördüncü maddesinin
tekii eden, munasip bir §ekiide muhafaza tertibati bulunmayan makinaiarin
satii, kiranlanmasi ye kulianilmasinin yasakianmasi lie ligili çeitii tekliflerin
kabulüne ye bu tekliflerin Milletierarasi bir Sözleme §eklini aimasina karar
verdikten sonra, bindokuz yUz altmi üç yiii Haziran ayinin ibu yirmi beinci
gunU, Makinalarin gerekil korunma tertibati lie techizine dair 1963 SOziemesi
adini taiyacak olan aaidaki Soziemeyi kabul eder:
insangücü diinda mihaniki guçie ileyen yeni veya mUstamel bütün
makinalar bu SOziemenin uyguianmasi bakimindan makina addediiecektir.
Her memieketin yetkiii makami, insangUcü lie iietilen yeni veya
müstamel makinalarin iciiere bedeni bir tehiike arzedip etmediOini ye bunun
derecesini tayin ederek sOz konusu makinalarin, bu SOziemenin uygulanmasi
bakimindan makina sayilip sayulmayacaina karar verecektir. Bu husustaki
karariar, liglil içveren ye iciierin en fazia temsil kaabiiiyetini haiz teekküileriyle
yapilacak istiareyi muteakip aiinacaktir. Bu teekküllerden herhangi birisi
tarafindan boyle bir istiare teebbüsüne gecilebilir.
Bu SözIeme hukümieri
Hareket halinde iken sevk ye idare lie vazifeil personelin emniyeti bahis
konusu oIduu nispette karayoliarinda veya raylarda içleyen vasitalara;
çaiimakta olaniarin emniyeti sOz konusu ediidii nispette müteharrik
ziral makinaiara;
Bu maddenin 3 ye 4 uncü fikralarinda tehlike durumiari belirtiien
makinaiarin, mUnasip muhafaza tedbirieri aiinmaksizin satii ye kiranianmasi
mliii mevzuatia yasakianir veya ayni derecede etkiii dier tedbirierle mani olunur.
Bu maddenin 3 ye 4 uncu fikraiarinda tehlike durumiari belirtilen ye
münasip muhafaza tertibati bulunmayan makinalarin, herhangi bir surette eiden
çikariimasina ye tehirine, yetkiii makamlarca mevzuatla tespit edilen muayyen
tedbirierle veya ayni derecede etkiii dier yollaria mani olunur. Bununia beraber,
bir makinanin tehiri sirasinda gOsteri yapmak maksadi ile, geçici olarak
muhafaza tertibatiniri kaidinlmasi, ilgililerin her türiü tehiikeden korunmasi 1cm
äzei tedbiriere bavurulmasi kaydiyie, ibu hüküm ihlai ediimiç sayiimaz.
Makinalarin muharrik kisimiari üzerinde çikrnti yapan ye hareket halinde
iken buniaria temas haline geçen çahisiar 1cm
de tehiikeii oiduu, yetkiii makam
tarafindan tayin ediien bütün vidaiar, civataiar ye anahtarlar, mümasii dier
parçaiar bu tehilkeleri önleyecek §ekilde imal edilecek, içeri alinacak veya
Hareket halindeyken temasa geçen çahislar 1cm de tehilke teviit
edebilecei yetkiii makam tarafindan tayin oiunan, bütün volanlar, dililer, koniier,
sürtme lie dänen siiindirier, mu çivuieri, makaraiar, kayiiar, zincirier, pinyoniar,
sonsuz vidalar, bilyeier, ye sürgu biokiart lie miller (Her iki uç dahil) ye hareket
eden dier nakii aksami, bu tehlikeieri onleyecek §ekiide imai edilecek veya
muhafaza olunacaktir. Makinalarin kumanda mahaileri keza her tUriü tehlikeyi
onieyecek surette imai edilecek veya muhafaza olunacaktir.
1. 2 nd madde hükumleri
Imal olunu tarzlari bakimindan, münasip bir muhafaza tertibatr oianiaria
ayni emniyeti saiayan;
Tesis tarziari veya konuidukiari yer bakimindan ayni emniyeti saiayan
makinaiara veya buniarin adi geçen 2 nci maddede beiirtiien tehlikeli kisimiarina
2. Makinalarin imal ediimi tarzlari normal emniyet normiarina uyuimak
kaydlyle, bakim, yaIama, caIian aksamin detirilmesi ye ayarlama
ameiiyeieri esnasinda, 2 nd maddenin 3 ye 4 uncO fikraiarindaki §artiarin yerine
getiriImemi oImasni cap ettiriyorsa sn-f bu yüzden mezkur makinaiar 2 nd
maddenin 1 mci fikrasinda derpi oiunan sati kiralama, dier her türiü elden
cikarma yasaina tabi tutuimaz,
3.Makinalarin depolanmasi veya kuiianiimaz bir haide bir tarafa birakiimasi
veyahut kuiianiiir bir hale getiriimesi 1cm buniarin satiina ye dier herhangi bir
§ekilde elden cikarilmasina 2 nd madde hUkümleri mani deildir. Bununla
beraber bu makinalar, 2 nd maddede ongarulen §artlar yerine getirilmedikce,
depolanmalardan veya kulianilir bir hale getirlimesinden sonra satilamaz,
kiralanamaz veya herhangi bir §ekiide elden çikariiamaz veyahut tehir
2 nd madde hükümlerinin tatbik mecburiyeti satici, kiraci, makineyl
herhangi bir surutte elden cikaran §ahsa, veya tehir edene ye bazi hususi
hailerde miIH mevzuata uygun
larak, buniarin temsiicilerine aittir. Makinalarin
sattini kiraianmasini veya tehirini yapan imaiatçiya da ayni vecibeler tahmii
Herhangi bir üye, 2 nci madde hükümierine geçidi olarak istisna
Bu §ekilde geçidi oiarak taninan istisnanin süresi, hiç bir halde
Söziemenin ligili uye hakkinda yururiue girmesinden itibaren uc yiii gecemez.
Säz konusu istisnaiarin artlari lie müddeti mliii mevzuatla tayin edilecek veya
ayni derecede etkili dier yoiiarla kararlatiniacaktir.
Yetkili makam, bu maddenin uyguianmasinda, ilgili iveren ye içiIerin
fazla temsil kabiiiyetini haiz teekkuiIeriyle icabinda, imaiatçiiara alt teekkülierie
istiare edecektir.
çahan aksami dahii, makinaiarin tehiikeii kisimlariridan her hangi bir
lüzumiu muhafaza tertibati olrnadii takdirde, bunlarin kuilaniimasi mull
mevzuata veya ayni derecede etkiii dier yollaria menediiebiiir. Bununla beraber,
bu §ekii menetme, keyfiyeti makinaiarin kulianiimasini öniemeksizin tam
manasiyla yerine getirilemiyorsa, o zaman bu kullanmanin müsaadesi
nisbetindde uygulanir.
Makinaiar, mliii kaideler ye j guvenhii ye Hifzissihha normiarina halel
gelmeyecek bir gekilde muhafaza edilecektir.
6 nci madde hükümierini uyguiamak mecburiyeti igverene aittir.
1. 6 nci madde hükümleri, imai ye tesis ediiig tarziari veya buiundukiari
yer bakimindan, özei bir muhafaza tertibatini icabettirmeyen makinalaria veya
buniarin aksamina uyguianmaz.
2. 6. ye linci madde hükümleri, makinelerin veya bunlarin aksaminin
normal guvenlik normianna uygun olarak yapilan bakim, yaIama, çaIian
kisimlarini deitirme veya ayarlama ameliyeierine mani tekii etmez.
Herhangi bir üye, 6 not madde hükümierine geçici olarak istisna
Bu çekiide geçici olarak taninan istisnanin sUresi, hiç bir halde sözleme
iie ilgili üye hakkinda yürüriüe girmesinde itibaren üç ylli. geçemez. Sãz
konusu istisnalarin §artlari lie müddeti mull mevzuatla tayin edilecek veya ayni
derecede etkHi dier yoilarla kararlatiriiacaktir.
3.Yetkili makam, bu maddenin uyguianmasinda, ilgili iveren ye iççilerin
en fazia temsil kabiiiyetini haiz teekkuIieriyIe istiare edecektir.
iveren, makinaiann muhafazaslyla ilgili mliii mevzuat hakktnda içiieri
haberdar edecek tedbirleri aiacaktir. Iveren ayni zamanda, bu makilarin
kuilanilmasindan müteveilit tehlikeierden, bu hususta ônceden alinacak
tedbirlerden ye münasip bir çekulde, içiIeri haberdar edecektir.
Iveren, bu sOziemenin istihdaf ettii makinalarda caiian içiieri
tehlikeye sokmayacak muhit §artlarinl tayirt ye idamesini saiayacaktir.
Bir muhafaza tertibati lie mücehhez olmayan bir makineyl hiç bir ici
kullanamaz. Hiç bir içiden bahis konusu muhafaza tertibatr buiunrnayan bir
makinayi kulianmasi istenemez.
Hiç bir içi kuliandii bir makinanin mücehhez oiduu muhafaza
tertibatini tesirsiz hale getiremez. Keza, içiier tarafindan kuilanilacak oian
herhangi bir makinanin muhafaza tertibati tesirsiz hale getiriiemez.
Bu sözlemenin onanmasi icilerin milii, sosyai guvenhik veya sosyai sigorta
mevzuati lie taninan hakiarini ihial edemez.
Bu sôziemenin, iveren ye içiierin yükümiuiUkleri lie ligili ibu böiüm
hükümleri, yetkili makam tarafindan karar verildii takdirde ye bu makamin
tayin edecei nisbette serbest i
sahibi olan içilere de uygulanir.
Bu sOzlemenin, bu bälümünün uyguianmasi bakimindan "Iveren"
deyimi, icabinda, mliii mevzuatin kastettii manadaki iverenin mümessiiini de
icine alir.
Bu sözIeme hUkümierinin etkili bir tarzda uyguianmasini saiayacak,
munasip müeyyideIerle ilgili hükümlerde dahil, bütün Iüzumiu tedbirler
al inacaktir.
2- Bu soziemeyi onayan her uye, münasip denetieme servisierini,
sOzieme hükümierinin uyguianmasini kontrolie veya uygun bir denetiemenin
saianmi oiduunu aratirmakIa vazifelendirir.
Bu sOzieme hükQmlerine uygulama aianna koyacak olari her mliii
mevzuat, yetkili makamca, iigiii iveren ye içiierin en fazia temsil kabiliyetini
haiz teekkuiieriyie ye icabinda, imaiatçilarin teekküiIeriyie istiçare ediidikten
sonra kaleme aiinacaktir.
Bu sözieme hükümieri, sozlemeyi onayan uye tarfindan ek bit beyania
uyguiama alani kisitlanmadii takdirde, bütün ekonomik faaiiyet koliarini kapsar.
Bu ekilde Sözieme hukümierinin uyguiama alaninin kisitiandiina
dair bir beyanda buiunmasi haiinde:
a) Sözieme hükümleri, en azindan yetkiii makamca i tefti servisieri ye
iigiii iveren ye içiierin en fazia temsii kabiiiyetini haiz teekkulieriyie istiçare
ediimesini muteakip mühim miktarda makine kuiiand;i aniailan iyerierine
veya ekonomik faaiiyet koliarina uyguianir.
b), Uye, Miiietlerarasi çaiima Tekilati statüsünün 22. maddesi uyarinca
verecei raporiarda, bu Sözieme hükümlerinin daha geni
uygulanmasinda ne gibi geiimeier kaydediidiini beiirtir.
3. Bu maddenin birinci fikrasi meyaninda beyanda bulunan her uye, daha
sonraki bir beyanIa, soz konusu beyani tamamen veya kismen her zaman iptai
Bu Söziemenin kesin onama beigeleri Milietierarasi QaIima Bürosu Gene!
MüdQrüne gônderiiecek ye onun tarafndan tescil edilecektir.
Bu Säzleme, ancak onama belgeleri, Genel MüdUr tarafindan tescil
ediimiç clan Milletlerarasi çalima Teki1ati üyelerini balayacaktir.
Bu Sözieme, iki üyenin onama belgesi Genel Müdür tarafindan tescil
edlldii tarihten 12 ay sonra yururlue girecektir.
Daha sonra, bu SãzIeme, onu onayan her üye 1cm, onama belgesi
tescil edildii tarihten 12 ay sonra yürürke girecektir.
Bu söziemeyi onayan her üye, onu, ilk yürürlüe girdii tarihten itibaren
on yiilik bir devre sonunda, Milietlerarasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne
gänderecei ye bu MUdürün tescil edecei bir beige lie fesedilebilir. Fesih,
tescil tarihinden ancak bir ytl sonra muteber olacaktir.
Bu sözlemeyi onami olup da, onu bundan ewelki fikrada sözü edilen
10 yiliik devrenin bitiminden itibaren bir yil zarfinda bu madde gereince feshetme
ihtiyarini kulianmayan her üye yeniden on ylilik bir müddet 1cm balanmi
olacak ye bundan sonra bu SOziemeyi, her on yllilk bir devre bitince, bu
maddeUe derpi edilen artlar içinde feshedilebilecektir.
Milletlerarasi çaiima Bürosu Gene! Mudürü, Tekilat üyeleri tarafindan
kendisine bildirilen bütün onama, beyan ye fesihierin tescil ediidiini
Milietierarasi QaIima Tekiiatinin bütün uyeierine tebli
Genei Müd0r kendisine gönderilen söziemenin ikinci onama belgesmnin
tescil ediidiini Tekilat üyeierine tebii
ederken, bu Söziemenin yururiüe
girecei tarih hakkinda Tekilat uyeiermnin dikkatini çekecektir.
Miiletlerarasi caiiçma Bürosu Gene! Müdürü, yukaridaki maddeler
gereince tescil etmi olduu bütün onama, beyan ye fesihiere dair tam bligileri,
Biriemi Milietler Antiamasinin 102 nci maddesi uyarinca tescii edilmek üzere
Biriemi Miiletler Gene! Sekreterine uIatiracaktir.
Bu Sözleçmenin yurQr!ue girmesmnden itibaren her on ytilik devre zarfinda
Milletlerarasi çaIma Bürosu Yônetim Kurulu, bu sözlemenin uyguianmasi
hakkindaki raporu Gene! Konferansa sunacak ye onun tamamen veya kismen
detiilmesi meselesini Konferans gündemmne alinip alinmamasi hususunu
1. Konferansin bu Söziemeyi tamamen veya kismen detiren yeni bir
SozIemeyi kabul etmesi halinde yeni sözIeme aksini ängörmedii takdirde;
Tadil edici yeni SözIemenin bir üye tarafindan onanmasi keyfiyeti,
yukaridaki 20 nci madde nazara alinmaksizin ye tadil edici yeni säzIeme
yururlue girmi olmak kayitve §artiyle, bu SäzIemenin derhal ye kendiliinden
feshini tazammun edecektir.
Tadil edici yeni sOzlemenin, yurUrlue girmesi tarihinden itibaren bu
SôzIeme uyelerin onamasina artik açik butundurulmayacaktir.
2. Bu Sôzleme, onu onayp da tadil edici SôzIemeyi onamami bulunan
uyeler igin her halde §imdiki §ekil ye muhtevasiyle muteber olmakta devam
Bu sözlemenin Fransizca ye Ingiiizce metinleri ayni derecede muteberdir.
Convention No. 119
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office, and having met in its Forty-seventh Session on 5 June 1963,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
the prohibition of the sale, hire and use of inadequately guarded machinery,
which is the fourth item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this twenty-fifth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three the following Convention, which may be cited as the Guard-
ing of Machinery Convention, 1963:
Article 1
I. All power-driven machinery, new or second-hand, shall be consid- ered
as machinery for the purpose of the application of this Convention.
The competent authority in each country shall determine whether and
how far machinery, new or second-hand, operated by manual power presents
a risk of injury to the worker and shall be considered as machinery for the
purpose of the application of this Convention. Such decisions shall be taken
after consultation with the most representative organisations of employers and
workers concerned. The initiative for such consultation can be taken by any
such organisation.
The provisions of this Conventionapply to road and rail vehicles during locomotion only in relation to
the safety of the operator or operators;
apply to mobile agricultural machinery only in relation to the safety of
workers employed in connection with such machinery.
Article 2
I. The sale and hire of machinery of which the dangerous parts specified
in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article are without appropriate guards shall be
prohibited by national laws or regulations or prevented by other equally effective measures.
2. The transfer in any other manner and exhibition of machinery of which
the dangerous parts specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article are without
appropriate guards shall, to such extent as the competent authority may deter-
mine, be prohibited by national laws or regulations or prevented by other
equally effective measures: Provided that during the exhibition of machinery
the temporary removal of the guards in order to demonstrate the machinery
shall not be deemed to be an infringement of this provision as long as appropriate precautions to prevent danger to persons are taken.
All set-screws, bolts and keys, and, to the extent prescribed by the
competent authority, other projecting parts of any moving part of machi- nery
also liable to present danger to any person coming into contact with them
when they are in motion, shall be so deigned, sunk or protected as to prevent
such danger.
All flywheels, gearing, cone and cylinder friction drives, cams, pulleys,
belts, chains, pinions, worm gears, crank arms and slide blocks, and, to the
extent prescribed by the competent authority, shafting (including the journal
ends) and other transmission machinery also liable to present danger to any
person coming into contact with them when they are in motion, shall be so
designed or protected as to prevent such danger. Controls also shall be so
designed or protected as to prevent danger.
Article 3
I. The provisions of Article 2 do not apply to machinery or dangerous
parts thereof specified in that Article whichare, by virtue of their construction, as safe as if they were guarded by
appropriate safety devices; or
are intended to be so installed or placed that, by virtue of their instal-
lation or position, they are as safe as if they were guarded by appropriate
safety devices.
The prohibition of the sale, hire, transfer in any other manner or exhibi-
tion of machinery provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 2 does not
apply to machinery by reason only of the machinery being so designed that
the requirements of paragraphs 3 and 4 of that Article are not fully complied
with during maintenance, lubrication, setting-up and adjustment, if such operations can be carried out in conformity with accepted standards of safety.
The provisions of Article 2 do not prohibit the sale or transfer in any
other manner of machinery for storage, scrapping or reconditioning, but such
machinery shall not be sold, hired, transferred in any other manner or exhibited after storage or reconditioning unless protected in conformity with the
said provisions.
Article 4
The obligation to ensure compliance with the provisions of Article 2 shall
rest on the vendor, the person letting out on hire or transferring the machinery
in any other manner, or the exhibitor and, where appropriate under national
laws or regulations, on their respective agents. This obligation shall rest on
the manufacturer when he sells machinery, lets it out on hire, transfers it in any
other manner or exhibits it.
Article 5
Any Member may provide for a temporary exemption from the provisions of Article2.
The duration of such tempor ary exemption, which shall in no case
exceed three years from the coming into force of the Convention for the Member concerned, and any other conditions relating thereto, shall be prescribed
by national laws or regulations or determined by other equally effective measures.
In the application of this Article the competent authority shall consult
the most representative organisations of employers and workers concerned
and, as appropriate, manufacturers' orgariisations.
Article 6
The use of machinery any dangerous par t of which, including the
point of operation, is without appropriate guards shall be prohibited by national laws or regulations or prevented by other equally effective meas- ures
Provided that where this prohibition cannot fully apply without preventing the
use of the machinery it shall apply to the extent that the use of the machinery
Machinery shall be so guarded as to ensure that national regula- tions
and standards of occupational safety and hygiene are not infringed.
Article 7
The obligation to ensure compliance with the provisions of Ar tide 6 shall
rest on the employer.
Article 8
1. The provisions of Article 6 do not apply to machinery or parts thereof
which, by virtue of their construction, installation or position, are as safe as if
they were guarded by appropriate safety devices.
2.The provisions of Article 6 and Article 11 do not prevent the maintenance, lubrication, setting-up or adjustment of machinery or parts
thereof carried out in conformity with accepted standards of safety.
Article 9
I. Any Member may provide for a temporary exemption from the provisions of Article6
The duration of such temporary exemption, which shall in no case
exceed three years from the coming into force of the Convention for the Member concerned, and any other conditions relating thereto, shall be prescribed
by national laws or regulations or determined by other equally effective measures.
In the application of this Article the competent authority shall consult
the most representative organisations of employers and workers concerned.
Article 10
I. The employer shall take steps to bring national laws or regulations
relating to the guarding of machinery to the notice of workers and shall instruct them, as and where appropriate, regarding the dangers arising and the
precautions to be observed in the use of machinery.
2. The employer shall establish and maintain such environmental conditions as not to endanger workers employed on machinery covered by this
Article 11
I. No worker shall use any machinery without, the guards provided being
in position, nor shall any worker be required to use any machinery without the
guards provided being in position.
2. No worker using machinery shall make inoperative the guards provided, nor shall such guards be made inoperative on any machinery to be
used by any worker.
Article 12
The ratification of this Convention shall not affect the rights of workers
under national social security or social insurance legislation.
Article 13
The provisions of this Part of this Convention relating to the obligations of
employers and workers shall, if and in so far as the competent authority so
determines, apply to self-employed workers.
Article 14
The term "employer" for the purpose of this Part of this Convention includes, where appropriate under national laws or regulations, a prescribed
agent of the employer.
Article 15
I.All necessary measures, including the provision of appropriate penalties, shall be taken to ensure the effective enforcement of the provi- sions of
this Convention.
2. Each Member which ratifies this Convention undertakes to provide
appropriate inspection services for the purpose of supervising the application
of the provisions of the Convention, or to satisfy itself that appropriate inspection is carried out.
Article 16
Any national laws or regulations giving effect to the provisions of this
Convention shall be made by the competent authority after consultation with
the most representative organisatioris of employers and workers con- cerned
and, as appropriate, manufacturers' organisations.
Article 17
I. The provisions of this Convention apply to all branches of economic
activity unless the Member ratifying the Convention specifies a more limited
application by a declaration appended to its ratification.
2. In cases where a declaration specif.ying a more limited application is
madethe provisions of the Convention shall be applicable as a minimum to
undertakings or branches of economic activity in respect of which the competent authority, after consultation with the labour inspection services and with
the most representative organisations of employers and workers concerned,
determines that machinery is extensively used ; the initiative for such consultation can be taken by any such organisation
the Member shall indicate in its reports under article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation any progress which may have
been made with a view towards wider application of the provisions of this
3. Any Member which has made a declaration in pursuance of paragraph
1 of this Article may at any time cancel that declaration in whole or in part by a
subsequent declaration.
Article 18
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 19
This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director- General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 20
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 21
I. The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the
2. When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registra- lion of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 22
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 23
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 24
I. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise providesthe ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, not-withstanding
the provisions of Article 20 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 25
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
ILO Kabul Tarihi
:17 Haziran 1964
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 9. 11. 1976/ 2027
: 20. 11. 1976/15769
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi : 29. 8. 1977 /7-13875
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi : 23. 10. 1977 / 16093
Miltetlerarasi Qalima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu tarafindan Cerievre'ye davet
edilerek, orada 17 Haziran 1964 de kirksekizinci toplantisini yapan Milletlerarasi
çatima TekiIati Genel konferansi,
Filadetfiya Beyannamesinin, Mitletlerarasi çatima TekiIatina, dünyanin
çeitH ütkelerinde, tam istihdam ye hayat seviyesini yukseltmeyi gerçekIetirecek
kendine özgü programtarin uygulama alanina konulmasina yardimci olmak
yükümIuIüünu alenen tanidiini ye Milletlerarasi çaIima TekiIatiStatQsQ
giriiriin isizHkte sava yapilmasini ye uygun geçim koçullari saIayan bir ücret
teminatini ängördüunu,
Bu beyannamenin "irk, inanç ye cinsiyetteri ne olursa olsun, bütUn nsanIar,
maddi iterlemenin ye manevi gelimeIerin, serbestUk, eref ye haysiyet iktisadi
guvenhik içinde ye eit çanslarla takip etmek hakkina maliktirter" §ekliflde ifade
edilen ana hedefin iiinda, iktisadi ye mall politikalarin istihdam politikasi
üzerindeki yankilarini inceleme ye goz önünde bulundurma gãrevinin
MUletterarasi calima TekiIati'na alt oIduunu,
nsan haklari beyannamesinin "her §ahsln, çaIima ye iini serbestçe
seçme, eit ye eIverili çalima koulIan ye isizIie kari korunma hakkina
mal iktir" ilkesini Nazara alarak,
stihdam politikasiyla dorudan doruya light mevcut Milletlerarasi
Söz!eme ye Tavsiyenamelerinin, özellikte i ye Iççi Bulma servisi kuruimasina
dair 1948 Sözieme ye tavsiyenamesi, meslee yoneltmeyle ilghli 1949
Tavsiyenamesi, mesleki eitim hakkinda 1962 Tavsiyenamesi ye i ye meslek
bakimindan ayirim hakkinda 1958 sOzleme ye Tavsiyenamesi hükOmierine
iaret ederek,
Bu beigelerin, tam ye verimli istihdama ye serbestce seçilmi ie dayali
bir iktisadi geIimeyi hedef tutan Milletlerarasi daha geni bir program metni
içinde yer verhtmesi gerekeceini gözönunde bulundurarak,
Toplanti gundeminin sekizinci maddesirie dahil istihdam potitikasiyta ilghhi
çeitli tektifleri kabul etmeye ye bu tektiflerin Milletlerarasi bir Sôz1eme §ektini
almasi gerekeceine karar verdikten sonra,
Bin dokuz yuz aItmi dört yitinin dokuz Temmuz günü Istihdam politikasi
1964 SOzlemesi §eklinde adlandirilacak olan aaidaki sOzlemeyi kabul
1- Iktisadi gelime ye kalkinmayi tevik etmek ,hayat seviyesirii yukseltmek
igUcü ihtiyaçlarini karilamak ye isizlik ye eksik istihdam sorununu
çazumlemek amaciyla, her uye tam ye verimli istihdama ye iin serbestce
seçilmesine matuf aktif bir politikayt esas bir gaye olarak ele alacak ye
2- Bu politika:
Açikta ye Ic arayan herkese i salanmasini,
Bu iin, imkari.nisbetinde verimli olmasini,
Icin serbestçe seçilmesirii ye her iccinin kendisine elvericli bir icte
çaiimasi 1cm gerekll nitelikieri kazanmasini, bu icte, irk, renk, cirisiyet, din,
politik dUcunce, mliii veya sosyal mence ne olursa olsun nitelikierini ye istidatlarini
kulianmasini salamak amacina yOnel mic oiacaktir.
