Erhan Deniz PhD - Qatar University


Erhan Deniz PhD - Qatar University
Erhan Deniz PhD
Qatar University College of Arts and Science
Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences
PO Box: 2713 Doha – Qatar
Tel: +974-33027460, Office: +974-44036781
Lecturer in Organic Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry and
Earth Sciences at Qatar University
Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences
at Qatar University (QU)
September 2014- Present
September 2013–August 2014
Postdoctoral Research in Clean Energy
June 2011–September 2013
Advisor: Prof. Mert Atilhan, Department of Chemical Engineering, Qatar University
Co-advisor: Prof. Nezih Pala, Florida International University (FIU)
Co-advisor: Prof. Cafer T. Yavuz, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Graduate Student Research in Molecular Photonics
Advisor: Professor Francisco M. Raymo, University of Miami , Miami, US
PhD Thesis: “Fluorescence Switching with Photochromic Oxazines”
August 2006–May 2011
- Photochromism
-Fluorescence Modulation
-High Resolution Molecular Imaging
Graduate Student Research in Supramolecular Chemistry
Advisor: Professor Engin U Akkaya, METU, Ankara, Turkey
September 2004–August 2006
PhD in Organic Chemistry, University of Miami, Miami, US
BS in Chemistry (The Language of Education is English), METU, Ankara, Turkey
Qatar University/Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences/ 2013
Delivered lectures on General Chemistry
Delivered lectures on Experimental General Chemistry
Graduate Student Instructor
University of Miami / August 2006-December 2009
Supervised Organic Chemistry Laboratory for 24 Students/semester.
1 •
Graded laboratory reports and examinations for the Organic Chemistry Laboratory Classes
Aided course instructor in the design of midterm and final examinations for both Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory Classes
[36] Swaminathan, S.; Ragab, S.S.; Deniz, E.; Captain, B.; Raymo, F.M. " Fluorescence Photoactivation by
Ligand Exchange around the Boron Center of a BODIPY Chromophore" Org. Let., 2013, 15, 3154-3157.
[35] Petriella, M.; Deniz, E.; Swaminathan, S.; Roberti, M.; Raymo, F.M.; Bossi, M.L. "Super-Resolution
Imaging with Switchable Fluorophores Based on Oxazine Auxochromes" Photochem. Photobiol., 2013,
89, 1391-1398.
[34] Deniz, E.; Karadas, F.; Patel, H.A.; Aparicio, S.; Yavuz, C.T.; Atilhan, M. “A combined computational
and experimental study of high pressure and supercritical CO2 adsorption on Basolite MOFs” Micropor.
Mesopor. Mat., 2013, 175, 34-42.
[33] Patel, H.A.; Karadas, F.; Byun, J.; Park, J.; Deniz, E.; Canlier, A.; Jung, Y.; Atilhan, M.; Yavuz, C.T.”
Highly stable nanoporous sulfur-bridged covalent organic polymers for carbon dioxide removal” Adv.
Funct. Mat., 2013, 23, 2270-2276.
[32] Karadas, F.; Köz, B.; Jacquemin, J.; Deniz, E.; Rooney, D.; Thompson, J.; Yavuz, C. T.; Khraisheh, M.;
Aparicio, S.; Atilhan, M. “High Pressure CO2 Absorption Studies on Imidazolium Based Ionic Liquids:
Experimental and Simulation Approaches” Fluid Phase Equilibria , 2012, [DOI: FPE-D-12-00298R1]
[31] Deniz, E.; Kandoth, N.; Fraix, A.; Cardile, V.; Graziano, A. C. E.; Lo Furno, D.; Gref, R.; Raymo, F. M.;
Sortino, S. “Photoinduced Fluorescence Activation and Nitric Oxide Release with Biocompatible Polymer
Nanoparticles” Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 15782-15787.
[30] Swaminathan, S.; Petriella, M.; Deniz, E.; Cusido, J.; Baker, J.; Bossi, M.; Raymo, F.M. "Fluorescence
