aylın akkaya


aylın akkaya
Born: 08.04.1982
E-mail: akkayaaylin@yahoo.com
Phone number:05337739867
Currently: PhD on Marine Science
PhD Marine Biology Department
Istanbul University, Fisheries Faculty, Turkey
M.Sc. Environmental Biology
Wollongong University, Department of Biology, NSW Australia (mark: C)
M.Sc. Zoology
James Cook University, Department of Biology, Townsville Australia (mark: C)
B.Sc. Biology
University of Marmara, Arts and Science Faculty, Department of Biology (mark:71/100)
High School Certificate - Science
College of Ortadoğu
Experimental Animal Behavior
Field Animal Conservation and Animal Welfare
Reintroduction of Endangered Species Back to the Wild
Experimental Animal Physiology and Medical Experimentation
Flora and Fauna Surveys
Rock climbing ınstructor
February-July 2009
Research Assistant on the Vocal Behaviour of Lowland Gorillas in Congo
October- January
Project Coordinator in EU Project Office of Governor’s Office in Rize/Turkey
January- September 2008
Forest Program Project Officer, WWF-Turkey, Istanbul/Turkey
Augustus-December 2007
Researcher on the Rehabilitation and Re-release of Asiatic Black Bears in Bokeo Nature Reserve,
February – May 2007
Researcher on Frog Singing Behaviour, Wollongong University/Australia
June 2006
Volunteer in the Flying Fox Rehabilitation Centre (NGO), Townsville Australia
December 2006
Volunteer in Amphibian Survey, Month Gambia / Australia
October 2005
Volunteer in Green Turtle Nesting Survey, WWF / Turkey, Dalyan-Turkey
April - July 2005
Research Assistant on Asiatic Black Bear Population Survey, Thai Society for Conservation of Wild
Animals / Thailand
January-February 2005
Volunteer in Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Centre, Archelon /Greece
June-December 2004
Research Assistant on Experimental Animal Behaviour Lab Studies, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine,
2001- 2003
Research Assistant on the Animal Physiology Lab Studies, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Turkey
Augustus-September 2002
Volunteer in Sea Turtle Conservation and Monitoring Program, WWF-Turkey, Akyatan-Turkey
Advanced knowledge of English
Intermediate level of Sango ( Central African Language)
Beginner knowledge of Lao and Thai (only on the speaking level)
Microsoft Office, SPSS, JMP, Adobe Photoshop CS2
Akkaya A.B., Atchoi E., O’connor S., Lagoa J., Öztürk A.A., 2014, When Do Dolphins Bow-Ride in the
Istanbul Strait?. 28th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Liege, Belgium.
Akkaya A.B., Öztürk A.A., Erdoğan M.A., Atchoi E., Lagoa J., 2013, Using behavioral data for the
selection of critical habitats of small cetaceans in the Istanbul Strait. 27th Annual Conference of
the European Cetacean Society, Setubal, Portugal.
Akkaya A. ve Öztürk A., 2012, Investigation on the Interactions between Cetaceans and Marine Traffic in
the Istanbul Strait. 26th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Galway, Ireland.
Tonay, A.M., Bilgin, A., Dede, A., Akkaya, A., Yeşilçiçek, T., Köse, Ö., Ceylan, Y., 2012, First records
of anomalously white harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the Turkish seas with a global
review. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 23(2): 76-87.
Öztürk, B., Tonay, A.M., Akkaya, A., Öztürk, A.A., Dede, A., 2011, Stranding of a green turtle, Chelonia
mydas (Linnaeus, 1758), in the Turkish Black Sea. Zoology in the Middle East 52, 115-117.
Yamanturk CP, Akkaya A, Aslan A, Ak N., 2005, Does enriched environment influence forced swim test
response in rats 4th National Congress of Neuroscience. Neuroanatomy, 4:14 (S 35), Mersin.
Yamanturk- Celik P, Akkaya A, Aslan A, Ak N.,2005, The effect of enriched environment onelevated
plus- maze test response in rats. Turkish Pharmacological Society, 18th National Congress of
Pharmacology. Abstract Book, p.251, Izmir
Akkaya A., 2003, Life cycle of marine turtles, Proceedings of the 1st National Marine Turtle Symposium
of Turkey, 4-5 December, İstanbul
Akkaya A, 2002, Life Cycle and Behaviours of Marine Turtles, Proceedings of the 10th Biology Congress
between Universities of Turkey, IstanbulILER
Travelling (Greece, Thailand, Turkey, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Dubai, Laos, Cambodia, Australia,
Congo), SCUBA diving (certified PADI), nature, reading, photography, rock climbing, mountaineering,
aikido, sailing.
P.S: The details of my work experiences can be found on the second document that I have attached.