3- Bu politika, iktisadi gelime dUzey ye acamasini, istihdam hedefieri ye
dier iktisadi sosyal hedefier arasirida mevcut ilickiler gOz önünde bulunduracak
ye mliii kocuilara ye uygulamalara gore kabul edlien metodlarla yurutüiecektir.
Her üye ülkenin kocullarina gOre kabul edilen yontemlerle ye bu
yontemlerin elvericiiiii oiçüsunde:
Koordine iktisadi ye sosyal bir politika çerçevesinde 1 mci madde de
sOzü geçen hedeflere ulacmak amaciyia kabul olunan tedbirleri muntazaman
tayin edecek ye gozden geçirecek,
Icabinda, programiar hazirlanmasida dahil bu tedbirlerin uyguianmasi
lUzum gosterebilecek yOntem kurailar koyacaktir.
Bu sozlecmenin uygulanmasinda, istihdam konusundaki tecrübe ye
goruierinin noksansiz oiarak gazanunde tutulabilmesi, bu politikalarin tayininde
tam bir içbirlii yapilabilmesi ye bu politikalara dayanaklar buiunmaina yardimci
olunabilmesi 1cm alinacak tedbirlerle ilgili cevrelermn temsilciierine ye Ozellikle
icveren ye içi temsilcilerine daniciiacaktlr.
Bu sazlecmenin resmi onaylama belgeleri Milletlerarasi calcma Bürosu
Genel Müdürü'ne gOnderilecek ye onun tarafindan tescil edilecektir.
1- Bu sOzlecme, ancak onaylama belgeleri Genel Müdür tarafindan tescil
olan MiHetlerarasi QaIima Tekilati üyelerini baIayacaktir.
Bu sözteme iki Uyeniri onaylama belgesi Genel Müdür tarafindan tescil
ediIdii tarihten on iki ay sonra yurQrlue girecektir.
Bundan sonra, bu Sôzieme oriu onaylayan her üye için, onaylama
belgesi tescil ediIdii tarihten on iki ay soñra yururiue girecektir.
Bu sãzIemeyi onayiayan üye, onu, ilk yürürIüe girdii tarihinden
itibaren on yillik bir devre soriunda Milletlerarasi Qalima BUrosu Genel
Müdurü'ne gönderecei ye bu MUdürüri tescil edecei bir beige ile feshedebilir.
Fesih tescil tarihinden ancak bir yil sonra geçerii olacaktir.
Bu sozlemeyi onaylami olup da, bundan ewelki fikrada sôzu edilen
on ytilik devrenin bitiminden itibaren bir yil zarfinda bu madde de ongaruIdCu
§ekilde feshetmehakkini kuuanmayan her Uye yeniden on ytilik müddet için
baianmi olacak ye bundan sonra bu sãzlemeyi, her on yiiiik devre bitince
bu maddede an goriIen kouIIar içinde feshedebilecektir.
Milletlerarasi çaIima Bürosu Genei Müdürü,Miiletlerarasi çaliçma
Tekilati üyeleri tarafindan kendisine bildirilen bütUn onaylama ye fesih
belgelerinin tescil ediIdiini Teçkilatin bütün üyelerine biidirecektir.
Genel Müdür kendisine gonderilen ikinci onamà belgesinin tescil
edildiini tekilat üyelerine bildirirken, Sözlemenin yurürJQe girecei tarih
hakkinda Tekilat üyelerinin dikkatini çekecektir.
Milletlerarasi çaligma Bürosu Genel Müdürü, yukaridaki maddelere uygun
olarak, tescil etmi bulunduu bütUn onama ye fesihler hakkindaki tam bilgileri,
Birlemi Mifletler Andlamasinin yüzikinci maddesi uyarinca tescil edilmek
Uzere, Birlemi Milletler Genel Sekreterine ulatiracaktir.
Milletierarasi çalima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu Iüzum gOrduu her seferinde
bu SOzIemenin, uygulanmasi hakkinda Genel Konferansa bir rapor sunacak
ye onun tamamen veya kismen detiriimesi konusunun konferans gündemine
aim mast gerekip gerekmeyeceini inceleyecektir.
1. Konferansin bu SOzlemeyi tamamen veya kismen detiren yeni bir
sOzleme kabul etmesi halinde ye yeni sOzIeme aksini On gOrmedikçe,
a) Tadil edici yeni sOzleçmenin bir üye tarafindan onanmasi keyfiyeti,
yukaridaki 6 nci madde nazara a!mnmaksizrn ye tadil edici yeni sOzleme
yürürJüe girmi olmak kayit ye §artlyla bu säzIemenin derhal ye kendiIiinden
feshini gerektirecektir.
b) Tadfl edici yeni säzIemeriin yUrürIüe girmesi tarihinden itbaren bu
Sãzleme üyelerin onaylamasina artik açik bulundurulmayacaktir.
2. Bu säzIeme onu onaylayip da tadil edici Sözlemeyi onayIamami
bulunan üyeler için her halde §imdiki §ekiI ye muhtevasiyla geçerli olmakta
devam edecektir.
Bu sözlemenin ingilizce ye Fransizca metinleri ayni derecede geçerlidir.
Convention No. 122
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Forty-eighth Session on 17 June
1964, and
Considering that the Declaration of Philadelphia recognises the solemn
obligation of the International Labour Organisation to further among the nations of the world programmes which will achieve full employment and the
raising of standards of living, and that the Preamble to the Constitution of the
International Labour Organisation provides for the prevention of unemployment and the provision of an adequate living wage, and
Considering furthr that under the terms of the Declaration of Philadelphia it is the responsibility of the International Labour Organisa- tion to examine and consider the bearing of economic and financial policies upon employment policy in the light of the fundamental objective that all human
beings, irrespective of race, creed or sex, have the right to pursue both their
material well-being and their spiritual development in conditions of freedom
and dignity, of economic security and equal opportunity", and
Considering that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides
that "everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and
favourable conditions of work and to prntection against unemployment", and
Noting the terms of existing international labour Conventions and Recommendations of direct relevance to employment policy, and in particular of
the Employment Service Qonvention and Recommendation, 1948, the Vocational Guidance Recommendation, 1949, the Vocational Training Recommendation, 1962, and the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention and Recommendation, 1958, and
Considering that these instruments should be placed in the wider framework of an international programme for economic expansion on the basis of
full, productive and freely chosen employment, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
employment policy, which are included in the eighth item on the agenda of
the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this ninth day of July of the year one thousand nine hundred and
sixty-four the following Convention, which may be cited as the Employment
Policy Convention, 1964
Article 1
I. With a view to stimulating economic growth and development, raIsing
levels of living, meeting manpower requirements and overcoming unemploy368
ment and underemployment, each Member shall declare and pursue, as a
major goal, an active policy designed to promote full, productive and freely
chosen employment.
2. The said policy shall aim at ensuring thatthere is work for all who are available for and seeking work;
such work is as productive as possible;
there is freedom of choice of employment and the fullest possible
opportunity for each worker to qualify for, and to use his skills and endowments in, a job for which he is well suited, irrespective of race, colour, sex,
religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin.
3. The said policy shall take due account of the stage and level of economic development and the mutual relationships between employment objectives and other economic and social objectives, and shall be pursued by methods that are appropriate to national conditions and practices.
Article 2
Each Member shall, by such methods and to such extent as may be
appropriate under national conditionsdecide on and keep under review, within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy, the measures to be adopted for attaining the objectives specified in Article 1;
take such steps as may be needed, including when appropriate the
establishment of programmes, for the application of these measures.
Article 3
In the application of this Convention, representatives of the persons affected by the measures to be taken, and in particular representatives of employers and workers, shall be consulted concerning employment policies, with
a view to taking fully into account their experience and views and securing
their full co-operation in formulating and enlisting support for such policies.
Article 4
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 5
This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director- General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 6
1. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article. Article 7
I. The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the
2. When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 8
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall corn- municate
to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance
with article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 9
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 10
I. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides-
the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, nat- withstanding
the provisions of Article 6 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form
and content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the
revising Convention.
Article 11
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
22 .Haziran 1965
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisu
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarthi ye Sayusi
: 8. 5. 1991 /3729
: 21. 5. 1991 I 20877
Bakanlar Kurulu Kararu Tarih ye Sayisi :19. 8. 1991 /91-2163
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi : 2. 10. 1991 /21009
Uluslararasi Qatima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulunun daveti Ozerine 2 Haziran
1965 tarihinde Cenevre'de topianan Ulusiararasi Qalima Tekilati Genel
Konferansi kirkdokuzuncu topiantisinda;
Oturum gundeminin därtüncü maddesinde yer alan yeralti madenlerinde
ie alinmada asgari yaa ilikin bazi tekliflerin kabul edilmesine karar vererek;
1935 tarihli Yeraiti çalimaIari (Kadunlar icin) Sözlemesiniri, like olarak,
yalaru ne olursa olsun kadunlarin her türlU madenlerde, yeraltinda çalumasini
yasakladiini not ederek;
Madenler içinde uygulanan, 1937 tarihll Asgari Ya (sanayi) SOzlemesinin
15 yaçindan kuçük cocuklarin kamu ya da özei iIetmelerde veya bunlarun
baIi birimlerinde istihdam edilmesi veya çalimamasi hükmOnü getirdiini
not ederek;
Ayni sözlemede, ayrica, mahiyetl icabi veya çaluma §artlarindan dolayi
orada istihdam edilen kiilerin hayati, saIiu veya ahiaki bakumindan tehlike
arzeden icier 1cm milli mevzuatta, ya bu iclere gençlerin kabulu 1cm 15 ya
Ustünde bir yain veya yaIarun tesbit edilmesini, ya da bu yaiari tesbit edecek
uygun bir makamin gorevlendirilmesi gerektiinin beyan edildiini kaydederek
Madenlerde yaraltunda istihdamin tabiyati icab bu iIere kabulde 15 ya
üstünde bir yaç tesbit eden uluslararasi standartlarin arzulanir oIduunu
d ucunerek;
Bu standartlarin uluslararasi bir Säzlecme cekli almasu gerektiini
BmndokuzyuzaItmibe senesinin Haziran ayinun yirmikinci günü 1965 tarihli
Asgari Yac (Yeraiti Qalicmasi) adu verilecek olan acaidaki sozlecmeyi kabul
1- Bu sözlecmenin amacu bakimindan 'Maden" terimi, yeraltinda insanlaru
istihdam etmek suretiyle, yeraltindan cevher çikaran kamu ya da özel sektôr
olmak üzere herhangi bir iIetmeyi ifade eder.
(*) Aynl konudaki 138 sayili SözIemenin Ulkemizce onaylanmasi sonucunda yOrQr!Qkten kaIkm,tir
2- Madenierde yeraltinda istihdama ya da çaiimaya iiikin bu Sözieme
hükümieri ta ocakiarinda yer aitinda istihdami ya da caiimayi da kapsar.
Tesbit ediimi beliril bir asgari ya altindaki kiiier yeraltinda madenierde
istihdam ediiemez veya çahçtiriiamazlar.
bu sözIemeyi onayiayan her üye üike onay beigesine ekleyecei bir
acikiamada tesbit ettii asgari yai beiirtecektir.
Asgari ya hiç bir §ekilde 16 yatan aai olamaz.
Ibu SOziemeyi onayIam oian her üye üike, daha sonra onay esnasinda
tesbit etmi oiduundan daha yUksek bir asgari ya tesbit eder ise bu durumu
ek bir açikiama lie Uiusiararasi çaiima Bürosu Genei Müdürüne biidirebiiir.
1- Yetkiii makam ibu Sözieme hükümlerinin etkin oiarak uyguianmasini
- saiamak amaciyia uygun cezalar da dahii olmak üzere gerekli turn tedbirleri
2- Ibu Soziemeyi onayIami oian her üye ülke, Sözieme hükümierinin
uyguianmasin denetiemek amaciyia, uygun bir tefti hizmeti idame ettirmeyi
veya uygun bir teftiin yapiidiina kani oimayi taahhüt eder.
3- Mliii mevzuat ibu SözIemenin hükürnierine uymaktan sorumiu kiiieri
4- Iveren, yeraitinda istihdam ediien veya çairan ye tesbit edilen asgari
yain en fazia iki ya
üstündekiier 1cm
aaidaki hususlarda kayit tutar ye
müfeftiierin denetirnine hazir bulundurur.
Mümkün oian halierde beigeienmi doum tarihierini, ye
Kiinin iietmede yeraltinda ilk defa istihdam ediidii veya caiitii tarihi,
5- Iveren, içi temsilcilerinin talepieri üzerine yeraitinda istihdam edilen
yada caiian ye tesbit edilen asgari yain en fazia 2 ya üstündeki kiilerin
Iisteierini verir. Bu iisteier, bu kiilerin doum tarihierini ye iletmede yer altinda
ilk defa istihdam edildikieri ya da caiitikiari tarihi gOsterir.
bu sözleçmenin 2 nd ye 3 uncü mad.deieri mucibince belirienecek asgari
ya, en fazia temsil yetkisini haiz ilgili iveren ye içi kuruiulariyla istiare
sonunda tesbit ediiir.
Bu söziemenin onay beigeleri tescii ediimek Uzere Milletlerarasi çaiima
Bürosu Genel MüdUrüne gonderilecektir.
1- Bu SäzIeme, Mifletlerarasi çaIima Teçkilati uyelerinden sadece onay
belgeleri Genel Müdür taratindan tescil ediImi olanlari balayacaktir.
Bu säzleme, iki uyenin onay belgelerinin Genel Müdür taratindan tescil
tarihinden oniki ay sonra yururIue girecektir.
Bunu takiben, SôzIeme herhangi bir uye 1cm, onaylamanin tescil ediIdii
tarihten oniki ay sonra yürUrIue girecektir.
Bu soztemeyi onayIami olan bit uye, SözIemenin ilk yUrürlüe girI
tarihinden itibaren on yti gectikten sonra, Milletlerarasi Qalima Bürosu Genel
Müdürüne gönderece ye onun tescil edilecek bir bildirim lie Sözlemeyi
feshedebilir. Fesih, tescil tarihinin üzerinden bir yti gecmeden muteber olmaz.
Bu Sozlemeyi onaylamiç buiunan ye önceki fikrada belirtileti on ytllik
devrenin sonundan itibaren bir yti içinde bu Madde hakkini kuDanmami her
uye yeniden on yiliik müddet 1cm balanmi olacak ye bundan sonra bu
Sözlemeyi, her on yiflik devrenin sona ermesinden sonra, bu mddede derpi
edilen hükümlere gore feshedebilecektir.
Milletlerarasi Qaiima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, TekiIat uyeleri tarafindan
kendisine bildirilen bütün onay ye fesihierin tescil ilemini Milletlerarasi Qalima
Tekilatinin bütün üyelerine bildirecektir.
Genel MUdür, kendisine gonderilen soziemenin ikinci onay beigesinin
tescil edildiini Tekiiat üyeierine bildirirken bu Sözlemenin yururlüe giri
tarihine Tekilat uyeieririin dikkatini çekecektir.
Milletlerarasi Qalima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, önceki maddeler gereince,
tescil etmiç olduu onay ye fesih iIemlerine dair bilgilermn tamamini Biriemi
Milletier Antlamasinin 102 nci maddesi uyarinca tescil edilmek Uzere BirIemi
Milletler Genel Sekreterine ulatiracaktir.
Milletlerarast caIima BUrosu YOnetim Kurulu gerekil gOrduü halterde,
bu SOzleme'nin uygulanmasi hakkinda Genel Konferansa bir rapor sunacak
ye SOzIemenin tamamen veya kismen detiriImesi konusunun Konferans
gundemine alinip alinmamasi hususunu inceieyecektir.
1. Genel Konferansin, bu Säzleme'nin tarnamini veya bir kismini detiren
yeni bir SäzIeme kabul etmesi halinde ye bu yeni Sozlemede aksine bir
hükUm bulunmadii takdirde;
Deiklik getiren yeni SäzIeme'nin bir uye tarafindan onaylanmasi,
bu yeni SäzIeme'nin yururIUe girmesi kaydiyla, yukaridaki sekizinci madde
hQkümleri gözönünde tutulmaksizin, Ibu Säzleme'nin derhal feshi neticesini
DeiikIik getiren yeni SözIemenin yürürlüe giri tarihinden itbaren
ibu sôzleme Uye onayina artk acik tutulmayacaktir.
2. Bu sözleme'yi onaylami bulunan ye deiikIik getiren Sazlemeyi
onaylamayacak olan ülkeler açisindan ibu Sôzleme ayni muhteva ye biçimde
yürürlükte kalacaktir.
Bu säzlemenin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinleri ayni derecede muteberdir.
Convention No. 123
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the Interna-
tional Labour Office, and having met in its Forty-ninth Session on 2 June
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
minimum age for admission to employment underground in mines, which is
included in the fourth item on the agenda of the session, and
Noting that the Underground Work (Women) Convention,
prohibits in principle the employment of any female, whatever her age, on
underground work in any mine, and
Noting that the Minimum Age (Industry) Convention (Revised), 1937,
which is applicable to mines, provides that children under the age of 15 years
shall not be employed or work in any public or private undertaking, or in any
branch thereof, and
Noting that the Convention further specifies that, in respect of employments which by their nature or the circumstances in which they are carried
on, are dangerous to the life, health or morals of the persons employed therein,
national laws shall either prescribe or empower an appropriate authority to
prescribe a higher age or ages than 15 years for the admission thereto of
young persons or adolescents, and
Considering that, in view of the nature of employment underground in
mines, international standards establishing a higher age than 15 years for
admission to such employment are desirable, and
Having determined that these standards shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this twenty-second day of June of the year one thousand nine
hundred and sixtSi'-five the following Convention, which may be cited as the
Minimum Age (Underground Work) Convention, 1965
Article 1
For the purpose of this Convention, the term " mine" means any
undertaking, whether public or private, for the extraction of any substance
from under the surface of the earth by means involving the employment of
persons underground.
The provisions of this Convention concerning employment or work
underground in mines include employment or work underground in
Article 2
l.Persons under a specified minimum age shall not be employed or work
underground in mines.
Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall specify the minimum
age in a declaration appended to its ratification.
The minimum age shall in no case be less than 16 years.
Article 3
Each Member which has ratified this Convention may subsequently notify the Director-General of the International Labour Office, by a further declaration, that it specifies a minimum age higher than that specified at the time of
Article 4
1. All necessary measures, including the provision of appropriate penalties, shall be taken by the competent authority to ensure the effective enforcement of the provisions of this Convention.
2. Each Member which ratifies this Convention undertakes either to maintain an appropriate inspection service for the purpose of supervising the application of the provisions of the Convention or to satisfy itself that appropriate
inspection is carried out.
3. National laws or regulations shall define the persons responsible for
compliance with the provisions of this Convention.
4. The employer shall keep, and make available to inspectors, records
indicating, in respect of persons who are employed or work underground and
who are less than two years older than the specified minimum agethe date of birth, duly certified wherever possible; and
the date at which the person was employed or worked underground
in the undertaking for the first time.
5. The employer shall make available to the workers' representatives, at
their request, lists of the persons who are employed or work underground and
who are less than two years older than the specified minimum age ; such lists
shall contain the dates of birth of such persons and the dates at which they
were employed or worked underground in the undertaking for the first time.
Article 5
The determination of the minimum age to be specified in pursuance of
Articles 2 and 3 of this Convention shall be made after consultation with the
most representative organisations of employers and workers concerned.
Article 6
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 7
I. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director- General.
There after, this Convention shall come into force for any Member
twelve months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 8
I. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 9
I. The Director-General èf the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the
2. When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 10
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for regis- tration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 11
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 12
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise providesthe ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwith- standing
the provisions of Article 8 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 13
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
25 Haziran 1967
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisu
: 30. 11. 1972 / 1635
: 7. 12. 1972 / 14384
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi :15. 7. 1974/7-8662
:14. 11. 1974/15062
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisu
Milletlerarasi Qalima Bürosu Yänetim Kurulu tarafindan Cenevre'ye davet
edilerek, orada 28 Haziran 1967 de 51 mci toplantisini yapan Milletlerarasi
caIima Tekilati Genel konferansu, toplantu gundeminin 6 ncu maddesini tekil
eden Tek içinin taiyabilecei yukOn lAzami AOlrli1na dair bazi tekliflerin
Bu tekliflerin bir milletlerarasi sözleme §eklini almisuna karar verdikten
1967 Haziran ayinin ibu 28 mci gUnü azami aurlui hakkinda 1967
Sozlemesi §eklinde adlardirilacak olan aaidaki säzlemeyi kabul eder,
Bu Sözlemede:
"YUklerin bedenen tainmasi" deyimi, yukOn yerden kaldirilmasi ye
yere konulmasini da kapsamak üzere yuk airliinin tamamen tek içi tarafundan
cekildii her türlü taumayl,
"Yüklerin devamh olarak bedenen tainmasi" deyimi yOklerin araliksiz
olarak veya esas itibariyte bedenen tanmasina hasr ye tahsis edilen veya
aralikli olsa bile yüklerin normal olarak bedenen taunmasini icmne alan her
türlü faaliyeti;
"Genç içi" deyimi, 18 yaindan kuçük bir içiyi ifad? eder.
Bu sözleme yuklerin devamli olarak bedenen tainmasina uygulanir.
Bu Sozleme, ilgili uyenin, bir i teftii sistemi bulundurduu bütün
iktisadi faaliyet sektörlerine uygulanir.
Airlii, salik veya gOvenlii tehlikeye sokabilecek yuklerin içi tarafindan
bedenen. tainmasi talep veya kabul edilemez.
Uçüncü maddede belirtilen prensibin uygulanmasinda uyeier, iin icra
ediiecei bütün artiari hesaba katariar.
Her uye, hafif oimayan yukieri bedenen taima iine ayrilan bir içinin bu
ice verilmeden once, saliini korumak ye kazalari Oniemek amaci lie
yararlanilacak çaiima metodiari hakkinda yeterfi bir eitim gOrmesi 1cm gerekil
tedbirieri aiir.
Yükierin bedenen tacinmasini siniriamak veya koIayiatirmak 1cm
teknik araçiardan mum kün oduu kadar yararlaniiacaktir.
Kadiniarin ye genç icciierin hafif olmayan arr yükierin bedenen
tacinmasi icine verilmesi snirlandiriiacaktir.
Kadiniar ye genç içiier yükierin bedenen tacinmasinda kuiianiidikiari
zaman bu yukierin azami airiii erkek icciier 1cm kabul edilen airiiktan bariz
bir äiçude az oiacaktir.
Her üye, mevzuat yoIuyla veya mliii tatbikat ye artiara uygun baçka bir
metodia ye ilgili içi ye fcvereniermn en fazia temsil kabiiiyetini haiz tecekküiieri
lie isticarede bulunmak suretiyle bu sozlecme hükümlerini uyguiama alanina
koymak için gereken tedbirieri aiacaktir.