Photoactivation by Intermolecular Proton Transfer" J. Phys. Chem. A, 2012, 116, 9928-9933.
[29] Karadas, F.; El-Faki, H.; Deniz, E.; Yavuz, C.T.; Aparicio, S.; Atilhan, M. “CO2 Adsorption Studies on
Prussian Blue Analogues” Micropor. Mesopor. Mat., 2012, 167, 91-97.
[28] Deniz, E.; Cusido, J.; Tomasulo, M.; Battal, M.; Yildiz, I.; Petriella, M.; Bossi, M. L.; Sortino, S.; Raymo,
F. M. “Strategies to Switch Fluorescence with Photochromic Oxazines” Organic Synthesis and
Molecular Engineering, Ed.: M. Brøndsted Nielsen, Wiley–VCH, Weinheim, 2012, in press
[27] Deniz, E.; Battal, M.; Cusido, J.; Sortino, S.; Raymo, F.M. “Insights on the Isomerization of
Photochromic Oxazines from the Excitation Dynamics of BODIPY–Oxazine Dyads” Phys. Chem. Chem.
Phys., 2012, 14, 10300–10307
[26] Cusido, J.; Battal, M.; Deniz, E.; Yildiz, I.; Sortino, S.; Raymo, F.M. "Fast Fluorescence Switching within
Hydrophilic Supramolecular Assemblies" Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 10399-10407. Highlighted on
2 [25] Atilhan, M.; Aparicio, S.; Beniahya, F.; Deniz, E. “A review on natural gas hydrate phenomena in subsea
conditions and pipelines, prediction and inhibition methods, storage, transportation and related safety
concerns” Natural Gas, ISBN:979-953-307-567-8, InTech Publishers, Co. 2012
[24] Patel, H.A.; Karadas, F.; Canlier, A.; Park, J.; Deniz, E.; Jung, Y.; Atilhan, M.; Yavuz, C.T. "High
capacity carbon dioxide adsorption by inexpensive covalent organic polymers" J. Mater. Chem., 2012,
22, 8431−8437
[23] Deniz, E.; Tomasulo, M.; Cusido, J.; Yildiz, I.; Petriella, M.; Bossi, M.L.; Sortino, S.; Raymo, F.M.
"Photoactivatable Fluorophores for Super-Resolution Imaging Based on Oxazine Auxochromes" J. Phys.
Chem. C, 2012, 134, 6058−6068
[22] Deniz, E.; Cusido, J.; Swaminathan, S.; Battal, M.; Impellizzeri, S.; Sortino, S.; Raymo, F.M. “Synthesis
and properties of molecular switches based on the opening and closing of oxazine rings” J. Photochem.
Photobiol. A, 2012, 229 (1) , 20−28
[21] Zulfiqar, S.; Karadas, F.; Park, J.; Deniz, E.; Stucky, G.D.; Jung, Y.; Atilhan, M.; Yavuz, C.T.
“Amidoximes: Promising candidates for CO2 capture”, Energy Environ Sci ,2011, 4 (11) , 4528-4531
[20] Cusido, J.; Deniz, E.; Raymo, F. M. "Photochromic Compounds for Fluorescence Nanoscopy", Curr.
Phys. Chem., 2011, 1, 232–241
[19] Deniz, E.; Tomasulo, M.; Cusido, J.; Sortino, S.; Raymo, F.M. "Fast and Stable Photochromic Oxazines
for Fluorescence Switching" Langmuir, 2011, 27, 2011, 27, 11773–11783. Highlighted as a front cover
[18] Deniz, E.; Impellizzeri, S.; Sortino, S.; Raymo, F. M. "A Photoswitchable Bichromophoric Oxazine with
Fast Switching Speeds and Excellent Fatigue Resistance" Can. J. Chem., 2011, 89(2), 110–116.
[17] Yildiz, I.; Impellizzeri, S.; Deniz, E.; McCaughan, B.; Callan, J.F.; Raymo, F.M. “Supramolecular
Strategies To Construct Biocompatible and Photoswitchable Fluorescent Assemblies” J. Am. Chem. Soc.
2011, 133(4), 871–879.
[16] Deniz, E.; Sortino, S.; Raymo, F. M. "Fluorescence Switching with a Photochromic Auxochrome" J.
Phys. Chem. Lett., 2010, 1, 3506–3509.
[15] Deniz, E.; Ray, S.; Tomasulo, M.; Impelizzeri, S.; Sortino, S.; Raymo, F. M. “Photoswitchable
Fluorescent Dyads Incorporating BODIPY and [1,3] Oxazine Components” J. Phys. Chem. A , 2010,
114, 11567–11575.
[14] Deniz, E.; Tomasulo, M.; DeFazio, R. A.; Watson, B. D.; Raymo, F. M. "Fluorescence Patterning in
Films of a Photoswitchable BODIPY–Spiropyran Dyad" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2010, 12, 11630–