Bu sozlecrnenin resmi onayiama beigeleri Miiietierarasi cairçma Bürosu
Genei MüdUrüne gonderiiecek ye onun tarafindan tescii ediiecektir.
1- Bu sOzlecme, ancak onayiama belgeleri Genei mUdür tarafindan tescii
edilmic clan M iiietierarasi cal rcma Teckilati üyelerini balayacaktir.
Bu soziecme iki üyenin onaylama beigesi Genel Müdür tarafindan tescii
ediidii tarihten 12 ay sonra yüruriue girecektir.
Bundan sonra bu sOziecme onu onaylayan her üye 1cm
beigesi tescil edildii tarihten 12 ay sonra yururiue girecektir.
1. Bu sOzIemeyi onayiayan her üye, onu uk yürüriQe girdii tarihinten
itibaren on yiiiik bir devre sonunda Milietierarasi caiicma Bürosu Genei
MüdürUne gonderecei ye bu Müdürün tescil edecei bir beige lie feshedebiiir.
Fesih tescii tarihinden ancak bir yii sonra muteber olacaktir.
2. Bu sOziemeyi onayiami olup da, onu bundan evveiki fikrada sözu
edlien on yillik, devrepin bitiminden itibaren bir yll zarlinda bu madde de
ongörüien §ekilde feshetme hakk,rii kullanmayan her uye yeniden on yiilik bir
müddet 1cm
baianmi oiacak ye bundan sonra bu soziemeyi, her on ytlilk
devre bitince, bu maddede on goru1düü çartiar içmnde feshedebiiecektir.
Milietierarasi caiima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, Milietierarasi çaiima
Tekiiat uyeieri tarafindan kendisine bildirilen bütün onaylama beyan ye fesih
beigeierinin tescil ediidiini Tekiiatin bütün uyeierine bildirecektir.
Genei Müdür, kendisine gonderiien ikinci onama belgesinin tescii
oIduunu tekiiat uyeierine bildirirken, söziemenin yüruriüe girecei tarih
hakki nda Tekiiat Uyelerinin dikkatini çekecektir.
Miiletierarasi Qaiima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, yukaridaki maddelere uygun
olarak, tescil etmI oIduu bütün onaylama fesihier hakkinda tam biigiieri,
Biriemi Milietier Andiamasinin 102 fbi maddesine uygunolarak tescii edlimek
üzere, BirIemi Mu ietier Genei Sekreterine ulaçti racaktir.
Milietierarasi çaiima Bürosu YOnetim Kurulu gerekii gOrdOu her seferinde
bu SOzlemenin, uyguianmasi hakkinda Genei Konferansa bir rapor sunacak
ye onun tamamen veya kismen detiriimesi konusunun konferaris gundemine
alinmasi gerekip gerekmeyeceini inceieyecektir.
1. Konferansin bu soziemeyi tamamen veya kismen deitiren yeni bir
sözieme kabul etmesi halinde ye yeni sOzIeme aksini Ongormedikce,
Tadli edici yeni sOziemenin bir üye tarafindan onaylanmasi k?yliyeti,
yukaridaki aitinci madde nazara alinmaksizin ye fakat tadil edici yeni sözIeme
yururiüe girmi olmak kayit ye §artiyia lie bu sOzIemenin derhai ye
kendiiiinden feshini tazammun edecektir.
Tadli edici yeni söziemenin yürurlue girmesi tarihinden itbaren bu
sözieme uyeierin onaylanmasina artik acik buiundurulmayacaktir.
2. Bu sOzieme onu onayiayip da, tadil edici sOziemeyi onayiamami
buiunan uyeier 1cm, her haide imdiki ekil ye muhtevasiyia muteber olmakta
devam edecektir.
Bu sOzlemenin ingilizce ye Fransizca metinleri ayni derecede muteberdir.
Convention No. 127
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the Iriternational Labour Ofiice, and having met in its Fifty-first Session on 7 June 1967,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
maximum permissible weight to be carried by one worker, which is the sixth
item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an
international Convention
adopts this twenty-eighth day of June of the year one thousand nine
hundred and sigty-seven the following Convention, which may be cited as the
Magimum Weight Convention, 1967:
Article 1
For the purpose of this Conventionthe term "manual transport of' loads" means any transport in which
the weight of the load is wholly borne by one worker; it covers the lifting
and puffing down of loads;
the term "regular manual transport of loads" means any activity which
is continuously or principally devoted to the manual transport of loads, or
which normally includes, even though intermittently, the manual transport of
the term " young worker" means a worker under 18 years of age.
Article 2
This Convention applies to regular manual transport of loads,
2. This Convention applies to all branches of economic activity in respect
of which the Member concerned maintains a system of labour inspection.
Article 3
No worker shall be required or permitted to engage in the manual transport of a load which, by reason of its weight, is likely to jeopardise his health or
Article 4
In the application of the principle set forth in Article 3, Members shall take
account of all the eonditions in which the work is to be performed.
Article 5
Each Member shall take appropriate steps to ensure that any worker
assigned to manual transport of loads other than light loads receives, prior to
such assignment, adequate training or instruction in working techniques, with
a view to safeguarding health and preventing accidents.
Article 6
In order to limit or to facilitate the manual transport of loads, suitable
technical devices shall be used as much as possible.
Article 7
The assignment of women and young workers to manual transport of
loads other than light loads shall be limited.
Where women and young workers are engaged in the manual transport of loads, the maximum weight of such loads shall be substantially less
than that permitted for adult male workers.
Article 8
Each Member shall, by laws or regulations or any other method consistent with national practice and conditions and in consultation with the most
representative organisations of employers and workers concerned, take such
ateps as may be necessary to give effect to the provisiona of this Convention.
Article 9
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 10
This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been r?gistered with
the Director-General.
It ahall come into force twelve months after the date on vchich the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director- General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 11
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first cornea into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 12
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the
When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registra- tion of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director- General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 13
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 14
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall egamine the desir- ability of placing
on the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in
Article 15
1. Should the Conferenee adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides-
the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 11 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Conventioq shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 16
The English and trench versions of the tezt of this Convention are equally
ILO Kabul Tarihi
: 2 Haziran 1971
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi.
Resmi Gazete Yayum Tarihi ye Sayisu
: 25. 11. 1992 / 3845
:11.12.1992/21432 Mükerrer
Bakanlar Kurulu Kararu Tarih ye Sayisi : 8. 1. 1993 / 93-3967
: 25. 2. 1993 /21507
Resmi Gazete Yayum Tarihi ye Sayisu
Uluslararast çaluma Orgütu Genel Konferansi;
Uluslararasi çalma Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu'nca 2 Haziran 1971 tarihinde
Cenevre'de toplanmaya çarilmr ye düzenledii 56' nci oturumunda,
Istihdam konusunda sendika azgurluune zarar vermeye yänelik her
türlü ayrimcilik eylemlerine karu içileri koruyan OrgOtlenme ye Toplu Pazarlik
Hakkuna lliçkin Sözleme (1949) hükümlerini not ederek, içi temsilcileri ile
ilgiH olarak ek hükümler kabul etmenin gerekliHini dikkate alarak,
Oturumun gundeminde 5 mci maddeyl tekil eden iletmelerde iççi
temsilcilerinin korunmasi ye onlara sa1anacak kolayliklara ilikin çeitli
önerilerin kabulüne karar verdikten sonra,
Bu önerilerin uluslararasu bir Sözleme §eklini almasina karar vererek,
Açauda IçI TEMSILCILERI HAKKINDA SOZLEME olarak adlandirilacak
olan bu SOzlem/i, 1971 yllu Haziran ayinin bu 23 üncü gununde kabul etmitir.
Iletmelerdeki iççi temsilcileri, kanunlara toplu sozleçmetere veya
yOrUrlükteki sözlemelere dayali dier düzenlemetere uygun hareket etmeleri
koulu ile iten çikarma dahil kendilerine zarar verebilecek ye içi temsilcisi
sifatunu taimalarindan veya bu sufatla faaliyetlerde bulunmalarindan, sendika
üyesi olmalanndan veya sendika faaliyetlerine katilmalarindan hen gelecek
her nevi hleme kari etkili bir korumadan yararlanirlar.
Ietmelerde içi temsilcilenine gärelerini hizli ye etkhli biçimde
yapmalarina imkan verecék uygun kolaylikiar salanur.
Bu hususta ülkenin endustriyel ilikiler sisteminin özellikleri ile ilgilh
iletmenin hhtiyaçlari, büyükIüU ye olanaklari göz önünde bulundurulur,
Bu Or kolayluklarin salanmasi, ilgili iIetmenin etkin faaliyetinh
Bu sOzIemenin uygulanmasinda "içi temsildileri" deyimi ulusal mezuat
ye uygulama iinda;
a)Ya sendika temsilcileri, §äyle ki; sendikalarca veya bu tür kuruluIarin
uyelerince seçilen veya atanan temsilciler;
b) Yada seçimle geleri temsilciler, öyle ki; ulusal mevzuat veya toplu
sözleme hükümlerine gore iIetmenin içileri tarafindan serbestce seçilen ye
ilgili ülkede, sendikalara taninan ãzel ayrtcahkli faaliyetteri içermeyen gorevlere
sahip temsilciler, anlamina gelir.
Ulusal mevzuat, toplu sözleme, hakem kararlari veya mahkeme kararlari,
bu Sözlemede sazu edilen kolayliklari ye korurimaya hak kazanacak içi
temsilcileri tipini veya tiplerini belirleyebilir.
Ayni iIetmede hem sendika temsilcflerinin ye hem'de seçilmi temsilcilerin
buIunduu haDerde, eer gerekiyorsa, seçilmi temsilcilerin bulunmasinin ilgili
sendikalarin veya temsilcilerinin durumunu zayiflatacak §ekilde kullanilmamasi
ye ilgili bUtün konularda seçitmi temsilcilerle, ilgili sendikalar ye onlarin
temsilcileri arasinda ibirliini tevik 1cm Onlemler alinacaktir.
Bu sözIemenin uygulanmasi, ulusal mevzuat veya toplu sozlemeIerle
veya ulusal uygulamaya uygun dier herhangi bir yOntemla salanabiIecektir.
Bu sOzlemenin kesin onama belgeleri Uluslararasi çaIima Bürosu Genel
Müdürüne gonderilir ye onun tarafindan kaydedilir.
1- Bu säzleme, ancak onama belgeleri Genel müdür tarafindan
kaydediImi olan Uluslararasi calima Orgutü uyelermni balar.
Bu sOzleme iki uyenmn onama belgesi Genel MUdUr tarafindan
kaydediIdii tarihten oniki ay sonra yurürlüe girer.
Daha sonra bu Sözleme, onu onayan her uye 1cm, onama belgesi
kaydedildii tarihten oniki ay sonra yururIue girer.
1. Bu sOzlemeyi onaylayan her uye, onu, ilk yurürlue girdii tarihinden
itibaren on yillik bir sCre sonunda, Uluslararast Qalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne
gonderecei ye bu Müdürün kaydedecei bir beige ile feshedebilir. Fesih, kayit
tarihinden ancak bir yii sonra geçerfl olur.
2. Bu sözIemeyi onami oiup'da onu bundan önceki fikrada sözü edlien
on ytilik sürenin bitiminden itibaren bir yll süresince bu madde gereince
feshetmek seçeneini kulianmayan her üye yeniden on ylilik bir sure 1cm
balanmi olur ye bundan sonra bu Sözlemeyi, her on yiiiik sure bitiminde,
bu maddedenin içerdli kouilar içinde feshedebilir.
Uluslararasi caiima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, Orgut uyeleri tarafindan
kendisine bildirilen bütün onamavefesihierin kaydediIdiini Uluslararasi caIima
Orgutunün bütün uyelerine duyurur.
Genel Müdür, kendisine gonderilen Sözlemenin ikinci onama
beigesmnmn kaydediidiini Orgüt üyelerine duyururken bu sözIemenin yürürlüe
girecei tarih hakkinda orgü üyeierinin dikkatini ceker.
Ulusiararasi QaIima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, yukaridaki maddeler
gereince, kaydetmi oIduu bütun onama ye fesihiere iIikiri tam bilgileri,
Biriemi MUietler AntIamasinin 102 nd maddesi uyarinca kaydedilmek üzere,
Biriemi Milletler Genel Sekreterine uiatiracaktir.
Uluslararasi çaliçma Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu, gerekil görduu zaman bu
SOzIemenmn, uygulanmasi hakkindaki bir raporu Genel Konferansa sunar ye
onun tarnamen veya kismen detiriImesi konusunun konferans gundemmne
ainmasi gerei hakkinda karar verir.
1. Konferansin bu Sazleçmeyi tamamen veya kismen deitiren yeni bir
säzleme kabul etmesi halinde ye yeni Söziegme aksini an gärmedii takdirde:
Deitirici yeni SözIemenin bir uye tarafindan onanma;i durumu,
yukaridaki 9. madde dikkate alinmaksizin ye deitirici yeni Sözieme yururiue
girmiç olmak kayit ye §artl lie, bu Sôziemenin derhal ye kendiIiinden feshini
Detirici yeni SOziemenin yururiue girmesi tarihinden itbaren bu
Säzieme üyelerin onamasina artik acik buiundurulamaz.
2. Bu Säzieme, onu onayipta Deitirici SOziemeyi onamami bulunan
üyeier için herhalde §imdiki §ekil ye içeriiyie geçerli oimakta devarn eden.
Bu söziemenin Fransizca ye Ingiiizce metinleri ayni ekilde muteberdir.
Convention 135
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office, and having met in its Fifty-sixth Session on 2 June 1971, and
Noting the terms of the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949, which provides for protection of workers against acts of antiunion discrimination in respect of their employment, and
Considering that it is desirable to supplement these terms with respect to
workers' representatives, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
protection and facilities afforded to workers' representatives in the undertaking, which is the fifth item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this twenty-third day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one the following Convention, which may be cited as the
Workers' Repre- sentatives Convention, 1971
Article 1
Workers' representatives n the undertaking shall enjoy effective protection against any act prejudicial to them, including dismissal, based on their
status or activities as a workers' representative or on union membership or
participation in union activities, in so far as they act in conformity with existing
laws or collective agreements or other jointly agreed arrangements.
Article 2
I. Such facilities in the undertaking shall be afforded to workers' representatives as may be appropriate in order to enable them to carry out their functions promptly and efficiently.
In this connection account shall be taken of the characteristics of the
industrial relations system of the country and the needs, size and capabilities
of the undertaking concerned.
The granting of such facilities shall not impair the efhcient operation of
the undertaking concerned.
Article 3
For the purpose of this Convention the term
workers' representatives"
means persons who are recognised as such under national law or practice,
whether they aretrade union representatives, namely, representatives designated or
elected by trade unions or by the members of such unions; or
elected representatives, namely, representatives who are freely elected
by the workers of the undertaking in accordance with provisions of national
laws or regulations or of collective agreements and whose functions do not
include activities which are recognised as the exclusive prerogative of trade
unions in the country concerned.
Article 4
National laws or regulations, collective agreements, arbitration awards or
court decisions may determine the type or types of workers' representatives
which shall be entitled to the protection and facilities provided for in this Convention.
Article 5
Where there exist in the same undertaking both trade union representatives and elected representatives, appropriate measures shall be taken, wherever necessary, to ensure that the existence of elected representatives is not
used to undermine the position of the trade unions concerned or their representatives and to encourage co-operation on all relevant matters between the
elected representatives and the trade unions concerned and their representatives.
Article 6
Effect may be given to this Convention through national laws or regulations or collective agreements, or in any other manner cohsistent with national
Article 7
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director- General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 8
I. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratifica.tion has been registered.
Article 9
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years 1 'rom the date on which the Convention first comes
into force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 10
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organization of the registration of all
ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of,the
When notifying the Members of the Organisation of ,the .registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the; Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which fthe
Convention will come into force.
Article 11
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 12
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
Inter- national Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report
on the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing
on the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in
Article 13
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides(a) the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 9 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
(b) as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Con- vention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 14
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
6 Haziran 1973
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 23. 1. 1998/ 4334
: 27. 1. 1998/ 23243
Bakanlar Kurulu Kararu Tarih ye Sayusu : 25. 5. 1998/98-11184
: 21. 6. 1998 / 23379
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayusi
Uluslararasi çalima Tekilati Genel Konferansi;
Uluslararasi çaIima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu tarafindan Cenevre'de
toplantiya cariImi ye 6 Haziran 1973 tarihinde düzenIedii 58 mci oturumunda;
Oturum gundemmnin dördüncü maddesini oluturan istihdama kabulde
asgari yaç konusunda yapilan bazi onerileri kabule karar vererek,
1919 tarihli asgari ya
(sanayi) sOzIemesi 1920 tarihli Asgari ya
(denizcilik) sozleçmesi,1921 tarihil Asgari Ya (Tarim) Sözlemesi, 1921 tarihli
Asgari Ya (Trimci ye AteciIer) Sözlemesi 1932 tarihli Asgari Ya (Sanayi Dii
icier) Sôzlecmesi 1936 tarihil Asgari Yac (Denizcilik) Sözlecmesi (Düzeltilmic),
1937 tarihll Asgari Yac (Sanayi) Sözlecmesi (Düzeltilmic), 1937 tarihli Asgari
Yac (Sanayi Diu Icier) Sözlecmesi (Düzeltilm ic) 1959 tarihfl Asgari Yaç (BaIikcilik)
Sözleçmesi ye 1965 tarihll Asgari Yac (Yeralti Maden Icleri) Sözlecmesi
hükümlerini not ederek,
cocuklarin çaIitiriImasina tamamen son vermek amaciyla, sinirli sayidaki
ekonomik sektöre uygulanabilen ye zamanla mevcutlarin yerine geçecek bir
genel beige olucturulmasi zamaninin geldiini mülahaza ederek ye,
Bu önerilerin bir uluslararasi Sözlecme haline getirilmesini kararlactirarak,
Bin dokuz yuz yetmi üç yuli 1-laziran ayinin i bu yirmialtinci günü asgari
ya sözlecmesi 1973 olarak adlandirilabilecek acaidaki säzlemeyi kabul
Bu säzlecmenmn kendisi için yururlukte oIduu her üye, çocuk içiliini
etkin bir cekilde ortadan kaldirmayi ye istihdama ye çaIumaya kabul 1cm
yain giderek gençlermn fiziksel ye zihinsel yonden tam olarak geIimelerine
olanak taniyacak bir dQzeye yükseltilmesini salayan ulusal bir politika takip
etmeyl kabul eder.
1- Bu sozlemeyi onaylayan her uye, onay belgesine ekIeyecei bir
aciklamayla lIe kendi ülkesinde ye kendi Ulkesinde kayitli bulunan ulacim
araçlarinda istihdama veya çaliçmaya kabul 1cm asgari ya sinirini belirleyecektir;
bu sOzlemenin 4 uncü ye 8 mci maddeleri sakli kalmak üzere, hiç bir kimse
bu yain altinda herhangi bir meslekte istihdama ye çalimaya kabul
Bu sozlemeyi onaylayan her üye, daha Once belirlemi olduu asgari
yatan daha yuksek bir asgari ya belirlendini sonradan yapacaI yeni
açiklamalarla Uluslararasi Qalima Bürosu Genel Müdürü'ne bildirebilir.
Bu maddenin linci fikrasina gore belirlenen asgari ya siniri, zorunlu
Orenim yaInin bittii yain, altinda ye her halükarda 15 yain altinda
Ekonomisi ye eitim olanakiari yeterince gelimemi alan, her üye bu
maddenin 3. fikrasi hükümlerini dikkate almaksizin varsa ilgili i veren ye içi
orgutlerinin gOruünU aldiktan sonra, asgari yai balangiçta 14 olarak
Bir Onceki fikra gereince asgari yai 14 olarak belirleyen her uye, bu
sOzlemenin uygulanmasina ilikin olarak Uluslararasi calima OrgUtü
22. maddesine gore sunacai raporlarda;
bu belirlemenin gerekcelerinin devam ettiine veya
belirli bir trihten sonra sOz konusu hükümlerden yararlanma hakkindan
Anayasasi nm
vaz geçtiine,
Ilikin bir açmklamaya yer verecektir.
Doasm veya yapmldii koullar bakimindan genç kiilerin salimni,
guvenliini veya ahlakmni tehlikeye düürebilecek her türlU istihdam veya
calmmaya kabul 1cm
asgari ya 18 in altinda olmayacaktir.
Bu maddenin 1. fikrasmnmn uygulandmm istihdam veya çalmma türleri
varsa iveren ye içi Orgütlerine dariiiIdmktan sonra ulusal mevzuat yahut
makamca belirlenecektir.
Ulusal mevzuat yahut yetkili makam bu maddenin 1. fmkrasi hükümlerine
liakmlmaksizin, varsa iveren ye ici Orgutlerine daniarak, sOz konusu genç
kiilerin salmi, guvenliinin ye ahiakmnin tam olarak guvenceye almnmasi ye
genc kiilerin ilgili faliyet dalmnda yeterli Ozel Orenim veya mesleki eitim
gormeleri kouluyla 16 yaindan itibaren istihdanmlarmna veya ca1imalarIna
izin verebilir.
Yetkili makam gerektimnde, varsa ilgili iveren ye ici orgütlerine
danitiktan sonra Ozel ye önemli uygulama sorunlarmnmn çiktim smnmrli istibdam
ye calmçma kategorilerini bu sOzlemenin uygulama alani dimnda tutabilir.
Bu sOzlemeyi onaylayan her uye, Uluslararasm Qalmma Orgütü
Anayasasm nm 22. maddesi gereince sOzlemenin uygulanmasiyla ilgili olarak
verecei ilk raporda bu maddenin 1. fikrasmna gore uygulama alani dmmnda
birakilari kategorilerin Jistesini kapsam dii birakma nedenlerini de beflrterek
açiklayacak ye müteakip raporlarinda kapsam dii tutulan bu kategorilerle iIgUi
mevzuatin durumu ile sözIemeye bu kategorueri kapsama almast bakimindan
ne ölcude i!erIik kazandiriIdi veya kazandirimasinin öngörUldüu hususlarinda
bilgi verecektir.
3- Bu sözlemenin 3. maddesinin kapsadii istihdam veya çalima, bu
maddeye dayanilarak sözIeme kapsami dinda birak!lmayacaktir.
Ekonomisi ye idari yapisi yeterince geIimemi bir üye bu sözlemenin
uygulama alanini, varsa Ugili iççi ye içveren örgutlerine daniarak baIangiç
aamasinda sinirlayabilir.
Bu maddenin 1. fikrasi hükmünden yararlanan her uye, onay belgesine
ekleyecei beyanda sözIeme hükümlerinin uygulanacai içyerlerini ya da
ekoriomik faaliyet dallarini belirtecektir.
Bu sözIeme hükümleri her halükarda aarda kayitli icier bakimindan
uyguianacaktir: madenciiik ye maden cikarimi; imalat; inçaat; eiektirk, gaz ye
su; temiziik hizmetieri; uiactlrma, depoiama ye haberiecme; düzeriH oiarak ücretU
içi istihdam etmeyen ye yerel tüketim amaciyla üretim yapan kücük ölcekli
aile icletmeieri dicinda kalan ticari amaçii üretimde bulunan dier tarim
icletmeieri ye plantasyonlar.
Söziemenin uyguiama kapsamini bu madde uyanrica sinirlamic oan
Uiusiararasi Qalicma Orgitu Anayasasi nm 22. maddesi uyarinca
düzenieyecekieri raporlarda, sozlecmenin uyguianma kapsami dicinda birakilan
faaiiyet dailarinda çocuklarin ye gençierin çaImmaiari yada istihdamlarmna ilickin
genel durumu ye sözlecme hUkümierininuyguiama alanini geniietilmesi
doruitusunda kaydediien geiimeieri bUdirecekier;
Uiusiararasi calrcma Bürosu Genel Müdürü ne gOnderecekieri resmi
bir beyan ile uyguiama kapsarnmni herzaman geniietebiiecekIerdir.
Bu söziecme, çocuklar ye gençier tarafindan genel, mesfeki ye teknik
eitim için okuiiarda ye dier eitim kuruluciarinda yapilan iciere veya yetkiii
makamin varsa ilgili içi ye ieren orgutlerine danicarak beIirIedii kocuilara
gore iyerierinde en az 14 yaçindaki kicilerin yaptikiari ye
esas oiarak bir okul yada bir eitim kurulucunun sorumlu buiunduu
bir eitim veya öretim kursunun,
Yetkili makam tarafindan onayianmr oiup büyük öicude veya tamamen
bir iyerinde yürutuien bir eitim programinin veya
Eitim veya meslek seçimini kolayiaçtirmak amaciyia hazirlanmic bir
yönlendirme ya da rehberiik programinin
ayriimaz parçasi olan iclere uygulanmaz.
1- Ulusal mevzuat 13 - 15 arasi yaIardaki kiçilerin,
SaftkIarina veya gellmeIerine zarar vermesi ihtima!i bulunmayan ye
Okula devamlarini, yetkiU makamin onayIadii mesIee yOneltme veya
mesteki eitim programlarina katilmalarini veya dersierden yararlanmalarini
engellememek kouluyIa hafif ilerde caltmaIariria veya istihdamlarina izin
2- Ulusal mevzuat en az 15 yainda olmakla birlikte henüz zorunlu
öreriimIerini tamamIamami olan kiilerin bu maddenin 1. fikrasirun a ye b
paragraflarinda belirtilen kouIIara uygun içlerde çaIimaIarina veya
istihdamlarina da izin verilebilir.
3- Yetkili makam bu maddenin 1. ye 2. fikralarina uygun olarak istihdama
veya çalimaya izin verebilecek faaliyetlerin neler olduuna karar verecek ye
bu çalima veya istihdamin kouIlari ile çaIima sürelerini belirleyecektir.
4- Bu maddenir, 1. ye 2, fikralari dikkate ahrimaksizin 2. maddenin 4.
fikrasinin hükUmlerinden yararlanmakta olan bir üye bu durum devam ettii
sUrece bu maddenin 1. fikrasindaki 13 ye 15 yalari 12 ye 14 ile, 2. fikradaki 15
yai 14 lIe detirebiIir.
Yetkili makam, varsa ilgili içi ye iveren orgütlerine danitiktan sonra,
SözIemenin 2 nci maddesinin öngordUu çahçma ya da istihdam yasakiarina
sanatsal faaliyetlere katilma gibi amaçlar 1cm münferit çalima izinleri vermek
suretiyle istisrialar getirebilir.
Bu §ekilde verilecek izinler, çaIima ya da istihdamin kouIIarini
bel irleyecek, süresini sinirlayacaktir.
YetkUi makam, bu sözleme hükümleririin etkin bir biçimde uygulamasini
salamak 1cm uygun cezal hükümleri de dahil gerekli turn önlemleri alacaktir.
Ulusal rnevzuat veye yetkili makam, sözIemenin uygulanmasina iIikin
hükümlere uyulrnasindan sorumlu kiileri tarirmlayacaktir.
Ulusal mevzuat veya yetkili makam, iverenin muhafaza edecei ye
hazir buIunduracai kayit defteri veya dier belgeleri tanimlayacaktir. Bu kayit
defteri veya belgelerin iverenin istihdam ettii ya da kendisi icin çaUan ye
yaIari 18 den kücük olan kiçilerin adlari ile, rnümkün oIduu hallerde usulunce
onayIanmi doum tarihierini veya yaIarini içerrnesi gerekir.
1- Bu sãzleyme 1919 tarihli Asgari Ya Sanayi Säzlemesi 1920 tarihli
(Denizcilik) SözIemesini,1921 tarihli Asgari Ya (Tarirn) SözIemesini, 1921
Tarihli Asgari Ya (Trimci ye Ateciler) Sözlemesini 1932 tarihli Asgari Ya (Sanayi
Dii iIer) Sözleçmesi 1936 tarihli Asgari Ya Denizcilik SözIemesi (DuzeItiImi),
1937 tarihil Asgari Ya Sanayi Söziemesini (Düzeltilmi), 1937 tarihli Asgari
Yaç Sanayi Dii I!er Sözlemesi (Düzeitiimi), 1959 tarihll Asgari Ya (baiikciiik)
SOzIemesini ye 1965 tarihil Asgari Ya Yeraiti Maden iIeri) SOziemesini bu
maddede On gorulen kouIIar dahilinde tadil eder.
Bu SOziemenin yOrüiüe girmesi 1936 tarihil asgari ya (denizcHik)
sOzlemesini (DüzeItiImi), 1937 tarihii asgari ya (sanayi) sözleçmesi
(DüzeItiImi), 1937 tarihii asgari ya (sanayi dii icier) sozlecmesi (Düzeitiimic),
1959 tarihii asgari yag (baiikciiik) sOzlegmesi yada 1965 tarihii asgari yag (Yeraiti
Maden Igieri) sOzlegmesini bagka onaylara kapatmaz.
1919 tarihii Asgari Yag (Sanayi) SOziegmesine 1920 tarihii Denizcilik
Sozlegmesine,1921 tarihil Asgari Yag (Tarim) Sozlegmesi ye 1921 tarihli Asgari
Yag (Trimci ye Ategciler) SOziegmesine taraf bütün üikeler, bu sOziegmelerin
onaya kapatilmasina, bu sOziegmeyi onaylamak suretiyie veya Uluslararasi
çaiigma Bürosu Genel Müdürü'ne lietecekieri bir beyan lie muvafakat ettikierinde
bu sozlegmeler bagka onayiara kapaniriar.
Ig bu sözlegme yukumiuiukierinin,
1937 tarihli Asgari Yag (Sanayi) sozlegmesine (Düzeltilmig) taraf oian
bir üye üike tarafindan kabul edilmesi ye bu soziegmenin 2. maddesi uyarincal 5
yagtan az olmayan bir asgari yag beiirienmesi haiinde antian säziegme
kendiIiinden derhal yüruriükten kaikar.
1932 tarihil Asgari Yag (sanayi digi icier) SOziegmesinde tanimiandii
§ekiide sanayi digi istihdama iligkin olarak aniian sOzlegmeye taraf bir üye Uike
tarafindan kabul edilmesi haiinde o söziegme kendiiiinden derhai yururiukten
1937 tarihii Asgari Yag (sanayi digi igier) sOziegmesinde (Düzeitilmig)
tanimIandii gekilde sanayi digi istihdama iligkin oiarak anilan soziegmeye taraf
bir uye üike tarafindan kabul edilmesi ye igbu sozlecmenin 2. maddesi uyarinca
15 yagtan az oimayan bir asgari yag belirienmesi haiinde o sOziegme
kendiiiinden derhal yururiukten kalkar.
Deniz igierinde istihdam bakimindan 1936 tarihii Asgari Yag (Denizcilik)
sozlegmesine (Duzeltiimig) taraf bir üye Qike tarafindan kabul edilmesi ye igbu
soziegmenin 2. maddesi uyarinca 15 yagtan az olmayan bir asgari yag
belirienmesi yada üye üikenin bu sOzlegmeriin 3. maddesini deniz iglerindeki
istihdama uyguiandiini beiirtmesi halinde o sOziegme kendiliinden derhal
yururiükten kaikar.
Deniz baIikçiliinda istihdama iligkin olarak 1959 tarihll Asgari Yag
(Balikciiik) soziecmesine taraf bir Oye üike tarafindan kabul edilmesi ye
sOziegmenin 2. maddesi uyarinca 15 yagtan az olmayan bir asgari yag
beiirlenmesi yada üye ülkenin bu sOziegmenin 3. maddesini deniz balikçiiiina
istihdama uyguiandiini beiirtmesi halinde a sOziegme kendiliinden derhai
yururiukten kaikar.
1965 tarihil asgari yag (Yeraiti Maden glen) sOzlegmesine taraf bir üye
üike tarafindan kabul edilmesi ye o SOzlegme uyarinca beiirienen yagtan daha
az oimayan bir asgari yagin bu Sözlegmenin 2. maddesi uyarinca belirlenmesi
yada üye ülkenin igbu sOziegmenin 3. maddesi gereince bu yag siniirinin yeraiti
maden ocakiarinda istihdama da UyguIandirn belirtmesi halinde anilan
sözIeme bu sôziemenin yürurIue girmeslyle kendiiiinden ye derhal
yürürlükten kalkar.
5- Bu sãzieçme yükümiüiüklerinin kabulü, sOziemeriin yurUrue girmesi
haiinde ye yurüIOe girdi tarihte,
12. Maddesi uyarinca 1919 tarihil Asgari Ya (Sanayi) sOziemesinin
yurürlükten kalkmasini
9. maddesi uyarinca tarima iliçkin olarak 1921 tarihli Asgari Ya (tarim)
SOzIemesinin yUrurlükten kalkmasini,
Deniz iierinde istihdama iiikin oiarak 10. maddesi uyarinca 1920 tarihli
Asgari Ya (Denizciiik) söziemesinin ye 12. maddesi uyarinca 1921 tarihii asgari
ya (Trimci ye AteciIer) sözlemesinin yururiukten kalkmasinigerektirir.
Bu söziemenin kesin onama begeIeri Uluslararasi çaIima Bürosu Genel
Müdürüne ganderiiir ye onun tarafindan kaydediiir.
1- Bu sozieçme, ancak onay belgeleri Gene müdür tarafindan kaydediimiç
olan Ulusiararasi çairma Orgutü uyelerini baiar.
Bu sözieme iki üyenin onama belgesi Genei Müdür tarafindan
kaydediidii tarihten 12 ay sonra yurüriue girer.
Bu sOzieme, onu onayari her üye 1cm onama beigesi kaydediIdii
tarihten 12 ay sonra yururIUe girer.
Bu sozIemeyi onayan her üye, ilk yururiue girdii tarihinden itibaren
on yiiiik bir sure sonunda, Ulusiararasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne
gonderecei ye bu Müdürün kaydedecei bir beige lie feshedebiiir. Fesih kayit
tarihinden ancak bir yti sonra geçerii oiacaktir.
Bu soziemeyi onayiamiç olup'da, onu bundan önceki fikrada sOzu
ediien on yiliik sürenin bitiminden itibaren bir yii süresin bu madde gereince
feshetmek seçeneini kuiianmayan her Oye yeniden on ylliak sure 1cm
olur ye bundan sonra bu özIemeyi, her on yilik devre bitince, bu maddenin
içerdii kouiiar içinde feshedebiiir.
Uiusiararasi Qalirna Bürosu Genel Müdürü, Orgüt Uyeieri tarafindan
kendisine biidiriien, bütün onama ye fesihierin kaydediidiini Ulusiararasi
çaIima Orgütunün bütün uyelerine duyurur.
Geriei Müdür, kendisine gönderilen sözIemenin ikinci onama beigesinin
kaydedildiini orgüt uyelermne duyururken bu sözIemenin yururlue girecei
tarih hakkinda orgut üyelerinin dikkatini çeker.
Uiuslararasi Qaiima Bürosu Genel MOdUrü, yukaridaki maddeler
gereince, kaydetmi olduOu bOtün onama beyan ye fesihiere iIikin tam bilgileri,
Birlemi Milletler Antlamasinin 102 nci maddesi uyarinca kaydedilmek üzere,
Birlemi Milletler Genel Sekreterine ulatiracaktir.
Uluslararasi çalima Bürosu Yänetim Kurulu gerekli gärdüu zaman bu
Sozleçmenin, uyguianmasi hakkinda bir raporu Genel Konferansa sunar ye
oriun tamamen veya kismen detirilmesi konusunun konferans gundemine
aiinmasi gerei hakkinda karar verir.
1. Konferansin bu Sözlemeyi tamamen veya kismen deitiren yeni bir
sözleme kabul etmesi halinde ye yeni sôzieme aksini an garmedii taktirde:
Deigtirici yeni sözlemenin bir Qye tarafindan onanmasi durumu,
yukaridaki 16 mci madde dikkate alinmaksizin ye detirici yeni sözleme
yürürlüe girmi olmak kayit ye §arti lie, bu säzlemenin derhai ye kendiiiinden
feshini gerektirir.
Deiçtirici yeni sôzlemenin yürOrl(e girmesi tarihinden itbaren bu
sözieme üyeierin onamasina artik açik bulunduruiamaz.
2. Bu sOzleme, onu onayip da deitirici saziemeyi onamamm bulunan
uyeler 1cm, herhaide §imdiki §ekil ye içeriiyle geçerli olmakta devam eder.
Bu söziemenin Fransmzca ye Ingilizce metinleri aynm derecede muteberdir.
Convention No. 138
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Fifty-eighth Session on 6 June 1973,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
minimum age for admission to employment, which is the fourth item on the
agenda of the session, and
Noting the terms of the Minimum Age (Industry) Convention, 1919, the
Mini- mum Age (Sea) Convention, 1920, the Minimum Age (Agriculture)
Conven- tion, 1921, the Minimum Age (Trimmers and Stokers) Convention,
1921, the Minimum Age (Non-Industrial Employment) Convention, 1932, the
Mini- mum Age (Sea) Convention (Revised), 1936, the Minimum Age (Industry) Convention (Revised), 1937, the Minimum Age (Non-Industrial Employment) Convention (Revised), 1937, the Minimum Age (Fishermen) Convention, 1959, and the Minimum Age (Underground Work) Convention, 1965, and
Considering that the time has come to establish a general instrument on
the subject, which would gradually replace the existing ones applicable to
limited economic sectors, with a view to achieving the total abolition of child
labour, and
Having determined that this instrument shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this twenty-sixth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-three the following Convention, which may be cited as the
Minimum Age Convention, 1973:
Article 1
Each Member for which this Convention is in force undertakes to pursue
a national policy designed to ensure the effective abolition of child labour and
to raise progressively the minimum age for admission to employment or work
to a level consistent with the fullest physical and mental development of young
Article 2
1. Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall specify, in a declaration appended to its ratification, a minimum age for admission to employirient
or work within its tertitory and on means of transport registered in its terntory;
subject to Articles 4 to 8 of this Convention, no one under that age shall be
admitted to employment or work in any occupation.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention may subsequently
notify the Director-General of the International Labour Office, by further declarations, that it specifies a minimum age higher than that previously specified.
The minimum age specified in pursuance of paragraph 1 of this Article
shall not be less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling and, in
any case, shall not be less than 15 years.
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article, a Member whose economy and educational facilities are insufficiently developed may,
after consulta- tion with the organisations of employers and workers concerned,
where such exist, initially specify a minimum age of 14 years.
Each Member which has specified a minimum age of 14 years in pursuance of the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall include in its reports
on the application of this Convention submitted under article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation a statementthat its reason for doing so subsists; or
that it renounces its right to avail itself of the provisions in question as
from a stated date.
Article 3
I. The minimum age for admission to any type of employment or work
which by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out is likely to
jeopardise the health, safety or morals of young persons shall not be less than
18 years.
The types of employment or work to which paragraph 1 of this Article
applies shall be determined by national laws or regulations or by the competent authority, after consultation with the organisations of employers and workers concerned, where such exist.
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, national
laws or regulations or the competent authority may, after consultation with the
organisations of employers and workers concerned, where such exist, authorise
employment or work as from the age of 16 years on condition that the health,
safety and morals of the young persons concerned are fully protected and that
the young persons have received adequate specific instruction or vocational
training in the relevant branch of activity.
Article 4
In so far as necessary, the competent authority, after consultation with
the organisations of employers and workers concerned, where such exist,
may exclude from the application of this Convention limited categories of employment or work in respect of which special and substantial problems of
application arise.
Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall list in its first report
on the application of the Convention submitted under article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation any categories which may have
been excluded in pursuance of paragraph 1 of this Article, giving the reasons
for such exclusion, and shall state in subsequent reports the position of its law
and practice in respect of the categories excluded and the extent to which
effect has been given or is proposed to be given to the Convention in respect
of such categories.
3. Employment or work covered by Article 3 of this Convention shall not
be excluded from the application of the Convention in pursuance of this Article.
Article 5
A Member whose economy and administrative facilities are insuciently
de- veloped may, after consultation with the organisations of employers and
workers concerned, where'such exist, initially limit the scope of application of
this Convention.
Each Member which avails itself of the provisions of paragraph 1 of this
Article shall specify, in a declaration appended to its ratification, the branches
of economic activity or types of undertakings to which it will apply the provisions of the Con- vention.
The provisions of the Convention shall be applicable as a minimum to
the following: mining and quarrying; manufacturing; construction; electricity,
gas and water; sanitary services; transport, storage and communication; and
plantations and other agricultural undertakings mainly producing for commercial purposes, but excluding family and small-scale holdings producing for
local consumption and not regularly employing hired workers.
Any Member which has limited the scope of application of this Convention in pursuance of this Articleshall indicate in its reports under article 22 of the Constitution of the
Inter- national Labour Organisation the general position as regards the employment or work of young persons and children in the branches of activity
which are excluded from the scope of application of this Convention and any
progress which may have been made towards wider application of the provisions of the Convention;
may at any time formally extend the scope of application by a declaration addressed to the Director-General of the International Labour Office.
Article 6
This Convention does not apply to work done by children and young
persons in schools for general, vocational or technical education or in other
training insti- tutions, or to work done by persons at least 14 years of age in
undertakings, where such work is carried out in accordance with conditions
prescribed by the competent authority, after consultation with the organisations
of employers and workers concerned, where such exist, and is an integral part
a course of education or training for which a school or training institution is primarily responsible;
a programme of training mainly or entirely in an undertaking, which
programme has been approved by the competent authority; or
a programme of guidance or orientation designed to facilitate the
choice of an occupation or of a line of training.
Article 7
1. National laws or regulations may permit the employment or work of
persons 13 to 15 years of age on light work which isnot likely to be harmful to their health or development; and
not such as to prejudice their attendance at school, their participation
in vocational orientation or training programmes approved by the competent
authority or their capacity to benefit from the instruction received.
2. National laws or regulations may also permit the employment or work
of persons who are at least 15 years of age but have not yet completed their
compulsory schooling on work which meets the requirements set forth in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article.
3. The competent authority shall determine the activities in which employment or work may be permitted under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article
and shall prescribe the number of hours during which and the conditions in
which such employment or work may be undertaken.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, a
Member which has availed itself of the provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 2
may, for as long as it continues to do so, substitute the ages 12 and 14 for the
ages 13 and 15 in paragraph 1 and the age 14 for the age 15 in paragraph 2 of
this Article.
Article 8
After consultation with the organisations of employers and workers
concerned, where such exist, the competent authority may, by permits granted
in individual cases, allow exceptions to the prohibition of employment or work
provided for in Article 2 of this Convention, for such purposes as participation
in artistic performances.
Permits so granted shall limit the number of hours during which and
prescribe the conditions in which employment or work is allowed.
Article 9
All necessary measures, including the provision of appropriate penalties, shall be taken by the competent authority to ensure the effective enforcement of the provisions of this Convention.
National laws or regulations or the competent authority shall define the
persons responsible for compliance with the provisions giving effect to the
3. National laws or regulations or the competent authority shall prescribe
the registers or other documents which shall be kept and made available by
the employer; such registers or documents shall contain the names and ages
or dates of birth, duly certified wherever possible, of persons whom he employs or who work for him and who are less than 18 years of age.
Article 10
This Convention revises, on the terms set forth in this Article, the Minimum Age (Industry) Convention, 1919, the Minimum Age (Sea) Convention,
1920, the Minimum Age (Agriculture) Convention, 1921, the Minimum Age
(Trimmers and Stokers) Convention, 1921, the Minimum Age (Non-Industrial
Employment) Convention, 1932, the Minimum Age (Sea) Convention (Revised),
1936, the Minimum Age (Industry) Convention (Revised), 1937, the Minimum
Age (Non-Industrial Employment) Convention (Revised), 1937, the Minimum
Age (Fishermen) Convention, 1959, and the Minimum Age (Underground Work)
Convention, 1965.
The coming into force of this Convention shall not close the Minimum
Age (Sea) Convention (Revised), 1936, the Minimum Age (Industry) Convention (Re- vised), 1937, the Minimum Age (Non-Industrial Employment) Convention (Revised), 1937; the Minimum Age (Fishermen) Convention, 1959, or
the Minimum Age (Underground Work) Convention, 1965, to further rat!fication.
The Minimum Age (Industry) Convention, 1919, the Minimum Age
(Sea) Convention, 1920, the Minimum Age (Agriculture) Convention 1921,
and the Minimum Age (Trimmers and Stokers) Convention, 1921, shall be
closed to further ratification when all the parties thereto have consented to
such closing by ratification of this Convention or by a declaration communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office.
When the obligations of this Convention are acceptedby a Member which is a party to the Minimum Age (Industry) Convention (Revised), 1937, and a minimum age of not less than 15 years is specified
in pursuance of Article 2 of this Convention, this shall ipso jure involve the
immediate denunciation of that Convention,
in respect of non-industrial employment as defined in the Minimum
Age (Non- Industrial Employment) Convention, 1932, by a Member which is a
party to that Convention, this shall ipso jure involve the immediate denunciation of that Convention,
in respect of non-industrial employment as defined in the Minimum
Age (Non- Industrial Employment) Convention (Revised), 1937, by a Member
which is a party to that Convention, and a minimum age of not less than 15
years is specified in pursuance of Article 2 of this Convention, this shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of that Convention,
in respect of maritime employment, by a Member which is a party to
the Minimum Age (Sea) Convention (Revised), 1936, and a minimum age of
not less than 15 years is specified in pursuance of Article 2 of this Convention
or the Member specifies that Article 3 of this Convention applies to maritime
employment, this shall ipso jure involve the immediate denunciation of that
in respect of employment in maritime fishing, by a Member which is a
party to the Minimum Age (Fishermen) Convention, 1959, and a minimum age
of not less than 15 years is specified in pursuance of Article 2 of this Convention or the Member specifies that Article 3 of this Convention applies to employment in maiitimc fishing, this shall ipso jure involve the immediate denunciation of that Convention,
by a Member which is a party to the Minimum Age (Underground
Work) Convention, 1965, and a minimum age of not less than the age specified in pursuance of that Convention is specified in pursuance of Article 2 of
this Convention or the Member specifies that such an age applies to employment underground in mines in virtue of Article 3 of this Convention, this shall
ipso lure involve the immediate denunciation of that Convention,
if and when this Convention shall have come into force.
5. Acceptance of the obligations of this Conventionshall involve the denunciation of the Minimum Age (Industry) Convention, 1919, in accordance with Article 12 thereof,
in respect of agriculture shall involve the denunciation of the Minimum Age (Agriculture) Convention, 1921, in accordance with Article 9 thereof,
in respect of maritime employment shall involve the denunciation of
the Mini- mum Age (Sea) Convention, 1920, in accordance with Article 10
thereof, and of the Minimum Age (Trimmers and Stokers) Convention, 1921, in
accordance with Article 12 thereof,
if and when this Convention shall have come into force.
Article 11
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director- General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 12
I. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelvemonths after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 13
I. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it isregistered.
2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 14
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the
When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 15
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 16
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 17
I. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise providesthe ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 13 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Con- vention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 18
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
4 Haziran 1975
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 26. 11. 1992/3850
: 12. 12. 1992 / 21433
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi : 8. 1. 1993 I 93-3967
: 25. 2. 1993 / 21507
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
Ulusiararasi Qaiima Burosu tarafindan Cenevre'de düzenienen ye 4
Haziran 1975 tarihinde altmiinci topiantisini yapan,
Topianti gundeminin 6 nd maddesini tekil eden, Insan kaynakiarinin
gelitiriimesi: mesleki rehberlik ye mesieki eitime iIikin bazi öneriierin kabuiüne
karar veren,
Bu önerilerin bir Uiuslararasi Sözleme §eklini aIacaini kararIatiran;
Ulusiararasi Qaiima Tekilati Genel Konferansi,
Bindokuz yuz yetmi be senesinin yirmi Uçuncü gunu Insan kaynaklannin
gelitiriimesi sözlemesi, 1975 adiyla anilabilecek olan aaidaki SOzieçmeyi
kabul etmitir.
1-Her uye, äzellikle kamu istihdam hizmetleri aracilii lie, istihdam lie
yakindan iiiçkili olarak kapsamli ye koordineli mesieki rehberlik ye mesieki
eitim politika ye programiari kabul edip, geiitirecektir.
2- Bu politika ye programlar aaidaki hususiari dikkate alacaktir:
Bolgesei ye uiusal duzeyde istihdam ihtiyaci, firsatlari ye sorunlari,
Ekonomik sosyal ye küitürel gelimenin safha ye duzeyi ye
c)Insan kaynakiarinin geiitiriimesi lie, dier ekonomik, sosyal ye küitürel
hedefier arasindaki kariii kh iiikiier.
3- Politika ye programiar ulusal artlara uygun metodlarla takip edilecektir.
4- Politika ye programlar, kiinin çaiima ortamini ye sosyal çevreyi aniama
ye buniari bireysel veya toplu olarak etkileme kabiliyetini geIitirecek §ekilde
5- Poiitika ye programlar toplumun ihtiyaciari da dikkate alinmak suretiyle
kiiierin kendi çikarlarina ye bekientilerine uygun olarak çalima kabiiiyetlerini
geIitirip kuilanmalarini eitIik esasina dayali ye herhangi bir ayirlm
gäzetmeksizin tevik edecek ye mümkün kilacaktir.