[13] Yildiz, I.; Deniz, E.; McCaughan, B.; Cruickshank, S.F.; Callan, J.F.; Raymo, F.M. "Hydrophilic CdSeZnS core-shell quantum dots with reactive functional groups on their surface " Langmuir, 2010, 26(13),
3 [12] Deniz, E.; Sortino, S.; Raymo, F. M. "Fast Fluorescence Photoswitching in a BODIPY–Oxazine Dyad
with Excellent Fatigue Resistance" J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2010, 1, 1690–1693.
[11] Tomasulo, M.; Deniz, E.; Sortino, S.; Raymo, F. M. “Hydrophilic and Photochromic Switches Based on
the Opening and Closing of [1,3]Oxazine Rings” Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2010, 9, 136–140
[10] Tomasulo, M.; Deniz, E.; Benelli, T.; Sortino, S.; Raymo, F. M. “Photochromic Polymers Based on the
Photoinduced Opening and Thermal Closing of [1,3] Oxazine Rings” Adv. Funct. Mat., 2009, 19, 3956–
Petersen, M. A.; Deniz, E.;
Nielsen, M. B.; Sortino, S.; Raymo, F. M.,” Photochromic Oxazines with
Extended Conjugation” Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 4333–4339.
Yildiz, I.; Deniz, E.; Raymo, F.M.” Fluorescence modulation with photochromic switches in
nanostructured constructs ” Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 1859–1867.
Deniz, E.; Tomasulo, M.; Sortino, S.; Raymo, F. M. “Substituent Effects on the Photochromism of
Bichromophoric Oxazines” J. Phys. Chem. C , 2009, 113, 8491–8497.
Cusido, J.; Deniz, E.; Raymo, F. M. “Fluorescent Switches Based on Photochromic Compounds”.Eur.
J. Org. Chem. 2009, 13, 2031–2045.
Deniz, E.; Isabasar, G. C.; Bozdemir,O. A.; Yildirim, L. T.; Siemiarczuk, A.; Akkaya, E.U.
“Bidirectional switching of near IR emitting boradiazaindacene fluorophores”. Org. Lett. 2008, 10, 34013403.
Tomasulo, M.; Deniz, E.; Alvarado, R. J.; Raymo, F. M. “Photoswitchable Fluorescent Assemblies Based
on Hydrophilic BODIPY–Spiropyran Conjugates”. J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 8038–8045.
Coskun, A.; Deniz, E.; Akkaya, E. U., “A Sensitive Fluorescent Chemosensor for Anions Based on a
Styryl-Boradiazaindacene Framework,” Tetrahedron Lett., 2007, 48, 5359–5361.
Coskun, A.; Deniz, E.; Akkaya, E. U., “Effective PET and ICT Switching of Boradiazaindacene
Emission: A Unimolecular, Emission-mode, Molecular Half-subtractor with Reconfigurable Logic Gates,”
Org. Lett., 2005, 7, 5187–5189.
Coskun, A.; Deniz, E.; Akkaya, E. U., “Cation Modulation of Carbonyldipyrrinone (CDP) Fluorescence:
Emission-Ratiometric Sensing of Calcium,” J. Mater. Chem., 2005, 15, 2908–2912.
American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA
“CO2 capture by Covalent Organic Polymers”
3rd Annual Gas Processing Symposium, Doha, Qatar
“Exceptional polymeric materials for CO2 capture” (Oral Presentation)
Joint International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry, Victoria,
Canada “Novel Fluorescent Chemosensors for Carbohydrate sensing” (Poster)
XXX International Symposium on Macrocyclic Chemistry, Dresden, Germany
“Cation Modulation of Carbonyldipyrrinone (CDP) Fluorescence: Emission-Ratiometric Sensing
of Calcium” (Poster)
Materials Research Society Member
American Chemical Society Member

Benzer belgeler

Prof. Ali Coskun received his BSc in Chemistry from the Middle East

Prof. Ali Coskun received his BSc in Chemistry from the Middle East Graduate Student Research in Supramolecular Chemistry September 2003–September 2007 Advisor: Professor Engin U Akkaya, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey PhD Thesis: “Ion Sensi...



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