Her Oye, yukarida beiirtilen hedefleri dikkate alarak, resmi eitim sistemi
icinde veya bunun diinda yer alacak §ekilde, genel, teknik ye mesleki eitime,
eitim ye mesleki rehberIie ye mesleki eitime iIikin açik, esnek ye tamamlayici
sistemleri oIuturup geIitirecektir.
Her uye, turn sakat ye özürlüler 1cm
hazirlanacak özei programiarda
dahil olmak üzere, turn cocuklara, gençlere ye yetikinlere kapsamli
enformasyon saIamak ye mürnükUn olan en geni rehberlik amaciyla,
istihdama iiikin sürekli bilgi temini dahil mesleki rehberlik sistemlerini tedricen
yaygi nlatiracaktir.
Bu bHgi ye rehberlik; meslek seçirni, mesieki eitirn ye buna ilikin
örenim firsatlari istihdam dururnu ye istihdam bekientileri, meslekte yukselrne
imkanlari, caiima §artlarl, ite güvenhik hijyen ye ekonomik, sosyal ye kültürel
faaliyetlerin çeitii sektörierin çaiirna hayatinin dier yanlermni ye turn
sorumluluk duzeyierini kapsayacaktir.
Bu bilgi ye rehberlik, toplu sôzlemelerin genel hususiarina ye i
kapsamindaki herkesin hak ye sorumlulukiarina ilikin bilgilerie
tamamlanacaktir; bu bilgiler, ilgili içi ye iveren kuruluiarinin fonksiyon ye
garevieri dikkate alinarak, ulusal mevzuat ye uygulama uyarinca salanacaktir.
Her Uye, mesleki eitim sistemlerini, ekonorninin turn sektörlerinde ye
turn ekonomik faaiiyet kollarindaki genç ye yetikmnierin ömür boyu mesleki
eitim ihtiyaclarini, turn beceri ye sorumluluk düzeyIerinde kariliyacak çekilde
tedricen geniIetecek ye gerekli uyumu ye ahengi saiayacaktir.
Mesleki rehberiik ye mesleki eitim poUtika ye .programlari, iveren ye içi
kuruIuIan ye ulusal mevzuat ye uygulama lie uyumlu ye uygun olduu takdirde
ilgili diër kurulularla ibirlii içinde formüIe edilip, uygulanacaktir.
Bu söziernenin onay beigeleri tescil içmn Milletlerarasi Qa!ima Bürosu
Genel Müdürü'ne gonderilecektir.
1- Bu SOzieme,sadece onay belgeleri Genel müdür tarafindan tescil
olan Milietlerarasi çaiima Tekilati Uyelerini balayacaktir.
Bu sözleme iki uyenin onay belgelerinmn Genel Müdür tarafindan tescil
ediidii tarihten on iki ay sonra yururIue gmrecektir.
Bundan sonra ibu Sözleme, onaylayan her Uye 1cm, onay beigesi
tescil edildii tarihten on iki ay sonra yururlue girecektir.
Bu sözIemeyi oriayIami olan bir uye, säzIemenin ilk yururIue giri
tarihinden itibaren on yll geçtikten sonra Milletlerarasi çaIima BUrosu Genel
Müdürüne ganderecei ye onun tarafindan tescil edilecek bir bildirim ile
sOzIemeyi feshedebilir. Fesih, tescit tarihinin Ozerinden bir yil geçmeden muteber
Bu sözIemeyi onaylami bulunan ye änceki fikrada belirtilen on yillik
devrenin sonundan itibaren bir yil icinde bu madde gereince feshetmek hakkini
kuflanmayan her üye yeniden on ylUik bir müddet için baIanmi olacak ye
bundan sonra bu säzlemeyi, her on yillik devrenin sona ermesinden sonra,
bu maddede derpi edilen hükümlere gore feshedebilecektir.
Milletlerarasi çaIima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, TekUat üyeleri tarafindan
kendisine bildirilen bütün onay ye fesihlerin tescil ilemini MiUetlerarasi caIima
TekiIatinin bütün uyelerine bildirecektir.
Genel MOdür keridisine gönderilen sözlemenin kind onay belgesinin
tescil ediIdiini TekiIat üyelerine bildirirken, bu SOzlemenin yurürlUe girecei
tarihe TekiIat üyelerinin dikkatini cekecektir.
Milletlerarasi çakma Bürosu Genet Müdürü, önceki maddeler gereince,
tescU etmi oIduu bütün onay ye fesih içlemterine dair bUgilerin tamamint,
Birlemi Miltefler AntIamasinin 102 nd maddesi uyarinca tescil edilmek üzere
Birlemi MUletler Genel Sekreterine ulatiracaktir.
Milletlerarasi Qalima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu gerekli gorduu hallerde
bu SOzIemenin, uygulanmasi hakkinda Genel Konferansa bir rapor sunacak
ye SOzIemenin tamamen veya kismen detiriImesi konusunun konferans
gündemine alinip alinmamasi hususunu inceleyecektir.
1. Genel Konferansin, bu SOzlemenin tamamini veya bir kismini detiren
yeni bir SOzleme kabul etmesi halinde ye bu yeni sOzIemede aksine hüküm
bulunmadii takdirde;
DeiikIik getiren yeni sOzlemenin bir üye tarafindan onaylanmasi, bu
yeni sOzIemenin yururIUegirmi olmasi kaydiyla, yukaridaki 8 mci madde
hükümeri gOz OnOnde tutulmaksizin i bu sOzIemenin derhal feshi neticesini
Deiiklik getiren yeni SOzIemenin yirurIue giri tarihinden itbaren
iç bu SOzIeme üye ülkelerin onayina artik açik tutulmayacaktir.
2. I bu SOzIemeyi onayIami bulunan ye deiiklik getiren SOzlemeyi
onaylamayacak üye ülkeler açisindan bu SOzIeme ayni muhteva ye biçimde
yururlukte kaalacaktir.
Bu sOztemenin Fransizca ye ngUizce metinleri ayrii derecede muteberdir.
Convention No. 142
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the international Labour Oflice, and having met in its Sixtieth Session on 4 June 1970,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
hu- man resources development: vocational guidance and vocational training, which is the sixth item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this twenty-third day ofJune of the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-five, the following Convention, which may be cited as the
Human Re- sources Development Convention, 1975:
Article 1
I. Each Member shall adopt and develop comprehensive and co-oidinated
policies and programmesof vocational guidance and vocational training. closely
linked with employment, in particular through public employment services.
2. These policies and programmes shall take due account of -
employment needs, opportunities and problems, both regional and
the stage and level of economic, social and cultural development;
the mutual relationships between human resources development and
other economic, social and cultural objectives.
3. The policies and programmes shall be pursued by methods that are
appropriate to national conditions.
4. The policies and programmes shall be designed to improve the ability
of the individual to understand and, individually or collectively, to influence the
working and social environment.
5. The policies and programmes shall encourage and enable all persons,
on an equal basis and without any discrimination whatsoever, to develop and
use their capabilities for work in their own best interests and in accordance
with their own aspirations, account being taken of the necds of society.
Article 2
With the above ends in view, each Member shall establish and develop
open, flexible and complementary systems of general technical and vocatioanal
education, educational and vocational guidance and vocational training,
whether these activities take place within the system of formal education or
outside it.
Article 3
I. Each Member shall gradually extend its systems of vocational guidance, incruding continuing employment information, with a view to ensuring
that comprehensive information and the broadest possible guidance are avail-
able to all children, young persons and adults, including appropriate
programmes for all handicapped and disabled persons.
Such information and guidance shall cover the choice of an occupation, vocational training and related educational oppbrtunities, the employment situation and employment prospects, promotion prospects, conditions
of work, safety and hygiene at work, and other aspects of working life in the
various sec- tors of economic, social and cultural activiry and at all levels of
The informacion and guidance shall be supplemented by information
on general aspects of collective agreements and of the rights and obligations
of all concerned under labour law; this information shall be provided in accordance with national law and practice, taking into account the respeccive functions and tasks of the workers' and employers' organisations concerned.
Article 4
Each Member shall gradually extend, adapt and harmonise its vocational
training systems to meet the needs for vocational training throughout life of
both young persons and adults in all sectors of the economy and branches of
economic activity and at all levels of skill and responsibility.
Article 5
Policies and programmes of vocational guidance and vocational training
shall be formulated and implemented in co-operation with employers' and
workers' organisations and, as appropriate and in accordance with national
law and practice, with other interested bodies.
Articles 6-13: Standard final provisions.
2 Haziran 1976
ILO Kabul Tarihi
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 26. 11. 1992 I 3851
:12. 12. 1992/21433
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi : 8. 1. 1993/ 93-3967
: 25. 2. 1993 /21507
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
Uluslararsi çaiima Bürosu Yönetim Kuruiun'oa Cenevre'de topianan ye
2 Haziran 1976 tarihinde altmibirinci toplantisini yapan Milietierarsi Qalima
TekUati Genel Konferansi, iveren ye iciIerin serbest ye baimsiz teikiiatiar
kurma hakiarini teyld eden ye ulusal düzeyde resmi makamlari lie iveren ye
ici kuruIuiari arasinda etkiii danimanlarin teviki 1cm önlemier alinmasini
öngôren, ozeliikle Dernek Kurma Hurriyeti ye TekilatIanma Hakkinin Korunmasi
hakkindaki 1948 tarihil Sözleme, TekiiatIanma ye Toplu Pazarlik Hakkina dair
1949 tarihii SOzieme, 1960 tarihli (Sinai ye Ulusal Düzeyde)istiare Tavsiye
Karari olmak üzere, mavcut Ulusiararsi caIima SOzlemeieri ye Tavsiyelerin
hükümleri yarunda, bunlara etkiniik kazandirmak üzere
iveren ye içi
teçkiiatlarinin danimaiarda bulunmalaririi (angoren) cok sayida Uluslararasi
calima Säzlemesi ye Tavsiyelerinin hükümierini hatirda tutarak, ye
Toplanti gundeminin, "Ulusiararsi calima Standartlarinin uygulanmasini
geiitirmek üzere uclu mekanizma oluturu!masi"baIiini taiyan dördüncü
maddesini gôzänüne alarak ye Milietlerarasi caIima staridartlarinin
uygulanmasini geIitirmek üzere üçiü danimaiar hakkinda bazi äneriierin
kabuiüne karar vererek,
Bu öneriierin Milietierarasi bir säzieme oluturacaini karar1ati rmak,
Bindokuzyüzyetmiaiti ytlinin Haziran ayinin yirmibirinci günü Uçiü
Darnma (Ulusiararasi çaIima Standartlari) Söziemesi 1976 olarak
adlandirilabilecek aaidaki Soziemeyi kabul eder.
Bu SôzIeme'de "temsilci kuruluçiar" tabiri. tekilatlanma özgurluü
hakiarindan yararianan en fazia temsil niteiiine haiz içi ye iveren kuruIuiarini
ifade eder.
1 içbu Sozleme'yi onaylayan Uluslararsi Qaiima Tekilatinin her Oyesi
5' mci madde 1 'mci fikrada belirtilen Uluslararsi calima Tekilatinin faaliyetierine
iiikin hükümet, iveren ye ici temsilciieri arasinda etkin danimayi
gerçekIetirmeyi salayacak usulleri içletmeyi taahhüt eder.
2.Bu maddenin 1 'mci paragrafinda OngOrülen usullerin §ekli ye muhtevasi,
temsile yetkili kurulularin mevcut olmasi ye bu usullerin oIuturulmami
bulunmasi halinde, her ülkede bu kurululara daniiIarak, ulusal uyguiamaya
uygun §ekilde tesbit edUir.
1 .Bu Sözleme'de getirilen usuilerin amaçlari açisindan ici ye iveren
temsilcileri, temsile yetkili kuruiularrn mevcut olmalari halinde, bunlar tarafuidan
serbestçe seçileceklerdir.
2.içi ye iverenler, danimalarin yapilacai herhangi bir organda eit sayida
temsil edilecektir.
l.Yetkili makam bu Sôzieme'de getirilen usulleriri idari yOnden
destekienmesi sorumiuluOunu üstlenir.
2.Yetkili makam lie, §ayet mevcut ise, temsile yetkili kuruIular arsinda,
bu usuller konusunda gerekebilecek eitimin finansmani 1cm düzenlenmeler
1 .Bu Sözleme'nin amacina gOre üzerinde danima yapilacak hususiar
a)Ulusiararsi çahma Konferansi gUndeminde yer alan konulara iiikin
sualnamelere verilen h(kümet cevaplari lie Konferansta tartiiIacak Oneri
metinleri üzerindeki hQkUmet görüIeri.
b)Uluslararsi Qalima Tekiiati Anayasasinin 19 'uncu maddesine gore
SözIeme ye Tavsiyeler sunulmasina iUkin olarak yetkili makam veya makamlara
yapilacak teklifier.
c)OnayIanmami SOzIemeIer uygulanmaya geçirilmemiç tavsiyelerin,
yerine gore uygulanmalarini, onaylamalarini hiziandirabilecek tedbirieri
deerlendirmek üzere, uygun aralikiarla gozden geçirmeleri,
d) Uluslararasi çaiiçma Tekilati Anayasasinin 22'nci maddesine gore
Ulusiararsi Qalima Bürosuna verilen raporlardan cikan sorunlar,
e)OnayIanmi SOzleçmeierin feshine iIikin Oneriler.
2.Bu maddenin 1 'mci fikrasinda atif yapilan konularin yeterli Olçüde
deerlendiriiebiImeIerini saIamak açtsindan, danimalar, anlaçma lie tespit
ediImi uygun arahkiarla, ancak yiida bir kereden az olmamak üzere yapilacaktir.
Mevcut olmalari halide, temsile yetkili kuruluiarla istiare sonucunda
uygungOrüldUu takdirde, yetkiii makam, bu SOzieme lie getiren hususlarin
iieyii konusunda yiilik bir rapor haziriayacaktir.
Bu SôzIeme'nin kesin onay belgeleri tescil edilmek üzere Ulusiararasi
çaIima Bürosu Genel Müdürüne ganderilecektir.
1 .Bu SäzIeme, Uluslararsi caIima TekiIati Uyelerinden sadece onay
beigeleri Genei Müdür tarafindan tescii ediImi oianlari balayacaktr.
2.Bu SäzIeme, iki üyenin onay belgeierinin Gene! Müdür taraftndan tescil
tarihinden oniki ay sonra yürurIüe girecektir.
3.Daha sonra, ibu SOzIeme, onaylayan her üye içiri, onay belgelerinin
tescil tarihinden oniki ay sonra yurur!üe girecektir.
1 .Bu SozIeme'yi onaylami olan bir üye, Sôzieme'nin ilk yururlüe giri
tarihinden itibaren on yil gectikten sonra, Uluslararsi çahçma Bürosu Gene!
Müdürüne gönderecei ye onun tarafindan tescil edilebilecek bir blIdirim lie
fesihedilebilecektir.Fesih,tescil tarihinin üzerinden 1 yil geçmeden muteber
2.Bu SozIemeyi onayIami buiunan ye önceki fikrada beiirtiien on yillik
devrenin sonundan itibaren bir yil içinde bu madde gereince feshetmek hakkini
kuIianmami her uye yeniden on yillik bir müddet 1cm baIanmi olacak ye
bundan sonra bu SözIeme'yi her on yilltk devrenin sona ermesinden sonra
bu maddede derpi edilen hükümlere gäre feshedebilecektir.
1 .Uluslararsi caiima Bürosu Gene! MUdürü, Teki!at uyeleri tarafindan
kendisine bildirilen bütün onay ye feshlerin tescil iierini Milietlerarasi çaIima
TekiIati'nin bütün uyelerine biidirilecektir.
2.Genel Müdür kendisine ganderi!en Säz!eme'nin ikinci onama belgesinin
kaydediIdiini Orgüt uye!erine duyururken bu SäzIeme'nin yururIue girecei
tarih hakknda Orgut Qyeierinin dikkatini çeker.
Ulusiararsi çaiiçma Bürosu Gene! Müdürü, ônceki maddeler gereince
tescil etmi o!duu onay ye fesih iIemIerine dair bilgilerin tamamini BirIemi
Milletier AntIamasinin 102'nci maddesi uyarinca tescil edilmek üzere BirIemi
Milletler Sekreterine uiatiracaktir.
Uiusiararsi Qaliçma Bürosu Yänetim Kurulu, gerekll görduu hallerde, bu
Sãiemenin uygulanmasi hakkinda Gene! Konferansa bir rapor sunacak ye
sôIemenin tamamen veya kismen deitiriimesi konusunun Konfersans
guridemine alinip aiinmamasi hususunu inceieyecektir.
1 .Genel Konferansin, bu SözIeme'nin tamamini veya bir kismini deitiren
yeni bir Sôzleme kabul etmesi hallnde ye bu yeni Sözleme'de aksine bir
hUküm bulunmadii takdirde,
a)DeiikIik getiren yeni SôzIeme'nin bir üye tarafindan onaylanmasi,
bu yen! Sözleme'nin yürürlüe girmi olmasi kaydiyla yukaridaki 9 unu madde
hükümleri gözönünde tututlmaksizin, ibu Säzleçme'nn derhal feshi neticesini
b)Deiiklik getiren yen! Säzleme'nin yürürIüe giri tarihinden itibaren,
bu SOzleme üye ülketerin onayina artik açtk tutulmayacaktir.
2.Ibu Säzleme'yi, onayIami bulunan ye deiiklik getiren SozIeme'yi
onaylamayacak olan üye ülkeler açisindan ibu Sözleme ayni muhteva ye
biçimde yururlukte kalacaktir.
Bu SözIemenin Fransizca ye ingilizce metinleri ayni derecede muteberdir.
Convention No. 144
The General Conference of the International Labour orgarilsation, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office, and having met in its Sixty-first Session on 2 June 1976, and
Recalling the terms of existing international labour Conventions and
Recom- mendations-in particular the Freedom of Association and Protection
of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948, the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949, and the Consultation (Industrial and National Levels) Recommendation, 1960-which affirm the right of employers and
workers to establish free and independent organisations and call for measures
to promote effective consultation at the national level between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations, as well as the provisions of
numerous international labour Conventions and Recommendations which provide for the consultation of employers' and workers' organisations on measures to give effect thereto, and
Having considered the fourth item on the agenda of the session which is
entitled "Establishment of tripartite machinery to promote the implementation
of international labour standards", and having decided upon the adoption of
certain proposals concerning tripartite consultations to promote the implementation of international labour standards, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this twenty-first day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six the following Convention, which may be cited as the
Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976:
Article 1
In this Convention the term "representative organisations" means the
most representative organisations of employers and workers enjoying the right
of freedom of association.
Article 2
Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies
this Convention undertakes to operate procedures which ensure effective consultations, with respect to the matters concerning the activities of the International Labour Organisation set out in Article 5, paragraph 1, below, between
representatives of the government, of employers and of workers.
The nature and form of the procedures provided for in paragraph 1 of
this Article shall be determined in each country in accordance with national
practice, after consultation with the representative organisations, where such
organisations exist and such procedures have not yet been established.
Article 3
I. The representatives of employers and workers for the purposes of the
pro- cedures provided for in this Convention shall be freely chosen by their
representative organisations, where such organisations exist.
2. Employers and workers shall be represented on an equal footing on
any bodies through which consultations are undertaken.
Article 4
The competent authority shall assume responsibility for the administrative support of the procedures provided for in this Convention.
Appropriate arrangements shall be made between the competent authority and the representative organisations, where such organisations exist,
for the financing of any necessary training of participants in these procedures.
Article 5
I. The purpose of the procedures provided for in this Convention shall be
con- sultations ongovernment replies to questionnaires concerning items on the agenda
of the International Labour Conference and government comments on proposed texts to be discussed by the Conference;
the proposals to be made to the competent authority or authorities in
connectinn with the submission of Conventions and Recommendations
pursuant to article 19 of the Constitution of the International Labour
the re-examination at appropriate intervals of unratified Conventions
and of Recommendations to which effect has not yet been given, to consider
what measures might be taken to promote their implementation and ratification as appropriate;
questions arising out of reports to be made to the International Labour
office under article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation;
proposals for the denunciation of ratified Conventions.
2. In order to ensure adequate consideration of the matters refereed to in
para- graph 1 of this Article, consultations shall be undertaken at appropriate
intervals fixed by agreement, but at least once a year.
Article 6
When this is considered appropriate after consultation with the representative organisations, where such organisations exist, the competent authority
shall issue an annual report on the working of the procedures provided for in
this Convention.
Article 7
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director- General of the International Labour Oif ice for registration.
Article B
I. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
Inter- national La.bour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered
with the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 9
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes
intoforce, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 10
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the
Organ- isation.
When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 11
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 12
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 13
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise providesthe ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 9 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Con- vention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 14
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
ILO Kabul Tarihi
: 7 Haziran 1978
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 25. 11. 1992 / 3848
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
:11. 12.1992/2l432Mükerrer
8. 1. 1993 / 93-3967
25. 2. 1993 /2107
Uiuslararasi çaIima Orgütu Yänetim Kurulu tarafindan Cenevre'de
toplantiya çariIan ye 7 Haziran 1978 tarihinde toplanan Uluslararasi çalima
Orgütü Genel Konferansi 64'üncQ oturumuda,
1948 tarihli Sendika OzgürIQu ye Sendika Hakkinin Korunmasi Hakkinda
Säzlemenin 1949 tarihll Orgutlenme ye Toplu Pazarlik Hakkina iiikin
Sözleme'nin ye 1971 tarihli Içi Temsilcileri Hakkinda Tavsiyeriin hükümlerini
not ederek,
1949 tarihll Orgutlenme ye Toplu Pazarlik Hakkina IIikin Sözleme'nin
bazi kamu görevllsi kategorilerini kapsamadiini ye 1971 tarihli Içi Temsilcileri
Hakkinda SozIemenin ye Tavsiye kararinin iIetmedeki ici temsilcilerine
uygulandrini gäzänüne alarak,
Bir cok Olkede kamu hizmeti faaliyetierinin kapsaminin Onemli olçude
geniIediini ye kamu mercileriyle kamu gorevlilerinin örgutleri arasinda salam
çaIima ilikHerinin gerekIiliini not ederek,
Uye devietlerin slyasi, sosyai ye ekonomik sistemlerin buyUk olçüde
çeitIiIiini ye uygulamadaki farkliiiklari (örneOin,merkezi ye yerel
makamlarindan her birinin kariIikli gorevleri, federal,eyaiet ye tara
makamlarinin görevleri, Deviet iIetmelerinin ye ôzerk veya yari özerk çeitii
tipte kamu kuruluçlarinin gorevleri ye çaIima iliçkileririin mahiyeti lie ilgili
olarak)gozOnunde tutarak,
Uluslararsi bir belgenin uygulama alaninin belirlenmesinde ye bu belgeyle
ilgili tanimlarin kabulünde bir çok ülkede kamu sektoründeki çaIimayIa özei
sektördeki çaIima arasinda mevcut farkliiiklar nedeniyle ortaya çikan özei
sorunlari, 1949 tarihli Orgütienme Hakki ye Toplu Pazarlik Hakkina llikin
Sözleme'nin ilgiii hükümlerinin kamu gorevlilerine uygulanmasi konusunda
ortaya çikan yorum guçluklerini ye Uluslararsi çaIima Orgutü'nün kontroi
organlarinin bazi hUkOmetlerin bu hükümleri kamu görevlilerinin büyük bir
kismini bu sôzIemenin uygulama aianiniri diinda birakacak biçimde
uyguladikiarini bir çok defa mUahade etmi oldukiariru gôzänüne alarak,
Otururngundeminin 5 'mci maddesini oluçturan "Kamu Hizmetinde
Orgütienrne OzgurlUQne ye Kamu Kesiminde lstihdam KoulIarini Belirleme
Usuiüne iIikin "çeitii bazi änerilerin kabulüne karar verdikten sonra,
Bu änerilerin uluslararasi bir sözleme biçimini almasiria karar vererek,
1978 tarihli "Kamu Kesiminde Qalima llikileri SOzlemesi" adini alan
aaidaki sOzleme'yi bugun 27 Haziran 1978 tarihinde kabul etmitir.
1 .Bu Säzleme, dier uluslararasi çalima sozlemelerinde bu kesime
uygulanabilecek daha elverili hükümler bulunmadii durumlarda kamu
makamlarinca çalitirilan herkese uygulanir.
2.Bu Sözlemede ôngörülen guvencelerin, gärevleri izlenecek politikalari
belirleme ye yönetim ileri kabul edilen üst düzey garevlilere veya cok gizli
nitelikte gorevler ifa edenlere hangi alçude uyguIanacai ulusal yasalarla
3.Bu Sözlme ongorülen güvencelerin silahli kuwetlere ye polise ne olçüde
uygulanacai ulusal yasalarla belirlenecektir.
Bu Sözlemenin uygulanmasi bakimindan "Kamu Görevlisi" deylmi ibu
SOzlemenin 1 'mci maddesi uyarinca Säzleme'nin kapsamina giren herhangi
bir kimse anlamina gelir.
Bu SOzleçmenin uygulanmasi bakimindan "Kamu Gorevlileri Orgutu"
deyimi oluumu ne olursa olsun amac kamu gorevlilerinin çikarlanni savunmak
ye gelitirmek olan herhangi bir örgut anlamina gelir.
Madde 4
1 .Kamu görevlileri, çalitirilmalari konusunda sendikalama özgürluUne
halel getirecek her türlü ayrrmcilia kari yeterli korumadan yararlanacakiardir.
2.Boyle bir koruma, äzlellikle aaidaki amaçlara yönelik tasarruflara kari
a)Kamu gOrevlilerinin çahtirilmalarini, bir kamu görevlileri ôrgutüne
katilmama veya uyelikten aynlma kouluna balamak,
b)Bir kamu görevlisini, bir kamu gorevlileri örgutüne uyelii veya
bäyle bir örgutun normal faaliyetlerine katilmasi nedenleriyle iten
çikarmak veya ona zarar vermek.
1 .Kamu gärevlileri örgütleri, kamu makamlarindan tamamen baimsiz
2.Kamu görevlileri örgutleri kurulu, ileyiç veya yonetimlerinde kamu
makamlarinin her türlü müdahalesine kari yeterli korumadan yararlanacakiardir.
3.Bir kamu makaminin tahakkümü altinda kamu garevIllri ärgutlerinin
kuruluunu geIitirmeye veya kamu gorevlileri Orgutlerini bir kamu makaminin
kontrolü altinda tutmak amaciyle mali veya dier biçimlerde desteklemeye
yOnelik ônlemler bu madde bakimindan müdahaleci faaliyetler olarak kabul
Madde 6
1.Kamu gärevHlerinin taninari argütlerinin temsilcilerine, çalima saatleri
içinde veya diinda gorevlerini çabuk ye etkin bir biçimde yerine getirmelerine
olanak verecek §ekilde kolayliklar saIanacaktir.
Bu tür kolayliklarin saIanmasi idarenin veya hizmetin etkin iIeyiini
Bu kolayliklarin niteIii ye kapsami, bu säzlemenin 7'nci maddesinde
belirtilen yontemlere gore veya dier uygun yOntemlerle belirlenecektir.
Madde 7
Kamu gOrevilleri ye kamu makamlari arasinda çalima kouIlarinin
gOruuImesine olanak veren yOntemlerin ye kamu gOrevlileri temsilcilerinin
anilan kouIlarin belirlenmesine katilmalarini salayan baka her türlü yOntemin
en geni biçimde gelitiriImesi ye kullanilmasini tevik 1cm gerektiinde ulusal
koullara uygun önlemler alinacaktir.
Madde 8
calima koullarinin belirlenmesiyle ilgili olarak ortaya çikan
uyumazsizIikIarin çOzümü ulusal koçullara uygun olarak ortaya çikan
uyumazsizIiklarin cOzumu ulusal koullara uygun olarak taraflar arasinda
gOrume yoluyla veya ilgili taraflarin güvenini saIayacak çekilde kurulan
arabuluculuk, uzlatirma veya tahkim gibi baimsiz ye tarafsiz makenizmalardan
yararlanilarak aratirilacaktir.
Madde 9
Kamu gôreviiieri, dier çaIianiar gibi yalnizca garevierinin niteiiinden
ye statüierinden kaynakianan yükümlüiükierine baii olarak Orgütienme
äzgurIuunun normal olarak uyguianmasi 1cm gerekll kiisei ye slyasi hakiardan
Madde 10
Bu Soziemenin kesin onama b&geleri Uiuslararasi Qaiiçma BUrosu Genel
Müdürüne gOnderiiir ye onun tarafindan kaydedilir.
Madde 11
Bu Sözleme, ancak onama beigeleri Genel Müdür tarafindan
olan Ulusiararasi çaiima OrgUtu uyeiermni baiar.
Bu SOzieme, iki uyenin onama belgesi Genel Müdür tarafindan
kaydediidii tarihten 12 ay sonra yürüriüe girer.
Daha sonra bu Säzieçme, onayan her üye 1cm onama beigesinmn
kaydediidii tarihten 12 ay sonra yürQriüe girer.
Madde 12
I .Bu Sôzleme'yi onayan her üye, onu ilk yururlue girdii tarihten itibaren
on yiiiik bir sure sonunda Uluslararasi çaiima Bürosu Genel Müdürü'ne
gönderecei ye Genei Müdürün kaydedecei bir beige lie feshedebiiir.Fesih,
kayit tarihinden bir yd sonra geçerli olur.
2.Bu Sozleme'yi onami olup da bundan änceki fikrada sozu edilen on
yillik sürenin bitiminden itibaren bir yil süresince ye bu madde geregince
feshetmek seçeneini kuiianmayan her üye yeniden on ytilik bir sure 1cm
baIanmi olur ye bundan sonra bu Sãziemeyi her on yiilik sürenin bitiminde
bu maddenin içerdii koullaria feshedebiiir.
Madde 13
1 .Uiusiararsi çalima BUrosu Genei Müdürü örgüt uyeieri tarafiridan
kendisine bildirilen bütün onama ye fesihierin kaydedilmesinden Uiusiararsi
caIima Orgütu'nün bütün üyeiermni haberdar eder.
2.Genel Müdür kendisine gänderiien Sözleçme'nin ikinci onama beigesinin
kaydediidiini Orgut üyeiermne duyururken bu Sözleme'nin yürürIQe girecei
tarih hakkinda Orgut uyelerinin dikkatini çeker.
Madde 14
Uluslararasi çaIima Bürosu Genel Müdürü yukaridaki maddeier gereince
kaydetmi olduu bütün onama ye fesihiere ilikin tam bilgileri Birlemi Milletier
Antiaçmasi'riin 102'inci maddesi uyartnca kaydedilmek Uzere Birlemiç Milletler
Genel Sekreterine ulatirir.
Madde 15
Uiuslararsi Qalima Bürosu Yärietim Kuurulu gerekil gOrduu zaman bu
SOzieçme'nin uygulanmasi hakkinda bir raporu Genel Konferansa sunar ye
onun tamamen veya kismen detirilmesi konusunun Konferans gündemine
alinmasi gerei hakkinda karar verir.
Madde 16
1 .Konferansin bu Sözleme'yi tamamen veya kismen detiren yeni bir
Sözieme kabul etmesi halinde ye yeni Sözieme aksini angormedii takdirde:
a)Deitirici yeni SäzIemenin bir uye tarafindan onanmasi durumu,
yukaridaki 12'inci madde dikkate aiinmaksizin ye deitirici yeni säzieme
yürürlüe girmi olmak kayit ye §arti lie bu Söziemenin derhal ye kendiiiinden
feshini gerektirir.
b)Deitirici yeni sözIemenin yururIue girdii tarihten itibaren bu
SözIeme artik uyelerin onamasina açik bulunmaz.
2.Bu Sözieme, onu onayip da Deitirici Sazleme'yi onamami bulunan
uyeler 1cm
herhalde §imdiki §ekil ye içerii lie geçerii oimakta devam eder.
Madde 17
Bu SOziemenin Fransizca ye Ingilizce metinleri ayni derecede muteberdir.
Convention No. 151
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office, and having met in its Sixty-fourth Session on 7 June 1978, and
Noting the terms of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the
Right to Organise Convention, 1948, the Right to Organise and Collective
Bargaining Convention, 1949, and the Workers' Representatives Convention
and Recommendation, 1971, and
Recalling that the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949, does not cover certain categories of public employees and that the
Workers' Representatives Convention and Recommendation, 1971, apply to
workers' representatives in the undertaking, and
Noting the considerable expansion of public-service activities in many
countries and the need for sound labour relations between public authorities
and public employees' organisations, and
Having regard to the great diversity of political, social and economic
systems among member States and the differences in practice among them
(e.g. as to the respective functions of central and local government, of federal,
state and provincial authorities, and of state-owned undertakings and various
types of autonomous or semi-autonomous public bodies, as well as to the
nature of employment relationships), and
Taking into account the particular problems arising as to the scope of,
and definitions for the purpose of, any international instrument, owing to the
differences in many countries between private and public employment, as
well as the difficulties of interpretation which have arisen in respect of the
applica- tion of relevant provisions of the Right to Organise and Collective
Bargaining Convention, 1949, to public servants, and the observations of the
supervisory bodies of the ILO on a number of occasions that some governments have applied these provisions in a manner which excludes large groups
of public employees from coverage by that Convention, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
freedom of association and procedures for determining conditions of employment in the public service, which is the fifth item on the agenda of the session,
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this twenty-seventh day of June of the year one thousand nine
hundred and seventy-eight the following Convention, which may be cited as
the Labour Relations (Public Service) Convention, 1978:
Article 1
This Convention applies to all persons employed by public authorities,
to the extent that more favourable provisions in other international labour Conventions are not applicable to them.
The extent to which the guarantees provided for in this Convention
shall apply to high-level employees whose functions are normally considered
as policy-making or managerial, or to employees whose duties are of a highly
confidential nature, shall be determined by national laws or regulations.
The extent to which the guarantees provided for in this Convention
shall apply to the armed forces and the police shall be determined by national
laws or regulations.
Article 2
For the purpose of this Convention, the term public employee" means
any person covered by the Convention in accordance with Article 1 thereof.
Article 3
For the purpose of this Convention, the term " public employees'
organisation" means any organisation, however composed, the purpose of
which is to further and defend the interests of public employees.
Article 4
Public employees shall enjoy adequate protection against acts of antiunion discrimination in respect of their employment.
Such protection shall apply more particularly in respect of acts calculated tomake the employment of public employees subject to the condition
that they shall not join or shall relinquish membership of a public employees'
cause the dismissal of or otherwise prejudice a public employee by
reason of membership of a public employees' organisation or because of participation in the normal activities of such an organisation.
Article 5
Public employees' organisations shall enjoy complete independence
from public authorities.
Public employees' organisations shall enjoy adequate protection against
any acts of interference by a public authority in their establishment, functioning or administration.
3. In particular, acts which are designed to promote the establishment of
public employees' organisations under the domination of a public authority,
or to support public employees' organisations by financial or other means,
with the object of placing such organisations under the control of a public
authority, shall be deemed to constitute acts of interference within the meaning of this Article.
Article 6
Such facilities shall be afforded to the representatives of recognised
public employees' organisations as may be appropriate in order to enable
them to carry out their functions promptly and efficiently, both during and
outside their hours of work.
The granting of such facilities shall not impair the efficient operation of
the administration or service concerned
The nature and scope of these facilities shall be determined in accordance with the methods referred to in Article 7 of this Convention, or by other
appropriate means.
Article 7
Measures appropriate to national conditions shall be taken, where neces-
sary, to encourage and promote the full development and utilisation of machinery for negotiation of terms and conditions of employment between the
public authorities concerned and public employees' organisations, or of such
other methods as will allow representatives of public employees to participate
in the determination of these matters.
Article 8
The settlement of disputes arising in connection with the determination
of terms and conditions of employment shall be sought, as may be appropriate to national conditions, through negotiation between the parties or through
independent and impartial machinery, such as mediation, conciliation and
arbitration, established in such a manner as to ensure the confidence of the
parties involved.
Article 9
Public employees shall have, as other workers, the civil and political rights
which are essential for the normal exercise of freedom of association, subject
only to the obligations arising from their status and the nature of their functions.
Article 10
The formal ratifications of this.Convention shall be communicated to the
Director- General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 11
This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
Inter- national Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered
with the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 12
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Ditector-General of the International
Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 13
1. The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the
2. When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Conven- tion will come into force.
Article 14
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 15
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
Inter- national Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report
on the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing
on the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in
Article 16
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise providesthe ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 12 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Con- vention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 17
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
ILO Kabul Tarihi
: 2 Haziran 1982
Kanun Tarih ye Sayusi
Resmi Gazete Yayrm Tarihi ye Sayisi
: 9. 6. 1994/3999
:18. 6. 1994/21964
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisu :10. 8. 1994/94-5971
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi :12. 10. 1994/ 22079
Uluslararasi çalima Tekilati Genel Konferansi çalima Bürosu Yönetim
Kurulunca 2 Haziran 1982 tarihinde Cenevre'de Toplanmaya çarilmi ye
dUzenledii 68 mci oturumunda,
Hizmet Ilikisinin Sona Ermesi Hakkinda Tavsiyede (1963) mevcut
ulusiararasi normiari not ederek,
Hizmet iiikisinin sona ermesi hakkinda tavsiyenin (1963) kabulUnden
sonra bir çok üye devletin mevzuattnda ye uygulamasinda alinan Tavsiye'de
sözU edilen soruniarla ilgili olarak meydana gelen onemli gellgmeleri not ederek,
Bu konuda OzeliikIe §U son yiliarda bir çok ülkede meydana gelen
ekonomik guçiükler ye teknolojik deOiiklikIer sonucunda bu alanda kariiailan
soruniar çerçevesinde yeni uluslararasi normiari kabul etmenin uygun olacaina
dikkate alarak,
Oturum gundeminde belnci maddeyl tekil eden 'Iverenin giriimiyle
hizmet ilikisinin sona ermesine" ilikin ceitli önerilerin kabulüne karar verdikten
Bu ônerilerin uluslararasi bir sôzleme çeklini almasina karar vererek,
Aaida Hizmet jlikisine Son Verilmesi Hakkinda Sözieme (1982) olarak
adlandirilacak olan bu sOztemeyi 1982 yili Haziran ayinin 22 nd gününde
kabul etmitir.
Bu sôzleme hükümlerinin, toplu i sözlemeIeri, hakem kararlari veya
mahkeme kararlari lIe veya ulusal uyguamaya uygun bagka bir yöntemle
gecerlik kazanmadti hallerde, yururlue girmesi ulusal mevzuatla salanir.
1- Bu sözleme turn ekonomik faaiiyet alanlarina ye hizmet sözlemesi lie
istihdam olunanlara uygulanir.
2- Bir üye deviet hizmet iikisi içinde çaIianiardan aaidaki kategorilerde
bulunaniari i bu säzieme hükümierinin tamaminin veya bir klsmFnl uyguiama
alani diinda birakabiUr;
Belirli süreii veya belirli bir iin tamamianmasi lie ilgili hizmet
säziemesiyie çaiitiriian içiIer,
Süresi änceden ye makul olarak beiirienmi deneme süreii hizmet
söziemesi lie çaIian içiIerden deneme süresi içinde bulunantar,
Süreksiz hizmet iiikisi icinde çaIian iciier.
3- Bu söziemenin koruyucu hükümieririden kaçinmak amaciyia belirti
sUreli hizmet söziemeieri yaplimasina karçi yeterii guvenceier atinmalidir.
4- Kendlierine enaz bu söziemedekiiere eçit guvenceier saiayan özei
bir istihdam rejiminin kurallarina tabi olarak çalianiartn, gerektiinde bu
söziemenin tamaminin veya bazi hükümierinin kapsami diinda birakitmasi
bir üikedeki yetkiti makamca veya uygun bir mekanizma araci1iiyia varsa içi
ye iveren kuruiuIarina daniiidiktan sonra karariatriiabiIir.
5- lççi!erin özei istihdam artiari bakimindan veya istihdam eden iietmenin
buyUkiuu veya nite1iF açisindan esasli soruniar bulunan durumiarda hizmet
sözleçmesiyle istihdam olunaniardan sinirii bir kategori, gerektii taktirde, bir
üikedeki yetkiii makam veya uygun bir kuruiuca, varsa, içi ye iveren
kuruluuiarina daniiidiktan sonra bu Sözieme hükümierinin tamami veya
bazi hükümierinin kapsami diinda birakabiiir.
6- Bu sozieme'yi onayiayan her Uye deviet, Ulusiararasi çaiima TekiIati
Anayasasinin 22 nci maddesi uyannca, Söziemenin uyguianmasi Uzerinde
verecei lit raporunda, bu maddenin 4 uncü ye 5 mci bentleri çerçevesinde
kapsamdii birakiian içi kategoriterini gerekçe gästererek belirtir ye sonraki
raporiarinda bunlari kapsam dii birakan mevzuat hükümleri ye uygulama
hakkinda, bu SözIemenin bu içi kategoriterini de kapsamasi içn ne ölçüde
etkiii oIduunu veya etkiIi olmada ne gibi öneriierde buiunuiduunu beiirterek,
biigi verir.
Bu söziemenin uygulanmasinda, "son verme" ye "hizmet iiikisine son
verme" deylmieri hizmet iiikisine iveren tarafindan son verlimesi aniamina
Içmnmn kapasitesine veya iin yürütümüne veya iyeri gerekierine dayali
geçerli bir son verme nedeni oimadikça hizmet iIikisine son verilemez.
Ozellikie aaidaki hsuslar son verme için gecerli bir neden tekil
Seridika uyelii veya calima saatleri diinda veya iverenin rizasiyla
calima saatlerinde sendikal faallyetlere katilma,
Içi temsilciiii yapmi olmak, yapmak veya içi temsilciIiine talip
C) Ivereni ikayef etmek veya iveren aleyhine mevzuata aykiriltk iddiaslyla
baIatilmi sUrece katdim veya iveren aleyhine idari makamlar nezdinde
müracaatta bulunmak,
irk, renk, cinsiyet, medeni hal, aile sorumluluklari, hamilelik, din, siyasi
gOrü, etnik veya sosyal kOken,
Doum izni esnasinda ie gelmeme,
Hastalikveya kaza nedeniyle geçici devamsizlik iten çikarma 1cm gecerii
neden deiIdir.
Hangi hallerin geçici otarak ie gelmeme sayilacai hangi hallerde tibbi
raporun gerekli olacai ye bu maddenin 1 mci bendinin uygulanmasina
getirilebilecek sinirlamalar, sözIeme'nin 1 mci maddesinde belirtilen uygulama
yantemierine gore belirienir.
Iveren den makul olçulere gore beklenemeyecek hailer hariç, hakkindaki
iddialara kari savurima firsati verilmeden bir içinin hizmet iiikisi, o içinin
tutumu ye verimi ile ilgili nedenlerle sona erdirilemez.
Hizmet ilikisine haksiz olarak son verildii kanisinda olan bir içinin
mahkeme, i mahkemesi, hakemlik kurulu veya hakem gibi tarafsiz bir merci
nezdinde itirazda bulunma hakki vardir.
Son verme iiemine yetkili merci tarafindan izin verilmesi halinde, bu
maddenin 1 mci beridi, ulusal mevzuat veya uygulamaya gOre deOiik §ekillerde
Bir içi hizmet ilikisine son verme ilemine karçi makul bir sUre içinde
itirazda butunmamisa bu hakkini kullanmaktan vazgeçmi sayilir.
1- 8 mci maddede belirtilen mercier, son vrme nedenlerini ye davayla
ilgili dier vakalari incelemeye ye son vermenin hakli olup oImadiina dair bir
karar vermeye yetkili kihnacakiardir.
2- Içmnln, son verme iIemine iIikin ispat yükünü tek baina Ustlenmemesi
1cm, bu söztemenin 1 mci maddesinde belirtilen uygulama yontemleri aaidaki
olanakiardan birini veya her ikisini salamaIidir.
Bu SOzIeme'nin 4 uncu maddesinde tanimIandii üzere, geçerli bir
nedeninin bulunduunu ispat yükü iverene alt olmalidir.
Bu SözIemenmn, 8 mci maddesinde belirtilen merciler, taraflarca getirilen
kanitlar ye ulusal mevzuat ye uygulamalarin ängörduü usuller çerçevesmnde
son verme nedeni üzerinde bir sonuca varmaya yetkili kilinmalidirlar.
3- Son verme iIeminin, iIetmenin, iyerinin veya hizmetin yürütümü
gerekiermne dayandiinin hen sürülmesi halinde, bu SözIemenin 8 inch
maddesinde belirthlen merchler son vermenin gerçekten bu nedenlere baIi
olup olmadiini belmnlemeye yetkhlidmnler, bununta beraber bu sebeplerin saz
konusu sona erdmrmeyl hakli kilip kilmadiina karar vermeye ne ôtcude yetkhli
kilinacaklani ibu SözIemenin 1 mci maddesindeki uygulama yäntemlenmne
gore belinlenecektir.
Bu sözIeme'nin 8 mci maddesinde belirthlen merchler son verme ilemini
haksiz bulurlarsa ye son verme iIemini iptale veya hçinin he iadesini ängörmeye
ya da onermeye ulusal mevzuat ye uygulamalara gäre yetkili deiIIerse veya
bunlani uygulanabilir buirnaziarsa yeterli bir tazminat veya uygun addolunan
bir dier telafi biçimmni karanlatirmaya yetkili kihinacaklardir.
Hizmet hIikisine son verhlecek bir icm,ciddi bin hizmet kusuru yani iverenin
kendisini bildirim süresi zarfinda çaIitinmaya devam etmesmni istemenin makul
sayiIamayacai türden bir hizmet kusuru atfedmlmedmkçe, makul bir bildirim
süresine veya onun yermne bir tazminata hak kazanacaktir.
1- Hizmet Hikisine son venilen bir iççi, ulusal mevzuat ye uygulamaya
uygun olarak aaidaki hakiardan yararlanir;
a) Miktari, dier unsurlarin yanisira, hizmet süresine ye ücret seviyesine
gOre belirlenecek ye dorudan iveren tarafindan veya iverenlerin katkisiyia
oIuturulmu bir fondan ôdenecek bir kidem tazminati veya iten ayrilma
nedeniyle doan baka haklar, veya
b) Tabi olduklari koulIar cercevesinde, isizlik sigortasi veya yardimindan
doan hakiar veya yaIihk yahut malüliük gibi dier sosyal guvenhik türleri
C) Bu tazminat ye ödeneklerin birIeimi.
Genel kapsamli bir rejimde, bir içi içsizlik sigortasindan veya
yardimlarindan yararlanmak için aranan kouliari taçimiyor ise salt 1 mci bendin
(b) alt bendinde isizlik hakiarindan yararlanamamasi nedeniyle ayni bendin
(a) alt bendindeki tazminat ye hakiarin Odenmesi gerekmez.
Ciddi hizmet kusuru nedeniyle hizmet i1ikisine son verilme durumunda
bu maddeiin 1 mci bendinin (a) alt bendinde bahsedilen tazminat veya
hakiardan yoksun kalinmasi bu sözIemenin 1 mci maddesindeki uygulama
yOntemleri lie ongOrülebilir.
1- Ekonomik, teknoiojik, yapisal veya benzer nedenlerle hizmet iUkiierine
son vermeyi düünen iveren:
Ilgili içi temsilcilerine, düünüIen son verme iIemlerinin nedenleri, bu
ilemden etkilenecek içi sayisi ye gruplari ye son verme iIemlerinin ne kadarlik
bir zaman diliminde gercekletiriIecei de dahil olmak Uzere gerekil turn bilgileri
zamaninda saIar.
ilgili ici temsilcilerine, ulusal mevzuat ye uygulamaya uygun oiarak,
mümkün olduunca önceden, ilgili iciier 1cm her nevi son verme iIemini
Onlemek veya asgariye indirmek amaciyla alinacak öniemleri ye bu iIemIerin
içiler üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini, baka i bulmak gibi önlemlerle hafifletmek
amaciyia alinacak Onlemleri danima firsati tanir.
2- Bu maddenin 1 mci bendinin uygulanmasi, bu SOzlemenin 1 mci
maddesinde belirtilen uygulama yontemleriye, hizmet iIikisine son verilmesi
düUnülen içi sayisinin, en azindan belirli bir sayiya veya personel sayisinin
belirli bir yuzdesine uiatii hallerde sinirlandirilabilir.
3- Bu maddenin uygulanmasinda "ILGILi içi TEMSiLCILERi" deylmi, ici
Temsilcileri Hakkinda 1971 tarihii SOzIemeye uygun oiarak ulusal mevzuat ye
uygulamada benimsendii §ekliyle içi temslIciieri anlamina gelir.
lveren; ekonomik, teknolojik, yapisai ye benzer nedenlerie hizmet
iiikiierine son vermeyi düündüünde, ulusal mevzuat ye uyguiamaya uygun
oiarak, son verme iiemierini mümkün oIduu kadar önceden yetkili makama
blidirir ye biidirimde soz konusu son verme iIemierinin yazili gerekçeieri dahil
bu iIemierden etkilenecek içi sayisi ye kategorileri ye son vermenin
uygulanacai sure hakkinda bliguer verir.
Uiusai mevzuat, bu maddenin 1 mci bendinin uygulanmasini, hizmet
flikisine son verilmesi düünüien içi sayisinin en azindan beiirii bir sayiya
veya personel sayisinin beliril bir yuzdesine uIatii hallerde sinirlandiraiabiiir.
iveren, yetkiii makami, bu maddenin 1 mci bendinde belirtilen son
vermeierden, son verme iiemierine baIanmadan ye ulusai mmevzuatia
belirienecek asgari bir sure öncesinden haberdar eder.
Bu sözIeme'nin kesin onama beigeleri Uluslararasi çaiima Bürosu Genei
Müdürune gänderiiir ye onun tarafindan kaydedilir.
1- Bu Sö7leme, ancak onama beigeleri Genel Müdür tarafindan
kaydediimi olan Uluslararasi çama Orgütü üyelerini baIar.
Bu Sozieçme, iki üyenin onama belgesi Genel MüdUr tarafindan
kaydediidii tarihten ortiki ay sonra yürüriüe girer.
Daha sonra bu Sözieme onu onayiayan her üye 1cm, onama belgesi
kaydedHdii tarihten oniki ay. 'onra yurüriue girer.
Bu Saziemeyi onayan her üye onu ilk yururIüe girdii tarihinden
itibaren on yiiiik bir sure sonunda Ulusiararasi Qaiiçma Bürosu Genel MüdürUne
gönderecei ye bu Müdurün kaydedecei bir beige lie feshedebilir. Fesih, kayit
tarihinden ancak bir yii sonra geçerii oiur.
Bu Soziemeyi onayiami oiup da, onu bundan önceki fikrada sazu
ediien on yiiiik devrenin bitimmnden itibaren biryri süresince bu madde gereince
feshetme seçeneini kuilanrayan her üye yeniden on yiliik bir sure için
baiañmi oiur ye bundan sonra bu säz!emeyi, her on yiiiik sUre bitince, bu
màddenin icerdii kouilar içinde feshedebiiir.
Uluslararasi çaiima Bürosu Müdürü, OrgOt uyeleri tarafiridan kendisine
bildirilen bütün onama ye fesihierin kaydedildiini Uluslararasi çahma
Orgutunün bütün uyelerine duyurur.
Genel Müdür, kendisine gonderiien Sözleme'nin ikinci onama
beigesinin'kaydediIdiini teçkilat uyelerine duyururken bu Söziemenin
yururiue girecei tarih hakkinda Orgut uyeierinin dikkatini çeker.
Uluslararasi çalima Bürosu Genel Müdürü, yukaridaki maddeler
gereince, kaydetmiç oiduu bütün onama ye fesihiere ilikin tam bilgileri,
Biriemi MilletierAntIamasinin 102 nd maddesi uyarincatescii edilmek üzere,
BirIemi Milletler Genel Sekreterine ulattrir.
Mifletlerarasi çaiima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu, gerek!i gördOu zaman bu
SözIemenin, uyguianmasi hakkindaki bir raporu. Genel Konferansa sunar ye
onun tamamen veya kismen deitirilmesi konuunun Konferans guridemine
alinmasi gerei hakkinda karar verir.
1. Konferansin bu Sözieme'yi tamamen veya kismen detiren yeni bir
Sözieme kabul etmesi halinde ye yeni sôzieme aksini öngOrmedii takdirde;
Deitirici yeni sözIeme'nin bir üye tarafindan onanmast durumu,
yukaridaki 16 nci madde dikkate alirimaksizin ye deiçtiridi yeni Säzleme
yururiue girmi olmak kayit ye çarti lie, bu SOzlemenin derhal ye kencIiiiinden
feshini gerektirecektir.
Deitirici yeni sözieme'nin yurüriüe girmesi tarihinden itiharen bu
sOzieme uyeierin onamasina artik açik buiunduruiamaz.
2. Bu säzleme, onu onayip da deitirici sözIeme'yi onamami bulunan
uyeler cm, herhalde §imdiki §ekiI ye içerliiyie geçerii olmakta devarn eder.
Bu SOzlemenin Fransizca ye ingilizce metinleri ayni derecede çjeçerlidir.
Convention No. 158
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation, Hav-
ing been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office, and having met in its Sixty-eighth Session on 2 June 1982, and
Noting the existing international standards contained in the Termination
of Employment Recommendation, 1963, and
Noting that since the adoption of the Termination of Employment
Recommen- dation, 1963, significant developments have occurred in the law
and practice of many member States on the questions covered by that Recommendation, and
Considering that these developments have made it appropriate to adopt
new international standards on the subject, particularly having regard to the
serious problems in this field resulting from the econotnic difficulties and technological changes experienced in recent years in many countries,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
termination of employment at the initiative of the employer, which is the fifth
item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Conventioin;
adopts this twenty-second day of June of the year one thousand nine
hundred and eighty-two the following Convention, which may .be cited as the
Termination of Employment Convention, 1982:
Articte 1
The provisions of this Convention shall, in so far as they are not otherwise made effective by means of collective agreements, arbitration awards or
court decisions or in such other manner as may be consistent with national
practice, be given effect by laws or regulations.
Article 2
This Convention applies tb all branches of economic activity and to all
employed persons.
A Member may exclude the following categories of employed persons
from all or some of the provisions of this Convention
workers engaged under a contract of employment for a specified
period of time or a specified task;
workers serving a period of probation or a qualifying period of em436
ployment, determined in advance and of reasonable duration;
(c) workers engaged on a casual basis for a short period.
Adequate safeguards shall be provided against recourse to contracts
of employment for a specified period of time the aim of which is to avoid the
protection resulting from this Convention.
In so far as necessary, measures may be taken by the competent
authority or through the appropriate machinery in a country, after consultation with the organisations of employers and workers concerned, where such
exist, to exclude from the application of this Convention or certain provisions
thereof categories of employed persons whose terms and conditions of employment are governed by special arrangements which as a whole provide
protection that is at least equivalent to the protection afforded under the Convention.
In so far as necessary, measures may be taken by the competent
authority or through the appropriate machinery in a country, after consultation with the organisations of employers and workers concerned, where such
exist, to exclude from the application of this Convention or certain provisions
thereof other limited categories of employed persons in respect of which special problems of a substantial nature arise in the light of the particular conditions of employment of the workers concerned or the size or nature of the
undertaking that employs them.
Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall list in the first report
on the application of the Convention submitted under article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation any categories which may have
been excluded in pursuance of paragraphs 4 and 5 cf this Article, giving the
reasons for such exclusion, and shall state in subsequent reports the position
of its law and practice regarding the categories excluded, and the extent to
which effect has been given or is proposed to be given to the Convention in
respect of such categories.
Article 3
For the purpose of this Convention the terms "termination" and "termination of employment" mean termination of employment at the initiative of the
Article 4
The employment of a worker shall not be terminated unless there is a
valid reason for such termination connected with the capacity or conduct of
the worker or based on the operational requirements of the undertaking, establishment or service.
Article 5
The following, inter alia, shall not constitute valid reasons for termination
union membership or participation in union activities outside working
hours or, with the consent of the employer, within working hours
seeking office as, or acting or having acted in the capacity of, a workers' representative;
the filing of a complaint or the participation in proceedings against an
employer involving alleged violation of laws or regulations or recourse to competent administrative authorities;
race, colour, sex, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy,
religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin
absence from work during maternity leave.
Article 6
Temporary absence from work because of illness or injury shall not
constitute a valid reason for termination.
The definition of what constitutes temporary absence from work, the
extent to which medical certification shall be required and possible limitations
to the application of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be determined in accordance with the methods of implementation referred to in Article 1 of this Convention.
Article 7
The employment of a worker shall not be terminated for reasons related
to the worker's conduct or performance before he is provided an opportunity
to defend himself against the allegations made, unless the employer cannot
reasonably be expected to provide this opportunity.
Article 8
A worker who considers that his employment has been unjustifiably
terminated shall be entitled to appeal against that termination to an impartial
body, such as a court, labour tribunal, arbitration committee or arbitrator.
Where termination has been authorised by a competent authority the
application of paragraph 1 of this Article may be varied according to national
law and practice.
3. A worker may be deemed to have waived his right to appeal against
the termination of his employment if he has not exercised that right within a
period of time after termination.
Article 9
1. The bodies referred to in Article 8 of this Convention shall be empowered to examine the reasons givep for the termination and the other circumstances relating to the case and to render a decision on whether the termination was justified.
2. In order for the worker not to have to bear alone the burden of proving
that the termination was not justified, the methods of implementation referred
to in Article 1 of this Convention shall provide for one or the other or both of
the following possibilities:
the burden of proving the existence of a valid reason for the termination as defined in Article 4 of this Convention shall rest on the employer;
the bodies referred to in Article 8 of this Convention shall be empowered to reach a conclusion on the reason for the termination having regard to
the evidence provided by the parties and according to procedures provided
for by national law and practice.
3. In cases of termination stated to be for reasons based on the operational requirements of the undertaking, establishment or service, the bodies
referred to in Article 8 of this Convention shall be empowered to determine
whether the termination was indeed for these reasons, but the extent to which
they shall also be empowered to decide whether these reasons are sufficient to
justify that termi- nation shall be determined by the methods of implementation referred to in Article 1 of this Convention.
Article 10
If the bodies referred to in Article 8 of this Convention find that termination is unjustified and if they are not empowered or do not find it practicable, in
accordance with national law and practice, to declare the termination invalid
and/or order or propose reinstatement of the worker, they shall be empowered
to order payment of adequate compensation or such other relief as may be
deemed appropriate.
Article 11
A worker whose employment is to be terminated shall be entitled to a
reasonable period of notice or compensation in lieu thereof, unless he is guilty
of serious misconduct, that is, misconduct of such a nature that it would be
unreasonable to require the employer to continue his employment during the
notice periodS
Article 12
1. A worker whose employment has been terminated shall be entitled, in
accordance with national law and practice, toa severance allowance or other separation benefits, the amount of
which shall be based inter alia on length of service and the level of wages, and
paid directly by the employer or by a fund constituted by employers' contributions, or
benefits from unemployment insurance or assistance or other forms
of social security, such as old-age or invalidity benefits, under the normal
conditions to which such benefits are subject; or
a combination of such allowance and benefits.
2. A worker who does not fulfil the qualifying conditions for unemployment insurance or assistance under a scheme of general scope need not be
paid any allowance or benefit referred to in paragraph 1, subparagraph (a), of
this Article solely because he is not receiving an unemployment benefit under
paragraph 1, subparagraph (b).
3. Provision may be made by the methods of implementation referred to
in Article 1 of this Convention for loss of entitlement to the allowance or benefits referred to in paragraph 1, subparagraph (a), of this Article in the event of
termination for serious misconduct.
Article 13
1. When the employer contemplates terminations for reasons of an economic, technological, structural or similar nature, the employer shall
provide the workers' representatives concerned in good time with
relevant infomation including the reasons for the terminations contemplated,
the number and categories of workers likely to be affected and the period over
which the terminations are intended to be carried out;
give, in accordance with national law and practice, the workers' rep440
resentatives concerned, as early as possible, an opportunity for consultation
on measures to be taken to avcrt or to minimise the terminations and measures to mitigate the adverse effects of any terminations on the workers concerned such as finding alternative employment.
The applicability of paragraph 1 of this Article may be limited by the
methods of implementation referred to in Article 1 of this Convention to cases
in which the, number of workers whose termination of employment is contemplated is at least a specified number or percentage of the workforce.
For the purposes of this Article the term "the workers' representatives
concerned" means the workers' representatives recognised as such by national law or practice, in conformity with the Workers' Representatives Convention, 1971.
Article 14
When the employer contemplates terminations for reasons of an eco-
nomic, technological, structural or similar nature, he shall notify, in accordance with national law and practice, the competent authority thereof as early
as possible, giving relevant information, including a written statement of the
reasons for the terminations, the number and categories of workers likely to
be affected and the period over which the terminations are intended to be
carried out.
National laws or regulations may limit the applicability of paragraph 1
of this Article to cases in which the number of workers whose termination of
employment is contemplated is at least a specified number or percentage of
the workforce.
The employer shall notify the competent authority of the terminations
referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article a minimum period of time before
carrying out the terminations, such period to be specified by national laws or
Article 15
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 16
1. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 17
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 18
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the
When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 19
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 20
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 21
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides442
the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention,
the provisions of Article 17 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 22
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
authorita tive.
11.0 Kabul Tarihi
:1 Haziran 1983
Kanun Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
Bakanlar Kurulu Karari Tarih ye Sayisi
Resmi Gazete Yayim Tarihi ye Sayisi
Uluslararasi çalima Bürosu Yönetim Kurulu tarafindan Cenevre'de
toplaritiya davet edilerek orada 1 Haziran 1983 tarihinde 69uricu toplantisi yapan
Uluslararasi çaIima Tekilati Genel Konferansi,
1955 tarihli Mesleki Rehabilitasyon (sakatlar) Tavsiye Karari ye 1975 tarihli
insan kaynakiarini Gelitirme Tavsiye kararinda yer alan uluslararasi Standartlari
gozönunde tutarak,
1955 tarihli Mesleki Rehabilitasyon (sakatlar) Tavsiye Karari'nrn kabülünden
sonra rehabilitasyori gerekleri anlayiinda rehabilitasyon hizmetlerinin kapsami
ye orgütlenmesinde ye säzü edilen Tavsiye Kararinda ele alinan meseleler üzerine
pek çok üye ülkenin yasa ye uygulamalarinda ortaya çikan kayda deer
gelimeleri dikkate alarak,
Birlemi Milletler Génel Kurulunun 1981 yilini "Tam Katilim ye Eitlik"
temasiyla Uluslararasi Sakatlar Ytli han etmi olmasi ye geni kapsamli, sakatlar
Dunya Eyem Programi'nin sakatlarin sosyal yaama ye kalkinmaya "tam
katilimi" ye "Eitlik" lerinin salanmasi amaciniri ulusal ye uluslararasi düzeyde
gerçekIemesi yolunda etkin önlemler alinmasina ortam oluturacai
gorüünden hareketle,
Bu gelimelerin, özellikle kirsal kesimde ye kentlerde yaayan her
kategoriden sakatlarin istihdam edilmeleri ye topluma entegrasyonlarinda firsat
ye muamele eitlii salanmasi gereini dikkate alan, konuyla ilgili yeni
uluslararasi standartlar kabul edilmesine uygun ortam hazirladii
deerIendirmeleririden hareketle,
Oturum gUndeminin dördüncü maddesini oluturan Mesleki Rehabilitasyon
konusunda yapilan bazi Onerilerin kabulüne karar vererek,
Bu Orierilerin bir Uluslararasi Säzleme haline getirilmesini kararlatirarak,
Bin dokuz yuzseksen üç ytli Haziran ayinin ibu yirminci günü Mesleki
Rehabilitasyon ye lstihdam (Sakatlar) Sözlemesi, 1983 olarak adlandirilabilecek
aaidaki sözlemeyi kabu' etmitir.
(*) Kitap haziriandji sirada Söziernenin
onaylanmasinin uygun buiunduuna
iiikin Kanun Tasarisi TBMMdo buiunmaktadir.
Bu söziemenin amaçlari acisindan "sakat" terimi, uygun bir i temini
muhafazasi ye iinde ileriemesi hususundaki beklentileri, kabul ediImi flziksel
veya zihinsel bir özür sonucu änemli oicude azalmi olan bir bireyl ifade eder.
Bu säzIemenin amaçlari açrsindan, her uye ülke, mesleki
rehabilitasyonun gayesini, bir sakatin, uygun bir i edinmesi, sürdürmesi ye
iinde ilerlemesini muktedir kiimak ye bu
ekilde sakatin topluma
entegrasyonunu veya reentegrasyonunu kolaylatirmak, gelitirmek §eklinde
dikkate alir,
Bu SOzieme hükümleri her üye tarafindan ulusal §artlara uygun ye
ulusal tabikatla badaan äniemler vasitasiyla uyguianir.
Bu Sözleme hUkQmieri, her kategorideki sakatiara uygulanir.
Her üye, ulusal art, tatbikat ye imkarilarina gore, sakatlar için bir mesleki
rehabilitasyon ye istihdam politikasi formüle eder, uygular ye periyodik olarak
gözden geçirir.
Söz konusu poiltika her kategorideki sakatiar 1cm uygun mesleki
rehabilitasyon tedbirleri saiamayi ye açik i gücü plyasasinda sakatlar 1cm
istihdam imkanlarini artirmayl amaçlar.
Söz konusu politika, genel oiarak sakat icilerle sakat olmayan içiier
arasinda firsat eitiii ilkesi Uzerine kurulur. Sakat kadin ye erkek içiler 1cm
firsat ye muamele eitlii gozonunde tutuiur.
Sakat ye dier içiier arasinda etkin bir firsat ye muamele eitiiinin tesisine
yänelik özel olumlu himaye tedbirieri sakat oimayan içiler aleyhine bir
ayirimcilik ciarak kabul ediimeyecektir.
Mesleki rehabliltasyon faaiiyetleri lie itigai eden kamu ve özel kurulular
arasinda koordinasyon ye ibirliini tevik 1cm alinmi tedbirler de dahil olmak
üzere, söz konusu politikalarin uyguianmasinda ici ye ivereni temsil niteliini
haiz Orgütlere daniiIir. Sakatlarin kendi Orgutleri lie orilarin yararina faaliyette
bulunmak amaci lie kuruImu Orgütiere de daniilir.
Her üye, bu SözIemenin 2, 3, 4, ye 5 mci madedelerini tatbik mevkiine
koymak için Kanunlar ye Tüzükler vasitasiyla veya ulusal art!ar ye tatbikatla
badair baka yontemlerle gerekil olan tedbirleri uygulamaya koyar.
YetkHi Makamlar, sakatlarin i bulmalari, buldukiari ii muhafaza etmeleri
ye iIerinde yukselmelerini temin etmek üzere mesleki rehberlik, mesleki eitim,
ie yerleçtirme, istihdam ye dier ilgili hizmetlerin saIanmasi ye
deerIendiri!mesine yOnelik tedbirleri alir; genel içi kitlesi için mevcut olan
hizmetler mümkün ye müsait olan hallerde gerekli deiklikIeri yapilarak sakatlar
de kullanihr.
Kirsal alanlardaki ye uzak yerIeim merkezierindeki sakatlar 1cm mesleki
rehabilitasyon ye istihdam servislerinin tesisi ye geliimini tevik 1cm gerekii
tedbirier aiinacaktir.
Her üye, sakatiarin mesleki rehberiik, mesieki eitim ie yerietirme ye
istihdamindan sorumiu rehabilitasyon danimanIarinin ye dier uygun nitelikil
gorevllierin eitimini ye teminini saiayacak tedbirieri aiir.
Bu Söziemenin resmi onay beigeieri, tescil içft Ulusiararasi çaliçma
Bürosu Genei MQdürüne gönderilir.
Bu Sözieme yalnizca Uiusiararasi çaliçma TekUati üyelerinden bu
Sözieme iki uyenin onaylannin Genei Müdürce tescil edildii tarihten
oniki ay sonra yururiue girer.
SozIemeyi onayip da onaylari Gene! Müdürce tescil edilenier 1cm
Bu tarihten sonra onayl tesci! edilen herhangi bir üye içinse, Sözieme,
tescii tarihinden itibaren oniki ay geçtikten sonra yurürlue girer.
1. Bu Säziemenin ilk yüruriüe girdii tarihten on yii geçtikten sonra, bu
soziemeyi onayiami bir üike resmi kayit 1cm Ulusiararsi çaliçma Bürosu Gene!
Müdürüne gonderi!ecek resmi bir yazi lie bu onayin feshini isteyebilir. Bu fesih
iiemi resmi kayit tarihinden itibaren bir yillik sure geçmedikçe yürüriüe girmez.
2. Bu SozIemeyi onayIami olan ye fakat bir Onceki paragrafta zikredilen
on yillik sürenin sona ermesinderi sonraki bir yil icinde, bu maddenin
OngOrdüü fesih hakkini kullarimayan bir üye, bir on ytHik sure lie daha bali
kalir ye bundan boyle ancak her on yillik sure sonunda, bu maddenin
origOrdüU hUkümler çerçevesinde, SOzlemeyi feshedebilir.
1 .Uluslararasi çaIima BUrosu Genel Müdürü, Tekilat üyeieri tarafindan
kendisine iletilen turn ortay ye fesih kayitlarindan bütün Uluslararasi çalima
Tekilati Uyelerini haberdar edecektir.
2- Geriel Müdür, kendisine iletilen ikinci onaylamanin tescilinden TekiIattn
üyelerini haberdar ederken, Sozleçmenin yurürIüe girecei tarih hakktnda da
onlarin dikkatini ceker.
Uluslararasi Qalima Bürosu Genel Müdürü yukaridaki hükümler uyarinca
kendisince tescil edilen onay ye fesih bildirimlerini bütün detayiariyla birlikte,
Birlemi Milietler Ana Söziemesinin 102 nd maddesi uyarinca, tescil edilmek
üzere, Birlem i Milietler Genel Sekreteririe gonderir.
Gerekli gorduü zamanlarda, Uluslararasi QaIima Bürosu Yönetim kurulu,
Sozlemenin ileyiçi hakkinda Genel konferansa bir rapor sunar ye SözIemenin
tamamen veya kismen bir tadilata tabi tutulmasi meselesinin gundemde yer
almasinin istenhlip istenilmediini soruturur.
1- Konferansin, bu Sozleçmeyi tamamen veya kismen tadil eden yeni bir
sözIeme kabul etmesi halinde, deitirhimi yeni sözlemede aksine hüküm
yok ise;
Deiikiik getiren yeni sözlemenin bir üye tarafindan onaylanmasi,
yeni SözIemenin yururlue girmiç olmasi kaydiyla, yukarida zikr edilen l2inci
madde hükmüne bakilmaksizin, ibu SOzlemenin o uye UIke bakimindan
derhal feshini hukuken saIar.
Deiklik getiren yeni sözlemenin yurürIue girdii tarihten itibaren
ibu SOzlemenin üye ülkelerin onayina açik olma dururnu ortadan kalkar.,
2- Ibu SOzlemeyi onaylayan fakat deiiklik getiren yeni SOzIemeyi
onaylamayan uyeler 1cm bu SOzleme mevcut ekli ye muhtevasi He her
halükarda yUrurlukte kalir.
Bu sOzlemenin inghlizce ye Fransizca metinleri olarak gecerlidir.
Convetion No. 159
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation, Having
been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour
Office and having met in its Sixty-ninth Session on 1 June 1983, and
Noting the existing international standards contained in the Vocational
Rehabilitation (Disabled) Recommendation, 1955, and the Human
Resources Development Recommendation, 1975, and
Noting that since the adoption of the Vocational Rehabilitation (Disabled)
Recommendation, 1955, significant developments have occurred in the understanding of rehabilitation needs, the scope and organisation of rehabilitation
services, and the law and practice of many Members on the questions covered
by that Recommendation, and
Considering that the year 1981 was declared by the United Nations General Assembly the International Year of Disabled Persons, with the theme "full
participation and equality" and that a comprehensive World Programme of
Action concerning Disabled Persons is to provide effective measures at the
international and national levels for the realisation of the goals of "full participation" of disabled persons in social life and development, and of "equality", and
Considering that these developments have made it appropriate to adopt
new international standards on the subject which take account, in particular, of
the need to ensure equalify of opportunity and treatment to all categories of
disabled persons, in both rural and urban areas, for employment and integration into the community, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to
vocational rehabilitation which is the fourth item on the agenda of the session,
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,
adopts this twentieth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred
and eighty-three the following Convention, which may be cited as the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention, 1983:
Article 1
1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "disabled person" means
an individual whose prospects of securing, retaining and advancing in suitable
employment are substantially reduced as a result of a duly recognised physi-
cal or mental impairment.
For the purposes of this Convention, each Member shall consider the
purpose of vocational rehabilitation as being to enable a disabled person to
secure, retain and advance in suitable employment and thereby to further
such person's integration or reintegration into society.
The provisions of this Convention shall be applied by each Member
through measures which are appropriate to national conditions and consistent with national practice.
The provisions of this Convention shall apply to all categories of disabled persons.
Article 2
Each Member shall, in accordance with national conditions, practice and
possibilities, formulate, implement and periodically review a national policy on
vocational rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons.
Article 3
The said policy shall aim at ensuring that appropriate vocational rehabilitation measures are made available to all categories of disabled persons, and
at promoting employment opportunities for disabled persons in the open labour
Article 4
The said policy, shall be based on the principle of equal opportunity between disabled workers and workers generally. Equality of opportunity and
treatment for disabled men and women workers shall be respected. Special
positive measures aimed at effective equality of opportunity and treatment
between disaIled workers and other workers shall not be regarded as discriminating against other workers.
Article 5
The representative organisations of employers and workers shall be consulted on the implementation of the said policy, including the measures to be
taken to promote co-operation and co-ordination between the public and private bodies engaged in vocational rehabilitation activities. The representative
organisations of and for disabled persons shall also be consulted.
Article 6
Each Member shall, by laws or regulations or by any other method consistent with national conditions and practice, take such steps as may be necessary to give effect to Articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this Convention.
Article 7
The competent authorities shall take measures with a view to providing
and evaluating vocational guidance, vocational training, placement, employment and other related services to enable disabled persons to secure, retain
and advance in employment ; existing services for workers generally shall,
wherever possible and appropriate, be used with necessary adaptations.
Article 8
Measures shall be taken to promote the establishment and development
of vocational rehabilitation and employment services for disabled persons in
rural areas and remote communities.
Article 9
Each Member shall aim at ensuring the training and availability of rehabilitation counsellors and other suitably qualified staff responsible for the vocational
guidance, vocational training, placement and employment of disabled persons.
Article 10
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 11
This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the
International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with
the Director-General.
It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the
ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve
months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 12
A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the
expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into
force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International
Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one
year after the date on which it is registered.
Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not,
within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in
this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may
denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under
the terms provided for in this Article.
Article 13
I. The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all
Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all
ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the
2. When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of
the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw
the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the
Convention will come into force.
Article 14
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all
ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Articles.
Article 15
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on
the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on
the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 16
I. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides(a) the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso
jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 12 above, if and when the new revising Convention
shall have come into force;
(b) as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force
this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and
content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 17
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
Tarih j
çaIima Saatleri (Sarayi) SözIemesi
lsizlik Säzlemesi
Analiin Kortfnmasi Säzlemesi
Gece çaIimasi (Kadinlar) SözIemesi
Asgari Yaç (Sanayi) Säzlemesi
Gençlerin Gece Qalimasi (Sanayi) SOzlemesi
Asgari Yaç (Deniz) Sözlemesi
Isizlik Tazminati (Deniz Kazasi) Säzlemesi
9 Gemiadamlarina I Bulunmasi Sözlemesi
10 Asgari Yaç (Tarim) Sözlemesi
Orgutlenme Ozgurluu (Tarim) Sözlemesi
12 Içinin Tazmini (rarim) SözIemesi
13 Beyaz Kurun (Boya lleri) Säzlemesi
Haftalik Dinlenme (Sanayi) Säzlemesi
15 Asgari Ya (Trimciler ye Ateçciler) Sözlemesi
16 Gençlerin Tibbi Muayenesi (Deniz) Sözlemesi
17 !cinin Tazmini (Kazalar) Sözlemesi
Içinin TazminF (Meslek Hastahklari) Sozleçmesi
19 Eit llem (Kaza Tazminati) SözIemesi
20 Gece Qal,ma (Firinlar) Sozlemesi
Goçmenlerin Denetirni Sözlemesi
22 Gemiadamlarinin SozIeme Hükümleri Sözlemesi
23 Gemiadamlarinin Ulkelerine Geri Gönderilmesi Sözlemesi
Hastalik Sigortasi (Sanayi) SôzLemesi
Hastalik Sigortasi (Tarim) Sazleçmesi
26 Asgari Ucret Belirleme Yãntemi Sozleçmesi
27 Airlitn Iaretlenmesi (Gemilerle TainanYuklerde)Säzlemesi
28 Kazalara Kari Korunma (Liman IçiIeri). Sozlemesi
29 Zorla QaIitirma SäzIemesi
30 çaIirna Saatleri (Ticaret ye BQrolar) Sözlemesi
31 QaIima Saatleri (KämOr Madenleri) Sôzlenesi
32 Kazalara Kari Korunma (Liman lcileri) Sözlemesi (Revize) 1932
33 Asgari Yaç (Sanayi-di istihdam) Sozlemesi
34 Ucretli lBulma BOrolari Sözlemesi
35 YaIilik Sigortasi (Sanayi v.s.) SOzIemesi
36 Yalilik Sigortasi (Tarim) SäzIemesi
37 MalüIIük Sigortasi (Sanayi v.s.) SözIemesi
38 MaIülIük Sigortasi (Tarim) SOzlemesi
39 OIüm Sigortasi (Sanayi v.s.) SôzIemesi
40 OIüm Sigortasi (Tarim) Sözemesi
Gece çaliçmasi (Kadintar) SôzIemesi (Revize)
42 içinin Tazmini (Meslek Hastalikiari) SözIemesi(Revize)
43 Cam Levha IIeri SözIemesi
44 lsiziik Yardimi SözIemesi
45 Yer alti Ieri (Kadinlar) SozIemesi
46 QaIima Saatleri (KömUr Madenleri) SözIemesi
47 Kirk Saatlik çalima Haftasi SözIemesi
48 Goçmenlerin Emeklilik Hakiarinin Korunmasi SözIemesi
49 Qaliçma Saatlerinin Azaltilmasi (Cam ie Ileri) SOzIemesi 1935
50 Yerli IçiIerin Ie Alinmasi SözIemesi
QaIima Saatlerinin Azaltilmasi (Bayindirlik IIeri)SözIemesi 1936
52 Ucretli Tatil SözIemesi
53 Gemi Zabitlerinin Yeterlilik Sertifikasi SözIemesi
54 Ucretli Tatil (Deniz) Söztemesi
55 Gemi Sahibinin YükümIüIüü
(Hasta veya KazaGeçiren Gemiadamlari) SözIemesi
56 Hastalik Sigortasi (Deniz) SäzIemesi
57 çatlma Saatleri ye Mürettebat (Deniz) SözIemesi
58 Asgari Ya (Deniz) SäzIemesi (Revize)
59 Asgari Ya (Sanayi) SözIemesi (Revize)
60 Asgari Ya (Sanayi Diinda Istihdam) SäzIemesi(Revize)
61 çalima Saatlerinin AzatiImasi (Tekstii) SäzIemesi
62 I GüvenIii Hükümleri (Yapi IIeri) Säzlemesi
63 Ucretler ye çaIima Saatleri Istatistikieri Sözlemesi
64 i Akitleri (Yerli Icfler) SözIemesi
65 Cezai Yaptirimlar (Yerli IciIer) SözIemesi
Bulma Amacli Göç SäzIemesi
67 çaIima Saatleri ye Dinlenme Sür&eri
(Kara TaimaciIii) Sözlemesi
68 Yiyecek ye Tedarik (Gemi Mürettebati) Sözleçmesi
69 Gemi AciIarinin Belgelendirilmesi SOzIemesi
70 Sosyal Güvenlik (Gemiadamlari) SözIemesi
Gemiadamlarinin Yahfik Ayliklari Sözlemesi
72 Ucretli Tatiller (Gemiadamlari) SözIemesi
73 Tibbi Muayene (Gemiadamlari) SözIemesi
74 Vasifli Gemiadamlarinin Belgelendirilmesi Säzlemesi
75 Mürettebatin Barindirilmasi SäzIemesi
76 Ucretler, calima Saatleri ye MOrettebat (Deniz)Sözlemesi
77 Gençlerin Tibbi Muayenesi (Sanayi) SözIemesi
78 Gençlerin Tibbi Muayenesi (Sanayi Diindaki
Meslekler) Söztemesi
79 Gençlerin Gece QaIitiriImasi
(Sanayl Diindaki Meslekier) Sözlemesi
80 Son Maddejerin Revizyonu Säzlemesi
81 i Teftii SözIemesi
81 Sayik I Teftii SözIemesi Protokolü
82 Sosyal Slyaset (Anaülke Dii Toprakiar) SözIemesi
83 calima Standartlari (Anaülke Dii Toprakiar) Sözlemesi
çalima Standartlari (Anaülke Dii Toprakiar)
Sozlemesi DeikIik Belgesi
84 Orgutlenme Hakki (Anaülke Dii ToprakIar)SözIemesi
85 I MüfettillkIeri (Anaülke Dii Topraklar) SözIemesi
86 I Akitleri (Yerli IciIer) SözIemesi
87 Sendika OzgUrIuü ye SendikaIama Hakkinin
Korunmasi SözIemesi
ye Içi Bulma Kurumlari SözIemesi
89 Gece QaIimasi (Kadinlar) Sözemesi (Revize)
89 Sayili Gece Qalimasi (Kadinlar) Säzlemesi
(Revize) ProtokolO
90 Gençlerin Gece Qalimasi (Sanayl) Söz!emesi (Revize)
91 Ucretli Tatiller (Gemiadamlari) Sözlemesi (Revize)
92 Mürettebatin Barindirilmasi SözIemesi (Revize)
93 Ucretler, calima Saatleri ye Mürettabat (Deniz)
SozIemesi (Revize)
94 çalima artIari (Kamu Sözlemeleri) Sözlemesi
95 Ucretlerin Korunmasi SözIemesi
Ucretli Ic Bulma BUrolari Sözlecmesi (Revize)
97 Ic Bulma Amach Göç Sazlecmesi (Revize)
98 Orgütlenme ye Toplu Pazarlik Hakki Sozlecmesi
99 Asgari Ucret Tespit Mekanizmasi (Tarim) Sozlecmesi
100 Ecit Ucret Sozlecmesi
101 Ucretli Tatiller (Tarim) Sozlecmesi
102 Sosyal GOvenlik (Asgari Standartlar) Sazlecmesi
103 Anain Korunmasi SäzIemesi (Revize)
104 Cezal Yaptirimlarin. Ilgasi (YerU lciIer) SözIemesi
105 Zorla çaIitirmanin Kaldirilmasi SOzIemesi
106 Haftalik Dinlenme (Ticaret ye Bürolar) SözIemesi
107 Yerli ye Kabile Toplulukiari SOzIemesi
108 Gemiadamlarinin Kimlik Belgeleri Sözlemesi
109 Ucretler, çaIima Saatleri ye Mürettabat (Deniz)
Sözlemesi (Revize)
110 Plantasyonlar SözIemesi
110 Sayili Plantasyonlar SözIemesi Protokolü
111 Ayirimcilik (I ye Meslek) SözIemesi
112 Asgari Ya (Balikcitar) SözIemesi
113 Tibbi Muayene (Balikcilar) SäzIemesi
114 Balikçilarin Sözleme Hükümleri Sözleçmesi
115 Radyasyondan Korunma Sözlemesi
116 Son Maddelerin Revizyonu SözIemesi
117 Sosyal Siyaset (Temel Hedefler ye Standartlar) SäzIemesi
1 l8Muamele EçitIii (Sosyal Güverilik) SözIemesi
119 Makinalarin Korunma Tertibati lie Techizi Säziemesi
120 Hifzissihha (Ticaret ye Büroiar) SOziemesi
121 i Kazasi Yardimlari SözIemesi
122 Istihdam Poiltikasi Sözieresi
123 Asgari Ya (Yeralti içieri) SözIemesi
124 Gençlerin Tibbi Muayenesi (Yerafti Iieri) SôzIemesi
125 Bahkçiiarin Ustalik Beigeleri Sozieçmesi
126 M ürettebatin (Bahkçilar) Banndinlmasi SözIemesi
127 Azami AirIik SözIemesi
128 MaiOIIUk, YaiiIik ye OIüm Yardimlari Säziemesi
129 I Teftii (Tarim) SOzIemesi
130 Tibbi Bakim ye Hastalik Yardimiari SözIemesi
131 Asgari Ucret Tesbiti Söziemesi
132 Ucretli Tatiiier Söziemesi (Revize)
133 Mürettebatin Barindirilmasi (Ek Hükümier)SözIemesi
134 Kazalarin Onlenmesi (Gemiadamiari) Söziemesi
135 lçi Temsilcileri Säzlemesi
136 Benzen Söziemesi
137 Liman lIeri Säziemesi
138 Asgari Ya SözIemesi
139 Iin Neden Otduu Kariser SôzIemesi
140 Ucretli Eitim Izni SOzlemesi
141 Tarim içiIeri Orgütleri SözIemesi
142 Insan Kaynakiarinin GeIitirilmesi Sözlemesi
143 Goçmen Içiler (Ek HükQmler) Sözlemesi
144 UçIU Daniçma (Uluslararasi çaIima Standartlari) SäzIemesi
145 Istihdamin SürekIiIii (Geniiadamlari) SôzIemesi
146 Gemiadamlarinin Ucretli YiIlik lzni Sozleçmesi
147 Ticaret Gemileri (Asgari Standartlar) SözIemesi
147 Sayili Ticaret Gemileri (Asgari Standartlar)
Sôzlemesi Protokolü
148 Iyeri Ortami (Hava KirliIii, Gürültü ye Titreim) SözIemesi 1977
149 Hastabakici Personel SOzIemesi
150 I Piyasasi Yönetimi SözIemesi
151 çaIima IIikiIeri (Kamu Hizmeti) Sözlemesi
152 Içi SaIii ye I GüvenIii (Liman IIeri) SäzIemesi
153 calima Saatleri ye Dinlenme Süreleri
(Kara TaimaciIii) SOzlemesi
154 ToplU Pazarlik Sôzlemesi
155 Içi SaIii ye j Güvenlii Sozlemesi
156 Aile Sorumluluklari Olan lçiIer SäzIemesi
157 Sosyal Güvenlik Hakiarinin Korunmasi SözIemesi
158 Hizmet Iliçkisine Son Verilmesi SäzLemesi
159 MeIeki Rehabilitasyon ye Istihdam (Sakatlar) Sözlemesi
160 QaIima Istatistikleri SözIemesi
161 .Içi Salii Hizmetleri SôzIemesi
162 Asbest SäzIemesi
163 Gemiadamlarinin Refahi Sözlemesi
164 Saliin Korunmasi ye Tibbi Bakim
(Gemiadamlari) SözIemesi
165 Sosyal Güvenlik (Gemiadamlari) SôzIemesi (Revize)
166 Gemiadamlarinin Ulkelerine Geri Gönderilmesi
SözIemesi (Revize)
167 Yapi Ilerinde Içi Salii ye Ic GüvenliOi Säzlecmesi
168 Istihdamin Gelictirilmesi ye IcsizIie Karçi Koruma Sazlecmesi
169 Yerli ye Kabile Halkian Säzlecmesi
170 Kimyasal Maddeler Sözlecmesi
171 Gece Qalicmasi Sözlecmesi
172 çaIima KouUari (OteDer ye Lokantalar) SäzIemesi
173 Içi Alacakiarinin Korunmasi
(Iverenin OdemeGüçIuu Halinde Säzleçmesi
174 Büyuk Endüstriyel Kazatarin Onlenmesi SözIemesi
175 Kismi Süreli Qakma SOzIemesi
176 Madenlerde Içi SaIii ye I Güven1ii Sözleçmesi
177 Ev çalimasi SäzIemesi
178 i Teftii (Gemiadamlari) Sözlemesi
179 Gemiadamlaririin ice Alinmasi ye Ice Yerlectirilmesi
180 Gemiadamlarinin caligma Saatleri ye Gemi
Mürettebati Säzleçmesi
181 Ozel I Bulma Bürolari Säilecmesi
ILO Yönetim Kurulu, 20, 21, 28, 31,34,35,36,37; 38,39, 40,43,46,48, 49,50,51,60,
Sayili Sözlemelerin guncel kouIIara uygun olmadiklari
gerekcesiyle uye ülkeierce onaylanmalannin tevik edilmemesine ye anilan SözlemeIerin
rafa kaldirilmasina (shelving) ye yürOriüe gFrmemi bulunan 31, 46, 51, 61 ye 66 Sayili
61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 86
SözIemelerin ise geri cekilmek (withdrawal) üzere 2000 yihnda yapilacak 88.Genel Konferans
gOndemine alinmasina karar vermitir.
Name of Convention
Number of
Hours of Work (Industry) Convention,
Unemployment Convention
Maternity Protection Convention
Minimum Age (Industry) Convention
Night Work of Young Persons (Industry) Convention
Minumum Age (Sea) Convention,
Unemployment Indemnity (Shipwreck) Convention,
Placing of Seamen Convention, 1920
10 Minimum Age (Agriculture) Convention,
11 Right of Association (Agriculture) Convention,
12 Workmen's Compensation (Agriculture) Convention,
13 White Lead (Paintina) Convention,
14 Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention,
15 Minimum Age (Trimmers and Stokers) Convention,
16 Medical Examination of Young Persons (Sea) Convention, 1921
17 Workmen's Compensation (Accidents) Convention,
18 Workmen's Compensation (Occupational Diseases)
19 Eguality of Treatment (Accident' Compensation) Convention,
(Shelved) Night Work (Bakeries) Convention,
(Shelved) Inspection of Emigrants Convention,
22 Seamen's Articles of Agreement Convention,
23 Repatriation of Seamen Convention,
24 Sickness Insurance (Industry) Convention,
25 Sickness Insurance (Agriculture) Convention,
26 Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Convention,
27 Marking of Weight (Packages Transported by Vessels)
28 (Shelved) Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Convention,
29 Forced Labour Convention,
30 Hours of Work (Commerce and Offices) Convention,
(Shelved) Hours of Work (Coal Mines) Convention,
32 Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Convention (Revised),
33 Minimum Age (Non-Industrial Employment) Convention,
34 (Shelved) Fee-Chargina Employment Agencies Convention, 1933
35. (Shelved) Old-Age Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention,
36 (Shelved) Old-Age Insurance (Agriculture) Convention,
37 (Shelved) Invalidity Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention,
38 (Shelved) Invalidity Insurance (Aariculture) Convention,
39 (Shelved) Survivors' Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933
40 (Shelved) Survivors' Insurance (Aariculture) Convention,
41 Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised),
42 Workmen's Compensation (Occupational Diseases) Convention
(Shelved) Sheet-Glass Works Convention,
44 Unemployment Provision Convention,
45 Underground Work (Women) Convention,
(Shelved) Hours of Work (Coal Mines) Convention (Revised),
Forty-Hour Week Convention,
(Shelved) Maintenance of Migrants' Pension Rights Convention, 1935
(Shelved) Reduction of Hours of Work (Glass-Bottle Works)
50 (Shelved) Recruiting of Indigenous Workers Convention,
(Shelved) Reduction of Hours of Work (Public Works)
52 Holidays with Pay Convention,
53 Officers' Competency Certificates Convention,
54 Holidays with Pay (Sea) Convention,
55 Shipowners' Liability (Sick and Injured Seamen) Convention,
56 Sickness Insurance (Sea) Convention,
57 Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention,
58 Minimum Age (Sea) Convention (Revised),
59 Minimum Age (Industry) Convention (Revised),
60 (Shelved) Minimum Age (Non-Industrial Employment)
Convention (Revised),
(Shelved) Reduction of Hours of Work (Textilesl
62 Safety Provisions (Building) Convention,
63 Convention concerning Statistics of Wages and
Hours of Work
64 (Shelved) Contracts of Employment (lndigenousWorkers)
(Shelved) Penal Sanctions (Indigenous Workers) Convention,
(Shelved) Migration for Employment Convention,
(Shelved) Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport)
68 Food and Catering(Ships' Crews) Convention,
69 Certification of Ships' Cooks Convention
70 Social Security (Seafarers) Convention,
71 Seafarers' Pensions Convention, 1946
72 Paid Vacations (Seafarers) Convention,
73 Medical Examination (Seafarers) Convention,
74 Certification of Able Seamen Convention,
75 Accommodation of Crews Convention,
76 Wages, Hours of Work and Manning(Sea) Convention,
77 Medical Examination of Young Persons (IndustrY) Convention, 1946
78 Medical Examination of young Persons
(Non-Industrial Occupations) Convention,
79 Night Work of Young Persons
(Non-Industrial Occupations) Convention,
80 Final Articles Revision Convention,
Labour Inspection Convention, 1947
Protocol of 1995 to the Labour Inspection Convention,
82 Social Policy (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention,
83 Labour Standards (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention,
84 Right of Association (Non-Metropolitan Territories)
85 Labour Inspectorates (Non-Metropolitan Territories)
86 (Shelved) Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers)
87 Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to
Organise Convention,
88 Employment Service Convention,
89 Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised),
Protocol of 1990 to the Night Work (Women)
Convention (Revised),
Night Work of young Persons (Industry)
Convention (Revised),
91 Paid Vacations (Seafarersl Convention (Revised),
92 Accommodation of Crews Convention (Revised),
93 Wages, Hours of Work and Manning (Sea)
Convention (Revised),
94 Labour Clauses (Public Contracts) Convention,
95 Protection of Wages Convention,
96 Fee-Charging Employment Agencies Convention (Revised), 1949
97 Migration for Employment Convention (Revised),
98 Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention,
99 Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery(Agriculture) Convention, 1951
100 Equal Remuneration Convention,
101 Holidays with Pay(Agriculture) Convention,
102 Social Security(Minimum Standards) Convention,
103 Maternity Protection Convention (Revised),
104 (Shelved) Abolition of Penal Sanctions (Indigenous Workers)
105 Abolition of Forced Labour Convention,
106 Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices)Convention,
107 Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention,
108 Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention,
109 Wages, Hours of Work and Manning (Sea)
Convention (Revised),
110 Plantations Convention,
Protocol to the Plantations Convention,
111 Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958
112 Minimum Age (Fishermen) Convention,
113 Medical Examination (Fishermen) Convention,
114 Fishermen's Articles of Agreement Convention,
115 Radiation Protection Convention,
116 Final Articles Revision Convention,
117 Social Policy (Basic Aims and Standards) Convention,
118 Equality of Treatment (Social Security) Convention,
119 Guarding of Machinery Convention,
120 Hygiene (Commerce and Officesl Convention,
121 Employment Injury Benefits Convention,
122 Employment Policy Convention,
123 Minimum Age (Underground Work) Convention,
124 Medical Examination of Young Persons
(Underground Work) Convention,
125 Fishermen's Competency Certificates Convention,
126 Accommodation of Crews (Fishermen) Convention,
127 Maximum Weight Convention,
128 Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors' Benefits Convention,
129 Labour Inspection (Agriculture) Convention,
130 Medical Care and Sickness Benefits Convention,
131 Minimum Wage Fixing Convention,
132 Holidays with Pay Convention (Revised),
133 Accommodation of Crews (Supplementary Provisions)
134 Prevention of Accidents (Seafarers) Convention,
135 Workers' Representatives Convention,
136 Benzene Convention,
137 Dock Work Convention.
138 Minimum Age Convention,
139 Occupational Cancer Convention,
140 Paid Educational Leave Convention,
141 Rural Workers' Organisations Convention,
142 Human Resources Development Convention,
143 Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention,
144 Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards)
145 Continuity of Employment (Seafarers) Convention,
146 Seafarers' Annual Leave with Pay Convention,
147 Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standard) Convention,
Protocol to the Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards)
148 Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration)
149 Nursing Personnel Convention,
150 Labour Administration Convention,
151 Labour Relations (Publió Servicel Convention,
152 Occupational Safety and Health (Dock Work) Convention,
153 Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport)
154 Collective Bargaining Convention,
155 Occupational Safety and Health Convention,
156 Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention,
157 Maintenance of Social Security Rights Convention,
158 Termination of Employment Convention,
159 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons)
160 Labour Statistics Convention,
161 Occupational Health Services Convention,
162 Asbestos Convention,
163 Seafarers' Welfare Convention.
164 Health Protection an Medical Care (Seafarers) Convention, 1987
165 Social Security (Seaarers) Convention (Revised),
166 Repatriatiop of Seafarers Convention (Revised),
167 Safety and Health in Construction Convention,
168 Employment Promotion and Protection against
Unemployment Convention,
169 Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention,
170 Chemicals Convention,
171 Night Work Convention,
172 Working Conditions (Hotels and Restaurants) Convention, 1991
173 Protection of Workers' Claims (Employer's Insolvency)
174 Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents Convention,
175 Part-Time Work Convention,
176 Safety and Health in Mines Convention,
177 Home Work Convention,
178 Labour Inspection (Seafarers) Convention,
179 Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers Convention,
180 Seafarers' Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships
181 Private Employment Agencies Convention
Satir YanIi
Madde I
Madde I
Madde 1
Madde 8
Madde 13
Madde 2
Madde 13
Madde 11
Madde 14
Madde 15
Madde 17
Madde 21
Madde 22
Bu Sözteme
1. Bu SozIeme
1. Milfetlerarasi
Madde 5
(Yeni madde olarak ekienecek)
hitam i ndan
Madde 14
Bu sözlemenin
baIiinin altina konulacak.)
Fransizca ye
lngilizce metinleri
ayni derecede
Madde I

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